HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 9I , E I I 1, n I 1.1 I � 1-1-1 . - . ­-­­ I I .11, I ___ I. . � I - 0.0 � ::: f: :�,:11::01:40 0:01 , I ii 10 kol", � =;;;��­­ 11.1 ­ - -1 I "I I - __­_ - , -1 111. ­­ - � I - 1111 - � . I : - I- - ­­ ��iq ir or I 1=1�1:111�111:11.0-,, _= I ...v!, = ­­ � I I 1-1 - ­­-ie.!:Z­_ . ­ , M=:110.11ti . . � I I I . I I � ,. . .1 . � to a � - I I., 11_� �_ , I . , . � . , . , OR . I ,� ,11 -R, � . . . � - - I ____ I I ­:::�d:,:,.Ws:- - � , � ** . I I � I I . W_ �� ! I I __ , , W;;_W"7--P4Po`##1"""--­­ , - y 3t Ple .. _11-1- -to - � . __ I .1 -- 0 "**Now"*" ,,, I lowwa""WAMM 111;1�� _ , . ,, Ax I MIIP :111 I I . -.1 I... ....­ -, ____ , 1�' ; -J' 1.11711-1111 --l-", ,;;rw _�,__ I � ilw boaiv�- -,411, strinattou . " --O-��� I 'Ilmv�* � Ike w4de A pficol pro- w64 aid , A91119, - - - - , , , _ ===,= '0'�17P,*1!M=__. ''. 11_�o­o�. - � - -4K " %N$%V 1011*%1Pi­,**A* * ­W"6�, ,11 site" willb 110001119 V114"tok itlujIA4 ffitl(lh hkt5k­i,,,;) _ . " I ,,#% %V%-.-K%WA;4%Ni* 'O _*_W kert orkrti,$k - . , ., gralp to 4b,4r3r4Mt X,10'r,4,0- Ma A4014'p- ... � � . � . � m to be 14 101, In tilla 1110 T , - ft)v, 0,; whiK 11010 � ' � ., - the N;kv,y , . rt.1 I , e.spowiJbility - �V' z4t reskul%3099 I I V , Jiltj 'Ot 49ogwill:M194 I upoll, Vis , �pwj 1% I MAD A My U01 - 1. L4 RUST 1 b4tu)ner 16 fu, a Rim he Is io ruffif i, � I I i �� r"ifit eXplott lit VAILAWDVAI, � - N U4 W 8 or' INT WIts u4snecPS-9 ThIl'i NOV6. . .1 A,Oyoil _ I . , . . I -0111 I - "I I . C, X*, ') 4yffl X I " -8 into tile artilliery. He came publi,��atlokl Of alut*,u P. -W=01 III - , * 1* P. to, Comptrolfor * .1 k-Itox jaysy .ill froinTorolito to spelld it,(, Weak- 'TA111419A 4 . 0111400,01 tb* VvOtweift of 11411- . I igietisf, tit T40 ��ilallrl'. I . ,oi Is Ito wito kitto 0111t, � 0010,4111d ,tL*yx,- to XY reAli � . I , 1.4 too v.N.'A. Vaud of Arbil- ,ind with his Parente unit 11101 , IftlocA In llun- � .. . --;lst� V , 0 ­­ - I lr,V.VTVW­1T-;'0WrY 1-A , I trators, ttilott the company wall 14601, doubt whakwor but tilat liv, is -, AU '1111JOR It , I - avin4. the WAZ?- opened a Ill salt, X 3 rip - 1. , , -1 A -N _ . ly tickled in h - , �M_ - � � 4,4''weir '104 vrp- , 67 .,NON I I I If'. Y-12 1 11' DU. -N a last to J, over there and h4vo -it �ioiwoletw. apa , I I . 1, . ;ur- )W44poll , Aul P149ty;"Iyea , TICIRS"y T 1 `v6 04 iisofter and: ,WAI oil- A , � OT.D Illy out with �'ritz alon � � I I& Witt) his two sent4t) I U 41 - daft'Ifte pf r ubl shers in the , V , . a4e, the, Illunpilaoll ,� - 0 - I* a I . , I , 9, " � Wilson �and 64vb� '19 In, . � . Alto St. it$, � palged a convention vrm H. XIMEAUy . k brothers. Georg.0, I'M [iii sto .48 splev Rita i I I ""_ , Howard, with tits unAversity krlitlu-, fiolullIUS; tit T%ibje., ,I %wolild ask . 1. - r4s9lutle to .... part President Wil- I , prospects of a brilliant pro- noWs$ M I � i _ . " t . 1: of 1. � . . Zli I eve dly cit - I .. . , ­.. , - . I ... I � ­ � . �. I., - . ­­­, . - ::: . I n Zarewr moore Nio.'and It thlkt Um. . [ Aws i'llp'' ,- 2 ILI WOOD%, I - I vinount ce rts for lit* Iffe'lit O0-er=-VdttrV0:-jXW_ - 1.1 ,14. from. I . . I all k4broItted the Lao pa - . I * resident of ILI ,h for hhp to ly ,ti�vvs their, doetul , . re"It at 0 O. tttgo appotateol to Richard I a sister of ROb one 8 toluo OdIcs. I . ,. - t, a Lit. Reid is the possessor of . EIN-le has week to week ap. � jor reform or tile * now Ford. :geslrg. She w,a all d . in e Nto t tibliegtion. 1jesides . .1 a t'asiptat ... 11 61, Of tile 'tIjJ&S1 waletro � the proper I% 0 Fol.r Tito Star I -Www,�Ay Fift SY-RUP ,; � Of to whol Irlt-4he spirit that wort' llope . - $recently had a plique, 11tipe Can- nows,. jtjnW . . � � f.''O'llito at � ON 41 prope'llea A Frank Jone we exten our deellest."sympIally'. has characte z tile e _ , . CURED HO - '�l I .. our torm. of offieff Alld &P- histalled' In his blirness shop. 1 "76k, Ryan., our blacksmith, I 81kys adian volunteer army and were to covittritit- '00016 of My lit = .,L I Jut ate by Comm .. Op.- mo t, so boys work 00mineAW on ft, small . this dgN ip atunt $,%tits there a few MO to . I � 11.1 Quit com.mAttegs. ?Ars. Deeves, Of Goderich, has . light savku� like Ca .4 ArrAn&i0jjt$ have . I - .0 � I C. itest soldier la the Urltbb been spending a few days here. him fine as it givea hint all hour or , left it would not have been necesir in England. . I _ . . .. i. V,j*liah, .A,mcri- army. It not In the world, vowaroi -v in _ Mrs, C. Draper, Rayfield, Out,., - feet nine. hit Miss Ruby Allen is i0eadift" few so more tit tile OV01111193 for a few to resort to the military Ser. bect _40 With 11W ..a been seat , sons call and Com4disoll liblishliq 111,10, it) . J. is Smbringviklo! 