The Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 7TUR 00DERICH
01 4 1-,! "A I. If
.. . ...... ...... an Ut 00 40 A NOT J
16ft"iew Wfth 14 0 lit" bow 44"04 ;;;;710 *a Notheft as a rule @ e
I" Oil
6"W"1111% 41011001110 We In looklix thel,
so the _s,aftea 14P
ranwv and in hotiqlghow WQrX
110"Othemod Visibly. At I" It VW ilea it
01 ab,9014te, Iwo
ft 4UA U4 em at on Kate"% foli
t rest and relaiavlon U d
VIken I was tow that if I went to ol C0131111:2111041 hold something of ItIlle ;a
certain office at a certain I woolt! =4dvql Top to 044dair 00 sk was Tom by 0 "ir ligalth depends, I e 40111%0,
4 - A" sopw -
have the pl�wure of m aw 0, *Am% 4*ZM swaft-4krin "wv* to quence is that sloo]) they Itud their
ec.11 040 fty- t1i"10, We*. hX*R^44 b 40�
IV �t
A(. M, ligalth brea down, TOO 44111Y
" I hill
Chaska W. I thle 0 "as 000 , _400
on be 1114"t 41041" 00 OMMO 49 U1101110 'humdrum of hous,001
ted wiglot. 7 WSAted to mopet it *:rdQ Q-4-- 04 the Robe ot dedirmig)"r. Us* i III L�
W ulokly thin t�ie bloot? 14 W0*04
=for two reasons I wonted to Infect a" WAw 4" out WWy to Me, t io, nerves. hen rolloW heog-
him beefinse lie is our moqt 46tinguished won the 4,1
ow Ulu* boy -411111 utt% boy-"" ae! 1%
Caaadian novelists and alm bemisein Xteps, na ma, 'T�ftpaius in the side 04d MIR
my boyhood I WAUgled on hAW4 un- nections be or =Ay be-' ft X"anow Van ]k but oa 11" .1. livribis palpitat10% Von?- -
stantly tired feelin%.
obimpeomising beaches, listening to the Siva 1 W"rft%%,3W mocw" X01"000s inclination to fret Iness, Th�80
It not ask anything In V4* t" bao fallft
stern ministers that he "Pat return Its ode reward Is that It f"Wanallo)'L
helps I Mae martsin 4u4 mot wait tor cow Symptoms are (Ike ag -of poor blowl
I hadlistened to them in both freely *0 wb* need bWp,, TU to aqw. jg*rA" , W%wq d,& begin Jecturine. 8be robot ost into the put and are the loevi le penalty of
Gaielk and English, fuld wo,adered it he emphashe about Its work Is tab It homit" ota and gt*AM the w"110149 4bUd 1111410 tb%erwilrk and two%: anxiety in tlkq�
would have a fellow-fecting foK one who giva--4t is on u�rgimlwd spirlit, of giviiags 34111in w",fast UTIM It was Min of la" exmih gmao"as the 4wk esift- care of ohildran and the aflaiO of
had gone through the same boyish ex- and it -gives without a stchig to the
periences. Asmyeagernwhadbrought giving." 45 of green thAt 094W ftow tiq cit oa bw balso. it w" so the household.
