The Goderich Star, 1918-03-15, Page 60
MIZ 00
March is, w1a kV,
7-4 7
�Tor -rin --,---The stronSet
'fo clifti; rflu"w Allurwm T"V sumni" s
1V -.I - W - I - .—.,
Addrev me RQ&V ar-d ULU I UtS WiTE0 Nearly all the common disca�es that
recervowizi.1claillo, CIO 010- 1
by C.0 I afflict waukJnd are,caased by bad blootd-
Dew illustrated 80 -page 'to t ogri. oi weak. --satery blood polboned by Im.
-'d I
Cardua, k iuwer and St -1
a &A purities. -ad blood Is the cause or
iRoot seeds, Grains. Bulbs, Small Vards Fixed
headaches and backaches, lumbago forn P
I rut is. G ardea Tools. E to.
as the mnimum for,
and rheumatism, debility ana iudiges-
SPECIA,14—VIS Will C130 Mr) tion, neuralgia, sciatica and other actire
ale Cwditr".
PAage,(Valas 150 ofour 00!- troubles, It is bad blood that causes
dibfiguilog skin dhcases like coxemAl
Butterfly Flowe and suit rheum. plr;iples ana erliptiops,
The 6�everit;y of the trouble indicates
r SKIRTS M4 SHORT how &pmv the blood is and it goes
This is orie of thr itirl- -1 Lpd
i"t fl-,A-ra ftnegivable. espectaily alwdyb from bad to 'Uore unless steps
adsplea to'bordering-b-dr-of taller are promptly taken tv enAch aua-purity
American Ta;!or3 and M-anVfacturcris the bitted. There is no Dec trying a
The 3eLds $erminato quickly and different medicine fur each disease. fpr
Of RCAdy-to-Wear Clothes �Vilj
come into bloom in it few weeks tboy all come through the one- trouble—
from sowing. The fiortscenre Is Co-Operato In Caimpaiu.,k
bad blood. ro euxo an of 01050
such as to complraely Qb"urs tLe of Con-gritiation. troubles yon most got right �tbwu to the
follago, maltingtho-,plant a veritable root of the trouble In the blood. That
pyramid of the 9:166t delicate A -d Now York.—Patriotic action is de, 15 Just what Dr. Williams Pink Pilljj do.
charming bloom. The Butt rfly They Make Dew, rich, red blood. They
pla,-.r mitlits aemi,able pot plants for the house in late winter and early manded of women to clothes as well as timply purify and -enrift the blood,
In food. There was an liaportant RADE
spirta. IrrtIop�,pusGwwiQth0autVlma- and the discuse tisappears, That Is
3ond for cataotive wW learn ol! atillsor vahtabl@,� premiums 19 Inf-pting In Now York which consoll- why Dr. Williams Pink Pills have cured
a dated
"tW&nrVd the Co-operation of the trade thousands of cases after other medi-
INNIEW 57EAS LVITZ11, LOULDOAN DAILCH & a 3 �Ifli CC16 1L.'Ximo with the commercial economy board, cines had fatleo. Here is proof of the
-whl-eb-has- -ifir . -at - -Dr. -Williams - Pink - Pills,
-headrInurturs-liT -wfuob.- -POwct� . . . . . . . . . . All
care. Mrs. M. Stif1s. who resides near
ln�ton. The government knew that Ir
the town of Navanee says: I cannot 'Vim
praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too
highly. I -was very much run down In
tFe ct�mvisa of',Mis frfb elty'V61kirds.
