HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 611111'.
7 7;!7T
77.7tilil i � . I
dhicli, I Ants,
Stalvs, TPJUs of lta'lsiss 'it-risly ENEVY WO
41 con
WAS 4Attsigks or
A4&** It P"twd to 111INGTON. Aoril 30. -- NJ,?.rn. Held Ev 'Frorit Sdmqr Letters
belf"s 'Of. the house cotutlittlet, on erywhere.
froturs of our f14Wtory 44-t"re t1lat
so*- 114"4004 40'Pege CA PC OV, Pf`P3rlll
i 040"MOU be rinade at ol tp Every Assault 94 arlillsk Fracb 4441
04404 Flower 414,Field 11i"do, 1w, UIP"alains 3 000,000 fightin
1 9
4,0414 's or- Aing ti;0811.1 to Fir"Ce 101sp V0119114
_ _N ftibe. thl
M1 DOY 14'tWo With Te
Sir_ e't 04SIWO titilb. Tboy to4r*iia-i
SFW",W# will she mi "CO -1117Y frOt" t:le War Vepart%eal Lo"ft, W -We Miled Artful" ISM. T
that every Pilort wouitt to
15.;) of ow Asks h4r-rY tl-_rr- jl.aad -a,l tb4t 11'.=+ Advanced'elt An poi#ts.
for �tbor--4,, v it tk,,, *C1
.&MOM -8y flower
T-1111 Is 04VItlIto airl"t gn4 daint. 92-UP4 �.a.,oa.uoitt$
11"t flowers so Tilonths. �tboy , , f9l si armies are 1111TI1419 it-hemaolveo
44tsw especially 0-c-Ald be O%nt ��; Agglast a granite wall on Wee sidep,
R_d*P44 to bordodox bodo 4 Wier Europe and wt,,414 get tpl'shlag traIr, 0; the ruirrad cqy of Ypres, #Ito..
4*WMWdfbO"o1wb6Av*growth. Ing In France, L-Iflud tLf, Ungif" or fighting of the most terrifto Batum
�Jrki **40 Ss'"a"te ilbickly and Ving1*100. the British and Ffeach lines Are,st,41
CPU* late bloom in a few wSeIrs Plant for cany'nq Out Mir, n 1111tilet and tile enemy has lost tet.
_T1)07 floreflca.40 -18 graill. it was said. 'Id be prete.ttt-L, fiblY In his repeated #nau
*Wb 10111 11411 is against .1 suircred,with a 1�
are size of the army wewd be tim'(1(i litay. in lec:PO-1.1 R1114.
complatoly Oboe 11b, 8,1110etly. and the one L',- quzatit)n, tb tile line4 where the allies stand 4t theliacir- tifavin
=0ft1he plant's vailab
of most &Umti alul it gaVertiker,2 a fair trialand the
be neeekeary to ln,�reas- tit The Imme It* Ifollitld to be good. -
for the drafted army an. fighting whic .1
bloos& The Butteray It, ate objective or tho
pM plants for *a hjusip in late winter &44 early _0�, Pow going on is, RHP-UNAT014
plitillp" ww in " antalmiss to Adopt means that had b1f9" the capture of Ypres. where slil "I b4vo been for the last two
thOukht unnecesiary by Secretliis' 19 14 the British - have e from Muscular and
29 Baker before his visit abroad. The: held thlecro Aheum-ti in. Am
005itioliB. Two yeararago the &1110(1 stow curco.11
question Of Vie -:za of the army in
lines were carried forward and, the STONZ-GRAVEL
it _�Vejj "I had been so rin bi
r1m, 11 ""I'll be return a so 4litse positions the
Out. but from
core the cOmmltteO ASC trenches where tbeY stood'during the
P, who Proalsod, In 0 OrItIsh retired a week ago to the 't"h'
A_GW T VtESERVE week. to make his recommeadatlop�'_ I1tIDWVTR0U5kX
CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION On this and other vital sabje Urrift _gghtlZ4 in the,sprj4gof Al 16,
i eta it"', when they siopped the iUring "Votm remedy I find. at all years
us In or me to give Xerrect relief from
the d -
jo 'the Algong'ttlif Park of Ontario is The supreme question before thi t ' heir first drive,tor the chanael'ports, 4 on Bladder Trouble,
Q�-Jjjy 800MINS - DY the Grand Constipation is one of ttle most al : The pre4ei inciden't"U.ne guy age."
