HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-04-26, Page 6I I I , ; R I . . - Z M, 1. Mir. 04 t "My Rhou'Matism Is RICH WILL CONT.1111111TE NO W, OROL 11111 e aysl IN GIN PILM All Gon " She S "SPRING, 901TS AND OVER1090 I MustDo Their Share in Paying mill ,IV% TRIBU1111144 TO many,have won4emd how the fmacnif. 11111S., Lr fq�r War. $HAPPY AND STYVSH as MW &Md �nv of ous _R�,;ae, since Obviowly there 4.16 14mex- Am ExpectQ4. ....... CPU n con am A Of traced 00wo III $11� ta the Dominion of CXUa#A, an* of Gin pills can Thooti Armst ,illyve,41 tot eam� ano uow I Q%.4",j, Flvwor anTeRaelij. Seeds, a (;In, w 1cU has for a great the, Small FoUll I Boller. It 4 Probable Tb" the Bimixtess, I Irt it t5peds, Gralits. Bu cen rccogrii 3VTmlits, C,&V&a Tooli6 Etc. liaeboir. Notre DaInA ProAta War Tax Act Will Be Re� 3FlPr5 b ed for its m1dil N44k !A4.Jw+i 2`74,-ol. TUM ldyjA0LCS0C_W effects �ee 4-p&feCt fit. S@g ouf range of fine Hay, - - - enacted b), twolil G6vQtJ[ftft1t1- 'C' �.­__ -We guarani Mod lLeir ea- 04 91duCrOOMP14114- Overcoats. J5C&4f 111116 . We will make Suits, Sp -We odl sin Wu A. 4 "out in the gr.0t place, there are utany fabrics for Spring Wear 4 P ' 111�.AWM,�,' Of OTI'AW /W tilbl eljrLit to V April 23.,The delivery 1C."I b"' Ib` Stllfl'- of the muk1U4 fluxual who b4vo conscientious objections to Separate Parts, whatever $.ou want. that will have the dis. Canada i: al statement taking alcohol, even as a medicine. " r Sgy-tifturing gives. Get your Tailoring Butterfly Flower ment 4 1 f M 11 -1 %liltlpy, U well- tinctlye ;Ippea rance c a t'l tl"s law.0. and the opening of debate there- the curative, agent of Gin Thi4,is on* of the airiest and daint- kit.1wil at Armstrong's and you will be well dressed. "Vor se% suler�ed frOin UPOU Will be the OUtIlItAU41119 event operates in spite of the alcohol, not be - $"t towers inueginable, -PecWly iii 1wart failum,- !dWl- of the present week of parliament causlz thl� alcObal is a help to the, on". s4apwd to bordwJ4 belts of wler atistil Ell rivestigations were made to d0cr, R. J. ArhistPOng 4m*reandthoseof&be&v1 ilivy Pills. and? nejustwhatitwaa South Side of Sauaro Tbs "Ods 11 go:114. I kllqw�� Hoo. A. K. MacLean, Acting Minister to relieve Rheumatism. LUZ $E 1 'Mo ergrowtb. 1411 ey states. -441 The budgeisi)6ch w1H be made by mi in d�16 that tend I at@ quickly and hoxer3 of Dodd's Kid =D my rhoulliatislit is 1, come Into in a few weeks It will 3how that ordt, tlea. Wckaghe, Swollen Joints, Astallt t)t)dd's Kidiley Villo are 4, Wonderful j Of Finance. ar from sowlaS. The florescence is Tleii& bVsandalldisordersarising .0 completely obscure the Medicine. I ree' 11rittli4nd, them to all nary expeadlture*,� we�re kept during thekidneys,bladderaucturinary &YAeuu the p1sut a veritable 3geut, separated from t tot*$, my frionds Will, are aot foPli'19 WOO, the fiscal year ended Uarob 31st Last - This active 4 Qbe GLER ga 10 *.f % most delimts and and they, Ilk', 11lYSAf,'sI)eak highly , bined with ottler SPORT FOR THE AN mier than the same species in the well within ordinary revenues, While alcohol,was then coin ithern part of the , Province. of thtm. a diuretics and giv the 'a of Gi To the excellence of the fishing to sot unlimited canoe bloom,. The Butterfly p, revenue exceeded aq uarter of en nan U Splep4id AQL jQ_jMg *Rwi� �std early I used I)i olit's Kidiwy Pills. and blUlon dollArs ordiq pills, for yvidch a demand has grown there routes. anTmp sites want them. N7 an tures be eNoyed in Algonquin Park il you is the 4uhms. is t -Fisir spring. ,asy of access, only7200-mi 19 goft)odd's Kidney Pills act direetlY a ou in 019 Trif-W testtmu tes-nartit &0#1is of etbeir val &bI& prexdvmw il the Ijidneya are Capital expenditures were, of course, rimada. Gin, Pills have a wonderful caught in the(lwaters o of Toronto and 170 miles west of kidutws.