HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-31, Page 4I
we hate said un Our neviin column re
fakers. pi-d4lerta, IiSle64, etc. line
would tiffink ha, he %114, fit their
0 lVeL
%leinity were doi a t e v%ork In
this fdir land. %tell, Nomen and (-hit-
dren work front da dark
we ACHE.50N & SO -N "sa%ing all the da�lligllhllflt etti4!.1," and
they don't halle little tit g(,i it) tbe stfire
although said c rlvi�pvbdent has 0
st agro"
good store ju the street from
her home, but has time to go sfAveral
intleti to other iltures e%en, it Its re,,,
ported, to the cit), at tunes )(joking for
ALL PURE LINEN TABLE DAMASK sna W fiat wonderful tynipathy
" I tr. the farmers all at once. We think
that farmers cannot work all the time
72 inch Double Damask he4VY 1,1nen, in half a dozen patterns. Quality "v more than other people and what
Is the finest we have ever shown. farmer and his family would not (feel
better to clean up and late a little
drive out to a stbre or any other place
Satin Damask, In beautiful patterns, at per yard *?.00, $2..5o and $2 75 tonce or twice a week. They would
feel better for it and start another day
fresh and rested. We have also no-
Paft Lines Towels Lam' White Skirts ticed that said correspondent'so state-
rflents. do not hold water, hs many
10 dozen old stock, 22 % 44. all Linen Hem- g men and women and older ofi6s
We have a large usortmentof Ladies' Sample tro.11.0t that neighborhood also are seen
stitched Huckaback Towels. $1.00 Skirts, in Piques, Gabardines and Reppa, out in their autos and bufgles long be -
Worth double, atperplair ...... at from ........ fore dark, and we are no objecting to
H&V Moult Towels ............ ..... : $2A to $434 it. And the correspondent thinks the
peddlers so neces r - We have heard
HeavY Cotton Huck Towels, hemmed and 90C Floor Rugp of am inany as fousar 4ing at one farm-
Igo6a large size. Special Sale, 6 for er's place at one time. Is that really
necessary, when stores are only a few
H"im Summer clearing of all Wilton, Velvet and mfleb distant from most people, and
Tapeptry Rup. Sizes 2J 1 P, 3 It many women gay that file), are simply
b0__ ilazen lAdiest h1wk LWe_and Codon Rose. fested AN44-h- -peddlaft -and -lots--of-A"m
8J, 9, 9*. 10. Seamless and colors -3 x 4, 3111 f. ]lose much time *with them. Corres-
warranted. At per pair ............ 25c pondent tells us of a woman driving
Congaleum Rugs the mail wagon. We know f oni
ChUm's How one woman and she goes alogg wltg
bercripple(l, lidsbandi who can't read;
'Firle xib C�ttobn Hose, old dye and seamless, 2!3, &S, M1 U4, Yards. Large and to help him. The Government does
good weight. All sizes, 6 to 10. splendid Selibetlo'n opened up new. Spsoisl not hire women for that work, as they.
some of them have the habit of
Worth 40c, at per pair ............... 01,
25c prices. triltring wi,th Abe "males." One thing
we must plead Ignorance of. Is that we
were not gyvare that any of the P. A.
suckers had gone up the 'bou dary
ek till we noticed it in the T. A.
Air. and Airs. Win. mutch, of Clinton'
s Led relatives in the village the lat-
ter part of last week,
Mrs. R. Asquith, of the village, who
has been on the sick list, has been get -
Good fAoads Plan is a stop In the right don't you ? You kniw it is. Ask the ting worse, instead of improving. - ,
Cbe Oobedcb %tar. (fire,. Ill'it. __ _ others what thy think. Talk it 11P, Miss Leila Hovvatt� of Stratford Nor -
TW =nsms, U&LL n "Hit%% fit Make Huron's Let"18 see If it Is not possible to mass at School, spent the .24th und& the
=_ - _. ___ 7� Golden Gate," the enthusiasm which each one has in p ternal roof, returning to Stratford
FRMAY, MAY 81, 1918 a
more golden should be the Alm of All Ilia heart but which lie hides like the on Monday.