health, suffered from lrequent� ovells of zt=
Ift"ba'd 111fteeff cehfis-f6ft -of the half
in rr dollar Mrs. Worley bad given him and Indigestion, biliousness, and sick head-
aAje. I had an almost coustant pain
0- he Invested ten of it in a cup of cor. In my 4"d and my housework was a
.0 t 0 fee and some rolls. Them
0 he went co rse , ot dread. In fact I felt- so
down the street, entefed a. hotel and miserable that life hold but little eojoy�
A New S�g 0 set down in an arm chair to Its lobby. ment. I was advised to try Dr. Wif- IM F0
0 It was a truly atreenble situation tok hams' Pink Pills, Which I did. and the SOAP 0 `r0o-'o
0 result was simply marvellous, and can
10 0 bavis the entree to respectability once
0 0 'more, for no lynx -eyed porter or offl- best be summed up J)y saying that
0 dh 0. clous desk clerk resented his pres- they Made me feel like a new woman,
0 0 and fully restoripil my health. I would
1 0 ence. The suit wns conspicuous, but advise every woman and girl who has
0 00 � tasteful, nDt loud, but It had a cer- poor blood, or Is run iown in health to
10, 0Wn independent Identity. It had orig- give these wonderful Pills a trial. I All- woce,
4 -inally cost --over forty dollnrs, iso, Its am never without them in the house -
14 Ev4ya Smborn yo -*
At the first sign that the blood is out
0, ssed muster as to
------ 1presont wearer pa, ofordeetakeDr, Williams' Pink Pills,
-sonal appearance. %ad note the i�pecdy Improvement they
Coincidence or fate, Hit) Morley had' make in the appetite, health and spirits.
left that very hotf-I as Ben entered It. You can get these pills through any
-I've 111ril. I 11"nest, nin,ain, 11111d Morley had come to Feneville for his medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
ou've 1,1 , ii - it hig f�tw�t mi 1 113 bank tit his home town, where he was a box or Rix boxes for $2.50 froin The
way to & d"' 111 llf�) ljy 'I' tllkg 1110 Out employed. His mfiNslon was to meet a Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, wEle-b -,vait a coatee of the Nvool with
No flnely�- wealthy old tnvaild against whom the Out, wide Chinese sleevor—fite onLy bit of %
"I trust so, I helit've so," responded
extravt1gance—edge,l wilh 1)(,Itry nu.]
bank had a disputed claim of nearly lined with colored satin.
MM Morley. "You have a good face ten thouxiind' dollars, Morley had thiii Sa—a over 4�j jit-4�& oT-,�i6oT TW it, There was
and I shoulcl fp&l very sa,l if I thought seen Air. John Archer about the middle and it to the appeal bf the"government a sailor collar of peltry and a Jap- SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS
you could think of selling those of the afternoon mod had gone over that a woman should refuse to buy anese bow of sutin palled through SNAPPV AND STY'LIN
dothew for drink." thebusineashehad been commIsrtqped from a taffor, and a retailer should re- two loops In the baek of the coat, to
r , a o flare from the waistline.
Vw thro"It with' the red stuff, to t sact. Mr. Archer was In charge' rose to buy from a manufacturer, gar-
1110'am. 411eve we. I'll be only too of a xnale nurse nod after he and 0 ments that have been made In defiance There Is nnother coat suit In which
glad to feel dressed like a real man, Morley had agreed upon a compromise, of thidurgent appeal. less than four yards of wool have Armstrong S
oil I onee was. I'll do myself proud directed him to come to the hotel at I G Long Jackets to Go. been used. The skirt Is narrow and
and straW an a die. to show that I eight o'clock that evening, when he . I slim and extends Into a loose corsiet
atiptirectate your lcindn"s." would adjust the matter iftnally. The American tailors and manufac- effect over the wAlst to the bust We guaranlee a perfect fit. See our range of fine
With the wordis, Ben Dorkins went At about brilf-past seven Morley �11- turers of ready-to-wear clothing will Above that is a chiffon yoke with too-, fabrics for Spring wear. We wilt make Suits, Overcoats.
on his way, carrying a neat parcet un- tered the hotel, saw that he was too cut out the long Jacket for women sleeves In the same color. The cut- Separate Parts. whatever you want. that will have the dis-
tier kit arm. It contained a suit, of early and declded* to take a brief stroll %ften It Ip made of 'wool, Do ueatter tinctivejppearance classy tailoring gives. Get your Talloring
rlothv!s. a hot. shoes. to fact, a COM: In the tirne� Ben Dorklos, how light the weaVe; th*y will eUm-' at ArriagTrong's and you will be well dressed.
