The Goderich Star, 1918-03-01, Page 7Q
ho.,bcoa-voull4ect V.iy tri" drowned Vteu sbe touode"4 00
�qpea NpISTROLS!'END akh Jorglo;w6ri C..' 0i tAX on 0- loake Mictilgad. and the Qtbtr lititat
nu ne;irly 4 nar *Fo 'A COLD OR m
CATARRH o- ptea r r0z,r�y. -Were 191;k.on old hArges, Tbe steamer
d a Czjpt. Tbotwa 51caxagQu has been George A Graham. whieb strilnded
planapd,.t.1 ra pointga of Dominion po- in Georgian Bay. and tho i5teamer
JA t Row To Get neuef Mtn licad ar�,, D:;1tril�ts Nos, I Qoudroau. which was driven ashore
LECT ly la the' J;uj ed,SsWes�
IT van tp
-lee for X.IA.
Old golim
Z *04 No" oto st
The Britlxh 49v r4l.01, a sixty-mllo-gn-bour gale On L*.ke
410r;iblo, ga�,mage to ite, Qqril%*1u town,
"age, y e
loa�L� JJ!,,rst introduced a Huron, were the oul ate I boats th t
itU In the Leglala� lro.YesterdaY Pro- wore total losses- The. Goudreau.
ExtVIistvo damago was dc by VOIllit llckl Your c0til 11 head or ' which ba(t a cargo of pyriteo. was the
rtt apr ;,diao for a Oz. dogs in ordLer to
1100do In several Paris of West,, ratarrh x1is. qlirs. Yetir clo-e'l no3_ I biggest Joss of the season. She wan
1. irotovt ibet�p.
Tog- Should heytr neglect a e trills will Open, tho -air passages of y9tir
014, how
C,ug4t in the zhafting at the Can- insured for $195,000, T o Goudr4eau
'e"r slight. If YnAli do not Ircat it in A new regul4tipu Is fssuvd� with re- I, he a
head will cle4r wid you can b) %the Alfred was formerly th Pontia . T Gr -
gard to rs NO Moro suufflblg� k"IWI�iJ341 tartiq 'Was 4 Ali -hatill. wbeilf was cibandoned ti�ytlfD_
in %1J po *�jli deVelo persQ4al parceis for prisolle aa G,ut 1,14at, llrqntford.
'M ty*1 p 1`011F, T.�,,' dquess- "d"' c*
Of Wilr_ 111clas dtFft or be3auple,
�rletu�korlixi z aithnift, Or _' The, Ontario Legislature will main- no struggling fQr, brOatlt at i owners. will cost file undcrwritore
light, C.,��otubia Govevament about $125.000.
taill ift�bermat03 pilce of whitefish at Get a small bottle - '103
eight cents I per potuid. I Of F Cream ar:.jugoment with the The passenger stc,�Amvr Germanic
04 the firop Oiguluf %'COR or cc ugll it is Balm front yof r druggiit an;I apply a, at �,.reaz r -n Railway Coln- and the steamers Case and 1. J.
In two wee4g the CcipadIan soldte Rgrant antrkeUtio cream
* cure it at once, and act let at the front sub cribed &'million. aTd jluittllo -vt this fr Boyce were dectroyed by tire and the
4 yciur.uostril- it penetrates through -f 1',,ittsb Co- steamer John Planktnton, which was
b run on for an irdeAllitp period, a 4alf to the Victory Lpan. every air, V*asuge of thib heati, soothing a, all It- stink In the Detroit river, was the
NK, Z. Mateau Af.P.P. for Stur- 644 110411119 the swollen Or Anfl. uait,:a, i_a i, �,U,&,rlug fZ10
For this purpose there is nothing to amed only boat lost in a eolilison. Seven
geon Falls, criticized PuTchaso oJ mumus, niembranp, giving you ast4ut Ah of ptic-1111orl'a, is reating easily. ;
OquAl Dr, NV Norway I Syrul), v 0 Merl! Ifi no .hnn&e. A of thk boats foundered. and two
.048 Kne land for pqiwazlt Prison Form. relief. '09ad colda and catarrh yield stranded. The steamers Pentecost,
0, remedy that boa been uIllivendIlY Thq number of men directly, pro- like iniagic. Don't stay stuged-up d .!i. Vetv- MoV '.lur In an address
i Clal) urged co -opera- sunk
ilimed by thousands for over twenty-five duced by. the Military,liervice Act to Miguable. Relief Is sure. Mitchell, Saxona, and Natironeo wore
the present 113 91,978, of whdm 1.227 o n ii, tii.(-n urban tad rural Ontario in collisions, but they were all
;rearm. raised.
