HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-04-26, Page 7: ;;;;;;;,-,-,W".,"-,..,-,,-,.-,-- �- ­- :�­ - - , , � - I --*--th" ,--l.-IZKIe-�-?­----- -- --- --- - I . W AF I - _� ____ � " � , .� - , 1 W06 , wo �,, & VF' F 10 i lk"" "�T� !11F�;��1_410.�-,-:m�, , ", , I I - � , I - I " . I I NTEREST . AM& �. , i 11 . I At the Court- I I � ,s qPrW""4Fsr­ ww--"— . . I I I , V , . , I .. 4, r ctiqrltsi t*J a 10, ' NEWS OF 11 illi -M StIr , � �A '01"'401al - , *144T .New Zealand . - I - WAT. r � I I . I .­ i , , , . 0 4:4 . I . I , �' - I :Fa(II24,11JUSY I . . doca cot Illt0d'to ele-AlPt memberr 9 . V I � I * I I . � of parliament from militory ,service. . . * .... � I I ". - - I � I I - , . I A cli,tu 6 I, 4 1 I i int: w; I be tak&_ I Wholegalisevasion of the Canadian .1 ' I , draft liw by me'alls at United Stat4s . ".. I . . I I . � . "" .1''.. 61 I ' ,1. . I 1EGLEPTRAT . , ME BE W, � I . "' � .- Nee' ,, 11 I registration car4it bag Ixtu disclo.ed ` I DUN T , N ...... .q 0 N I i _'�' ,. I � . ,� on I � at Windsor. . I - TICROT.Uy TOL.1) By .. .1.. A0 , I I VM$ *K FOR 11INTIS. '10 . 11 V I Vfforts are tin4pr'way to eli-Q01- Or,,., ­ ". . I . . , � I I ., auto the activitips -at the Social Svic. PTIA He BIR, LJAMY I J . , April 29th, 1918 . � I '�Vtq=.—'Few' I I I I , I 'S -4, . ., , I . -1 -4"$ * I ,�,WW�,I,,7t� ,�M .. , � I � 'ON _A_%C_ ._., � W.�SN ,-. vize council of Canada with the slail- - �� ,,.VM_J�$_ __,ft1'_,,,V i. ,�_. ; � -1 , , �, , �, , , , , ., you should nevtr neglect a cold', how- far organization of the United States. 11 I.. " � W., , ,$S$, , oc " " glefter al.ight, if you do not trevit it in The pro .tgl Figb a -Unce, has beou misiin , � 1. iud Game De, 40f: 000!)ift 1014 beat' Itifortuatimi flow in Agents' - 9 siliCe TAM.- � 1 44 h�i� 1) our , "vtgen . 4 I*" r" MNAWM ting ready for your in I.,, � 11 ,aqx -C.00 � I � _7 d% SW - falet Are you get April ilth, according to a Wirt' from D,g,w*r. - , , 7 T con year�, . 1f4Z 7W kW -Ws witA I War garden ? 44 ) . 1,0U, t. II'luds. . "IT and. vie iq,ii�k* -ow % : ti�mo it'win, in all poesibiliV, develop partment alma to reistock Lake Neill- oat b: "Au the secretary in 114'gl I., , 14to, bMCWtj4_ pneumonia Asthin,%e,,% _Ann and other laliaad waters W1tJ LP .06 %ow, abitbodt I ) . 0 without It, I qp�wpkw&4 di _ q wilip" - to Ili$ 0111i,51.1111Q11t, and WO -tc , - , - in -, _' it 4vilsur"t-swan I . I = fish Accord -. to itig, annual report. is -5T7-`U- , -hjjj�utj,�aeffij-*"� MrA _T 6, Allen Is visiting will' , V__ _1n---__,_1 ­ I � � . K� ;� ii. -we A, youpg man. priot I . -_ some other serious two- ie4m�v. , The Caniflida Food Board is appeal- . � I the. klang" tw ill* ef- her daugnter in Seur-ow, - WAS a student G Itege, yo;pr, effilepil-iii'm 4-4 . I , on th almost; P"14= - and 18;3V,kZ5 ,6o Iliant. ",%W F 11% LAM RF.NCE A SONS, loftst0gici,ofacoldorc.oushitio Ing toan having largerquantitlipficill lla,cfs, 19, agM,it 1"M - . -In Ug'AI)ISS of _ tUblen& ThqL S. J. Pentland has, rented his farm Winnipeg, i L010iii, _ot _ . . * - rok moulft, - . .equir- a, GzA *"kqa, ill" you 0 the Irwill Bros, of Ashileld. � career as an fOrman, ,ta.b."'conle, � * d not- lot '-flour or otb�ej foodaleults than r L . , So, fil �j'Wpulli; h4s V*9 equal; Town Paso -enter astli Ticket Agitialtv. -P, advisable ,Ure it at once, &a . boom ill- 06 flurry greeted' 1,18 thmugh severy *1 044 . ,. to r % . it engagements with ed for current needs, to return these suffer With 0 414 pmtfit ate 04V Another snow 4 0 1� ran an for an indefinite period. . I i0tv is felt 'abilleceIN03, 'Ptione 8 , through the merchants. I in bablc or da On Tuesday. Backward weather tile ellienty. Much alix � , , .­ 1;;;Q1i;;;;;iQ;;i; . region, " 1pwxx ,jjM0%A**t1A444_�o.4"., III: Pilefil, For tbla purpo;e there is nothing to The Common$ and Senate met in , . I I thc part (if the relatives as to *1 ...--. . .. .3-A.- .1 gedias 01 , 'MMO.� _� - . . somempo�- - . — wl� Jour StOMOA& 40113i for seeding. .-- I of U!j I it4 Q0.10. .. . line %Tup, ge"et sess - for the tan= 0* . -k sorry to heat-, what has -realty been like futt " I)r1live" " Vs. . In . .fffifag pr, W _,,_L,-. 1-4 - ,,00 - 77 __ ,, des Nommy V Ion , first time in C4"; W'�Alli �_2�_ --- ; � I 11 .1 I . -4mu.- W 11A wbA% the weelthar Robt. Hasty, we art t it is it) be, hoped . "34"�. 1W It IV Co . Cifus6ilaits history. to bear tram the to bad. - , I- I . 9", remeo Ins . bee iversally �. .. - -%,qL Tile - the brave lad Vu -is- , All. , I :� A - . ,Lp,,., un U ha�ns rhelivatistieti tih is on tile sick list. A 8�eedy re f ,4 ___ ' urine he is y!o.l, alive even though 8 in 0.0.1 ",".-'�4�� 1� ill �iCANADIAN ' . ., , that prime Minister confidential inform- Ile " ON 09414R16 00 covery is hoped for. . if ­- , I , 'L '' , 11 �, I 1 . . I , 1� over tweuty4vO ation about the war situation s. , _ . ", .. voecrIlly thousands for - ob � Set so* anill, littitatede - o.ner in Priority hand' �. 