HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 10490m oil
y�w Jww*,1qwo4F.
Wo, will bilp y4% -to"baket your
New Npaii tha*r will, to mot sp-
Wo bma
an imd $to* tA "loot, from
and p ps, pore
ClIftrut =n
,g I&n rmAorO reasovAle in
price. We 0 a Iiiiecialty of
Papers at I 1-2o, 150. We and
2k. Of co wo, oarry Papers
lowerju pri 04 also hig�er if
Lloyd Young has been Ill with tbo-,
See" Is almost flnished in our
Gordon Wilson is working -for
Reeve Young this summer.
- -Mrs. W. MoBfide of Owen Sound,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Scott.
Mrs. Allan Wilson has �eturned
home after a two weeks' visit in
Hosseau and Port Carling. .
(A We. are glad to note that Geo.
'lark who ha8 been in Goderich
hospital for the past four weeks,
is home again.
Mr. Milton Tyndall left on Mon-
day for Regina, Where he will have
charge of three mission,_I,sltations
during Lite summer months.
Rev. Mr. Ross has neon In Embro
the lost two weeks with his mother.
who Is seriou ill. He left
immediately after the servicea%alst
you V11V Imam. zuttaxy.
Min McGreoor, travelling secre
f the W. M. Society, will speak
ro" Am wo, wo was 'arT oe ladies of the Smith Hill
to It uxi
04 10"Wil 111101014 #11"ift" illary oil Monday May Oth AN
o'clock, The inviiatton is for all
the ladies of the %wrigregation and
It is to be hoped there will be a
------ -Iarge- turn�-out.-
L.ast Monday Pte. Clarence Cox
arrived home from England.
Mr.,G. Horne, of Toronto Univer-
sity, visited in this locality the lat-
ter part of last week.
Pte. Wilijam Carter, at present
of Toronto, visited his parents here
00001M TOWNSW last Sabbath and returned to Toron-
The Fari'prs' Club of Goderieb to Monday.
township.. Will meet In the Orange Mr. Robt. Modd, Sr., of Lite village,
i Hall next Wednesdiy'evenlng, April is in London this week attendin a
Sy "
8th... -Mr- 8-tothers, a I iltural meeting of the Anglican nod
re a, CIO, is week'
pgeseatttlyg, ties prontlsbA to be which meets in that city th
lires0ht_7Ev_e'_ry1)_oFffy WeWofffe,7 The Rev. Mr. Ross, who had been
The Uker Dramatic Club, who visiting his sick mother at Embro,
ere cbralif to Godoricit under the returned home last Saturday even-
08plibbs -o the Vnited Patriotic ing and went back Sabbath evening,
ciety, are unable tu fulfill their arriving there only a few minutes
anstpwing to some of the young beforo 'his mother e, (leath.
(In lking part being drafted for,
One of those events which gatis-
ilit4ry Service. fles the hearts of the gossips occur -
The Society are making.& Ship- red at the home of Mr. John Fer-
;ftent of old rags, rubbers, ho.rse- son, of the villaKe, when the Rev.
-air. scrap iron, parors, ma I gazines, V 0 Kell united in matrimony Air.
brass and copper.. "hose who have Ferguson's youngest daughter, Miss
maved any of these articles kindly Birdie, and Mr. Taylor, of West
leave them dt'Mrs. G. W..AndrewB, Wawanosh.
Bayflold road, or Airs. Johnston's, Last Saturday Mr. Cunningham
Huron. road, (or If unuble to do so, of Colborne, was delivering a buli
kindly 'phone to any of the officers to Mr. G. F. Yunfblut. He had it
and they will be called for. in the wagQp and it �oing down the
hill over- the west s de of the vil
DENMLLER lage, leading to the bridge, the pin
'rho I'lonnillier Red Gross Society of the single tree clavis came out
in the near the top of the hill. The horses
held its monthl meetin
Temperance Hair April Ath. The started, causing the wagon Longue
following work was handpd in : 76 to drop to the ground. At the foot
-t 1(3 of the hill the wagon upset and the
pairs socks, If pyJama Sul 8,
I rench shirts, value, $162.50. The team ran away and were caught in.
illagc. Very little damage was
followinF ladies are to be thanked tht
for footing socks : Nil.s. I.,d. (,,00(1, done , excepting several slight
-4 Wni. scratches on the team.
