HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 377 7- A any 1944 7' Wo", VONT AWAY ing MI" ul,Anc lean R ----------- -"%-r WA -f Or" "wyofts (,1. 111. Thuelle of Drussel% is ro- e total, I'sixem ",led wounded. opwitich tbT'3busj;'iWS`s&ss Thm vhiil� Ro Chap ion 40 the ill-Coiil=� April 30. -Tho Bo&rd en AwA dp . F 14- or ye 0� � of Brusgek% has kpow 14 be clasa "C' war Fier- 4-Tutle'lloq n t pixty dogs. f4ia&�� otattous f sterday imlser:� whi vice badge. After" an illitess of some weeks 4re 4ts, follows: 4th con. of Manitoba =Intln store. Fort WIIIIaM# ji44 qw* Pte. Ernest Harvey Exete is ex- Mrs. John Nixoj%, of tue I �be dun . , . W frollit �jgla 7'in the Asbfteld Aied tmj,_A(onq a Tax). two W= , tga, twit, thot tug pected home pay at the ag6 N, It northern. J&Nt- --- Sep, ponitt to I _14 'a- , . id -e -A' tiamw - - near future. of 70. N6. wo Inal li'. lorth staill- 2. R.I.t1lZ111,11 rdn. sit T; A li�� toe Mr. Will Aitkins, a former well- was WaLry Jane. Johnston 4nd she 82.171ij. "m '" sister ot the late Win. John, SO- 4 wheat, 13.1 b1i M Robe Oatv (in Oill&-. Fort WIIIIOM16 &=tvb lisms, r knQwn Wingham young man, died wa3,a an WE 0411kil recently ill Detroit. ston of Lucknow. No. 3 O.W.. sillille. N -W* teA Pte. George Wilbee. son of,, a. Wq��% jAv e*, I,' Mr. Jas. Gould, Exeter, fell from Me q the Xr_ �j �__ - � EX Itfix you a 14ddW the 011ie d Sustain- J.01111 Wjlbv.ejStr4tford former nf tM so, I feed. 63%0. No, I feed. .80%c, for me. Tent 0 lip V lWyan Brussels, wits adud"ILQ to the 3th, ArAeric4n Corn (Track, Toronto). ed a bad gash in 415 forobead Field Ambulance on April 5th, s%lr-� No. 3 yellow. kan-dried, Sfild. u9minA with my kidnic 0 the' No. 4 yellow. kiln -dried. 11.83. pointa _ly aid could not atfitilid toldoso��. Mrs. Walter MoLeflan., f the fering frouli�gunshot wound in , al; the 71 t Ontario Oata (Aqoqrdlng to Freight* Quit, 0W:th*j,*Ay for two sili�d Wingh,ant Electric Light Depart- right leg. He enlisted in 8 aide), b_ for overseas Battalion. No. 2 wh e. 9,00 to BIC. at bod do" all 1, �6ttld, but did Aot ot W ment, has enlisted I he. W to 90c. nominal. I*W until one day some one' pot sk service. Mrs. Marshall, Clinton, received NO- 8 kitoe book In our d6or and I now lw-* C. j. Cox Ontario hoot f8_as!s In store, Mentreall, of Auburn, was among word last week of the death of her No. 2 winte ,4 per car lot. $2.22.' i4other young girl Q stiffered likol a Pkarly of returned soldiers thi& sister, Susan Gibbinp., wife of Mr.' Peas (Acco Ina to Freights Outside). VW thpil, sq, I thought 1, would try th�tfl,,, wce -A London John Hookway, of Bisho 'a Lawton, No. 3. nornInal. The party reachf P 4W I Am gli)4, t4 6W thAV Oftef taking on Sunday. Eng. It is 55 years sinea Mrs. Mar.; Barley (Accordingto Freights Outside). To Aever, W the isam Malting, $1.53 to 11.03', Aiir bovel, I U Mr. John Volli64, of the ?arr- line,l shall left England ana she has noti Buckwheat (Ac%j= to Freights OVt% Hay, has received a telegram in- seen any of her sisters since. When 4skinVor "Doane forming bim of the aeath of his On Friday morning, April f9th, Buckwheat. $1.24 to $1,86. tbAt you get t Oobiloug, y box with . Rye (According to F061glits Outside). k- f 1% son, Pte..H. H. Vollick, in France. at the home of,Mr. Albert Welch. No. 2. SL65. it,lip Crade mar o a TO W!, 'ce 50o Toronto, Mrs. Samuel Oreer, forrn� Manitoba Flour (Toronto). o Z Rij ; ut by The Milbum Mr. Alfred Lawrence, formerly of wrie, a. daughter of. -1he- njuality, $11.10 it, M9 Tdrdifttvonv �W-ing&a-m-,­ one, - of, - W41aild's- -best- -evly- at - �Gc r1orplout, *i7ronno I known and most es.teemed resi- I to John Dane, of Howiek passed