2111" 4 , ' i it I 1, - C� .. , I the beno, atreal byAbe Dritiall'Reeralt., 41-4-ya with her sister 411 - ridei in his pow Ford car which he V leye Act. Now that lite three �i Ition't nurn- - Olmhes.-Ill want to tell you of 01 . a -'of tits twellirle Mr. and Mrs. FL F. 'Treleaven purchased last wOOK. It the villill e are into the fray we s,kould not be contrI lite, f9r already, A .. Ing Jsqlon In Boatti . -now relatives tin -Soil%- bell sit, uld mi,,,,;s 1011:aS ocicasio,014ify iurprised to see doctor lie the next her � ticles, solifte , t I pt from . I . to the American Urmy visited Luck � 1,14,062.4 lavokirao of I I I � jAko . youp medicine. 5040 a I I ,� 1. 45.0 ,, winter I had a very bad cold and . blatiAltertAi two bottles of Dr, soon. He is * carventer In the Royal Mrs 'bo Mys_NcK*y I 't' 1,W,jlj_, ­ -1 - 11trof - . thera are to be drafted day. 1. dowt lillatito olikol; ,0 blame the ailto to go. prepilrel of 0 , i __ 60*16ffisf ly 0 now and the a * h reparfltq a - , , a io is able to g%% olittlo daughter, There is n familiar ditty in ( e boo le 11 or* q appe*v_ 11% Ito i, - . Ft. A McKenz r, . . Lk,,Piun%yru,%1 was cured. r tier recent ill- cit (16derfollir gii6fit a few day army, two fine -10, T . dblt to V-4016 Engineers. around again afte a ,with 8 of Vhieb go some.. MI : 1001 lt,b � 11 . !" I . it to abOtit one of t e bc%t cough . FRILDAT. . ness. I 0 the former's mother here. Mrs-phing like thIS: I WX th * 100.41 11 ­_ - that I know 6f. I always keep,� Over OR g, of 'the 'Metu- gcxiil 4tates th,ali, her livaband Pto "When I got MY 'civY" clOtheA Be i�vo this go W1 ­ At - iveit (41 0!1 Ill. .- V at, glig.-gradusting class Tito district meetin paper, sA IL ' -0 _ OjitLja_*CL*ffiWjQ I Q&Ab&XVLA ''of- ftjtr� Of "(1he ,o e hold some 1, 4.e]Kay,,j"qw N . � .0q -duty on, 0 W, h- _ 1101. I - tarto Veterinary odist, chuich is to b imq Base #1 Fogpc 6 in 0 will be." yd rs the, ft.*� I Our I I ItAl . 111A . I want it. ,,e,,,Itq not beir It how happy I the set- Quit Its JO tL ft --- army. in May. ,ahape Toi. generat, service a0ill', Ills These words %preas to Is In a l , ­ --- plant ties bee _ APIA . college will Join = I [ ',,*'The, other week I � told The street car strike in Detroit has, � It. .1at r -OPPA -.-.. ­ , -, an old lull .. . _01inton, rfPPL)TQr - frtMt L ­tj-e%je�-j - - -f49*0r­aQL - 4ads --meethUlff ,1111, .. . A- .11 , 11 EALbal Xq U � 'i I. , 1% .1 I �� �rtl=a 7 1yrtlin .4 b W, tk flow , when - ed kad 4hout"11 1?yr�_ - - __ _ I _. _Mr ._RobinSom._ 01 _11 rV1 4i,tkr I _-Q, oil 11 .. ,. � I- . Duer - we*-41-imxtfA-,Wut here Teen" . I I tdfidW I'll, . k 'th ran ' ' and On. - = ) R 1111. w9ag's., -iiiin-oi-allew-w-a-ad Seating the London Life, was bein loteof with all their hearts ; a6_1�xper once I I I tin ent, t for three weeks vn b be settled by 1t;derAl fmall.14A]l for a day or eo. _g yet comP forward to o no k . U *#0liouvice � I . . beert getting medicine f the doc- A steamer with 738 returned oM- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris, of $tmt- they look 8 pe h It 010 . � et I men of Mr. Bailie and T. U. Allen motor- ford, motored up hore on SatuiOaY ,lay qter they have 'Aploa n tohneir ____ _ . tin cers, 40ii-cOmIll. and the ed over to aingsbriage Saturday , e! - t9r, but (Ed not seem to be g Yh .. , tt ,,at, one bottle of Dr. V=Va' port. and spent the woak-�bnd at the hd,tne part in the great war. a other 10 the people of tit&$' Coinmunity U er. She @ C.&F, reached an Atlantic iness bent. oy were accoln- day I doffed and laid away with was necessary, I reMitilli Norway Pin�e�S;,=,t=d she 1Y1 it has The jury inquiry into the death of on bus of T. 0. Allen, youts eto., done her in ILL, the doctor'B Miss Ida Whyard and Miss Clara panled on their trip by Mrs. Harris' foerntle care the uniform t have worn Carl *oodrow. Toronto, brought in a koid donned ci- V. luellailly. medicine she hod been taking." verdict etneuring the C.P.R. for Sproul spent, a few days with Mrs. inoth,r. Mrs. Allen, and little , over two years t lay that ' . __t____1Z: . Saunders, of Mafeking. Dorothy, ,yho had been spending 8 %ilian clothes, and I call ,� Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup if negligence. late J, A. MacKay Fourteen of our local Oddfellows few days in Stratford and Sebring- after all it was ii, plo?asiIIg and NIARK.ET YOUR VAPM .. SMAH rich in the lung healing virtues of the Nine sons of