HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-07, Page 24 'Ir if I! 4X 41) dI tiliIIIIIJ P om rom e rat , were mcued. "It appears that the number of German machines account - approved will not only retain any case 0% `1`14U (401)FIRIC14, %4TAR June 71, 4918 'ITH M WAS TROUP= W1 -17 -NolLon' r"Ap* Need to Send Ell of GET T IS ge 1101GESTION an HING LoDgfellow could Ltke a worthless U COULD KEEP NOT pjece of paper and %Nrite a poem on it Ire Riw Work worth $65,000. I ne pair ON STOMACH - That's genius. Out of Town Indigestion is one of the wont forma. Of Tilere are some men who can write -e of paper and stomach trouble. The stomach becomes a few words oil a piec make it "orth a million dollars. JOHNSTON,-'S GARAGE, Kingston street, is now upset and you have 96 raw debilitated 'Phat's capital. equipped with the celebrated feeling in it. It is not necessary for you to be 1,11p 111lited States can take all ounce troubled with indigestion if you will only and a-Lluarter of­guld and make it Acron Williams use that old and well-known remedy %%,orth twenty dollars. Burdock Blood l3ittere which will regu- That's money. late she stomach so t6t you may eat what you wish without any ill after k mechanic can tak? waterial worth $5 and make it into watchsprings Steam Vulcanizer Bacot& worth $1,0W. M=hville Out., ................... ........... Mrs. Wra- C. Smith, That's skill. and Mr. Johnston is prepared to do all writes�—"I cannot speak too hijUy of ork that Remember the "Greyhound" Excursion, Goderich to Detroit, Tuesday, June 11th Burdock Blood Bitters; it is worth its A fisherman can set his net and lift kinds of tire and tube work — w weight in gold. I was troubled with in- them the next day and find them full eiSion, and was so bad I could not of sticks and slime, has hitherto gone to Stratford, London or dig A keep anything on my stomach. That's fisherman's luck. This is the first machine of the friend advised me to triB.B.B. which I Toronto. PIRATES' CROSS OCEANITortured For ARE SUPREME IN. AIR did, and I never felt better in my life." There's a man in Paris who can take kind in this section and , will be a great Nearly Two Years Burdock Blood Bitters has been manu- a lifty-cent piece of canvas, paint a picture on it and maku it worth 610,- -to auto -owner& .,It will handle all sizes of tires. factured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Mr. Johnston .1 is . t - ak i . ng " a co ur , s . e -06-rman­suvmai�fnes R alidi -the AWes Continue -to, . Ciest-my Avi. - Toirout6,-Ont,' for over 40 yeard� YOU- 000, from 2y MRS. PLANTE FOUND BELIEF IN ators of the Enemy. 2 to 5 inches. New Jerse Coast DODWS KIDNEY PILLS do not experiment when you buy it. That's - art. in vulcanizing in Toronto and will be y Fleot of Enemy 111-bosits Attack Amer. She Tells flow They Helped Her Kid- British Made Largest Bag During ing seventy-five cents and sell It for the mouth Of May, and It Is Esti. Gefrohn rkess RWIffi& one dollar. Ic" Shipping in North Atlantic ney Disease and Made a New Woman mated That . 1,137 Enemy Planta LONDON Jupe 4—The Germans That's business. Ready for Business Ocean and Several Ships Have! of Her. Were Destroyed, Which Exceeds have draw� their line closer round A man can buy a suit for $10 or $15, Deft Scat to the Bottom, Though Rheims and hold three-quarters of an '20 or $25 for It. I Ste Florence, Que., June 3rd. Spe- Record get In March by 67. armed semicircle. but prefers paying $ June Sth All Transports Have Escaped— J cial.) L -Two boxes of Dodd's Kidney LONDON. June 4.