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Exeter Advocate, 1899-12-21, Page 1
THIRTEENTH YEAR.- 07. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1899. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. H. BI OP & SON Useful Xin as : isn For the next three weeks we will give free with every purchase of .2.50 and over, one of our handsome 26 in. dolls. Mothers, keep this in mind. kfandkechiets. gloves and gauntlets. 1 Children's Handkerchiefs, fancy Pcolored borders, fiowerrs in corners at 7 2c., 3c. and 5c. each. 25 dozen Children's hexa stitched handkerchiefs with silk embroidered. c orner& Special at 5c. each. 50 dozen Ladies'' fine hem Handker- chiefs with lace edge and beautiful open worked corners at 5e. each. 0 C e 25 dozen Iailes fae1testitched ed Handkerchiefs. Special 7 for 25e, 50 dozen Ladies' embroidered Hand- kerchiefs, good value at 123e, now 3 f+)0'2.55. 1S dozen Ladies' fancy embroidereet .Handkerchiefs with handsome etnbrui- dered edged, selling at 2 for 25e. 5 doz. Gent's fancy bordered Silk Handkerchiefs, the newest touche-23 cants each. Men's plain hem stitched Silk Hand- kerchief. at 255e., 40c. and 50e. each. Men's e✓ies. • We are showing a full range of Xmas. neck -wear in Buffs,' Flowing ends, four-in-hand, and -Bows from 15 cents to 50e. groceries: Try our 25c. Tea. We handle the celebrated Christie Biscuits. Have you tried them ? If 'not, why not? Snap in Ladies' Ringwood Cloves worth 25e., now 10c. per pair. Ladies' French Kid Gloves at $1.00.. This is the only guaranteed gloveat the price -See them. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves. tleeerar-lin- ed at 25c. and 35c. per t.air. Ladies' Astrachan Gauntlets :swap •5 1 2,,,perpair. at , z. P • Misses Grey Gauntlets, kids fared and fleeced -lined at 30e. and 75x:- per pair. Mn'es heavy Driving (gauntlets, Blaek only at $I.50 per paii. Men's Undressed Swede Olovee. the best value yet at 50e. per pair. Special in old Ladies Ho ad., good heavy Wool Hoods at OSe. Underwear. Men's fleece -lined Shirts and Draw- ers at 45e. Men's heavy all wool Shirts and Drawers, special at. 50c. We are selling all our 75e. under- wear at 6Oc. - Come when you want it and see for yourself. Children's Vests' at 10e., ate. and 15e. Ladies' Vests at 121e., Ise., 20c., 25e.. to 50c. Ladies' Drawers at 25c,, 50e. and 65c. 1 Moots & JS'hoes. Iltfants Kid Booties in Tans, Browns,' Reds and Blacks, wool lined at 50e, Infants Satin Booties in Light Biues, Pinks and Light Browns with down trimmings at 75e. MI re's Rnhhers Ladies Rubbers, 55e. and elders>. Boy's Rubbers, 50e. and 6Oe. a, ;Men's I€atbba.I s fS,)r, and fH)c. Men's Overshoes $1.35 to 81,1.'4. Ladies Slippers :See to whin Ladies Felt Boots, snap at riPo Men's Inety y Boots at t &'. Men's Long Boots at $2.25 to $3,25. Men's heavy Stubbs, proof rubbers. every pair warranted. See then). All kindle of Bunts for all kinds of feet at all kinds of prices. Ready -made -Clothing, :'fen's all Wool'Meters 4.98c. Men's heavy Suits $4.25. Men's odd Pants, ail prices. Men's odd Vests 75e. and $1,00. Boys 2 piece Suits $1.75 and $2.255.. Boys 3 piece Suits $3.00 to $5.00. Boys Long Pant Suits $4.50, Boy's Rufers $2,9$. Boy's short Pants 255c. to 35e. NEXT WEEK +Mill O1 EAT MANTLE AT•lb SHOE SALE. Just a word about this. As a jacket or pair of shoes would make a very suitable Clhristnnas gift we have decided to lower all prices in the above lines Thursday (to day.) We show you one instance of extraordinary cut in Mantles. Our regular $5.00 Ladies, Jacket will sell at $3.25. See our Bargain Counter for shoe lines at $1.60, $1.50, $L40 will sell at .$L00. These are genuine bargains. Come and see them. flAPOLUFORE AS. P1ESE'.TZ. Carving Sets, beautiful goods, best makes, 50c. up. Children's Sets, complete in case, 25c. up. Hockey at 45c. - Spring at 45c. 