HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-17, Page 8fit
77 - 7
T R 001
i Line, 04 1 u(suaY mO ning-
The local lodge expected a number
d other he asked. Proper equipmelft is no -
dl visiturs, front Wingharn an --roluipitlent of knowledge, it
Places but tile %veoither v%as too un- Cessal'Y
fu%ordhle for theill to collie. �,undainental principle of life, equip -
J. It %IeNabl;, 4). E. Augustine and Dirint fit friendship, one (of lifelm great-
ble4sings and if mi,ans 'of putting
Frank Jones were In Winglialn on e'
aWaY ;Ili SPRINIHIPS14 : eqUipluent Of
business on Wednesday, being convey- 10%0, eharacterized b) one writer as
ed, o%er by Lorne McKenzie. thing In tile world" and
'Pet Manson field has made a few Im- the equipment of truth -sortie thing
proNonjents to his house in 'the wav that %%III ultimately deteijidiin'the des-'
of a new foundation and cellar. The I t
rvinent work -.%as done by Jas. Elliott, IDV of tile World' In st;ttp of all Its
selfishness. ,till grood. AVP must be
L of Nile.
Vue to ourselves, to 'ou'r
k):� on 'ruesday e0ning there w1il- bini a and to'bur Ood! He went on to .'say
ee 1) il)llr- service in the Methodist chdrell that* %v�, 'I;n
44,t lot W'
Mr. and, f If. Young. of to A,.spent %%lbirli 'all are cordially InvlWd to at- 1,1611 or ran- niahe v lrk16� �rofes-
lia the vilage. fecliparlion a .blessing to our
here will also attend, all plec4fing their fellQ,,vmen if %v� sb tesirF aV'Pointed'
lilbetkIM.eGea VeM.19 bic vPiry+I-Y dell%er all address. I
I (Jut hd\�, Fai'miri Men! �A'uHnk thIS war
Sp !W bqk
k nutuber fir, ypVng. Inen of these were. making inoney �tit of the all
parts jiaNr recpNnid their , 6arIk,tling and putting It away anti oth6r men iin
11d6rs. of Detroit, left this N-ek order.; fi,urn the Dillitary at thqrltles 4110 Saffie' title of %voilk vveile rprokinig
-al-ant. 4
ti -D, an,] aro to report fur duty %%lithin,the their rndneN� a hIPsStng to' others by
,,�Afwol�omb up6troit, after a,ph
tj 01s. i i5jid in this %'chilt�. ;it -\t two or three *weeks. helping [lie \Arloug \%-at- charities. The
PLO. W. J.'Rod4dok returned last week. Tile fair grounds rence after the greathst tragOdy is the deatfi.of a soul,
m � over. severe wind storm the other night not Of t e
seit� ervipe. His friends art) tit, body, lie said, So it I -
1.1ad to see htwEbtille once niore after looked as though a, few high- eXPIQ57 v olve-i upon each olj(� of D4 to seek
..10 years' savee. I I es had tilt It. Thus. Skulley and the finest equipment.
Rev.-W� of Blyth rectory. Jack Glenn are bus), making repairs.
preached In Ofirlat's church, Port Al- Clarence Smiley, (if Calgary, son of AUBURN
bert, last SuAfty. All who were there Thos. Smiley, of this IJaee has joined Mr. .1. Johnston unloaded a carload
'enjoyed his sermon very much. up with the Royal Air Force find is of cement tills weeli, .
-1 Mh. Jiis.- Oliver was called to Fort noxv In Toronto training prior to going Tile Approaching election in North
William receritly -owing to the IIII)e4s overseas. Good luck, Clarence, and a Huron is causing a slight movement
(it her son-bri-falv; Robert Johnston, of safe ."turn. in politival (-Ireles.
that place, We hope soon to hear of 'I'lojifical tribunal field another Lilt- Mrs. 1.7' (). Mcliveen and children, of
his complete recovery. tingliere on Thursday to consider the Waterford, are visiting at the home
Mr. anii Airs: W. Brovi-ti and little caser of several "B, category men. of Mr. A. Nsofultfi,
daught�r, Doris, and Mrs. Willitun Bell "I'll" men tire badly needed fur non- Rev. Mr. Russ attended a meeting of
and Mr. Lloyd Pell, all of Amberley, combatant work In France and 'to the Presbytery of Huron, at Hellsall
spent a day witb their relatives, Nlr. do Ill)' tbcl�" NN"11 be a 'ew go :1rolu On TkIesdav of this %%eek,
and Mrs. Jake 00uginit, of tile %illage. theste parts, County 'engineer, Mr, Donald Pater-
Slooll of out young Inell resent tilt- Barbers all filer the country are son, was In Goderich 'Iasi Monday at -
11110 111 last %Neek's 1,2,hepliardton nev%s raising tho price or nair-cuts 'to"M lending to county business.
