HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-08, Page 5�- -4e MAIM, TFIS "OMN rm, WPM strength. A t%, 411T -Aw "Mir ritumm AT *X, s TUID. following N fix(> report of the and Vilor Huron PresWtcrlal $Qciety as present - Via a S#,Ti*Agq"a� oa,gt, their annual inectliag held 14 VILU100 43--"* X% Check vast* on vour A4, we review the woru of tile Past Year for His p we tool' deeply grateful to God, for His farm, In your hou;-ka or your 6.104sing, While the re� Yours Too- ap�]%Doe IsU4 Jln?, -bv,�ve 4 alleo, "It-b0ow, shop 'r, wbich bow, Cut, L QW'4 Your 44 lolp' k (4,4* previous �4 evett you are now 40%Pn'QCP. 0, fQr yourself those little jobs �that, run away with, VIVer, Illso.luded, the ap%pal effort of the,=41. change—get full V21ue forevery dollar yoU�spend— 140�00 for U10 deticlt In the General weak. and run-down — Fund; oonsid6riuR this, out- p0loary SM4 &00slt 0 VinQs re—larly in the 17211asillask A11!2us" ^%robn if tt"r nerves are T1 --N-p ,1vingl* have &4Lva0cQd, X&tbr tb&P Thipaccumulated results,with latereSt some 4ocroased, 040 we lind �uftAclenit indict 1 211 tinstrur'g- day mc;an financial independence. tion of progiceil to warrant us In saylar, The tood ph"sphates aud iron, that under existing conditions the a .ilk port ii of WhIch Dame Fashion predicts that this Will indeed eason re very satisfactory one. We GPDERtCH BRANCH: F. WOOLLCOM rQgmt Oe removal 4 Oak efficient preal, - plain doup"ar", E. F. X. Smith, of Rensal), 04910 The richness of the Silks has neverbeen ex.0 from the bcunds.-ot the Presbytery, bu� 0 -q kno n c 0 4 t w that she has bee olors or, fancy Su"k3s'which will he mu re ' 6d to the Important POsitiOnOt DIrri4l"10 Tonle N pgoypicial Press Secretary. Wra. Mou- AMEATER PRODUCtION IS NEEDED * telthoo,our esteemed Home Helpers is 63tuposed, sup to the arving blood. Min and Ilk Secretary, has been obliged to re. at Rich Quality Duchess SO TOO POP110 ish heroffice for the present, The nerves the exaOt nourishment Our special ,r,�oe.t-4 Silk."fdr a.klitS and Assistant Secretar of these departments, however. needed to bring them up to of Organization of. Re -b&S-been-W4Qd-==Oa-effeeU-V�ely.bV.- AtA4_4af& - I --.A.-high our vice-president. Mrs. James Hamil- suffering rom weakness. net. vous eitbaustibu. sleeplew! Sol ommittee a es any All shades in xtocl;- ',',j6,1u6heS wide. ton,otG,oderich and Mrs. W. Sproat, weave, beautiful lustrous finish, will $2.2 per y of Kippen, ne4s, too blood, depressitoo, 5 ard. Suggestions The Huron Presbyterial now com- need this vitaliziag tonic give exLellent wear- 36 inches wide. prises twenty-two auxiliaries, five eir, which restores strength and or a sad one associated society, with a vigor. It feeds the cerves Fashlen�ble and 0 skle'l— Silks -S.-I.. McCREADY ADDRESSES PUUIC-MEETING IN TOWN BALL..,t"oteRt--memberi�blp--OI-24.8, contributing, AiI4 I ron. All�colors. $1-715po'r�y_"d�­ -prginand.puts.rn r I Sa695.76. and ten mission'b4nds with a in 6e' biGod. Contains no wash "For the Jews will have no dealings girls, and asBlated in the Victory Loan memberabip,01 397, contributing 0311, alcohol. We have sold large much in demand'i will Wo, e, a 71th the Samaritans." This may be anfl British Red Cress campaigns. Au making a totaJ 0011tributidu of 114006-76. tities of this wonderful Novelty- Striped Tafteta Silks lendidly. to 3 t an example of what organization could Fourteen Hie members have been added =y and recommend it sp 3 oe reason why Mr. Ed-. Lawson. of do, there had been raised for the Brit. &Rd 681 copies of the Messenger sub- positivelv. Large bottle 1,00 ang $i.So. Colborne, was the only representative ish Red Cross In Ontario, during the scribed for, a decrease of 17. Exeter Fivt WeAs These handsome striped Taffeta Silks 75C, $ -of %Ut township who attendi4d the pub. past three years, over five willipuR of records one in Memoriam subscription. $1.50 are the very newest for suits, dresses White Nabotal no m*dting held in the Town Hall, dollars, as compared. with - onIv one There 46re g58 Home Helpers who have - Twenty-six bales Superi-)r quality white Silk. Goderlob. last Monday evening, "under million to ' r the same purpose in all the contributed $%M.27. en shipped and separate skirts. Fxceptioual qual- other Provinces. One plan this year of excellent clothing have be Ilbe auspices of the Goderieb township to Toulon Home, Manitoba: The report James A. Campbell, For general ntility wesir W6 Silk is Farmers' Club, the Colborne township Was to have conferences held at several ity. Individ4al lengths. No two alike. without an equal. 