The Goderich Star, 1918-03-22, Page 5IL
spopip spiur
0 Take
Mr 0 IN 13
Cara I D MI
be Star bp's recieIved a. copy of The
'Z, Vou
of Fortlaues :xelitilia-) L)Dui NvowRar- it,
Iyulti Is V6 �cttler frow rw� Goo. V.
Crabb, "on of 'Ar. F. A. Crabb. iNho, was Can't
—the ready. cash which first born and brought up in Goderich. pte.
tritibled the erivled�po=eAzovs Stand,
fbiLd avigitlon instruction centro, t5unie.
IQ grasp financial opportual Every
Sayl 3 thing
the great niaJorlity of cases I% found'to have been a ng us this paper Vr. Crabb,
Bank Balance, the rather, writes us as follows. Cis
"Georgeeri1juted at the first crack and Do Von thial; vou are made of
It the spirib of Americanism amounts Steel ?
Shrewdrilea% and good sense commend the opening, and to p@41i k4tory. why it Is 900L -bi Hun, w1i N ol neglect a SIOCk- j$ tite lirgest we
tb&Vss�li Itwasnot many years ago of , il� as NA &% vour ing of the
fostering of a Savings Account in the Unks Bank d UNW1111. when "little George. " as he was kno-wn which is the most ASTER is the open Sprilig S(14$ is here in all
GoDERICH BRANCH F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager then. was rurinti nrot ud the streets of and delientriv adjusted machine have ever shown. All the uewes ovvftieli tori,posonal'W't4r,
A Gbderi when wy wile and I %vote in all the wnrl-I I charm -
there for a visit.' Gee whizz, but ain't When , ou teel yotir nerve-, weak- its beRilly. Never have materials been ni bt3itiltif-011 AM 1161(ii'lis so
IiIs t6 get the full
Well, I guess. slitiepli worry, morbidness.
trbe boys bore anxious to get over. euirg. as -shown by Irritabilitiv. 114ed bo
I ing as this season. All early inspection is reco
TOWN COUNCIL The public works committee reported Ptio. Crai letei is in part as tol. "blue*," diicour4genient. it'sAime advantage of our large stock.
that there had been about 300 quarter Iowa: to rac� about an,% o som
cords of wood, sold and delivered and 0 eithitig
INDEPENDENT VALUATION OF TOWN 15 there was still approximately seventy Deai Was mighty glad W get Give vour nerviLs the vittil phos.
your lettel this weelt. In regard to my pb.ies thity need. Take
DROPPED quarter cords it, the town hAII yard, smoking, I did kind of give it up for The Easter Coat I be, NoW Slilks
------ aTipe more or-leBs- - Of fi list . 1. c o . n s - icie . t . at . io . n - i . s -_ the - - new Coa - t - -- ----- -- Dame fa0liolit pre(lid t a
we se
'�eXAt ' at, increased pi will help to Pay th0cost 4 ldpge lected
-All the councillors, with the except- $3..30 per quarter cord, delivered, which over here, as the evenings are so long
jc--�ot Qouncillor Ci - — e- and we can't get out of camp, Picica. season, it is on thIS' knowl
'Ithe regular session of the council on of handling this 70 qu,.rter cords the dilly. Little Cigars. or those wild Hava. for Easter, We Lire showing the nattiest. our spring assortments,
second ttme. Your committee thqught nas are the only cigars I liked because Dynamic Tonic Coats possible. Styles are not extreme and * �? ,
Friday night last, it adviswble to get all the wood out of e PailetteSilk, yard wide, all
ti. they were so mild. Everything a fellow which'iq composed of thes the moderation in the plice will at once appeal Rich q=41tv
An impolication for permission to in- the bush at once, aa it would be prac gets over here is doped and I don't like pho-T)b%tog. and I
atiall a gasoline tank and pump at his caft Impossible, to haul the Wood to ad' them a bit. I had P, slight cold, but vnu will -onii feel the vivor And to all. Covert Coats have first prominence the new and rich color1ngs,,q,,peCi1A1 per yd.
