HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-15, Page 5T
�M;iil 1i; tic
It Y60 N"d strolngth
:A Perrino
Save ]FOrbvefttat i I U IN J
t VR Tonic (Illoves
Gel— D amic
W4t bonds and oiher
-ugh phosphorus
Von must have ept
attractive Investmen.t4. -our nerves. ucrve ceuters and brain
. . .. .... .. .
t r you will suftcr nervous breakdown.
ard open to the man
OV, AN"A, s
Pbuphorus is as jitcessary to these
who sysWiiatvfcalry vital tissu s' food is -to the b6dyi.
his money. Such an trivestnIent. -represents
It is a well.known scientific fact that overwork. worry
Whatthe thriftless man spends in unrleci�,ssary trifles, nervous strain and Io", of sleep -in short, the Aaily stress (if,
A r
our hurried strenuous Canadian living -causes 'ronounced loss 'k
cs a
p The .1kaw- tl s," -A," e
Open a savings aqr 'n phosphorus from the nerve and brain ticLes. A-ij because
,,ount I ther Uilika Bauk of'
iik Season.
Canada. A great help to thrl L,
4eea- be a'�.S
GODERICH BRANCH: F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager DYNAMIC Dame Fashion, predicts that this will on, e vell' her in plaia
L -i I TONIC The richness. of the Silks has never 'be x lo4, Olt
(called dynamic" because it produces enerjy)'does contain the
JOWN C01UNCIL necessary phosphorus in the form of food phosphates, it sup- colors or faitcy Silks, which will. b6 much 11 eoce.
TOWN TOPICS. plies the weakened star�`ing nerves, nerve Centers and brain & Silk
SPE Y OF LAST tissues with the very element ot strength they require.
�O�AL MEETING HELD THURSDA Rich Quality Duchess Silk The POPUI I allet
WEEK *�.Am.-Slidu sind
Continued from page I.
That is why Dynamic Topic is so certain to bq�!�.up_
A!Apeclal meeting of the town cono-"l niessages. On Friday evening (torlight). nervous, fogged out men and women. restoring their nerve h satisfaction
war, held on Thurday evening of last the closing meeting will be hold, com- tone, enriching their blood with iron, sharpening the app I e I tite A high grade Silk in a fine, even dresses, will give tho 9
'i a r StOCI,
week, all the members being present, mencing at 7:45. The committee are and bringing Oack their old time vigor and energy. weave, beautiful lustrous finish, will All Sh&de$'i*rSt0CL" �6 in.ches wide.
to consider a letter from the H ydro specially fortunate In being able tQ $2.25 per yard.,
secure the sekvices of the mate quar- If Vou want more strength, Dynamic Tonic is what you give excellent wear. '36 inches wide. iih, - _J I
Electric, Railway Association. to consid- totte and grobestra at Jitiox church for need. ' A large bottle containing five weelis' treatment can be I e &P Silks
er the Ontario Government regulations this meeting. Bb sure to - come, and It had for $ 1 50. All colors. $1-75 Per yard. Fashionable and Do
with reference to fishing, and to deal possible bring`& liberal tbapk-offerinp, Natural S,1;1ntu%:Ig $Dkov whiih are
vrith the matter of a writ issuedby for thle work done In Goderich by thg
Messrs. Proudfoot, Killoran and Coolre, evangelto, James A. Campbell, PhM. Be much in demand, will Wear attd wash
claiming damages for Miss Ellen Me- Wal He" Rehigoirating Plant Novelty Striped Taleta Silks u es wide, at
'IntaBb, caused by falling over a wire at 11 CENTRAL DRUG STORR 19 splendidly- 33 tO 36 1 C11
t46 corner of Church and Colborne The Bisset Bros. believe to baving 11136one 90 GODERICH, ONT.
streets. everything up to date In connection These handsome striped' 'faffeta Silks 75c, $1.00 and USO.
The Hydro -Electric Railway Associa- wJtb their creamery and the cooling White, Habotal Silks
tion announced a general meeting of the season will gee an important addition are the very newest A suits, dresses
HydLo-Electrio Railway Adsociation of I Learn to Knit OBITUARY and separate skirts. Exceptional qual- Superi-sr quality white Habutai Silk.
