HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-07, Page 8I V �3 b �e SERVAN 'HORDE H Ong% STOnr CER. IVE Moot "Oporut Re wtis Vmp Greateattle WO -will he, pleased to . have 3rou, C411 And inspect our special line-4ofSoods. V44-reil RaV* Not Jte,�U AMP. to mi* jois" Qsltim- centres. Towels, D ShM ca PiRows, 116alLts, Pan# LO xn Rwy to USA kws P Awis, 4JA& last i6lado it can 409� Blouses. White Wear, in ladie6' tut the enismy gatned no , riffit olo. opt says Route Is and Childs' sizes, Towels, Pil- ,2vVoode,,,t it, French b low Blips, bonnets, etc, "On hl; w"tward-facins fron T16D Unen Fringes and L%ces, the directlioA 0 f parw. wborsi=�g for.triminfug edges of centres, searfs sad cushions. is"birlueT'ho Submay4ne By MISS S. NOBLE HATFIELD Rev. hir. Darting IS aEtendin etho- _g �Nlg dist Conference at Walkerville. NIr A. E. Erwin went to Goderich on Tuesday to attend county council. Mr. Richard Smith went to London Monday h, see her son, Roy, who !'(soderich, Huron's Golden Cate" loso'serioiij,,ly ill fit St. juseptils lIoApI_ Mr. lltdwrt liaile�, or the S -t-ling BENHILLER Bank Starr, 1-119alillon, spent Sunday ''Last Sunday Councillor Curry, of an't Nivi-iday \\jth his mother in the the Nile, spoke very well tit Denmiller "'age - and Zion church in the Interest of the 11ev. A. MeFarlane left (in Wedn"_ e1116,10po systere, Ida) ft)r Lundtal to altend the general Last wedni-sday [he Zion church 4 tile Presbyterian church f, -lds met at Mr. and Mrs, Jacob �'r (;anjj;la. 0 r',,4 and presented Pte Ijarvey, Mr. and Mrs. Will. 1`%ans left (in with a 116oket leistament, a pair \lwmay for Toronto, vnvre tfil!) in- l4rY brushes and fk Shaving set 1 Wnd -,veliding a nionth \\itf, tllt�jj. ..d evening was spent. jdaughter, Mrs. Jas. Ganwron. Wednesday Den.larnin Allin, son Rev Will. Ifinde left (in TuesdaN fm* and Mrs. Joshua Allin, wai '111alliv.,vide, having recej%ej it jljt-�_ hadly InJured In a run away. 1 -age that Ills Son -ill -la\\, �Nlr. liect aw set In and hc died Wedues- littriner, had been killi-d in all accidt,ot. d; June 5th, having suffered great Air. and Mrs. Rogers, of DeLrolt, fill -,#- 14& Mr. and Mrs. Allin and f3rallAirrhed to spend a fv%\, vyecks In the hit t file sincere sympathy of the on- 111age and haNc tahell one, (or tjjf� tll,-- community. Misses Hankin'sl vottages (;it Hill Ter - Last Thursday evening the Zjorj�\ race. chureh friends met at..the home of Mr. I Mrs. herilledy all(] Nirs. Nevell and and Nirg. lOrpatrick to give pip. Rus- hiltirt,ri, of London. caint, up ()o sat- Kirpatrick a serid off. A pleasant urday to spend tile ott),itli ()f June and .11lusloall evening was spent and Ple,�are occuPtltig Dr. Partridge's Cuttagp hl"Patrick was Presented with a poir,ket In "bake Side ParL." to-billnent. military brushes and a 8413%111tr set. These boys have file hebt WiAl- 1-f tile neighborhood. BELFAST Framed Pictures Nlr and Mrs. Alf. Shcrv�oad Ni,,tted Cnwe friends last week, Mr. and Mrs. John II,,Arhf.tj \1�it,d Nil, friendi one day last week. Serving Trays -A John Agar, who lies heen ill forl kaiv, iN -,ery low at presprit. I od Mrs. E. Taylur and fallilly. Miffors ld 1�4st -D A -choice assortment, v Y ta's roniatiand slitit, ery Ca 1: n Mr. and Airs. will. Sllel-xN (),,d FI 1"', i suitable for wedding gifts. Ali��­ fiani,aN, t)r f,on4j,)jl, i, \j�,itlug, I VMT-1her-sistvir at Mrs. Wtil. tit 11T.'s"Ilt� Will. Qh0r\\,Pod lisited \\Itll Ill, 4111TI�jIllel', .1, j\jcN%'n Ine.,Y 'i r,,\,\ What better present can be h"I \\O,t , k. I 1,"tt', S. A� held '4111111al ple- given than a neatly framed Ilk ll ll�jrt kilter( last w,_dnesd,,\ �kll l"If'.