HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 4Seft, k: "..l.'''Good Wt for.,Apfil kh 111:14��� ZSi,pp.eo of T"ide ftlt;Ew Saturday. The crivsign for a h bL Ooderic 4"' The of Trade has opened ca headquarters in the . e, and during the ne) Ileenell the citizelis Of the q1ty called U 10 ­ut thr eir"_St, to the =1 anyala in crea beat foundation for all con progress --a live -wire 00111 organization. Committees of the oampa be under the direction of th of Trade. They will have tt tance of Mr. D. H. MoFarlain one a c - iefvlm Their work has Wwk,Shids =21eigda the raising of industrfid a x patriotic and rf4igious funds. 3 x4 40 This effort to bring about Extra heavy Satin a an - oral movement in Goderiel! is Mll, khaki color, founded opop the principle that Work Shirts, all Congoleum RegA persistent and Intelli e%ly 0rected organized effort is t9e beat means sizes, with collar. All siAes made, in this popu- of stimulating community growth. Dou ble stitch. lar floor covering. Spec - The 9xpertence of otties everywhere sizes 15 to IT iaJ prices. proves that each city Is master of well made. Worth its own fate. Some) cities, it is, true, $2.60 are favored with , develo h$1-50 Cottonades =i but 8uo deve op - for ew tduesicaafifa', ly comes only to the new Beat quality made ............................. countries. Black a n d white .................... . ........... 45c The futurt_ of Goderich, resta, largely upon -the efforts of its own stripe Drill Work Shitts, best qua]- Tickinds people and such effort can only be Co- ity black bide. spcoessful if it is vacked by the Sizes 14 1-2to Beat quality worth now 50c� at per entire citizenship and has adequate 17. At$ yard .......................................... 35c financial support. The first b' ct or the campaign each... 1.00 will be to TX the citizenship to Silk Toplins Work together in creating a corn- morcial org" tion,�*ith a large membdrship, a farge. working capi- 36 inch Silk and Wool Poplins, One of the most serviceable and beautiful materials 11 and managed by a skilled pub- licty and commercial organization Ladies for Dresses and Suits. 15 shades and colors in stock. At per yard$1.50 man. This organization would have %* permanent. offices. It would estab- Coat lish a ermanent exhibition of goods s Lonsdald Cambries rnanu?actured in and near Gode- A splendid choice in Yard wide, entirely free from dressing, two rich, and -the agricultural products of the dotinty. 'It would make stylish and service- year old stock. Worth 30c. at per survey of industrist and agricul! able Coats. Now yard ....................................... ... 20c tural conditions in Goderich and and very reasonable vicinity, and tabulitte this informa- tion in scientific form and distribute in price. Ranging Silk Habutai it widely'among manuracturers and $10, $12, $15, 40 inches Wide Ivory andr White Japan, Habu- farmers. $18, $25 and 'up tai wash silk, extra W ight at per At would work.365 days a year in 01 .00 seeking industriat "leads." it yard .................................... $ 1 would, through distribution of lit- erature, interest rarmers in this otion of the couittry. In other words the d y of the manager in charge of thottrFanization would be W. ACHESON & SON 8" to build up the moustrial and aFri- cultural business or ooderich just like the manager of a successful Store builds up that business. A skilled publicity man can se- cure hundreds of columns of out - would. probably have had a larger Goderich. will, no doubt, he useful. side newspaper reacing matter if Cbe (5obertc!) star., membership. as showing what, in the,vic o he Makes the effort. This free ad- vertising is extrvmely effective. IV7ZPR0390 CALL 71. We did not have the Town Dq- 'such experts, an up-to-date card Many commercial organizations velopingrit Company's assistance in FRIDAY. MAY 3, 1918 securip� the location of arty new of Trade could do in a town sue keep a close recood on the number industNes. There is little doubt as Goderich. The working out of such articles that appear each that the Development Company can, any program which may be out- year and the showing is often im- EDITORIAL COMMENT build up the membershi f lined will rest with the local or- pressive. Board of Trade. The linterestin There is an axiom in the' com- and holding of that ment ers i ganizatiort, and as Mr. Boykin told mercial organization world that A meeting of the council of the rests largely with the Board itsel . us at the dinner at the Bedford says "Build up your surrounding Goderich Board of Trade was held Sincerely yours. hotel, it will need thQ co-operation country and your 400mmunity will take care of itself." Many cfti�s on Monday evening, at which the R. E. ARMSTRONG, and service of the me -inners of the through their commercial orgam- action of the committee in, making Secretary- organization which may be formed zations have specialized in getting a contract with the Town Develop- A similar query addressed to the here fully as much as