HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-08, Page 7— . .1 4, ,� -1 � , - - � . _,�7', -1 W �1. �_ - - . , I ­ � .. �, . � . .: mr, "7 " � " ­� r,:XPzW 11 I 0 - I I , ,�f ", -,:.:,t . � 71 , I. �� , mr7-' r 1. - - -_ . . - , .. I , T.WT 11 - I . � 4 1 , I ,. I 11 , : 777�. �,� , -.---.!-O�,.�-..-.-,..'�.-.---,�. 1-1 ____ 4�A­ ;!;AW I � ; 11 111110,1� III 10-01�': =:: I -----.-. - - i , -� � � , � , - - .1 -- . . I . . 1�.% - ­ � - .- I I I I _. __ ____ iii I Ill- � P - _ 7%L I -mi-iiija . � I -1 ­ I . I I -- N .- — . I . I . I - I 11*� ., __ awso I ��___ � I , Oil :11,11,1111111111111 1111ilai".40" A I 7; !!!�! i I � . I - - � , ___ , ", � r ]m 9 181AA . I �, t 11�w . I __ __ 11 .. . -.1 ­­ __W.4� I —11, - W I I I , , I 1�, I , � . I _,_ � Ir'" mu;i i i I- - � ­­ _. I � 11 -111-1 - � � I I 11 41, 7 1 5 , . I . � ­ - , - I I ­ -_ 1_ �, �� I I . . - I., I .. - - I I . I � , - I um,or lbo. wwu x"moo, 41111t. "_ I � 4 0 0, 10,6 ,; I ­­ -000440 WoP4 , , V`1�4�ki�w. �.*Ztr'��. , ­-T.,-��-. �P't�-.--�--�.,, ­ , � - . I" A V 11" �"V ­�, Card to th##41,40cito to 44 �4-" �­ � A,�i� rW�,,A sthl�t_ � . ; ­ I 11mW116, ;V LON- .. I , . I � ­,­ � . , I", I I t*kt* oia owatogain . i " . . , " r . . . - I 11 944,44y. . � - -m A '#��t,'� 0 #1 wtre -4ZI, Oat froxk *;��, U 13 11at 90CIZOly 4.p . I - I . 4k*lx tba, � ,,, " * I 1 ,�14`;, ��-Pal, V1*11VItly havi".9 i , t J%# -1. , 11 � , , -, xalrasww, , . . A 'ft, , I 4�Tft A � V44ava, f* qu, *441121, Tke Oult .. i , ;�r wl 4 'ti-,� All,= 901;wr I .. � � 'I .. � z . � �" WA - u" � , f2v ,4 . Pr""Mi'm Awde, A " - " ":-.V"#*� " . . I I 11 - t. tbq IZO%t�,% tO. =a ,A � I COLD, W I , .1 A IFAX #T#,X**t*!d 0 I - W . ,*P�lb ., .'4 3 11,,�, -Iv,�.�I% latl lato %40- _tUrItY *WAA A ��(_ r at,t�,r � ,.. , L I 'Vre4itke�At W41111PA I)Y 1,14it R . it* i.kx- thk is!"eqt if" pl;Iptca. thia tr4a I I , , w I* x ,40 . 04(11)1194 — n . it 9t tbo . I Dr. Adelberf,,,V, Han ' �X U'.. or I � A , V*iqo�� � : Ows, -3 ot" �*m, 4 ,03P�X,�& t4a 0i .� .� , It A" " - 4t " t I aas�� trc!j� r�ub,pqqtA I I , , "a I [ , %rost It, I;z - I . I .1 'C', *,f,t,4ve Ir";u, ir,-4o to ;m C.mnly`f 'OT frar4 clgbt� . t tl,v #1t;tiniago, 2telg4t, I " , I , 11, I - X.Auark. 414pd. 1 .L-.-- �- �_ - - _,""o) 1" . .. 'n Opt 044 i'sirlit - - - ` I � I \ � stl#d,ml 4 OM44 ..... .- - � _­ I 0 it 4 1 1 ,i at",hWbl. ,. ,"," - �- 44 , - C 0 lu a K . � ,, -, ""-*� I .. I . 41 Vertu. , I I -11 . Your t - I 1, . 1.1 0 trMrty-ax iapke. VVozWtb1,#3V4,;41;,# � , �, I I , I I I UM)DY livelt W41,.q Ictai Wh . . t W44f; ref'" � ___._�­ . . , I . . . , �-n a. !IV,.* I%* *4. wulch is Of a 1*1 'owt V,Aam, I , , . a , " I at# I — � -foundered oft the P'm T41tt Up* '00. Or r * 'a -bv;'.�'vV1*.r4­ Aliolmett, throwa, out lorig P41141_111(n brl!y %s, ,� 4� 1 naval tug 444" 1 , I . � - . , J$LlIL . .1 I i "Il I th(3 1,40clion of vtte)k 4ppwk the I . , I � 11 an ,4%, 114 Me 04�1313R- of ber fjoutle.i't, at fruft* e4oh 4rromp . of bobvItes" ILIUM - r ,: I -� I � . WIR 04V 10064 a" plooir god 1 I ware papes. biO��, (:=V.74, S*,�39VIAAW'd, March S.— at , '0 ,� W no i;�; 4w 1% US, I 10,011 11 ,1 ire , � I 11-, 'r 3440�w dwur",# �7*041*tIte, drymsos--�#,Q � 'O C -11N, )OS wltolesaie groc " to obtain II. '= 11 L 4 � . , I � �oo _,,M1i!T.T4T4t SW,J1,.;Pz,4"d agaln 44115 bel'109 front four to- t being . ' W 'at of Margh, 'A , " XW . I .1 . censes from the 4 40AM �by tho 'sOrm,20111 1U00*"1t1)& 0 night, ,yoqr ;o1A heli$,ett cpWi-*0tQ-y t401ated in Europe, called a "Itaud", RU4 e welve" . , .., �1W__A_X___PWE1y,RlVP - � 40MV "It r , ,, I I aoutbalkd lim, .. - I _­ '7,.-----_ -11 * I . I -VOP-TA,Per, -the Vormai " Z, ,..V—*-.,: � "L Ueand . . . I , k Vvkg,0,444�* —, I A *V _" I- M40 th0'fQQ4­qUestIQu, espe- 149 eight or tOn b,*nart*,s upon it. A, . . ge � . 4p.ellar, Urged the Oq Qt� - t , , xo)AA4 to,brea4d; I1a1---b,Q- . I , , ople, to ktaxi,4 b EV I ROW" 10;d Ata,it- -but'4�k--Ot--0194t.,h;tilO*-io,kllkq)-or-414ar,y I - I I CUREP HPIL blud the army. r I � . . P I I , # proxxn %ab� from. pur c mlas woXe scrioug daily. i.rfie ye- standard size ot "EUIPpIng" fruiti � - 0 1 1 � I I � ­ �, I . .­ 40W., , Apply 4. little "of 9�04 'llerve, 4to"114 Ot wheat. evktt if the From the root or the treo Noveral 11 11 The Geological Survey bRit 410co,,r,, Ale crealint in yo i i 'L 4 . L . _­_ � � , - � Anti"] Ur 7100� , Ot r � .1. , ered water fix What boa b(*A e,;.Moil t , lot it - k4*4 thrQ PVW ai�r PXfo4q4t SIM - A00% Is atilt turtbor abootii; or aucklem sprout each 9f . I , : reduced, N%1,1*1 I i� o��Js�,r;%tcs - V,,Ithiu thd which in turn 0 e tj b t , I ' ,,-'M' ' Uern r . " be* , .4 Wo In a a Vo rev. . I ' ' L rs� C�' ��, W V, ,13A)fleld, 00,, 'the dry. belt in aunt Albe to. I .1 Or C . 