HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-08, Page 3111111 Wiles, 1 :0 1 i M 1 mew �i S %W", IFMSW AM M, MIT Kwam "'am V, I "are *944. in It"r hat Nwaw* of t a formerly .,bw _IP4 oNe'M-11 I " Or!R11 IU W91V U Rlri,froft. vim, A V all I= _RF a ttet 1*,(Act, tq Wei 01 ==,v �K* are, Ik ipp,6&,roc a I), er and of xr. V=410=.oh. has died at FIAP, " The Myth 844A JW, week mW , , W VAtigh'010490 W 164ra, that, No- A 4: , 1hert villiams, FAAM. sisek, jemAi� McQuire, of Clinton. sustafw kneatluo da� 1 11 a baqinjulry to her stol I, Emigh Ii sitadlly im proy"all 61400 his reperit '"Vero illness and With WON - M.611.ba C.t* (in Store. Fort William) No: 117%o, �1*06%, -111 have the vr�latost, *aaalv- PAI* ibroush, "coul4ting w" a brIgh", Iva 4ptlug days, we hope to W him atvlt Our streets &&Of yore"" No V!Ixtro, No. I ilu, AIM$ you what. tPoaulla Xidney 4W� f Ten. was or me, T faint kw" th4 eolistIng. ldr, Du$ald Simpiton, a native of fxrOY Br44WIn, wilie, was mited home on aelount of bar fathers severe No. 1 food, 09%0 American CorW(Tracl�v Torentc) No. 3 W, with ilay wood *iwiy and could not ot"d to 09 anyttink. townellip, passed wav suddenly at inlill retv*rAed to Amprior. Y�l KlIzi drIodi, 111.0. Ontario Os tAcqordinq to FrIsightS .10 been. that wAy for two ye "Antlew 09 r &Y. Bit. *TAWtS 0- SPOttling, a V�611-kaowri Mottle.) arls"an4 hW. 52ad year. No. 3 whit"14, 0 , 911c. '64- done #111 could, but did not get any Mrs. R. A� I and, highly, reillpected resident of Owen No. 3 wbite-_1160140 07c. ftll, of Clinton, had the Sound, Ont*rle Wheat (Illeela'In Store Mantroall.) better until, one day owne,'ona o0 % eond a former resident of Blyth, littk book 1A Our 400 W 1� mlef9mme-to fail on an icy waIlic and NtV. 2 winter, Pei, -car � let. 42,12. pun I%W how fraefuTOL ti6th bones k1my recently in his 65th year. in her left w_00 Ho was bo6i and V&W on a farm In P-8 rdirte to Freight& Outoldo). ZITI suffered liks I on I , " d try. No, 71 to ;3,10, TM t eill th Oda M. so ought woul them, I y lately. I XcXiIIQp and at thesse 01,21 entered- Ploy, (According to Freight% Outside.) and I Am. qlad to may that after taking A very impressive memorial serviceiAhofirm of,Grey, Young and Sparlitig a . ItIng, $1,.70. 'have fieVeir had Woman*,, wos held in Main stre y 8, SV r=hy;._1l"(Aol:ordlnII to Freight& Out% of Metho4l�t Salt Wp It AfOrth, Blyth and,wing. Thanks to "DoaWo-11 church, Exeter, onlBuqday. Feb. in'1903 be went 6 Owen Sound afcIo). WUK U$4111- 'Oeu asking fQrL"'VQah'0 Pills" see for Pte. James, RussellMakrsh&II, Sort of with his family and had since then Buck -boat -41-78 to 41.80. , 'o RYO JAccQrdI9_9_t6 F Will y-bom-with-- -mrs;,marshall-, of-Elteteir-1 Table- doAaark �of v, WC blr� A6b"k Br�,D) 4, bighy,,ogteampti FiotiOry, �ba F.cur (Toronto, Now Boom.) n I 14af ", nul War qualityl, $11.10. up bv'IU-'!T cim! - � um resident of Wingham, passed away at There passed away at the home of Ontario Flout (Montrial, Prompt Ship. .41aliP. Torout�, 01*- Us home on Tuesday of last week, foP her nephew, Mr. John IL Hsiuos� Ist Mont, Now sage). s _Q 14prris,pu Thursday b- Qu q_kq of paralysis, in his Stlx llne'ot- last a big War allty. $10.70 MoAtfeal; $10.To -Iy-estWme4-.Jady In the person of Mar. Toronto. OSTEOPATH year, Rowq 4n%tiv'eof­'1roIand. fareblilglis, rollot.of the late Edward Milifood, (Car Let*, �Montroal Froights. Mr., Charles Dyer. an hxetor old boy, &GEORGE HEILEMANN, ()strpath. Son of t . T�. Al W nos, aged 77 years. The deceased 111aga I�cludtid). ex.Dyer, otExeter. was at Bran. per on, 436 . sharts. per ton. $41; eoeolull'A