HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 5— — ­F--­77� 1 ­)CT' - -7, I If 1 0 :; I low Iwo ST. GEORCE'S !OLL 0 M 9, 1 1,19 1 ip I, p O"meas Dedicated With APprolpflat.0 Cemk' For e 8 ws ruas Kayser ............... ftir-sulft smke Inflates oil Sumsy'Norldlill C� laws Com Wove,$ C#Va$ Calgft The MI Of Rollor of the Parish 14.4 aW 154. of St, Geol-ge's, (i oiferich. was dedi- cilted with 4ppropriate ceremonies We clirry many Useful items to I'at the mornlxlg_ser�i6e on $_undayl -include In these bOlLes- WWWOMM001" I hrough this Branch. the Rev A L Clark,the rector, OMID19(iiig, �Q in the Course Of I'll' one of over Three address, he lexplained ylly the fta -o- Church of p imployed 4his is so wastruotedasta A- Iftememory fo Furnishin �ur*ed ftou-ghout the Dondrdon, the means of perpetuat! of those of her chil. ren who had *-No �11 Is prepared to give you every I 1040 Oak of club felt the call of duty and tatriotism, year's suWy of Ink In not as a sett glorlf�ing so iou of the 4blell form, and all that it Xkq*110- Service whkh a pr%re3slve bank can render. either In parish but that the names of those a . ry Is to air tiho veswotr of the rptk. =Ith water mod writ, 'his is the month of t6 *W," to, get Now Curtains� New Carptk. 0 1 Onneoted with the parish should be Mp to on Ink T 4p- -cormection with your business or your private finances. had in remembrance when the con- this malice a POrtmt Ing Ilaid. V fr -tion are assembled to worship I J�eaa POO* Are 911141" Now MattIgs T &nteed &ad ill � suit say hand. Now Umibwst QoDERICH BRANCH : fl. W, OOLLCOMBE, Manager n It bouse of God. as designed writing. Complete with Vocket The memorial itself wi -Tableta and drawn out by J. Ades Fowler, Clip and Ink , Ugrquisette Curtains. The most popul ir C,irtalns for lexquisite showing of rich as has been already announced in 1hices from $9.3o per pair. OODFELLOWS AT CHURCH SAYING FAREWELL The Star. The design has q simple milt. all rooms. illuminated heading, in gothic char- Also r sterna, Alcohol Stov", t llpgri,h Of St. George's, M1 o, -I?enalq Txkeft"4- Special, value in White SWISS 1purtaIngi, neat designs, V4 yardi lo-ig, at per 1jurcon Lodge Celebrate "th Anni- Goderlell Baptist Pastor Preaches =,,h, ntarto" on groundwork wider. Ttoth rute. So per pair. %�VrSjW -at Kn9% Cfiurth Farewell Sermons on Sunday Last and scroll ornament surmounted French Lunch (nut 011100016011, pair, $3.50. Other styles at $4-30 and *3. by a- desiga- in- traceried- trefoils. _hL -Nut_ftr%jQumQX0. etc. 91 On Sunday morning -last -Huron Rev. G. -x 1161ni6s, pastor of the which appear the ensign of Great Air ftwawi�-SXQO. vwWt -*aries Lodge, No. 62, 1.0.0,F, observed the, Goderich Baptist church for the Britain in the centre, flanked by -A go 99th anniversary of th� order toy aL- past two years and eight -months, those of Frano6 and the United jendihg, divine service' in Knox preached his farewell sermons On States, and those of Belgium and James 1. Campbells In Taeestry,. Velvet. Brus"Ifil alld Wilton, at exceptional value -i. In al . I sizes. oburc4. There was a good turnout, Sunday last, leaving the following Italy, these being the nations among g or A ay. no. IL Sultable for all rooms. At prices WUQ`h less than could be b)u lit f od about 85 members ofethe lodge be- day for Toronto, where he enters the allies with whom the Canadian - &go, that is the reason we can give such splendid in in line next Sunday on the pastbrate of troops have been principally con- "CINTItAl, "Iva 5mr, We bought Many 111110utils Wev. R. C. McDermid, ptLstor of Ossington avenue Baptist church. nected. In the four circular corn- 111,111100 values. the church delivered a thoughtful Rev. Mr. 0ohnes is a clever young ers of the tracery of the