HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-31, Page 24 _4
2 may, 3-ot, ;916
were $186,120, after deducting charges -LAST, POST" officiating clergymen F irty, bug -
of inanageuipat rebate of interest, etc., tilrs. an escort furniki-I'dMy"Ithe Cana- HAD WORST CAM OF
being equal to 15M per ek-Lit. on the [low Our !�oldlers are Cared for In than Special Hospital. Leaham, the din
to r Any Need to,&nd average pald-up capital of the bank' officers of the hospital and the vir- VIA 0
NO 119111111 exCRES 0, sickness and Death lagers. The cemetery Is well situated CONSTIPATION M Get Ik
Theze profits were $24,BW in I at the foot of the North I-owas, along
W those In the pre%ious year, With the Mr. Ben Gray has had very nice let- which winds the Pilgrim's W, fr m
IUhim 1W,$'29 brought forward from 1917 ters from Major Win. Hart, officer Winchester to Canterbury, worn for DOCTOR EVER MEW. Longfellow could take a worthless
uu Re*. Work there was a total of $246,9AO available commanding Calladidn Special Hospi- centuries by tile feet of pligrinis on piece of paper and write a, poe;q on. it
for distribution. tal, LeDhain Kent and from Capt. their Way to Thomas a Beckett's tomb. worth $65,000.
In dividends theA was paid out $72.- John 'A. Beahie, ch%plain of the Can- The service at the grave'was conduct -
OW the same surn as in the preceding adian Ordinance Corps, Ashford, Kent, ed by Rev. Capt. John Beattie. Cana- Although Sen rally described as a 111hat'h genius.
Out of Town with reference to the death of his dian An Chaplain iPresbyterian,) disease, coristipx'�tion can never exist
year. For the purpose of writing brother, Pte. W. Gray, which are of ny unless some of the organs are deranged, There are some men whii, cart writg
down the Full military honors were accorded
bank's assets W,000 was general Interest as showing how our the deceased, including the firing of which is generally found to be the liver. a few %%ords oil a piece of paper and
NST0NT'$'1GARA(;E, ]Kingston street, is'now transferred 'to the contingent fund. soldiers are being eared for. the salute and the sounding of "Last' It coadsts of 84 Inabilit to regularly make it .\orth a million dollars.
The balance of the yesios profits, to- Major Hart sayti in his letter Pte. Post." 7
evacuate the bowels, am as 4 Tilat's capital.
equipped with the ctlebrated gether with approximately $W,000 was admitted to this hospital Capt. Beattie's lett�r gives further action of tAo bowels in absolutely es -
from profit and loss account (making March 26th, 10113. in a very weak con- details and offers kindly expressed watial The United States cap, take all ounce
dition. The next day his name was sympathy. to general health, the least bTegu- nd a-qiiaiter of gold and make it
total of $50,000) was added to the re- larity should never be neglected.
Acron *1' 1" a m s serve fund, Increasing that fund to placed on the din erously Ill list and a
worth twenty dollars.
re no doutt notified officially From Bob. Clark Milburn's Lux -Liver Pills have no
1004ut We effect
4 his at the time. That day equal for relievlj�& and curing constiPa- That's nioney.
The tpfat resources of the bank now he rallied slightly but began to go Dr. and Mrs. Clark have had some tion, and an its &Wed troubles. pr
amount to $16,000,000, an increase of down hill very ra�ldly_ Ahe day follow- interesting letters train their son, Rob, A mechanic can take material w' th
Steam Vuhimanizer over $2,300,000 during the year. The Ing and died about five o'clock In the si%,e he reached England. Under date Mrs. R Martin, Prince Albert, Sask $5 and make it into watolisprings
growth of the business Is largely afternoon of Saturday. March 30th. ohfotA 11,3 19th. he writes from Brain- writes-�'q had. one of the worst cases �f worth ft(".
measured by the Increase in deposits, 0 "This hospital is in reality a tuber- 8 tra follows : consfipation my doctor said he bad ever That's skill.
