HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-08, Page 2-- 1 11117 1 '. � . I — - -7 .J -2- IT -,' - - -- -T ­���� 1, -----ra�­ --,-- . - I � I .. # -4 -X' , ,� . .L-I:r- -T.r "M wl�' . : . I . , , . �­ - � ,T-,4F—R§l1W,4T-V..� " , I � I-— ,q l, " % . " 77 . ., , � � — rp- - , , .tr, ,rpmw, "-� ol -k , IF'" 0 " . I I . � �, . : . I I ot I .!� ­ �, 1".. : . , . I J . � 40 I . . I " , I � ell � I � - I I I ---- I " I . " ; ­ I . I � . . . I I # A I ., - � I — I I �, I � I � % I . � � I ­ � � I , � - � . � i - '! I � � ,� � - ­­ . 11 . I ­,,­ .;;;i"- I I I iw-o----1 � .. -- � . q v 1, i , I 11 , , I � 1--11.1. I " ;,; 04 - A 0I I_ ', � r --- ,- ­­ . ­ ....... � __q =1111,11.11 ,�; I 1. I i . - 1. . ... r M -� q"T 01 .1 I � I , .1 I , .1. -- �: :=: � .1 .1 - .... � .. r . ­ ­ ­ i- I .111 I .. 7 I - . I r. ­ . . � .— ­­- ­ , r I r - " , I , . . - I r ;;ZW"- ". 4 pp"�"� 10 I r � , ,r ­ 1 i " r . I � . " mr""r� ; " � - I I I I I ­ I Xamb at, I*$ � 6 - - - A- , � ' . - --- . I . ; . I 11 TH ­� GO IWO A. o I � � ---1-;;;;,.1W1 . " . � r � -­­­­­­­ DBA'o I WOW" � I 1. r - ".$4"W -,--r , , .. ­ - r i i i 4;P== k .. I ,:, -, ,;11 ", , , . ­ - 1-111. . 1 ,�l=!!!=""4�,!�1�"!I,V,14111�111:11�1�"I":'�'!'11*1'.4':'�"=!"�` s .... 1':��!:I "�i ir, I'� 11 '­­­ , I ,' ­ " .r � I — 1-1 ­ I—— . .. I . . �� ;;;;;;..��i -,,"q*#q".'4.1.­1..­t­ - .. I I r -11 �rr I � I I Y ­ i. 1, '' � r . � . . I � r � I . � To ' I" '01T . I I W r � I , w, I - -041 ,- f AILE'll a ­,,�, I . . CASE 41 ,1;1 Us- . I � GE .. ,,, PAIRS I 1, . I -1 I "A0 10"W", I � o1F I '113UNS, "'ON OFEA"It, . , . 1 *T , ��: ; I � A Ww- Am, sy c loya P,144 I � ­ I I ;,! ,11 III, - * " - I - . .. I " � —.4 ...... ; ; $"O at%, .: I P., 1h .. � r' ", I I I I � .. � � I . COMPATION Were Forced., t4p, Aci;e;it, Tic�n).- r i � Tried Sever,al Attacks QrT %sg*t� . . ---..W- 11, ; - r � I *11 - , ; I � L �� I . . - --­ . � F I , Z � -1. I .., . 7 - -1 I . , - T140:10owiralt, # ­. � ,, � .�, r of Germany. -. � ' 1, � � ernr Front. . oxc,pJ**t,pAVqr *0 I A, .�. rr � . I -� ­­ -:!� ---.-1--"" 'A jjj* '1�1�­ ' " � 11 � �.,� � --- ­­­­ ­ I : ':r' - 4' 1. '7 * , " I I . r �'1111'11' -,--#*y 04' -the mazer , E - .- V., .--- - ­ -11 -12, "­­, -­ " _4�­ tiog PC - "I "I , .­­, I I - P , 14"-w :­-, , 11 V � . - I � � 'ft -, 41M " I %,�&, 4,7"�.-j,�; ­,;-�— -�,P� I I I . A III, .. I , . , . I " � llipl I I fso'balty 40b, Its 0 3 1 � t4*9-f r &-. I'll , ... 11 I �". � i " � � . , , -r -Ir -1 .1- I—— � . , oung,tto) Z . . I , " .1 1 �*,4- `%**-'-%,1I � it 1;" JArge Sliv-so 4 , 11 ", ­ with $ortbi, �,� L, I POP . I . ...�, 'In. Uvery ivisise ther*wcutopw Wftw, Irte+, - I -�Am . tUl* ,iront C r olroo, , " xr� 0. -1 I I Allhoulh OWMI described as & � Vitpla 1, ,O"Ue]Md XSI I I ...... I ,� filed ThQk1gh vlabito A UI r 'Now1whit, 'eutigI �b,y . ­., . r, .11 .1 � � ..ss ­ .... �,�_­;.:­­­ ­­ 11-1 -11'.." = � I ,... - -1 . �� * . , , � 1. PU �L�Awl# 'BOY) , he * * -�OW91049* -- 1 �­­,­- �­­ ­- .. 11U I . JI Of [Mit!r , * ,�a4�";tp!�9,9.r-�*,-a,.�"!Pq�q-t - !!91"t- ---r-, , 1*�q�l*"FO"04�-WOZL!r.�poow�Noo*"# . ­ , '' . _ 0I §WA.I AsiI of . ., e'er"- , j4-11ablf, ­ . -11, 'r I , ��� 1� � ��� . � , 'r an .Ovfvt L I . the Cho I I . gon can never exiA Ill . - olllov-� It'' � . . 01 not tlo r . - M I "I ! . 1. . . I I - . , ­ �` ­ - -"- -0' , r1wt - I , � lisiiaft 40100.,Ot .his organa are deranged, -*41t. 4-1 "Ortug"t 1. . .. . r _ . 4 , r �.,,,,, Ot lb� i _ he tberliver. - - -,- -tJla­Te"t0##,#W.,:rV,4 � � 17 . -virkr I 10, 99� 114101. A , -ioiuislsjj�ao �rfoua,(Tio I "stvoc�r: , r " - *0 Distiniginitibi T , "', *1 0 qi"#4fq6. vhe�b4t' V044('"t" � : ), � : � . . : �, - , "� ,_ 4 pt*bUb,Jr r � � I 11711--turY (NeAr'414*1 C .v, , - 44*j� ,".,IQ,, w ' I �, . ' I _:­ _ r _0,;_JW -a to regularly , (1000 �a Asl JRn I ool y SpAll tq-�,"O" " � " . , ARW*" it inability _ 'I . I . ves b, , . 00dev Motion, of, attention, . � I.U* 0"r4W W,**,. � I " r . .1 I *". a bowels, and as A regular -0. � . I tw 1"a 41 1 , ($ .25 .$$ ,.,., r I LL .1 'I ­ Eta". I . imerc;y AI � .$11% ' T1,JsI "..'�If',,J., r, I . I ,, psafi3O LONDON, Vareb 's. pe#,�g �, 1 4 , 404,�"tli a *00,e 01 004t, or ... . . '" '. �. r.. . .. ; ­ " b I Es" � . � 1. , ..."I . rr . . - utely e& � . W'I* S �� " W4 .+,,. # . I I : . qf$c*%�"­.P' '4,0 � i I . 440�4 of the bowels is absol a I � , r UtotioI q �tmpulolv# actv- Como# "401,4111404 - - - I . . As" to, VW - treaty between- Oerm at � . b4'raI*0tJ0# to' I*r Ot4brmod,w, 11* I. V , �.� �, . . , ,r I # . , - -*O�, and 40 Itu such -- I.S4411I X , I 1 .40. Vp I �11 '� _ _ _%zlIcaltb, the lciwt irregu '' .1 , COAT_ . v-8#0*0. 1", .,- Tho . , r F42.1 .T"*Sf,T QQ I I ,� LONDON, Xar4 5. ­�-Fjtteolxr Of " . 10 ". 1, tX?,Pieif r at . , "" J,..'.,t'0.t*.f*'.,SJt4r 1. :� has b�eu alstied. I , . r � . I I tWqgty Qerza � . � , . � � .. , � - . , Ian r4lida were att 11 ­ "" 'LA4 "'4*144.4,04il,04y W liurgoly , " 104 ohould iiiever be neglected. . "r 'r I � lib T 4A 4 , . � � qrnI laxnjAver Pill# have no , -French IlaCt. � , 4 ft.Om Cloft -M - - �04 . r , i�� gairlyc . -.,.,.. ­,-,t.,i,� .." .... " � L . . milb I "By reason of the sigatug th : against the, British aud Fromb 11UP't diverte . Ilia, V . IV* � , ' I r . - I r , t Itspit 40 R cia , . �Ov . a X"MA" , "j4f� J*aalo to. bo' . , 1% 0 ftg* 1 .20 (A 1� I I 14 ie sod curing cosftstilsf� . , 1 4Ciilip , Ier r. 0 VC4 LOOttr ........ -0 I .6.0 ­,,, . I . : I . -514A (Or rel . , 'Jb­0 � , ­ , ' .1 I _ f :�w, bles. peace treaty with RUNSIP PA 0 r . 1. $$Ian front SiktuTd*r,- *49shilI , ,pmb ­ 11 . - - . r , I I ll� � ,; r . 44 04 AU its a led tXOU r � .0 ays the .. 44 � � 11 911, thi, P-rance-ve , 10 4 6 bakit"al' . . � Leftuiia-�i 'TvtOi3t0AC;�*r#,r,.f*m ... 4,04,.,�t""�O�. ''.0 ,30 ,A .,or,,� � r. I L, - . � . , X -1 I . . . 's , oierajan !d - 1101I , 0II I i5 ' *I . ' I , '' - - - , I . . , . "' "4": and 11 � �t co" e nature pf . . , r : , I oflicial elimmunleation trd* , NAd#*,'­bUt` nong' Of tbe,M � J 'L%Jaltsl,o� 'th ,. ry ir 0* It" 041 "cc' Jalit"'Impo"y � � ,etb, r * � '� ; . , I Vo � I � � I , I 1 I V � I . I � #004 M,pertie$ Of 00 . .CWU4 11 I'' . ..7$ , I., I .1 - �; g L , "ImUlts, � , a . to. , I I ii*10I 1 iro Z... " , , I., ­.; , , , , i � " 3Ap. F. Martin, Prince o Ja . _ilfe4t'rjM . 4.1140 -V �,., ,9 '. , '10 . , rr . � Albert, Suk-1 headquarters lot' ul ft : I with any 4 irioliA *0 ,t I � =,� , ii, � � P"m .",­ .1 ,�� . r . , I , 4W*nz.-41I W one of the worst came or � xiialsq& 11-alild "b"UZV % "Wt , i � . u4cess. Both B . , �- 1, � t" _ ,,I - I -1 ' ' I Firle T00% � ,�O,"" .", 05 1+ ., � I . 9 , , , . i . . , , . , - sl - a I se, I , I . " � 'i , ",# % ", � - A*! 15 Vrene'llI Vt1obulbris Irmo 00 (;Or'- uleVvenis *Ylltem obat man cannot pon' , ; , . � ,,, 1*tion my doctor said he haa ever movemelfts 10, Great "ift"110151 , 11 Avo it se 210. oc". , r Premi i "" .'q , , 1 � I 1 . . WA 'bli[burn's Laxa-Liver Pill$ ceascd." I I . to.mv ., .... to .1 I .15 .40, .. I � It 1� , ,, iI 1 . - . - y*$4..tb*%Orm4ttQA of IAPI aby Pass um Qqv#­o"o,��',, , ..'r. .0. , . I � L I I 11 AP"tat ., , 1. APM � . Inans In7 tbeso oneounteris 44 for id, ,0$, -.q '' I I , _ rest , �, - (1111") JA � � I . - . I im.of it. My father -in B �r--, I bl.0 Tipo,e � I . , 4rA�orm law had The Rlwalan dorlegatiolp at . Xipeoorwoa willv6t -60ty leave �, st"Ob Scarlet Turnip W k - .20, .60, " . � their part successfully rsildoId - , I � i .1 .11. � , , � , , �, .� , � - I 11. ". ­­,­ 11 I - . 1. 1''. -1,� - . . , Ger �. . $,quza , . : , , , � � 1L , . . in fact be was the one who Litovsk accepted all Qer;# . Rubberil ..1­.1*­1.01...#.1-! .......... �Vs­­-m 1 % II thcna , T'" revft . . . . . . Ole ttv,m ,within the nervous . .0 .. t.. I I � . 1 14 .the - I - h � � � � 0 6 Man trot;ches neir AmdrI lit ... of , s but VAII 44UQ oet up In " 1, . , 1 . I 11 11 . , t tnielic� " t�­ to me. A number of people coirdItionill, witbout idlteulllglllg,� III, �tlw IdoxiiI In tlic lAtraluo, pit. torestidirL detatlk.art, glveq.J#'%1Xo 40 0 4- S,'Wia torlicoit of All .01110"O- AS 0 4W I. : , ./ I I � . . Apito. them - Y contents 4f the ticil,ty, ldthoug.h 414, 1 Mato - I so, - -�, " � '*�, L ' I I I sys ,� .q to. repeat the act. - I _ - I .. .. - i, i I. �: - tle 4 . . I "t which. � , - - - --­-� "'. - - .. # .,; �­ �. , ." I _ 'toy MPUAI, clal reporiss; . RrMp '� ­ S. BAS ,a . 0, r. ....".1 I , I avquiI 4110 X : . . r I , _. here use them, and they sill * . 1 --, 0., it . � blot, � ; Owa ia the S0110iII . oivel$ .- ` W--*- - 40 '' �. , "' a to) d , a � ----,- %Irt��`5,m. Mo.. I 401 , . L14 __,:___W -­-..­­­.;­-,­-, . .- - :�a -­­. . ­ p make , 'Igis . __.!A_q *� pill, they ever were aware that the demand -- ­ . . 11. . - -- ­­ . I a.110*:1 I- �� ---------- .�--T mi I V ,,i*)RV 4141_W,�,PAWP' AV..M �- , - - , , . , ­ 1.111 11 ,I,, , . - , . I ­ - -"-'�-'--"-�WV'TO��e,�iiiM'--riocV,Fic-!tecrOfM4 -, I car If .,f -Ths--raport--from- -meld. MOVIII - $ wo i Is i ; iv - � � -0; *w -o- I C,wz P d P -P t,w W;,m � -" —.,. � r - i 7 W -- - - � r i " - .59— V , 1, � I I � IR"4." he from Bl'elit* O� announce the "I borm On 9- Haig's headquarters In .France 1aft VOT00I qVII - re 000 further '. 4 � �L - , ..I,',, " fm ." ��, ,. , I , ., � , �, . ' Uilburn's Lars -Liver Pills am 25c. a gram se I rd which Aierxtiap forces ,nlX,bt 0111411 - r nt " , 66 treslatance a o �-Nosturtiu.m'Tuli'M�i*gd,.,.",,..#..""1.4..*,..�-;"- Ros ." - I � � i ­ ,. IT, Iowa : n4 � � i . -it direct on Litovsk to the Smoiny tuititlilto at, o'bleen a4vabrilug; GoIanxibly at .#We captured a few prisoners III , 10004. � . Jl Iingwe, "tw. - . � % '� I . bar enslaves . I rrr . j,�, , I qW at all dealers or mI I Abq.vq!. prices A . % ;. o � I - - , t - I ore I ore I on I . W fbie rogues Ian I& a I are , lit, �� , -cause f I Ord" now* eiftr;4) OlI � -price by The T. Milburn, Co., Pet,regrad. The imeiiluge, wl;lcb WAO 4017010, At, focliii merchant. . �� I , t of tbo,,Ultrattl , , ", 4 night In a Vatrol encounter northeaI 00 in -0 4 Mot st e of tion. - I -1 I rI � , Iwo -w* r, .1 ., ,, - . . I .1 I ". I ., , . I .., ­ .. i , .1-0routo, Oat. I A-0,­-iI 44.4- � I� . , ­­ -1 i . &of L -4,00P#sed. tp ­Prpmler,�14.eli# -whIcb,­tbo--CeutrA -Pow-Gril �coll- -of poly on- --- `.