HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-17, Page 5'IV MAE Mioy 17", 19.0', T� WEE GODEU101i Z117 A 4, uwrl Ike IANI� Nvm. Ifw mr, rq�wq (it ool 1" 011101141100111101 . Ir 1 4. 7: ;7 7 Messrs. Robert Hamer, Wni. )Wpker # Me towat all, T1 9411 �=0%1' AllraIrsk and J, 4. Huniter, of lilacariditte, were -seas In GQ&rIch TuiosiXay afternoon for 4 a qs 040 r ft" at 'No 11* chomvisit, h4ving motored 4NVn. The CROP9 PROMARM �'Qomhjned �veight of the three Is Over Wkft 10*t ku 6W lits. ISIr. J. J. Hunter is 9 the pro- V4c*d by the proble= of jqgmt food ghoftup, prietor of the Kineardine Roporter 104�,&W 1k Kayser Perrino the OwiftnfliAt of C*40" urges every fafr*er and Robert and Win. are his uncle We carry maV useful Itemsto, to ral" all thizqo�cro& "Ible. and ca"In rivspectively, being priucl- oleves Oloves pals In the Hunter bridge Building ine4lide In tilma, boxes. , I *11h we p4ntefl will bring a batidsome Xettaft Company. The $far -,).as pleased to J3 for Price* are extraordJ[ziarily high receive a fratprnal call from the Kin- Swo 8afdYA111tv7 FwWn "WINNOW maiket is "aura cardine editor. hill 0 to lant bomm you b*vcx,t the in 110"ty�-�=lf our local ofinam; h* wol Mr. Sea. 0. SWaIlleld, of Mentor, This, Pon is so owstr4ow "to i0ftio, Is In'06-*-ploh for a few daw,, 1W? rq cmt. oodwa rA Year'" supply Of Ink 1A McColl's Patterns. McCall's Patterns. having motored lap firom the r4kils. ",a form. and #kit that lo. 4aw- He arrited o n Saturday and expects 1Q 4 , ry All this raoery* 01ft We are happy to state that on X 219 ay tablet, this 2nd the birthday of the poetess of shionable Shottind a Silk Sweatell UNION RMK OF leave the end of the week. pen wim water $ad drop I Ing fluid. These pan$ ", 9"r- Fa 0, Fibinxi QvODERICH BRANCH: F. WOOLLCOMBE. Msait Lake Huron was remembered by anteW and wIll'sult say'lim0- General Hioug4 and .1nmeek Chapters plate with Pocket writIng. lot the 1. 0. D. E, who sent their 0011�- CUV and Ink Tablets gratulations, &Ad gifts, We also send E believe this will bo a great $W01111ter Coat SO&SOn. The Styles ours and trust that Miss Sklmiags may WUCOME TO REV. HOLMES. PEOPLE WE KNOW bq remembered for many more birth- are so attractive that *�ery JadY will desire to have one or days. Also: ateme Alcohol atoTalt. Kill- W mord ot thise handsome 96d 'PraCtlCal Sweater'&. the Ideal tlormeir Goderlich -Pastor Warmly Wei- Mr. H, E. Hodgens Is In Peterboro tary Brusbes, Peuslar Tread- tonled fn­Naw1qhar I _Xpqt� Pqwder. T. -"b P Summer fouttip W __qgk,� __ - .­­­ ­ . - - 11 A TP a Baptist church, Gaffney . is spending holl- Mr. Martin Mkig --(1`----h I tool" �Miss Cora _,fiDrd, of Senmiller ptowh bulkOh. 4110. q 000 Tonnto=a conbregational service days In 'Toronto. has received word that his son. Pie' liillt ft", Gum' f)xQ1 atc- 61 welcome In honor of the new pastor, Air Pillows, $2.00. The Novelty Shetland 11mr-dit Popular Fibre Silk Sweaters Rev. Gordon M. Holmes, B. A., B. Th., Miss Doolittle has returned from Lorne Mugford, Is in hospital. Cardli, formerly of Goderich, who opened her viOt L4 T`Qsonto and is again on England. suffering from shell shock. his duty at the bank. Pte. Mugtord wen, overseas with the Summer Weight Sweaters Thoo Sweaters are Vvithout doubt the most pastorate there last Sunday, The Sun- 161st Battalion. Jim"' A. 6hio we, have ever Rhown. Many now ilay 'School hall was fllIf;d to capacl# Rev. Mr. Turnbull, a former rector vAth members of the zhurch and con- of St. George's church, now of Port Are the sesson's most favored wilavo. We styles with large collars, novelty baits and V*Satioh, and a right royal welcome Stanley, was In town on Monday. EBENEZER UU4 STUr. have them