HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-05-03, Page 27%
$TAR, M*Y at
9 1. 11.0-14
$#A 2, F ?,.A 1 -1 S
Of i="" of U*Ve Of first Arid ouly'pro.40110u. An& lqbi�
90e At*Aft Poor& Dirth, of a. Nalfqn;l will be the at-.
Inwtion itt the Oper# House� blon*,
The Leave of Absence Boards Am d4 . m4tiopq and night, pre.
4y J®rth
eatabItphed for the purpose 'Of 4egl� e will b(
4010A NAY 6th 5 a mat;pe.e at 2 -.JR: 1rif Ifu
'Fou'r P4redt040 01*104 of "M Io this stupeu(Jous ppertac 0
D.W.GRIFFITHS Ing wit'll'the cases of men who have
worWo Pr";M# "Stow Woe 416 fil b shows four presol6nt' per -
been -Ordet0d under tb.0 Military iods of the world's biotq�y-. As in Blue Chan?bmy Shirts,
Act, to repoFt for insillIM duty, btit� a "�Js one looks U$0 41), the far A_Uq"04ff of POWO about ih* I trout and back, size 10,11'
COLOSSAL Aftilir *kk fa 06 few of 4eath and
wtfo thial to 15 .......... ..............
TIM Fall of *4 V 3"4_ 7
dd,-rieyertwil rem Allow- BAbylon, the magirl"ceot, .11
3r aboy
n-61-viff- J-00er- a vowerfut- Abrillipg
Wto continue for a per0d I X qhft, in s, while. a will. 0
-1 1-1 1& 95
aw"b I MMIS. - 2 .",
life. The gyrounde vii which, they of modern life At,
it, I, s, #rna, sad, It Men,S I;Ja�C - a -;W, it'
Tip li$*Noitga"" seek this inqy,. be com. k- Is an b e $1444
. p#wljouate shown. Again one turns back I
undo or b1Vswvv.m o0nds. The hands of time to the mId4lo,;#ZeFj _T$*nk &0* coin" tb" 'eiZe 14 to 17 ........... —
]udo UX&W U* so"* futhority which N-.estafl !shed these when Huguenots -if Paris were' of tbA bwo is oppareal.
Boards has, however, set limitations being massacred by thousands. 75c.
Tboo fs,,ordr one " for tba W9*
A mod" arallilla to their powers, some of which I Are These swift changing scenes keep b =:444, 00 14 MV41010 110vt Men's gray drill 'Wrts, 14901
as follow the int6rest-of the spectator keyed. X
i. Appliestlouq not preaeute& to to the hfoliest tension. In every ve, , Xr, 11. A. Young, 83 er ft, 14 to 16 14 ...............
LOVE S STR UGGLE 1114" modrse sk sk nq� sim the Commanding Officer of the fiat spect, "Intoterancet' Is OsQlu 174 TQMUtQ, Oat., WAtej:_"1 =440 331alve,
Depot- Battalion, W. 0. R, (thb. unit Olilervtkt, from 4nytbing ever Sit"
oliwp Aoot OM6 my beat $L19
0 which dra toes. are iosigned, ther stage or the screen, shortness of breit
IIISIONO ly w", pp Per" sleep A
THE AGE.5_� within one week tfter the man re-: � I. a1r s Argus no I could not Oveialls
WITI1 ONWIrRA, AM ports for -duty, c nuot be received. 111'Obt.' A Oland advised ran td
Z Men surrendering or arrested Mllbwn's Hean and'Narro Pille i
as defoulters are no longer entitled . LAve Stock Hemindem 1% blen's bl*oIrOver0s, with blbo!
after ons, box I fo trod.
b 7xo
A �egularnnd ample supply of WU bo*q eQmpletely we
JUTS on. MU Now to claim exemption. dze 34,,
# be ellpfull In pro-
X14L "I Y-9 found h --A W-- 1D.*11-.
of,,abseqce are presented in cows m9ting .7
sil dealers or
by the 04fou t of pe by T, Wd' Blue Ove�& ..........