htpmont); 'It her eternal rest. Wm. 7. Gre War quality, $1Q,80. In bags. Moutroid: t to $10.80, In bags. Toronto, dents, passed away Monday, April derjo OPATH of Wingliam, is, a son of the Milifeed (Car Lots. livered. Montreal OSTE 15tb. R!ncludsd). ceased. Fr*llhts. Als Ir, IL 0901tUR HEILEMANN Gat!Tqatb. Emerson X., Brown, formerly of Bran., M, on. Sio A quiet, wedding was solemnized Shorts. per top. $40.40. Doosolatlat in moments and 4ildren s 41s. Zurich, son of Rev. G. F. Brown, a Aouto,-cliradloand. nervoutE disorders, in.Knox Presb3i;terfan church, Cilij� rfZi�d, Noy (Track. Toronto). �R. former pastor of the Zuric h Evan- or ton, $17 to us. 0 .4 eye. esm� nd threat' gary, April 12CII,' when Miss Ada AdQnok1gWMck1;d without 1b."'knirs. luo.. goitcal church, is reported. killed Hingston Goveriflock, daughter of per ton. $14 to $16. pultatif on M and r6pidenoe, Nelsob. in action. Air and Mrs. J, It . Govenlock. of car to Straw (Track. Toronto). 4W SL St tv back'Of TemplerAlide, A I;: ton' S8160 to $9' 3 4411. Ns�rrb t. as houra 9 to 12 a. jn�, Blyth baseball players have 11orm- Seaforth, was tin d in marriage to rmors' Market. V66 PICUL t, ondayh,pThor ays, and Satur ed a senior club ana are trying to Mr. Angus E. B Ree son of Mr. an Fall wheat -Milling. 42.14 per -bushel olla : n qpt. -112.10 to $2.12&er busl�*L Say& ve gdby ap - M r,. J. R. Bates, of Goose wheat he form a league composed of Brus Shelburne. Barley -Malting. S1_50 per b 1. wingham, Clinton, Seaforth y Miss Oat& -96c to 98o per bushel. LEGAL CARIJ& sels, 111v Mrs. James Smith, formorl anti tit. Buckwheat -41.85 per bushel. Isabella Fox, of near Whitechurch, Rye- cc Ing to sample. nominal. -*0ARLE$ GARROW, Barrister, 'alt HaY2 ,I� ImV loitor. Miss Helen Cuming, Blyth, has ospita th fix. passed away in the G It y. $20 to $23 pen ton; in Etc. CornerNfirib become"i; ill),ustratOr-jor a popular oil t# !��ua , e 11th tilt. 8he was married ed and clover, $18 to $20 per ton, I.Adericb. Qr0_ ior-ttniaugh -a small Ell Mir r674o to her'Aiow bereft hu§- WINNEPEG GRAIII'MARKET. SEAGER Vtj-.b6r�,owtx-ValA&injt,� sent oVer- and,- after -liviur in MontrBlid Wifinibeg. April -20 -There was little BARRIST-ElC - ;[rd . NMAR�,VPUBLr�,� c �anyP ND Sea$ to a friend: for a few years, she and her bUS_, interest in the cash oats market today. orich with no demand and no offerings. There offlce� , COiirt-HV_,ul,-p-ZQ Miss Gaynor, Brussels, Tan a band came to Gait, where Mr. Smith a fair demand for cash barley. with C. HAY 8 phone ss needle into the ball of her thumb was in the employ ofpoldip, & Mo- l'o"faferings light. Cash flax was unchanged while scrubbing the floor the other Culloch for 30 or 40 years. Mrs. from yesterday. BA1WTV.8;lSOLTC1TOR, NOTARY PUBLIC- ETc- day, necessitating poulticing to Smith was in her 651,11 year. Oats closed 2c lower for May,,andi., . �ho ce Milton St.. Sterling Bank Block draw out the needle. At an early hour oil Thursday lower for July. Barley closed r GCtgri.e.� 1.1511RA... for M Fla cipsM 9%c lowee for May RKAL ESTATS. Mr. Richard Webster, a pioneer of morning, April 17. Mrs. Elizabeth and = In= fo uly. d-ION�EYANCING AND NOTARY. Ashfleld t9wnship, passed away oil Cooper, of Scafortn, passed peace- Winnipeg market. Oats -may. ss%o fully away at the age of 68 y1aars to 89%c; July. 87Yc to 87%c. -ADE, Bolyfield. Cowey. Friday night, Apr. 19th. For more j B rley-Not quoted G.. a com_ F than 60 years he had made his home For six years she had been lax -May, $3.88; July. $3.88. parative invalid, and for several cash'Drices : Oats --No. 2 C. W. 86%0: pROUDFOOT. KILLORAN & COOKE. just south of Luelmow. extra No. i teed, Barriateis, solicitors. Notaries Pub- I weeks previous to her death, was a No. 3 C.W., 83%e; A- Second Flight Lieutenant Gort. on 8316c: No. i feed, 80%c. 140 Etc. S. M. Gauld, a graduate of Seaforth severe sufferer, but during her af- Barley -No. 3, $1.50; No. 4. $1.45; ro- bitio"n the Square. 