HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-31, Page 5Y May IM U ROOT CROPS PROFITABLE 1%"d 17 Oft WCUM of ig great food shortage, am ocliernutestof clausida arges every fanner t0 14i0ill 41111 'the root citops possible, Each am Plauted -M bring a hatildsome return in rollitso for Prices are ezb ordinarily high SAG 4 1=11317 31narket Is assured. Dou"t 11081tate to t because you haven't the moncy" Cousin Our local manager; he vW M 0 0 he belp out. M UMON 13ANK OF CANADA )�k MW VMMPEC% MAN. 2ig GODERICH BRANCtf, F. WOOLLCOMBE. F -1 TO REBUILD DOMINION DAY Goderleh Manufacturing Company to Goderiell Will Celebrate Aully list—Com- Clean UP. Old Deal—Make New l"ifilees- Appolpteo Tqcs4y Niaht 1. ­ - __ ri�506;;Itlou . I - A special m@eting of the towu coun- Ooderleh will haNe t, good I.,irst of oil was held on Monday e%ening to July celebration again this year �A consider a proposition from \Jr. Baech- Meeting to organize \\as field in the ler ofthe Goderich Manufacturing Co.1town flat[ kin Tuesday evening and for the cleining up of all old accounts there. was a rajr attew-anee. His Wor- and making arrangements for the re- ship file \IdYoV \%as chusen chairman building of it smaller factory. and T. Mitchell soeretary. All the council was present with the There \Nas soniti offisoussion as t(. exception of Councillor Wallis, who -�Peeidl attractions, and heverul novel was in Toronto. raees were suggested., Speed tests and In 6 letter' Mr. Biteeliler stated his a olilitaPY bark? will probably be, company did not Intend to build under aniong the attractions, t)ut the various the old arrangement \%ith the to%\n, "Olomitteef are to get, busy at onee and, in order to get the old deal clean- and see what (,an be se,i-,ured and re- ed up, proposed to -buy b"k tke Port to the ex0euti%P .-onunittee, bonds and'hand them to the town which was gi,%(,n full authority to en - upon complete dJscharge if file niort-1 dorse any suggestion appoaring I 900d gage and satisfactory adjustment of one. nierk! will -also Ue a gew-ral taxes to Aug. 29th, 1917." oleeling of coinnflttee� ­,er� Tuesda% Mr. Baeehler also niaa,� a. proposition 'i"'euirig bflt\\et,n now anti July Ist ' to rebuild the factory, 66 ft. wide, *204 The following ",.I.e at,_ ft. IM9, one slory, in addition to, the pointed :, sawmill department, wnich is tW, ft. Horse Racing -'r. ll;indry, \v. 'r, Niur- wide, 107 ft ' . long, a new bylaw to gi%e ney, Dr. Clark, G. L. -.Nlooro, G A. Rvi(f exemption from taxation and a free al"I Wesley Walher, site to be submitted the ratepayers. Moral Paratle-G. L. Mooro, izeo. Mr. Baech �Iyresent and went Stewart, (.harlvs Blaek, J. H. Into the matter with the eouncil, and , ton, R. J. Megaw anq Mex. Saundvrs, stated lie wuuld oniploy fl-oll, .15 to 50 Children's 4larne-.,­Roy,,­,\. NC Rob - men, including the Saw Mill staff , to 1. ertson," John Nairn, W. Walker, And - I "V\N Pol'tt,r, G. A. Rvid and H. 4.. Fil- nine months (if Ili.- Nettr, an( .-ngago I in the, rnanufw-fur.� ur b(,x,-s, ogg_ singor. Qirls- C. N. Nairn, Fred Hurt, crates, wooden ware, etA,. A. J. Paltridge, J. ?11. 5ohnton, B. i:. Th c following re.,,kilutikiil, \\ vr�,, Miinning�, and .1. E. Mulch. adopted : I'lighlond DanVing- .4, 11, %IcLe4in, If. MOW41 by T. M. Davis, soo-mil,-d by C. postl"Itmaite and VVy%illo Millar. C. Nl. Robertson, that tiie voinleil ae- Baby .1olill cept, relor)) of all olitstandiog, floods ",tory and .1. .1. Moser. and inloro,t emilion, or t1w i Hand—T. m, liavi.,, t;��o, steivilrt, Manufarturina. Co, hyl�iv, a, sottloillent 11. Robert.,on, G'. V -Nairil, Uia�. Blael, oxf-furtlivi. hw ll� th.. 0,111- "u'd ft. G. Reynolds- pany toider Ih.