381n�h of the larger centres to discuss plans as of tl�e Strangers Se,.retary Is encouiag- Phm. 0. es wide, Xariders' Olub and the Mayor of the was being done here tonight; but it Ing, Strangers secretaries have been RE. Town of Goderich." The object an- this were get fully carried out. towns - appointedin 18 out of. 23, of Q.kir Aux ClItylla,me STORE" 36- inches wide. $2.95 per yard. $e. io and,$1.25 per yarld.­ Allounced wAs, to discuss "greater prQduc-, and villages would -be- asked to got J&rJe% _Tb_aoLs 6f aotivio Phone , _ _g tion," and Mr. S. B. McCreadV, assist. q GMAICH, ONT. together, and townshipt would be ap- also in the sl�nt secretary of the Organizatiori of pealed to through their councils to make ments. We are pleased to report an 0 Crepe do Chino and Goortlette Cr6P6 Resources Committee, had come fro. plans for increased food - production. increase of 25 in the Auxiliary member- bu Toronto to lead the discussion. Mr. H. His warning of the food situation ship. Could we got double our mew- I Up s ase Hos X. Revell, who whs a leader in the throughout the world was most sericus. bership tjiis year by each member Mande Stir ing, iver ity B Beautiful quality Silk Crepe de Cbine and Georgette Crcp�-, fordMses and movement for the meeting, had with The next 60 days were looked upon by bringing in one new member, as was pital. C. E. F., witb & life membership. him as ropres(tntatives of the Goderiob authorities and thoughtful men as th-� sriggested at the Provincial meeting In Mrs. Henry Strong of Exeter auxiliary waists, will give tborongb wear and wash spleudidly. All shades in 069k- 40 township club, Councillor 0. Ginn, most critical period in the history of the Kingston ? was also presented with a certificate In inches wide. George Laitliwaite, John Sowerbv and war. The fear of Britain and the We regret that the MacGregor Circle, memory of her son, John Colville Strong, $1.75 per yard. several others, who showed their Inter. United States was that it the f,)od sup- of Hensall, which was formerly such who was killed in action somewhere in est in *e situation by taking part in - an Iliteresting. active organization, has France. ply of France and Italy was Dot main one auxil- Women's Fashionable Silk Skirts the diedussion, but Mr. Lawson alone tained they would go to pieces. If it practically disbanded for lack of a The reports from the vari responded for Colborne Township C Nub. was extreme to say that food would leader. In looking over the list of life iaries show a spirit of loyalty and It waET 8:20 p. in. when Mayor Wigle win tbd war, It was certainly true to inembess given in the January issue of devotion on the part of the members. lust to 'band a shipment of smart Silk Poplin Skirts in the newest style� opened the promedings, and from 7.5 to say that tack of food would lose the the Messenger, we find -ionic echoes Most Of the secretaries Rpeak of the and cofors of bladi, navy, nigger, grev. Special $6.95. 