2nd door from titute, who before he fliction, she was always hopeful and J'ected, $1.20. lo;WeWt- Flax -No. I N.W.C.. $3.78; No. 2 C.W.. *od: Collegiate Ills f enlisted in 1915, was a,divinity stud- patient. $3 74; No. 3 C.W.. $3.53.- 0. ti�dr,to loan at lowest rates. 4 H. C rhe Associated Kin of Exeter J. L. KILLORAN. H.1 D Coolac.- ent, has been killed in action. district held a meeting last Zek, UVERPOOL MARKE". Miss Annie Kale, daughter of Mr. at which a pin was presented lo Liverpool. April 26 -Beef, extra India mess, 370o. _ftr AUCTIONEERING John Kale a former well-known each of the mothers whose sons Pork, prime mess, western, 330s. TOMAS GUNDRY. resident ol Seaforth, died at ber 'have made the supreme sacrifice. Hams. short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.. S137s. E I home in Dotroit April 6th, after a ,,he mothers were : Mrs. H. Strang, Bacon. Cumberiana cut, 26 to 30 the.. Live Stock and General Auctioneer. week's illnesi of acute indigestion. -Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. Win. Johns, 162s.' H 11ton street. Goderich. 46 CI r bellies. 14 to 16 lbs.. i8os. made everywhere and all efforts made Mrs. D. B. Moore, the highly- Mrs. R. Johns, Mrs. S. J. Hogarth,i I ea estates am -steetried vice president 'P ong clea-r middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs.. irve you satisfaction. of tilt' Mrs. G orge Kellatt, Mrs. Win. Pen- 1808, armerv, sale notes discounted. Brussels Women's Institute, was liale, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Wni. Long clear ullddlee, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs.. presented with a silk umbrella oil Turnbull, Mrs. Philip Hern. Mrs, 1598. VETERINARY. the occasion of her leaving Brus- J. C. Gardiner and Mrs. Geo. Wilid- Short clear baeks, 16 to 20 lbs., 157s. sor. Shoulders. square, It to 13 lbs., 1289. W. F. CLARK, gr Oats Of the Sets. I.Ard, prime weatern, In yerces. 149s rd; o e e. Toronto. I Mrs. C. E. Waltoit, f6rmerlv Mi$s Ontario Veterin W. A. Wahl and Roy -JeLellan, of American refined. palls. 152s; do.. boxes. coo call the attention o horse owners 'rher"a 17%. Stewart, daughter of I,istowel, arrested on a charge of' 150s - p ed method of operating on horses' Tallow, Australian in London, 72s. eshimp iy of veterinary medicine Ali,. and Mrs. Peter 'Stewart, form- reckless motoring and violation of'' Turpentine spirits, 126s. 61;7 n band. Moo and stablee-Newgilite (�.r residents of Wingbait. passed the liquor laws, werc, fined $50 anti Rosin, common, 64s G?d. t % Goderico _L_ away in Windsor, on . Friday, March costs vach by Police Magistraft. Petroleum, refined, 19 6%d. 22nd. Mortmi. of Winghani.. McLellail Linseed.oll. 62s. INSURANCE Cottonaeed oil. 68a Gd, Pte. Edward 6poi-gfv -Andopso-A TTf d id not. have th-P moTwy And went. to I. War kerosene, No. 2. 13 2-%d. Irbree , INLCLOP MUTUAL FIRIL INSUR- th e Mounted Rifles, son of Mr. and iail in file meatilinu. svalvil, E CO. 1.08 of liquor were confiscated solated Town Propartit. insured, Mrs. G. E. Anderson, Exeter, has - A Farm and I fly the at it borities, Tile young nielil CATTLE MARKETS been adinitted. t-4 No, 8 Field Ani- Value.of Plerty Insured up to January, bulanee depol, sufferilig front VD11- creafod it scefte oil Main- streel, -;JC 19 975 their rockless driving. UNION S K YARDS. "k "Al:: J resident, Mission. 