The Goderich Star, 1918-03-22, Page 8.0 a TO CA 4 R ho Nor, D. T, e )oU wsk the immit? uo, to 1100*00 *4( . JRJqhP0o0,* to- atu here. fflORE Mr. Tom Wilbott opQAtAb* Week-", T11 06. G. Ar'-wi, Clerk. dorva, the country. and Mr. A. Clark has rat�r -047 -ft.% --jl� oi*Ws '"ILM -, - Pleasant visit to biv old 40140, FULL SIOCK 01 11144cr the aueWeant tbia N110 public Yr. and Mrs. Gordon Young attended school 4 copoert will be given to the NOV0160 tile Girviti-MoDer4nii, We"_pg 10t cbJITch, On 00 'eve"Ising of Thursdav, MWER AND B.P.C. THREADS T ourailay. Moratt 29th. At% excellent prcigraut is r like Mrs. R. V. Young spent ; few d$) a PMPVed a 78i"11 -Jif _1__.._ lncju"g new-EIT—c— Cana_ A4. 91ste a with biet'619ter. 10W. "tM_*VtVY- HE CELg"ATZD VOLLAND LI,4F5 Eucmeztr. diap Maid. Friday titenitig was a rcd loom 04Y The FsiMeml Club will meet on A maximllal 1*1,eal at I r,,in, Cp rds from 5c to 2 5C for Carlow welcominA home one of our wecitioaday ug.,-MaKch 2 t4 yoni , IT011 1,111p6itilA 67_ _ .11% , '' imum price. ag men ftunt the twttlelftbWo of t.bo�or -ev" . business. 'Loo'7 il: A. pUrlotto #a4ze Will be given madev f3ouklets frorn JC. Europe PrIvate Frank 13;try. Albotio 2 yearb oxv Wo baclu Fr4uk good bye 0e auspices of the United Patriotic Chickens. Ducics, etc., I Oc, and %vwbod him God speed and IL' MA4 Society On Friday even March 224d ChIldren's Stampad and Ready - return. s lie spent seveu umthe in the from a In i5c and 25C trPtiche and ren-lved blo w to I o'clock at the"home of MT. 1 N140 00*1* 4�t H, Keith Revell, 4th Concession bens, wounds which our 94140 5,01dier Adruhaglon W, Couple, will carry for % Idog time." He U also Come at,d see our line of shell hbooked, Shortly after 8 Wolook Ve full s-ing ; the friends of Frook from far and near TIPPERARY Whfie War . w Wall Papers in gathered at the tOW1112111P hall. RVOVO Mr. Albert Qqatolou to at present laid betore making up your sy p�y i3intier, larger range and abso- Young 'to the olhaft. Speeches were up with a severe at4ok of is grippe. P ofiven by Rev. R. J. Ross, 4ohn Young. Mrs. J"esse, Gray? who has been on an liately as reasonable in price ss Loyal, R. M. Young. teacher of the extended visit among' friends, has Young Mania' Class. Councillors UcCituvo returned to her home. - ever. liulder and Plotter. Solos were given Gladstone Girigg, of the the oth con., MISS S. NOBLE tq Mlsb Marion Glen. Milan Teas John., ston, r. Eimer obortsou, mad Mel -V16 -hax eugnued-far-the summer witu cuaw. . . . . . . Whltol�, of the 7tb con. Tyndall. Chun. Robortgoo made very fitting reply for Private Bgrry. The The bean threshers ace again in our ladles of the Colborne Red Cross served 1101ghborbood. Farmers are having cents eazh. Be sure and buy a ticket a sp!enotd 1"ch and all there he e, Cilulte a time getioug their b ans.dry far fromatity parsou. haNing Mrs. Daniel& pleasure of speak In g t a our soldier boy tokets to sell. The gathering came to a close by thZ The funeral at Joseph Jarvis. of the singing of the National Anthem. Maitland con.. on Monday last, was MONG THE CHURCHES very largeiv attended bv sorrowing COLBORNE friends of the coiutnuuitv. "Clivet to Calvary" wil I he a in ugleal Miss Mae Glen left this week for Chas. Cooper, sea 'of G. A. Cooper. treat -Good Prida evening at North St. Mobbodis 'obure Alsask, Basic. Mrs. W. Jewell lobar who was taken sick with bronchlitts in t I - DENMILLLR sister. Clinton, is so tar on the way to recovery Watch for further announcement of Several pelfolo htkv(-L tauped in this Aldin Allitt shipped one car hogs and as to be able tobe brought home. special Easter'Fervices in the S. A. Cita- Vinietty. J. WiConnor one car cattle. to Tcronto Messrs. George- and. Linda Cautelon del on Monday eveiring, April lat. have gone to Flint. Hich."to attend the The blue hirds and 1-0134118 are wel- this w0ck, funeral of their brother-in-law, the Rev. The hymn "Per those in Peril on the come visitors. Mr. H. B. Churchill and baby, Wtn Cole, who died ilk Florida and was Se%- wae sting at St. George's church lientutiler cluirch is undergoing re- Novena, ate visiting Monkton, relatives brou'ght back to biq home in Flint. last Sunday, as it was believed Lieut. T­t1r. It Its being repaller0d. this week. 