The Goderich Star, 1918-04-26, Page 5service )e wina0w in Vne uu%xowt
The Mayor, the Reeve and the De- to giv pressure w - .
puty Reeve were appointed as such in theshotel haa not the Pi ela Also: Sterne, Alcohol stoves, Kill, in all Curtain materialst
TOWN COUNCIL b e e n �, r our pricts are really most moderate.
littee, or, motion of Council: so that the hotel did not get the tary %Brushes, Penslar Tvisad-
police, Winter Wood Removal Of com'Y Easy Foot Powder.Toothftstie.
Eye SprM,Parks, Fire Depart- lore Wallis and Wilson. benefit, )r Robertson asked where French Lanch (nut chocolate). Windso- Marquisette Curtains, insertion and. lace trimmed, in ivory and ecru.
Discussed The following committee reports Councillo: P lace to 'phone a Nut Bars. Gain, 010, etc.
P r
were -adopted. Ine- TbUrn- T Newest designs.
in The market committee recom- fire alarm anu was to
The regular fortnightly meet' ud d w one was there to try Windsor CUrt&1U$# they are- very dainty and entirely
of- the town council was held mended that a rack and loading hall, a 1�ee our new hand drawn
in last, runway be provided for use at the somewhere else.
Friday. evening with all the em- - 9ft1g& as sliggested by the Councillor Wilson said it tied been Jaw A. ft-ampbell. different, Per pair $3.50, $3.95, $4-33, $5-00-
Vsen� Vjith the exception of town -ic bell in 7
bore Y et clerk. passed to have an elecU lihm. 8.
Councillor ooke. mark noo committee recom- the Lower and an alarm bell Out -
Muni_ Thip Oil asked CE"Ul. DRUG S"U"
A letter from the Outario mended twat the communication side. Chairman Davis was I I GODEUCH, ONT. Beautiful Scotch Madras Fancy Bungalow Nets
Association asked the town frorn the Ontario Municipal Electric as to the position of affairs in these rhaw "
in -the Association and pay thel - regards and he winter Bungalow Nets in all the newest pat.
Association with reyerence to join said duritfg the winter Curtains
ing the Association be referred to it had been too cold to put in the
to the fin-
fe This was refprred to told, and terns, suitable for &H rooms. In
ance committee. ter and light commission , electric alarm they were
191. H. Wood asked for renewal of the wa ould on- Scotch Madras Curtains by the yard white, cream and ecru. From per
and pool room license. that the council Join the Union ol now it was too hot. He w are the Most PO nlar and sads-
alities and the deavor to get the work done. The Weuiring enforcement was the re
billiard Canadian MuniclWailwa;, Associa I i re iring P yard, 25c.
This was referred to the special alarm bell outside the town hall to a 0 pu everyone to get r bed.
Committee. Hydro Electric of esent, as the Bell "rk any man was not em- factory wearing Curtains f0
A letter from the Children's Aid tion and that the fee 5 each be cannot be lFol, at pr g such work jiloyed it was the police's duty to rooms, etc., Ili White, cream and
paid ; and that a list of accounts COMPaUY is not doin Fily. —Complaints
Society complained of laxity in on- be taid, just now. now the reason v ecru. From 25C a yard. Super Quality Mercerised
n mad
forcement Of the curfew regula- T e,public works committee re- The Mayor asked the chairman Of have been e to line" said His
itioitka, Of children attenditig-pic.ture commended that the street inspect ub Dr cQmmittee what Worship," and I would �sk that the Rapp
w' ks the, removal themselves accord -
shows unaccompanied by guardians[ or's report for February be filed ng to b in team. He police govern UK
"'e p( SO" Finish Velours
frequenting Poo was g lot ingly." heavy Repp
ot boys under age 0 pe- Of a, 's b to, town
and repofted "We find h th y it
3r �[Yftn�L , I wanted a efin -standin Ag to the Board or Trade oam-
rooms and purchasing cigarettes, tition to a sewe B Atrect d e undpi T Rich quality Velours for portiers, over Handsotpe, rich quality
on stree e Ma 01, in
Ja pi�ign drapes, etc.j in colors of tan, rose
etc. 'from Britannia road to t, that no ashes would be remo to be entered on, the I for portiers and over -drapes,
This was laid on the table and has been sufficientlY signe but, if 'rhe town was not in the ash busi- wished it distinctly understood t at brown, rose and greenf,50 inches
later in the evenhig His Worship a sewer is to be constructed e �.n this ness. the eoffers of the municipality and green. 5o inches wide. Per
called in the police and made quite the rhe street inspector explained would not he toliclied. The'fuqds wide. $2.25 per yard.