- pre,ont l,lorlilg.% III,. ;rotinds-- T. Wallis, W. T. \IorneN (;oinr)an� al -so to pay a-, om­ all 'ki.- T. llillldr�, Walter N14iorf" I_ 1'. Knox rear, o\\mg in mortgago \\itlt jot,q-,-,t �Illd -\. .1. l3altridg'.. to dato, al -o \\ati-r and light to datf. tiohl-rtising- Frilesi 4.olllorne, K. and taxv., to Dee. ms(. fol-,, Itle Prilchar,-, 11. 'r. �vllt mortgag,_ - to be then discharged. ' \ mmed h� 11. .1. 1). r'oolo .. ....... 11,11A Exet,oli\-, 0""', by� tho that tilf. ;i(fillstilivrit of I.ZlAe�4 b-' V -11`11111'-'d lo tIll, of He- rvtar�. vision, na",lizall, Mo. Join \4url, '01a, After I Iongthy \I Bho-h iilpl '11. W.. Rl4wk. , Baechlov', iw�\ 'prol .... ::,,in \N.1, :11ildr, I)-.]. If. loltll�toll,� red to tho nmin .... .... t,�lll and f": .1. W. Tj�)Jikr, sult. \\011 11 w Solicitor all', I., p.,"t �\i a draft h�la\N. \Iilit�lr\ T. Priti-11- .ird, P.,r-t,,r aml Ili, Mavklin. PRESIDENT'S PORI'lilill'" ,rhe folio\\ioi� %\,,, to Iiii-, -n tii� own volinionall.", Starby olir popular tailor, Mr. F. Wli.-If Th., Trall'.-ril's d�, (14,1 Tllll(*t� Pridtiam. F. J. kerp, a ci-q, I, .... k .I* to iter -t— 1- i­r,ktlilrit� : choico. bits,', or If,, roiIo\\lllg 1, \� i lw;iot� I mi n,.1 I -fill,, a sarnplo, and ill \\lilt TIOTO toot- hand,onw-hN his g000l til�to ill Ilw llialt,r or ap- fill" pearano,,, : filit Toy ko". I (l(ollf. ollud it, Speaking of the J(,fill For I h,-ep twhind it . "'ant portrait ,I' ...... It" tho I-oldo if) front g ­l fit,- jar. exhibition ill flie S4rallpv ' Ar, t!o-r-,, Ilwn, peoplo. eurn, New Norh, a Wriler Ili Bu- I\\ho think' Mr: Wil-k,n all unpreposes- ton Transcript roquri�es Mr Wilsoii',zl�ing-looking roan ? MOIDEETHEATHE FRIDAY and SATURD AV—THIS WEEK WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS JUNE CAPRICE IN 66i?ATsy,,,, A DAINTY TALE OF THRILLS AND ADVENTURE MONDAY and TUESDAV, JUNE 3 and 4 "Ab, Rexneaw, Gre.t 1" stmy i!., 1!!�; pholro-P4 4- ­�A I T TRE 011FATEST MOTION PICTURE EYER MADE. ''TI] E BARRI Ell' unfolds the most beautiful love gtory e�er shoxNn on atage or Pereen the love of a manly yo�th and a win- some girl, cin ne;irly wrecked hv "TIIE BARRIER' of race and blood. MONDAY and TUESDAY, JUNE 3 and 4 - ADMISSION, 2.-')e. and War Tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JUNE 5 and 6 CLARA KENIBALE YOUNG AND HER OWN COMPANY I N THE STAR OF "THE COMMON LAW'' RTSEq TO NEW EMOTIONAL IIPT(;TIT9 M(-)i.)E1j.,Ti-iE_1ATR_E__1 00DER101a GOOD OTIZENS LEAVING i 60d0rich Cift—As Will Sliss Mr. ;and Use Ill" t :I rll-t" lim-roziefies vkhvii Mir H ... Igrol, , u-ints., interests, ill 6,1de- Arse'nate of Lead -.1ch .%ill li,riumatt, the sensw of Jle toNu will sustain in his rentoNal I.' IILI.rl' K -111y felt. h1r. flodgens has Dry beell ln­ or our umst t4rogres.A%e busl- ne-ss likelland tooli it kit -ell interest ill for Spraying all Fruit Tree3 e%erything pertaining tp the town's Kayser oloves N Z M,vlfare and in his cooling remo%al Win D111511110 0 0 to Def'.1, p h #1 #.. .... � ;:� , . 