'Funeral on Tuesday,, Jordan was -on. the ace fa�oa Jils return. (any friends and neighbors attended Bert Varcoe spent a few days last Early Hanbiy, son of Robert Hanlev, to the front. Fowler's rutioral la,,t Hul,da). week with bN sister, Mrs. T. C. Trethe, who died on Sunday evening. will be Rev. Mr. KeDermid will conduct Per. 14,)r,ows friewit, at Bunwil- wa.,k, at Guelph. buried today 1W n day) in Baytield vicea in Knox church next Sunday. E��h a" Morning subject "Our Home Mission it) be �011V to lealu of her iliness Gen. Feagatf left this week for Port cemetery. VI g. 23 yVarta and one Situation." E vatting subject " rhe Glory Ineltaf4biliv. Ont. Arthur to commence work on the boat rnontb old. is Young 00 ita well as e tile Jjlefl�e,l to welcome Pte. prior to the 6eason's sailings. the old. He was a member of Bayfleld Of the Cross." kers t.arii f o,,i the frmit. Ile itr- Misis Flossie Horubv went to North line Orange lodge. Friends from differ. In the absence of the p%stor, Re% l I In (ki'letich -in Wednesday e%ou- Bay on Tuesday to visit her sistera. ent parts of the country are gathering Gordon M. Holmes, the puloit of' th Hei- parents have bieen there rot some for the funeral. He leaves a young Baptist church will be occupied next time wife and an infaut daughter te mourn Sunday at both services by Rev. J. E. i lie T(acher rraining class of Zion tits loss. The sympathy of the com- Ford. The church auditorium ts being ('11 "' ch North wrote on the Old Tests- Mrs. McManus and two children, of munity is with the bereaved ones. used again for the 3unday services. All Men, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mtlly, Bask., left, for their home on C", I Monday. Mr. McManus left a week are welcome. ast Tuesday evening. ago with aear of settlers' effects. KIPPEN The pastor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout vrill have charge of the services In Victoria AVBVRN Mr. J. N. Kernighan has returned Miss McKenzie has been visiting in it. Methodist church next Sunday. .1rom Regina, where Ivi was the delegate the home or her brother here during Morning subject "The Gold of that Lafid Y.t Brown, our genial harness maker, representing Optario Farmers' Club the past week. w,,. absefL last week vtaltind friends at at the farmers' convention held there. [a Good, " evening. "The Guide Book of Mr. Faskin if' In his post again as the Way." Sunday school and Bible Quite a number of the Colborne station agent after a few days' absence Class at 3 o'clock. Epworth League Mr anti Mrs. John Robertson, of people attended funerals In Goderich in Elora. attendirig"his brother's funeral. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All (;Qd(.f ich, are visiting in the village at on Sunday and Monday of Mrs. Fowler, During the preparations of moving to welcouie. Pre- ut, sr., and Mx. Jas., Jewell, both oil' real- his new home last wrek, Harry Chesney Last Sundav was observed as neague dents of Colborne. W. McLaughlin, of the Rterltug Bank met with rathrr an unpleasant accident. anniversarV at Victoria street Methodist b, to. left la4t week, in answer to the The Colborne Red Cross workers have He ran One Prong of a pitching fork into at* rch. E. B. Hale, an old Godeclob c.i', r