11 , . I I r I 9 A AeW, coniggay. the dangdJan Nix, two or thm . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stoithers at 'File annual' vestry lileeting of I I-A�m i .PACI F I — years, I I , QW * to is* *W ., .. . L ____ . I . =04"M. ,'4Q.jot � .. tonedlied the funeral of the late Ric-fi- Th I You 'IQ not expermient when you buy gars, B04ge Company, has been . - � I - III I , ' v. Dungannon Anglican ellul was 0 W I _ . I , I : formed 6y the T.. H. A B.. 0. N. R. _ ilk , __ I I -1 Scids,to ard Webster, Lucknow, 'Monds. -.111-11 oth, witq I , .11 � . Rsdudloss and Aftotatins IN . TO ifiltsiailethess ii . _ hold oil Tuesda 1 I � 1. I . to construct a , to 04 of[ the Reeve Malloulh is now comfort- tilt, Rev. Rural- oat, Robinson. or . : It. and N. Y. C. Railways. Cie=" the widt a I L. * I I th's Falls, new bridge across the Niagara near body'll! millions four ounft of ably domiciled n his new home in Clinton, in tile chair. Reports of - ­ pasuager TFAIN SMIN � - -16 . 1k_. J "Y' - , .. I I ­­ ­ - __ -A itC& -.wwAivub1e4..w1th_la,_ -Bri,cigeburt, _ _- - .___ __ . _____ - __ ---------- - 1he_.V41InV,,1. _XX,fAe_9!L ,.JQ(-,. to. -our 1;Z,%fton.4 - , -. AA-.1--wrt '.---j4 -- ----- --JQ*--8ait*---- - I ­ -_ 1 -pi, at 4) . - LL' P00 - . - , . I calight cold, and neglected it, The steamer Harvester, the first of take & .tabi �d -in Ile re reild -_ ..�� I 4� , -1. . � . eapgaist - i Of - nection with tile c-aurch, w I ",", ........ 11.1 _­ - for severg months. In bound from ismad bir lit 11"! laidst I arb& seems to Ile in ... - Affi _ _ _ -801p- ay-- Feb.24,111- ­___ = sick I took Water beftlitis to. Ile low 480 - car's work � "i. Zt. 1. -�,, i n;_ ;,� ., I the "A deet. to AaH. A village b and showed a good v Norway South ChI44go far Fort McNicoll witn mud your killm' *11 * present. - "We should appointed T, .17M.71 va_ � ': -_ %bree bottles of Dr. Wood's _p -64 #Aft& This eed at done. Mr. Brown %Yfts ,� I -1 �;, " I . ished the � - - I 11� -�, -7, - 1� !�� 'It" I Me Syrup, and before I fin 640,000 bushels Of oats. the largest famous ,,Its U ulw1w-hom -ftff acid Zt fvrlelrarlvia declare Nat Whyard and rector's warden, NIr Halley Of the ­ I `_ ' ' ' Piort(cubars front any Canadian Pa- . -L - " one I wait entirely cured., I would grain cargo ever loaded at a Lake " od lemn Jul. annihilated with Jack McNab.' Storlinq Bank, 00pl'o's warelliell, and - I #1L. d �2 cifie Ticfkk I Agent, or . . ­ I bave any other cough medicine in witicibigan port. � , ".4-, , IV for @aner Miss Frank McLean has retur-necl mr, Maize and Ir. �,, I - -�L71R-r,T­ ,,, , W. H HOWARD, Films, and 11has been :; .ationg, k, m1fic, sidewlu�UMUL I NO -, �� . Alke Wyatt. R.N.R.. chief to gush and'*# O�Wih kidneys, accompanied by litr St. Paul's church vottgregation a - . house. Commander 4 _ 21 I, , to I,ucknow, A A F- tolftit '. 11 - 111 A�L:_ i . District Passenger Agent. Toronto. I . , It also cured my be eZ examining ofilcer At the port of 11 - am to neut,raum I ur u% sister Miss lAlian, who will take Up, reciate the servicris ren or, J I , � "Ilt who was vd where the disastrous collision so it no longer Irritatosel, thus enctinill Wirs, All,i,son and it was decided at I . ­ . !; 1. , . pick with bronchitis. e had the fax. - bladder wiliskm . her ii6doi with her. i he ,,,e(, ng, rt.. . low' . ,- - _ or three times, an4 he recommended tank pl"'', was acquitted in the Su ,. �. ; purchaseed Ed- 1, for the present at least, _­ ­ - q I b. hl,v recommend it preme Court by i jury on the charge Jail Sells to InsixPilinflivel cannot In- Thos. StoLhers t in theito retain hot- services. . ': 11 I I ,� _ WRR�-, . ' Pir. Wood's.' -1 laughter.. jure, stail makes &,delightful effervescent d1D,ur,nin-_s house and 10 - Ill- '"RATI. L Pa 414 ., I s those who need a quick cure." of man# go 1, , elk and will mov( The great 0 ' vwi'lLlra , " local tribunal held another L ' . Elea that y get Dr. Wood'@ Norway FPJDAY- lithia-water drink - to it in the near future. sitting recently. to lil,:cido tit(' cases Coulaa*fVla1, life offits the WIR I pot Trovellors fte S�rup Mul n you oak for it. Do not Private funerals were held for two . -__==__ Leave your subscriptions with H. of severIll more Young men -- - "itecent 164Y gredillat" of this school Lite L . Toronto $Iyers w . undet N1 S, A., and proba Pt a substitute. It is put up in K . lie were killed in _h Bellamy, tit( up ­ � "ce fulleen on adfien'te6h daY:_ifnc0 Marc . local representative bilitics are that several more 4it- I Ding as 111gla, as penceo. par 0 ot C anco to Study . A-O.. ow wrapper; three pine trees the accidents in guilaud. 