HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-07, Page 6WINES I
pop I
, I 'I JI30C 7# 19*6
OMM-00, vsMVad.. lu,"' 10,30 KIPPEN
ip the home of Mrs,, John D:fyMi0a.
WMAN HORDE HALTE� "ilro" f"in' Par* to Xforift'ity- Miss matiel Whiteman. of Toronto Many attended the South Huron 4, -un- EVERY H40ACHE
Blir-lo-Dritic, Toal vas borliet last week vialtijis her par-' i1doal School Convention In, Grealtou tile
borne this veek for a few days visiting
ant" Nr lust. All speak highly ot it.
as- 09,m0orn, Auk ents in tile village.
Mrs. Jno� Dasumn was down lit Us, HAS A 14BANI
If be Qvirmans Should au
MostHopoful Reports Onom the W. The Lev. Jnfj. Hart and Mr. and Ntrb. �00-1-Ts-,
ottlax 'it they wiu ma- FRO, -
suce"d In,
torwily tatterfoxv. with the trous-
L. pi, Madden. of Brucelleld, were down her only living sister, wra. Williams,
,"Ing fr weel, -, who If #Lemra il Q-qc practice mg "APPY -A" STYLISH
60"Vitialk -911 the Freach reserves lends, one day fast Mr. Siltirr, of -PoptP�err% has- Leagg darrilm
Own 410agetbe thr"llotled front. Mr. Robert Brownlee is In Walker- been visiting his idece. Mrs.'(Dr.) Ait- ons, than neglecting AAC44sche alto.
0*brom Aut Teoton T ken, for some days, has returned home. gctu.e!rj 4 is taking drugs simply to
Vor "Wove'sot ae,-p Awo,91 Germans by reaching the ville as doiegate from the Varna cir-
V0 il'ouno ProgrVo � All Marise advap"d 20. mile# trom. their cuit to tile London Methodist Confer- Mrs, Win. Ivison is also JIL Her numbithepitin. Ifes4achesarevatum's A
oeri,,* A" *mlivisiIii: Ia CulltiflUe with US for a number of They tell of a function overtaxed or
starting polikt on the Allot1to In four ence. Al- many friends hope Ate may rally and wait =0490 and ft"c a Useful Purpooe- Arms, rong's
Mr. Henry flyelonan, (if Cal derangetland the wise man or wommus
limse days, land afre now within 411, milsi of yearb.
Nooao� *am& %14", Of Battle 1W Paris In Is, straight line. 63 by the berta, is here visiting Ills mother lit takets
*410vikod so Two. guaranW a perfect fit, Sejj 'af;r range of fine
railrZd. In 1914 they reached the howe of fit., brother-in-law, Jr. Mrs. Waters and her grauddatki5liter, We
Meux, near the junct(on -let the 11"IJ, Parsons. Miss Waters, Drayton, are spending a wbizutho"neysalrevot fabrics fdr Spring wear. We will make Suits, Overcoats.
LONW-4; Jilus a this " i- pleasant visit in tile home of Mr. R. their haturall function the III nod a Separate Parts. whatever you want. that will have the dis-
vigbra Curm and the U ruo, whiCh is #5 Dr. Rogers' many friends, In H. Persons. become* clogged with ivapairities—A
"*n is *4*1 okw boverul Ones tug 141 a nearer the capital.
tor the drxt 11though It is holireved that the cinity are pleased to hear that he has Nfr. Gpu. Taylor, vvho has been in fridtful cause of headaches. cOnstaut tinctive appearance classy tailoring gives. Get your Tailoring
returned. to Brucefield. where they call st Jobeph'h hospital, London, fur headaches, and more serious cqwpiaints, at Armstrong's'and y.ou witl be well dressed,
_ap U"d, up
V It can bs Nalid German Crown Prinee A isecuro his cervices when needed. some weeks, is reported to be improv. if natuire's warning Is not heedetL
t1111104 11146107 X111111111144 no ground all his own reserves and oil tbqw Im.
