HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-10, Page 57.J _J� 7 m qro, ri q n r4w cresta cmu P ti n To rise above depen- V 0# p _0 P I — 40 dence on the daily ewnipgs, Capital is emential, and the surest means of aw=4ating Capital is through a Savings account 1p 6 Fpce ", facts as they are, figure where you can ecw&w*e. and save money -3y3tematicallyt GODERICH BRANCH: F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager signed the petition now wished their t TO" COUNCIL, names removed. 4W I Councillors Story and Robertson e A Large Range of Subjects Discussed— moved that the matter be deterred to The mayor NW a Big program ., 'the 1, next medink. f 1, - ----- 'the- printing of the auditors' report i allar meeting of the town This reg was referred to the Unancre committee. t --coosell, -Ams. held -on- ftiday - alglo- l"t. - T,4*e - assnee esimmittoo recomme with Councillors Wallis and Davis as the payment of a number of accounts, that the treasurer's statements for the abseniiies. January. February and March be filed Collects,r Campbell reported about re orted having $34.'40 added 'is inter- It 'flit000 orls"ears of collectable taxes, .2 on the $2,000 oil special deposit in t *W of 19115 taxes. about $3.001) of 1916 the Bank of Montreal. I taxes and* between M000 and #9-000 The committee reported further : et 10117 taxes. He suggested the QP- We also find a balaneb of $7.56 still at I pointment of a committee from the the credit of the Lalits Disaster Fund t council to go over the lists with him of 1913, and as considerable of this I and advise as to action. fund was spent in vreeting a monu- 4 In ansvwr to an inquiry from the ment 6n the sailors' plot in the ceme- I .mayor Mr. Campbell stated that he tery we recommend that the balance I would have the rdll ready to return be �laced to the credit of the cemetery i -in about a fortnight. fund to be used in heAplug to take care The letter from the Trustee of the of the sailors* plot. st Shore Railway wule w 9 p - Is the matter of a"ears owing by tlihied in Last' week's issue, which re- the Kensington Furniture Company on portid the -amount of money paid by their Mortgage, we %ave received a the Hydro -Electric RailwaY Association- lettee difed April -26th, 1191&� from Sir. to the Toronto General Trusts, was GarrO'vv,,;s1M1osIng,1a tetter 'of thersame date froid 'Mr. 41u.nipatt jasking ,.ktitions:fdr sewers on Wilson street that the 4obiicllaI1o%N Mr. Rumball the between BritannIii road and Cayley privilege "of paying the balance owing streets, on Hincks atreet between in instalments, $1,000 June ist, 1918 ;1 Baldwin street and the south end of $1,000 Dec. ist, 1918 . pt.000 June i8t, Hincks street, and on Cayley streets 019 ; and balance by Dec. ist, 19if) ; between Wilson and Warren streets, and also offering to turn the factory were referred to the public works site over to the town at a valuation of committee. $2,000, and your committee recommend A request for renewal of billiard and that the solicitor be instructed to stay pool room license from Craigle Bros. any legal proceedings in the matter. was referred to the spdcfal committee. We recommend that the letter from A request from H. R. Murray for the Ontario Municipal Association with permission to pasture two cows on reference to joining their As-soclation Agricultural Park was referred to the be flied. 1, public works committee. . The cemetery and parks committee A re4iiest from the Chief of Police reported traving visited the cemetery for suits and caps for himself and and recommended that tne grader with $ergt. Moore was referred to the spee- an extra man be, placed at the disposal J8,1 committee. of your committee for one or two days A petition with forty-two signatures to do some work at the cemetery, also of busineits men and ladies asked that that the fallen trees -ind brush In the a bylaw he passed ovosing all stores, ravine at the cemetery be cleaned up except dmig stores, .