HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-10, Page 2When drastic regulations for the rationing
of food co,tne, into effect (and such an
Order in Council may be made very early
next Fall) you will wish then, that you
had a crop of nice Vegetables ready to
ff n""' b r p
take o your garden or e4r. 3 ii�e of
vacant land that you could have
if you had really umnted �to-
Well, all we say is—
Don't Wait ando"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwish
it you bave. not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to
do " now. You will not regret it- There is still lots Of time. potatoes and beafis may
be planted up to June lot and these are the best. substitutes for wheat and meat.
F9r good, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate'. 41 Vegetable
Gorden, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable Garden for
RvW Homc" This has been prepared bY the OAW-O.PePaftment 91 Aociqlture for
the guidance'of citizens who will respond to this call for incteased production.
1 1 ( 311111111k� 7"""liw I
Attenti-on 1.
On and after January ist, 19T8, the Ontario
Statutes require that all cars be equip�ed with
holdine the ray� of light below,42 inches.
Auto Owners
We have them at right prices; also all other Access-
ories needed.
Buy Auto Tires now I
Tires have advanced. We have a considerable stock
on baud to be -sold at old pric6,'
Bu now I I
Organization of Reso=" Committee,, parliament BuildingN.Toronto
Mail Dear Sin:
please gend me a copy of your booklet "A Vegetable Garden for
This Coupon MacEWAN'S GARAGE
Every Home."
Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrews Strebts
NOW W. 6
Address -
In Co -Operation with Canada Food Board
it rai,t there will he many.real cleav- shrunk only thirty-nine per cent. in His Sufferings Werr Short ME
Cbe oobertcb $tar. " four years, The value of the paper
ages (if opinion and they will all be I Mrs. A. 13. Cornell has reveived
�extr(,fneiy in earriest rrom purple Tory dollar stands up pretty well. ir ex- letter from the chap-
Tir zruozqx OALL 71. the following
riKht (town to rpd, red Radical. We change is against us in the United lain of the 5th Brigaae, C. F. A.,
at�v in rot- a period of plain talk which States it Is because we keep our gold twith reference to the death in ai!t-
FRIDAY. MAY 10, 191f3, will be R good thing for this mealy- and do not export It. h ion of her son, Bomnadier A. Cor-
- �moutlied nation. To have the courage The income taxes are received wit nell, in which the writer speaks in
of one's convictions will be accounted general aOproval. Then a suggestion high terms of the bombadier's
A RED, WHITE AND la virtue hereafter. is made that the super -rich man be character and faithfulness:
BLUE BUDGET I -,.mehow or other I imagine that super -taxed even harder—a popular, France, April Ist, 1918. men alike, �otit for his characte-r GREATE R PRODUCTION PLANS -
out of this weiter of opinion will de- gospel but defective In practice be- Mrs. A. B. Cornell, and for his faithfulness to his duty.
Speeches Indicate a Mighty indepen- i velop a Whig party wnich will include a s the millionaires are few and the Goderich, Ont. lie was one of the men who have Ontario will plant 1,000,000 acres
dent Parliament most of those who have a substantial Peo le are many and when a Finance My dear Madam,—Permit me to helped to make the 23rd battery one more in cereals and cultivated crops
stake In the country. It will be in Minister here or anywhere else In the offer you my mosT, sincere and of the best in the canadian Corps. this spring - Quebec, 600,000 and the
Ottawa, May P. favor of an ordered democracy, public,world wants a lot of money he re"es heartfelt sym athy in this time of His loss is deeply regretted by all Maritime �rovinces, 400,000 acres
it is, of course, a red-white-and-bbic ownership of public , utilities. fair on the little dollars of the poor to do bereavement through iho death in 'whn, knew him., extra. The farmers in Eastern
budget—the red signifying war, the treatment of manufacturing Industries, the trick. Down to a thousand a year action of your son, Bombardier A. The nal effects are forward- Canada are called upon to plant five
white the pure motives of Union Gov- scientific development of agriculture, we are all doing our bi"ll perhaps, - ed th= official channels and ers in Eastern Canadd can save the
ernment, and the blue theJeeling the, enlightened co-operation between except the farmer who has a capital Cornell, of the 23ra 13attery, Cana situation.
