HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-07, Page 3'June 7, 10;_ THS GOD WOO SITAI Wl_ 01, - - - - - - - - - - 1141FF011111 No in Shoomen District Gleanings memmucuml FAIN IN NEAD Mrs. Jean Fraser. Mooresville, ceie- rIe4 may i5th to miss olive Fenton brated her 101st blr�hday on Friday, of Victoria, B. C. TORONTO, June 4.-Tlke BoV4 of LIVER BOTHERED NEL May 24th. Ple. Norman Norry, son of Mr. slid Trade quotationsl for yesterday Wisris Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Saville. of Clin- Mrs. John Norry, of Exeter. who is as follitIlwill. ton, celebrated the 25th anniversary of not yiet eighteen years old, has return- Manitoba Wheat (in Store. Fort Witilarst, Miss A. Windsor, Pterbo". Ont., their wedding on Vicloria Day. ed honte. tie was twice wounded and No. 2 Includla- ZVaq Tax). c writes. -Ill have been ck for about i cut. Arthur T. Field, of Milebell, had berted six month,% in the trencheb. foF yFam with P&i- in my head and -� w -of Mrs. j. C. momath, of ClIn No, a nep e - Mr. Thos. T. Watt, son of Mrs. rio. 3 northern. $3.11%. PRInd In my shoulders which I &I ton, has been awarded the military Margt. Walk, of Qhnton, was killed No. 4 wheat. 12.10%. thought were caused by working = Mir in the sun on the farm. cross. Sunday evening, May 26th. at the farm c1tobst Oats %Ili Atore. Fort Willie a. 3 aW., 79 o. People told me that it was my Miss Millie K. Holmes, one of the tot Mr. 4ohn Beattie, McKlliop town- No. .4 QW., 751lig, bothering me, so I bought three liver teaching staff of St. CaLhaflnes Public ship; being knocked down and trainp- Extra No. I teed.- 75%c. burn's Laxa-Liv vials Schools. and a native of Huron county. led to death in a bull's stall. 140. A food. 72lic. er Palo, and American Corn (Track, Toronto)6 fou , 14hat they. were d has died. The inarriage took place in Strat- No. 4 low. k1lo,dried. nominal continued taxing the Otag me good. N ly-6111 until now I Mr. Thos. J. Pringle, of Milwaukee, I ford at 6;40 a. fit.. Weduesda%, %Is) a. 4 ow. kiln -dried. nominall. am well and strong. I in 129th'. of Niav:l F., eldest da6gfiter of Ontario Oats (Acc:rding to Freights Out. am very thank. son of the late James Pringle, of Strat- ' ide). ful to you for my recovery.P, ford, and formerly of Seaforth, has Mns. Thornas Carbprt, of the Classic No. I white. 78o to 79c, nominal. Milburn's died recently. City, formerly of Clinton, to Mr. At- No. 3 white, 77c to 70c. nominal. Laxa-Liver Pills an a phousus V. Quigley, of Hullett. Ontario Wheat (Basis In Starlit Mlllntrtllalll� "cifto for all troubles &rising from a . Little Jessie Mae, thie three-year-old Mr. William Taylor. a life-long rest- p No. 2 winter. per car lot. $3.12. adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. so* (AcGordinq to Freights Outside). morbid state of the liver, so keep it j. dent of L'shorne Tu%%uship, %%lilt tile No. 2. nominal. Glazier, Huron road, East, was ex active by the use of these easy -acting, drowned in a cistern on Sunday, May ception of about live years spent in Barley (According to Freights Outside). tion -irritating little piN. 26th. Exeter, died Monda), May 21th, tot- I Malting, $1.40 to 11-42. nominal. Buckwheat (Accardln to Freights Out. lowing a lingering Illness of about ten Mcial. Milb—'WLaxa-Uver Pills ars'25c. lis Mr. Charles Anderson, of Sceptre, N'ears. He is, sur%i%ed by his vvidow, Nominal. $11 -BO. Vial fit all dealers or mailed-direoll, on Sask- son of N r. and Mrs. J. W. And- Vile Non and, t�%o tlaughtel's, and _b� ;yo �A;;cr Sid it to Freight* Out erson, of Stephen townshif.