HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-31, Page 1q . - 111W - F " . '0­7'7F*,VT W? IF,' � �T!7 .. ,P,iw�jr,w ,w .. I W", " f7l" * ., �) I I I ,:� . I . . w.'111" - - _7F*1 - FT-,, - , "Olk, , � . I I I I I . I I , I - 1�11111111.1� ., , " I -0. f�� 0 0 - it ail ;A - --Ik - ___ - I ) I . - - it 04 � jjjzj�=, �- __ __�_ _,_ __ --111 1. .1 ­ . - ::!:F-0:1111g,�I, 1. 11 -.111. 1. ­ .. . .... ---110 0 ,- .0, ­ O... _1111'­�­ ­ ­ 11!�i 111::11 1 1 411 M: "W4 ­ ­4..l"0,_a1r1 If. III— � :IZ11:11., ,I , , I . 114606100wr*101=4414 4 =�. 1--� . - - ­- -- =="41_1� . 11.11 " � �'; � 11:�� 111: ­ liPPIV - ­ ­ 11 . . . 7� .. �! o!j i 1 ! !! 6ffiW_.__4 ii, ------ __ _ __ - . � I � - I �� � .. 11 -1 11 .1 , " �. � -11- .1, 'I I Nit li i, 01 I 000400**"00 � I I I I -mim NO_ __ ...1.111111111"I'll.flo" . 11 '. � � - 111.11, - I I . ,- .1,11111, I . '110 I --- , 0041" * . kA I I � . I . I :ll i .. � �. � . . I , I ­ , TU CAAW;A -Rartira . � 1jif:(;*4"4 .1, : I 1, * I I y *a$** � . C . r �11 - ", I I _,& dk . I VW CIA" &V to, say . � - : 10 A ill, I I ., I , 1, : 40;mIt ftw' fW.11W- a .913 *� - � � � I 1. I . 4 041 .4 � � � -2r �duk.we ..9W1,4111111it-7 . , a "T tt I 0111* Il1ll1L_,1i11!1111 * 1� lill I111111 1 40' . a- r AVIAe 'p; IV , w ,sma lot . . .. . I . , , - , lot at 14 , �_ I fW 7$ ""W - " I I I � 1� I I , . %_q� � � I "I I I I I I __7 fall. I . .1 - ­ �, f*7SIO."lls. , I �: I 0 �, , � To,Nitiil 1. I ,** ', * - � � I I - . I � I 11 � Ato, $t_at#x#o.,ts,,W,;*"1W.4r * -, � I ; � 1. . I � �� � 1 4 - .T#11:V4W_ $tR* "'Rita . . 4 � � , . , . � I . I I - I 11A 24&�Ip , I , 444411�" . I - �� . I � I I IV 'Tr- � �r I i t , , , rr , , I � �� Ir . '� I - , da, -.�44- 77 .,I, I , . thae atitive, 0*0 V-90arf, W . . - ­ . .. . - I �_? ; � . ,'�'� I 2 , , ft, 00 thua'. olik*.,omm***$A*r**$**W***Mo,"%@Btv*Nai**Oaa.$,AxI . . (a , . , , . , I A It I 11 , I ,�, "I I I I I " I , .1 . I � . .. � - " , � , ., limspool0iiiii , - .:­­­'­ I I I � M44�� � � ,.11.--:-1 ... I I ­ - 1.11-1.1 ­­­­­­._ 111.1 . I I ­ I I— I I . I 111, I � , _��.___ W � 11 . ,� � llj�, .V -F21qJqy1juIQW 1% M - , . . . , � - , I ' � ­ "', 1-- ­­ ­ �, '' �.. I . �.. i ­ 1�� I r;. 9. I I I , -4 I � %jV,P63 I . I V ,W , 0 . - =:* Ity"VVI"PAT XOjjtV,=v � ' I I � GODER1CH. 'ONTAR10. CANA9k FRIVAY, MAY 31. 1918 1 . 0_ � "O' I I T A y 4. AMP -1.1" � ' I 11 I`4 � I V.4"" lIt it lN J'*V . ­ rl 1, I - 1. & - vmt,, Via, � . . . - r , � "rr"...'''im', 6"",'­­�� 1 �r=�r I ,.r.Ir ;;'';;:'_;'r I';,-.... _­ I -11, - I ;�:;;;'';�;�l��l;;;,."�I."�,;;�; , � �� Ger'10, , I . , r '' I .- I Ir F4 . . 1. � � ,­­�­­­­ " "," r' : ...... ,,,I, . r-, r '7 . � . I � 11� ..-. r � , an, Continue, Advance on thaMpailne Rent, But Believed Th ' no Halted. Solssons Falls- Rheim 1"teneil Amencans Repuls'ed Thpoe Big ' " I,— � *OR .at Drilve Will Soon , .. 9 Is Th *,., �� �­T-rvr.rll�,­,­V,­� � t-, ._-r.., -_ ­. I . �Ir ­ , . - . . . � . I I ­ - I 1,1. ,­ � 1. - _____ , r . i� . I .- . ___ � --------- � _P=IZ1.11, - _­­, — e. , � ' , . r , , — . I - . r . I 1, . � ,. . , , r , . . , , , , , , Z . . I �. � . �, , I , I . I . � . � . . r - I I . . I .. � I I I 4&;PWR ... ; ­_�P_11_�_,­:;:� ....'. ,*W� ... E: 141,�PP� 1— :,_ I - �.. , - M I r " . ­___�7 I * r I . * STER 0�111 . r ,,.,., -HE U DANK" , : 'T , N6' '' I I I .0, � , I I � Oi 6NA k \ � t �,�,_- 421==�=�Mzlf`�:! rr I ; I . z� -'r I . _ I I . . I -1 I . . - .-Save--Bec-a-use-.&-=---.------.---...,--.-.----�- I I—— You will be glad some day to read the I record of steady thrift that your bank . account will show. i . - . I I .. filli I 1111 1 11111 = 111:11 -1111:� � 11 I I . . ­_ — __., . I � 11 I I I THE CANADLANr aAMK I OFCO.. ' I �E M.- EDMUM WAUMt,' :SR JOHN AIM Cm*Wlkilanam QV.O. LLD- D.C.L, Pft3idm I K V. F. JONES. Aaet. Gen'L blitittlizer . . . I CAPITAL PAID UP. $15.00,Mll RLEVIEFUND. - $13.#W.OW I � , . - . SAVWGS BANK BUSINEESS A Savings account will assist you in the Patriotic and personal duty of conserving your,finahces. This Bank , . � allows interest at current rates, and welcomes sruail I accounts as well as large ones. 1. 152 , I Godericb Branch, G. WILLIAMS, Manager. — ;�, — . I —_ I Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada =� ---.