HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-01, Page 6, -T_ - - It -_ �, I --TaI -w'--w-r-sk-, "IIPIIIIIIIIPIPIIIIIpprilli�, - - -1 -r,_ 7 � ..
-wimeTV,WF- - I I- 1. 11 - �7-,'Irl 11�1 , I.- As. _ � �-,v-,�-'r,F'�-7-.lp.;w4.w-. mpw-.-r �q,-,M� -7- F.VM-Aqw, -I - I
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,.I-. I =_'! i ..... .... -1 0114PIMMIMM, - -!`Rr`_,!rJ!IIfI" �, I , I- ,.-- :_I;:� 1;1�. I III I 111111 _4F
== ... If_ ,11PIIA, ... LLLI , � I . 1-11 1'iII .. -1 I � . I I .11 I .1 ::111: ''I " - ".,-*. I - I IIs APAPPAPPAPAR 4r*- PM -r- " , "Ir" " 4 � M
4 � , ���. , . -_ I " .1,1-.r.. I
r .1 I . . � y
. . . , r . -I GIRLS1 LEMON JUICE 11 I � I A.KAleh _$"'�A"_ ODQ" � - r "
J I I � ; ! . I SS � I
. I. . , I .. I , � . I .1 %W%WAAWi'Wo,W'AaP;I __ OW r � I..
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. '. . I IS A SKIN-MMUNER A Rao I Found, I .� � �, I .1111, ,.
I *. - . i . I � I � ..LL . ry, , I . IE71J III , I .
"Ila . . *. q �� I I L � I . : I .
I � I Now to make a Crliarriy 4XVII Jittlow , r .. � �
I ,T � . , for 4 few callow To Platr�' Names I ir IN I I
. .%e III � I � 1 I . � V
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� . . .. I
� I i" -111: . % 41F . I I I I ' ' ' ' ' AU
'44 . - . I �� ., ' � I
-4 � A- ," I.. � � � Address a postcard to us r4I
1 . . as W Iid, ,
I ,I 11 .11 .4 � r , � _1 rr I ( The juice of two fresh Imons i4xinod . ..... . �� I I F"Ve Jay return mail a Copy tal QW � � . 1,
I I - I . ANAPA has always afforded a . I r
i � - Into a bottle containing t.hreo oulliII of i catalogtlo,09 .
. � � , - -1 77 .11 - . ,'. now 1111whated p7e r 1" 9"4 o L. 1
I , r Garde% Plowe r
. �- archural-whito-ispilkes a whole, 'r ,1kcb- ftW 1Qr t-4 . II of . M Field 1
130� is. =
� utrtlt � has Slas _: �
I I I lP 11 41"" .. Roo,t SdiAs. Grai- Btilb I I � I
. l pint of the most remarkable 4gitam *Mix Place 4,;ilays. with such a .. r I
I 11 I I r ' rr J beautifier at siboo the C94 OAQ. C lvn4t$. Gallrdea Tools, Etc. : , 1,
: � I * $11, I variety of backgrounds, rzk � , I . I
1k , I pay for a *mail jar Of a,e aaard4w , P lk�r $pgCUL,_lVA; will salw m4 � �,
.% ? , I . I creams. Care sho y g turultalled 14Y -ludlans and by settlers . 3*K,
� old be taken tw of 113, r� .
� I � . the lemon julese throtal, @D ,�, �,,,
A!, I .1 , _h a one cloth go fro% utiany Offferilig countries.' its , Im a package (value l5c) of our"W" r . I .
: , I � I , I
::: r, , -no lemon pulp ral) lX_ OD 1 -7 �, ,
, ,,,* I IT- I .1. 1. tit in. then till& lotion gegX byl".Al"rinos�LIP 'of lit -b *_. , _ �� I -, -, � �,
Wilt keep fretir for montK �,I toryr ,rk � 1. Butterfly Flower - _ 1. I .� �
.. -R, —_4 , " ` b0I iiii , 00i .