the special Oddfcliows' ser- ville. I somewhat novel experience. But ' . . . at, K,0aJ;Xeait .who ,wqa buried Wed- attended . TI is a bit Market fork Maple Norway pine tree, and this makes it the nesday -a few,,woeeks after his wife, viet's in Lucknow Sunday. David Glenn made a few repairs the change front army life to civil- lore best remedy for coughlo and colds. are lu'khakl.'o . Mrs. Won. R an left on Monda to,ifohe exterior of Z4.. J, Trooleavon's Jim life is 'lot witIPAlt, feelings Of sugar and maple ls�rikpf III 0411ifida, for London ere sne will speII5 Give Davy emotion and certain thoughts retro the .United States sind in Pgjand. L Twenty,six warned soldiers left wK I it. restaufant. this W"t. -ospective. 1,041 The genuine is put% up in a yellow Toronto last night for Northern Ou- a week with her sister, who 8 I OL saw and gev- spective and pi Farmer�. ho oan!t find 0 Mark- � wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; tarlo. where they will �ake up land I a few nails, a hAMM, 1`9� Looking back over my army lift, Thos. stouiers moved his house eral boards and be..can cover up a -that portion of it spoilt in train- (its sho write to Nontreat or -price 25c.,aud, 50c; manufactured only, in the -clay, -belt. - - � - - d- spots. Kee . - ­ .I... ... --.1.... L Ifold effects this week to his new multitude of bai Vup I I IL%g I.njOanada, the trip erviflPfieftfl, to Toronto. � 6� The T. Milburn Co.'. Limited, Taranto. Cadet John T. Duval', from Jersey, home recently pdrehased from Ed. the good work -there are a number W1 eks later to ,,�'. and two we '_._*f-_ , Out. was killed at Camp Borden when "'is Durnin. of, places. in our burg In need of a France, tile .comparatively short I —1 11 1, airplane crashed down as he was Mrs. Beecroft Mrs. 8 arling and ,few repairs. but not uneventful career in the 0hi1drq2x,.1Qry ' mating a aplo flight. Riss Stelta Kirk, of Sucicer-spearing m Duff's creek trenches during the'winter of 1916- FOR FLEMER'S Chairman, Goode I ham of the Ham- children and )nibs of hospital life 4 Whitechurch spent Sunday at tile -has been the faVOritc pastime for 17, the five ni( 11ton Higbwkty commission told nis the past few in France and "Blighty," during ST NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK - howe of Anarew Kirii. several * otir citim CA t OR I.AL , Humber Bay ratepayers that Ole one or two fairly go . ------ or- . .. Thos. Stothers, local represen- oveningn. oniod Which time I almost succumbed to highway way have a surplus. tative of tile Smith nursery, was catehes are' reportec. These d- tile ravages (it trench (over and 1. __ _ I z, . . Important Events Which Have Premier.Borden read in the Corn- busy for a day ol- so delivering Mille wkUi a torch. and a sipear shell shock, tile return to Canada appeal from a To- Ilighlill, great Hport every spring anti three month,% more of hOsPital Occurred Duringtha Week. mons a toucbIn& stock to patrons in ziiis neighbor- vrov, H '. I ronto boy of sixteen who is eager to when tile suckers eonle I'll tile treatment hero resulting ill Inv Spring Term Kin AO' 1 2 I serve his country by helping to hold hood. o Goderich cceek from the lake. final discharge April M, I recall V - the line. The local agency for th one of our citizens has 1181i his innumerable incidents and several CE it The Busy World's Happenings Care Wool growers of the United States stcain laundry is now at N. J. Tre- tmiltlication between his vh-id experiences which litne can % I .1 fully ()omplied and foist bAO - leavaii's. Leave your "washee" line 6f -COIT . pffacp from illy men ory I . have agreed to turn,eyer to the Gov 11 look after back yard and thtwAtrect cut off and neN,fil '! i - Handy and Attractive Shape tor ernment. the entire output at pricar with "Happy" and lie wi is now confronted with the proble'll litit oil(-. of the pleasing featill- 8 41 A%;; the Readers of 0ur based on the price prevailing fo- it for you. of how lo ge I Lite ranks -and STRATFIPRD- ONT. : Paper - A ,t his a,,A-o out for a few illy career i I I solid Hour's Bt.joyraeoaL washed wool oil luly.. 30 last. Mr. Hailie 411' like .41"I'ling Bank, pleasure trips. Lilco a dugollt, On this call tie applied to every CEllitnif,icial' life offers the gr . lot � I Altred ingram. foremaw, Harry has brought'his Mi -rd [,(I the 0 . liage tin- West front it is perphaps Well soldier-- was the comradeship opportuallif-a" . WCONIDSOAT. Sylvester and George Camercri, were and is enjovilig fill' 'I'(' 11if it these its for case of onier- and friendship (.r