in cost style, also middy stylo. satiblis, Athered at back ; in all the now vm--, R. J. Rutledge is busy fencing these rfam #Wadod 4o Nr.,,HOJmas,agd his Mrsi.,Valt9r, will cobilm. wr. They come in beautiful light colors, as coloring, " Corn, Kelly Green, Copan, wife, Addre*iF of, w4co 64 rectelve times. me we a gIv- W- lUiy *Zn4. and 20th. RobiWs 13" Blue, Rhubarb, Nfle, Peacock, I on, , toneso9y., - 11 Nile, Rose, Robin's Egg Blue, Corn, Purple an by Pict� Gilmour, of" McMaster Uni- and not a$aln before le*vfug, G6de� Chester McPhee made his usual trip Versify, Melon, Gold, Black and White. From 0. Mcbean, the former rich. north on Sunday night. and Kelly Gmen, and priced at ftV. Mr,-Qqr;sg&n, of Centen. Some from here took In the concert Mrj 44�08 Kqllah�r. of Niagara Falls' AUNUIRIV Ont 'Of visited "fils' mf5thelt, 101al ftooiat; Afeir. M. wils $6,5o and $to.00 $7-150 tO $20.00 -0 the wiek' at, Auburn, on Wednesday night last. Dovem , -Preshytpri 'Kelltiher'exiiects to the 'forces Continued from page 8 ut* An ; Rev, Mr._ Mr. Elwin Rutledge, of Beruniller, spent _00, Street Bapti$t shortly� flobertp0j of D0fl% JO n a week ago Sunday under the parental loom L 'on, this Dr. 1116wii. of'the -Baptist Foreign Mis. Mr. able b variety. The sfan L Pceri(li and 'Williams, a fortner man- roof here. varities that promise 66 bloom yvell Deacon Lillie. A letter There was a small attendance at Special. showing this weA Of Women s stylish Spring Coats, of nilOOM64AS read froth Dr. Farmer ager of the Godepich branch of the Ing to aTe''I'alman Sweet" Ben Davis, Russet, Of toLa Theological Department. A ve . Bank of Commerce, was In Goderich Ebenezer church go Sunday ow Snow 4nd the majority of the, early sul ry for the week -end. the wet day. at Popular NA table and modest reply was made by S. S. No. 2 Is, closed at present as verities. Mr. 110IMes. These addresses were in- Mr. Sexsmlth was called to Glencoe: Mr. Hall, the teacher, was called to Last week this locality was visited -Urspe�rsed With s this week by the Illness of his father W.,So, $20.0% $22.,5o and $:a,5.00 olos from Miss Alex- London to join the colors. by a severe wind storm. Mr. Wallace, andot-.0, Messrs. Crofoot aqd-,4Qh&0" .1rom ppeumonia. Mr. "mith. sr.. king of the gravel roud, had part of Next Sunday will be Mother's Day mami'.'A - M.Q,rqs from the cho(e. 440;�� 'Passed AWA�­�esterday aft,etnoon. at Ebenezer and the young people will his barn unroofed. Mr. Joseph Wash - .0 UWulg"ure of the dvening. 'k soblal' Mr �nd'Nltls. 141�10'ett Pagan and little have charge of the ,!rvice. All are Ington had part of the, roof taken Off half 'flour of Introductions and hand- son, 'William, Herbert, Aeft on their welcome. his barn and Nip. Jorin Medd's barn Verandah Time is Here Coco Matting, Best Qual shakinp,--tagetiher with refreshments, return to Highland Park, Mich, on suffered a similar fate. His windmill ity concluded a v6y happy and memorable Monday rtft�rnoon. 'They�, had been BAYFIELD was completely wrecked at the same It is good once again to got out an to the Coco Matting on the verandah and steps not induct4tm service, 1041lll1IIlIllll here in connection with - file funeral o Inspector Tom paid a visit to our time. Verandah and enjoy life out of doors. We -The recent military act of the gov- only make the home look more attractive Al public school on Tuesday. are well -renared with all the necessary I �A ",,'Within the Law'" SPECIAL ATTRACTION AT THE Victori "a Opera - House FRIDAY EVE., MAY 24th under the auspices of the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. 