HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-14, Page 2- * - -,
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I , 10, 10—"W—Ol-i--1, .11l- , i �d 1.11 I -11, I —0 xg and rwair worlk tee. et , ccount. or - � a I ,
. op . � , , -F. .. " . I -11 Colborne r4din SUI E : ' ' , " , ,
, , 1, � I ! . Qn&.;ai bridge on A4 No. e,*tJJA;4W4 -TS, - Mo (a The great area to be covered FIF; .,ftM-- WITH , , , , * �,
V I Tile following motions Nver� rear� 0 the great distance of many par% . . I .
.4 -Grading an re Ir I red to the exec,ptive committee : Q the two cou" , THREE YOM& 11
Mt wawanosh ' I .4 � pa � ties frojfi a centre. f 0JR I
I .
i� Q -, to . roads 4'. . I 0110 , �1 6 a KIMYS MEN ! GET" THIS -
� NV estimates. 41"W. BY MeiWrs. Erwin and VordlPat, this' (b) The. ,transportation being im- ,, 70 ,Y9A I -,
. Ru - . - Perfect rendering communication Will- �, RS PLQ AND CORM I
UR TIRE RUBLE East N1 awanoxh—Gradlug and repair eo6unt ant $10,000 46 tile RM CFO ,
to roads, an -arch'culvert. on Road No. cletTefin M XAtt In life the body mly to show I
00"0*0 the county tq be divid, cult- - is �L
., I a between East Wawanosh and Morris according to eqfiqlized assessment. (e) Less efficient control and man7 ()ftext the kidneys are the Longfellow could take a, worthlese '
0 ,, . : , , to be built, estimate av Tipling that ��eijlent when not closely in toucl) to weaken. That's why
I., V ith ' of Wesr' piece of paper and write a poem on It
I This committee dei,
I Can now be brought to an end by '116 G go to the wegrant 812,00() to the Red Gross So- those needing- attention and car& 'I O'gd anso folks suffer from backache, t
. .1, � Good oads convention at Hamilton cle it. (d) The Go,,erament legislation being i ;ht, rheumatic worth $65,000. 1
1 , bringing your blow-out or rim -cut tires to a It . .rl
I e ::=.y ab .k� poor eyesig
. g cid ge all the Information they could I By Messrs. McKlnly and Harding that In favor at a single county manage- paino, gravel, dropsy pnd inability to That's genius. . � I
I 1. , et oil road m4chinery, and, after con� he gratt be half a mill on the dollar Mellt and one agent control. -
I 11 � Wring, they decided to buy two to be d v1ded according to equalized as- fe) Less dill1culty in the financial control I the urine. ,e p4ade life There are some men who can write I
, crushers from the Sawyer and Massey sessment. control and management where only Doan a Kidney Pi4s hav a few words on a Piece of paper an(I
I Johnston's Garage Co., Hamilton. and have them sh pea, Moved by Messrs. Clark and Ford one county council is concerned. more comfortable for thousarkde; of old inake it worth a million dollars.
e to Brussels and the other to TOrd- that this council apQropriate the sum In the matter of Jails lq co mittees jolks, " they stimulate the kidneys ILad I . I .
'� Kingston Street. W0111ch. . : TC to Ali iate h UMA in back That's c4p)tal. 11
i 'i . of s3WO to provide a ChildLen's Shelter were unatilmoup in th opin on that tend ev r e tic jo t*, . - I .
I tie petition,from Grey, Morris and for Gs county. grouping counties foi- the mainten- ache and too frequent urination. Wtlen The United States can take an ounce ..,
4 l Be, # ,,
We are fully equipped for all tire work. Bros s, we recommend that the I Moved by Messrs. Ford and Erwin ance of Jails was a much needed re- fft vaiddle age it is a good plan, to use and a -quarter of gold and make It 11,�
. . . Reeves of Morria and Grey with the that a grarit of $100 be made Miss Har- form. Ian's Kldue.Y, Pills OcCA4610811Y, just worth twenty gollars, � 1, .
I . road superintendent, attend to this road i land organist at the House of Refuge The maiii"t-a.fts brought out vvere to keep the kidneyll. health 1
1 at once. I for her services. as follows : - '. money. I
agreement of Waterloo Mann- oa) Taking the five rs up 19r. Jbhn Cameron, � . �
� Moved Messrs. Mall " �
I I facturiniK Co. and A. Leggatt, we r(-- Fraser thabty th y2eo"JaJIs with an writes: 11 I was troubled with my kidneys A mecharilo can take material worth I
1.11 coo. Johnston the county grant $15 to average of 50 isoners or less and far three years and tried several doctors. $5 and make It into watchsprings, � I :�, �
, . t. commend that this be handed to our each Woman's Institute In Huron coun- -
I ... 00 1�
road superintendent to-do as It directs. many of these ?orr short terms. I got better for a little 3vUe, but the worth $1,000. 1 ,
I Re ty us a mark of appreciation of their told 0 8 �
Re claim of Wm. MqGregor on Road efforts In Red Gross work. (1)3 The average for the Province for same troublq came back. A friend That' kill. 1 i
... 111.11 ". , . - . ; . 1. � I No. 1, Morris boundary we recommend I Moved by Messrs. Clark and Ford the same time was about .320 (the me to get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills, I I ,
- I I ,� I
I 1. I . . 11 . . � that Ws claim be paid. th t a grant of $1,000 be made to the qreatest number being,eonfined in six and befoWe I had taken them I felt better A fisherman can see his net and lift I .