I'lete outtit- Ben had come to the lit to u' t,ng tuate fullness In the skirt and cut It
tic Morley home About noon, asking I loxipurt. , In the capacious qrm an short as decency will permit.
ft)r food, u down-at-thp-bet-I tramp. i, chair. had been sented less than five Three and a half yards of wool is a Re Jo- Apmstrong
minutes when a young man came t own good, average measurement for the
agnize I tin at majority of women, but the govern -
Fie had ollreiti@A to work tor a meal and the stairs, seented to ree I McLean Block South Side I of Square
find done on. INVIng of) lite back yard a glance and blinded him a ruanflin This suit protects from the cold and we'lit will look kindly upon those re-
RIK, e-ryiug emme ashes to the &I- onvelope, coricerves vV661. The short skIM which
14.)-. bettlad the bou tallers and dressmakers who must
� a "Mr. -Archer has find one of his had Is of beige -colored wool, extencis to the deal, with largo and stout customers,.
31m Mort" gay,* Ben Dorkl4a not spells," said the newcom1pr. "Ile told bust and Is met by a deep yoke and
only a avad meal, but, half a dollar. me to hand you this and h"VP th-� sleeves of chiffon. The velveteen coat and even hero it Is believed that In-
citilth attire. a dividuallty of design and a plentiful
Then. notficing big un hank send back the nnteq. I enn't d... has collor and cuffs of peltry and huge
*.-udden impulse sivayed her generous oce a made from pieces that w use of. other materials, rather then
spirlt lay. air. Mr. Archer nia.y he faLw, 110 1 ere wool. will produce a gown of charm
"Wait.- abe itaid, "I just thought of I ivara* at any Moment," aod away ;L)ca left from the skirt and satisfaction. The Famous
It -gait of clothe. -A my husband discord- t tie speake;. leaving Ben it a halt was useless to appeal to women to The slim silhouette will be accepted
441 ortlY It 0 dlys ago. He Is just stultified condition. suve wool In the building of their between hudson*Bay and Palm Beach
allnut your size. Would you like "Here's a queer go." soilloquize(I clothes. under the present commercial and then crosswise. The woman wA,o
tholln? TtteY nm not Much worn, but Wo. "Oh, myt" Be-bod r(,nsovP0 circumstances of clothes selling. The cries out wCainst a narrow skiri elthei
MY hualtisivil has a new suit of the thi� hand securing the envelope. He grvat Majority of women bay their beennite of tradition or an artistic per- Mazda" Lamp
:,:Alie good&:" ptured und thrilled as he noted Its con clothes. They do not muke them at ceittion of what her Agure needs, need
tents --bank notes. One -of them, fit Imine. They buy what they can get, The Best, Electric Lamp Made N
-V)h. ma%aval ulat,8 too much to not sit In the corner and wall tind
I hink or Oving an olld rughai like noticed, was of one thousand dollar.4* nod the.*.- (to not know the artount of gnash her teeth. All she has to do Is
n%%- blit vs Mrs. Morley after n hTlef 'Icoolol nation. For a flashing Instant material coi A In a garment.
to elimfnate wool from ter gown or
nhmv,# rotilipp-ired with the mitnt en- Ben realIxed that he find been taken Therefore, the gov,7a"went Made Its suit to combine the governmental Sold under a izuttrantee. lf thev Prove
lire. ReD's 4-3es gleamed with pleas- for some one else and entrusted with appeal for co-operation In the con- measure of wool with another mg.
small foriune, and n wild temptntlon I
servatlon of wool to (hose who malit- terial. detective you can return them.