are Imperial recruits. ot, p d: -i lite tL3 world-wide food
You do not experiment when you buy Fishermen. on Lake Erie and or, the S.O.&.call is pressed into Ber- risie. The fourteen ships that were total
-v4p-e dailit At muny, -of.the Tnron-to-ho- We.itein Genera! Manaler Macleed losses had a carrying capacity of- 26,_
f - a- AF - of Arbl' 760 tons -a trip. -or -8T5-00r# tons tior-a- -
A$m, W. G. Nquet, Smith's Falls exemption on the same basip as farm, tels, owing to the lack of rooming h; 'C.N. 4. t U I (fie od id season. figuring twetlt� trips for each
Ont., writes; -"I was troubled with i7a� ers, as being food producers on a liccommodation. �ts hat doiible-track along the
gripp. I caught cold� and neglected it, large scale. -Tb(t -Dominion f-olice. who are I ain line would Le necessary In the 'boat. The ships were -valued at about
n 614,000.
and was sick for several months. I took H. Wron, of Quebec, 60 years of sesieb of, defaulters under the Mili- The boats that were lost In 1917.
three bottles of Dr, Wood'S'Norway age, while shovVilling 811OW Off his. tjk�ry. Service Act, arrested a private lil"t'F11 Cai:ualtics reported in t he
rxup, and before I , finished the root, felt and. being caught by the deoctjv6 In Toronto. -ok eud(1 yesZsiday wells 3.571, 1 their capacity. where lost and valua-
tions follow:
Ime oa I was entirely cured. I would leg of his trousers, hung suspended the liquor men of Quebec are I N\est t f tiny *eek for several
hilve I Ge�manlc, Collingwood fire. $75,
any other cough medicine in until he died. bringing pressure to bear at Ottawa unlus. Eilittl or died of woundt,: 000
Oe house. Royal Northwest Mounted Police to hold up the order prohibiting the '),<,rs 24 men 736; woundied or
offteers returned from the Yukon re- ShIpp1bg of liquor Into prohibition -s nc L.811. Case. Lake Erie, fire, capacity
It oleo cured my baby, who was very, 2,500, $30.000.
.;-I, +1k She 16.A th. A-- port the coldest weather fdr years in provinces: I "1 1.1 . III a
n on. tro , co a on.
that territory, the thermometer regis- it as announced in t4e Reichstag AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE capacity 3 000 $60 000.
tor.three times, and he recommended V��
41)r. Woods.' ' I highly recommend it
to those who need a cure."
teing. one time so below zero.
Col. D. M. Hogarth, member of the
that e Germans shortly expect to
cilear the mines out of the'Blick Sea,
1. J. Boyce. I Lake I Erie, dre. cap& -
See that you got I)r. W*Gd'4 Norway
Ontario Legislature, was promoted to
brigadier, and,assumed the duties Of
al�tee which shipping will be Imme-
diately resumed,-,
Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent,1
city 600. $20.000.
G. Graham, Georgian Bay. strand -
Pine Syrup when you ask for it. DO not
..-*ccept-s,-aubst�tute.-.It.,ii-piit.UP In- i-
Canadian quartermapter-general, re-
Brlg.-Genr--Mc-Rae. -
A allinber of pies secured from De-
medicine for little ones. They sweeten
ed, $125,000.