iTr wouien'a and children a dis. married at Foxboro' February Ilth, to lady, was one of the pioneer residents Hay (Track Toronto). # s of West, Wawauosh, residing for many No. 1, per ton. $17 to 418; mixed. $14 4of,;.t.' Acute, chr6nin and TipevQuo digoLrdors, Miss olive Buibury. The groom I ipott(ot eafoofs,&doyo. ear, no" and throat years near St. Helens. Selling the to $16. Adeno.Ui re;nqto wlth,3ut the knife. (ion. accountant on the Nolsons bank a . taff a farm in West WaIwamosh. Mr. and Mrs. Straw (Track Toronto) "1tAtIofi­1roei','�Offldtrftn11' ropidenee'.'Nelgon Belleville, Car lots, per ton, 18.50 to b. Ao it, back of. Tempuralme - Haines moved ,r# Sk. 0,rjwo_9;rV to Wfilgliam and resided Farmers' Market. I 'at, co hours A to 64, Mr. & J. Helm, a former wei6nown %11 North 8 60 111 here for some year and later moved to Fall wheat -Milling, $2.14 per bushel, an, Salur resident of Wingbam, who has carried East Wawanosb., south of Wingham. Gooso wheat -12.08 to $1.10 per buahgL store business in C -MU- Mr, L. Haines., passed 0 inearly five Barley -Malting. 41.70 on a general � per bushel. brook for a number of years, Is Moving Oat"I.07 per bushel. N" years ago. Buckwheat -41.76 per bushel. to Woodstock in the course of a few Bay -Timothy $20 to 423 per ton; mix. months. lti�*Itq OARROW. Barrister. Soli;;t-r, ed and clover, $J8 to $20 per ton. 4tv, -Voracr Nurth street aad Squarq, Margaret E. Gulley, wife of Mr. HeAry WINNIPEG.-GHMN IdARKET. Johnsoa, fifth line -of, Morris, died. FOR, MO�MN6@ 'WEAR. Winnipeg. March 4—The tarlifealt suddenly on Saturday night., Feb: 23td, snorts oa go of the better grades of need Mrs. Thos. Cassel, of Is In the western provinces is ro- H k1l"ISTRR SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLT- in her 57th year. AMC NVKYANCER Wingham. and Mr. James Golley, of one oe the Tub Frocks flected In the light offerings that are GfUre:.part poll ___ Morris, were sisters. 11 being made on rom "o God&rlch an Neat ap Serviceable. the local market f "VPhone 88 1 day to day, In addition to the 'geed Miss Dora gay, second daughter of commissioner, Who lit still looking foi large Quantities. there to a very fair Ea. SOTJOITOR,"ARY PUBTAC. �H#. Mr. and Mrs.1 Henry Cooper, a the Rose linenjashions this gown, at demand A"o-17M-6.T. Nkralluon, St.. Sterling Bank Block Hur JL ropd, Was united in marriage , both for milling and export Goderich to popular for home usage. The circular Purposes. -cs Mr. OYchn 51ellroy, of McKillOP, town-' sk-irt is tailored with it wide belt and 1he volume of trade on the locsA REAL ESTAVC. LOANS. INSUnA Wednesday, February 21st. market in small, and spreads on certaip ONVEYANCING AN'D N'OTARi7— ship' On woomy patch pockets. T!ie blouse takes The event was colebratei In Seafotth. grades were a little better from Sat - C urday's close. GEORGrH.GRTtRN8LADn, Bayflold, 6onvey- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langford, Clinton, The demand for cash 'barley wax enotQgand Nnrary Public. announce the engagement of their only good, and spreud6 were unchanged. Of. 'pROUDFOOT. KILLOnAN Ivy Larene, to Mr. Herbert . . . . . . . ferings mere exceptionally light. daughter lj"Yiytet,�, dv.1icuuo,,, The demand was excellent for c A. R Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland ash flax. and a few cars changed hands. -vaicc�On the Square. 