lied army commaniiers Is Increaapd' . Itit bitttle opened with' ts
RROWAY71frOm ati-the princi- common ailments of little ones and 4.0mbardinto'llt of the British UMARY TR9UMx
power, -5ostly InTailtry, expOtVk French and;
lial centres. -It 16 about two hun- unless relimv,e4i may becon p chronic 'nan' lines from Meteren to Voor, tla�'X had been sufferingfor same
I say, and the United States is qxpedt.1, mezeele I C with Sur kidneys a
nilles (lorth or Toronto. Luid and baby's health for all time bQ- ed to Supply More fighting a distance of 12 milea.'Theg 1.
=. urine ...
Uilk'y be leached ajso through Ot- 001110 impaired. Nothi men wfo the pAin WAS awful. It r3luslits
tawa, bein lig kit.the least OSSIble time. The came report* of & spread of the light. and they cared me In two days.
ng ttdn of t an
U111 n LI
ObOlit one hundr,d and llabv's ()wit Tablois in I _ _po%ver is acute (Wes": Ing arolmd-Alle curve in the fine in (NAMUS UPON REQU287.)
s"Vonty al le West of the Capital th'P bowels. Tllf-�- are a mild, safo Gp0l.ge frankiv told the *Ouse front or Ypres until the Belgian
CitV. Th46 Uo triore than fifteen laXativ0, eas)' W administer and H 0 Gii Pak men for a% a box Or 6 box
were voly-
rates, north Of, the ditY fr`
litifidred I COMmoas that America ran it, In f1W$2,Zoa1aU*&AdaaI4M Smit
Cos. and rivers in the never fail to be etrective. 04. Field- Marq_h4l Hajg,s 0 free a pie
C01104-11- More 1311'a In the field. ... ahttiplaMe. Metal re- you writ* to National Drug &
Park, and T104he it-xcellence or,the them Mrs. Emile LaChapolle, age limit of Port, anxiously awaited, brougb chessia"t c0- Of CaMIN111-4 Limited. To.
fishing th(kre is unnisplited feati- 11111 (�, Q11".. have. thc draft In -U, ngland.' news t the "ato 9 4m." U. 3. address, N
llfwn,Y� i VISIt--ouilg4ft ill liaby,.4 ()Wll eft that the Utmost e
s fq�,. Illy must be fner Ai -d. Conscription Ali;- VOrta of the
thIP roserve ba who was Is -to be rusDked to. and All.; Germans had be4b r1luitlegiff gly�aldni (1W__ -202 Main st- lauffatle. M
%le Won each Year baby Atte-Aine. -T1115 --Field Um
badly co stipaled allied nations are doing their titmqn(, ment Bald that theTeutons-_
inY of 1,110 national eo-lipetitiolls afl;Ifl1thPN' 1111iCkly relieved hint. I, the d1rection of Increasing tliqlo had paid
on to the anglers of, tile w"Itiltelki. tl ottliTs should keep a box ofitaralles. What Britain has decided to, & great price and had gained virtu-
'ffle the Park makes all especially lhn8o Table(s Ill Life hotiso." The do, t Was contended by Con ally nothing,
ItIllf aP�,eal to the 118114 -1 -man and Tablets art, sold by Medicine deal- 'I roasmitu, The mif poll 2 t
,1(14 ers of, by Inail must be done in the Unitedg,9t.t.__ 'y at which the Ger-
"St, 1- 18 U vacation territory froin Thf Qt 25 cents a box the drafted army Increased by ra 7 Maus ity gains was on a CHINA NOW IMPOTENI
IfIlle each. Inellilier of ill(! faujil Dr. Willianis' Modicine Ing the age I Is hi th
Imit. Ily section of the front back of
14), and houlthful reereati(to in 11"(WIMUP, 011t.