frame are .50rilfton 011111he parable ot the G the heraldic arms of 13L George, the raTod preacher and a very ralthful pastor _.d3amritan. Tile men in the par le and it Was not to De expectedothat Dicioese of Huron, the Fleur de Lis Unoleams Inoleums he took --as types The robber was it would be lotIg before fields with of old Canada ana the maple leaf this destriietive �Iemclnt in society, larger- scope for usefulness would the open evil doer. But of little extend a call to him. The Ossing- of the new, surtgunded by lqurel THE LATE MRS. block and floral designs, in Nairn's celebrated ton IaVenu46 church- has been with- wreaths. (CAPT.) GIBSON A fe s in select patterns in more ractical use' 'was the man Vt a pastor for some months and The names, alphabetically ar-: =Linoleum, 4 Yards widei and While the pre;sent st:Q,-k lasts we are sell- wbo A nothing, the indifferent U ill have -a large field ranged, are engrossed in old Enfli8h One Whose, Alemo Will Blossom ing at $1.00 per square yard. the othibr. r. Holmes w the - &-- type, and the one vxho,passed by on, for ' �,hifrVz4ener r *ad-aDility. During script, known as black letter o Fragrant for Si(W,r- __ A , ments taken and Linoleums-laid Free of Charge. .%g!!!nted by the priest and - fifteenth century i �06rich he has done .6 capital letters are written in ver- All measure vife no doubf, performed the duties f;ood andLAA Uve work not only million, the remainder of the names A dear Christian thily of Whom it F ( - be said that she in of their office faithfully, but had in connection with his own congre being in khaki color. The initial can truthfully Now Paftems in pong6leum Rugs become purely offin-ial in the dis-� gation, but as a citizen, and has capitals of each letter are enclosed neve utterance to an ungen een closely r =, one whose positive 0011- ellgrge of such duties and had lost identified with many on a blue ground, blue being the vrous the..broad sympathies of humanity. t i tic and moral movements in color of eternity and continual re- Actions were combined witb gentle- The great success of Congoleum Art Rugs has led to many offerings of numerous gut. admitting the truth of ff,20 membrance. Those who have made ness and toleration for tire opinions wit legation that the churches On Sunday morning last twelve. rous to a degreje, even imitations, inferior in every way to the genuine article. There is only one 16� a�. ongreg�tion. tile supreme sacrifice are marked of others gene nd it is guaranteed to give satisfaction. The new pat. 'i passed were neglig bers of the c with a Maltese Qrot�s in vermillion beyond her means, was the late Congoleum Brand a .rt of weir duties in new mem who were baptized the prevous the name. The motto Mrs. �Capt.) oibson, who sizes. 6 ft. X 9 ft at $6.75; 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft., at helping the distress )f humanity, preceding are charming. All Mp. McDerinid pointed out the char Sunday, were received into fellow- at the foot of the memorial is "God eacefully away at tile residence of terns -3 ; 9 ft. x to ft 6 in., at $11 75 ; 9 ft. X 12 ft. longe of the parable to those who ship at the Lord's Table. Save our Splendid Men." I'ler daughter, Mrs, Janies Wilson. $8.50 9 ft. X 9 ft., at $10.0 4 - made a profession of religion to see On Sunday evening Rev. Mr. The list of names follows. North Street, on Friday last, after that there was no gulf between Holmes spoke on "The Inviola- Roy A. Addhis *Mark Arnold. lingering on the borderland between at bility of the. Church," Laking for his wo worlds for some weeks. their profession ancr weir practice. William Babb, Wyndham Beere. the t Again the lodge man who recog- text the words "The gates of hell William Berryman, George E. Ber- one