-------------- THREE REASONS WHY YOV SHOVLD CARRY LIFE I � INSVRANCE Life insurance means shoes for the little ones, education for the older ones, comfort (or the mother aad a home for all. . , Insurance prov4des secruity for a loss which b2ust occur sometime to eac'b of us, and we know not how soon this loss will come. It there is a mortgage on your house, a life insurance policy will usare pa;yment of the mortgage in case of your death and an endowment policy will pay it whether you live or die. ' . Ask us, regarding our many plans of policies. I H. R. LOW% District Agent. . � — "I'll'' .... .111''''.1111'', "I'll mmm"0000=40aftlamm a a" efoace"60"00000"a GCOM" I A CARLOAD -OF XXXXX SHINLES. I I. � ON HAND AT THE I IGODERICH PLANING' MILLS UILDERS I I Afanufacturers of and Dealers in 9 I ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL . ' I We have always I I I , ,cn hand a stock of i CANADA PAINT CO.'S READY -MIXED PAINTS I (EXTRA GOOD QUALITY) $3.00 per. gal, I I . I I I . NAIES GEASS $1 I HANGERS AND TRACIKS 1_ ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE A SUPPLIES I - CEMENT EIME i ' 1'CH0PT:XTNG AfThE I -A- -AL � — , I IN CONNECTION, I I . i '. I I ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. I I I JAMES BUCHANAN, Manager "Doa*Mo*o*MQOOOODQMODOaacimp000"ocwom _ MEETINGS I MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COU, -4. CIL. iThe Council of the CorPoration of Huron will meet in the oouncfl chamber Goderic Tursd= dth day of Julie 1918 at 3 o .a on , in the God. clock I UP0. W. HOLMAN. COUNTY kCLERK RAILWAVJIME TAIII.P. I C. P. a. Goderich-LeRIVis 6..4 , 0 a.m. 2.00 P.M, Haimittioa-Arrive 11.3-5 a.m. sio p.m. 7.00 p.m. Tor"to-Leave 18.10 a.m. 5.100P.M. Jxamutou- 11 8.10 iii.m. 4.10 p,m. GGderich-Urive i.05 P.M. 9.55 P.M. &H trains. arrive and leave Union Station , G. T. R. God6rich-Leave szo 4.ui. V,so p.m, Torontq- Arrive 10.50 Van. 7.0.0 p.m. rorouto-Lea,vq 6.50 -a.m. 12,45 p.m. I and 6.35 p.m. I -QQJ&Ul��-Aj:r�Y.e-I.L.40,-%-m-,--Ljlo-p-v-- ___ —A.45 P.M. � (;ARD OF THANKS - r lie and . landly 11 n an uelah. hors for.,. t yland kindu ow th duri on llness all ut ore Om 4 air t meat of �ce,i 3d rather. Nve- , ,` music - - - �MAHI�Lk R. SCOTT . rgani,it; Noith *Street filethodiar church Pupil,# Prepared for Con,6ervatory Ex4min. at4ous in VOICE. PTANdO AND Ott A Apply at Mrs. P. ('urry*8. britan q 1. - — 11'. Ro,d. — C. J. W. TAYLoR Orvill-t and Phairtunater of Knox Church c putisacher In Piano. Vocal and Theory its preoillred, for Toronto Contiervatory Exams 11 Studio corner Britaniiia Road aiiii South Street. 'Phone = C — Organillt SL George',i -ALngliean Church Piano and Oigan InArucEiou Terms Moderate . 39 dt. Patrick St. I . WANTED ANTED -A good Feneml doinestio for , W li§ht,A,qrk: two 11 family. ApDly to MRS. W 1. 1,A\'E. Caledonia Terrace. t.t - __ ___ � - ___ ____ ____ WANTED-Vi'lintati to "t as 000k and kit - clien tuaid fit Lhe Alexandra Maritle and Generaln lJospital. Apply to the lady ,,ritierintende t - 2 . I Wanted Steady reliable men to work ou.6 in. H.E. Shells. Ex- p e r i e n c e not necessary. 'Phone or apply personally to THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE AND THRESHER CO., Ltd., - ___ I SEAFORTH, ONT. Ir 89 R '10 GIRES; WANTED 11 09 10 - 99 W APPf.V AT A A A A GODERICH KNITTING CO. A A A % EAST STREET LE 19 A EEMEEEMEEROMOEflEJE&?EOE30&,EIER(MgedeffiEjsm[E — ____ - .------ — 12OR SALE OR TO LET. FOR IIALF-Pandora Ranize.Ilal OSE " woGd as,utiew- Apply to :(' I. 1,`V TAYLOR. EIg A __ __ -,- -.-. - - - ' __ SUIT FOR SALE- Moll, ouit for �ale. Ha� never been worri. ItTalle to order from a good Ftiglimh Workited. Heolutil ,;hade of grey, could not be bouirtit (or stomi. vit fit fit a tall. -light man. Apply thk Office. ­ BICYCLE8 FOR SALE -1 ,Nla,zey 1917 model. I Matl,,ey model 6. ako the beat make" of tires for bleyele� and autos. allio sundrieti Amity Weqt St- B ARRIER $Hop. — - FOR SALE OR REN;T-house on Victoria 8treet, tiontaining five roomi bath and CIO. -et. About 2 nilnute�, walk from the 8quare. Good cardeti. Will �ell or rent reat4odable. N. W, NUTT. St. Andrew's fit. - ___ J-7AROICE SEED BEANS FOR S&LE- X.) Terwo-6 montlie credit to responsible party, It desired, Apply to W. H. JEWELL, R. R. No. I. Goderiob or phone Gliderich Rural 8 r 3. 4-t FOR SALE -Polled Aberdeen Angus bull titforifervi". Pdrebredand filtered. LT.-CoL RCOE . R. R. N9. 5 or frEne 16 r. 8 Dunj;ZonA 114 — FOR 9ALE OR TO RENT. -Six rootnod house. good location, all conveniencep. oderate, Anply to D. C. MUNN 1.14GS, Ve.41.1-war dt, — ___ __ __ ___ . __ t -f QEED POTATOES FOR SALE-frish Qob- ,l. A limited ituatitity for Nale. Fine 1�1 "for use. IjUll oor bushel. Apply to J. B. f I. -ble ("k, ft. Ft. No. 5, Glideitalk, or 'ptkone 171. Bell. , miller. ____ � � tf . - - P UREBRED STOCK F ' OR �3ALF _' Oneamod Scotch r3hoTthorn bull 11 month old. a roan. dam. Ridgewood Duche­ clor i Gloucester 2nd 5W, got by Firvie Chief ir P* MT Dual PU230ee Shorthorn bulls. One dark re 11 nto-itna old. dam Emily P3230% got by Fivie Chief C7500 This bull if- off t e flitnil V that won t a milk contest at the World'a k air Chioago. Ofli) 8 InGnth old a dark red do,m Alice E1210701: Tt by F - ,J ,XvIerehief 17,500l.' jA, aster bite Difff, of any affe and cood bo,(2b9 for sale. . 