his country. to report 253 pairs of socks which were his ankle and- for some. days be has Zy. who is a cominercial traveller with 1_e lte%.. Janics W11.4on, of [)over- knit during January, February and for been laid up while suffering consider- headquarters at 8tratford. and Is presi- c, llo.ill Presbyterian ch the mouth oudleg March 19th. They able pain. urch, visl- dent of the London Conference Ep- I t"I It'lld, 411 this locality last week. were Unit by We following ladles : Miss Robert Thompson. Jr., is in the worth League, preached both morning 4heppard. 20 pairs; Mrs. Jas. McBride, county town this week attending the and evening. His subject in the morn- :l:,e organized Youbg People'h Bible 17 pairs; Mrs. A. Young, 16 pairs: Mrs. assizes as juryman. He Is one of the Ing was "Consecration, " and In the cla- in the Presbyterian church, tottyad NVw. Walter, Ruby Young, Mrs. F. fortunate farmers with his bean crop. evening "God's Builders. " Mr. Hale hit, wo a social evening In the Manse. 4ilders, 13 p%irs each; Mrs. Potter, Mrs. nl',i Frlda� eveniag. He realized 01,900 from a field of 13 isa fluent talker and presented some C. A. Robertson, 11 pairs each; Mrs. R. abIcs. He hand-picked his seed and good thoughts. The. cbqir furnished .of the sight-soeiiagR of the villrtg*�l M. Young. Mrs. J. Young, Bessie Clark, the result watt a splendid even crop. special music. The pastoe. Rev. J. H. 14 e if t Ilt, ice breaka, up to the mprtug. Mrs. Gullaghor, 10 pairs each -, Mildred Mr. and Mrs. French are now rest. Osterhout. had charge of the services Th. Nim holds the too bacli- and usual. Young, 9 pairs; Mrs. Johnston. S pairs; 1% 1 i�p ice [)ties up for a couple of wiles Mrs. T. Hamilton, Mrs. Huston, Mrs. G, dents of our village. having moved in and he was assisted by Pte. Harold ahoi e the dam. Gloo. Mrs. E.Fisher, Mrs. Levy, 6 pairs from their farm which they have rpold Lawson, of the London Military Camp, back to Mr. Writ. MoDoug The services were both well attended. Nit. Jerry Taylor, of Auburn, has just cacti; Mrs. Scott, 5 ptAirv; Ruth Potter, all, r -)m r� v, i tied home from a week's vital t with Mrs. T.� McPhee, Pearl Young, MIrs. whom they bought a few years ago. The anuiversary services of the North A% L I"' (to(] Mrs, R. Flynn, of Weston, Klugswell. Miss Tabb. 4 pairs eanh; Mr. McDougall, after trying village life St. Methotitut chu rch willbe held next vi heke he has been closing tip the estate Miss J. Wilson. Mrs. J. A. Walter. Mrs. to Hensall for thdae years, has decided Sunday. The pa"Jor, - Bev. Dr. Rut C" tj 1.� late allnt, Bliss S&ML Lougstoff. Geo. Clark, Bliss Johnston, 6 pairs each; that farm life ib preferable, ]edge. will preach. Morning subject, Arli. -A. W. Young, Jean Glen, 2 pairs James Grassick made a good sale the "The Church as. aw ItIve-itment" even - Mr. Nicholson. of Noricktou. half & each; Miss Glen. Mrs. (Rev.) Ross, 0. Other day, when he Bold fourteen Ing. " Vhe Furious Driver. " Special sale of cattle in the village last Satur music %ill be furnisfied,by the choir. clay. Quite a large number from the Potter,' DorothfRobartson, Ethel rabb butchers' steers at llI 1.55 a cwt. When bok"loutiding neighborhood were Natiev Gliders. Mrs. J. Thompson: delivered they averaged 970 lbs. and As this tB to be the congreg%tional come at The prices realized Were v Pro' Retta young, Mrs. H. W. Walter, 1 pair brought $1,568.49. Mr. Grassick has to church Sunday, all menjibers of the cry each. still 33 head of cattle. He is a good congregattuti. voqtl;,, and old, who are g4�,- i ait first. ' Toward the close of the to feeder and always does well with his able 'a -re 6xpected to be present. sid­, hidding wits slow, and seiviiral aut- For the moutti of February and tip i -ti- %%are withdrawn. the 19th of hiarvil, there were made 48 stock. Last year he received �1,940,60 Visitors are alway,; welc,)me. The suits of pyjamaa ano 22 day shirts. for the same number of bead but he servict,7N will be hell in the church' These were wade by Mrs.JarvlaNc- kept theft, until the last of May and suditotititu. Tbe Men'A Sunday Clnb e:rly all a I hildren are Rphiept to Bride, 7 suits of pyjamas; Mrs. E. Fl%h- got a higher price per lb. Ineets -in church parlor at 10 a. m. is and niany are horn Nvith thom er, 0 suits; Ruth Potter, 5 1 2 suits; Mrs. aluthern suffering by rising Mother, 8 Bl. Young, Mrs. J. Fisher, Mrs. H. ­os'Worm Exterminator, the best Sean, Minerva McPhee, 4 sulth each; BRIEF TOWN TOPICS r,;tvly of the kind that can be had. Mrs. Kingswelband Mrs. Gen. Betin., 11 Its! Mrs E Jackmau 2 1-2 sults* Urs 11 Omsk", - J__ -Or I Hl' limitless Easter display',,revealing all that" is new r and fashionabl, in the Millinery world. Attractive models direct from the fashion centres, as well as - charming productions -from' our own workroom. . A wide variety of styles., shapes and colors that baffle descriptioii. Visit our Millinery Department and know the satisfaction of being suited with a Hat that f, ­ ski _­ __ak__ Aly", s Ilf; seems--to­-e i e or you indiviat fully do our. Hats ive the personal touch to gI L _b_ 'd - smartness. The sea o goo aste ran s every Hat. It would be difficult to choose wrongly. Come Saturday, or early next week.' for best choosing, and be sure of your new Hat for Easter. Oup Hats ape sold at mod-epate ppices SPPIng Suits, and -.Coats Smart, Dressy Suits In Serge and Wool Poplin, in the popular colors; sand, gray and navy. . Priced It r6m VO q42.50 to $40-00 Spring Coats In smart, practical styles, made froin tweeds, novelty ch6cks, poplins, sergeg. coverts, valours. wool jerseys, etc, featuring new collars, b. -Its and pockets. The colors ontainable are grey, sand, black, navy.' taupe, and all the popular springshades: Pricesrangefrom to $37.50 The Things to Give the Finishing Touches to Your Easter Attire Easier Neckwcar, Easter,Hosiery, Easter Glove--,, New Corsets, New Carnisoles, New Liagerie An extensive assortment in thc new styles,,now shown. HODGENS BROS ,Direct Importers 0 6 0 D E lit i a H I I etnem er A0111 marics Co., Gt too .1 A.WalterandUrs. Huston, 2 each; Opera House tonight SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ffi Miss Gallagher, 1,. suit. Mrs. J Me- Huron Lodge No. 62 1. 0. 0. F. will Subject for discussion "How can we at present acting as manager here. Bride, 7 day shirt% Mrs. E. Fisher. 5 1 from C. B. Routley Co., Toronto. 1918 tneet every Monday night until further cc ibirts; Mrs. Gen. Clark, 8 shlrts� Mrs. get most out of the set man? " All men Mrs. McGregor has joined her hus- new Wall Paper Sample Books are now R Bf. Young and MissGallagher notice. invited. band, Mr. H. McGregor, the new ac. in the hands at our represeutive, Mr. A. 2 each; Don't tnisq the sacred cantata "Olivet Le 113.r- TAPF.. I Mrs. Geo,�--Bean, MrB� Huston, Xl�s. Geo. countant at the Sterling Bank here, Snazel, whom we can guarantee as a w Glen, I abirt eazb. to Calvary" at North St. Methodist arriving- on 'SbitbedaV- In'st.- Mr Me- practical paper hanger and decorator. church Good Friday evening. PEOPLE WE KNOW if The Singer Sewing Machine f* Mrs. Hamilton gave a roll of old cot- , -wall paper early before the 4; - Gregor has been enrolled in "Knox Get Yollf W The Gen Brougn Chapter, 1. 