44111111AS (40 4jW r " says uAters- cor. misillately available, the rosorvas of t*jIss Moore, of London, hilent the Ing rapiffly lately. The sufferer feels sluggish, unwilling,
aim$ 9
ond%it *11th rreueb beifoquliirteris van Gallwitz's army ess. ab !week -end with tier brother, Will. Mr Wilhain Horney am] Dr. Aitken to work. the bacl; aches and there is III Re d. Armstpon
and Verdus. can still be dr*wXk upon, tMoore, of this village. Her old friendo are the latubt to purchase cars In this dizzy iscusation on stooping. If the McLean Block South Side of Square
loolang bu well. neighborhood, the former buying a cause of the trouble ij unchecked
"'Olt I Westwixti-facthg trout, lit as well as those of Dukae Albrecht jAre pleased to see het
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Swollen join;;
the direction of Parls, where attack of Wurtemburg, further t the east, Mrs. Henry 1\ ison raine home last Ford eat, and tile latter a Chevrolet. I
.444 A.-unter,,,attack tollowett ith whille the extensive German concen. week after spending a pleasant %vevk Mr. and Mrs. Sterling McPhail and and Ankles follow, until Gin Pills are
W little daughter of P,�rter's Hill.' motor- resorted to and the Kidney action
�qiWk succession Until late in the trattioum still stand On the Amleux riovith tier daughter, Miss (;riotta, wl 0 ed do"n n thoir no,w car this week restored to normal. The Poe of Indiffestion.—IncilgestJon
Oterl-pon, thirl German gains were at front is toaching in it mission beltuol In to �,,e Is a common ailment and few. are free
Mrs. Mcphail's Inother, Mf8, The beauty of the Gin Pill treatment from it. It is a most distressing Colli- I
IcUt _ouuter-bxl4uced by French OpWon here seems to be Inc' %Wfl$ i Muncey. Wni. hison.
Alm, to the belief that the chan for a few weeks' visit front Victilria, the Rev. J. E. Jonc,, f Varna circuit, is that first It will in all probability plabit and often the suz�ering attending! Shoe R 'a"Ing
ce:). that i Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. I(ennard avp home Tile Hev. Dr. Rarnb�, of Lucau, and remove both headaches and cause; it
"In the centre the enemy bits ex- the Germans will turn suddenly and is most severe. Trie very TJ9
1p I best real-
t(We4d ti� frgz t $LL second, if there is no care. the simple e is hen
4. renew their blow on the went are be. d
jL_Q, where the"awe _succeaded_ _f_ _Ume� Pulpits '&!XL sialAa-y- -11 � lb- rem A _y Pills ta
-M __7?_(;Tke_Mir_Ai,' ;iflfeb is still 66unded' _i_0iiI4_ F8"-__ "GO -1i iti. I ____ --f
They are %eo inuch lit lo%e %%itlt their It flower service in Luran and Mr. edY-Okildodb9citu-tely-tibba" laccording to directions. They rectify SMITH,&--R4NG
Jones will Speah. you have only to write 130 rust 4ked Opposite Kneg QW6
14ALo. tomifst, -of Chateau Thierry govern his allotment of reserve to, I the manitfac the irregular :action of the stomach
radopte(I province. turers and your money will be refunded. and restore healthy action. F GIVE US A TRIAL
VAICIA was evacuated some days ago: various districts by Probabillitles, t Nit-. Edmund Morrison inot Nvith a 'or nuin
Mr. Win. Ivison, of New York is "ni� I
111lad V rneuiLl, among them the very great chance I, t painful accident on, da) last N%eek Gin Pills are sold at 5W. a box or 6 years they have beep a standard
home %isiting Ills Illotler, %%It sn
P-lay-efselles.. in the vicinity of that the Germans would begin a new 0 when the %%eigIll of t. o lifting door (if boxes for $2.50 on the money -back edy for dyspepsia and Indigestion and
Al ery %velf. Though (julte at old %%out- ADVERTIS114 JN T)�E STAR
Xt J VillAge French tropiRs Sunday drive to the west on the Somme. as v his garage fell and tw,,kv Ill., JiOulder guarantee. If you have any difficulty are highly esteemed for their qualities.