their mem- more people on the farms nearby, ment people to put on a Member- Dover (New Jersey) Cha mber of bership fees to accomplish results. because that increaties both buying ship campaign in Uoderich was Commerce brought the following and selling. confirmed. The campaign is to reply : The future of, Goderich depends start early in May. Dover, N. J-, A COUSIN OF THE upon four things—inerease of April t9, 1918. farming production drid populatign, As St. John, N. B., was one of the The 'Star, GODERICH CAREYS scouring additional 'industries, in towns in which the Town Develop- Goderich, Ontario. creasing the volume of lake traffic, ment people put on a campaign a Gentlemen,—I have your letter Is Gen. Sandoinan Carey Who Ac- and building up the city its a sum - few years ago Thb Star wrote to requestin information concerning - complished a Brilliant Feat mer resort and convention city. 9 Increased retail trade can only the work of Jrown Development the secretary of tht- Board of Trade Company In organizing our Chain- The following dispatch dated at be brought about by these things. there for information as to the sue- her of Commerce. London, En April 12th, refers to All can be brought about by organ- o"s of"the campaign and received The work that they promised to a cousin of 0. F. Carey and Miss ized effort of the persistent and the following reply: do was done very satisfactorily. Carey, of town : I business kind. They cannot be ac - General `Sandom�n Carey who in complished sim I by i hing for Saint Sohn, Now Brunswick, The ownpaign cost a good deal of the words of Premier Lloy� George them. Vision. ty w noney, but without any doubt the ��. d ,Forks, persis- 00 'ecessary. April 19th, 1918. 1n accomplished one of the most bril- ten , and mondY2 F it The Goderich Star, Chamber of Commerce could never have been organiAed without ex- liant feats in the history of the Bri- Canada and the United States are Goderich, Ontario. perienced men coming in from out- tish army by holding the- gap be- filled with cities no better located Dear Sir,—Replying to your on- side and doing it. We have taken tween the third and the fifth army than Goderich that pushed them- 16tb inst.. the Town De- their general advice as to price of in the first days of the German blow selves forward through militant 2-culiop'Moefit Company conducted a, membership and bylaws. There in Picardy with a hastily or anized team work. When the man -power membership campaign here in 19131has been no follow-up work, such nondescriptive force, is fifty-one of a community decides to pull to - and qathered In for us quite a large as assistance in the location of in- years of age. He is a member of $other toward a definite end there membership list. Idustries, etc., and in fact I believe One of the best known families In is nothing within reason that can - A year of business depression they promised none, although I was Guernsey and is a son of the Rev. not be accomplished. with other causes prevented the not here lit the time they puton thq upp r, ro An official announcement con - 0 U inj erning the campaign will he made Board from carryhig out the ex- campaign. The folloWink letter appeari in in a few days by President Parsons. tensive program w1doh had been The Mail, and Empire with re er- ma, ped out at the' beginning, sol Yours voty truly, Then from day to cay the plans for ence to Gen. Carey is of interest: the new organization will be made that there was sonic dissatisfaction I CAPEN A. FLEMING, To the Editor of The Mail and public. jWtnji the members (knd some Managing Secretary. Empire. The council of the Board of Trade lapses. From the above letters it is evi- , Sir—Referring to this morning's met with Mr: McFarland, Tuesday rhe three-year contract term Ox -'dent that the Towri Development (ourilh column article, which set- night, and authorized President pired in Februar�, 016, and some- people are successful as organizers (IOm fails to afrest attention, there Parsons to appoint sever4l commit - what lose than fifty per conL of the is a reason why Canadians should tees. members secured remained witb, Of Boards of Trade, and 1he earn- Mr. Parsons, C. L. Moore, vice take a peculiar interest in General president, and George Porter will us. But for the war's demands, we paign which they will put on in Sandoman Carey and his magnifl- act as an advisor) committee to cent 4xploi"aving the situation meet daily with Mr. McFarland dur- 1 111 tl 111 11 . I when the fate of the British army— ing the campaign. Other commit- = erhaps the cause of the allies-- tc.cs have not yet been avointed. gun It was also decided - have a a in the balance. You can tell us I tie about him except that he is meeting of the Board of Trade Fri - one of those unobtrusive English- day night, May 3, at the Masonic men who have a way of turnin up Temple. This meeting wilt be given NobhU OF no T0006FU unexpectedly in a crisis, (and if we to emphasize the need in Goderich may use, without incongruity, the