I .
. . I He claims of Duncan Munn and Thos- Navy League this year. jails, namely Toronto, Hamilton, Lon- and kept on until I had taken five boxes. them the next day and find them full * i -
Nelson for damages to automobiles an f There was some discussion as to the don. Uttawa, North Bay and Parry I am seventy years old and had given up of sticks and slime. 1. i.. r 1. �:
designated roads. we recommend that ' ' n ,.".
these be left over till our road super- standing -of the Patriotic Fund on ac- Sound, 23 or halt the resent umber I .
count of the surplus repurrted to be would be sufficient, willle It 'you, take that there was any help for me, but That's fisherman's luck. I i'',
HOON COUNff- COUNCIL Intendent gets all the Information he the average of, the cities, about I thanks to "Doan's" I have been cured." , -
can. In the hands of the Societv and the SOO, There's a man in Paris who can taker .
[ follow ng motion was refer�ed to the as a unit, nine jails would do the Price 50c. a box, at all dealers or I
ve...C.Ornmttle -1- - � . - I- - - t F - ,-by-!r-�- a, -Af#�cent piece ,of canvas, - palrW 4L- - . - -
- -------..-- - � - — . - - - - � -- - - ... I . � .- -Your commissioners- would adv4se ,,,,,,,tl, whole -Province --or one -;Jail for live mailed,directen-recetp -o pace, - �11'
. .,
that all r , ading and re airing be done i Moved by Messrs. Young and Me- counties, there being 16,100 prisonjors T. Milburn Co., lAmited, Toronto, Ont. picture on It and make it worth $10,-' . ,�;:
Yotes VAO. for Clifl"dren's Shelter, Half a well, an we can get TO per cent., for Nabb that clause 16 of the report of Incarcerated In all the jails in 1916. See that our trade marka. "Maple 000, i , -
grading, when put in as grading. I the executive committee at the January (c) That by grouping the counties I" " appears on the wrapper. That's art. � . I
JUr (;Ood . Your commisitione would recom- meeting be amended to the effect that more efficient control, otter manage- -�
ift--&r Red Cross, One Mill `� end that a Ford car be bought by the the sum of $4,600 per month Instead ment and better accommodation would -- --.-- .- --- A merchant can take an article cost- ) ,
ounty for the use or the road st4per- of $8,000 be paid to the Canqd1an Patri- be the result. 14
Infendent and we will be able to get _ Ing seventy-five cents and sell it for
otic Association as that is the amount (d) That the system adopted in the No. 6 -To authorize the treasurer to I
'PZ to the fercentage on it from the Govern- ; actually required as the sha,re from old Central prison and at Guelph borrow money to pay current ex pen-
Readst $24,000 to Y.M.C.A., ELM c -1
. -e. ..
$1 9000 to Sal_ men , i this county, and a larger amount of could be extended to all the jails iii dittu That's business.
Xqights of Columbus and We recommend that the request of surplus has accumulated at the head the Province. The prisoners, If young, No. 7 -To le*,), the general rate of -
;r. a , Bruce county delegation re boundary offlee than Is warranted by existing could be taught some useful trade. 3 3-10 inilils. � A man can buy a suit for $kO or $15.
y4fion Army Rescue Home. line between counties DO considered , conditions. and the middle aged or able bodied , No. 8 -Making appropriation for but prefers paying ' $20 or M'ftr It. I
� and the dIftrent. municipalities make Mr. Andrew Porter addressed the could be employed at some useful form Good Roads. That's foollshnes
I the necessary arrangements. council on the standing of the Patrio- of production and that lockups could No. 9-Appottiting R. I . )e Long as s' .. .
We recommend that one mill on the , tic Fund and said that the surplus re- be employed as detention prisons until Caretaker. There are people who will tell y6u
GOD ROADS SUPERINTENDENT GETS S1 700 AND CAR. e No. 10 -Fixing the salary- of the that other clothing stores are selling .
,equalized assessment of the, county be ported was largely made up of prom- such time as the prisoner received the I
vied this ye4r, as we think we can
do the Ises to pay. term sentence and thus much travel county road commissioner. as cheap as ROBINS.
Tile June session of the Huron coan- Interest .................... 500.00 amount, work for this y ar for that I The executive committee recommend- and expense In transportation avoided No. II -Apportioning the levy for That's nerve.
ty council which closed on Friday last — The report was ad t . ed as follows : While the committee expressed its Good Roads. '.
