HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-10, Page 3eop
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I - W�AR
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Di str i'd Gleanino
I I %_Ii? P A a � pin ---
F-A IA W PRAN Mrs. James Twitchell and family 71 years and A months. lie vi 110RON'lly AIIARKbTs.
have moved rtom Clinton to NVIndsor. I Ive of oxford, Eng., and eame lo this
Mrs. It, Rowland had the misfortune country fifteen years ago, (Inding cm- TORONTO. Jilay 7 -The foHowing
p1q),juenk in the Qpand Tr4nk shops at an the Board of Trade QUOtat,100,1111
LIVER BOTHERED BEL to fall the other day and fra0uro her
Stratford. tor yesterday:
hip, . Mr. jobn Welsh, on6 int the early in- Manitoba wheat (in Store, Fort Willialis.
Mr. And Mrs. John Dark a nd daugh- ants 4 ),As!,Rj,4, including VV*o TaxX
reti� 'Out,# Wr of the-Ith .9,f Nv.t�r 10ilita. m! �
W .'Coincessiort of GmT have ildhil No. I
w h1w. away on -Sunday, April 28th, following No. 2 northern.
ri -411 hAve been Bick for P about moved'to Brussels. No. 3 northern,
.1our earls with Paine in my head and a few days illness of pneumonia. TIW r11270
Y, No. 4 wheat.
=4 ]I mr. W. J. Halliday, of, Calgary, has deceaso was aged '46 years 4.nd 9 American Corn (Tra,�k. Toronto).,
U44 my ahoulderal whicli *-,Alw been visiting her sisterz,, the Misses
t were caused by working on =_* milths. lie viias. born in Devonshire, No. 3 yellow. kiln drie nonezaill.
�in the4un. on the fayin. Halliday, in Brussels. En land, and when a babe of tell No. 4 yellow. Win dried. potalual,
$. Ontario Oats (Accgrding to Freight* Out -
People told me that it won my liver Will Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. F, 8. months -'was brought to Canada with side).
,bothering me, so I bought three viaill, Hall, of Constance, formerly of Clinton, his payerats, settling on the 2nq con- No, 2 white. S&C to #Dc. nosaillot.
of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and Is reported missing at the front. cession of Usborne. Mrs. John suell, No. I white, Re to 83c, notiallaal.
found that they were doing me' good. Miss Alice Fowler, a long time rest-, of Exoter, Is as Sister. Three children, Ontario Wheat (Gaills, in Store, Montreal)
sur%ive, Richard. Mrs. W. D. Sanders Ni&. 2 winter. per car lot. WIL
J continued taking them until now I dent of Clinton. passed away, at her P4tas
... !According to Frolubta Oultsidoll
Ata well and strong. I am very thank. home oil Saturday ovesing, Apr. 2-,th and Mrs. Thos. Jones, of Exeter. 0&#.Iey nominak
,,:.IW to you for my recovery." Capt. C. 0. Vanstone, son of Mr. W. Mr. Robert Sanders, the oldest na-1 (AccorolLig to' Freights, OvUldeL
Malting. 81.64 th 41.541,
Milburn's LAza-Liver Pills am a F. Vamtone, of Wingham, adjutant of ti"i"a born resident of Exeter died oil Ouckwheat (According to Fratillirts Out.
specific for all troubles "Ing from the 161st battalion, has been wounded Sunday evening, April 28th. at St. aldo)�
a Joseph's hospital, London, following Buckwheat, 41.44 to
In France. According to FrOlghtS 01116141106
morbid state of the liver, so keep it an Illuess of about six weeks. The de- $3.45.
active by the use of these easy -acting, Barrister Sinclair, of Brussels. has ceased was in his 76th year, Mr. Sjln- Manitoba Flour (TorentoX
gone West to Saskatoon, Medicine Hat ders was one of the idest known med , Wa..rjq�VV
Ron -irritating little pills. and other points, looking after busi- in the district. his l4w for fishing and 0 1;
ur (Prompt Shipment).
ve War quality, $10.65. in hem Mostroall;
Milburn's Laxa-Uver Pills are 25c. a ness for clients. sh$otiax having taken bim to nearly $,#.", in baga. T*to&to,
-.VW at all dealers or mailed direct on Pte. Elden Hastings, a brother .,of- every galrlk-' Mliffeed- J40ar--Lote, DoUverod, -Misaltroall
treoeipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Elmer Hastings, of Morris, was killed abounds. He travelled widely in Can. Frolghts. Buis ingluided)6
Bran, per ton. $35. Ill.
Umited, Toronto, Ont. In action in France April 23rd. Anoth- ada and a number of winters lie .14 spent Sborts. w ton. 040.40.
er brother, Alvin, wKs killed in action in the South. About six week, a ) Hay (Trook. Torantall.
. ffA
some montlis ago. while at Grand Bend, lie was taken -ill No. i. per ton. 816 to $IT. 41
and three weeks ago wast taken to th Mixed. per ton. $14 to 116. 1,
OSTEOPATH Councillor J. P. Sheppard, of Clinton, e Straw (Track, Torontig]6
fell from a stooL in his store Tuesday hospital at London. The deceasm Car lotili.jpr ton fs.: to ss.
DFt. UEORUE HEILEMAN of last week and gave hip, ankle a se- was born on a farm on the site now ameh Arkat.