0 fibE ames Contiou \k,iljgljjjjjl, Miss Lizzie Bunsch, only daughtec i TORONTO, April 30. - Monday's it -aus, vice rj B ... h, c,cgi, Gods ictl:jas. sy -Pres ent, it wood- T. E. Hays. Soo.-Treas., Seatorth. (if Mr. and )Irs. (;mirgi� litills(-ti, or trading on� the Union Stock Yard,% DIRECTORS-D.F. MeGregor,8eatort,h; j.G. and Mr. 'Xilliani Casil. Toronto. Soafoi , od and Grieve, Winthrop: Win. Wrin. Constance; wore united in marl-itigi, on NVod- S 1h, pass awav on Sattfrda , N- , i was marked by a strong detuand George MuC ir,ncy. Tuckersmilb; JohnF4ftrir-. nosday. April 1-itit, by Rov. Mr. - k1wil 201h. The Wednesday pre,,_"an active market for all classes of Hariock;John idennowise, Broadhagan: Mal- iolls a fi-x Of hot- girl friends, hollt- butcher cattle, which sold up to 25c sells MaHwan, -Irucetla.lo, Mayers, of St, (worge's church. (., I hi -r ctilebrair, lier fifleviiih to 40c higher than last Monday's best AGENTS -J. W. Y Godeziell; Skn(y Toronto. I I i dav and the next (iay �she coni- and to st y to strong with Leitch, Clinton, Win. Chadney, Seatorl,ti bit prices, ead ElInchloy. Seaforth. Dr. I-% 'I'. firvans, of Brus-,els, has plainml' tit' a slight cold, and this the close of the week, with prices policy Holders can &aY their asaesarnonW at signed tit) wilh lilt, canadian Nlodi- caused it goitre with which slit, was possibly fractionally higher than & EL Cutt'sStora, oderidla. A. J. Mc1rr--h'Fk (-at Corps and has gone to London aillichid to develop so rapidly that even Thursday's quotations, and Clothine Store. Clinton.or J . EL Reld's, Bay- preparatory to going overseas. 41old H" bv Saturday her-broathing N�!as so higher than at any time this season; hall been Ill BrLIS1301,4 'fill' the past s' eriously ititerferei-z with that all in fact" It w'as the best market on FRALT�R��� fl -q, y(-.ar%. operation was d"(11"Vii TjPCVSSUr.N record at the Union Stock Yards. 'eaforth's agsessment foi 5. -;The S - this alid altholigh this was successt'jill CHIOAGO LIVE STOUIL NCIENT ORDER OF, FOREST ived iilv a Short ,713e evc- Aonly legal reserve, friend . year shows a population of 2,110. she I in Canada. Sick aur fauneral bene Chicago, April 29.-Cattle-Recelpts, 16 - 000. tFong; beeves, $10.15 to $17.66; =1 t Cc It 11 11� L I I f, C' to to 30 year pay life and stockeSrs and feeders, $8.35 to $12.40; cows endowment insurance. Punds, $5o,00-a,0oO- flax bustfiess last year h-ld a otal and heifers, $6.85 to $13.90; calves, $7.50 Membershipover 2,000,000 zourts in all parts value of $2,000,OOU. Moreover tho to $13.76. of the world. tj PROFIT 'IN FLAX CROP 'vital --Receipts, 43,000. Unsettled; light court usitla d, No 80 seed produced will accomplish a ,g7, r.:)derich, inects ist Hoga Rod 3rd Mandays eac -u3nth. Hall, co -net Ission abroad, as a large part of 1 t17.26 to $17.75; mixed, $16.90 to $17.76, 1� v;:jLors always wel- m Ireland to meet itteavy, $16.10 to $17.50; rorugh, $16.10 to North street and Square. t coin�e. Forirfoli* nation ui,AY .- C. HUNT Soo Demand for Aeroplane Wings has been shipped to $16.60; pigs, $13.25 to 1 417.36; bulk of sales, GRO. H. SMITH. C. M the great seed deficiency th-ore. $47.20 to $17-65. Sheep -Receipts, 14,600. Weak.; native, Stimulates Production. 8,000 Acres at Le"t This Year. 5; lambs, native, $15.75 to $12.75 to $16,8 Already flax growers are planning $21, BOYS WILL Afl) Ttf18,-fARMER$ an 8,000 -acre production, at least., EAST 9UFFA.LO LIVE STOCR� for this year. Each of the wills aie East Buffalo, April 29 -Cattle -Re - Ili the market lot, all the straw aud �,celpts. 