98 CHISHOLM. __elk No. 3 G h Out. !44dris � . __ Suseandloton WolfeStreet. lRouse Contains geren rooms. goolt oettiont oe ar electric lialited. trood spring well. lot Colutletaotaignarterofan tilere meatly under fruit. Choi nd For Vand ;:rI1f9u1-8L;1 = ta. W"IN-LAIR ., 011s 8 t. tt ­___.___ - - . - __ 1:y0Uft- FOR SALK-Red brick, with Fill A 0011venhinces. Avply to W. A. CHIS. 1104,111. Trafalgar SL if FOR SALK-About W cedar long. suitable for teleph pole-, IM feet Durpofts. alao & I,rnited on one ulfe or other inber of 111IL90 oedar and tamarao qPNIA, 8 ft� and 9 fL I.... MI.. I EWAN MTA V tt — — FOR Sgkvicii I., —1 I . " . . �I fleaupoulter the Gre)hutiod E,Nvorsion, T110 *P%*r;4 $011041 '01ol, I ofrowd a 0 - , TOWN TOPICS I ,V.hJ0VJ0,A'tJ.iW� 'P, but QI4 1 AN NG THE CHURCH!$S, , . — lin,le )4-11 Iliad-, Wi your drriulh-t'�. ' 100,JLm i�ilvlrteiv. flils . — � I I . a U4,3 a I$S I County Counell NVvt Tuesday iuontt� for the trip to tietrult Tuesda), Vie t0),V`_1l 0'114 S ' 11 The Obiltup ttll�,Iltlorou "Ili - 10 01� '' I Julie lith. Steamer tiroNhound Ie,Aves Ottep N%U 11110d�, ii tietirgeN ehure Titr­f�,,. 1, . I 10r, fwry ce , 1w, The June,session of the county couu- 0otitirleft 10 a lit, ite%N tinte. Also re- An applA0004 Olt ''it I to 4duvivaer Conlin - . r I .�, Ilati'm 11 - .1 . . b3ad 111o"Illight -NIO114a) .frOrn Ill* . ,1kote - bi- to ell will convene nex,t Tuesday after- loetober roopemau 8vam, , 0, qh � nutin at the Gourt Ilouse at 3 o'eikicli. nighl, .11111, litith, 14:3t) 1. 111, 49pt"(f tO, tty J" 4 Vike for fiv# j16Vs 'In Sunda� mortutig jj,,t It.% ,'.V� , I Alex. %IeNevlu-,% Aerldent 11we lott a "Greaftw Goderleh" Of Tim �. tce -�Qt V4041139- r b4tierle,% �jj k"t(Thout voke -it, tile I,,,. r toft 1. ... 11, . u.'r,ft, Q,,,,,_ %'ictorid, inafting tjo� . Vi " " I I .1 K t* The other (lay ,Nt ttit,, PT . 111n) 111111 . I ,houllw � " %iin 1, ,. 0. Mex. ZNIe,Ne%,iu I -ii �, Ile� etAgl p'Atiolleti one, tit niPtnury of fit.. ,,..-,I it . .1 had a bad aevidet)t Qt tile Big Null, A t,-%% copies 4)r "4,r*fglt*,r Goderich" sloti. , .-, .04.0 -11*1 i0k . " tit, " k. � I '�j I ".. * , 1�,N faiduh, front it laddet ,ana breaking tile, tit tilt- Issue ,If MjAN Ilth are this aerV1,604'.1liq .� 'parottik'04"e kis a Prot. .k. �T �Nl(�.N',Jjl. "t, %1.0 , , � and sustaininiT other injurit-s. Itaidim a . , , , vA0010oft, iit the stook, Utillege. N'.1il 1.11 �, I n , " 1�71 ,� � 1, I destred delll,3114- If9if lh,iIi I , ' I,l� E I , b) (lit- cointniftee Anyone 1% IQ. and tltfk Ait�tiitiifp�,,'Js, t6f write' fist church next st ,jil',' I I 11 �� C 0. F. Church %wrviee SpAre COPi Of thih datk� Will COnfor a pr. tic , � , � All .... ii -mil ,J I � I I io other, suftafelpatIR10's4kid see NNhitt exen.1119. TIM 'Serkll. if, I, I %. 1ILL ., , -I, ,; ­111hr- -1nkNbvrs-,of--Vm1rt -(-1odv­n-h-. -N-. 4V,lAr--Il+­"- x44441, -U)-O-,--4,itu,---�a-IlLe.-itar...-vtt�nvcr-iw--tk)-aOe--�-- I ---'-- -- --A4I-t--N- -tit I- V. in,. . - I .1 . 32. C. t). F., %%Ili lttj�ntj service ill Kno, . � , � . �1 I ,, office. W. it. 1401414*A�P�IiIfaiifqft top hii- - ,,,he t4fe at ill,. ,,,�rll, '41r.. 1 F41 0. , . . Olturch ousutldaY Morning. JU110 9th. Nvu Slemn Volva"I'Spr '41reaSQ, ifle Wfilap�` _%A$,��41jj', jjl��V�.'IIO Vi Nvortl) Leagkitf rneeilli,: . -1 .. Visiting brethren are,eurdlajj� in%ited NII, George johnston, KIngsibri. � , , . , r -, ,.,, lo..', 1- I to attend. street, 1�, taunt-hing o%t. Into tire r!�- ,,speelat - tnektifig, I I �Pveftjlikr next at 8 o'..6 -Il, "'JI ji, 4y , - , - '- '� _ I __._�_ . " I .1 A ,!' . I .. - - - y ­­.� ' lVoinen's llw%titoie 111111' %ilol'h oil A larae scal4i. having Ili- . ". I I king tArlstlau', iibItLr,tT1.n, - -n.pt,;­'� The, regular Jklonthl) ineoting of tile -It'llied one of tilt, celebrated -kcrall . Goderj,�!l 1.)Ptilitt. KV011111R. . I 09 like Lord Ills .Ill.. Ih,-I. %%,it III, ;­ ,�., I ' ' , , , ;�. Ouderich branch of'the Nvloilell,s jll�gjk_ William, Stonin Voleanizers unit is tah- I The Ntetbodist 4.�lil'P_&'.r-Met�llll$,...,t)(' special IOUNIV Thl� \\il, , , 'tLN­r,L_ �,�' L'' ­ tiolk lu�etlug. . 1. I Ulte Will be held at the lionte ur Mrs. ing a collr�e ill \uleallizing In Toronto the (loderich district WO liela # �� ,, ,1P . ija� ­:, I ­%; .MeNall�. Bruce At.. oil I'litirstial, Julie, Tlliz4 Is tilt, first of these inalf.hines to Sannutt on the 21st, 446 Vilid o ,� 'Isky-1, Tha, :pastor, Re% .1 I[ I .,!''��, -lit. . L '. , . I I 11th, tit 3 P, In. Detbous1vat1on--T\%o he in. -4,A111-1 it this district alkil withl"I'lip varlotis tgesstolta I�"irklr�,vVPi1`,4t-,NVl1I have charge of if, -, , ­­ i,,, I . ­ � ll,lxt % ,. dit,lips, stilistitutes foi. Ineal. �,Ubjee,t it \11'L Johok,l)n wIll tie able to handle telliled Will the "IeQtI"&kN*o�rOr peat sunda�l tit llivi"I't" " \1..W. 01.41. . ., I � � I . N --ttitilking the llioSt Of oj)l)OrtkIn1tje,_L ato,thing lit tire repair \\urk. See hi� Interest. At.thp IRtqlsc�:1zijJ�Sm41oU C. churqh. Sunday s'.1A., . I I - �,"':' L ' akilloonvenient lit oor adl,ertiNing voi- . . .