- was ntiar- four brother, &lilt three ibters. 0. 2 nordlifall. receipt of price by The T. Milburn 00.8 Manitoba Flour (Toronto). war timaity, slio.95. Limited. Toronto, Ont. Ontario Flour (Prompt Shipment). War quality. $10.65. in bass. Montreal; OSTEOPATH MAGHtNE&FOR MILKING1 RLOOUESS WOMEN]= $1u,65. In bags. Toronto. I mitifew (Car Lots, Delivered. Montreal Feel Weah, Depressed and Worn Out FreigItte, Baas included). Bran, per ton, $35 UEORGH HEILEMANN, Osteopath. III[ lite I'line-Do not Fat Well oi- Short&, per ton. $40. Mocialidt in women's and children it dio. Fariners Will Find That They Are Steel) Wen Hay (Track, Tara A ;=&Acute, chronic and uervoud disordeM l car, a9se and throat. No. 1. per ton. $15.60 to liviiii. in - dealt" .. ;d -Y iihout the knife. Uon- It is all unfortunate Net that nine blized, per ton, $13 to $14. Adenoids rernev w Very Profitable. I free initiation free. Office and repidence, N618ou v\onwn mit of tell are \teti of Straw (Track, 'foronto). 0 and St. Andre s8treet.- back of erance Car lots. per ton. $8 to $8 60. H .NorthStwreot. OftloohourfiltTton? "I's, $to all an a. in., TO MEET LA13OR SHORTAGE bilwdivssness in one f,,rin Ill, a.littler. Farmers' Market. trol Ito6p in. Nlondayi,, Thurdaye d Satur 'I'lle girl ill hol. tof-11.4, tile NNife and Fall wheat-MillIng. $2.14 per bushel. davit. Eveningoltyappointinent. inother. the watron id init It.- age, Goose wheat -112.10 to $2.12 per bushel. Ing Barley -malting. $1.40 per bushel. 0. gro How to Prevent (Jees Swarming- itil lt�, uli, ts-90 to 91c per bushel. not 1,,) ),� allae- c LEGAL CARDS Hints tor the Gardener and Dairy. title incalls that �oll are breathless Buckwheat-SI.75 per bushek f 1, Rye -According to sample. nominal. ter g"IRARLES GARROW. Barrister, Soheitor man In June--litilethods by Which jartt.l. all'N ,light v\ertion -) 11.11 ee ' Etc Corner North street and Square: le pressed anti NNorn out ill (lit " Yon 0MCAGO GRAIN MARKUT. 113.6rich: Ont. to 'Destroy Troublesome Weeds. 'ttirl, jjgailj.�t nititt arlit vminoi 'digest J. P. Bickelf & Co. report the following CSEAUElt (Contributed by Ontario Department of \%h;It little �()u lit, eat. lit Iliglit you prices on the Chicago Board of Trade: N. . BARRISTER SOL MTOR. NOTARY PUBLI_ Prey c OM"eAND'C NTVRTANCER ' Airriculture, Toronto.) do not steel) \\t -ll and ill lite Iwwring'' Open. High. Low. Close. Close: CourtHou�e Goderich HE statement that the milli- �ou \Nake tit, tired allil feeling tintil Corn- f)r the day's duties. Perhaps there July .... 133% 133% 130% 131% 131 RC. HAY$ 'Phone 88 Ing machine has now be- a'jy splitting Ileada(qjes, ,r pain.� ill June .... 130% 131 127% 12S% 130% . come a practical propost- the back ill- side. ilrion -I frcling of Oats - BARRISTER, BOLIVIToR, NOTILRY PUBLIC, ETC. J ly .... 95% 66 �% 61% 65 ',� 65% Ottice Hamilton St., Sterling Bank Block T tion can now be made with dizziness and dcpolidem, �, These June .... 69% 70% 691/, 70 70 1 Goderich 1dre tile sign, ,f aiaienna, ill- hh-od- Fork- tilt - REAL ESTATK. LoANs.INSURA�CX considerable confidence. Pract.1cally lessriv�..,, Thory wa� -I-, )Ill� (111,. Ill. July 40.70 41 .30 40. a. 40.75 40.31 30t ONVEYANCING AND NOTARY all the standard makes of machines Sept. ..... .. .. ..... 42.00 t\\(. (If III,,- signs 11"tiecikhlo, hill Lard- till, C I GFORGE&GREENSLADIC, Bayfield, Cou\oy- sold in this province, the cheaper t ip In(,rp art. lilt, greater art, July .... 