HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-31, Page 79 - � -- I � �­.sssolls� - .1 - - ,� , - - I . loiislrlplos)w� WWW .1 . ­ I'lloplip....'...17 . � 1. � I I � I sl��,­ -, � , � I - . ,, � . . .I � ­­ I I . .1 � i ,,,, I - �. 1. . ­ � ­,;, .­­ - -1; 1'-- I—. I I I - " , I I ­,, . �, I - 1. 11 . . I ­ .1 .'---1-1 r . ......... %, 1111-11-1 ­­ 1 . I I -1 - . - - I .. ­�.111 .1 � I I .1 1. - � Z —al"I'll , , . � � I , I ol *�. � I I A, ,� � . , . . I �r , . -1 .1 . .i� i I 17 . I -- - � I � S � - . r � . 0, I � I . r 1� may 311l, �? 1i 81 . - 11 - 11 - — " "�— r- rr . 11 . .. .. � 1. r- ­­­­ ­­ � ­­ ­ - "Ir. I ­ - I .-� . - r, I , , " ­ ­ -- - - A I � r r I - . r r r - - .1 - I . r. ­ -- * . , ,., , , p ,,,,f� �­ "MO 10% V raw% I MAU . � COLD and . I COUGH . DR. WOODPS i&AAVD� " Mrs. Fo. W. Gibson a Bister.in*-Iaw Of tile former Lieu teWant,Governor of iOntario. died at her holue. at the age of years. I Awlenty returned soldiers left 'fq so, I ronto to Join the soldier settlemebt ! at Kapuskasing In the clay belt of INorthein Ontario. I G. N. W. operators at & meeting I voted unanimously for a strike it I Thompson and Taylor are opt ri�ln- stated by tile company. U WID. J. H . anna was sentenced by Strong 'Enoughiltlo­14�1­-­ o Hm I` ,IID,NVV 111lb-N-11! GJAWN, THE CIRM1111 I TO 111,001111isfil IKIONF,V PILLS - - -Six Years Jigo He Had Kidusel, 01-motiotis Se. W His Friends Said 1 6 Would Not Live Long. � Lydiard ,O,dsk May Wth. Strong 'And healthy. and"We to ou tile hem work of homestead duty, Mr., Sidliqy NORWAY PINE SYRUP agistrute 0 Bri,�n at Port Arthur to all months at hard labor for Miss Stella Kirk. of Whitechurch. BeIll. a well-known tie tier here, Now that ail airship mail service lit-, telling his friends of the great.boSpeou I I making seditious remarks on board a traAn. I Vloas home for the week -end. t­eeti New York and PhIladelbbia has he ret-eiiied from using Dodd's Killiew ( S, Juive ry.and 0 Guelph firemen's resignations went Bert Matze left do Wednesday for been establishedisolit. is time we werc Pills. "Six I ,rowe, 4.04 1AC . DatiWanoWtes, were picased to meet blirx�duri`oghis staf, h(writ, I Into effect Yesterdilly through trouble London to report for mfiltary servi�e. colisidering the ach iss, -,ldity of estab- Nears ago I suffered a lot from . *1 *Bayfield, over wages. but on being given the chance Mrs. ,Rev.' Allison is In attendance at the lAnglie'an Synod lishiDg it Dungannon4ioderich service Illy botAi and,kidn Mr. Dent fia'$% I I elle - to replace the stage. tried a, o lit I )Icine and drugs Mrs. C. Dressier, Ont, to re-engage. all of them did in London this but kept getting worse. till some ol Stuffley. write4.­"I want to tell yo4i of the bene- So except one driver. - week. Thos. -`llt,aur Thompson, ln� ds said I would not live long. fit ; got from your medio:uc. Stringent enforcement of the Miss Elva Johnson, of Wingham John Andersun and S. E. Sanderson Fl.rulen I -ears ago I decided to try I I I amendment td the Military Service Spent a few days with Miss Edith Tre- were digging trenchoo-s on our mail) noold's Kidner Pills After takil I I.Ast winter I had a very bad cold- and Act will be carried out, providing for lea% en. street last the first box week. No. the Germans felt so Inutoll Iletter eough , buill after taking two botti" of Dr. drastic Penalties for men failing to Thos. Statiley and David Glen are, aren't coming ; they olyere engaged in decided to continue the treatment. *'The result is I hu\r been able to Wo6d's Norway Pine Syrup I was cured. carry military papers. repairing the horse sheds at the fair repairing Will Sproul'i. drain. do homestead duty ror the last three I think it is about one of the best cough BritaIA and the UnIted States have grounds. Miss Ha7ei Augustine entertaffiqll a winters, . syrups that I know of. I always keep a notified Finland that any measures Mr. Shaw number of Mends 4o a party ail Wed- -1 would ads,ise anyone suffering bottle of it in the house so I can hay. it directed by her against the Mosar. and son and Miss Edna Johnston, of Bluevale, visited relatives nQsday night. there being upwards ol front kidne% trouble -Zi take Doddrs when I want it. k mans railway will'be regarded &a a here Tuesday. forty guests present from Auburn Kidney Pill�." I 'M6_611fOr week I told an old lady about "Dr. Wood's." breach of neutrality. - - ­ Civil servants in the Canadian Ex- The ladies of tile Sewing Cbrole met Kfutall and dither Pul.Lts. Damil , Dodd's Kidney Pills have inade'tlieir --- ng W" reputation by curt 'kidney df!60,46es Indulged in unifil the wose sma' hours. In buit She had been sick foithm weeks with bronchitis, PeditiOnarY