me early to the place of appointment, IL or"Poi ser qmwk4m4 obado On hot 4 ""o" W=41 W she beft No Whenever a mother finds 11ar
"UP. We bb"06 oWed by health failing and household du as Wide sub des" ir
wility boadm MI tit* L becoming more than she can conll-
had a few minutes to wait, and fell to do^ 01" a'
wondering what he would be like. Un- cad aseriamain thaft esime In ft late fortably manage. whenever extra
echsciously I ted him with those sonoop,*W. Obf k" "MOistelly to"Ottma 01 deroands are made upon her
old-time Free"Atintrusters and won- thoo wao, gii4sys mwaq of PN*e strength, she should adopt the auto te May
dered it he would be I-ke the Rev. John Xot as bit WOO" 1111010 and simple expedient of enriobing
Ross, of Brucelield, or the Rev. Lachlan 14 111moAft 84MUM tw below It waa
dq. W 94 1111100101111111 UP. and ostalilliked hor blood with Di. Williams' Pink
MucPherson,. of -East. W1 -M1w pllts- are - - et eaftity. Now on Sale
my surprise was complete whk!n a brisk ifft c5l"rea. The twurom menu r)r
man in khaki uniform stepped into the this pork sa ducke Melt im that as -NOT d" at as dow Im valuable to the iiiii-sing mot er and
or people t1ollowsidi *lots" Me flact that the the woman worn yut with houw i
room. He did not took -enough like --bls dean wtook old caros. The-,- renew her blood SPRINGishere thetimeofmusic-
those old mini to make my heart 411. W" is Merck at him h
afteir the chtldm who 1*04 Supp strengthen nor tired Ilinbs
come into my mouth with terror as I to alt and watch life so Palo, 'and Mase- 40 was not 01141111,141. The ralt;�_ I �Ilivo awav the headaelies aWd of lausthter—of joy --of dancing -
faced him. Neither did he took enough Witt! auldlatTs stopped ta Ant. ticul-Irly dancing, "His
1111men young people who asawslay backtichos thai have qiade her sty Mailter a
like a military martinet to make me "V710141210- he bogm Them, seat" I rogilice" dance records will especially
click my heels together and come to onawd the ""p, Wanted" colunsis miserable. They I ave restored
" attention.,, � And there was absolutely in the polom TOOMY- he bRU0111 the child a" $WW thousands of despondent women to please those who like their dance
nothinf, to suggest the producer of " best Men Mariana ned to Opoa the long 04 tj Muidals with eager. slaxlease good health and bright spirits, and music full and strong
t inuch as they
sellers.' It took less than a minute to Whit* Sb*ttWO At her holfft WIS"W isigandosis' will do for 3ou a.
discover that "Ralph Connor" is, first and watelk the DoWe, is the squam "He Wit haft muck- ** amumd limis done for others If You Will give
of all, a - imbeing.who y fte'Md as veriandes Wed the lltft pwk ktaL ssonly he was ft*gbAuk44 Wd tivoin a fair trial. 00 cents for 10 -inch, doublit-sided
to e a glance at sawn from any was bor treat Yet& she love& 1t at there somed. to be Do we aow---p Mrs. M7. F. burns. Ouelph, Ont., Long Boy-Medley0fie-Stitp
man's point of view. "Whors, won yous Thereft?" he allb. says : "A few yoars a ) wo had Viaor Military Band
an thims me the yomr� but especially IN three 1-1111dre fillree years ludiansits-Frest Trot 18442
A reference to the old ministers gave ...111111tumm,whita the leaves pasil up fee od sharoy. turning to! the Im 10-411111116. which left me so run dctwn and Vidor Military Band
us an instant point of contact, and with children to p" "I -why I was �fta over by 00 " nervous that I was not ablo tit t4a
much laughter-knidly and reverent- _y Igi &M the to a fells.. 1-01 Popular Sons tilts
but still laughter --we compared notes bw isavdink tMeed delicate patterns taud1w my work. The last imhy lived only
and exchanged reminiscencesof the good &salon the sky. "That Will do for you, thism. I blind (wo weeks and the worry that add- Send Me a Curl Geoffrey O'His
men who made the Scotch settlements I& tMth Min u.rlma was gone., yes to look after Toussay. it you mieft (I(] to my weak coinaltion shattered All Aboard fay H... sweet Hor 15441
where we had 1;toth been brought up, the lines a HMO toady und she COMA do it bitter than that you nay go!o, my norves. Our family doctor for Louis )amila-Shannon Four
places of stern discipline we remembered emamt the uAti right. ru P tbamni as, reteow seNeral nionths tried 11A) build me The LAO Long Milo �ur 16455
so well. The hour that had been prom- signis to = people *I*- "a portly. And Wn Wal"Mat.ti GOW tit), but nothing seemed to benefit Charles tiart-Shannon Fo
things about then; K.K.K.Katy, � Billy Mucray
ised to me was gone and part of another uu*e up ronnialile stories about shoU d&EUA4A after her. leaving; a Xtram" me. I suffered agony with my head, Hit dify Trail Leads ko Mother
hour with it, before I remembered that 90W behind It.. and was terrified will, a rear that I Alan Turner