�blr I '' Board of Trade 111frortionization \V. Ili. %\'lit Vosollsi, 4, A.., siOn, Of- 4111ill (111ims ,at 3 o'ch"'N ..N , _ - , We Ifertil 11 , I . , � A general Ineeting or Ulf the Inefil 111111ri this \\eek. fit the forliler 1111nist";8 Ajlliii I"4"(1011 next suoda� lit A '', I''. ,, I 1: �% . rtf: ` - 1-,,. , 'File , iii . Wd tor, O& League ineeling ,ro­i,, \. 11 o' , a " - ber� of the Board 4)f Trade \NIIj hit Red Trill* Conference, Nliall reooingl , at �'��'.��.`11'1',L_, little, Fund ittl ­�'.': 't hold till Fritfi4y evening, file �ij,t 111�,j. It has betin art. oil lit the euM1l38-,010"!rk*1Iqe at 8 O'clock. . I � angeti.that ill,- delo- IRIU I I :., 41 e .\jilSonje lZaIjoll it) wait k1poll tile Conlity CoUn_ Walkeril tile,. The' rel,orb �1010 tile I IA,,. .John Currie ll.'\� 'i . 1� �.. ill tilt, Asselylt)IN. Itoont 'of th 0.1reut, , , ­I,ot Ill 4 1 4itfs and tR Ilk -019,0, (loderich. will � " a - Telople flit- reorganization on all en- ell in regard to the Miron's share ,if Nariouil 011urc tal't. Charge �'( If— 'er- ;., � . : "' L , jarged polley. tile Red Triangle Funtl flowlt tie MWA%- 4'a""" strovved i *01endid .1'11OVealio- .-- I N-tres it, Kilo\ rhurch 11"Ilt "111,Lty I - . . . I - 1 Sit-. Proulifoot Ceiisured ed next Wednesday at at 1:30 p. Ili. I tile offertfigi�'Vot.--me coulvextuilat Work#,%tirtiltig 'subject, * I it,- `�\\­.[,�S, 11", 7 11 , o ,, ' " Captal,it B"L I, a returned Y. M. G. A f tilt' chureb. flesalutlOos sve lbjet-j, 'I I" L 1, . The Centi-t- Huron Llbvral� ha\t, 04 , r0 POt4'i" Word." Kliening st '. : - Y been doing .minle reqofuting \\Ill, ly - oftiver,, and it Wood .spoaj,er. is l'unling I it, memorialize tile Getteral cotkfeli­�fslble Now Ilealized." %if ii� I - I , I "r),4, - .�,111. . . Lit) tu ,*-l(i(tI1,1.,S file olicti to increas l 4tom tho'election (it eltiers %\lit i­or-'�,rtwo J ­� feretice to thpir repr(�sentatl\, I the are In eoutiell All who I tit." ttf%11IvA fluq(tred dollars, to inerk)4.se not later than 'I', Li�gfslature. Apparentli Ile ' ill t-1 terested tit tht- sto,vt­,; (it this I a t;�vance, to superannuated ",f)"IL, next ,'.ahbatt, , , �, ., - 11 11 broad minded 1.) st-Lit l,1,111. III, appeal for till, "Y" \llork atoong .our I Tbe -vrN Ires ill No rth stre"t N 'il' -1 , it,- 1;,tier�,hro tiriced ill joi isters, to provide for a more t*4 ' L 1,-(" , I � . I �l -A k it 11 tilt- delel'a- rhfuL �, " � -11 Port uf Union ';o,\ek,nnit,nL (-at o- I dist chureh will be l'0Ildo4'f­1 I ­XL .,!, I condemnation ,it tile 1,,t.j,11t [I I i n ( fur ti o at e Court ll.ju.,v ne\t ll,\.t�tjlll�s. adinioistration (it the Sacrament of the tile pastor, Ill-\ ill ItIlL It, I - . . I I L , in seaturth. "' log fla) artet,000n ;it ,,,,,,, ,),,-Iotq� Lord's Supper, and to siteure the equi- 1341ld4y by '!r, '': � 1� � 'lization of travelling expenses of dele. lede. Morning subjeet, ­ I'll, - i% Idg � I — - Few.", Evening, "A litess I 1w � . �­_' __ Proeeed� of lit-, Daniel,' Quilt gates to the annual conference. A ',,:I'll ,III , I ..�, ". L � , � , MI". I)alllrl, v,[,hv, t�, thank tho.,e , 'urs, I . LOST Ot F6UND pleasing feature of the meeting was cattle it C te.­ Nfvll'.� Sill � , "I , ,ll.: � — V\110 .4,f killdIN 1);bugl)t All(i .41,141,tit.1'ets Meets Ili the church parl..r ,it it) , "I 1, T UST-Alady',iaflkoarlisol. with gola and for her quilt thoi,v \Nit,, lielped ,sell tilt, presence Of Be\, Air. Caeliviall. but- , I ��., _ ,,, , A_J pead ornatuented handle. Fftider will ,;, 'rilit Subject for discussion, "..4h..ol.1 IkeI] " � r of Victoria (. -;o,, Toronto, who � I �1!1 Do rewardee oil leaving-shme at THE L being rourl of her 1';Alliila� Sellm s, 91048 Zeal Slacken In -Stouawt , , '. .1. OFFICE I 9TAR . )I clik" Ila-] .,plint his hoyliond days lit Dunm ., ,%It L� � _­________ _ -----It- Jeall Will1t.l., Both inell nialdo welcome F%enlng -r\ lc` �11 I MeMaill, Itilda gannon wiffle Ills rather Was pastor �VIIVbeglll at 8 o,rlflek. tl , 010 VarLY who found the taidy � Solith Mill Ruth SleAdatu, aud .Nlr,'* or the church, Thc4,r,)lj6tvl11g layiII164 . -1 7'1 - ft' the 7.10 train 8aturday evotiin�, lWal,'.." of, I lit liga rillon, and a lady in 1, " I . k'1-11TUr1o;,-1%1-r':1:I -AIR& uE PRUDRY, firlic , - \\vry appointed delpgntels to the an -i Successful annflierliar� ,ersw­ \\,r,, . �' , '� [lit \iAllet', hidll� 1`114V�r dl�t[Wt h0LlKht ,,�, �treet. Reward owil eonrerenve : 11. R. Long, Gode- beld.litst Sunday In the I'lod.