HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-14, Page 4A
21.D. Effix
!k 17 =7 7
Editor Star
A'0`H-"*"5 ON,�,& SON to the Greater
Sir. -With refqrerice
Ooderich Board of'Tra& meeting per-
nalt a few remarks by one largely in -
Perhaps the greater part of the
speaking was on the lines of beauti,
fYID9 our streets and boulevards, and
OF SILKS even as to the color of paint used on
our pWes of b Iness, the use of
tarvia and so fort - No doubt tarvia
0ur Silk stock is exceptionally large and we place on oale at once, Is an ex %t"
our last *prin"s wylng. cellQnt preventive of dust a
real road maker and far ahead of oil,
which really tends to loosen the bond
Silk Duchess and Paillottes Cotton Voiles of gravel roads, but why iihould not
the properties which face on streets
with that improvmunz pay at least
36 to�-Mpcih heavy Dre8s and Suiting Bilks, Handsome Cotton voiles 38 to 42 inches wide 50 Per cent. of the cost as local Im-
in now effects. Plaida, stripes, over9becks p ovement ? Why should the me-
b"utiful finish and purest stock in black, and very neat patterns, every color &"a 16anic who lives,on a side or main
no greens and Browns. street of the town cm which there is
,vypp combination effects, Qr,
R00ar price $2.25 at per yard. $1.75 continual traffic, have to pay the same
priced per yard ........ 35c and 40C proportion of his assessment for the
tarvia as the man who enjoys the
Silk,bplins Cotton Poplin whcje benefit ; whili he (toe man who
86inch wi works all week in a factory. or else-
- - � -40 -Cdkn )VO&I".- suitawe'lor -Hwt&
3 6 *706-- -eixtfi - -4iiiTtt� - in& -46W;iie skirts and dresses. Worth 40c at .
home pestered with dust all week, and
perhaps they enjoy a seat in our much
wanch WXe. Recommended for service per yard.... . .... 25c
*ua (or permanent finish. Browns, taupe, prized square for a very few hours per
smni!, blues, -mauve, wine and black Childrin"s week ?
But to return to the beautifying of
2 grades Ott per Very dainty and practical dresses of fancy our street, a. matter In which we
$1.25 and $1.50 should all join it) an endeavor to make
yird, .............. American gingham, parcales and other waiab our town surpass any and all in this
11s, materials well made and delightfully neat. respect. But Is that the uppermost
LadW Yofle and Silk W-a-istse For ages 3 to 14 years and i
price. question needing our Immediate at-
tention ? There Is a saying that ro-
59c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, mance and beauty will not fill the
New before have we shown so pleasing a I barn. What I feel should be given
lielection. WeW New York ideas and Carpets and Rugs attention is'that conditions should be
styles'white and colored voiles and silks. Summer clearing*of all Rugs and Carpets, prioes made such that the working man's
PAuging to price. dinner pall could be filled as cheaply
$1.75, $2.00. $2.50, $3.50, now less than any maker is asking.- as in other towns and that everything
Tapestry, Wilton and Brussels Rugs in possible be done to increase profitable
and $5.00 every size. employment. We can not afford to let
-any of our- residents leave town, 8s-
pecially those who have or are giving
emplo yment, for instance Mr. Baechler,
who, previous to the fire, employed a
considerable number of men, a number
W. ACHESON & SON, of which could not get employment
I as me,,hanf I
June 14t
Cwset Specials
Nq. 6000 has a super -bone boning. The most satisfactory, strong, atYd supple woven wire
boning ever invented, is used in this model. All sizes from 23 to 30 are in stock but just one p4,zr of
each size. This corset is designed for stout people and is 1png in front and back. Regular price $6.00
on sale a $3.69. While they last $3.69
I No. 624. The greatest value of all 'and made to suit all figures, silk embroidery and "tin
trimmed. Elastic imiert at bottom, front, and sides. Every bone stopped with silk. Six hose
supporters. Sizes from 18 to 30. Regular price $3.00 on sale at $1.99. While they last $1.99
100 collars in net, fine, lawn, crepe do chins, and pique. These collars consist of flat and
high collars in the newest devigns. Saturday morning they will be put on sale at exactly half price.
Regular $1.00 collars for 80o. Regular $2.00 collars for $1.00. They muF;t ail be sold quickly at
ust half the regular price.
Specials in Delaines
4 pieces of Delaine in new bright spot and sprild patterns. This cloth is well adapted for
blouses and children's dresses. This cloth is less than wholegale price at 65o but will be sold on sale
at 55c. Regular 65c delaines for 55c.
