HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-31, Page 6THE ERLING BANK OF CANADA Stitement of Ao Rook of, t6 Businef;3 of the Bauk For the Yew Railillij 30th of April. 19 18 GEN91RAL STATEMENT LIARMIDES 41ank� in PIWUlatldlo ................................. J,257,230.0 bearing interest ... ............... $ 3,759,t9j.W �jng lntene$t'�lneludin�, Interest ac,_ .-Ao 'dikjo' -().r g ............. 9,216,1150.53 ­ --- $ 12,975,360.4: 1 at- - -14'47 to otll(:r BQLn" In Canada ......................... 242,497.t p ep",-es under Lefters of Credit ............................. 3,969.6( #3 !dl Llikbi 057 , jitles to the Public ......... .................... 14,479, .4� (altilal Stoe'k. paid up ............ .............. 4 ji.,,,-ve rujid 350,OW.00 ir,i(ierids unpaid ....................... I ....... 3j:i1i.&1) 1, , idLiad No. 45, payable 15til Iiiay ............... lk2iis.85 1- -cc of Profit and Loss Account carried forlivard .................................... . 40,87181 t,629,201),&- 14 ASSLTS I the mountain si)ur east of the pas� .0pt Coln licld by the Bank ................. 63,313,to have been wrested from the effei '. lay with the 'Minister for the purpose of - Among,tbe 870 prisoners, , taken by tile Circulation Fund ......... ... ........ G2,99A.00 ­te,i of ather 'Banks ............................ I tq,W.00 ­hqqup on other Banks .......... I ........ 5VI,228.39 fi,,,nn, dup by other I'lauhs In Caijada .......... 5,000.00 41,te bv Banks and Banhing Correspon- A,,ats elsewhere than In (;anada . ......... bl7,513.99 8 3,�Z84,026.23 It 411tion and Prov,incial Government securities riot exceeding- market value ................. 2,291,7216.26 Gi �Iadian Niunicipal Securities, and British, id to disperse the gatherfn'g, but fall. man attacks along this line alone. Foreign and Colonel Public Scourittes otiler than Canhd" *1 * ... ... I .......... I ...... 3,038,3m 06 Rallway and otber Boi s, r)ebentures and Stocks, :rowd followed them and when they nature of a line -straightening oper- not exceeding market value ................ Z, 13,73 1 N; (,'1 1) and Short (not exetieding thirty days) Loans was begun Saturday morning �nd 'In Canada 'oil Botids, L)ebonturvs and Stoells 1113,622.iti continued uninterruptedly during __ $ 'i r Current Loans and Discounts in Canada Saturday night and yesterday. less rebate (if Interest) .................... 6,3i8,.r7.90 In lie i)pbts (estimated loss provided ror� .. � ... 12,046.2o Prellitses, at liot niore thnn cost, le's lying spur of Marooelle. the lake ;jMounts .vrltt.vn off ............... 306,02S.30 ffles of Customers vinder 1,(-tters (If Credit, 1. I s Per contra .................... .. ... 3,969.60 lfr Assets not included In the foregoing. lark and ;he police, considering it long periods and � which can be de- ed from the eneiny and held. Our mpossible to check the rioters, re: fended quite easily. S 16,108,267.27, T� SWNIL[Is, President, A. 11. WALKEtt, T. runto, April Will, 1148. General Nlanager AUDIT011'S IIEP0111T were severe. Our losses were slight. I'lAs g0towent has been duly vouched by vtonparing all entries with thf� It, oks at the (,!.ivf offire atilt vertified hettirn, fr,,ni the Branches, and In iny (q Inlon Is T-Ir,illoriy drawn up sit n,, fi, e%liddl a corruct Nie\\ of the conditiun o f' flip flanli'. nd aeeing (bat there was no resist-' there. Up to the present, it had been Cash and "Ooll-1110,I ha\f, heen (9irt-ked tit Ifiv Chlef Offive at 30th April, If' S, as well gis at anoth-�r tinit, (itiring Itiv am re'luired by ,�.ctlull 56 of Ille 11. nk Vt. I 11-INe '1111alfoll nll Vie lnrorllla'l��Tl 1111.1 o\ploinath,ns rt'lluireii, lind ant or th ophil,)n that tliv tKZ111"actimis 1-f th'. iiani" which ha\v roille Uoder. fit) w lla�v 1-, rl \�itllftvlll, j)..