4 30fi74.92 Moved by Messrs. Ir ser and Arm- I Be motion of Messrs. Erwin and a proval of a grouping of counties for Take' a night off and see for your -
was notable for the generous mood � - . .- . - tg,e control of jails, It was of 4he opin- .
To be r4ised by CN ...... 111 140,254.69 strong that vve pav-D. tterson a Sal- Ford, that a grant of $10,000 be made Lukewarm wate,r often %%,I I revive self.
he Good
- to the council not reported last' week Roads sysle'm and pr ide him a Ford ty , and amendment by Messrs. Beavers the cow4�.0 Vu
The Go�od Roads superintendent Is I to the Red Cross societies In the coun- ion that a concrete scheme should be
the councillors found themselves 'a* A summary of ilie proceedings of ary of $1 500 for'wn on t ,Willed litiwers ulooll wtilo, ,,oi,l %voitel That's common sense.
t; e Ming for a knock -about 'men , .
gr4 $170,0 a year for his services and a under the various departments fol-' car, and that he be p ld #200 additional anJ Tipling that the grant be $12000 * ap ar Ill have no efret-t. M. ROBINS, Clothier and Gents' Fur- . I
Fk)rd car to assist him in getting about and amendment to the amend;;eni lendid style. Saturddy morning $8. nisher, south side of Square, next to
h t of the car, how-- lows : for work on county roatis, other than by Messrs. McKinley tind Harding that A bell upon earth awaits 04. wife oJ
w,er, Comes partly from the Legisla- I ROADS AND ,BRIDGES d6signated roads a thfit all former One Ladies' Navy Serge Coat, pu iii wother.- the British Exchange Hotel.
bylaws relatinF to his salary be re- the county grant half a mill oil the wool and splendid style. Regular $20.0 ' e boy who is meall to tit That's me. I .
ture, Vile counting as outlay on county The road and bridge commissioner pealed -Carried. / equalized assessment of the county. Saturday morning .................. $14.7 ,' ew York American.
(;ood Ftoads. The Children's Shelter submitted Ills statement In which he Moved b ,Mess . Mallough and Ford i we recommend that the grant asked -
is at,101; to be an accomplished fact said tie had prepared plans for bridges that the U011d oads Commission be for in motion of Messrs. McKinley and One Ladies'.Covert Cloth Coat. Th ' . I If in nted of anything in
a motion appropriating $3,ODO for thai to be erected this summer if approved. appointed to pit chase the eat- for Mr. � Harding be made, is a splendid general purpose garm I
P u 71" ! b I passed, and offers Of As to the bridge to be erected on Road Pattersop.-Car ed. Re request from, the City of London Regular $27-50. Saturday morning. en ', . R U n ) s and Boys'Wearing Ap- I
a ' a ng ...
0, �;, premises are asked for. As No. S in tile Township of Stephen, It was mov by Mr. Laporte, se- for co-operation in asking tile Govern . ................................................ $195
. ned last week In The Star the they asked to have the location of the conded by Mr. Powell that a statement ment for Insurance for soldiers and
W, I C their dependents, we would recommend J One Ladies' Black ,Corded parel don't overlook this Ad. .
ge ��'Q A. and Knights of Columbus present site changed. Actio should of all accou s be equalized between .
� tip
t,krants of WOOD and $2,000 ire- be taken by the county or le Town- the township a d - PTU, -E mOuer stock consists of;,Men's , ' .
spkiotlVtly for their war work, and the ship of Steph n the county on the no action. � Bilk Coat. A really beg,qtiful gar- :: �
S. A.' Rescue Home at London en to have the change Good Roads every year. Re request of Ontario Municigal A- ment. Saturd�y morning ... $15.75 1
31 OQ0. gets made legal before the bridge is erected. Moved by Messrs. Livingstone and soclation asking the county to ecome and Boys'Clotbing, Boots and .
A motion to grant $i3O()O tOIA number of bridges required Paint- McKinley, in amen ment, that the
itic Navy League, In response to all d Is member, we recommend no action , '
ng, which should be done this year motion re amount spent by the muni- ,at present. , Still Some Shantung Silk. at 4 SPE
appeal made - Rev. A. L. 0. Clarke. if possible. Re motion of Atessrs. Young and , y 1CIALIST HERE Shoes, Underwear, Overalls I
by cipalities under the Good Roads sys- ard wide Natural Shant
was y to Armstrong that we grant tile skim of ! UrdwMe-T.P-op�vorwm S g*64l't ew Inveptlqn Retains Rupture and Smocks, Shirts, Mats and
.pferred the special committee The report, of the. nood Roads com- tem be amended to read three years $i,500 to the Salvation Army Rescue Ir
but the committee had already made Enission was as follows : Instead of five and further that a state- 1 Moved by Messrs. Powe '
their report and apparently action on We commenced In Stephen Town- ment of the. amount expended be made Home. we recommend that the sum of , 11 and La- Withewt Knife, Den6er ar Paiin. Ties --everytbing tbatmen or
this matter was overlookeki. ship art(] found the roads In $J,000 be granted. orte that this county petition tile Old-fashioned gallin trusses and
st& slipp
for 11 order me ads are one away with
need of and set forth in the county and inuni- Re motion of Messrs. Dalton and by'Va"wonderful Invention of a oanjidian .