Force - re to receive 'alth- at tile home of Mrs. Fred Ross gn Wed- and 1he ills spring from diseased Rev. Mr. McKoloolvey received Word. on kidneys. They are Do cure-all. But and Uod beengetting medicine from the doe_ erl�lvil or military pay. whichever is nesday afternoon. Tuesday thitt his nephew, who was re- if you are suffering from rititsumatism, tior, but did not seem to be getting mut + the higher, It actually in the fighting Mrs. Garrison and sisters, Misses Le- titia ported missing some time ago, is a pirl. lu;,ubago, S0110 back. diabetes or some ' better. She got one bott le . of Dr. Wood's little, or wounded and In hospitals In and Vera, or Goderich, Sundayed soner In Germany. his machine having tit er form of kidney troubl ask ur , ( W I'dn Its Dodd's KI Norway Pine Syrup, and she sa ye it has England, or having folight at least . at the home of .Mrs. Draney. been brought down behind the enemy gielghbors what ey ave done for them. -,, done her more good than all the doctoes. year and required for duty In Eng- Frank Jones, Win. Sillibs and others lines after he had been wounded in' owdichile she had been taking." land; otherwise, they will receive go trout fishing occasionally. Have tile ankle. I . Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is military Pay only, according to an order-lu-Counell not heard any fish stories yet. .Mrs. L. S. Palmer, of ,S4ratford is will) 8 work battalion, has written home Wawa- Ach in the lung healing virtues the announced in the House yesterday. ,Mr. and ;Mrs. Larry AlcDonald andispending to Mrs. Mills, of West a few days at the home' of tier of . , � I ­ - - � ��: ,� ­­ ., 1i .7'..", I , little child, of Kinloss. are spending son, H. Bellamy. She came up on nosh, stating that he has been working Norway Pine tree, and this makes it the FRMAY. a few days with relatives here. Thursday on account of the Illness of in that wonderfully thrilling and Ili - beat rtimedy for coughs and colds. Victor Black. Toronto, nine years Dr. T. E. Case left on Monday for hli�r daughter, Miss Luella Bellamy teresting place, called "No TNIan's Land"' The ' genuine in put up in a of ate. was run down and injured Hamilton to attend a meeting of Pr 0- v�ho is now eonvalo�oscent and able to� and that Fritz in sending over some of be "makes . yellow Wrapper; 3 Pine trees the trade mark; by an auto. Registration of Canada'sfi�oiau vinclal Board of Healith Officers. Miss U ound again. his Krupp work products It � lulte interesting for them. Some of H. . Bellamy and wife, Miss Lilian ' pice 25c. and 50c; manufactured only pow- ey and woman Power to to take place Minna Kirke, of Toronto, and little niece, of Londesboro, spent Sun- Pentland, Mrs. �Rvv,, Melo�el%ey ail(] the "heavies" remain in their vicinity byThe T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. on the 22nd of June. . day at the home of Andrew Kirke. Rev .Mr. Hedley Ile, motored over ..� ' , of N and others pass on to other targets. , Oat. � _ _­­ _ - .- - The Interprovino1al Baptist Young Happy Treleave�n to Winghain Thursday night, the Oungannonites %vere on their ('s, lue- videg & means of eridleating pereu- 1 PeOP1,15% Union commenced I ts annual is all really for the Twelfth of July. Hwoe you seen his former attending it uneeting in con- haviour Tuesday anti Wednesday of : , I" I" -:!al sow thistle and tWitell irrIUM I convention in Ingersoll, new sun shade on the bake cart ? nection with his registration vloork. last vooepk on the occasion of the Gode- I NEWS TOPICS OF WFIK One hundred and forty-one return- lig soldiers were welcomed at the ' Miss Phillips, of Ebenezer, and Miss An organization Ineeting vvas also hoold rich district meeting tie the Methodist Ili .Goderich tin Wednesday night. church. There were upwards of thirty North Toronto station last night by Shaw (if Leeburn, were visiturs at the Victoria Day \\-its observed visiting ministers and laymen present 4.5oo people. hume' of Samuel Pentland oil Sunday. quiletIN y in the village Friday, stone workirig at tile Narious sessions. (in Tuesday IMPOrtant Eve nts Which Have Mrs. Esther Robb, of the Aged llayes Meyer's motor cycle has dis- front diligently in tile gardens. some going the ministerial session %\-its held tknd Ill the ' Women's Home, was giv ein a presen- � appeared the streeti;, lie having evvilirig a public ineeting took fishing and stoNeral attonding the races I Occurred Durin-thzl toils tation yesterday on the occasion of u "' Id tit(, machine and purchased a Fvrd � tit Mitchell. Quite it number ,ovent to place In till, auditoriulli, at 'whinh I her hundredth birthday. runabout. tile entertainment ill .