86 town citizens were present. His war. The problem was to get food from "the far flung battle Rue. " Mrs. inspiration received froni Miss Mc. Worship, in explaining the object, said overseas in suite of the submarines, J&Do Stirling, of Bayfi6ld. being present. Laren's visit,and address. and also the it meant that we of the town were will- which were still fat too successful. ed by her daughter, Nursing Sister report of the General Council and Pro- New Goods Opened Up This Week Ing to help those of the, country in The reason for cutting off of trains was vinci�j meetings read by the delegates, necessary production, by furnishing that more transportation might be had Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Strachan, and Miss labor and meeting the question of the for carrving food supplies to the sea. The shortage of food would not end Graham, Duff's church, McKillop, in- New Sprlug Coats, New Serges, New Br-lad,1otlis, New Coatings, difference in wages between town and were not this year or next, even If the war did, creased their offering to celebrate their New Curtains, Carpets and Congole=4 board. We in this country it might be that, next year we in Jubilee Year, and presented their Country. He asked Mr. Revell to yet sufficiently organized for the war, and further explain the plans proposed and and it might be the 3overnment would Canada would have to go,on a MUIOLI pastor's wife. Mrs. D. Carswell, with a THE LEADING MAIL AND 'PHONE ORDER STORE. TRY US then introdacea Mr. McCready. yet take the wheat from the elevators system. cortiticate t10f life membership. Lee - Mr. Revell said the meeting was the and send it overseas. As suggestions for the country,' meet- burn repor s the past year one of great outcome of a proposal by a member, of ings of township councils for orgauiza- blessing and golden opportunity to This meeting was to organize Gode- tion and systematic co-2operation for in- advaDCe. They were especially favored the Goderich Township Club, and con- rich and the surrounding country on a Lv sultation with the members of the Ool- win -the -war basis, that each might be a creased food production could be beld, by a visit fr-orn Dr. Waters of India. borne Club. it was hoped to avoid battalionoffood producers. BothGov- more wheat, beans or barley isbould be Knox church auxiliary, ' Goderich, 'Phone 56 M1 LLAR'14'5" SCOTCH STORE 'none 56 mts were earnestl y tr� ing to solve some misunderstanding which &rose ernmc tried, and It help were neodied consult suggests that a cop.Y of the Messenger out of the meeting held last year in these problems. Food production labor with a town labor bureau, whic4a should be placed In every home in the con- 000096100� town, and thus the meeting was called 'must this vear be on a voluntary basis. be formed, and then try to bring about greaation. l3lyth Auxiliary hag the by both clubs. What wafi..W,&DWa W%9_ Wef_this section must organi�e aad co-operation. The Ontario Govetiliment honor of having the large9t member - Increased labor. It there were labor &4,end upon ourselves for what we would bawe 50,000 bushels of Marquis ship, while Seaforth holds the banner wheat to sell to clubs at cost to car lots, for the largest tbankoffering and yearly 'by 10c sufticientCaua,oa could produceenough need, so as to draw as little as possible $58.95 ; Seaforth, S409.48; Thatnes,rich "McGillivray," $100: Hon%all vxtra this year, and thus make to feed the world. This town could on supplies outside. The labor trouble of a little higher If In brokem lots. We contribution, Much of their success is Road, $228-84 ; Varna. $40; Winthrop "Kingii Own," 014.20; seaforth, "Bar the contribiltion fnr 19114 come up to grow almost everything it needed in the for the must have this tearn play or co -opera- attributed to the use of the envelope farm arose out of the fact that tion for two or three years more, for whereby every woman in the congrega- Associated Society, $30.4.5 ; .1 untor life bara Kirkman," S132 ; rieaforth. "Sun- $4,100. way of vegetables. and there should be 23 cities of Ontario contained 40 per there are hard times ahead ot us. tion is appealed to for a monthly off or- member Presbyterial, 15; total from sbine," 624.H.5; Varna "Willing Work MINN= V. GREUG" hundreds of meu and boys who could coot. of our population, and, including - ing. By this method $245 was raised Auxiliaries. 58,695.76. 