street, we think it should' yard. $1.95 -
an address to them. full length of this atreet and re- thaL last year w1wro a supply �)f be raised in a perfectly vOl-
In connection with the suits by commend -that the peatiori be re- ashes was convenient for a till tit untary Nvay, and the taxes would
Manufacturing near -by the town team had been he sp;'llt fo'r the purposes for which
the Goderich �O- ferred back to the ratepayers to New Cretonnes and Chintms Have Affived
against the insurance companies, read accordingly; that Mr. Davis kised to cart such asbes. thpy were raised. rhe campaign
the town solicitor wrote that the has installed a gasoline tank and 'rhe matter was left without the -,N.Hg slIpposed to develo E (Air latent
town miFht be named as a party pump oil South street and deposited adoption of any resolution, it being pliergies, and the peop t- would be
to the suit and in that case he asked a bond in the clerk's Office as re- understood that this practive whs to front Missoxiri. tile Mayor ocks
for a resolution instructing him to qUired. cease. Still another matter New Styles *in Mid ' dies and ' Sm
appear for the town. The qpeeial committee recom- The Mayor asked tile chairman if hall to bring tip was tile quesbon For Misses find Women
This was adopted, on motion of mended that Mr. Weatherill, be ap- there was anything it) rep(irt as Ili ill. wool, for text winter. tie hall
Councillor . Wilson, secOnded by pointed to look after the gravel pit tile, collection of anioulits owing by written the 11-NO17111114-111, will) re&- ig dernand for Middies.
Reeve Laithwaite. -on road' and that he be Mr. Rumball of tile. 0101 furniture ft,rellev to wood at Algoilquill Park As soon as the weather turns wariller there will be a b
on tile Hui it ill tollell with Hamil- choice lot of all the newest styles
The Mayor said the situation allowed the grass on this lot for $3. factory, bxit there was no sucep." ill and hail an exceptionally
about simmered down to this that. I W cut We are showing
Councillor Wilson tisked as to the this tile to rvvol't- ton whic I was arranging to
if th6 Goderich Manufacturing tlggvsti(),, bv ille Nlay(ir wood Ht tile Park, atilt ar- plain white and white trinitned with checks, and plain colors. Many styles
uskial' purchase or young inaple Tile next s p j1IftIj(, Nipili- rangelnelits vowd be mad(' to havf, -75 each.
Company lost, tile town would lose 0 . that Ili
and we would have another Jonah. shade trees, and the parks e inmit- was Fund hp llsed ti, thpol ,,it wood for it,; Hold get, it with and without belts. At $1.00, $1.4, $1 1 .50 tO $2
He suggested the appointment of a tPle was given power to purchase orial lini), eariv fall. Other
I llip4-4-s. lit* bUS11 around ciodorich Dresses and
900 young maples. clean tit) ill(, ground where the Nl('- dliwn ill tile
small committee to act in rase anv 1,'ire Chairman Davis said lie Ivor vwtagO halt liven Lorn do-wil, s
course of action had to bil de('idp4l ok out at wili(.Il rotild be halt wore named Special Showing of Women's Hou e
on in the progress of tile hearing of, Lhovight there should be some U11- possibly bttild a little 10 s Ipl't to, tile rtiol emninit-
derstanding that tile fire team this spOl ano also restore till, skill- atilt it wit Ilf're Bungalow Aprons
the case. Iller hollse lit the flarbor Park too to make inquiries as Ao w '"olld
poilli which hall hi(pKil ()Vill% tile lwst atilt chpalle-,l w0041 (
11 , 1 1-1- Wouse Dresses and Bungalow AKons. Pritil, llo-nitl)' fillish.
. 'i'll )l1gill, il 114, 11W.
Davis Lit( -k suggilsted thO VVolnen s sery cea
I be reniolilited. Depifly Rewo, Clai ed, in all sizes, 34 to 46 From $1.00,to $2.25 each.
Reeve. suggest Od IIJO IoNl, It . -,'-,Tlg inni-hillo to
The I)vptlt� gvtling a sprit,
ctmar at thp Melvol' Colltage illight �Jilqt.N till, orchards lit 1()\vll where crall Bungalow Apruns, large size, neatly finisll,-d, made of extra
be jillp(l with ashes with a layer i,f roquirv(I and it was ipt'i to (tit' Womeu's Cov 9c e ac h.
Golnlilith,4�. 1.
Soil oil top. and also sug�esti-d ill-- (;rvatpr 11ro(hiction quality Percale. At less than the price of material alone. S,)ecial 7
111ing up of tile weil at the coiboriii, liairman to see whitz, arrangements
NODDU S T0006ru lotel wit,, as
()Ullcillor A,lt- 1,1111d lip nla4ie filt, till, i. a, Ina
It ibk hall. xmther
91 son mentioupo a -%Neli at the V101111 otine %it-. Hall I il he Deplity Reeve 'Phone 56 Try Our 'Phone and Mail Order Depgrtment. 'Ph011e 56
6A hotel, wiltwe the Imnip nad ()nly Ill- siig.Fp�tiotl fron t
handle above ground, 'rhis one was wa.4 that victoria Park- anti Ibe
he.lieved to be oil private lirt)periy- Agri(-ultural Krounds he plowed up
rhese were inatters for Lhe Board f(ir cultivation.