1'. lit tt-e suckers. At tfij.- tunt, cents. We Ili Dungannon are_ not
%e Mrs. Paterson, or the village, visited
hen v%e all should be doing %vital we worrying over our tonsorial expenses - her sister, Mrs. Jac.Kson, of Goderich,
i) to produce and cokn4emv, the, bo.i A pair of army clippers and a willing like foriner part of this week.
I, nian who is willing to undergo the wife tire all that is necessary here in
m r-iships ;if watkIng throuwh mud and the absvnce of our barber: Dr. T. E. Case, Nir. ,rhos. Stothers
tor anti clinibing over Ifork- and rocks Miss Daisy' Rvan, teacher fit the and J4. Mallough, of Dungannon, paid
R0 it inval or two of Ilsh, for our junior department of our public ()ill' burg III visit on Monday.
14 ,�v C411 ribes, do-mes rouch " rredit Ili school, , ll�lio its& been,on the sick,list Mr. W. C. Robertson went to Ot-
"I"' estimation and %ill- Intlin"th"I ttlat for 86mid time, -edd6aVored to resume ta"'a NVIth it)(, farmers' delegation
Ilit�,e nwn tire suck,'-rs 1, tuiralled for. tier duties Monday morning but was 'front Colborne to endeavor to hall the
I') Sri\. tile least. unable to �d (iovernment fit Its new
, Fry 6n.' IN1,10 are sorry to draft regu-
Quite a number of our \-iung bo�s livar of -tier continueal illness. lations regarding faruiel-s,
frmn arounif hore ha\p b;: I :,it drafted foi A niveting of thogO.interested, In the Pie. liVilli,"In Carter, fit present In
ov"I'SeRs serl.11-A, which '04- "01110 of lit, held on T0rontO, Visited his Parents In the.
Ille far owr,4 ;twrl or nelp. s4,111" P-lifle Friday took plaQo, Ill the 0dolfellows' village over Sunday, returning on
hn- d"ITI&C -ill III--\ .,.in -�. pro'love and liall on )Veduesday e\ening, when Monday to Toronto. He 14 to li(� re -
help Out Proiducel -t,, Wide uthvr� again dvieg�teS werp
, Sbjojtq& to go to the fouled it) Ottawki ;hortly.
a " 11 1 it 4ninfir.lutte so rnuvh. We knim cOolfplitrA, Mr. A. Ferguson vvent to Wingliam
of a large number of case., vhvri, Kirls The folf6Nvifio dillegatts�-' were ap- on Tuesday for a load of furniture.
:Intl v%omen tire drhing the farm nia- pointed: Flroni� Wegt' 'WavOthosh.David By going t . o tile factories and niaking
fdller� and of one cabe al. least Ill Wen, Henry Jones. Mrs. Allison ancLXIrs "Iections personallY Mr. Fergus . on Is
A-fifield lo\\n.,Iiip where a wonian Is Orser, from -Ashfleld division, John able to have new iiii-to-daie
41riving a nuill rout, and thery are old g�ivage, liarry -eellamy, Nlrff. Thos. �Sf(y to offer his customers. goods
men ana wonion &fior \%ork that they thers and'Nim. 1161A."MeRe.n2le A num- Flev. Mr. O'Kell had qWte an ad -
are really nnt able if) do. ENerybody tier of other ladies and gentlellOn from venture last Sunday morning. His
must adinlro tile spirit Ili %%hiofi these here wit lalso att . d all pledging their auto Staffed on the way to Donny-
IIYTIDVI� ffro 'helping %vIn the lvar. It Is support to Or . Case. brouk- By procuring a horse Mr.
needless to inention vt-ai people think
of the people vilto jin. nut th,ing till (to Farmers going down to Ottawa as O'Kell was enabled to 1111 his Westfield
they can. putations to the Government to pro, appointment In tile afternoon.
test agalbst the authorities calling the The apple trees In this vicinity were
The Star to Jan. Ist. 1919, for 75c. boys off the farms, thereby taking damaged Severely by the extremely
considerable 'money, and Using up cold weather last winter. All varities
raflway space. hotel accommodation. promised Ali bloom, helityl y but fully
It* Government's time and their own fittlY Or cent , Of 1116 blossom bDds
. ...... .. @I time, would be far Dotter employed and many of the leaf buds were killed
at home. The Germans have got to he and IndA* trees Mal, not be able 'to
EN licked but going down to Ottawa with Survive the fnjur�. Vle. Paldwin vari-
protests against wal, measures will not
Le Be TAPE 40ty farod' the worst 140 " Spies to a
do on, Cabadlans,-every- less extent. and. there will be conpider-
lasses,,an'd all ranks�-be like
It'No The Singer Sewing Machine ffl Hali; and his men, stand- with our Auburn coiitinued o'
lack, to the Va.14 stop 0111. quibbling a page 5
Agent, 'has taken , over the and carry on land sing "Pack all yen,
& agency of the troubles In your old.kit bag and sudle,
fill smile, smile." Thats What the Sol -
M tillers sing and their troubles are real,
Ell' and numerous, and quite serious f
International Harvester quently.
to I re
The unfavorable weather on Su dai(
Company' IN Curtailed, to some considerable extent,,
M the attendance at the 0dilfellows' Dl-.
vine services held In Erskii
on HAM11ton St"It IN is Pres -1
Ili byterian church Sunday evening.