-i o -I, H. 1) I I � __ - - ' I L� I . — ___ i i-- __ - - - $1-ot) \\-wil, rur to.r.,eir. t­,rooi the, rieli : AndreNN Nlifflan. (toderieh. , A. t1st chtIrCh. tile ittfeeltO ifr--,o-Iwr (;)r I , � , � ' OB90,A ,%&@ jl1*ot't­d, -if ill-, twkeL s"i'l �Qj.2.', \"er, 1, , BE , � A R iR 90 MiMMERIMMMEN IBM 1:o h� 1. VA . olliell , " Institlite ; *." oper Clinton ; Janies Niftler, (;jjjJ-1 tile day, being Prof. ,N ,� .\I..i\,.00, ". ,��;., A A :xi\ell ill ille \\ I - it : T. ',S. Savagpi Spatorth : Fjobt, of, ,the NVoodstocii (,ollegV, I'll.- ,,er- , IN * t:r, t,lwi,liod i;r,,,.- sovit-t.\. si fill- lilling Ifillees were vpr_y tiriglit. .\11_ [lot 1� Wanted A Ni,eCartney, 11ollnes,illre : H. ItIlorney, 1.ilw A"! 111 * I , to . alld Iho re, f I') "'""" 11 ...... Blyth ; .John Kilpatrick, Dungannon , rende1red a solo eXj)I.e.,.,I\.'1N it tho � �1' . �� A Rhubarb at the Canning I 09 '"�"I'le Ill t""11- t:. I)usti)\\, Sholipardton : John Iffeagan, RiOrfilhig betwiCe "lit] 61". B.4ch"r 't Is. � k a IE Former Helintiller PaMor iioderwh : \V. J. Pir,ris, Atiburn : w. contributed a soft) lit g,.,,.i %I.w, U. ��Ii f* A Ill I , , R Factory We art. I..;,a ,,,,j,(oor,.,ei,, friiin Re'l. it. littlitias, Walton : Win. Lyon, Blyth'. sang agaln Of the e%ening sel'\lilo. ,in I I f rnivrl� pastor of �z. (;I,,,,%e.,, jilkytietil : nolit. Brownlee, the choil, repdered an antio-io ill t,.jti, IE . er lb. and 10 ' ' r: I A Cha� H r in 'io We will paN lie ii A tile Bent o Illet, vin,iflt, a c.-toN or C Whilon, ,,, i A , the 1�jppon : (:Iias� Grashy, Myth : NV, D. serviCeS. Via floral de I A will start taking Monday, June 69 financial stat,,nienl of t1w '1'4,,,,,\\-atp�t-li;,,Ii'ii--li, Clinton : Alec. Pentland, Dun- tulips and IIIa6 %vere \er) lwatitifil, I fic A 3rd. � 'im Methodist 01111'ell. 111, pre,,"tit cha rcre,lizallooll : (:Iias. i;il,Nill. tf u(jjp rich. Too For his (noming sohiovt 1)ror. Nil 9 iR %Nlllqlll �,ho\\� th)t tht- t-huri'll I-$ Ill a 1111101 pralse vannot lie given to tile Keelinie spoke Ott the ellurch. tal,,111.4 W Bring In What You Have %q pr_ . 'l A , p..I,oll, Illlallf�ini condibon Nit, ilwopi,- ,fr iningannIo, ror tile splendid three texts, "Thou art Pol-r. alill upoll ffi A * orl"not 41,-, elwk,.��ll 44 4-14,4.411ar \%.lilt �Iti-ef1itillifielif lir-lilded ror the dele- thI04-170CLk'I will h'11141 mv choreti." Lim upon Canning and Evaporating 1i l-'efort-ne-, Ill his tra,irlogue , I ga If., . lVatt. 1618; ,'Ile las ill,- 1k, I 'f, If) - A f19 .lr 111,, elol,"ll Ne " . - A 'If it) Nm\ 'e','!'ljV,:\;, body, the, church,', c:i.I. f'il�t,4 till I Co. It " r.111 I 1.1 1. . , — 6 A \\ hich i� 11111,triAl"ll \0111 100 picttlr­,� "Rustiands. love your il%ifle�. v% --ii a, ,J,E JCMWWtW.JefEffi* NJ, ]olt.f.,lot \�:is it forowr 1,�lstor ill BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Christ also loved the efitirch,iii.1 ,:,,N - =��- � _ ____ ____ . -- -- N,.%%f..11lldlal1,f herm" C''Itillo: 't.l 11,11- llintself for ILI' The pe,pl,. hl- ,.,Ill. INSURANCE ------- - — Illill.-I., and hi, 111J11% I'VIPIld, lit tlll� "I'll, r­ml�ir olontlih 11leel 1 I)Jz of tile hud been giving Illuell Ih-,1101( 111.1 ff*XMMMJE*A'FM '11,11,1, I al". I'lo'i"'ll I., lit.;,,, ,.r 111., �,,._ Nial-ii-, I.oar (;ilapter will bi. he" ill ttle effort and giving gonerom-i\ .,r I I ,,.I.. A 1-h It..,] Cro" 1'...1111" lo,\I Nfolvial, June ft) the church. loit ttin 1W. PF11 substance L@ 'hrre 3?11 11R . Insurie Youp AUto A -tit\ III"' Nionth, Ili Jail and $104) Fine church was worthy or it ,,if it ,.% 1,j . It . A sill-tt'j. t1w jwllitit\ 11111lo"'ll ,,in the The 0--11' of it,,- 4; .T. R, station (;hrist's church. Upon thi-4 i,,,I.k I \% 0 I W. IN, THE 11irf - rro,pl� y,oiltrs' glifiIy 14 a V1.1"y- Nvas i-intilik bl� ligittning-in tho storm build 1%VY--' 01111rett, The efitirvii wa,; rig 0 (q lwil ..n"'It'.. t�4.4111,1, " \-,[Mu ,,,.I ,.( iff'old.4% 111,411t and it 1111111her ,if hiate tile body of Ghrlst, anti, t,jf,,.ji,,ll_ I,,.\ '44 W * cean Accident and * thirt.."ll, h� ill, Ii.olor .'IoIlv,- llirks,,o �fltllgl" "iPP"I "t) evently. neither the head tim" it,. I).., I y (40 ., , Th, N"lliliz - ViAS C01111110te wittlout A [I Nlolld.i.N 111,11 Ili'] It 11-.10 f,111 h- atf.-flil ft$,. annuill ell tilt, oth. I. I'll, IF Guaranteo Copp IM r,�.id% to,'n to j,id ,mr., Ill, ti -1.11 ­;o.w t.-I'l.dinownt -'r th,­ NI,i0;I1h%r:l\ ,j%jjs_ church should bi, the v\j.:,.­,,,r, .)r if W d;A\" �(k�l. fr ,i,�r.ollt lit 1,1�11_ljl ,,f,1,,-ql ji;ill.i it, fill. I.t.t1i.,,. ,*,_Ili o ChrliA-life. it ghoujil ,.lI.r,\ .lilt I*. I A 11 r K11,;x ,I", A MUCIES ISSUED F0R A ill;. it-, I, lwoio ill,- \..fill,! Ilwn w,.t chim-h ,,it rri,ii.\. et, -ninir. .1itne 71h, 1110 Will of Its lipad, and \\lit, llitq '* Fire, Theft and Transportation eE it it extra toonth Ili -,,I ,rio,N Ilad h.-WIT11111oz al S ,.',.IocI\ Adloisi.fl,,lk I:) collvel)liorl fit tile dign i I � 'r it .. 