0. D. church choir and Mrs. McGregor pro�l !pring rush from A. Snazel, West St. % Lou.. The -society gratefully acknow. _#3�4 " , Mr. W. C. Brough. of Toronto, was in a y a so d 0 t* Agent, has taken over the N ledge t1f6 sum at $5 train Mr. Andrew E.. are planning to hold a patriotic eu- town this week. bI I will become a membe a a rs West oi Star Office. ft Young. -Mits. E. FIsHER, Sec. chre and dance early in April. Farther (IM particulars later. Rev. Gordon M. HoluieR is spending Mrs. McManus and clifidrE Miller's Worm �_Owders prove their Lt agency ot the M the week end in Mt. Forest and Toron- have been spending the winter with the value. The do not cause any violent Hear Mr. Percy King, London bart- ASHFIELD tone, in the Easier cancata, "Olivet to to. on� lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs John A. disturbaneeg in the stonjach any Pat, Ashfield Ctiucl�ll Minutes, Mar. 11, 1918. Calvary" at North Rtmet Methodist M rs. Weslev Walker and(,. s Walter, Colborne Tp., left for their or griping but do their work quietly and International Harvester I The regular meeting of council was church, Good Priday evening. Clarence. ,er, visitors at BlYth uring home in Meyronne * Sw;k., on MondaY. painlessly, so that the destruction of W hold to�day as per adjournmont. the week. Air. McManus preceded them last veck, the worms is irn perceptible. Yet they M The monthly meeting of the Red Easter Cards at i taking with him a carload of ebop. are thoro'gh. and front the first dose Company EN Tire minutes of Feb. 11, 1918, being Cross Society will be held in the Grand H* R* Lting, 11,trict representalile u R read, were approved, on motion of liach- there is inivrovement in the condition Jury Boom in the Court House next Sun Life Asqui-ance Co., was in Walton the sufferer and an entire cessation ett and Richardson. Monday evening at 8 O'clock. and -Novelfies the past week. ;Get your job Printing at The Star. 0' on HAM11-18N $trial On motion by Johnston and Itichatd- of manifestations )f internal trouble. (f son. the contract of the usual printing The most marvelous thing that happ- Miss Bradford, of the local branch of ened In the making at "Nearly Married" In Great Variety the Rank- of Montreal, has been visiting and vvill handle both lines for 1918 was lot to the Star at $70.00 for in Toronto this week. the year. the now Goldwyn photoplay starring The chotce-t Booklets and Yo'ders, f Collegiate =110010. UUM R4 Moved by, Hackett and Richardson Madge Kennedy, was that when the f rot i. Sc up to 50c. Dr. Spotton, inspector 0 Institutes, was in town the earlier part. 's FARM MACHINERY and R that Dr. Simpson be paid S50 for his director tried W find a Ford car to mout E,litter Post Cards, from Ic tip, IN services as Medical Otlicer of Health the prescription of the scenario, Ilia Fluffy Little Chicks, 2 for Sc of tile week visiting the local Collegiate. SINGER SEWING MACHINN W and Sanitary Inspector for 1917. and search was In Vain for six hours. Ddintv 94ster Boxes. So Mrs. W. T. Pridbarb, of Toronto. spent $15 for atten- lance on Indigent patient. The Motiegetung Canoe Club enjoyed gaster Pennants, 15c Kud 25C the week end with her mother. Mrs. A. Tailoring tE He. letter from It. Vanstone threaten- a banquet at the Bedford Hotel on Mon. Cook. also her sisters, Mrs. R. H. John - D a Easter Pictures and Mottoea. CC A tair share of the putin Pat- 4 Ing action'tudesm settlement was made day evening. The Club held I I ston and Mrs. W. G. Lnlfbr. W for Henderson bridge across the ditch tournament between sides captaianerby Remember rour friends, also the Deputy Reeve Clark was in Londou tonage will he appreci ed. I to his gateway. T. M. Davis find H. T. Ed wards. Mr. Kiddt", with art Easter Ctird or Nov - this weeklanvtng Rood -bye to his son, if @6 Moved by Richardson aud Itachett Edwards' tilde won the tournament and "tv. I Furnishings S that the clerk reply to the letter, sAying Mr. Davis' side put up the banquet, Robert. who