4, Zt _ , ). ;' American oftl I I 10 I Ito 444 heal next six 1,c ,,,��ka fi�, k � Z. B The lae at the hAnauaAree, ho' . * , � � �"t%;­--1#J w4at tQ, t141,.,,0rQktWOtAI*,bc,491 cers ral I m4a Vatiogas Wnitra -,i I . W � . . � A 1. rio� ever. Is not usually lotilk, for ;. Y � k 'tio4ftomyourippaicinck, , ., . U70oklyn headquarters - olteip"Itt I . ,let, V,1y1s Cto&nx, It Is , . I I . -I , UUSiiell booX . orldg," of ft -4 001"aw. tQlled after tk,e fruit is I � au& Seized some .s. *nd Int 1* U Cold and 4. 1 1 gatbProd, .1, . . � I . I � "I . - ,Att wiqtor I 1�ail a �ipry t 5. , Q�,ave damage, dred darins; ibe'qp� I . I iq* , , -utv- lt�a oration. JamWeat comtllias many � iatl, cOld and 'papers.- , � I , ,,,*rrb 0 ..... ROUB, Nar�:b 4nd sometimes In J) bu� after I Oing. twq butt lod'of .1)r. � Canada, Is' Urfed to send Over Vt . I I Wk was do 11 _ .YL cs)�, 'Ist - , , , , I _,� i,L%) we Ducal Palace, the I ,, Wood is Xorwoy'Plue gyrv'P X Was cit"t-ld, JO�Ad possible of wheat or flour. bacon �_._ ,,� .. A, I , Bridge of Sighs, the Cburcb 14- � . ot St. b&DRUA Vlantatluris� Van -Ing in PA , .1 . . 1''tbink itiitjih�at one V the besv,c4u'h �or tv h t . ; I I I I - ' .g otea meat, to� -the Aq4 -11 1. �__ 1 $Onn and �St. Pauliad the' Chit ber of rees from twenty-five tb(.)u* I . Ayrur b I kuow!'�f. 1 ul"ya ke�fi a 00at(t,". I ,,, z M - �� ; o t'at the 411lea. I I I of St. Simon. att. wflt. &a other trea- and to 'two burtorod, th000gnd. for � 1, 11 I wtt o or A-14 40_h9UX,e,:oQ I can hav,%jt T'ie r�overnmprVo popular raa3or- , 811 r , I I , The O.P.R. Is not going tc'ua,der- [tv 4ttyvf tt,o (,metcl OppoEltion in the I 'es ut N oulce, 10 4 Touton, moon. the roost I)OL t ' etiltiVattNo � �,!)y the , " �\ light air raid . small 81.Atlera in the Alfforent par- ­� -� . I � , .1 . �L� v�enlioz_: it, - Aake any construction this yo, over that city on Feb. . I -�_­__ " � ____._,_ , � .. 4r. Out 157-24,eral e ; �. ... IcQVQA was 350,505 and! � :* ' _; '�k__ -witl-srmud,-betwmu-stx,and-sev,en vtr--itll--"-or,i�onants--Ot-.-. ... I 6a took part , I ,:,, �Th4 othW,�e I t6ld an old lady ' 26. Fifty e;iemy Airplan Ishes. The cultivation Is very priin J_ L. ' ' Ut "D I - ,n � W. 6 - In _,__'�_e -0 I ,Oo .r. Wootlls," She had Non lion dollars on maintenance a -T*1-d#_dr_*IVIAg_40 _bonxbs� , itive. The land being cleared 4y 4' I , , . . 1 ',-��, I" for three wecli� with broAchitis;4fid Provement. no Im tndfda 188,713. r _.__ 9 Irtin--hoer, -11r--hOI"-dUV--aa4-th4- "I I sit' Sain, Hughes 19-tirging the Gov. . ­­ I 11 � — sucker to Plauted,in it, in- Most care$ Z I., I �, Ud be 4dtting medicine, from the doc- At t#0 annual meeting of the Cana- ernmept to alopt the plan of having . Two qods� nature doing all that Is necessary; . I.. . . Vr� butiltid not- seem to'be getting,muph dian Natt"al Exhibition ,Association tWo CaR;Idf_J,4 army cvrpo at the front The followtlif; Article by Chauncey but In larger plantations -the. trcox ". , .1 - Qler. 8ho9OVo;n6bot0QofDr.Wood1S Col. Noel Marshall was elected a life so they caw alternate in holding the , -, 1�otwa $yru DePeW is particularly applicable to- are planted with oome egreo of , ­­.- _ _ ,y Pine P And she says it has, member and Mr. George aootlx� a � re. 4 . � 1. lerm �orq` 90' thalk all thio -doctor's director., �­- - ___ ------- 144�. . fmnt ,lIueS__4_n4- stIng-An reserve. , day In view of the� Kalseeo speeches system in -the fQrm-ot.s p . I �. 46�" 5 . - ­ . The Great War V,Pterhinal Associa- qu"�M--&Ad _,, � . J*dliclap abe� ha� been tiking." Sir William Mulack told the the Past few dayst, trenches are dug for IrrIpatlon, the -1 I . ". ,�,00q�$ Norway, pine S To. tign, in a pass meeting rer-olved to "The God of battles is appealed to banana thriving best in . In ff , i�',,:pr. , r� , ronto'arld York County Patriotic As- - da p stl - yrup is urge the employment of enemy anens qatly by the conteadtug hosts. but 4011. I . . .