* . TPlYIP9 have won each year of the Ottawa.� Illustrated deseriptive,lit- on I he I swollen by- disbursements for war reoprd of success and anyone a man "MaWS'Edirl CO. UMffED weak and 94-1i tlltw earinot do th r tat open to the ars for AIM. Lo"T rature givin KNO purposes, and the net debt of the to the manufacturers can ob n copies National competitiuns full partioul UM). full wf)rk Of siraiiiing the itlip nials receiVed. anglers o the Continent. lie brook e to any Grand d-fyri mo!lithif -1h 1��. not- iGin-PiMare-sold -by-all-d e are ]1,115 PheA Pe -oputry-1wreand some $400.400.000 Of many Of the tl-ti-- the asking. 'kpPl� W WW1 WW ; 1:1 tkes oul. or the bloo ; 9 ralers- vary tj_,out I -t- 'Aig- Ulu at -the n o o onq Trunk TIoket Agent -or. C,�FL LWKR-__ is bound to be sie4upas anti diseasP. trict guarantee of satisfiew genulne s uare tailli red spotted ING D. P. A., Toronto, Out. I o 14Y elpectedthat the budget will call for wherequ asl To keep the Itidneys sound 6 ding Im- tiou or your tponcy back. Theyare50c. Ilack bass are I t.he foundalic Aik v*y tariff changes of butstan A ifte or- speckle variety. KITCHENS IN ENG, In Of fo(,tI heq,111h. portauce, As to taxation measures. ka box or 6 boxes for $2.50. plentiful in the Rock Lake district A SILMU111" RA"DISP NATIONAL �t)qdls Kidudy ly,s Corn Cure takes the our naigliblipti I f It to tiudpratood that the Business &=pie can be obtained by wri and are of the small-lpouthed vari- 1 HollOwl hand arUstically LAND I �ill. the National - Drug & Cbetniztll 100, s dO not purp qjv'� ktdnt�vs- Corn out by. the routs. Try it and Profits War 1�tx Act will be re -ea-, ety. Salmon trout are found in all Ir nted anO i Itistrat 409 just been rngland is to have national Canada, Limited, Torcluto. or to the thp waters of7the park and are much prove it. 0 acted. - and it has been. snorted. that 6 Red bi ittwgIrg I it tf.S. address, Na-Dra-Clo. Inc.. %12� tpl ng o t 0, 64 .0 , mak JlAilw4Y itoliens. Public baths and park ALGONQUIN PARK the In -come TAx..Act wlll be awandet blain St., Duffalo, N.Y. 129 otloa 1 tbe "LiLke buildings will be turned into kitch- to place the taxation upon the larger .Ff Days" distok(ift tho Ighlands of ens and., flown halls into dihing This wonderful Goveenment re- incomes upon a parity with the Unit- OUtario, `J%JJL cono'Se desoriftion halls ; street cars anti omnibuses serve, of neary 2ovopoo acres of ed States tax4s. given and the interesting pie tires will carry tho finislied product to 'forest, takes aid riyers set ide f While the budget may not call for i-pproduced from direct photographs thousands ijf sinall distributing playground fir the people has b -, changes In the tariff the budget I. NCWTHRUST EXPECTED Al the gitory of I a very charming stations. Variod ninals will be pro- Como one of t ip principal oboctive speech Is expected to contain some 16VV �rsprl, . ft A is -re8oligo through lowest I)Oillts (if tile surnmer tourist, the J114 vided for evorybody at tile statement upon the present trade 1.11110 ill be hot 11 siblo pHee atilt theVe w canipet and 'ek I Th White, Minis- Germans May Try Great Turn 1)(18 situation. S r o92aa slitrullor's vactation. -ith most reas- think Of special OiNallol kitchens. an4 log cabin panipis w ter of Finance. im taking up In Wasli- ,rulie a free trip, a -men I little . - I onable rates, si�uat(!(i in differebt ln&on the question of adjusting the� ing Movement. Y-u-ney through the "La,10 01 BuYs" 1,'or yvars Mother 6raves' Worin Marts of (be patR and operated by balance In trade with the United I askitig br Ihis haildsrime pub- has. ranked - as. the.