2nd door frotu HaLuil­ Jenkins, ou Goderich township, the fm` ­7'L Oats futures closed %c higher for May min street. Goderich. marriage to take place in March. and %c up for July; barley futures clog. XW- marriage was solemnized at ed 17/ac higher for May. W�rlvatoo fund, to loan at lowest rates. A quiet PROVDVOOT, K. C Flax closed 5c higher, for May anill J. L. KiLfIoRA N.H. T D Coolc F. St. Paul's church, Toronto, on WedDes- 4c higher tor July. day,r'cbruary 20th, when Ruth Clare, g g Winnipeg market: May, 944. to 95%0; daughter of Mr. W. D. Van EgmoDd, of July 93%c to 937/se. AUCTIONEERING FI .71 to $3.75: July, Seaforth , was married to Mr.,Wm. Earle �X-May, $3 $3,7014 -THOMAS GUNDRY. Bell, son of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Bell. $3.74%. Cash prices: Oats -No. 2 C.W., 971,fie; Live Stock and General Auot4oneer�- Mr, Alfred Bradburn, aged 68 years, No. 3 C.W.. 94%c; extra No. 1 feed. H&TUiltiOu street. Goderloll. away at bis -home, lot 4, conceq- 93�Ac; No. I feed. 90%c; No. 2 do. 80%c. Was made everywhere and all offorta made passed Barley -No. 3, $1.76%; No, 4. $1.711A; -a give you satisfaction. sion 7, East Wawanosh. on Friday, Feb. rejected, $1.44; feed. $1.42. Farmorp, sale notAn diaocatuted. 21st. Deceased was a highly respected i CH.IQAG0 GRAIN MARRIPYr. resident of East W&wanosh, -to which �TERINARY. he moved nine years ago from Court- J. P. Bickell & Cc report the following VE right township. prices on the Chicago Board of Tradot R. W. F. CLARK, 8 gra uate of the Pr*v. Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto. .1 A quiet wedding was solemnized at Opf n High. Low. Close. Close, tfully call the attention of horse owners the home of Mrs. John Currie,, Eagt 127Y. 127, 127% a proved method of operating on horses' 12' 127 fresh supply of veterinary medicine Wawanosh; on Wednesday, Feb.20th, li t I -'eonhand. Office, and stables-NoyviratO at high noon, when her daughter, H . ary 111 11734 127 Y, 127% Oats— at, derici Grierson, became the bride of Mr. John Ma.y .... 87 Y, 68 3� 87% 88 87% S. Burchill, son of Mr. Samuel Burcbill, Vla,. .... 897/, go % S97 % INSURANCE Rev, D. Perrie conducted Pork— of Cultoss. MAY 4 7 b, 4 8.,,0 47,85 48.20 48.35 msuR- the ceremorly. oXIGLOP MUTUAL FIRL Nlav 2C.0' 26.26 26,00 26.15 26.07 ANCE (110. _7 . Mr. J. J. Davis has sold his drug busi- July 2Q�, 40 26.40 26.37 26.87 26.10 rarm and isolated Town Prop" insured. ness in Wlugham to Mr. E, J. Mitobel has purchased Ribs— Value of P�7 ogerty insured up to J&nuary, of Richmond Hill, and ',\I a y .... 2.'). 17 25-35 25.12 25,20 25.25 L%O, F04&975, business in Windsor. Mr. R. M. Lind- )aly _. .2- 57 25.70 25. 60 25.67 25. G7 Ot 10MRS - James Connolly, President, sav has sold his general store business jFrq, @vaag. Vice.prosident, Beach- -T. IG. 1147,IL Val' t6' Messrs. Swadrou and AdelmeD. Of wood 80,%fort h- DIt-tg( McGregor.Saaforto; J.G. 'CATTLE MARKETS yl,otw I Torontoj and intends l"Oving to Ke, Grieve Winthrop: XVm. Wrin. Co,lAtallcc� in the near future. viou trtoo�. Tuoker6mith; JohnFOrri UNION STOCK YARDS. Allowido loa: ua" board of tile Ontario street Ni� i: Harlook;John dd , Bru,sdhag 'colm MoNwul. S'nd, �,h in Clinton has a lot of 0ordwood, TOR -ONTO, March 5. -In the ear- - J. You, Godetic AG EN TS -iseafortil IC sawn, split and piled in readiness for ly part of the day trading at the Clinton; V� M. Cbeinef Uinchley. Sdarort;4. r1og. next winter's fi Tbe'y obtained a �k . . . . . . . Union Stock Yards yesterday wair B pretty slow and with a he Policy Holders can 8ay their aseessulen W at vvOod lot itild the fartner inembers cut avy run, H. eutt,s t5toro, odertoh. A. .1 s and hauled t4lem in, and Clothinse Store. clinLan, or J. Lt. keid's. Rny- thera into log 3196 head all told, the outlook for the sawing, Jkoid thle town' mernbers