1111 it v_o -,b -Wtea pasture to provided for ples
under . the wricit- lesx -concentri.L.tod 'food 14
W, �pen dealt with
To 4
rhetoric, however sonorous, can new reglstrtttlidu wlojald fare in view of the present labof
00tee Act, h6'6oloi4n.of the Tribunals
Cbe (DOW10 St—alt stand up Against. But A-tQishin reptions 0.4 eal
Moreover, people refuse to listen, the slookers, M"few"Were � I It should not'lib over-rid4en by the nature will be particuiarly
hey. I a P
Iteave of Absence Boards, (exc t valuable (his y6ar.
to anything but the iron because -when hey a pea ed t9 t e in.cise of farmers) unless S;Z�l Mares worked previous it"ioaltna A WAIMER PAMWIM
conversa- I
tion of the war. If the most indq- tribunals for exemptribit they were Sequent t4) such will a good deal a Men's Work Sock'*
decision, cireum- P r worR A handsome booklet artistically,
MAY 3, 1918 6ondent. Parliament that ev oblJod JP Tve a correct description A= will be stronger foals printed and illustrated, has just b
er came atAnces have at. en which, had Wen's work lgiicks .........
to Ottawa lets things slip through of hethaeveA. This evidence id they existed a tle time the ciisp than with'idle i'aares, issued by the Grand Trunk Railway
MAY-," 24 b ack and white is of great use to nature Is allowed �0.gvl a gooa telliQ of th
hy with a "me -to" it is because Its was considered by the Tribunal It p e beauties of the "Lake
little noise would be lost in the e gr4ritingloi ZtW it will carry moro stock topi ot Bays" district in the III blands'of
universal cacophony, Why should If eaten bare from the eta tt.—OntarfG Ontario. The concise �es Fi t,
Akeotoollsbed Ato"'In seven Weeks Axrtcultural College Notex, 0 '1
Th"'Vad to in Seven Months Parliament bid itself discourse ragraph does given, and the interesting, Va.= '�A16 .0
when there are no ears to enchant-- f farmers for from direct photbgral?bs
or instan re r6cluced
vtuvv; _t1alefa Cbe-bu& when the eats are bust ged Qst ces GREAWA POODUCE[ON . PLANS f6l I the story of a very- charming
' 61sewh -of- the Provin- 000,acies
dc deverog a an h� Ontariotwill plant 1-000 "No M"
ere? -Not -that -the- rt Ahat is reached throng
I Ism reiATott awarer or(rm-ceres a- ed-cropa. Pw is
*r ent iswhboic free speech is abdicated 1, on were I d -Vuffl"t the,)
uld time to
oro#ue by May 24th. This goes your life I There in a motion on the e ease and capacity of a greased of the -s riousness of the food situ- I% AM, 600,000, and -the think of your suiturrideg
order n. uch oases may, thereforo, Maritime -Provinces, 400,000 acres _, a, mental little
r7pelr Mr. Speaker edit I in a lone was tho item of half a ation. Takq, a free tril)
show what happens when a Gov Hansa w ththaavtie* to cutting out tiffion dollars for war purposes.,- be dealt with by the Leave of Ab- extra. The farjv�rs ir; Eastern jOurney through the "Lake of Days"
ernment does nothin exoepV busi- groans o.f protest, moans of An. Half a billion I Think of it I And sonce Boards after the' claims have Canada are oallqd'upon to pla , this handsome v.-
ness. No wind-jammIng, no bicker- . ut five by asking for
itig, no gruril-stand plays for the Wsh, stinging rebukes and other not one murtriur, not one complaintl been refused by the L dal or Appeal ers in Eastern Canada can Save the lication. Take th49 journey some
spers no pepper afid mustard ings that Members of Parliament Can't you Imagine Sir Richard Cilpt- Tribunals. The p riciples laid situhtion. Oyening after supper with your;
ftews%o OEUwa correspondents, nt
for t ) fling about in the throes of debate, wright and Alexander Mackenzie down by the Central Appeal Judge, Wife and children; then slam the
no marking time—just a but I miss my guess if the motion and all the other old-time chain- however, must be strictly followed. In Italy only oi�e_third of the door on the doctor for 1918 by tak-
stall a J eing maintained on the Ing your family on a real journey
0 tgett, Is ever discussed. It It is discussed pions of frugAl expenditure turning Furthermore, if an individual 4ase rin b
I Attr
one nR down to brass tacks b e Spunulkials at
and s Ing there till the job is it will be surely defeated, but it is in their graves and crying through has been bpfore the Central Appea ines, the ofilcial explanatioll throtigh this ideal summer play-
lon, 9 more likely that it will be taken off the super-ipoumb�nt earth, "Lem- Judge and 'he has rerused leave to being that there is not sufficient ground.