Goudreau. Lake Huron. attended,
yeli�cwl 11 wrapper; three pine trees the
Premier Borden Issued a statement
trott and'used- at- a tea given by the
Daughters of the Empire in Windsor
the stomach; regulate the -bowels, bleak
CIP colds and simple levers, cure con-
capacity 3,500, $195,000.
UW MR k; price 25c. and 50c.; rnann-
I&= only by The T. Maburn 4001,
reassuring naturalized British citi-
were found to be poisoned. An In-
Rtipation and make teething ea&y'
Desmond, Lake Michigan, fouu,-
dared. seven lost.
zens of alien enemy birth of the me-
vestigation is ],*iug held.
Concerning them Mrs. E. Quinn. Par-
Geo. Marsh, Lake Ontario� foun.
school teacher. dismissed after
curfiy of themselves and their lands
For the rest of the season at the
sine, Que., writes- was troubled
dered, 12 lost, capacity 360. $4.000.
existence during the. past season,
hair roots famish, loosen and ie; then
and other property so long as they
Technical School, Toronto, leading
with constipation and nothing helped
Magnetic Lake Erie, foundered,
buried the shell, and enclosed It, with
obey the I& -,is,
trades unionists and workers will
him till I hegan using BAby's Own
capacity 2.600, $30.000.
Startling army uniform cloth
study Aristotle under the guidance :,f
Prof. Milner of the University of
Tablets. They are all excellent medi.
clue for little ones." The Tablets are
W. Rend. Lake Huron, foundered.
that their lands were to be confiscat-
Our Livery and "ack Service
sold by medicine dealers or by tuall at
capacity 2,000, $25,000.
been signed by Lord Reading and
frauds were unearthed In New York.
Fire of a suspicious origin broke
New regulations have been passed
'A5 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Hiawatha. Lake Ontario, founder -
Important Events Which Have
out on a transport at an American
at Ottawa dealing with the exporta-
Mediclue Co., Brockville., Out,
ed, capacity 700, $5,000,
Athens, Lake Huron, foundered,
Occurred Durin,, th-- Na� . c.
The Germans are busily acquiring
tion of silver spruce. Future ship-
ments shall contain no illver
five lost, capacity 3,500, $14.000.
Abyssinia. Lake Erie, stranded,
for the present until June 1. and re -
control of powerful Austrian news-
suitable for use in the manufacture
ports of reasonable results In food
capacity 3.700, $20,000.
The Busy World's Hsrlpenin�q Vnre-
of aeroplanes.
O"lly Fourteen Vessels Wl9re De-
Aloha, Lake Ontario, foundered,
fully Compiled and Put In(o
March 11 to 16 Is to be farm im-
At the session of the Congress of
stroyed Last Season.
one lost, capacity 1.000, $5,000.
The British forces under Gen., Al-
plement Inspection and repair week
National Service held in Chicago,
The loss of life on the Great
Handy and Attractive Shape foo'
throughout Canada.
Charles Edward Ru8sell,; a Socialist
Lakes during the last season was
An Epitaph to a Shell.
the Readers of our Paper - A
A two -million -dollar shipbuilding
leader, denounced the pacifists of
much smaller than it was In 1916,
Take Cascarats tonight.
Solid Ffoijr's 97, 0---ent.
plant will be erected at the foot of
America. He declared that they were
and the Property loss was very small
In a letter from Pile. Wm. Price,
Bathurst street, Toronto.
either Gernian spies, German agents
when it is considered that all the
R.A.M.C., Toronto, who Is some�
France's urgent need of more
or German sympathizers.
ShiPs of all classes were In commis-
where in Franoe, he tells of a mod -
The British Engineers vot,�A
wheat production was discussed in
sion from the start to finlab and that
ern miracle.
Strongly against the man -power pro-
the Chamber of Deputies.