it., inhabitants viihother Vje� h4k%,3 be- candle spoken of in the New Testa -
EDITORIAL COMENT ment under a bushel. The t me Is Mr. Roy Roberton, witio has been In
eouie ioembers (if fit- Ilo-ti-A of 1 -9 -ad_ short. You may be modest and' think
1, the West for a coupIt of years, is visi-
11 1 this is s��uiollllllg that ail that any expression of your feeli ting his parents on the base line, Hul-
There are indications of solue d- V;in fill v%hether t�p call alTor,l the wouldn't count for much. Berne ngs lett, at present.
I" mber
gree of change of heart 111110119 11 Or at lueniber,; till iq a very small match can start a ver Miss Annie Jackson, of (lie treasur-
county council as to the need of it tl'e 11011"d' big tire. Your help IS needed. Donyt er's office, Toronto, has been visiting
Children's Shelter for Huron Giunt) I'll' Trade ir not. We can all refrain be afraid to Speak up. people will her mother at Walkerburn. returning
and it would not be surprising it , flial,iluo UnsIA111:% Paths Aelloss only. think more of you for bcing in- to Toronto this week.
action that will afasoli,!. sheiter for Ih,- grass it) the O.'ou"t parh F. -,p terested in the Children's Aid Shelter.- Pte.. Walker, of the Flying Squadron
it uWance, The We're going to have fine, but we want Toronto, visited his relatives in th�
this county %vIII be taken fit the voin- (11 it'("-(! -m- it now, So that the work can be put village last week, returning to Toronto
Ing session of that bodN, At i limv Ill-auliftil 014,11 ('fit'; (3n 11111Y be vc- into it proper state kit system and effl- last Saturday evening.
when organization (if resourve, and f".11110listled I)y It-aul %,, It"k. ollo oiency as SO(ill its possible. If you feel . Pte. Benjamin Sprung, will) has been
I loillm Ili� -W her shai. Also many You can't talk, write a letter to the on sick leave, has been \isitilig rela-
COIASCr'llititill Of rtsllklrVeS ar" OW ' lwautirtli root Paths across boule- Paper about It, and don't forget to lives In this nelkhborhood. lie has to
watchwords, vile vaiinot aftord 1-, 10 .... Sign your name. It's only old fogey report for duty shortly.
our greatest res�wirve tho h,-�s and rd, -,fit he pre,,ented tht, kuw way sort of people wh(j sign themselves
I vili--re a property holder fof-�, to -interested Header," **Citizen," . and Mr. Robert A. Robprton, Of Clinton,
girls vilho vlill ho the men and wlilie.n tr'.11hif, --f lilahilig fill file -bouli such (filter names. Your name Is a former resident here, urought a load
who v\ill det,rruine (he ile,lin� -I' 11J, w(�rth a good deal to You. It's been of visitors Out oil the 24th to enjoy
eminlry ul it r,\\ 1,,, 1'. Ild"111.1 ,ard ,, Irout l�r Ili,, property lie s1poild \'fill you e\er since You (,an reinem- fishing in the. river. By apparent re -
less efTectiNe fit fill, ,I' nuti-ai a sults there %1vere more plying the flsh-
I he tiv all and sumiry -11 be", all(l V'llilo it MAY have been ash m- Orman's openpalion that day than fish -
building fly getting lifT I-) it liall -tarl. th" g- -d fly letting the 1) mlo- ed fit you many times, it has stuck to
;N'll"I g,t if 4-himet, lo Iwevolue it Illipx you through thick Find thin. and you es in the riverf.