the man who arranged the meeting had apparently Sordid UTOL Her Own, uto The young inain get took' would lose my reason. The head- When the Bonnie.. Bonnie Heather 216026
not done it out of pure kindness. Ere had some am, quiet. me romway tweam so- at 1110 aches from which r stiffpred would is Blooming. Alan Turner
wanted me W interview Ralph Connor =&am thipt it thmed her &dU*tft w" wisttW *Yok that Media MM leave Tit(, i-onipletoly prostrated. I
about the war work of the Y.M.C.A. am to tbmk of reamde thingas oub Made*& drop her *Win. and a son [Airing one of' theso spells I went to Then these Wonderful Red Seats
By the time I remembered my duty we so love a2hise simid, travel ead advem. latuish Iliad kw chookiL He Was apodb- anothei- ifoctor, %Nno advised a Four Anterican Folk Sonas (Violin)
had reached a point where I felt that 1 00". 3062 Mariana was may itwestr IRS--somethisiff &be* being very state. change of sceno. I went away for a
could ask him about it from a rather fell to her for looking after the codw few woeks hii( was discontented and Maud Powell 74547
dots but she in& spent has, a wanti-d to lip baeli honie, so my Hear Me. Ye Winds and Waves I
daring point of view. I began- with a quiet round of datles that was ilk* a memsething about being very lonely. amill hu,%hand t-aniv and brought me Herbert *i6enpoon 7451)
straight question: wh haftwater in an dwo busy life. having so *a* to care for Tommy. hoino again. A fow days later my
"What do you think of the work of Aliw motbw bad be" an Inv" M Wbatever It was he a" It Mail canle to 4ee III#, slid asked nip Hear thein at any "His M&Oer's
,the Y.M.C.A. in the war?" RAILPH CONNOR quirl" comptsinit care, a" whom she striange tbrille of glestany thireakiiii Mast, io try I)r. 'Williakins' Pink Pills. I
He hunched his shoulders slightly and did Madam Mal thin and a bit ft4aiL Winsi. When she spoke she ledp A 111ree boxes, Unit by the time I Voice" dealer
slipped down -a trifle in his chair. From But I often bear comments, not with a GPM agurs, and plain coiliflare me young as& eager one weW flad used thein all I wa.s completel Write for free copy of on 620 go M
the expression on his face I was afraid always frienctly--about the prices that that win far from gui sesimlyd have known ber. will, could do all iny own woX Encyclopedia. listing over F via umc
that he was going to offer an unfavor- the Y.M.C.A. charges for some of its IdL Yet the" �41, and was like 9000 etar Rac.rds
able criticism. But his answer road it supplies." Wag, a look of Innocent youth In law "Bring him here ag&W* she was stab with011t fePliII9 til't
clear that that was not what disturbed .1 Such comments have no j eyes. #by. Said a bit wistful. There Ing. %rd love to take car* Or Toomm. R ')(IN% woman. This wus five years
ustificition. ago, and sinee then two other elhild- IMAM
him: The prices are as near right as they can wag so oss, to asue, it however. and sonstimays. rve nodding etas to 6% ren havo come, and I am still en- Berill"Allur Gramsso-phone Co.
" It is doing a lot of work that the be made. If there is any profit on the she Coatlaved to live alone In the old a" I I*vs childvillm Bring him A&M joying perfect lwalth." MONTRZAL LIMITED
church should be doing." sales to the boys in the camps or back house, Wilitchleff the people In the park Over you ilk*; but please doWt l� N*oiii can gol Dr. Williams' Pink 1664.
Now you can understand why my of the lines, every cent of it goes to pro- sad filling her days with dream. him to any such sturesinadds avels. rd Pills front all), dottler in inodi(-ille,
question caused him a shade of disoom- vide things free -absolutely free -to There WIS ein, young ms is par. so much rather you'd bring him berslo 6r by mail at 50 eents a box or six Lenoir Street
fort. Ile minister in him -a touch of those who are in the front line trenches. ticulair Who nat In the square very "I Win. then," he agreed, "If you J)oxos fiw $_".50 from Tilt- Dr. Wit -
the old Free Kirk spiritual guide that As a matter of fact. the canteens and often. He brought a little boy with really mean It. And I wonder--coW lianis' MiAimne Co., Broeliville, Ont,
made him feel the responsibilities of his other org,@aiziatious under the control of kint,-4 gas, sturdy child of about'four, I come again some time. boor sollis KrAsists Voke" Goderich Dealers
callihm-madc, him regret to confess that the churaes and chaplains have pretty ishe nodded tightly. "Od ALGONQUIN PARK
Y.M.C.A." the other children. 118 on or it 0overnment ro- JA& F. TROMPM J. IL LAUDER
WTI w 1'��sapcd
-purely ay nsfilfftk�b -much the.same..schedule of,pricesas the onjke.patch of lawn with "Oh" yes," now
a -esurse. Only I don't believe I it ........ ....... . ............