23 and that with the figures for two and correspondent for The Star. tings will flow lit, necessary as the annum. The last'sprilication we we- J'a �, With Soule 114terland m de mark - price .W. and M.; menu- The Ginvemmeut Will arranged for ug 118 persOLS were killed Any news items ceived from all office 11101.1 ' , days miss, can also be left . I ft`_ ured Qy by The T. Milbum C4*9 pooling or steam -generated power for with him for insertion. ficereall , _ result (if recent amendments to tile I and 230 injured. seription act. Several of the experience Offette"I i'111116 'gfilariy�, -6f I , r,f.:=tfi=. imme. .40. � ;1 i � Toronto. Ont. munitions manufacture, . T"SDAY. Mrs. Pottman, sr., who has been 0011, of Lhis neighborhood $ifto tier annoul. Stkldar#l* MAY, "as *1 ftewiftelsel - � . ­ The Welsh Milto= pAq rushing to (.6orge _ young men 14du .. L - I visiting bel, son, , 0 f Aal, - tLaPy&f�- -or � ciskinizaticla adlearow of -satisfies the -Two m6% -earthquake shocks� were will also be aff,ected by 1410 now - ent V blar-el�ffi-k � '" ' Lra ' f3e Great latee"S tlae,eealois'in a way '. 't (lay ced in position". . I felt yesterday at Hemet and Sade ,told, hall the misroriune one man -power bill, which will call to "tea Plal act and Tole. I wishes of recruiting officers. of Jacinto, California. . last week to sprain her ankle lind is unmarried men and wid- commercial, Sholthal - ni A. Crerar, Minister v,e_.-Woraeu-�Arere appointed- -4o- -llft,,v--eo"V,o4-.to- bed-fti-LES-ing _11.11.0- ill Lite volors -t4tjVe+Pe�f+_ f4'JJ __drgjkttuigpts. Girt our'free The tirove!lIef nowadays Wuts scions. A-griculture, - 0 - - krme-ff- to- -Fl - -owers-wit,h(rdt M -2110-I& grephy ­­ __ -.- - ... - Jbin -nWrg .1hess 1120111 K. -.X.. . -.-- ea ,1k. I . urges a f catalogue. and the w0l estalit itd 11tri ce 0 TorwCS-IF -WEEK- -- Hm,--T--- w missionary posts by the Presbyterian jured limb. 22 years of age both inclusive and Canadian Northern toWest"m Canada , . sow as many acres to heat as pos- 6.11 McFarlane & Maize have started Who, have been 91." -,('(I exPlInlitio". affairds empire opportunity for itfinuilbet. . ,. � Board of Foreign Mission 11 0. A. McLACHIA", The sible. - Dublin trades unions decide to gd, (VuL on tile road with their delivery All expintitiolis in 111, cases indicat- W. J, ELLIOTT, , Ittopol. jeneen,,rese, stands of merchantable . ' Servtce Act amend 'I'lipy carry a full line of ed be (%W�,vlled. As I , Men President. fr timber. the untold weelth in water portant Events Which Have The Military on one day's strike as protest against -t. will lie filen I power, end the great commercial and ments discussion Was deferred to to- wagol ' the of conscripti goods in their portable store, and to be- called up wero included Ili - agricultural F Occurred During the Week. day, when tills House will r t contineir imposition on on deribillijes of Northern -_ b . I uolisIX till the votia is taken. Ireland. should work tip a iarge trade on elass (tile rtiquired to Feport for �. � ----. __ � �� ,---,. -.1. I I . I Optaries shou d be matten of cotumon I co had Just 1011 by if ­ knovel to C-godilans. Modern I , 11 Mrs. John Bannister, wh tes. servive ot. claini exellipt --- trains c, standard and tourist steep About 2,000 American soldiers - their various roil 11 ellee wounded, have been brou been met at Jordan station by hef g t o 1) el., I I on acid coaches leave Torouto The Busy World's Rnprienlinas qatre. ght Now that it is against the law tot' proclamation issued ;all Oe and as thrown out of a buggy anyone beh,%'('(�fl 15 and 60 to loaf, it is stated that tit) further pro- Mft c Station at 10.00 P.M. 1.1landiety.. � fully . Compiled and Put - tuto back from France. They reactiLd husband, w W-12-11days and Fridays connecting - and iatally inJured. -essary in their Handy and Attractive Shape for New _York yesterda. . ;ponds ship- or mf-l'(IIY live on Lhe interest (If his vlaination will be, nct llowet'd w it I at wimailiecs for all poinji in Witiltall . . * News has been reeee�vcd at Now The United States sus till DCI- Tonney \,%It' woUld slggest. Lhat. our (-aqo,, The course fu ;1 - CWAW- . the Readers at Our Paper - A rfean ineut of grain to neutials , .illa� , g4 -lith -Men (:f leisure lillit probably lie the saine as was 1111OPt- I For Tiolcets. linservailons 1.11t, Soild Hour's K,-JoymenL York of the shaking of the Ame ' s Ituille- \ "' -der to be, ,,d wll(,,, (,ait.gol�y it Imen %%ere vall- 11 ature and hiforniallolt, ,t,l.ty t,, steamer A. A. Raven by a submarine gium's and Northein France socks fol. soldiers in oi ed 111) a Short little'. ago. le�avh Inall W, Craigie. ln9uran,,,. ("A" ill 1, WEDNE,44DAY. in the second week of Marcli. diate needs .Ire supplied, nent iarnier Properly enil-110YPd. . th, or writ. it. 1,1 Flkirbalr�,' . Nursing Sister Bertha Mcintosb of Wra. nulniei% a proluo ulalu town- Lorne-, McKenzie, our loval all(o 'I] III t 11 d by tile District III,- Q.P.A., 68 King lit X., Toronto. New and who 114s served In and cattle ranebor of Ver t - -koil iril-i"'i"111.1., 11111ion" an,! %Nhero 1W iS tit *A& I drastic amendments to Woodstock, dot-lor, tills illade L Inal 8 , � -_ the censorship regulations are an- has been appoint- ship, died SUdden') after (ItAing sunie proVenlent to his garllgi� by al)l)l%-- 11 f jillt-, sliould inen of ig - e"a"e" - w -a- m-.