Keramel Hill, where the French are
!to great out-of-doors. Good landing. At Borne places the enemy Govern�nent Ceases to Control
11-plels. 111t1stil'ated , descriptive PLAN"ll" EVERY ACRE The Mail With Astifuna, almost aras able to Occupy portions of the Its OwrL Affairs.,
blerAture ond fill P111"fietilays may longs for death to end. his slitYpt-ing. line, but from the greater Part of
be had oil arillicati011 it) any Grand Fvery eXtra acre of wheat farm- ahPad 0111% years of elxU08S these they were driven Out by the JaPall Will L -
ors can,put in tbi� 1pring will save Itorvals of rest French, who re-establJshed
Trunk ACan , of, to C. Is. HORNIN(l, ;11)111491;�11111 with i ty 01� A fir Police, Dock.
which are
1). P. A., Toronto, Ont. sf)"Whody from starving. Ellpope the their Yards, Amenals and Fitiance for
Msel'-,oq fraught with defences
is short about 500.00U,000 bu,41,018. nevor veasing fear of reneweil a4- Frout�l attacks on ypres w Big Nefthbor, 8
tacks. onto �ut Clalln Witat
Lvt him Itiln to Dr. J. 1), seem to Indicate that thert, is little Their Action is Only War.tiple
Ch-ildren - Cry AnYhOdY who disnovers--enses of Kell ma Remedy and koow confidence In -the German general
0 9
Measur*--Difficult Situation Has
FOR FLETCHER'S TOlief it. can i
waRle 'or food may n0tifY fho legal Let 911'1% staff that the Ypres Positions can be Been Created.
authorities, it faithfully and Ito outflanked from the south. The
who have Power, Under will find his asthma a ming or 60
V flew Order, to take action. past. SHANGHAI, April SO. -The state -
X A lines as they Stand to -day a�e very
strong, and withstood the onset ,f Mont In made In the first Issue of the,
the Germans in 1914, when the Shanghai Gazette which haa made
Kaiser's army was a mTlch different its appearance under the editorship
machine than It Is to-dV* Of Eugene Chen, that the Chinese
The bloody repulse of the Ger- Government has agreed to new. do -
mans in their great plunge forward Mands made by Sapan. which are of
will inean much In further operations Such a nature that the country has -
In that sector of the battle-lial., virtually 4en turned over to the
While the struggip was going bn Japanese. The Gazette asserts It has
before Ypres the British Positions been informed by a high official at
from La Basses to HOuthOlst Wood Pekin that the Japaliese demands are
and from Lens to Vilify were deluged far more serious than thosev In group
With shells ' but so far there has V of the famous 21 demands made
been 'no infantry fightIng 1%ported by Japan In 1915.
from- -tbat.-PaTr Or-IlIff"fF61ft 4hat .-A
tack On this salient [Irthe Gf-1-man The utmost secrecy is being observ-
.. I J lines is expected soon, however, for ed.." says. the Gazette, "it may oe
It stands as a constant Menace to a stated safely that the following is
further advance by t1jo enemy. not tar from the true terms of the
he Along the front In the Somme see
J tort there has been little fl "Chinese expeditionary forces sent
gbting )f
note. Furtber south there have been to Siberia sha4l,be commanded by a
Only patrol ercounters, Japanese.
Tb�e enemy Infantry attack devel- "Chinese police shall be organized
oped over a wide frout, extending by Japanese offleers.
from north of Voormez6ele nearly to "Japan Ithall have the privilege of
Meteren. Tho strategic object W working mines In all parts of Chln,.t.
apparently a crab -claw mov I "Special provisions shall be grant -
converging upon (11-0 chain 0' ement ad to Japan In outer and inner Mon -
f hills
towards Mont Chats. This front Is golia and the whole of Manchuria.
held by the French In the centre and "Other articrIes include provisions
by our divisions on the flanks-
for-Anancial control and educational
"'Al The enemy,s fidlure to advance at assiotance.11
Locre, undoubtedly Influenced him to
A despatch filed in Pekin on April
resort to crushing tactics but the '4 said It was reported there t . hat
news so far laeminently sailsfactory. Japan had submitted a new series of
04, The Infintry attacked at 6 O'clock demands to Ohina, including coni -
with an attempt to advance toward. Vlete control of China's finances, tq.