110ocialist, in women's andil.611=.T.adi'� nil wheat -Killing. $314 per busbak
A.I. Acute. chronic and nervous diaordem vere wrench and it is thought the known as Exeter, being a son (it the Goose wheat -,42.10 to 102.12 per bushok
r a, dealines8, eye notic and throat. small bone may be broken. late Win.: and Mrs, Sanders. I Barley-Malilat, $1.60 per busbol.
e ol w1i car,
ds removed bout the knife. Con -
free. Office and remidenoo, Nelson Another of the pioneers of McKillop Whigham Advance : Clayton Baxter Oat& --94o to Wo per busholl.
WASI'Lo-al d waStreets back of Temperance passed away, on Saturday, April T7th-, Duff, dearly beloved son of. the late Auckwhesit-41.96 per bujibeill.
0 ro It 18 pa f, too
flall. North Street. Office hours 9 to 12 a, mo. In the person of Mrs r3ridget Sullivan, Robert N. and Mrs. Duff, passed away HiLy-Tirnothy, 117 to
'I to 6 pik In. Mondays, Thursdays and Satur - Sullivan, of the oil Wednesday afternoon, April 24th, ad and clover. $15 to $1 per on.
U'rs. veningti by appointment. rilliet of the late Petei I LtVVJUPOOL 51AILKETS.
first concession, at tile age of 83 years. at the family home, Bluevale. He had
boen an invalid for over a decade an(, I Liverpool. M" C -Beef. extra India
LE0AL CARDS Saturday afternoon 4 -year-old Doro- slog.
thy Newells, of NXingliam, while play� a half.-YeL he took more joy ont of '"- 'western, 330a.
d-1HARLES GARROW, Barrister licitor, fell life,,thaln many who walk about. fly' Pork, prime moss,
Corner North street an4 Square Ing near the edge of the river, _ I =, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs.. 1270.
ONEtc Intcre$t in life, lay In tilt, clill Cumberland cut. 29 to 30 lbo..
41eirtch: Ili 14e water and would Iiave drovxied Kl:eat - P
had not Arthur Law jumped In and ron of'the community, the birds and 152111.
CSHAGER the flowers. Though lie could not join Cle- bell,- 14 to 16 Tha.. 2608-
. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLI_ carried her to safety, Long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 Ili&..
Offic AND C NVICYANOFR them, he planned their ganitis and 1604L ' to 40
e: Court House Goderich A quiet but pretty vvedding took amusements from his v%indow. lie had Long clear middles, heavy, 33
place at Like Thames Road Presbyterian gifts both as a writer and an artist 153s -
RC. RAYS 'Phone 88 manse on Saturday, -,pril 27th, when His drawings, ehietly in pen and InL-:1 stio�tZlear backs, 16 to 10 lbs., 1670,
. *," I Sho ra, square, 11 to 13 Thu., 129s.
BARRIOTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Rev. Dr. Fletcher united Ili marriage haNe appeared in most of tile paper'. Lord. prime western, in tierces. 1490 6d.
Office Hamilton St., Sterling Bank Block Miss Vera Chalmers, daughter of Mr. and magazines in,Canada and Ili-, poems ' Ainerican, refined. palls, 152s; do.. boxes,
Goderich - and Mrs. Win. Moodie, of Usborne, and and literature sketches found all envi 150s.
REAL EsTATz. LoANs. IN13URA-CIC Mr. Stanley Coward. able place. In 1915 tie dre* a series of Tallow, Australian In London. 72&
CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY Mildred Elizabeth, infant daughter of recruiting sketches that had a tar e Turpentine spirits, 125a.
9 Resin. common, W fid
GEORGE & GRFENSLADE, Bayfleld, Convoy- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Willis, of circulation. For soine years It had Petroleum. refined. 18 6%d.
ancingand Notary Public. Jamestown, died Ili Me Wingharn Gen- been at work, as tie was able, on a I.Ansead oil, 623.
upROUDFOOT KILLORAN & COOKE. cral Hospital on Monday, April 29th. s( -rips of critical artirles oil the Can- Cottonseed oil, 680 6d.
Ba:rristeI4.' Solicitors. Notarie8 Pub- The, little girl was about ten niontlis adlan poets. Most of these were pub- War kerosene, No. 2. is 2%d.
oo. -O. the 2.d door from Hamil- old. Interment took place in the lished but his strength. failed him be -
ton street, Goderich. Wroxeter cemetery on Tuesday. fore the wopk was donp. Ili, was j. P. 19ickell & Co. report the following
I ad 0
W Private funds to loan at lowest rates. File. James A. WeAcott, SPRforth, above all an optimist, who despite, priceii on the Chicago Board of Tr
J. L, KILLORAN. H. J. 1) COOICE. .vho went over �\ith trie Nist Huron �,,ars of Ill health, could look u"n Open. Hligh. LOW. Close. Close.
Battalion, is Ili - a casualty clearing tilt- world with a kindiy swile, and if� Corn-
AUCTIONEERING station with gunishot wounds in tile smiles did not grow besidf- him they May 127 V, 127% 127 'A t27% 12704
head and his arm. Ile has been (in soon sprang from his whinisical fan- July 148% 148% 1446% 147% 148%
MA OUNDRY. the firing linp, sinee Mareh� A kvin cles and his quiet humor. While Ile Oats --
Way .... 77% 77% 74% 75% 77%
TB brother Clarence also went o� er with look a de(�p interest in persons and July .... 68% 63% 64% 6`7% 68%
Live Stock arid General Auctioneer. things about him lie lived, t'o, Ili 73% 73% T3% 72% 74%
Hamilton street. Goderich. the Huron battalion. June . .