\N,.rs 4 Ill.. 11milk. 3nly destroyed the woodwork there. The German Crown Prince Is In E, Til\VNSENI), G "i Audi On with the Dance! "His Ma9ter's Voice" records wifl bring the 6tegt music into your own home. 90 cents for 10 -inch, double -sided Long Boy—Med)ey One -Sep Vidtor Military Band 18442 Indianola—Fox Trot__ Vidtor Military Band Sweet Emalina, My G� One -Step Markel., 18450 While the Incense i 4 Bu run —FoxTrot Fuller's Hit 6e Trail That Le id a to Mother A I a a Turner When the Bonnie, Bonnie 216026 flekther is Bloorniv Alan 'I I If You Look in Her RyT E.'Spencer— I- eurr 18432 Blue Bird Elizabeth S pencer Ask to hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer Write for free copy of Our 6mpase Musical Encyclopedia listing over 9000 vitt6ir Records. Berliner Gtam-o-phone, Co. MONTREAL LIM]ITED Lenoir -Street .. 4"Wis NASWS Voice" �WeriA Dulm JA& F. noww J. S. LAUNIt Don't Forget I TWO 1Njt=&*a*"t14*W You calato Purchase viato vidsir U 4W other -H6 M"W's voko J�% 10 " ifta" filt 1,14 lut out amth*ri" d*alsirs 'Ono 77 11 t .1 ;F 7 T13E G01MR101i STAIR May 31, 1918 410TING IN HALIFAX NEW GFFENSIVE OPENS Police Were Defied by Angily German Attacks Hurled Back in SHUNI SOITS AND OVERCOATS Mob of Citizens. Ken-irriel Area, SNAPPV AhD STVU'SH Arrest of Two, Britibb Sailors Pre� Ifeavy Assault Launched In Rheims LS at Opitated the Trouble, But Illis. Sector .51leefli With ore success yor y flawkins places Blume on Return. and U, Iftemy If as Recaptured R Apmstpong's ed Men With Imaginary GrIev- Cheinin des Durniest Ridge.— I 1510cell--Darilage Done Causes Ser. Frauco�Britisb Unly Retiring to We guarantee a perfect fit. See our range of fine IOUs Lo'stivs. tile Alsole. fabrics for Spring wear. We will make Suits, Overcoats. HALIFAX, N.S., LONDON, May 28. — Germany's Separate Parts, whatever you want. that will have thd dis- Uly 28. — Mob great 9frensive on the Western triont tinctive appearance classy tailoring gives. Get your Tailoring rule prevaileii in the downtown see- tIOu Of this city Saturday night, when has'beea resumed. With only brief at ArfriStrOng'S and you will be well diessed. a crowd of eoldie sailors and civit. artillery Preparation, two blows have They Have Brought Relief r* been struck by the Teuton armies, Itans attacked tll� City Hall and bich have been reorganized sinte To Thousands caused damage estimated at $5,000. w R. J. Apmstpotig Tke Police court was wrecked- divastrous losses were Inflicted on WHY NOT YOU? McLean Stock South'Side of quare . most them by the French and British dur- of the windows In the building were 50-�Cents p*, box EL smashed, the office of the City Engi-, ingithe Pleardy and Flanders batVAW *zoo fol, $2.50* In neer damaged by chemicals used to In March and April. One attack was extinguish an incipient blaze started on the line from Voormezeele to by the rioters, the city patrol wag- L11cre, soutbwest of Ypres; the other Sores Real Quickly.—Ilallo you a per- iOR GOOD RJ�LIABLE gon was thrown into the harbor Lnd on a 35-nalle front from Pinou, north sistOlit sure that refuses to lieal '? an automobile and motorcycle taken of SoIssons to Rhelm,�3. This is known MOUNTAIN PASSES TAKEN. Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 141 iii Shoe Repairing from the waggon shed and badly as the At8ne sector. the dressing. It will stop sloughing, battered. In Flanders the Germans ' h4ve Uattanis, -Capture Austirian , P-risoneft (Arr-y-avV3Y-IlW 4WOW tl*4i, TF 86,TIiia--ais I "known one- w-ai, -�galued- nothing. -buT furmer soilth - Ithe pus and prepare a clean Nva) SMITH & RING in the wX the Berlin official statement claims In Sharp Battle. 30 F43t Street Opposite Knox chumb seriously hurt I the new skill. it is the recogi fyi, I The trouble started about 8 o'clock that the 4German Crown Princele ROME), May 28.