On the ,other hand the council coll- drainage and grading. A bridge and c1pal financial statements each year government to do away with one office �1?0 boys require for a complete 11,
sider retrenchment in order In a couple Iculvert is to be built, estimate $5.5m. and that the county collect interest on Love that we grant tile surn of $3000 of License Inspector in the county for cotallstwho has devoted ars to till one , I
of matters, and have taken action with Usborne-Some drainage and grading, overdraft at current rates yearly. to the society of the Knights of ;�O the year 1919. -Referred to special cent- a 1?1 an "CURAT"RUS" ,outfit.' All our goods are well
_ a dy. Themarvelousnew
the view to having four counties two miles to be constructed , estimate This amendmept carried. lumbils, we recommend that the sum Mittee. given Instant Fetention rest ani security where
grouped to use one jail. and have re- $3,,500. of $2,000 be granted. The special committee reported as others have failed. R -prevents an Irfitation, tailored and of the', latest de- �
Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Spot- . ft4lows. � . r8litOr011, every Part to Its natural position as l �
commended that one License Inspector Hay -South boundary requires drain- ton that the county engineer be Re Recount from the Provincial Sac-� soon as it In, flied. and'old style are I
is enough for the county and ask in(' age and grading, and maintenanc In- retary*s offlee for eWmatcd expenses Re resolution of Wen1worth county thrown away. Rgan's "Curatruall 1M.1.8to.s.dod sign. Alteration free.
e on structed to have some of the county opposing the introduction of Daylight to assist astairs to close the ope I
Government to dispenbe with one Of the rest of the rtmils, estimate $2,500. bridges painted this year. -Carried. of enforcing the Canada Teme ning in the short-
th e Officials, Tuckersmith-41trading and main- The road and bridge committee re- Act we recommend that the, amount Savings, we endorse the resolution, a,,; est time known vithoutan opeation and at We both lose money if you
�%e bylaw for expenditure on the tenance all that I-; required, estimate commended that the portion of the required be paid at once and further, the measurp. is dotrininetal to agri- small cost Testimonials from men, women and
County Good Roads scheme provides $1,5W. 1 Itural production. parents. Nothing complioated. Noinconvenl-
for a mill on the equalized assessment. engineer's report this committee has we are. of the opinion it at the vvork cil once or loss of thfie, but Just a natural retiftatl`lre don't deal at
NicKillop-Some drainage. and grad- power to deal with be could be (tone with one inspector, and Re petition of City of Toronto asl( - method. Itcosta you nothtngtO InV65U UL
adopted ; re . i
or $42,501.40. The Provincial war tax Ing, t\,vo miles to be. constructed, esti- claim of G. M. Kidd for damage's caused that tile. money 7gaved thereby could ing for a \ote on tile (luestion of tile Be-ia-ys may be dangerous. Now [a Cie tu= 1.
is u mill on the dollar. The vote to..,,,,_L, $45W U-ne half of the two miles by traction engine going through a be used to better advantage ai� tile, abolition of the "Onate, we. are in ac- m a e hysteall tforyourdallylvork.
-11--t., I— I . � , . , . I with thIs pett-tion and roeilftffflOnd u 110W. V24i'lfi-Canada.'
11TV'VANOU9 RcId CPO&$ -Socleticall In th6' to be paid for by the co ntv of Perth. culvert on Bayfleld road, your commit- Oesen Ime, an -d that t1lis council -Mrd To v I I M. ROBINS , .
11 '
County is to be half a mill on tile Goderich Tov.-t-iship-wainage and tee has agreed on terms of settlem petition the Government to that effect. that ,such vote be, taken. I
assessment, cht V. NO, SPBCIAIM, WILL VOT the towns
or $21,250.70. This lost grading. A bridge opposite lot 19, con. of all claims �or the sum of $40 and Re request of F. G. Neelins in *till- Re circular froin the Department of bajillol I OPEN EVENINGS
tionei Free demonstration and exantlats,-
amount and other patriotic grants are 1. Road No. 3, should be built. A grad- recommend that this amount be paid. nectiob witliv op�rating the tractor Lands, Forests and Mines with refer- samPles. Ask stbotel ofilos foray !
included in the estimates for the year er is required. Estimate $3,500. Re motion of Messrs. Laithwalte and plow in the., icinity of Seaforth, vve Fnce to culting vvood in Algonquin rooln. Note dates. I ----------- - *
(in which the county rate of 3 346 Ifullett-Some drainage and grading, Ford that this council assume and recommend no action at present bill Park, as this is a matter pertaini .
local municipalities we revoinn' t
mills fs based. but the Provincial war estimate $2,000. maintain the portion of road south of would ask Mr. Stewart for an ex- .,,,k:1' I GODERICH-BEDFORD HOTEL -THURSDAY � Children Cry
tax and the Good Roads expenditure planation as to the work done that no action he taken. I (all day and night) I dsy only, JUNE 20th. !
are provided tit separate bylaws, ekich Morris ---Grading and repair. Road Forsters' bridge, we recommend that '. FOR FLETCHER'S - .