M However. the church was well fllled
and will handle both lines and those present were well repaid,
for the service was most impressive
and Inspiring to all, particularly it) the d
FARM MACHINERY and local thret-linked brethren, will) par -
III ailed In a body and occupied tile centre
SINGER SEWING MACHINES pows. Tho- preacher for the faccasign
Rev. Mr. Avery, of Auburn Pres-'
9 N bytertan church, Grand ChIplain of
6 A tair share of the public pat -
151 Oddf,llows, and associated with film
ronuge will be appreciatecL I on the platform w-erri Rov.',Ntr. Craig, ightful
Ithe pastor and Re%. 1. A. MeKolvey, How Deli
The apeaker-'eboge-hTs toit from Matt, -
SOU110111DWeSsre. Every littledetall
16-24, and In a elibar, eloquent and
k W thoughtful manner dealt with the int- is In harmony. We�can help you
00rittknee of havIng a proper equip- caake yours MOM attractive, for we
ment in our daily life, of realizing our offer
a HOP098 orsee
0 dependence upon God and his blessings
0 and of realizing our Indebtedness to out -
fellowmen and to our forefathers for
the great blessings of life we now I!n- PICTURES
Joy -blessings that mean more t tan 11
a silveT and gold -the blessings derived that are beritatiful, road answer every
PaVa to pa from our educationat system, our re-
ligious and national freedbib. our re- requirement of artique merit and re-
merce 1 and industry and numerous fined taste.
lie y other things. These blessings hartu CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK
been given 10 US so five shbuld render
service to tellowmen and thus sh4vo
Tiur gratitude. HOW M we best do It? mith's Art Stope
We will ha"Ve goods,
at reduced prices, C40164 a&& n on slaw
every day be4no we 1011104willizil GODERICH MARKETS.
are gtttjftjg cash. (Outside Market 11teports on page 9)
a Under th�'Rd System WB Carl refil&4§ ftrb our Witimt ............................... 9 00 to 2 0$
0 TV Portraits any 'tempbrvy Flour, GoVinent standard ... 5 �5 to 6 so
a the CaSh ..-CUstother
facial blemish that may I* Flour, PDrOwt-, f&MIIY --.5 75 to 1; 75
Pays a share of the Dran. per ton .................. 36 00 to so 00
los-�s sustained by prieviening you from h&ving Aborts, per ton ............... 41 00 to 42 00
oats ...... ........................... 0 7510 0 So
a the in e re b a n t s that philitogral)h rikado today, BAX10Y ........ ............... -....1 20 to 1 25
th,ou and Peaks, per bushel ................ 2 00 to 2 10
gh, 'b4d debts. 11 Suekwheat ...... ....... 1 75 to I f;5
We can prove by our We E6 Not Spol t6 - Ray ........ . . ... ................ 12 00 to 14 00
per lb -Dairy ..... ... 0 38 to 0 40
ices that our pres. Lik"M I doxen ............... 0 87 to -O 87
It system pays, medium bfitebers...10 So toll so
butchers rihotee ... 11 00 to Is 50
vio weight ............... 19'M to 19 60
R N fttkWsk. Do bag ......... 1 00 to I 2S
. ................. 0'" to 0 ft
10219 Clear ........ ...... 0 42 to 0 42
Vh* 0*0&" A1144sil - par lb 7 00 to 7 00
0 HIS. j. T# VOLL
I TAHOW, RQ A 14 to 0 14
I" mfekfts, ..... .. 0 " too
....... .....
If,Jur;a'"I'"'. TWO WEEKS MORE OF Tffr-"
1 99 S
S, AT "14 U N E .1 St.
he a
Will Positively be' -t' L "' "t, I
In two weeks, this great Money Saving, event iwidl end, and great*'
chance in- - years to save, on Jry, - gaod$-'�bi, ",*.. will -be -done. - b1V,0,Ur, let � it
pass without getting all the benefit you ew, 4ut-, of it, and� if -you ha-ve a. dollar
worth of dry,goods buying to do the next two weeks, come her'6.fiikst.,
Out '0 the. Suits
9 0-
t A, t
u b -t he C S,�
Two weeks of the biggest -kind at clearing bargains in Suits and CIIatistarts
Saturda , May 18th. We simply must sell each and every Coat and Suit'bef6re
Rey cannot go to Peterboro for there is a full stock there, so.S,AturdAy�..,4ji&Aii
every garment on our racks goes on sale at a gr'eater price reductions than ever. Eac
and all are new, bought for this season's selling, and. each and all must be sold before
we leave Goderich,
Great Mee Reductions on Suits
Regular $2i.00 and $22.50 Suits, clearing for $14.75 -
Regular $25.00 man -tailored Suits, clearing for $17-45.