did an early clean up was not very pro - Splitting and piling. mising, and as a matter of fact there FRATERNAL SOCIF.TIE.S Pte. Amble Davis, son of Mr. and were between 400 and 500 cattle left -4cm,", ORE)HR OF FoltttSTERS. -The Mrs. A. S. Davis, of Exeter, who enlist- over, but the prices did not react A' 0111; legal reserve, frieud�, and Benevc- ed in th& 71st Battalion, has returned N severely. ent Society in canatia, sickan funeralbene howe. Pte. Charles Dobbs, of the E ASTI BUFFAI40 LIV a� life and H STOCK. fits, straight life4vio to 33 Year W eadowrnela In$ aftce.. Funds $50.0oo,000. lGist, also has returned horne and is ka-t Puffalo, Nlarch 4.-Cattle-Re- Kembership over 2,000,00'J ­'ourt� w all Parts staving with ilis father, Mr. Freeman ceipts, 2300 Strong: prime steers, $13.65 To - ' - of the world. ,iderlch. merts Ist Dobbs,Vin Usboine. He is howe on ful- to $14 ' Kit I t, ra, $13 to $13.50,4 but - court mitland, suffering with trench feet. cherg $10 to )V, ,arll.gn, III to $13.25: �acd 'ar(l mo,lday� each m3ath. Hall. cI7,ner lough SIMPLY _dOOD TASTM hetfors $� to $11,75: cows. $6 to S10,75- Nortlistreetand Square. Vkjwr� alway� wel- Mr. Adam Reid a former well-known bulls, �7 tpi�$11.50; stockers and feede�W, Ivoine.- For iufc- nation up,)Iy -C. HUNT,Sec resident of Winghaw,l died'xt his he e 7�50 to fresh cows and springerel, a white pique sallor collar and black H. SMITH, U. R. in Chatham on Sunday, Feb, 24th, in 460 to �115 Winghrtij nearly bow tie with CUffs to WaLcil. Huge C:�Ives--Iteceipt_,. 200. Steadyl $7 to his 79t,fi year. He left bone buttons play their effective part $17.30, 30 year4 ago and resided for' a t1rue In in any c flogs__rfoeipts, 9600. strong: heavy, This gown rolky be.coPied 01' 18 to) six.10; inixed and -Yorkers, $18.10 Brussels. Mr. W. B. Reid, of Wingbarn., 11 ored linen desired. to S13.25, :Ight ytwkerH and p1ga, $18 to 1% his son, and MY. A. M. Frafick, also $18.25; roughs. 116.25 to $10,40; stags, $11, BrophoU N& of NVingbam, his brotbcer-lo-law. to $14. Al On Friday, February 22nd, Mr. John MOTHERCRAFT. Sheel) and lambs --Receipts. 6000. Strorr.: lamhs. $13 to $18.40; yearlings, GODERICH $12 to wethers, $13,25 to $13.75; WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE Th. Wi.d.m of Treating a Child as it ewes. $7 to $13; mixed, $13 to $13.26. The Leading He Hold Feelings. ('Slf(',AGQ UVE STOCK. Funeral Direlstors ISUCH SUFFERERS CAN BE RMORPI) Vi I)un,f collgIder It necessary to Sys. Chice.96, March 4_-Cattle-Recelpto 22 000, Market weak. Beeves, $8.66 to BUILDING UP THE BLOOD lematlegily und,6rrate your child. Your $1�1.30: stockers and feeders, 17,60 to and Embalmers r adult friends will know you do not $11; cows an,l heifers, $6.60 to $11.80; Nervous people who have not yet mean It, but the child will not, and ca Ives $8.75 to) $14.25, -Orders CIL efully atItended to developed a tliqeaqa that can be recog- Hog�-LReceipts Market un - at all hours-ni& or day. nized and troated by We wedical probably moTe characters are weak- settled. Light. $16.50 to $17; mixed : profession have We greatest trouble in elled by the lack Of self confidence en- $16,15 to heavy, $15.70 to $16 fio. rough, $15 70 to $15.90; pigs. $12.50 to tinding relief. irritation, headaches, gendered by sueh a process than by $16.40; bulk of aalf�s, $16.30 to $16.80. sicaplessness, nervous dyapepsia. all the vanity which follows thle silly brag. SheVp-Re(elpts 15,000. Market firm. these discomforts mahe life miserable, ging of overfond parents. Native, $10.35 to $1340; lambs. native, but are endured rattler than run