24.60 24.65 24 17 24..27 24,17 ra\L ancingand Notary Pubike- __ ones as well as the more expensive, the I-a\ag,s ,r jiw troijbiv. There Sept. ... 24.75 IzA. 75 21.35 24.50 24.40 -pROUDIrOOT. KILLORAN & COOKE, 1 111 bs-- are giving good satisfaction I, the Is ("le allael"n', all, July .... 22.22 22.27 21 92 22.00 21 85 Barristei4, Soitilitbrit, NoLarieti Pub- that is b� Awrea,ing anti vill-whing Sept. ... 22.55 22.72 22.40 22 � 45 22'32 the li C6 Etc. hands of a great many dairymen, tdee-On the Squaro, 2nd door from Uamil- But all machkoes are some- Ithe hlooll slljlpl�, and Own, i., lllll� LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Set ton streeL.,Goderich. 14,11leelliodivin'. e"It lit, this spedll� and 11111 W -Private fundq toloanat lowestrateFi. [link llffls. Liverpool, June 3 -Pork. prime mesa, what complicated, and somewhat I 4r*, tiNviN In., \\i1hallk" western. 370s. Ile: W. PROUDFOOT. X- C- e 11, p,lrir� tile Ilh-d. 11 1, ill J. L. KILLORAN. H. J- 1) COOKE- delleate of adjustnitnt, so that to be 'I'lle" Ili Hams. short cut. 14 to 16 tbs., 330s. I-\ i I this \�,H� that tll.,Ilslllllls anti tholls- Bacon, Cumberland cut, 2G to 30 tbs,, Ile, successful the operator must exercise ;,)als of wv;ik, ;tilliltz Kirl, alld I 117s, it AUCTIONEERING some mechanical ability. and strict �,ave hepl) resj..re4j I(, tile jily 4)r ell- Short ribs 16 to 24 tbs., 153 S, I Clear bellies, 14 to 16 163s. THOMAS G - Ry. care and attention to the needs of in- I urgy and gm -d hralth thl'--tigh I If -it' Long clear middles, light. 2S to 34 lbs., e dividual cows. Without these the I Ise. i;ixe tIj,-se Ililis n rair trial a n It Uve Stock and General Auctioneer, I "O's. H ilton street. Goderich. milking machine has always proved YOU Itiot Ilealt Iong clear middles. heavy, 35 to 40 Ills., am it,(, 153,, Set.. made everywhere and all efforts made a failure. It can hardly be said that ,,I,ellgtll illa, Short clear backs. 16 to 20 tbs., \\wlmll. Mrs. W. It. \eff. You tisfactlon* the machine will get as much milli �\ery 157a tit, ne.rvle llrtl'sale notes discounted. from the cows as good hand milking, linglie, :A 1, ,,, I*,,r,njj,,, Lard, prime western. Ili Llerces, 149s fird; ill sti American refined. pails. 152s; American but properly handled, It will give I refiliLd, boxes, 150s. VETERINARY. better results than the average hand- weali anti ill-- Tallow, Australian In Lontion. 72s. Turpentine spirits. 125:3. it DEL W. F. CLARK, V.S., graduate of the milking, and there is no doubt of 'is bli,od. Al, tilitt's I s'' had Rosin. common, 64s 6d. pX I Ontarlo Veterinary College ' Toronto. I being a great econqpJser of labor and t1lat \\hvil j \\akwd lit. SlArs I Petroleum. refined. Is 6%d. tilt respectfully ca. 11 the attention of horse owners to my approved method of operating on horses' time. The machint has its place On k\ollld ha\e h- sit oll the t, 1:1: stop alpi Linseed oil. 62.s. tooth. A fresh suPolY Of veterinary medicine the fa*rms of dairymen who milli 'rest, Sollwhill..." Illy f� Cottonseed oil. 68s Gd. It hanti. Office and atable-Newgat, more L than ten cows, it being do War kerosene, No. z. Is 2Y4d. reg uht- sv\ell its f\Nive it., liAllrat sizo, tro.t d Cut economy to invest so much mon,y f,,'t for a smaller herd, It may a 1.0 rl,3 I,,,( pill jll� 111,es Ill. CATTLE MARKETS ::1`1 INSURANCE doubtful ecuriorny to instal the m4- f;dIlting tiv KILLOP MUTUAL FIRL INSUR, chine in a herci of pure breds wnere pells, ;11111 %\;Is tItjiitt,-(i r --r UNION STOCK YARDS. 