—Tbe Times, in That's foolishness. Se" Are Being Scoured. Pills made a new person of me." The Trent* Valley Canal was formally I& on aerial operations There are people who will tell you speaker is Madame M. L. Plante, of an art Satur- opened by Hon. Dr. Reid, Minister of prepared to guarantee a first- WASHINGTON, June 4—Germany this plac,, and her numerous friends day, saya: Railways alld Canals, who,' aecola- that other clothing stores are selling at last has brought her submarine here, fully verify her statement. "Up to Friday night, 1,137 air- panled by a party of engineers, Par- as cheap as ROBINS, class job. warfare to the 9bores of the United "For nearly two years," Mrs. Plante States, apparently In a forlorn hope continues, "kidney disease tortured planes were reported downed on all IjAmentarlans and prominent Trentou That's nerve. He also carries a good line of striking telling blows on this side me. I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pais, battle fronts in May. This surpasses citizens, left Trenton by steamer for Take a night off and see for your - 4 Q of the Atlantic And of drawing home and made tip my mind to try them, by 67 the total for March, which, self., Of some of the American naval forces and to my surprise they did me good with 1.062. constituted the record Th4at's cbminon sense. from the war zones where the U-boat almost at once. Two boxes cured me month. The losses on the various R U M. ROBINS, Clothier and Gents' Fur - Tires and Tubes menace Is being slowly, but surely vompletRly. I recommend them to all fronts during May were: nisher, south side of Square, next to atiangled to death. rny friends." vho Western .. ............ 971 the British Exchange Hotel. In the attacks upon coasting ves- Mrs. Plante is only one of many % Gasoline Free Air sels almost In sight Of the New Jer. have had a similar experience. They Italian ................ 120 :PT � fl�, E That's me. Bey shore navy officials see a fraDtIC were weak and run-down, and sick all Macedonian . .......... 26 admission from lierlin that the sub. (),.p 1?, PLIA fl, . NAPE r. Dodd's Kidney Pills helped Palestine . ............ 8 If in riced of anything in marine has failed. American armed them. How ? Simply r)y curing the Mesopotamia ... ....... 3 Men's and Boys' Wearing Ap- Autos for Hire power Is railing overseas in ever- kidneys, The diseased kidneys were SPECIALIST HERE Increasing force, despite the utmost tile cause of all the trouble. They' "Details of the totals on the west- I parel don't overlook this Ad. exertions of the undersea pirates off were falling to strain the impurities ern front were that 492 German Ma- Now Invention Ratalne Rupture the coasts of Europe. out of the blood, and the result \\as chines fell Into the hands of the Brit- Without Knife, Danger or Pain. ish, 234 to the French. 13 to the 10ur stock consists of"" -Men's Now the raiders have crossed the disease body. Dodd's -Old-fashioned galling; slioping trusses and all over tqe lothing, Boats and seas and lurked for days near Amer. Kidney Pills helped the kidneys the Americans and five to the Belgians. f0reIgLl mail order methods are done away with alld Boys' Cl Of the 222 allied airplanes claimed by the wonderful invention of a Caaadian Geoll Johnston lea's greatest ports. They no doubt impurities were strdmed out 'of the by the Germans, they have not put specialistwho has devoted years to this R one Sh Underwear, Overalls were dent to sink transports, but here blooti. The resmit was pure blood and study. The roarvelons Dew Egan 110RAT,huse oes, .111 j�vr tile bod . In a claim for five British machines gives instant retention, rest and security % er again they failed. Blocked off the good healtb , y The ed missing last night, but this othershave failed. It prevents all Irritation, and Smocks, Shirts, Hats and Kingstou Street Garage troopships by convoy craft, they have cause of the disease had been removed . report of restores every part to Its natural pomition us I turned in fury against defencelesiI number is included in the total soon as It is used, and, old style trusses are ' 971 down on the western front thrown away. Egan's I Curatrus" is intended Ties —everything that men or coazters. In all the record of destruc� to natture to close the opening III (he short� "Of the enemy machines account- bovs require for a' complete est t 1 known without an operation and at Una they have written, the raiding - "Isa5el-B. VVIley, in ballast, net ed for by the BritiBb, 378 were de- sinall, 1008t. Testimonials from men, women an party has struck at no vessels bound tonnage 