liltilly lads Recent led), grrilivelvp ofthill school A of the Soldiers of the ow!girls to have two ex Is C a parade killed In an explosion of an ammonla title eveninjis. (wet biisy ; gelicy. What do You thillk, Will I? with whom I was asso I led, all"Ost site rarnfrop as birl, Pit $1000 W Sail took place to -day in Toronto. tank at the Hamilton Tat" & Am- here, is your cliank-e . . . Ptt . �. Carillon st,f)tllers recently re- !1(1!IY. One writer has said, "noth- atinuiii. Tbe last "Joplicatlull Wt rio., H. A. Jarvis resigns tb,e presiderle,y monia Co.'s Platit, and the vlant was I- will " will) Soule G. W. V. A., Quartel-ly con ill In 11 -11 80"N 14-4 .1, joint,41 his battalioti, lift, l5th, i it ing is niore binding thall thn frivild- ceived bom ,,,, ,,ffice W, - of. oV the Parkidale braftch, wrecked. be held iii tho Molhodist I-Illin ilie fill(, after a few weeks' treat- 91 ins-in-arnis." ex . . 110colletive offiled Wilful salftr% capitalists are t1l, hase: Tita`;.ts_41s)of. T"mp,a.ni" .1, brother- per on � making )I'). tie - ate $ Norwegitfn next Simda.y morning at it o'clork. I � n b lit. $t oidi:p I if * in,, y Toronto. [lent for gas, in one of I 'ellch I any time. fi;rodu- quantity of butter 'Ath finely arrangemenLS to, revive tb� whaliuA ,1,1- if also) lie a I-riTti011 (if I . flood itt tho worfd Is the it I enter our classes h A If -re xvi 11liqpitals. Ho had heen disebarg(A cut wire mixed in it b -as jeen found Industry in Newfoundland waters. new me4tiluir-i. All welconle. . onire froni the hnsp,tal as being brotherflood all(] lily mind goes ates placed In poi,itions. . - Tele- ,1�t Calgary, T�he lback now to 801ne, () f the . old pals Commercial, shoyths-rd Piro - . 9 in the week have been They plan to sell the meat in B. 3. Crawford. mir polmlar inev- (-onipietely eured from tho *4008 (,let our free � Three day f I . t later 11j, ,)irf! I)p_ with whilin I shared the OYS anti grapby (ifelintimerils. . get aside in Jamaica when meat Is United States and make the at utc orhanl. lial; been 011 the local camial- ,If If the gas bu I rurther treat- sorrows of trench life, glome of catalogue. . . margarine. tv fisi. for a few days with a va I, affectod all( � not to W eaten- centre had 106 t�(IlI1IIvSojII1- boil fill Ilis nerk. He ljuqlj was nevossary ,if. is, how- those splendid pals have fallen ill The mobilization SATURDAY. ittee has Ttol W -en haid off d"ItY 114)wf'% "I'. ovor, lit ror (hity a9dal al"I is 01104' uction - Others wommed in thil, light W. J. ELLIOTT, 0. A. NeLACHUN, British -born recruits from the Unit- The Canadian National Comm and olifters ure 4 . . ' - back favillf; Ill(- wily Fritz .Jill "carrying of , President, prift;lPal. ed States yesterday. for Mental Hygiene was organized at Robt. Al(-I,eall. q)r iii)dorieh, was njori consuming. the bully bev"f titly and rewwoely. ol. " - - 4- 1! in the villap Nifoinflay. Mr. Mi -Lt -lin and Z11114i 'to the comforts k home life _. The first, of the r ,w draft of me,j Ottawa. I I% I .. � of the ages of 20 to 22 will be called Results ot-the Military Service defplores tile. lar.1, of hote ' I aCCOninio- rallon. ' I and the 1wivileges of a peaceful - - _ to the colors early next week. I Act in Quebec are now pronounced dation for the travelling public. and it shollitl J)e tile. iniperative'dulY -111 � fn,,d community it would not tio, nallil - Thirty-sewen more men were Put extremely gratifying. dfTlares it lias hurt, tile village 4�1)n- ,,f all of I,-; ,,ot tAi waste any for anyond back from t4st Zone of' . into uniform in Toronto through the 'St. Catharines has formed the War sifferably. and to vollservil all tiiaL is possibli-- war and destruction, ant! ths-lin- activities of the Dominion police. Cbest Club to be the sole organization Mr. ClAmeroll. of Njitcijell,diAtrict Here is a warning wnich Lloyd forts,and hardships, to not con- cou American newspapers, It is an- for v�ar relief work. agent or tile Exori-Isior I,ife- Insur- 04u)rge delivered ill R k5l)"'Th last linually think of tho Ittils o-r ther" nounced. will tora ance Co., anti *r. (;. Allen, local Au who rrave have to reduce their The C.N.R. Board of Arbitra . first while the writer was in the � size by So per cent. in the coming will be unable to conclude their In- agent, werefoul through the neigh- visitors' gallery, House of Gornmoll", "just to lie back for (ine peact,ful year. quiry for another two Weeks. bork(ood for a few daNs looking ill) England : .'I fear tile disciphited night 71 OnW906 . Four military exemption tKlb�unals Lieut. -H. J. Hanna, a nephew of new businvas. people behind the German army, Away from the worries and trials Tawase, 0^ - - - .