of a well-financed active commer- expressive Westernism) a veritable cial organization, and to receive the "Johnny -on -the -Spot," We are in- report of the council on the con- fortned that he is one of the Careys ferene, with the Town Develop - of Guernsey, a family, better known merit Co. in ecclesiastical and literary circles, the fame of Canon Carey of York "Daylight Ed's" Pet Scheme being mentioned as outshining thai of his soldier brother. We will Judge Lewis of Goderich must �Want to know more about him later have felt some elation on Sunday on, and probably our wishes will be� last when Daylight Saving came in - gratified. In the meantime we in to effect throughout the Dominion. Canada may like to hear that the Jud e Lewis then Mr. E. N. Lewis, M. T. for eentre Huron, was the "Careys, of Guernsey" are closely first man in Canada to advocate connected with the "Brooks of Daylight Saving, by introducing a Guernsey," the two names lti,lng bill in the Commons at Otta*a hyplionaled in one branch of the familv. We know something of nearly a dozen years ago. The bill, one 4,ir Isaac Brock. At any rate it after some discussion and meeting we climb Well's Hill on a clear da- with no little ridicule was with- we can see a monument, on Queen drawn,a but the idea was nover wholly lost siglit of and 'having ston Heights which proclaims him savior of C ailads, when a hun- Gosard,co Ift W-WM, bleached twill Sheeting They lace in front; We with a crisis quite serlous enough to .1voleniber, if it Is oyershadowed by )?rqo from dressing and a vary firm cloth. This Is 2 years old price. Worth 2& carry all styles, for 01 nts the ON't of to -day. Anothbr lqew8_ Record. ic, *t per yard.. ................. 7, figures. Manetettes 86 inches wide soft and heavy fn Every pair austantood. light or dark colors also white. 25c "Whosever makes two eArs Of Worthpar yard 80o. as ................. corn or two bledes of grass to grow Rog$ .Swings Tapestry an4 Brussels Rup. 500 sverds oi old stock bed quality and war- Still a splendid choice mritail black and white stripee in neat dots at prices of two sea- _Iar --- working- shirts or AressaB� � 25c -ewe ago; Worth 45c, at per yard ........... b ...... 01, kh 111:14��� ZSi,pp.eo of T"ide ftlt;Ew Saturday. The crivsign for a h bL Ooderic 4"' The of Trade has opened ca headquarters in the . e, and during the ne) Ileenell the citizelis Of the q1ty called U 10 ­ut thr eir"_St, to the =1 anyala in crea beat foundation for all con progress --a live -wire 00111 organization. Committees of the oampa be under the direction of th of Trade. They will have tt tance of Mr. D. H. MoFarlain one a c - iefvlm Their work has Wwk,Shids =21eigda the raising of industrfid a x patriotic and rf4igious funds. 3 x4 40 This effort to bring about Extra heavy Satin a an - oral movement in Goderiel! is Mll, khaki color, founded opop the principle that Work Shirts, all Congoleum RegA persistent and Intelli e%ly 0rected organized effort is t9e beat means sizes, with collar. All siAes made, in this popu- of stimulating community growth. Dou ble stitch. lar floor covering. Spec - The 9xpertence of otties everywhere sizes 15 to IT iaJ prices. proves that each city Is master of well made. Worth its own fate. Some) cities, it is, true, $2.60 are favored with , develo h$1-50 Cottonades =i but 8uo deve op - for ew tduesicaafifa', ly comes only to the new Beat quality made ............................. countries. Black a n d white .................... . ........... 45c The futurt_ of Goderich, resta, largely upon -the efforts of its own stripe Drill Work Shitts, best qua]- Tickinds people and such effort can only be Co- ity black bide. spcoessful if it is vacked by the Sizes 14 1-2to Beat quality worth now 50c� at per entire citizenship and has adequate 17. At$ yard .......................................... 35c financial support. The first b' ct or the campaign each... 1.00 will be to TX the citizenship to Silk Toplins Work together in creating a corn- morcial org" tion,�*ith a large membdrship, a farge. working capi- 36 inch Silk and Wool Poplins, One of the most serviceable and beautiful materials 11 and managed by a skilled pub- licty and commercial organization Ladies for Dresses and Suits. 15 shades and colors in stock. At per yard$1.50 man. This organization would have %* permanent. offices. It would estab- Coat lish a ermanent exhibition of goods s Lonsdald Cambries rnanu?actured in and near Gode- A splendid choice in Yard wide, entirely free from dressing, two rich, and -the agricultural products of the dotinty. 'It would make stylish and service- year old stock. Worth 30c. at per survey of industrist and agricul! able Coats. Now yard ....................................... ... 