­­ I I41 n­,j­:­.,­ ­� k ­ , 1 I$ Wopd� -TbeWio­-nOthin2----­Q- . ­­'. � � --1 I 111- -­ ­. 11 ... ­... _ . I -1 1.0,01 � , % 'Important 'problems --- �:­#­­ --..- - . . .. � . ",'"' L ­­ I I . ­ I -­ ­� . I. " -1 ... I - Foreign Minister Tratzky. follows- clod . . , f�t,, I I � - V i : � -------------r-- ..As we arittelp , .ad a saparatA peace f9r.the 1Uk" of espaclAt Interest to-dAy op I " 'llitt -totbb life of a persou'and .. I . � , . -- . , , , . , . 0 to is 11-t 1� If Qr,-4 I a a . �; � I . 'I iite4, deliberations � mouth. Kiev has ,,,been 132 � , r W01 _0 I - Sunday, afteMoop report. fFOQX pargot;;sir y a,young person, Is that he - � L . . ,on 4 treaty of peace ate absolutely ,,, , - . � .� I WILL SEIZE FINLAND. ,ego = 61V4141 91, POWS-01011 tot some time, British boo , d. � .,$ in right , . use and could only, ,Wake thin 0, tit . quaViters tea orable4hould.kc the outset to ." . -,: : �'. . ,,a ,polippeviliij, having:,ousted We "We ,carried out a littecOnsfUl '044 hablts�, ,The greatest care lould be 11 11 I ;." I , .A . I — worse in comparlson with We uIll, t7krainfaus on Feb. $tb after s, plitch- � I . m I . 1. I 11 imesiodsig, of the Occupation of the last nif etkemyst, tgkenz�tqota that no bad habits creep ' ,, � . tuatum of Fqbruary 21, They 111I ,bt against the _ ;, ( � - 1, sed L battle In W410. the total callual- trouciles ;qAtIleagit of Armerkllere;r. in sM4 $,.to ,formed amd then there . .. I 11..-,i�', I , ' I Aland islands. even assume the character of leading re reported to have Wait 4ls000 Hostile raids wore repulsed befOrO. i It * ' L to er- .. � I 1 4 �J ' iI tillis We I x4j , be p . . . , 11 "' I � r , .p. studying of means � .i!.�, �L i WASHINGTON, March 5. - Gbr- ;to the presentation of. anothe killed and 7,600 woundiI reaching our, lines northwest ,of -St.'s *4J041ft them. It .'We Lb&VO formed the I 1k . ., I ,� is occupation of the Aland Ill. matum. . I - I — . szoogmta-iL�� . . .� .L i t..'L =am MQeL; 1RUX 'S bsk�IW V for as we can always doing � LLL 11 I '�­ 1� I � j � t ' to only a preliminary to kbe 111 view of thin fact and In cov- I I . Quelitin and cast -of Arle A� - A . " I . . PIES; � I tfialLi4j1hit ihing at the tight time and sin - 1- il Lohello. A third party of the exile .11. , ,,,'L . .� , _ -" , ,­ ­'I��'­- , , 'L ­­ �- L ' � , , ...L. , - '�7 1�1� -1: " .1 ­. ' ,­,� �, L ,., -I! . . , �!;r I I., , �,­ 1­,.-i.­f,'�t;� ­T� r III hoo , ZZ il ..i ", , " L �t­ .",­ I " -, . 11 , , , . � �� I � �:, �,irr I'LL',, t'. . f� 71 -1� 1 " �P � 6 , ".,? " I ,� 0 1. J . . . L. . � I- =Occupation of Finland. Offletal sequence of the German refusal to ' I I , emptell to raid our franc tl�a­ righ ' , I I aq , t way thou there should be no , - � ". 41"We4ches to the Swedish lAgatioll cease military acklon until' peace in , room for the excuse-maklog habit. I , I.- -` ,-�.<-1 11",-1", It , L �, � . 11110 . , . I L' � .�,,,;��-��7'��,',--­ ,�i. � 1, L 77777777----- 1 , . ,,,, 4 I Ili ;. I 6"ay. say Germany has announced signed, we have resolved to, sign the Auti(PID Ymstler -a" 11011 "ire FW the,nelabboibood of ,Poutrutt ,�(% king 'an exbose about doing some- . ?�..,'.f�.,!;� - ,� �1 �-` ". .;, 7 -. , I �� ­� --- , . .. I I 11 I . LL ' `L , � i . - L 1. ­ ­ ­ ' ' , 1,0,p�qti ,,4, � _q_io a by out, . L �, 1, - , , - - *b-tha Stockholm Foreign Ofte, --hor- -treaty, Without -Aliscussing --ft -con- -- - - --- -owler-AttmOd , lion). but *ax doing it Is just taking ----I- —1 --- ­ ­­�­.­ - I I � -- -­-- - � - --- ­ ­ - . ' I ­ , I ., ., I patrolo � and--Joiuftrid. - no f4bW thing- -at' notr , 11, . AS "115 � ­ I- -- --- - -­­ �1� I �� 8wedou I: . - 4 th 1 phoing it'llit - - ;r-411ARA-P � � -A ,4 r . I I , . I , , - *tention to occupy Finland and -that -tents and-lexI after .we bava-attaeba!, L PARIS�, 'Upire --G IJ a, cibutatfoll, Alk UU440--h d r I Las protested. ad our signatures. We therefore Wive ,li &.- toy. of D a 6dysititiage, of -the- circiumstall d ' ' p (TE .. I , a do& 011, A . tho way of doing on I I'— . , � lead Sweden. the do. requested L train. expecting to sign AI persona arrested. on Friday on . .. Iola 1plir�aly through the formation 0 U , W W. I , , I �, * �, Germany adv, various endounters. - I I ;� I 1�1 � I aratchoo say. that it was necessary to -day and leave afterwards, a charge. 'of having commercs with .. '� habits to doing one's work that we " - . I 11 L z � ' "The most seriolls featu, The enemy's artillerY was active ., . I . . "' I 110 onewrt was brought to Paris a i , -1 I I ­� - to temporarily occupy Finland to re- re of the r0aglency. . Through the , '2w-2,,`-- . 11 - I L ler In antiques, and one of the We covit-uted * gow'Orlsou , .r, d :�y i , J , $ .. ' yeater4ay evening against our V9W - ­ I - . - � , .. I 11 , I . I I I � �'�'�, - store order, but gave assurances that new demands compared with thoaq 't mined by, Captain I , , tioll'u, " ,blt'W6 can Work motv I -- '? I .� I " I �. , ,- ., -I- 1, . I I .il L � ­ I I :1 , . L 768torday and e3m tiou went Of Lone. )t so eqnsplotio lot � - of Feb.' 21 to the following* - in the course of Frilloy. Alculk, VNM� � I­y� dwealrew 6 . I ',�L , *04s, BarleyJ at- Livoltack . o ' !TIES ,.