Sales made everywhere and all efforta made another world -that of NNriter' and PorlL�,
oltive you asitisfaction. NLr. George Pollard, who for the past poets. Through tile long winter Ili. May .... 45-75 45.75 45.60 46.60 46,02
Farmers, sale notes discounted. few years has been a resident of Clin-
longed for spring, and the last thing July .... 46-10 46.ZG 45.910 45.9,0 46,50
ton, passed to the unseen world on he did was to have a bird house biiiit 11ftrd
VETERINARY. Tuesday night of last week after an y .... 25.37 25.47 25.35 25.37 25.63
that lie niti�ht see it from his July N. 90 25.90 25.67 25.72 15.97
DR. w. F. CLARK, V.S., graduate of the RIness of several weeks. He was a There are left with very happy Ineill- Rlh��"
ontario Veterinary College. Toronto. I native of County Car,ow, Ireland, and orles fits inother,, Mrs, ljobert N. I)jIff, May .... ..... .... ..... 1.3.40 25.55
respectfully call the attention of horse owners was in his ninetieth year. He was the fo u sisters, Mrs. %,ouis Aitken and July .... 24.20 24.25 NA7 24.13 24-30
to my a �proved method of operating on horses'
tooth. � fresh strobly Of veterinary medicine father of Nirs. J. F. Wasmann. Miss Polly Duff, of BIu(,N:kIo ; "ilis.,
always on hand. office and stableti-NewRate Mr. Wm. Lavell Chillinguarth, liuh,y Duff, Norwich, N. Y. : -Nfiss, E�R
,treet Goderio) brother of Mrs. J. Ran,:-) and Mrs. Fan- D it ff, Welland ; and two brotlior,. \\,. I CATTLE MARKETS
nie Olivor, of Clinton, died at Stratford j. [)uff, St. I'lio,11�1s, and 1,, it, Doff, I UNION STOCK YARDS.
INSURANCE on Thursday morning, April 25th, aged \vt,lland.
TORONTO, May 7. -With receipts
McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRL INSUR- of more than 4000 cattle. coupled
j! ANCE CO. with a steady to strong tuarket, with,
Form and Isolated Town Property insured, g, exposure to cow and dampness,
wounus. uruise.,;. rougn or carelesb if aayLhing, a slightly upward ten -
value of Property insured up to January, BEES IN THE SPRINGTIME "' dency the Union Stock Yards Ex -
1910P 3 U8 X5.00 ha"(111lig Guriul; w1iiiiag, ew., Awl
0 11*6JFkS-Jam0H Connolly, Presiden in mally Cases appeals 'iiiLAlut,11, well change waz one of the busiest places
Goderloh*Jas. M70,118, vlce�Prealdent, Beset in Canada. From early In the day
wood;T K RayR. See. -T reag.. Sea forth. Fine Weather Necessary When taarlie(i t�ause.
L)I1tE�T6ItS--D.F- moorqF_or,Soatorth; J.G- ymptouis.-Oue or wore quarters till the Doon hour trade wmz espe-
Grieve, Winthrop, Win. wrin. COU"LaDc"; They Are Taken From Cellar. of �6fhe udder Ueewue swol-icti, bard cially active and prices for all grades
George M,;C trtnm;. Tuoicerstni'll; John Fcrri�, of eat�le well maintained at last
Harlock'John t3annewide, Broadbagan: Alal- and LeUdel'. 'jue patitnl. beCOLUeS week's top notch prices.
Cohn ZEwau, 3ritcatleld dull, appedLe lc6setied and t Euper-
AGENTS-J. W- Yeo, Godotich; Sandy PAINFUL DISEASE CURED aLUre iucreased. lLiu quality icr Lhe The hog trade, with receipLs of
Leitch, Clinton; wm. cho6ney. 6eatorth : E. 2062 head, was steady with last
ElLachley. k3oaforth. t uiiik is uiore or less altered. In most week's closing prices of $20.75 fed
Policy Holders can gay their assessments a Interesting Information for Dairy- cases curaied wilit and a Win fluid
R, H. Cutt's Store, oderich A. J. Morri-li'm bilug whey appears when Lho and watered, though one lot touched
Clothing Store. Clinton, or I H. Raid's, Bay- men Regarding Success In New reBeLu $21; $21 weighed off, and $20 f.o.b.
Mold Treatments for Inflammatiou of Leats are drawn. In some cases a
portion of curdled milk becionlift WINNIEPING LIVE STOCK.
Udder -Late Spring Suggestions marke
FRATERNAL SUCIFTIES lodged in the luiik duct and if; some- Winnipeg. May G. --The cattle rke
For the Farmier. what. bard LO remove. in some cases todayewas slow, with the domand for
NCIENT ORDER OF FORgsTERS. -T buteh r cattle poor, as the quality is not
A I fnendy and BenevG_ (Contributed by Ontario Dep%rtment of clotted blood also appears. good, mostly half -fat stull. Hull -4 and
lent . only legal resei-e Con'sLitutional txeatinent consists oxen stockers steady, The hog market
ociety in Chuada. Sick an funeral b�ne Agriculture, Toronto.) 8
fits "traight life, to to 3 pay life iind in keeping the patient as comfortatile wag teady. Receipts, 700 cattle and 1035
i� over 2,000000 0 45o'000'000* HE arrival of spring brings as possible, prelerably in a roomy,
eiiijewment insurance. Vy.enndri, hors.