� , sociation at Its annual session that. In wqt*k Of national importance at sol- there are two Gods. The poet Hein- ,, �" � 9 virtues of the the '6te per family Paid In January dfer*6 pay, and the application of the rich Heim, In a famous prophecy An Erroneous Death Notice. � A I i4cll in �tho ,lung ealin . , L' � J4� Pine 6�e,'And this xn�kca it the had bleen incre � .. � , . ased $,.2 from Decem- Military Service Act to aliens of al- eighty years ROO, said that Germany Erroneous death antiouncementi :i .11 beat remedy for couSbA and coldo. ber. , � lied country origin. would resurrect from their graves the are extremely dangerous in China. I , : . .. ::, Gunner Albert Neale, the Toronto , Tho Ormiger in. Put up, in 'a yellow soldier 'Who died offer belp TUV,SDAY. stone gods of their ancestors and this The Jib PRO, one of the leading daily ,� 11 .g, taken . hammer of Thor would smash the Pape , �, I I "PPUI� �� Pine tre� the t 6 mark; fr&p- his home by the milita I ry adth- Premier Clemenceau paid a visit by ChTist,f,4xi was ra printed In Chinese In Pekin. I c juioti 25o�- and 50c; manu tured only orit weakness represented completely wrecked because of 1� -1 byTbeT.MliburaCo, Limited, Toronto, tes. while suVering from pueu- to the American troops in France., cathedrals. Whet, the commander of an announcement it printed of the �, I I � I . 1116114a, was buried wl, gitAry The date for the opoulng of Par- the U-boat which sank the Lusltanl& death of General Chian . X Ruel-tl of - , I th full m � I �Qat. , , , I hongre, with civic and milita y offi.- liament Is expected to be March 18 and drowned its Passengers, when the Jebel, _;______ __,___�,_��____' ______ � � I ­ I., .� I 4�18tltpa __ _. OT10. - � - __ — .1.11 I'll . - __ __ , � ying tribute. - __ _ _. conimall,ft: P -t the V -bo GonerrA Chiang was not dead, and -,:-,0A-.­t---___�_ . The pklqt ­. -1. - Rt� §ummoned 11 . -_ - ­ _.. _ . � 11 - - IFIRIDAy_ ._ , I * ��)A_A=Imlvxm for the to Ills-deek the survIvibre of thi Bet-' thirty, or his voldlef* who happened I � -_ - - - - 11 - __ I ,- -- , , _� ___.. I . . . . . . . Jilf . I 110 , ly one French vessel was sunit U 'da�gt iet Wig,fixed by the Proal- gian Prince, and then , I I dent. '-, � - , submerged to be in Pekin, visited the newspqer I by the enemy last week. bilariously, leaving them ,�.I� � �11­. I - WEEK or, � IN 41PIC&S, Mr.'Jas. A. Hewitt, Orange County - I tu the office and demolished it completely, , , . 161 " "I, : � . I ., I Two Italians were Sentenced- iu. Master fox, East York, died, ocean, both were praised anirdecor- charging that the paper had endea- 1, ,. . � Rome for anti-ttalian Propaganda. aged t atod with the iron cross,, and their vored . to ruin the Political career of '. The safe arrival of a large number fifty years,. t' . 11 . ac,s ivere proclaimed as proofs of their leader. . 'Ithpilirtant Evenis Which Haw! of Toronto Ministerial AssoclatJon Goo's help; when Dblgluta suffered The soldiers smashed the premises , , Canadian troops in England is 4a� pialses Sir William'Hearst,s reply to ,e horrors, when the vil- pled sill the type, broke the windows: � . I � Occurred Duringth-a We. -'c nounced, I beer deputation. . � unspeakal,.. - - The Spanish CAbInet,'resIgned at a lages of Northern France were de- and de"Ifshed the office furniture. l ' — � I The Ontario LegIslature voted over st"oYed, their Orchards cut down, I the Busy AV result of the outcome of. the rece . - I orld's l4arWrijitics V,ew. election. I' $9,000.0.00 for Hydro development . their men killed. their ,�,omen out- -_ ­� I - . fullY Oompfled and Put Intr ' In Saskatchewan the sum of ti and extensions. f raged and deported into slavery, It � wa, - Enough Canadian 41 END STOMACH T' I . 10andy and ,Attra,ctive 4ihape ft,, 073,000 has been subscribed to Ud hx seed has was clairn�ed, that all this was donq ROUBLE, � been purchased for so�ving In Ireland by the hkip of ­.. � - ­ Ittie fteqdg�s or ()Ur Paper - A Greater Production bonds. . God and In partner+ GASES OR DYSPEPSIA � .I--, I I Conditions In. the, to plant 10.000 acres. . � �1 I r I � : 4 /I Solid Hour's Vi.f­,"ent. 'English-Pretich ship with 111m, that God was again � A great Increase In the A)ne'ric the stone God of tile derman forests. - . schools of OTARrio are reported as im- air craft appropriations was maadne I I TUESDAY. Proved by Hon. G. Howard i Ferguson. known at Washington. I When the other day the Bridsh a-rmy I 'Pape's Diapepal"', makes Rick, sour, e I The Halifax car strike 113 ever. . The customs receipts for the eleven I captured Jerusal,em, and after a 041114y stomachs surely feet fine , " - 1� Hea'VY snowstorms and high winds months ending Yesterday showeii An. M. StePhane Lauzannt_ editor of � lapse. of six centuries bro I ugbt the In five mingtes. . increase of more than $15,000,000.