-cstaurants and and removed. pool roonis, at 6:30 in the, evening, The committee reportpd having pur- except on* Saturdays, days preceding cha8ed 100 maple shaae trees at the holidays, fair days and the vveek before same price as last year and would Christmas. have them planted at once. Zouncillor Story mo%ed that no The committft recommended that the actl(;n be taken. look -out In Harbor Park be rebtkilt. C�puncillor Wilson moved Jo referl The public works committee report - this to the special -ouimittee. I ed as follows : His Worship intimated lip. wished In the matter of a supply of cord - this laid on the table till next ineeting wood from Algonquin Park, we have night, when both these In favor of the obtained a price of $6.75 per full cord petition and against It could be heard. f. o. b.cars there for maple, birch and On account of the Board of Trade beech, and we are taking the matter meeting that night a nutzrber of mer- of delivery up with the railway and the chants could not be present at the fuel controller. meeting of the town eouticil and the With reference to tank car of Tarvia, Mayor said he had promised to give B. now on order from the Barrett them an opportunity to be preseDt.iCompany, a contpact has been sub - He understood.some of those who had, initted for signature, and we recom- Model Theatre rhe Hffsonalitr M DVr -AJMA .n THAIS the f Amtole Prulm GIREATE00017 PRODUMON of Ae DECADE vm 0" W tioil.sirord@4 wader 0. 14 Monday and Tuesday Mqv -1 3th and 14th Tickets 25c 0 Wil pill �4411, 5 il Forthe, Iso"As The speC,114 C9011111110ft rCcQu11se4dC4_' 80 �al Aho blillad-room and lim0lug- ley license of .1dr, F. 11. Wouds be newed upon p4yment of rise as re- 31WW3 GW%d Sim Ared by bylawl. -IkAW 1k That the chairman of this comutil-I e, the chairman of the parksfcom- We carry many QW101 ltQmstQ iittee and the clerk, be ft 0OMmittC8 include In tbeft boxes- rith power to b%vV prepared aild rkated a folirler' or circular advertis. Sm 1&f1ty iiiii Fivitele kg the advantages of the ItQwn- 117 These reports were -all adopted. ho Councillor filobertgon, said the police trormw hiih-ttmria',were only two life This pen is so constructed as to there contain a yc&r,l supply of ink in reservM on tht wAter went and tablet foicni. and all that in 0600- �ould be more�—Referred to harb6r sety is to all the reservoir of the mmittee. Wo with water and drOf th as i9k Councillor Wilson mentioned the tabla. this makes a p4rtbawrlt- ... 01,40 ealgrgesiest of the water ling fisid. Them peas am gusz� ioNkeir at Mv comietery and. on- his &AtOW &S4 will suit say hand - lotion, secoadsd , L by the Reeve. the writing. complete with Pocket latter was referred to the cemetery Clip and Ink Tablets no park* committee to report. r volunteered the informa- $L01 The [on th=re was some talk of Pump- ig water for- the cemetery by JVW . stern* Alcohol staires, Milt- lectricity. tary Brushes, 'pegislar Tread - Toe collectiqu. of 9_ie tax" came iQ, I=' Dr some discussion. the Deputy Reeve rejois uz'oh (Safi Chocolate atroducing it. Councillor Story Bar@. Oum, UxQ. Otc. tipught the assessor was doing very Air pinowej $2.00. velL- .- .." "'L.- . - . � � ­­ - 1, The mayor thought the assessor hould uAs his discretion and suggest- Jamn A lim*1111' d a motion that the conector proceed he. L o issue warrants where necessary and eport to the council from meeting to- MTItAL 811UG STW* aceting. GOORM, ONT. A former resolution of the council vas looked up. passed Feb� 14th, in- tructing the collector to i;ollect the axes forthwith, and, on motion of 'ouncillor Robertson. seconded by the PUBLIC SCOOOL BOARD )eputy Reeve, a resLAutlon was passed nstructing him to carry out the In- Wants Curlew Reguistions Strictly itructions of the former resolution. F-nitorceiri—Tcaichers Went .-Increases Councillor Wilson thought pressure The Public School Board met in the itiould be bre I ught to bear on those board room of tho Victoria school On urthest back first May 6th, at 8 P. in. The secretary's The Mayor called the attention of the report showed the following accounts 3hairman of thet finance committee paid since last mqeting : Samuel �o the collector's statement that he Young', 21A cords 'cedar, S8 ; Jas. Hol- 3xpected to have the roll returned In land Vs day moving desks, ft ; W. R. 1w 8 . p weeks, and asked if the chairmam Pin�er, supplies, $23.07 ; The Ben on Aras preparing the estimates so that Johnston Co.. mds'e.. 11.50 ; J. H. Leach, ffie rate could be struck early. mdse.. $6.83 ; Robt. Tait, supplies for His Worship suggested that the $166 schools, 02.12 ; $suits (,oal Go., coal, 3harged against the hospital board M1.33 ; (;anadian Banic of Commerce, itiould be disposed of. Last year the deposit box. $3 Fred Hunt, milse. for �rant to the hospital was Increased schools, $Jt..50 John Cult, oil, 400. Dy the amount of the taxes. Deputy J. W. Craigie, renewar of Policy. 