'See Boker's " Goal Keeper " Hockey Skate. See the new Collar, Cuff and Handkerchief Boxes. Beautiful the thing for Christmas. Hanging Lamps, Piano, Lamps, Etc. Come and make your selection. goods. 13ISJ.QP & SON, This Store is open every night until 10:30 p.m., except Wednesday and Saturday. Just . EXETER. MONEY TO LOAN_ • We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at lowest rates of interest. DICBSON & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from 4'/s to 5 per cent. ELLIOT & ChLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter FARMS FUR SALEM MONEY TO LOAN. The uadersigned has a few good farms for, sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SPACEMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter NOTICE TO ' CREDITORS. Of William McComb, late of the vill- age of Exeter, in the County of - Huron, Esquire, deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having' claims against the estate of,the above main- !' ed William JkteOomb, who died on or about the 22nd day of November, A.L. 18:19, are on or before the 22nd, DAY of JANUARY, 1900, to siend .by post, pre -paid, to the under - Sign ed nder-Signaid solicitors tor the executorsof. the last will of the said deceased their is hiistia a:- names and surnames, address- es and 'de,eripawls, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of , heir 'securities . (if any) hell. by them, and after the day last atore- said the said h.xecutors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard' only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as a+boye:required, and the paid Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims .notice shall not have been received•by them at the time of such distribution. DICRS01\ & CABLING, Dated at Exeter this 12th Solicitors for day a ot• DouroDouroher, A.D. 18.0, Executors. ASTRAY HEIFER. ed from the premises remises of the un - b dersigned, on oraboett Deo. tat, a, year-old heifer, color, light roan. Any person giving Information that ',ill lead to her recovery wit] be suitably rewarded. RICHARD RANnroiwn, Centralia. NOTICE TO GRED/TORS. Of Thomas Murray, late of the town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 129, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1899, notice is hereby given that all oreditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas Murray late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased., who died on or about the lath day of December, A.D., 1899, are on or before the 2bth DAY, OF JANUARY, A.D., 1900 ) &to send by post, pre -paid, to Messrs. Dickson Carling, Solicitors for the executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased their ehiistian names and . surnames. ad- dressee and descriptions, the•full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts and the nature of their securities (if any) b eld by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son or persons of whose claim or claims no- tice shall not have been received at the tine of such distribution. DIcisoN & CABLING, Solicitors for Executor. Dated at Exeter, this 30th day of Dec.189)) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In' the matter of the estate of Ellen Dishrnan, late of the township of Stephen, in the ()minty of &lure), married yvomaan, deceased., . Nance is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O., 1827, Chapter 129. that all -persons having claims against the Estate ofrthe sand Ellen Dish miin are on or before the 10TP1 DAY OF JANUARY 7900, to send to F. W. Gladman, Es ter, Ont: So- licitor for the London and Western 'trust Company, Lim itod, the Administrators of the estate of the said. deceased, Rill particu- lars of their claims and thonature of the securities (if airy) held by them; and take notice that after the said date the. said ad- ministrators µ•ill proceed to. distribute the said ostaie among