it Don't thlDk that the moment you are $14 to $17.50 "CLUBBING RATE doctor's bill without definite hope of all alone with your boy or girl you must Export -9 Hhow S;toady Increase. improved condition. Every sufferer should know the find fault or endeavor to improve the WASHINGTON, March S. - Ex - WITH THE STAR 'danger of sueh a condition to tile occasion by a little morailzing, no mat- ports of grains and cereals to th nervoussysten). NervouA debilitv and ter in bow loving a spirit,/ This Is the allies ghowed a steady increase dur_ even paralysis may restil� if the tone hardest don't of all, for no one Is so tog February, the Food Administra- The Sta, and Toronto Daily Glo6e ......... .. $5 25 of nerves is not restored. anxious to help a child toward perfec. tion announced last night. Ship - ll , 11 Daily Mail and Empire ......... 5 25 The one big fact that brings hope and tion its Is the parent, yet It surely leads ments in the first week of the month 16 Montrul Family Herald and relief Is that the nerves can be re- to an avoidance of the moments alone totalled 84,655 tong. while those In 1. Wtokly Star .................. 2 65 store(] by building up the blood. it the last week wpre 174,847 tons. The Weekly'San (Toronto) .......... 2 40 cannot be too often repeated that oniv together. which should be times of February total was 553,429 loan. If.ronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 . happy cont1dences. through the blood can nodrishinent or Toronto Daily World ........... 525 medicine reach the nerves. Dr. Wi I- Don't correct the child before Others. Miller's W0rTn 11()wilrr,� were devi�ed Tor6ga Daily News ............. 4 30 Pink Pill$ make the blood rich Never mind It a well meaning relative to proniptI.v reiieNp hildron who suffei Fai as 'a Advocate ...... .... 3 00 "ams ..... and red and quickly r"tore vitality and does any. "Aly dear, I am surprised frotn the ravaL!­ ,f %Norm- It Is a Tills Country Gentleman. ........ 3 25 energV to a weak. belvous System. A that you dor not show more force F;Irnt)16 preparallon rm o, (I todpstroy Loaas Daily Aivertiser. .% .... 4 30 of AtOrrineh and Inte,,iinal -mig %%ithotlt Lontlas Daily Free PrOX3 ....... 4 30 nervous person who gives these Dills a character; your children are suffering Shock or inpirN t(, :iw i ... )�t sensitivu M&trasl Wg*kly WitAm ...... 2 90 triali4almost certain to see gml re- from a lack or disc 1pline.­ Pass the mat - sults. and what is more. the benefit System. They iwt if -r , t2h1% nod Pain WoM Wide. Renewal ......... 4 25 vrillbe lasting because the trouble is ter over until you and the small of- lessly and thwi4h in -, �­ - -1-1 t1wN ProsWorian and Westminster. 3 30 attacked at Its root: building up the fender can have It out alone. if the may canse votiww�� irro t� in in,lieft Catholic Register ....... ....... 2 90 blood restores the nerve force. That circumstances alIe such that It cannot tion of their tv­ m i,n.1 not of Skta*y Nism (Teravlo) ...... 4 25 is why people who occasionally take be passed over take him out of the anv nauseating i a's Magagibe ............. 2 75 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always feel rooM &ilie Jotnial (Tercisto) ........ 2 25 bright, active and strong. Mrs. Wm. Lastly, laugh often with, but never "Dar ain' rnneh V1J­­­j4Pm, nt -nit] W*ftab's flofl�e' cempanias McIntyre, Gananoque, ont., says: -, UnClC_ Ebon, "in 1-w-il an ­11"I'y who ow York) ............... at, your child. This takelo self dental, Startli sumpin* (N, ­­ 3 25 "Foranumberof years I tvaq always but It pays. Make'up wur nal The Sotor"r, Evesiag past.