I conditions were very bad during the
"Last Sunday week," he writes,
Provincial Treasurer T. W. Mc-
Nearly 10,000 lives were lost in the
first month or six weeks and during
., about 6 p.m,, a shell (coal boxes we
Only 7 per cent. of the food ship-
Garry explained details or the $3,-
Anio� earthquake,
I the latter part of the season. The
call them) eight inch -es wide and
ments from U. S. to the allies last
000,00Q provincial loan.
The Drumheller coal miners decid-
Lake Superior traders had to work
four feet long, p&ssed through the
year was lost.
Ontario Railway Board orders
ed to return to work.
through lee up to the middle of June
root and side wall of a barn In which
Draft treaties between Great Bri-
speeding up of ScarbQro' branch of
Ca:�y a force ef 500 Swedes w�_s
and about a dozen steamers were
the bearers sleep, and fell Into the
tain and the United States were sign-
Toronto & York Radial Railway.
stuck off Duluth harbor on the Sth
grounds of the hospital; but, thank
ed at Washington.
A new portfolio has been created,
the Soldiers' Civil Re-establishmeut
of That rucinth. lee erush�,rs had to
God, it didn't explode.
"Strange to relate, the subject of
Nathan Gilbert was instantly killed
lk f ill I i, � . -
Department under Sir Jas. Lougbeed.
'W11 vy'. 101D t%nff T% T).TTIM
force a channel' between Lake Huron
the service was 'Miracles ' and this
on herself.
y a a ng ree On L e in 0
Parsons, near Avon,
In Nova Scotia women are to be
and LaKe Superior 10 May, and while
a numi)-er of boats wi3re forced ashore
was one of the greatest, for had It
running for a street car, slipped ou
Mr. W. C_ Mikel, K.C., has a pro-
The C.N.R. Issued a statement
given the franchise on equal terms
with men, abcording to a promise in
Girlel Try Itl Hairgets st)ft, fluffy and
anti damaged, not a ship was lost.
come a little later there would have
been several of us having food and
Law School until after the war for
consideration of the Ontario Bar
beauty of your hair, besides -it imme- boats of the down-bOulld fleet reach- And in striking a barn It caused great
Showing how the line had helped otb-
er railways in the handling of freight-
the speech from the Throne.
beautifui--Get a small bottle
'StParners that were out after the
tl rst w "it of December had
rest in the barn. The obell smashed
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, steamer Henry Cort, which was sent -teenth Psalm. '
$2,000,000 to the province as com-
Janet Iron, a tot of eighteen
Miss Frieda Held, the Toronto
of Danderine.
to be
taken through the lee fields by car-
heavy beams, hurling, them just
relief work of the Toronto
House of Industry for the mouth of
a large majority a resolution calling
months, died at Toronto from burns
school teacher. dismissed after
for only British -born trustees.
COL C A. RepiDgton, British mill-,
ferries and lugs. The ice crushers
where I would have been resting. We
tary writer, and H. A. Gwynne, edi-
existence during the. past season,
hair roots famish, loosen and ie; then
lMqplved when she pulled a lamp over
charges of pro -Germanism had been
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
succeeded In keeping the Soo river
buried the shell, and enclosed It, with
on herself.
disproved, was reins ted bY the
I , ann I a fence. This is the verse we made
t,,, with beauty and is radiant witl; open, but I ie ( h e between Lake
Dr. J. S. Bootb, of Montreal, after
Board of Education,
up and placed on It -
life; has an incomparable softness and St. Clair apd Lake Erie was blocked
running for a street car, slipped ou
Mr. W. C_ Mikel, K.C., has a pro-
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. a large Part of the time from Decem- "Here
the icy road, fell under its front
posal for discontinuation of Osgoode
lies a shall of German invention,
Just one application doubles the ber 10 to Dec. 22, when the last To do us kreat harm was the intention,
wheels and was killed.