Schervenberg. This was completely Purchase of 50 per cent. of China's
held at first. During the morhing ammunition in Japan, operation df
the battle extended above Voorme- Chinese iron mines and
zeele. AI(hough Ypres Is Lot Yet at- , dockyards
under Japanese control, and --ecognl-
tacked , the battle haS tion of special Japanese tnterems in
thereto. An enemy reconnaissance in Mongolia, as In Manchuria.
force against , the
repulsed. Belgians was Eugene Chen, an Anglicjzptl
Chinaman, formerly was editor of the
tEverywhere PekileGazette, In which be'earried
on the battle front
tefrible Punishment Is being Inflicted on a campitgn against Japanese In -
upon the enemy, who has thrown n fluence in China, denouncing the C121 -
divisions '*Itb lavish disregard nose Government on the ground that
his sacrifices. One for
5�14 11 again be is pay- it was yielding to Japanese Influenve
�1 1111�'Ole full\price for no result. and "selling out China.,'
The Gel -mans, realizing that they A year ago be was arrested In
Uney Must N, 6A Look in were making no progress, modified
Pekin after his paper had publisbeti
the crab-c!aw Idea 'and the fighting an airtlele to the effect that the Pre -
developed into, a more direct at- Mier had been carrying on secret ne-
N officer as Missing. His brother crept out an III -Pt against SchMenberg and gotlations with the Japanese for a
0 A Vilile Without' Mont Rouge. The Germans are mak- loan.
A found h1M in a Sbell hole. He bore him back
to the lines -dead. "Are you not sorry you ven Y. . -C. A. Ing, an. Intense Use of their great For the purpode of anding seasa-
artAllery strength but the French tiOnal speculation on the diplomatic
tured all this? 11 asked. the C001manding officer. "No", Francis L $ayre writing garrisoni on tholhills have splendid situation between Japan and China in -
beeppte when I found him he looked up into my face In Harpe& sayft: 11 With only 31
cover. Their 75's and on field -n- the Chinese
k1l1slArAb11"� �lS
mity Se .1948
_V ,A 81
We gy4rantee g
perfect fit. S.ee-our range of fine
f4brics for Spring wear. We %A�ilf make Sufts, Ov.ercoa
crpalate Parts, whatever yaw want. that will have the diso
il:Ctix appearance classy tailoring -00 your TIilorin
aVAr strong's and you will be well dresseo.
J, Apmiatpons
McLean 113111ock 80141th 'Side 1�f Oquar*
spolti FOA I* AALEh
To the excellence of the fishing to
gamier than the same spe6les In the
Sotithern part ol th,48. ProVi4off.
be enjoyed in Algonquio Park there
Is undisputed testimony. It Fish
Splendid camp sites unlimited , canoe
rout"" hotels if You Wao iiieai.
caught"in the- waters of the Park
-ha"- 'Won --eatil -year -martvm -t,4- +ite.
Easyq ace ess, only M miles iforth
(11. TQronlq And 17 miles west of
National competiti(jas
. r t,,,,topen to the
anglers of the on . The brook
Ottawa: d JL�__
esorlp Ive I
erature giving full particulare, $or
trout Of Algonquin Park Are of the
the Askipg. Appl) to a rand
genuine square tailed, ired spotted Trunk Ticket Agent,i
or,speckled Variety. Black bass are ING,'D. P. A,, Toronto, Ont.
plentiful in the Rook -Lake district
and are'of the srnall-mouthed vari-
etY. Salmon trout are found in all
Send a Dorhiniolif Exprass Money
Order. They
are payable every -
the waters of the park and are much # where.