"You e= wt4-P Into the next room. crossed bit mind. Then, his lipx com- and design women's garments. At Coming I . as the reform does, at the
ir y.ta like_ asiff tmit them no� utiggest- ilress6d, his chest stood out and hi this meeting It"was resolved and rule." hour when sp We tiave the Sole Agency
-klg and summer rash- I
MM llwiev, but Beti shook his tv'rit up to the clerk's desk, were formulated that no man or woul- Ions are being conceived, the necessity We have some very choice designs in
henil VicotrXin.,41y. "Is there a Mr� Arther here?" lv)� nil In America Vould use over 4% -foi being careful with worsted ma -
"Not L- tie flissmited strenuously, netked. —I must see him at onee." ynrds of wool to any costume, �and terial brings less hardship than If the
,,rrn boultia Isn(-h for the city and work, "Not to be illsturbed—he is ill, I'll If possible.
reform had been launched last July. Reading Lamps
wh4rh tho. send for his secretary, 0 you 11l;e."
�ki flne rags will,help in* get. The response to these rules was It Is true that the great tuass,of people Wooten euit that meet3 clecrec. Tile
I'll stop at your bnrber shop here anti "Po go. please," replied Ben iltid lip given 'lot only by the dressainket-4, who do not live In the_,.South.and c"'..
2— eki rt, has. two. flounces of ucoal.A.ald -Fixtures
-Theni-It.-4 rumbled, norvously—with—one, bUt - by -the'r manufnvrarenr "thoy --iijift 86atfi',,�ost buy a vast quantity of light- R silk lining which gets -it�� depth by Suitable for any room
ine for tbai:414i� -river runnIng' out- hiltel enrds on n tray, and uncon-
Pcople, the roady-to-wour department weight worsted clothes for February, me2na of a hem of peltry. The Qhort
�Wi� of tho V311.4ste. if you'41 put In a 'clously slipped It Into his pocket a it stoOles and private (irersmakers. The Alarch and April; but they are quite coat shows a waistcoat and sloe
PIOCie of "v394 please, I'll itanke illy the sailre young man who had given An Etectric r armer
decistion was hir-re-ichina. It Is 110'x willing to have the Nyorsted enlivened ratin vvith a J;lpanese bow pulle Is a good thing beside you on a cold'
-the envolopo to him OPPeOred, I es "I
Amt bath for a month a firmon-t one." d dd
uP to tile wome- of"Amprica tin ear"Y by chiffon, satin, silk or georgette ly through buttonholes at the tttcl�, to night, as a temperature booster
-rit do, ttint," mnsented Mrs. Afni-ley, The Ititter looked startled sod out for the government a continut-0 crepe, T12re out from 'he waiGt.
-nod t1itwWs Mate eollurs and A cou6le CrIghtebed as Ben told hIs story. P`roev" of conservation In uool ]I
-,f lief*tIc-& Be gooll, won't you. now?" "I mistook. you on account of the yrill 11,)t lie a harjj,�1111). ()n, wi If the women of this muntry under- An Electric
Y 101) 000t, Whl�'11 (:�'nil3 11PIOW P0
Nhe f1ubzh*,(I loorsuasively. elothes," stnturnered Mr. Archer'4 siec. st'61(1 10"It Is behind the new rush -
have to face the chasins of doubt an(I lonq
de!Fpair that opened tip with tile con- (.on.-_�`prvatlon with as much engern(-ss (101's and mado of (11,11
"I'll r4p.-Aport my word. You-vo retary. "Thank you greatly, sir," tin(] they will enter Into the spirit of Vacuum Sweeper
%(Itoen %vidi an -)Ha? is an articleynu will never bewithout
.4et Ine on iny ope" rialit tind 1*11 kepl, Ben left the hotel In a sort of vn;rup of food. lrhf� goverwitent I and zealous destre'to do rig if yoti use one once
ri�!ht." p1w4irt-4 Ren Dorkin-t. and dissatIsilitil Wood. He bad tray. does not wtInt a standardized uniforril bt fis they
Flo vroint on hlq mnr roJoirina. IT- ersed about three squares and had fo Nave In the stivingoUnient, -wheat. t�ltry'hc!d clo�oiy w m
r wolneu. slich as 1,1tR of unwise i sugar and 4epreals. I'll it c.11 -f ol, %lVeTU4,11 Yi
elt the tind hitircut, he renehe,l turned Into a dark side �,4trppt. when but well Warming Pads
a sprWilt-41 tinre of the river (41 1 ur4e three men who bad followed him meaning wompit advisers Am History Did It. tr!ckory, to show th;ii the .ont it i
have off,�rvd us a solutioa of tho 1drt gre intended to go f", -
Vintstile of Mw t ... %-it. where he was freo since he left the botel spran These men on the commercial econ- (,f — Coffee Percolators
,g upon clothes question. 11W w3ol !11;lt wt�!" h.l'� I
to dittlitwt in i4w �%ntvr unseen by oth- him. orny tiqurd need have no four of ob- !o
All that the women of the conntry I I
ers nod im-11slurlit-0 Ben wns knocked senseless. He 1 1 qt nacy or rebellion r,"Inqt their de- Q1 rotchp,l t1w iii-�1171, 11 11.