—The Italians nzed GIVE US A TRIAL in. the evening when two British troops have carried the whole ridge have launched an important attack licaler 'among oils anti myriads of B;Aora were a&sted by Policeman of the Chemin des Dam ' es (the La- capturing several mountlin positions: people can certify that it heated N% here Isuor In a store on Barrington street dies' Walk), and are now fighting on the War Office announces. other oils failed utterly. ADVERTISE IN TRE STAR for refusing to pay for a purchased the Aisne river. The British and The summit of Monte Zigolon, the Qake of sea One of +hi, 41 Frenell reports admit retirement to town of Presena Monticello Pass and sa ors was taken to the Police station at the City this second line defences. I the mountain si)ur east of the pas� EMU. but the other escaped and evi. The present battle in the Rheims have been wrested from the effei '. lay deatly enlisted the sympathy of a sector recalls Oe fearful fighting of - Among,tbe 870 prisoners, , taken by [lumbei of soldiers and bluejackets, last summer along '.he Chemin des the Italians are 14 officers. ror the police were notifted about five Dames, where for weqks the German The text of the official statement minutes later that a large crowd had Crown Prince litirled'bis mensagal ... t saq. ,,ollected at a street corner a few the French positions only to e . them n the Toriale region the Alpini Aocks away. 0 crushed and beaten. Last year 75 figh t Ing on terrain rendered most A squad Of five Policemen attempt- divisions were engaged In the Ger- difficult by glaciers and the stubborn id to disperse the gatherfn'g, but fall. man attacks along this line alone. resiptance of the enemy, have conse- )d and returned to the station. The The 'attack here Is really in the crated with victory the dawn of the :rowd followed them and when they nature of a line -straightening oper- fourth year of the war. The attack ,eached the City Hall several soldiers ation. It Is being launched from Laon was begun Saturday morning �nd vere arrested 'for creating a disturb_ as a centre, and Is aimed at the el- continued uninterruptedly during trice. This excited the anger of some bow In the line formed during the Saturday night and yesterday. if their comrades and when the fighting in Pic-ardy in March and - "Monte Zigolon, with the urider- iolicemen. had entered the statiorr April. Here, however, the Germans lying spur of Marooelle. the lake i,ersone In the crowd threw stones muht face permanent works which basin, Presena, Mond"llo Pass and A the windows. 13Y this time It was have been occupied by the Frenh for the sPul, to the east bave been wrest - lark and ;he police, considering it long periods and � which can be de- ed from the eneiny and held. Our mpossible to check the rioters, re: fended quite easily. troops *bowed high splrits.­ mained in the station. Stones flew Evidence that the allied supreme "The losses inflicted on the enemy . hick and fast and almost every win- command was forewarned of the new were severe. Our losses were slight. �ow on the north tilde of the building German attack may be found in the Up to the present 870 prIsoners, In- rao broken. Not satisfied with this fact that British troops are fighting eluding 14 officers, bave been taken. nd aeeing (bat there was no resist-' there. Up to the present, it had been Twelve guns, 14 trench mortars, 25 nee, the unruly gang become bolder. believed that the Britislo forces did machine guns. several hundred rifles :ome of the rioters smashed opeln not hold positions much south of the and material of all kinds in great he door of the police -court and wan- Somme, east of AmIens. quantity remained in our hands. 