Specials in Pillow Slips'
Several dozen pillow slips in large sizes worth 35c will be sold at 25c each while they last.
Specials in Reach Cloths
Colored beach el oth in combinations of colors of green and white and blue and cardinal on
sale. Regular price 50c for 39c. This cloth is 6in. wide and of the best quality. On sale 39c.
Congoleum Rugs
We have a complete range of Congoletim Rngs in the best patterns and all sizes from 6ft.x
6ft. to l2ft.xI01ft. Congoleum will be about $4.00 higher on each rug for fadl so it will pay you to
buy before our stocks are sold and t1he new rug§ put in. We will gladly show you these rugs and give
you all information about them.
some clories, rNow
I think Mr. Bacchler ought to receive
all tile moral support possible. Make
him feel that the people of Goderich
want him to again go on with his
CRIX Oobertcb Z ta,r.
c" r7o piant win no fforamux mix-
ture in the form of a fine mist. This
be done only when the solution
factory, I thInk the Board should en-
courage him as being the home man.
No doubt
TwMaoun VALL 71.
our permanent secretary will
Is applied with good pressure so as
be successful In bringing some enter -
FRIDAY. JUNE 14, 1918
to Insure covering every portion of
the plant. The beat results from Efficient MachinerY and Cmeful
Prising manufacturlars to our town, but
let us Pull together, and in doing so
spraying are obtained when potato
sprayers are used which are fitted Cutting Required.
strive to keep all we have and look for
with T -joint attachments, so as to I
Another matte� Is the cleaning 6p
insure covering both surfaces of the Spraying for Potato filight Begin*--
of West Shore material. Why should
Qw, Be Prevented by Thorough
leaves at each spraying. By Using Bordeaux MIX"WO ADd
6. Upon spraying' oefore rather
not the municipalities be called to-
? There is lot
than after prolonged rainy periods. Pawls Green 111cressed Potato,
gether a of summer
wood which should be disposed of at
infection of the plants takes place Crop Will Be Harvested. ,
once. There is more or less timber
wousm's Meet:ing�
during or soon after rain. Therefore (Contributed br Ontario Department of
it is of the utmost importance to
which the Hydro will not take which
In Full Swing--
Ose Sq- er Institute Meetings
A4nicultum. Toronto.)
have the spray mixture on the plants
when the rain comes. - Prof. J E. a season of labor scarcity hay-
should be sold. There is a lot of other
material over the entire distance be -
tween here
Aft of Benefit to Every Woman
Hewett. Ontario Agricultural 601- Ing Is a problem on the average
and Kjncardine and we
should be receiving Interestlon proceeds
-,Who AUends--Toplics to Be Via-
lege. farm. It Is necessary to make
of --that material. There is also the
.lua�ed a
'L ,1W Work Planned.
use of all the modern machinery
question of the, municipalities' being
,(Centributed br Ontario Department at
The Importatice of Womews lnstltu"�
111v'etings. available In order to expedite top
entitled to morE than 5 per cent. on
A series of meetings Which, to the saving of this Important crop. Fftzt,
all the moneys deposited with the
Trust Gompany-. This matter should
are sprayed to pre-
women of rural Ontario, have alwayT, then, we must emphasize the use of
be cleared up a ' I. once. We should be
-vent such fungus disease as
proved worth while, and increasing- machinery in curing and storing.
getting interest on every dollar that
Early Blight and I.Ate Blight
ly so the last year or two. to the Men are not to be had In plentiful
can be realized on this material. it
and Rot. These diseases are
Women's Institute meetings. These
are important because they are tio supply, link in most cases some forta
is not Increasing in bulk or'.quality
lying along the right of way.
"4"'11 by plants known *A fungi
far-reaching in their nature. They of co-operation ma be resorted to
The question of bringi!)g� aBout the
j*6as fungi which derive their
afford the town and country woman, in order to obtain the usla of tedders,
building of boats here is of utmost
from living' plants
no matter what tier denomination bay loaders and horse forks to ban-
importance. We,ought to realize that
*iure them In so doing In vaslous
may be, a channel through which stio
dle the bulk of the crop. By all
as yet we are not making the most of
ways and thus give rise to what are
can be of all-round service to hu-
inanity, means , plan to U80 machinery In
our position. where we already
have a splendid harbor, and the fact
k4own as fungus diseases.