- -Grand -Trunk. Rail%a gystenl States. - It has bee4 said that -a& �a Troops - Are Now Being A"ed TP Itiom'.1 wic the Journey some 11141A effectivil ipreparation nianu- offer first class ac !ommd fit 11 fOr- result of the conference measures for Readiness by the Enemy, and the -Oing,. aflor suplit-ir with your ful-1111,1.11, 81141 t always ivaintain,� those who do not, desire to live in When You Paint, ant! 611116on, then slant the ]Is rf-pul,at it'll. tile open. Unlimited canoe routes reducing Canada's unfavorable trade Allies Are Preparing for New 6n - r on the doetor for 1[918 by ink- for the camper, splondid fishings balance in the United States may be, aught, Which Will Have as Its y r fainfly oil a real journey (,Itlp:ATIER and in- announced. Furthermore it has been' fil Useftintsthat,JustltY PRODUCTION PLANS beautiful country, anti pure reported that those measures may In- Objectives the Capture of Vliny ,,o air is found here at an 1. �,Oun thi$ ideal summer plav- onial-io will plant 1,000,000 acres virorating elude restrictions upon purchases In Ridge and Arr". nit in cereals and cultivated or itude of 2,000 feet above sea level the United States and there is on We the Labour and Cost. postal card tt, ij, E:./Rnrning, (Ifs fit literature or�rltxto, 'I rolllpt_ tills spring : Quebec, 600,000 and tie ustrated descriptive order pap4r of the House of Com- I LONDON. Alaril 23. -Events alpng I 0ot Station, T Marilitne Provinces, 400.000 acres and all particulars may be had on mons a bill to authorize the Govern- the battle -line in France and Bel- ly brinW-w opy U thL- extra The farmers in Eastern application to any Grand Trunk, Went during the period of -:ar and h . emselves CjL&NCC Cana(ia aro called upon to plant lave Agent or to C. E . HbRNING, D. P. A., fo glum seem to be shapingt In other words, choose GIVE BACK YARI�, A the Toronto, Ont. I r three years afterward to contr..)L mption of the great German a ,,.,4,,er.s In Tea-sterri Ctinsda (!an save exports and Imports. These subjecre for a resu the Paint that has proired A back yard ean &nVk, situation. will of course come under discussion offensive. It is probable that the a.1i Nvoll as the rorAl market garde". PLANT EX%RV ACRF' during the budget debate. coming week will witness two great S,.nic Pell all idea that a Every extra IlVrP Of wheat farm- There are still questions likely its worth in actual l"for soil W, pi-oduce a r-roi). Children Cry' ers cat! put in this dpritig will save provoke. considerable %4iscusslou In turning movements attempted by the This is a niis�ke. oig it %Nell al,1411 FOR FLETCHER'S starving. Europe Parliament. These include Me pro- Germans. One probably will pivot service. S sonichody. from fertilize 1 .11 1"aN es and . It.0. CA STOR - w000ti,000 bushels. posed loans to the Canadian National on the village of Roecq. northwest I A , is short about and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway% of'Bethune on the southern side of Canada's great Railways, The Government's plan for dealing the saltetif driven Into the allied 0 . 6� .41 - MU #%­ Q WILU AnUWUL.e ness o e ana a Northern, the bill to consolidate and 11allway Act, -,n(l the re- lines DaCK Or 2Lrmentleres. 0. is expected to develop at or near Albert, the north- atearnship Unes, Lreet. 