finished. the order paper and quietly shelved. me up I" The debate, it is truq, did appeal or has 4isallowedl* the claim food. The strong Austrian army A, postal card,40 (;. E. Horning,
: The net result of this undis- Why should Mr. Speaker have the, develop some friction but it was for exemption, leave of absence facing the Italian is said to have Union Station, T onto,
traotod 41Hgence is that Parliament
bas accomplished more in seven power to edit the improprieties out not relevant (6 the hall"billion dal- should not be granted, unless, in the received large supaplie8 from Russia. i ly bring a copy %`f the bwolod4 MCEWOR 8
of Hansard when there is always lars. Messrs. Nesbitt and Cooksbutt meantime, a serious ehpnge as oo- --- -----
short weeks than It used to in the closure at hand t ------- ------
o heqd off the got to wrangling about the purity ourred in the man's circumstances
6, Mug months. No one isl improprieties before they are utter- of their respe6tiWe elections And in�- which would justify such action.
bold enough to say that it, W- ...p ed ? This is a Government dedicat- cidentally expressed a desire to 5. No application for leave is to
j� Men's Cotton So'ks,J 2 pairs
up this record next so3sion, because It other's block off. be considered except in casep of for 25c.
ed to thrift, and a GovernmeiRt cen- knock ae
nex aession—at least one hopes so
4orship of Hansard on of a Which was an interesting side light extreme urgency.
-�-tlra 91jeriting cause of all this Men's Heavy Braces, 25o a
closure that is seldom or neNTer used on the ultimate fate of the brother- 6. All applications must he made
conlateance will be removed. is
making two bites of a cherry I 'love which now pervades the in the first instance to' the 0. C, pair, extra value,
Wit , the war over or in sight of here one bite would do. Besides, Fnionist ranks. W. 0. R., and must be accompanied
its finish, we may assume that the one fails to see what further im- The House raised no objection by a statutory declaration setting �,5m-k Boys' Braces, 15c to 25o a pr.
young lions from Quebec who now
'd Sir
sit behin Wilfrid Laurier and provement can be made in a Han- whatever when four Cabinet min- out the faots relied on. The de- Ladies' white Underskirts, $1,
sard already polished to the last isters.were made to grow where claration should also state what
IRS .1110
worth more money.
�s lettres, Me. T.Y. Owen,
ister of Militia became two, one ter and what their aeoisions were. Ladies' Black §ateen Under -
Man says so, will roar lustily. We bell,
are �allent simp�,v because the Old degree by that genial connoisseur of only two grow before. The Min- -tribunals have dealt,with the, mat -
may also su
fr ppos Wester
otdrilor ee t 6, public ownn The amendments to the Military here and one overseas ; the Minis- 17. Many persons have been com-
rL skirts, $1.00.
erghip, and such matters, which is Service Act, sweeping as they are, ter of Customs and the MinisteP of ing to Londou'attheir own expense
mute now in the face of the tragic have not taken more than four days Inland Revenue became one until to 091, in aptlicationty for such leave Boys' Rompers, 50c.
events on the West6rn front, will all told. Had this been the year death or the resumption of the , under the above
break loose. and sweep over the 1913, instead of the year J9t8 with liquor traffic do them part , and two melioned rules, were hopeless Try our -No. I blend" Coffee, at
pountry- liU -a..migbty rushing wind, the` emergency fully emerged, Dr. new Ministers, one of Colonization fro the first and it is pointed out 40c a K, fresh ground, same
In a word Wrliament is good- ifiam-Pugsliq wo-id ham--beW. and- ImmigraU_
.00 on, __4nd another of that a study of 'those rules may price as it was before the
tinder duress. Everyone is a Tory up these horrid innovations for a Soldiers' Civil Re-establlshiribnU, SAV-- sue-IrAlruitless quests- in,future. _Vol tif 50C now�
because he has, to be and submit$ week with hiFP own skilfiA hands. wer ' create(l, both of then) needed 8, The employment, of counsel
to dailf7asiaults on the constitution Quebec would have fought for two if the problems rising out of the before the Leave Board
with as EWod grace as possiblo. months ---closure or no closure. As war r to"be effectively handled. needless and.18. now proh&feY'b'y_ If your fr?jit is getting low try
When the un has ceased to tbun- it is, Your days sufflee. The two Ministers of Militia are headquarters order. J1Am__&t'_75c_Q,_ pall --&NO our
der at the gate we count on being The order-in-counell abolishing another story. It is a moot ques- Marmalade at 75c a pail.