of Health. The chairman of tbe Greater Pro-
is,suggp� -tion Board saiii lie proposed to 41, SIC 'Phone 56
Coun. Da1v st,ed tile passing till( a Ineeting shortly. OTCH STORE
of a bylaw for tit+, renioval of eYv- ill- votilicil then adjourned. 'Phone 56 M I L LAP, 23
sores. rhe building hel oliging to
Mr. iotitts, at the dw-k hall the roof
bloiA-Ti off anti was all 1191Y '44111, A FINE SHOWING
and one or two cases of buildill9s
partly destroyed by fire atilt not
if- il.. C� 1. (',adi�ts are Highly Compli- Pills for Nervollis Troubl"N., US
cleaned up Nyere mentioned by d mented by Capt BarclaY StolTiach is tile (""It" (if the
ferent c(AITIC11101"'o. t that if" volis sytell). tilid who'll Ille stolliach IN
The Mayor pointed Ou th,v 1.4 -tilt I
any of LbOse places were believed Capt. Barclay,, of 1,ondon, organ- silspends hpalthY
ilisturbatwo-1; Of thp
colild be tak- WT Hilil inspector of vadet vorps is 'nianife9t, it)
to be tire traps action have them district No. 1, was in 14. , -
i(ir military ner\ e. I f allowell 01�1)pl'slst, 114' J r it
en on that account to Wednesday morning last Nveek debilitv, a 11:1119(1-011-4 admi
f(ir the annual insp(choll (if till- tIrsl et)llpIvratloo
cleaned up. e I I'l ill, o�;.,
The Mayor also) sligge,,3ted the iiiiii with (lie V ill(. stonlach 11) pn'ller
the, Ire e( eadpt corps ill c )nliec ' ot rps"'
of' I )mmittee to,
might take lip wilh the fire chi s very much pleal'50d
ch.airmag pf (,. C. 1. atilt wa, arto ),. and thory Is
()f th(� with the work (of (lit, boys atilt their remp(fy for this than Pat"' It'll
flieprs. The inspec 'I'll(Illsall&4 call
the enlargement of tit(, roiito tion was matie Vegetable 1) i 1 Is.
night watchman atilt have the Chief 0 Victoria Park and 46 out of a attest the .01111f. of thesv pills ill
of police and tire (-hief act in the at. oarade.
case of packing boxes, pte., stored (ojai streirtrth of 57 wpre,011 11 curing nervous
ey might be ren were absont with I ave, being
near buildings wtivi-P tit already engaged lit farm work, and *00004OMP000000000000
in danger of causing fire.
The disposal (if Metal sorap at line was absont tnrough gickness.
tile Wheel Rigs factory was left to J,jeut Philip Carey wag in command The New System of
works (if tile compaily. Allan Sinclair Hold
the chairman (if till- publir
committee. Joe Kelly were half company com- Trading Attention I
His Worship askold as ill ill(' West inanders and four N. C. O.'s and :39
Shore Railway inveting, to which eadets inade lip the strength. great
the clerk replied that a moeting The corps is again eqlipped with Your membership is of
had not been bell during the vOntpr rifles this year, the Itrst time sinee value to YOU
on account of It I ie difficulties Of the commencement of tile war, R iR all we atk, On and after January ist, 1,9!8, time Ontario
d now a further delay Was I
CHAS [�LACK when they were callp(l in. Compare our Price
made to allow of 90fting sveding Aftvr military inanoeuvres, Mr. then decide wh&t a memt)erahil
travel an 2 M Statutes require that, all cars be eqnipped with
0 -rlson p 11
uld pro bably A. W Rob( lit tile boys rneanFl in thim As"ciattOrl
Emanuel 3 done, but a invetilig wo
f(ir lit a week r ten t,hrotigh physical txpreises and th( Special Bargains
voillpaily wa% thpn lined lip while Lenses
days. canced Pears, in beavy F;yrup 17c
The Mayor suggestMI the en- a brief address was given by Capt.
in heavY EE
me' t of aliti) parties to Barclay, lit which he comphinented Canned Peacheft
courage n .... ... lie
come to town (]tiring tile summer, tile officers and inen very hiKhly. f3yruP ...... ... holding the rays of light below 42 inches.
Peve facetiollsiv yhp niarell last, he said, was ex- Pork and Beans, 3 lbs.. In to'
and the Deputy R
suggesLed a nierry-go-rmind all(! ceptionally wpil done, the best he Mato Sallee .... .. IKC
I tie lake hank and hall seer) in any cadet Vorps. On tnon, tall can
a Ferris whepl at ae(-ount of so lliany boys being M L gal
a picnic every day. ker Oats, et- 29c
was re- about U) w0rk oil tTie farms, tho Robin H00d Qlla
Auto Owners
The Mayor's suggestion inspoo-tion wa,; held svvoral weeks 151hf4. best Gren. Hugar
ferred to tile special conimitt.
Councillors Story and Davis rnoN- earlier than ustial ona. cimsidering A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU.
appeal, before this, the wm-k was ev-eptionaily
ed that the asse, ill' (11,46p for free circtilar.
melting and ex- wpli done. t 11mi, bvin� par WHY GO OUT OF TOWN
the council nvxt if,ed I I
tictilarly coininei I tip o irers,
plain why more tairs mno not bpell Barciay said hall evidelitlY on 0
Capt. S Consumers' Associati them at right prices also aU other Actess-
collected and submit a list of ar- We have
t to tit(, drill
'arried. tv p n great a tention
rears. r)oy-s had shown zeal
o I
liggestion was J. J. DOYLE r*es needed.