9 pairs ; Mrs. Wm. Oke, iii
VatistAme, 7 pairs each Mrs. T.
Clark Mrs Ed 6 1 pwrs each BENMILLER
M iss V 0 ood, krs'. It' M" ugford, M rs. A siowial service will be held at
.1as. Mitchell, 4 pairs each ; Mrs. liethe Sunday at 8 p. in.
.'.)fill Feagan, Mrs, Chas. Fisher. Mrs Foley and Mr. Armstroni
-th I'lay, arrived -at Mrs. Edgar
Miss Elsa Coke, 3 pairs eaeh ; Mr.s. (if Nor*
%1den Allin, Mrs. W111. StraUghao, Vanstolie's Wednesday evening for a
Mrs. Banos, Mrs. J. J. Moore, Mrs. visit.
Ed. Walters, Mrs. John Long, 2 pairs
Miss Yates, of Sebringville, a for-
eaoh ; Mrs. MoCluve, Mrs. G. Oke, iner school teacher-, was'a welcome
Mrs. P. Walters, birs. Ed. Hardy , -
visitor over tile week -end with Miss
Miss M. Long, Miss E. Dyer, Miss
KIla Oke, Miss 1. Long, Miss Elliott., Lottin walters.
I pair each. The following ladi Mrs. Banos, of Crediton, who
are to be thanked for sewing rs. has been visiting at. the parsonage
M. Mugford 3 trench shirts ; bills. j. for a couple of months, returned
W. Gledhilf, 3 trench shirts ; Mrs. home last Saturday.
Ed. Vanstone, Mrs. John Treble Miss MeLaren has come to visit
Miss Delia Gri . Miss Mabel Good, her sister, Mrs. Goo. A. Bean, for
Ars. John Morlure, 2 trench shirts the summer. We are flaLto wel-
-aeb ; Mrs. Wm. Coke, 3 paialVa come her"to our mids a in.
suits'; Mrs. Ed. Walters, 2 Py- Several from this vicinity attend-
Jama suits ; Mrs. Wm. Straughan, ed the W. C . T. U. ,;liver medal
1% pyjama suit,41�-XrA. G-TrAlbiln
h. e I
c: contest in Goderich last Friday
Airs. John Fria u Mrs Jo evening. Miss Dyer,was one of the
XIrs. fla, f pyjama suit cacti. judges.
Society 6W wishes to thank
lite ladies who knit the sock legs. Next -Sunday the regular Quar-
secretary. terly meeting will be held at Zion
N. church at 11:30 a. m. Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper will be ad -
The Star to Jan. Ist, 1919, for 75o.
ministered . 'rhe Q 0. B. will meet
at Honmillor at 8:45 p. M.'
The many friends of Mr. George
811 Foagart will be glad to know of his
011 safe arrival in Goderich last Sun -
d y by boat from Fort William.
La 13. TAPE e will spend some time under -the
parental roof recuperating,
The Singer Sewing Machine
lit ffl
Agent. has taken over the 10
a Miss Marion Tigort of Godorich -
Collegiate, spent the week -end at
agency of the
tier home here,
The health of Mrs. Bogle, Sr.. is
A to very much improvea and it is hop -
International Harvester
@1 6d she \vill soon be a ound as usual.
_W,99 Lillian McLean called on
liumpany friends on her way home from
Auburn, where she is teaching, on
01 JI&Mlftol ItMt to Friday evening.
Miss Charlotte Dougherty spent
her Sst,
and will handle both lines ii a few days with Airs.
Jack McKenzie, o
f the 4th con. of
Ashfield, last week.
The farmers are iery busy with
INi MACHINES seeding operations at the present
R VN$* SEW 69 time, at hough somewhat hindered
by a little too much rain,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Pennabaker, of
w A fair share of the public pat- on
M . Clinton. and ' Miss Joan Bogle of
ronage will be a 111 Goderich, were the guests of Miss
ppreciated. a Mary Burrows over Sunday.