&. ,,,,ed � I I I France and Malta 111tary , I "("III I I, I ,,, : o 41i I "It tl'.N. (,allied (tilt hoNV1'VI'V, . . 111,1111311AC11-42 noupced. , ' ebures after 41S breakfam. wal -oat t to tile lie, .",ti, +MON11111 F "M 13 k ed matron of Strathcona. MI of ing a lih( ( (if paill !,Ill eil, -_ Count Czernin has accepted com- The 'Proviuclul Dopartnient. . ' I t 1, proclamation ,xill he ne- . — , 11111111111111 �� I -_ A ustrian Hospital,. Edmonton. ig to, have vxti�rior 'and l"Itting 111) It 11"t in", TOW .-- - - ­­_ . -_ -_ --.-- - � - - I viand of a, brigade In the le is plaulill li..,�_,� I (�111-1�1111'11\ not covvred beli _­ I . Four men were arrested in Toron- Agricult" 1, ,,,, I he,,,! w ...... gpilli I army on thR Itaii.n. f..t. -tliern onthrio fayiners gru'v., lia�,,e ' ill sign above tile 1100" th"t I � . . (.1alliatioll. Up r , b to for failing to perform necessary Not \%-ho I -111i all auto ina.,,, read. h% the ()rlobor pro K~ Elwep�a Fba,41M . The third reading of the Arlds quantities of seed leouiLoes- it A ftill lit os(, gi,evjoii the perful. me Willies, I - t's man -power bill was work. which is the first action of the 'I'llo local holitietiekeeliors al'o a6ok 1 ' 11 &b via puled ad" THE SAULTS COAL CO. recent regal nev. T. A. Iia1V4_-nn3, of Ottae%3, (,pil liv-oval talem I) Governmen atlon raid oil 1110 Ca"POts 111"llk"' lil*"d(l ,(I, "A ltroavll Police under the 1-valiv for divir ­ . , carried by 4 vote of 301 to 103. appointed genviral supeli- 1 1 govs Ful(lay I'Velling, ell,i(j( The Lindsay Thompson Flax Co.*l; passed by the Government. has been �, III-11hills and everylllilig that I . . - Ick trial succtb,.,I�tc�)lci)olizig'l�,�,tllttlllilI The Montreal, oftawa and Geor- tend-ent of the Olit'-tiiO S"I'daY School ( oneral shake-ul roll I olillge (:a,;(,' .,a lit( -1 �_­ _Mw _1! I t�r mill at Sarnia, with its contents, wala ime Association, succeedinL; hh; brother. to nialo. a l; I I 01 'l. '"!Iii"I", ,\okod no liltlo liltervst alit] �! . I .11 Z I loss gian Bay Canal bill to extend t I,ower COM- hollsot-10(illing lint", "ll's"19 1) \\ - I JiXk L1 Sl\'I,. AC4 STS -OK destroyed. by fire; ,placed at h3dro-Electric i 1llfq-l.illlI,llt oll tile, pill -t (if tile, and- . .1 � - was; vigorously opposed in the Rail- , The (.ul.e 1�,000 horse- tinblity lie eal his 11.0iel rat.ions i I (he .1 .. 11 � ­ .1 ..... . ., 110.11001 - 'of the Commons, and mission \4 ill se I)ack kit-elit-li. ... . IIV11(10. 'I'llp 4­,-oill t,jok 1)la(-#- ill the - 0 .0 . � . �Hlca - Helsingfors w4xs captured by the way Committee - H VALLEY ito consider tion postponed to ,he power front the T01-011tO Electric Co- oo )1v AgOvillhil-111 ITall TnieTT,r the ans- � I Germans after three days bard fight- under the I)owirdon order-ln-Couucil. 'I'llo I,:I)e.nezer lb�d CX(Iss 1) I 1)i(.4,s or ilk(, io,ai bralich of the . T1l.eeT I�ATISFII,-S ing. The Germans are row advatic- next meeting o It,)[() an elitf-T-Laill- I lil,' , 0A L The Ontario Government put in a ' llarr�, Crane a seven-year-old Ga!t an, propa"Ing t N,N,i illpq 1,g Illstillito an,, was a splen - Ing toward Viborg. ownt oll F1'idt'Y evV11111f, Nlay 'ird. The 5,000 miners in the George's claim for $213,204 against the boy, (tied af�e� several days' uncon- (lie, sllc(.I�ss ill ,,%(.I.y 1.(,sl)4,(,t. 1-4irti We I I ) I Ili Illoll at It � - - (. f', I'me C,N.R. and annoui�ced that the ra;il- sclousners as a 1-c-Lult of eating too The P""'"'Ils ill' tllf� at a"' Will gel character tald I ig part did so W4.11 I (k. FI- cl,", also Creek. Md. soft coal region, return- way is not entitled to a land subiiidy much stal e c audy he and other chil- toward IIUY1119' VORIfort" for 1 llt� t1lat it (-(qll(i Ile %%-t,--. callod till ail- C4 "level Fire 11, ed to work: having accepted the ver at the .re,ar of a store. , . :,,ft \\uv,], NIPI'le and I - ,;()I(Iipr..A who have 9011P froin tit(, star vaste and ill(, plu(T441i'194 (if Hord at 11 Washington. Of 4,000 acres in the clay belt of dren found , diet from f the The plant, of the NatiOnal Regis- N-ivillity (If l,'henozer. A 1,'o0d 611W I 11, ti,ial W(,V(, followqd \\.it it ,jillentit. Bad weather prevailed on the , Northern Ontario at the sitting 0 tration Board fol. a t-omplete regis- is looked for' I intf,rpst, with fre(li,ent olithul-SISS Of . I -It m lot k Slabs. Western front Monday and there -vas Boand of Arbitrators. tration of Ili(- luan-power and Pie. Harold Sprotil, ill a letler to laughlor. A great ,lelli ter work itild - � only low flying. Four tons of bombs SATURDAY. woman -power of Canada between tho his parents helT, stlit0s he has at-- training was involviA ill file P"0- I -----. Fresh Cars of Lime and were dropped on different targets. Sir Adam Beck told a deputation ages of sixteen and !