Meinbershi Zourts in all parts Butcher steers $10.50 to S15 -W h ifers,
of the wort . up the question, "When and weli-bedded box sLalL. A brisk parg- $8.60 to $14.50;' cows. $5.25 to ;13.50;
Court'Haitiand,N08097, G�Aerich, inects Ist 5
-n)nth. Hall, cc-ner how shall I set my bees out. ative of I to 2 lbs. epsom salt, i�j Lu bWla, $7.50 to $12 oxen. $7 to $12. 0;
and 3rd Mondays each T d feedet.. $8.50 to $10.75, veal
No,rth street and Square. toitors always rel- 1 dram of gambage and I to 2 oz. stockers am
of the Cellar?" to the minds , (acc,ordiDLg LO SiZe of patient.) calves, $7 to $16; hogs, selects $19.50;
CoTne. Por infcr nation ai)�)Iy .,; ginger heavy, $lG to $17; stown, $15 50 t'0 s-16,50;
GEK). Fl. SMIT11 C. R. c. HUNT. See of all farmer beekeepers. The an- Ltis8olved in a quart,ol WLI'm water a tags. $8 to $10; light, $16.50 to $19.
--I'- for iudirment. on the part should be 9i n and foilowed up
El"T 5 JWXJ�
of each beekeeper. The factors which
must tak-e a part in forwing correct
WILLi 4 to 6 drains of nit -rate of poLa-9- j
Ituai twice daily for three days- Th e
East Buffalo, May 6
COT is, 4300. Prime steers, $16.75 to $47.35:
patient should be led food not p&rL-
smppping st"re, $16 to $iG.5ii; butchers.
judgment are (1) the cellar, (2) the
t;ularly inclined to ca"e milk pro-
$12.25 to sig.2Z; lietrers, $10 to $13; cows.
uees, and (3) the season.
LlucLion UnLil the inII&MMaLlon is
$6,50 to $12; bull:o, $7.50 to $12; stockera
Tne Ideal cellar Nilli permit the
and feeders� $7.50 to $11; fresh cows and
beekeeper to keep his bees confined
Lo c al treatment COMiStS ia "PIY-
springers, W5 to $145.
Easier; $7 to
uluca longer than will an unfavaraule
Ing neat to Lhe udder, either by keep-
CalYedii.-Reoelpts, 3300.
cellar. juis is desirable. A fairly
ing hot poulLices to it or by long
Hogs--Receipcii, 9000� Active; heavy.
dry, dark, easily regulated and venLi-
conLinued and frequently repeated
$18.10 to 118,35; mixod, 118.40 to $18 411;
Lated Cellar wnen the temperature
batnitig WiLli hot water. potiltieci,;
light yorkers. $18.40 to 118.50; pigs. $18 50
can be niaintained at 4Zo degreeg
c4tn be applied by using a Piece ( If
to $18,66; rourha. $16 to $1625; stags.
Fatir. is Ideal. VeU fe w Ontario
cloth or cauvas, with note cut fur
$12 to S 13
Sheep and lambm-RecelPtA. 8400. Slo
farm cellars will meet these require-
� I
I - In ,
LUO protrusion ol We Teats an As- and lower; larn-, , , to . . : ew at
Ment.8, however, so that tao weather jug it o) btringS 01' MLralid uver $17 85; yearlings. $13 to $15.50; wethera.
conditions Play a M01e prouitneat Lell
I" jils aud jujus. The applical.1011 $14 to $14-50; "Wes- SG to $13.50; mixed V139LD CHOUR WITH I)ANDRI�IOSM.
part in Lot' Lariner-beext�ep, deci- We Li sheep, $13.50 to $14
sion. oj puultj(,k,s of tlio propriewry pre . CHICAGO LI78 STOCIL be does in church. A single dandelion
J)aruLi011 jjuoAn as ' unLipt11091BLIiie k-. I- � ow to rodute 10000
As a rule. the Larmer-t.,�keeper gives guoil I-_ujti,.. 'Itie auia snould Chicage, May 6. --- Catrtle--ReCeiPta, 15,- en D n
will do well to carefully select Op- LH (ILb tll.1�11el 4 b 000. Mrns; beeves. $10.10 to $17 70; seeds.
ve LbO Col- oe uraAa NO I Stockers and f"ders, $8.30 to $1240; 'The tw8t remedy for nil Weeds 13
portune WC&ther and to 91 U KI 9 cc" and heifers, $980 to $14.10; Calves,
CLUBBINC RATES Guy a.rae protection alter SeLLing Out. tinjes daily aDd L'Itel edClJ il"r. pr I even on.
Watch tae weatner Lorecasts cAu" ly Lbe uduer suouid U,- well ul�sziaged $8 to 1114 25. tj KNp the lawn growing
and rulobed W11.0 Camp"UnAled 'W. Hogs_-Fteralpts. 43.00 Sytrong; light, vigorously. adding fert.1lizers if Beres -
WITH THE STAR ana when the wA44 ZeLs urouud to 7.95; mixed. $17 to $17 85*
Where Lillis Oil t_dliDuL 1,e rk*aUi1Y )6 1$17'20 to $1 6.20' , gary. Leave Do bare spots. Watch
tile South and e.,.bt, wita a prospect heavy $1620 to 11766; rough. $1 to
taint;d ILS 8ub,,t-,",'uu U) 6.0se- I - e of wee& Bud
5 tor rain on the inorrow, start in the o $16.55; pirm. 813 50 to 117 16; bulk or for the first appearane
Tim St&I sail Toronto Daily Glolpe ......... .. $5 2 evening and move Out all it possib!e. grta' gi�i.s good J. ti. li., aa I,". t17.25 to 117.75 liwtr�cyilthem Immediately. CUt tbeM
My Had Ra E ir 5 25 It size of 0,,,r.l Agr,CUILWal i 10,000 Firm: native, 0
Montreal Faik11ygs;7.6�i.,;i Contract all ei.)Lrances to 811 $12.80 to $1675; lambs. native. $1554 W ut an( firm the sot[, packing It with
WeekluStar .................. 2 65 colony, glvl,36 _j�oug colonies ap- rop,,. 121 25 the fooL If a large. bare spot remains
WmItly (Tersolo) .......... 2 40 proxiinUl.ely ,d . b, 2. 111. &Lid ar. 11intil tilt, 11,t-1 tfter digging out the weeds it in advis-
Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 range a Cil",- 01 CLLail (6 to 6 To j;JQL1 i.,OVS 01 carri),s, Marri Tribe"men Sign Guarantee. able to add Rome rich moil &Ud 50w &
Toronto Daily Worlil ........... 5 25 luenea thick UL O�ek We brood inadgi,-S. ug�l D, - ", pot a"), � n I LONDON, May 7 -Punitive op4,,.r- Ittle grass seed."