20c tural conditions in Goderich and and very reasonable vicinity, and tabulitte this informa- tion in scientific form and distribute in price. Ranging Silk Habutai it widely'among manuracturers and $10, $12, $15, 40 inches Wide Ivory andr White Japan, Habu- farmers. $18, $25 and 'up tai wash silk, extra W ight at per At would work.365 days a year in 01 .00 seeking industriat "leads." it yard .................................... $ 1 would, through distribution of lit- erature, interest rarmers in this otion of the couittry. In other words the d y of the manager in charge of thottrFanization would be W. ACHESON & SON 8" to build up the moustrial and aFri- cultural business or ooderich just like the manager of a successful Store builds up that business. A skilled publicity man can se- cure hundreds of columns of out - would. probably have had a larger Goderich. will, no doubt, he useful. side newspaper reacing matter if Cbe (5obertc!) star., membership. as showing what, in the,vic o he Makes the effort. This free ad- vertising is extrvmely effective. IV7ZPR0390 CALL 71. We did not have the Town Dq- 'such experts, an up-to-date card Many commercial organizations velopingrit Company's assistance in FRIDAY. MAY 3, 1918 securip� the location of arty new of Trade could do in a town sue keep a close recood on the number industNes. There is little doubt as Goderich. The working out of such articles that appear each that the Development Company can, any program which may be out- year and the showing is often im- EDITORIAL COMMENT build up the membershi f lined will rest with the local or- pressive. Board of Trade. The linterestin There is an axiom in the' com- and holding of that ment ers i ganizatiort, and as Mr. Boykin told mercial organization world that A meeting of the council of the rests largely with the Board itsel . us at the dinner at the Bedford says "Build up your surrounding Goderich Board of Trade was held Sincerely yours. hotel, it will need thQ co-operation country and your 400mmunity will take care of itself." Many cfti�s on Monday evening, at which the R. E. ARMSTRONG, and service of the me -inners of the through their commercial orgam- action of the committee in, making Secretary- organization which may be formed zations have specialized in getting a contract with the Town Develop- A similar query addressed to the here fully as much as their mem- more people on the farms nearby, ment people to put on a Member- Dover (New Jersey) Cha mber of bership fees to accomplish results. because that increaties both buying ship campaign in Uoderich was Commerce brought the following and selling. confirmed. The campaign is to reply : The future of, Goderich depends start early in May. Dover, N. J-, A COUSIN OF THE upon four things—inerease of April t9, 1918. farming production drid populatign, As St. John, N. B., was one of the The 'Star, GODERICH CAREYS scouring additional 'industries, in towns in which the Town Develop- Goderich, Ontario. creasing the volume of lake traffic, ment people put on a campaign a Gentlemen,—I have your letter Is Gen. Sandoinan Carey Who Ac- and building up the city its a sum - few years ago Thb Star wrote to requestin information concerning - complished a Brilliant Feat mer resort and convention city. 9 Increased retail trade can only the work of Jrown Development the secretary of tht- Board of Trade Company In organizing our Chain- The following dispatch dated at be brought about by these things. there for information as to the sue- her of Commerce. London, En April 12th, refers to All can be brought about by organ- o"s of"the campaign and received The work that they promised to a cousin of 0. F. Carey and Miss ized effort of the persistent and the following reply: do was done very satisfactorily. Carey, of town : I business kind. They cannot be ac - General `Sandom�n Carey who in complished sim I by i hing for Saint Sohn, Now Brunswick, The ownpaign cost a good deal of the words of Premier Lloy� George them. Vision. ty w noney, but without any doubt the ��. d ,Forks, persis- 00 'ecessary. April 19th, 1918. 1n accomplished one of the most bril- ten , and mondY2 F it The Goderich Star, Chamber of Commerce could never have been organiAed without ex- liant feats in the history of the Bri- Canada and the United States are Goderich, Ontario. perienced men coming in from out- tish army by holding the- gap be- filled with cities no better located Dear Sir,—Replying to your on- side and doing it. We have taken tween the third and the fifth army than Goderich that pushed them- 16tb inst.. the Town De- their general advice as to price of in the first days of the German blow selves forward through militant 2-culiop'Moefit Company conducted a, membership and bylaws. There in Picardy with a hastily or anized team work. When the man -power membership campaign here in 19131has been no follow-up work, such nondescriptive force, is fifty-one of a community decides to pull to - and qathered In for us quite a large as assistance in the location of in- years of age. He is a member of $other toward a definite end there membership list. Idustries, etc., and in fact I believe One of the best known families In is nothing within reason that can - A year of business depression they