I Regular $28 oo and $30,00 man -tailored Suits, clearing
at $21.75.
Regular $37 50 Suits, clearing at $28.7.s.
Gpeat POW Reductions on Coats �e
Regular $x2.5o Coats, clearing at $9.4.5.
Regular $16.50 Coats, clearing at- $111,75.
Regular $22.00 and'S25 oo Coats, clearing at $16-75.
Extra bargain prices on elderly Ladies' Black Silk Coats.
Children's Reefers, blaek and white,cheek, $4.98...
Children's Navy Reefers, very stylish, clearing at $6.88.
If you, want a Suit or a Coat, do not miss this chance
to get one at a big saving.
Saturdav will be' Raincoat Day
Whether it raing, or whether it shines, come here on Saturday,for a Raincoat, because that day we
are goinjg to have the biggest Raincoat selling we ever had. To be frank with you, we have too, -many Rain-
coats, 4nd we simply must sell them, and are gc)ing to have a special sale on Saturday, when, every Coat in
itock will be marked at a price that should empty our racks completely before- cic)sing time comes at io o'clock.
coats every one of thttii Thi is th
4 e way they �Lre selling.
i 1ot Raincoats, most of them slightly i m'perfect, but just as good as ever for keepi ug off the rain'.
oiver and over. Choice of this lot for Sattirday, Raincoat Day.
Q#ivrnents of Quality. Garmentl of Style. Gcliing this way for Saturday,
Raincoat Day
$7.00 Raincoats for Saturday, Rafncoat Day, $3 So
Woo Raincoats for Saturday, _1�41ncoat Day, $4 00 These Coats
$9.-Od-Rainconts for -Saturday. Raincoat DaY, $4-50
$so.00 Raincoats'for SaturdaY, Raincoat Day, $S.00 are
W.00 Raincoats for SaturdaY, Raincoat Day, $6.00 Half Price
$i&oo Raincoats for Saturday, Raincoat Day, $7.50
Elandsome Tweed Raincoats, bigh grade garments, suitable for rain or shine. For Saturday, Raincoat
Day, Special Price.$9,45.
Half a dozen extra choice Coats. In nobby tweed effects of undoubted stile at�` quality. All going,
for Raincoat Day at. Bargain Prices.
Children's raincapes with silk lined hoods. Good quality, in navy, red or fawu shsdes. For Saturday,
Raincoat Day, $2.45.
1 11 1
Half Nice Sale of Trimmed Millinepy
We have told our milliners we want every Trimmed Hat sold next week if possible. To make
tile selling an absolute certainty we are giving you your choice of every Trimmed Hat in the show-
room, no matier"what its former price or actual value for
Exactly Half Price
When did you ever get a chance to buy up-to-date Millinery right in the height of the season for Half
Price ? You would not get it now were it not that we wind up this great " Leaving Goderich 11 Sale
inside of two weeks and must have the Millinery sold before we go.
Do not forget the manV Special Bargains that are
to be had all over the store Do You Want a Se
. You can save money� on wing Machine
anything and everything you have to buy in Dry We have four Sewingy Machines tosell. Allof
06ods if you huy hqe during the next two weeks. them are in good conditi-on and good working order.
Look for the " Leaving Goderich " tickets. You will With ordinary care they wlill last for years. Three are
find them all over the store. Every one points the way "Singer," the other "New Williams." You can save
to money saving. N money on any of the foitr.
;,H,A`ft`00`G-EN'S SR
Continued from page 7
Solos were rendered b) Nick, Graig
and Miss Hazel Augustine.
Hiss Ellenne Miller returned frowl
bt-r vlsjt lit Clinton on Tuesda)
if 1. y 01 . t *4
1 lifiss A. Anderson, of Ooderich, spent
Sunday at tile home of Goo. Anderson.
all -1 We VVY 04 of towalk,
W. 11. Wilson. of Fbenezer, I*
spending a te%% days limth his son at
1 tile "Soo."