-Vt 'A SPI-111(if'] time. Picture ? f- 'J'Aji�sflay' M-OD1119 a gathering met at It- hoilut, 4tf Mr, Wil,on lr\.,ill r(ol. th.� Of "taking a presentation to a number of young men whoua ', Come in and look around. c,' " to) thO wfl-'s In 1his draft, ill ne- 13. P41111cC IIANIII. Walter Altuu� ljitjac Ni- it The 3,,ung nlen %\tTt, presented t No obligation to buy. \V I � 1 watches. Rev. h1r. Bridgette and All li-, Larte were present anti ga\e rt,.,ses, Eirter %%flich a Itulch %\ at, `d- Our best wishes go vtith our s wll() are called It, Ilght for our ct-ontry and our frepdoru. �1 Smith's Apt Stope East stmt Fill oil GODERICH TOWNSHIp B. TAPE ffl! Tho' Taylor's Corner Patriotio So- ViOtY will hold a soNvJng meeting tit N The Singer Sewing Machine tj the home, of Afts, Waf. McCiibe 'On IN to it' Agent, has taken Over the Ri I June Q. CARLOW agency of the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Robertson and in iN W daughters, Dorothy and F. Christine, OR lisit,iff the forffver'q brother, Lester, IR jW and skier, Miss Nitipy I Interhational Harvester @R Robertson, at IN a NiOgalra Falls, Ont.. atill also Niagara IF j �'alls, N. Y. The outing was enJgyed N Company very much. IN IN RAMIRO IRMt GODERICH MARKETS. (013tidde Adarket Reporta on page a) and will handle both lines WhOSt ................................. 2 00 to 9 06 ON Flour, GOV4161114 standard ... 5 74 to a 80 F1our,P6i6*t.,,ftmIiy 75 to 8 76 IF FARM MACHINERY ud perton .................. all 00 to 88 00 Shorts, per ton � . ............ 41 00 to 42 00 SINGER SEWING MACNINES Oatll ...... ........................... 0 7B to 0 so (9 lhrlay .............................. I go to 1 23 N a Pakis per bushel ............... 9 So jo 9 10 (if A tair sha'? a BU6 WOM ....... ....... � 1 75 to 1 85 ti of the public pat- a A ROY- -:­ .. . . . . ................ 12 00 to 14 00 ronalge will be appreciated Billow �r pr* 1b-D&Ir7 0 SS tb 0 S7 ......... . . oo.ft W 0- at m6MWM butchera Jjt00 to 1100 I bumhore 6holoe ..0, 00 SO 14 00 ht ..... . ...... 41160 60 1130 1b..................... 0, an to 0 $8 I 01ftr ............... 040 4004o I Per ......... 1 00 Nown"P. ............... ............ 1400 CA S T 0- Ono" I A It pays A* hfir, and Ciftdrea to Pay 1nV**iF*P0V*r30Y"r* P Alw%boars4g�� We will havegmas at reduced prices every day b�6jdft We Under the the cash. a share dthe. FOIS11 gustlihitA 4by the merchan,t-s tbrolugh bid, �� AeW, We can prove by our prices that our pres. elh t system P%% .rim *;i�. C06AM WA as, H W"n rtmova from our POIttr*43 AnY t4lopOltUry blernish thst may be P*Vwititlua you from hilkVing V* ''P60togiatih made t6dohy, We Do N9 66 LqW" TV FELL rb T P ,.on Thiffl: 'wn A Tremendous 0 argaiff List fop Saturday and Next Week Because they have too heavy stocks of some of them in Petervoro; because the quantities of some here are too small to make It worth while moving them ; because some of the lines do not IF It in with what the Peterboro store Sells - for one reason or another, we find there are a numberl of things'we cannot very well take with us to Paterboro. That moAps we must sell them herc, and Saturday morning we Put everything of that kind on Sale at pitices that 'ought to sell them within the next few days. Here is the list. Read- It careful[ l. Prices are good Saturday' morning and until the goods aire sold. y We Cannot Take These Suits, ThaLop Inflilt 611 fil 2doz d- VJ 9q 77� day that it was going to be im- Two Misses, Serge Coats, navy. to Petuboro PU t FOOPo- Valenciennes Insertion, our up.= card". nue--dozen-.yards. Regular 600 per dozen. Saturday Rug- A Quality that will stand no end These are vtr y nest garments of ex - possible to produce any kind of tionally of bard wear, Small conventional N9 15. -Two Veranda Rugs. one special, 2 cards for ............... 