% t I woman known that lemon juice is eut stutlerat dads mueli i9i 1;1 This is one of the airiest III fl,�Iult ." .
I to bleach and remove suck blemblies as to r;ward him and to stimulate his, ;V I � I .
% I I I r � Jost flowers imaginable. especially r
,r 1". fresI III—. .-A 4� A 1 interest in n i,A14, r M-iI � . ,
I it an a I " JAI " - I %I ... adiii bell$ ot lalielf r .I. � � ..
60 ptod to bordering � .� ,
XavilitAirodAy WUNatin � A. Page From Haarfass. the ideal skin softener. whiteneU and its,old priatin or rare books. There ...and tho.7'a of a heavier growth. � I .
. Groot Hiblical Pratna olF beautifier. . in littlemot a popular nature on the 4c= I I The seeds nate quickly and . . . I
as Just try III Get three Ounces of .... . I � into = in a few weeks . . � .
- ' P at thar orchard wbltfa�ifat &any drug store OUblect In book form. . Iner's . .
d%t f1cal .56n, Presented ' Garo I � come
r "I sad . from sowing. The florescence is � r
Manhatton'Opera floustall. Neito York two kMQM'JrQM'theL pookir savid,,make up "Nothing But Names" being a stairt I . such as to I completely obscure the AQ - � I
I L Casspyriviloitod. 1911, by Williarn Elliott.. A rons, Cam*t-c, is quarter L)lut of this sweetly fragrant of stAndardo and Itself containing ' LL I " . . os, all . Eigthe plant a veritable W� � A, I .
# - jand Vo -rt -s Cost. lesion lotion and maosage, lit shilly into enough information for almost & I, . 14 of the most delicate and � I I 11 . r
- . the tote, neck, arms and banda. I I harming bloom- The Butterfly, .. I . .
%/. -r -;�= -.,.*.rP- Jq'Ifo ,year's otu . Flower mate ad" Im'Ible poliplan is . ,Aa house in late winter and early,
r- V %A , - 11
V.. . I 0114 I illy
0 II r, urninuant iinri,pst A cout reir mr - t r _ . I . � . . A. *11, . . # A 6 17- . . wants r . " J �� ,
__ J, V. source or %."a stu en. spring. r I is purpose SOW lia i�044usumn. .
� - I
.- . of I 4111-mg.0 --- NNA.-SeverAW-Us--bar mlb ?,,!,.,n--JAJ.,--J,.r.,!�t-.IlLx.-�im-tL�,MUWUL�,-.-Ik.-, 1F_�______._____ --"-"L-..L."'----'��.�.-"-lf-LVOM'01$-U-.t'UW-Ultd6fith sailiffiLTfiI IV' -"Wo -1w�rwlil-,"Nrvlftlwlpltln%me . I..."... _.__._,____
f4st of Inalsoack" rl �-.-;h4ifl revelve fit) aliests flood do we ' I . 6 ---- kl----, -1�wv#lar . ga"V
of t6le Geographic Board of Cat%- LONDOW ,
"It Is no Ile. an I know It. But That Unnor. (--I while we solliers heart- , DONMON SEEDS IfflTEPA, CANOX, DAIII 0 UM;T*S'E'ID CO. UmffeD
A SPRING NOVELTY. I 1. 1. - ,.-- - - - -_ ..
I - . ' A - cOlItainfing decisions, for t" , 11)%t(hV1% - L
"The Wanderer" I am bWenemy 1-doit(Im% -walked I r"Jild four fit1fier" ltll%'V - � . - I - . .. - — . - ' L - 41 , i- t@ 'is 1;1111�1!���
L gPOOA4�g $ 111111 .... i" 11,
- truip sonit' of Abram onve"I's"1=1111,�iII walked he III guile itnt,usid triovelpol . This Vlk Jersey his Corded Years affecting several thousands of I "li�����ll���l��!�Ill�ll��!!��� 0
tholight to prove his friviod beewthle lie. MlI rintilm. solid )et lit- Juis retitnied to almulats Corduroy. 141nes In various parts of the coon- : 1:: � ", � " �
,, JITHEIL, S-yk of TeJI toil, seemed one 411 if:& Hill pre he died I 10 um $I11I " 91I 11"'AltAl whiI fill .A . .- try. 'Thin board settles disputes JA .