611; crew eight, stroyed in combat, 95 were driven parentt. Notbingeornplicated. Noinconveni outfit. All our goods are well RUPTURE IS CURABLE German "Man Trap." over"aA and therefore armed for a "Hattie Dunn, of Rockland, of ence (11'.Ioss of thric, but Just it natural retentive fight. Only ships that could not hit out of control and 155, seven thod it costs you 6otiiing to investigate. Delays may be dangerous. Now Is the thn, to tailored arid of the. latest de - back have been attacked. The only sailing for Charleston. brought down by gunfire. Four otb� make yourself physically fit for your daily work. PARTS, June 4—The latest Ger Maine; net tonnage 365, In ballast, which fell within our lines, were Results Not Infliteneed by Age or man barbarity consists of a man -trap one of halt a score of vessels prob- "Edward H. Golp, of Boston, ton- era also were forced to land within Tear Off cotiPou now. ' Mada in CanAda." sign. Alteration free. Length of Time Standing, Reports similar to a bear trap, discovered :n ably sent to the bottom that had any nage 1,395, in ballast, bound for our lines. Y. EGAN, SPECIALIST, WILL VISIT the towne We both lose money if you Expert No Man's Land by Corpl. Leonardo real military value in ship or cargo Norfolk, crew of 11. "Eleven German observation bal- Manser and Sergt. Victor L,, Vaupel, Free dernmistration and examina I onofsamples. Ask athotel office formy I United States Eligineers. was an oil tanker. "Herbert L. Pratt, steamship oil loons also were destroyed during the rOOOMA' Note dates. don't deal at Rupture is not a teor or breach in Up to a late hour Monday night tanker, sunk about five miles South month, 1 1. the abdOwninal wall, its voinmonly sup- The contrivance, which is chainod the destruction Of fi-ve sailing craft of Overfalls Lightsbip, off the Dela- "The number of British airplanes I GODERIC11— BEDFORD HOTEL—THURSDAY to stakes in the 'ground, Is three feet and the tanker, Herbert L. Pratt, was ware coast; 38 -on board, 37 of the Teported missing in the same period (all day and night) I day only, JUNE 20th. posedi`�b�(Jt Is a stretching or dilation long and his jaws 18 inches wide the record of losses offleially report- crew rescued and landed at Lewes. I M. ROBINS of a 4jtu(�j Il opening, says J. Y. Egan, with teeth two inches long. It Its de- ed to- the Navy� Department. The fate one is 126,, Inclusive of th-)se which fall- CLINTON—NORMANDIE HOTEL—JUNE 21. of roh st- ed to return after raids ver Ger- OPEN EVENINGS * I pAW. the noted neciallst who signed to We the vietfin- great pain of the coastwise liner Carolina, which "Arf the crews of the above -nam- many. In March 155 of ouromachinps wi I �Iglt (,oderich Bedford Hotel and make him call for help, Th Is reported by wireless Yesterday she ed vessels, except the one man lost were reported missing and the total Thursday (all day and riight.� I day attracts his comrades, who was being shelled was still unknown. 4 become only, June V. The "Guratrus" as now used and targets for a German machine-gun I The crews of some of the craft de- rom e rat , were mcued. "It appears that the number of German machines account - approved will not only retain any case fusilade, which results in the annihi- stroyed have b-een.brought into port schooner Edna, which waa found bottdmside ed for was 590, including two Gothas of rupture perfectly affording irn- lation of the entire party. The trap is in the Paris Y.M.C.A., with a story of 11 days' Imprison - up severai days ago and towed Into which raided the Paris area. "French airmen 'and In niediate and complete comfort, but is where it has been examined by a meat aboard an enemy submarine- During that period scores of troops Lewes, Delaware, was also a victim gunners May placed to their credit 234 Ger- Intended to assist nature to close the opening In the shortest time known, number of Americans, who were as- and supply ships have passed In and of the submarine. The crew of the Edna have been landed in New mail airplanes and thirteen balloo ,],his appliance has received highest