and Mr. Johnston is prepared to do all which are now $2,W,OW greater than ulosts sanatorium. We occup new Dear Father and Mother,—We are in known, and MMurn's IAxa-Liver Pills
bull(Ungs specially constructe5 and eamil now. We carue up last Tuesday cured ' set his net and lift
kinds of tire, and tube work — wor4 that they were last year, representing an we of it. M father-in-law had A fisherman can
t nereas r cent., a strik- e nipped for the purpose Intended. I and it's a lot better up here, because used them, in fact 1. wag the one who them the next day and 41nd them full
has hitherto gone to Stratford, Iondou or I v of about 22 pe wish to reassure you that every pos- we are In huts with a stove in them.' gave them to me. A number of people of sticks and slime.
IN51ndleation of pu"110 ronfidence. sible care was taken or -your brother The tents were pretty cold, as the
Toronto. This is the first machine of tho The bank's cash holdings are up by the medical officers and nursin weather here is like our December. around here use them, and they all say That's fisherman's luck.
0W,000, and 92.000,000 has been Invest- sisters and that no effort was spate5 The huts are fairly large, forty men that they we the Iest pill@ they ever
kind in this section and will be 'a great ed In Dominion Government bonds, and to make him as comfortable as pos- to each hut witt"eparate bunks. % The used.1f There's a man in Paris who can take
bon to auto owners. It will handle all sizes of tires, advances to the British Go ernm sible also during the short period mealsAre better, too ; we don't get any -Uver Pills are 21ic. a a fifty -cent piece of canvas, paint a
v W c e spen us re. tog.,,much but it is all right ; some are Milburn's lams, picture on it and mako it worth $10,-
60 that in addition to providing se- vial at all dealers or mailed direct on
App ly. & had -n riends- or o jince y e
4 *rity-of undoubted -merit the baa�k relatives in this country tside the to do that. We have started training L4nd
,MM-!Z34--to--5--in6hes-;-- M-ri -Johnston- is -taking -a-eoursme- but Aherp- -are- alv"y& some reftipt -f- b Th T. Milburn Co.,
hag at the same time don� its bit in Army, r made all he n ssa. -y ar-
ia vulcanizing in Toronto and will be r in earnest now and everything is goinq ted, jL ronto, Ont. That's art.
the way of rendering assistance to rangements for burial,.- , thllch-_096 _wvAne-IT-the weather would only get A merchant call take an article cost-
�;,carryiug on of the war. place In the afternoon of Tuesday. a little warmer. It's just a month to- -five cents and sell it for
e Ing seventy
percentage or increase in the� April 2nd. An -elm -wood coma was,.se- morravv...sinee we left�.London_aad 4t- 0-4offs-bli VeleOKiihe. one dollar.
bank's quick assets. compared to Its cured on which a plai� was affIxed',13eems like a week to me, tile time has 'Vhta to only the eleverit
Id- fop -Busithass liabilities is very Interestin and Is giving his name, nuTber, rank, bat- one so fast. There Is a lot of boys h time I That's business.
g, , t
y as follows ; Cash regemes. fallen, age, and date o his death. The gere in -the 4th Reserve that I know, have been up and down stairs to an-
_k1one re- coffin was taken to St. Mary's 6hurch boys that came over in drafts in De- $*sr that telephone this morning," A man can buy a suit for $10 or $15,
Present 22.67 Per cent. Of liability to in the nearby village of Lenham, which cember and January. we expect to but prefers paying $20 or $25 for it,
June Gth the Public, and total readily- available is a beautiful and interesting building move to Witley camp next Monday, sighed a obysiclan's wife. "I should
assets amount to the. large surn of some seven centuries old. The servic� but I am not sure whether we will or like to sew just one hour In peace." That's foolishness.