�ixt� ha'" b"'e" !,ived ill Frative with all ilifanlry I I lic I toil and nine't) Vrf�dil Is 41110 - At yesterday's session of to,e C.N.R. that the lighting regu I lations meant approved by the Cabin-vt; the regio- draft. His letters are all quite ()� . - lho,3(� takiiyg part lit it, liallioly, . cviiielit, just received arbitrators Mr. W. N. Tilley, K.C., munitions. Lrallon will be made on a tiaY :n June. tinlislic anti lip, lippps ill splendid liert TreleaNen, judgv ; Nirs, W. -1 11 ortated that the figures given for de- Honorary Fuel Controller Harris. \Nlith'n 1,.%o h(ILIrs tit (-ach other, lloping thal 11arold .1 � olrylcll PHON9, 751 'strictest econ health. Here's Allison anti It. Davi(I-Ion. lawyor . . . preciatiOD in the Swain report were Toronto, advises the - two deaths accurred in the horive of will (qqlle through ill good sit ape \II,'ill 1,tv%vart, defendant ; F.lizabeth . 775 . f fuel. avld Oil -1, at Re.'- anti be returne I -ed - 1, . 8. J. - A VI.Ts I R Rai 1) li.N C J( I too low. a Mr. and �Ntts. D, a bc (I sarely tee Iliq to \ P',Iliott., �laintiff ; %liss ,NI. MCCOM - Mr. P. H. Drayton, K.C., gave an By the rectificaLlon of the Polish ' W. W. tLAUT.Tsl Rr.sx1)KNC � 202 nearly suth, near Kitrhenvi,, .th(,ir daughter, olles here. Ml-..;. He) t. McKenz:1-MC(lith Sloth- . . - - I allowing Mr. T. H. Wittaillell), border Ge;,many-will secure Mary, falluip, -bing (tilt in (,rs, I)aisv Ryan and L r - _­__ - -iiiiiiiiiiii1i � - - - award of thecile pro,'Vi ,,no-cumbing, to hPart Will. Mg(;Jnry is brant . .�. Ross, wit ' a I . $63,700 for water lots south of the all the o"! fields noes. ir 'aUJ'htV0-i,i-la%%, Nirs. IrviQ Ar,i. Wliyat-(;, tilt . I , I 4� - and the his real estate illtel-e4is, having re- rl"ses : I ther of . Lake Share road expropriated by the Prince Friedrich Wllbelm of Prus , dying front Gee- bursting ne,' eelitly purchased the old tbiherts plaintiff ; Ella Stothors. S, D. We HAMILTON - . . ib'sel ,a in. Gimbel I , � , . City for the Harbor Board. sla in a speech at 33. eslall OM3 ,a blood v (-ssel in the head whilc tele. Whyard, hailiff. ,At- . I, .81 from the office, at present used as a blitcher anti N. F. - , . ' . New Zealand is raising another emnities will be exacted phoning.to a friend.. shop. .NIT.. Billion, o1n, tillit-hor, is though the play -,kus the ellief real- Agent for Goderich and Clintion. . T. -ART , , twenty million pound war loan. Per- %Pente powers. I - ____ seeking quarters elsewhere, as vvf- tire, of the evening a splendid pro- I I 1 a I % Son@ able to subscribe but failing to President Wilson yesterda.- rode GIRLSI LEMON JUICE I miderstand Mr . MCGI111T intends grain (if solos, rvad;figs, eh'.. 4.011- I . . 1A, . I 4 , about the Whi ,' House grounds in "wIY tributed to the 4ticcess of tile entor- .0, , laifto I -- ery.and g oppni6g up a T_ ,, 40 so Win be fined double the amount the Pritish army fightinF, uk on ix- business In his M OO LUAI 'GrIAM . 147 P , I ­ �hrough their income t=. . IS A SKIN WHITENER' -pd shop. tainillf"llt, those taking part being �, ud acquil Separatellelli 2 A large steamship from Engine, hiblition in WashingtoE. -olnpelled Mr. Bailey, Mi4sel; Fdoa Itivers, H. . officers and vancouver'ba's arranged for a fish Pte. Howard Gase was ( Ma. --stables I brought 704 retwined ars, where Bob is .How tO make a creamy beauty lotion to lay off duty because of a 9(),.e Atigustine and Miss FRI'l-Ow. Or. Ideal Greellifted �, soldiers and 675 wives and children- market for five ye for a few cents. %,,-I)ie­h w'as 1)(ithering him at Case occlipi4ld (Ile ('hair and gave it � r Montpeall Street V dependents of soldiers and other to be said to the consumer at from blind * , -ring patriotic address. T11V 81!01 . 7 live to eight cents a pound. tilileg VC 40#1 ckthe Square , 11 livillanst to Harifax Moladay. . . II, ,. viN,(,ii ti-vatnient fee r slit hers of the 111mlil"It' aV0 10,I)O' Alpha Be UVAI I -.! 1 �, 11 � 'G. Cefino was shot four times and Fuel Controller Magrath advises The juice of two fresh lemons strained it, back ill one, (If tile hospitals but It"I"n I ,­ I 1,,rp this 11(� veringrabilated till t1W "Ill(TV4A (If 111P �-- '44-fis, A the people to arrange at once for Into &'battle containing three ounces of did liot make Might allioillited (4) Engines V killed in t"ut of his store on York to .