1jr, It work, involving it,,\ \\,)I,k. I \%.I, X,L41) ANCE C0. ,uucb ofticial test tinder ;I TORONTO, June 4, -With only it, Form and Isolated ToArn property insured. L-ailking tnree or more thiles per day, I'al:0 IIIIINI (if Ill" 11111" );Ift if I felt 1)"t- 2300 cattle on sale at tile Union till Value of Property insured up to January, Is being done. -A. Leticli, B.S. A r it tilne it N\;'-' ''Ill\ t't Ili'\" 111'� Stock Yards Exchange yesterday the \\! 1910 113 048 975.00 Ontario Agricultural College, Gueip�: it rll� .1"0 timll hef''rr, N"'Ilil" ill demand was not very active, but tak- tit op I'dERs - James Connolly, President, Mis I \\.I, \isiting :I frwnd Goderlch:Jaii- IGII'Alls, Vice-Presidittrit, Beech- To 11'reiielit Bees stvarilling. eu all round prices held about steady woo ayt. Sec.-TreliA., Sellforth. \\Ill, had urra! fmth in Ill.. Willi a (11, with the close of the week, but there DjqAT. E, H. ECTORS--D.F. MoGregor,Ssaforth; J-0. June is tLie swarming month Win llilll� I'll[,, and sh'. ,.I III-, thro" 11, 1%: was a better feeling and more go to Grieve," Winthrop; Win. Wrin, Constance; Glue 01 bUPvriDg tur tile main null"Y 0 r George M,;C Lrtnoy, Tuckersmith, JohnFerrf�, ll� 1110 lit"" 1, 11:111 t:11,"ll Itil's" I f''It the market and buyers for,some f Harlock;John t)ennewise, Broadhaigan: Mal- Ilow wnich begins oet\seen the IOL" flinch beti.-r thal I U t sIN the big packing houses stoutly main- in; colm mcEwaii. Iracefield and Lite 20tb of the mouth. depead- AGENTS-J. W. Yee, Goderich; Skndy I\e', ""I 1-f"W" I I"'I 1;Ii`11 t1l"'T" :111 tain that It was appreciably stronger Leitch, Clinton ; Win. Chesney. Soaforth : E. Alg On tile season and tbe latitude. I \\;,, ill.. Ilest ,f and that they had to pay more money ginchley. Beaforth. Be sure to give supers enougl3 to lit.;tIlh : Imil im-r,a,ed Ili \\�,wrht Ili\ I rder to get the cattle. Policy Holderq can pay their assessments at avoid ally crowding wnich may Canis 1;tIlIwt1I.- 111,1 1 lItIN, o,.i 1);I;l 11 0 R. H. Cutt's Store, Goderich. A J Morr h'� Ole bees to become discouraged, quit I a s.�jnplmn io' it I.- flit- Ill.] EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK - Clothing Store. Clinton, or J. A. iieid'a.lifty- East Buffalo June 3 -'Caltle-Re- Acid work Lwd sw a rol excessively. It. pitiAd" ceipts, 3800. Market strong; . prime steers, 21 sauald be the beekeeper's aim to )'mt (*:Ili gvl lit. Willi,ims' Pink $17.25 to $18.25; shipping steers, $16.50 to SOCIPTIES prevent bwkirming As ulucti as pos- I)ill., frilln tlll� ilf'Alf-l' Ill 1111-41WIll-, (W $17; butchers. $12 to $16.85: yearlings, FRATERN�L sible. This is dune by k.eping young six h,)Xes 1',)I- 'I'lio fir. \\'jj- $13.50 to $36.75; heifers $10 to $14.60; NCIHNT ORDICR OF FORESTURS. -,rhe friendly and Benevb- A queens, giVilig plenty of room and a hun,' Mefficho- 1-,, liniclodle, ilril. COWS. $6.50 to $15L50: bulls,l$7.50 to $13; stocke'rs and feedets. $7.50 to $11; fresh oulyl gaireserve, e tent Society in Canada. Sick and funeral bene systematic examination of brood- cows and springers, $6.3 to $150. is, ittraight. life, 10 to 30 yVar pqy life aud 0 !.dowment Puitils, $50�0-,Od' eltaiLlbers to detect c6lonies whiell THE 'EVE OF PASCHENDAELE Calves -Receipts, 2300 Market strong; insurance. Zourts in all parts are preparing to swaral. When queen $7 t,, $15.50. Mein bershig oNle r 2,�0,000 ceUs are found far advanced they Hogs -Receipts. 