3nly destroyed the woodwork there. The German Crown Prince Is In "In the Val Arsa on the night of 'he magistrate's bench was damaged command In this sector and this may May 25 the enemy twice attacked our nd" the prisoners, box torn down. Indicate a serious effort to break the positions on Monte Corno. Our as - 'he hoodlums then forced their way allied line. Crown Prince Rupprecht sailants suffered heavy losses. Later ato the waggon siled. From this of Bavaria is the nominal com- the enemy was driven back by a bey took the police patrol waggon, mander In Artois and_Picardy and counter-attack. rhIch 'they ran down the hill to a the German Crown Prince, for Oynas- "Eigllt hostile airplanes have been ,larl. hurling it into the harbor. An tic reasons, will strive to autdo what- brought down." .to.. bile belonging to a Halifax ev�r success was attained by his col- The official Austrian report from kan now Overseas, and a policeman's league further north. Austrian headquarters says: "The lotorcycle were also taken out and ' The late official reports note quite Italians yesterday attacked our posi- adly 4attered up. These have since severe fighting In vaXJous sectors, tions south of Tonale Pass. A small sell recovered. When the rioters en- among them the Aprem,6nt' Forest. section of our lineEr was pressed back. savored to lead away a horse stabled The reports say that the Germans A further enemy advance was frus- lore, one of the policeman fired sev- were repulsed in all these attacks. trated.1' ral blank cartridges Into the air and Latinehing 4� heavy offerlsive at its crowd ran, leaving the police In dawn against the French I he Dssddslou of the shed. Locre-Vaormeeze'ele'- s6ctdt,­_1 -h 4i-� LN1 SM"IF AIDNEYS The gang next turned its attention mans failed -of their objectives at vir- i the -City Engineer's office on the tually all points. At some points de� est side of the building. A bale of fending patrols were driven in, but OR BLADDE,R BEIR iy, soaked' with gasoline, was vigorous coutater-attacks threw the Lrown, burning, Into the office. Germans bdek at most places. Prac- Ire-fighting apparatus was rusbed tically the entire French line was re - i the scene, but the engine ho&e was established. EERrmlem to flush Kidneys and neutral it by the rioters before it could be Hard fighting stilkeontinues on the ise irritating adds­-8blendid innected with a hydrant. The fire- northerfi part of the battIe front. for system. en, however, were able to extin- Just sbuth of Dickebusch Lake the iish the blaze with chemicals. Germans forced their way Into the The police, meanwhile, had sent French line for a distance of 800 Kidney and Bladder weatmead result a call to the military for assist- yards and also got into the front line from untl add, says a noted authority. A 1, system at another noint in this re- — .1e. an a e_c ment o, two hun- 0 Muneye 11,1wr This acid from the 'ed soldiers was sent to the City gion. In ' both these places the lan- blood and pass it on to the bladder, wile all. This was about 10 emy was.olinging desperately to his- itoften rcinains to irritate and i to .30 O'eloek. taflame, as arrival of the soldiers cooled the -0 newly -acquired positions, but the causing a burning, scalding sensation, or -dor of most of the rioters, but Fronell were deallng with the situa- setting up an irritation at the neck of ones were thrown spasmodically tion, which appeared to be satisfac- tile bladder, obliging you to seek relief id the shouting and din continued. tory at the latest reports. (The offi- two or three times during the night cial report states that the Germans The sufferer is in ciDlistant dread, the ,nally the police decided to release e arrested solilliers and