garage on South street, from T. M. vsutage 6ver the roads from the bush didn't lay off from work. I am like the enrrizv ef R school hnv. DvnR rnic and the smart tweed effect, ranging in price
1 during the spring season. I
I Frenchman that had lost one eye, and Tonic do�q nit �:ontain alci It f rom
Davis, was referred to the public works Councillor Wallis brought up the queR- said: "They cami't compel me to go is a strevivithener, not a stimulailt, $15.00 up Taffeta Silks are MUCh to the fore, all the
committee. tiou of rain coats and caps for the town back. I am going back to get that It makes voitit feel better becausix:
An application from JamesBowman men when on outside work in wet Dutchman that put my eye out. " you are betier. Ask up. new shades in a rich t1dility.
weather, and the public works commit- We have bunches leaving for the Taffeta Silk that will give splendid sditls-
for the position of caretaker of the town
parks, ou the same remuneration as last tee was given vower to purchase these. front, and I wish I was one of the lucky
year, was referred to the parks commit- i Councillor Robertson, who bad given ones, The folldi that have to stay, James A., Campbell, These Handsome Broadcloths faction for suits, skirts and,dr#0P.S# yard wide,
notice at the last regular meeting that look. ch. so wistful, because they can't Special
tee. he would move for an independent val- Phm. B. Broadcl,)ths are unexcelled for the dresy $1.75 and $2.25
A. letter of thanks from the Goderich I the town, wished to Change go along too. I wish you could see bow "CENTRAL DRUG STORE- suit, exquisite rich colors in the season's new -
Rebekah Lodge for a donation of $50, nation of happy the fellows are as they leave.
for Red Cross work was filed. I his motion, and moved, seconded by God knows some of them won't come 'Phone 90 GODERICU. ONT. est shades. The prices are li but the qua -
W answer to the clorlir*s inquiry the . Counci Story.. that the back; -but, Just,to- get into the "middleof tity is exceptional Cotori taupe, sand,
ng an inde- k
sider the advisability of havi — — — — --- — — — `_ fancy-Sil
Canada Company wrote expressing their, ed that the muss" is Our dream and one that putty, oriental blue, nigger, green, navy,
willingness that their lots should be pendent vUluation. He suggest becomestrue all too slowly. I'd give
another roAn to accoun pan y Mr. Camp- The Fancy Silks in dress lengths are the
used for cultivation again thIA-year, the might anything I own or hope to have to fly black, S4 inch wide,
occupier, however, having to take his bell in making the assessment ai fight ovey the lines. It I was flying OBITUARY richest we have ever shown, beaufflul rich
chances of the lot being sold. The meet the case. over the lines I believe that I isbould be $5.75 per yard colors, with Contrasting Stripes, tPe pick of the
matter of allocating lots was referred to The Mayor pointed out that this had In the seventh heaven of delight. DONALDAON. - One Of Goderich's old-
tho public works committee. been done some years ago and the =ui --I'm beginntnWito-find o-tit-tta.1; %,when L, "t,-res1dea_t.K p;,�Rtwd to_lwx r k ard on �,eason, yard vi
The following committee reports were meDts made on this result were not get good and angry and have good rea-
e assess- Ftidav last. when Mrit i Donald -
adopted good, and it this was done th 0 --- The New Waists _"r Y&rd
ment could not be completed by April s 11 for being so (and the dirty Hun R 'lgin
The special committee recommended . sure has given me good reasons) I can on. I, Avpnne, RVIRWered to the
that the communication from the Ou- 30th pf njyself. and final call. She had cutered or) her The new Waists are exceeding attractive,
Councillor Story was not in favor of a give a good account 9 ninetv-second vear;iTid hadiresidind In
tario Govertiment Fisheries Sales change from the i3resent syi that's all that's, wanted. I'm going to ('0dorlich 41noe eirlhood. Coming to They corne in Habutai Silk, crepe-de-chille, The Easter Glovies
Branch with reference to namitig deal- Reeve Laitli pointed to the few- try to fly the,best tlgbttDg scont, plane (mactich with her pavii,titis froin Scot- and Georgette. Many styles with large Col-
ers as distributors otGovernmentfish the army owns and bL the best pilot No Easter outfit i$ not COMIA00 without
ess of the appeals to the Court of Re- )Rnkl, where Nhit, was born at Ctiathie, lars, others- with the new I Uxedu collars, all
be filed ; that the petition with refer- vi,3ion as evideuce of general satisfact- the army has. It's a big job, but I' In beimt Jane Morgain. one or more pairs of new Gloves. Our
ence to ameuding the statute crupower- not only willing, but anxioiis to tackle lier niftiden nRittle -colors are in stock, ranging in price trorn. I
ion with the assessor's work. The roll Foi- tbe paiiitt ti%e ye,tr�.Aiv had been a Gloves are the best to be had.