Lfa%e for The
of town,
your subocriptittki
Star and other papers at the- Uungan-
%At Ullaolilttr will buome
Dun print bhop. , &
All aboard for Wingliam on Friday
of out t6".
to boost tile doetor on to victory
Here*s wishing out* M. 0. good luck.
we are maklvg it worth while to do
Special Mother's L)ay serv)[049 will
be held by the Sabbatn Scho9l of Nile
'bastaii�9 wiih'iits, 811*0 In and look
Irklethodist church next Sunday aftj!r
Ii troUnd. 'our prIC4 In
Rev. J. W. Hedley and a number of
" Rev'
members of the Nile W. M. & ottended
Ot hd'r --liltio,of, ste, "'eq I t I k4l y Kt'TOW
the convention at Clinton on Thurs-
the c
day last
Carr, of this vicinity, and sev.
eral others front the district, were
members of the deputation of far.ners
Ot week
0 Ottawa %bli
iuneral of Patrtek Maguire, art
Age resident of St. Augustine, took
plat to. Lhoji. C. cuum.tefy, St. Augus
i Line, 04 1 u(suaY mO ning-
The local lodge expected a number
d other he asked. Proper equipmelft is no -
dl visiturs, front Wingharn an --roluipitlent of knowledge, it
Places but tile %veoither v%as too un- Cessal'Y
fu%ordhle for theill to collie. �,undainental principle of life, equip -
J. It %IeNabl;, 4). E. Augustine and Dirint fit friendship, one (of lifelm great-
ble4sings and if mi,ans 'of putting
Frank Jones were In Winglialn on e'
aWaY ;Ili SPRINIHIPS14 : eqUipluent Of
business on Wednesday, being convey- 10%0, eharacterized b) one writer as
ed, o%er by Lorne McKenzie. thing In tile world" and
'Pet Manson field has made a few Im- the equipment of truth -sortie thing
proNonjents to his house in 'the wav that %%III ultimately deteijidiin'the des-'
of a new foundation and cellar. The I t
rvinent work -.%as done by Jas. Elliott, IDV of tile World' In st;ttp of all Its
selfishness. ,till grood. AVP must be
L of Nile.
Vue to ourselves, to 'ou'r
k):� on 'ruesday e0ning there w1il- bini a and to'bur Ood! He went on to .'say
ee 1) il)llr- service in the Methodist chdrell that* %v�, 'I;n
44,t lot W'
Mr. and, f If. Young. of to A,.spent %%lbirli 'all are cordially InvlWd to at- 1,1611 or ran- niahe v lrk16� �rofes-
lia the vilage. fecliparlion a .blessing to our
here will also attend, all plec4fing their fellQ,,vmen if %v� sb tesirF aV'Pointed'
lilbetkIM.eGea VeM.19 bic vPiry+I-Y dell%er all address. I
I (Jut hd\�, Fai'miri Men! �A'uHnk thIS war
Sp !W bqk
k nutuber fir, ypVng. Inen of these were. making inoney �tit of the all
parts jiaNr recpNnid their , 6arIk,tling and putting It away anti oth6r men iin
11d6rs. of Detroit, left this N-ek order.; fi,urn the Dillitary at thqrltles 4110 Saffie' title of %voilk vveile rprokinig
-al-ant. 4
ti -D, an,] aro to report fur duty %%lithin,the their rndneN� a hIPsStng to' others by
,,�Afwol�omb up6troit, after a,ph
tj 01s. i i5jid in this %'chilt�. ;it -\t two or three *weeks. helping [lie \Arloug \%-at- charities. The
PLO. W. J.'Rod4dok returned last week. Tile fair grounds rence after the greathst tragOdy is the deatfi.of a soul,
m � over. severe wind storm the other night not Of t e
seit� ervipe. His friends art) tit, body, lie said, So it I -
1.1ad to see htwEbtille once niore after looked as though a, few high- eXPIQ57 v olve-i upon each olj(� of D4 to seek
..10 years' savee. I I es had tilt It. Thus. Skulley and the finest equipment.
Rev.-W� of Blyth rectory. Jack Glenn are bus), making repairs.
preached In Ofirlat's church, Port Al- Clarence Smiley, (if Calgary, son of AUBURN
bert, last SuAfty. All who were there Thos. Smiley, of this IJaee has joined Mr. .1. Johnston unloaded a carload
'enjoyed his sermon very much. up with the Royal Air Force find is of cement tills weeli, .