- __ — . ,he rationed family and the det(T- . will open in Toronto on May I and Hon. W. J. Hanna, was killed In an David Henderson, of' West Wa- I . nation Qf wife and sister and of (his likht ; will be presided over by the counly, airplane accident in England. Away from the kultue, nway 1f=46WT4411j_ wantish, ,has disPoMA 'if his fit'(" 1111 rMther to stand and from lift- crinle, . judges. � Samuel Gompers, President of the farm it) Davki F"Inglop, off the 91b daughter and 1K men, iroulp Jim has forced the Aus- A of Labor, ad- Away from tile wellelles. sl'4%11 6" =1 I.. � Lack of coal , merican Federation c.oll. We, undenstand it if; tile it,- starv"o that their,.4ightin * , trian Minister of Railways to suspend dressed the Senate and Commons. tention of Mr. Henderson to retire may be fed -I fear at more than Lite holes and shine ; 1211111110111 Pba_q passenger traffic on the northern Dr. Robert J, McFall. M.A-. -Pb.D., fh3in farininig. . (Terman army itself.- Do You,sel' 'riken would tlwy flee reont this C - - lsaw= � I .. has been selectitid as Cost of Living has renteA tile tile point ? it is tip to each onCT of ghastly qight, . � roads. Harry Fawle�r its to sifft the Germans that we call a, just -smiummi-i"- a .., I -_ only married men of the originad Commissioner, succeeding W. F. north half of tile Young store now I .%lift return it) thee, Canad -- 11,1111 firsts now on lurlough In a category O'Connor, K.C. and will do the same tiling. . for tonight." I lower than B2 will ermitted to Vice -Admiral Schroeder of th4b Ger� owned by Miss Celia Pentland and Like the birds which mitrate icture I fleem it nly. remain in Canada. be p . man fleet is to be removed from hifi will I . ise it for his implilment, )rthwards with the advel At this im I agenc3, he having vacated , tile Ili, I 'If duty to,inform the public just what D. W. HAWTON . T1 - kol-finzie has re- , fen -n- pre for, re ard to re- � . - - . � iiiis $4 I * 6, , '' - , ,. *_ .&WAM . V * ar, Ito ow"W1114117 i, . Hosh.day:*4 yor I . ONQUIN PA . _. R,Ki �;, , 11 ­ - __ _0%,-,_-, __ , � 31111,11110S O# ONT � I , i 1), a Ideal spot for ydimr Summer vacallu* � midst wildauddelightfulwAlotoy, , . , I.Xcelleat hotel avirvico as tho" 101"A . ., I I Tim.n �111 I I , . I I . . I � ull- ilifermsMilin from way4losuctTrattip - - ­­ --_"_1-1 - I I � . rfck�A Ageut ov C. E. H&6iu& DistrIO � � . , � Passenger Ageall, Toronto. . .1 I I . . w I 11 I. I - F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS. * . I I I Town PassilvirrAnd Tkk@L Agoffats. , I . , " . php .p � Pq �a . , F- ­ ______E W . 14 CANADIAN i I . I ; � I PACIr I C1 ,� ;., I — __ I . � ulak; ial weiis in - .��":. � I 1� ansolpto Ti In 1) �AI "i , � _­ ... -.___-____,4 AV .A, p 10111-F -118 _ fob. "I f .1 I Particularo from any cana,lian Pa. . ".1 ,� . cifie TiolL.ost-Allem,�,-or- - - - - -, - I � W. 5 HOWARI), . ..��,� , � District P65166ager Agent, Toronto, .� � , , * I . , . 1- ...",_,"Is 1= - __ � � I. F" .1. AM �Mll . - own � ? 7"rimaymal lurt"swivow TESEIRIERMI 0 YMMIRLatlKVILtooiltilus For Tieketa. Renervatlons. Uter. atiare. and Inl4ination. mp h�,, to J. N'V Crol surnn,v. filo,i,�r_ ,,r ti,Me� Insurnn,v. 4 o loh. It. 1, Fitirlin1m. O.P.A., 68 Mug St. E- Toronto ,if, 9 XI M I I 11 LIE "I II: i E I A If THE SAULTS COAL CO. ,AkjCctkb,,i, to Nicl)onagh &- G.Iedhiil EXCIA STVF AGIENTS I:OR LFOIGH VALLEY1 1111; , 0ALTIIATSATISFIE.S N . Ve orlia.1 in llard Fil d �4 if L, 10,1.11r.e crournt. Fire Hfick. lift(.* clay. also Hard slid Suit Wuoil, Maple anti H@,mlnck Shibot. Frer,h, Cars of Lime and � Cerrent Just received Qj?FjCjo PHONX . . . 75 4. J. SA ULTS' R ESID" C K 275 W,.o W. SAur.Tsl RictuDICISCH 202 . ... . . Canada's trade during- L e Y--1 position as commander at ZootiOurlIgige, spr ng, — my 11 I In ending With March increased Thompson shop. turned to the burg dfter srnrd, Ing suniing (lie publish In business in Agent for Goderich and Clinton. ,,, SWARTS' � - 144, 'totalling by owing to the raid. Jas. A. Johnston. formerly our a few months in ,FAmny 10 d,. Dungannon, which I suspended I cit T I � ia exports 1 . ,. I $$is 2.92,( o A. delegatiop. of 2,500 farmers will telephone man ill f,,Ip %-iflage, has H 'pent most of his time in Nigall when I joined the colors in March, f I . and imports $2,664,462,215. protest to the Dominion Government gold It � jac I IV and � . Further against the removal of exemption fof is farm at E'benezer, having le t of . . TA La erY , I returns of the voting on aW kqonville ana reports laying 1916. 