Lre asked to (]a Is not to;w,114�e'a row, Toasters, Etc.
"I f'"I no\\ id) nrpr!" JublInfod he camp back to consciousness to (Ind [ —
pree. The women of other (lays �nnd jjjl.,��t in the form, or i,-- P.,
na he dr*w hinvtelf oreet with Pride himself lying on a couch In the smok- other countries entered Into the spirit
red vintSrftflinn and kicked biq (Its- Ing room of the hotel. Ile caught the of economy In clothes with as much with 4) rur i,wl
corded mg,-� -into the river. "Now for words: "We brought him here be- eagerness as they entered Into the ex -
n fifteen-iinfle tramp and something cause all we found on him was one of travitgance of apparel. The whole Robert Ta
Hot Water for
befter than carrying In coat or beg- the hotel cards," and, staring nbout thing Is In giving women an emotional
I = Electrician West Street
Ring my 1"10 him. Ben noticed a man wenring a suit Idea which they are 0 work out to GIVE; **SYRUP OF PIGS"
Tho rteni)vatl6n Inspired Ben with that was a proLotyl)e of his own�Hal Sick Headaches completion find success among them- TO CONSTIPATED,CHMD
(11"itinctly nrew and worthy expirations. Morley. :clve& Obedience does not appeal to
)To more limit once glanced down at "He's the man I gave the envelope thein, but co-optiratlon through per -
the tritti-fittlatig suit. He began to to. and who returped It," Wks Mr. Tells why everyone should drink rini-qon sends them into, a flame of Delicious "Prult LaXatlVe" can't ho
irractIc-e the erect and manly sv�lng, Archer's secretaty. h?t water with phosphate cndi�avor. tender little Stomach, Liver
abastdoned Into careless Aouj�ilng "I hope he Is not hurt seriously," In It before breakfast. "I., moy be proplic-sfed ri.-Tit here and Bowels.
wken lie- fell from the good -breeding spoke Morley. in's solicitous tone. Mat there will be Diore novelty shown
imanittem of former days. It was after "Why, there to only one so)utlon to this In (':oth,,S IlInO there has been for so,- Look at the t0*10, motherl if
ditirt when flen reached Va Devi Ile. halt mystery. Someone must have been Ileadache of any kind, is caused by L i e DANDR
aloans self. Pril Years or. p-i'40b] macli, 1(,,%,r
autt)-intoxication-which X, evet, hefart-. coated, your little one's elfb _UFF
watching out for me to get that money )Olsoning. Llvbr and bowel poisons I It may not b6 shown by the women, and bowels need cleansing at once.