Atilt vie vannot aftw'd I -i b-1 Iho r lwalll�. 1,11 I's fill conspire to mai,e shouldn't throv% it (I(j\\n when you Aniong th084 \\Ito stient Victoria Day
of th-, ChIldrvii's Aw -viot.\ III this Alklnon'� 1;o1di-n 1;ate" heautil'ill, ItaNe it clialkve to Ilse it %\(,It. Here in Auhurn \\ere : Mr. and Mrs. k. C.
1, 1 c - Jackson and Miss Laura, elf Goderiell
cotlrll� fit organiz.lillopki that j, , -ug is it fiance. 1)(In't f(,rget to let people
such 'pleudid \\I,I.k in 111.11 Ihe SPINDRIFT knov% vthere �,ou q�and regarding the Mr. find Mrs. Win, Mu(et, anti son,
rislag sn-t if 1�, shelter lot- neglected ehildronl,,,and Willie, of Clinton : Miss Vora Asquith,
don't rorgot that vve want it in iron of flit? Stratfollo Normal 1'irhpol ; Mr,
hinguINI, for \\ant .,r pr,,l-r I'S.4 '�HEL TER (:,,unty. AM] Mrs. Jas. Ste -art, (if `vVingliam.
nwrit. The \\ork if Ilo, 4.hildreti's Aid LECTf,.,L WHAT'S IN A NAME? Mr. Nifrmart Bro-,,,n, our harness
iN heing generously ]n �.tllcr HILDRI-,'N. "Wrl"rai Foch- generalissimo- lierip maker, whose Aerin uf exemption ex-
V%v been calling hun 'hkt
WHAT IN) yol with a �6\hrt "o" and a I-Far(i -ch,, to Jas. johliqtoll
roullijoh. In [fit, Jil't to the I THINK General Fock pires soon, Sol his stock to Mr.
.1 hu, vill cgrry on this
north if if,, fit,- al.1-intoti u- The rollutv voullf-il \\ill shortly hold rhyme vvilh clock An -.t I'm not fit,, only Line of, connection . with the
�perlor 11A, been gkon Jill .11111)[tiOl I Its' June sessifin, unit thpre %vill be a one .\ho has made the mistake. Writ- hardware \001
%Itf�lta,nes pusA-ession of
ch,iuve ror Ihou, L(o do the right thing Ing In Harper's Magazine for June, Mr. U. E. UM ed s store in septem'
tt) assist film In his anLI 1;1
1 "A hY Huron county, find life chilth"en's W. Beach Thomas. correspondent for li�r.
,ivill certainly fit. .r grt-al s,�rxive. llif] at ()no. still tile Sallie [line. What the'London Daily Mail at British fiead- 'Sol,,(- Of e rut it) this loealit
- waited on ohe of tile deputation Y
Huron rounty I)e if 1,-ailo . r III action they v\III take depends very quarters in the fiek], speaks of his sur th , �a 1� to
movements fill- the betterment fit �4,_ lAt'gelY till Wint'YOU think.they ought prise \,,,bell he first hear(I a French offi- Ottawa, re4l.lefiftffig full particulars of
to do. They feel that they are there oer pronounce the naine of the, genera- that visit:, Thq� ought to have IeArn-
cletY ,fill the pv--ple's repreenfillikel, lo rellresent the will Of tile People, li%shno. He saye he remvmbers in his ed that pre-4lection Promises are
%%.p feel confident, %NllI best rflpr'*Pnt and they cannot be rxpected to Ill- ignorance being a little surprised that like the old Grecian Delphic Oracle,
11- Pit-ldo h) inalling arrangtmoul., I'm, augurate Any illeasurots, no matter how the "ch" was soft and the "o" very will bear any terpretatiob after the
a counly shelter. name Foeh therefore election to supthe� occasion.