11A Reeve Clark suggested it would be W. (;ampbell, taxes, $19.30 ; John Gait, Detter to reduce the grant ' postage, $2 -. Bell Tel. Co., $234 ; Mrs. The inatter was referred to the fln- Garrickson, supplying. $2.50 ; Miss A. ance committee. Nairn, supplying, $8.og ; Bell Tel. Co.. The Mayor next brought tip the ques- $13 25 Report received. - tion of a First of July celebration, with ih� principal of Victoria school's the Iden that all early announcement report read its follows : Number of would head off other attractions for pupils on rull—Boys 206, girls 182, that day. total 398. Average attendance— A resolution was a%iopted, on motion boys 173, girls i5t. Average total of the Depuly Reeve, seconded by 324. Penny Bank deposits for Councillor Wilson, that Goderich had April $J7.66, depositors 27. March D First (if July ce�ebration. depot�it.- $38.54, depositors 2A6. Total The Mayor then asked Councillor for 2 rtionths $106.25. The principal Wilson if he had had any,further in- r,por - ted III . at tire caretaker was off quiries as to the w,&,ciness of the sick during the month (of April and weights used in town, to which Mr. the work was attended to by a sUbSti- Wilson replied that he had not. The tute. During the last 6 weeks 19 of Mayor said he, hImse.r had, and in- our pupils have moved (out of town. tended to have thiD.poltce weigh some while 30 commenced in the' I�j%%cr of the parcels on delivery rigs to see if they .vPre correct. The next item on Uie Mayor's pro- The prifivipai - of the central grain was the tussock moth. He sug- school ro-ported as foilo,6%s : Number on roll,—bovs 99, girls 96, total M gested having one man,look after each Mock to see that this property owners Ayerage attptidance,--boys 80, girls M, cleaned the trees in front of their total 163,. kinount deposited In Ui.s property. He also suggested that the penny hank during the month was chairman of the parks committee gfA $Alf). I)Ppositors 100. In touch with the benoolteachers and The principal's reports were rb- the Horticultural Society to secure ceived. their co-operation. The following communication was Deputy Reeve Clam suggested 4hav- received from Miss. Sall : ing the street inspector secure a man To the Board,—Tfie principals and for each ward. assistants of the Public School stan A motion v4as passed in accordance assembled on Friday, May 3rd, to dL%- with the Mayor's suggestion. cuss matters of Importance to them The fire at Mr. Chrystal's boiler shop, They appointed a committee of four the Mayor said, was the subject of member,; to attend your regula I much comment, complaints being made meeting on May 6th In order to ex - as Xo NVater pressure being poor, the plain to you the aforesaid matters fire tLeam being outside the fire limits, May I ask on behalf (if the staff a etc. "I beg," said two Worship. -to hearing. appoint the chairman of the finance Yours very truly, committee, the phief of police and WINNIFRED BALL. Co . uncillor Wilson, a committee to 1.�Ilss ��harman,,one of the delegabei bring in a report as to wrist the faults from the meeting, was asked to ad. were, so that it would not occur ' again. dress the Board and stated that th4 I'll do that off my own vat." - teachers had decided to ask for w Disposal of garbage came next. The increase (if $50 to include this year Mayor said the town was employing Moved by J. W. Craigle, secouded b, two teams and sureh��we could be Mr. McLean. that the request be lef progressive enough to look after cer- to the Board. Carried. tain garba-�e. %fisq Sharnian stated that the in A motion that the Medical Health crease may be in salary or in wa: Officer be asked to issue certain In- bonuq. Miss Le Touzel and M.is struction with reference to the collect- Ball -,vert� asksd to dddress the Boarl ion of garbage was passed His Wor- but had nothing further to add. ship suggesting that ll�useholders