and tollowed and attacked him, Vaking cmlled toxins, Bucked into the blood. but It will be expressed by the d:-Qss- When peevish,, bross, listless, doesn't; Leads to i3aldness
WAS TnOUBLED WITH him formyself," through the lklaph ducts, excite tile tankers. steel,, eat or act naturally, or Is fever- eSS is
The mystery was wholly solved when beart which pulnpa the blood so fast ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sure Tke 6rst stagge of baldn
Ben Iftmod the Identity of gal Mor- �llat it congest* ID the smallef arteries Pint, of the quick wa_vs x%hich hns thront, 41arrbcea, full bantIrliffhdid itcliifigstnillp. The
WIP-1 into fashlon for*uteolt to �on- of cold, give longer you neglect it, th
and veins of the head producing V10- tPnqP00nfA1l of "California 8�rup of'. e surer
t�erVe wool for thp army Is the use of you ftr& of losing your hair.
lu L"Blested little woman I" exclaimed 4 U,t
1121GEST'N lout, throbbing pain and dIstrq9s, calle Figs," and in a few hours all the fo 1 1
Hal. "But for her generous gift of headache. You become nervous, do. it short. silm separate skirt with a constipated *rtstel undigested food and I Dandruff is a germ disense
COMO KEV WRING that ftilt tho bank might have been t�oopdent, sloh, feverish and miserable. ("Jilway ' coat of velveteen. heavily * sour bilo litly moves out of Its. little.! thiit kills the hair at the roots so that it will not
I I ton t Inettis sour and almost nattimeate Ifned, Women who have such wi ! r. I
ON STOMACN. tight thousand Aollars ahort:' cos- bowels out I ing, �n,,I you, have a! 9t6wrigaill. Ifyou val4 your hair, do not neglect
So Ilen had to go blielt Vrfth h -you_ T4a -YOU "'Ort _W-ev- Avel 1 , PIQ3 ' ful crillis again. A sIt your ! your Dandruff.
11311 ana a6plrin or the bromidt"s which terapoli theso skirts with corstot bloij� 11 � --l-tottlb- 4 �Odli OffiiN'T-
of ArUg_1113t '"for I
Svriip f Pi 11 hich contains full'
the bank Made opulMtt*turna t6 hum- arily mlieve but do not rid the, blood of soutuchod Allk and "tin In tfie spring, d., p w
Taftention is one of the *oftt forms a blo, hbfitst Iftob for his brblftd. head, "eso Irritating toxins. t irectio;' f-IThIbi...
thereby itavIng cottqn'ior the govern. childten of all ages
00stach trouble. The atbroach becomes and when be returned him Journey to A 912,28,of hot water with a teaspoon. and for grctwn-upa,
ful of I
OpOet and W dobilitated the elty-rldlng In A lifstelnu tallway luent. - ___ .- %Are
y u havo 0% mestone phosphate in ik drank Dil*w
11 before rftktttt for itwhile. will not Flats wide, of worAtAt-d have alreAdy OL
tabulgia it. coach With the beat of thm-Nina onl: t lons from your sys. rV41PVh1'6 V eXp let,% eVCryb)f V els.) t*,'* RUA
y wash thtAe pots been replaced bY,thodo'cif sathii,sind set a good exatople. rttslortts tiornial hosath to the mcnip
it in 130t, jklv=for you to he Morley's pensioner was more fully tem anff MV6 YOU of hes�dacho but *111 llinitri`61 lVabn awt
stops Itelving, prevents fkIiing and balil. othst hair rciatdy_.�gbts farther-Itits
Xt Is t4sler to'p1*vedt hair dls� foliger�
you -v
UWAW wit'h ind'i t it ;rill on!v t4ulppod than ever to� tat new start elex"11% Purify and freshen -the entira*. unlim, tat vaites thin to cure 4htnn� Me M utol
ow 6K aur1w,11-known rtluxr, In, lite. alimentary canal, t guit'" thide, of , worstettl QUAlrant"d to a
ore. n1firee
have, 10w add You Ve;!a Dot fear b2ldness
VA&d, woA ftf 1410h will rtvi. Ask "ur Aft'lolefst for a qu)Lrter narrow blait Aount"s tnountt-a later, Wilt$ bf lliftittot do tiot tati Wr
tht " no Ditridillit or *04 WI I in.