1 intimate in the last issue - �., tAke question of Methodist itinerancY 'young men worklug on farms. purchased a house and lot a splendid time. He looks ' as or ,rhe Dungannon News that if I , Do Leal 4rmam ,� Show AL f over two to one , urn, where lie and his fan "". I Ped With were spared to return from mer- separaten . majority a Mr. Champ Clark; Speaker of the � 5 though the, climate agr les I I system. soon make their honip. I � , ,1��4 , he will find it seas I would in all probability re- I f the present - ­�.,";�.�Ilim and we trust . % ,_o� .1, . 'I, �, '. �,,, �. t In favor a House of Representatives, has refus A � - i � ,!,tab Y, I . .....',41 I warm enough - -1,, . all 41treat y The Budget speech is postponed to ed the appointment in the Senate of- With the Government's insi . , here for the next egtabli8l, tile paj)el. HowoLvi Ideal Gmeefted -, - . .. 4', t � *xt Tuesday, April 30, owing to call for more prodi V -,Ion singing ill *-I four months. u.nder present cirt-unistaneel; I do sit" , X , fered by the Governor of Missouri. I 1, . � lion. Mr. M&cle&n,g hoLving to be ab- The explosion of a coal oil stove In their ears, the farmers are hard at By a popular vote of the congre- not. see my way clear to do so and Alpha -Do Laval ju .. at off the Squai c 00 sent from the capital a few days this a house `bn Mutual s'treett Toronto. work on the. land. 4;iveu good Lion 4unday mortlingAlle Metho- for the time heing, .%t least, plibil- 01 . '4j6* -Qs, y Z mma- weather -seeding by the end of tile Engines 7 week. resulted in the death of Mrs. E ,� rists decided to chianFe their hour vation of The News will not bn re- 98011fiass 14"SAll Trainil anil �, At Coroner Demary's inquiry Into line Sullivan from burns and shock. week should be iwettY well ad- of services, the new time not prov- sunied. . Newombe Passeniffer Boats ' ) the death of Vasil George, a Mace- The Halifax Relief Commission by vanced. ing very popular with them. After I)Pspite the best medical treat- I )rought, In a is it appears to Sabbath Scho Piano ­--mil-sililed for In any donian, a Toronto Jury I 11,11,11 passed by the Nova Scotia Leg- Talking about atiolor next Sunday tile of nient and vary tile military hospitals I .__ -_ o'clock could provide, my livalth still dp- �, verdict chArging Goncho Christod islature, just prorogued, Is given ex- us that Dungannon has quitAi a o at It Idised 1111111roll 1, oaft of tho town for all , with murder. tensive powers, independent of civic number oll,parade this spring and instead of 10 as forinerly, and the manfig every i-misioleration and fill, !f I "Olas illt. �0. T. R. or C - P - R - � ` TEWRSDAY. control. I the probabilities are that there will church service will he field at 12, this rfmson the army medical auth- C16m4pheall ,. , . �. I . "Usiii"s. 0 Election of Rhodes scholars has The Canada Food Boaxd has Issued be a few more owners before the, The evening service will commence orities oil discharging nip from tile Large stock of Edison Recortoo. on Promp 0 been postponed until after the war. an order limiting the ,holding of summer is far mine. Who said at eight aq arranged a few weeks service, strongly advitied lite agailist ;f ervice and ,0 hand. � Two large Austrian power factor- sugar by anyone except manufactur- there is a wat 'on '? ago. The services it, the other local � Careffil Ittendance. to les have been destroyed by explosions. ers or dealers to fifteen days' supply, Melville Culbert, has been offered churches are being held at I the -_ Separators, Rubbors and Oil ten be � .. � Allout'half the bees around Brant- except persons living more than two a hicrative positi0TI with the (s. N. usual hotir, new time. We under- ,had at FRED HUNT'S Hardware. I i 11 � 1*640. , ford perished through the sever:ity af miles from a licensed dealer. W�. telegraph office Kincardine, ap stand that several schools through- Prompt delivery of all Separators on 1, Our Livery aad Hack Service /, the winter. MONDAY. Wegraph operato�. We under- out the district have adopted the short notice. *111 be toolond up-to-date � X Neal Pearson, �a private of ,the The plant of the Hortop Milling stand Melville leaNel; this week to old time again. . 