cuaLaber. LL pl). LU I,UCR We 8,deti Cloil, tile L�il b" IUIU U' '�Pll p" sidons against the Marri t r The e
Toronto Daily News ............. 4 as well. jjA tLie uortueru jjAt_d jivu ,i In the Punjab region of I.Z,aun. If,* till, ''ifol"t ho I ."I r
Farmer's Advocate .............. 3 00
T6 coastry GentlesuiR ......... 3 25 Sections of t)DLajju. z5pecial puckirl& L,.0 J 6-1 J, 14-1 1 1 It been successfully concluded, arcord�
Loo&o Daily Ailverilsor ....... 5 00 cases of �ys in. ,vriaj are ii.,Auo lot ........ ........ i - ., Ing to an announement by the Indian
=D this purpose, g,tAT; J to 4 '-Cneg driq j:.k� ...... Off1ce. The Government terms have
P A ., ...ot � to urowi li�ioit-iic- th,t r,-t.rj I,-
5 2 90 packing rpow. be4- 8 cued by thp chlef of ill,, trib.-K-
World Wilk Resewal ......... 4 25 reariDg 18 VU,Y -1- uulcll 1,�, L, u, men, who expressed contrition for N - 1,+o, tit ind (.io-, ri-i ikri,
U1,13 % i j, o it t, past misil".da and guaranteed thp
prubyteria ged Westminster. 3 30 Packing and LuiAi�b L',LLU1t! bull"
Cafluilic Register ............... 2 90 up more rapidly, v. A. V1. Oil-, Ou good behavior of his followers in the "d twoolvi.ii in ti-ir o ti,,n
I (Torente) ...... 4 25 tario Agriculitt,al ;ojjv&C, LUeIPD, Oe L i, r to pl,,ilt t, c- I-( IJL- f ii�ii It- qoffi,r,-r,,
Saterillsy NI& naa [U., i.Ittl 01 Ala) I 1,,m future. The witbdrawal of the troops r,� -I--] ;,It th,
s A ............. 2 75 untariO. j)IRLIL tlillt Y001 �''U L' 11 d -Y" "11 4 1 from thp Marri country has bppn com-
uA�e L), t a- 1 -1 ' menepil
........ 2 25 it A.1 U ;, It. d nd �ati%fart,,ry
(ja At
Woman*ip Holes complatias To Treat Inflamed Udder of Cows. D'i p;.� 111 11) e 0: , r
(Now YOA) ................. 3 75 MammItis or julTaintuation of Lhe '.�Ilol 11-W I � .N I - . - � L., Petnvil-rad Liberated from Menace- 1 1,, oolred.
The Saterilay Evesing'.Post .... 3 25 udder is a common (ii9ease in cows. -e 'I) �1,kll .. . A . , I J.- %,11,1i IA)NDON, May 7. - The general
T6 La", Blow jearead - - .. 3 50 It 18 CAtiseil by_. ttjrt1guj_gr milij. e.triy 1 iu- 4 it 1;1.. 1, it.tl , commanding the Petrograd garrison
LIncluding postage to Canadian Submirt hem) 1'� L' I I . . I hn�(- 111� .1 11J.11 has Isqued a statement dowlar-ing the
The C.&SI&A Countryman -I oNij!;g.jt.,,j. t ra,ny � ni.i) city now free from any direct men-
(WeAdy) ..................... 2 00 ver) looti'al"y :1 ul,x ace and that the Populace halt no
Tin Youtli's &Iiiiiiiission ........ 3 75 r k, ratise for alarm, says a Renter de- iti,
Scattia Amerise ............... 4 00 SAYS LEMON JUICE
Seteglific Amemas ............. 4 75 - - --- _ ____ 111101's I patch from Moscow under date of
...... 3 00 0%
Now Is lbe tilnp for organuallorl
....... 3 00
srAess Qlrlsl Make this cheap beauty IW*n There will be a greater n -,,-e I I it RICED POT %T0E.1-; HEII .1' Ok T A& 9
..................... 4 50 to clear and whiten your skin. roduction in cities. Inwn,,; aw
flagps this stinimpr thnn rNer to,f FLOUR
To sublitarlbers In the United States Plan what yoti will do -0h OW J'a, FI v, - I" .. I Q
&o centa addition to all above, to pay Squep7o the juice 04 two lemons into vard or vacant lot now, qo that vkht'll thi-wivii a iii -r. .,r- r.,r,d Ilit-miuh
postage. a bottle containing three ounces of the season hegint in a fev% ;I hT Iraig;.r. (arl b" ']�i in jilac'.