. ............... .
1110'me4 Beauty
,Home Eeonovv
Oid Furniture -like
old friends�-hw a charm
an its own. SO -if you
have a table, dresser,
bureau, bookcase or old
chairs handed down
from great grandmother's day
-cherish them; and protect
and restore them to their former
beauty, with
S#ZR Zff -141LIA#i
Th!w lend e own V�
A- - , h-NUA rich undertones to
ne old Furniture, that heedifbut the - Proper _ finish -1.11
.to look its best. There -is a fun fa&ily of Colors to
duplicate a hardwood effects.
MAR -Nor, ForFloops. Made for floors -to be walked
on and danced on, if you like --to have water spilled on
it, and furniture dragged over it. , HAR-NOr is tough,
durable. absiDlutelY waterproof. Dries in 8 hours, rubs
to a dull finish, pale in color, particularly desirable for
fine hardwood floors.
SCA"Or, 'Fo'- 'Fu,"ilmre and' Woodwork, has been
the means of converting thous4pds of women to the idea
of Protection in the home. - They use SCAR -Mr to
rhake their humiture fresh and brighL Even boiling
water does not injuref" vamish.
19EXPAR, For olits;de woplf-doors, lilia.
-it is absolutely waterproof and will not
turn white no matter how long exposed.
RTH We carry a complete ling_ ofSherwin.
Wilharfit Paints and Varnishes. Ask
us for Color Cards, prices or any
other information you may reqtlire.
furiously r&pfY. The air Is full of ernment has authorized the following -- ----
smiled and said I knew you would comi6l" What ml'wqs in which to spend 1 1, -a a Japanese Gov -
could mote fittinaly iffiratra##% #l6. 11 _Ar L cf'j_ 1110116y bUrflingt In their ink. -airplanes most, - a &
ig Ve I sery ng. 'Brit:
1 ats, with nothing to relle It Is abundaaljy clear that the "The existing negotlatio'ns between
WWI L e .1 8 &Lem
brother to the soldiers "-the Y.M.C.A. I No danger is the dull monotony of idle day's story when told will be all to Chia and Japan are Intended to refer
too great to be risked for the sake of thq physical, everringh many of the Sol& the credit of Franco-73riUsb arms. solely to co-operatio
menW. 4114 1piritual welf4kre of -thdae,-danatless hero6s 1131111 lie U tO get lonely and a against the
1 -0 The battle is not yet over. but for an enemy, The agreement vrill become
of, Ypro t, A, 11141110581Ek. or to drift along The'Famous
0 dfdh Vhny Ridge, Pastchendaele I attack which has been In progress for invalid aa soon ag the European war
t '�;re fie goes 6 YXIC.A. f6tiows-faithful to dangerous pa" seven or eight hours without making 18 terminated without Infringing up -
"It VIA not many days headway, it is not premature to say 012 the political or territorial integrity
the 11yr;nit of its resouces. I
before-blilcers began to send that it has failed. The German army Or C
PrYGMUS f r the YALC-AL.- hina.
or odfa f . will be weaker by many thousands "The negotiations 'an progressing
kke come down MaZda" La,,L A
beforsies too tatis and do for they have been fighting all day in and the agreement will �be turned
something for my men.'s, the Open, while the -Franco er P
-British I 60xv _ to the Foreign Office for final
scarcely anywhere left their prepared am naUon in the course of a few The- Best
defene". days." E,11,e0ric La�np Made M
Red Rmd
42A 0.91 "Whon I left college r didn't ovire Civic ri"PlOYehi "force Demands.