112.21). rotal from MiRgiou Band", Treasurer U. P. S. assist on the.tarms. We must co- our thwos and villages, the proportion The Mayor invited discussion, men Mission BandB-Blyth 'Sill": total from Auxiliaries and Mi4-, operate, work iog�ther. Last year he of population for ihe farm W-28 only as tioning incidentally that the council and the annual contribution increased 172; Brucefleld "Little Disciules," S2S mion Bande, 04006.76.: Pay vwIr oot. of IM ACCOUntm by had 14 girls ftOm town who work -ed on one tc two, thatiS the farm population had appointed a committee to co-operate $76. This Auxiliary has found the plan Egmon(lvtlle "Little Helpers," $17 The trbastirer iuggests that cacti Dominion E-zl)remn XOfty Orders. Fly'ji hie farm In various ways and their was ouly 33 per oent. and the nm -farm with the Horticultural Society, and the of appointing a president for the year Exeter "Willing Workers," 69-70; Godo- ember try and increame their giving dollars eoits three CoAts work was in every way PAtistactOry, population 00 per ceat. Board of Health would grasit permission and having the members preside over In The only trouble was that there was 00 to anyone to keep a pig. He then read the monthly meetings in turn work Coming to practical suggest4ous, he -1 4A 4� -0,1 wa of central oflice in town to- which becould divided these UAO: (1,) Is4od within e following reBolution. onoved by r. well. ey cons or a Ed. Lawson abd seconded by Principal training leader,). apply for this help as he needed i -t- tw,; 42,) land around the town; and Hume, of the Collegiate lostitutO. The day of prayer was generally There should be such a centre on which (3 ) what 4can be done with Land away Moved by E. V. Lawson4 of the town- observed throughout the Presbyterial. farmers could call' for help during the ;�m ()Own. We should a= to prevent seaso vmBtoor overlapping, aa�t there should' ship of Colborne. seconded by J. P. Londerboro auxiliary studied the Mis- 10 Hume, of the town of Goderich: slon Text Book, "Heart of India, " and He then called on Mr. McCready, who be someone to Advise what to grow. That whereas it is desirable that all found that It resulted in a more intelli. spoke for nearly an hour in a conversa- We should aim to 1grow the t4lings possible efforts be directed to agricul- gent preparation for the lesson. Kirk. tion&] way, ga" many saggestiO118and which would save on wheat aod meat, Instances of Wcrk done elsewhere, as tbese were urgently needed tor over- turall production during the season now ton reports most of the members very which wbre most Interesting and help- seas. Potatoes viere most d-osirable approaching, "d whe'rearstmItmers as a much'in earnest and the contributions ful to town and country alike. Reex- and prolitable. aad a large surplus rule cannot successfully compete with larger than ever before. plained the formation of the QXgkutza- shouad be grbwa. urban industries in the matter of wages, The enthusiastic work accomplished Tiaree bushels were this meeting, representing the Goderieb by the eiroJes is moat interesting and tion of Resources Committee—I'd So"30- supposed -to be needed for each person, P1011 t.he W4Drti it had been able to Township Farmers' Club, the Colborne worthy of emulation by the auxiliaries. is and in this town of say Z4000 illbabit- Farmers! Club and the citizens of the Eight of the members of Arthur Circle, In the Past Year. It w" ants, it would fieed 125 acres lapotatoes headed by the Lieut. -Governor and the t, sapply that. quautitv. Backyard town of G4derloh. would respectfully Godericb, have branched off for greater leaders of both political partie& amd1gardening should be encouraged, with urge upon the Ontario and Dominion service. One is in the Redemptive was made up Of. members from both the co-operatilon of children and women, Governments that a fund be Anstituted Branch of Social Service Work, another sides of the House, business Dien and leaving vacamt lots to be tilled by older