\ill, in flip eve I- there vias it splendid turnout front the , , The Busy World's Happenings Care. The Toronto Public Schools cadets Miss Edna Ilontlan(i, of Kintail Pub- Ing, also 10 tile o,- tit llonnylu )ok, it tillage and \ielnity. Ali address ,was (14.1hel"A hy tim. ols, lo'. Jones, or (*tin - held their' annual paxade and review lie School, atilt tier sis'er, Miss Laurn splendid tinie heing polmptood R'It butt, fully Oomptled and Put trite at Queen's Park yesterday. They (if Colborne, spent tile holiday vi,ittl places. ton, anti music voas rendered by the Handy and Attractive Shape to, were over four thoilsand Strong. I heir parenis here. We havo revelve.1 �t Iclt,r rpo choir. ist4stv(I by M1,. Battle and Rev. 111 'Ite' the Readers of Our Paper - A Chatham merchants decided to' Mc, anti Mrs. NoVin. lienry, of Flesh- \11' COSPUS, \\'till sang It Stilt) each. Bert [liters, of tile -,'�nd Batt. in NvIlich , , , BeN, Mr. Afxtlew, (if (.1intoll, ooctlpikA Solid Hour's Enjoyment. hold Thursday afterineon a'half -bell- erton, im,toreii to these parts on Sat- tit, states he is back it, France again, tilt. chaic ant, ill, flip \\.hole a ) s t I day from June 13 to Sept. 12, but tll*(J;k?' ;tilt] spent till, wv(-k-end vvith Ill( having rvvo\ereoI ri,,.11i ;11, ,orrects or pro it till) 1" e\elung v\ao, enjoyed Ill. it 11 WEDNESDAY. expect empI45yes to spend it in war relall-s and rrionds. tilt, shrayinel poisoning \NhIcJI S,�Ilt hint I W"11114"da . . '" Ivoo Illore sessions vi.pry Crops in New South Wales are fin � gardening. The cost of living, according to Mrs. Ilarris rvturned (in ",Llndlt�- to strat rot'() \Nith ll0r husband .\ to England a rew [o)oll,, ago. , I "his Il-lil I 'i\nien also taking part. Tile is Bert's fourth trip back to he liple ' excellent obape owing to recent rains. which did much general kood. the latest report to the Department of who cattle up to sp,nd till, wpek-end v%ith tier al hot he, ,,r 0w church two\idetli hillets , but he's not v\orr\m�z : it, fact J,lp de- rot, th, \i,itAws and ol-liuwr anti sulilky, ' "red Before the Appeal Tribunals !u Labor, is slightly down; eggs and po- tho till")" of T. ("t. Allen. claret] tit, voils till N\1111 tile tra ill- oil I,-,tli ola�., vvere served ;it tilt, Toronto yesterday 159 applications, tatoes are less expensive, but meats bigher than at last -Nil'. it"d .\It's. .1011n Ryall and ,\It,. anti inK callip at s4-aforil." Iiis lel.tors.ary phurch basement Ili such it pleasing alwayis brinilining ,,\,.I* \\ill, hunior for exemption were refused and only previous report, A thousand children's tongues Mrs'. Bert Iloach, Charlie Elliott and allot vIllcient manner its ill bring rorti .,,,, I Wood pht-Vc. ll,�re's hoi)ing that I ten extensions were granted. s sang the praises of the British E -n- -Oral from Nile atten(le(I thp Milt -111,11 i0xvrossion, is( praise mild delight fri I Ille \\ill CODIP througlk"llis trip o. k. Prohibition 6f the us e of fuel oil for races pire at the annual Empire Day con- at Mitchell Vicz.oriot Day. I the N isilors NN lit, at ill,. ei,isv or* till, Ip Another real estate deal Ilia tvrial izo-d Ineeting 1­dculded it livarty \.()too I I private yachts for the duration of the war is under consideration cert of the Public Schools of Toron- i;oll, Mr. and Mrs. Alcx. Treleaven and of liiplv�. fir the other day, John Barkley, (of Ash- thanks tit the past,.,.. tru tio board oy the United States Fuel Administra, to held in Massey Hall Jast eversin 1041\411 'ihs Toronto ferry bylaw anot %irs. Thos. Tro- atilt olaoiditer, of Luckn""',11toll's lleld. liming Purcha-4ed Mrs. ,MeGrat- arid ladies or tit,, ronwregatisfol: for it Ito house tion. to ig n- \isited relatives Ilepe Empire Day and lot ill till- ioillage. Mr. sidendid NNaN. ill \Nhivll Ifivy were en - ard has ar- crease the, fare to 1111teen cents passed fit,\,. 1, X. MCKVIvey, who 1pavt,-," and .\It's. Barkley itp,, to niake their lertained. Th!s is fit,- first fline in � h0lue it) tile ranged with the U. S. Food Adminis. its third reading, but wtoen Aid Gib- Nforitla bons ; -4railroading,' f* next N, ,or, conrercncc at Walker\illc,�The %ilboxv fit it few (lays, it)(, histi,r\ ,,r iiongalulon that it dis- 11(olsing problem ho-ro Is trict held tration to allow importation of seed corn in quantities not exceeding 100 objected to the \vill mayor Promised to withhold his sig- be tilt' Goderich district repre- gro%\i ny no-1,ting \Nas livre bill vve acute, its we understiork.. lhere art, sc\- hope it \\ill not hv lhe last. bushels. sentati\o, nature for a week. in till! sLationing comnlitive. erid looking around fill, 11(isises they lAcut. kitkens, oir 1,oution, who scl-N- The Provincial Government will The