4, A been plavoll In teloptatool'� \\'a\ lf� ill o"tit- "hill -f -W -t nihision It \%a� %%,o*ti,,- l! " Public Liability, Property Dam- 11 olij,". in", ,\Im 11flo'.11" I- -I , A. A Ill,11 1-1 Mlr be -Al love and wicrifivo fm- ,I V Mr ;Ind ith ­ Pot,.r \14.1"'Ati (�f W, age, Collision. A ill,- ali'l .A�tra�. :411.1 \kIl'., \\till.. ;i\\;Ill litiolph, .(I,,- \J�Jflog .it Ifte resolillf'-e of Pror. NIcKeetinfe".4 eveoili,,4 --to_11 if MA hig tri'll, 11wt Ili, 11"alli In "tit .A111"llo, Nit. IR ' frill" th" text, "ye In"t If` I""' A policy protects your car where. . alld \11". Vill. N11111,111 olt thel.r. \% i's W bit-- avl-ld�of \ Ltrg-.I� .,�Ifzlwd I— 1, ..1111\ I Ill 1.011 trii, Thel, \%ere married IlIcRill" and %%as another ,tr,,o,, o, A ever you take it in Canadaand Ib titi,,n askiniz r-ir I.-nipfirl, t.j ow \ . lilf'rullee. I @9 the United States. 99 0 ' It',,:,"" ol (ill.-Ii'll ,.n fill'-dil"s;Iiii. The bride. 94 - w fl-ioler, %%&� pre.�ent..,I at tiw . :1 f,,rojerli Nitt., Eiliti, .\itillan, j, a njeee —_ IN * Liberal Terms—Best Rates 11 T%%o Son, Wounded of .Nit- N1111hill's A M Nit. and Nlr�. Itobort .1-,Im�t,,n, or Ilj�jll�r 4j,"It'ro'll Ilpopl., Wol attended PEOPLE WE KNOW � IM . A A Dauphin, Man., arri\,�,l tit i;o.Ier1vIl ,.it I),. /,,.It 11(ifit's IiNjolotiv and Inind .\fr. John Wilson, of Auborn, iii,j Ifflh ADORTSON J WOODS ffi Wpdnesda�, ,\IjN J.')tll, ind %%-�r, ill.- r-,j,Illoi ,\j,ij,, ' in n A to,o� t;od,rich .sit -%fr. Peter Patterson, of Bart, fie,,.I, , Alta.. were visitors to jille eounty t,,\�rl of to ;Ell stm or Niy� Fnink mi. -ii, NwI.Irr, oloofj,� ;,,,,, %%ill Ile ifilprostell to the A Insurance Agents so St., 'who Is a iiiece wr Nfr� .1..Iin�ton. tal,e NVednesda y. A A I .ill rooiio­in,nt that 11,� Ilas beef) 1) BEm sistpr of th., I;it,P Mr. .1 %\ solith int,, vtistmi,% tit i:iiapl.,ao for f0rtunr. F. 0. Hurnball, of Loodon. formerly I Tit,- I\%o ,-,n, or Mr. and \Ir, .1,,Iin- t,.Illog e -if the Kensington Furniture factory. 0. F. CAREY I ston, b�aav and Garth, -.1111,41"'I 41 \ fl-roitation or the %Iif]dles . Goderleb, motored to town y�litprifay RRAL RATATF AND INsURANCIE AGENT ; Dauphin. it) t , t9tst Batt'di,q). r.o. ex Coun- for the day. it% arld roiae, tho 011j..'t, 11.1.1 hi� 1, ,,,,,,,,,,,I %\dl Io- tit Ai­1priel , " 1, one Houpe forgateor to rent -11 atorey 011 t., ffi,ru�s tile l'ooll fload., ,.;'Vf- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dallas, of Hensall. Road and Kai:= dwelling. cor, BriLanida ", ,,, I 't',',,"or,1`in)b-t hlo%%n ,)fr fit Lon, ,,it Jon,- it 10 --fit %%ith the Huron county eciuncil. %%ere guestlljor a fortnigM of Mr. and Two br'irk hon -e,; near U. T. tation for I 21st. 1917 Ile \Nij4 ,Pnf jo ttl,� Ilaq- . I*tw nie0iow \%Ill lit., 1iej,j in tilt. eoon- .%fr%. T Leckie, Mrs. Dail&$ and Njr,64. 8 . hosiotal fit FnKland. '11-1 " rd rtrunbor at tit,. (,)Ilpt ljous, 11, S Leek ' N sale or rent Urof tie bought % err cheap. ; Ingstoke" ' IP being state . FOR RALK I now in hospital tit .Norlh T�-ront-, , 'i Iovk I Mrs. J. If. Osterhout urld .%Irs. G. 4,ir- For Sale -Vmme dwelling on St. George's w1wre his parents %i�,Itefl 111111 Iwrorll 11 ('reNcept. Ingoodrepair. Apolifilgarden coming to Comierich \Vlwn :ilyi, to GontributionA I—- Ow Qiipen Nfar ' y Nin 10ft On Tuesday n-torntrig I'mr st platited. Furniture goal- with hou*s. . ]%,,r li'ledding ,1,o,,Nt,I, \%Ill be r,_ Marys to attend the conventio of t ,, . 1eaVP tile hei%ifitlil. lip %\ill retorn t.j "i 1 D I Fraw e d welfluir at pre,tent ocoupitifill by W. hi.� honip in haolififri, .\fan .,i�,r',t f...I\..,l 1-� NIrN. ';­)rge 11111, St. Geur. London branch of the W. ht, S. ' H. Murray. 7. roortia. modern tionvenienceft. , (;ar.ttl p., tit% �ollllg Ill-lillier..' ', (.r­f­f­nI, unlil -Wedlne.,4,ilay next. 1 lots. situated near corner South end llev,, � %%, � 00 NIrs. 11. P. Clearlhue and t�vo child. I'll wounlipij t\\Ire. flr�r on (If.. !J(h .If %DNt1Ilo9 Ili tfo' \\:,� of mollfif-r-' row- rvn. of t,algary, are visiting in 3treet,i. Mr. Murray iA leaving Godere for, town and will "11 cheap. � April and later on tilt- vott. ,fr \,ozii-i 1� %%Ill bo acroptable, anti it is hop- for- tit(, surnmer moolha with the form- __ - .- - - __ ___ - - -_ at "Hill 70.'* Mr and \fr� Joho4totj 1-1 ItwY­ i,011 he it genermis rep.4porkitiv, Pr's inother, Mrs, Ball and sisters. WE8T WAWANUSH FIRE INSUR left Goderivii on NI,miliN. life ,11mi Fi-hinw parli­ froin Iniand points A','CE GO. ' Nirs. If. fill. Lappin and little son. inst., after ,lisitinw their ,,I -I frier,114 ar, fr,,joentl� 11"Ilet'able "I Goderich 1111911, Of Fdmonton, ore visiting at the One of the best in the Prorlow. trixed mte in 0;oilprich. Mrs. .InlinItton Iooh,-,j �,_ the- ,I,i�� 'I'llp Past %k ee it Peter 1101ne of the rormer's parents, Nir. and of m4e-quients Lir Stook Infoured attheir flepdinirl after twr luug trilp. �Aeolf awl i,art% frorn Beigrave motor- N11m. J09PPII D. Wilson, Cambria Rd. ' full value. whathereen the famornilL No N "ell � ' ' rouhle to fla"' . fituient. Water and Light (.ommI%%Ion I -I Ill Ifur,oC-i Gol(jen I;atv to spend Rev. Allan Seager and his ,youngest �_ R. M.1 LW,MNu V118. AKent for Colborne Thp reirular no-eting of ill.