4SFMII nd&epq Illy one a cent" VANCOLVER.. April 30.-.MeM- Sold under a Xuarhatee. if th
"Desr tile, what an unfortunate ttlpe lbers of the Civic IDinployes' Union, ev prove
dtfCCUVt YOU can return them.
to leavel",-Tiger. following the ultimatum Presented
Think of the inallikadort to the Canadlin soldiers the City Counen Last Tuesda), auto -
In this tmmendiciat CAMPAki
CiMP444 of 1918 as thby lean MaticallY ceased work at noon sal�,. we lftlave� the Sole Agency
I Sem your CkfutftryA 1:,r1l1,ay,fioa.e1n1orce their demands for
that the folki, at homib are heitt, an�t'%001 behind VdkIr labor a HAD I In wages of 25e a day. W6 have some very Cho'
fise to thd Reilili, the Red Triangle E OF Ic4P designs in
them, showinir It by a magnifittent r spo 10
They number about 300 Moll.
0oin your earaln- I
TrianSle INQ -*W$Lt yo*th Z110way P t
a fine chat" to & a dodue BoIsheviki lRetire.g.
He$ th6 Y.KC.A. t0 1906a9d Its.helpfulnem servical Six tbousatA CONSTIPATION WASHINGT Reading Lamps
sQN, April 30. ---Swed.
06 asked
War 0 ORT to"Olk "Eft IKMEWO lab Press r9POPts received here yester-
Of the t= 3 so" to day say the Bolshevik to Electric'Rxtures
rces In the
*dl;;: thto
bplp tw Crimea again are retiring before the Suitable for any rootlit
10 b4*'*6& Akhoilgh
fi I I Ito, Octirmans, but -are OCA449 Atubboft
U t taescriwm
diliftlit, constipation An Electr* -Al
call never eAst ro"%lance- rThey are being reinforced fc- r -Warmer,
y "tic
A ors row the -1114ck Sea fleet.
finklill 1111011ne of the organs ate d6ranpd to a cited, thing bftlda you
% I Ott 0 C014
Witich ff generallY found to be the livet: t0fdOetotaft booster
t l. I*- 60ndfffs Of an inability to regularly
T-liang-le o4d It ate Iwo Occupy Rallway.
send Y4006aq d(ift XeM y theqyAe, ZW3bby i�d t
L - It ?" ' ' 11illwAto the bowe LONDON, April U. -Arab forces An Electritc
starod lettat t6 Thocus lk*dA**, NMI 1114100 OiPtbo ba Bud as a regulir co-operating witt the British, hav�
069 is aboolutPly es-
Ttlitaglo Vullid, -30 JbIly �St obo Occupied 53 Mile$ of tho Hodjax
T *4114 to Opera heaft, oxe I Vacuun
to. Unty sh6UM1***f to y1t*l#,6tM.
ormd east 10M* Railway south Of Mann, according to n Swooper 0
WhQW an official report rOceived from Gen.
16 ik an srtIcWY" Will Ofter be withonj
AR it Willbilt "U� *Iburn's "M-L'T" '�Pillil I -VO 1110 Allenby. Jdatin �is 75 miles south Of It you "04tio"60C6
for rtlievia. and -06rins eomupa- Terusalem.
64 **d all its 1, t4
Waiming Pads'
Nnee Atrtl The advertising of the Victory
writ a;�e of tb* worst �fws,
Nad eftmipab ll d9ct6r said Loom cost $207.093, of whiell $194.-
Ch"hm Assod he b1d.6
NANUMity Coffee, Percolators
" " 11 1 . 1 619 went to n6wsPa-*r8 &Ad mag.,
UM14 L"lll-TAIV& "ines.
eured we of It,. Ughath 'law had
hy Nook T, "to Wd therit, in mt w P Toasters, Etc.
he WbA
W. 9s`V'6 thft W V* A GROW 110G M6
W vuobw (TOM11110) around It" ume ;,hom, 9 to thO shortage of coarse
NmAiQ that they V* tile heit
wa,�f e grain and ensilage, flog feed is
0"i L 0
ftareo In' C-4-na-d-A.. and American
issit" f4mon"" dilbmlil Laza.Utef pall am ItItais alow lk.� jfn!_644;�.. Grow Robert' MR
Ign y or et sid
. ....... d#.*f* ot tar, dit".t o% tit figi� arn yourself Electrician
V, 4 u1nifier luid I e ,West Street
Uhurn N., Wh I
tog to(!,, it Your
----------- - -