staunch democrats again and sav- exemptions was rather cleverly de- lion Whether,it wouldn't have been been a subjece,of - controversy for Special in Pmnes, 2 lbs. for
ing the pieces. It is then that the vised to make Quebec pull her full better to have one. -Minister of Mil- fifty tears 25c, also a fine line at 15c,
atut4 seems to have got on
tendenor to socialism and,whiskers, weight in the boat. The clever part itia wholly responsible for the war the 8 book over ni�ht. It is T)
which see latenu in th s Parlia- is abolishing thb exemptions. The expenditure here and overseas not in full flower yet, but it is a bud new fruit.
ment will begin to out a figure in old registration of man -power fell rather than two ministers, one of of great intention and beautiful Heavy white Cups anj 9&u -
remoulding the social and economic down because the replies, thousands whom is too far away to explain to omise. Parliament did not w1th* cers, 75c a doz, worth $2.
fabric of this country nearer to its of them, were. either insolent or Parliament, while the other stays Ftrwith acrid speeen, preferring to
heart's desire. Manwhile it is not misleading. Wrong names . and at home and says it is none of his let it grow %r �anguish as the case
Vbcal because the roar of Site guns wrong addresses were also gJven. business. mut it after -
in Europeds a competitor that no There is no reason to belive that -.p Civil SerVice Reform, which has w6rds. Woman suffrage also got
by with the minimum of discus- Highest fpice Paid for
3haitiGit no. --doubt re -
I 'd .. rounded
Ote- an the bal- and E998
SIT d agn In exchange fW elthep 9r7 &"I
that . are turbed by the War Time E ecti
K riou
S 'r
"'('irtesrn owres4et
ic � 00
man s
anc e of
oe -unto you
The big thingS, go through wit a
ush, but the little oi�ps stick.. Da J. J. WIRER
tu for ye shAllunme"'r. light saving is now the law of t e TUN 44 scath side 6"AN
top land but it. rankles still in the
boso;n of the farmer members of at Vitoria.Operg flouse.1116,11ilay"Afty th
Luke 6: 2S.,_ Parliament who object to trading 14
good hour, in the afternoon for a
bad.,one'in the morning. 0 e ata-
tistician points out that Zen Sir
Not spiritually (although even the whom land is suitable, has been George Foster monreyed with the
Penalty of- ivmoru may follow urged to sow 5 acres more spring clock he stole an hour a day from f
seven million people. Seven million
ur neglect of this national war' n- -wheat this year so that ont;ariols hours- a day for the six summer
but ye shall hunger in the demand for wheat shall not be met months is one billion two hundred
and sixty million hours. One bil-
physical sense in which at the expense of that portion of lion two hundred and sixty million
unser now grips the peoples of the Western crop thUt should more hours is fifty-two million live hun-
Surope. riglitfully be shipped oversess. dred thousand days which is one
hundred And forty-three thousand,
eight hundred and thirty-five years.
We khow "it is diAlcult to talk to For this. same reason every, house. The Kaiser's object ig to restore the
Middle Ages. At one stroke, Sir
the bellywhich hiath no ears," and' holder v�ho has a garden or a piece George Foster shifts backward (he
It Is just As, difficult to persuade a of vacant land is being urged to hand of time, and agffreptes con -
Person who, hb a full dinner be, sidered, gives us the Carboniferoiis
grow vegetables, because the more Period or somewhere thereaboutA.
fore him to -day that he may want Mehibles th and War certainly is what Sherman said
_11 A. , it was.
for food next mionth. 7 XYRIArsui CFA%xiawkestand H. F. GAIDSHY.