Great War Veterans of the Miss liazel Augustine atilt Miss Mia can't proe'upp, as th,Y R" . scal'Ve. ed rot- four nionths \\Ith the i3rd need the help of 2,000 boys to put) Plovince of Ontario,'in con-vention at Hasty look part in the entert,aininent Goderich is out rot. it "Greater (,,)41(,- (.anivron flighlander4 Ili France, atilt " the flax crop of Western Ontario, and Ill Hamilton, decided to appoint a- com- Donnybrook Friday eNoning. till, rich . WhY not 41 "Greater lhingarl- \%.fill %\Its v\'oun'l,(I K1 -riously (ollough a campaign is being planned to se- ves, mittee to advise the Parliament, and Will NN" mentioned in olps,litatellps, non ?" . to rvii(ler him unlit oil- further ser - cure this labor. too. condemned the Government for not The "Oreater Godemn" campaign is Niii­, gaiie it most interesting atilt In - The Yukon overseas soldiers' Passing a ineasure conscripting Mrs. Jacoh R,yan and fami1v luive on Ill full swing lit tilt. county tov\11. structl\.. aoldress in tilt, �\gpjrultllral votes are to be apportioned to the aliens. I rented Nliss (;clia Pentland's bouse re- Tile business' men ano citiz("Is seen, "I'll on Mondav P-ning. under I tilt, candidates for whom they were cast, SATURDAY. I toently Purchased fro,n Jag. stonf,house if, be using considerable "llf,J)" in their auspievs or tile Women's Institute, consequently Dr. A. Thompson will Several hundred boys �rom Toron- and last vveek, niovtA intAi it, vacating "frol-ts to make things, ht-tter for file Tllp hall \\as half 11hel; but Itiv e\ell It be the member. tho to district at]id Western Ontario are 0ibson property, , town. The great dang4or it) campaigns and tit(. ratise rot* No, , I hit 11 1 Nvas hel( Lt. -Col. Sam Sharpe, M.P., D.S.O., to be employed in the beet fields. Robt. IliFgins, (if Crevve, who vvas such a.s these is tui� much "pep" al voisirranted a much largelt, attondance. has arrived at an Atlantic port after The Finnish Government will 13,b- Laken seriously ill last week %%-as re- the start -and all at (ones, tll#,I.e is R But nnfortunatt-ly, although \\(. hiii being overseas for over two years, is mit a bill to the Vlet fo; the estab_ moved Lot the Goib-rich Hospital is) slurnrl, : the bottoin falls out :trill no(h- hevn lit \\ . ar riii, rienrly rot,,' yVars, ing is gained. If the (41derich I theri, and expected to arrive In Toronto lishment of a monfirchy In the coun- undergo an operation. Wo at,(. glail to people are Net sonif, lwopl, \00 lit) Dolt within a f w days. . IS , � try. know he is n-cu\ering nicely. guard against this possibilit\. and keep ! tak-- ,ullicient intere,l Ili Itvd Gross Dr. Wallace Seccombe, director of P. F. Brockel, of Belleville., has Mrs. �Rev.� Allison, Mrs. Jamps Glen, lots of reserve' power thov'ri'my reach voork to t-\f,r attend all occasional ell - their obJective. dental work in the Public and Sepa- been appointed Supervisor of the Sol- Mrs, Thos. Glark ;lit([ miss Pearl Iv(,p, .1fere is hoping they lerf-allunt-rit lint (it) rot, its henelit, ,ovill. , rate Schools, has resigned to become diers of the Soil for six counties in attended the. Anglican convention at rhi. chairman for tilt- ,\ellulg Was . 15114pertifitendent of the Royal College that district. Exeter Thursday of last week. Ptv, Ernest Craig, or Ebenezer v"ho lit,\. Mr, Craig, anti besides tile Inaln '. � of Dental Surgeons. The Good TempLars Grand Lodge Allison ,Mrs, delivered ail address there. \vPI it o\er to France a f( -\v \yeel�s ago featillp (of till. 1.\vIling, there %%as a The response from Canada and the of Canada held its 464th annual ses- Harry Shacklooton, ()f, (�rewe, was %vith a Forestry Battalion and who is rograill ,(If I list 1.11 illenta I Inusic I y an ) I ,,, United States has relieved the short- Sion In Toronto yesterday, and ,a teaching in tile junior room, public N s twvv on advances] construction Nvork 'l-cht'stra fruit) , 'If', 010s by X SN 11 � I 1­1aZVI Augustin., age threatened In beet and bacon stronger financial standing was re- school, last Nveeh (hiring ill(. illness of --- atilt Mr. ljaiJJ4�, read - llli�S overseas, but an effort must be kept up to provide a reserve of foodstuffs ported. MISS Daisy R�an, the regular teacher, I .\11Jsl,,s Edna lim-rs am I sh:,r, , , a, ,Jpps�s�,'�., 11Pv. 11,divy, of Nilv, i I I in the Mother Country. . Brant County Council has decided who to accept the proposal to purhase the M was able to resume her duties o n (lit y. . I to It('\. .