Ing the municipality to levy poll tax. as had been published 13 or,14 years ago it. constant care, hor wind heillLt a ftected.
suhmitteo by the duelph City council, nd was considered pietty satisfactory. . However, my job just now is inspect. She iii; Anrvi\ed l.y two simtets. 'Mrs. $2.95 Perrins' White Kid Gloves, plain or with
be approved and forwarded to the Prime a Couticillor Wilson said there was no Inc! parts'of cylinders, and It's going to Clftrkp, of I wtroilt, and Mrsi. Alit�x. sterl- hlitck stitchingy all sizes in stock,
Minister and loal member as rei'luest" room for any great kick at the assess- be done as good as G. F. C. knows how. of (Witlelich, and leaves it familv Of
ed ; that no action be taken at present One of the joys of life over here is $2.00 per pair
on the request, or Mr. M. W. McLean for went, In his opinion. red what when you are on gaard duty, often after L;[)(' sou and i wo dainwhiers, DaVILI D011- The Easter Neckwear
a reduction or alteration in the bylaw Deputy Reeve Clarke inquii , dark and on a wild night. You sce a aldsou, of iii Mrs. Iii,ers, of Swith- gara Silk Glove, every
such an independent assesAmeut would amptoi).an,il )11 iiiiz A lion aldson. inGode- K,i)-iii and Nia
setting the license fee on moving pic- cost, and the opinion was expressed man coming. ' You sbout, "Hatt,.who licli. livi [iit�,hauo aivd uvarly half t), The new Neckwear is dainfl?r ttian ever, poir guaranteed. Double finger tips, in white,
ture shows for temporary periods. In that it would probably cost about $150. goes there*?" He says bo is an officur c""tuly ago. The f1mvial was field ('11 n all its the Correct
the matter of the couimunication from When the vote was talien On COU13- of the post. You advance him, but see J \A, ill at once oppeal to it la,:k and colors, at pei pair,
Monday. Ote I)VIlIg COMIUCtit'd 'it, they come in all
Mrs. Wro. Bates with ri to beiDg cillor Robertson's motion, on] y the roov- 130 signs of rank. You make him take by Rev'. It. (' 11(iDulmid. and tho pall. fim�h to yt,ur Easter oLitf 75c, $1.00, $1.25 aiid $1.50
struck by a boy playing hockey on the er voted for it. off hisicoat and Rhow the signs of his twaters h0w-, Mviiiisr�. John Stoo. of sl�les, at popular prices.
street, your committee -have discussed Councillor Wilson inquired how often rank. Sure he gets toad but wha, '10 saun(4
he do? When he gets mad then OU i, and John
the matter with Mrs. Bates and find weights and measures in town were in- lAnklatit r. Th,',ivv..Tv-ed ww4 d1wavis it
that the boy's parents have paid the spected. There were complaints against know you ace doing the proper thing, it ti'l hcr i1111111) The Leading Mail and Phone Order Store
cost of repairing Mrs. Bates' glaRses, and you can just bet th Nery indiiiiini"11. wollit.