$9,321,000, or almost 7z per cent, of de- was there conducted by the curate, not. We expect tgettootir leave next "Vf*y doln't you have a portitblip tele- There are people who will tell yqu
prepared to guarantee a first- Posits, and more; than 58 per cent. of Rev. P. M. Taylor, and was attended b week. Well I'll c quit now and phone?" suggested the sympathetic that other clothing stores are selling
class job. total liability, including capital. the officers and men of this hospitar go and get my lunch. We get soup, seamstress. "Mrs. X has one. and my I as cheap as ROBINS.
At the meeting or sliareholders to as well as tqose from a nearby unli one night and cocoa an(J biscuits
and People fSorn the village. er another night, at s:30 p. m. Four you 'have noL Idea the steps It saveill That's nerve.
day, In the unavoidable absence meals a day in this'country. Good- her.- You know she to quite a club
He also carries a good line Of were several beautiful floral tributes. Take a night off and see for your -
President Sopers, the chair was taken Including a wreath from the conserv- bVe for now. Hoping you are all well woman, and has so many calls. The self.
of by the viee-president, Air. W. K. atories of Mrs, Mitellell, of 'Swade- ai home which leaves me the same. arrangement. lik simply an ordinary
George. whose address to the share- lands' near Lenharn, to which was ROB That's common sense.
holders possessed many points of in- attached a card bearing the words, Another letter, written April 26ih, desk telephone with a very long cord.
Tires �and Tubes forest. After reviewIng tqe salient 'from his Canadian relatives.' from WitIcK Camp, Is as follows : When she goes up to the den at the M. ROBINS, Clothier and Gents' Fur -
features of the reporV. Mr. George "Prom'the church the body was tak- Dear Fat er and tvlother,-Recelved head of the stairs to sew or write, it nisher, south side of Square, next to
made a few remarks on the general en to the cemetery for burial a distance a letter from Retta last night addressed seems -funny enough to see her go tele- the British Exchange Hotel.
Gasoline Free Air of about half a mile, attended by the Army Post Office, qfid It's funny I
financial situation that tile exceedingly haven't heard from, you. I wired phone In hand. In the kitchen she bus That's me.
timely and interesting. which they. make (,r their -funds to Ome last Friday an,l haven't had any It haudy on the iQabluet, and when rest -
"The increase in tsavings deposits see that loa%s are made carefully. I answer either, but I guess things., will Ing on the living porch she does not If in need of anything in
Autos for Hire In the Canadian banas," said Mr. have a belief that money, like food, come niy way after a wilile. Retta even have to get out of the ham- 2
George, "and the excellent response told me about Grandma Clark fallin Men's 'and Boys'Wearing Ap-
should be rationed, and U96 -d with and I'm awfully sorry, as I guess fl mock to answer a telephone call. Tout
to the Victory L(4tn indicate that care, and placed or.ry where it I I don't overlook this Ad.
Will will go,hard with her as she. is so old. telephone being stationary at the stali� pare
the spirit of economy and' saving is have a productive value to this coun- Vlien I wrote last time we were in way landing, a similar arrangement Our stock consists of --Men's
abroad and that the thrift campaign try or our allies." Nramshott, but we moved down here could be effected." Z
of the Government is bearing fruit. In view of the inany banking to Witley last Tuesday. The weather
This is Increasingly necessary, as mergers and rumors of mergers the Is flne here now, real summer, but the and Boys'Clotbing, Boots and
Goo. Johnston the Government will undoubtedly re- concluding paragraph of morning,; are ralher cold yet. Say.