25c green. one brown. Heavy Japanese There are 14 Of them left For there.is a big Stock there. Lengths Corset Cover Em - NO. 1-4. One only Veranda Rug, si z ' 0 to sell, and they are 14 Suit That is the reason for these No. 7. One Brussels Rug, high qualttY. Si26 3X3j yards. New da -sign, strong cambric, very attractive pattertais, Saturday special Der Bargains that 14 people are low prices Saturday morning. broidery, 39c 100 Remnants of Embroidery going to kilit.before we close the NO.I.A. 3 ends ([7nion Carpet. One price ...................... "I ........... $12 45 are. All are good staple styles, One Ladies' Navy Serge Coat, pure wool and store. Brand new Suits, right 3 girls' black and white checked Re efers. sizes 6, 8, and 10 years. Sat- Corset Cover Embroidery, fine quality and good patterns. enough viece, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday at " up to date in Style. When we urday morning each ................. 54.71% in each length for tile garment, 9old by the piece Saturday morn. tell you that a leading Suit Girls' navv blue Reefers, made from perend ........ .. ..................... 39c Trimmed Hats, $2.95 Kiddies Hats Half Price manufacturer t(,!d us the other 11 wool serge, sizes 10 and 12 years. Slaturday each ........................... $5.98 Lace Pillow Shams, 32 Inches 77� day that it was going to be im- Two Misses, Serge Coats, navy. Rug. Sale price . ..... .................... $12.75 12 inch Flouncing, 23c No. 14. One Union Rug, size 3.,3& Rug- A Quality that will stand no end These are vtr y nest garments of ex - possible to produce any kind of tionally of bard wear, Small conventional N9 15. -Two Veranda Rugs. one Patteru� Size 3731 yards. $32,00 green. one brown. Heavy Japanese good quality. Regular 014.00. a good Suit to sell next fall for cSla'pturday morning either tot ...... $8.98 Grass. Size 9fc.x9 ft. Sale price...$7.75 12 in. Flouncing Embroidery, NO. 1-4. One only Veranda Rug, si z ' 0 ground. Size 3x3j ,Vards- A real bargain at .............. sig.So less than $40-00, you will appre- One Misses'Tweed Sport Coat. Just No. 7. One Brussels Rug, high qualttY. Si26 3X3j yards. New da -sign, strong cambric, very attractive pattertais, Saturday special Der green brown mixture. Regular $37.50. An undoubted bargain at ................ $28 SO All clearing Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.at Special Sale Prices. he thing for a knock -about garment. ciate just bow big these bargains 'splendid style, Saturddy morning $8.98 100 Remnants of Embroidery yard .................................... 23c NO.I.A. 3 ends ([7nion Carpet. One price ...................... "I ........... $12 45 are. All are good staple styles, One Ladies' Navy Serge Coat, pure wool and ........ No- 9. One only Rag Rug. size 6 ft.x Wash Trimming Braids, 5c 9ft. Blue shades with white border. Sale price only viece, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday at " splendid style. Regular $20.00. good for next fall or next Saturday morning .................. $14.75 spridg's wear if you need oue. Wash Trimming Braids, splen- TL 9old by the piece Saturday morn. One Ladies',Covert Cloth Coat. This did ing at ...... Special Bargain Prices Trimmed Hats, $2.95 Kiddies Hats Half Price is a spleadid general purpose garatent. GARMMM Here is the list Regular $27.50. Saturday morning.... variety of attractive patterns for trimming children's dresses, Lace Pillow Shams, 32 Inches V, .................. ............................. $1950 Ope black, two navy and oia� fast colors, per yard ............... 