tordshed at the horror of the device. out on the business of crushing the York. The master of the W Due- I Of the airplanes 100 were destrc,3,-,�� awards wherever shown. producing re- It will be shipped to Ameri trophy. ca as a German army In France. The U-boat conne picked up the crew of the when fighting, 19 fel: targets to the aim of gunners and 115 wcre driven sults without harmful injections or found no weak link In the chain Of armed craft that guarded them. Hattle Dunn. down seriously damaged. other aids. Mr. Fgan has testimonials frotl),Otir own section for Inspection. Over $4,000,^,00 has been contri- Secretary Daniels went to the eapt- "Nothing further has Leen heard from the steamship Carolina, which "The German rigure of 222 allied if in created, call , fie, will be pleased buted by the I.O.D.E. tbro ughout Canada for war work since August. tol Auring the day to tell members of the House Naval Committee that sent out S.O.S. calls Sunduy after- machines is one more thai� is claim - ed in the daily reports from the Ger- to show you the same without charge. cCe his advertisement. 1914. the xald was designed to frighten the noon, stating that she was being shelled by a submarine. The Caro- man main headquarters in March. "British GREAT LAKES SiTEAMSHIP SERVICE American people Into demanding the return of war vessels from the other lina at the tinie was reported in airmen on the Italian front maintained a fine record of as - Miller's Worm Po\ ders work so ef-, cific Steamship - Canadian Pa "Mani side. He gave assurance that Con- the same general vicinity as that in cendancy over the Austrian air ser - fectively that no traN res of worms can toba" leaves Owen Sound 10.30 gresa need have no apprehension an which the schooners were sunk the vice. The British fliers destroyed be found. The pests are niacerated in no\v P. in. each Mondwy ror S�ult SW. to the protection of the American same day." Meanwhile, departmental 48 enemy machines and two balloons the stomach and pass away in the stools without being perceptible. Marie, Poet Arthur and Fort William. coast, and that there will be no re- reports from naval districts along the wholo with a loss to ithemselves of only two They make an entire and clean sweep Steamships "Keewatin" and "Assin- call of fore" from the war zone. Atlantic coast showed feverish activ- airplanes. They have now destroyed 167 Austrian airplan-�s since they of the Intestines, and nothing In the lbola" will sail frorfi Port�McNicholl Wednesday* find Saturdays, cofnmen- Mr. Dardell; summarized the in- formation reaching the DO partment Ity among the patrol Beet. From all went to Italy at the end of Noveniber shape of a worm caii find lodgement eing June Ist. as follows: . along the coast armed craft are con- l and their losses foi- 'he same period there when these powders are In oper- ation. Nothing muld be more thor- Connectilig train running though to "Navy Department reports show verging on the spot where the enemy -was last reported. Seaplanes are'Va- are only fifteen mach.nes. In addi- ough or desirable than their action. Port MoNlcholl will leave Toronto 2 that the following VVWMIS have been trolling the air seeking say trace- tion to the 48 machines destroyed by the British airmen, the Italians p. m. Saturday, June Ist, and each Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. sunk: "Jacob M. Haskell, schooner, Every craft has orders to fire OD In Miy abcountod for,, 68 of the �n- Remit by Dominion Express Mon- 1,362 tons, hailing from Postbn, sight at any suspicious object. emy, while the Austrians claim to ey Order. If lost or stolen, you can back. ADVER TISE IN THE STAR Balling for Norfolk; 11 In crew; no Already they haive pounded flOat- Ing wreckage with shot and shell In have destroyed in the same reriod four get your money DaAXeZLCMZJ6 allied airplanes. , search of the foe, leading to reports of battles at sea from various points. "In Macedonia s-eventeen enemy machines were deitroyed -ind eig: t V P Persistent reports that one of the allied airplanes wero reportp(l to two