the, ,artiesentitled there- to, Having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required .and this said admin,strators will not beliabieto any person, or persons, of whose Blain, or olefins they shall not then have reoeived notice. F. W. GLAnnAN, Solicitor for said Administrators. Dated at Exeter, this 18th Dec., A.D., 1899. iliSTRAY CALF. - 1 There came unto the premises of the un- dersigned on or about Oat. 1st. a steer oar£ Owner can have saime by proving property and paying expenses. Roam. ESSERY, Crediton P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE A good story and half frame house, well situated on Huron street east. Apply to Miss VOSPER, or 5 SANDERS, Telegraph office, Exeter. R. HICKS Moray Frieclsbverg, Mr. David Mitchell has )loved on to (Too late far last weeke his fame here. -Mr. J. Ellwood and Messrs. Roffman Bros. aredaily ship - family moved to Lucan last week, ping aload of .arra-chairs to Mollusk where MrEllwood has seeured a good Bros.. Guelph. They are doing a good position.- -*Mr. Ernest Luther, had the business. -Miss Ida Cook, of South misfortune to get the forefinger of his 1 River, who was vit.:Mit ; friends in this right hand broken a few days ago i vicinity, lett for Toronto on Monday while assisting- to thresh clover for Mrs. Paton. Mr. Luther wasengaged in feeding the machine, when be un- thiial,.xn„tT I} put his hand too close to the rapidly revolving cylinder. which struck his finger :and broke it close to the hand. Crediton Dan't fail to attend oar Public sehool concert on Thursday evening. Pro- gram to c•omenen00 at 7.30 p.tn.-•--Mr. G, ?wielder, of London, is offering his premises, now oeceoied by I)r, Rivers for sale, --Mr. Nelson, of llaanitob;a, is the guest of Miss H. Pugsley. --Bert Clark is learning the tonsorial trade with Mr. Sambrook.- Hy. F:ill)er, M. P'.P,attendedl the 1tt5tlrianee meeting in Zurich last Saturday. --:kiss. '!.wicker has returned to. London after spending a few %re•oke with her sons here. -No. 1ltination will be held toenol•x•etw (Fri- day) at 1 p.28 - Everything is quiet so fare - .t marriage is ruruoured to take place in the near future. More partien- Jarslater. • -The following Mehiganpeo- Ple erre visiting relatives here:- M Is. Sta,hlsaid family Of ihu nh,xt Mr, :tntl Mfr-, (:das lia,ltzurans; 31r. and Mrs. Christian Hruwtl and f:rurily, 18181, Mr. k'•ti,t, of Elkton. at Mr. anal Mrs.1 George Brown; M1•. Jamb Fait. of Elkton, at qua. H. F•ti,t'st Mn. Jacob Brown, af Elkton, :at 1T1. Ti, Ile\ wn'st Mr. Fred Gunther, of Elkton, at Mn. Matthew (Ylu'nthex's; and 1Ir. and' Mae Heist of Elkton, :at Mr. and Mrs. August liiist'$.- -Our Boer sympathi- zers have awoke again, \\'hat loyal people we have; .Bella Sims, of Exeter, visited Miss Lizzie Either on Tuesday.- Me: sea. Hy. Finkbeinerand ("leas. Holtzman have completed their Meat canting wood for S. Hog:loth con. 2. REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well done go to R. Hiol:s-Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty. eteetr EAIIE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issued and Wedding Rings always on hand. Fauson's Block, Exeter. TESTIMONY OF THOMAS CU©MORE. Haman 'Messrs. W. Ross and Ed. ('hristie, of Exeter,, spent Sunday afternoon in this place.--Re'vd's. Henderson and Jewett exchanged pulpits Sunday evening last -ilr,- Percy Carlyle, re- turned home Friday evening for his vacation, -Miss Edith Stoneman spent Sunday last in Mitchell. --Mrs. A. Murdock gave a party Monday even- ing fax Miss Halton, who Left Teliesday for her home in Owen Sound. --The Methodist Sunday .Selene' will give a grand (Fantrta Monday., (Ohristrnas) night. --Bert Howard, of Exeter: was in town for ashort titne Sunday. -m Messrs. Allis 1G: Smallacotnbe have re- placed the bottom in the rink. ---Miss Duffin, of Detroit, is visiting 3frte A. lfurdoek.