5400. Slow and easier: prime Bros. Seasonable Hints rfm*e lYntit-grower seed that can be secured an I good steers, $16.50 to $16-75; a'i�few $17; ship - and. Agricultur0taf-Information �d the grower. yh, � ping steers, $16 to $16.25: butchers, $11.75 GODERICH About the W prices are assum $10 to $14: cows, $6.60 to $13; b�lls, -$7.5� . grk That- Been arrangements made in the paiii, to $16.76; yearlings, $13 to $15.50* heifers The Leading Done to Secure Luds to Aid have, for the most part, provided fur I to $12; stockers and feeders, $7.60 to 411; Production. the leasing of flax tand by Elie wilis fresh cows and springers. $65 to $140. at a rental of from $10 to $15 all a funeral Dlre.GtOrS C Ives --Receipts, '"00, Steady; $7 to (Contributed by OntaAo Dej� tment of acre. The grower ploughed the lii4iti, 114.60. and Embalmers Agriculture, ToronteT prepared the seed bell and hauled ne les- the crop to the mill -except wbetv Appeals to Pope.' fibre is a LAX pi;i c Orders carefully attended to the crop was carried on the railrua.�. ROME. AprtI 4,0. - News has sary for thp- ioustiuction of at 9,11 h6bre-night or day. The mill operator supp-lieu the reached the Vatican that the menac- aeroplane winks. Yet because often did trie seeding, and harvested ing political complications In Austria of Russik'a defection, Gireat the crop. Tile liax was pulled by hand are due to a widespread agitation of and the workers were housed in ta,� Britain has not tip,* More fibre on the Jugoslays and Czechi, who are hand than Is sufficient to keep the fields in tents. Tbeir transportation 'bent on r"orting to systematic ob- was ilaid by the mill coulpanY and stxuctionism with the object of weak - CLUBBING RATES mills running one and d halt days a they received $15 an acre lor puli- ening the national resistance. week. 'To further. complicate matters Ing. It took a first-class puller tilrev It Is reliably reported that Emper- WITH THE STAR I the ftx seed crbp n Ireland was days to finish an acre. As the worii- or Charles has solicited the Pope's ers prepared tne,r own MeRIS, L11e Intervention to dissuade Lhe clergy perilously near R failure last year. growers were ill no way luculiv, 1, from participatin& In the agitation. ithese vital facts were disclosed re- lenced by Tile Stat and Toronto Daily Globe ......... .. $5 25 hVing tbem Con tilezi 9. Daily Mail and Empire ......... 5 25 / rs 6. Montreal Family Herald and cently at a meeting In ' Toronto, of farms. fla"allon Colo Deposited Sunday. 'Weekly Sto ........... ....... 2 65 the Agricultural Section of the Or- Flax a Highly ProAtable Crop. BELLEVILLE, April 30 -The coi- Weekly Sun (Toronto) .......... 2 40 'gallIzallon of Resourc4ii CortiffiltUed While this Fryrtrm is still 1`0110�11-d ors of the 80th Battalion, which was Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 of Ontario, called to dispuss the flax almost entirely, larmer., may v"'Y enlisted in Haptings County, were protitably grow hax, doin7 Jill Llle deposited ly St. Thomas' Church. The Toronto Daily Worli ........... 5 25 situation. E�idence was also given re- work and'selling tac- crop ou-tright1to colora wore taken ovpr to England To"ronto Daily News ............. 4 30 Farmer's A4vomto .............. 3 00 garding what Ontario already had the mills. An actv ot guod Ilax %%Ili and recenti.X returned. Col. W. 0. The Coustry Costlovian ......... 3 25 done to relieve the shortage. In 1917 pioduce -aome nine busnels ot SVC(I Ketcheson wU the commanding oM- Looden Daily Ailrediser ....... 5 00 thirty-three flax Lallis were operated, itud two tons of straw. 'i he seed rolih ter and the beautiful colors were the Losallais Daily Free Press ....... 5 00 6,000 acres wete planted and 2,600,- ,,w for from $ i to �9 a busLit-i, -,,w gift of the Ketchpiion family of thin Milatreal Weekly Wihiless ...... 