No. 12 between Morris and Grey should this be done and that the account of Re Motion of Messrs. Tipling kind Re ri,solulion of the coubty of Peril I
Beavers for a grant of $.AOOO to the to,inerease fees in homesteading lani'l !
for a mill. so that the total county be well graded and repaired I CLINTON-NOR14ANDIE HOTEL -JUNE 21. '
rate will be 5 3-10 mills. - Estimate $31 from Goderich township council to all. but returned -soldiers, we re- - 0-%
$3,000. for removing ice and repairing wash- Y. M. C. A., we r"ornmend t6at the commend that returned soldiers be 0 ASY�ORIA
.The estimates are as follows : Turnberry-The bridge on Road No. out be F.ald. , sum -of $24,000 be granted, to be paid homesteads free and that -- -- I—— - -r-- ---- ,--
Fxprgsp"S 31 to be repaired at once and an abut- This �t clause was� not adopted, in monthly amounts of $2,000 and to grab led
Adminstration ment to be built to suit a new bridge but the rest of the report carried. be approved of by the Warden. d $3 per acre as sug- 4"00*"00000000000000"OOOCWOCHXOOOQOC"3cmmmmoclaoo" It
of justice. , $ 8,000 when built, grading and repair for the As mentioned In our last edition a Re request of Nlessrs. Ford and Er- gested, and also take the oath of al -
Jail acemint ...... � ...... 2,000 vvi . that k grant of $100 be paid Miss legiance, and all other British and :
Division Court Jury Fund.. too roads, estimate $7W. Roads and bridge deputation from the County of Middle- I I t
Schooli 25,OW e x Vra. sex waited on the council to request Harland, 0�ganist at the House of Re- neutral nations be same as b . .. 01110 -she had it' \ .
4 ........... � ...... Re resolution of the eoi `,`�Vel- I I 1, . I
School management ....... 3,300 Grey --Grading and some construc- co-operation in going to the Govern, fuge, for past services, we reconune�d int, of
tion, a crusher to be bought, estimate ment to request that -the London to that the same be granted. land to amend tile statute labor law, ,
Books, Stationery, etc..... 1,200 $9.0()O. Re motion of Dr. Clark and Mr. Ford as since this notice the Government 4
Lunatics, charities, etc,.... 600 1 Goderich road be made a provincial I W 1%sy Owned! �
Stan lev-0 . radl nF, repair and one highway and It was moved by Messrs. that this council appropriate the Rum has taken action changing it to $3,
Miscellaneous .............. 200 bridge on Road No. 3a between lots Spotton and Tipling that the following of $3,000 to provide a Children's Shelf- we recommend no action. I
Canada Temperance Act .. 3.000 f5 and i6, estinuttv $2,500, be the committee appointed to inter- d -that Re report of delegation appointed to �
.County Pro erty .... ..... 2000 Howlek-Roads in neea of drainage, view the Government with the Middle- the sarne be granted and that an'ad- meet the adjoining counties with re- I
Roads and Eridges, ........ 9 �� 84 it bridge on Road No. 30, lot 20, con. 3, sex delegation re getting the London verusement be inserted in two local gard to jails and Children's Shelter . .. .,.. _: 11 " I -
House of Refuge .......... 4,000 some construction and a crusher re- road accepted as a Provincial hi hway - papers asking any pa*rties having any, we think the re rt of the committee .
Patriotic Debentures. sink- quired, estimate $10,170. We recom- the Warden, Messrs. -Ford, Powea, Mai_ property suitable for such purpose to very business title ana we recommend %.4 � �
ing fund .............. 40,000 mend that the spur on Road No. 30a tough and Govenlock.-Carried. notify the clerk. that the counties be grouped in sup- ( -
Patriotic Debenturel. inter- be taken off and placed on Road No. Moved by Messrs. Re motion of Messrs. Mallough and porting a jail and that we have a . I I
est .................... I 4,640 Mallough and ....
Canadian Red Cross .. 2t 12M 70 28 ' north end * Brock, that the county build culvert Fraser that we grant the sum of $15 separate shelter of our own, and we : 1, , I
Ashileld-Your commissioners would on designated road where wash u to each Women's Institute in each recommend that a delegation of two I .