sailors. were repulsed later.) One hundred water paws sometimes with a scalding iortly after their release the moo prisoners have been sent back to the sensation, and is very profuse; again, ,gan to disperse. The arrival of a French 1,cages. there is di#Iculty in avoiding it. rong naval picket Improved the sit- The Germans employed their fa- Bladder wealmess, most folks call it, by midnigbt all was raillart forplation8 — dens�e w vest of bee Lition, and a ause they can't control urina-6on. [let. Inf antry.follbwIng closely in. the wake While it is extremely annoying and some, Mayor A. C. Hawkins, in a formal of a lttdlfi,�Iiarr-Age and they, push- times very painful, this is really one of 3.tement on the riots, claims that ed fresh 4o , lis up with characteristic the most simple ailments to overWnle. ey were due indirectly to a,griev- recklessnew, Get about four - ounces of Jad Salts ce which the returned soldiers al- The attaelf was perhaps prelimin- from your pharmaciiii; and take a table. ge they have, and he added that ar3& to larger oberations and appar- spoonful in a glaag of water before turned men, many of whom are ently bAs be6l";-latiaertaken for the breakfast, lcontinue this for two or three rvous and neurotic, should not be purpose of rpgainIn&the high ground &Y8. This will neutralim the acids in [owed at large in numbers. Excite- NvhIell the Frendh wrested from -the the urine so it no longer is a source of enemy on May 20. )nt is likely to make them commit Soch positions as irritation to the bladder and urinary or- Attention egal acts. The mayor pointed out Bruloose ind neighboring places gem Which then act normally again. at the police had been decimated would be valuable acquisitions for Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, the Military Service Act and that the on-emy If the Germans vv ere to and is made from the aeld Of grUPes and e remaining members of the force develop a general attack in this re- lemon juice, combined with fithia, and 6 is used by thousands of folks who are Oil and after January 'ISt, 1918, the 00tar-jo a either too 'old or too.young. lie gion later. precated the calling out of the mill- It Is Interelting to note In con- SubjeCt to urinary disorders caused by Stattites require thalt all cars be equippect with rY. who are liable to take extre nection with �,�yesterday's drive in uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is eplea. me did for kidneys and causes no bad insures, and he advises the people Flanders that the Uermans consider- effects whatever. keep away when riots occur. ed their attacks on the Lys front in I Here you have a pleasant, effervescent Lenses tyor Hawkins does not thi" there April to be a failure, according to lithia-wator drinkil whinh quickly relieves -any likelJbood, bowever, of a re- prisoners. It Is stated that while bladder troub* rrence of the riots. The chle�f of some troops have been congratulat- holding the rays of light below 42 ineheS. lice, the mayor said, released the ed for the way they fought, they German MothieZ,ris Hanged. rested soldiers and sailors in re- have been told that their failure was MOSCOW, May 28.—Two diviglons )nee to the mob's demand, and he the result of bad staff work. The of German troops in the Divinsk re - of the opinion that the chief acted general in command of the opera- gion refused to ohey order to pro. sely, Ahereby precluding further tions here was relieved of his com- ceed to the French front. Prince Auto Owners ouble. mand. Leopold of Bvvarin came to Investi- gate and many mutineers were hang- Hindenburg- is Ill. Ducal Palace Bombed. ed a , nd dozens condemned to baxd WHY GO OUT OF TOWN GENEVA, Switzerland. May 28.— BASWL, Switzerland. May 28.