\IcI�1,J%v\, Thv forellart or Lis -lit, The vacant lot and backyard gar- toll reads, if Brantford will pay $12,- Just think it ! Banker , olithen's talk'(Jealt \%Ili, his 41\%n ex - I den production In Canada this sum- 500, not stipulating Immunity from made of Bailie two trips in his to 4ebring- perieners ill Prance all ! -.,I,,, daily rou- I tine of french Jiro-, mer will be two or three times In excess of that of last year, when be- maintenance charges. ville ,,into and Stratford--.,ne on Victoria \\Jij,lI j� rull�or ( langer at till tittles Ill ail interesting tween $20,000,000 and $30,000,000 Members of the Joint American- Day Canadian Fisheries Commission after anti the off)(," Saturday. That's 'What's I volay he related roany , thrilling inel worth of garden truck was raised. going hearings on Atlantic amd Pacific some Mr. Bailio. the at- (tents and "Ill ill o' .,I zl'd it,)", nobly and Beatrice Dessol was found guilty traction toasts in both countries ba,ve found ? 0 API"IldidlN, till, Gin,idian 11,l%s tilt\#, atilt 'i,N-,r of manslaughter by an Assize Court themselves In su'lilstantial agreement. Twb centsl saved on each meal for are acquitting th-its,-1-s tho-ro, I jury last night in connection with the each The Labor Rducational Alweil- person sovould ,,,,.;III ion tooNo inill lie d%\vlt, \%till (,(,I, soil, I%, 1) 1, Icngt1l . death of her infant child and was sen- dollars Lion opened its annual convention at saved in the course of a year. a 0111 the 91,1141 and 111o,,illiabb- N,,rk tit, - tenced to five years In the Pen'ten- Two Niagara Falls, one of the chief items cents saved on each meat for -P.ach . tied Gross is diong r-ir Ili,- fr,\"pN, tell flary. while her brother was found person of discussion being the matter'of in some families would mean � 0 Ing hoNoo Ifill ... I'laut Illi-, oroo,miz.afiori not guilty. a abolition of holiday rates in railroad funeral. . . I Is to till, arilloo o�id,o\ll;r, s mi4p-th, how, . . that po(lorflv -No.i Ili, t Fwir THURSDAY. fares. 4 . )1',-'k 11rort, 1. : . Ill . in sullporting it. it net,tis lit.. h, -Ip or . T A. Stevenson 18 elected to the Since the outbreak war 358 I - vNvryhod� Ili or,]. -p 11tai it ilia\ prQdency of the Toronto Typo- commissions have been granted to 1714NDAX i ,,*:irr\ on. Its- declared that peopl.. ' , I , I I Ill Im graphical Unioni � %. cadets of the Rbyal Military College. Work In Victoria Shipyards will . - I ,:t TM ... not pay any ath-riti,r) too thos, \%It,) al". Forty-six Toronto men who falldod Kingston, and up to the end of April be carried on by returned soldiers knocking tilt. lied Cross. 'I'll,. 1,j,pt to press their claims In pe.-iouu were decorations awarded to R.M.C. cadets till the end of the war. � refused exemption. totalled 686. The Medical War Congress, a com- --- ---- - -- - - . - - - - - The canning trade will be brought Western colleges of the Presbyter- bined Ion Church have made representa- gathering of severdl organiza- muiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiilliullillillillillillillillillillillillilliillillillilliillillifillillililiLLL under license by the Canada Food tions is meeting in Hamilton. Board by the 15tb of June. tions to the Board of Home Missions, Tboo last stone of the exterior work ffi � . = The offer of the University of To- ronto to exchange soldiers with Lavostl protesting against the proposal to lit mobilize all the colleges at one cen- the new Union Station, Toronto, = = = The FAmous University, Quebec, has been ac- tre for the duration of the war. was placed In position yesterday. St. Andrew's College Realty Co. = — = = = cepted. .1 aMONDAY. has accepted the proposal of the = . France will take part in the cele- bration of Empire Day. A series of Five men died in Windsor of pots- military ontrig from drinking denatured alco- lege authorities to take the col- property over at $500,000. -= E 66 — = = Mazda" Lam demonstrations will be held In Frelach hol. Cuelph Junction Railway Board = = =1 p I A party of twenty Poles left To - - d(clared ronto to join t1skeir American com- amounting patriots of the Polish legion, ter, The U. S. War Trade Board has taxes. a dividpnd of 6 per cent.. to $10,200 for the quar- besides keeping out $1,700 forl = � = = = = The Best Electric Lamp Made M a — = . - �-- 5AGE TEA DARKENS i % suspended all licenses for importation An extensive movement of troops = - -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = = - = = of coffee so as to check speculation, to Niagara and Petawawa camps be- HAIR TO ANY SHADE The C.N.R. Board of Arbitrators gan brought in an award for $10,800,000 provided yesterday, and accommodatlon Is for 6,000 men at the former = = = I Sold under a guirentee. It thev prove = . = detective you can return them. =I for the 600.000 shares of common centre, — = stock. In Halifax the' All the thtrusiand tractors purchas- � = = = We Have the Sole Agency = -Dat"i ittilly Gmyl, Here's JIM B'o ting over arrest ed through the Federal Department = = Old-time Recipe that Any- of two British sailors led to damage of to the Agriculture have been snapped up = a ! = =1 of city property extent of by farmers, and more ba-ve been ar- We have aome very choice designs in body = Apply. fibout $5,000. ranged ior. a =1 Mexico has severed diplomatic re- A paItty of 339 Belgian veterans, = =1 Reading Lamps . Thd use of Sage and Sulphur for r6- Morin faded, gray hair to its natural lations with Cuba, and Washington who believes It is a ruse t oobtain ship- tivities have been assisting In war ac- In the United States, passed = =i = =1 = = = Electric Fixtures color latles back to time. ments of sugar. I through Niagara Falls on their way = = � grandmother's She used it to eep her -hair beautifully The Provincial Great War Vet- back ,r,,,' Association convention at to the battle front. The German Tageblatt, = Suitable for any room = = = dark, glossy 1%, attractive. Whenever hey bair took that dull, faded or Hamilton was the scene of some not of -newspaper, Berlin. says It Is reported that the = = I = An Electric Air Warmer =--' an streaked appearance, this simple mizttyr6 criticism of the Y.M.C.A. Ukrainian Twenty-tbree Toronto Jews were the Minister of Agriculture In Cabinet recently overthrown has = =� = Is a good thing beside you on a cold a i was Ilipplied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is muisav and given a send-off yesterday at a meet- absconded with five million roubles. = night, as a temperature booster = = a r Ing out-of-date. Nowadays, by ski At i in Massey Hall, prior to their de- parture for service in Palestine. elections Writs have been Issued for bye- in "A" seat of Northeast = = a I An El ctri = 0 — . - 20- � I % eluilat Iyp Milt -vlt vrotth000, but 'Vitt sklivol - � ­ ­­ �, . I , , - - '. ost regain IMIk4rd 1111011l 0,0, he 1114041111 - - I �,,�illillilwi 311�11117111111 � 413111 I d 1I In . . . i , 4 full, oo 4 to the, injured llmb* tie I -131kll�� S, Juive ry.and 0 .11 I �;aW, spove aw Kiritall Tne.4day elienin , 0 � on NVe0esday 000,--Ptkin�� I ­ A suggetition 7-,------w' I for , - ­ �-- - . - " I your $50-10* ,rowe, 4.04 1AC . DatiWanoWtes, were picased to meet blirx�duri`oghis staf, h(writ, I lifolid4Y this year-,, 7, - , - I I'alk with 4�k ali4they jlopk� lie will soont ill- in shapt, i ifolviiiiall life now 'that I r, 40 ", I ALGONQUIN PARt �plirl to riQ�ulne . - - 11 I 0, hiW - The Proceeds of , . done likis bit HIGULANDS 0) ONTA1111.110 the everil" arnQuIlAt'd to about *30. , . I I - I . At AD Ideal h1sur f#lr . N Our liummer Vg0000 yulting %*tld and,lelightful Keenor'r. IA*tg Fwjbe Gonkiller. i . � 'T#I1Jsr4D4Xtk 911114,11VA1404 '01 We 901) Excellent belt I ,�ppvlcu at -U110 ' , , the b*4 ., XjUl1t b# 1pX$kC%iu%,q,J4 fo* 11aroilen. The � IUD.,, . J 0o*4M6!A Ao,*, witiWit Usife and the gair- , � 4tilglifl, be Kept going ffljo qtitItlyoftoX A � Full 1111fOrtli �i, fn)lll Tiollipt Agent oo ally omild TOU* r � to. E. Horning. DI"00 - , Ijjl�nq444t,ely EAV4111! 04104 rain. The Pal,henger Agent, Toronto. . 1 s"ift 90*4 IIA t4011 11"100 414OU44 lk* tilk.- qaclk pant A 0 — . � U44 64rotully* 0111WIA14 *=�uilti Vt looke M%Ulavd Lqr ifootl milliku � . I F. I'. LA%% RENCE & §O,NS, 11 I � .." I rowl,l) U" puillon Orka .0 , , !UI ttl� Cut w0jui. *11110A Will. be &C. I . , Town Posstiliger and Tick,et. Agegftjo. � #1 . tive. ot thu As"olms, "Allow somparamuill I . I � o , , ---11-.-000000000000000000`0000. , e� 1311 K AUQUAQ 1A.%V4 W40 A%;5VA% -Vill"t;0- - �'. , , ­­ 11 I . kitto Of 111ILMIL9 Uon ot 100 0. pqr I � 4 'Res, 6 ft. . "I . . . 1. . , of soda. All A0.00 All'ould be cat.,10. $$ %Affly,c�aal:tot be used. D. W. HAMILTON Wblpn Triveks 1. I I . 11 . . ` I tiotill'y CUk.8V91% tolkl4toes "a ottler L:"8SMq"W - I � ; ' ' "' A:arly Col R� -111404Ad'.t.4 out thus tendor P....1,A. .---.. 't got Ckah, 46 to Study I L 1 4' I 11 I' .� ; � ,at. drist.- -ot- - , C.4-trodal. -0melous - ' ­­ � , >- cucumber. 9 I- PkI64—An1­41 Werland � , � . I skisoulla " plaoull" 't ami"I "'nuout of nitrate 0; XQd#-'&IrQun4J celery and - ruiiii, out"I'S's Inlostil4rAe le,.t r� na "at so rim.1"cia 'C.L.01 ­­­.,�­­­ - - - ­ - .11 . , I I ,;. � 11, tomato P144tv 10ur gr #via (lays after motion &keln. of 11 � 0 I . I 1� settlag out. 'Will 4441 Ift, tboillrojXrosislita. , t.415 mgdtu an4 C"at tnt~ I —nowadays-gossissits, � 11 � I .1 . The latter 14W. 9t the b.99190 06 of best, Islip Aelery. I Tbe travvuw a..,, thlim Mime than . . I " �- I ­- 1, , cabbage. CIU1111110`11tior and 010 �aje @to. �QW11114 tlaiiMplauted Into t4o 4' 1 � , olust the v"ll vst&bW.-41.iw,.