The Mayor's next 9 hook and th( well. The
ie doill so I - &
eral clean-up (Jay and (it' Mot- in gettinq up it' Quelift St.
C, a gen ev,,e atilt the rifle drill was good, PspeciallY (-,on- a"g".
n of the I)eplity R
uy Auto Tires now I
B sidering tit(, fact that sonic of tile
Wednesday, May Ist, L000cmaw.&O0000000000 — B
small to carry a 01
were pretty
t. set aside as clean-up daN an boys
-y rifle.
nnune ment to be made to that ef- beav
The object of tile drill was liot -e advanced. We have a considerable stock
Tires ha%
to make soldiers
Davis -Kigg,"sil"'d ()op.Of (jut of the boys. ;I INSURS IN oil hand to be sol(l at old prices.
radets had
giVing Lhough many given a
men ana a Ieam
Lhe town
Caretaker Aldous a hand to clean good account (if themselves in the
taking 0"1 11"' war , hill to) gl�o` them )hysl THE GREAT WEST LIFE R
up the cemetery, en lip the mads. traitimg alld fllsCildil)e whiell wollt"
road grader to ev hairman tit triake theni alert really tA) act
c agreed to take [Tie c LOWEST:PREMIUMS
H mittee their own initiative and rnnnnprlv. Buy now I
the c( tery and parks com LIBERAL POLICY
Principal litime a1w) liripfly coin- MOS I
out to see what roxyta he done
tho pillille plimelit
Chairman Wallis of ed Ille lmvq. C 1. staff MOST SATISFAVORY
The i i -r,4 1-f tho-
ivinbi pre
works committee reported that they 1ruMpe" were Ity W( SETTLEMENTS
found they muld plaster till the and the
breaks in the Wwn hall and bright- represented at tile inspecloill BUSINE88:11i FORCEI$120,M,000 0
muremo for at -lit
en it up With
ad alreadv MacEWAN'S GARAGE
$50. The committee h The Rafv wav to send mon— GF,0. WOODS
rity 1A) lia-,e tile mail is bv I)orninion Fzl)rpsg Mllitov AGENT
been given autho
0 % Cor. Hamilton apd St. Andrm
work done. Ordf-r. %RAW dwJwn7,�,W V� —�rM7 �Xl N7 .10
His Wotshi tnen announred
R dress
Z, that he had a ew livords ill -ad "C"*0000000*0*0*01=
to the policemen, not dictated 11Y ODOODDOOOC"30000*CC"20GVOOO*CHMOG
animosity or officioiisneq,4. Till'
duties of the police were 84)mpwh,-kt
varied and were. not all defined 1 -
ide We were living in an age of efli Nicely Cleaned and Pressed
14... mdr6h ciency. If boys uncer age wPr,'
frequenting pool rooms thp Polle" Nicp]v cleaneil ftnd Preg"A clothei; are nobby it tl,,ne right
hould know it. it was wro
ride on the sidewalks. In 19M
pielum Swaffield met with 6 serious arri Why Not Have Your Lace Curtains Cleaned By U
(lent that was the fault of the p(dir,
The sidewalks were not a r(,11,,r
rink either. A town bylaw re(juired THE GOOERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS
that beggars should nave thp -1
dors mont of the police hofore 1 -IN Wnwr STill-11
the -an ing their wiles. Tbe pi-ilwo
�Ory ()f a girl who limit evorvthin� in the world Abe wantA OxcePt 'Phone 122 It V ININN
,,The Cinderella Man"
see that thero wprb nn nb9triirtwi, ROOMAN,
The at HOW lit'i, win,ther bi-art Q (ieqlrA Iq revealed wilen YOU kee Mse ei4 -- --------
she lovelil (,IlFk Man ' No till, Ni,.iel Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. on the strPots. The fa el�k I-I"riv, 00112MI"
, .. The Ciniler ed to the people. Another nov -1 oocmmCOOOOMOOOOOOOG000000*0000*C 4 : napnocanoo"
11[mr .
,&prii 29th and 30th. Pri(*4('A 111C nwl �-)C-
De Kept; Ausime lulv
thl. t,a$o of a recent tire whell
team wa-a 7outside tho limit -68,
This was left in the hands of tile
Forthe BoysOverseas
I IAP v b, N
Save IFOr invoWent
chairman of the tire and publie
works committees to uring ill some
Sotdiers CWfvt 8M
Kayser M
I *. , I — War bonds 2hd other
Deputy Reem Clalla thought tile
council should give the commipi011
10c NO 1k
attractive Investments
a jolt on the lack of 9 ressure at the
fire in question, to w ich tile Ma'YOr
We carry ruany useful items i1el
tubludo to these boxes.
are open to the man
OF CANAbA ft -.F- atically
who system
replied that the tire en It, ine should
have been at this fire the fire at
Mr. Cbrystal's boiler shop) as aufft-
be had
SIVIka uhty 11111tar$ F"Itall
oient pressure could never
zlives tft Twney. Such an Investment representsi
istgnee from the pump
at ti OT4 -g6l, - that -pressure
This pan is so 00111116kGOW 48 W
a supilly ot Ink in
what the thriftless man spends in unnecessary Wes.