an yet tier man) friends holle
,�4 11 she may
Ah - broke up a violent German at- soon as his men in that quarter were blade. He L, inipro�ing [fleely it.,%%. in securing Gin Pills write for a free
h. � .—i Sonle ears loniii-1,
tr�, I. �a about 2 % rallies west Cho. withdrawn. Ith his possiollity sample to the National Drug_& Chemi- I
-On the horth side of the eliminated. he will be much reer to - The Re%. A. AV. Bro%%ti, of kirktpn, Miss Ediia DaNnian. or Nictidlop : cal Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, ot
t, -L I'lliterrY, preached lit 111-IlSall I"St "Und-Av and Miss Hoillhes, Of all -I Nil'Zi- to the U. S address, Na-Dru-Cio Inc.,
rlvi�r Marne. Troops of the German 1 act. i jjjt� or NI daines iirea%e, and or
Ck.,va Prince launched strong col- )tooh- the opportu g P, 202 Moin St., Buffalo. N Y.
1141114 to the direction of Meaux, 27 BrIthoh Conscript Fiarimers. Frank (wahant, %%ho is 'ven ill tie don, are % Isiting Nil, Hild .10P.S. -IdS.
tillex northeast of Paris on each side left out, stallion oil Monda) for a visit MCGI.NoWnt, Of tilt' %Iliagv. arid olliel.
LONDON, June 4.—The Ministry Buffill., berilre going Lot the Nietbo- friends ill this Nivlfnl�. -1 '. :, =,'M"'M�._ �
1) the road between Chkeau Thlerry of National Service has authorized to NJr, David K: 1 , \\as tak,,ii si,riipij,l� ,gm
aold the French capitall. the enlistment of 35,600 hitherto dist in Noi i� flier% ille. Ill . one daN last %\et:, and ion tile all -
0116 c9luma followed the north exempted men under 31 engaged in I Dr, Mary Johnston, is borne spending of ills pll�, k.j;ljj I,, bro
it ivt4i-"m+,d hOlidRy with Itor partInts,, , )rother,
_00k of thei-Martio, making for Cbsix- British agriculture and certain allied. monias, rejIl(,\Pd lilill t(, tilat
IY and Le Perte-soue-Jouarre. An- occupations. These men must join ur, Mr. arid Mrs. W. If. .1otinston. Site
other column went to the north Of by the end of June, after which there has just c-anpletvil it �t�flr as hiluse night, where lie was ticve,�rullN (,per -
ills high road, Pushing In the direc- %vIJI be no further recruiting of ex- surgeon lit Ow \V,mian'., If Isloital, atei , I on for apptondj(-iti,.
''M of the River Oureq. Both ad- empted agriculturists unless compell- Philadelphia. Her rt -rends ji:in it PaTmers speah Muili inore rreoi) t,)-
da� -or (of the calling out 4 farm-
v-,Ces were broken by the French. wl. hin
9 her sueev's in her. Olos fa%
ed by developments in the military 1.rs' 1,1:111s, agod 19 tu 23, than they did
Nith 40 divisions of the enemy re-'situatioll, fession, are just
t*,%o weeks ago. In fact, the)
s- ves still Uneugazed It behooves I Mrs. ReN., Barnhy and daughter, it good deal ashamed (of tile filet that
Foch to employ his reserves in Germans Drop Bombs on Parts. MISR JI'lin, ArP h"IT \NUIting (111 h' r tllV% 'PlIt it dept.&Ititill to, Ottawa
t most __ cautious way, otherwise PARIS, June 4.—Euemy airplanes motber, Mrs. Williaill 10-11. Mrs. against con,oription. it is " tit it[
%%IAIIO at grips with the enemy he attacked Parts yesterday morning. sterling Mellhall, of Ilwderh-h town- who ha\e sons who) are lialil(l, wyll'
rilay and himself held up at another Saveral bombs were dropped and a strip. has retOrned 011-1, ilerf,winIng ('allvd \%lit) are talking against it iij\N.