- �- in- affair. Tho proceeds 'Busses Meet all Trains and 11 street, Hamilton, at 2.25 p.m. Yes- their coal supplies for next winter orchard white makes a whole quarter will he- hark it, Ilk altori,' tolt " ()2 - Newcombe __ - . - ­ ­fteftaxer Boats � mer. . t of the most remarkable lemon skin t Willay, and Dominic Sperwtza, his be delivered during the sum Put irnate,; ill (010 of Ills 4�111(;"s (If 11 's * - oly death of - Both Houses of Parliament passed st intention of taking otit, a comillis- I'll(, %ad and untiril , Piano patestsIxergifill ad for In cny ,I, . �ephew. and Domtnic Paron were ax beautifier at about the cost one ran , . Nirs. kDr.) )I. I-',. Detiniali took ph part of it d Un fi the resolution to lit of pity for a small jar of the ordinary cold sion. �Ii!', . for all t tested after a hot chase. r the calling 0 reSilIVII(Y, J19 .N. WI&I'Llt :1 11. Edison Ambefoll made in, the unmarried men and childlese widow- creams. Care should be taken to strain The 1-i-mainder (if our own 1611"It. at 110" trains at 0. T. R. or C. P. R 0, Sweeping Chang" are %-1-il-,,, Ohio, on H,lday 111(11'1'111)�, Gramaphones Depots. �, Xilitary Service Act to meet the urg- ers in Class I of that . 1:ft of 20 to 22, the lemon juice through a fine cloth so I)o%-s arp no,w, by all arcotintli, in the lill('. its Ina reso- both inclusive. I no lemon pulp get in, then this lotion lil'p and alrpady casualties have ,lept-il t:?. aftvr art �Ilnvss Oxts'llding � out need of reinforcemet a Every tit,�en many. WA have got, to have OvVl' .4 ­, vral years. 1)`"ai"`�d, Large stock ol Edison Recort.. on V lution embodying an ord�r-in-Coun- Mgr. Neil McNeil, Archbishop, of will keep fresh for months. I ProMpt Scirvice and � he House Of' Toronto, makes an urgent plea for woman knows that lemon juice is need ri,inforevnionts for those, hov.,; front wtl()Sf' maiden nallw ,Aas .Nlary band. I . 4 all to be introduced In t � �' Aniella Bollainy, %Aas fill' 01(if"'t Cardtil AtUndance, 0 a and the Senate to -morrow- unity between the Roman Catholics to bleach and remove such blemishes an ,)it,- own dist,ricbe,, Th, M. ., - A. has Separators, kubbers and Oil con be I , Commom i I hill daughtel, of Mrs. L. S. I'allilt"', ;111(1 � *,*0401ir British Admiralty officials Bought in Ontario, both French-speaking and freckles, sallowness and tan and is I)e,,,, far too lax, in our oplillol was for Re%vral yvars prliw Io 110" had at FRED H U NTIS 'Hardware. �� , . the aid of the Provincial Department English-speaking. the ideal skin softener, whitener and it is to Ito hoped that tile rt:cf!llt 4. . ; of Agriculture in secu'ring the plant- The Ontar!o Railway and Munict- beeautifier. atnoindnivnts will produce the re- rerno%al to tilt' Stales it resitli"ll 4 Prompt delivery of wiI Separators on Our Livery amil "seck hervic I/ wit'lotit any delay. Dungannon. She wa.4 horn lit lihill- abort notice. will M1,11100sled Up-to-date I e, jug of 5,000 bushels of fibre flax seed Val Board imposed a fine of $24,000 Just try Iti Get three ounces of q1li[-ed nuniber . -Ahard township, lit -al- St. Mar.vs, - Ith liviiiiii* ir"Put. I � , which could not be transported to upon the Toronto Ry. Co. for neg- orchard white at any drug store and Many ,)f our 1)eo!,)le lla"� '"It yet thirty-one'vears age- and 111,11-t. hi.l. 11111111. Ville, �, Ireland in time for planting tills lecting to provide the 100 new cars two lemons from the Fracer and make up art, list, illit-d thems4 ves to the new puldic alit . I high school carel.l. ALWAYS HOME SATURDAYS FOR � / ordered by the board. a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant daylight. savings idea. 1�()rrlp have, REPAIRINO. Your Patronage 8611111cited 11 I year. j,,, graduated from Alina Colloge. St . � THURSDAY. Night driving of motor truck sup- lemon lotion and massage it daily into yet Let soe where the cilea,ture 11, N.I.al. 111�1. 1)0. 1111 I it will Thomas. Of lal � ,4 a — . .1 ply trains from the West to the sea-, the face, ieck, arms and bands. advantageous all(] vow that till lit Ills, fall (if A T. SWARTS ,,' t has taken --- -_ Us who had not bVPll K00d a . The U.S. Governmen board has been Inaigurated by the nvvf�r 1)4,. popular. Tbose of voil.101(oll t1414,11111111 HAMILTON �J g"hosto 101le . over control of the Erie Canal. U. S. QuartermasCer's Department as German officers Lend Men. rill sletimber 1001 'Allen tier D. W. ."701fiffiltir"I Street are wrapped in '�,Capks forth need '! lliti. ,wy-iotm hpr mother had 110" Phase 207 1 Torouto beekeeperB report a heavy a step tow&xd traiaing for the battle- With the British A'rmv in France, wilell anothr-r (lay iit)'j , ed to ()Ilio. ()it ri-aching . Heron Street. CLINTON L; --I loss due to the severe winter. front. kPril 23. -German officers are lead- not worry about the chaim, - How- Villo\ .4 I Rev. G. S. Faircloth, pastor of MONDAY. ing their troops in the assaults, tak- . time it will w(X .)tit at- I here- %he rallied woll aild 1,1*11'411--i't - I PVI,r ill toevatne bri lit for rior rve(,%,-r% 11, Bathurst Street Methodist ,Church, ulholland, of Guelph, Ing the places of non-,ommissioned righi for all of it,;. 