5 c If YOu have a small window or one you are One Black Serge Stilt. Reg- One Ladtes' Black Corded green Serge Suit. Regular $22 50 ular $35.00. Saturday morning Si One Black Moire Silk Coat. to $24,00. Saturday moriling ally lk Coat. A really bealtiful gar- One of the best only Veiling, 19C Season, So Jay in a supply now. An extra bargain at per pair ... 2Sc ................................. $24.75 m garments we have. of the four for.... $14. 75 exit. Saturday morning ... $15.75 Saturday morning only... $19.75 selling. S5.00v $6.00 and 96.50 straw and cotton. Everything I would be the real value of these not particular about, YOU Can buy a shade for It here on Saturday. 25 odd Blinds Two nav-y blue Serge S One navv and one sand Serge nits, excellent quality. RegularS2500 Suit. These are high class Still Some Shantung Silk 48c Sill' Veilings in colors and wbite, regular up to 50c. Saturday 14, 1 41 gartal Saturday morning only ...... $17*75' ents. the best we have. $37-50 and 638.5o at and Habutai Silk at 95e� Yard wide Natural Shantung Silk, at special per yard ..................... 19c tot quick se -1114, SUltlit 16 f0 Waists, for trimtows for ROXW&r was the price. One Navy Suit, regular $32.00. Sat Saturday morning you can take urday morning ............ $22.75 per yard .............................. 48c Yard wide Japanese Habutai Silk, black or white, per yard... ...... 95c All these we would title they 90 00 Sale, bholce of the 15 urday morning take your choice for only Some of the Blinds are slightly damaged bought for of equal quality, either of them for. � .......... $27-50 cleared before we go. We Do Not Want Per pair ................. ........... Embroidery Insertion, 2 V, to Take The'se Few Rugs With Us 23 Raincoats that Cannot Go yards for 5c Not a to .,great many Rugs left to sell but every one a big bargain. Peterboro Good Embroidery Rose to list another weeks sell. No. I. Green Axminster Rug, No. 10. One only Rag Rug 9 ft.xio tt. English make, heavy 4uality. seamless. 61a. Light blue That means that 23 People needing Rain- quality In - gertion. a dozen or more splendid patterns. regular 10c, Saturday price to correspond. The rern- ground with chintz a Worth !iwicc the money. Saturday. border. A handsome Rug and very coat can get a bargain. Some Monday or Tuesday, only $26.so Pop - morning 2 yards for .................. 5c ......... _ plain serviceabIst, A bargain at only ...... $10.00 No.2, Good quality Brussels Rug, ' lins, some the Popular and fashionable No. 11. One only Rag Rug, light size 3 X 3 yards. Soft green shades heliotrope shade with border. Size Tweeds. With a little -gold Wide Embroidery, 15c pattern. Clearing at 9 ft.x12 ft. A decided hargain at ... $12.50 ............ _1.1-1 .............. 3.PoWin and Pal raw etta Coats; onto at $10-00 for $5.00; No. No. 1�, one' only tan Rag Rug. Size one Fine- Cambric and Nairmook at $12.00 for $6.00. 3. One Bra",els Rug, size 3 x 9 ft.x12 ft. Sale price ....... ........... S13.50 3% Vards. Small brown pattern suita, 10 Tweed and Poplin Coats. Embroidery, very attractive pat - terns. 5 to 7 Inches wide, Sfttor- garments of excepti ble for any room. a rhese Rag Ru�s are splendid for beo.- style and splendid wearing qualities. Worth very Splendid wearing mou cill rooms. NV _M stand no eind of ha' -rd wear, ' more than this special 4 qualitY- Special Sale price day morning -per yard..;..; ....... 15c clearing price. saturdav plorning, .......... .SI6.zs and these Sale Prices are wonderfully loi�'. choice No. 4. One Brussels Rug. This is No. 13. One Wool Rug 3x3j yards. Children's Raincapes in fawn ............ $8 98 rather an odd size, 6 ft. 19 in,x 10 ft.,61n. Nice soft Shade of blue with small lined hoods. navyorree., with silk Two tone green Very Fine Insertion, 10c Saturday morning ea� ground with small white pattern. A beautiful bed -r oin h ..................... 82.45 floral petteria. Regular 525 00 1, 0 Ir . qua ty. For Sale ... ..... ............................. $16.00 Rug. Sale price . ..... .................... $12.75 No. 5. 011e only clerk tan Brussels No. 14. One Union Rug, size 3.,3& Rug- A Quality that will stand no end yards, brown mixture. Sale Price ... $6.29 of bard wear, Small conventional N9 15. -Two Veranda Rugs. one Patteru� Size 3731 yards. $32,00 green. one brown. Heavy Japanese quality. For clearance marked ...... $19.2.5 Grass. Size 9fc.x9 ft. Sale price...$7.75 No. 6. One Brussels Rug. in oriental pattern, fawn NO. 1-4. One only Veranda Rug, si z ' 0 ground. Size 3x3j ,Vards- A real bargain at .............. sig.So 6 ft.X12"ft. Brown Shades. Sale Price .............................................. $7.50 No. 7. One Brussels Rug, high qualttY. Si26 3X3j yards. New da -sign, No. 37 Halt dozen or more odd Veranda Rugs, small and medium size. green brown mixture. Regular $37.50. An undoubted bargain at ................ $28 SO All clearing Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.at Special Sale Prices. No -8. One only Brussels R.Ig Ott. gin. 100 Remnants of Embroidery x9ft. Small design. Special Sale NO.I.A. 3 ends ([7nion Carpet. One price ...................... "I ........... $12 45 containtiabout 16 )ards. The..others ........ No- 9. One only Rag Rug. size 6 ft.x have25fo35yardsin each. We will sell them, bv the piece or half 9ft. Blue shades with white border. Sale price only viece, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday at " ..... I .......... ................. $7.9� Bargain Prices. TL 9old by the piece Saturday morn. etY ne Embrolderyinser. tion I in. to 4 in. wide. Some very We Do Not Want to Take Any Millinery V 7 prettv patterns, in the lot. Satur� t - I Rather day morning, S�p'eejal per yd... 10c to Peterboro-, and remnants. Everything we have in stock In Table of Embroidery Buy it now for next season and YOU Will save money. These the wav of short ends goes 011t in the basement Saturday morning. Remnants I alre all splendid bargains. Fanq Lace lns�rtiolss 5c Saturday and next week will be a goo(I time to buy your suni- marked at priee-4 that should sell 100 Remnants of Embroidery At 25c per Pair and Insertions. These are all mer Hat, for we want to empty the show-roorn completely if it is Aj,". Mill ends of 2 1-2 yards. Widths Y LadieS' Lisle Hose, black or white, seamless feet and full run from 2 in. to 10 tn. or 12 in. possible at all to do it. Short Lengths of BlindlCloth 9old by the piece Saturday morn. Z fashioned. spliced heeis and toos. ing at ...... Special Bargain Prices Trimmed Hats, $2.95 Kiddies Hats Half Price Ends of Linoleum and Oil. Lace Pillow Shams, 32 Inches all SIM08- YOU "I PaV We per pair for stockings like, these next cloth I 15 now Hats, trimmed special. IY for Saturday and next week's Kiddies' ready-to-wear Hat's If YOu have a small window or one you are ere is a L01 Of Hosiery we Would Much We Do Not Want to Take Any Millinery Final clearing Sale of Linol. eum Oilcloth t - I Rather Sell Here' to Peterboro-, and remnants. Everything we have in stock In Buy it now for next season and YOU Will save money. These the wav of short ends goes 011t in the basement Saturday morning. per yard ........................ 