polut. The general view In Paris is it 11 Is t .... P 1hes, ),),in n \\Pre
Iew persons were wounded. The that dIII,1 for Ill,, last lwo vowks. g
ghen a elianeo to hi'\% their Patrio-
t'.icilued to be Optimistic. A semi- alarm was sounded at 12.08 a.m. and is well for aw [not -r NN -111) has such tkin. Many or illeinsh:op ho -en \%illing
official commentator declues th&4 if the enemy machines were vigorously kind daug,liters as Mrs. lkisoll has. too 4,1111sl but selfisil parents IJUN-c Op -
complete stabillilation is not yet bombarded. The all -clear aigilai was The \Is)- nionthly report (-r S. ',� N o. IMSed I I Win, They ha�e beef) left at
achieved, at least the strategical bal- given at 2.06 a.m. 11. Stanley. is ;is Nani,-s are hunle lit a safe job N"hilo their pa.rents,
ance is turning In favor of the Allies. bank accounts gre\% larger unit larger
In order (of inerit : tV. - 'X I- Work -
Day after day Since the drive be. and othe.l. people" sons f(, ht for
gin last Monday the Germans have WORDS OF PRAISE FOR man, W. M. llio�ss, B. 1. AlcLa-LhIam - them. M hy 7XII
Ar. III. -F. 11, llar,mls, C. K. 11111,\ey. shouldn't they ht if)
proteet flivir own i1r-)pvrtv We are,
been Increasing their forces by the A (.111tilgo. of view
addition of fresh men.. until they BABY'S OWN TABLETS Jr. Ill—L. W,,milln, W. . tit) s. plelks'.d to note tt,,i,.
11. - 11, A. Dinsdi- le, j. NIcKt-fizil�, I I. �I. and tire Patrititic n,,tv lit their con -
have now to this theatre about
760,000 troops. As the German ob- No medicine receives SU611 great Auderson : [It. I[. --J. A. Anderson, 11,
ss i 4'1i
walse from thankful mothers as (to NI(ClYMOnt, D. E. "11 [It
clearer, however. ,
the reserves of the allies are being flllb�`s own Tablets. Once a mother J. A. McLachlan, It. Mt-KvIlzie. The
rushed UP to the critical points and Ila.'4 used them for her little ones she best in tho nionthly spOling
apparently have arrived where they will use nothing else. The Tabliets Inatches were : IV. --Walter Worh-
were most needed to sufficient force are a wild but thorough laxative. nian. Sr. and Jr. 111. I,ho-d (leorge
to turn the scale, as in brilliant Tlwy regulate the bowels and stom- Workman. H. -Eh;i .\Ijd,jL,(,lj. Pt.
Attacks yesterday the French not only sell ; drive out constipation and Indl- II.—Willie
chocked the German attempts to 9"StIoll ; cure colds and Simple fevers ; , The Pntit,ii, sp-vit mi en-
zt,dvance westward down the Atime. promote healthfitil steep and make joyable tinie (tie aftermion Of May
:jiit recaptured the vill , ages of Chan- teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. -24th, when they held I knitting hoo
-I and Neuilly, a little further Oiner LeBleu, Maddington Flails, Que.,lip the basenient (if the Mvdimfist
JI h, 1writes :—"I am well satialled %%,lilt Miurch. A nice tea Nvas provided and
L tile other end of the now battle,
I,, it, which
Baby's . Qwn, Tablets and will al\%'Rys I
use them for' m y lltileiines." The
till had I pleasant It \"ss
garet hicLean, who firld been tilt, vill-
Many farmers -are. throwing away
-ill man
tioli. ' r;arny, d ore t at has not
measured around the
%e Is now about 76 miles long.
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
cient secretary for the past t 1, r,,
profits by mismanagement of their
bad a chance to dry out and lose Its
0 hag been sharp fighting about
0 r by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Abel '
�vars, resigned, and N -:,,s E E I'le
corn crop. This most adaptable of
chonlical properties by evaporation
fiLeims and all the way down to the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock%ille,
was elected in her Z.oftd. 'I'll(. list
grains should pay far better than it
or, leaehing provides pracitically all
Marne. but no materlild charge in
On I.
shipment of good" Vollsist011 Of I j stlits
does. Crop statistics as regards the
thp f�,rtilizer needed, but when the
fair returns.
(if py.jainas, �Uj pairs of sot,Ls anti '23
national output may have a big
supply Of this is deficient it is neces-
It is announced from Parts that
flannel shirts, valu,c- a, ;t total (if
sound, but In thousands of Individual
sary to rise commercial fertilizer
powerful French reserves are now in
made In corn growing by boys
$1:39. Tire was lligtll� ('01111110nd-
cases the acreage profits are next to
where soil fertility is lost. The right
position about Chateau Thlerry, fac.