of the most noticeable, char- nized his duty of assistance only to shalt not. prevail against it." The yman Howard Bisset -Thom, Wil- actel-istics of Mrs. Oibson's was her f Misses" and Women's Coats l' tenacious memory, Special Showing o inembers of his own lodge was in church, lie said, was not failing in liam �lack, Ernest Blay, Frederick remarkably danger of becoming official merely, its task as some triea to make out. W. Bowra, 'Sainuel Brimacombe, which even in her lacit jillie.ss could in the discharge of the duty of The great leaders of the day were H. Brimacombe, William Bridle. recall whole poems learned at We are showing a beautiful range of all that is new in Misses' and Women',; the product of the churches. , wly flurnished ready-tt-.il-wear deparoutnt, iucludin� beneficence, but. the speaker point- William J. Callow Ernest all(w, which she jert at 13 years, Spring Coats in our ne ly, and whole chapters of the 'Bible I - galitles ed out that like 0(i(ifellows were Ilresiden� Wilson, 1. W. Rowell, Conrad 4.. Carey, iiarold D.(Care 3ilkt Siik Nj)"re and Beu Lloyd (;eorge, etc., were represen- Poplins, Serges, Tweeds, Velours, Taffeta subscribing to inany bonevulelit Robert (,arey Lewis M. Carey, committed t,o inemory in youth, arid objects outside their order- arid in tativp men in vari6us denomma- .(;;, Cyril Carrie George lier memory of people, names and -ice be b,�tter thali ilow. tions, and the fact that the church Philip 14'. Car clear. Though From $12.00 to $,35.00, At no other time will the ebt this way showing a broad humanity. I roduced, leaders to meet the crisis Cocklield, Samuel Cocklield: Joseph faces was equally retained the McCall's Patterns. In telling the parable of the 000d ) C. Crai' , Leonard A. Cuff, J. B. Cur- in tier 94th year sike McCall's Patterns. Samaritan, Mr. McDermid said the of the times gave lier a place of 9 po,.s SjoLviour told intinitely more than.honor. Thdre was greater need of zon. of her faculties to tile Frank 11. Doty, Charies Pd. Doo- last, he would 11av6 (jone if he had the, church today than ever the Mrs. cwibson wat horn in Cupar, I speaker quoting President Wiison's "ttle- r her The Millar Policy merely givell 8, catalogue of the I 'Lionel It. Eliot, R.J*Ervine, E.. Fifeshire, scotland, ill 1 -5, The Jew advice to the minitsters to "Stick to father being the late �P(Irge,,,orianl, -3 'a tell virtue. of L10ighborliness. e I'll's it JnLs ;tlwjtyj been our policy to sell -all goods at the keenest w had a saying, "Thou shalt love thy your task and- do your own gr at Ervin(,. 01, a draper, and her mot I thine enenly," John A. Felker, George Fish - name being ;kgnes Ness. Mrs special sales and month-end stilleR and such li�3 - A poh,.� th,"t­hN neighbor and late *Frank J. Foster, Roy W. Foste t work." 1, e� Rvoiding all ut tile sviour's answer to the On Friday, 1he l9th ult, a fare- as one 6f a family lit' t e in Huron County. Ill well social for Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Fox, Cyril Fraser Ernest W. son w . father died wlien she was makes oul. stol.e tile olost L)opular shopping centr question "Wito is niy neighbor 4" raser, Thom f tl'e Holmes and family was held at the P,raserrF.red F as wil- and tier opened ill) a iiww concePtiul) 4) l am y quite voting:" The Leading 'Phone. a.nd1_._M,.a.!I O.rd.er -Store. duty of neighborliness. eliurch by the Ladies' Aid, at which George Garriak,-William- L. Gib- Mrs -'.Gibson -was. first marriel: , 1 0 to -The sei'vice $uriday morning, wos &n --addr(-.s--t;,o---thA retiring pas��or� son, *Joseph Wazier, Arthur God- fill-. late Capt. Robt. MeldrQ7m, w lo • brIght one. 