117, she was warro-41 U, I Toronto died suddenly. Mrs. Gen. M re have been F'ebruary, fl) I dropped dead in church of heart ofilcers. who beretofo Air. If. ljoll,linv was ill liuvYrus, tier now-hereff hu-4balld, Ill' 11 11 N A seweme has been formulated 07 failure. used almost invariably for front line l4lo, last week ai'ttending the fnner- in Chicago -hinell-1, Will, 1J. -I I 9 II 171 il LN I :111 im t1101-14"Iru I I all religious denominations to Da- , long-range boml,ardme t of vrork. Their deteition in the re&r 0I Dunlap, , .14 , Thg at If his sister, tbp late Mrs. Dunlap. sinli,e tilen (,oncentraled till III,' AkIll -_ 1. - I I I tilonallse the chaplarn service. Parts was resumed yesterday. There during previous fighting b--% been Oil his rolurn to fluellih Military I I I . Von Hallenlobe h" been were no casualties. part of the German scheme .*or the liospital on Friday morning last he and energy in restoring 1wr lie royn- MAGNIVIC � t � xxime plefe henith. A r(.w motitti,; ial-r ..�SM ,� W' 3 U .-gq"L — �_ I Mrs. J. Hands, of Ste. Rose, Dan- cons&-vation of the lives of the men ri-evived his final discharge from -v uloved lo 10ir%riv-4 hilt ill t Skip ­3EEANDdW' - ,C , 6F , '15-N ARIA1.0- - phin, Man., gave birth to four chil- who are responsible .or the planning the army. lie rel�rned home on thf *A � I last mbe mllffPl-e;i another re- — DXTWNN" I , - of campaigns. Now that the crucial .Nlar ALO -Dially. 31sy lot to INOV. IL011 i , � - VA39"I.A�kZD � PRO dren, all of whom ara living Sattirday and has donned his civil- lapse anti gradiially hevanit- wvikkvr, ., "I , Fuel Controller Magratit states battle of the war is being fought they tan clothes. Regarding his business tee the rw,age,4 1- 1i - - 9,00 P 'At. I EAM."' , =1 111t, lrl� - bu . SAQE TEA 11 � finally micetitntimg . 7, 10 A.M. ) STANDARD T13111 . to P.1,1. - Arme C�vee"K" 130 Mll. " it � I that all classes ellf C0111811mers must am out in front to get the best rte ra a e . . and journalimtic work, which lip has of a vompliention of aitinent-4 (11 _Wtamla 1-1-d I'm C.d" p 111. 1i bow ent , ---t. a. ( *1= ir ' I NJ, frointo were S" _00� resuimed herp, an announcem April 12. dvalti r-litrig `Iotll4'%klla -dim W it 10C to kilertaticis i practice conservation of c,oal to the sWtn possible with their r I 1,�­ it"'iJIV4.1 t ,Ie,ta r o � -.,0__.. A-krurti.kee P via 0. v '= - 0 . 41 "*U ,;, I utmost. - __ - - lip inade in next week's issue suddenly at tile- lag(. 'Nirs. [hirilill, ...4st.-_qi_�4Kound rv. witl - 14. Ill for *ars am. twiti.w WED -OR GRAY HNR Mrs. George Wilsher. Toronto, wife BIV ,F WT will ,D POTATO" HFLP ( of The Star. was a young lady of fin#- Chrigtial g­wuhr - here EL" 'eates geratite, .it of a soldier, dropped dead of heart . Flllot'llt Mdilal­,, pollvi, fl-oin tho office of rhararter anti ai�%%,avg look It kvel� _N.ta. t;,"ITILII.If��W.".O"?4*1;1::PIO-:"-_.,=:g-.=iAW9� ­ 1,11,Wn.", 01111" _ 4-- ' . failure, leaving a f&mUy of seven Freshly cooked polalw--- Pill the! Provo Marshall, ,major I shorne, ,,Itereml lit the wikrl� (if the %IaAh-i. The Clawat"d & ruiflolse 0, I:fv � ,� A � . I . if mixed with Wphur it Dwkm children. Ci ­1 � .- I 1-0 I premier Clemenceau 'i a visit to through a ricer, or forv-1 jilt-oligh London, vvere in the villagn tins, Ill I)iingantion Ole, wa, 4vrT,,-larN her Traftat t..nnI,4.y so Natwmft Nobody week looking lip an Rome tirne (if tilt- Wollwn se 1114111110. can TOIL the British front yesterday teviewed a:-, evpning lagi. a fine strainer, (-all he 11-44-41 Ill III tt.,, rt.()Irl tile fril-ining ciiiarters, and wherever she went won a hofel Tie. C - .a fillielis 'A­sadL­&' / & be,ttle-worn division of British abspn AL. -6-1 and -..I '00ior � I of part, of the flotir ill t)lillers )r 1,olldlill, a yollug inan from the vil- of friends who vx��rllingly regret reaseIne,res,staisewI".0halwaill troops. ly reported for ser- hp,. dentise. 110,441(yes her grivf_ .."" . ...iia. "hieff Grandmother kept her hair beautifully The Armenian$ isve recaptured doughs. Cold, left -o-, N' Plslalfeei,i lagp who reeont i 111b p..6.00"W& aeUve with It van in Turkish Armenia. from the may be used. bill a,-, llo( 'gel 4�n,qllv vj(.e. Ili sorne manner lit, managed strickon husband Ali,- k-aNt's 11) .ap-11., noo . I darkened, glogay and attr I . to evade (hpm but we understand rn(,urn tier departure her rno . Owr 1. I brew of 8 ' -yes, and Sulphur. Wbeb- Ottomans and have repittl d attacks blended as the fre-n hot 1-tal0l'"A. hat tell Monday morning he rpttirn- anti gisfor. .Nllg.,4 1,11r;;a. of lim-Nrus, 6*7 her Ufftolk 6111 Wit aullp faded or on Baku. . the flavor quite, as w-od pd to faev the" music -that of ap- and a brother, Harr), of D"lligall- Atreaked p arance, this simple mixture The Soviet Soldiery a.re reported to nor is I I ear�Air "%)P on the mat" before tile n n, who was in liticyniu ]alit we, -k with wadolifil eliffeet. F1 have Stamped out disorders In Mos- - I ok was applIT, I (1). C. and tile subsiequent severe ag".1iding the, fllng�rlll, wlilctkD took I - �Jir V, fe ,,, ,, . I 1. , , , I . .1 . I'll, . sAing at any dru&stare for "Wyethill cow and placed oviar 200 Anarcblsft , 1110_ . :�,-,, -, \ \ \ - puni,dinient that let meted out ill place (Ili Mondav AIII-11 15th Ihe ___ ____ --I- -_ "" ­= " , f, i f I _ - __ - �_ ... - ��­__ � ,_ � St and Sul bur Cmpoutld," Y" will under arrest. 