-- Le Matin, Paris, impressed Canadian sacred places unt',er Christian rule; I "I � ,have tied UP traffic In Northern On- Rev. Dr., F. G. Club -with French war spirit. - , r tado. Harrington, twenty- whet' they siterifted thousands oil If what You just ate Is souring on . Hon. Jas. D. �McUregqr, formerly lives to win by the bayonet rather: your stomach or lies like a Jump of r Thomas stmeeble, a ' live Years a missionary in Japan and Lieu tenaaGGo_vemQr Qt.A1;qyj Scotia, ged twelve. :, , , was killed by ar street c,ar in Tom noted for his translations, die� at died at. hit home in, r I it ban tbf, shell, which would desecrate I lead, or you belch gat. and cruetate .� venterday 11to Montreal. . New Glixagow. iallowed temples a,nd tombs, they , I A giant met"Oor shot across the F'. W S. Rud.*10s ot Ottawa be- I Vestored to the ,world the spot where sour, undigested f d r av I ng ' .The ��Itnlsb stea came a bar'onet on'the death, of Sir 00 , 0 It c a cell �� , mer Igotz-Mendl, freaVens Tuesday night in the Yukon, of j of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, 11 Christ died for the b?otherhood iLL" . 40th a German prize crew aboard, making the country as luminous as Cbntles Rnowles at Oxford, England. man. 7:�, was ashore. -lie Clirist, whose doctrines I bad taste in mouth and stomach-head- �,�� I day for twenty, seconds, �, Another Unionist has been elected, uplifting -,he world for two thousand ache, 11 �, Theft -of stock certificates Reclamation -being given to the can- .Von can got relief in five minutes � , worth Stefausson says he expects to st years have g)ve,n to the b1cas- I by neutraliring acidity. "!,� 1500.000 w45 reported by Mr. E. R. th art dItlate, !in ,Nelson, Man.,. J. A. Camp- iPut an end to _�,, � Lalor, M.P., of Dunnville. is winter,froln Crosse island, Alas- f . tn9s which we ernio us 411 , , 1�', - 6ell. r Y, It to that God such stomach distress'itow by getting a "I ka, hoping to reach Wrangel Island ' About fifteen hundred martled men 11 ��!t - - A 'daYllgbt-S"Ing bill is 'being or the Siberian coast. - _. under whose banner of the Cross we . ,.,� , � �, � �" , Introduced In the Legislature r ,at -the first contingent -of tbei- Cana- fight, undor vi horn we are united and ,1 large flfty-cent case of Pape's Diapppsin . . , to -day Toronto's tax rate for 1918 stands with whose blessings we will-wiu.­ � from,any drug store. You realize in ­ . by MaJor Hartt of East Simeoe. - olazi Expeditionary Force ba#e- been — _ __ I five 11 L. at 30.7 mills, and Finance Centrals- given fUrIoUgh. . minutes how needless it is to allillpf, � t�ll - � Lietit.-Col. Critebley, a Canadian. sloner Bradshaw announ I The ioad to ,success, is slippery and from Ind , igestion, dyspepsia or any stom. .iL, ced his op ��'.l L Was appointed to commalid the'V Squads of soldiers are to be Sent lie who travels thereon needs a lot of ach disorder caused by food I ' I Ing Cadet School In England. IY- I)Ositl�n to the flotation of a loan. , ) " Of to, Points- along the Niagara 'frontier Saud. (-rm fitatior ` I MaJ.-Gen. Mewburn, Minister _�; . . Premier Borden and otfierCana- Militia, stated In ad due to excessive acid in stomacbe I 1; dressing the Wo- � M I "I ,,, than officials were In conference w1th men's Conference at Ottawa that � I I the authorities at Washington. Canada's four divisions in France are .�, 11 � , -;-Str William Hearst -told r- &,de pula- � lfOw up to -fu I , I '.. .�, � 44"' tibn that action would be takon to 140;600. 11 StTe-ngtk tumbering 11� . I Aft 1 Ll� 41' . I I'll �., I 11� , I C � ravidie for the care of the . ,H_ ­ ) 11 P feeble- I The military authorities Intend to , , , C, OAORLS Of .The Road ,� 0 minded, r .i '. I � . ,,, 11, '� The Toronto Railway Co I . directors 'take UP the case of Capt. G. T. Bailey, � I - .... . I . . I ," , I ­ ­�,5 � I !? c who nald, that 90 per cent, of,the N order to give some recognition, to V; - ,. , g- � Z] il , ­,­ at the dividend to four per cent, on army wits drunk at the front , W , , , M p , 4 . I 1. ., a count of higher wages being paid on d, r I,, � 2m�k '. , ��j rii c men who It _�', _ �, 1, 94 . " 4 r.,,;�,�,, Christmas Day. after the civil police I Up ,W,fi,, r . 1, 11 . 0 - employes. build ; , .