23 alre all splendid bargains. Fanq Lace lns�rtiolss 5c Saturday and next week will be a goo(I time to buy your suni- marked at priee-4 that should sell IMies' extra quality heavly At 25c per Pair Silk Boot Hose 54c mer Hat, for we want to empty the show-roorn completely if it is itlietat before night. Bargains in Silk and Cham- Y LadieS' Lisle Hose, black or white, seamless feet and full Ladles' Silk Ankle Elose. splendid wearing quaity, white or possible at all to do it. Short Lengths of BlindlCloth Fine quality silk Mittens. Splendid amrtment of good color- Z fashioned. spliced heeis and toos. black at per pair ..................... 34c Trimmed Hats, $2.95 Kiddies Hats Half Price 'r, It Lace Pillow Shams, 32 Inches all SIM08- YOU "I PaV We per pair for stockings like, these next Buy These For Next Winter 15 now Hats, trimmed special. IY for Saturday and next week's Kiddies' ready-to-wear Hat's If YOu have a small window or one you are t"g Kid GlOve% Ill sek or t". P -6911111V $2.150 'And 11.75. A1191INCIONXIagatillierpair $1.39 Season, So Jay in a supply now. An extra bargain at per pair ... 2Sc RibbedCashmere Hose, ladies' selling. S5.00v $6.00 and 96.50 straw and cotton. Everything I would be the real value of these not particular about, YOU Can buy a shade for It here on Saturday. 25 odd Blinds ........................ I The 33c Hosiery sizes, also sorne with double knees for girls or boys wear. stylish ll&ts. Saturday morning stock selling at 40c or over. Sat- and Short lengths of Blind Cloth. aind at thb sale pries are away below What OtdlufrY Glovft can be tot quick se -1114, SUltlit 16 f0 Waists, for trimtows for ROXW&r Not more than enough or Stockings it wal pay you to buy they 90 00 Sale, bholce of the 15 urday morning take your choice for only Some of the Blinds are slightly damaged bought for of equal quality, Up t40 $2.50. lea pricis per yard ... .................... Per pair ................. ........... these 83c black and white Lisle now and put' away for next ....................... ... $2.95 for ........................... 11alf price but we will make the Rose to list another weeks sell. winter Special In rice 0- -11 price to correspond. The rern- ing- They are an exceptionally good Stocking. splendid wearing qualities. all sizes to he had now at per pair ........................... 33C Here is an Extra Bargain French Silk Lislo Hoge and Italian silk Lisle Hose at Mir pair only .............................. i�c We can only give you this f3bodking In black. They are fine sheer make with spliced beels Ati& tom A perfect summer StOOking. Fastcolors and splen. did Wearing quality. We have only 120 iWrg to sell and do not want to take them with us. Saturday morning they Re. on Sale at per pair only ..................... 47,; These are a bargain ot the first class. we have left, per pair ............ 43c These Small Sizes For 25c Small Sizes In childrens Cash. me- Hoole. 534 is the largest we have. Plain or ribbed. tTo-days orice is 50o or 60e per pair. We have too many of these so are clearing them out at per pair. 25c Holeproof Hode $4.15 per box The f1sed Standard prio,­ ig 54,50 tier 114-N of 3 pai­. The% file tile ntandard Hole -proof tunt. ity sith; and can be had in blo6cig, white and some colors. With each box YOU get the makers guarantee. Special for Saturday and next week. per box 'of .3 pairs .................. ............. _$4. 15 nants we will Sell at less than They stand for dozens of others i ust as - 10 Pieces Muslin, Voiles and fancy Half Value. There will be Bar. good, that you wifl find at the store. gains. Come for them Wrapperefte) 12Yc per yard ........................ 