2 90 000 pounds of fibre and 45.000 Lbe price of straw will bv kl,1I)vl;iwllt 11strict. WaIA Wills, Reasistal ......... 4 45 bushels rif-peed were 2rgAtlaetd. -our upon quality. Ili (a.io labui toii-li- prea7twin evil Westminster. 3 30 tions pyevent the putting of Ila.\ il,i_ French Senator Dead. Catholk Register ............... 2 90 Crop May be harvehLt�d with a u,.Adui, PARIS, April 30, - Senator Fruit Satonlity Night (Tonste) ...... 4 25 the seed sold at a remunerative p I I LV, AP Marc�ere is dead lie was the last McLeamos Naga . ............. 2 75 And the straw at about $15 a to.l. Ham Jouraill (Tilroats) ........ 2 25 Canada�' _52,"� Old sod land is pieierjed lor flax )f seitprity-five sonator-H nominated Woman's Rome Companion and any soil whica will piudllLe a for life by the Sonatp under the con - good crop of oats will be suitable. ititution of 1875. The senator was (Now York) . .................. 3 25 &ea I'llis Worilay Evieting'llissit .... 3 25 Wireworms and wnite grubs, su Ge- )orn at Dornfront In 1928. T6 Iailies' Ilona journal .... 3 50 strucLive to other crop.s, 'A ill DUL ai.- 4100�jdinF Itage to Canadian Subscribers.) PLANT 'rhf, Original Firsts, iiow home In a Cassillian Clatrysiss tack flax. The seed SLIOUld tie I)Ianl.- ell not IaLt, LAjau May IULLI and the roronto on furiough. decided to form (Waaly) ........ _­ ...... 2 00 dfop, is harvested duiing the widdle ii chit) T6 YwA*s Cospat*a ........ 3 75 of July; thus the soil Ls ien in excel- it is Pstimati-d that Sve thousand See" Asusticss ......... 4 00 -22 will 56461& Assorldo . ............ 4 75 st lent condition for winter wheat. A men fwtw"n the agps of 20 44 Ca thorough discing, witijout ploug-rig, )p with the colors by May It from i(Apdoe ...... 3 00 11, mcciaws itzbe 360 in sufficient preparation (Or Elie rnrontn district - 51111 -2 Bs, j wheat crop. The fear that flax Is neests, -.W&;" b ") particularly hard on tne land is un- .............. . W�... 4 50 j -Ir %TOI OUT lounded. " it does not takp more , 1110E11, PO -;N HELP To supscribers in the Unt States 0 r i q q from It than any ordinary tik-ld crop. FLOUR 0 cents vAilltion to all above, to pay rm'koll lit'if.thloq. [lilt 0"tage. A Medical Need Suppile4l. When ilirwigh a ri(-(,r-. or forevil 1hrough Any Combination of the above pnbli- a medicine is found that wit onlY a #fit-, straint,r. ran ho wu.il in plary O"Ong maybe had � wtth The Star, for seeds upon the stomach, hill 1,; go if lial-t (if Itto Ilmir In bailers or tilt to mmuiple composed that, Certain ingri-dionis &)1191114 1�idd IPP -01 -Or ) a 04 Thostarmal y 21 ForSc�le F-verilwhere Dail M I &WE i ..... $5 25 of It ass unaltered itirfoigh the rna% he u4vd. toil art- wit if) Pagily T6 Family BeftM($2.65 142TSO) 1.15 Stoma R to flnd action in th( MO -1141141 ;V4 ill" ff-0-11 hot I)o aloes, bowels then there ig avail 14 fho llavor ijulle luA �fnd 7"or Catalog, i c able I TL@ Three Papers ...................... $6 40 purgative and a cleancier o! Relmittances by Pogtal Nato or Ex- tei.1e,,51,riqfgs5&?dCo effectiveness, liarmelee*-,; N'og. PIGS AND POTATOF�44 prm Order st our risk. Aaditess e, Pills arp of this character allit' are th,. poLattleg anti %Pgetableg in the best of all ON. Dill VANATTER & NAITED, OR �')N 1'0 is" v %aranl r,ly lot and 1pod pigs Vublislien The Star. Xears that they fivo been tit I on kilt -hen rorlitap lhero are two I i,AM1Li"N- WINN�PEG they have established 1hemael%­ -is wavq of lilting something to hell) Oodericb. Ont. no other pill has done Ow progent food Crisis AVOWthing that is and, 'Stylish in Footweati, 10 