In the uniiim BW& of
wo urst the pipes nearer
8 ak, of the lack of pressure
pe LKIn
contain yew's
tablet to=,, 63114 all that is ROOM -
sary is to Oil the reservoir ot the
water and drop in an 10111
Open a anvingi account
led Councillor Davis to 00113111ftentt on
wn with
Cam"& A great help to thrift.
the wor yessure On the to story
of the edford hotel r It
a.perfect writ-
tablet, this makes -
ingnuid. The" pens am 911194
o'clock at night, to which the clerl,
epI ed that the difficulty was that,
r04 4g put in � I r
th h the town h alle
. &_ llj� "llreird in or er
%uteed and will suit any hand-
writilug. Complete with Pocket
Clip and Ink Tablets
Beautiful Curtains an d CUrtA10 Materials suitable for every
-withstanding the great advance
aisalttl� nint
service )e wina0w in Vne uu%xowt
The Mayor, the Reeve and the De- to giv pressure w - .
puty Reeve were appointed as such in theshotel haa not the Pi ela Also: Sterne, Alcohol stoves, Kill, in all Curtain materialst
TOWN COUNCIL b e e n �, r our pricts are really most moderate.
littee, or, motion of Council: so that the hotel did not get the tary %Brushes, Penslar Tvisad-
police, Winter Wood Removal Of com'Y Easy Foot Powder.Toothftstie.
Eye SprM,Parks, Fire Depart- lore Wallis and Wilson. benefit, )r Robertson asked where French Lanch (nut chocolate). Windso- Marquisette Curtains, insertion and. lace trimmed, in ivory and ecru.
Discussed The following committee reports Councillo: P lace to 'phone a Nut Bars. Gain, 010, etc.
P r
were -adopted. Ine- TbUrn- T Newest designs.
in The market committee recom- fire alarm anu was to
The regular fortnightly meet' ud d w one was there to try Windsor CUrt&1U$# they are- very dainty and entirely
of- the town council was held mended that a rack and loading hall, a 1�ee our new hand drawn
in last, runway be provided for use at the somewhere else.
Friday. evening with all the em- - 9ft1g& as sliggested by the Councillor Wilson said it tied been Jaw A. ft-ampbell. different, Per pair $3.50, $3.95, $4-33, $5-00-
Vsen� Vjith the exception of town -ic bell in 7
bore Y et clerk. passed to have an elecU lihm. 8.
Councillor ooke. mark noo committee recom- the Lower and an alarm bell Out -
Muni_ Thip Oil asked CE"Ul. DRUG S"U"
A letter from the Outario mended twat the communication side. Chairman Davis was I I GODEUCH, ONT. Beautiful Scotch Madras Fancy Bungalow Nets
Association asked the town frorn the Ontario Municipal Electric as to the position of affairs in these rhaw "
in -the Association and pay thel - regards and he winter Bungalow Nets in all the newest pat.
Association with reyerence to join said duritfg the winter Curtains
ing the Association be referred to it had been too cold to put in the
to the fin-
fe This was refprred to told, and terns, suitable for &H rooms. In
ance committee. ter and light commission , electric alarm they were
191. H. Wood asked for renewal of the wa ould on- Scotch Madras Curtains by the yard white, cream and ecru. From per
and pool room license. that the council Join the Union ol now it was too hot. He w are the Most PO nlar and sads-
alities and the deavor to get the work done. The Weuiring enforcement was the re
billiard Canadian MuniclWailwa;, Associa I i re iring P yard, 25c.
This was referred to the special alarm bell outside the town hall to a 0 pu everyone to get r bed.
Committee. Hydro Electric of esent, as the Bell "rk any man was not em- factory wearing Curtains f0
A letter from the Children's Aid tion and that the fee 5 each be cannot be lFol, at pr g such work jiloyed it was the police's duty to rooms, etc., Ili White, cream and
paid ; and that a list of accounts COMPaUY is not doin Fily. —Complaints
Society complained of laxity in on- be taid, just now. now the reason v ecru. From 25C a yard. Super Quality Mercerised
n mad
forcement Of the curfew regula- T e,public works committee re- The Mayor asked the chairman Of have been e to line" said His
itioitka, Of children attenditig-pic.ture commended that the street inspect ub Dr cQmmittee what Worship," and I would �sk that the Rapp
w' ks the, removal themselves accord -
shows unaccompanied by guardians[ or's report for February be filed ng to b in team. He police govern UK
"'e p( SO" Finish Velours
frequenting Poo was g lot ingly." heavy Repp
ot boys under age 0 pe- Of a, 's b to, town
and repofted "We find h th y it
3r �[Yftn�L , I wanted a efin -standin Ag to the Board or Trade oam-
rooms and purchasing cigarettes, tition to a sewe B Atrect d e undpi T Rich quality Velours for portiers, over Handsotpe, rich quality
on stree e Ma 01, in
Ja pi�ign drapes, etc.j in colors of tan, rose
etc. 'from Britannia road to t, that no ashes would be remo to be entered on, the I for portiers and over -drapes,
This was laid on the table and has been sufficientlY signe but, if 'rhe town was not in the ash busi- wished it distinctly understood t at brown, rose and greenf,50 inches
later in the evenhig His Worship a sewer is to be constructed e �.n this ness. the eoffers of the municipality and green. 5o inches wide. Per
called in the police and made quite the rhe street inspector explained would not he toliclied. The'fuqds wide. $2.25 per yard.