-I , ' ' 11 16 she had no Intention to take perman Bouchartion's assistants Lls!�. Gas - Ir , , - "To detach the regions of Kara- ger. - wbirkl, 46bbsibliu6noy'it is not , RT. , , , , spilit possession of the territory. S*e It would be oram4ture to at enainyso raiding parties didpIsiI . o. I I I 1: e L I . source of worry and anxiety to - -- I. 1. I - . ��;' I � I � ome - 10 -L, � . :1 I/ �� , ,'. �, - . . . � . ". . %� : � �� � -affair, but 011ie may recall � �ort from France Saturday idght give absorbing attention to th i .1 1. : ��, L . . . front," said Field Marshal Haig's rie.� IMMENSE ' ,�000 . I right of peoples to self-defermina- ltt�kl �' f " ' �L :: of the Aland Uvirnet's ., control ofjhe chisel could not . I �, Run-, teimpt to indicate the possible de- great,.�acttvlty 1IL11 along the, or unless he has a , - F REE � .1 l I'- i, ,� dft protested also against the Aland band, Kara and Batoum from British sill a L 'L I, 11 I I . �� !'), �. � � Tmkinds being placed in the war zone. slan territory on the pretext 4of the velopments-1 of -this fresb� espionage, 2 "The cary . The occupation � IQ e delicate FARMS ' 11 . 1, ­. "� jWftnds, the despatches say, Iz to tion." 'words at the Boto trial: "As bottom "In addition to, the silt irsdifisI xvport, WEALTH 0 ACRES EACH. Government landw *Ion,* the Canadian �- I IL , I pplying the The Teutonic advance Into the Uk- there Is, one gigantic espionage sf- outlines of the model. I I " , ,,� Uplake them a base for ell rvcycd�and ready for cntry� Your* is waitint and a share 141, I I " In com, . ' . , . �' �,' " . earmian occupation of Finland. There ralne, under the, Germaq commander, fair, and one' alone, the theshes of �ed yesterd*k mornIvI When a habit has -been formed it' is IN * -Nf0A'Mt= r billion dolia-rafor crop production to edisbibuted �11 ,T�:, ,,�.. special effort - 1f .:: ; lj '', . munIquie.other attempts were mjkd#) .VIoa.eV'4enI that only to P&J. Estimated cro6valu000f Wheat, oats,13arley and I ; . � - Ish troops on the islands Gen. van Unsingen, boa been one -of . I WESTERN- cis this . -nsijW" - lo , -- (J)F -t917, jfi"Wtj1iiit6ba­SiI ,;,, I Win 500 Swed - which are being discovered singly, by the enerlI during the night -will enable us to break it. The fact 4 . civass. ;WJ Alberta io . . �. IA . "" L, f' ' Their comman- considerable rapidity, the now Invia. blIt r Ill he \ " pu rposes. , _ he goli, ­ ­', ­ , 11613.445.9.k". --'�"ILW,-,-�-�------".--"--�!,---"-.�-��., ,--11. -10,pr , --­­'­­--- " I ,,, ,_qp - .. I I """ - ...­. ­trp_V_t_ Which rei ains. t .aga-inst-oUr--position"ast_�f-.Poly ... - ­ I .- --- ADA' - I ­' _ FROM $15 , �'. U* . . I — '% IQ '' '�, '�a�..',, ­­­ L I V 4� . '. —21der of . his Intention, r- nd doubt Wood, In these attac "CANADA � V ,- D LAND13 PER\ACRE . - ' L�"- ­�.. -1 � - -Ror police . -0erthatf i6din- slon' ing-boad bojfrytt -oh"r6rb loth'. A -11-- .., ­ - - _ . -11 �,7'90,­r-�, I di,w Was notified by the and while the 41stexce of appros**oal same." ko hisi, troops . IMPRO E , �'; � "'., r 200 One fact appears beyo were driven off by rifle, and machine , - ,� I :��:��L. . go far there. has been no clash re- miles, to Kiev from the former Go regarding, the five persons. arrested gunfire. We secured a few Oklaoners. NO STRONGER VER. SEND FOR , ALONG CANAVAN NORTIURN. Rich. wen located faring, close . A 40�iIV � I to milway--nme iate produce4st—con be pisivisased on,aaay torms. I � I I - - " , ported, the Swedish troops have not m#A front, having thus been covered -their number May -at any moment "A raid was carried out bp the - _ sle. good reader, telepholiell, . � �,','I " , L I FREE BOOI cash. or cash and,crop payn�enta. Meatis ach" �� 1, 4 Cia withdrawn, and the feeling to In but little more than teuI 'day$- be increased. In the league was enemy, oft the portuguese front. It t away this spring; . 4 , � 1240 th Premier Replies to Demands of Large 4HIcirriesseekers' and convenient tramportation. ,Act now --le . , .4loscirlbed here as beingL very tiensie. Therie, is antall evidence of 'resix e notorious financier, Roseriburg, � � ; I ­ r, Was preceded by� an intensive bom- I , 1�: to the clorman p ogre Settlew � . &e .- so, however, 411' whose notoriety dates from pre-war AsserI .tkr$ 81 F I L: " t4i; bardwent, oA a front of three tbou- Ment . �, LL 11 . re _ Guide __r othei� _ lk­s . . ­ - _,I ine famous "Thoustand thouL atened 0, days, .-He was one ,of the �9.0 L TQRONTO, March 6. -There wilt � _ '­ _ - .�I!*J,Mp - . - 1� 1 �, - . It In said that gh the Boloilleviki th -Pmovoll- baud ya-rdi kud dellvlered itilLvonsidt - ...iw. L 11 - . 11 - dot had fight for the ristatition. of tan financiers, ot strorfif Teutonic ac- erable strength. In the fighting which' -be nb four -per -cent. beer It Ontario. I civemment at"i ace plan, I I I &W One Nights" was written On this Easily available -new G !2 1 "I'll I island of Java. Xfor. . I cent. who loved to declare they were wd of several thousand I I . . CalAtal or no capital -the work. the opportunity is them and the I . followed the en.9my succeeded In on- Pacing a ere . I 2� I sy. Write to -day fo; d " L . .. I In the Interval between the bireak.i, parfolanif to the core. When the war workmen' with a sprinkling of $01, Ilorthere, olfaris the wi the new "Gui Q. . �'LL L I . .111, Ing up of the first Brest-lAtovelk tering.,.