ohown have first for. our Ahoolo are Stvie Leaders *,I*'% sellimiII, of not a tow Shoes. but of the beautiful, simple,,, servictlible. OMUOMIC&I Shoe. Quallty,10 9@140 "CrIfICCA to lice. We maintain the thitt YOU 0 Ut trOM Us. Real slice e0o" ticot now -&-days demands that Shoes be of the sAd 0.1 the best!8hoemaking. Wo I con, isligoo, you that it will be to your advantage to jl%V00t*siW�oUr `4120rliagtc 44" RIEPAIRING GEM MacVICAR B R1111 Noft.h !Bldo 4hf-'�rstro GODBRIGH i L_ 2 12111ca L-1 L01 141-1 - ------ R Who JS Speaking? WHEN You answer the telephone by saying "'Hello," a whole series of time -wasting questicitis must ensuel q "Hello?" "Hellol" "is that you Jack?", "Yes, whoillt that3peaking?" "Thisis131111" -0h. hello Bill "-and so it goes. 41 Why not aDfiwer at once by saying "Mr. Watsitlln speaking." or "Mr. Watson of Smith & Co. speaking." 41 Save time by answering at once with your name. Don't say 'Hello.' The Bell Telephone Co. 0­1Qfi-­dA" SONS OF THE soil, I ndor Ilit, atispi(-os of the Canada CASTO R I A -ood floal-41. 2.5,000 Canadian boys 'l,oin 1-7, lip h) years of age, were For Ldants and Children 'allod 141 lildl) ont this summer on Ili, ftirm Tit fliti�, _,.000 responded In -Use For Over 30 Years it Ontario and tho Western pro- jUwa" bean inco4 illolle. Qiiebee anti the Mad: the 11110 Jlr,i\mc­ lo,h] (heir enroll 4444 iiwtit later. wpj BONN I Keep WRIGLEYS. In mind as the longe6t_ lasting cqnjrAftajy0U can buy. Send It to the boys at the front.. I War Time Ecolloiny in Sweetmea-f-s-Ess- a s -cent Package dt WR1101.0ft, VAII give You 3everall dasW Itos an Investment In benifit's8­001 aS Pleasure. for It helps teeth. brj*thj apktlte. digestion. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL The Havour Lasts Sealed t(ght-Kept rIght 11 a _.LL UNION UNION Now UNION ago, NOW lkwam.01 on the 'Ehierlts of WRIHIM I - _7 FARNAS AUENTION Make nioney lfj� y6ur spare tinte this Winter Vy oelling Nursery Stock- anti New Seed Potaill-mm"'"s"s" This is the right time to at. rt on Spring Sales. (� Nye pay It ocitainimAlmo and turn. Ish our 82.11.111.tn with hLerature with a -pun A " to it Solid for our 11,4t of Now 0 and full particulara. STONE & WELLINGTON The Foothill Nurseries eg&TABLISHED WIFI, To ONTO, GKT. WE WANT NOW fable Agent in Huron County to ARe sell Pelham's Petrlesa Fruit and Or. Winter natuental treesdurtag Fall and months. Good pay, exclusive territorv, free selling equipment. Over 600 Acres of the choicest Nursery Stock including NEW varieties Con. trolle� by us Handsome up-to-date sell. Jug equipment and a splendid Casiadiam grown stock to offer custqtners. We are not jobbers. Write now fox agency terms to FFLHAM NURSHRI CO., Toronto, Out. N.B- -Cataloguesent on request to appli. cants for agencies or purchatets of Nursery Stock. JUGOSLAVS ARE ANGRY. Accuse Teutons and Magyars of I Prolonging the War. LONDON, 'April 30 -Further par- dculars of the giTat meeting recently held at Prague to irotest against Count Czernin's denunciation of Prof. Masaryk and other Czech leaders, have been received by Iletiter's Lim- ited. -The m -"ting was atte-nded hy. all the Czech deputies of both llaxlia- ments and the Diet, the Bohemian ,representatives of the Czech Univer sity and Academy and by workmen and peasants. The Jitgosla.vs were represe ,24' deputies, including their presi- dent Dr. Korosev, and Deputy Kre.4iv as the official rppresentative of the Serbo-Croatian coalition. Tho Polish Club sent a message of sympathy, The meeting was op.