promised none, although I was Guernsey and is a son of the Rev. not be accomplished. with other causes prevented the not here lit the time they puton thq upp r, ro An official announcement con - 0 U inj erning the campaign will he made Board from carryhig out the ex- campaign. The folloWink letter appeari in in a few days by President Parsons. tensive program w1doh had been The Mail, and Empire with re er- ma, ped out at the' beginning, sol Yours voty truly, Then from day to cay the plans for ence to Gen. Carey is of interest: the new organization will be made that there was sonic dissatisfaction I CAPEN A. FLEMING, To the Editor of The Mail and public. jWtnji the members (knd some Managing Secretary. Empire. The council of the Board of Trade lapses. From the above letters it is evi- , Sir—Referring to this morning's met with Mr: McFarland, Tuesday rhe three-year contract term Ox -'dent that the Towri Development (ourilh column article, which set- night, and authorized President pired in Februar�, 016, and some- people are successful as organizers (IOm fails to afrest attention, there Parsons to appoint sever4l commit - what lose than fifty per conL of the is a reason why Canadians should tees. members secured remained witb, Of Boards of Trade, and 1he earn- Mr. Parsons, C. L. Moore, vice take a peculiar interest in General president, and George Porter will us. But for the war's demands, we paign which they will put on in Sandoman Carey and his magnifl- act as an advisor) committee to cent 4xploi"aving the situation meet daily with Mr. McFarland dur- 1 111 tl 111 11 . I when the fate of the British army— ing the campaign. Other commit- = erhaps the cause of the allies-- tc.cs have not yet been avointed. gun It was also decided - have a a in the balance. You can tell us I tie about him except that he is meeting of the Board of Trade Fri - one of those unobtrusive English- day night, May 3, at the Masonic men who have a way of turnin up Temple. This meeting wilt be given NobhU OF no T0006FU unexpectedly in a crisis, (and if we to emphasize the need in Goderich may use, without incongruity, the of a well-financed active commer- expressive Westernism) a veritable cial organization, and to receive the "Johnny -on -the -Spot," We are in- report of the council on the con- fortned that he is one of the Careys ferene, with the Town Develop - of Guernsey, a family, better known merit Co. in ecclesiastical and literary circles, the fame of Canon Carey of York "Daylight Ed's" Pet Scheme being mentioned as outshining thai of his soldier brother. We will Judge Lewis of Goderich must �Want to know more about him later have felt some elation on Sunday on, and probably our wishes will be� last when Daylight Saving came in - gratified. In the meantime we in to effect throughout the Dominion. Canada may like to hear that the Jud e Lewis then Mr. E. N. Lewis, M. T. for eentre Huron, was the "Careys, of Guernsey" are closely first man in Canada to advocate connected with the "Brooks of Daylight Saving, by introducing a Guernsey," the two names lti,lng bill in the Commons at Otta*a hyplionaled in one branch of the familv. We know something of nearly a dozen years ago. The bill, one 4,ir Isaac Brock. At any rate it after some discussion and meeting we climb Well's Hill on a clear da- with no little ridicule was with- MaY L draw attention to another where only one grew be re, de - little item ? In Guernsey , from serves better of mankind, and does time to immemorial, the principle more essential service to his coon-, of univelsal militAry traininK is try than the whole race of polifi- said to have been maintained. mes Mans Put to"'ther."--swift. this circumstance pa:rtl� account for Our h1vint two soon men 48 As a verinifuge therO is nothirt9l TV Q M, 7 V Carcy aild Ik*6k to the fore, r so notent as Mother Grave,37 %vorio, for tho enifteric WItle 17 n K )&%terminator, and it cart be given' ountry %t4 JC hoot I imadili to the most doijeate child withoilt nL, M t em ? Defence 4eaguo" please take notice. fefir of injury, to 016 coftstitutiOn, 01,16 10110 11 1 11 11 01 1, YoUrs etc,. ARTHUR JARVIS The Star to Jan ist, 1919. for 40 fie I!Qllowl�g list . of bargains will be on sale Saturday only At gglA, tho, prices quoted. These prices mean rea) savings attd- ahNAJ"�__ be, taken advantage of by everyone. Se"U" q"110 \ New Cloths for Spring Coats in besutiful new patterns or, in plalit colon. They We have several plOOeB Ot. New, Cloths for Spring are vary sacka and coats. lit grean. ligbtWe, grey and rose. wbJzh p4lar 1%0=1 ...... 39C will be on gale Saturday. The cloths and the klmovao. war r yard shades are now. Ragplar $3.6% e FlansWeWv&ets tor ........................... I .................. v2.98 12 X 4 Flanitelette Blankets, either grey or white. Tweed Rain Coats for spring showers. Ith colored borden. on sale ftturday., This is in grey and brown shades, ity to buy Plankebs obw aw Itiev These Costs have be6a bought for this SPr*g' Opp=11 $1110 will be Iry high for fall. Regular and are new. They come in all ".50 for .............................. ; ........ $2"98 sizes. Regular 012-60, for ......... Go"M Cold$ Lace Curtains f Lee Curtains. and f t ' b , I . a - fr . o , at lace We Some have Only One Wr' to& P*ttA Z;;�t, which is ma" of - Imported coatil in will all be on Mae Saturday at greatly reduoeA pink, medium- high waist. vid all prices. Take-advautage Of this reduction &a the six" are lit stock. Regular 68.25'(0, $2.59 new stocks are high. Dailess Silk White Sheeting 80 in. Duchess, Silk In black, grey, blue, oopeah"en, For Saturday we are showing several pteoes of 8 x 4 and other colors, ou SalftSaturday. rhis silk White Sheeting at sale prices. This cloth In has a beautiful finish and well adopted for worth 40 per cent. more today than when alei;s, dreams and lifilte. Regular we bought At. Regular 60c white sheet -A19 . 4w;, 11.75 for per yard .......................... $1,50 ing for per yard ................. 11 ...... I ....... The above pnee& will be goad Saturday only. Some lines are in limited quantities and will be to your advantage to buy early in the day. Jo He COLBORNE All (�qlars will.be on sale Saturday. Every Collar in the store will be red4ced very low so that tbey-will. all be cleared. Each collar is in good condition and the corrd'i:t style. Be sure and see these values. B14ek and wbite Lisle Gloves, regular 35c, for ISC a pair. THE Y. M. C. A. BUDGET AN IDEAL SUMMER OUTING secured the services of such an of- ficer, surely argument as to the The Provincial Government of1wisdoin of the policy is i4niieces- The County Council Will be Asked Ontario earned the gratitude of all sary. What is needed is not ar- to Vote Hurons Share lovers of out-of-doors when it set guinent, btit a st.rgical operation Rev. C. A. Sykes, I or Kitchener, apart, in 1893, nearly two million of soine sort upon tne majority of and Rev. S. W. Hann, of Strathr acres of heavily timbered land star- Ihe county council.— Stratford oy, red with beautiful lakes and wind- Iferald. were in town on Wednesday night of last week in connection with the Wing streams, as a preserve for the Y. M. G, A's 'campaign to raise :its Id things and a recreation ground It, is always safe to send a Do - for the people. They called it Al- Minion Express Money Order. Five budget of $2,250,000, which will be Fonquin Park. Away up in the dollars costs three cents. used mainly for ,,military work. 'Highlands of Ontar-ro," 200 miles They came by auto ana were cover- ing the main contres 'of the county north of Toronto, lio Miles west of ,Ottawa, and two thousand feet 00c"30000cri"GEENCH20000 interviewin5 the reeves Of the var- above the level of the sea, this ious municipalities ierative to se- lovely region remains to -day un - curing a grant from the county spoiled, a perfect refuge f6r the I The High Cost of Living -treasury to cover Huron's &P- creatures of' the forest, and an ideal portionment of the, budget in place c4mpingl�?groiind for the sportsman Ppoblem Solved of having a campaign for subscriP- and business inan. The Grand tions. The Y. M. C. A. representa- Trunk op�rat,6 hotel and log cabini tives reported having met with nps which -offer. first classaccom� I .,We have stood the Wt. A Wal .......... great encouragerneut- in-t-his--plarr modation in this wild and rugge d from the heads of municipalities, will convinco you playground. Illustrated descript- and this, means of raising funds is ive literature inay be had for the being adopted in onany counties. asking Write. G. E HORNING, We also reserve the right to Increase Huron's apportionment is $32,700, il and the portion of this alloted to D' P Toronto, ont.' our Membership Fee Ooderich and Colborne township is COMPARE OUR PRICES $6,000. Perth County Stands Alone I Rev. Xr. Hann is,the Y. M. C. A. We regret with, we believe, a 15 lbs. Granulated Sugar ...... #1.00 organizer for this part of the pro- I vince and Rev. Mr. Sykes is in arFe proportion if not a -large ma- 2 tins Peas, Early June ...... 24c charge of the Earn and Give De- jority of the best farmers of Perth Old Dutch Cleanser ........... 6c county, that the PerUi county coun- partment, a department for boys, cil has again refused to take the 2 in I or Nugget Shoe Polish Se .e gifts out of who are asked to maf mild steps required to bring aboutl money they earn to the Y. M. C. A. appointment of a DisLpict Agricul- The following officers and com- tdral Representative for this coun- We sell to MeMbers Only. Join mittees were app ointed to set in ty to give - his whole time to the us today. connection with a canvass if the ;� .dvancement and improvement of county should not grant the requir- a iculture and methods of all Earn and Give r ed amount, The Unds, both in the vaerests of in- Consumepi" Associ4j campaign will be proceeded with in !on dividuals and the public, s any event. is t , come to it, that. Pepth he Aaly J. J. DOYLE Chairman, A. M. Robertson ; see- county in the Provinep of Ontario