beneficial, If the People of Huron broad. The
County are not enthusiastically in- should be pronounce(l as though it \v4d 688 b -ben . received -- that . t . lie
ofined towards them. It Is time now, was Spelled Poshe to rhyme with I
Tlioll suglacstl(in, 4)r \11.. 1;outts (if Big therefore, for every man and woman "boche," the "o" being long as In boat. ross-11a.§ been wo by Troop -
Stolle Golp fill- a ellm-rete higIma'N"froin in the community who has the wel- er . !V'Wt. iaei pr not as a
x X x x com!heu0ilitN'y10] 0
HulTalo to G-1derfelt, whether it call fare of the county at heart, to think There's no difficulty in pronouncing thdt such an honor has
be it, n..t at come to,an Auburn boy, Trooper Xle,
nt 1, Or the need of grantring the request the town's new name "Huron's Golden Nall enllsbW 10, 015 and was the first
worth kovLoing it] tuilid. A vone".0, 11 f [lie Children's Ain Society for a Wale," but the test of the craftsmen to leave from here. Now, he has the
home for neglected r children in the who are to build it and bang It will distinction (if being the flrst to be
high -ay south from oderich leading County of Huron. At this time when be to make it solid, and servicable for atVarded.
to 'iarnia oud connecting vvith Detroit, lives are being given 59 nobly, and Industry, and at the Fjame time suffi-
is another road that would be a tery freely on 4he Western battle front In clently Artistle and attrac-tivo for re- A citizea ha� suggested that out,
Europe, In order that civilization may creation. It Is to open both ways, I town fathers .4puld render the public
desirable ftol, find Mr. MoLean, the not perish from the earth, we should believe, and the' men who have the a grftt servico',by placing a watering
CXCUT'Slon agent of the White Star line, do all in our potyer to cherish every job In hand can be depended on to see tr9ugh east,-Qfl the approach to this
%, hen In. town it few clays ago In con- Institution which proclaims by its that the huge posts are solid and be- slat of the ana the
nection fivith life ad,,ertislag (jf tile deeds that it Is wormy to be among low the Post line, so zilat the gate vyater ft�6 so c of the springs in t4q
('.rryhouDd'l, trip, spolle to The the foundation stones (if civilization won't sag after it has been hung for bank neii V - As theiFle Is no' Public*
Star it 101i
as we understand it. An institution a year or two, but It will be "a thing watering in our village the bene -
,very enthii-la-tically of vi -hat It would such as the Children's Aid Society of beauty and a joy forever" as the fits of placing a suppl)r Core can read! -
mean to fioderich to have such a road, needs no Pulogy froul any writer to poet --ays. ly be seen. Its location would be
which N%vuld bring .Isltors front tht WnOuncc Its IYOrtbl'b011 tO 66MInce DERMOT NICEVOY, gQod; Ule cost of ingtalling would be
" who would have
0 t.V fit tile 4(ralfi 016 0611,10% Of this country of the ne- very little.
oeissity for its existence. It Is here to COLBORNE There died at Cleveland, Ohio, on
Nuitioler- cttIJqgfFs Itere and be -stay� and it is doing a work- of which CoUncilliors Fishell And Mider have tho '23rd inst Mrs. Polton In her NtWi
able Io tra-il back an,11 forth in com- Huron as a county should be proud. purchased new mrs. year. Deceased was the third daugh-
fort, in,n fit business fit Detroit being It is time that the people demand- ter f9f the late Itobt. Mutch, of Fast
ed that all difficulties be removed from Mr. Abe Platter was to Guelph -in a Wawanosh, and had resided in Cleve -
able 1,1 nin lip to spend the week -ends tile way of carrying out the work to business trip last week. land for about 20 years, The Immedi-
\-.fill Ilwir families here. and so (in, the greatest advantage. A shelter is Harold Walters went to Toronto on ate cause of her death was hemorr-
and if
-.1 unproibably seeing opportunk oil urgent necessity, and It is tip to a businoss, trip this week. hage of tInF, brain. The remains were
Or- f,,r industrial enterprise In t1ode- the people of Huron County fit See that Mr. Mcl,aren, of Dublin, is visiting brought to Blyth ]as- Saturday, the
they want it so badly that the council his daughter, Mrs. (leti. Bean. funeral taking place from file home (if
rielt \\Iiieh u,,gilt lead to big thingta. will feel liko granting the request at her sister, Mrs. Bennett, to Union
rying cemetery (in Monday of this week.