Grow p6tato6s and VY'egetables in
I'll at headquarters. TIw , collection
�!eurse of action In cases of depleted
Ing the Germans between that point
every vacant city lot and feed pip
nLed 1,) $11.
Small corn crops are due to sev-
fortility Is giv,�n In these columns
and Verneuil. In this district num-
on kitchen refuse --there are two
, Intended for IRSt week.)
eral plain defects in methods of cul-
froni tiare to time. Methoda of cul -
tivation. also require a broader dis-
erous bridges cross the Marne, which
will command high prices. A
tivation and management. Poor seed
here follows a very winding course,
ways of doing, something to help
Mrs. Johnston ath,ndod tile di-tril't
and neglect of rotation are the more
clission thail, ran -be gi-ven In this ar-
affording the defenders on the south
the presentoffood crisis.
convention of the W. NI. S. in Exeter
flagrant faults. Coupled with these
tj 0-1 e.
tizi1k excellent Positions to enfilade
su it detachments of the enemy as
for his son on which to grow a
Last week.
Mr. I? rank Ocaliam, \%t, are sort,), to
are mistakes in Preparing land and
cultivating the soil after planting.
ai.,empt to force a Passage.
South of Durmatia. where the first
efforts of the, dermans to cross were
uladel. two Importunt highways racu-
Childrion Cry
CA S70 R I A
say, lsnt at all Nvell. lit, is now coll-
lined to his room.
Mr. Williams still ill(, �lfs's"s (111111,
-or Usborne, were visiting their cousins
The time Is past when progressive
men will be satisfied with thirty,
bushels of corn per acre. They
should aim at 100 bushels and count
anything less than sixty bushels a
A corn crop Is hardly worth
while unless it has a market value of
Well Adapted to 'Northern Portion of
United States for Spring and'
Surnmer Growth.
One of the first crops to be p1tinloo
$40 an acre. Owners of small places
In the %pring—Rnd In some cases one
are compelled by their limited areas
of Ithd beist—Is the field pen known In
adopt methods which will give
Some localities as the Canadinn field
fair returns.
Pea. It deserves even wider lisp thun
There have been many good re-
has been given it according to a recent
made In corn growing by boys
publication, Farmers' Bulletin Cf)O, en -
girls in their educational con-
titled "The Field Pen its a Forage
and by expert farmers who aim
Crop " published by Cie U. S. depart -
produce seed grain of a qua.11EY
went of ugrleul4ure.
will command high prices. A
who was arranging to plant
Since the fleld pea requires a cool
forty -acre field set apart one
temperature (Loring its growth, It IF
for his son on which to grow a
Nvell adapted for sprin,., nod summe-r
crop. The boy prepared
growth in the nOrtborn portion of, tbi,
Attent ion
acre, planted -gr
hign ade seed and
United States and In the voinprinitively
the corn according to di-
high altittv!os of tile Iowky
from his Instructor and
region. dnd for Writer growth Ill till,
reliable souices, The Yield
lower Sourit. it I*, useful ou the farni
115 bushels. The father. using
old methods 'secured oulv sixty
am a rotation crop for hay, gi s a
-a In, I I ge
0ti arid after jaullary I,St, 191S, the Outario
i" I . - . I - or green manure, and the peas May DQ = Statutes require that all cars be equipped witb
bushels to the acre on the remainder used in tile green state us a vegetable =
of the fiel-1
There in not a doubt but that the like garden peas.
entire forty -acre tract If it had been Lenses
cared for as the bo;'a acre WAS. FARMERS ARE SOIL ROBBERS
would have produced the high aver-
age. Would it have paid the -father bolding the rays of light below 42 inches.
Those Who Formerly R21sed Cattle,
to go to the extra trouble and some
added expense to follow his son! Sheep and Hoge Are Now Sell'.