5200. Market active 0 1 IcTer7mortitland,N04097, Gaderich, lliects Ist Should all be destroyed and the Queen I,Iif3 lilies \\,,r. \\-pittell J)'N and qtrolig; heilv3. $I, to $17,50; mixed, -nDnth. Hall. co'ner and, rd Mondays each - ViviLors always irel (Itle 4)f it,,. (:;III4.jIalI _�4 'It jllk� fr(Ilt herself removed. Alter the colony I I $17.6.51 to $17.75; yorker.q. $17.75 to $18; light Yorkers. $18 to $19 2.�,: pigs, $18.2.5 to Nor treetand Square. irfc7 nation apily ­ has been queenless one Week the Dri\vr A, Sill- I it,, ;md \N,I, l-,rovarded $18.50; roughs, $15.25 to $15.50; stags, $11 c("e."'For 8 M ITH. C. R. t% qUNT. See combs should again be examined and to Pit, \\ I -I!,` .3,11111st''ll. ''I the 58th to $12. - all cells except one removed. This il;01:111-01 1-� I - 1111-th"r. \Irs. fie"r9c Sheep and lambs-ReCelptS, 131100. Mir- one will provide them with a queen a . nd if only one Is left they will not swarm again. Where an Improvement of stock is' desired the new queen may be given instead of leaving one queen ce-17. ., Natural lti�varms shOuld be hived on the old stland after removing ttke parent coldnY to one Bide- The swarms should be 'tirea the supers from the old colony. New swarms work with great vigor because they have no lirood to cake for during tba john�hm. 3rd mvi-ion i -r A,101vid. T[W. I ­*1\ 1-. -1* 11 \-�CIIEMIAELE - , thi- shell t.-rii plain, -.1 -01111 -, Milli , :1 ill], dreary I,, d v, lilt Call idiRn hlm,d. I,- 1---d sille.. N\o \i,\\Pd hi,loriv hill Ntl IIIv e:mq, it cra-h and ill,, sh,11 .s till et e&s er; in 9, o I . ; 5ear- lings, $13 to $15: wethpi,;, $13.50 to $14; ewes, $6 to $13; mixed sheep, $13 to $13.50. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, June 3--liog.i-Recelpts 1R. - 0,00. Market closed stvadY at 20e to 25e advance over Saturday Big packars bought sparingly, and about 5500 hogs remained In the pens; Aelected lights topped at' Sla 95: bulk. $16.50 to $16,70. Cattle--Recelpt.s 15,001); market gool: beef steers firm; others lower. Top, $17.75; butcher cattle generally steady: choice heavy Dakota viwa sold up to $14.75; calves active and steady; top, first week. Colonies held tOget.— ),olr Alm,. valil'i tile \\Zill. $14.75; stockers and feeders steady. without swarming gather more noney .1 V 11 "Ivv- Sheep Receipts 12,000. market, lambs at all hours -night or day. than those whicit swarm., It is the TI'll" H. -Il 11, 1, rf beekeepers patriotic duty to reduce \\,twre Iijii,jr it;,- tampt-d its brand. 1,11, sj(�� ;11 tile slutil of its vi-opful the,cost of tioney' produil;tion and thus lihirld. increase the quantity II(I Is called to They 1111t I I erl top iihorn, $17.25; *Iifornia spring IOW arnbs. gradLng below choice, solo at $19; light sorted. �orne owes 25c lower; practical top, $13,50; no wethers or yearlings offered. 21 ,CLUBBING RATES pro duce as greatly as postoble. also cause the beekeepetjo)p trouole ,,.rio 1,,noz I\ 1,) share In tilt' Greeks Repulse Bulgairs. WITH THE STAR at unexpected times. Thli" may be fra% done more by swarm prevention than (in (lilt- 1wri-r \\v �\Iil 11-t fail anti \%e're PARIS, Jurre 3 -Referring to op - erations In the eastern theatre the In any other way. Bulletin 233 (On- There's tlig ti,ings it stah, tario. Department of Agriculture) g,,Irly I lake War Office report said: "A counter-attack by the Bulgar- takes this,matter up thoroughly and 11he ridg.� .,t Paohenda,io. Tile Sta",and Toronto Daily Giole ......... .. $5 25 should be carefully studied by all We're IIer,, .,iwo more 1,, vvelter in tans against our new positione -_ 6. 