� , . action Is completed, record ol eM- f, ;W_511 "I � J 1, , J-,�, Chatham City Council has ordered clency, the Canadian Pacific has de- &N $.. �,l �2� , , . - I I L .. ill 4j, inen's furnishing stores to close at 7 SATURDAY. . cided on a new Polley which should ` 11 ., M� i "I, . - - 0 I,, " attract wide Interest Hitherto on - � " �_, p.m., and hardware stores -at 6.30, Final results -of the elections are . - - ___ I t� , _ with certain exceptions. � announced. this e9zMnout railway Aocomotivea , I �­­­­1­11". . . 'MM I I FM.4�Kf.�.Ijr,, . �'i�� �, , ,� 1, 11 have been identifted by numbers only � � . i Teams, vehicles, implements, etc., Z. A. Lash, K.C., gives evidence be- ---a Practise, which h&% or#ygilled sloe - "r, I � !t"". which have been in use abroad for fore C.N.R. arbitration board. A I V " .farming., are to be admitted without A large QUAntltY of whitefish, where except on certain English rail) - ways. On the Great Eastern, for In- ,' duty, on condition that they be ex- spawn was deposited In Lake Erie, stance, *4 famous engine was called M , I �' n �1.'.; ported at the end of the year. The Tor to Boa � ' ... � The Edmontoa--Cit-y-Gou.n4�il---hag-, _4x,iaf6&&d_ ,,,J.,,rd of Educatio after the chairman of the company I :1 i " � � U9 &-spite. 01 Cit� "Claud ,Hamilton." On the Great 1-1 I - � 1'1'�,., .. eapitulated to all the demands of the Council. I / Western Railway, the shield over th.6 - �� Allied Trade _UiXions over the - .T -P- freiRht handlers went 11. great driving whool carries a disilpe-' . , :� 11.1.!,� . . ._qu�z ' G . � -1 -.1- - - - � I . - - - � strike yesterday at t:,,e 'Union -station, tIV4e D&Me-thU* the giant of the th Toronto.- ----. ---.---- ,- - --- __ -_ - ­1�t4r',' clan to called "rho Great C( , LEMONS WHI - ' -1 Two Belgian Senators ,i,.e Bear," fh6ri'fii"a- ­K�ftlghV­cIzs5;-In­ fo TEN AND I re Sen- 1�� . f y e Germans for h h the Gtrt4sr" to ­ . - in ", -BEAUTIFY THE SKIN espionage. contstitcuq'us. 4hile on* ,well imown r. .1111, .. I � ) I The South Art" Assembly try 78 engine is named 'lang Edward." On th I r to 22 granted leave of absence to the London and North Wtatern Rail- . Make this beauty lotion cheaply for ,Gen Smuts. way one of the most Powerful locomo- your face, neck, arms and hands. Siefaxisson, the Canadian explor tives Is named after the �Groek hero � 41 '0 I � . er . 11 I �l���������'i��li�������i�li��l������ll������ I m � twa In � � 1 " , � 4; P.t I' ke _0101110 , WJ , -_ I , ��,f �1 N. - ,_ I , . � I , , r ' .1 � I— / __1.__1_-,.,4 Irl � - , , V_ � . 7,�',4. .­ -,' - __11118 bat �i� "XI, ".Oft _r " �. * , , , � 't, . ,� ­ 11 � I . - ' �, T*rkIirok4,'f ft,ti4i #.x C *6kitan I,%- 1� --m 1 I - .� � A - L I clao wicittv, A*"t� ", -�, 1� , , �, - ­ � � � I I I 1. � I I , , IVI'4 nowlAIRI), District iA*A;;k 400410gonto. ,. THE SAUETS COAL 66 .� . I ­­ ,, '. ". `.'�,�_,:.,�: � ­� " �, � ____ L -1. .� I I I � � - I I I ­ �. - - I '-SuccelifOrs to MtDonagh & Gledbill - - - 1-1-11111- 11 . . 11 - - � �_­-.1--ki, ...... 0060.0.... 1, __t,,��;:­­ " EXCLVSIVH AGENTS FOR � 4 . I I -, I . . I '. . �. - I'll , I � I , , , LEHIGH. VALLEY , __ ­ I __ W f V " __ ___. TH R C OA L THAT SATISP'IIZS � - - '..' _. . , . . � "I We dest in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime , - , Cement, Fire firick, *re Clay, also I I fi fi �� � � 1,1-1 1 , , , � 0 , � L1)i"1'!1k1r 1J. I Hard itud Soft %Vvu,l. Maple au& �- . " 1. ,; - I I Hemloe� Slaba. � DO � ;': IRUADI, I � FreSh Cars of Lifine. and It _.�, ,.�Jl , 'The Scottish "AMON"Ican Cement just received \ P ' , ' L . ' . ­ I ' � � OPFICH PRONE . . � . 75 IGET ,,A' THE Not$ � OA , EAR" S. I. S,�UT.Ts' R RsinnNex ' 275 1 --'-'-" .�� t ­ - it 202 scottia n VXX1dAX #tho only W. W. SAUX.Ts'L RusivENc Tim 9corris A � )" 11- - h, IlewsPaPtIC 011U110404 -in Anier. __ 3 ion. A��-tilooldevotidtof,gigi�afiiier. ,..t to scoto 80 d*scevdxtktj%ipf ScOtS 98��,qs*;S,;*,�SIAMW 111"OuPhout tile United Statts'and Con. %�&_�51"M,N%N" -IM-13.11 a4u. Fvdablished 6o years. - Circulation 0 tile litorot of all Papers 61 lift class on I , � T. SWARTS , 1, 11ir Amerfcmn Continent. silbscription A I "Ite, f3,111) Per I 'Bus, Livery.and 00, Eidd-­ ,,, oit, un*iutendumBispie"i'u"t-�tlfd"Ct400�&dutiy . 0 WRIT tj -I?0,A__8AMVT,V ,�(,P,. � , io. I ' THE SCO S AMCNICAN I Hack Stables ,I 1". 110114"'Ift I�;oni 01 Street ,I I . . #MY"# ny I " I J ��­­'_­` �, just off the Square , )11 0 �11 D. W. HAM , , - -%�O�ft. 4 , ILTON j Busses M 4� tot all Trains vino 0 Agent for Goderich ,and Clinton., I Passenter Boats .4 ?. 0 . _­ - _� X Passengers called for In any ,00 . gaa . 