= Cansioldiiii-NortheratoW �em.caaads affafft sinple 09pe" unit", low t tiought. . I. .,j � I I � � .'.I . . � !`q��,,�. I boaps solarIct 00 tua.- of 09tru &44 r The Immense stands of in,,rch�t.W. I � � , . ", '. . every w*ek during -iihill mqatkl� - ---. - .1 Itimber. the untold wmitb in woo,t,c == 4 the t CmIlifterdist and . , ''. I I . �' "% I :, - .1 I I - 1 I I � I'll To amodicato.. 1 * 0, I , .1. -1 "g WS0111111to of Ncoirth,. oll aV1.0 -------­­ai;--- 0t ehould be ==" of mmmon I n . r ' I � I � I.. *1 � I .. I . it troublied with 141111111t4cd 0 1grolu � .IJO C%*Ad tI,.,. lotodern ML, stiftZillitil "'i3t filetip. I I o q I I . :.I. I. I ;.�! . y with' Will Ito 0.04 Sol iWall Oro^ t1oft 11 � . -0, of iron IVII # (� " I , so, Ur, Ito ItFill U I - a ,,,, C U an and C0*6 leavit, Toxont. AP V in Mn at I . Mend.y., P 811=1 =,I" WtdnW* . , � I ­ - - � ��: ,� ­­ ., 1i .7'..", I , - - - tert. - if 1 , �r pbate t elitell ow, - �U.otcl.nd st winitill for an PC in womto,lu P" illull ---. ., f� I - � ­ , streb spraying 11 to �40 04,tiviii It Canads. , . I � . :� must be done trolly Just .-VAOR 11111116 . For TI kets. Reaervations. Ut,,or� , , I . . �­,� first mustard plants in the field aire I , into 116wer. ature Lotnd Information 'I I, J. W. Crai e, Insuran,'�tti'(1ldye -­ . I - 1, I .11 1. coming - Good CU.tiv&UCA folloWed by, rage loh. or wNt. �R. L� Falrloalro`�-. G.P.A.. 68 Wng St. E., Toronto, t. W '.., . I . ,;� r,. sown about t1ke 1131016 'Of J41119 40 drills about 26 luchell kPalot At itaot, I . of 1.111EVEL , 0 '111311 .� -- ,',.' . I '-Ie , . �, "'.7 i , I rate of I % poun4a per cAre, pr". . 1. I , " . , � videg & means of eridleating pereu- 1 - : , I" I" -:!al sow thistle and tWitell irrIUM I —. . , ­­. .0 . so. - - I111, , ,.,'' 6�— . 4 BROWN orTICAL I 11 I I (-(DMPANY LONDON. . . , EYES EXAMINED' . . . . . No ) 1) 1, I to , ,4.1) ,11 ," " . , IDUALITY GLASSE I & " Crinuiercitil life . offers the great , * rF, I r ) '' I ? � opportunilits, . I (,IWI NO .iND 1-1 I ITD 1��01.1 I Recent lbdr grothustes of fill#; sollool 1 41, . Al' INIODI-RArlo' Cosi:-,J 11 Hre tSinipli as high as Sl000 Plerl I *11 . . - J�k " 117 . , annuut. "I'lle.jast application we r1r. ! '�213 DUNDAS ST. Phonic'l 1� ceived ftom lot c ffice unin ilb souve - 14 ex9ae'rience offered iiihial 'ar 11 � 51 � , fl ) per Huruni, Slotlent 8 moy ; , . I enter our cl.m"b ht anytime. Urdoduo-' --- . - Ries PlAced to 10i,itions. Commercial, Shorthiind anti Tele. gruphy depar�fniej too. Got olu flee catalogue. - 4 W. J. ELLIOTT. 0. A. NeLACHUN, President. Principal. F -- 10N 71 2--m-w—M-4kid I a" �-- - - ;rr 0,114nowt od U- of ! gr81111111111111111111 01111d 11101& iftomm, Z= 9 I 11111oftsis serapion 11k§$1."6P 66 %U P~ "W"NA I . "t -wit, I THE SAULTS COAL CO. Succo�ssurs to McDori, & (; led hill EXCLUSIVE AGFNTS Il'OR I � I LEHIGH VALLEY � THP k OAL THAT ',ATi',I:Ik,S I 'We iltal in Hard arld .1 (ot o ,,I. ].,a e Seutent, Fire Brick. Fire Clot ' v, at Iso Hard and Soft W0Q'I­Miqfle auO, Hlotalock Slabs. 'o, . Fre6h Cars of Linie and CMent just received . I - ­ ­ OFFiren PRORR I . I 7� 8. J. F.A,MTS' RRainliloitti . 1-15 , . I W. -W.- SAULTS' RxszDKNCK 2<)2 D. W. HAMILTON r`,60­,41"',11*,*��� " ­ I ----. ­ - - ­ , --;---s—,. Agent for Goderich and Clinton. $1 1),01' 7- To SWARTS 9 'Bu 1' 111 � A well-known downtown druggiot says last night Queen's turned to the Clyde. Wm. Smith, of S, Juive ry.and 0 De Laval Cream I Separators hammered In 6,783 rivets nine hours. 'Flip secretary of the I . ;: ;J0 Hack Stables Ideal Oreenhed Society opposes these �' / mobn6i4al st"alt � I Vo$ Alpha go Laval I i a at I Ju It the Square 11 "W11111,111111110 � Engines I , I 'Busses M60t all Train& and � Newcombil - An official reply from the Y.M.C.A. , . - -pa"ittaxer 110ats I/ Pasisenivers I'. I . Pianos EdIsonAmberols criticisms made at the Great War caped tor in any Part of the t6wift for ah 11 trains at 0. T. Gramopliefles 4, R. or c. P. R. k � . , � ' F Large stock 01112dison Pecorf.. on hand. 0, 9 �1� Promp ' - t SOMCO and I I Separators, klibbers and Oil con be I Careful Attendance. 0. had at FRED HUNT'S "ardware. Prompt delivery of all Separators on / 11 r10 V& 1p.w . � Our Livery W ce �, will be short notice. -- P tound 111111111 -till -date -1 In eveh respact. � � ALWAVS HOMe SA r1URDAYS FOR 4 'Res, 6 ft. . "I REPAIRINO. A — P Your PAU080111411111 solicit" "I r . P, ;� A D. W. HAMILTON 01' T- SWARTS ;01 Phww 207 . Heron Street. CLIMNTO Ill . MNRZ2�- L:"8SMq"W Phot e 107 mestroal Street . _4W*"ft9& ,oiaw:j = ----.-- - I . ­ - ­ . . - I—— �� 3 MAGNYMCENT STEAAMUS 3. Th. Groilat Ship "SEEANDBEL"' - "CffY OF EjUg" - "Cay C) ­ lis� ,WWAL11- AV2-N- TA.11 BUFFALO --ts, Daily. May ­11"'..