Since the war began Red Cross place of men this year or otherwise
that this town has been so successful
In combating the great majority of
and other patriotic work has,` f tonalderable of the crop will not be
when appro�chidg the Government on
Ifungus diseases methods of proven-
course, received first consideration. harvested in the best possible condi-
different o6casiohs ou'qht to encourage
tion only are practicable. Spraying
The alleviation of suffering seems
peculiarly woman's work. The need It to usually safe to out -after a
us in using our' influence to further
any bona f1de 'proposition that may
potatoes Is not done to cure but to
is greater to -day than ever. rain when the weather appears to
present itself.
prevent disease. In other words the
The great demand by the Allies ha" cleared. Red clover should be
Yours truly,,
Object of spraying In to cover the our-
for certain foods such a beef. pork. cut when about one-third of the
head* have turned brown. The te4-
two of the leaves and stems with a
wheat and sugar has caused the
4 . a der should then be used until +16�h
June 14t
Cwset Specials
Nq. 6000 has a super -bone boning. The most satisfactory, strong, atYd supple woven wire
boning ever invented, is used in this model. All sizes from 23 to 30 are in stock but just one p4,zr of
each size. This corset is designed for stout people and is 1png in front and back. Regular price $6.00
on sale a $3.69. While they last $3.69
I No. 624. The greatest value of all 'and made to suit all figures, silk embroidery and "tin
trimmed. Elastic imiert at bottom, front, and sides. Every bone stopped with silk. Six hose
supporters. Sizes from 18 to 30. Regular price $3.00 on sale at $1.99. While they last $1.99
100 collars in net, fine, lawn, crepe do chins, and pique. These collars consist of flat and
high collars in the newest devigns. Saturday morning they will be put on sale at exactly half price.
Regular $1.00 collars for 80o. Regular $2.00 collars for $1.00. They muF;t ail be sold quickly at
ust half the regular price.
Specials in Delaines
4 pieces of Delaine in new bright spot and sprild patterns. This cloth is well adapted for
blouses and children's dresses. This cloth is less than wholegale price at 65o but will be sold on sale
at 55c. Regular 65c delaines for 55c.
Specials in Pillow Slips'
Several dozen pillow slips in large sizes worth 35c will be sold at 25c each while they last.
Specials in Reach Cloths
Colored beach el oth in combinations of colors of green and white and blue and cardinal on
sale. Regular price 50c for 39c. This cloth is 6in. wide and of the best quality. On sale 39c.
Congoleum Rugs
We have a complete range of Congoletim Rngs in the best patterns and all sizes from 6ft.x
6ft. to l2ft.xI01ft. Congoleum will be about $4.00 higher on each rug for fadl so it will pay you to
buy before our stocks are sold and t1he new rug§ put in. We will gladly show you these rugs and give
you all information about them.
McDermid, Goderich. The deceased BENWILLER Theite will be a first-class brass band
was the last surviving member,of an a t the Dominion Day celebration, Also
old and respected family. Mrs. N. Kernighan, Nliss H. ��twviirll it pipers' band and Higniand dancing.
Mrs. J. Long, Nlossrs, (;Po, .�, y3l'itll, Come all you lads and tassies and see
KIPPEN A. -,\fugford, H. Voorp, Jas. Feagan, K. how we do it.
Stewart And olhpr�, attend'M the U.
Mr. Thomas, of St. Thomas, waslF. 0. Comention in Toronto hst week.
visiting Mr. Thomas Melils recently. Next Sunday v%ill it(. cI1jII1.f,11's I)zly
Mrs. Detweiler and children were in on Beniniller vircuit. .\it intpr(�sting
Moorefield this week v * isiting friends, program, in which all thp Aunday
Robert Thompson and family visited Schools \\ill participato, \\ill be gi%en,
Mr, Duncan Ilay in Stratford this service conim-neing iff Ilik. M.
week. body weIcunw. Evening ben ice
Mrs. Chambers, of Clinton, \%-its in Bethel at 8 p. Ill..
the village this week visiting her niece, Quite a uUMher froin our \ieinity
mrs. French. took in the moonlight excursion on th,!
Mr. Geo. A. Johnston, B. A., of Tor- Greyhound on -Nionday evening. 41thpi-s
onto, was visiting in the home of Mr. took in the trip to Detroit.
and Mrs. Johnston this week. Mr. J, Elsley left ou 'Mon I
. On Tuesday, the lith inst., Mr. and Rochester, Nlipn., to con.gult tr;`1cjo-r
Mrs. French,, their niece, Miss Esther ists at the Nlayo Institutp. \Nre trust
Moore, of Cromarty, and Miss Mar- he will return Inuch Improved in
garet McLean, left for a prolonged health.
visit in Saskatchewan. They will
doubtless have a pleasant time. See the baby sli.0\v I)oh)inion Day in
Mrs. William Hart, of the fifth con- Goderich. Clean andle. Sold by all Drug.
cession, Stanley, died rather unexpect- - I C;." -.-- , - .. - � -I Stores
edly last Thursday morning, The fun-
imbetance, poisonous to the spores of ousew to o c ange or m ous 0 Is dry enough to rake--& period eral on Saturday wav rargely attended.