raiders reported had -been sftk, have met the garre fate. , ' and the other captured, were In clr- ULLANING PHUSINU,! culation nearly all day. The DepaTt- 3 ent had nothing to confirm them. DAP WRIS USE TRY Voluntary lRecruits Asked For. F t"11 THE GODERIGH FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS I DUBLIN, June 4—The Lord Lieu WEST STREIM I tenant issued a proclamation last FOR MUNHIS 9 night asked for 50,000 voluntary re- Now is the time for your Lace Curtains cruits, and thereafter 2,000 to 3,000 monthly to maintain the Irish divi- 'Phone 122 J. H. VROOMAN, Proprietor. sion, Pat Im meat if Kidneys fed U$ 1"d I The first call is to men IS to 27 or Bk&er bothm you—Itest CannnoCloon, 3-300. Iocicw*ooisooaoomm00000000000*ci*mwo years of age, and special inducement fornill Uric 1110A is offered of legislation to onsurc that land shall be available for the HE men who fight for their country. Uftt folks forpt that the kidfty% like the bowels, t luggish and cl KARLRRUHE IS ATTACKEL). and need a fil r, =01,,,,, elon!"VIrde NEW S have bookiliche an dull Inisary in the Over a Ton of Projectiles Dropped on region, wrere headaches, rheu. matio twinges, torpid ]liver, "idstomam German City- sleeplessness and sill aorta o f bladder LONDON, Jun 4. — Another air ordarg, raid on Karlsruhe has been made by iYOU 6811, your U -P TO DATE GARAGE British air squadrons, according to active and cean, a moment you the official statement on aerial oper- feel an ache or pain in the kidney .ations, which reads: reeon, got about four ounces of Jad "Our airplanes and balloons again Salts from any good drug st6re here, carried out much successful uor!� takis a tablespoonful in a glass of wateir yesterday. During th3 morning on, bdore 'bresiUsst for a few day1b and, long-distance bombing innehir-t. ym kidneys will then act An& This Now Open fop Business crossed the Rhine and in spite oi fanafts "Its Is n2ade from the said of strong opposition from nemy alr- st4 lea" Juice, combined idth craft dropped over it- dfill'of bomb,, and is harmless to flush cloned We have the an the station and -worksho�a fall 6" and stimulate them to normal Karlsruhe. One machine engaged In Is AW neatralizes the ael" M. this raid failed to return. WIDO so It so lmi4w hfltstes, Chevrolet Agency "Another group of our airplant, OU ftdlag bladder dtWders. have dropped a ton of bombs on the IT&A Wfa is harin1m; luape"v" railw,ay triangle of rdetz-Sablons with .I . a Z 11this- Six new Cars just unloaded. good effect and without losses. Dur- VSW &Uk "1011 - .ing the course of the day 31 tons of OW 90 th= tO k akm Out.. new ­Bowser Gasoline outfit gives only M.. bombs were dropped on'dilier6ht ttkF- 4b" 6" N gets behind the enemy lines. A ":212011- low Ptiii'Oasliiine.' I"rwenty German machines were a" lob of Jad's destroyed In air fighting and six #a 6"ftbih Id la is Free Air from our new Lectr6flater. LE ft kIdUY were driven down out of control. One other hostile Machine wAs sb1t A complete line of Tires and accessories. dovn by anli-aircraft fire. One of ADVERTISE IN TICE STAR our machines to mitiaing. During last night 16 tons of homba eikero dropDed by us ou tar- We ape fully equipped gets in enemy territory. Six tons FARMERS �n A110H were dropped on 'the Bruges docks L Rnd on the &ob"gge­)3ku9ea Canal. Make money in your spftte time fop all Pepair wook Irk addition four tons were droppeel this wintf-r by selling Nurgery on railway JUnettons and the ptat(ofig ""7"— 0 1 Stock and New qeed Potatoes. at Mott-gAblobv, lKslirthaus and Thionville. All our night-bombint; Thig is the right thus to -4�irt on Autos fo* P Hipe tnaohinex returned. A Spring Sales. One German light bombing Mr. We p&v hlitbe,,t conivii-Nionn find fnrn- plarie, was broiigh down In flaint's Ishour Qzn1nPwAn Willi litktatUre With a I'linn.-b" to M hind our linet." S4,11(l for onr 114 o? Vow nfttioqo and full ptirtioulam. Till Me D"I S lftr$60 Im 01111., STONEA WELLINGTON South st"eat OODERICH TM Nithill Nin i0ist, 1 11 M00111101 IM-1101#111,111-Ilo-il�illillitilillimloluillilifilillI . ONE,