111ady Mad W E ire ......... 5 2,5 4. blostreal Panilyloralil beekeepers. - Provincial Apiar(15t, 9('11. : Srka-di-Legen was repulsed by our barrage fire. The total number of and Ontario Agricultural College. GuelbIll. Thvr(,'11 I- 1-V 111-141 Illinirled V%ith womy'stat .................. 2 65 WOOXbe troops taken during our successful 1. Nifultly San (Toronto) .......... 2 40 1 ox4j Silly ....... ..... 4 30 old. Dairy 1?oInters for Jnnr�. In stPfnrnmz tile ti.1t, .f Pru,4,ian's June attack on the enemy positions has now reached 1,712. Serbian detach - I Daily World ........... 5 25 Cows in clover or good -grass pride ments which penetrated the enemy's Toronto Daily News ............. 4 30 pasture require very little attention. And gettintz , fringiv 1, 'Id trenches have now cleared them Farmer's Ativilette.... - 111TIB Is the Ideal month for dairy On it fi- �Nh­ tir"(41 Iliq out. - .1 The Country Geallifaim;.:: 3 2.5 operations. If there are any 1) 1'. \N on the 4' London Daily "vat hot days, be careful to cool both And sfru, If- h, It Foch Confident. Linslos Daily Ffte I 55 0000 milk and cream,'by setting In tell Ftut Nvo'r, h-, h, flit "d Vv(`\" glIt 1 PARIS, June 4. - Deputy Daub - Montreal Wookly Witnon ...... 2 90 WorIA Wide, Renewal 4 25 water, or cold well water. Sour milk thr lint and are too frequ�ntly sent to tmipq-r­,� ''Ili, \\Ill 1w rolt. Igmy, who has J,ist retuyneS, rom ......... cream the front. wbpm he saw Mn. iloch, P I teru* asJ Westminster. 3 30 1. the factory. Don't forget to wash the declared the commander-in-chief aim - Calk ic Register ............... 2 90 cream separator and strainer dally, ply observed this was only the sixth 1, Saturilay Night (Twoutis) ...... 4 25 or after each t1mAe of using. day of the battle. wbereas eight or 11 14cLske, a majazise ............. 2 75 6. lime laarsaF(Tafonfo) 2 25 And Ift"Ard, -�t Jwm \\till their fare,; ten days were ripcessary to stop the ........ 6, w6litan's 1141M compasion hoe it. LEMONS WHITEN AND The canadi.in -1,win tr-,ops stood. offensive of March 21 Homme Libre a (New York). . _ ............... 3 25 enormous. considers the dpelaration conveys 6. The Satanlay EvesingTinit .... 3 25 There', -,w 11,111if h. --iijare ,it the OEAUTIFY THE SKIN 11-l", clear meaning. and that the cow - tie will TA 64"'Illem joaml,... 3 50 '1 1"' fir. ,lit I riandpr-in.-M-f _Iq lonfidpot gricludinpi politaire to Canadian Subseriberii.) 11 11.1, hr' --1 tile sh-19 '-f ('tile : stop th�p enemy anti mAnd the altu- The Camellias Caush"as Make this beauty Wion cheaply for It'ition the Ilim, tris, -1 !o pw­ \%-lilt their ation to a few dayq (Weeltly) ..................... 2 00 94 Tbs Youtk*s Ceispaden ........ 3 75 your face, neck, arms and hands. Lza�, ina,tvrpioro of crime Heavy rain In the Agawa CanY0a 9. Scottish Alsericia ............... 4 00 Aswrican At the cost of a sniall jar of ordinary '111,, jjhjj,ill� igtit Ar mat \pril n:9 It, cause(I much darnagp to the track and bridges on the A Igoma Central R&11 - Scientific ............. 4 75 costna I agazine ...... 3 00 cold cream one can prepare a full quar- \\ ill, its intiril,-r(m� pw-,,nr.I �t ng 'I'llc 'twkiou I -r -Ah of our w J%.,. tClure 0 Magazine ............ 