lie did what no rJoan tot lite seed i-ifin Gri- Weled line- Dh [(to I Ile l4ealmlill,mo st'stv n- . m 111,474on anit spelling, and. in Its dis- MillillillillilillillillillilifillillillillilillifillillillillillilillilillillillillilillillilliliLLA--- �
' brat ,el of Jether. tl;-�iql
GAAL II L , ever fo�glre. I have - tali wish. fair "nal"'M the lit4,d.% He . A% 1141 wit?, lonif One of the popular textures, for 0101946 gives inotali description for = . I -
11111'�, fatilapr 01 Gual and I I =
I malden, to brial; if elhud upon this 114 rOluld tie -11- iist fit -lid Is 11--%% spring street suits Is silk Jersey. The the object, and usually the origin; =_
I � Es
. , - livil""' effect Is decidedly juvenile. the luster of Me name, It is in the latter that =
i Jether. butaxelliald. but yes did seud fair me, sand allghty "I"A'alI 'tit - I
I atust speak the truth. Now let a (;#alit miniale to- folosi fierk-ely am alit - " The Famous M .
IMUAIL his wife. le and lightness giving all agreeable coin. molit Jpiterlist will be found, for It =
' -
iI I fulthrill '911phill 1.1-filighl Jefliel. to fiessil . I rultrors much of the history of the = . � = . .
� =
NAM= cousin of Jether. But Gani. spufflug tionle further ter. tirin @,mit nitia ,allied #Joe. ,,,if I., %,-, . I L C01111I for a century or more. Here = . a
i "ZA, friend of Tether. rible wrongdoing Abl' the errhag Jether. a 111b; litakedili-14K I . I I -are sLh9*u little tendenzies of -the 0 66 = .
*',%i,t rhou nalsil?" vrio-d I;nail `rh-�� ,tim,fis, sometimes irony, often .pride M - = . -
AAMI� a hantim-Aen of detulned him. . -, - - L L - .... a It, IPA if tietn-vir limilsow-I r. -r 110). KIP,.- , I .1 -wor-thy-and,flattloonal. sometimes ex- M . M-azda" . M M -
� I -Auldsh, "Wolt, We would learn more of I'allega, ILIJ)'KiI J11"JI ' . . -tremely . . P __ I
I .. 1I PAIJII APT - ' -1-1 -1 . - - - _Jocal_ _ - _ - - -, _ _ - M� -_ .�l---�,-.--.-�.-...----,----.---,-�--_.---.--.--�--.--- - - -1 P' L -
thee," Iii, iisUid.'_ '"Hual Ucard._`irifth I ... /", 1.5 ,Canada's Prime Minister slow- = -
SM -A R I servant of lean. 6r? . JujI is Illis ror file. %%,It,, linib neref I I - L = The Best Electric La' Made = I
JuLLier bath dune something so 41� I I - moving and Irresistible, or I# he " — mp =
NADINA, keerer of lolgings Pilinineful that God's hand smote III s'lliard agithist wi� mip? Yel (Air I =
(for It. I ill iliou dtiestli itioughl, ,my roetads libuil, . . . ,_ - - -_ - cold an an Iceberg? This question, = . . � ----�� =
in lerasill Im Let this man tell freely of it. hest $)Aft Olive hivIted to. 14 fellml. III - of . . aftises-,When one finds that "Borden" a I ' =
-719M, diff-ighter of Pas(Ina.' I flint all may know we drive him Justly .1111we -, , 1. .1. I � has been given as name to a "glacier = ' a -
.. ,. I
froto our dour A* ill fill 1111111I ymirs I . 1, 1..'� ), at the foot of Mount Sir Robert" in = Sold under a custrantase., It.thev prove a
......... . . . . . . . . . . . .... - * = detective you can return them.