But you may a well -let this fact m"t there will be consumed, and
dak Into your mind —the - last that being so, the Ontario wheat IS PROUD OF HER 4
V.**p1#eAdtCAtnada and theUnitod Crop should then be sufficient to FINE LffTLE CIRLS
Stai##,.toill allata� to suffor for feed our own people, and leave
wa 6ad aro
_g Western wheat and other FUL TO DODDS MDNff PILLS
nt*RO sufficient enliortable foods available for export. lau
Aeftatly Tells How Her Child-
s lus 4t food cannot bi raised mn wem Chired of Childish
saved 'oolustalty eforts, thtin If Y09 h0v# nOt Y*t d*cidfd Weakness and Made Strong mod T he Joy o f Motoring
Idant a vogetable gardon niako a Well.
V) utionine measures if
will be eftforftd. yourmindtotlosanow. roam I St. Itenore, Chicoutimi Co., One.,
hot roxrtt ita rhort is salt lot* of. April 29th. (Special.)—"l have two ET the Ford
fine little- girls, thanks to Dodd's car introduce you to the beauties of
At, that In 01121101. 1 potatcws 604 b"At AM=& Kidney Pills, Mid I carCt tell how Nature and the outside world. Let it take you into
1917 0 di 6t vow enough If grateful I am."
Zoni 416: to Joao is and . It wits out of a rull heart that the countryt or along the lakes where the air is
wheat for OY& 06166. Oohie 0 = at substittatoo for wheat Madame Pierre Pepin, well-known fresh and sweet.
quently every Ontario famer and modt. t-6tidoot of thisplace, Mered these 1.
words. "I have given Dodd's Rid- A Ford par will open tip new fields of plbasant possibili-
neN Pills to my two little girls;' she
ad ed, "And noW they steep well 'ties fo
fs and' faWly and at thi swrie time serve
"id a'. d"O, mkVity-out aft4fultivate a Vegetable and do not wet Cho oed. . They are YOU lly 'in Duamew
For p� c* upon ho perftet!
I W cured,
G *Ate. tot * free c 0Y of the booklOt e tided 4. ;"KV W et Pr or not kianey disease is
hereditary the f6ot remains that No'doubt elt the need of a car-7your wife
llollne." T14 Wbee by the ont1wo, Depart pU hava f
den for tildro-ti sumr from weak has often said "I wish we had a car, do why not buy
jour 3
Ment of foi, the s0taym& of tititeas who will ftsooQ to k"ANTys"that are Watle -to do theip
full work of stralhing all the Im- one noW? Th6id ho oth6k"earihal gives such good
this aU increwiedlftdieifiblk. puritics ont of the blood. The re.� value I& the nioneY Ifivefted �i a Fdrd. Thisiswhkthe
suit is that iiIaby 0 ints whip,
�sr( Ford car i& SO popUlarleVa7Whem
am* No" iam am" WAM "" was* mow* *M" 46" em� 060* *a* 40" WMM mi" 21t that ftoid
r Is 0, romed '. f the ir k dfity&
Doddla Kidnal Pills hav6�b"nU��o Ile Ford ig
POW&K ei*` to drivk emlionlical.. endur-
'in Canada for ovtt twenty-11VA
years M 6 kidtity t0lit6dy. If yolk ing, It iS thq*r YW ilft&
dW1 know of the "t ork they
if *601" '8A are dot", ask yout, neighbors.
TM*t toopolk Vt&table 40� Lotang is now IlItgM. All "r- ff ri 73
sigis dotulkAI0 in thii country art
now surpost-d to work or ibo* Towing 95
can" w ly thov fatIt idlo, adeordin coupe 101
OW Sedin 970
to thoh. nev0 Ord" n Council. Tht
law apollo-4 to all 'bo"twL%ed th,e ft Chassis 3.5
L .6w*" 0ANio 0" #AiW 6", 00A* ftwo "M ON" &%W ~ *" 4%, J f
of to aid 60, okild holky 34maltift
Y t Mir WOM4" W Otta-tonTmck 750
are htiposod *gaioit 0f,6hder& NA2
P4 0. .9.
�014AMUU'014 OP Amviwus comurrm ry
V Childron, 0
N�440a" *M CA"Aa #4611 Doug WIM14110%
CoEliA�an., Dealeri 9,