from which may be paid to farm work- in University Settlement work, two agriculturists- it was in fact a sort of men amd boys. The <;Wldrev's work ers recruited trom urban industriiss the nursing in Children's Hospital, Toronto, Union Government for'013tal`10 to aid in Bhoa&d be encouraged and supervised, differestc-9 betWceD A fair normal wage while two more are training for nurses. the many problems arising in this wax. �ud tjIus school teaehertf cauld do as he to be paid by the farmer and the wage Probably the most Interesting leature They had sent out for farm work men had poinved.out when addressing the earned by such workers in -their ordi- of the years was a viskl; from Miss from factories, High School boys and schocac tbzt ujterj�ocjn�, offer badges aad nary eyapleyment� and that payments Ratte, former superviqor of the -redemp- (or work well done, dividing be amde Jrorn smoh fund under regula- tive work of our church in Canada. As them up so that mmy children maF t4ons to be made by the Departments of a result of her visit and apart from our Agriculture. regular work. the Secretary says we At Model Theatre -ha, 1- them- The resolution was supported by both were able to send a box Of useful gifts In the second division vacaAat lots of an acre or two should be -worked on a. lgeDtleraeu in brk4 remarks and then for use in redemptive work, also to carried unanimously by We audience4 assist in sending three boxes of frcit block scheme, which would allow of who ILad shown deep interest in the to the Yorkvillo Presbyterian Home ir, groups of workers and combl"tion and Quaintest Play supervision. "Plow up yo�nr fair addresses. Toronto. The Marion Oliver Circle in Mr. McCready advised tarmers need- Blyth has advanced 570 in their con - of a Qu;aCin-t, grounds, and divide it up for older boys. Ing help to ,ommunicate with the Gov- tribution this vear. The secretary Act r e s s The man who wiU not work -should be erpmex�ebqr Bureaus at 14ondon or mentions that t6ir talent money has sat on. it you have a bowling, or other . ot clubs, let them take up the problem Toroat�, othbf wbtehoffloes had many been much increased and a �reat deal applicakions from men asking for work, of enthustaim show by thq Membeft and work a block As an Illustration of ...... 'Mr. McCready 146 also arproved of "keeping a pig." the Kelly Circle, at Brucefleld. is also an what can be done." and gave several illustrations from active organization. The LogieCircle, quoted two beAchers at Guelph who with the help of only eight boVs, culti- Hamilton and other places showing too, has increased its contribution. and AIE -_ ­ ' ) how yvung vigs could be supplied to emphasizes the dec�deqntcrest shown vated 2J acres, from which they sWd boys and others. and the work financed by the members. Z( potatoes "d beans to the value of UK till the product was sold. As we contemPlaw the work under- HMSH and at an ontl&V for working of only $74 - And similar satisfactory results were Messrs. Revell, Sowerby and Laltb. taken and accomPlished by thiS sJciety, in SUNSIM AILEY quoted from Pembroke, St. Marys and ws'te offered practical remarks an sometimes in the face of difficulty and features of the various suglWationst Mr. discouragment. we feel that we can Aplaypf the Heart byMARyKMER other places. Sowerby strongly complaining of the write these words on the tablet of tile For lands, away from town pebpte in apparent Indifference of the farmers to departed year! "Hitherto hath the town could buy the seed and give help Monday and Tuedsay in putting It in and in harvesting, and each gatherings as this. He Fmggedted Lord helped us,- and gaining courage share In the crop, taking their chances that Government aftletamoe in a plan from this thought we cam enter upon with the man who owned the land and for the drying and curing of beans wonld what will in all probability be the most Mar. .18th, 19t perhaps could not seed or work it lead to larger cultivation and more difficult