'I'lle inusic included was read by Mr. Challen, expressing dard, Oliver Goldthorpe, Campbell sailed between Loncron and Hong ' the appreciation of the. congregation • solo by Ml% Nlo(ji-egor, from Gaul's 61-iffin W. Grinrod. Kong. He met a watery grave in Holy City, the anthem "Come U11tO Ifor Mr. Holmes' ministrations, re- . Gailey Hamilton, Rymald Hamil- his hoat being lost with all Me" �sung nnaccouipailied wiLh line gret at his roming departure and ton Eric Hawkins, Kenneth Hawk- hands, and t . he subject of this ar- TORE 'Phone 56 X7 Lr 14 um. ­t ticle was left a Nvlaow with four 'Phone 56 MILLAWQ SCOTCwH S 1coii ratillation'on Cis advancement 43 effect), Jackson s I c Lieurn, and to rields of larger opportunity for ins w iiharn Hays, Hugh A. Heaton, A. Hefford, out of a family or five children. special hyluils. On the reLurn t/i 6ne lodge rooms servr-te. Rev. and Mrs. Hvirroes; and child- Gor�don Hoskin, Ernest Hoskin. Rev. Andrem Meldruni, of Cleveland, Mrs. Christina Hayes, of Texas, the usual votes of thanks were ren will be much missed in many Alfred H. Jane, Oliver Johnston, Ven. Archdeacon Jones Bateman, and 11 . s of this farnilv. are I e sk+rv(!,vor Londeaboro Red Gross .... t00.00 passed. circles in town. They left on Mon- Robert Jones Bateman, john Jones Another sor4 George Meldrum, died Contributors of Socks fu or careless waste Ex -Warden U�chie Pames day afternoon for Toronto. Next ;unday Rev. E. P. H. King, Bateman, Ernest H. Jordan, 'Ernest here iii '76. In jW(i,, she wai i again married, The Red Gross �,ociet,y thankfillIN co7 .�l 11'. at, and muni( o it e the conviction V Reeve John Leckie aged 84, :11 Ill 4 411, Kemp, J. V. Kirke, A ;,. f the late I j e'.j tile f(Illo%N-ing contri-wh - I or Almonte, w preac I r W acknow - p : died at his home in Brussel on *Maitland P. Lane, Horaee Law- becoming We Mrs. Reynolds, Tuesday. He was able to be lout Goderieh Baptist church both rence, Edward N. Lewis, Charles Capt, Gibson, L)w marriage taking b'utions " 'i n of morning and evening, preaching for Litti. hild Charles Littlejohn. place at Kirc4W, anG she thus be- 16 prs. ; Misg s. 4iiark, a I -ielld, 10 :1 On Monday, but a sucCesslO a call, and the following Sunday acdona.14:1,, step -mother to two families. pra. each ; Mrs. J. Y00 Miss Annie paralytic strokes proved fatal. He . MackliN W. M came i I,,: Rev. H. B. Coumans, superintendent Alf ed I was engaged in farm -mg in his early of home missioris, will occupy the Royden Mobring, S. H. Moore. Capt. Gibson had come to Canada Alidl'ews. 7 P"4- eac Harold Newcombe, John New- after the Crimean war and settled Clark, Miss Griffithn, Mrs.-Forguson, Z life, and had a luog arid successful pulpit. on a bush farm in Usoorne. He, re- Mrs. McKim, M"s. 001 -doll, 6 Pl-s- career in mercantile business,' elimbe, 'Bruce Noble. turned to the Old Land to be mar- each ; Mrs. Hillier, Mrs. (larrOw. grain buying, blinking, and for years It Will Cure a ColdL--Colds are Alfred Osman, Wall,& Oram. ried and brought his bride and Miss Montgomery, Mrs. FostAT, 5 was engaged With the Freehold the commonest ailments of mankind A. Palmer, John R. Plait, Ernest family W the farm in Usborne. In pl-s. each ; Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. W. c ny, -onto. He was . Porter, William M. C. Proudfoot. (, 11. Z Loan Compa Toll and if neglected may lead to serious W j8,j4 Capt. and Mrs. Gibson inoved Sharman, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. twenty-five years, Charles E. Rance, Robert H. Rey- re Nji-4. T , reeve for over conditions. Dr. Thomas' Oil -will to Goderich and this mained their Hill, allcott. Mrs, P. Huron at one time. relieve the bronchial passages of nolds, Arthur Riley, Frank B. Riley, miss and warden of John M. Roberts, F. 0. Robinson, home till death. The captain pass- Miss Ball, Mrs. Win. McMath, r's He was twice married