Miss T, Kempton, our telacher,
spent the werok-end at her home
near Loolialsh. her brother hnd
sister bringing her back in their
Mrs. Hector Hawkins (nee Miss
Nina Burrows) and Children,. of
Herlo's O*e Roger City, Mich., are enjoying a
visit with relatives and friends at
We hire something- special lih How does the Pood Controller's
latest order catch you, some with
Custard PoWer several hundred weiqht of sugar
on hand, while others nave, scarcely
at Ise a Pkg. got any.1i
t package makes 8 ptnts--aw rted bliss ftet&, Graham bas Success-
il"M -4 n a r I
Children's Stampoil Dresses
in Popp, Pique and lawn.
,itamiled Hats and Roiijpcl�,,
Fancy Black Satio Bags.'
A slew lot of
White Stamped Lunch Cloths,
Contres, Mats and Saviettes.
Steel Knitting Needles, LiDg-
?rie Braid, Darning Cotton
in colors, aud Wooden
V09 wi remove trom our
Poirtwits'a6y temporary
ation. while Walter TiFert and
Harvey Sillib have passed the en-
trance examination.
Some of the signs of spring are
the Jew peddlers with their inquiry,
"Ali), old rags old bones, old bottles
or any old rubberse" and the smalf
boy with a spear or net over his
shoulder wending Ills way to the
foundry creek in searel) of suckers.
The suckers are sure to be there
anyway. Some of the fishermen
have been successful in securing
quite a number of suckers file past
Many of our farmers are worry-
ing about shortag" of help, while
several retirpd farmers and -others
who are well able tu work and help
produce are simply taking it easy.
There are also six or seven able
bodied mon coming around with
peddling wagons within a radius of
a few miles of here, riot to speak of
tea peddlers and junk men, who if
they would spend their energy in
producing would be more in keep-
ing with the time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brownell and
little son, Raymond, of Windsor,
accompanied by Miss Maud Robb,
sister of Mrs. Brownell, motored
here on Saturday last and spent the
night with Mr. and Mrs, J. B. (4ra-
ham and family. The next day they
proceeded on their way to Willis -
croft, Briice county, where all will
remain during th6 summer, with
Your Walls
may be, �rettfly papered, but with-
they look barren and cold. Make
your home more attractive by add-
ing A few new Pleturea this Spring.
We have a splendid variety of sub-
jects, artistically framed, at prices
to suit all.
Smith's Art Store
East stmt Phone 108
the exception of Mr. Brownell. He
will return to Windsor in a few
days as he holds a responsible po-
sition there. Mr. Brownell will be
remembered by a great many here,
having taught school No. 11 for
three years.
The ladies of the Soldiers' Aid
Circle still continue to do good
work. Too much p�aise cannot be
Fiven to the splendid women who
nave been so untiring in their ef-
forts to provide comforts for our
brave and noble boys who are batt-
ling aYld laying down their lives in
a foreign land that We at home may
be free from a tyrant's hand. Had
it not been for those women how
many poor fellows wouid have suf-
fered and died througn neglect,
While those womek, nave done their
part so willingly, there are others
who have sintpl� done nothing, but
stand back and oriticise what was
being done and the way it was done.
They little know what help they
Were giving the Uermanq, our
enernics, by their unkind and Sol-*
fish actions and words and we will
venture to bet dollars to dough-
nuts that those sarne people would
be tile fiNt to whinti ',f they saw the
enemy invading our rair land. and
that their homes were in danger of
being taken from them.
Field No Comnetition
0 .
THE,iftAT LEM"" 00.0"011,GH," SALE
A WIFTUe& of Spocial De'p artme-" I.
u , di ___ - '
es.... omiienc Saturday.
Special Clearing Sales in some 4.0partments to make in complete clearance of stocks will be a big feature of -the Leaving
Goiterich Sale for dio wi5ok beginning Saturdiy, May 4th, Stocks in the4epartmenti specially emphasized atust he cleared qukk1j,
ani we Make =0 * inducemats to mtko the WR ver. All over the store you caii ova money
4' PM- *9 s'm Wore next week is o
while this Leaving "Ierich We lasts. There Are Extri Big -SvingslU thew,&pr4m6,far �5,#q
!44y and next week.
The Coat
Special' Offep
Extra Special inducements to
make a clean sweet) of the Coat
racks. We would like todo, it
next week if we can. -
The Millinerly
0eputment J 3
Speciad Offep
The Rug
S fling' I Offep
Final clearance prices on all Rugs,
cotiomencing, Saturday morixing.