street, we think it should' yard. $1.95 -
an address to them. full length of this atreet and re- thaL last year w1wro a supply �)f be raised in a perfectly vOl-
In connection with the suits by commend -that the peatiori be re- ashes was convenient for a till tit untary Nvay, and the taxes would
Manufacturing near -by the town team had been he sp;'llt fo'r the purposes for which
the Goderich �O- ferred back to the ratepayers to New Cretonnes and Chintms Have Affived
against the insurance companies, read accordingly; that Mr. Davis kised to cart such asbes. thpy were raised. rhe campaign
the town solicitor wrote that the has installed a gasoline tank and 'rhe matter was left without the -,N.Hg slIpposed to develo E (Air latent
town miFht be named as a party pump oil South street and deposited adoption of any resolution, it being pliergies, and the peop t- would be
to the suit and in that case he asked a bond in the clerk's Office as re- understood that this practive whs to front Missoxiri. tile Mayor ocks
for a resolution instructing him to qUired. cease. Still another matter New Styles *in Mid ' dies and ' Sm
appear for the town. The qpeeial committee recom- The Mayor asked tile chairman if hall to bring tip was tile quesbon For Misses find Women
This was adopted, on motion of mended that Mr. Weatherill, be ap- there was anything it) rep(irt as Ili ill. wool, for text winter. tie hall
Councillor . Wilson, secOnded by pointed to look after the gravel pit tile, collection of anioulits owing by written the 11-NO17111114-111, will) re&- ig dernand for Middies.
Reeve Laithwaite. -on road' and that he be Mr. Rumball of tile. 0101 furniture ft,rellev to wood at Algoilquill Park As soon as the weather turns wariller there will be a b
on tile Hui it ill tollell with Hamil- choice lot of all the newest styles
The Mayor said the situation allowed the grass on this lot for $3. factory, bxit there was no sucep." ill and hail an exceptionally
about simmered down to this that. I W cut We are showing
Councillor Wilson tisked as to the this tile to rvvol't- ton whic I was arranging to
if th6 Goderich Manufacturing tlggvsti(),, bv ille Nlay(ir wood Ht tile Park, atilt ar- plain white and white trinitned with checks, and plain colors. Many styles
uskial' purchase or young inaple Tile next s p j1IftIj(, Nipili- rangelnelits vowd be mad(' to havf, -75 each.
Company lost, tile town would lose 0 . that Ili
and we would have another Jonah. shade trees, and the parks e inmit- was Fund hp llsed ti, thpol ,,it wood for it,; Hold get, it with and without belts. At $1.00, $1.4, $1 1 .50 tO $2
He suggested the appointment of a tPle was given power to purchase orial lini), eariv fall. Other
I llip4-4-s. lit* bUS11 around ciodorich Dresses and
900 young maples. clean tit) ill(, ground where the Nl('- dliwn ill tile
small committee to act in rase anv 1,'ire Chairman Davis said lie Ivor vwtagO halt liven Lorn do-wil, s
course of action had to bil de('idp4l ok out at wili(.Il rotild be halt wore named Special Showing of Women's Hou e
on in the progress of tile hearing of, Lhovight there should be some U11- possibly bttild a little 10 s Ipl't to, tile rtiol emninit-
derstanding that tile fire team this spOl ano also restore till, skill- atilt it wit Ilf're Bungalow Aprons
the case. Iller hollse lit the flarbor Park too to make inquiries as Ao w '"olld
poilli which hall hi(pKil ()Vill% tile lwst atilt chpalle-,l w0041 (
11 , 1 1-1- Wouse Dresses and Bungalow AKons. Pritil, llo-nitl)' fillish.
. 'i'll )l1gill, il 114, 11W.
Davis Lit( -k suggilsted thO VVolnen s sery cea
I be reniolilited. Depifly Rewo, Clai ed, in all sizes, 34 to 46 From $1.00,to $2.25 each.
Reeve. suggest Od IIJO IoNl, It . -,'-,Tlg inni-hillo to
The I)vptlt� gvtling a sprit,
ctmar at thp Melvol' Colltage illight �Jilqt.N till, orchards lit 1()\vll where crall Bungalow Apruns, large size, neatly finisll,-d, made of extra
be jillp(l with ashes with a layer i,f roquirv(I and it was ipt'i to (tit' Womeu's Cov 9c e ac h.
Golnlilith,4�. 1.