— labor for MI. FOR THESE ? FE �ld Marshal von Hindenburg. Chief The ea! -1 wing of the Grand Duutl thiii German Generul Staff, is in a Palace at "It'.11111plin was stilickloi, Illave Voti a "Greater Goderich" of�,= We bave them at rigbt prices; also all otber Access. 0 spital at Strassburg sufferingfrom bouibS di:ring Itit, British n I la (I May 11th = ories uceded. lhold fever, according to reports Tu,si­, i'�i, ,),ai residet.­ ti.a left fvxv copies of "Grenter r)oderfelt" �mt that city. These advices state for 11.,rlla. I or tilt, Issme of May Ifth are desired it the report of von Hindenburg's Tw6-tons of bombs were dropped by Me committee. Anyone having a ktb In incorrect, but that his 6on- within the city. They destroyed the Buy Auto Tires now I spal,p copy of this date will SE confer a ton la critical. chemical factory and damaged the fa%or by leaving the sarne at file Star ryphold fever Is said to be -spread- railway station. incomplete accounts office. Tires bave advanced. We bave a considerable stock rapidly In the German army. of the raid describe It as the most Df late there have been various m terrifying of any of the three which on hand to be sold at old prices. hairs been carried out there during to of the death of Field Marshal 1� Hindenburg, Some of these re� the war. -to wero given on the authority of SURP PAINS rman priadners on the Westeru Brought Down Twenty -Four Planes. R0M1q, May 28.—TWeaty-foi]ir air. SHOT Buy now! Faming In BAttle zone. planes were destroyed by the' British on the Italian front since PARIS. May 28.—The probability May 18, it was oMclally.� announced THROUGH HEART* another German attack has made to -day, In a summairy of receilt.oper- difference in the plans of the ations by the British forces in Itstly. mch and Flem�sb farmers in the Not a British machine was lost lb Thousawls of people go about thtir ,Ue tonfe. The sturdy peasants this period, Wy work on the vette of death mad MacEWAN's - GARAGE re, usveryAlneh of ground A"ded, yet don't know iL I already the crops are well ad. The British 'repulsed heavy Ger- ET once In a while a in win Qr. Huailton and St. Andrews Streets iced at many placm man counter-attack north of Merville. shooteVugh the hear atie at - t% butT tention is paid to It at t e time, and it PIGS AND POTATOUS in 0* when it violent she& comes flia Q* Wi6kness of the heiart is apparent. -R TUft is only 6nis cure for the weak Irow potatoes anti V090tablos In CASTO _ 1A �ry vacant city lot and head and that is Milburn's 11caft am feed �igs #0t hhnt* ind OWdran kitchen re.tuse—there tire Wo Ntrlre Pills. ys of doing something' to lielp In U" 1For6ver36y6ar* Mr. H. A. Youtig, 83 H:Arr RL, present food crisis. I t( Alw Toronto, Ont., writo�­ I u to hAIV'e "a bears sharp, pains ahootliiithrougb my heArt the su tath, of ago 'o safeguard the entid from darn, 210� ffered from abortrim of hr ,t wornas eatise ww Miller's Worm Signature, Wits so nervous I could not sleep, at ,vilors. (he medleiiie pntr excellpnip ni�ht,,, A friend adVised too to try childron. These wders , will Millidin's Hestf and Xtrve,Pills arW Owing to the sliortage of coarse Ir after Ono box I found gre.ttit relief. 71� '11' 'he system elltlr� y of `6rmg, grains and onsiflage, figs feed t regulate an(I st trivilate the organs itompletely cured m6.11 atiOUSlY flifrePted � searce iril Carkada, ind ')imerlean L I Voolurilti N' the ulornl%.'and otting Iter Milburn't 11catt and Nerve Pills N* tile neatilly opeiatioll eorn is sift In e. Grow I I vo proftls9cs. As A Ver- plenty of 6bAl 40 coril yourself, me., W box. a6 all dealers or maim It7 - I of P - b W; T. Mil- ige 4411ho U gurplgstA it) et- UiO istIM410 a fdat 8urt yourl ditekil, Im re"'Pt nee y owal hog bwu Co,, limilt4 Tomutii, ont. ........ . ...... Mail