The assortment is smaller but
the prices are lo*er than ever
b6fore, for we want to make a
clean sweep of every Rug in
I �
Spneial Oftp
Big bargains to be had in Curtains
Saturday and next week.
Ladies' New Tailored Suit's, $15-75
14 Suits' 'exactly. to sell at 01*.75 a piece. It you realized the value and just what these would cost you next
wason. there would b!o surely X4 people to buy them before t -en Q'elook Saturday night. Made from
good quality all woolwirgoo , . m4a tallowd. blacks or navies. cilt in some of - the beat styles for the
present season% wear. Itis only because the store, In Peterborp Itax *lI the Suits it nee(As for this
season, that we will clear these garments tit thisprice. Otherwise It *ould pay us'to toke them with
us. Undoubtedly a meet remarkable bargain. First thing Saturday morning these Suils815751
goon i3ale at your choice of the lot only .....................................................................
Serge Skirts $3.6.5
Ladies' Dress Skirts. made from good quality all wool serges In a Splendid stvie for an odd Skirt. Good
'W"ting goIrge taltiv - wily . sell Tilackand
navy In this lot, and your choice on Saturday tov.% ...........................................................
Misses' Coats, $15-75
Misses' spring and summer Coats, plain cloths and some pretty fancy tweeds. Real natty boo to
date garments. Special Saturday morning each only ....................................................... $5.75
6 Winter Coats -at $5.00
' i
6 only Winter coats. The cloth in them is vorth double the price we ask , Good staple styles, all right for
nextwinter. Thelastsix. Saturday �xnorulng-any one of them for a Five Dollar Bill.
Raincoats at Half Price,
12 or 15 Raincoats. plain cloths and fancy effects. Real jood serviceable garments and good styles too.
There are more Raincoats in stock than we want to take to Peterboro, so take this means to out the
quantity down. Saturday morning take your choice of this lot for hxactllyijalf Price.
A Big CleArance of Panama Hats
Is the Millineu Dppartment's Special inducement for the week commencing Saturday. May 4th. Every Hat
brand new, imported for this sehson's selling. Under ordinary conditions we would not expect to sell
them before June. To induce you to buy eaxly we have made the price low enough to make it worth
your while to buy now Instead of waiting for summer weather.
75 Panama Hats to sell next week. Every one new. And every Hat a Bargain.
Kiddies' Hats
Extra selling of Kiddles' Elats commencing Saturday. Good styles, suitable for small children. Straws or
wash materials. All going at prices that will save you money.
Pro Brussels Pugs
Heavy quality wool Rugs. Will give practically unlimited wear. Size 3 X 3J yards. Two
left to sell, For special sale week, either . for ............... .... ........................... r ........... $12.75
1 1
Union Rugs
Hard wearing qualities that will give satisfaction. 'Special price for Clearance Sale,
each..................... ................. . ................................... ... ... .............................. ..... $6.50
4'Axminster Rugs
Size 3 x 3J. Two are Englisb�, make and Seamless. The others are high grade quality from a leading
Canadian mill. Any one of the four will. give - yon satt8tactfcn. - Special price..for $27.75
Clearance week, each at ............................ .......................................................... ....
The values are all up to S45.00.
One Wilton Rtig
One Wilton Rug left,4o sell. ' Beautiful two tone green effect,'with small pink flower. Size 3 x 4 Vards.
A Rug that y"", stand for years. Regular value $53.00. Last ope for Clearance
................. . ...... $37.,50
week ......... y ............ ..............................................................
Verandah and Rag Rugs
Buy your Voiandah Rng now and you can save money on it. We are clearing aU the Verandah andRag Rugs
in stock. Just the thing for summer use. ' No room to quote prices here but each and every Rug is a
6 Runners to Sell
5 HAll Runners, I aVd I yard widths. High grade Wilton, in neat designs. Each at a Bargain price for
this Clearance week
Linoleum, .59c
3 ends Linoleum, 2 yards wide. Light patterns, suitable for- kitchens. diningroom or bath -room@
Worth today a whole lot more than this price. Special Clearance week, per square yard ........ :59c
A. Good Line at 69c
Splendid Lace Curtain, neat and attractive patterns, 2J yards in length. Special Clearance, per
pair............................................................ ........................................................................ 69c
Good Ones at 98c
A real good Lace Curtain, two very attractive patterns. A quality of not that will give splendid
wear. Suitable for almost any room. Clearance special per pair ............. I ............... I ............ 98c
A Big Bargain at $1.,59
These are beautiful quality Lace Curtains and very handsome patterns. Last pairs of several of
our good lines. For0learallice week at one ptice, per pair . ............................. ................. $1,59
Curtain Voile, 15C.