23 Fanq Lace lns�rtiolss 5c Still a List of Good Sh"es 4 ends Wrapperette Suitable IMies' extra quality heavly for waists or kimonas. Saturday Lam IlasftfAou, I In. to 2 In. wide. Regitidar up to 2 in Ni"as, Bargains in Silk and Cham- morning, special per yard... 12y2c Striped Repp, 31c yard. Clearing at per Fine quality silk Mittens. Splendid amrtment of good color- oisette Gloves that ought to bring you hdre t4or anv Gloves you ............................. Extra quality ChamolsesW Gloves, Lace Shams, 15c 'r, It Lace Pillow Shams, 32 Inches -Ant- 1 white or grey. yer pair ............................... _.age neat stripe effect, splendid for suits or skirts, Saturday square. Good quality lace slid t"g Kid GlOve% Ill sek or t". P -6911111V $2.150 'And 11.75. A1191INCIONXIagatillierpair $1.39 prloe per YSA ............ 1-69C 11114we Neh at 4& attractive patterns. Saturda morning each Highest grade Chamoisette Gloves, black or grey . ................... $1.07 Maws Suit or Chamoisette pe yard .................................... ........................ I Nets and Allover Laws. go on a bargain tabe SMurd&V mo n Ladies' 811k Gloves, black or white .............. 63C Gloves, white only per pair .... 63c Musifins and Voiles, 23c aind at thb sale pries are away below What OtdlufrY Glovft can be tot quick se -1114, SUltlit 16 f0 Waists, for trimtows for ROXW&r . j twetv Item Itere is an undoubtod bargain. I 1 They stand for dozens of others i ust as - 10 Pieces Muslin, Voiles and fancy good, that you wifl find at the store. Cotton Dres� Goods, regular values up t* Me, 6aturday morn- ing per yard ........................ 23 Fanq Lace lns�rtiolss 5c Still a List of Good Sh"es Glove B"ains IMies' extra quality heavly Lam IlasftfAou, I In. to 2 In. wide. Regitidar up to 2 in Ni"as, Bargains in Silk and Cham- weight, pure Silk Gloves, per pair Striped Repp, 31c yard. Clearing at per Fine quality silk Mittens. Splendid amrtment of good color- oisette Gloves that ought to bring you hdre t4or anv Gloves you ............................. Extra quality ChamolsesW Gloves, One end only White Repp, Long Kii Gloves At $1.39 tn left to sen. Regular 11.25. ;Ms e -Ant- 1 white or grey. yer pair ............................... _.age neat stripe effect, splendid for suits or skirts, Saturday t"g Kid GlOve% Ill sek or t". P -6911111V $2.150 'And 11.75. A1191INCIONXIagatillierpair $1.39 prloe per YSA ............ 1-69C 11114we Neh at 4& Children's black Gloves, pair .................................... per Ise Highest grade Chamoisette Gloves, black or grey . ................... $1.07 Maws Suit or Chamoisette pe yard .................................... Th"a Gloviiia can be ewoy cut doWn to wrist length Nets and Allover Laws. go on a bargain tabe SMurd&V mo n Ladies' 811k Gloves, black or white .............. 63C Gloves, white only per pair .... 63c Chiffon, 39c aind at thb sale pries are away below What OtdlufrY Glovft can be tot quick se -1114, SUltlit 16 f0 Waists, for trimtows for ROXW&r I ..................... L#Aes' ftne quality 131.1k Gloves In black, white and gome colers. 18 iisch Neb. 15c White and WrIa Note, suitable Pure Silk Chiffon in white or bought for of equal quality, Up t40 $2.50. lea pricis per yard ... .................... Per pair ................. ........... for WXIM or trimmings. is inches wide, per yard .............. Ise colors, double told, Sato morning ptr yard ................. As we near the end of this great "Leaving Goderich". Sale, we find many small quantities that sim ly must be sold before we go. These never get into the papers but they gro on, the bargain counter every day marked at prices that mean qulilct clearance. Visit the store evety day you have dry goodsi buVing to (To, in fact every day; it will pay yon well during the last few days of the sale. DIRECT IMPORT11"s DERICH ODGENS BROS, (3o Is, ZI