or, a reasonable tariff Investment that many a poor wage- dian Field Artillery. No words of should reach you safely ii though it
taxpayer experiences when 'he is called capital and lab mine can Make Up your loss. But takes some months for t em to ar-
on to foot the bill. it costs money to I and a growing tendency to direct taxa- earner in the city would envy but Fean at least remind you that, in rive. Good-bye to Asthrna.—Persons suf-
stick to one's colors these days. tion. This Ideal party will be as far whose income, even In these days of the case of such a death. there can If I can be of any service to you, fering from that extremely trying
So far as the debate goes In the from socialism as it is from Toryism. p.2i wheaL is hard to ascertain. The be no feeling of det'eat or of a lose please do not hesitate to let me trouble known as asthma know what
House it is a curious mixture of resig- It has found & new anct eloquent voice farmer, of course, wants to do his full which is absolute. I know, too, that know it to to long with all their hearts for
of share. How would it do to tax him Never do
nation and threatening. "Pinch us this session in Mr. Hume Cronyn, when the first keenness of sorrow That God may bless you richly escape as from a tyrant.
harder," Bays one orator after another, London, who is a sound thinker on his on assets and let his Income take care is past, its place will be taken by 8 at this time is my earnest prayer. they know when an attack may come
"Treat us rough and we'll love yiiul merits and not simply because he is a Of itself I great and endur . fride in your Yours faithfull and they know that to struggle unaid-
In y
but remember as soon as we get better nephew of the great Edward Blake. An opinion very generally expressed boy in the work tta be has done MALCOLM IIi. OMOND, ed Is in vain. With or. J. D. Kellogg's
pt by the bud- is that now that the Federal Govern- Captain, Asthma Remedy at likind, however, the
all this martyrdom stuff Is off." The A matter of comme and in his willingness to pay what- �y
Western members In particular will get debaters has-baldi that the pub- ment has assumed �the po%jer to tax ever price should Do necessary in Chaplain 5th Brigade, can say good-bye to their enemy and
not,down. They Slimle With SUPP"- lic debt of Canada I* now $1150 a head incomes. the lesser authorttles, such the doing of his duty. The burden C. F. A. enjoy life again. It helps at once.
.1 "A 1, A for the As legislatures and municipalities A Ir *11 ;#T. --i I wei ht on
. I M �
w0pring Shifts
Blue Chambray Shirts, doubI0
front and ba* size 14 1-2
to15 .........................
Men's black and white Shirts,
size 14 to. 17 . ........
Men's grey drill Shirts, sizel
14 to 15 1-2 ................
Men'a black Overtlls, with bib,,
size 34 to 44 ..............
Blue Overalls
Men's Work Socks
Men's work Books .........
KiEwen P s
When yo u have your garden
ready don't forget,we have the
New Se'eds
NO SetS, IVISh Cobler Po -
WOOS, from the seed house,
Government tested and mark-
You have read of the duty
on Tea, Coff ee, Tobacco,
and Matches. Get in your
supply. Our values in tea can-
not be beat, our coffee is No. I -
Special in matches for Satur-
day, 5 cents 'per package.
Special in
a few cases left, at 6e a- vackagei
worth 10c now and some at i0e
worthl5c. our line of prunes are
moving at 12%o and 150.
A nice assortment of children's
school hats at good value.