Pre-war days. She must now learn C"P ean appUcatlon, he: anioifnt to be There were said to have been a -bout
tangl. In which they cannot grow. to substitute and to eliminate var- which will vary according to the
a*d penetrate the plant. Spraylu& ious forms of waste. Perishable weight of the cutting, the weather used depending upon the else of the fifty cars in the procession. Quality Is Economy in
plants. Take ovecial care to see that Mr. Geo. Taylor, who went to bon -
therefore. in order tw be effective. foods must be more widely used,not and the amount of map in the ittalk. the spraying Is-4yery thoroughly done don for treatment a few weeks ago,
must be timely and thorough. The only in summer, but also in winter. Wilille It in possible to make slightly It the weather, is at all
spray mixture must be on the plants The" must be conserved through better hay by cocking up, this will be damp about died on Friday, the 7th inst, Two SPRING AND SUMMER
before the spores reach them and the proper storage, esuning or drying. A PracUce of doubtful value thU year the 1fith Of JuIY, as blight often be- operations were found to be necessary
sailace of the leaves and stems most Such subjects as those may be die- In -view of the labor shortage. Gather gins at this Ume. Add a polson when and the last one proved too be too
be covered to cokupletely that Uwe cumed at the meetings. An "pen with a side-dblivery rake if possible, necessary for - potato beetles--arsen- much for him. He gradually sank un- SHOES
JIM not the smallest space on which a demonstrator may be setured bvjn Or in Small windrows with an ordl. at* of lead paste, 3 % lbs. to each 40 til his death. His funeral on Monday
spo I re call gertaluate. 941111ons Of the'l1quid spray. a
Efficient spraylas of Potatoes do- The Department to give lutor=&Uon nary dump rake. The hay loader gallons r Paris was largely attended. The services, in
rks beat with small gr*w 2 Its. to 40 or a mix- the absence of his pastor, Rev. J. E. The war haS eteated a Short -
gr a practical demonstration to saaht, wO windrow. taft of 2 lbs., of arsenate of lead Jones, were conducted by Rev. Mr.
jo#,Upoii the use of the proper nay age of good leather as well
the hou&ewite. The members By all means us a loader if possible p"Is and 1 lb. -of Parts green to 40 Hart, of Brucefleld, a former ininister
club together and do their canning and to facnitats matters a alldinit gallons. From three to BeYeU aPVIl- here. He. leaves to mourn his loss as skilled shoe makem
ftuglelde. Bordeaux mixture has so at oue contra with one Are It they rack may be used no that when one-
farptoved to be the only satistaetory so choose, to the b4f the rack is loaded It may be cations should be made, depending his bereaved partnek. taree daughters,
spray mixture for Potato diseases. and In addlUou upon the season, the wetter the we&- M?19. Pope, of British Golmuhia, : Mrs. Only by our close relations
work accomplished may have a so- Pulled ahead and the remainder ther the larger the number. Do not S. Thomson, of Stamey, and Mrs. Troy- With leading manufactur-
2. Upon timely and repeated oi;iole loaded.
spraying. Spraying should be com- -- _ Ume together. put off spraying because It looks like er, of Hay, and four sons, Edwin, of
The children In the rural districts We mention red clover because It rain. U the 'spray to on the plapts Sask. ; Frank, of Mich., and Fred and ers are we able to command
jacinced when the lilauti are- from six mutt not be forgotten. They mutt to the commonest and most satlafae- half AD bA u comes
to eight Inches high and repftted at. _�qr before the rat Bert, of London. One daughter, 1-Irs. for our customers still t�e
bay, =p, and
be prepared for the- great ftlipahlit- 18 use4 In all 9"- it will be dry and sufficient of It Will Pepper, died last year. The late Mr.
-ftffif & of lrom'a *6ek to Wi-;a bilitles which are too soon to fall = farming bay mixtures. I higbest quality at popular
ghout the growing se"04. stick to prevent infection. Which Taylor was born in Devonshire, Eng -
upon them. Their educAtion must Timothy should be cut elther affbir takes place during or soon after rain. land, 74 years ago and fifty years ago
&=u Ufte to seven opD11catlow not be neglected. They must notbe It In out of the Ant blossom or after prices.
will be reaulred. the number depend. the second blossom has fiillen-geu- Spraiyluc an described above should last March he and Mrs. TayIQr were
Ift upon the weather. the wetter handicapped by Physical. Imperfee- prevent not only late blight and rot married, sailing for Canada in June. See our snappy styles in
,$b$ Weather the more frequent the tions. Subjects of Importance to the erally the latter. It will require law but also early blight knd POIAtO They -located In Kippen, on the line high and low cut Footwear,
child must be discussed and means tedding than clover, Is more "atly beetles. For late blight and rot only, farm of 150 acres, where they have
spearing. adopted to Improve conditions. The cured and may be drawn in sooner Is not necessary to commence tesided ever since. - He was a man of in the most popularcolors.