weights in shops. at I make every itv . ptt,�vnti-d. KII(I WWS Of IL kitidliV
and while we regret the accident. we The Mayor said the inspector was man do it. I may be a little unreasou- di . sposition.
cannot see that the town was liable, and bet* in January and tested a good many able, but I'm perfectly satisfied that Try us, you wil
therefore recommend that no further weights but took sick before be com- everything is 0. K. when I get through." 11o131\,So.N - Tho death took place oil I be pleased
action be taken. 0eted the job. He was liable to drop PRIVATE GEO. F. CRABn Wedne-ORY of laiia %k eck of Mr. Alex.
The finance committee recorumended in at any time. 30th Aero Squadron, Third aviation in. Robim-on, a ir,w[ner w(Il-known proprie-
that a grant of $10 be made to the Sal- Mr. Wyatt addressed the council on struction center, A. E.,.F. Somewhere hot*:). Mr. ltobiwiion
vation Army towards erecting and the subject of water coming onto his in Fratice. " tor of tile (:ulbortle
equipping a rescue home and a mater- property, spoiling his garden and flood- Mr. Crabb also enclosed the following was in till 63ro Your awl had not been
,nity hospital. The committee reported ing his cellar to a depth of 4 feet. He Clipping from The New York American: i u 0�1&od bludith for a ' \e" Pb" I I as 'Phone 56 MILLAWIZ IzCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56,
haviu�! met Mr. Hutcheson. ot the Nat' "The upstanding fact of the whole born in Stanlit-v Town -%hip. itild after his
blamed the caving in if an old box western front is the firm, high quality ruarijisi Started in thiti hutif-I husineH.4
ional Shipbuilding Co., awl are having sewer for the trouble.
a conveyance of the Doty plant to the The matter was referred to the public which has been displayed everywhere. at Brueetieliti. llo eri io farinin
Company,'togetbor with the usual mort- by Pershilig's men. The Americans in thc, �,tate of vflchilau Ior about ten
0 gage to the town, drawn'by our solici- works committee. are behaving like veteran% in every years, being 0writ, for two sirparate por-
tor, the Company to have the privilege The Reeve was asked for a report on engagement, and the entire pulse and iods- lie qpent abont five I -CRUS in Ati-
the Hydro meeting in Toronto and said y of M 11K to be I and Kerviloo alo 111ait ks that, they havv t tie farm and by libose friebtla more
of paying off the town at the end of any the three resolutions the me spirit of the allied front has been stim- hurn, thirce in (1inton and two in I�a - years his life his; pleasure
eting was N as a res- rocently mot. Rev's. MoDermid, Raw -
six months up to March 4tb. 1920, upon called to, pass, were pas Bed without a ulated and enthused by the evidences Nvai` t'i V`u!)1-1f-t0` of the obtained through servief . liiH (I"a" '"t bf�bllld- Nil. jNlac-la"' w
giving three months' notice, thecom- that the American soldier, fresh to the Colborne hotel in Goderich. For the pa,;t ture creates a vacancy PeCiflift" t,() a! pected vider of Union Preii 1i 11ton aud Ford were present at the
pany to keep piant, up to the value of dissenting vote, and would come up for battlefield, will sustain the best ei Ye8l's b0 hai't lived in r('%%'D- Ile life of usefulness aud devotiou. It, his eburch, oodorich town�hlp, Ritirved an sf�irvice. The _I)allbearem were Mr.
the council to e do se, was a ConKervaLIA in 1)0htiCN, blit t it -iLh Sabbath school suporiuboutiouti.for 20 lAulflater ftud Mr. St dart of Godericb,
,T r , oo ood
$30,000. exclusive of land "d buildings His Worship pressed his disappoint. traditions of the French and English horne,in the church and with those Whon lie retired froin this Mr. G. K. Johnston, Mr. Robt. Johnston,
The conveyance and mortgage wil' be I I (tl- whom be.. associate(] he wam looked "arm'
ment that the whole council was not heroes who are fightmgi� for,,-fiberty uio active part ill l.)o1itJCR Or J�LIAAIIV, ,
0 -i'vdcatI&V 11r, Jdill. Atobt. Davlatiton, and Mr. Geo.