-1 Mh. Jiis.- Oliver was called to Fort noxv In Toronto training prior to going Tile Approaching election in North
William receritly -owing to the IIII)e4s overseas. Good luck, Clarence, and a Huron is causing a slight movement
(it her son-bri-falv; Robert Johnston, of safe ."turn. in politival (-Ireles.
that place, We hope soon to hear of 'I'lojifical tribunal field another Lilt- Mrs. 1.7' (). Mcliveen and children, of
his complete recovery. tingliere on Thursday to consider the Waterford, are visiting at the home
Mr. anii Airs: W. Brovi-ti and little caser of several "B, category men. of Mr. A. Nsofultfi,
daught�r, Doris, and Mrs. Willitun Bell "I'll" men tire badly needed fur non- Rev. Mr. Russ attended a meeting of
and Mr. Lloyd Pell, all of Amberley, combatant work In France and 'to the Presbytery of Huron, at Hellsall
spent a day witb their relatives, Nlr. do Ill)' tbcl�" NN"11 be a 'ew go :1rolu On TkIesdav of this %%eek,
and Mrs. Jake 00uginit, of tile %illage. theste parts, County 'engineer, Mr, Donald Pater-
Slooll of out young Inell resent tilt- Barbers all filer the country are son, was In Goderich 'Iasi Monday at -
11110 111 last %Neek's 1,2,hepliardton nev%s raising tho price or nair-cuts 'to"M lending to county business.
1'. lit tt-e suckers. At tfij.- tunt, cents. We Ili Dungannon are_ not
%e Mrs. Paterson, or the village, visited
hen v%e all should be doing %vital we worrying over our tonsorial expenses - her sister, Mrs. Jac.Kson, of Goderich,
i) to produce and cokn4emv, the, bo.i A pair of army clippers and a willing like foriner part of this week.
I, nian who is willing to undergo the wife tire all that is necessary here in
m r-iships ;if watkIng throuwh mud and the absvnce of our barber: Dr. T. E. Case, Nir. ,rhos. Stothers
tor anti clinibing over Ifork- and rocks Miss Daisy' Rvan, teacher fit the and J4. Mallough, of Dungannon, paid
R0 it inval or two of Ilsh, for our junior department of our public ()ill' burg III visit on Monday.
14 ,�v C411 ribes, do-mes rouch " rredit Ili school, , ll�lio its& been,on the sick,list Mr. W. C. Robertson went to Ot-
"I"' estimation and %ill- Intlin"th"I ttlat for 86mid time, -edd6aVored to resume ta"'a NVIth it)(, farmers' delegation
Ilit�,e nwn tire suck,'-rs 1, tuiralled for. tier duties Monday morning but was 'front Colborne to endeavor to hall the
I') Sri\. tile least. unable to �d (iovernment fit Its new
, Fry 6n.' IN1,10 are sorry to draft regu-
Quite a number of our \-iung bo�s livar of -tier continueal illness. lations regarding faruiel-s,
frmn arounif hore ha\p b;: I :,it drafted foi A niveting of thogO.interested, In the Pie. liVilli,"In Carter, fit present In
ov"I'SeRs serl.11-A, which '04- "01110 of lit, held on T0rontO, Visited his Parents In the.
Ille far owr,4 ;twrl or nelp. s4,111" P-lifle Friday took plaQo, Ill the 0dolfellows' village over Sunday, returning on
hn- d"ITI&C -ill III--\ .,.in -�. pro'love and liall on )Veduesday e\ening, when Monday to Toronto. He 14 to li(� re -
help Out Proiducel -t,, Wide uthvr� again dvieg�teS werp
, Sbjojtq& to go to the fouled it) Ottawki ;hortly.
a " 11 1 it 4ninfir.lutte so rnuvh. We knim cOolfplitrA, Mr. A. Ferguson vvent to Wingliam
of a large number of case., vhvri, Kirls The folf6Nvifio dillegatts�-' were ap- on Tuesday for a load of furniture.
:Intl v%omen tire drhing the farm nia- pointed: Flroni� Wegt' 'WavOthosh.David By going t . o tile factories and niaking
fdller� and of one cabe al. least Ill Wen, Henry Jones. Mrs. Allison ancLXIrs "Iections personallY Mr. Fergus . on Is
A-fifield lo\\n.,Iiip where a wonian Is Orser, from -Ashfleld division, John able to have new iiii-to-daie
41riving a nuill rout, and thery are old g�ivage, liarry -eellamy, Nlrff. Thos. �Sf(y to offer his customers. goods
men ana wonion &fior \%ork that they thers and'Nim. 1161A."MeRe.n2le A num- Flev. Mr. O'Kell had qWte an ad -
are really nnt able if) do. ENerybody tier of other ladies and gentlellOn from venture last Sunday morning. His
must adinlro tile spirit Ili %%hiofi these here wit lalso att . d all pledging their auto Staffed on the way to Donny-
IIYTIDVI� ffro 'helping %vIn the lvar. It Is support to Or . Case. brouk- By procuring a horse Mr.
needless to inention vt-ai people think
of the people vilto jin. nut th,ing till (to Farmers going down to Ottawa as O'Kell was enabled to 1111 his Westfield
they can. putations to the Government to pro, appointment In tile afternoon.