Any combination of the above publi- orchard white, shake well, and ydu have hPnee, you Ail] kn,m %%flat I,, -1,- -1-1 .f (j Ili- fl-oir In half"rs "r
cations may be had with The Star, for a quarter pint of the best fieckle and will lost, no prociow,; lime aho"t 11 ,,dd 1.41 JIaf'W� ",owy SOAP
example: tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at Onco thp garflon Fra,;,,ri -tar 1, 0 ij,I. 11111 fkf"' 11-d - Pft%11�
The Sur aa Daily Mail said Empire .... $5 23 very. very small ooeit. and say starts with a rw4h Tlwr,� )- I- a. 11w fr(-n 11"I
Tu Flintily fleftNA$2.65 Is" $1.50) 1.15 Your grocer has thoi lemons shortage of ve f-tablo AP -11 exrf�ld Ow fla�-ir qmt,- a,, in -d
drug atnre or toi1tt counter will sup" I pargnipq. WhIllp'salp dpalprq hn\,, Pure
T6 Tbm hpm ..................... 46 4S three ouneft of orchard white for a ev
r fragrgisit plenty of ,Oeds in stock PIGS AND POTATOF-S leans S nks,cloWs
EtalnWAITOM by Postal Note or Ex- C"t& MA111114496 tilt sw"A
lotion into tille (&a@, stock, arms and 1,row potatnes anil �ej tablea in ills roa: . s rds mwe
V"M order at our risk. Address hands each day and see how freckles and Children Cry pry vacant city lot ariff"fePA pigs
V,&NATrER & N&FTEL, blemishes Ai9&PVftT 9*4 hOw clftT. soft on kitchen refuse- there are two
Pubtlahers The 8111ar, lutill *bite "o skia bwoums. Test tj FOR FLETCHER'S wayA of doing something to help Wi I
004166*, 096. 's "ra"M * CASTOR I A the Present food crisis -
stnlhm * Fashions,
From everywhere.come rePort3 that the demand for OxfotJ3
PpulpsSamouaw almost to a craze. Have a care the kind
--Viil�bpyv for the well-fitung ones are few.
The late" CmAtIlOull' am here In white, black, mahogauy kid
&U_d patput leathers. They are made by tbip best Fuotweekr
WaBufaeture�s alld Will give a Clinging, conifortable ill to all
who wear them. At a moderate price.
Tennijig SIT4 Outing Shoes for the boys and girls ary now
In stock.
""Ok Ur square GODURICH
The Prompt Answer!
IF the, h4h of answering promptly
when the telephone bell rings were
universal,the saving of time would be
q Few things are more pleasing to telephone
users than a prompt and courteous response
to a telephone call. In business, the practice
of prompt. answering has been a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
q Practice prompt answering yourself and
make it a rule in your business.
The Bell Telephone Co.
1 11(101' Hit' ULISI)iCOS Of tile Canada
I wd lli)arol. .15,000 Canadian boys CASTORIA
lrmn I", A -i h) years of age, were For Tnfants iLnd Children
rnliod it) help out this surniner on
1he farin. To datv, 23,0N responded In Use For Over 30 Years
tit otitarti) und tile Western pro- ftlwyo bours
%nice -i almie. Qui,bec and tile Mari 10
Lime ProOnves hold their enrol -1 Signalthuto of Z111 ill
ulont lalor. I I � �#
a a a I
. - .. A . 1� - � I -M
A Soldier's offering to his
sweetheart Is haturally the
sweetmeat that 9M him
most refreshment and great-
est enJoyment when on duty.
The Havour Lasts
Ne" Me
T96- _41,
[%WdrO Of
on the
Merits 01
Make money in your spare time
ill Is Wintcr by selling Nursery
Stock and New Seed Patatoesi.
This is the right time to start on
Spring Sal,,s.
Ave pAy hibitticst oommioidong and turn.
Ish our Salesmen with literature with
a "puilab" to it.
Seed for our 114t of Now Offering- and
full particulara.
The Fenthill Nuileries
(ESTAIII1111110 16371 TQR4"",_0!4T,_
Re iable Agent in Huron County to
Asell Pelham's PecrIese Fruit and Or -
liatuental treesduring Fall arid Winter
inouths. Good pay, exclusive, territory,
free selling equipment.
Over 600 Acreu of the choicest Nursery
Stock, including NEW varieties con-
trolled by us Handsome up-to-date sell-
ing equipment and a splendid C&Dadian
grown stock to offer cuavimers. We are
not jobbers. write now fot agency
terms to
Toronto, Out.
N.B- -Cataloguesent on request to appli-
cants for ageucies or purchasets, of
Nursery Stock.
CZitting Does No Good; Roots Must Be
"One may 'cut a dandelion every
morning right after he shaves. and, like
his whiskers, It will grow out again
before night- The only way to get a
dandelion out is to remove the roofti"
declares M. F. Ahearn, professor of
landscape gardening In the Kansas
State Agricultural college.
I-Spruys have succeeded in killing the
tops only. Nuture's weapons are the
best, and every man who desires a
clean lawn in this respect should spend
at least as much dme on his knees as
LUO protrusion ol We Teats an As- and lower; larn-, , , to . . : ew at
Ment.8, however, so that tao weather jug it o) btringS 01' MLralid uver $17 85; yearlings. $13 to $15.50; wethera.
conditions Play a M01e prouitneat Lell
I" jils aud jujus. The applical.1011 $14 to $14-50; "Wes- SG to $13.50; mixed V139LD CHOUR WITH I)ANDRI�IOSM.
part in Lot' Lariner-beext�ep, deci- We Li sheep, $13.50 to $14
sion. oj puultj(,k,s of tlio propriewry pre . CHICAGO LI78 STOCIL be does in church. A single dandelion
J)aruLi011 jjuoAn as ' unLipt11091BLIiie k-. I- � ow to rodute 10000
As a rule. the Larmer-t.,�keeper gives guoil I-_ujti,.. 'Itie auia snould Chicage, May 6. --- Catrtle--ReCeiPta, 15,- en D n
will do well to carefully select Op- LH (ILb tll.1�11el 4 b 000. Mrns; beeves. $10.10 to $17 70; seeds.
ve LbO Col- oe uraAa NO I Stockers and f"ders, $8.30 to $1240; 'The tw8t remedy for nil Weeds 13
portune WC&ther and to 91 U KI 9 cc" and heifers, $980 to $14.10; Calves,
CLUBBINC RATES Guy a.rae protection alter SeLLing Out. tinjes daily aDd L'Itel edClJ il"r. pr I even on.