0. D. E. By SEAFORTH DRAMATIC CLUB 9 9 is a novel of great merit, written by Afarvin Dana, Within the Law from the dramatized play by Bayard Voillier. A synopsis depicts Mary Turner, a salesgirl in a New York depart-, ment store, is unjuRtly convicted of theft, and is "sent away" for three years as an exanople to the other employees. She lays the responsibility for the crime at the door of the proprietor who pays starvation wages. OA the theory that the law can be moulded to suit the convenience of the rich, she 'surrounds berself with a clever band of crooks, upon her release from jail, with the sole. object of acquiring wealth for purposes of revenge, and she succeeds because she keeps "within the law." How she carries out her purpose, and eventually brings her persecutors to justice, is of absorbing and tense dramatic interest, and was one of the genuine successes in Now York and Chicago during the past two years. i The, caste of characters is as follows - IN ORDER OF FIRST APPEARANCE SARAH ......................................... MARGARET HDGE SMITHSON ......................................... L. T. DeLACEY DICK GILDER ...................................... G. W. ISRAEL EDWARD GILDER .................................. R. If. JONES MR. DEMARBST ..................... ................. J. C. GREIG HELEN MORRIS .................................... LEILA BtST CASSIDY ................................................... J. B80WN MARY TURNER .................. MRS. R. MURLESS-JONES AGGIE LYNCH ................................. EVELYN GREIG JOE GARSON ........................................ K. J. FRANCIS FANNIE ...................................... MRS. b. T. DeLACEY MR. IRWIN .............. ....................... JAMEP WATSON EDDIA GRIGGS ........ ............................... R * 'M. JONES INSPECTOR BURKE ............................ ....... F. BILLS BUTLER ............................................... �. T. D,LACEY CHICAGO RED ................................. F. N. FAULKNER DACEY...................................................... R. 8. RBID DAN .................................................. L. E. CHESN'9'y' STENOGRAPHER ........................... MARGARET EDGE ACT 1. -Edward Gilder's Office in "The Emporium. " ACT 11, -(Four Years Later) Mary Turner's Apartment. ACT III. -Edward Gilder's Library. (During the act, the curtain will be down two min - utes representing the lapse of half an hour). ACT IV ­Inspector Burke's Office. Stage Manager, J. Broderick. Admission, Reserved Seats 56c; Rush Seats 35c Plan at Edwards' Restaurant Ppoceeds fop Patriotic Pupposes Don't Miss It Curtain Rises at 8 o'clock sharp Can A Young and Inexperienced GO Succesdully Fight A Clifim of Crooked Financiers ? 11at is theilmtion You Will "k Y-9 " You "a I RENE OASTLE IN TTIE FIvE-rART PATHE PLAY "Vengeance is Mine" You have heard that Mrs. Castle is one of the most famous dancers that ever trod the stage. In "Venge- ance Is Mine" she exhibits the art which first Made her famous. It is a strong, dramatic story adapted from the nevel,by John A. Maroso. Mrs. Casde proves that not only is she a great dancer, but a great screen star as well. AT THE Model Theatre Monday and Tuesday, May 2Qth and 21st Admission I I c and 16c . . . . . . . ............ Miss Pearl Orr intends leaving this ernment is quite a bone of contention the farmers in this neighbor- equipment for the furnishing of Verandahs. but keeps out most of the dust sAd dirt and week for London, where she has se- with hood. Last week meetings were held Lovely Grass Mate and Rugs from sunny- thus lessens house cleaning. In the follow - cured a position. at Carlow and St. Augustine and 'depu- Japan, in rich Oriental designs, in the fol- ing widths: Dr. Atkinson and his wife and son tations were appointed to go to Ot- lowing sizes Jack, of Detroit, arrived on Monday tawa and interview the Government. inch at 60c to spend a while in their summer They left here last Monday, to be ae- if- f t. s 6 f t. $ 1.95 6 ft. x 9 ft. $ 5.75 V inch at 75c c o t tage. companied by others on a similar 4 6 f t. X 10A ft. 6.75 8 ft. x 10 ft. S.!.,) 36 inch at 90c One of our oldest residents, in the errand. 