8 Railwaystl Furniture Manu - amend the I olution empowering the Speaker nf I lifestill, north of on aide of the Somme salient. facturers, Piano Factories - the Commons to censor the Hansard The purpose of these movements report of the debates of that body. will be to cut deep Into the allied and Automobile Builders, At the same time satisfactory pru- gress is:,being made in leallng with lines on each side of the promontory that projeets, out Ante German -held are- enormous users of. "the legistaiife program- of the ses- terriforly and terminates On. the old sion. To -morrow will be the last day Arras -Lens front. The Germans hare upon which private members motlonA attempted two great frontal attacks SHERWIN-WILLIAMS and bills can be brought up for dis- on the defences of Lens and Arras, cussion In the Commons. The Gov -I' but they li�tve been repulsed with ter- ernmen+ has promisol anothey OPPOr- I rIbIb losses. These losses were in. PRODUCTS tun!ty to discuss the subject : titles fiteted upon the enemy before tre In CanAda, introduced by W- fl- reached the stronger allied positionE NiTkle, of Kingston. Ot'.,er private however, not in that sector, and since the seca'ad 'Pestubert. Givenchy, They have proved that we do members' business will, be before the IlDuse again this ses- defeat at and the Germans have not cared 'to take make Paint and Varnish to sion, and the remaining Gove:nment legislation,and estimates, A is beltev- up the task of attempting to,.drive the Canadians from their positione meet every . condition of city, ed, can be disposed ' in time for PTo- along Vinly Ridge and'on each end. country and elimate in Canada. rogation by May 241b. of that great natural bulwark beforE And because SWP has proved Arras. A t -le am to Reuter's Limited, ;f- -ality and Sherwin-Williams ft. I It - from British headquarters In FrandE products have always given Boys: "The Germans are appaxently Con- satisfaction, this company stands tinuing to mass troops on the line ol -as the large�t makers of Ballleul and. N14uve Erglise on the today north and around Dernicourt an the -Paints and Varnishes in the south. An earIT 1wUmption of thf British Empire. heavy fighting would not be surpris- I g, but it must be remembered that COVER t the Germans defer strik. I e longer U bl"o - their blow il THE We carry a complete line Hospital records. show that every Ing L e more -1 T . EARTH of Sherwin-Williams Paints time you cut a corn you invite lock- likely to be, in yesterday's minol jaw or blood poison, which Is needle fighting operations. the English coun. and Varniahes- Ask as for says a Cincinnati nuthority� who tat 1 ter-aftacked porth- of A-veluy W004 have' restored Co&r CardS, prices or any ,you that. -a. quarter ounce of- a drug and are reported to called freezone, can be Obtained at lit- the positions which the enemy attack' -other x"nformation YOU May tle cost from the drug stom,but Lq ed the night before." Ing llr,, The British lines are holding firu require. sufficient to rid one's feet of every on the northern salient In Pit. 12 -hard or soft corn or callus. a 0 01 -�Yoa simply apply a few drop:) of the fact that those on the 1011. freezone on a tender, aching corn and ground east of Ypres are again sub - soreness It Instantly relieved. Short- jectea to the gruelling fire from t5f y the entire corn can be 11fted out, height,, which they once before havo root and all, without pain. withatood for months witho"ll 741s dmig Is sticky but: dries at once flinching. and is clauned to just shrivel up any British forces advanced slightil %v,.#IJLxJLASs Ce LEE9 between Arras and Albert Saturday com without inflaming or even Irri. tating the surrounding tipsue or skin. British troops also drove the Ger. GODERIC111. It your wife wears high heels sifto mans from* some of their advancec' will, be glad to kuovt of this. positions northwest of Bethune Ir the neighborhood of Robecq. Hindenburg, in his big drive, 0 ......... ......... .......................... .. ATTAQMD AMERICANS. stalled ten miles east of Amiens more than 85 miles from Parts. Tbf Sanunies Face Their First Serious greatest advance made by himjn' thit Pleardy drive was a little more than �Pightlng. .35 miles PARIS, April 23. -- Fighting be- Balk;�i In his march on Paris. thIL the tween Franco-A;tnerican troops and German commander started for Thvm Famous German forces In the vicinity of Channel ports, via Hazebrouch, on hwest of Toul, where April ll�. He is blockaded four miles Setcheprey. nort the Germans Saturday launebed a east of Hazebrouck. and more thau strong attack against the French and 25 miles from Dunkirk the neareat n P7 positions. continued pqr American t. His farlbest advance In the Zda'.'