Law School until after the war for
consideration of the Ontario Bar
beauty of your hair, besides -it imme- boats of the down-bOulld fleet reach- And in striking a barn It caused great
.'The Treasurer of Manitoba claims
diately dissolves every particle of ed open water 7b a96 9rT6. The W alarm -
hile the troops were singing the
that the Norris Government has saved
Saskatchewan school trustees In
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, steamer Henry Cort, which was sent -teenth Psalm. '
$2,000,000 to the province as com-
convention are much exercised over
licalthy hair if you have dandruff. This out from Buffalo, to assist the boats Slit don't be afraid, the dw,�L,�Ifer In o'er;
pared with its predecessor.
the language question, and carried by
destructive scurf robs the hair of its through the ice, was sunk In collision still, If 01, t , woes off say -au
rev r
relief work of the Toronto
House of Industry for the mouth of
a large majority a resolution calling
near Bar point.
lustre, its strength and its very life, Twenty-five lives were lost on the so n w we'll conclude with love and
January showed an Increase of 64 per
for only British -born trustees.
COL C A. RepiDgton, British mill-,
and if not overcome it produces a fever- fourteen vessels that passed out of sincerely trusting there'll be ao ro-
ishuess and itching of the o7lp; the
Cent. over the same month of last
tary writer, and H. A. Gwynne, edi-
existence during the. past season,
hair roots famish, loosen and ie; then
Mr. T. F. Barrett, president of the
tor of the London Morning Post,
compared with seventy In 1916,
the bair falls out fast. Surely get a wben thirteen ships were total losses. "Hasterr the, German Repu Ill ic_ writes
Pennsylvania Central Coal Co., I in an
were each 9100 and costs for
small bottle of Knowlton's Seven members of the c atriot. Yes, but not so famt that the
rew of the IKLP
Inter -view described the new plan of
on bliabing an article In violation of
from any drug store and just t alser will be chosen first, President.
distribution which, he says, will re-
the military censorship.
Deve the scarcity. rumor
Rutheniansi alarmed oi�er a
The conventions respecting mill-
tan service of Americans and Cana-
41ans living In the other cbu'nt:ry nave
that their lands were to be confiscat-
Our Livery and "ack Service
ed. were assured by Premier Borden
been signed by Lord Reading and
she awoke In the morning.
that the Goverumeut--�tax_no -such In-
Secretary Lansing, and are now be -
son Amberols
tention. nor would It consider doing
f ore the United States Senate.
Lrge a lo,k .1 Pdl,on Recor(.. on
The Central Appeal judge is allow-
Sepnrators, kubbere and 011 can be
Samuel Wright, of Oxford County,
Ing exemption to bona fide farmers.
died within half an hour after the
for the present until June 1. and re -
uneapected return of his so_n Pte.
ports of reasonable results In food
his spring. adds too the food mtock oY the
production will ensure continued ex-
ood gtuffs Is needed Maple hugar
are oure,of a market for c very
emption from military service.
olind of pure inaple riugat and t4yu,
hey produ�.c. ISK;__0 Phone 207 Harem Stroot, CLINT014
d#l0J1,WJ=T131v WORK
to Imperial soldiers since 1914.
Wm. Williamson. Deputy Collector
Vn= YOU Simi?
The British forces under Gen., Al-
lenby took the historic city of Jeri-
cho. a
or Custouls, Belleville, passed awlay
For Sick Wesdache, ftur Stomach,
The meatless da" In the United
Sluggish Liver and Bowels—
States have so far effected a great
Take Cascarats tonight.
yesterday mor6lng at the age of
A permanent Army Ordnance Corps
for Australia was urged by the royal
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigea.
Princess Patricia has been appoint-
Lion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
All exemptions granted under the
aches come from a torpid liver and
Military Service Act In Montreal dis-
clogged -bowels, w4ich,.cause your stom-
trict are to be reviewed by Registrar
ed honorary colonel-in-eblet of the
ach to become filled with undigested
food, which sours and ferments like gur-
St. Thomas police have rounded up
bags in a swill barrel. That's the first
se-veral men alleged guilty of a num-
PrIncess Patricia's �axsdlan Istantry
stop to untold misery -indigestion, foul
her of big burglaries thereabouts for
gases, bad breath, yellow skin mental
some time.