9 ft. x 12 ft. 11.60 9 ft. X 9 ft. 8. 7;) 45 inch person of Mr. Thomas Ileard, passed Yi at $1.10 away at the home of its son, William, Monday LEEAURN Awning Stripes for Verandah Shades at Last on evening at six o'clock. The following is a report of the (Intended for last week) Port Season Prices Congoleum Rugs senior department of Bayfield public Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Richardson, (if XIbert, and family, spent Sunday in 2 50 school for NI ' arch and April : Sr. V- Leeburn. We carried over it large stock of Awning Stripes -go verim- Corgolourn Ttu& are idet] for the lai Greta Baker, 7t ; E. Ilewar, 61. Jr. V --tiarold 'Weston, 6,! : Sherley King, on Friday afternoon, May 10th, the from last seuson, which is fortunate. They dah. Itain and dampness has no effect on 59 Harry liahif�r, )-4 ; Ethel Drehmann W. NI, ­;o�qety %\Ht nivet, at We home Mrs. Fred Dunlop. come in color combinations of red and thorn. Beautiful coloring, all sizee, fit 51 Sr. I V. A. Dev\ ar, 84 Ethei I of Quaid, white, green and white, navy and white, Jowett, 79 Frank Er,,vin, Nlay Andre\\ Boozie, John Chishoin, allil 30 inches wide, at 39c per yard. koonest prices. Howard, 37 Alfred Copeland, 57 ; R. Hugh Chisholm go to Lond(,n (in Mity Harrison, 56 Ethel (Ionwintiardt, 45 ; i5th to report for military service. Norval Gemeinhardt, M ; Leslic El- Frod Gliddon spent a rew hours vittr The Leading Mail and 'Phone Order Store. We Prepay all Mail, Ex- liott, Al ; Jean Woo(;s, 40. Jr. IV.— Lola Elliott, 60 ; G. Gerneinhardt, 51 ; his friends here on Tuesday last be - fore reporting for duty in London the press or Freight ShipmentS Anywhere In the Dominion. Norman Toins, 46. Sr, Ill.—A­ Dreh- next da�. mann, L. NIcLeod, 1). Dewar, R. Davi- Will all thos-, who have old papers son, W. Heard, E. Darling, A. McKay, to dispose of kindly Ieave thein fit the B. Higgins, C. Harr:son, W. Brown, n1pty blacksinith at Dunlop during W. Parker. DEAN GEDDES3, Teacher. (Intended for last wftk) the'next t,.\o week. m t d Cros workers \\Ill handle, them. 'Phone 56 MILLAR'.1rn-11 SCOTCH STORF, 'Phone 561 Pte. Wm. Elliott of Londwn, spent On %nday mornk4g -.\Jfss McG.rgor, a few days at his horrv- herp. field sev.rptary (of the W. W S., ad - Mrs. John Pollock spent a fmv days dressed the congregation, telling of her with friends at Godericla last week. work in different places, whieh was of building new abutment nnd %%ings. ENGINEER KELLY'S FALL AW4WJW-4W-�LW-4V, ar-A Miss Irene Ross, of Buffs4o, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Ross. very interesting. Was Mfq.,regor will be welcome to Lveburn fit any tino! NlIss Eva Stinson, of Toronto, Is Again. �about 70 yards cement), contracts to On rhursday night Engine6r Kelly INSURN IN 4 be let on Tuesday, May Jith. 'it P. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CARLOW 1:1 had a fall in the C.ourt House tower of rn., fit mid bridge site. five or six feet, whicb- shook him up id Stinson. `h6v. Da%id Bean is in London Ll'ils \Neek The following accounts were Pik%sed considerably and he felt the effect" of it N P. it., rent for THE GREAT WEST LIKI Robert Gaininer and bride, of on military business. and ordered paid : %c. for some days. The engineer was in the Chicago, are visiting at the former's seales site, $5 ; Mrs. Nomig, Mr -1, 1,0119, tower adjusting the electric fire alarm, old home here. Tait Clark and Harvey FWier report \1r,, 11,unlitan and Was McManus, M LOWEST -PREMIUMS I Rev. Wm. Ashe-Everest, of Trinity this week at Loodon, G. Allen, insur- each, [led Gross � T. THE WINDSTORM AT DENMILLER M081 POLICY church, attended the synod meeting in Miss Annie Walteirs Is visitittig her' LIBERAL ance, $2 ; Alden Allen, lumber find A report from Bennitiler states that London last week- parents, Mr. and 11m J. A- Waiters. material and work paid for at hog the windstot m earIN yesiftierday (Friday) MOST SATISFACTORY Alden Alien, .Mrs. Lena WGo& -and daughter, Miss' Nurse McAlWsber is at the home of perts at McGaw, $153.65 , morning did cooRiderable damage. The IMLEMENTS 2 cars"cinders at MeGaw, Nan, spent the week -end with their home of Ernest Jackman last Mon- unloading $i(); Clark & Clayton account, C.60; roofs were blown off the barns of Chas. BUSINESSUN FORCIIS120,000,000 aunt, Mrs. Isabella Hewson. As the taken In Trini- Mr. Alex. Nickenzie ;,f Embro %vas visiting in our neighborhood Iasi Sat- McNitilan, covering culvert P2.50 Allen and John Feagon, on the 6th con- 11 -Moved cession of Colborne. At Chits. AIICD'S a result of vote by Gurrey and McCann that' and Chas. Flither's the Mica were blown GEO. WOODS ty church on Sunday last the services urday. N%e adjourn to nicet on Tuesday, May down, and a number of windmills In the AOXINT GOOMRIUH will be held at 11 o'clock new time. ' Glark, and Uqyton Nvery busy last 28th. at 10 a. in, its Court of Itevision. neighborhood were mom or ]feof; broken. V5W4W""AW4W4WAWAWAwAWdWS Mr. Robert Orr, x%no purchased the Monday dravving fit.. iricir supply of --- (;arried. NIcILWAIN, Clrk. flour and feed baginess of Jas. John- seed corn. son and son, took possession this week. Mr. A. Wilson j, improving the. ap- NILE Mrs. H. H- Johwton and children left pearance of his lavin Dy erecting a Seeding Is all finistied find the out- IL= on Saturday for Corinne, Sask., where she will join her husbaDd, whVwent new wire. fence. A little baby girl arrived at U16 look for a good harvest is exceedingly 1112 bright. White Stap Line out a few vimcks -ago, home of Ernest Jackman last Mon- Mrs, Willis, (if Bo,ton, Mahs� 'NIf:Y,, Rev. E. Jennings. of Brantford, ac- companied by his father, Mr. T. Jen- (Jay. Gongratulatlomf. Col. J. A. SL Vareoe and Mr. Sandy visiting her mother, Mrs. Goorgi. (If this village. nings, of -Parlihill, Is here this week Young, of Nilp, an- in Wtlttva attend- Ten of (tie members arol fr1eigis of painting his cottage. Mr. Jennings will ing the farim,rs,' delegation 'e"'rfg the local W. \I. S. attended life annii'al spend his vatcation herp later in the this week. cornerition at 13inton last Thorsda� season. Mother's Day va, observed Infit son- and r(,port an intoresting and pro Mr. Geo. Copeland, who has been day in the Cario%v rhurch. A choir of f1lable (lay. conducting a glage, line bptvveen here Imothors led in the u)ng service, Mrs. Next Sitnda� afternoon the p-t - and Seaforth, disposed of his outfit byl B Jarvis Me ride and Mrs. Will T. Sal- poned Mother's Day %N11i 1), auction on Friday last ano he and Mrs. I lows Rang a duet during the servive, held in ronn,vthoi \%ilh tho Sonda. Copeland v0l leave this week for Sprucefleld, %%here Mr. Gopeland will A %(-ry seN,�r,- st,.rm of wind visited Sctoiol, \\h1l, at th, %,omg ­r\w,! I engage in working his farm. this nfighborhood 1aST Friday morn- at 8 )'rlork the pa,itor III I;tk;- asrl!