tied Christianity to a point that is as your asmis."
yet impossible for the churches-lbeat- I could not suppress a smile at find- himself alway's seemed to be busy. He Serve of nearly 2,ow,0M acres of
ing them to it," as the soldier boys ing my ancient enemy the trust or would write steadily for several bourn "Henry Moore. And you arie MAN forest, takes and rivers set aside for
would say-. "Gentleman's Agreement" appearing in at a time, Only looking up now ald Winn. I know. I will come acsila.�' a playgrotind for the people has be -
"Don't misunderstand me," he'pro- so admirable a form. But I made no them to call the child, or going after He said this as If he meant It And e0nie ono or the principal obective Don't Forget
tested. "The churches and their chap- comment Instead, I asked a conclud- him If play became too rough. Bome- Miss Marimut know that he newit AL points of the Summer tourist, the
caniiwr and canoeist. Good hotels There am no otherst You cannot purchase theitty new -His
lains are doing a wonderful work, but Ing question: thittes the little bey would come find fte want about her work driging falling, Mafteefy Vo"" Records except at t6e above dealers
the Y-M.C-A., being without a propa- they were gone. For deep to her kow a mi of; cabin camps with most reas-
"Then I may tell the people that in disab upon the beach with lift father. ()liable rates, sihiate(i in different Romombpr-1rhoria we no others
ganda or dogmas, is able to adapt itself its war work. especially in the matter of saugglIRS a curly head against his she knew. parts of the park and operated by
instantly to any needs that may arise, creature comforts, the Y.M.C.A. is shoulder. And the young =win would lip Grand Trunk Railway System
either sit the battle -front or whereve� nearer to the boys than anyone else r' Pat the child "a go on working, now MANY NOVELTIES FRO'M CHINA �%er first class pteconimodation fill -
the boys may be located. It meets "Yes It stands nearer to them than and themi looking dews to smile at big thoso who (14) not desire to live III
thesm at all hours and in all places with
a spirit of good cheer, comfort and help- anything else except the military organi- little so&. They @*"a" to be good 1111to of Embroidery and Broce" tlIP own. I'filimited canof- rotites
fl,11111.11 zation under whose discipline they live Pats. Silk Importied From the Orlaut for the camper, Splendid fishing,
--and die. You see they fire specially Mertens, tried vainly to Inagino Kn,,v*n "risen costurites. heatififul country, ana pure and in- If Aliller's Worm Powders needed 'NATIONAL KITCHENS IN ENG.
Then you are of the opinion that the organized.. trained and outfitted for this I vigorating air is found here at an
man who supports the war work of his kind of work—and they am a mighty what the young men night be doing. altitude of 2,000 feet above spa level, Life support of lootiummilkis . they'. LAND
church is not doing all he can to help spiritual force, too." Alan, she womidersid'whieft the mother We an nuch Indebted, ligist Irt Prom' Illustrated . descriptive literature could be got by the the England Is to have national
kiti3hens. Public baths and Oark
the boysr' When leaving him, I stopped to talk was and why tbuo was nat a** *be Out, to the (3111ne" for IrLsPimilOu and all partic lars may be bad oil mothers wno lLnow the great virluO buildings will be turned into kitch-
"Assuredly. The Y.M.C.A. is able to several other clergymen who appeared to case tor the boy. no often hopcd our Interior decorating. We have=. api)li cation to ally Gra mi 'Trunk of this excellent medioiffie. But the ens and town halls into dining
to goalittle farther. Thoughthe—k in the offirig—it was a place of clerty- that the you" father, who moot be lines acknowledged that fact. Agent or to C. F, 11ORNIN11. 1). P. A., powders %%,it[ speak for theigiselvAs halls ; street cars and omnibusei
of the church may be nearer to the ideal men—and he stepped from the room. a WNQWW. weald &*ties some of the But now we are also Indebted to the Toronto,� Ont. und in such a wa) that there dan will a y the linisTied product to
of what I want to see done, the Y.M.C.A. Shortly afterwards he returned With a pretty gIrIs who mi In the park. It Chinese for mAnY chugging "1111111818 bi, [to question of them. Th undo of small distributing
gets nearer to the boys." copy of his latest book, on the By -leaf Winn a shisisso for such a ptesamisit an" about our daythes, guys a fashion 1twma has 111.000 lolwr-4, ;jiy-; all '4 )epdily and thoroughly, 2 .7 to I wou
That struck me as a very important of which he had written in memory of I gl Nild to whom they are admi I e stations. Varied meals will be pro -
to look so toady. But he never %ad writer. ThW Is partly because the owlimige. 114,11or lopors 111111 1 ruster-
point and I decided to question him the men we had known in our boyhood: Vid6d for everybody at the lowest
nodes say Of this atrim, After all, he French dsdgu*m INAT9 looked to islali than (;vrinan propagIIII(I'Diti. I Pit will §how improvement from the possible prion and there will be
from an angle that might not be pleasing "Therie were giants in those days." troll Fri -e 11ro4-k, fil-St 1108P.