�our, for6mpst- trenches, and' the Valuable Wormation'based an Cw4ernment statistics. Any �i .. 1Z — �, clouds were thickening in July, 1914, secured several prisoneirs, but was diers, who had tramped throu b C.N.FL Acent. or Gencial pasachger Dept.. Montrosit, Que., Toronto, ',;� 11. Rospuburg, who&b 'fortune was estl- 9 FARES � - meeting sind the one hold late last 1. I , .1 . 1, " -1. quickly and -completely,ftiven out by- slush to the Parliament Build! ngs n Out.. or Mimim, Man. I . I . . . 1i'l � week; the Central Powers -added ma- mated it 1,600,000 "pounds at least. the count6r-attack of the Portuguese order -to demand a stronger bebt, Si. 1 L . . L '.. -1 ;i ., I ,,, I tarlsidly to the demands which were Via I William Hearst on Saturday after- ­ I I ( . ­ - � � � I :. " .7 Iyed a bold game on the Xourse, -- �- -- =�M-__T_---------­-.­ . I ) �' '* I High Heels supporting troops. y .. - I i , �, i "I 11 I Sure. outlined when the now famous and attempted to bear Prencix r4ntes, . rtin other .raids attempted b hl noon flatly refused to change the ex 116YS. AND GIRLS, CAN HELP : � �' � ,� � ; r . Ca'UNCO L , "Roffman line" who drawn by the Drompt-ed undoubtedly firbut. author�- 4he-ensimy. .-was-repOlsed ting law. . as a resentful mass that many of our early habits are . - -- , I— ---- L 11 to,MtftiLndier'-Of-MW-GWMM-torM"W-iif-ii-,G'-L.--..-.,-.- ­­­­ _ _Tt ,w 1,11- . I I - - -- .1n.-cortain 14A ­­ .- -'P-rl'1jjb­f6riiijj&- 'e-TtberW- ---..- -,--- - - ­ ­ ­ . -­ -- - - ­ I 17 li HIS conduct of men - who list�ned ib the uncOffl3d­1d1WlV­Or--1ut-- Seventy-onetbousaindbovs ,and girls -.' 1. . 11 �, I I'� ms-Bd :the eastern front. . orman Sources. . aharl), fighting . , � �� - L , , and, tit I 1� I 1. � I - � . � , I I . � . aroused -violent Inilignition among addition. to it number Of p .Minister's announcement. and they Ignoranceof their evil.character Ands of school age Wit year ineresell -tl,6 ".4 . L ,., ,,��, rison Ir feeling by yelle and us perhaps as agricultural ontput of Ontario to the 1�1 I. ,.�. L . clairy, of members of the Stock,Exchange, and showed the we come to yearg of W. � I I 1. ( � ow Turkey was the beneg left in our hands, suffered consider- session of cortain vWue of $125,000. r4,ver '�11 I I these chitr4gft in the V011I termil, -finally 'he was pelted .with rotten able losses. I ­� .,f jeers, while a few wore turbulen� discretion �' in ID68 . V fai m, bov 4na I ..r -, ai, # .. CIL . : I . 14 11 ) Who Coares Not r til from which we would be gladly girl,tiblRyear Kboul bib eneboUgOdto .1 ,,,� � . ..., - ­ 0 The new 416mands Included that Rio' egos and kicked out of,thI p emises "During the day thi, hostile, artil- spirlts tried to ,start a rush. Time babi -a any habit, t I .1 -1 the �;,,,� -441 , Do . rear a I ,�J.:�I' , . at& relinquish the regions of Batottlat 9; William was freed. in order to cui be ,, , I . pr" lery has -shown some jqettylty In -*,the and a:gain while Sir ded, we midst pig, P calf, tviiatch. of chiChoumor I � �ilt�,� I . I BeQ%use style d4rebe that women Kara and Karsiband (Kw*bagh) to Before the 'declaratio"n of war he � L I - excose-making habit inclu a plot of potatoes, beans, corn . . . speaking the police cordon'was hard � to grow the - the Vrowd.back. The first launch ourselveFt out with a firm . I I . . , nowd and buckle up 04f,tooder teem the Turlia. These re4ons, are Ili or vegetabl;eF. ,4 1 I . , _ removed his activities beyond . Penetraft Fees. FoiII twe. -pressed to keep determination that we are going to cure ., k - ft high heat footwear itbay auger from Trip.meaucasla and mark'& consider- $'reach fronqeV,- Shortly afterwards I , I;"- --'il; 4" il I � L , : Prime Minister, however. stood eool�- ­ � -.-.---.- ­ - - .L ­ -- ­ I O�� thilin 00, t, 6 tr4K'L 'It Able, addition L to 'the SultailVe domig- - in PARIS, March 5.-.;9*,'st1�k0'f the habit. That we must seize every' �;'L j OU 4;M ' - - *0" . We find him,at Zurich. at which, . ly to his -gqnsi He did not say all 40at unity that Is afforded us of con -1 : "-,­. ` e t* ,'�t,,11,3� . I 1hal - ,a 1. . 7-. 1 1 , ­ . � habit doctrine,of the right 'of'peoVION to helm, in what was ostensibly a tack' at the Ca,16"O trviaches 4nd enough to convince those present quering the habit, AU USE I -111t . � �, =01 Vesto * Z;a Ions tq that section of the world. The partnership with i certain Bitter- Mekuil6 wo,gafrib.0 out &J sttr#rfile at that It Intended. to, : but he said OIPPOrt not give way to It' r,,, i�', lam groffir 99US 041 1 F BACK I , cause loewsw tod any occasions because to repeat . � � *,i 1: XW WM44 Afill self determination was the .pretext banking, business, but In reality' was penetrated -as far as the fourth Ger� that the Ontatto Government has On I I is,, * -., ,,, wartiod, to stop It, . I - ­ ­ upon which the new terms wero'idd­ .1 ne o "966 nietres. 