�Is ' Ing, doing con.4iff,-r-iblo- (timage. chas, soldect, )Xh,t­ th" \\ar "I I The old Marks sto�e,, which Mr. Robert Penhale moved on to his lot Alitri had part of his barn roof torn Thos, NlitcheWs 'rhe annoal con. ­rt ind rit,rt,iin- Annual Excursion and was ronvf-rting into a Mable, find- off, also vvind mill \\fis h1w,\n 1,)\%n roent ,f the NtpthoilW chor(h \%ill he held )if t1w e\onlng i,f Ma� 2ith. Vic Ito denly collapAed on `tlondav afternoon ond is no -w a wass of wreckage. A gang of earpvnt,(,r, COLBORNE. loria Ila\ A progT',4111 ir ono�o,ii (�vlh-nc, 'has GODERICH TO D E TYR 0 1 T were at work on the new part fidioining it, when it Monicilial roonril (if Colborne tm.%n- -I-1111W fi­twrl 11111 "di, the \%,-Il kn,,\%o fell, but forional,,ly off ,Nore out of harm's v%ay. Mr P,nhale had a good ship mot in hall \18 61h, members ali pr,,.�orit. Minutes (if last loondor) \\Ii,- %\ill &ri\,, i --ri­ 4 ii,%� 'or Return eutter in the buil�liijiz vhivil \Nas also mpeting r,,ol ond oloptf-d. on inotlon qi,Ling r-wit,itom., h� 11,,1 -rt 1h and 1,,goes f,r Lr11.,11 ol,rlt \11, completely demollshe,l. of Counctllor� Moi.inn and Fisher Mo\edh \. i.-in,illors Snyd,-r "I'l ,r Wv�tn,+I. \%h, \%ill forni-h on tho \i,din in hi- ,%\n miroGibi-I WIPAM]PR CRIMMITNn At the monthly moeting of thp \I(,f;ann th,it *.11on ha\,, tho 0NI". \\hll, It". 1­1,;Ikir School Board on Monday evening a pr1\11(wo (if kwl,inu th, donrs of ti,,g laili­' qu,trt-ti, rr,.m strong complaint wag % ()o -ed rega rd - jwn at M rf ;;i\v t�� is n I gifts at a t nie rurni�h do,t- .411.1 pj irt, 'I- LEAVE GODIERICH ing the non-obser\ane-, of 11ii, law re- N%h,n h, hq� In th,m , 0irried Grooting- \%ill at- 1w viN,-n to rwiorlt- quiring all children unacrompanied by Mo\, -d hN Sri * \,I, -r and Curr, -y 111111 horing norti-1, r', V. pa I]. h.,\- 1-11 parents or guardians to be off the \\ I let a rontrart of delhering 10 1,, ro.i�­ ihi� ­ri.:-rt Ih-- 1—t streets after nine p. m., and the, locai )anls graAol 11 t thp Tmoidge at Ben \#,t vi\,n it NO, 1 in i, i , if rit ..r %k r i Tuesday, Juno 11 th, 10 a.m. EJ Police will be requested to enforre the mIllor, ai-o r,,Yitr;i,,t if renioNing nld wdfloql� th., o"I'll �opp, r 11a. 1" , o 1 law. ahutnwiit and h] hridg(� and contract it I 14 Returning Leaves Detroolt, Thulleday, 7 1 =- LL i Lt FE, � It June 13th, I p.m., Detroit time $2 Round Trip $1.50 One Way The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season ' No paggportq requireol for midef:4 of military age on this trip. Simpiv fuq,i vour nanic for the Immigration Officer �vho will be Orl dutN on board fftearver at time of departure, Cilowlians Coming to Detroit for a t0-PorwT Staf 4;0 not re. quired N) pay It howl tax or mako ti, de1x)ait. U. S. ImMigration Offiverq will he on tho qtnamer U) pass oxclarsionists. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH Monday Eve., June 10th, 8 P.M. 256 Music and Danciog ir, Greyhound',,, New Hall Room "The National Smoke" 9S if- 4 Yi Light a "Bachelor" cigar and enjoy the rich flavor aroma of the clean Havana leaf. Uniform for 3 2 50 and quality always. Ap WMVkL N'REW WILSONAq LL i Lt FE, � It June 13th, I p.m., Detroit time $2 Round Trip $1.50 One Way The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season ' No paggportq requireol for midef:4 of military age on this trip. Simpiv fuq,i vour nanic for the Immigration Officer �vho will be Orl dutN on board fftearver at time of departure, Cilowlians Coming to Detroit for a t0-PorwT Staf 4;0 not re. quired N) pay It howl tax or mako ti, de1x)ait. U. S. ImMigration Offiverq will he on tho qtnamer U) pass oxclarsionists. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH Monday Eve., June 10th, 8 P.M. 256 Music and Danciog ir, Greyhound',,, New Hall Room