ADY'K. a ,eller of JcT.II JII Ilirlied I,- him kind momed Ise X1. the coast district of.British Callum = =
,RARI& a Tyrrhian sea Huldsh indignantly commatided the ,11glillill ly. _ ..... . i bia. I = . =
. 0-111111. writinger tolopeak. . I "' I I - =
. taia. "Yes. stranger. speak forth thy mal- "Tholl hust flool Arwit. 1`411,111 1111to Jilt- , �. Two names dear to all allied peose = We Have the Sole Agency =
LTAGGAL a Judean friend of II-III she cried. "Isly son bath doue no world mid yel �-jiiike ii;wk. I;anl Nor . plea are perpetuated. "Edith Cavell" =_ -.-=
,-ouldst llt-m vompri-lisI flip Iiistive to given to a mount in Jasper Park, = =
wrong to any mau mitre to himself." I Alberta, "after Nurse Cavell, Judie- = We have some very choice designs In =
Jether. fir (-I I till J"14:41 till 114 Illy 161I lll� Imly = . . =
Haggai turned and roar the first Units VeNtS IIIIII No wilihid w-ard ,41mll . I I lailly murdered by the Germans In = =
; MERBEL, fricad of fetlAer. red'ognized Jettier, who half slipported I October, 1915," and "Warneford" in = I � Reading Lamps .
I rellell Iliv 141-11 At 1.1 I'lial. I Isad II.Ipp(I . = a,
, THE PR61JIAZT. blulielf on one am no he gazed tip at lifilt I irolklifist 1'ePilop %%fill file -w the name of a river In British Col- = =
. . � umbla, �"after Reginald John Warns- = a
I Dancing &Is, Egyptians, Ar. Elaggal. — his retul,ti ,,,,At rorgive thy lirfolliel, Ititi 1 = Electric Fixtures
"So, thou still 11AI-poill." said Haggai. .. .1 r LL I 11 . ford. V.C., who brought down a = = .
! abs, servants in waiting, ku. at r have forgiven blin " I 'i6po011n siagle-hansI 7th June , - Suitable for -any ropm - 1. =
ernly. ,"I had thought thee dpad Usal Ittrued alI taiw-rily, Ilulduh 'r I = ' f =
i bianil, eU. And better for did thy kin wear suck- I'lifne Is, 110111, tillived Iter build OT�4- o, ,1915, and was killed ton days later: =
. =
I clottl fell thee, for llvlug or dead thou aged 23." = An Electric Air Warmer =
. D dollallely .Pit film momiltler solid p1piuled; A. I One turns to Haig with similar ex- = . Is a good thing beside you on a cold =
— . --"0 art accursed of God." "Utir mists Im trith its qmvo III 4;uio. - pectations of war memories, but a night, as a temperature booster =
,'4top. thou slandererl" cried Huldah . I =
illy bruilter, thy yotinaret hrother. Will , . Mount Haig in the Rockies was =_ =
"Nay. woman. bear me. It Is right : named after Captain R, W. Haig, an- , =- =
SYNOPSIS thou alai Jolla ivilill us In wph.-IIIIIJIL . I An Electric =
' that all should know. IM vnine own huam, ilh, %% underer?" I . tronomer on the British Boundary' , = -
. . .- - - -
On the evil, of a Jewish testil-1. about to eilrq I heard a wanton tell while be oI inoo(Iliy rertisea to itw4wer I Commission, Pacific to the Rockies. = =
be celebrated by the house of Jesse. = Vacuum Sweeper
Naoini. in love %IW Joither, express" stood mute, denying amight by word 'Jether spolie . away, back In 1858-62. 1 - , =
anxious fee I jesther,,, ants. or deed. that out of love for her Jethep Two Ontario hamlets have decid- a 0 Is an article you will never be Without =
r,8 '"Guill. ' lie whi-livred. "lily liruther- I = *
$In(." He has boakeus ohminitutilig with big ba(k sacrificed tintia the Babylonian � ed to put on airs, whether coslao- = Ifyou use one once I
Met.d. Tola The III solid hant uc:tri At( flit. elder I =
x(Poldess Ishtar. He bath renotinced brother r0uxeol ilerhillim he tell twat politan or not. Staiders' Corners, In = a
'1,, a llrkt� .lei her to dentand ants portjdb the god of Judea." ., . Halton county, is to be known here- = Warkm'ing' Pads , = .