4 Voon the liberal u66 of Bor- Medical inspection of rural schools after cutting. Do not let it get too
44e;uIx mixture. From 50 to 160 gal- and the elWes held through the Wo- rltiti and woody. spraying unt.11- about the 10th of considerable force of character and
late of 139rdeaux mixture should be Alfalfa should be cut when the July. but in Ontario It In usually ad- made things go. Professor Gurrelly, In white, the prevailing
vievo IJ200tuto are doing much to lizable to oray,for allthree. of Toronto University, Is a nephew
aijed per acre at each application. young sboots are noticed starting out v lor, we bave a
Impr6ve conditl6na. , A hand pump barrel sprayer CAD and the late Mr. Treble, of thf-, saine summer co
4. Upon thorough spraying. which from the axfls of the lower leaves on be used for small lots of Potatoes. city, a half-brother. large range Of styles at
The girts, also need attention. We
xq�A" t4ik m-erius 0-6-Topy P-Omqn the stalks, and should be handled Most men who grow any considerable
are I ant to forget thill-glxIlLID cutr much like red clover, only greater acres" of potatoes consider WAt a No matter how deep-rooted the corn 19-T7 selling prices.
IS - I—, I I ..' I cafe Is necessary to preserve the power Potato sprayer Is a good In- or wart may be, it must yield to Hol -
leaves, a very valuable portion of the eatinent. The boat results from loway's Corn Cure If used as directed.
planM-Prof. Wade Toole, Ontario v
Agricultural College. spraong are obtained with machines
fitted with 71-jolut'attachments so as Send a Dominion Express Money 11' -
'Phone 158
to insure covering both aurfa�os of Order. They are payable every -
Spray for Potato Rot. the leaves at each spraying. where..
lAte blight and rot b the most de- Precautions Necessary to - Insure
FOF 6001 S-Ummor Attl'rc ttructive disease of potatoes in On -
tarlo. In wet seasons It frequently I
destroys a very large proportion of 1. Start spraying before the blight
the crop and causes a lose of many appears. Spraying is done to prevf3nL,
act to cure.
thousands of dollars to the farmers
2. Spray thoroughly, which can be
of the DroVince. This to to a large
Went a needless lose. for *late done only when the mixture is ap- IF YOU WILL BE WISE
blight" and "rot" can be prevented plied with a good pressure 80 as LO
by timely. thorough' and Intelligent insure covering every portion of the
10raying with Bordeaux mixture. PI*OtB- To an Advantage
Directions for Spraying. 3. Do not hesitate to spray be-
cause It look like rain. It the spray
Spray wtth Bordeaux mixture. to on the plants� half an hour before
*trength 4 to 6 pounds Of cOPPOt Bul- rain comes mufficlent of It will sticic
phate (bluestone) and 4 pounds of to prev6nt infection, which takes
lime to 40 gallons (imperial) of wato
piw�,e.during qr soon afte.itrain. if
Of.' ebtfitn0fice, spraythk 4boa kbib the spraying Id left until i Buy Heaq on all Lines of Groceples.
plants are from five to olght inch"
08 lorged rain it & very like
high. and keep the foliage covered late to do much good.
with Bordeaux throughout the sea-
4.'Careless spraying never pays.
so'n. Forty to 100 gallons of the Der. Spray thoroughly or not at, 0I.- Get your supply fi�r some time to' comes-
deaus. mixture will be r4kquirod tor Prof. J, E. Howitk OntiLdo &Stictil-
oriditions fully warrant this and almost all Groceries dre good buying
4%6%Ie4r for the *boys. .Mlt 71ves an!]
their prospects for the future are be. OBITUARY and especially
Ing atf�eted by this war. Hefice op.
portunIties for study. fot'amusement, IWHARDY.-We have to record this
for developing their talents to the wee'k the death, of Mr. John Armand Teas, Spices, Canned Goode, MatChes,
full. ratiat be afforded them. MAny Mellardy, a lite -long resident of Col-
or thtse opportunities may b4i socur. borne township, where he s born Soaps
Ffb. 10th, 1913. tie bad lit
*d through the Institute, i,, in fill.