Watch tae weatner Lorecasts cAu" ly Lbe uduer suouid U,- well ul�sziaged $8 to 1114 25. tj KNp the lawn growing
and rulobed W11.0 Camp"UnAled 'W. Hogs_-Fteralpts. 43.00 Sytrong; light, vigorously. adding fert.1lizers if Beres -
WITH THE STAR ana when the wA44 ZeLs urouud to 7.95; mixed. $17 to $17 85*
Where Lillis Oil t_dliDuL 1,e rk*aUi1Y )6 1$17'20 to $1 6.20' , gary. Leave Do bare spots. Watch
tile South and e.,.bt, wita a prospect heavy $1620 to 11766; rough. $1 to
taint;d ILS 8ub,,t-,",'uu U) 6.0se- I - e of wee& Bud
5 tor rain on the inorrow, start in the o $16.55; pirm. 813 50 to 117 16; bulk or for the first appearane
Tim St&I sail Toronto Daily Glolpe ......... .. $5 2 evening and move Out all it possib!e. grta' gi�i.s good J. ti. li., aa I,". t17.25 to 117.75 liwtr�cyilthem Immediately. CUt tbeM
My Had Ra E ir 5 25 It size of 0,,,r.l Agr,CUILWal i 10,000 Firm: native, 0
Montreal Faik11ygs;7.6�i.,;i Contract all ei.)Lrances to 811 $12.80 to $1675; lambs. native. $1554 W ut an( firm the sot[, packing It with
WeekluStar .................. 2 65 colony, glvl,36 _j�oug colonies ap- rop,,. 121 25 the fooL If a large. bare spot remains
WmItly (Tersolo) .......... 2 40 proxiinUl.ely ,d . b, 2. 111. &Lid ar. 11intil tilt, 11,t-1 tfter digging out the weeds it in advis-
Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 range a Cil",- 01 CLLail (6 to 6 To j;JQL1 i.,OVS 01 carri),s, Marri Tribe"men Sign Guarantee. able to add Rome rich moil &Ud 50w &
Toronto Daily Worlil ........... 5 25 luenea thick UL O�ek We brood inadgi,-S. ug�l D, - ", pot a"), � n I LONDON, May 7 -Punitive op4,,.r- Ittle grass seed."
cuaLaber. LL pl). LU I,UCR We 8,deti Cloil, tile L�il b" IUIU U' '�Pll p" sidons against the Marri t r The e
Toronto Daily News ............. 4 as well. jjA tLie uortueru jjAt_d jivu ,i In the Punjab region of I.Z,aun. If,* till, ''ifol"t ho I ."I r
Farmer's Advocate .............. 3 00
T6 coastry GentlesuiR ......... 3 25 Sections of t)DLajju. z5pecial puckirl& L,.0 J 6-1 J, 14-1 1 1 It been successfully concluded, arcord�
Loo&o Daily Ailverilsor ....... 5 00 cases of �ys in. ,vriaj are ii.,Auo lot ........ ........ i - ., Ing to an announement by the Indian
=D this purpose, g,tAT; J to 4 '-Cneg driq j:.k� ...... Off1ce. The Government terms have
P A ., ...ot � to urowi li�ioit-iic- th,t r,-t.rj I,-
5 2 90 packing rpow. be4- 8 cued by thp chlef of ill,, trib.-K-
World Wilk Resewal ......... 4 25 reariDg 18 VU,Y -1- uulcll 1,�, L, u, men, who expressed contrition for N - 1,+o, tit ind (.io-, ri-i ikri,
U1,13 % i j, o it t, past misil".da and guaranteed thp
prubyteria ged Westminster. 3 30 Packing and LuiAi�b L',LLU1t! bull"
Cafluilic Register ............... 2 90 up more rapidly, v. A. V1. Oil-, Ou good behavior of his followers in the "d twoolvi.ii in ti-ir o ti,,n
I (Torente) ...... 4 25 tario Agriculitt,al ;ojjv&C, LUeIPD, Oe L i, r to pl,,ilt t, c- I-( IJL- f ii�ii It- qoffi,r,-r,,
Saterillsy NI& naa [U., i.Ittl 01 Ala) I 1,,m future. The witbdrawal of the troops r,� -I--] ;,It th,
s A ............. 2 75 untariO. j)IRLIL tlillt Y001 �''U L' 11 d -Y" "11 4 1 from thp Marri country has bppn com-
uA�e L), t a- 1 -1 ' menepil
........ 2 25 it A.1 U ;, It. d nd �ati%fart,,ry
(ja At
Woman*ip Holes complatias To Treat Inflamed Udder of Cows. D'i p;.� 111 11) e 0: , r
(Now YOA) ................. 3 75 MammItis or julTaintuation of Lhe '.�Ilol 11-W I � .N I - . - � L., Petnvil-rad Liberated from Menace- 1 1,, oolred.