Ontarjo,'aud the Ontario Mnuicipal Elea to Qie equipment over at Saltford For general ntility wear this Silk is
t jrjI3. Astxciation In the City Hall, Toron- Heights in the way at a refrigerating Remember that. It Is by impatting ,
to, Mapc4 12th, at which three import, plant. The material for lining the BARNETT-14r. 'Joseph Brophey was ity. Individual lengths. No two alike. without an equal. 38'_iU'Ches wide,
others, and in being sure in Dotroft the past week attending the
ant questions would be taken up, (1) the walls to exclude the beat from outside happiness to
nationalization of railways, (2) united and the machinery and piping which we have done our duty that Nve receive funeral of a sts-er, Mrs. Barnett iMary), -6 inches wide. $2.95 per yard. si.io and $1.25 per yard,
action of municipalities to let private will -be used for cooling the temperature babploe8s. But how manY Of I's see who died on Friday last at the age of
and, political interests know tffat they within ate alrea4 on the ground and. clearly what our dutv is? For in. fifty-four. She bad not been in good
wust keep their hands off bydro, (3) the the �work of installation will be gone on stance are the ladies (one and all1i wlio; nealth for the past year and took an
right of the municipalities to eontrol the with as soon as convenient. There have lovea ones at the front; are they, I a.tftek of pneumonia, to which she Crepe de Chine and Aeor5dette Crepe
public streets. will be two rooms in the storage pla t. may I ask, doing all in their po wer to (joichly succumbed. The interment was
on Motion of Councillors Davisand oncotwhieb will be capable of be1nDg makethese soldiers am comfortable as maile on Monday in Grand Lawn come- Beautiful quality Silk Crepe de Ciline and Georgette'Crepe, for dresses and
Wallis, the Reeve and Mr. H. E. Hodg- kept below zero. possible? Do �Fiome of these boys want urv. Detroit. Mr. Joseph Swaineld. of ists give thorough wear and wash splendidly. All shades in atoclk- 40
eus were appointed to attend this meet- Gad'sby Will Wr;te for The Star and look In vain for a change of dry Cleveland, al�;,) %as Ili attendance, and, %A, a wi
apable of Of course, George and John Brophey,
Ing., socirs? Is the Red Cross c inches vvide, $1.75 per yard.
A number of fishermen were pr�sent TheStarhasmade arrangements for supplying each and every one with all who live in Detroit, were present. Mrs..
and Capt. Inkster was heard with refer- a series of weekly 1�tters from �Atawa that are neciassary -� Ask yourself, Barnett is survived by her husband and
ence to the'Ontario Movernment regula- by the well-known pen of 11, F. Z7,dby sister or wife, if your services are not two children, George and Mrs. Itobert
tions, by' which tbe Government is to I needed in this line at least. Or do Meficod. Womons Fashionable Silk Skirts -
take 20 per cent. of the catch at a fixed d6ring the coming session of Parlia- you quiet your conscience with the JFWFLi,.-Aftor an illness oi some
price. The fishermen intimate that Went. This writer for several years excuse, "I cannot knit. " This is not six weeks, Mr. James Jewell, Hincks Tust to hand a shipment of smart Silk Poplin Skirts in the newest sty le
they will have to stop fishing it these conducted an Ottawa pr( -,ss service an excuse for anyone whether theY stroet, paid Nature's debt on Tuesday Special $6.95.
tbe have friends at the front or not. There of this weelt, at the age of slKty-tive
regulations are carried out.. The matter under Liberal auspices, but with alla colorb of bladi, navy, iligger, grey.
was discussed at some length, but it formation of Union Government saw is just as much demand for one to years. At the time of writing tho date
was, decided that i he council could do his duty to give his support to that enlist her services as another. We of the funeral had not been tixed as New Goods Opened Up This Week
nothing in the Matter- Government. A friendly attitade. how- must leave no stone unturued to help word bid not been received from Mr.
In the matter of the damage suit ever, does not mean lack of wholesome in tile terrible conflict. Jewell's children in the West. The de.
against the town, the cOM111ittee to criticism, and Mr. Gadsley is taking So ladies it is your duty W lay aside ceaied was a native of Colborue ToNvu- New Spritig Coats, New Serges, ' Nc.v Rr vid loths? New C69tings.