Surely with subjects of such -vital ing health for some time and contract-
Importauc6 as the above-akentionted. ed pneumonin a couple of weoks ago. I A WORD TO THE WISE IS SJIFFICENT.
all meetings should be worth while, which resulted In his death on Stinday
W46 Would C&II the attention of &II afternoon at tho 'residence of his
to the Itatiortanee of the sumaket brothor-In-13w, Mr. Andrew Oteen,
m"thig, hold throughout igue, V6 hen '-hItford. Tho funeral toolt plape Tues�.
tho dtleg'1160 from the Npartmomt it, &ty aftrvnoon to Colborne cemotery,
In Att0itidifite. She hits th6 litost Ila. the, pall-botrom being Xfossm. Robort
tott"tion on All tubjftts of libPort. MeLpan And Charlo.A� Nfellardy, Gode-
*606 to tht lAtututts, and is a 806 rieli. ind 3amm Watson and Aln. we i a POW
1614114 016 40 6*4 PAruculAr gob" Voung, ot Loyal. serv1p;,si were.
to0quellen Dy ilev. atir. Aunllr
gul. k a
arid Smith's 11111, &*sIgted by 116v% Mr.
McDermid, Goderich. The deceased BENWILLER Theite will be a first-class brass band
was the last surviving member,of an a t the Dominion Day celebration, Also
old and respected family. Mrs. N. Kernighan, Nliss H. ��twviirll it pipers' band and Higniand dancing.
Mrs. J. Long, Nlossrs, (;Po, .�, y3l'itll, Come all you lads and tassies and see
KIPPEN A. -,\fugford, H. Voorp, Jas. Feagan, K. how we do it.
Stewart And olhpr�, attend'M the U.
Mr. Thomas, of St. Thomas, waslF. 0. Comention in Toronto hst week.
visiting Mr. Thomas Melils recently. Next Sunday v%ill it(. cI1jII1.f,11's I)zly
Mrs. Detweiler and children were in on Beniniller vircuit. .\it intpr(�sting
Moorefield this week v * isiting friends, program, in which all thp Aunday
Robert Thompson and family visited Schools \\ill participato, \\ill be gi%en,
Mr, Duncan Ilay in Stratford this service conim-neing iff Ilik. M.
week. body weIcunw. Evening ben ice
Mrs. Chambers, of Clinton, \%-its in Bethel at 8 p. Ill..
the village this week visiting her niece, Quite a uUMher froin our \ieinity
mrs. French. took in the moonlight excursion on th,!
Mr. Geo. A. Johnston, B. A., of Tor- Greyhound on -Nionday evening. 41thpi-s
onto, was visiting in the home of Mr. took in the trip to Detroit.
and Mrs. Johnston this week. Mr. J, Elsley left ou 'Mon I
. On Tuesday, the lith inst., Mr. and Rochester, Nlipn., to con.gult tr;`1cjo-r
Mrs. French,, their niece, Miss Esther ists at the Nlayo Institutp. \Nre trust
Moore, of Cromarty, and Miss Mar- he will return Inuch Improved in
garet McLean, left for a prolonged health.
visit in Saskatchewan. They will
doubtless have a pleasant time. See the baby sli.0\v I)oh)inion Day in
Mrs. William Hart, of the fifth con- Goderich. Clean andle. Sold by all Drug.
cession, Stanley, died rather unexpect- - I C;." -.-- , - .. - � -I Stores
edly last Thursday morning, The fun-
imbetance, poisonous to the spores of ousew to o c ange or m ous 0 Is dry enough to rake--& period eral on Saturday wav rargely attended.