Just one end cream Curtain Voile with border. Splendid for bed -rooms. Excellent value for Clear
auceweek, per yard .......................................................................................... ............ 15e
Here Is a Big Bargain
50 sample ends Lace and Marquisette Curtains. Each end contains from I to 1J yards and shows the lower
end of the Curtain. We are fortunate In having this little lot for you for they are the biggest
kind of a bargain. Con Sale Saturday morning at per ead only ............................................... 25c
rwpe and Tapestry Curtains,,,,,
Rope and Tapestry Curtains, for door -ways. arches, etc. Green. brown and red shades. Every pair specialty
marked at a bargain price for Clearance week.
We tried to stop our aprIu8 shipment of Waists, but a big lot of them came to hand. The Peterbora store
bought all they needed for the coming season, so we simply have to sell them before we leave Godericb.
Brand now Waists, fresh out of the boxes for Saturday morning selling. These art) not low priced
bargain Waists, but Waists of Quality. Of many lines we have but one or two. It will pay you, and
pay yoli will, to lay in your summer Bnpply of Waists while this Waist Clearance is on. Here are two
The. Waist Spedials: I
1 9 Silk Crepe Waists, $3.98
Walsti made from good quality silk crepe do chine, out in one of the best styles of the season.
Ddillapitment s $5.00 value at least. Whice or colors. Special for Waist Clearance, each .......... ............ * $3.98
UP "andsome Voile Waists at Bargain Prices
Beautiful embroidered Voile Waists, every wanted size and a dozen or more designs. Special price r
s to
Clearanceweek at ....................... ...................................... ....................... I
Special Offerl $1.38 '* 98'", * $2.18 and - $2038
These prices are away below octual value and the goods ire absolutely frestilland up to date. We are simply
clearrng them out because we had to take them and cannot send them to Peterboro.
Cotton Torchon Laces, 2 yards for 5c
The Lialifil 1000 yards Cotton Torchon Lace, widths one. two and three inches. All one price. Commencing Satur.
daymorning 2 vards for ....................................... _--k ............... .... I . .................................. 5e
Allover Lace 59c
Nets and Allover Laces. Buv them now even If you don't want them for some time to come.
Woorth up to $3.00 per yard. Por Clearknee week take Vonr choice at per yard only ................ 59e
Wide Embroideries, 98c
FU Still some god lengths left of our bargain Wide tutbroliferles at 98c. !fh#i reall price of these was up as high
as $2,00. Suitable for childrens wear. dreg", and somilo short lengths that are Wrog, bought
tor apirms. All one price. Clearance, week per yard ............................................................... 98c
�pftial Offerl Corset Cover Embroideries 39C
Illeautffid Corset Cover Embroideries, dainty patterns on fine nalagookoo and muslins. Values up to
W. Por Clearamce Week. per yard ..................................................................................... 3ft
, Me
exarn n -
5(k -81sA Tia
4 giving goA Have
V09 wi remove trom our
Poirtwits'a6y temporary
offer the following prizo - for two
fWal filomm that may U
crops this year, vu.,
preventing you from having
that photograph made today,
sprift whoitt-IM, $23. 2111d $20.
$14 ; 41th, $14 ; Sdi, M ; Gth:
7W S&
m 11 , lit""
we Do Not sma t6
Oats -11K $X; 2nd, $15: Ud, $12;
4tho 1110 ; 5th, $8 , Gth, $6
Lik6uss I
ON uAND 1kow-
All 6ntriee for the competition
must be in the hands of the seore-
we H Eft",
tary not 14ter than May 22nd, 1918.
IMank tontrance forms may be ob-
tAIUM by applying to the S&reWy,
This laquill"
1. AM MWLta.
P. 0. Wit 11711, Gmierich.
0 .