I- retary, J. A. Campnell ; treasurer, which thus stands in its own lighL LoW Manager. Q06C St. R. J. Megaw; committee, Mayor With every county but one having Wigle, Walter Naftei, Rev. G. M. Holmes, F. Elliott, Dr. G. Heilemann, Sidney Donaldson, W. C. Pridharn, J. C. Laithwaite, Rev. J. E. Ford, C. M. Robertson, Rev. J. H. Oster- hout ' J. L. Aitken, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Rev. R. C. McDermid, Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, L. L. Knox, G. M. Elliott, Albert Wilkins, Goo. Porter, G. L� Parsons, Chas. K. Saunders, Wm. Wallace, C. A. Nairn, Alex. Saun- ders, G. E. Colborne, C. L. Jack,, Jac Finance committee --C. I 'k son (chairman), C. M. Ro ertson, I T. L. ?rest, R. J. Megaw, W. C. Pridham. I Publicity committed --W. H. Rob- ertson (chairman), J. W. Vanatter, G. L. Parsons Dr G Heilernarm, J. P. Hume, H. h. Ailen,'W. F. Clark. Lists committee --L. L. Knox (chairman), Win. Campbell, F, El- liott, Reg. Sharman, Walter Naftel. Boys' committee -2-G. M. Elliott (chairman), Rev. J. E. Ford, J. H. Johnston, Jas. Carrie. FOR GOOD RELIABLE Shoe Repairing TO? SMffH & RI[NG 30 East Stma , 0 site Knox Chureb GIVE US A THIL Ic No change in our- method of doing business, which means WITH ME. Look for full particulam next Issue. wo PO — — — - - - - - - - - - - .......... J e � we can see a monument, on Queen drawn,a but the idea was nover wholly lost siglit of and 'having ston Heights which proclaims him savior of C ailads, when a hun- beAn successfully tried in Many dred yo%ars ago we were face to face other countries it is now embodied in Government is with a crisis quite serlous enough to .1voleniber, if it Is oyershadowed by a statute and being tried out in Giinada,Clintoh nts the ON't of to -day. Anothbr lqew8_ Record. Isaac was one of the Brocks Of Guernsey. We shoold not be sur- PRODUCE IS THE CALL prised, then, to see his spirit revived "Whosever makes two eArs Of in his relative, the hero of the hour. corn or two bledes of grass to grow MaY L draw attention to another where only one grew be re, de - little item ? In Guernsey , from serves better of mankind, and does time to immemorial, the principle more essential service to his coon-, of univelsal militAry traininK is try than the whole race of polifi- said to have been maintained. mes Mans Put to"'ther."--swift. this circumstance pa:rtl� account for Our h1vint two soon men 48 As a verinifuge therO is nothirt9l TV Q M, 7 V Carcy aild Ik*6k to the fore, r so notent as Mother Grave,37 %vorio, for tho enifteric WItle 17 n K )&%terminator, and it cart be given' ountry %t4 JC hoot I imadili to the most doijeate child withoilt nL, M t em ? Defence 4eaguo" please take notice. fefir of injury, to 016 coftstitutiOn, 01,16 10110 11 1 11 11 01 1, YoUrs etc,. ARTHUR JARVIS The Star to Jan ist, 1919. for 40 fie I!Qllowl�g list . of bargains will be on sale Saturday only At gglA, tho, prices quoted. These prices mean rea) savings attd- ahNAJ"�__ be, taken advantage of by everyone. Se"U" q"110 \ New Cloths for Spring Coats in besutiful new patterns or, in plalit colon. They We have several plOOeB Ot. New, Cloths for Spring are vary sacka and coats. lit grean. ligbtWe, grey and rose. wbJzh p4lar 1%0=1 ...... 39C will be on gale Saturday. The cloths and the klmovao. war r yard shades are now. Ragplar $3.6% e FlansWeWv&ets tor ........................... I .................. v2.98 12 X 4 Flanitelette Blankets, either grey or white. Tweed Rain Coats for spring showers. Ith colored borden. on sale ftturday., This is in grey and brown shades, ity to buy Plankebs obw aw Itiev These Costs have be6a bought for this SPr*g' Opp=11 $1110 will be Iry high for fall. Regular and are new. They come in all ".50 for .............................. ; ........ $2"98 sizes. Regular 012-60, for ......... Go"M Cold$ Lace Curtains f Lee Curtains. and f t ' b , I . a - fr . o , at lace We Some have Only One Wr' to& P*ttA Z;;�t, which is ma" of - Imported coatil in will all be on Mae Saturday at greatly reduoeA pink, medium- high waist. vid all prices. Take-advautage Of this reduction &a the six" are lit stock. Regular 68.25'(0, $2.59 new stocks are high. Dailess Silk White Sheeting 80 in. Duchess, Silk In black, grey, blue, oopeah"en, For Saturday we are showing several pteoes of 8 x 4 and other colors, ou SalftSaturday. rhis silk White Sheeting at sale prices. This cloth In has a beautiful finish and well adopted for worth 40 per cent. more today than when alei;s, dreams and lifilte. Regular we bought At. Regular 60c white sheet -A19 . 4w;, 11.75 for per yard .......................... $1,50 ing for per yard ................. 