3 00 ter pint of the most wonderful lemop 11 e: st anti iniand \alleys, aff-Tting par- H a" G&rJm 4 SO 1111. skin softener and complexion \\',Fl rro,h in mir memoriell ring by squeezing the juice of two 1rZV1fln,-' I,\N,, iil,arl� tonialtiv., anti strawberries (Monthly) .................... ons into a bottle containing three ounces ih,n't f,,rtr,-t Ill,, ryps that art, %%,,I. I I. �I­l 11 1 T,o igubscribern In the Ultited8tates of orchard white. Care should be taken \nd III, 1,.niring hearts that pr;i) apple sitnalimi is quitt, different 60 cents addition to all ag've, to Pay to strain the juice through a fine cloth ],- ltwrn till- armirld I- it �nrred ar"Ini'l that .r a �oar ago- At that tinle, postage. so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- Th -e ]lilt,, t)e,lq ,f 11 lillf FIR %1\ Any combination of the above publi- tion will keep fresh for months. Every 'we*%e R. -t flip viin-; anti vl-vll w,-1 Ow '441% 14 F eations may be had with The Star, for woman known that lemon juice is used , thin Nil,. 2trd. 110 , Zator- MMmple I to bleach and., remove 7mich blendshoR in i j-jj,,\'Xr ta�tefi otir rimsel,- and il, . I,t it-] -Ili and . ,,I -0,jr-laN- TLs Star *W Daily Mail and Empim .... $5 23 freckles, sallowness and tan and is ilrn\%ri . Ili,. (,rin,i lr,mi, \%ill -per T6 Family BeraM($2.65 tau 111 .50) 1. 15 the ideal skin softener, whitener and jjnr oh eetlN, I,; set and wp'rp aoing file a trim r, I.. '1.,r Ili-, \Iti%kokat — beantifier. t" ire 1, %%harf I- -I- -it ill " if, The 11rea Papers ...................... $648 Jud try it I Get three OuncPs Of The ridge at the break of da%%n Returning Vain \\1J Mo,ikoka ftinittances by Postal Note or Ex- orthard white at any drug gore and wharf at 12 Is") 1, ill f,,r 1--r,lnto ton girm order at our risk. Address two Imilifts fgom thegvwr and make up a qn&rter p of It swee�ly tragrant Children Cry Monda�%. MaN 21th. June 3rd, Mth anti lith Th,�4- 1,kite, \%ill -,,nn,-,,t f Ili NI\Ialltlol VANATTEU & NAFTEL, kiiiiiin &otlois sad NABGW It IMY into It in FOR FLETCHER'S the Mij%koka Lah- steamer 1,. and fr,jrn rwinl,i ill t �,i, PublMen The Star, the false, lie* an" aa kanda. tO BB600" MoRknka LA1,04 Vii! Inforn (haeriab, ont. "Arvelois iftlivelli, CASTOR 1A frorp Orand Trunk it( agent. WE WANT NOW Re table Agent in Huron County to ims 'r, TOO 21 Shoo Fashions nths. Good pay, exclusive territory, selling ecitiipment. ver 600 Ackeo of the choicest Nurserl 4, 001�e vilpotS 4bat the demand for Oxf ords ck, including 14EW varieties con - led bv us Handsome up-to-date Sell. Tatephicifte equipment end a splendid Canadian Economy: practice It? I tqr ones axe few. WOOXbe latoll gr"Oplllil S" hoft in White, black, mahogany kid to 00 and Pocono 1"*Wq. They stria made byi the best Footwear .tUroltljs *pd wM give a clinging, comfortable tit to all PELHAM NURSERN CO.. Beware of who wo&r theitil. &t a moderate price. lmltatlonb Wants and QUU48 Sboes for tilke boys and girls are now sold In stock. ants for agencies or purchasers of on the ....... . . . . kjtPAIRING kirsery Stock. Merits Q1 The Prompt Answer! 9 1 Hdrd 9 5 01 AacVICAR GEO. I f 1"llevit-"ol North 6140 of 04"lkflo GODERICH WE WANT NOW Re table Agent in Huron County to ims 'r, sell Petbam's Peerless Fruit and Or- tiamental treesduriag Fall and Winter nths. Good pay, exclusive territory, selling ecitiipment. ver 600 Ackeo of the choicest Nurserl ck, including 14EW varieties con - led bv us Handsome up-to-date Sell. Tatephicifte equipment end a splendid Canadian Economy: practice It? I will stock to offer cust,)mers. We are jobbers. Write uqw rot- agency to PELHAM NURSERN CO.. Toronto, Out. 1--Catalogoe sent on request to appli- ants for agencies or purchasers of kirsery Stock. The Prompt Answer! GOOD rRUIT PROSPECTS 11 ZI frilit VI'llp I)IIII01ill issued 1)�' Fruit littawa, May habit 11, it is Stilted ill it throllight)III, till- IF the of ansivering promptly ill, tilt- \Noatller llas been oxtrellit-1) orahlo, partivulat,ly during Iflot- when the telephone 16ell rings were it tinw. vOwn emiditimis v%ere Ideal pidl.