.� Lam throughout the night. The War Ot- Flanders thrust has been about 12 P ace statement says the French recov- miles. ered nearly all the ground overrun Appapently, the alijes have thrown c Leim, P Made = The Best Etectri by the Germans. Amerioa:n troops in only enough 9f fbelp reserves to = fighting in this sector, the announce- hold the Germans. edusbrving thetr ment adds, repulsed the Teutonic as- strength as far as possible. It has saults an their lines. been noted, however, that when the, gold under a Suarantee. If theV PrOve Twelve hundred German #orm necessity Of 110 Ing becam� Imper- troops. the largest number ever con- ative, to avert Master, the holding defective you can return the centrated against the American power was there to top the 0110111Y troops for an offensive opbraiion,'y -T-rush. We have the Sole- Agency were hurled against the American Positions on a one.-nille froht West We bave some very choice designs In of Renneres Forest, northwest of Tout, after a terrific bombardment of HE -ART WAS BAD gas i0hd high-"VloslVe shells. Readifig Lamps The enevV succeeded In Peuettllt- Ing tho front-line trenches &Ifd tak- WOULD WAKEN UP Electric Fixtures. ing the village of Sedobft)fty, but after tufloug hand-to-hand fighUng. IN DISTRESS. Suitable for any r66#k which Was 11till Coft on at n1g4t- fall, the AWeVlfth tftops ftftiltured An Electric Air Warmer a the vUlage and most Of the ground,, J%we is nothing that brings with It is a good thing begl4a -you on a cold lost in the early flightint. Thr" ouch fear of ithit;cudinVeath as to wake nithtb as a teniptrature. biliaster Gericam won tak6h ptliiiilknor. aft- up;n the niglit with elicart-pounding - '$ At a lOw Altl- rtain hnd ir- man alirplWns. dyin and thumpft. This uneq, AnElectric tude. attempted io, d1sorgantse, thlo repJar heM sdflaft cad" 1W greatest AmsdoAfthtlas tam. b*t, two en- 4Wfewal both mind and body. . -uum, Sweeper' el" gvUtovif 'Veft biroUglit ddli" and MUbUrns lTftft MH XciVe Pills Vac the otbeft 4riven offo str6nXthon and ifiviprate the heaft, so I ait attlel#y4a *111 never be wilthout Tbo 001*1LUS tuorea hea*7 tut it beats strong and regular, asid it you Im" dut bilicia tistAilid atild ti% A*606iA Hikes tmo up the nervous system so that the re*^fiQ;"*lrtUXdr littit. "iiiie a so much anxiety becomes a WartWnc an- ",ftds The captum 6t 143 AmerIC&A Drift- 'thft bf the put. onors and It machine Ong b!r the - Mr. Archi6 9ftumont, r� ligotts Land- Coffee Percolators GetinaU Is 6101104, till the Offtelill I*- ing K B writc"--lHave bpon b6thered ort troin 011itman headquartem The wil li�y7lessrt &M nerves (or about oft e I sn,litorm tr, M It JA X1180-461 eau*d b1F ovoivoti. and *Ofty. Toastersi, Etc. IF d to 4 d0th dt t*0 b", vu so bad I wbuld iftken up rt'v^b, , _ kilo (about a mile And A 4U&N liev*ral tatim daring t1te niAt in 9`01st tex) A thil Am6rit" lines $it dish*&, atidlatlYhMA thurtw&g. About l& AnieIrl0afig. thb I fbok thi" boxed of hill- ItAtelftMut d1l. Sustained hb*VY t�ijl& 11itirt bbd N&" PiD4 and tW Robert Tait louts. h" we a t"t deal." IV! IzIN Uftft *ftd Nem Pillo am Electrician West street Remit hy tXimitkian ftpreiis 140n., E*. lt*r bu at all de -Alas or twMed py J0 ke by The T Mil.- "gle"NA"M 6a it" -P& of vin' get vour mono? Iiiiiek Will 06.1 Lh9tod , Tot"* 0M. mum