- 3 25 tired and listless . . The least noise nd that forgive 'in). - T6 UAW* R~ JOAM111.... 3 50 Ovid so startle ine that I would whatever others may say, he can 'de. pend upon you for a quick, sure under. pelvding powtagoi W (,'aftihan lhtbrcrtber-�.l w IU Quaian Countryman tretable and AbAlee: My heart wonld 10 CENT "'CASCARETS" (W*ekly) _� ....... ...... 2 00 fluttfir, and I would 1`01 as, thougu I standing, without quibble or joke' at t6 Youth" t Composion ........ 3 75 were choking- I was almost wholly his experim Thin d6es not mean that FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Scottish Aawima ............... 4 00 t!nfitted for hoake -vor1r, and &I%vays so he must not take his share of tifIrmless Sdo4ific AmavAn . ............ 4; 75 fun. It In wholesome, and too much nervous that lite was &IMOst a burden. Cosisopolifilor lfagstks 3 00 1 tried sevor%l medicine,.;. butt thAV did sheltering would make him ov CUP* SIck Headache, Consupation, "ors's UsgWis ............ 3 00 not help me in the least. One (lay I tive- but the mother who lefis her child 131110tianees, Sour Stomach. Gad Asletwo Resaft A" est -Jess, rMetv6d a pamphlet describing Dr. kno� that she never makes fun of him Oft0th-Candypatharlic. ..................... 4 50 Williams' Pink Pills and decided to gl% e will be surprifted at the confidence wii them a trial. tam glad now that, I did To RiabAcribord In the United StatfiA for ,Ite %vbich he relies upon lt.-Mol�berla Mat� r uAing eight boxes they havtj JIo Or1TO 028 how had your liver, stofnae+ so cents aAaltion to all above, to pay strotigtbendd And built UPL my rundown, extille. I I postoge., )IOwes, how murh ymir 1,,InA aelle.. nervott%svttem that I cat work with y inkli A of th0i 06*0 pubil. how miserable you are frnm eo"tipa pieigure and (eel refteshed after a Economy in Curtarno. tion, Wigestion, billouAt,,�q ami �Iua had with Tho Star, for night's sleep. - I Afincerely bopo similar The best ehftp material for the wino a sufferers' may benefiVby my experfenct I �Aah bowels --you alwaya trt reiwf with r sai Da' y 0 &Q Empire ... %$5 2� It you are Weak, nertoog or., feell"R dow curtains of a little summer e6ttago Caacaret& They immediatly rleans,, 'fiS loss $1.50) 1.15 "out,'Of aorta." give Dr. Wfll�ms. pink may be found In the common dve cent and the stornneh, r,move t1w — obeesetloth. Thill has a texture which got, r. rcoula 40 1 tPllila, & �trfal. and you will be surprIsed f1l"Zing fe" and foil] gn-,ps. T6 TUV6 11ap"s ..................... 0 ce how quickly the nervousness will Is Wore attfteUTO than MADY hAtIdIffiln- faLa the excess bile from tho hv,Vr and Remitik" Ay� postal Note or Ex. I paAs away and youj; former energy m er Matertabt, and It his the 64141ed carry off the eongtip.,1W wa-f,I matter press Ovdi* 61,40 risk. Address turn, Von can get thew pills throngh eh&M of waahlrig Well, though Ot011, and poison from the int-finpa and your medirlinedeMer, or by mail at 50 length ishovild be allowed In tho he=* bo*rets; A 10 -.dent box from V -r drug, VA"TTER & N&FTEL. cen" a box or ift boxes for tlSO from -1 �*Mva r" 0111 Elaware ol sold on -ft, Merita, of KI nara's J I VALUE OF FETERITA, Good Crop to Grow Where Thire An Long $polls of Dry Weather. Feterita bas demon3trate4 Its worth as a dry weather crop and will becoms an Important factor in Kansas agti. culture. it is not adapted to cold, wel weather and consequently to 'not ree- ommended for growth in the easters third or I he statc� "Feterita is an exceptionally goo4 crop for western Kansas, but in east, ern Kansas