Highest Ppice Paid top
Butter and Eg$s
taken in enhatile for either Dryi 11111OWIi
'Phone 46 South $We liquit"
sed wrath like a carboy of soda. 'ftx as compared with IF a — should be inhibited from so doing. mus a - F . e I ---
while the taxing is good," they spern United States. a far bigger and richer those who are left behind—the
to say. "but don't forget that we have country. At present this fact is not The income tax as it Is enforced in' mothers and wives of our men who
our own views on the public owner- viewed with alarm because Canada has cities like Toronto Is a farce. It 6ts lay down their lives. 13ut they will
ship of railways, free trade and the -great natural resources, still untapped, all the little fellows who are on pay bear the burden with a steadiness
of duty on agricultural Im- which render the potential wealth of rolls and lets the big ones who can and flrmness of spirit worthy of
absence - conceal their holdings escape on what-'
plemeDts.1' it they do not pma their his country equal to almost any bur lue they attaen to their word those whom they mourn.
views now it Is because there is a don. Another fact worth pandering is ever va I It is my earnest prayer that e
tacit asreement between the two that Canada,bas paid eleven per cent. of honor. The revenue collected is through the hours of your sorrow
parties not to start anything this sea- of her war expenditure out of current not worth what it costs In duplicity, you will be conscious of the. con-
ld sev- falsehood, evasions and general resent -
Even at that Dr. Michael Clark revenue. while England has pa stant presence of Him who 1parned
Nion. There is not a ratepayer alive
has been heard to mutter Cobden's enteen per cent., and the United States ment. sympathy by the things He had to 4:
In Canada today who would not r�ather
name in his sleep. fourteen per cent. Eleven per cent. is stiffer -and who has promised
pay his Income tax to a Federal Gov- e
Soft-pedalled as they are the speech- a good start on the pay-ati-you-go He would not I ave His dear ones
es indicate that this is going to be a principle, and reflects considerable ornment that would administer It wise- comfortless. In Him you will find
-headed, ward-heei- Ef
mighty independent Parliament when credit on Sir Thomas White's ar fln- ly than to a muddle the strength and courage that you
menace is removed and ancing. Moreover the gold reserve Is Ing city council that would spend It need.
the German like a drunken sailor dome day pretty Your son was killed on the last
M S It
that the formal Intercria1W of courte- not In as bad shape as was apprehen- our statesmen mill have to get to- day of March--Easteir Sunday—a
8ies whIch was known as a debate ded. questions by Mr. Arthur Graham,1$0011
is a shrewd critic of finance, gether and define clearly the zones of day on which especially we realize
under the old stand arrangement be- who taxation—where the Federal power
tween the parties Is going to be sup-, having brought out the fact that the thit death has indeed lost its sting C(Dv d,
gold guarantee for Dominion notes has stOPslwwhere the provincial power be- and the grave, its victory. You will
planted by a real cleavage of opinion. gins, here the municipal power comes be glad to know titat be did not
In. There must be no uibfair over- siu6r long, but passed away soon
lapping of income taxes. 5
A ciod substitute for an Income tax after being hit. L26 A. 6. 4. ii
g I conducted the burial service on
in cities would be a tax on business the following day at the Military
transactions such as they have In many Cemetery near our present location.
Furopean countrie&--a tax scaled Re- As many as possible of the olfficers
NEW cording to the luxury or necessity and men of the battery were pres- add to your ev ning-s
of the article sold --a much smaller ent and the trumpet sounded the
" that is to say, on a pair of shoes .%a,9I, Post" at the conclusion of the enterk—inment.
than on a box of candy, or a ticket to service..
the theatre. in this way the people The exact location of tile ceme-
would pay a large parz of their muni- tery and grave Will! be sent you in 96 cents for 10 -inch, double -sided
UP TO, DATE GARAGE cipal taxes In their daily purchases and due time. It has been carefully Tickle Toe—Fox Trot Victor Mi itary Band
the stranger In the town, or the un- noted and registered. 1 18437
married wage-earner, who has just as I have been with this brigade as Going Up--One-Step Victor Military Band I
55 much use of the city conveniences as chaplain for some months now and When the Bonnie, Bonnie Heather is Blooming Alan Turner 216026
the substantial housenolder, would not have talked with your son on many Hit the Tmil that Leads t* Mother Alan Turner � 4
got off without paying his bits. More- occasions. It is a privilege to tell Evening Be[6 (Violim 'Cello, Harp) Venetian Trio 16070
over the farmer, who has the full you of the general high esteem in Alpine Violet (Violin. *Cello, Harp) Venetian Trio
Open for Busincu SaWday benefit of the city marret, might very which he was hehl by officers and 10 -Inch Blue Label double -sided record
well pay octrol as they do in Parts.