10 11VOrY respect. � Royal Air Force was moved from Co.. Toronto, was destroyed by fire. accept 'tile position anti voinimence A certain amount t)f stigar hoard- $, - ALWAYS HOME SATURDAVS FOR '' 11hooftlo, 1 � -rence, Toronto , saved duties. We. wish tile Y4,11119 Ina" ing has been taking place in this j � the Toronto jail jo the General Hos Alfred Law a . REPAIRINO. Voir �4694&jte Solicited 1 I vital. woman who bad fallen into the Don Success. district (luring recent months but 1, � 'Thousands of Toronto school chil- river. The funeral of the late Maria it will have to StA Ali order re- — 11 11. dren created a memorable apectacid A supplementary training depot of Armstrong, of Lonflon, took lilac(. epnity issued by ILVI-P Canada Food I T. J§WA'RTS -` In the soldiers of the Boil parade 10 - Board states that no person, other r. Canadian Engineers Is to open at to the Dungannon ,oenietery fill Fri )r dealer in 15fol D. W. HAMILTON . ,aheme 107 Mifonfiresl Street " Toronto. fternoon. beceased was a than a manufacturer ( of I ,I New instructions have been Issued Brockville. day a sugai, shall have in his posseSsion Ploiss 207 . Her" Strad, CLWTON L %osog,be$seNlpg*anss:!t".�-q�"W�l-lfi Anthony Morton, Toronto, is under . correcting the orders which by offer iir under hig control at any Limp 1, . I arrest charged with stealing forty a 't V.1 IVI.- 11.___ resents the num. cut short the furlough of First %,Va­ cases of whiskey. niore sugar 1. a.n is - years spent In fruitless or(- tingent men by two weeks. "Additional restricti6iis on holdings ordinary reginrements for fifteen ber of bad case of eczema Four months Of the Military Ser- nd use of flour are announced by HEAVY MEAT EATERS days. Provision is made that a per- forts to cure a vice Act yielded 13.365 Men phys,_ a S011 living At a distanca greater than with fordindrY ointments. corn- , cAlly At for combatant service, out the Canada Food Board, two miles and less than live, miles Cred with the time It took Zanif- of some 24,000 who reported. I London Str6et: Railway ,conductors . nay hold or control sugar for his uk to effect a complete and pc -- and motormen have accepted the HAVE'SLOW MONEYS I nionneat cure. The Governar-9eneral sent a cable- I company's.offer of arbitration. . . I 1)WII use for a perloa not exceeding eperlence of Mr � � thirty days. Sugar held in excess - This wall the ei — W______� Rev. J. C. Carlile, whose parish in- � the quantities prescribed under IL C. Buckley of 461 F -sot Broad- . �. I ludes the Shorticliffe, Camp. praises ]kt IM Meat if you bal .%-.Ik- or Of c the order can tie seized and forfeit- way. Portland. Core. Writing to the conduct of Canadian troops. hairil bladder trauble--Takos - ed, Violations of the order are the Zam-Buk Co.. he *my@ t "For lot A10-APHUR Fifty Chinamen and 35, Greeks CIM of UHL stibject, to penalties ranging from fifteen yesors I suffered with a bad , � were arrested In Toronto charged *100 to $1,(M. Sugar hoarding or case of eczema. and lised all kinds I I I I with gambling on the Lord's Day. any food hoarding is unfair and -1 of so.called "caret" and treat- �, The president of the A enian No man or woman who eaw meat regn- unpatriotic. In England it haR been ments. but nothing wall cepable DARRo AY HAIR delegation -now In Paris charges that . IL miAos" by fitinfii" the t serious crime for some Lime to of orating me until Itried Zorn - the Turks #AV MakillIg a deliberate at- Utly offto�&. link. This wonderful Wat, how- , — kidusys onAlly, says a well-knoiris oard food and it should be SLOPPe.d ever, complet6lY cured infe In less tempt to *Ipe ut the Armenian Mee. solithotity. Mosat forms urip said which here In Ganada and guilty ones then a year. ittiod not only sq. but �It's Gr=dmother's Recipe to The largest 70'eighter in the French exclites the kidnays, they betiotne Over- me%erely punished as a warni LA I have had ob return of the dis- Restore Color, Gloss mercantile marino service was wetted from the Strain, 94 sluggish and others. A similar order has s nee ease. I strongly recommend Zow- and Att;metiveniss. launched at Dunkirk Saturday and is fill to 111ter the waste and poistins from been issued making it unlawful for Suk to anyone offlicted me I was." , , now it]I a Yrench port. Her displace- tlis blood, then wo get iddL NO&Tly all any one to have on hand mort- than This In but one of the hundreds / — . ment to 19,000 tons. TifliumosUgul, hb&dffL&cs, liver trouble enough flour for fifteen days' use. of cases where 4on-fluk has ef- Almofit� everyone I.tiows that gage Tea Dr. von Eleydler. the Austrian Pre- 011"01021011. diXtinesol, 810*lesmww �� Old Von "llindy," generalissimo tected a care when everything abd lullilmr, proorly empounded, infer, has for a aftoad time presented urinwy dislorden ome