Other patriotic grant ! ' ..*.. ' �K666 recommend that Road No. 24 be taken ourred last 0 t Oc- riding as a mark of our appreciation be- appointed to act with the other 11 , )
Municipal (loyernmen, .... 8-OOO off, but as Ashfleld wants this road Dun xcar one mile south of counties and consider the question of 11.1
annon.-Sent to Good Roads Com- of their efforts in Red Cross work, we . .
kept on we recommend that m Irs .1 recommend that no grant be made, a joint jail and fornoulate R scheme of I � I
action be xion.
$ 170.929.�4 taken to do away with lividge and buy oved by 11%lessrs. Dalton a;d Powell believing that a motion or resolution aetion. I I
RECEIPTS a road. A bridge on Road No. 27a ma that the county build the bridges that of the county,counail expressing our Under the head of inquiries Mr. Gor- 4 � I
Surplus from 1917 ........ $ 28,874.92 have to be built, estimate $15,000. e were washed out last year on the appreciation o their work would be don Young drew attention to the report I I
Licenses ................... SM -00 recommend t"t this bridge be attelade original county road north of Kintall.- mQre suitable 11 . of the special committee as being op- I � *1111
Registry office ............. 5OD-OO to at once. -Referred to road and bridge commit- Re motion of Messrs. Young and posed to the Daylight Saving law. lie, I . . WT -11161%
McNabb ,00th reference to patriotic thought the clause should be recon- I . 1. I ... . A , , �
I - - I favoring a reduction in the sidered. The law had been adopted by I 4 . I . I I .. t. I
Orantt,' we recommend no action. a
gr.n all -'tile eat nations anti vvas con�
&it-& �m Re request of the heirs of the Holmes sidered onreat benefit ind of nation- I -
Estate (the late treasurer of the coun- al interest, On motion or Messrs. I : , I , I
. ty) for balance due the estate, as ap- Taylor and Clark this clause was I .
19� pears In the auditors' report, we re- struck out. I -1 . . . I 16 I
. - ",M"j.1JC,qW- ' L - L 1. . I— -- -I I . eommend that the same be paid less Moved by Messrs. .%fallough and N 0- I . . � " I
% inley that Messrs. Livingstone, 1, 1) I ...
- - - , interest on mors clai h #HRrburn be a committee on Chi d- I , - -� . I .
I I been paid, Mr. Holmes agreeing to give am
- � * any security reguired by the eaunty r,enPs Shelter with authority to p r- AT
� "Ve or u�lov"Tv" I anonam "U&twlm to secure them from any loss. . chase, a suitable placo for the same - 4.
COUNTY FUNDS SHOULD EARN XIORE M The eduerilion committee recom- WUST ST"UT
9 8 _] ended the pRyinp.lit of $9Ai to the
L -1 I 1 - 1 1 'CARD FOR FEMALEs L The auditors reported o . n the treaq- Gue'rh Collegialf, Institute and $150AS Phe n'e 1 22 1. H. VROOMAN, Proprietor.
"OlIrm pay Tahe - - To as VILUD 811 by 01tPUTV 41111151roall urer's books for the period Oct. i. to h e Parklilil High School. the I I . !
. . 1917. to Dec. 31st, 1917. Cash on hand amount due for Huron County pup : DOCCH20cocoaceo"ooaocw**"CHMMHMGGMGGOODQ I
1. Nawa In full (spirriesill, - - 9 Ags?--- - -- Dec. 31st was $173,311.69. The treasur- attending these schools. Also that Mr.
- er had given his own Uond for $25.000 Andrew Porter be appointed as trus-
and one In the Canada Sorel , tee of Goderich Golle0ate Institute In � . . .
X Additift (Permallwo y Co. for place of Mr, W. L. Eliot resigned i I
I - mossait - s"Nef RONAL DZUVtlty all POST 0MC9 C11TV, TOWN. am . MVINCZ $M,000 County debentures to the rdance with motion of Dr. -Glokr"h, mlillillilifilillilliilillillilillillillillililillillillillilliilillilillillilillimillillillilliLLL
anokou�t of $4,600 had bpt,n redeemed aceo -
4. NdWW - to ther with Interest amounting to and Mr. Laithwalte. = = I
- __W -___0Wy_8Mjtp0*p rwoo 12. ftft kcq% of all. Yom I& Con you Tile report %vas adopted. = =
, - s6f.,51. = = I
& Odush"Mal? WbirtW rftlkrall!��? MNTI"? pwililoos, if stry. Ins — The auditors reported : COUNTY PROPERTY = NEW = L
& Are you singlit? clutiod? widwO dkwosd? (a) Gerwalfarming. � (a) Dtive a tradar? - — We find that some of the mortgagps The following applications vvern ro- = . = i
I 1. HOW childion or wartis are still bearing the old low rate of celved foc, the position of care -taker of =
- �* - - =V ""ft "*- "Wo" (b) T.kf.hv. - — (b) Dd. . ..t. .1 interest, that In some cases the interest = . -
. bye rMV60 Is bad y In arrears, and that it has a the Court House and RegiAt" nfflee : - = � .