---Mr. J. McDonnell and Dr. 5lelit 1'y, drove out to St. Joseph Sun- day. ---31r. 1111d1 Mrs. Shepherd. were in Chiselhurst Sunday. -Mr. D. Wren, returned from Belleville for his holi- days.• --lir,' J. Horton i, hone from Goderich.- lir. J. W. OrtWein was in Seaaforthp,art, of last week on busi- nese.-Miss Bella Sparks is alit present very 111. -:Ler. Albert Reichert, who has been in Luean, spent Sunday in town.•• -Mr. Alf. Stoneman, of Staples, is visiting his uncle here. -Mass Sloan, who has been engaged rs milliner at Mr. E. Ronnie's, has returned to her home in London. --Miss Agie Buch- anan. who has been ill. is 'able to be out again. -Mr. E. J. Norton, photo- grapher, intends leaving Hensall soon. •--A number from here attended the ball in Brueefield, Friday ev enin y.l,,ist. Several months ago I began to use English Stock Food for calves find found it so .beneficial that I have con tinned its; use ever since. Lately' have fed it to Small pigs that were not- do= ing well. They began at once to thrive and are new doing remarkably well. I freely recommend English. Stock. Food to stock raisers. I consider it a an. excellent article and well worth the money. Seld by C. Lutz. Price; 50: cents per brag:' TuoexAS CuDtirop,E, Township of Usborne. • Clinton: A telegram teeei ped from g � Dallas, Texas, on Saturday =Invoiced the death of Santee Doherty who went south last spring. He was then suffer- ing feont the disease which:proved' his undoing, but ib was hoped that the change -of 'Climate alight effect a .cure. It was not to be, however, and. 11e -has passed away at the age of thirty-four years, leaving a widow and one child. Greenway Rev. Mr, Baugh, of Ailsa Craig, preached a. very interesting sermon •in Boston Methodist church last Sabbath. -Mr. John Buchanan and• sister, of Parkhill, visited friends here last Snn- day.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster, of Varna, visited friends here last Monday. -W. J. •Wilson and wife and C. H. Wilson attended the fat.stock show in London last week and spent a very pleasant time with their son, A. C. 'Wilson;they also bought a nice lot of goods for the Christmas trade. Mrs. A. M. Wilson spent several days in London last week visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. Russel. -The annual Christ- mas tree entertainment of the Boston Methodist church, will be held Mon- day. evening, Dec. 25th. -Miss Mary Shank is home from Detroit to spend Christmas with her friends. -Rev. J. W. Baird is to preach to • the children next Sabbath and Mr. A. W. Humph- ries is to give an address to the Sun- day school children et 2:30 -p.rn.-Rev. R. L. Wilson and family, of Camlachie, 'are expected home to spend Xmas. with their friends here. where she w.11 visit her brother,Milton. -A Jubilee was held in the Lutherian 'church on Sunday here, -Miss Tillit> "I l I, i) lois been it lxI for J Sodom. Ilius I. re Robertson, teacher, taa v'er'y interesting address int "'Pile, ; life of e'hrist, " to ar very lenge audience at the League fol day night. It eve* her farewell address ;as the leaves at : ('hristrnas for her bonne in Goderith. - Mr. John Penhalee has ereeted a new stable on his premises weet of Chit, pl;ld•e- 1*ztib(Ir< aae C,llltl(.1i Kellerrtlaatr la t: lefle:Oit fere h, r 11400,• ,ra , a l .,la.. 15^ ae.`,', Yatlie'h --`'flet. Sunday School of tlyd�• i (q,.ratcil )tet On :ebuvt• date. Al, for 1 t �1L ii.ti.�a:" s. entertainment. n ane inure xio. G Inenrbel•. Present, t io%,- 5 of last for ggt,txl Malas. etitd'I t anitalent 3lessts.Fatle;t, Steinletu lx and Mt rr d 1, In••e•tinti)'itd l le= el,npp:ovt•cl and a-icero of `Zurich. paid aur town ,a visit on V•tl by tIte U 'Vti . ilrll.E:in I eddy - Sunday last. -F, Wild. 11 tker,tcur', hat TIF-lawtin. I'J he ;ua+sed, •.ig)n €:: a trip 1o'I.ur]eh, Ia.t tete•!,, 3'iae sat x 1)v tat Hat tie, :inti 118. cor�►u1^tr{ *eaa: mail rntttd'.ed•InS tlttite alt adwialat a„t ..tta.r•he•d a•arida. 