The funeral services on Satill,littv aft&- ' I ved and who wam capacity tit)# <was filled by
presented toyour honorable body later present at Prof. McCready's address there. a on a4 one who o
for confirmation. "The Canadians have fought In several noi were muouctrd by Itev. Dr Rill. desirous of accepting tbe MaRter,g w1,11 Robt. Davidson, who li -Borived to the Andrews of. Oodurwu uovmship.
recently in the town hall. If the world I ,,y and Intere-An of tile neigi borhood and tho,
engagements with the udual splendid ledge, va4tor of North St. Methodbit with joy and his personal c i
ii".pioct. , - 20 yeal-H J. B. Orr 18
food shortage is as great as it is said to 'but b for ovet
eff ectiveness. church, antl �ii,he pall -beaters were presence always,,called forth 11 8
be the whole council should got behind 'rb()nll)- Mr. present uporinteuit Math If one be troubled with corns and
"They are clamoring now to be linked -% and one
Messrs. Adam Thompson, AVIII, WacMath shared equa4lY With'it'he lent. Mr. Wao wart", he will find In Holloway's Corn
M93ER BE go GEBB9690 M EN99 OEM N E MgBiffiffififlAgRaD any movement, and to get the Laosti'out 's. eaves a w
10 fN with Pershing's men, so as to send their son, Wai. Tait, Ilector flays, Wrij. m at of his sstociates in regard it idow, live datiahtei Cure an application thit will entirely
ffl of our gardens some sort of organiza- solid American message of defiance Glazier and John Naegele. Two sisters, I abl 18 111 D 9temperance in our Dorrinion. Son to mourn his losti. Mispi Ella May
III tion was necessary. He intended call- of Toronto; Mrs. IL)r ' Alexander, of le"e" suffering'
M ing a public meeting of the citizens for to the Kaiser's generals, who" whole Mrs. St— ( LI -D, Uf Marletle. Man.. and it b, distinctly remembered when a � var. Send Dominion Express Money
so effort has been centralized and ex- Mrs. -P111'dv, or Kitcbcnt!r; a �on. Earl committee rueeting was buld in the Knoxville, Tenn: Mrm. Nelson Tro%
@@ ABDO unce Mont @9 this purpose. Wednesday night was i rt y tha, of Holniesville; Mrs. Gto. Mn- Orders. They are payable everywhere,
10 N i settled on for ti meeting. hansted in the endeavor to break the Coolwr. of 13,ant,ford, and Mr. MeGavin, interests of tempurance nearly th
M IE HisWori also mentioned the meet- morale of the American line. ' of Leaitlburv. in NIcKillop Town4hip; years ago at his bome. At tbat par. Ilwalue, of 'Wderivili towrimlilp; Mrs. H.
gy IN "The Italian armies have fully re- Mr. KiliOtl,' Of Tuckeniinitti, 1Lnd Mr. iticularmeeting wiere proiient the late J. Trowartha. ol: flolmosville; and S.