IL W h"th Ond tw" ON Pumli M it voiltitrad. to oNe '(c) Fruit farmina - — (a) Drive a hom? - - — parently not been the practice fo- Rich a rd De Long, Giles Jenkins, John = =
I= Wd workt e ound Interest on arrears, Dean, George Gocklield, Robert Stan- = = . . I
flurrmho. dish, Will. H. Goode. These were re- = =
fdY)#.WkrY — (d) Hiln,siao a hww?- as we thint should have been done. = UP as TO as DA, TE GARAGE ==
1I:ing;tPAW0%1*m:8"r1?=!itM9M;�1 M[n:a9Vt.hie ferred to the county pro 0 =
,l (a) Do plain cookino- We would Atroligly advise the closing perty v m- =
iFull"21"i I t mittee. =
� — PrestotraM All sign amnTalton, (a) tialry fumIr4- f.- - -
. W Do your d � - . ) up of all rnort1ragp accounts as soon The County Property committee re- = —
rawastwAmpumitypotolwoawoytmmhmim? 14. Indlede heirs OW **111flostim of prsdW eveirknee'which yo I as possible, as better Investment, are - -
10. What is yaw pow* Vull" 00"Ptilloilp famse. notalrelitty cilowded. -- - Ul% now easily obtainable. ported flndtn,q the court house offices - =
. The fire insioran" nn county pro- in good condition. The registry office SE 8 = i
� (a) It to butil-se as wnpkyw. state nurnbeir of employs" perty Is as follows, all in good re- was only in fair condition and required = - I
(b) Ifiloarmloyes.statensilk% businessand addireesof putab)e companies, with premiums more attention, The purchase of a = = �
(0) It fillkhob vdw"rY 10104okV. ftft Pam of SwAty served. paid : Court House. 81%000 ; jail, small table was recommended for D. = Now Opea, fop gusiness I �
I&CM 810,000: jail residence, $2,000. House Macdonald's offlee. Tile jail was clean = =
. WW = ;=Mh=b11,.= ,,qo�
It- State POU"It" Of tak If you hm you V" Vw doold stlive bed? caiiiialty dol of Refuge, $18,000 : Hous of and well kept. or the five prisoners M We have the a I
(a) Tht& or pqsftlon? n e Rlfugne -[x months and _
co tents, $2.000 ; barn, $1.500, il, two were confined for s � =
I (h) Dwell, downs or certmomot I I& to Ive contents, &W ; F gs lit a few dayA Avnuld he moved to Bur- - . =
- (4) 901110161b2i"W fulgIme siseyloil !!W raft"wilitV M"Ill"11 4nall outbuildin al: wash prison, anti three for three a
- - $400 ; contents of do., OW ; tot - =
I 40M 4W Z h4w wila il-W am GNAWS and that they an b" 410 000 months. Mirchase of it doAen new a 'Chevrolet Agency = I
The * school accounts were found lamps, Iwo feet of hocip. eight pairs Of )
. . correct. pants and about 12 pairs or* braces, =
I also half ,,% dozen small palls was re- =
I JusitoGiL The finance committee reported on = t".
� 11 . � I � I - Sis"aflall � of � _ Aommendo an(L-litat lbo,bath to bV . . Six new Cars just unloade,d. .iR I I
. " k-v�. I I I --- " I A r"Cuntsi and -rmom:1rndPd-9V!t the � � � I .. . I I
I . treasurer's statement of estimated re- f(ainited white. The meat arrangement
4 0 eelptq and expenditures be accepted. )r the jail w" not satisfactory afid , . Our new Bowser Gasoline outfit gives only
. The amount 'to be raised for general should be looked into and w`P recom- ,
and other purposes Is $140 At re- mend that It be left in the hanidilvot Pure 0asollne. � -M I
ProcMure of Registration 3ulring at rate of 3 3-10 m Is on the the chairman. Also that the i t6i't - -
I offtee he Insured. We recommend that I
ODJM*2W,svvu,pemnreftd'ftlnCuwKl%mak'ortonw*,&"oranta,ofsbftmyawtarove4rnu*tattitnd ollar on our equalized assessment. Mr. Richard Delon Free Air from our new Lectroflater, I 0 11
Moved by Ntet!irs. Erwin and Mill- 'T be engaged as care� � . -
c" of the registration boatita lociAed in Me or her distrid. aud dmwe obwva " patitidurat wqg� below. tough that the auditors be requested taker of the cour house and registry =
to meet thp finance committee and office at the same salary as the late
Wheze to Res(ister How to Rftister --- report on the finances of tile coun caretaker. = A complete line of Tires and,. accessories. . --=
to . Moved by T%festsrs. McNabb and Spot- M . I .
E. Versou t"u =-w"!221110 a I
"IFY I 9; Cd IU otat"U" 61 retwftflon is Simple. lu -Caftled. - .