11 0 OUg le will Vk tuht'i a �aluable citizen. lie %%ill probably be The dry Arojenate of Lead is twice ttio I Diouse5 avi U 14' LIM Lion Ili tov%n for a fortnight or so longer. strength of pasto form, Special values at 35C tO 75C a d. vard. In additivo L,, tits busink only halt tht-i quantity is neces. he wa� very active in lilt, work of North Street Methodist church and the sagehavea bandy Spray Caloo. The Leading 'Phone and Mail Order Store. rullowing: resolution %%as adopted at dar to show the tareilligth for Mix. E are showing some Very attractive model,4 In striped "abutal ,I recent nl�lting of the Quarterly and TrUstet, for all kinds ot fruit trees and Silk Waists which are so popular. Some are white with striped W Boalrds of that church, refer- --Iwo being niade in our fast Issue %I F,d- Ili-, Ittlikw 4 the forior, \i collars and cuffs and others are striped with white Silk Collars r rhe Quarterly and , rruste4Y'Buards of tho North St. Methodist church, Gode- James A. Campbell, and cuffs. Special $550 each. riell, desire to place on mcord their unfeigned regret . at the prospectiNe I Phm. 8. A special in white Habutai Wash Silk Crepe de Cbine and GeOTgette Waists. reulo%al fruin our tu%%n and church of —CENTRAL DRUG STORE" We are showing an exclusi V1 ur faithful brother, and %alued fellow helper, Mr. H. E. Hodgens. Film GODERICH, ONT. I Waists, large hemstitebed collar range of these dressv Waists n !9 both khe town and the cliurtL4 �Ir. 14otkens "fias "I 1,jijr e'd ­ai - fix r'g'-,e a -n -d, L ex- I . . -111MM! 0 G&W" -Caw, - _ _ .. and cliffs, a Very attradthit-WAilsit.­ th"t- very la`t"t81y1e`s"nv1`Jd'n9 all eePtionally useful place, unselitsfily BAND MOONLIGHT wanted shades. From $4.50 to serNing every interest and cause af- feeling OUT OF GODERICH All sizes. Only $2.95 each. $,9.00. 1;o, in vho!,o, h- vonbirilled on- the well-being of hits fellow citizens. We desire esspeeially to express an memory, a cheerful and happy dis- position and has not been known to Three pecial Val in Skirts S' T gone$ appreciation of his great and Invalu- murmur or complain. Many and pro- ill-ti,11111,111A, 1.\ \1-1 able service to our church In almost overy department of its activities, on titable were tier years. She .%as tho granddaughter of LorO and Lady Fitz- We quote these three skirts which are of exceptional value. both the Boards of the church, In the patrick. She leaves behind. to moVn. W�liv ipit\­ it r,onoy of ehild- \fr, of -.jskat,,fo-\Nan Sunday School, and in the vvork S of her loss, her sonti. Nenry and Arthur, Silk Sport Skirt at $7.95. Ricb quality striped taffeta Wonien's black poplin Skins, social and moral reform, tits labor, of Clinton , Mrs. S. Rogers, of Lloyd- . Sport Skirts, in blue and $5.80 value for $4,25. This Black Duchess Silkl have, been most abundant. As treas- urer of the church and Sunday School, minstel', Sask. Mrs. C. (xi-aham, of Detrolt. Mich. �Irs. Will. Pridham. �i, sand, withi 000ti-asting strip- Skirt is a most useful gal with colored stripes ,in the parsonage committee, and in e\cry place where his counsel and Toronto ; Dr. Cornelia Gray, Toronto ; Mrs. R. H. Johnston. town, and ea. Tjillovaed pockets and rineut for every day vvelir Button- trimmed pock. beW Worlib ' $16.50, for Made in newest styleti. V1 presence was needed tie has alway \\'in. Luker, Toroniki, and 27 grand- ets. $8M, sizes. $5.50 for $4.23. rendered self-donving and willing as- efffldren and 30 great grand children, sistance. 