quire -ore monp for its war Mr. George's mother, don't forget to send me boxes ; WELL SATISFIED WITH Shoes, Underwear, Overall�
Klogston Strot garage penditure. ex- address possessed unusual interest. one of the boys in the hut got one BABY'S OWN TABLETS and Smocks, Shirts, Hats and
"In conclusion," tie said, "I have the tonight. and it makes a fellow, feel
"In order to render further assis- utmost confidence hi me future pro- lonesome not getting anything. Retta
tance when called upon your diree- spe�ts of this Institution. We have says she feels line and I hope she is ; \Irs. VdInond 1;agne, Tiliklape, Que" Ties -everytbing tbat men.or
tors have considered it wise, when now a permanent, progressive yet con- I know I am ; never felt better. I saw writes : ..,
making investments, to place funds servative bank -one that can stand Jim Videan tile other day, tie is here ___ �1111 NNell boys require fpr a complete
so that they may be readily recover- on its own feet, take care of its own at Witley and looks line. Remember Baby's (i\Nn Tablets. They are ahso-
All our goods are well
STERLING'S ANNUAL successful banking operations are by ed, and in connection with new loans problems, and which intends to retain George Stewart ? I saw him too, he are little chiWren. They cured my
no means confined to Charlie Weber that used to work for lutely necessary in hollics where th re Outfit.
the larger bank- have adopted the Policy of only mak- Its own identity as tailored and of the latest de -
ling Institutions. The Sterling h s had one of the success- has not gone to France yet. I have baby of consliTation and I would not
Marked by Some ImpriiAlve Words Ing advances where they will have a ful permanent, bankine institutions of not been on leave yet but expect to go be without them." Thousands of sign. Alteration free.
I all execedIngly successful ye r, de- Productive value to Me country. thI4 country." day as soon as we get settled mothers always keep a box of Baby's
From Viec-President-fiank's Good s, itc ill f d1r,
c act
Year that those in control "For this reason we have specially r"Jn;Tit here. Now mother don't
have exercised more than usual con- considered the needs of the *agricul- you own Tablets on hand as a safeguardl
B nl, of servation in their operations in view worry over'me, because I'll get along We both lose money if you
Tile report of the SterlJng 11 30th tural community ; as a matter of fact, Children Cry fine and I don't think it will be very against constipation, cotic, eolds,!
Canada for the year ended April of the difficulties Incident to the war I consider that a great responsibility long before I am back again. Tell simple fevers or any other of the don't deal at
presented at the annual meeting I of period. rests upon the bankR of Canada at FOR FLETCHER'S Frank to write, and any of the boys minor ills of little ones. The talikts.
shareholders to -day suggests that The profits for the twelve months Ithe present time as to the disposition OAS70R I A you see around, but I guess they are are sold by, medicine dealers or b
nea all gone now. Well, I'll say mail at 25 ('011ts a box from The Dy
d��Ye now. Love to all, and write Wil'liam.,
oftcn. , Iledicin; Co., Brockville,
Clam One under the Military Service Act, 1917, as defined for the time being
b�y reason of any exemption granted or claimed or application pending under the
Military Service Act, 1917, or the regulations thereunder, his exemption
Odt here you don't get . much
chance to write and If it wasn't that I
Says Heine Is Getting His All Right—
E. Has Met Many, Goderich Boys
or that, although within the said Class, he is exempted from or not liable to
military service; shall have with him upon his persoh at all times or in or
papers, or a certificate of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the district
Mrs. Frank Elliott has had some
am on this job, I know someone
wouldn 't be getting this long epistle.
'very interesting letters lately from
France from her son, Lewis, in which
upon any building or proxiiiiies where he avany time is,
to'which he belongs evidencing the fact; or
he speaks of having met several Gode-
Of course yesterday was Sunday on the
calendar but this war causes us to
rich boys. 'Under date, of April 15tb
he says, "I am sitting here with my
headgear on just like a hello girt
listening for any news for this Office
.and there is always lots of It, for this
work seven days a week in France.
Hence no divine service. We got an
is head�uarters for the 2nd division
If it be claimed that he in not within ilic clam by reambn of age, an official
certificate of the date of his birth, or a certificate of him age signed by two
;wing, C C. R.X. I can, also hear Frit-
zie and Johnnie pounding away at each
other. Oh it sounds fine from where
I sit. I think we have him tamed
reputable cidgens residing in the community In which he lives and having
residint in the community where be lives having knowledgeof the fact upon
since a few nights ago.