Is M Ing of the Board of Trade on Friday I)avid Children Cry
tfi M evening. when Mr. Hannigan was to covered from the disastroas campaign and Mriii, lZv1,1n (irajoin), or (�linitou, Isaac Sai Jobn AndrewH,,.,d of R. McMath who tumideq on tits faithuti
N _4tFT.TR THE 93 of the Autumn. Withthe re-enti Werc heri fut tl,(. innoral. Robert Itob. Lindsay and Mr. Wru. Swaftil I ari tit. funeral which wam hold frow FOR FLETCHER'S
91 give an address, and he commended the the British and French ius0u, Of alld JoRvph Robinson, Goderich, Most �)f these yu(,n bave bim late residoncii, Goderich wltg largely, `r 0 R I A
W meeting tto the councillors to attend, and ments Of I C A S
E0 also suggested that they join the board MackenseD will face a far different toe London, R11' bn,tberst, and Mrs. Briggs, crossed the line, but th(�ir sympathy attended by his o d tivighbors whon on
Ell 59 of trade. than the llly-equipped legions of CaA. of Ila"t"it-N, )181) , is another sister.
11 1 st of April, 1918
0 orna, who were cheated and swindled Besides hl- v, WON%, lie is snrvived by
LO @A The Mayor brought up thequestion by German intrigue" . three son, and one daughtf-1. Louis
- of having the Management OL LIVe ceme-
T the Grocery Delivery ffA "May God bless the Canadian boys Fd-io. of the Cab batterv. in France
W W tery placed under a commission of a and the Yankees and by their solid Will. Jame., wi-i in Gerniany; Earl
go Men have decided to w couple of citizens together with a mem- eool),L�r. it) and Mrs. Harry
10 ber of the council as chairman, as under Annet ican front bring peace quickly " is
M the present plan when a program was the way Mr. Crabb concludes his letter. AVRIKt.rong. it) (;lerich. Mr. John
IN Mr. Crabb is still working on the Erie Graham. or (;mlierwh, im R. brother of
W commenced at the cemetery It was '11, 1111. Nit-, It"hiTison also,
9) never completed, the committee in Railroad as steam shovel and ditcher Mrs. ltohiil�
ffl Dis Continue 10 charge changing from year to year., The engineer and wishes good luck to all leaves �hlev g1mudchildrieu, childron of
1f) @0 the residents of the old town, a wish Mrs. Atinstronk
@H headstones should be cleaned and
N straightened. And a permaneutcom- whichweare sure is warmly r8cipro- NfACNlX*!)1- Ill" tinfil Call Of "o"'
Delivepy of Gpocepies w mission could better see that the plots cated by all his Jormer acquaintances
Ha caole to Nk t1i NfarMath on March loth
00 A for which perpetual up -keep Was paid here. at thc limi)c ,r Iii, (lai Miiii; H.
to ON 4) were attevicled to. The V%yor asked
.50 the chairman of the cemetery and GREATER PRODUCTION
9) parks committee to Pring In somere- Mr.. MrtcMitt), %�;tii, m hi� 78th Ncstr and
W port on this at the next meeting. GODERICH'S GREATE# PRODUCTION COW wid) ill(, c\( W1''1) of a rew of The last
Satupday Night PA
He also advocated the replacing 01 &1' HITTEE ORGANIZED WEDNESDAY NIGHT
ffl broken lights, and a motion requesting ho will o -w -H (ot o"IV two nionths
ER ORDER EARLY ANDAVOID THE RUSH the water and light commissiontodo Inresponsetothe Mayor's call fora w
N this was passed. This WRI 1( -ft ONPI to A IfLtl" 111"ting
iR 91 meeting of citizens to organize for Thp 4vcr*,t,i r , (!r t he floav-1 of rrade
09 Friday Is a good time to place W Councillor Davis asked "What about
ED * the taxes ?" He was informed that greater production In town the coming Mr. l"rnv,1 wi,,L� appoir,tod Io
91 your week end grocery ordeis Rl ke 'a y
some $500 had been pa:Id since last season about two dozen citi turned _ee nil mon who arp Pre
meeting. On his motion, secondedby out to the meeting at the town hall pared to aiii,- it, fall[] wii, Kod of
Reeve Laithwaite, a list of all unpaid farroerii; ro,loir"19 114�111 Iloth (how
In Wednesday night. His Worship ex- whoaj.(� t,, %%ork on the rariii
IN taxes Is to be furnished the council. plained the object of the meeting and
The council then adiourned. and faito-, 1-1-11109 helP �11011ld
Grocery Delivepy Men emphasized the Importance of prod
PH W uc- revister ii,kitli Nir 4 .1horne.