'Olug to act at regular intervals is an imports6n I I . ��illi - I I., " I an esplou'agia'AgencI direct eqn- man It' 0 a ftOut '44 i made' JU decision and- In g " It as a habit , �,�, A low drq* at e, 4r= "11*4 triplilli: ad to the treaty. It to probable that in by it. 1*1 I condition of retaining abi ­ �, �!; U tagg with the leader of the German and to a depth of 600 metres.11 the sta d I ITS R MONEYS-- ' ­, � . ,;��. or hand th absenceof such -J �. " t L GOO &WIod directly ullon. a, re com tM B91oheylkiL 01 Catholic - party, Erzberger. He Was ,War Oftlee announced. "We captur- -,Ou 1= I e 1 AV Qn,acioeded to it took the eight or ninp speakers I I PAO 11 , , p almost sur46 In due time to I .111 L ' entire the 410 a. said to be an lallm . - obliterateL the UOCVOUS tendency to . . � *Ives quick relief and, oft a - prlioners." - We deputation about an hour to epe . . V , . tan ; � . , , ate friend of the ed over 160 of th I � 'I . , COM root ftd 80, Ilft Oft Witb"t At a conference OfIliq Social ReTQ- 0Wjjbip4fy40 #p4 ,�, if XIftqs filial Us IWA - . -,4 .g.XI)l; Cons - present their views, the addresses be- ,',, ", .;,vi, I repeat the act. To free one's self of I Eat im seat N , I , I "; , Ask U* 4rdg 40X#.== for r - I .... �v�- Lj,�'� J I Wiln. _# lutionarlien of the Left a resolution i1ne, Ing largely a repetition of the, fact an undesirable habit the great essential . I I mot ' o' 4 Journe � � .1. that 2 % per - Is,to avoid resolut,61y any recurrence � . I I . . 't, ,1�1.. wouter at on 6 bf, ' Is *11110 was adopted rejeciiiha "the, con I. Geay, who made frequent ' Proved. Onoe,'More .cent., alcohol beer or EI&I botbers you­X"t - , liosu "ry Uttla but lat=64 t0 to' tiona- of Veaee-.wh1.b havW-been--ap- -to SWItzerfautli is . . . . � I., 11, ­­ 11 of ­ . - ­ ..., ­ .. .. A e--11. .S .1. ­­­­­­ .. -ft= Udo A" . 1. I Mario Wftrr� Wd-"U 'Oft'dr-CAUVA - upposed to h 11 :-0 which corresponds to a four-per-caut the "bit,. This canI be- accomplished I L - I PL'1,��; I IN � - , on, r--48 a uOn-lutOxicat- only with oduscious effort and watchkul), I I ,, � I 1. . 11 � I M 6 ­ - elapted by a weak majority of III acted -*a a courier for Itoselibuig III OiA , .,.: 1. � 717-117" . 9 , � j, anal t, . Ceutral Executive Committee," and ill. . �111 , -1 , Tan liftt, a Sad and Tremblez. one'ot the five V I — Ing beverage; and that Canada alone ness, yet each'Aav passed weakenR the � I . I I . calling on the proletariat. to "defend 11011A arrenteld, and 'who have been - . of all the nations has resorted to old perve co-ordination. To litteitapt to Most 110110 forget that' the kid .� ,,.�, � � 01 M01 nomm,t and =#T%vas ,I= ;�41'f the Russian and International revo- living of late In a receutty-piarehase Kiln Pills CUrC prohibition. . I ,`, ��,, -,� ;" "I .. i 1� break an old habit gradually cau result like the bowels, get sluggish and - .., I �,� to lution. against rapacious G rman sin Rem a gushing Go, I p the corn without I Miles UtIlatl . Sir William's reply was & staunob in only keeping the habitual tendency d ciiioually, oleo is* � I !�� '16 � edbif = 'I . - in tfib. , T � ..' � "'': I twitatialf, tho' flaftollian _ # . Is , at a chateau at Quitperle.. an the Breton, . MOI . at the Ontario Tempir- relatively strong. ' / have, back"be and dull misery , . L 4v Imperialists.,, . � . : !, ­J� :1 ��. . s&hL LOCUP thb, -allik 444 jIW -Cl L L -coast-. ..., . . -,------;- - - -- I- I assertion- th L Act- I I . �,��. , , - . . ..... ­­ - . - � hea&che4 �N � . � " It si , 1111I &)Ibff..- I q 0 - I The ToUtonle cs�mnzli& against I — I I 1, I � j� I � . . , ance Act "At' Staitda 10:4-arL-bas-tha, -w- W -you- -$our babit-Ilteal: ? - -­ a .; 'WOO , I.. . 1�1 � � I, -- imatle, % . Itumatism - =J08on`to%rPld%T6r, 2I I , II ii, '�,, I . ins Q .611 endorsation of public opinion, atid In . . * `9 0 ", ­ L L :1, . 11 11 111,11 ill 1111 1001M ESIST JAPAN. flarold D. Bu Dal -As you did that habit make. *W -41 sorW;*blaildarli�- � �. I. � . ' A . I . I 1, �!,%, , IL � . � MAY R I sall Oas 16I WRs '�' Is CIOAM telling the cro*,d, ca dly 'that " he As You gatb0r6d,YOt1­IhU0 lose;' .. 0%:T�n-*- , - - I 11 �J , ­ . . ­ .. � — grant their request, . .. " 11 L I . -1 , . . � Id not he As you yiel&,d,uow refuge. \ MD11 simply imust keep your ki& . ',L'�L " .. .T, ,* ,7a, , �: . I . . . 1. I Win Fight it out d His Sfa�io : , con t'a on 11 W L I 1. " I , "' . 11 . Ruselam Appariently -'I- . I Voila t -the uselessness Of 04- Tbi bV;-thread the strands we twist active and clean, and. the t 700 1, 11 .", ! V .. - . .. permitting the sale.'of it liquor TflIL t ey'bind us book and wrist : kidney . I ra 's men ,4. �, ,_' . I h 4th.- tarlo I tee L . k" . Against Eastern MIT. Southampton." Ono.. Marc . I fed on, Saba I , . . I a that the Dominion Go-vernment, by Thresild bV thread the patient hand Or join 'in 4 ' I , . , , il . . � I- - The (Special.)-Ths 1, riletimoolant is caused - rVou, ig,4-sbous. tour oun(E of J#A �­.', 11 '. . -Muijt 1I ;t .... ­ -, . ... I WASHING'N)II.