test agalbst the authorities calling the The apple trees In this vicinity were
The Star to Jan. Ist. 1919, for 75c. boys off the farms, thereby taking damaged Severely by the extremely
considerable 'money, and Using up cold weather last winter. All varities
raflway space. hotel accommodation. promised Ali bloom, helityl y but fully
It* Government's time and their own fittlY Or cent , Of 1116 blossom bDds
. ...... .. @I time, would be far Dotter employed and many of the leaf buds were killed
at home. The Germans have got to he and IndA* trees Mal, not be able 'to
EN licked but going down to Ottawa with Survive the fnjur�. Vle. Paldwin vari-
protests against wal, measures will not
Le Be TAPE 40ty farod' the worst 140 " Spies to a
do on, Cabadlans,-every- less extent. and. there will be conpider-
lasses,,an'd all ranks�-be like
It'No The Singer Sewing Machine ffl Hali; and his men, stand- with our Auburn coiitinued o'
lack, to the Va.14 stop 0111. quibbling a page 5
Agent, 'has taken , over the and carry on land sing "Pack all yen,
& agency of the troubles In your old.kit bag and sudle,
fill smile, smile." Thats What the Sol -
M tillers sing and their troubles are real,
Ell' and numerous, and quite serious f
International Harvester quently.
to I re
The unfavorable weather on Su dai(
Company' IN Curtailed, to some considerable extent,,
M the attendance at the 0dilfellows' Dl-.
vine services held In Erskii
on HAM11ton St"It IN is Pres -1
Ili byterian church Sunday evening.
M However. the church was well fllled
and will handle both lines and those present were well repaid,
for the service was most impressive
and Inspiring to all, particularly it) the d
FARM MACHINERY and local thret-linked brethren, will) par -
III ailed In a body and occupied tile centre
SINGER SEWING MACHINES pows. Tho- preacher for the faccasign
Rev. Mr. Avery, of Auburn Pres-'
9 N bytertan church, Grand ChIplain of
6 A tair share of the public pat -
151 Oddf,llows, and associated with film
ronuge will be appreciatecL I on the platform w-erri Rov.',Ntr. Craig, ightful
Ithe pastor and Re%. 1. A. MeKolvey, How Deli
The apeaker-'eboge-hTs toit from Matt, -
SOU110111DWeSsre. Every littledetall
16-24, and In a elibar, eloquent and
k W thoughtful manner dealt with the int- is In harmony. We�can help you
00rittknee of havIng a proper equip- caake yours MOM attractive, for we
ment in our daily life, of realizing our offer
a HOP098 orsee
0 dependence upon God and his blessings
0 and of realizing our Indebtedness to out -
fellowmen and to our forefathers for
the great blessings of life we now I!n- PICTURES
Joy -blessings that mean more t tan 11
a silveT and gold -the blessings derived that are beritatiful, road answer every
PaVa to pa from our educationat system, our re-
ligious and national freedbib. our re- requirement of artique merit and re-
merce 1 and industry and numerous fined taste.
lie y other things. These blessings hartu CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK
been given 10 US so five shbuld render
service to tellowmen and thus sh4vo
Tiur gratitude. HOW M we best do It? mith's Art Stope
We will ha"Ve goods,
at reduced prices, C40164 a&& n on slaw
every day be4no we 1011104willizil GODERICH MARKETS.
are gtttjftjg cash. (Outside Market 11teports on page 9)
a Under th�'Rd System WB Carl refil&4§ ftrb our Witimt ............................... 9 00 to 2 0$
0 TV Portraits any 'tempbrvy Flour, GoVinent standard ... 5 �5 to 6 so
a the CaSh ..-CUstother
facial blemish that may I* Flour, PDrOwt-, f&MIIY --.5 75 to 1; 75
Pays a share of the Dran. per ton .................. 36 00 to so 00
los-�s sustained by prieviening you from h&ving Aborts, per ton ............... 41 00 to 42 00
oats ...... ........................... 0 7510 0 So
a the in e re b a n t s that philitogral)h rikado today, BAX10Y ........ ............... -....1 20 to 1 25
th,ou and Peaks, per bushel ................ 2 00 to 2 10
gh, 'b4d debts. 11 Suekwheat ...... ....... 1 75 to I f;5
We can prove by our We E6 Not Spol t6 - Ray ........ . . ... ................ 12 00 to 14 00
per lb -Dairy ..... ... 0 38 to 0 40
ices that our pres. Lik"M I doxen ............... 0 87 to -O 87
It system pays, medium bfitebers...10 So toll so
butchers rihotee ... 11 00 to Is 50
vio weight ............... 19'M to 19 60
R N fttkWsk. Do bag ......... 1 00 to I 2S
. ................. 0'" to 0 ft
10219 Clear ........ ...... 0 42 to 0 42
Vh* 0*0&" A1144sil - par lb 7 00 to 7 00
0 HIS. j. T# VOLL
I TAHOW, RQ A 14 to 0 14
I" mfekfts, ..... .. 0 " too
....... .....