left WeduoRdav with the i gFt*lfk%*MEEENNNOGUSsaimagBeassam 7th Western Ontario, Regiment for the that this council refuses to take any The Board of Trade are holding a front. action to the matter. banquet this (Friday) evening in the of the local Also SPFCIAL ORDER CLOTHING By-law No. 3 to authorize the issue Smith's Art Stope Mr. Jackson, manager Bedford Hotel commencin$f'itt 7 o'clock. branch at the Sterling Bank Is away In - of $4,500 of debentures for the purposie of Mr. T. J. 11aunigan. sectetairy of the rut iltreet Phone 193 specting branchett and Mr. Lo D08, Am AA111 building a now school in U. S. S. No. Hydra, Radical Association. will give an bratiet. Is 4, was duly road and finally passed. address on Hydro, RadlaItt, Nat onall- manager of the Dungannon. age - I There was considerable discussion as zation of Railways anti Distributlon of 111WW F to abolishing statate labor, part of the Electric Errergy. I dounell strongly favoring doing so, but no action waa taken. Mrs. Daniel. being conflned to the r VON, The Sugar situatiou does house every winter as soon as the snow -!QAC5FkK1 (Clerk's note -Now that so many of the comes. Instead of knitting for the so). not look goc4. To be safe roads are designated county roads. and diers, this winter has been making a lot of work Ia practically wasted on A SHOE STOK%-Ed put in a supply. At pre. "I silk and velvet quilt which has over wally good -stretches, and so much sent we are in a on very Poor work Is done " ofteme roads, three thousand pleces in it, flvhtch she FOR S intends to donate for patriotic purpose4, to supply yourp%sci'eid &tul as the work or Parts of It is never by selling tickets, the price being too I doze on oome rottils, and &a all the EVERYBODY1 10 arge quant &or farmer's time Is now required in pro. Cash only. duction, wo"Id It tot be a wtse thing to do away With 6taWto labort and have the council att4mit to only absolutely .112ve You found a Good nfteliWy rep;alra 1111 after� we have won tilts waft, it we oanwin it at %[I ) Your Lpi)v New Spring Footwear M-atch yet? The following acwtints were ordered If not we can supply you.' paid. 11%irou Tp., bhl. auto Of bboodacy tu�,count 1017, $1 17�31; at Popular Prices TRV tre*"rer W. AVAiwavoth Tp., balance boundary wount 1917 and Division F"y W tefing Oburt wount, to.69. Ittintelpal world. Have a look at our many snippV styles ot up-to-the-minute Aed sod" 1111 04 Awwww and other aupplios. $16.11; Might be broken up tomorrow. Footwear, made In grrey, choCoNte, black vici kid, patent. and thes, -ire &"4, -, ' , N. 1!!, Whyttd, ftp. township 06al, III*; 'In these ftro%tirred tinies buis� Calf leatlief� at last season's prices, otving to our contracts -%e,our 'Tho& 0, Alit*, 1.4 satary $0.74, and bADdS mind gons ar, being call. witlidow disphty on Slitur. 1,6,xvrew otod poet" Acobliot, ARK.81; ed to the defence of their being place& several months in advance of the rezent ra6e in #bar oillc* b4anoe o country, - Spiting, and Summer Footwear. day, Uarch will, Wvtb6t of Mus- Wiv"and daughters site t&k. d), to S76.00-, Joba grk ing tfith's P160 --s'. Separations See Our Windows �7wp have a Aftodwent of 1144ky. 66*111 .6 at JeratMft Stldp-, art f"tmtit. , V-6 Pmeiii- Ili at ISO. lot, W, ocft 0. Vt. M", light At Baldwin b= ft.fo. W4*.. UIS6tik, 10 Uttta *�c ana'40 pftlb� boAlt hdl ta,�bave photogntypItt .0 fat pr ce an inigger brown Boots, made %vith Neolm sales and madt here Ito eXoh&bXe with IWIA *6*k S. A. ootlitty c"a, ".60; tubbtr beels. 'W**A Old 004ft*� *"w Your tathiltlavid friends. 'W- 00, 4 Z" 04. *14 4 0 40" Wfb. PCM MUM THE ON MAN to � ww'. fmca, 1 ­" 0 n Sfto ftf 0$' Dr. PAJWP" 91 AN 4W#VL I", j, 'w' - V"" 411 = I . 0 _ I - J. T. +� �q - 114, "N K CHAS. BLAI U` 0 I