Soil oil top. and also sug�esti-d ill-- (;rvatpr 11ro(hiction quality Percale. At less than the price of material alone. S,)ecial 7
111ing up of tile weil at the coiboriii, liairman to see whitz, arrangements
NODDU S T0006ru lotel wit,, as
()Ullcillor A,lt- 1,1111d lip nla4ie filt, till, i. a, Ina
It ibk hall. xmther
91 son mentioupo a -%Neli at the V101111 otine %it-. Hall I il he Deplity Reeve 'Phone 56 Try Our 'Phone and Mail Order Depgrtment. 'Ph011e 56
6A hotel, wiltwe the Imnip nad ()nly Ill- siig.Fp�tiotl fron t
handle above ground, 'rhis one was wa.4 that victoria Park- anti Ibe
he.lieved to be oil private lirt)periy- Agri(-ultural Krounds he plowed up
rhese were inatters for Lhe Board f(ir cultivation.
of Health. The chairman of tbe Greater Pro-
is,suggp� -tion Board saiii lie proposed to 41, SIC 'Phone 56
Coun. Da1v st,ed tile passing till( a Ineeting shortly. OTCH STORE
of a bylaw for tit+, renioval of eYv- ill- votilicil then adjourned. 'Phone 56 M I L LAP, 23
sores. rhe building hel oliging to
Mr. iotitts, at the dw-k hall the roof
bloiA-Ti off anti was all 1191Y '44111, A FINE SHOWING
and one or two cases of buildill9s
partly destroyed by fire atilt not
if- il.. C� 1. (',adi�ts are Highly Compli- Pills for Nervollis Troubl"N., US
cleaned up Nyere mentioned by d mented by Capt BarclaY StolTiach is tile (""It" (if the
ferent c(AITIC11101"'o. t that if" volis sytell). tilid who'll Ille stolliach IN
The Mayor pointed Ou th,v 1.4 -tilt I
any of LbOse places were believed Capt. Barclay,, of 1,ondon, organ- silspends hpalthY
ilisturbatwo-1; Of thp
colild be tak- WT Hilil inspector of vadet vorps is 'nianife9t, it)
to be tire traps action have them district No. 1, was in 14. , -
i(ir military ner\ e. I f allowell 01�1)pl'slst, 114' J r it
en on that account to Wednesday morning last Nveek debilitv, a 11:1119(1-011-4 admi
f(ir the annual insp(choll (if till- tIrsl et)llpIvratloo
cleaned up. e I I'l ill, o�;.,
The Mayor also) sligge,,3ted the iiiiii with (lie V ill(. stonlach 11) pn'ller
the, Ire e( eadpt corps ill c )nliec ' ot rps"'
of' I )mmittee to,
might take lip wilh the fire chi s very much pleal'50d
ch.airmag pf (,. C. 1. atilt wa, arto ),. and thory Is
()f th(� with the work (of (lit, boys atilt their remp(fy for this than Pat"' It'll
flieprs. The inspec 'I'll(Illsall&4 call
the enlargement of tit(, roiito tion was matie Vegetable 1) i 1 Is.
night watchman atilt have the Chief 0 Victoria Park and 46 out of a attest the .01111f. of thesv pills ill
of police and tire (-hief act in the at. oarade.
case of packing boxes, pte., stored (ojai streirtrth of 57 wpre,011 11 curing nervous
ey might be ren were absont with I ave, being
near buildings wtivi-P tit already engaged lit farm work, and *00004OMP000000000000
in danger of causing fire.
The disposal (if Metal sorap at line was absont tnrough gickness.
tile Wheel Rigs factory was left to J,jeut Philip Carey wag in command The New System of
works (if tile compaily. Allan Sinclair Hold
the chairman (if till- publir
committee. Joe Kelly were half company com- Trading Attention I
His Worship askold as ill ill(' West inanders and four N. C. O.'s and :39
Shore Railway inveting, to which eadets inade lip the strength. great
the clerk replied that a moeting The corps is again eqlipped with Your membership is of
had not been bell during the vOntpr rifles this year, the Itrst time sinee value to YOU
on account of It I ie difficulties Of the commencement of tile war, R iR all we atk, On and after January ist, 1,9!8, time Ontario
d now a further delay Was I
CHAS [�LACK when they were callp(l in. Compare our Price
made to allow of 90fting sveding Aftvr military inanoeuvres, Mr. then decide wh&t a memt)erahil
travel an 2 M Statutes require that, all cars be eqnipped with
0 -rlson p 11
uld pro bably A. W Rob( lit tile boys rneanFl in thim As"ciattOrl
Emanuel 3 done, but a invetilig wo
f(ir lit a week r ten t,hrotigh physical txpreises and th( Special Bargains
voillpaily wa% thpn lined lip while Lenses
days. canced Pears, in beavy F;yrup 17c
The Mayor suggestMI the en- a brief address was given by Capt.
in heavY EE
me' t of aliti) parties to Barclay, lit which he comphinented Canned Peacheft
courage n .... ... lie
come to town (]tiring tile summer, tile officers and inen very hiKhly. f3yruP ...... ... holding the rays of light below 42 inches.