1P W tion. It might be that another year
F@P9B9R9RJMEE ME 06960E BEE50 FERHE EF SPIN SUBSCRIBE FOR THE STAR would see the same The, MaN ot n o ni i mt-d an ofli frow
situation as to food Mr. Geo. 1,1 'Olow tivi`� acre,4
as we experienced the past winter as of his farm ti� ho , 11t)"Rit-'d by anyout,
to fuel It all did not do their utmost.
Mr. thoa. Wallis was appointed chair- who will tak, it it, It was guggp4ted
in or�,Rnl/sitlorl inioit undertake to
man of the Greater Production Com- 80 c tiji. lAwl it -1 iioiagriptfow� for
mittee, Rev. .1. E. Ford vice president cultivate,
the use of thi, liinil are invit'i to he
Cli MW X 3W 43� and Walter Naftel secretary. considere,i) t !h, ole"tln�4 of the
A unanimous show of hands of those corninittit-,
TO TIR E present indicated the desire fo do all
that old be done to stimulate in-
creased nroduction. Those in attend-
MODEI[jTHEATRE since were sh followa: Goo. Porter, J. 0
H. Johnston, J. Sturdy, D. Sprml, W.
Monday and M. Knight, C. W. Robertson. Win. SUFFERING CATS I
Wallace, Giles Jenkins, J. C. Garwood,
Tuesday, April i & 2 J. H. Osterhoi M. W., ]Rowell. James
MeVicar, J. T. Fell, A. M. Robert GIVE THIS MAN
Jas. E. Ford, A. 0. Hunter, J. D. Mll.,
@oi E. Bradley, J. J. Bsechler, G. THE GOLD MEDAL
Plant. E. R. Wlkle. Mayor, J. C. Leith..
Modge Kennedy wafte, Thos. R. Wallin, Walter Naftel.
S. P. Shantz. Y. M. 0. A. Toronto. JAt folks step on your fe*t h~ter;
It was decided to make a canvass of wear ebots a size smaller If you Ilk$,
the tovo to impress oil everyone the for corns will never again send aleetrile
and her eyes need for production and to secure data sparks of pain through you, MoordIRS
its to vacant 16t9 available. the follow. to this Cincinnati authority.
men oftbe various polling sub -divisions called fri applied dt"CUT upon
and her smiler trig gentlemen being named as chair. He ays that It few drops of a drug
In the town with power to get" what & telridtli, sebing Corn, Instantly ri
assistance they requili NO. 1, A. Ilevm Boreness and soon the Outir"
D. McLean; No. 2. C. M. Robertson; earn, root and sill. lifts ri hi ont.
No. 3, J. J. Moser; No. 4. W. M. Knight; This drug in a sticky etfer compound.
No. 5, Geo. PQi No. 6. Rev. J. E. bet dries at mcp and itimply ablivels
Ford; No. 7. Jeo. Newcombe. Up the Corn without Inflaming OT @vft
Nearlu Marr eg" A. M. Itoberi brought np the ques. lftitgting the surrounding timue.
tilon dit the town ptesenti somj6 Port of I It is ejlimed that a qartar of in
ONE Of TNE GREATESTIARCE MEDIES IV 77M. Mi or badge to bovp goling 66 work ftn" of freprono obtained at A" dry
Ork f&MS for le" than three months Nitoirs Will Cod Very littla bUJ IS A110-
fillssummer as eilmAil a %. A or aeJA cors,
I _V a —11 eleat to removis ev"Y -
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