11119111ift billib"t, 'N I f ton that the windows and doors of a= . il
- W4 - 0120 hwkw "60119" upoft *q raliMmdon card tan be an~td I Tile ,ounell went into committee the court house be painted on the out-
III""- I U 61 a *0 t* t "so, but they atima Im anwered tmthh* the whole t 0 Sider the equalizatt n S E I
""W in prodanamill" V044 ft"Aft"*. = X on Thursdit; a' side and that the chairman of the
,� df'�ngbn- We are fully equipped 91
71s Wd sim" in t6 g6$&A&M 14 a fatswAoii It wols moved y fessrs. Erwin and county property committee attettl to )
* (sattake. Aim adverfillesnant , Hackett that the equalization bo the this matten-Carried. N I
4#110" the "r4 for mit"-sopeaft fa stioutor O&W. . &ILMO as last year. On Thatsday evening Mr. S. B, Sloth- = for all repair work I 1
36* the 4"atibne ftrde* 66 " V" W10 10 " to, "~ them Wh" treckwhiq. If you have I Moved In amend ent by MessM Mc- Or% District Agricultural Representa- ME .
. � �, i spedd mom M""=Ilya eo*gq IN aMe c&w line = ! Nabb and Powell gat this counell ap- tive, was present and ortelly addiessed - .
. I
I , I
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1 6w feel "~ serv"s wouM be 116 the council rc�gardlng "k-ork coming
I 1. :11*6& 60 W I I point a eommittee or three to equalize )
11 -----11--§ . under Ills supervision, I
W104 an we b*Vs1W to 1r*W" cia R64W b wwwww ww-b the assessment of the county of Huron.
" .al-, "d *4 to h" "' if * 11 �qxr Radig,ft"al, 04" to ill" I The motfQn carried. = %
, --- " *k ie" . 'PA" - 0 it is "t - , V 66 40"amnent I Moved by Dr. Clarke, seconded by 0 Autos for Hire I
-60" is - 2t&.1.. I I TOO MZANY JAILS BUT WE -,HOULI) Mr. Laporte that the oilleers of the . �11
� 2U4 *1 thakJ* _ Aft" at a O)MA 61 11saidutues, Al% aft 60 6214 106111101411, them 611 irltst Rattation, having presented a � .1
----'I ,,,, aw 1. 11 loileeo*A� �
1. U004 4- It ' HAVE A ,CHlLDnF.N`S AHRLTER W /
. . - ---- photo of themselves to the county the 2
I . .. 1���tftlLk-lg4k-j_� � -§--.,r-,6*--, � :�� ,7 11, L "It --A ;&� . - - - ". I
I W44WWRr-9 A*A0*WVAVVWW. MIW7 - The w.port of the e0mmittet) a.ppo nt- same be aero,pted , and hung In Ahf�
r � -- -7- ---.-!-4'*WA -41��p oloe"aft. county, bulldifts. 4'.arried. I �
I * t, . I 7 I ed to confer with nleo Count as to E . �
. . � it, ie ' folimm. ing b ylaw'; worp ronad = - To M. D"IS �
I** - . I . $661i*W**A6***0 co", & ing a Joi I drOO e tot. for T11 . 4 I" �� I
. I lgalkhftafim 86AW il A- It A .. a #h-%. 4im(;% -,%nd n-3pzpA : = I ;
. I - I . � I �� 1 , olk . U I;Vulu —, QL14 A I � 0 UVA" OUPOM Willi=11SI11110111`1 1
"(,,,,% .rrrr 9� .11 --- 1111111-1- I'll. -11 -11-11.1-1--- ... � - , "" � - - `�.r . ,,� ,,.,.�l:".94-.I.�-I'l".."'�""r"r'.'.' . ., I . or the M,11ittuall of all ,No. 4 --To equalize the assesgment. I
. '16A, . I 11 � 11 r � f lintiois , .
'. . - 11� I . , % � "' :', " I ,�,'x,, . .11.111,111. --11 I"...."... 11.�, �"":",Il,-"",,�l,,-,,,-,,,,,,,,,,�,�,l�l,'���.,:-�r�.. � .. 1.,.r'rr -11 -1 I I 1. �rrr - r 'r NW I I L ill i .
.. I - - ' �� 11 whs that the prevallill i No. 5� Tlro%ldina for the Provincial 1 25 1 4 . - , " 1.�
I r I 11 . I'll .- ,i o ton wtis , i , ; ... �
, --------
� � I �� I ,� . I. . I . I . 11 . �,- � I ;,- --,- � 17 that a joint ght,lter- %%,oil 6 c, Jnpr,loU- war Va of I mill . on the dollar. I 0110111 I 11minfliffl. fla *'� �lmilillillililillill�".iiiiiii - , � .
I I I I 1. i I I I . . I -1
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ol "I'll, - - , .I- Ai A I '� , . I — , - .
����iiiiii 2�� a� -- - -- �.. , �& - .. , A.&—millilli. Atd.&, - .., --- I 1eA-.A �
i Ko . wkmw,A--AWft. I I