Pre-war days. She must now learn C"P ean appUcatlon, he: anioifnt to be There were said to have been a -bout
tangl. In which they cannot grow. to substitute and to eliminate var- which will vary according to the
a*d penetrate the plant. Spraylu& ious forms of waste. Perishable weight of the cutting, the weather used depending upon the else of the fifty cars in the procession. Quality Is Economy in
plants. Take ovecial care to see that Mr. Geo. Taylor, who went to bon -
therefore. in order tw be effective. foods must be more widely used,not and the amount of map in the ittalk. the spraying Is-4yery thoroughly done don for treatment a few weeks ago,
must be timely and thorough. The only in summer, but also in winter. Wilille It in possible to make slightly It the weather, is at all
spray mixture must be on the plants The" must be conserved through better hay by cocking up, this will be damp about died on Friday, the 7th inst, Two SPRING AND SUMMER
before the spores reach them and the proper storage, esuning or drying. A PracUce of doubtful value thU year the 1fith Of JuIY, as blight often be- operations were found to be necessary
sailace of the leaves and stems most Such subjects as those may be die- In -view of the labor shortage. Gather gins at this Ume. Add a polson when and the last one proved too be too
be covered to cokupletely that Uwe cumed at the meetings. An "pen with a side-dblivery rake if possible, necessary for - potato beetles--arsen- much for him. He gradually sank un- SHOES
JIM not the smallest space on which a demonstrator may be setured bvjn Or in Small windrows with an ordl. at* of lead paste, 3 % lbs. to each 40 til his death. His funeral on Monday
spo I re call gertaluate. 941111ons Of the'l1quid spray. a
Efficient spraylas of Potatoes do- The Department to give lutor=&Uon nary dump rake. The hay loader gallons r Paris was largely attended. The services, in
rks beat with small gr*w 2 Its. to 40 or a mix- the absence of his pastor, Rev. J. E. The war haS eteated a Short -
gr a practical demonstration to saaht, wO windrow. taft of 2 lbs., of arsenate of lead Jones, were conducted by Rev. Mr.
jo#,Upoii the use of the proper nay age of good leather as well
the hou&ewite. The members By all means us a loader if possible p"Is and 1 lb. -of Parts green to 40 Hart, of Brucefleld, a former ininister
club together and do their canning and to facnitats matters a alldinit gallons. From three to BeYeU aPVIl- here. He. leaves to mourn his loss as skilled shoe makem
ftuglelde. Bordeaux mixture has so at oue contra with one Are It they rack may be used no that when one-
farptoved to be the only satistaetory so choose, to the b4f the rack is loaded It may be cations should be made, depending his bereaved partnek. taree daughters,
spray mixture for Potato diseases. and In addlUou upon the season, the wetter the we&- M?19. Pope, of British Golmuhia, : Mrs. Only by our close relations
work accomplished may have a so- Pulled ahead and the remainder ther the larger the number. Do not S. Thomson, of Stamey, and Mrs. Troy- With leading manufactur-
2. Upon timely and repeated oi;iole loaded.
spraying. Spraying should be com- -- _ Ume together. put off spraying because It looks like er, of Hay, and four sons, Edwin, of
The children In the rural districts We mention red clover because It rain. U the 'spray to on the plapts Sask. ; Frank, of Mich., and Fred and ers are we able to command
jacinced when the lilauti are- from six mutt not be forgotten. They mutt to the commonest and most satlafae- half AD bA u comes
to eight Inches high and repftted at. _�qr before the rat Bert, of London. One daughter, 1-Irs. for our customers still t�e
bay, =p, and
be prepared for the- great ftlipahlit- 18 use4 In all 9"- it will be dry and sufficient of It Will Pepper, died last year. The late Mr.
-ftffif & of lrom'a *6ek to Wi-;a bilitles which are too soon to fall = farming bay mixtures. I higbest quality at popular
ghout the growing se"04. stick to prevent infection. Which Taylor was born in Devonshire, Eng -
upon them. Their educAtion must Timothy should be cut elther affbir takes place during or soon after rain. land, 74 years ago and fifty years ago
&=u Ufte to seven opD11catlow not be neglected. They must notbe It In out of the Ant blossom or after prices.
will be reaulred. the number depend. the second blossom has fiillen-geu- Spraiyluc an described above should last March he and Mrs. TayIQr were
Ift upon the weather. the wetter handicapped by Physical. Imperfee- prevent not only late blight and rot married, sailing for Canada in June. See our snappy styles in
,$b$ Weather the more frequent the tions. Subjects of Importance to the erally the latter. It will require law but also early blight knd POIAtO They -located In Kippen, on the line high and low cut Footwear,
child must be discussed and means tedding than clover, Is more "atly beetles. For late blight and rot only, farm of 150 acres, where they have
spearing. adopted to Improve conditions. The cured and may be drawn in sooner Is not necessary to commence tesided ever since. - He was a man of in the most popularcolors.
4 Voon the liberal u66 of Bor- Medical inspection of rural schools after cutting. Do not let it get too
44e;uIx mixture. From 50 to 160 gal- and the elWes held through the Wo- rltiti and woody. spraying unt.11- about the 10th of considerable force of character and
late of 139rdeaux mixture should be Alfalfa should be cut when the July. but in Ontario It In usually ad- made things go. Professor Gurrelly, In white, the prevailing
vievo IJ200tuto are doing much to lizable to oray,for allthree. of Toronto University, Is a nephew
aijed per acre at each application. young sboots are noticed starting out v lor, we bave a
Impr6ve conditl6na. , A hand pump barrel sprayer CAD and the late Mr. Treble, of thf-, saine summer co
4. Upon thorough spraying. which from the axfls of the lower leaves on be used for small lots of Potatoes. city, a half-brother. large range Of styles at
The girts, also need attention. We
xq�A" t4ik m-erius 0-6-Topy P-Omqn the stalks, and should be handled Most men who grow any considerable
are I ant to forget thill-glxIlLID cutr much like red clover, only greater acres" of potatoes consider WAt a No matter how deep-rooted the corn 19-T7 selling prices.