- -March 611P pod" its announced Volley was not going e bre free we'stand. . a '. J I I . I Russians have begun , destroying bv disordered UZI and -that IS to train mI drug starip, heI , :;A 11 . I . to allow to be Imported or manufte- As we bullded atone b1v stione, I _ . I . "j" � bridges,ofi the tran�-Slbetlan railroad -Kidney Pills *111,012re It 115 again Proved take a' table") in a glass of WSW - �., . .. �,. I I I.. I � between Lake Balkal and the Chinese 'by the case of Harold D. Bertram, a tured.- We must toll, unhelped alone, - betoro Itreakfast for a few days Oil .. I - 11 . . � , ens, chalrbawlit -young man well, ond I%VblAbly kno" .Till the wall 18 overt4rown . your-kidn* will then act A" This, ­ , " �,�­'�� � .... 11 , � 11 I , �, .. L frontier, 161th P. StOv infismin toty ilteurna- Prisoners Taken In Russia. I is made from the -said/ f / . i"A r � . I �, of the American RRlIWgyLMJ"fon, ie' hate. He had '- - � famous Baits _6 I :.":", �,, . LL ­ apartment. ti. DoN�s ]Kidney BERLIN, Marqh 5. -The Germans THE BEAUTT OF A CLEAR SKIN. -The grapes 'th �, � , , . . ported this to the State Di am for two 111001111134 I condition df the Uvor r9gulatea the con. I and lawn juice, combined vh : . ". ,, I ­ 118, Offitill,18 Pills cured hlm� - I ; 1, their advance Ithrough Russia have litlitz; and Is harmless to flush 014ia. I , �31 � Whild without data "I, . . ,�,., ."', . ,I t. � . I - "The d6ator'sald toy t.rouble Atarte captured,� according to the official didon of the blood. A disor�ered liver kidia - d stimulate them to no&il ".4 . . L , .. . ,,,r anit also naut'singes the ae,t1a. � . lane are do and ty. I "I 11 . I I . here believe the Rude with the grippe. w Mr, Bertram- states. statement from ieneral headquarters, causes" Imparitles In the blood i _ . �� stroying the bridges to VreveUt An ' * how themselves in blemishes on do the urine so it no longer -irrittteg. . "My hands find feet were badly RwOUOu 6,800 officers and 57,000 men, 2.400 these E _ 6 1 expected advance of Japanese troops- and the doctor did not seem to be doing guns, 5,000 machine guns, ,thousands the skin. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills illius ending bladder disorders. . I I 11 . . A large number of 6.ther structures. me, any, good. My grandmother, Mrs. of motor vehicles, 800 locomotives in acting upon the liver act upon the Jad Ufa -in harmless; inapardlivet I . I have been mined,- Mr. Stavens--aAso sike Dodd's and a clear, bealthy skin Wilt L I i . .10111" , uld'"be readily G. Grosser. ad'vUlla me to t and thousands of motor vehicles, goo blood UAI a tfdl effervescant IItbI .P- # . sported, 80 they 410 k one box of them rall- follow intelligent use of this standard k W all everybody should takw W* ­ locomotives and thouskidi' Of I " I I Kidney Pills, I too wAter Arltik IV. I . . - . Ilk- - 14 I 11 I,',,. , ; ii'i , " and I haidu`b been bothated Wince. I road trucks. 1. I id -tl6n tokeep their kidneys ell- %it, , . . " Mtroyid , medicine. La4les, who will fti JY &P- , r- Mr. Stevens, who sent his do- � ot these , _ us I - I. am clear of this ThOullistiAt[II . prectate this prime quality sivoldur - th 1� i:rioua complIcAtions. , I , 1. 4� . 1W I . I , I I spatches, from Yokabatika, and there- That Mr. Bectirgul's trouble came bUn-" Pills, can Use them With the certainly I � A wall.kn wn. local druW ifs:yA he . � . -1 I . Manbal French Arrives In DUI _ fore .undoubtedlY from JAPRUA4011I from blakidne a in sh9wn by.his other I . that the effect win be Most gratifying- Saltatefolkewh bill . . - � — -,-- — LONDON, Marco S.-Accordluit to - . I � lots of JsA troub � 0 , 1 ; I I 0 a sources, said It was re- e,had stiffuesa in the, I � a - . � ; . telligence 91 and , nervous, 'rellich In ove , - It kidtlay I I y1I it%. , Patriolic son. Ion bridges destroyed were 'no tired, and the -Globi, Field, Marshal F Advertise in The Goderich Stars. ,. =!y . � I � -- , r a" til a Lake Baikal, In 'a fbagid,E�� of litht before his commander of the home forces, ana . . I � I I I 6'� east of 1 0 'or _ ,� ­- I rettr C It I t'& de- there III his staff arrived In- Dublin, yestardAy. . -- . . — , . I . � Officials d� not believe that the, oyes. H6 had & 4taligiblit sensation .. I . . 11. . - . . . �. ., . I I . . . that thr3l YOU Istftetion of the railroad fig III Any across the, loinli", voaa Always thirsty i. ?. 1?. I � . prevent U I , I ;. I., 1� . I . . way V*# of a plark to , tilted ; and fall, haI 013 sleepy after weals. Viallonist In Welison. � - i � .. . I . �. . Ambusallor Fran . cis and the RheumatIS& sed b rio siold THE PAS, *Man.', March 6. -In the At the HOTEL BIWIFORD. . . � 7 Ztat", . in I � I I � 11" " � "Iffis Mpter's Voicapt Recoids IW , I . o0er diplomats from leaving Russia in 4he blood., Cu .kidboyaWlItriltu the deterred election in Nelson. Mail,., for I . , 11 I � ­ - - -, - . - . 4 Ot Dodd's Itid- the Houpe of Commons, 1. AL Camp- I . ., . lf.thay- . _II tho, 61doa. -1. -- . I . ­ , 1, "I W ee fdr %�fneh, daubta4lded eho-oft W -do so ­111ftolot � .11--lial ­­ - - . _ ThUtleday. Mardh 1 4' , I . . I Wit At the State Department U -&*'It ney Pills cut* this, hays. bell. Unioufst, was eUcted by sia- . . -1 .