to a clergy -an. lookayt quite like a fieselegua. and Part of -the Orient tor toxgir*tM'L It 189661al Invalid kitchens.
It Will be cherished cis one of the most they waft not W klinfli eff ad& as is partly, too. baciamest It o� to be
"You know," I insinuated, in a spirit prized of a little collection of autographed w" presishig an sigisfor; die U& howd senior new to waft timports ftwo
of half confession, " that them are a lot fint editions. And with it I shall cher- that owl Were usually, POW China and Japan ft" flings surope,
of boys who would be inclined to look isb the memory of having spent IL couple Westem Canada's Uve
at a Y.M.C.A. at home as a sort of of hours With &I well-known mart, whois -1 wasider that cum soamot got tale zmft our she" ago OW With lovely Stock Trade Increasing'
sissified institution, beneath the notice doing a noble work himself and Is not mleckl4ft tholot low alarbuna. -1 Nts of Chinese embooliam A" brot
of young men of the world who like to afraid to give the fullest creffit to Other guess ire a cow thing ra sitting here stited, milk--fisid we nust� verfaisett,
affect a sort of manly wildness. Does men who are doing a noble work --such wrapped up in thaft book W whatever make then witarable.,
the YM.C.A. get near to them?"
as the officers and field -workers of the it is swo wltua&- On* novelty to the stock collar of
"Yes. The helpfulness of the Y.M.- Y.M.C.A., " who playtuch a great for-
C.A. has won out, over every obstacle. And then " the you" mulin looked " Cklatese oftbridam. via a ftis
ward line to the Church's backing in the least below It in fro" of lice or "a
i n the beginning, the officers of the great, great game," as Conn" field. up. goild" abstractly. apparnmy tiol.
word Qw wigidow wharis she met. wart. sonsdiaL Ifice"tri—e& The" Joe"
are oftest sued* to give a sort of amial.
The shortage of wheat in Pranmt I from North America per month asal in"" favard, "easy fie Mott"
I aided sffeet--4hiat lk tboy an as&
has become ince January 1.91, the silo No or^ dems proistia. Bar of" -0
so serious that, the rta e has
ful1w sm assay aide thisin as lbe o0sma
been 36,000,000 bushe;s, accorling to liflabil wft an laa*Coat laureaL it
bread rations of the FrAnph Roldierq , I,
till" 1,"vo—tt Colhv.'Senalor for never Occurred Then are oftent little cuft gone imma& 41:1.4,
a her am be -solski
10011" Air mi*
kd& 1%M we
I the homis tha
&A amy
6. (2) First Prize Anew BuIL I
used Pro- Ing end live stock ralsingf. but the amwmg moitw
Wyy9t44,'n possibilities of quick rinturas with We vala"to
otireiable her" 10'.
former have blinded assay to the a*-, of cotle, the, W 15,
a ILTO ell vkat&S" of the letter. Notyrttb-'CaU4A VA
I hard&. standtag the high prices now bellig grellkit egftft
to emu- obtained for wbO" oats and o!hor They have o*"y
Ing mixed graine.yprims whtvk a tow yearil ago ft" of
t0#11119 werill 118drOLmod of-mixod ;arimlaillftiru I", i
-ad U,o as is beqotning Increasingly Dopularl
aore arl,t among tho farmors of Woobere Can labian"b" at
let njlxpd ad& Noqb ow is too cow Nt than) mirkets
pays Of Thoy have money to invest and are. po; re 06
.Iillzatloll ITIT40cf1fig It Wisely Tyltb an fly@ to. gial, td, be to
ryl of tbo the future. The ti, ...... ......
divided ally being scoured for well bred &mi.
.In grow maU Just r4ow ward haa been 1* CL L