which this, was referred reported that big correspondence into his own hands your crochet hoz)lu� and pick tip Your ship, being a son of the lato Jameu New Curtains, Carpets and Congoleuins
no settlemetit had beeureac�hed,and in order to be free of any tie, tnd will knitting needles, one and all. Let 1"; Jewell. Ile had spent thirty years in
tbe matter was referred back to the thus have a free hand to describe the all unit,e hands and resolve to do all the West and for the past ten or ol-wen
c -currents at the we can to Win Out- years re�itled in town. He leaves sur-
(,u:mmittee. onsigting of the Mayor the currents and counter THE LEADING MAIL AND 'PHONE ORDER STORE. TO US
Reeve an(] the Deputyllebve,to�ave capital. the play of motives and am- I will gladly teach anyone who can- viving,big widowand afamily of six
the solicitor defe#d the-casO. bitions, the intrigueq of the interests, not knit to knit socks for the soldie rs. ciAldron, Herh. Roy and Mrs. Claude
the action and reaction of men and Every little helps, and how en, MuNpal (Blanche), of Keonestoll; Misses,
ents. Mr. Gadsby's articles are couraged your, soldier boys will be to Lottic, and Addiv, of Saskatoon, and
'CHILDREN'S All) evigarous and humorous in their styl.e know you have learned to knit a pait' Lorne, at ho -no. Mrs. Wni. Walters, 'Phone 56 M I L L A R SCOTCH STORE 'Phme 56L
and readers of The Stau will nod this of socks toe thein with your own willing 11r,. Win. Alleu, Mrp. Richard Allen and
MUCH INVALUABLE WORK BEING DONE BY feature a most interesting one during hands. Think of the many annovanceN Mrs. J ohn Allen, of Colborne Township,
COUNTY AGENT the.weeks to come. and liumoveniences they all have to Mrs. Ovo. Culbert. of'town, Thomas
Maple Led Wdolmn contend against, and comoare your own Jewel], Of ('01bOrDC, and Willialn.] e well,
life with theirs. of town. are, sisten; and brothers. The
The regular monthly meeting of the The Maple Leaf Vbapter, 1. 0. D. E., I know this win not apply to very deceased was a Methodist in religion Mrs. Manton, of West NIOuktOu, also Hur' tery. Rev. 11� C. McDernild cou(bictod 4aitfoid 0hristopher. of Sarilt Ste.
Children's At(] gociety was held in the has received the following acknowledg- many J12 our town bur, let everyone and the fuueral services will be con. vive. M ru. Shirray was a member of hc met -vices and the pall hearors were 'Marl , Nlh3h ; Robert and Josiph, of
Grand Jury room last Tuesday, but meat from the Ladies' Executive of the enlist her services. Anyone wishing to ducted by Rev. Mr. Osterhout)
learn to Imit I am prepared to reach the Presbyterian church aud Rov - it. 1 1. cala. I)au. McKay, Jft-. 11ortou. Jo -A. Wel,%,Nn. Sa4h,; Mrs. I(,,-rr,o%CaIIforuka*
with oniv 11 small attendance, though Secours National: O'KEFFE -The funeral took place yes- McDernaid, pastor of Knox church, will Curry and Bou. Gt:ahA111. INIV. f�uigiit; Ni,-, 'r, (1. johD-4 tina nria. ww. iohns:
The Ladies' Executive of the Secours free at my borne on St. Patrick St. terday morning at Ktngsbridge, at St. accompany tile filneial to lionmall, the Is wirviveii by two �tm-. Wskiter, of To- of Sahli.. and Afts. Brownlee, of
the businesF transacted was of'great in- National desire me to thank you for Tuesday and Thursday evenings be- Joseph's church, of an old resident of old home. t1liS (Friday� afternoon. Where. routi), aud Jaikwm� of IAgollO, OVOgOo, tO%V11 ' She is SULTIVed also by two
terest and spread over much ofthe your money order for 64.00 and for tween seven and nine o'clock. that vicinity, in. the person of Mrs. Pat- the Interment will be made. tht, former of whoui was here foritthe rothi,,,r4 a-11 two eloters, Jolqeph
county. A contribution of 110 from the thirty -seven pairs of socks. Respectfully yours rick O'Keefe. The deceased bad been , hineial, togoUior with letilro Knig ] 11,V.,t . of llocanvole, Bask.: William
Township of Tuckerswith, was acknow This money will be used to buy wool Mits. W. H. TREMBLAY living for the past few years with her KNIGHTS -000 Of our nonagenarian or Durham, a brot.hei of oar townw Worthy. of Kincardtin6- Mrsi ritatlawo,
ledged, and 61 each from NaIrs. Andrew daughters in Detroit, and it was there residents passed away On M011dav of of Port Alliert, and irs. Johnston, of
for socks so much needed by our h man s.