Some accounts wure presented an4 should be instructeo, as to placing of referred to finance committee witt garbage in tine covered with net, etc. power to act. His Worship suggested that the The committee, appointed to investl Hospital Board be as . ked to open a free gatp the report of one of the princi clinic. This was a progressive step pal,& found the qwyie to be cerrecl and the local hospita", should show it was inoved and secondod that I some berrefit to the community In re- has be --n reported to this Board tha turn for the grant received. certain Immorality exists ani-ongsl tl� The county counmy would rnept the children and wp request a more s,lric first Tuesday In June and His Worship enforcement (if the curfew reg ila suggested to the repcesentatives of the tions- Carried. town on the county t-ouncil board that The speretary was requested t an invitation be extended to Sir Adam send a copy of this rpsolution to th Beek to come and aodrets a public Mayor. meeting In town while the council was it vaq agreed that tender,; for ent In session. bp askod for. A resolution to this effect was car- The meeting then adjourned. ried. The Deputy Reeve thought it wris 'S OWN TABLETS - time the public works committee BA ALWAYS KEPT ON HANI should see t6 the completion of the , v seN er. Mrs Ernest E. Adkins, Brottoi It was stated it wav still too Apt but Sask., writes :--"I have used Baby should soon be dry enough. own Tablets with great sureeq.9 fi The Mayor announced that a bylaw four years and always keep a box 0 would be Introduced at the next meet- h9nd.­ Thousands of other mother ing to comply with me Statute with , sav the tarne thing—nnoe they hai reference to thp utilim ion of Navant us�d the Tablets for their little ono lots. they will use nothing else. Expei ienre shows them that the Table, Thousands of mothers can testify to are the ideal medicine. They are the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm mild laxative, thorougn in action ar Exterminator, because, They know from neNpr fall to r(,Ile%e the minor at experience ho%v usofin it Is, . ments of little ones. The Tablets ai Dominion Express Money Orders sold by medicine dewers or by ma are on sale in five thousand offices at WP rents a box from The Dr Wi throughout Canada. li-Firro,' Medicin,, co. BrockAille, Ont. �=_N_ W =1111=*� TN Lewitt M01 .McC&II's Patterns. ,Fashionable, . b elieve this will bo a XMt.,�waater Coat season. I he styles we are so attractivo that.4"rY 144Y will desire to have one or men of thm handsoaW PrOctIC&I Sweaters, the Ideal or . "Ila"IL The ShodW Ut PopWar Fibre Silk Sweaters 0___ L—, -The1w - SWiliatOM &4* With-OUt doubt the Most hand that rubs It In rubs the pain away and on this account there Is no that stands so high in chic we have ever shown, Many new Are'the season's most. (twoted W"VG-' WS have them in odat styls. 6110 M144Y lstYlllf-� stvlea with large collars, novelty belts and sashes. gathered at back ' in all the ,, They come in beautiful fight Ilub, Comm. to Nile, Rose, Robin's Egg F rp ooloring, as Corn, Kelly Green, Copeu, Robin's'Egg Blue, Rhubarb, Nile, Pmebek. and Kelly Green, and prima at Melen, Gold, Black and White. From $6.so and $io-oo $7-50 tO $20-00 Special showing this week of Women's stylish Spring Coats at Popula' Prices S16.5o, $2000j.$2 -.and $:is.00 Verandah Time is- Here Coco Matting, Best Quality It is good once again to get out on to the Coca Matting on the verandah and steps not Verandah and enjoy life out of doors. We only inake the home look more attractive am well prepared with all the -necessary equipment for the furnishing of Verandahs. but Itimps out most of the dust wd dirt and Lovely Grass Matq and Rugs from sunny thus'lessens house cleaning, In the follow. Japan, in rich Cirientid designs, in the fol- ing widths lowing sizes 22 inch at 60c 3 ft. x 6 f t. $ 1.95 6 ft. x 9 ft. $ 5.75 27 inch at 75c 6 ft. x 101 ft. 0.7r) 8 ft. x 10 ft. 8.75 36 inch at 90c 9 ft. x 12 f t. 11.50 9 ft. x 9 f.t. 8.75 48 inch at $1.10 Awning Stripes for Vemndah Shades at Last Congoleum Rugs Season Nees We carried over a large stock of Awning StriperR Congoleum Rugs are idwd for the lw*gt* %vian from last season, which is fortunate. They in combinations of red