THE,iftAT LEM"" 00.0"011,GH," SALE
A WIFTUe& of Spocial De'p artme-" I.
u , di ___ - '
es.... omiienc Saturday.
Special Clearing Sales in some 4.0partments to make in complete clearance of stocks will be a big feature of -the Leaving
Goiterich Sale for dio wi5ok beginning Saturdiy, May 4th, Stocks in the4epartmenti specially emphasized atust he cleared qukk1j,
ani we Make =0 * inducemats to mtko the WR ver. All over the store you caii ova money
4' PM- *9 s'm Wore next week is o
while this Leaving "Ierich We lasts. There Are Extri Big -SvingslU thew,&pr4m6,far �5,#q
!44y and next week.
The Coat
Special' Offep
Extra Special inducements to
make a clean sweet) of the Coat
racks. We would like todo, it
next week if we can. -
The Millinerly
0eputment J 3
Speciad Offep
The Rug
S fling' I Offep
Final clearance prices on all Rugs,
cotiomencing, Saturday morixing.
The assortment is smaller but
the prices are lo*er than ever
b6fore, for we want to make a
clean sweep of every Rug in
I �
Spneial Oftp
Big bargains to be had in Curtains
Saturday and next week.
Ladies' New Tailored Suit's, $15-75
14 Suits' 'exactly. to sell at 01*.75 a piece. It you realized the value and just what these would cost you next
wason. there would b!o surely X4 people to buy them before t -en Q'elook Saturday night. Made from
good quality all woolwirgoo , . m4a tallowd. blacks or navies. cilt in some of - the beat styles for the
present season% wear. Itis only because the store, In Peterborp Itax *lI the Suits it nee(As for this
season, that we will clear these garments tit thisprice. Otherwise It *ould pay us'to toke them with
us. Undoubtedly a meet remarkable bargain. First thing Saturday morning these Suils815751
goon i3ale at your choice of the lot only .....................................................................
Serge Skirts $3.6.5
Ladies' Dress Skirts. made from good quality all wool serges In a Splendid stvie for an odd Skirt. Good
'W"ting goIrge taltiv - wily . sell Tilackand
navy In this lot, and your choice on Saturday tov.% ...........................................................
Misses' Coats, $15-75
Misses' spring and summer Coats, plain cloths and some pretty fancy tweeds. Real natty boo to
date garments. Special Saturday morning each only ....................................................... $5.75
6 Winter Coats -at $5.00
' i
6 only Winter coats. The cloth in them is vorth double the price we ask , Good staple styles, all right for
nextwinter. Thelastsix. Saturday �xnorulng-any one of them for a Five Dollar Bill.
Raincoats at Half Price,
12 or 15 Raincoats. plain cloths and fancy effects. Real jood serviceable garments and good styles too.
There are more Raincoats in stock than we want to take to Peterboro, so take this means to out the
quantity down. Saturday morning take your choice of this lot for hxactllyijalf Price.
A Big CleArance of Panama Hats
Is the Millineu Dppartment's Special inducement for the week commencing Saturday. May 4th. Every Hat
brand new, imported for this sehson's selling. Under ordinary conditions we would not expect to sell
them before June. To induce you to buy eaxly we have made the price low enough to make it worth
your while to buy now Instead of waiting for summer weather.
75 Panama Hats to sell next week. Every one new. And every Hat a Bargain.
Kiddies' Hats
Extra selling of Kiddles' Elats commencing Saturday. Good styles, suitable for small children. Straws or
wash materials. All going at prices that will save you money.
Pro Brussels Pugs
Heavy quality wool Rugs. Will give practically unlimited wear. Size 3 X 3J yards. Two
left to sell, For special sale week, either . for ............... .... ........................... r ........... $12.75
1 1
Union Rugs
Hard wearing qualities that will give satisfaction. 'Special price for Clearance Sale,
each..................... ................. . ................................... ... ... .............................. ..... $6.50
4'Axminster Rugs
Size 3 x 3J. Two are Englisb�, make and Seamless. The others are high grade quality from a leading
Canadian mill. Any one of the four will. give - yon satt8tactfcn. - Special price..for $27.75
Clearance week, each at ............................ .......................................................... ....
The values are all up to S45.00.
One Wilton Rtig
One Wilton Rug left,4o sell. ' Beautiful two tone green effect,'with small pink flower. Size 3 x 4 Vards.