In a later letter, written on the 18th,
"Some of the boys were talking to
Clarence Robertson the other day and
he is looking fine and said he is com-
ing over to see me but as I have
not seen him. Rey Hunt and a few
by every male person who is not on active service in' any of His Majesty's Naval or Military
more of our chaps, while out on a
.Working party yesterday were eating
their lunch on a roadside, and along
I ,
Forces, or in the' Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparently
comes a bunch of troops, and follow -
ing a. four -mule wagon was Prank Me-
Gaw as large Iffe. Just imagine
may be, or is reascifiably suspmted to be, within the description of Class One under the
how we mpet 'out here. There were
also a few more old 161st boys. Frank
Military Service Act, 1917, w* ho for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Class
Is well and rooks line. A lot of the
boys I came over here with have gone
One under the Att.
up the line and a l"Mch more go to-
morrow, so I'll soon be away from my
If it be claimed that he is not within the Chm by reason of marri
lagel a
certificate, either official or signed by two reputable eiti2eza residing in,*
If upon or after the let day 9f June, 1918, my such male be found
old pals, but this Is all in the game.
is for a purpose, or at least we hope
so. We are sure making him step and
Everli soldier is your pal out here.
Now Open
111 was out for a walk this p.m. and I
was over to the cemetery and saw Mr.
NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions of an Order in Councfl member of any other society or body, a certificate of the fact signed by an
Nesbitt's (Scotty's) grave, also doz-
ens of our gallant chaps. It is a fine
MC. 1013), of the 20th April, 1918, upon and after the lot day of June, office -holder competent so to certify under the re"tiona of thechureb, order
place and is pro2orly looked after. I
also had the luck to to
every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's or denomination, society or body, to which he belon or
go speak an
original 18th sergeant who was near
Naval or Alifilary Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of His Majesty's
Major Sale when he got hit and he
Allica, and who apparently may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within
said there was no one like him before
in 18th battalion,
the description of Clam One under the Military Service Act, 1917, by vrbom
and that wife in or
or since the so you
or on whose behalf, it is at any time affirmed, claimed or alleged that he is not, - If it be claimed that he is exempted from or not liable to military service
whether bv reason of a e atatu --t—sh 0. - -4L.-
see Major Sale was a good soldier, as
well as a man. He always led his men
whenever they went over the ton
Clam One under the Military Service Act, 1917, as defined for the time being
b�y reason of any exemption granted or claimed or application pending under the
Military Service Act, 1917, or the regulations thereunder, his exemption
Odt here you don't get . much
chance to write and If it wasn't that I
or that, although within the said Class, he is exempted from or not liable to
military service; shall have with him upon his persoh at all times or in or
papers, or a certificate of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the district
am on this job, I know someone
wouldn 't be getting this long epistle.
upon any building or proxiiiiies where he avany time is,
to'which he belongs evidencing the fact; or
Of course yesterday was Sunday on the
calendar but this war causes us to
work seven days a week in France.
Hence no divine service. We got an
If it be claimed that he in not within ilic clam by reambn of age, an official
certificate of the date of his birth, or a certificate of him age signed by two
H it be claimed that he is not within the Cises, or that he is exempted, nor�
liable or excepted upon any other ground, a certificate of two reputable citixens
of cigarettes today,,'two boxes
per man and a box of matches once a
week, so they don't last,long and it Is
bard to get good smokes even when
you buy 'em."
reputable cidgens residing in the community In which he lives and having
residint in the community where be lives having knowledgeof the fact upon
In a later letter, written on the 18th,
knowledge of the fact; or
,v&ich the claim is founded and certifying thereto;
s, "Heine is raising a row
to"' 'it again, but you can bet he is
in return, You will un-
gototbfnl8dly see h the papers that he is
advancing a 114L. but ,,, all think It
If it be claimed that he is not within the Chm by reason of marri
lagel a
certificate, either official or signed by two reputable eiti2eza residing in,*
If upon or after the let day 9f June, 1918, my such male be found
is for a purpose, or at least we hope
so. We are sure making him step and
Now Open
fop Business
you bet we are winning. It is a
community in which he lives and having knowkidge of the &eip, AWWying to
his marriage his living;
without the requisite evidence or certificate upon his person or in or upon the
building or he is, he
beautiful moonlight night and not too
cold, so maybe we will have Fritzie
and that wife in or
premises mi"'which sball thereupon be presumed to be a
person sit the time liable for military be defaulter
over to see us but we should worry.