I session, What w) YOU think of and in(ends shiroDing his milk ta" Tor- Two brothers, James, or Auburn, and
In Ili- moantime tho improvement Of fill Wm. Long is going in for of
�-uvh main lines of traffic und#;r the it ? You think it shelter Is needed, onto. William, of Clinton, and two Sisters,
Mr. Jas. McBride made A bitsiness Mrs. king, of Clinton, and Mrs. Ben -
trip if) Torionto find Mik,-Mon last net, of Blyth, survive her, as, well Rs
week. her husband, \Jr. Polton, The sym-
.as NI, EdN%Ards, of Prulasels, visited pofth� of the community is exlended
lit, r sister, Mrs. fi. A Churilhill,, last to the ocroaNed relatives.
FOr 6001 -SUMMOf Att-IFO Mr. and Mrs. c. \ Robertson. Qh TIPPERARY
ftll., Spent the v%Tp1c-rnd at Niagara Our minister, Rev. Wlin. Darling, at -
FAIN, N. V. tended district meeting In Dungannon.
k \afuahJe yearling odt owne,l by Mrs. E. r. Webb has gone to -4irnia
John Feagan wat killeft by the npotlF .(,it an, o)xtended \Nit ounong friends
G. P. R. train on Friday last. there.
HaPuld Walter. son of John Walter. Miss J. E. Cluff, former teaoher of
is lionit, from Meyronne, sask., for a S. S. No� q. spent tile 21th visiting
short time. as lie eNpeel, W he ealled friends in this section.
upon to don the eolnrs shorll�. Nir Fdgar Gantolon, of London camp,
The mumps ha%o twen (little pre- spent Sunday with his parents here,
%alent among a number of children Mr. and Afrs. Allbert Cantelon.
and gro\\n-up people mroughout the Miss Belln Parker, teacher (it S. S.
township ReNeral are ver Ill. No. 9, spent file 21tb of May And otNel-
Mr. .1. N' Korillatian isVIO from Sunday at her home in Hayfield, taking
Ottavvfl, \%here he was vittending to the in t6e Sports.
interests if the FArmpro' Co-opernfive
Associati,-n. fit which tip IQ the loteal Charlie Coope�' returnea In his place
reprefontall'.P " f labor last vieeti, aftpr a short spell
(if sickness. Charlie does not seem to
Itamoy Fisher. %on of Jacob Fighfr : he very strong.
J�hnathan Fishor, son of Chas. Fisher, Miss Annie Cooper. hur,:e, vias called
and Russell Kirkpatrick, son of A. Kirl(- III a case In the nrighborhond nt Tpola-
patr1ok, go to I.ondon this week to don water today. Illfgq (oc*lper Is% not long
tile King's inform in answer to the
Military Service kcl� \%. e wish the home At a time.
ibnyQ a zafe return We are glad to s"'Mr. HenrN Strepp,
The Fartneria' Club Shipped a car if of Hayfield Une, So far'reroverpol As too
eattlp to Toronto last week be ,,it to, a drive after tits severe III-
Nir, A necs (in the 24th.