If,Jur;a'"I'"'. TWO WEEKS MORE OF Tffr-"
1 99 S
S, AT "14 U N E .1 St.
he a
Will Positively be' -t' L "' "t, I
In two weeks, this great Money Saving, event iwidl end, and great*'
chance in- - years to save, on Jry, - gaod$-'�bi, ",*.. will -be -done. - b1V,0,Ur, let � it
pass without getting all the benefit you ew, 4ut-, of it, and� if -you ha-ve a. dollar
worth of dry,goods buying to do the next two weeks, come her'6.fiikst.,
Out '0 the. Suits
9 0-
t A, t
u b -t he C S,�
Two weeks of the biggest -kind at clearing bargains in Suits and CIIatistarts
Saturda , May 18th. We simply must sell each and every Coat and Suit'bef6re
Rey cannot go to Peterboro for there is a full stock there, so.S,AturdAy�..,4ji&Aii
every garment on our racks goes on sale at a gr'eater price reductions than ever. Eac
and all are new, bought for this season's selling, and. each and all must be sold before
we leave Goderich,
Great Mee Reductions on Suits
Regular $2i.00 and $22.50 Suits, clearing for $14.75 -
Regular $25.00 man -tailored Suits, clearing for $17-45.
I Regular $28 oo and $30,00 man -tailored Suits, clearing
at $21.75.
Regular $37 50 Suits, clearing at $28.7.s.
Gpeat POW Reductions on Coats �e
Regular $x2.5o Coats, clearing at $9.4.5.
Regular $16.50 Coats, clearing at- $111,75.
Regular $22.00 and'S25 oo Coats, clearing at $16-75.
Extra bargain prices on elderly Ladies' Black Silk Coats.
Children's Reefers, blaek and white,cheek, $4.98...
Children's Navy Reefers, very stylish, clearing at $6.88.
If you, want a Suit or a Coat, do not miss this chance
to get one at a big saving.
Saturdav will be' Raincoat Day
Whether it raing, or whether it shines, come here on Saturday,for a Raincoat, because that day we
are goinjg to have the biggest Raincoat selling we ever had. To be frank with you, we have too, -many Rain-
coats, 4nd we simply must sell them, and are gc)ing to have a special sale on Saturday, when, every Coat in
itock will be marked at a price that should empty our racks completely before- cic)sing time comes at io o'clock.
coats every one of thttii Thi is th
4 e way they �Lre selling.
i 1ot Raincoats, most of them slightly i m'perfect, but just as good as ever for keepi ug off the rain'.
oiver and over. Choice of this lot for Sattirday, Raincoat Day.
Q#ivrnents of Quality. Garmentl of Style. Gcliing this way for Saturday,
Raincoat Day
$7.00 Raincoats for Saturday, Rafncoat Day, $3 So
Woo Raincoats for Saturday, _1�41ncoat Day, $4 00 These Coats
$9.-Od-Rainconts for -Saturday. Raincoat DaY, $4-50
$so.00 Raincoats'for SaturdaY, Raincoat Day, $S.00 are
W.00 Raincoats for SaturdaY, Raincoat Day, $6.00 Half Price
$i&oo Raincoats for Saturday, Raincoat Day, $7.50
Elandsome Tweed Raincoats, bigh grade garments, suitable for rain or shine. For Saturday, Raincoat
Day, Special Price.$9,45.
Half a dozen extra choice Coats. In nobby tweed effects of undoubted stile at�` quality. All going,
for Raincoat Day at. Bargain Prices.
Children's raincapes with silk lined hoods. Good quality, in navy, red or fawu shsdes. For Saturday,
Raincoat Day, $2.45.
1 11 1
Half Nice Sale of Trimmed Millinepy
We have told our milliners we want every Trimmed Hat sold next week if possible. To make
tile selling an absolute certainty we are giving you your choice of every Trimmed Hat in the show-
room, no matier"what its former price or actual value for
Exactly Half Price
When did you ever get a chance to buy up-to-date Millinery right in the height of the season for Half
Price ? You would not get it now were it not that we wind up this great " Leaving Goderich 11 Sale
inside of two weeks and must have the Millinery sold before we go.
Do not forget the manV Special Bargains that are
to be had all over the store Do You Want a Se
. You can save money� on wing Machine
anything and everything you have to buy in Dry We have four Sewingy Machines tosell. Allof
06ods if you huy hqe during the next two weeks. them are in good conditi-on and good working order.
Look for the " Leaving Goderich " tickets. You will With ordinary care they wlill last for years. Three are
find them all over the store. Every one points the way "Singer," the other "New Williams." You can save
to money saving. N money on any of the foitr.
;,H,A`ft`00`G-EN'S SR
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