We have the
service and to a deserter or
I feel as safe right here as I did work-
Inq at home and 16never think of Heine
etting me, So please don't worry, for
Chevrolet Agency
It it b!� claimed that he in not within the C%m by resew of his nationality,
am covered with and of
coul-se I am 'Irish,' and I've got dad's
oeftificate of his nationality signed by a Oonzul or Vici!-Conaul of the foreign
And he shall abo be liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding
lucky vece, so what more does a man
need ?
Six new Car's just unloaded.
State or Country to whicti be claims his allegiance is due; or a passport issued
by the Government of that Country establishiing his natiocality; or
W or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or to both such
fine and imprisonment; and motcover, any such may forthwitb be
In still another letter he says, "Just
a few lines to let you know I am still
taken into military custody and may be there detained and required to
eking and always hope to be. There
Our new Bowser Gasoline outfit gives only
foitm military duty in the Canadian Expeditionary Force pio long as his semom
absolutely nothing to write about,
only I am going back of the line to -
Pure Gasoline.
It it be claimed that he is fteepted &a a inembtr of any of His Majoety's
6W be required, unless or until the fact be established to the satWaetion of
competent authority that he is not liabk for military duty.
mdrrow on a sipalling course. Where
1, am going don't know and how long
III be there don't know. But anyway
Free Air from our new Lectroflater.
Form or an having since the 4th Auguat, 1014, wrvod in the Military cc
Naval Fw" of Great Britain or h" AUk* in any theatre of actual *At and has
it will be d obangttolafunny noises.
I was over to the att. (mmp last
A complete Une of Tires and accessories.
been linsiours0ydiedi&rged theWroui, official do&mmts or sia o"-imrdite-
night and saw FL bunch of our 161st
officers. (We have none In the i8th.)
cate evideadis tke fatt; or
7U me, eiPing Or giving of &AY such mtififtte as hereinbefore men.
tioned shall, it the mtificat4i be in any material respftt false or mi*adinig to the
They are all Well. AS YOU Will See it
Is Sunday by name only, for I am on
duty, also everybody else, so we must.
If haVe to like
We are fuliy.eqUipped
If it he elali:WA tUt lie �s extiepted to a m6uber a the deta, or of any
khowk-fto of the persou using, signing, or giving the same, be an Offence,
punWiablt, upon summary conviction, by a pftalty not exceeding five hundred
.yIn the war we wor)p
thig, but It Is all for the best. Flelne
haa been over a couple of times this
fOP all PePair WoAk
rObOlAilled 041�lr Of *A t%011l&Vdy teli&US thWwtelr, 6r is a takkW of a
doUv% smil by inWrisonmcut for my terso not exebeding gX months and not
week but did no d&mW. 01i he Is
rebilow dtz6W*&dW exi� ia Caxo& an 2%h August, 1011i ct ow beita a
ko than one w4nA,
getting his all right,"
Plo. W. J. Callow h6b been In toWn
Autos fop Hlope
the st week on sick &VIng
erd from an attack eave nsilitis
"'Iff " r 101
while In St. Sohn, Que., and beino In
hosplial again after his return to Lon-
don. lie Was one of the men sent
To Me D"IS
Ott***# 221 lom
down to Quebee to helo quiet tho
there some tiMe a". Pte. Cal
has been tran,4ferred from the
$0uth stpeet
. .....
OW -W 0
W. 0, M to the, P;t C adl, s
an, ap Garrison
It 0
KOWN-71 =1
11 Will III