11 ...... I ....... The above pnee& will be goad Saturday only. Some lines are in limited quantities and will be to your advantage to buy early in the day. Jo He COLBORNE All (�qlars will.be on sale Saturday. Every Collar in the store will be red4ced very low so that tbey-will. all be cleared. Each collar is in good condition and the corrd'i:t style. Be sure and see these values. B14ek and wbite Lisle Gloves, regular 35c, for ISC a pair. THE Y. M. C. A. BUDGET AN IDEAL SUMMER OUTING secured the services of such an of- ficer, surely argument as to the The Provincial Government of1wisdoin of the policy is i4niieces- The County Council Will be Asked Ontario earned the gratitude of all sary. What is needed is not ar- to Vote Hurons Share lovers of out-of-doors when it set guinent, btit a st.rgical operation Rev. C. A. Sykes, I or Kitchener, apart, in 1893, nearly two million of soine sort upon tne majority of and Rev. S. W. Hann, of Strathr acres of heavily timbered land star- Ihe county council.— Stratford oy, red with beautiful lakes and wind- Iferald. were in town on Wednesday night of last week in connection with the Wing streams, as a preserve for the Y. M. G, A's 'campaign to raise :its Id things and a recreation ground It, is always safe to send a Do - for the people. They called it Al- Minion Express Money Order. Five budget of $2,250,000, which will be Fonquin Park. Away up in the dollars costs three cents. used mainly for ,,military work. 'Highlands of Ontar-ro," 200 miles They came by auto ana were cover- ing the main contres 'of the county north of Toronto, lio Miles west of ,Ottawa, and two thousand feet 00c"30000cri"GEENCH20000 interviewin5 the reeves Of the var- above the level of the sea, this ious municipalities ierative to se- lovely region remains to -day un - curing a grant from the county spoiled, a perfect refuge f6r the I The High Cost of Living -treasury to cover Huron's &P- creatures of' the forest, and an ideal portionment of the, budget in place c4mpingl�?groiind for the sportsman Ppoblem Solved of having a campaign for subscriP- and business inan. The Grand tions. The Y. M. C. A. representa- Trunk op�rat,6 hotel and log cabini tives reported having met with nps which -offer. first classaccom� I .,We have stood the Wt. A Wal .......... great encouragerneut- in-t-his--plarr modation in this wild and rugge d from the heads of municipalities, will convinco you playground. Illustrated descript- and this, means of raising funds is ive literature inay be had for the being adopted in onany counties. asking Write. G. E HORNING, We also reserve the right to Increase Huron's apportionment is $32,700, il and the portion of this alloted to D' P Toronto, ont.' our Membership Fee Ooderich and Colborne township is COMPARE OUR PRICES $6,000. Perth County Stands Alone I Rev. Xr. Hann is,the Y. M. C. A. We regret with, we believe, a 15 lbs. Granulated Sugar ...... #1.00 organizer for this part of the pro- I vince and Rev. Mr. Sykes is in arFe proportion if not a -large ma- 2 tins Peas, Early June ...... 24c charge of the Earn and Give De- jority of the best farmers of Perth Old Dutch Cleanser ........... 6c county, that the PerUi county coun- partment, a department for boys, cil has again refused to take the 2 in I or Nugget Shoe Polish Se .e gifts out of who are asked to maf mild steps required to bring aboutl money they earn to the Y. M. C. A. appointment of a DisLpict Agricul- The following officers and com- tdral Representative for this coun- We sell to MeMbers Only. Join mittees were app ointed to set in ty to give - his whole time to the us today. connection with a canvass if the ;� .dvancement and improvement of county should not grant the requir- a iculture and methods of all Earn and Give r ed amount, The Unds, both in the vaerests of in- Consumepi" Associ4j campaign will be proceeded with in !on dividuals and the public, s any event. is t , come to it, that. Pepth he Aaly J. J. DOYLE Chairman, A. M. Robertson ; see- county in the Provinep of Ontario I- retary, J. A. Campnell ; treasurer, which thus stands in its own lighL LoW Manager. Q06C St. R. J. Megaw; committee, Mayor With every county but one having Wigle, Walter Naftei, Rev. G. M. Holmes, F. Elliott, Dr. G. Heilemann, Sidney Donaldson, W. C. Pridharn, J. C. Laithwaite, Rev. J. E. Ford, C. M. Robertson, Rev. J. H. Oster- hout ' J. L. Aitken, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Rev. R. C. McDermid, Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, L. L. Knox, G. M. Elliott, Albert Wilkins, Goo. Porter, G. L� Parsons, Chas. K. Saunders, Wm. Wallace, C. A. Nairn, Alex. Saun- ders, G. E. Colborne, C. L. Jack,, Jac Finance committee --C. I 'k son (chairman), C. M. Ro ertson, I T. L. ?rest, R. J. Megaw, W. C. Pridham. I Publicity committed --W. H. Rob- ertson (chairman), J. W. Vanatter, G. L. Parsons Dr G Heilernarm, J. P. Hume, H. h. Ailen,'W. F. Clark. Lists committee --L. L. Knox (chairman), Win. Campbell, F, El- liott, Reg. Sharman, Walter Naftel. Boys' committee -2-G. M. Elliott (chairman), Rev. J. E. Ford, J. H. Johnston, Jas. Carrie. FOR GOOD RELIABLE Shoe Repairing TO? SMffH & RI[NG 30 East Stma , 0 site Knox Chureb GIVE US A THIL Ic No change in our- method of doing business, which means WITH ME. Look for full particulam next Issue. wo PO — — — - - - - - - - - - - .......... J e �