- \\ , I., i f--\% hoors 11,hina E. 1'. (:,)f)ppr. of child. witriff UP from Toronto during . I - _�_ =_ --= r1l'ormito. lindi-il it nice rne.%s on Thuri+- thp past ffifflafflMijiffleffla and Light Conititis.,jon wa-1 111-111 ,,I) la� in-,rimia. haking a fevv hoon.4 week, spondfu4j; some days III lop Thursda� #-�Pnjng of ja-t %%--I, \ I I to %*,Ill' ilia parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. & 0 IN number of %%&for rat ­i \%,-rp ,j,1Io,t­I I �[`;Ar` ,,00,- in toli%n oa boijini-44 se-airer, 9 ffl The service to (:apt ,klpx Njr-1,_,j p., , _ . 1' Motorists Attention! If I Mr. Narry .Johnston and Miss Nfallie 11 I IN tatP Is to bi- cut ofT hn,l arr,-,ir- o ti..ra , GOMMICH TOWNSHIP Held of %Voodstock rualored to tow, I M ed agaln,4 th" pr--porl) I Th� r,-gol-ir inonthly Iturtin, mppt- fast 'qatt3r4lay and lipent the week -end *A 0 Thp t,,\%ri eouncil's rI,-joe-t r,w t%\�, , Ilift ur Ow Vnit"'I Vilti-lotle sociely will at the res Bring your Tire%, and Casings, 0 t1l"ricc Of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. A l4cht- ill If,, idAved fit Ifirti,,r 1,,r� I b., Iwld ,it Ill., li,,ote r,r .\Ir% it 1;k, r- Wood. South Skrqet, , - . A *too, algo Electrical Work, to the so, and one- near tile, sulliflier 11.1jel, wa. I "','- 11411"Jo lt-m-i, -of li'Votint-tviav, June - A A xranled. Itw pirk light- I.- b, f r 4 ,, 'Ili-- iwrwril ­(oniine.. i%ill tile. NIr. [And # et Wit. GPO. Black and Nr. and * Square Deal Garangge ,"I ­,inth- and thp othor tit, ,,--ir ; ....... -,,, I It' fit,. I ... tit., .fr \tr� ,;,., kridr. N11114. N I). McLaree, d I'i\ - I " 11 %%ere n of Port Elgin. 44 * 0-rtom�,o)twr P:Iliott �ola4.� "d,, "�.'Wfw. \1..\ !',I%t N1..oV% 114. 1 town on Sunday. at tile real- * 91 I N Ili- in-orane, I.,,10-% ""; I I 1---fi --i ­l -o,, \1,-.-r,. 'rti 4eneo of %fr and VARNA A ,ol Ill-, b." .��"":; i I o -i %1, .. Mrs. T. Leckie, being ' * A th- im,,%--r tom� Ill- ,lr,qq-,--I ,"I'l 11-1 , "A - I It, - --I�, I— ,1-41n�bol. Ho'It- -r Uefr IfNav to Bayfield, per auto. . lm " it 1,1*:-, to',ii tmik-r fna k- - X I t 11 fit I . 1, � , tit- itio. 1,,I,n -,\%,-rt., li,,m Oa\1,1­11. --- * for scientific repairing. FM 1 * @1 lh.,11­1-� ,...Irl\ Th'. olith-1 i%- 1. I I 'I ,,,, I I , - I .. X. Vt . ,,\ �,' I ... r�,J,ql. SPFC1AL 81-93 OPTICAL SALE -,49-fm*;Naiik*fmm ,,%,-r \Ir� .1 I -, -1-I .,(,.I \Ir. 'It,_ 4_,, ,,f %Nji-ranLed high Arrade -I',' no, I - eu r � a I 1, 1) SIGA843V --------- , ___ - __ - _ - - ___ _____ I 111101i'l 9j)"CtA11VI0$ ey 00detich Mar 17tb 1918. IIA3 � "P I = -- - - - - - -- _-:�.__ - .- - :. , IKE: MEDIUM t ­I with best quality RPherical lenses. ,I.,- ==- _= , 51522 A. T. R. . - it OFFICIAL BOARD OF TRADE MEMBERSHIP . .1 I - ss:&S��8" . two (. . . I lif-he"ol, W I Ilia),, 1110herl 4. 11114-Furionv, Mr, Jaffe 1,sonder,. 1%. F li,irular $450 value ton only $I.n The Sbandwd Brad Show and Trottinsr I b""s exanil"Ad free by oter weii knovyn . Stalliton. Full brother of Du,itrn 211i fold Flaker. %% J Hern, Walter %fi-Euen. A- A. 'fe­irr, ( liarl-­ loff Pikinsitaking I Inez M 7-17t. W" shown fifteen tim" I'Dur I w-drord, .1. - Hill. (anon (worge f. `11if-I'llprizild. Re% Ill i '�h,irinon, Reg. RP-1alist, mr. flugh- I teen thnem nrAt and once -econd. Ilinfilosim. V. I., Holman, George ". flilell.rati, %. D. ,�lllvrnfall. fillillia"I 44m. formerly OPtletil Qxpert for Kent -9 I The Goal Situali IK9 MEDIUM -will iftand for th,l Improve I Ill-# -I, foirdon 'A. Horlon. Mr,l,. liannah Jowpler) store. Tc.ronto. On. in W-11, lear, (�rorq, Smith', %rf mor,- tile Krarefly Of lfln5e,4 prie-04 . ant of stock thim ge&,,on tia folit, w. Omni to . . . ' VfftTR,SDAV-*lfi laa�re hilt o,;Vyi "ItiLble and I Rlao�. ( I+r,,P, I Horton. Sim V. ,rAnth. %iftaw, R. A. I'lonal Printing 4 o. are Gid- Proc"d north to Reigmve for noon; the" te, 111111q.l,�Iofle, (Alarle- Humber. C. Ii. Millar. ". 1 14pisill.. John vantrintz rapidly. go take advantW or the Farpsers' flame. winxtutim. for night. It )he% Jo�eph Hunt Fred .. tills rhanelif and ine ., I . - — � I I 1� � - - - ___ _ __ - . . Be , . -ivnith. J. ,I & %on '. ree 11 , — - - ,- - FRIDAY -will prooftd to Bluerate to Hall I days only, Thursday, Friday 00d Sat- ' r t8r noon'. thOnce to Gordon MeDonald`!, I Blif-harom. Jarnp, Home, Pror. j. P. .Moorp. ( . I.- �lorv, A,ihn urvia), .1line 13, it, and 13. I; I migut tie veiter urliti,ii. Da%id Huntpr. Dr. A. ( . , SM1101'9 Att . Brustifels. for night. Marne). W 1, Story, Jo.eph F. , 11� I I( anteron. ljli�, `111. V. Jartl,ioo, C. 11'. %Iunniny,. It 4 %hip"llin, %%alter 'itforil. ifoderieh. I . � I SATU R�A lit- _� — r StAble BI h,V hweyrrlol hop to until own 1 ( ampron, 1111. 