� - . I . I .. I � .1. i-,. , I . . . , I Atari 1rumac I 1750 . vas said to detialbb,had been reach. —� - olamation. . I . I , 0, .1 ;. I We're fron.Csinada Flog Tumer) . ad " to the part the U. S. WOI . . . -­ I -1 I 1. Strike for the Grand Ohl .. DORENWENLD'IS � I.. . � 11 . I � take In AlAn's plan for Inter"IkI BELFAST. March $,-IAwl�mmuess Dimond Output Growl, I I � . . I I I 1, - 14,1% .."I", '. I Have You News of W SoY Jis&� , 11 fpitklill!�ff ASTI *310 i I . It ,'� �, , 11 I I . .:. I " '"' I Eltublith S en;ev 17452 in Siberia tkprovent the railroad, and has slintdaried down JA County Clarle LONDON, March S. - A despatch � 1. . I -1 I 'I*, .. %) Canada I Belovett,courifty Met) ., � Immense 471thtities Of war S0001166 flinco_ trbopa with ,machine guns &r. from Jolittiner.btirg says that tho, -, . ­ 11 � I - . from falltu Into the hands At the South Atriesila diamond outtat last HAJR I ', I . .1 � .­ "I I I.. . � � , 1 I � I I I . rIved-thatiI -:,- ' ' I I., I , . . . $1.54 for 12-lifteh* dQUble-sided � . I GormAhL - I Sir Bryan Iiihou' tomniandeMn- year tiotalled'2;'602.416 carats, TOW- � 1. I ­, ­ . . I .� . - � . I'll, ith's Oraostra I . � W 0140 In I'd, a conference Id at 97,712.018. 1 �, . I �, I 1". . I � � � misnouri Waitt Stin 3%0 � - I I, I I .11 1�11 I' � 11 911111 "lielkind, 'hi . . I I . ?, % I . ... I Kiss Me ASain Walu Smith's Otch. I " '. - . � I *fib the lailltatir lat'Utils Saturday- Fireneb Leave, PetroVall. . . GOOD -. �� /I ;., 1. I .. I 1 w I . N* U . Tho'brI644161"SeA,lital commanding .I . . . 4 .,-, � I the troops in Citte. 'ban 1 UaI PARIS, March S. - The French . uld bif sten bI 6 1, , ". , I t � . 1. I A11181111i Joseph J. aho i:� I I I I , , ' Two Winning Red Seal Records, '0�0 .r , a Atpballsador to I . I .. . . I 1. pltrfu.gient, 6tAlpts,bitahlbititig, dril Ing.' Noulends fits iinbao� stag 4 every misio and wo� I � � ,, ,�. .. , I ., , wearing Of inialfftiait Publia sAlsom. a. E. III -1 -i , -i Rialf-I Br�iklftnilk I Francois A14a 64692 , , YO . I an, .*W *6tild ,,, � , i, I JA . I . Tim Ro6neylls at the Flightin! Williartsis �4761 . I I �, I � . I . in OVO00100C . the allied 10198IODS have -left , . i, ,�.�,��.�; ,:" " 0 � blWoo. Abit I grad. � i � ketp attractive4na I 1. I . .6 . , I 0 ( "r 'both WrIttG I . � '�� r ,,,�,. �' �1� " , , I )6bliaratilt � I youthful. . I I I . I ; � I 10t4fkfo4,-*"t6r,Ut"Ao-d"- During February the British 4I 1 �. . tt '. ( �, , , " , , . I .. . 4 . i,. , � I .11 I I " W � * �,Ah&&WAA& 4", a mad "Orbols" � IA41 - "­ " *hIhk I ." � I " -. 4' " I I .. P I I­hW thern at any "Re mastees voice ilkaler - .. I "NO . rovorttd . I 1 � . I I L , . . I K lit iTA Of *0 1361I valid$ , . 12 ( rinsA, , * on 00 , Itolt tuffielitt-1 1. , ­ ­ . �:.] 4 . 0 --m5tiaw Uzi: , owi " , Oti, , , I I a I .1 tut you can 001, 4 II �= , 0410 I I 1. � 11 . . ; . � I . . .1 .� WDI ahail, hy titne I*At r"t to J, 1'� d . ., I . I . I - � r, I . I I , 4 *&I "ll 201144%*. $a% W60MIAlitov, "d xlldas� . .;`�� ta I ", I , . � I *0 tot fiet t" . , M0111I I zam�ft*. At* I 0I 0 . I fo*# � . �, 96 th ir 111 I : 1� y ot oil 62*1 Pate W11110AXI 11 : , I � I � I �, , . . , . , ,$,Or lfulk - u tatAI IF ra CHO ia, . I " I I ytibowialiIiI 9000= 1 ft*WVI . Uaws m* boft ttk- '" " ' I " . a 1111 ,, �'�, ,�, LL � , .. � 900 . Ibuitb%.� Otto Wtttollt- wasit IMAI, INI . C"929 . .. I . � I . I . . ' .1 .1 I . . . I . , *"*a* - -101I ONVIPAUD . .... , , , " . " . T �. .�, . 941 sa 4, I)ObltW ai . . a - Id, a lis, t. I .�L � I in .1#, . � 11 . t4t,apt visiter =I ban" *I ot 41b , -%10�"wuk sAb*#AfA10UIJV# AtiI � �. MI adt*.ha%**1**UUJ)ttMO' ' I 019 th atilt at 11 susiotAlWt 1[04,� '. I - I . . t � . 11 ., � t " ' 1 afilid*66 14t , ip'"O'd. Ilk' I 1. � � , . . I I I li*1keColif � . . U411t. OAPI". It, aw t4 X**11"illi, - *bit*, U100W -' I * . ; I , I � I ! 11 . #6144 ili;0104 tosilsilloos, ft **, IIA16tat U tiIIIII posapaikm Is . I 11 , . � . � " , wer GrOWC I I � I *11I 4" 11 --"4�� 1AIA19S "WketWI4 - brOUNi I*iwsf6M*tl*"# ' �'ts W*v , 1� i I . UMrt1W , 'L , hillift 4I win , 11 I � 816*'� "** lietax '46-, . . I "t , I I ' I & I I � ad W. *0 , *6"ipi led 140*6 - I - . , � , I . W1W I" � 11 I � I 0 ## I I 11 I . *oft ~ 11th.doeik Ordiado" 4t tU 6111461k 4101IM0 h4t- I ' � . I . ,,4L ­ s. � . I"AiI I tiloa *i ,*"-a .6* 46votaftlift W Oki I . 1, I . I I r . I I . . I . . . )WW1K% . . I *W#r,.,-�%&tA-'Z*k­*W- ili� 0 " , I It 1. . 14" 1 ­ "" � ,: 1. I I " 44144 bs I 1. � .1161,# � I � , I I , impotions"'a twook ruft �&A- , I I I . r0*1 , ,* I �� � . 406L ot . � - , � .11-r � 0 1 aS,­.� ... ­­ '' ,� I '' �: � �� ls Ilp Ili" lik"*."- = T- � I I � 1. I I .r ly, . I I . 1AAbir 011I . I I I - *i Id. *�, w000*.; 4 CoM I I I � - It"""*$. I I I , A" WIts oI ste -iti'ditoctibit, .1 � 1, 1, .l . . I . , '.. . 16I **#i" - � , r I , .. 4 , I I . i �' IT I . - I ', a"" . t , $ ;­.� r I 'L � 1 I . I I I I . I , . ONW14! . I hill, Co"W O*r 11, quattilit to I , . i� I .. , . `?"*" i 11 , , . 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