A1,1111,110111, plan? Most assuredly. These booy� Ing Off Grain Crops.
contests have Cone corn growers a
F the. vast amount of good, and they should Thousands of farmers Ila our richest Auto Owners
be continued. Aside from conditions agricultural regions who were at one
over which the farmer has little or no time growers of good cattle, sheep and
EMS control, It to possible to greatly In- hogs are becoming sell robbers. The
of fte crease the crab. The leading re- high price of grain is tempting them
QuIreniiihts Prii good and well prepar- to sell instead of feed out the crops. t
ed soil, high gnade. seed, PTOI),11' tlfflP We have them a right prices; also all other Acce
ss -
and mannor of planting and cloin
y" own a 1?ord you can do amy with many wtieles cultivation, '.,I n -i of Ca, so t—quir— It is estimated that the annual loss ories ueeded.
to agriculture In this country from the
ftt am a soum of continuops expeom to the man who AM I me, ts cao bo
,eep it and full of
dd+" a. horo. For Instance not, only your ditiving-home 71 Ite ground rich depredations of Instecits and IrWents-Is
B Tires now I
an but difa si I � hamms, Mankets, whips, cun7comlo, vegetable matter. The land should $10,000,000,000—about $1 a month for uy Auto
I bear clover or field peas at regular every man, vroman and child in the
PIM -fork% fiid-bin% etce. periods. Other crops In the rotation United I States.
may be planned excording to the M Tires bave advanced. We have a considerable stock
I their laft -YOU have a i9peWy. dependable, dignified, roomy farmer's needs. Wheat, rye. clover,
on hand to be sold at old prices.
retA in iwt. t to V"t1y au or to the nwwwr vetch, and the various root crops ME
b Jowjy� Afid wrena Ford isetandinig work well In a rotation scheme. One Dizzy and Faint $polls
ON tat three m" a (ray, and It requirm no "looldnig year in three Is often enough to use
land for corn, and one year In four An
to b6tter Milt.
H. J. Stelford of 1111018 as an ex- Buy n ow
hp&d *01 iave you time, trouble, smd m6ney. It Is the utility ThAt Shadd B6 Heeded.
iiiige 11tiv fartner Ud hit f=ft. Pertinent plantedit small quantity of
torw which he hid' botiklixt In opea
market side by sidb'with some of his now feelmgs of weiii1mess, those d1W
prize winning grain. The latter In- spells and "all gone" sinking ientiatiow,
carefulbK lskl�tteA ilifill'Of6fibirlY �krW *we ovae over fiom#,jt�pie from time
for. The flemoll, bogus aneralbi, un- t". ,, �'Vuw viiiirbitllp that must not go
favorable to corn,_t- iscr6p produciod ufi�ed. niy &rlclite, an extremely Car. Hamilton and St. And 0
rows Streets
F from seed of Unknown merit amount-
ed to 'about twenty-filre bushels "r wask"ed condition ot thb heart ard a
acre, while thij #rbWii tirbIn bit dkoir4ift4i stater ot tl�o *xves,
1=21" EWIMMU CAR choice, thrior ostiti atillft . takfig
oughly test#4 lesirayteld- 11060, wh
ed s6*eAtYfIvI0 tb 0, 111114410'bubbels- lt*�'# Heed is M befre
This A Presented 4 ittitgol coil-
trast Me the tting was growinx and no 0
quid fof 4vengAfting the heart
Towift 0 even &fter Its maturity. In 0`66 CAft iiiA i6*0titing th'O 1110ftft.
the stocks were deficlent and the ears Mrs. Emil Brooks, Upper Gqeto"
nothing but sublillis. The grain pro- NX itea —"All last ffujam" 0
duced from the right klad of Need wftki;r'T= Zy and wook q*ls
was tat above the average. boadso4es wd falinto and MW 3.
As a result or the educational eaft- A fdefid reemmelad milbUrd'A ftrt
Wgn for better earn itift" a good oad Net" PiUs to me. I
01- taken two bovto wb#n I lloaW
2, "JM OA" deal of gftutkd liftesto1w b#A bftu te-
U" by silifor0ilers farMM, 114 *00 IWO -1 llug* to sia
CAM 40 �hbr U* Apowist pot"h *Who ireieir on
1, 10r" P& sift
04' sw. P& &A At, a
*4' mwfti*s ftftd ............ . . . . . . . . . . .
,ac wano
M E" La gr.,Goderich, end olk"ou"fiii t*&~�
isvid tka*Ulit ftUh* kft 0*4 LWhe Umbi, ofm
by TW T. UH.
. ..... . .................
0 �1.