4.. Johnston, Georgi, -44ordi, lhisrnlf� followine h r�^ tnor Wit tile Neffel, liti. V It Sond a Dominion PXVke3S tdonoy i I 4 'Impbell. Willia- Jordan. Mr,i,. F. H. Nairn. ( harle% A %iriekland. li. 1% 0rdor, Five dollars I �. Having enlisted with the i6ist and we ,.,lould advise — 4.Ampbell, Jame, It kidd, Jo%eph National Nbiptmilding ( fi� Iga)lor, Dr. Ale't C01*4 three .� . - (Huron) Battalion for fictive ser- KLMER DICKSON I r Pn Lm. r vice overseas. I have inade ar- 51528 A. T. R. l 2M C. N. K . ( larhe. fte% It - L. 4 - knox. L. L. WBrien, Daniel Fitil. Robert - __ . — , � anyone who can Use Raft Record 2 -ml 111raifile, J. W [.one. " 1111sim Palfridge, it. 4 lra�lor, A. "' am �� . rijkligements with Mr. Nelamon Yeo r If orry. D A Lai%renre. J. %. PrIdbani. %%. i rain, j. rjq4n . todArry Ott my cartage buainl�" In The Grand Circuit 11 --be and rihow Hortill, . R FID - I a %Vaw&V 00 TMOMAY ka,r I" M ' Latitirr, John H. t9t9 to Mr. and Mt& arvAly V , , Firat Prize winner at Selforth and Clinto I oit. R. H. Par4ons. Lionel thoro-on, Joine,li F. .W & #0af. � I Soft CORI to lay in a 1911 Spring k§bovr,L The onlY eptlilble in th'.' ! 4 filborne, t.. k . prilou, 14'. 7, Vantilter, J. %. , . mystisence, slid I would respect, Leaph. J. It. MAD I I Couil Huron that ever offered the 'ferr CO I ful"y solicit from t u lie gener, k U-10 00dorl(ft. On 11140dilly. ga vioes"W'. Ciiref,, 0�%Ilald F Lee. Charlefil it.. Platt. John %. 11, Idean, ( harle% I Ary _V Inta, i andfromm"Id It in 'Par, ton or t*o now as better. -Aallion with a retiord of 2:16 or A briff,tal, A. %. I.P,Aiq. Joidge V 1%. Powell. 11,11, - J Walker. " - 19AR-1 , 'kno oftesafth. widow late ,. arly, a eonti an Geir a A .in Cook- 41101111191114fiftandOffiftt . . . I Ill I Er.mm DICK80 it at Da% i,. Y M. [.Pug. Tbomas Portr "all1%. Theism% n. of no IAW� 3111�6 e a 2x6j. will atit" ,V, Georae ._# walied patronage until such time owu litab e, C-ornme 111 OW Barnill. Blythl' I Dick -on, hjdq� L. Ff. Llo�d. Royal Pridliarn. V. J. filleq(4-ro Canods Floor WIN HAWKIrs-16 _ . '. I with exception of the followine route h. Mabee. Dr. L. N. , 16"fh&I %WMM*.V Ot fte doar Sl I Can again resume my occups- 4 matter of precaution I mothel W 0 41114tot" Is thIMIA mrou" tit$ I . I Dean Bro, Prondfoot. killoran & ( ottLe Cw Lid gatend thillcizt Jr4ft#I*_,1 I . Vott. MONDAY -Will leATO 11111 Own stable. Blyth Doyle. j. j Macklin. Dr. A. IL Rhynalfi. tim Catherinp 11%hilply. Dr. A. flen,4on 1, ­Rq? � � 0 �, and I noon. theipoe by iz;�"- Oka , . . My litiMless entrusted to Mr. �A 6)r0N0T,d to Aubilm fol I C!0 I . .. � way a to 0. MaNall'sp or attirtit- Fillwards, H T. 11illarEwan, If. J. A. Robert -ton A Mair llflihilel.s, Ao%eph V tim an ** *I" W, ;, ,. Ve6 durin In bitenee will be lilairEwon. P. J. V16 IT= ."Wo, . - TURSDAT-Will priflo"d Elliott. R. R Rutledge, Rev. W. J "'Itnon, jo,eph D t ellas Ittived W I g T,; to .t,d ,ill be e to Colborna Ibuft-if rill", we 11044 hkt '4 Madden, John B. Ritlynot4q. ft. G Iviole. . R. m- W"'1,1!4 .1 I I Wt(tilly atten Ho1l19V,,OdM0h, f0t ftwu And remain thero Fell. J. T. t. ID 4 1'1 . thankfully appreciated by tne. I andl adnesday noon. . 6t*, �� . �, � Field. Dr. J. H. Marlton. William Itobinit. U. Willarn,%, George � .= ** k-1% TO " idL� I " * . . —t - : L11111 I If . - � ALF1111111110 H. JAN WEDN"DAT-Will! proomil by way of Garrow. charlo" i1ilarriolf, John ' Itevell, IL Keith Waodq. It"i'ank R. Nit 4" * 4 , =, r � 11 I � I "*#" � . r - , � I iller fbr of where he Will remain I to IV 19 * I I V T0#061te otd nti th@tW.I*Wlng 0"&V,jn0rntl#k. pArcifiefirrity, Jaineq 1 4 1 " ,# ers to Mr. Yen, I Madman Estote � I d" r, I Galt, John Reid, Charlpq A. Wpi#hf. F'red C. W, *k Sb* *ft . I I . - , 1 96,161, Tho Pr6onty cif Green, 6. IL McDonald. D. eaults Coal (;0. I Wallace, William 11 "t � r .6 ait. , , r , . 1. . . � - ,�� I ���� ........ "I'll, - IM -8 tm TIM& C-OULTM Goilif,rich Elevator 4, TransiliVeDonell. Dr. IL Co. Saundt", Alelt. woolleombf. F. E I 1 4: 1 �V� r I 1. I , " --- ------------ I , 44 i Blyth. (ftt. co IfeCreath, 8, H. Salami" C. K . .:. I -Aft . vqqw I � . I . . ) ", � . 11 .Alilfilt . . I , -I � I r \' 1, , 0 1 . I . .1 ­ , � \1 ,� , I I I 'r . . I I .. " " 1%. 11 Aj�_ � . �'. L � . I - 11 I r i � L-* .: __ - e�MAM % , . , "­ i-, I I I 0 . 1. , I � If I � 4, 1. �, ,�� L_ __ I r, I I- I . - It 1. 11 I'll "'Awwwwwwwwri-IMPA . - - -,--- -_ - � I 1- _,_ � _-_11 -.1141fir _11- __1 � . I I �� � ­ � 4" . .A � * - I ,1111111111110wr 419� I ,f_; WA � -1 "_T�W' - - , "No f,� - .. " qr,-4m. "'Aw , . I—— _ .. _. - 11 � I—— . ___ ), , I , , .1 " '*L,- 'L� ,a ­ -.,,I i 11