and is survlv- inflammation speedily and thor- ed away in 1890. M. Clark, At prs. t-ach -1 St. peti. � ed by three soils, who live in Tor- oughly and will strengthen them Edward Rose, Geo. Thompson Ross, Mrs. Wilson is the deceased's only Sodality, Mrs. Will. Nforrish, Mrs. 1. Mrs. 600. .1hynas, Mrs. -ic was a large proper- against subsequent attack. And as child by her second marriage. Of D. Wilson, onto, Mr. Lock Kenneth Ross, Roy Rundle, J. Harry ty owner here and a public-spirited it cases the inflammation it will Rutson. ss 1­'Itnipa c,itizen of the best type. He was a stop'the cou#h because it all 'Charles E. Sale, Thos. Salkeld, her step children tliere are sur- Girvin, Mrs. Jno. Tigfri, mi ays Leslie Clifford Smith, Edward Sid- vivin George Gib8on, of St. Louis Foster Port Albert,, Mrt. Ball, N11, staunch Liberal in politics and a all irritation in the throat. Try it Dr. �Ilamuel Gibson, of Alberta Dancey, Mrs. 131,11101"l, Mi's Ifacl.11 4 F. ail, leading member of the Presby- and prove it. ney Smith, Benjamin C. Smith, Gibson and Ellen (Mrs. Miss Whitely Mrm Ma w S terian church. Henry C. Soothern, Alfred F. Stur- Andrew nd Jean (Mrs. 3 prs. cacti , Mrs Nels(in %ill. '48 dy Harry W. Symonds. I Little), in Manitoba, a M Dark, Mrs. Bir'nio. Nirti. R. Cla k. at The Star, James Tay or Henny Charles Burnet), in Alberta. NI r M. The Star to Jan. ist, 1919, for i5c. Get your'Job Printing Paul , Tbe deceased v. -as always very Mrs. Challen. Nil's. A. Nill"a" 1homas, I Turnbull, Charles active in every good work and Welter, Mrs, R. J. NVIll"4411 Turnbull. S James T. Videan. maintained her interest in the vae- Mattirson, Mrs. JI-. 'ttll'li� ;111. K amuel Ward, A. G Ward, Henry MUS organizations of which she had Jordan, Mrs. Dmill-4,11, 1\1 She Aaults Mrs. ,jiss Mai -j -11,V L. 8 Watson., Jack Welsk Hayden been a member till the last. �itkpfj. del Theatre frid L. K. W was closely identilied with the W. Aitke�l Mrs. , 1,. NN'. 1,ockis% 2 1)1'p;. The Nolo Williams, Wit illiams, M. "k. and Ladies- Aid of Knox each - Mrs WoOdK, MISS 'I Victor Clifford Williams, Tom Eric eburch, being hoitorary president. Mrs. 'B'urritt NUS14 BM"" t, -N114"I SUPERFEATURES LIMITED PRESENTS Wilson, J. Woodley, J. Edgar of the W. M. S. for years, and for Sharman, Mi4s C. Da"k, Craw - Woods. Jacob Youngblut. years was very active in the W. C. f ord, Mrs. Stirling. Mrs. fillick, T. U. Stirling, Mrs. It. Carti.f., Miss On Sunday morning last Rev. Mr. Porter Mrs. If. \11., ALICE BRADY Huron Red Cross and W. L McDermid, pastor of Knox church, 'i,igert: Nir,;. VVill ila\%kiw4 I'W't i' Following is the treasurer's re- referred to the splendid work she Albert). Mls,-4 (). "oldillorp., Mrs. port of the Huron R. C. arid W. C. A. had done in the congregation an(] w. (,. Mav��wan. Nil"t Jf'n""' \I, - - in George Broadhurit's Famous Success receipts for December, January and asked that the hymn, "0 Love, that Ninth, M1,44 i,amronro. February will not let me go," a favorite of Horton, Miss P�lda Sf(lltdart. Seaforth Red Cross ....... $ 4,031 38 the deceased's, be sting in memorial. Ruby stoddart. Walton Red Cross Union. 1,173.12 Tbe funeral took place on Monday it. J. craigiv, Mrs, D. Mal'\Nl Goderich Red Gross ...... 1, 158.77 afternoon to Maitland cemetery, the 4). st III rdy Mr., it .1 Nia, and Paid For Senforth War Aux ........ 1,042-18 services being conducted by Rev. R. MI.H. Nit" M'.1-11wall. Bought Ashfield Soldiers' Aid..... 705.0 c. McDermid, assitsied by Rev. Mr. I)icks,,n. Ml, it C,IinWn Women's Pat. Soe. 65 t.63 Harni "on; and by Rev. Dr. FlotHier. pr. each - — Clinton (.irls' Aux ........ 621.71 of Thames Road, pastor of the Tiw Soldiers' Aid. Exeter..... 579.29 church the decea"d uged to be a Wingham Red t;ror,8 ...... 