MIllian and Miss Washiriigt-On. Accounts soldiers. Your generous donation of that her death took place. she was last week in Toronto, when Mi. Jokep Rocariville. � a4h. The deceased was a
as follows� were approved and ordered BRIEF TOWN TOPICS within a few weeks o1boing eightv-four Knights. grandfatber f Nly, Josiah I.'owi.,ETt-An old Ituly who was much
socks will help us greatIV in our next 0 m It melllho)" Of Victoria street Methodist
paid . The Star, pi*inting, $8.98* agent's shipment. We ship supplies to France years or at! She wag a native of ire. Knigbts. Wellington mtreet, answered beloved by evervone, and of who chuicli and theJuneral servicem will be
expenses for the month, $11*.85; put. Mr. E. B. Hale, who preaches in Vic- land and I.. vogsesmed of a splendid the final %nyurnonq. The old geutleumn'coi,ld be said that she never liii(t an
every week. '13 % Oneuiv, pasted to her reward on Wed. --otiduct6d by Rev. Mr. Osterhoilt and
chase Of a tYP6writer for the office. $55. Thankine you and your co-workers toria St. church next Sunday. is a son constitution, having rarely conmulted a was a native Of E gland and wa it, t -ek, to the person of It", NII"- I'Orol, hut at time of writing
The agent's report of work during the Heze4dah Hale, Park f3t. ng to (,an- � nesdav of this wt
again. of the late doctor during her long life. Her maiden ried in the oid countrv. comii
Month showed three children made Sincerely yours The Ladies Aid of Knox church in., name was Catharine Morarity, and she ads rorty -four year% ago %rith his witO I Mrs. James Fowler, mother of Mrs. definite arrangemArt-1 als to when the
wards of the society; four placed in the M. ROCHEREAU DE LA SABLIERE tend boldlng their regular tea on'Thurs came to Canada when about ten year and family of three sons, Walter, Char- I Wilgon Brownlee, of town. She was H2 funer'4L) "'"I take vince, had not been
9 years of age last Cbristmag, and ba,l complete -1. punding word from relatives
shelter at Sttatford, and one sent to the I les and Jam( I in tile West.
aember th "I of age. She resided fid Cleveland UDti H. and gettlitig at Nile.
The following contributed socks: 2 day April Ilth. Please reii bome until been in poor health for the past five
Industrial School at Mimico. Two child. Mrs. Tancott; I pr. each, Mrs. W. date. her marriage, wheb she and her hum- which continued to Ile his her last Illness was only
ren, a boy and a girl, will be vlaced in a prs. ton, Mrs. Garrow, Mrs. Taylor, ReguL%ilneeting of the Ahmeek Chap- band settled at Kingsbridge. She leaves about ten yearsago. Ile Was one (it a i years, though
re desired L. Hor Miss family of fourteen, but was the on I abotit a week in duration. Sho lived for The most obstivato corns &ad warts
home together. and homes a Miss Vanstone, Mrs. MacDonell, ter 1 0. D. E. will be held In the Court a family of six daugbierg and two song, ;h.,tly ftl"yl the greater part of tier life in Colborne fail to resist Holloway's Corh Cure.