IS - I—, I I ..' I cafe Is necessary to preserve the power Potato sprayer Is a good In- or wart may be, it must yield to Hol -
leaves, a very valuable portion of the eatinent. The boat results from loway's Corn Cure If used as directed.
planM-Prof. Wade Toole, Ontario v
Agricultural College. spraong are obtained with machines
fitted with 71-jolut'attachments so as Send a Dominion Express Money 11' -
'Phone 158
to insure covering both aurfa�os of Order. They are payable every -
Spray for Potato Rot. the leaves at each spraying. where..
lAte blight and rot b the most de- Precautions Necessary to - Insure
FOF 6001 S-Ummor Attl'rc ttructive disease of potatoes in On -
tarlo. In wet seasons It frequently I
destroys a very large proportion of 1. Start spraying before the blight
the crop and causes a lose of many appears. Spraying is done to prevf3nL,
act to cure.
thousands of dollars to the farmers
2. Spray thoroughly, which can be
of the DroVince. This to to a large
Went a needless lose. for *late done only when the mixture is ap- IF YOU WILL BE WISE
blight" and "rot" can be prevented plied with a good pressure 80 as LO
by timely. thorough' and Intelligent insure covering every portion of the
10raying with Bordeaux mixture. PI*OtB- To an Advantage
Directions for Spraying. 3. Do not hesitate to spray be-
cause It look like rain. It the spray
Spray wtth Bordeaux mixture. to on the plants� half an hour before
*trength 4 to 6 pounds Of cOPPOt Bul- rain comes mufficlent of It will sticic
phate (bluestone) and 4 pounds of to prev6nt infection, which takes
lime to 40 gallons (imperial) of wato
piw�,e.during qr soon afte.itrain. if
Of.' ebtfitn0fice, spraythk 4boa kbib the spraying Id left until i Buy Heaq on all Lines of Groceples.
plants are from five to olght inch"
08 lorged rain it & very like
high. and keep the foliage covered late to do much good.
with Bordeaux throughout the sea-
4.'Careless spraying never pays.
so'n. Forty to 100 gallons of the Der. Spray thoroughly or not at, 0I.- Get your supply fi�r some time to' comes-
deaus. mixture will be r4kquirod tor Prof. J, E. Howitk OntiLdo &Stictil-
oriditions fully warrant this and almost all Groceries dre good buying
4%6%Ie4r for the *boys. .Mlt 71ves an!]
their prospects for the future are be. OBITUARY and especially
Ing atf�eted by this war. Hefice op.
portunIties for study. fot'amusement, IWHARDY.-We have to record this
for developing their talents to the wee'k the death, of Mr. John Armand Teas, Spices, Canned Goode, MatChes,
full. ratiat be afforded them. MAny Mellardy, a lite -long resident of Col-
or thtse opportunities may b4i socur. borne township, where he s born Soaps
Ffb. 10th, 1913. tie bad lit
*d through the Institute, i,, in fill.
Surely with subjects of such -vital ing health for some time and contract-
Importauc6 as the above-akentionted. ed pneumonin a couple of weoks ago. I A WORD TO THE WISE IS SJIFFICENT.
all meetings should be worth while, which resulted In his death on Stinday
W46 Would C&II the attention of &II afternoon at tho 'residence of his
to the Itatiortanee of the sumaket brothor-In-13w, Mr. Andrew Oteen,
m"thig, hold throughout igue, V6 hen '-hItford. Tho funeral toolt plape Tues�.
tho dtleg'1160 from the Npartmomt it, &ty aftrvnoon to Colborne cemotery,
In Att0itidifite. She hits th6 litost Ila. the, pall-botrom being Xfossm. Robort
tott"tion on All tubjftts of libPort. MeLpan And Charlo.A� Nfellardy, Gode-
*606 to tht lAtututts, and is a 806 rieli. ind 3amm Watson and Aln. we i a POW
1614114 016 40 6*4 PAruculAr gob" Voung, ot Loyal. serv1p;,si were.
to0quellen Dy ilev. atir. Aunllr
gul. k a
arid Smith's 11111, &*sIgted by 116v% Mr.