phase of our work as Well SR ready sale, and on his motion the mat. of the war, with renewed confidence in Plots near town could be thus worke ter was put in this form: HIM who has saw. "Lo - I am with by co-operation, and of this too he Moved by Mr. John Sowerbv, second- you always. - quoted good Ulustrat'? DA. ed by Mr. 0. Ginn: That in view of At the annual business meeting in the great scarcity of food In the allied Clinton on Tne8day, February 5th, It'he countries, the Dominion Government be requested to consider the advisability following resolution was passed: I n our own Prosbytery we would exteud of establishing drying plants (or the our sympatby to liev. Pod Mrs. Me - purpose of eonset�vlgg the large crops of Intosh, of Brucefirld. in the WAR of beans that were raised last year and their only child , to M rn. Gardiner, of are not available for food in their Hirktun, and Mrs M. Y. MCLeaD, Of present condition. jSWorth. who have but lately received Cart -led unanimotisly. the Kid news that their sons had given After asking it anyone had any0filf their young lives to the Rervtce of their eige to offer, the -Mayor rieAd and urged eqtintry. To all others who have the pamage of s, resolution passed by a, antlered bereavement or anxiety on be - Farmers' Club In York County, con. half of their loved ones, (Inrtng the past demning the beatowment of titles by year, we extend our tenderest syw- HeAveD1Y the British Government On C"Adians. He thought when we werO being urged pathy and we pray that the Irather may ever he thpir source of to save and produce, thewtitles wft* consolation and strength.** at bestowed on finch man an Jo6eph JR. ISAIRF.T, GRAIIAM, s, Flavelle. I H. P. 8. No one in the audience seemed Inter- eated In or sympathette With the pm TREAWRER's RETIORT posal, and after a few words of obj4eq� The following ig the trPesurer A re. tion to the propoW. it was dropW, port of the Huron Prel;hyterial Society add with the Nallional Anthem he"Iny Auburn, $101.41. BaYfleld, $127 sung the meeting cloud. TW*e, $37.96; Blyth. $190, Blyth Mar. Jolk Oliver Circle, 1170. Brncefleld, 'NOTHING AS GOOD POR AHTHP4A.— $114.62; Bracefield Kelly Ciecle, $181 � I J Asthma remedtiss come and go but Cllnton� Stell; Carlow or Smith 9 Hill, e*ery r,04r the 60to Of the OO&AI Dr. W; Eginoadville, 1117H.50, Exeter, e 11y grow J. D. Kellogg A#hma Item d 0119; Exeter (Logle circle). 11IM-75 greater. omd g=r. No ftiftb6t evl- 410derich. $257 (.odericb (A rtb ri I denoe dotiM tka at ed of' its Ntuarkable Circle.) JM.gr) doderich Township merit. It relieves. It is al*ays of 06 Unift, SO; Grand liend. 117, , fleniall, atnei Witarying qUality vrbich the saf- foret from airtliffit IftrUN to khow. Do not hbothar &twk. bet; get tOwdS $168 ; Refloat] (MCG regor c i rc I e I ' $50. HUI@ Grem. wo� Kipoen, 9130. 02 -XiltIft $177.45- Leebtiru. 041 Lou ; P. J. r*1 ac 4ufft* ftntody Wd6y. deMAro: U�Klllou, Dufr I' church, opleadid 179; M Necessary Farm Equipment MORE and more the Ford car In bDoked upon by progressive farmers a@ nece%- 13ary farm equipment, the salml Its tPe Elow, the hay -rake, the drill, the mower. the arrow an other labor and tim�@-savinx, mAchinery. I A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with one or two of his horves and make the trips to town, railwaY station, creamery, or to the neigh- bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no farm machine made that will save the busy farmer and his bus,r wife so,much vbJuable time as a Ford. And We so " to take care of —far maier than whorse� No= raske, or hay and oats to et, no harnewinsgr siveharriewina, and no mtabfels to clean. The Fwd Pmtic&IIY t&ked cam of itself. Ask a f rnier who owns a FQd if be woukI ever aff2in t; to get along without it HJ4 "swer will hasten your decision to own onc 7VE uNrVMWA&C" Touring . - $595 Sedlan a Rvmbout - $575 Chassis C.OuVo - - $770 one -ton Truck F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. EWAN, Dealer, Goderich A