11 NJ, army invorrigibleQ. service at tit(- ho;se %%am conducted _ Ill 11111 1111aeliseon!1 , =1 old-Ume recipe, B.D., Wtor of P !_ I � I �, --- -_ --- , a large tle of this Rev. S. F. Sharp. -I I / I Ile,— %fr. 'Millor, (if the Firtil - ___ _ Exeter prieshyterlan Church. died 'r _. 1*1) thr linr- with the best of luck bV - I --- __.. _ 44. I - is to be Pte. ' reaved by the Selditi0s, Of 0tb`l1T_ I i�ll ,,4e,tb(0dlgt p',pist-opal r1mr-ch. after Ems r about 50 =em suddenly while preparing to beige We 1) 0 1) D S� fit" (lie third LIMP" =, All ready to tilt, fix r-_ tlence according which the remainFi %itere trungforri-d til be depencled morning service. : r 11 / i erl Rker's ,-%p(- .1nnel inii rernplory. . Tblis simple '/ , 1to the. wrttior LO I �, Are you prepared for the Spri mixture e / I 14 r Chiciago Ing ra6s . fillion to restore natural color and beautY Toronto represbatatives Will tight - , ,., a-leffer received hv Te TrIA '11`1 fill' T ,,� . , Ion for � 111� K I [311 N E Y " itilpt wi-ek liert ha4 been ip F,ng- wbere they wr it](, to the bair. the Mackenzie -Mann avolicat I I I ft(Igpital pretwneei, of syllipathl/1119 friotid,; A well-known deowntecroria druggist im / ys r to operate from Port i � I- lialld flit, ,;orne hine in a if- qee-r%w, sit t lie . I � gap and Sill. a radial chartet . trvaltni-ilt for slirapnel and rrlalo.es. Tf Is your roof and eavetrough, in goa evorybdolly non WYetb'N Colborw to Toronto. I ; rprvi,, 1119 "/1, P1 LLS " I'S 1,4,111ill, pri(I affpr an enjoyable ra,.e wag eoneriorled liv It-, It It � phur Cow und now because it darkens A d6legation Of twentT-twO men ;,, - � Klmer, of Oreonspi-mu-, ()III,,. ;114- , dy can i - V . . , " . 01 I h I , " - -1 I I , 17cocruter 'I I i "' I i 11.1 A- I I � - I I �Ml �� , ����� " O.. __ * 15 - 1 16 i �­.Z_' - No naturalf'o from Springfield, : -S KIVIek., ,lay% furlough In Se .......... I nd evenly tbai n6bri Ohio, wfisited Toron- % I I I \\ --��-�� � I , I RiQ11A tiv RoN. Mi \% ilkin-IT -I , condition ? data I ,,, , 'fit- roporl-I It ills hinge at Seaford. . 400 it hagVen apRlied-iti's 80 ew7 tea to over the week -end to obtain C A \ I �, � e, I fol� golillering I Prs-Ah% Ierian rhori.ii. lie is % r ij� ). You simpf impen a e6mD or I carrying IJ4 ,L1 1<.'� V 01S ( , illerl ,1..V� 11"I , At— . Our work in that line is always satisfaday time, to( 11 ds,Tongh your hair, �_About tb" dtY'n methods a I , A I ! � lit Vriglalid and It,. x1:1:014 to lie" - I . otift brush sind draw tb an patrictia enterprises. i ;, ti I Z. N F H I; t I ", I 1),Ill t K1LllloJIIJ� %N11o'l, , '� 1'. 1-�J'l r. is '111,11z I 1, 11 allf,1110-1. taking one strand at it time. BY Morning Clunsids,s new man -power moasure. � ;, ,,,4HrUF,1,.� r 17 �, " 0,1L rel il T i a. after siftotber �,,, 111"x-1111ni-li,in 1pawltA, in Ihe ir,-Oatirant 111.11 \� , , ailt tke & hair disap"f , which was signed an Saturday by the G H -r " U, 5 '..'" dra(l,, .h. -I . We Re PINDERgiiii, Applfcalion or t-0, it is restored to Us -General, ""I -A DOW r.)IAI t I yC' $ . it,, ?,,.I ...11'''11 1;..Tf 111114,11 Illa\e ihi�. that ter lh­ ,I!- '11"10 - - Governor L I A Joec;lwav s, � againul Ili, ,,--\, I "I'" I 'Phone 11111. viiiiiiii, S'it#"� lossy, soft and L 1�, ­ , I �11 � � ,.,,� ristearfil color and looks feet is expected to add 20,00110 MOU 2 � , I Ile.\ I ,\ %If-KPl%v\, ri-c(,I\ ed wol 11 4 ""' 'I, , I - 4� , �1- I t is a delight- I 2 � .A filal Ilp. peph,,%v Lteiit - lall"T" �"' "c'"I 1(1 111 , I I,p 11 . __ - - __ ­_.w*!!!!!.i 11--i-tiful, This prepare . &&6 of 20 21 and 22. , '. Lee,�_ - � % "I'i\ AN `"*,'­, C L 111h, - .,'XI�4, . la'at \%­�k . A- I st" ( I I , I et requigite. Ift is not intended for 01 e I Nl,.k,�,\,.N ,.1 Ill,. ,eki, i.,0r(,,1, irtlitt, N..i, e, lito, inp I migg I I I I __­_____ - tot toil - Analysis Of the Germ& borahard- \1 IT i I Ill I I . I I Ole care, mitig'AiGn Or prevention of dis mehU of Parts show �hat abolls have i%;4��s0ff""""` . . . 1 *4 , I egLw. I I . . 1-1 I 0 1 1 . � *� . k I �, � I ,i- ", , I ... I . . ' "� --I ­ : I � �� " T 1. ,�,,.'t -��.­ �­­ ­ �,,-�-,,�...—,�.,..'�---------.--"— . I � L"'.."""".." _,�,"�,_�­._��,_­­ "_ , 1�t . 1. - . ­ �7­ . I � I - .1. .1 I I I li�41--,�-�"'J--.-,',\—�,'A&�-.,—,---,.i- , — ,_ � . .­J&11111111� . 111110M , "' ­_,_­__ ­­­ , ­ I .A��-�,,,iiiiL-,",�,,,�,;wkv:�,.�u el .11 W I I I ,. .1 r". � 11111"JNL.A�.­­,�' ..'�I. _� I � 11, I , I , . L' � I � I , I ''I I I ) �, I , 1, I 1 . � I I I I , � I � ... � #I .,. I 1 - ­ , ­ � "N - .�­ ,,, ,. ­ , I I , I.P'.11 ,,I I ,� L . � �.. - .�, ­ ­� I L __ � ., .- A 0 4, �,., 6.�l 1 1 , ­­ A A -a A "I'll, I , r� ` . � I I . I . I ­ , I polor�� ­ ­­, 41&;"ik,_, ___,___L. ___�111 ",­­­­­ J�11.ijlk .�, . I'aille 'k — --WLwbob.&—..� - *.A,aAL_1_