At. qtralighil" lietonipallied them�
This is A good move by the farmer,% A number of our b(vN*g nl!4p took in
As it gi%es the stock raisers the advan- the Bayfleld sporti Willard Gray vvill;
tage fit QpIling dimet to the packers One of the successful ones fit the toot
there by eulting 61111 t vrinning
tv middip man,s riltiot, , a second prize rry
profit which In somp t, 0Q I-. no small aga I n. 60ys " this Is good muscular
ltpm - oxerptse. %
8�,E_�PARDTON The brantiful altovverci if file last
ff,\v days; ar,� making woraterful Im-
Mr. and MrF. William 176ung Intend prnvoinprift on the eropq in irtiq noigh-
It(F ni(,ve in Goderich. We are Sorry borhood. It wa- mueh 1wedoll all()
CHAS, BMCK. Oqe suCil good and obligiog neigh. feristal.4 art, rhoUng rapidil, sin" M"t
bors, but We AviSh MQVIV 110M of the eorn au'll potatt-Ft fire pllnled
IVIM19 In Moir newl homo.
0 1 1. . 0 Port Albert 0r0s4portdmt ct, em -A and �Volllv beann.
Jelin all,] �1(1411tltm
to b 'quite worrito abbot 190M.0 tbhlgi�
May 3t, 091''
A lady to be well dressed must have nice Gloves.
Ladies' Short Silk Gloves, double finger tips, two domes and perfect witknianthip in either
black, white, grey or champagne in g1l sizes.
Ladies' black Gloves at 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair
Ladies' white Silk Gloves at 85o, $1.00, $1.25 and $ 1.50 a pair.
Ladies' grey and champagne Silk Glov�s at 33e and $1.50 a pair.
The season's newest Collars are in stock. They come eithel with or without cuffs. Fine
organdy Coflars in colors with guipure edging in many shades are one of the newest ereations.
Plain white and colored sets at 60c, $1.00 and $1.25 each.
Plaip white Collars wiIlih dainty edges and the newest out. 60c and 75c each. WE
The newest designs in Collars are here for your inspection.
U nderw 'ear
Our stock of summer underwear in ladies' and girl's vests and drawers in all sizes complete M
and the qualities are fibe best.
"LiAes' summer vests in short and no sleeves at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35, 40e, b0c,-60c, 85c, $1.00
Ladies' drawers at 60c and 75c a gaxment.
Childrens' summer vedts in short and long sleeves at from 18c to 30c each. Summer drawers'
at 25c and 35c each.
Cotton and Silk Dress Materials
otton foulars are very popular this season. They come in the newest shades and the latest
designs"It 65c a yd. Our range of this cloth gives one a large variety to choose from.
Voiles and Tussah Bilks Jn the best designs and colorings. They are 36 in. wide and each
pieee is an individual dress length. This means that no two people are dressed alike. These cloths
ran fml;n 85etio4l.50 a yard.
White Voiles in f:1ain, stripes and checks, 36 ir. wide and range from60c to $1.00 a yard.
This is the season of the year that one need-, a Raincoat. -Ladies' tweed 'Rain Coats are the
most durable and look the best. We have a special range in all sizes at $12.00 evieb.
have suffered loss ill the'loss of
Ililc the 'Ode le
l"toderiel) boiNs. w - 0 r It Mon's race lover i;3) --D. Postle-
their large peach Orchards, whio e
11 w re
Piteller'S fieliverY NNas -0 aoceptable
thwaito: 11nd, P. %IcI)ougaIJ.
just beginning to bear well anti they
to tile l3a%.11,111 f)jltt,,r, ;Illtl, lip was
1-:1 Milp Raoe--Ist, \V. Townsend
are mostly all (lead NN'ttil the se\ere
pounded al I 111.� Tho fill-
2nd, NV. Gray.
X-vinter. Peactip" cllorries� and some
[owing is tll,l 11,t of priz, in
hunning Jump--Ist, Witlard Stur-
plum trpes have sulTered badly,
the Sp0rtS
g`eon ; 2nd. W. WoN le-
Calithunipjall I -t. .s
Hunuing IA, Wd-
Nora Ft,rgus,,j) ju,J \h-. Ju-. F,r9U.Son;
lartf Shu-Lroon ; �n(l, I. Little.