11 I part of the town for all It �. trains at Q. T. R. or C. P. R. 04 Law# Cream � Depots. bperators X I � �' Prompt Service and I Ideal Oreenhad ." I I -V 811,03 , . Careful Attendance, � It I , " Alpha Do �tgvxj � q1b, 0 1W L Our Livery and Hack bervice f EnginelL will be found ult-to-date , Noweembe , on every reeliect. P, A P . . 11. % F18181 , lwoqw A EdItel Amb Vour'Patronage Solicited 0 vals , Gramcphells . IT. SWARTS 0o'lLarice stock of Edison Recoru. as hove 107 ; P/ bond. � I PI Montreal Street r' . I � 400 Separal ors, Pubbers and Oil can b* ,�_, 63s�,_-Vlmo 1 � I had at FRED "UNTIS ti I., ___ "t'WkIlit-61 _1 Prompt delivery of oil Separgifors 01@ MAPLE SUGAR WANIEJ) I short Dotico. Every pound of maple 141,g&r p,roduced ALWAVS hOME SATURDAVS FOR is spring adds to the food ntocl( of 1hp untry at a time whey., every 1,11nd of REPAIRINO. oil stuffm is tice(tod Maple hugar _"! o alter" are sure of a market for every _)nild 'of imie'lliaple Rilgar dbd syrop . D.- W. HAMILTON , ey produce. Phan* 207 . "Vt" st;%st. WNtolf - , - � - - - now " I I At the cost of a small jar of ordinary to I N cold cream, one can prepare a full quar- . ,,, �� ter pint of the 1�1 1 , , most wonderful lentan 30clatiOd " , .1 .1, �, skin softener and complexion beautifier, daylight-saving at Herschel Islan be seriously ni. d, Was reported Niagara District Frultgrowers' As- I's Opposed to the proposed law. imuilles. I The Canadian Pacific believeglthat It to not necessary to go back t0' ancient Greece to find the names ot Its heroes. They. are among, us to- � —, New Petifecto ion Oil Stoves I � Why not econoinize bV usilig less coal or wood. 0. :,, 1, by squeezing the juice of two fT"lk lem. ,� �; �4 one into a bottle containing three �ouuees from I Retail grocers must,pbtain'llcenses the Food Board by the lot (if day. driving through the fierce bliz. zardt; of our Canadian winter. -the . I .", � .. . The New Perfecti()n ()'I Stove *,, illst what I I you ��'��"J of orchard whitc. Care should lie taken May. ,,',�f Some 22,000 are affected. freight trains Ist4en with supplies for . I n eed - We have them for sale, J,I ��w�­,, to strain the juice through A fine cloth I �,�-�. " 80 DO lesion Pulp gets in,'then this lo- miners , The Dominion Coal Co. and its have reached the Allies, or the lighter but speedier passenger trains on the -Imperial I .11 I 3 burner and 4 burner Sto%,es, , .�.,, �11 1, 1 tion will keep fteith for months, Every upon . , � woman knows that lemon juice is used cent. L an agreement �L wage. Gereaae of about 17 per Highway which links , - Take for in 'antic Pacific -=. Bmwn'.4'aho � I I � . . CALI, AND SF.F. TliE.Nl. ,,,­�l . , to bleach and remove such blemishes am W',) , , freckles, salloVilbess 'and tan and is nora, Col. H. A. Machin. M.P.P. for Ke- has Wilson, one f the most popular o� stn6ers on thl., Western Division, who. I . We Re PINDER41 .1 , � ;1 , the Ideal Skin softener, whi � , texter and Justice, " ,� joined the , Department of to be DIrector of the Military won tile reputation on the old Prince Albert ., 'Phone 155. � � )� I 11 �, beautifier. Service , "A , branch. Branch, famous for having no .11 . . "smilton Street. - -_ � -��l , I � '' Just try itl Get three ounces o � f 11 orchard white at any drug store and Of L I I ,� �� Flight Cadet Lloyd Harvey Carter, Boston, water but lots of snow. - Bronco is the cowpuncher of the "Iron horse 1. � __ - - I -_ - ____ -.-- , , � i two tent a from the ocer and wat, "' of'the Royal tnylng Corps, and would consider It the biggest dis. , --- — - --- ­_ - _1__" __"_ I I � � -"r,, - UP Was killed In a collision over the grace out of jail to let an tngine 4le I lue law Dave l3owker. ! , � � _(. 81 quarter pint of th a sweetly fragrant airdrome at Leaside Camp, Toronto. on the road, and WhIs engine Was late to stop his train, Norman Wight Wilm, therp Ift Con . ,� ladon lotion and massage it daily into and two other airmen had legs badly staffed would dra Leary 1 ­11�- �,., -i I. w off the Ares, ran along the pilot and by leaning for T=1 d 0 President- openband- ( ; ��.( �, I the fww' neck' Zrins 'Ltd h*n& It is broken. I , '.�, tasrve put slabs on the top of the hot grates 'ward lifted It out of harm's way Just ,�41,10ghtteparted and always on Lime; le I ." I 1i 'on$ to "Oothen roug,16 fe'&� Premi-er H. C. Brewster of British 'ain in time. Tb)B earued the modal of U . L' ( � and In spite of the lilradidif iti . J ancoe, 100% eMcfent as an ..