'rhe funeral took place from the rest- The White Wash Materials Colored Wash Materials We are thankful to 4;kid that ill file midst (it a strenuous and btisy life he dence of \It-. and Mrs. R. ti. Johnston. Waterloo St., on Wedno'-day. Th t! has yet been moved to devote so much service was eonducted by Re\. of his, little and st,rongth and ability to the Lord's work in this place. \Jr. MeDermid, of tovn, and IV\. NIr, Jones, of Clinton, and Interment was Are More attractive than ever. They In Voiles, Batistes, Mulls, Panama and We Vlould also express all apprecia- tion of wrvive so k,hoorfully ruade in the Clinton e'emetery in the family plot. The -bearers are sheer and will be Beach Suitings. rendered by \fr,. likidgens. as slit, hall oppor- pall were two sons, Ifenry and Artflur Gook : pretty, you sure to like them. Voiles in Plaid designs are most at- tunity, and \,vhieh with that of her two sons-in-law, \fr. Johnston and Mr. tractive. They erme in different husband %%ill be long an(I gratefuliv W. T. Pridtotni and \Ill. It, Carter and Mr, J. W. Vanatt,,r Fancy Voiles in stripes and checks and colorings and priced at 50C a yard. It i, wilti inueh sorrow and regret ,�\o thin), of ,Lving gootl-b�p to these, NVYLIE.-After a long illnes.s of abotit three years, Capt. Peler fancy designs, at .35c, 45C, 50C, Voiles in Tourland patterns, in grev our faithfid and greatly oste#qlll�(l one or our \\oll kno\\n rositlont�, voill- his 6oc and 7.5c a yard. and blue, very stuart. Priced at mir Prayers aliki b,,,t \vishps \\ill follow thont and t16,ir family to thvir home o�ir- pleled earthly --areer on aNfay 19th, passing d%\Ity ill, his holne Lighthouse 6oc a yard. ii�-\\ : bill \\o von,olo -s on stro,-t I'll.- (10voilsvil White Piques in single au� double PAin Beach Suitings, in plain Colur.-,, -J\' \\ifll ill., tholl4tit flial our loss \\ill Lw tho gain of soine oltior i-Iloro.11 \\a,* it nati\'. ealli., to Canada thirty years ago \0th Ili's \Nlr.� widths, in narrow, medium auai also stripes and plaids, at 45c, in \I'thodi-111. and killo 4-hild, and ­ttlod In 1;od"I'loll, wide cords, at 25c, 35C, 45C tu 5oc and' 6oc a yard. h5i- a tard I Niagara, a wash material in basket rr?j I Colt, I''p. I I, i 14 'T il ill A is J weave, for separate skirts all I Wbite GabCTdine, for skirts and sn;lls. suits. All the ue�v volors. 5oc a Z o Special values at 35C tO 75C a d. vard. THE LATE MRS. ADAM COOK Venerable Goderich lady, who died on Monday, aged 91 vears and 9 months New Motor Caps New Motor Caps, in all the latest styles. Priced from 6oc to $2. So each. TO. The Leading 'Phone and Mail Order Store. "The National Smoke" -Phone 56 MILLAR'S,11 SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 I LL' S, NORTH ST. CHURCH ANNUAL %I F,d- Ili-, Ittlikw 4 the forior, \i %ft'(h- ''lltiont of the Registrar for their odi,l, Held (in %Ioolda� E%enhill When onloring goo,i� i,� For unquestioned good value, and depenJability in f"'. a )orninion F,kliro­ rill �Ir­ I \1011-01-1 \J�lflog P:r '.11 \11'. OBITUARY \\1111 �l good t!,,,io Ilo- Il-- W- h, r,,r Children Cry -,n inviodinK —oul -I- I- \11— \,II - ill FOR FLETCHER'S N X ............ .1.4111 allid 1111gli li"KI.- CA'S-rORIA -t--i6mer to pass oxillursionisla. Hid Ili, 111"rigail... had t ­h 1\ TIIIJE S-I'llilt ANDREW WILSON BAND MOONLIGHT gi or, 1`�,r th­ MMEM-FRONREMS HER 90MRSERL OUT OF GODERICH 1;o, in vho!,o, h- vonbirilled on- 11 jolln.loll. ftl,, WHITE STAR TAR ........ -�HITE UNE, K_ UN on0o, wlh 1.11 limild Zi fit ohl,god fit 0�1­ ill lif,, t:apt ill-ti,11111,111A, 1.\ \1-1 ELM Mr- firo%\n Annusill Fy vi c;dkn fa_i I I, i 14 'T il ill A is Ple .to Ho.11.1 I 111-f- 11 11 Z o f9 THE LATE MRS. ADAM COOK Venerable Goderich lady, who died on Monday, aged 91 vears and 9 months .% ,nd r�rr­hnwnl� GODERICH TO. DETROIT. "The National Smoke" 111111119"Ittion Officer w,ho will.be I LL' S, int,,resling too,wid he�,­go ,: !­ ( laRu 1, now called, it will be ''lltiont of the Registrar for their For unquestioned good value, and depenJability in i,e ab-Aent from Oanada, r OBITUARY and engaged ,Niltj Ili, Dmoinion Fi-h -,n inviodinK —oul -I- I- \11— \,II - 1he a deposit. 0- 8-1r4linigriation N X ............ -t--i6mer to pass oxillursionisla. ANDREW WILSON BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH 1;o, in vho!,o, h- vonbirilled on- Odhoml,. \Ii-, -�Illplo;lll old \11 11 Zi fit ohl,god fit 0�1­ ill lif,, t:apt ill-ti,11111,111A, 1.\ \1-1 and Return M df-nf- I,,,, ­A to It.r r.\\.,r.l on 14,,nday�ren, W�liv ipit\­ it r,onoy of ehild- \fr, of -.jskat,,fo-\Nan \I],- .111.1 \11- 1--'i Elliott, and i Nour)L I oh-' - hi,t in f!�, 4 Wani Cook, Mrs, Shock, 'l,00nfo, \1,,� fourinsr Ill., vi, 11 IA�. kk Who it ill., (if of Anil 11 li,,. It hoTli". If, ... ii, F, if John -ton. 11r,l k\ll, tN%cnf�- I' ii,�\\ \4,thodi-t il\nw) H - i, tl_ 49" of ­oo,l \It*' \N 1".1- ER f1l I 1 111"".1- Mr, i�ook 311.1 \11-- 11. .1 1 ....... ir"I.Lnd. in lfw hi -r of I\ii,,\ . hill, 11, �ka, I I , K I't ­. 111.111, 1, i N-ar I il*.!. .4 -.oi I,, f..,nad,t \%ith fwr ;A . b_, or Ill,, doll If.,irl r, t It-. I ,I. Nfi- wid \fr� Arlhiir o'l ;It Ill" fl!o" Ill, .r ill, IMP-, rr?j I Colt, I''p. -�on- or 't ...... olf.,JTJo,I ill,. IL, T,Wh "id lio, i -all h,ar,r, %\-t- li-, t all F- 1, 1. 0 l".ok Lind \frft, i -mid, ind fi, t,j. , r,tq Ili, STEAMER GREYIJO UND .Ih Ill, I"111 Ii. 'r, I- L (­pf liik�l. t, Wid'o i. fi,­. ind 1,\ ­'. E�l Min \\A1 ...... \1,, .1 N1,11--lidd ;,I,.l F'.1 h, 6,11'. I n John T,$,I­. LEAVES GODERICH lilt I 1 . : ". 1, 1 .,f %Ir all'I Nlr, 11" n -h,irch .1 ., Tuesday, June 11th,10a,mE,T. t.r,l, Ito. .,g,, ,r Ill A__ ol. oo 11 1 11 -1. \1 f, Returning Leaves Detroit, ThJuveday, nlif rq,,t0,­- qn-I June 13th, I P.M.9 Detpoit time M! -s r\ wo, r ­ N $2 Round Trip $1.50 One W" I I, i 14 'T il ill A is The only boat trip fr-o' m Goderich to Z o Fed '-f l71;6C4 of military ageon thfstrip. "The National Smoke" 111111119"Ittion Officer w,ho will.be I LL' S, he�,­go ,: !­ ( laRu 1, now called, it will be ''lltiont of the Registrar for their For unquestioned good value, and depenJability in i,e ab-Aent from Oanada, r quality and flavor, the "Bachelor ' cigar is unexcelled 3 for 250 1he a deposit. 0- 8-1r4linigriation N X ............ -t--i6mer to pass oxillursionisla. ANDREW WILSON BAND MOONLIGHT I I, i 14 'T il ill A is The only boat trip fr-o' m Goderich to Detroit this season Fed '-f l71;6C4 of military ageon thfstrip. 111111119"Ittion Officer w,ho will.be I LL' 0, !-ine .,f departure. Excepting that he�,­go ,: !­ ( laRu 1, now called, it will be ''lltiont of the Registrar for their i,e ab-Aent from Oanada, r y stay tir-O not re. 1he a deposit. 0- 8-1r4linigriation -t--i6mer to pass oxillursionisla. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH Monday Eve., June 10th, 8 P Zi 25c Must( and Dancing in Greyhound's New Ball R"$It I I, i 14 'T il ill A is