Ilrom sluggish of the Oerinan foices has had two else failed. The riessoa is essilY brings lAck the natural color and lustre his resignatifin. According to a de- kidneys. - 9 eases on the West fr(;tit to contend explained. Zatri-1111ak Wale on- to the hair when faded, streaked or apatch from Zurich Seydler desires to The inoftent y6u, fell a dull. osells In the with during the. past two or thrf,#, usually refinfed-contsining slisa- gray. Years ago the only wa to get this quit 6121ce becituee the situation is kidney, or your back hurts or if the lately no animal fate of alluerall we wbich ears, but he is soon to have 6 drugs such as aris contained in mixture ,)vaoi to w4ke it at G untenable. urim Is-dftdy, off0ablvoit ton Of sedl- Mrd one. GeorKe Cage, Yotinge"I it musigy,andAroublesomt., N�N"Yll, �7 The Department of Agriculture ant, Irregular of -1 Attended by oon ,of -Dr. Case 18 signing up with Ordinodry ointments-Im capable of _ across of an- 8 e penetrating to the and ILIon osilking oft any drug store for "Wyetliks will plant one hundred of scavi"nWgIt. Wrontoo and will bf� 9 0 onsfation " eating mesIt the artillery in er Sige and Sulphur Compound," you Will occulDidd land near Armour Heights &M gell; sbirut four ounces of J&d in uniform in a few (lays. Now, it tissues whet* akfir diseases 1. .. gt4 a large bottle of this ff�Lmous Old with dal, and in making a survey of r" from any pharnacy; take a hasn't been a atiestion (if conscrip- their toots. Ordinary oi9truentil rjelpe4 * Improved b . an the contrary. never get beyoa y the addition of *&" ,Lit* land around Toronto to have a tsWilippoolaW I& of water befors, lion or expippLion with (iteorge. for , .. in : gr 1. tite; fbi, sliblit 60 eftt& Maximum Jereage under crop. fisys t�e surface skin and so ore locapi in eft I broddoA and Ylmr 11141121"ll it is a well known fak that thiry ableout effecting Vermanent ocures. EN Try 01 NO O" Soirtral squadrons of home are to Will ad A" TILLS hum" "its is SWAS cjiap has b"n very keen to serve can po"Ib at you dsticelted yotor ,1* raised in the Went as reinforce- ZRMB*k Is just " cooll for ". I _ from 0* "W of ever since war broke out, partiell- salt rheum. ringworm. boll . at - hair, as 7 ams it so "utirally in& taeuts for the Canadian cavalry on qciabbload with 11 it" larly since hig two brothers Went evenly. You doisipons a s a" or "1111 the Western front. and the Royal for X"Oratloss to it" saff .­­ I I)jjt both Iloward anot cers, abscesses. blood-pol toning, throggh ovorseig, � pilem. cuts. burns. scalds and sit brusk With It find drat, I rs Northwest Mounted Police have been to, kilft-n " to watraittor the adds Rengon reqiiested him to remain skia injuries. All dirog is or � r hair, taking,foulpalffiall atuad acs, 6 a W. box. givin wwiltift tdo join: m6re thsh urift 60 t no 010" irritKU012, home for the sake of the 1) rents, Zam " Toronto. r9ae; by Morning the cay hair ffis­. 00 eaftg ble"or . and altir stW - appIteg" four hundred lifure already done so � caasog as they felt tWO Gilt Of Q f(killily 3 f , 1. . .. appears, Ir b&06" bijudWy alia probably two hundred more Will kTAd 86* Is , morpsolve Mail , were suffieffint. so 6em-Ki, tiling I � or tv* . yatr III eallst; their places are to be filled by I; aakft a Adflowal 411194700"n baek and jo;wdietl hard af I IiivPi-- a dArk,';144 find attrsetivi�. Category 8 m4ft =WS!9 Am* 4AIIA #""O" . Wyeth's am Anti Sullibur keelio Xthe fly hitt that "enlisling III) - as lie .iENERIERFER 000"ll" Aoum tau am and th" to 9 ��� . � u1she for tbote TUESDAY, catis it kept inizzing arounT to a delightfurt011et r � kldsoqfs�iilossn &W atathre 631,1111 tile 11 ! 1.11, 4,12111: who destre djak lilitt IN a yotAliftil AV- Itay. joba, 0. CAtIlle vitestb6d the and having tin polfalod'o of mill( 'It to soft Ink "* tutay av"Mudbbled Ill ffghtfnir hintidl Ili film I I pearance. ,nded for the eare, Meg"ter baccalstirfittO 94rdift. 1. I witiption of previntlou of disease. I Troons from Canada to the Ailllu�iet ibmplkauwi. .; tewtv miieh -11 . . � . _ .. I. -I I I 11 � 1. ,� 11- I'— il � I I - _ " I I 11 I,, .... 4� LL ­­­­�7-- _nl­v�-�_�,4x­,�-!'.�-_ ­,—,��-�­ — , . , � .- , . � . � I � - - . �­** , I I I . V ; � I I 11 , - . I I - I , - , , . - - - - , . � �_ , -1 ". I , . '. . � � __ L. � _� ,, 1, .1 I 1_ , - ___�, -,- . .,� - L,; �� 0"_Ikklk,w;�� .... L.; I � 4X�,. .,-­ zl­�'�­.L. �... I lime 4 11 , I I I .. .. ��_17..��__­_ ,��, � -, " . I � I . . . . . .- � I . . I � . � I ., . � I I . �, � *.� - � � I � L' . I I � 11 ve _-&wh"."L_t:­ _^_4A"&a&_ - I