�.s �'r -- _====—._ Columbia died at Calgary last night I caulk the tubes and light the �txglue the Royal Human* Society, and eurti-len er, n w known to have an en - I �:, ("�� . __ � ......." e was up ,,�ne fail �41. Of Pneumonia, with which It again. Achilles. the greatest Of IF earns the right to narne an engink. 1.r:,v4;be man who madA, the A . i,,�� taken down on his way home from the heroes of ancient Greece, gat sulk- There are other C. P, R. engineers success of the Cross Plough, lEittly A i 1111i. - %; IF - IT'S AN . the PfOvinclal Premiers' conference I In& In his tent because Agamemnon still on duty who have done good 'Woods Is further east, a sky pilot in . � I, . with the F�A : � ,Aoral Government. took one df his slaves. The lack of a Work sad whose names maY 9000 be overalls with strong moral Infit;ence I ,�, A maid would tertainly not vdut 6 commemorated on some giant high on hi's follows. AlVb. Bilble and 'A L MONDAY. C. P. R. engineer front drP1k;9,,hI9 tY" Nissonger engine. They are to '04-orga Leach are ralivay leaders In � .��, A border city real estate board bat; locomotive to White River at 600 bf-- b#'Tound on every division from St Ontario, Poch , , .,� I ,�- been organized. of them steady as a FAPME- ­ low zero, with the ,R,tnd against him -ouver, B.C., men rleek. In P PV '� . . A . Germany sent'- Qu b there Is Arthur . : �i . John. N.B., to Vatic � �­ . , J stern warning to blowing fifty mlLos an hour. "Ro- fiercely loyal to tbplr Oompany and Charlebuis -known an the Snow Man the Radicals of Russia. mance is dOad," says the pestimists. to their President, 1,ord Shaughnessy who (;In htirk a Pnowdrift when no IN? A Spanish Stextiber, chartered by "No." says the C. P. R., with Rddyard whom tbev know a -i the man who at one el,%e Can Nlal*- to him Is Harry . ,.111� WHA -151 IMR the Swiss, WAS Bank by a submarine. ICIPling Ways gave 1he Prniborhood a *quare lecle?., known tir, fironl@ Buck. & I L I A%arltine asked Great Britaln for 'All unseen, Romance brings UP dest) The names of 01-4e men may Fr�n, 1i CRoswittp worthy of bin r" I I I �, " � � .Tr a saftconduct -of Count won Luxburg. the 9:16." DOt be known to the general ptiblic and al"ays on finie. I . httl Y6U'ktl0W it'$ . Wta. Burt,diod .ist larampton In his It has, therefore, been decided to for often the enginepr a tipst record is Ov�r two thotseand locatnot � � I 1020d -Yaiar� 11 Ives run i � e MUght at Inkerman. pame certaft of the Canadian Pacific to be never heard of. mind they them ir the Canudiso Pacific seryloa, with � I .­­_ I-- I TIxe,,40tAry Club In Brantford dis- locomotives after the engineers, Who solves art- the I"t men to seek the over two thonsAtid engi "rs. It Is I - 11 � . �rfbttced more than A thousand ser- by tneritarfous conduct or by actis of limelight Take I ... --,M4dAJ,0_--&g!!_ __ _ I I for Instance, Jack not the intenObn to natn", every loco- , I I ,m I I - ---- AVft1Z%6_'C'_' - __ ­ " L, , - octal bravery have, in the'001111611 Hsftbe,r. so skill(ul In mrting that tno(lve at onee, t)ut only those In li.',.� ��,,.' . of _11t - � � An lWpbrt&nt ordeir has been made 4 the itl"*Ome � #11trutd this ,right t6o, Vas"jIgm dows 00, kn4Dw the Aratri passenger @eryl e.. aod to keep each �,,'�;-+ � If it's 99ything else it'S a by the F"d 804rd with,,& view to I . 1. to special distinction. lutn* of the" is MOVID fill ho- looks out of tbp win name as R prir . �,4 1. vilact and a reward, I I., 1110111.1two -b* ."', t�, 11 Valil-ed. . $to , , , through ;'polled eggs. Sam" Tasy oves be la.k40 f1t#ft t #**. ,y1:1 Smith. on the run betwoen The ldfa to Ono willch should appftl ��'l 4, �!��­, . I . . . . . "I I � 7%* fttb Of Pte. 96bert Gillies. 92 exifflneer'l wb* are 60 the 060111164 011ittliwai and Monereal. is another to evtry man who khows the value 0# i il "I Toronto. who died under similar eir- lW--swa Mks Ash. Koliatoily, Vb* Notable ebsirtcter. In tht days wbrn personality In good r*tlr,os low f �," � eumstarlees to Gunner N"166. 19 to be grow Y41P with the West �Rxd Y" *&* jbs, 0. P. - & and th# Grand Trinik appeals to t # 0. p d . I .�. , � , h ft. b"attso it will �1� 1� �', � Itiveattgated ' gives wlift the C, 1P. Vt. or" tilu my. , V#W to fteo betweou these I vro Of 106. make for eflfet,pne,y and "courUe Asit Abdilf this Calaadig;�t Sir G -ea. Ing tr&*4 "road tho,ortifloo � ... � � it. roattr. analiuncetl to - WX Usk OlwAys claimed 'that h# nevor that esprit de (orps whIch is the key - I , the women's Couretebtf tbAt a dar. 11,11,60, bill at the same tiatto that he note of the whole Canadian Pakifir t Produet 11111ft 'PlItY15011Y, V1411stilly A" W*M. . I . I I - . light ItAllat bill Is to be introdueeil ly. c*ft*W0d1Ag tbo r"04d Uth 6t *" V~ kft b#blx&4. 