the regular black hulled Taffir is bettei-," says L. E. Call. pm teaser of agronomy In the Kausai State Agricultural college,. "In a drY season this crop will prove sattsfac, tory further cast. -The acreage In Kan- sas has been indreasing ripidly, but a decrease is predicted for this year he cause of the disappointment experl� enced last season due to the abnorma� ly cool and wet weather. We havf been warning farmers In eastern Kan sas against phinting feterita on ac, count of Its Inability to stand an ex. cess of moisture. ,,it is a crop that is drought resist ant and has the ability to withstand long seasons of dry weather and te keep developing under those condittoaft The white shale soll of southeastern Kansas seems to grow feterita bettei than Kaffir or corn, and almost always feterita will do better than any other row crop upon these sells. "A mistake that a -great many farm- ers make Is to plant feterita too early In the spring. The ground must be warmed tip thoroughly before a crop is planted. If It is planted In a cool, moist soil the seed will rot before It will germinate. and a poor stand will be the re-4ult. That is one difficultl the farmers had last year -they could not get a stand of feterita because the ground was too cool. "It Is better not to start planting In the spring until three weeks after the regular corn planting time. Stay 15 to June 1. Under good growing condi- tions the crop will easily mature dur- ing the season. in fact, from 90 to 100 days 1.4 sufficient thne for the crop to mature In a usual senson. All the $or- ghulrI4 are apt to contain prussle acid, which is polsonotis if the plants are stunted In growth. due to drought or frost. They are then unsafe to pas- ture. This Is true of feterits an well as of the other sorghum&" Larded Sweetbreads. Put them in cold water, remove the pipeg* and metabranes; cook them in wiling salted water with one ' table. spoonful of lemon juice twenty win- ut-,s and plunge into cold water to hardew. dry, lard them with strips of salt pork anlil bake until brown, bast- tDg with brown stock. Serve with veako. . NOT ONE QUARTER PRODUCED I I Nvt twent live per cent! of the ai itil abl� malile ireps In Canada are belug Capped. Statistics show that olit of 55,000 farmers in EaQvrn Cauada who prod uce tup ple sugar and -3 1 it 1) Itt all, only wry ft�vv tal) roore than it (Itiart,�i of the treei. thev have available on 66t, 'fat -ins , Thiq 25 per cent. pio dijetioil is worth 51.1,00.0(10 annually. ThisariumiDt miahr eaqily be doubled. One nian can take cato of boiling the Kap froui 5,OW trees as easily a,, fr(Eu 00. CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Ovor 30 Years Always bears the e Signature of Vou Can Suzceed Onturio'q Lendlov Coninrcr(ial �(h­)l make" twcess ea�v We have Tbree 1),partment% COMMERCIAL, SHMHA?10 slid TELEGRAPHY W,- give Individual ind,tictin. iti(i �nidentp triav enter at anv time. (.,a. duales rite pl'Aeed In po�itfonq Tbiq is iour (4)r)oilumt% a% there i% k- ­t call UP011 U14 for trHlUrlt 11r1l, NVI it e at once f"T porlicular� W. J. ELLIOTY. 0. A. McLACHLAN, President. Principal. WE WANT, NOW Re :,,hie Aftent in Huron C,,untv t,, Asel� Pelhatn's petrIego Pr nri f n. namentnl trees, during.11 a I I ulnnth�- Good paj,exiclu�tvelerrifor,r, f,ec �diing equiptnepl. OV et �"() I cre" nf the c4oicept Nur-ery 1�14xk, locludi-x N18tv vad.11eq Coll Irolled h� 0. Handsornt up -t- date sell. me equip"lent 01941 a spiendid canmiloin grOWn %IoCk to offet CAlltntneta 'We ar� ,�t Write now fol Amen'y trrtn� to, PF1 IlAfAAM NT'11(;T?R N ( 0 Toronto , Oat 0.