rn V6(l May eat Tilt NEW MAKE LAW poand of limegtone pholiDbIte. It is ill,6 on it Utteta ot satlis toUlIdation. The nimutbl i *10kide will, it rain water Wle ?l
iny Ill aft" Tho new, pott roal)l4b #uAkV.lisW gIV& -to, t drbp at alcoltol In it boctinse sthkt yoft drugg "to, tt�tufld y6tir
'1.isk witbout s expensive. harmless as anar. and .61, abort Jacket whlelx goes with these tribitty. �T7 It IDA' 0*M. terins.- We
All"itkoll makcs, the btir drY, and liable could not 04 to its
'the tinlille �prtAecitfort A"M Adultcr- Most t"ttlelts. &Ct* &r a sourish sidirta 14 is&�bftvft triminA with fur ou 4:6 fill otit. R we 4 tint lkvlii�� kt� Otith an bff"
M-4, 1%'rn %Ith, Nfarahville Ont fitted Whift Droilacts. The scarcity of Mingo which 14 not Unpleasant., and b" Atath a wtdl& walstmat of Because of lts W"Cebtrated strength Abe taerit of I . hIs
siptellill ttmeo.
tolirhA� cannot, speak too hi�lly �4 Mae and b"t sugars this y"r will also It "tt krenti U411119 Your besk It skills br" 1:00ittialfte that it can be� too- $1, 00. rry an dpp�kaf;�,,, *I Yotor "roo
ijitV' MxId Ditttrs; it is worth its Make it lem prontable to mIlt: tht-lin tOnM 19 0ftted or you wak6 itip With am" 86"
it) gold, A was trb4abled With in, oting extkAts. *'*d lilt,ftimoudi". bet vrjt�� us,' -
with maplo flav The bad tsist*i, tout breath or have coldsl sldL
firif w,-6 go W I could not imirkots of Canada and the patted Indiltestiali, biliousness, oustil*tiot, Mach pettty U401111 oett 'hit you at* capplied and menA a
-,f ivthiox on my stomach. A Stfff�s,&ro eager r4r pum mliplo syrup or sour. acid stontseb, begin tho pho�. od" twiligy A" '"EALTtIV HAtlt-VOW TO HAVt rl-- NftipV*t,ft tftsi�ele.
I Ot* of the V"y tabirt towns ims. ae
Sli.�-,Itqilvis�,d tie to try n.BA v% Itleb I and maple sagar. ^D(1 th# new 1&%v has phated h6t water eurn to rid yat* Jitit of CANLAb
I for a bli&I trbut0ftuo which uoml up, VAbit IN OAHADA.
Sh betor io tay IU�." irefttorcitt public cotifidtam. KyRtera of tollbs aid Poison& (AN OWNtri
40,00 1 WVer it 704* fteft wad "o Wo*
*61tultA at* 4,dick and it is (4411A*d lmw thaik 4% yattils ofthin w6olet Pikilili& ANdalftil, 4 1= MISNEIR MFG. MoUMITED
that thbea V1ko t,=tln%l6 to Ift of J�fth�ovsto lit
liawailt, aw"
wto"Iblv 111111t, Ill. milbo.-.1 Co. Vfiii�,p I Crawford: I bear be -it oeon6rn't'ng, the st*nWh JIVO ask "t 4ti herA of AMW Cream, Cold Creates. r4annit, Xtk
0 , it - Y. embliba** ytw film doesn't buy r and bo oils Ovary
T*toQ'4 Ort �tv ovt-r 4ta uto I any I mortilas *s ' "OACA6 tigoi wit, *m 0, d
X" 1601:11ililiftt whilIt Yo", it. t111139 160*161ilt"Q elkilk get 11 Ob CM11t. J 6, W 10 It* toldift4
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V" #dol#ft ot t4itry. OVA