-IlAtil't). This applies al�o to universal, the saving of time would be \01oh. (If t.:,,,tvrt, catimia. lit Nt)\a )till it N\,I, dr� aial allnost t4lo enormous. 'Ing the grealet, part of May , raill, '131,41 1111\e, [Ill\\- Iwi.n I)) a itmt,r teill- q Few things are more pleasing to telephone ,ature. im Edwarlt Island �11a, 11ne n1ld %\drill sinve MaN users than a and courteous response . I; ditions in British Collillibia prompt re lillit, fa\-'rillfle IIIIIII \III,,, 2ith, to a telephone call. In business, the practice (,it it \ory hvlo� struck the st anti iniand \alleys, aff-Tting par- of answering, haS been a money iil,arl� tonialtiv., anti strawberries prompt I Ili smile parts all slone frults. 'It#, maker. for customers appreciate it. apple sitnalimi is quitt, different that .r a �oar ago- At that tinle, \\ill ill, renivinherv,1, Nt)\a Scotia Practice an'swering yoUrself and levied it large er,q), \0014, ill Ontario prompt � prospel't., %\ore \vr� make it a rulc in your business. -(lit.\, tile i-miditiml is re\vrsvd Lis 111,41, tIlt)-se t\Nu pruVillctvs, Tha \it Sciltian N%Itjj ill,. exvvption it fo\\ \arivfivs, will pr(slinhi), fail Ilpho" v,)l-, : jat,� \arip- an, light. In miturill 4r The Bell Telephone'Co. 8, ,si-ets ar,, grilerally little prolill.- porII;jpA so fit \\11st"I'll 1)[1- Canada 'I.). 4;ew,gi�ljj jl�jy 111111 I-rillee 1-:41 of 'CAK (I'll (.4,1111ty : in all 114o'Ve\er, e (-r,.I) pnani,es L,) lxreatl� exevu,j it Id it �var ali,,, )list ]I"%\ Ill., Ihi;I cr.j. has hIN11 h� ill,, )sl uf Nla� 21, it iz. illflictilt tit vsti- ih- at till, diilo. Apparcllll�, ll.m- quitt, fa\,it-fililo and at-(, at Ieaid tOO HICT4,1D POTATOICts HELP OUT "r, lilt- allple or"j, 11:1, 1,-.11 J.'s, it) - rod than .Ilwr ri'llits, fr(.111 re per 4,ent t),.tt..r 111,jil lit the saille tinle FLOUR last �ejlr \arieiies art- 4ho\%ing tit) partivuiarl�, well ill Brillit (41-10' Freshly cooked potatovs. iltit through a ricer, or forced through P it fr\� for cdew�onj cans"spip the " d6irlimarlii. 4 Copfort L-yeo Specials at McEwen 11, s When you have your garden ready doii't forget we have t1w New Seeds ill, Dutch Sets, Irish Cobler Pil- tatO65, from tile geod hol-e. 1,1)VorIIlIIeIlI, 1114011 Will 111,111 0d. You have reaAl of the dutN ()it roa, Coffee, Tobacc.(), and ilatelies Get it, \,) tir wipply. Our value,; Ili test ent, not he beat, our ooffee Is N,) I Special in Dutch Set 011-1114 1� Cents per pound 'S'pocial in WASHING AMMONIA a few canon left at 5c a parkage, wrth e "onle at Ill(' orth 1150c. n0owurainin(le of pruneq art - moving at 12ysc and I Sc A nice asRortment of childroWn lichool hats at good value. Highest No Paid fop Butter and Eggs taken In evchangs for either Dry Code so Groupies. J. J. MCEWEN a Selath slit lkuar% S 1) 1., - s At,,. iitming ,,mie daniage fruln a flne strainer, can be liffed in place �\jlltvr of part of the flour In batters or doughs., Cold, left -over ti)(Aatoes ,I,jwre is till poiswimis' Ingre(lient in may be'lised btit are not so easily IIk1l(I\\aN`s Corn Gnrv, and It can Ile. Welled as the freen hot potatoes, NNi tli,jut danger of injut nor s the flavor quite as good. V t, A, J