The Saterilay Evesing'.Post .... 3 25 udder is a common (ii9ease in cows. -e 'I) �1,kll .. . A . , I J.- %,11,1i IA)NDON, May 7. - The general
T6 La", Blow jearead - - .. 3 50 It 18 CAtiseil by_. ttjrt1guj_gr milij. e.triy 1 iu- 4 it 1;1.. 1, it.tl , commanding the Petrograd garrison
LIncluding postage to Canadian Submirt hem) 1'� L' I I . . I hn�(- 111� .1 11J.11 has Isqued a statement dowlar-ing the
The C.&SI&A Countryman -I oNij!;g.jt.,,j. t ra,ny � ni.i) city now free from any direct men-
(WeAdy) ..................... 2 00 ver) looti'al"y :1 ul,x ace and that the Populace halt no
Tin Youtli's &Iiiiiiiission ........ 3 75 r k, ratise for alarm, says a Renter de- iti,
Scattia Amerise ............... 4 00 SAYS LEMON JUICE
Seteglific Amemas ............. 4 75 - - --- _ ____ 111101's I patch from Moscow under date of
...... 3 00 0%
Now Is lbe tilnp for organuallorl
....... 3 00
srAess Qlrlsl Make this cheap beauty IW*n There will be a greater n -,,-e I I it RICED POT %T0E.1-; HEII .1' Ok T A& 9
..................... 4 50 to clear and whiten your skin. roduction in cities. Inwn,,; aw
flagps this stinimpr thnn rNer to,f FLOUR
To sublitarlbers In the United States Plan what yoti will do -0h OW J'a, FI v, - I" .. I Q
&o centa addition to all above, to pay Squep7o the juice 04 two lemons into vard or vacant lot now, qo that vkht'll thi-wivii a iii -r. .,r- r.,r,d Ilit-miuh
postage. a bottle containing three ounces of the season hegint in a fev% ;I hT Iraig;.r. (arl b" ']�i in jilac'.
Any combination of the above publi- orchard white, shake well, and ydu have hPnee, you Ail] kn,m %%flat I,, -1,- -1-1 .f (j Ili- fl-oir In half"rs "r
cations may be had with The Star, for a quarter pint of the best fieckle and will lost, no prociow,; lime aho"t 11 ,,dd 1.41 JIaf'W� ",owy SOAP
example: tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at Onco thp garflon Fra,;,,ri -tar 1, 0 ij,I. 11111 fkf"' 11-d - Pft%11�
The Sur aa Daily Mail said Empire .... $5 23 very. very small ooeit. and say starts with a rw4h Tlwr,� )- I- a. 11w fr(-n 11"I
Tu Flintily fleftNA$2.65 Is" $1.50) 1.15 Your grocer has thoi lemons shortage of ve f-tablo AP -11 exrf�ld Ow fla�-ir qmt,- a,, in -d
drug atnre or toi1tt counter will sup" I pargnipq. WhIllp'salp dpalprq hn\,, Pure
T6 Tbm hpm ..................... 46 4S three ouneft of orchard white for a ev
r fragrgisit plenty of ,Oeds in stock PIGS AND POTATOF-S leans S nks,cloWs
EtalnWAITOM by Postal Note or Ex- C"t& MA111114496 tilt sw"A
lotion into tille (&a@, stock, arms and 1,row potatnes anil �ej tablea in ills roa: . s rds mwe
V"M order at our risk. Address hands each day and see how freckles and Children Cry pry vacant city lot ariff"fePA pigs
V,&NATrER & N&FTEL, blemishes Ai9&PVftT 9*4 hOw clftT. soft on kitchen refuse- there are two
Pubtlahers The 8111ar, lutill *bite "o skia bwoums. Test tj FOR FLETCHER'S wayA of doing something to help Wi I
004166*, 096. 's "ra"M * CASTOR I A the Present food crisis -
stnlhm * Fashions,
From everywhere.come rePort3 that the demand for OxfotJ3
PpulpsSamouaw almost to a craze. Have a care the kind
--Viil�bpyv for the well-fitung ones are few.
The late" CmAtIlOull' am here In white, black, mahogauy kid
&U_d patput leathers. They are made by tbip best Fuotweekr
WaBufaeture�s alld Will give a Clinging, conifortable ill to all
who wear them. At a moderate price.
Tennijig SIT4 Outing Shoes for the boys and girls ary now
In stock.
""Ok Ur square GODURICH
The Prompt Answer!
IF the, h4h of answering promptly
when the telephone bell rings were
universal,the saving of time would be
q Few things are more pleasing to telephone
users than a prompt and courteous response
to a telephone call. In business, the practice
of prompt. answering has been a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
q Practice prompt answering yourself and
make it a rule in your business.
The Bell Telephone Co.
1 11(101' Hit' ULISI)iCOS Of tile Canada
I wd lli)arol. .15,000 Canadian boys CASTORIA
lrmn I", A -i h) years of age, were For Tnfants iLnd Children
rnliod it) help out this surniner on
1he farin. To datv, 23,0N responded In Use For Over 30 Years
tit otitarti) und tile Western pro- ftlwyo bours
%nice -i almie. Qui,bec and tile Mari 10
Lime ProOnves hold their enrol -1 Signalthuto of Z111 ill
ulont lalor. I I � �#
a a a I
. - .. A . 1� - � I -M
A Soldier's offering to his
sweetheart Is haturally the
sweetmeat that 9M him
most refreshment and great-
est enJoyment when on duty.
The Havour Lasts
Ne" Me