Peve facetiollsiv yhp niarell last, he said, was ex- Pork and Beans, 3 lbs.. In to'
and the Deputy R
suggesLed a nierry-go-rmind all(! ceptionally wpil done, the best he Mato Sallee .... .. IKC
I tie lake hank and hall seer) in any cadet Vorps. On tnon, tall can
a Ferris whepl at ae(-ount of so lliany boys being M L gal
a picnic every day. ker Oats, et- 29c
was re- about U) w0rk oil tTie farms, tho Robin H00d Qlla
Auto Owners
The Mayor's suggestion inspoo-tion wa,; held svvoral weeks 151hf4. best Gren. Hugar
ferred to tile special conimitt.
Councillors Story and Davis rnoN- earlier than ustial ona. cimsidering A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU.
appeal, before this, the wm-k was ev-eptionaily
ed that the asse, ill' (11,46p for free circtilar.
melting and ex- wpli done. t 11mi, bvin� par WHY GO OUT OF TOWN
the council nvxt if,ed I I
tictilarly coininei I tip o irers,
plain why more tairs mno not bpell Barciay said hall evidelitlY on 0
Capt. S Consumers' Associati them at right prices also aU other Actess-
collected and submit a list of ar- We have
t to tit(, drill
'arried. tv p n great a tention
rears. r)oy-s had shown zeal
o I
liggestion was J. J. DOYLE r*es needed.
The Mayor's next 9 hook and th( well. The
ie doill so I - &
eral clean-up (Jay and (it' Mot- in gettinq up it' Quelift St.
C, a gen ev,,e atilt the rifle drill was good, PspeciallY (-,on- a"g".
n of the I)eplity R
uy Auto Tires now I
B sidering tit(, fact that sonic of tile
Wednesday, May Ist, L000cmaw.&O0000000000 — B
small to carry a 01
were pretty
t. set aside as clean-up daN an boys
-y rifle.
nnune ment to be made to that ef- beav
The object of tile drill was liot -e advanced. We have a considerable stock
Tires ha%
to make soldiers
Davis -Kigg,"sil"'d ()op.Of (jut of the boys. ;I INSURS IN oil hand to be sol(l at old prices.
radets had
giVing Lhough many given a
men ana a Ieam
Lhe town
Caretaker Aldous a hand to clean good account (if themselves in the
taking 0"1 11"' war , hill to) gl�o` them )hysl THE GREAT WEST LIFE R
up the cemetery, en lip the mads. traitimg alld fllsCildil)e whiell wollt"
road grader to ev hairman tit triake theni alert really tA) act
c agreed to take [Tie c LOWEST:PREMIUMS
H mittee their own initiative and rnnnnprlv. Buy now I
the c( tery and parks com LIBERAL POLICY
Principal litime a1w) liripfly coin- MOS I
out to see what roxyta he done
tho pillille plimelit
Chairman Wallis of ed Ille lmvq. C 1. staff MOST SATISFAVORY
The i i -r,4 1-f tho-
ivinbi pre
works committee reported that they 1ruMpe" were Ity W( SETTLEMENTS
found they muld plaster till the and the
breaks in the Wwn hall and bright- represented at tile inspecloill BUSINE88:11i FORCEI$120,M,000 0
muremo for at -lit
en it up With
ad alreadv MacEWAN'S GARAGE
$50. The committee h The Rafv wav to send mon— GF,0. WOODS
rity 1A) lia-,e tile mail is bv I)orninion Fzl)rpsg Mllitov AGENT
been given autho
0 % Cor. Hamilton apd St. Andrm
work done. Ordf-r. %RAW dwJwn7,�,W V� —�rM7 �Xl N7 .10
His Wotshi tnen announred
R dress
Z, that he had a ew livords ill -ad "C"*0000000*0*0*01=
to the policemen, not dictated 11Y ODOODDOOOC"30000*CC"20GVOOO*CHMOG
animosity or officioiisneq,4. Till'
duties of the police were 84)mpwh,-kt
varied and were. not all defined 1 -
ide We were living in an age of efli Nicely Cleaned and Pressed
14... mdr6h ciency. If boys uncer age wPr,'
frequenting pool rooms thp Polle" Nicp]v cleaneil ftnd Preg"A clothei; are nobby it tl,,ne right
hould know it. it was wro
ride on the sidewalks. In 19M
pielum Swaffield met with 6 serious arri Why Not Have Your Lace Curtains Cleaned By U
(lent that was the fault of the p(dir,
The sidewalks were not a r(,11,,r
rink either. A town bylaw re(juired THE GOOERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS
that beggars should nave thp -1
dors mont of the police hofore 1 -IN Wnwr STill-11
the -an ing their wiles. Tbe pi-ilwo
�Ory ()f a girl who limit evorvthin� in the world Abe wantA OxcePt 'Phone 122 It V ININN
,,The Cinderella Man"
see that thero wprb nn nb9triirtwi, ROOMAN,
The at HOW lit'i, win,ther bi-art Q (ieqlrA Iq revealed wilen YOU kee Mse ei4 -- --------
she lovelil (,IlFk Man ' No till, Ni,.iel Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. on the strPots. The fa el�k I-I"riv, 00112MI"
, .. The Ciniler ed to the people. Another nov -1 oocmmCOOOOMOOOOOOOG000000*0000*C 4 : napnocanoo"
11[mr .
,&prii 29th and 30th. Pri(*4('A 111C nwl �-)C-