A Rug that y"", stand for years. Regular value $53.00. Last ope for Clearance
................. . ...... $37.,50
week ......... y ............ ..............................................................
Verandah and Rag Rugs
Buy your Voiandah Rng now and you can save money on it. We are clearing aU the Verandah andRag Rugs
in stock. Just the thing for summer use. ' No room to quote prices here but each and every Rug is a
6 Runners to Sell
5 HAll Runners, I aVd I yard widths. High grade Wilton, in neat designs. Each at a Bargain price for
this Clearance week
Linoleum, .59c
3 ends Linoleum, 2 yards wide. Light patterns, suitable for- kitchens. diningroom or bath -room@
Worth today a whole lot more than this price. Special Clearance week, per square yard ........ :59c
A. Good Line at 69c
Splendid Lace Curtain, neat and attractive patterns, 2J yards in length. Special Clearance, per
pair............................................................ ........................................................................ 69c
Good Ones at 98c
A real good Lace Curtain, two very attractive patterns. A quality of not that will give splendid
wear. Suitable for almost any room. Clearance special per pair ............. I ............... I ............ 98c
A Big Bargain at $1.,59
These are beautiful quality Lace Curtains and very handsome patterns. Last pairs of several of
our good lines. For0learallice week at one ptice, per pair . ............................. ................. $1,59
Curtain Voile, 15C.
Just one end cream Curtain Voile with border. Splendid for bed -rooms. Excellent value for Clear
auceweek, per yard .......................................................................................... ............ 15e
Here Is a Big Bargain
50 sample ends Lace and Marquisette Curtains. Each end contains from I to 1J yards and shows the lower
end of the Curtain. We are fortunate In having this little lot for you for they are the biggest
kind of a bargain. Con Sale Saturday morning at per ead only ............................................... 25c
rwpe and Tapestry Curtains,,,,,
Rope and Tapestry Curtains, for door -ways. arches, etc. Green. brown and red shades. Every pair specialty
marked at a bargain price for Clearance week.
We tried to stop our aprIu8 shipment of Waists, but a big lot of them came to hand. The Peterbora store
bought all they needed for the coming season, so we simply have to sell them before we leave Godericb.
Brand now Waists, fresh out of the boxes for Saturday morning selling. These art) not low priced
bargain Waists, but Waists of Quality. Of many lines we have but one or two. It will pay you, and
pay yoli will, to lay in your summer Bnpply of Waists while this Waist Clearance is on. Here are two
The. Waist Spedials: I
1 9 Silk Crepe Waists, $3.98
Walsti made from good quality silk crepe do chine, out in one of the best styles of the season.
Ddillapitment s $5.00 value at least. Whice or colors. Special for Waist Clearance, each .......... ............ * $3.98
UP "andsome Voile Waists at Bargain Prices
Beautiful embroidered Voile Waists, every wanted size and a dozen or more designs. Special price r
s to
Clearanceweek at ....................... ...................................... ....................... I
Special Offerl $1.38 '* 98'", * $2.18 and - $2038
These prices are away below octual value and the goods ire absolutely frestilland up to date. We are simply
clearrng them out because we had to take them and cannot send them to Peterboro.
Cotton Torchon Laces, 2 yards for 5c
The Lialifil 1000 yards Cotton Torchon Lace, widths one. two and three inches. All one price. Commencing Satur.
daymorning 2 vards for ....................................... _--k ............... .... I . .................................. 5e
Allover Lace 59c
Nets and Allover Laces. Buv them now even If you don't want them for some time to come.
Woorth up to $3.00 per yard. Por Clearknee week take Vonr choice at per yard only ................ 59e
Wide Embroideries, 98c
FU Still some god lengths left of our bargain Wide tutbroliferles at 98c. !fh#i reall price of these was up as high
as $2,00. Suitable for childrens wear. dreg", and somilo short lengths that are Wrog, bought
tor apirms. All one price. Clearance, week per yard ............................................................... 98c
�pftial Offerl Corset Cover Embroideries 39C
Illeautffid Corset Cover Embroideries, dainty patterns on fine nalagookoo and muslins. Values up to
W. Por Clearamce Week. per yard ..................................................................................... 3ft
, Me