83rat-em. rho POStneer do*% not thZa! . ",*�- .1 ' NO. 21 by the Gow4rument tbo Vs** 04 *f the blig - . , ,"" ON 04 ether aid* of tho Continent of life toi,omotiv# marely, sit it I . Sir Willis6i Meant refused to bold fatbir of OU wo"Sutoft "41 861loway. a veteran who )o1o. chine It is samotb(tir xfrnn%t bittitan .. I'll, ..... 11 .. :1 .$0,600 $go rM Out any 1101111A, to & deI*4Vl6n *h now Asalstaww aftat W 0 ivu" 0. P, R. thirty y"re ago and to blat ­81ho's a rood engine" you WArdhod to Parliament Building ato 7300thethb". ()th*r 4611066 WAY to - �� Cany AM asked f0t a stroldger beer. taken tr*M tbo" who bgv6 O&O" JA* ... on like & book; b0sr On* call to a Vallml,va ronductor r rick. the 981* man Of 1110 *'but (fill nf hard lwk 4f it lak44 an I ., � , I I The body sif J. M. Crawford. who away into the Ilmd *%a" tho* llvv* 10*0kilftf, 0110 In Mo old dary before engineer months 10 n1axIcy fit@ pprlsll, . ,T$ft If V#V Wilk dI"#pe1Q#d just Monday ev"lUg. Uttser amd at milways--moth. tot is. ft PAN was tunnelled. wbon th# aritles of a 010w 11 -mot -o. and for Ottis sawlior 14 * ,� itt"M " tv 11 11 "I Was f0umd ftmbedded IV the fee utder paltfevwly *I "S" �C-4 . X tit Winter 414 sometimes have'that resson he to not lull, It In love - I � 46MO bushes by the creek in DrSnIp- tb No. iii. Wh# Ur *Met. V" said to be able to ani#ll a with any Pooling Pystent. Preferring , � , too. I I thlrtY-fovt years drove blo oWnt alie t,ft all" &W,y; Willis A rni Ito hav without, a block Inark 0 On# Ongille at say rate "&* � Miss Madeline Adam, Tornsto. ROffift 7611 itt-ftit. ftather wountala me " w signs -d" to hfm___,ft onglop that he 1 4";0 "W4.4m oil Is AKWK aw irwh Injidries rftttve4 *ho,n a Word'"" *"In tb*" *t* hft&A '#Yes 41110 hardly coed#d tbo It - 1!'dh can Qlmost call his own. Worp he to � L. � I '. �. JtM,0 "11 ' 106'0016t ID whIC111 WAS a P110efter like NOrMAIS Wight, ttoiftontd by ilt- lfrht,� to 0* through the dark ran I know that big tst,orite pnglnf, wollid , it,blIld6d With t att"t "t 6t% h�altb t* (&Mks bill *41*0 thUt TWO*- YouSi, 0d Mn MarvVy. of th� rrw%'Q "POt"4111' b"Af h1A Own namo. unrely � . 4_� . . 1 144.1 ,"will At"t. W4*r V,sroas "w li ag,otpi,st �btfitjfle�*, peo. 1qogL it MO man in ik big 1,.1 I �v On I be woiild take orr-ater pride thab #ver I I . . , . . I . . Us 6 OVA Or a d1114 om tile tr"k 4o - td* pturlow b,asides such mm to I In work well done. 0 11P - to I I ____10 X -1 I I ... A . � � L .1 I - __ - __ -------,.,------ - - — —.-,-- , Our Own Country - C A'14ADA Von can know your Canada better and well bv reading each month MacLean's Marazine � Y01' 'will find no other insigitzine more ey,te,tAil)ink -m) ?I-nr I other sottatisfying-sonitich worlv3 while to .(,u ,,4, k,,11ft,11nn i in love with rourown coutitty. ,linotaR itq rel4tll,., ,,,,,, fre. I (10clit contributorst are these di%tinguished litithor, . Sir 011bert Parker Robert W. Service L. 8, Yates Stephen Leaceck Agnes C Laut Alan Sullivan Phillips Oppenhelm Nellie McClug, POter McArt his r Arthur Stringer Lord Northcllf a fL F. (lodaby Mr& L. M. Montgomery Arthur E. KeFarlano These contributor@ are g pi,eilge to ydn of the qoulity of MACLPAN'S MAGAZINP one] of *10*12adisit savor which in diolinctive of MACLEAN'S. � . ,%me Of the DePartineat feitturei of every issue Of X&CLE IN'S are .- Review of Reviewit-st condeno*tion of Ott best bi�Kfavilient, Scion. I tific, literary and descriptive articles appearing in current period. feel literature. i Tk0 609111100i 0101144k -an informative article dealing with com- Wertti 1111*11ce, in'testuitents and iiiatir.tice-for tbo mglj in the I 04et. i W0111111ts *84 Their Work -a department of special inter"t to Coxi. ; ad)an vrotsen. I : $0 YOU see how complete Is MACLEAN'S i I MAGAZINE � AS a good Canadinn, deairous of Itunwing your Canada better and well, 411I)SCribe to MACLEAN'S MAG,%ZfNR -for youraelf. home and friends vrbont you wish to fovor ,vtm sotue exhibit Of YOU? itood-will. Subscription pTiC0 1.0 S2.1�0 p" tear after Dec. i5th. Order from your'boolit seller, or direct front the publi.,thers- THI I 1_ AN PUBLISHING CO., Ltd.. 163 USIVIrsi � Ave., Tomto i M___ .--- _. _ . —,--- - - , ___ _.,____ - - . - � A"