,Successor& to McDonagh & Gledhill
We deal In Hardland Soft Coal, Lime
W. -*-vat ons in
1,1*o 241,
particiltiirs ("**Uy, Claull'uRn Pa.
. 7 `4
District FAIM. 409,AX;nt. Toronto.
Cenient, Fire Brick. Fire Clay, also
Hard and Soft JWuod,' Maple:'aud
HeTlock Slabs.
The Scottish Imeriocan
Fresh Cars of Lime and
Cement just received
GET --A' THE NE0,11A "�ANF'
TuR ScoTTIsn,�Aglmlcax is the only
W. W, SA�LTSI RiusiDENCH 202
svottiib oewsp&per 0ablished in Atner-
ica. A )-,ut nal devoted to facm of inter -
Our Own Countrily
est to Scots and descendants of Scots
cided to organize an International
throughout the United States. and Can -
-Photo of C. P. 1?.
Hilo. r8tablished 6o, years, Circulation
the largest of .11, P's of its class on
the Anterican 1011tril. Subscription
rm-, per annum postpaid to any
ir ibe United Stslir*and Canada
'Bus, Liveryand o,
Guelph Winter Fair.
The British Columbia Government
'Hack Stables
11910 V"K 41TV
01 Montreal Street
Just off the Square
'Busses Meet all Trains and
Agent for Goderich and Clinton.
Ask about this Canadian
Passengers called for In any
part of the town for all
Do Laval Craim
trains at Q. T. R. or C. P. R.
Ideal Oreenteed
Vrompt Service and
Careful Attendanke. I
11pha Be Laul
Our Livery and "ack Service
will be found up-to-date
In every respect.
she awoke In the morning.
4& 0 4W
son Amberols
Your Patronage Solicited
Lrge a lo,k .1 Pdl,on Recor(.. on
LPhoshe �1077 �Montreal Street
Sepnrators, kubbere and 011 can be
had at FRED HUNT'S Hardware.13
Prompt dtlivery of, oil S"ristors on
short notice.
E.very pound of waple sugar produced
his spring. adds too the food mtock oY the
ountry at a time when every pound of
ood gtuffs Is needed Maple hugar
are oure,of a market for c very
olind of pure inaple riugat and t4yu,
hey produ�.c. ISK;__0 Phone 207 Harem Stroot, CLINT014
$60.00 $80.00
to Imperial soldiers since 1914.
Wm. Williamson. Deputy Collector
New Pepfection Oil Stoves
Why not - ecotionilze hV using less coal or wood.
The New Perfection ()Irl Stove lb jtist what you
need. We have theiii fol sale.
3 burner and 4 burner Stoves.
CA1,1, AND SEF' 'rm--m.
'Phone 153. hemilton Street.
fears, everything that is horrible and
nauseating. A Casearet to -night will
give your constipated bowels a thotough
The railways have replied to the
Government appealing a gainat the pe -
tition for nationalization an. u.6 -g
Increases of ratem
pendentm to Obtain piomVt adjust -
cleansing arld straighten yon out by
.morning. They
Live stock breeders of Ontario de -
Gon" A31ouby receives the city notsilles in the barrack. square.
bV Courersy
went bf diflicultles relating to pay or
Our Own Countrily
work while you sleep-
cided to organize an International
-Photo of C. P. 1?.
& 10-omt box from your druggist Will
Live Stock Show to replace the
keep you feeling good for montbiL
Guelph Winter Fair.
The British Columbia Government
will take over and complete th�s Pacl-
Ask about this Canadian
A fl -t 0 11 �11
a _y, cOm-
Ii� IT'S AN pany paying $1,100,000.
H. 0. Pickard, Russian repregenta- V
t ve of Massey -Harris Co.. says Slav
peasants and workman have reverted
to vodka and that Poles have armed
EMPIRE to resist the Germans.
"The Parasite." by Arthur Mee, Is
banned by the Secretary of State, pos-
session of a copy rendering the holder
liable to A une or not over 1p5,000, or
five year -s' imprisonment. . . . . . . .