-iiii-olosiossis ...I.-44" , , , W , W-7. 15filk - CL111"LAND issist to ! � I ­ R ­.L0 - - 9: 00 P.M. t . okrri� ( ­vorto�n F-taTaititi 1!�&Joti C&XVXL4XJ3 - 9400 Z'St. - 7 10 A.M. I &rAxnAxn Tnim " CO"-limw Alist (1­0iltnittor C44W Point. Posts TollooK fit—All") - - 79104LUo, I in,tlsdj� - sto 4h"s Wewk OW .Rno .too'r*.-`- lwlr-d o"' '" t"AlnS b-twillf" 8 a "d Closispoill!&MIe -I- M for "411 via 0, 4 - bit. I= 41. .= Mttlkv -or., restam 8.114 r-W"MX*44*"� *;� Mit'" u-.1,1titir -1.-f —I al* ellowt of d ­ gUt',,, fiva—t.. Al­kt.r. I .slo,sss,s�iis ..A. #'* - ��� -1 .5m �Zk.'"=, TIm aoisvoisliiind & Iluffollf,st, - - .. . Tran, it Company � . 0 171-olilk-1. (111tO - 'M- (---I filislits, -X,oss,s,t.db-; t" I.,X-1 ..d -." "a � , J tm�vftz ts"A * a �—� .--- --AL�----­`--- .�- .41' wov, .91., a � - I— - . ­P�ioo,, 3 3400 r I - I d g if e r a cell 0 . . Snow from two to glx inches In Toronto and East York, made neces- = =1 yeth's S ge and Sulphur Compound," depth covered Northern Saakatche- nary by the appointments to port- = = = will et this famous old preparation, = Vacuum Sweeper = on of other in- n Saturday, and It is belioved has folios of Hon. Dr. Cody and Ron. Dy wa , . he -ro from Seri— d -ma � a " A . I = Is an article you will never be without a I --- - --- T-1 gr6die ts, lch can he depended upon to Sol. os' � 00. . Memorial tablets were unveiled In take restore natural color and beauty to the . enry, an nom nations wl I place about the middle of June. 41IM11101 = If you use one once = = hair. Rt. Paul's Anglican Cburch. Toronto, for the three Own The British riveting reeoro has re- = ES Warming Pads A well-known downtown druggiot says last night Queen's turned to the Clyde. Wm. Smith, of = 13! , I 116 darkens the hair so naturvIlly and officers, members of the church, who Scotstown, tell it been were killed while on active service. In hammered In 6,783 rivets nine hours. 'Flip secretary of the = M a Coffee Percolators an has e applied. You simply da �en a sponge I Col. Sam S. Sharpe. D.S.O.. M.P. Bollermakers' = Society opposes these — = = . = = or soft brut It with it draw this !Tor North Ontario and former 0. C competitions. Minister of Pensions = Toasters, Etc. = tbrough you'll bair. taking one strand al 116th Battalion, met his death bY Hodge approves them. = a time. By morning the gray hair dlsoo 11 jumping from a Second story window An official reply from the Y.M.C.A. = = appears, and after another application of of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont- to criticisms made at the Great War = = W6, it becomes beautifully dark A", real. . Volsiprons' I gIbsts". A cargo of some 4,500 tons of Hot- made Association In Hamilton is by 1*. John Brown, genisrial = = = = = Robert Tait *Wyeth's Sage and qulphnr Compound wallan sugar, the first shipment of a g4perptary of flip, National Counell, = = = to a delightful toilet requipite for thom total of 26.000 tons being devoted to shniving that such criticisms largely — — = Electrician = Who desire a more youthful appearance. ('nnadlan refineriolin under rion Inter- the rPkQnit of Ignorance of 11.6 farts, %Vertt Strect = = Manot intended for tile lure, mitigation bol+pvos It IS a ruse to obWn RbIP- hovs, or of disease, ,�-h Columbia. foui,,d bppn Made before and have been = = prevention . baseles.s. -.-IlllllllllllllllllillillilillillillillilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111HIIIIIIillillillillifilillilllFrr=I ­ ­ . . - I .--. - ---------- - - - . 0 Are you prepared for the Spring Ming ?, Is your roof aind eavetrond a good, . condition ? A W . I I Our work in that line is always sgisfact4q, . J4 W. R. PINDIE".6k. . 1. 'Phone I 63. . thithatit. stitow. .. I � I I I �� A - .� ­­ - ----- 1--- 11, t � i � , I , I . 4T Z=;;;�- ;;;i��� 111111, . I ,f. 1, - 11 � .- . ,. I � I I . � I ) , . " . I 1�� I � . � � 1. , I I 1, .0 `iN 1i 1, y � - I , I I . . ­ . � 1. " I � ­ % � . � � � " .1 .�, - I'll # .1 I I , 1,, � - I I I '4111" J I . �. 'I, - ,. I 11 � !�# al'' I,, 10 " I - ,0��a�' IL I � .* + �', I I t 1, r, -v,­,*�- I , I I � ,� � I I s� i -(.�-r, , , I,_ - -1, .1��,�111.11.�,,���,,��'.."�,,�-, I—— I - ­� " � �"""""�- 11 � -I I I". I is 11111111111011"""""""""' � ,.! 'i I i� , �!, 1 " "W", .p"isio'ii: -1--l��ll-��-,�IIP!.*."t���,,�.,�,- " ­1*1­�­,!A�4 V 1 4 , tolwl ... I ­ ­�-r­­ -� L . . , 1'� - - � " � %, - I ­ - � I I . lit'. , � I ------- -�, " 1. . ,­,�, . I" . I I t 1; ­­ , .',,;�,,�, ,�� V; 1, AL-bo.m. � - ,-As 11 - 1 04.1 1 1 �� I , ", . -* , , -1 I -- I - - � ig 14 A'" --o , �'r I . h%L U611 , - ­ IN " - . �. - , - I- , .,Mm - - - I—- - ,&..,;,L � - -,ok � - I .11 'I'litidli I& . -&A: -- --- - . ��� — , M