33Nlbrxclge Ilo:.. for our w;Fr lt'nders.-.1.:1,. \\':unt,.)13 . Ear. 11431 11 I t o ie 01 t}it )linnet- haaa a very flue display of:utas. g;uocla i of procttc•dings ;fpt'utnaeil for 13n cbe in his window. -Don't forget to uu,tke' la 111t+'dl for distribution,-f•,;rrietl- 11.1)In Oln)icltan t rv. e_iF. II -e ins to, n'etst: t Cd Inits;nfahUnlxtlair LI) ?(1:�-II, and )utting up g:a few cases of find` binie and a }] :td jdxitrrrad ru Intea:t l riclaay, Tare. putting :411'-1 mouthed ieerd 0leeting. animal& a' F. Molten -v. clerk Ce lilt <ilxo Farquhar lit•. steel \ll+« .i ndlrery 'lick,:lireitax- y i). HAI'. I°ar;uhar. Commissioner Sze: pa'Or'ingg iiit•ily« Mneh thanks are de„ ee ..uvn:.Ctr. 1^..utv to 1••au 118hove,: rant, our worthy friend, Dr. Rollins, for his ol.""eat. able and skilful trealtlnent.--lir. john l Mr. Cc. Dettweller, of Logan, was the Iiodgins is in very poor hi aitit.. Mr ag ile.t of Mr. S. Campbell on ~stel ar y • Oliver, who lately at nt 1 sone,' here. Mi"s Maggie Itir1 been has dh,pciet tl of has ggu aei. and will leave t s l.ltn. ' at dter € a naris. Mr. Thomas: gooir foe dither Parts, Our ere:tlnery"( aux' :4144, tut :tbaitt reset weeks, left is to he run all t intend --The • Eadie•, of Thaw<.t.:y,,f lad -t w4•a k Eder llt•rlr4)trat' azx \i ya•laa 4 g. -1I1., :anal 111:.. Th&' :::. the It .;;:t,• ;it!•t on Ttlt•,,1:Ry eCe lirir•, to) % �+ arrange flee their enniv 1x'22 Fun p (dxl\•.d1Y4 tl•eid4t•di °arra€• of Slleir, yt,i;ng; details will bre . __ ' week. teren<l-. tit 00 .'Leer .0 1 rx. inalel datnlce given n4•�t Sv< dl, 1 p xltllnh:er of oar vottl.g In.`"4 ata • dent ilxig N d)ttexlig*htt 1:1st week. They tele ort lx:te- latt. . OSitionNe in !.slouch a n.1 tilt t1;FIr1e : !net t•I1•te.V•4V1 t}lt')t:,tdvte•: telyy xlrllelx« trounce. \i t '.vi -$i thartt ,novae+ .T- -110•` }h u))11.lckney ,:ll:adxx the lia,lt,rl- \VU4IIIOill-::alldl .twruilin: are being x:l- •sty. i• ill with >-ry.ip••las in his hand. pli<lly .z a t4 -dl and this vicinity will he ' I)r.1110 11in'€1I1, of S(atf14' ia+ attetn(1.h4 b<ltlntili},' deti 1t,ixg hinnt alldr rS t•xlte(eel 1batt trndleax Ills Rt -:seen'. •--• What )light have re- I treatiatent be will soon be restctl•Eed,I t painted in :a serious nu:atway atrridltnt his wonted •1Nealtl).-,Miss Ft'ant is oe Ixappenedl here an MOndaay, It tap- 11:11•Ie(te, llic•I lg;an, arrived 1)a�1a' nctst. nary Miss Frt'd1•teax;a Down was wait- week tdnel is tlir ;;nest of Ili>r g;ts.ntr- ntg atthecreamery for some milk and father. Mi. John Beaty. She was quite in DOlne wtay the horse beeatne flight- 5)011} when she left here about tern enecl 8i.eidT1n ailvete upsetting the riga' ye:u•agc):and she 1c, 41driv nteariy a full and injuringjher badly. It is Ilcawever, grown lady. • What as change a few • a woll(let" how she escaped with her year:, drake•,•• ---\it. Andrew ('uupbell. life• whit) lived hexn* fur several year., left I)iz &T:1 ells Thomaslit ttla:F 1.�This tai•: part last spring for the west. After week it is our sad duty to record the 5l,endtng. a.hort tamed 111 I nele S;1aax'`S death of another of our oldest :and land fxa d ra .edl Over to ?Ilanitolla most highly res_ppected residents in the n1`c'`eh4: «atngltg ed for the summer' person of lir. Thomas liurraty, who Iii.. simmer experiencethere lead him Harpley The roads tare in a very muddy con- dition at 'present and the prospects are that there will be agreen Christ - john Sherritt attended the Hay Township Fire Insurance meeting held inZurich on Saturday. -Mr. David Baird, of Michigan, called on friends here on ' Monday, accompanied - r. T.Love sold as 1) Mr. S. Webb.