for a baby boy of one year and a little Ball, Miss Campbell, Mrs. Strang, Mrs. Hall' as follows : Nora, at Pittpburgh; M&F.V one to come to Canada. Township. spending fifty-one years of 'I
girl of seven months. -The Stratford T in Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Proudfoot. so an Monday afternoon March I Sth and Elizabeth, in Detroit ; John. at retirine and Musing to (Joderich to live. I "'y
or caring 0 at 4 o'clock. Mrs. KDightg died. Mr. Knights made her life in the one place, and live 5ears
shelter notified that the rate f Ogden; Dan, in Minnesota; Mrs. Peter I t) town to live with herl Children Gry
for children v;,ill now be $8 Per week, A Unique Eaeruinameal Don't �taia to hear the male quartette Mai -tin. Pittsburgh; Mrs. John Aspen. big home with him gVhM19011 but bad ago camo
and may yet bp higher. Severalca3eB and omhe6tra of Knox church, and Rev. leiter, of Preston_4ind Mrs. Itaymond been in Toronto. SIDO.0 the I&tW1-,j4 -predeems-ed
discussed. and Remember the entertainment to 0- C- E"i0tt's closing message in the Marontate. of Colchester. tier husbarid noss. The body was bro"kht to G,,de- I her lw,,,,tv years. She had a famil v of ..to R FL ETCHER'S
needing attellti(M -ere Baptist church tonight (Friday). for interment, the funeral tal'i"g r'.�'Jv,�cb ildren. ten of whom are IfivIng
action by the agent -ill be taken adbe given by Miss Dillingham next Thurs. predeceased her by thirty-six years. rich :rhoie are John and wil i.",� CASTORIA
onm Facts need not be given, but to day evening in Knox church, under the The Maple Leaf Chapter. I.O.D.E., The funeral si�rvices yest erday wore Place on Wednesday afwrnoon from tkl"e lof 'CO11](Irne I'o w n sh 1p; George, of I
show their character and spread, it may I auspices of the Arthur Circle. Miss will have a collection of rubber early in performed by Rov. Father Mc6)rmick. graridsou'-i "08ideuCe to Maitland ccm SVBSCRIBIL FOR THE STAR
be said that one is a girl of I I years, in Dillingham was beard by The Star May, and request the householders of With the exceptioD of the two sons and
Grevtownship, w is not getting pr o- editor - recently in Toronto, and be can Goderich to kindly save everything Of the daughter�i in Pittsburgh, the family
nor attention and training, and is in fact vouch for the excellence of her abilities. this nature fair them. were all preieDt at the funeral. Aft
neglected; a ward at Hespeler Is in sur, Her vocal selections and her readings,
A gang of some sixty men is at work
RitiFutAy-Mrs. Nlrol Shirray, Inother
roundings which (10 not appear to be recitations, and the narrative she will
overhauling the steamers Sarntan and
of 'Mrs. H. J. 1). Cool(e, of town, passed
such as a child should be exoosed to; give of incidents at the front, will make
M&ttliews of the Canada Steamship line,
away at the re�idcnce of her son in law
two boys in Stephenetownship aie grow- a most interesting program.
which wintered here. The repairs to
and daughter, on Tuesday, March the
ing up wild, getting no schooling and The Strathroy Age in reporting a re-
if bunian training ; and she there, says:
the Sarnian Include a new skin on the
12th, in hor 78th year, after a proloriged
but little, an y, cent entertainment gave
a family of bali a dozen in HulletttOw]3- LLilian Dillingham, who spoke under the
coutity Good RoaAa Superintendent
period duritig N%rhich she had not been
well. rhe deceased, whose maiden
ship are so situated that there is every auspices of the Ladies' Aid abd Helping
their growing up into Society of St. Andrew's church, last
D. Patterson and J. M. Govenlock and
name was Aguesi Thompson, was a na-
liliellhood or
shiftless, it D4)t Criminal, lives. AnYOu` Friday evening. has a cbarmirig person-
W. H. Lobb have returned from attend-
ing the meeting of County Superintend.
tive of Fif'(1411-e, Scotland, and came to
(:anada in 1hrifi, the family settlitig In
surprised at4 or doubting the existence ality and no one doubted the influence
of such cames will find interesting mfor- she mubt howe exerteA over the soldiers
ents and the Good Roads Convention
respectively, recently held in Toronto.
Ilay Vownshir), near lionsall, and it was
here 9he ipont the greater part of tier
the society's
mation bv attending with whom she came in contact. For
life. Mr. Shirrl� In died lW93. tind their
monthly meetings. two bonrs Abe entertained the large
Correspondence from wardS and fOSt, audience with songs. stories and reel-
son, David, N ' PyiDg the 0111
homestead. 'vh,u()Swhior0icau leaves a fain
er homes was read, which ShOwcd ery tations. She bad the power of stirring
ilv of tive childron . Nils,; Shirrav and
gratifying restilts in The cases connect, the emotions and just as some were
Dr. and Mrs. Macdonell have been in
MisF. AeneA Shirray, the eldest and the
ed therewith, and some of the corres, furtively wiping their eyes she had
Alton, visiting Mrs. Macdonell's father,
youDgest. are living with Mr. and Nirs.
porideuce in other cases w "" not as them almost in hysterics with laughter.
Mr. Dods.