M I ,s \label qtinqon, or roronto,
-2nd, "Jean iind I.ue
High Junip—tt, \,,'. Iylo : 2nd,
Spent Victoria -Day at her home here.
fleA fleow"It,'l \111(, -WIll. MPtvalf-
.Mr. and Mris. Jas. Donaldson s poll t
Ito vard" &I -It Mcill-ligal,
Putting, St(,n,-- Jst. M"\Nilt Mi-liolig-
a few days with friends fit Winglian,
"Ild, IF.' Melholgal,
- 80�s I i Ed.
fill : 2n(l, f,IIi(.tt.
this week. ,
—Ist, 1,md,a� : 2nd,
Ti=-or-\\ar Iwtvr(n V.mloriefl ilutf
.\Jr. Frank King, of 1,ondon, spnt
4;oo. Gni\os.
"irls h itud R,-ta 11iii-
' Stmllv� k.v\11shil,� li'llaed in a will
fill, Stanley in two straight pulls.
the week-ond with Ills parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Thos. King.
rismi : 2nd, _I,wl Will"I'.
11, t1w c\elung a conoert was hold
Rev, Jas. Avery, LoAdesboro,
B o s' 3-legg�,l (i, dnq
y .1.
(;rov 2nd,
in the T(ovn Hall \%Nich .\,as well at -
o NI,rn,T, and clay-
tend�d. Tho Patriotic Soviety will
preached In St. Andrew's chureh on
lot) Wo',ston,
clear about $K)o as a rpsult uf the
Sunday, both morning lind evening.
Sack havo—IsI, P. 1:1iopimin ; 2nd,
celebration, We uliflprfaud that a big
MISS Alice, Stinson, W110 fill; spent
Jack Forgusmi.
oflebration will be held on July Ist.
tile, last few wee," visiting rriends at
Standing Broji,l NI, Me-
The provepds vlill u1s.) go Ulf, patriotic
To ronto, returned home this week '
Dougall 211,1, It.
r k.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollard and child, of
London, are visiting the latter's par-
ents, mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Spackman.
Mr. a ild Mrs. H. 'McLaren, of Port
Quality is Economy in
Elgin, are visiting at the home of"Mrs.
.\,IcLaren' s mother, ,AIrs. Win. Stirling.
Rev. Dr. �ndAlfrs. Stewart, of Clin-
ton, are SPODding a few weeks here,
having taken rooms at Mr. J. %V. TiP-
Mr, L. Fowlie and Mr. Clarence Pol-
lock, of London, motored up for Vic-
toria Day find spent the week -end at
The war b as created
their homes here.
a sbort-
;Age of good leatber as well
Beulah Parker. who has had
a position in London -,-.ie past winter.
as skilled sboe makers.
returned home this week and intends
Only by our close relatioms
remaining for some. time.
Air. and-*vlr,.;.'Chapman and family,
with leading manufactur-
of I,ondon, accompanied by Mrs. Stan-
ers are we able tocommand
burry, of Toronto, motored tip frof;ll
London on Thursday and spent R feiv
for our customers still t�e,
dEkys in their cottages here.
higbest quality at popular
The celebration held on Victoria Day
under the auspices of the Patriotic
Society was a great success. A large
number of people came in to witness
See our snappy styles in
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bigh aud low cut Footwear,
Clan Gregor Square. After the Cah-
thumpian and auto parade the fiag
in the most popular colm.
raising c4eremony took place. A splen-
did address was given by Principal
In wbite, the
c. 1). Bouck, of the Model 'School,
Clinton, and its the flag was raised the,
summer color, we bavtp a
crowd sang the National Anthem, fol-
large range of styles at
[owed by a number of patriotic songs
by scholars of the Public School. One
1917 selling prices.
or the principal events in th ts
pe�' ipl-d
was the baseball game beb . -
rich and Hayfield, which res'eilt"ed"in
an easy victory for the home team b V
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pitcher's curves wore a puzzle to the
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