-Mr. colt to Mr, Izenbaaugh, of 14th Con:, Hay,for a good price, delivering it in Dashwood on Saturday last: -Mr. R. Turnbull,; of 'Bret ster, was here consulting our popular building con- tractor and getting plans for the erec- tion of a n.eW l;rick house on what is known as the Macdonald place this corning .'season. --Mrs. Webb'.an and slatei,iss Mary Shank, spent Monday with Mrs. H. Liive.-lllr. John . Baird, who has been in very poor health for some tirile past, is we are sorry to say, not improving very much eeMessrs. Webb and Masson, who have• ,put rz machine for crushing •grain in .Mr. George Webb's barn, report a good trade, . having more than they could do on the days appointed in each week.- Mr. John Sherritt and 'daughters Visit= ed London last week. torsed to his eternal rest on Saturday to the conclusion that Ontario was the ast at the good old age of 84 y eau 1. Hest, place yet, eo he returned home The deceased. was born to Ireland in here last week where his runny friends the year 1SI5 and when mete young. Will bt• glad to tree hint, -Miss Laura'. emigrated to Canada. antler settled in ala,%ii.'"l, Neon) 11115 been at her cousins. Granville, Y.E,T. In the year 181(1 he ria. Jelin Whyte. of Mitchell. during came ti) Huron and Settled on as farm the past summer, came home last week on the 6th a uncessiort of Stephen. t) spend the Xmas. holidays..• -Miss Here amid pioneer hardships andipdan- Agnes A. Hay, who is attending the gees he labored for many years and ac- St- Marys Collegiate Institute, return- cumulatecl a good amount of this ed home, Thursday evening to spend world's g i4ods, as portion of which lets herholidays with her parents and haft all Iii, lift* used for the benefit of relative,., .-.lir. Henry Straffon and his those who were less fnrtuuate than run, Fred, front llieliSo:tie 1841' v 1.tt,ing himself. Ill tied year 1850 he waw con - The the home of Mr. \\ Miami Fletcher. welted under tlleinflixenee of Rev. Mr. 'The old gentletnan is aslively and Dignan at Fairfield and wince then has talkative as of yore. been a faithful and devoted member . Grand anc1 Bendof the Methodist church, here. He was a thoughtful, straightforward and gen- Mr. J. W. Holt returned home Moxl- erous man and highly esteemed among day from Egmundville, where he has his neighbors, His loyalty to the spent the summer, -Little Wilkin church aln€1 its catt,e. watt; unabated I -Lind tt)n i, on the nick list. We hope and till the close- of life his Iove to his soon to hear of his recovery. -lir. and church and Savior never faltered. In _Mrs..I1. Hamilton, Sr., have been vis - the year 1570 Ite retired from labor iting friends in St. Marys and repute and came to this town where he has having spent an enjoyable tine. -311. since resided. Thedeceased was blessed W. B. Oliver flats been working with with healthandstrength up till a short Mr. Merlin) for the past three weeks. time before death, which \was met tri- Our boys here have organized at hock- imphantly, for as the end drew near eyelid); and as soon as the weather is God revealed himself to him in :a very favorable they will be' open for chal- espeeiai lnaantter. His oft repeated lenge. -- 31r. Fred Folli. returned home wish to cease at once to work and. live on Saturday last for East Jordan, Mich. was fulPled. He leaves to mourn his He brought with him a stunning little demise two brothers, Edward, of Wing- bride. Fred is all smiles and its no ham, and Jaines, Granville,P.E.I. Of wonder, for he has sectu•ecl as a part - late the deceased has trade his home tier for Menne of East Jordon's tmost with lir. Joshua Huxtable, where he popular and accomplished young received the Most assiduous care and ladlies in the person of Miss Isaman. attention. The funeral took place on Their many friends here wish thein as Monday, his remains being first taken life of happiness. to the church, where Rev. S. Salton 031n. Eynon.: Kindly allow ale -a preached a very touching sermon to a shall space in your valuable paper. large assemblage