Capt. &ott and nine of the crew
Theti you know it's
of the cteamer Aftdtan, formerly the
Senlac of Halifax. were lost when the
ship was wrecked off the Newfound- kl
Made In Camah land coast; six men were salred.
A Pay "justmefit 011icer to to be
If it's anything else itric a attached to each district Vey office to
a heirs - returned soldiers mind their de-
arrested In- Montreal for stealing oc t1w pr6cluration from the
lntff, wair 1^boota, valised at 1111,160. frollit their step at the base of the Tower of David, which will sta.;l
lAr wha Chrbt w" in leruwou -Photo ik O"q"p W v
Vou can know your Canada better anti well
bv reading each month Macl-clan's Magazine
VOt, will find no other magayine move ente,taining nd none
other w) satisfying -%o tritich worth while to von .% n 0.iiadtau
in love with your own counti y. Among its reRular and fre.
quent contfibutors are these distinguished authors .
Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service L. B Vates
Stephen Lescock Agnes C Laut Alan Sullivan
Phillips Oppenhelln Nellie McClunK Peter McArthur
Arthur Stringer Lord Northcliffe H. F. dadsby
Mr,s,L.-M. Montgomery Arthur IB. McFarlane
These contributors sire a pledge to vou of the Ina li6 of
MACLFAN'S MA(lAZINK and of the(:& ----
which In dietinctive of MACLVAN'S.
S c
ome of the Department features of every issue of AIACLF k.N*S are
Review of Reviews -a condensation of the beat biographical, scien.
tific, literary and descriptive articles appearing in current period.
ical literature.
The Business Outlook -an informative article dealing with com-
merce, finotrice. investments and insurance-fow dw man in the
Women and Their Work-* department of special intned to Call.
edlan women.
So you see how complete is
A9 a Wood Cann(linn (le-itoaa of knowing voli, Cs*"qdft better awl
well, subllcribe to M#,Cl,KAN'S NIA(,A/INR --for yourlitelf.
home anti ffiends when% �(ia wish 10 f4vor with %ome "bibit
of �Our otood will. Subscriotion price to $).00 pet Year after t)ec.
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pendentm to Obtain piomVt adjust -
went bf diflicultles relating to pay or
Ask about this Canadian
John Murphy, of Toronto, was
found dead In bed by his wife when
she awoke In the morning.
No. 1 No. 2
ThO'Landon Gazette announce that
2.600 war honors have been granted
$60.00 $80.00
to Imperial soldiers since 1914.
Wm. Williamson. Deputy Collector
or Custouls, Belleville, passed awlay
Terms If Vu With
yesterday mor6lng at the age of
Princess Patricia has been appoint-
ed honorary colonel-in-eblet of the
PrIncess Patricia's �axsdlan Istantry
TOWTO VFW: 11 A10*19
Two eighteen -year-old bo*s slat
arrested In- Montreal for stealing oc t1w pr6cluration from the
lntff, wair 1^boota, valised at 1111,160. frollit their step at the base of the Tower of David, which will sta.;l
lAr wha Chrbt w" in leruwou -Photo ik O"q"p W v
Vou can know your Canada better anti well
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Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service L. B Vates
Stephen Lescock Agnes C Laut Alan Sullivan
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These contributors sire a pledge to vou of the Ina li6 of
MACLFAN'S MA(lAZINK and of the(:& ----
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ome of the Department features of every issue of AIACLF k.N*S are
Review of Reviews -a condensation of the beat biographical, scien.
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The Business Outlook -an informative article dealing with com-
merce, finotrice. investments and insurance-fow dw man in the
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So you see how complete is
A9 a Wood Cann(linn (le-itoaa of knowing voli, Cs*"qdft better awl
well, subllcribe to M#,Cl,KAN'S NIA(,A/INR --for yourlitelf.
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of �Our otood will. Subscriotion price to $).00 pet Year after t)ec.
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