We have the The taxes on tea and coffee are ac- rd Uke to be a Monkey in the Zoo Fmnces White 45149
cepted as a necessary evil and will be Go-Zin-To Franceii, White
paid more cheerfully than the tax on Dizzy end Faist Spelb
tobacco. which hav a tendency to Ask to hear them at any "Hix Master's Voice" dealers
Chemlet Agency make the ten -cent cigar more hollow- jW %rniap of lieliiin TroUble
chested than ever. There is always Other vidirelks up to $520 (sold on easy pay. *-.nl
Six new Cars just unloaded. the fear that the uplifters may get TW Sheum so Has" Me"M if Aesiftd). Wrift few free copy of our
busy and tax the nicotine habit to 630- Masi I Encyclopedia listing 4, %W
death. This is the time for amokers M.Pal=`
our new Bowser Gasoline outfit gives only to stand together if they would gave 11om feelinp of weakmes% tbm diso
Pure ilasollne. the fra,grant weed from further en-
croachments. The difference between IP" And "An Cone" I'"U" fte"0011111
liquor and tobacco is that liquor Is a Wh" come over som* peopk fjM, tim Berliner Gram -o -phone Co.
Free Air from our new Lectrotlater. luxury---& pernicious one—while to- t* time aft vtftibp that muA aft go MONTREAL LIMITED
bacco Is & necessity. a ract which the unheeded. 71ey indicate &a extrema�y
A,complete line of Tires and accessories. moral reformers do not "em to realIZ6. weakened wndition of the bout wd a IM Unoir Street
Tobacco does not break tip homes— M95
'All It does Is stink up the curtains. dlm� state of the neirres. E)an't Forget'.
It go" without saying that a bud- n" wbo an WIW wm dut tlkw"
get debate which touened on profit- 11MYRM's Heart and Nwvo M bdoCe Y4W_a(APWr0,"eV1't_'6�,
Reetwds. "-dw "His h4awe".
pe fUlly equipped earing took a slant at Sir Joseph Pla- Q*W aw beccom hopskm T%" kave
We a *Flu rokieft *A
voile, %lia cost of whose bacou is none so eVA for stirenigthening Uw USA
folp ali "p- "it work the more palatable liieoause It Is sfts- &ad 12T1CMtin& the nerves.
oned with prayer. 'Judp Mackenzie Mrs. Mal Brooks. ttl;pm GW*wi4
told the old. old story with a great N.B., wfites—"All I#A ownitim and
deal of force and humor. but for some winter I IQ di and weak A**
"asou or other his fellow -members o! heWaclm and fg tint "A blind TdIs.
Auto* fbils Hire Parliament did not follow it 1 , Pro A Mend rv�� MiDYarn's neart IV
bably It Was bft%use Sir Jos uA Nerie Pills to me. I had only
bank director and Parliam"I taken tvio boxes when r found Vim m $151
sensitive to overdr&M-t, 1W. I hwo rwo=nftd ukem to an
To Me DAVIS H. F. GADBBT. WM suffer from heart tft"."
MUb%m1* Awt M4 Net" r& us
SoUth Str"t
inX yeL In En and and France GU*n OM ftw! -nw T. U11 -
You are only playtng at food ftv- -�pw bft at gin ill*Awo 4W gaikd
.!�" W)" b.Y For We by Jas. F. Thomson and J. H. Lauder
wft 06, T*"* ad.
they oo "doli* f