of sorrowing friends, \Ve notice the Dashwood eurrespon- after which they were deposited in the dent, 311'. O. \V. Snell, has falsely ac - Fairfield cemetery beside those of his cusecl the Captain of the Grand Bend sister. Much sympathy is felt for the footbaalLteam., .33e*aye our captain is bereaved relatives.laelast week.)also correspondent. This' f5 ise-ars^' (Too all know and shows that be doesn't Miss McFalls, of Crediton, is visiting know v a1lytlliItg about it. I firmly deny Mrs. Boyle. having to do with the correspondence.. here, the guest of her aunt, -Mr. Alex. McFalls, proprietor of the He says he was falsely accused of be - Locale Hotel was in town Monday.- ing alone in the fray and that their Mr. Harty Mills and bride have return- captain never wrote op. a carer to That ed home after spending their honey- effect. • Well, now to show Mr. Snell moon. at Toronto and other eastern he is wrong, I'll print their card. and cities. We wish then StiCCeSS and will kindly ask them tel, print the. one we wrote them and then it happiness. -Mr. Norman Mitchell pro- will be seen Varela has who is doing the chewing." Their prletor of the Vas returned hone for the- winter. -Mrs: card ran as follows:- Andrew Hicks is ap and around once Dashwood. Nov. 13th. 1300. more, while Mr. Hicks is improving Dn.0 SIR: -Your cttryl received last nicely under the skilfull treatment of week. Cl:ur club made ino challenge. Dr.Rollins.-The atonal meeting of the •It was only the eor'res ouclent. The Centralia L.O.L.. No. 610, will be held club does not wish to play for money 'on Saturday evening, the lOth inst. at as it will cause hard feeli gs. Let us eight o'clock. All members are re- know what you think ab ut it and do quested to be present. --7.\V o• runaway not pay any attention to what is said accidents occurred here on 'Monday in the paper. last which caused quite a bit of excite- Yours truly )tent. Mr. Wm. Calfass, of Fairfield, T. S:TELL, Captain. was returning home ,with .a 'quantity phis plainly shocks tha rte must be of milk from the factorywhen bis team „ ,; ruhliered and that th t ehrese was g e. 1 took fpighthe became ulirnana�l Stas aptly applied to him by our correspon- milk ing the rig and spilling a 1 e dent• He states that their :teeth beat Milk. Luektly no other damage was us by one final. In another issue, the• done. While the Lucan bakers .team i a c We, as left standing in front of Messrs. Dash.v c od coxresp n lent 'claimed ve Hanlon & O'Brien's stole they started are ties. Tilatdnesu tlook very: well -in nick deliverof for him. - lie speaaks of 'the dasaclvant- •. • for home, lila. g a q y ages their team, were at, such ets play - :the breach: However, • it was •sono ingin the darlless. \Toru; ia1 one with toa,therecl up -without mach hram» be -r y .v done. -Nle Francis Adair, of Crecli- the least bit of judgment knows that g )loved ilito..the house now the darkness would. be • ep **se: .fore ton, has' their, teanm than for liars. He speaks Deco led by Mr - Oliver er and' will assist •of our rou ads' beim xoiz h. Now Mr....L+lston, who is noev busily en a�, g g g g evelly ane who has seen them knows in hismill. -The Centre in'enlargi g their grimnds-are by far the roughen• Iza. Sunday. School: purposes: holding of the two: peer ex `asea \ Snell. c I1 their anniversary'.a:nd• entertainment Sunday. told Mon Dec. 31st and.:(et up somethingbetter. next time.. on S y ,In all 1 thank you Will see that Mr. Jaan. 1. Speciateertieons-will he. andreaela is •the false tccaiser and. "not ou r° ed byRev: Brown, Of 'Exeter, on wells cort:espnntlent. Let him swallow this Monday evening as ilea, will be served ed , nand a choice' ronrani will be iveil b anal say no More abort • it, or 1 •coa p g , • , g c; Y rise hien as few stronger pointers. :fine talent a good tient is expected. Captain -of Grand Bend team..• 'a