and dab.. Rain and dampneiis has no etlect M) come ci�lor white, green and white, navy and white, them. Beautiful coloring, all size-;. lit 30 inchips wide, at 39c per yard. keenest prices. The Leading Mail and 'Phone Qrder Store. We Prepay all Mail, Ex- press or Frelght. Shipments A where In the Dominion. "y _1 1-1. . -W " ,phone56. MILLAR'S SCOT(M STORE 'Phone 56 11 "1 - BIG THINGS FOR GODERICH PORKER GODIRICH BOY SEES BIG POSS11111- UT1183 FOR TOWN Of HIS NIRTH - The move that the Goderich Board of Trade has started, with a "Greater Goderich" as its o6jective tFi getting our friend, W. 0. coutte. of Big Stone Gap, Va., working for Godericb, and be is some booster. ("The beat booster I know," is the way Mr. Boykin put' It ,%hen he was In Goderich.) W - G - is a former Goderich bay and is brimming over with 61[ithIlBill,"n), also With sUg- ge6tions or ways in which Goderich can launch out. 1,1 am starting in," he writoem.., to agitate the Buffalo to Goderich Inter- national Tourists Automobile concrete road. It means big thions to Buffalo, as she is the gateway for all 17. S. A. Canadian tourists. with Niagara Falls so close. "Detroit will still get the 62 it (lay tetwheirclass of tourists, but if Uode- rich wamts the $10 a day class of tourists she will have to made a bigh- way for them to got In via Niagara Falls. of courais it mould not cost Goderleb one penny. The Government and province and the counties all join in together and foot the hill. Someone hag to start it. "I am writing the Buffalo fellowit about the big thiDgR you fellows are doing. I feel sure they will takena, hand. They are the gateway a d metropolis to all of Western Ontario. Why wouldn't they? "lam advocating making the morn hership 800 instead of 400. Don't forget you have the biggest organizer In the 17. S. A. Don't forget you are getting an example anel Inapiration to every s town In North America. Vou are the r first town of your Rize that has ever i tackled the game on tobe big wale - R making Goderich the Chicago of Ciln- P, ada, also the Garry of Cannda, also the s gateway for the C. P. It. to the Im- . mense Canadian West, also the real R Highland" of Ontario tonristA center of it Canada. Also build a dozen big mbips I to help out in this ship crisis. Also nse - every means possible to speed up the p shipment of grain to the boys at thin I Ivont. Also take the initiadve in gqqt- Ing Rome modern rosula In Canada, RO the tourist who 114 lousy with war Unvarying quality, rigidly maintained for many years, f has earned for the "Bachelor" cigar the high regard 3 for 25 of Canadian smokers. .3 ANDREWW1 Tonowro �, � � -, i , I � 4 A profits can got over to Canada and have a look for himself. Also go after a new W _-III_ 'X-Aw.�w aw-4 111(4w F AWAPAW, collegiate Institute in mass formation. 14 "Let us be optimistic and very en. thusiagtic. Lotus throw thebars clean* IN flit IN THE GREAT WEST LIFE', down to progress. It hubs Pain Away.—There Is no,lini- ment so efficacious In overcoming pain LOWEST.PNEMIUMS art Dr. Thomtks' Felectria 011. . lite MQSt J11HAL POLICY hand that rubs It In rubs the pain away and on this account there Is no that stands so high in MOST 9krISFACTSAY SMUMENTS preparation public esteein. There to no surer pain- BUSINE36:1111 FORCUS120,000,000 killer procurable, as thousands can attest who have used it successfully in treatItiv many Lillmentp. GIEO. WOODS A0111INT GODCRIUN 'rhe Star to -Jan. i8t, 1911), for White Star Line f0 T Annuail Excursion MM GODERICH TO- DETROIT and Return STEAMER GREWHOUND LEAVES GODERICH Tuesday, June 11A,11.8111MA.T. Returning Leaves Detpolt, T . hursday, June I 3thp I p.m.# fttftlt time rIV, $2 Round Trip $1.50 One WaY (C,'� y The only boat trip from 4S"erich to Detroit this 640110 No pamciportA required for- mates of WA11tay age on tili. t,!I, Sitnvlv sign vour name for the Iromigmdon Offib" who will I o on duty on hoard steamer at t1we of 8"Adwe. Canadians corning to Detroit for a tenlDo kre not ro r-,- quiled tAi pay it head tax or make a deposit. " .!� I gra 1 offieern will he on the steamer to put L J BAND MOON OUT OF dODERIC11 Monday Eve., June 10th, 8 P.M. 25c Music and Dancing in Greyhound's Now Ball Room F!0100 DO 2 [Pei R MR r, Lo r R ITL- ej WD 7 -4 ­ J,