-ned by' it)(, president of the 11ohemlan Union, Deputy Stanek, who declared that the gathering was a new mani:estation of the desire of the whole Czecho-Slovak nation for independence. He charged ­th�e German feudal, CzPrnIn­ with at- to deceive the world about Tempting he unanimity of the Czechs and de- nounced the Germans and Magyars as being guilty of p1rovoking and pro- longing the war by their imperialistic desires and their refusal to give the Slavtr tndependeni�e.­ The Croatian deputy, Dr. Pavietc, speaking in the name of the Jugo- slays, promised fidelity to the Czecil" as their brothers. Preferr(A D(n(tis Ito Itepa(riation. DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, April 30 Frederick Brandauer, a wealthy pen manufacturer, has committed suivide in a Oerman detention canip rather than return to Germany. Ilrandauor had lived In England ror thirty yPars, but his naturaliiation halt lalmed, In a letter to the camp "') . ande be said that thp agonies L Path would be notblng to what hp ould suffer If he subinlItp(i to repatri fon. whicti the Governnieni propo-d New Irl.%h Secretar). LONDON, April 30. - Ed wa rd Shortt, inern her of t it#- Ii ouse of uofu - itions for Ne w cast 1 -on -Ty tie, h as been appointed Chh-f .1�vcretary for Ireland to " urcetd fienry Edward Duke. who has hold that post -In(­ August, 1916. Fdward Shoitt is a Liborai,, borri in lR62. ff(� mariii-d In 1990 it'-- (jaughter of tho hitv A Gi. *.,(,oil of Valparaiso. Total of Gerinaii N11%sing. AMSTERDAM. Apiii 30 - Sit,- a it ing tieforp the Main Committee if tit,, (;erman f1picbstag oil Friday, arrord Ing to Vorwaerti;, Gen. von ltishprx otated that on March 31.,;t the nl. ber of (,Prrnan missing had r--ach-I a total of 664.104. of this numbor, ho Raid. 236.676 were p-tsonars n France, 119,000 In Engl.md. I.,-_Ooo in Russia and llotimatil.i, anti the remainder (, ould tw rogarded as dead It is Cz fin� for cleay�i i t!9 d6irgman e AVOWthing that is and, 'Stylish in Footweati, 10 ohown have first for. our Ahoolo are Stvie Leaders *,I*'% sellimiII, of not a tow Shoes. but of the beautiful, simple,,, servictlible. OMUOMIC&I Shoe. Quallty,10 9@140 "CrIfICCA to lice. We maintain the thitt YOU 0 Ut trOM Us. Real slice e0o" ticot now -&-days demands that Shoes be of the sAd 0.1 the best!8hoemaking. Wo I con, isligoo, you that it will be to your advantage to jl%V00t*siW�oUr `4120rliagtc 44" RIEPAIRING GEM MacVICAR B R1111 Noft.h !Bldo 4hf-'�rstro GODBRIGH i L_ 2 12111ca L-1 L01 141-1 - ------ R Who JS Speaking? WHEN You answer the telephone by saying "'Hello," a whole series of time -wasting questicitis must ensuel q "Hello?" "Hellol" "is that you Jack?", "Yes, whoillt that3peaking?" "Thisis131111" -0h. hello Bill "-and so it goes. 41 Why not aDfiwer at once by saying "Mr. Watsitlln speaking." or "Mr. Watson of Smith & Co. speaking." 41 Save time by answering at once with your name. Don't say 'Hello.' The Bell Telephone Co. 0­1Qfi-­dA" SONS OF THE soil, I ndor Ilit, atispi(-os of the Canada CASTO R I A -ood floal-41. 2.5,000 Canadian boys 'l,oin 1-7, lip h) years of age, were For Ldants and Children 'allod 141 lildl) ont this summer on Ili, ftirm Tit fliti�, _,.000 responded In -Use For Over 30 Years it Ontario and tho Western pro- jUwa" bean inco4 illolle. Qiiebee anti the Mad: the 11110 Jlr,i\mc­ lo,h] (heir enroll 4444 iiwtit later. wpj BONN I Keep WRIGLEYS. In mind as the longe6t_ lasting cqnjrAftajy0U can buy. Send It to the boys at the front.. I War Time Ecolloiny in Sweetmea-f-s-Ess- a s -cent Package dt WR1101.0ft, VAII give You 3everall dasW Itos an Investment In benifit's8­001 aS Pleasure. for It helps teeth. brj*thj apktlte. digestion. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL The Havour Lasts Sealed t(ght-Kept rIght 11 a _.LL UNION UNION Now UNION