550-90 inernber of when regiding in the warts call Hensall Red Cross ........ 505-87 tonth (if the coxinzy. The pall- way's Corn Clirl, I� Blyth Red Cross Circle .... 409-41 bftarerq wirre Rev. J110. Currie, recornmendalliol. Grediton Red Gross ....... 390-40 lately come it) to -11 tron, BelmOnte: ADVERTISE IN' I -lit: S1 All Varna Pat. `,oc ........... 37.5.76 M. (;. Cameron, Won. Coats, 1). Centralia Pat. Leagiie .... 366.40 stoddart, .%lox, Saunders and Dr. *ross .... Colborne Red C 354.71 Ernmerson. Goderich Tp, Pat. Soc. 346.11 Many bealitiful flowers from indi- INSURE IN y. L. of ;. 1�'. of G. T,.... 326-06 xiduals; and from the rhiirch sori- A4 Benmifler Red Gross..... 308.86 Pties to which Mrs. Gibson belonged, Holmesville Society ...... 293. 11 qpokp eloquontly of tho esteem in kTHE 0 AT WEST LIFE Bayfleld Red Cross .... .. 2M.76 willeli �he wits livid, and to tile Leeburn Red Cross ... 2:3".01) many frwilds who have ihown their k LOWESY:PREMIUMS Brussels Red Crogs ....... 21i.40 kind. Q�'m nthy the family wiQtl ,It S. E. No. 10, Wawannsh.. ?07-2-5 express tUir - gratefulness. M051 LIBERAL POLICY Stanley Maple Leaf ...... 192.44) Rrv, .%. 11, Mpldrum was here for MOST SATISFACTORY Summerhill I;oc .......... 182-M several weeks a short timp a 0 114) -eturne(II SETTLEMENTS Westfield Society ........ J 80.61 vigit 11IR mother and i f(or McLaren 1 Dungawkan W. 1_ ... tl'),,50 the funeral, and C.,d. .1 - 1. , BUSIVE86:111 FORCEIS1120,OKO Turner's Church ......... 168.50 arid Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mcf.aren. Goderich Reboccws, 1. Co f Hamilton, al.go camp tit) for ftllp is 14 CxE0- W0011 0. F . .................. 151.54 'flimeral. ' k AGUNT GOD11CRIQ111 Ahmeek Chapt., 1. 0. 1). 11. 19, for 75r. *"AWAftr,1C7enVdKP Goderich ........... rho Star to Jan. Ist, 19 1� 1',.A:G 'if I half the Ill,-, v,11110 Pr -111,M1 --tyl- Cora lseelirlpig Itle 4.011victlull I ....... 1— halt the line for till- lwoNnico. Attention 1. On and after January ist, 1918, the Ontario Statutes require that all cars be equipped witli Lenses holding tile rays of light below 42 inches. Auto Owners WHY GO OUT OF TOWN FOR THESE4) NVe have thetil at right prices; also,all other Acces- ories needed. Buy Auto Tires now I Tires have adva"ced. We have a cousiderablestliCk- on hand to be sold at old prices. Buy now,,,,,.1 Mad-WAN's -G-A M'" I C,or. Hamilton and St. Andravoi A� D. A. M. 1. 1). K. Club. - I . Elmaville Sunclihine Cirele 128.16 Unity Club ....... ..... 121 �34 Farquhar Red Cross I 12.60 Bethany Soo . ...... 1111,11 Broad- Saitford Red CroRs.. 10i.W As a play this was the biggest bit to appear on Londeaboro Red Gross .... t00.00 to Motion Pictures en- Thames Rd. R. C... - - - - ffl.15 way in years. The adaption Burns Church Ladies- .,%id q1.25 the to gigantic proportions. Dashwood R. 83.40 larges and strengtbens play Monerliff R. 79.16 W. I., Vireter ...... ...... 52.50 Taylor's Corner Pat. Sor 11,75 l0eneral Brolligh Gbaptpr Mondulay and Tuesday, May 6 and 7 1). R., 6oderich . .. 39,00 Blyth Girls' War Aiiii ?A 45 Kintail W. I... - - - -031 'I Maple Leaf Chapt, 1 0 -, 02nA% esialisdi -X;d%. 1), Te,. (lodpr1rh f In 1� 1',.A:G 'if I half the Ill,-, v,11110 Pr -111,M1 --tyl- Cora lseelirlpig Itle 4.011victlull I ....... 1— halt the line for till- lwoNnico. Attention 1. On and after January ist, 1918, the Ontario Statutes require that all cars be equipped witli Lenses holding tile rays of light below 42 inches. Auto Owners WHY GO OUT OF TOWN FOR THESE4) NVe have thetil at right prices; also,all other Acces- ories needed. Buy Auto Tires now I Tires have adva"ced. We have a cousiderablestliCk- on hand to be sold at old prices. Buy now,,,,,.1 Mad-WAN's -G-A M'" I C,or. Hamilton and St. Andravoi A