Cooke � Nicol 1� in Winnipeg ; David, MR
pleasant reading. for there ar .., Her repertoire was similar to that given
Mrs. Thus. Holmes, of Sarnia, is
already mentioned. 14 on the horiestekul
.which leave I no ch to be desired, even tile soldiers, and she hoped the audience
after the greatest care and attention has would see with her the splendid men in
spending a few weeks with her Ron,
In Hay Town�hip. ()ne brother, D%vid
Thotripson, of n,ronte, aud two 4isters.
been bestowed for their betterment, khaki, whom she had entertained at
Rev. Gordon M.
Mrs. luttery, ,t (vruv TownK�in, and
the ftont. She wag in France, behind
Miss Edith Willtkms left on Wednes-
Sir Wm. Goode, Secretary of the the trenches, four times -was there just
British Ministry of Food, says : "Few four months ago. She went with a con-
day on a visit to bar brother, Mr. Mon.
tague Williams, in Dayton , Ohio.
people have yet grasped the flMdaimen- cert party. They sang in hospitals, in
Mrs. A. G. Nisbet and Ron. Carey, left
tal fact that Great Brizain still relies on huts, in the min. during air -raids. She
the United States and Canada for sixty- sang at the request of the dying, and
On Saturday for Chicago on a visit to
Mrs. NiBbet's sister, Mrs. Neltnor.
five per cent. of her essential foodstuffs. her songs had restored reason to Cne
Mrs. Webster and Miss Edith Web.
Unless we can get this food, or nearly man in a tragedy ward. Snob is the
ster. of Hamilton, are visiting Mrs.
all of It, we shall peter out." power of music on the emotions.
Webster's niece, Mrs. J. H. Johnston.
Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Jones, and Mad-
Tg" & gI&N of Ultit to Ilush Kidn",
eline, of Clinton, spent the week end
if BWder bothers you-Driuk
with Mrs. Rev. Ostbrhout at th&
Victoria St. parsonage.
lots of water.
Ur. en& -Mr& Wm- J1. McCabe, Gode.
rich Tp., anocunce the engagemerit of
their eldest daughter BiLrbars, to Mri
John A. Snell of Colborne township
gails# imeat regularly eTentuay pm
dulces kidney trouble in some form or
Otber, "YO & well-known &uthor'ty, be -
Ths wedding to tiLke place latter part'
eause the uric acid in moat areitaii Ue
of March.
kidne they become overworked; get
Mrs. J. W. Fraser returned last Th urs.
day night from St. Catharines. where
slur -b; clog up and cause all sorts of
distrfts, particularly backache and inig-
she recently underwent an operation
for appendicitis, and Is making good
"y in the kidney region; rheumatl a twin -
gee, severe beadaebm acid stomach, con -
aining strength. Bhe was
progress in re$ ,
atIpation, torpid liver, pleepleasnes",
accompanied by her daughter, Mtes
Pearl, who was with . her in St. Cathar.
bIsMer and urlhM7 irrtWi
The r back hurts or kid
ne7s &rent &,2Z right, or it bladder
bothers you, get about four 01mms Of
Jad Salts from any good ph&rmacy;
To the Editor of The Star.
bILIC6 A tftb1effP00nfUl I Ims of vrstk�r
before breWast for a W ya and your
Dear Sir,-Thet* to considerable talk
kidney* will t1en "t fine, This famous
in the papo�s regarding the problem of
mIts in linade froib the acid of gralwa
farm help and about utilizing our
ancl lemm jui", oombined with lithis,
sebool boys ava girlit to help the farmer
"a It" been umd for generstlims to
out. Now a ottiggeagon struck my mind
Augh 40 irl""s and fftimulate the -
Great turopean Musicians claim that ISOLDE MENGES
the other day. ()cold we not just now,
as the Eas4er holidays are coming on,
to somr1aletivity; also to neutrali" the
acid* Ja ft6 urine Po it no longer irri-
is the Greatest Interpretative Violinist of This Age.
bave our schools go on antring the ho)J-
jatsii, th= coding bladder disorders.
days and until the weding sUwtri, and
Jad SaRs emmot injure anyone.
-15'e.9 50C. and 85c.
en have holidays. Them holidays
et. would hot tnirtiv & farmer f& er
ankm a &bghttul effervemmnt lithia,
_#_ A -4-t. _4�� millions of men and
I r
Seat saie at Edwards' Plan open Thursday, March i4th a lot for about Con days. **oft falre now and then to keep the
Yours truly ikkbu7s and urinary orgam elmn. thus
"riow kift" diMM inspector of Taxation, GEO. R. TAMBLING, London, Ont.
-0 J