1I life fal her Jamb, ind %,toil Jerusalem tie. tou, ]fit(] In4-n partly to, filumv (Ali-- . = I = I
After merely as Snider, and Nelles" =
Huldah and the met sb�ank ,hack life tailsittaderstailidillus Air the foll-tt: lit- 'Corners as Nelles. it Is somewhat = =
vilift 111,ii FlelnIng I—— .1,,her vAtka with buirmir Only Jesse remained un. � = '- , L' Coffee Percolators =
%x. n Nailuffs and almost contemes his love hVIIIIIIII Visit flip 99-1111P Vtoll-t' Ad Ills . thrilling to learn that the latter wast - =
for her ) mored. his fttre�atllk calrered. Wit -body alaath,fr�llllaj Jilt. llii;zllt lit till- fifty j II . � named after "a general merchant = . . =
, erpet am a statue. . = =
...._...:.,J,,ktlI st,iRrrole skilth Ills hrolihe�. GM% I .. ther movvill limi lit. turtied. lowised named Nells, who was murdered in Toasters, Etc. =
and 'Jefte PIPPIN Lh*M J*tllet cootle his , 14illosiski Do I 110. " detuanded Bag and fit if uttinii-ifit lie salad .1viller Avert# his home about 1860." , Another sug- a L L =
fis 1 her that he denim ft*Wom fluid a eight 'call � . gestion. of local pride 'a the order to = =
if ti,e woridIL ' pullararing. 1� � , ' = = I I
I Jether altawly struggled to Uis feeL . I call It Penetanguishene now, not = �
".11vilI lie ciled = , =
ri,�Iduh bidap Tola treguat fookU aWb.A1I IW -fiti-ed film and said humbly, "Thou .__ Penqtang, as Jealous neighbors often =
Joather to reautin His is olidiwate. ,is . 4131al."', 1111,wered fill, lwy gindly . . dub the = Robert Tait - =
celves his purtion and dialpytirta with Toil, 4uxt JI IIII . I 11 And %vI,wp,tlI4L- lor4ifliprs chislied t-nvlo . Georgian Bay ,town, the = - .
... rheik look into mine eyes.'" cried I word being Indian for "the placoa of = . =
for Jerusualem. To,&. InLruia Jether It .1111pl, most 11111dith Ifild .14-444- eultiII . , . ... the white rolling sands." - = Electrician . West Street = I
Nadlim, a Babylonian womito and I flu"I roughly, "Did -it thiou not stand JI Itiv stake Air llielt Iwo, childro, . Peculiar Incidents have been the = . . 1=
lodge.4 in bar IA,jurluua iA%#".. ilo,,i tse.ore the very altar of the heathen lit- swrillillta�mlletlll,% gslvtt wli� htI . 'I basis of many names. Kicktn A -
Nadina prefske.stak tier bekiI daugh sild sily a thing tip terrible that- no I , I . -1
ter, ,risba. is P. I I The gelith. Nolmill I'llsill-411 11., Horse Pass and River, in Britial .-Illillilllllllllllll1111111111111111111111illillililillilillillilllilI . 111111111111111111111illillirrrAs -
Lite', Woot if hys tantrAM-111, Cuba dure repeat III I I
Tu%ha asks him to-huy lor'bas a JakwotiAPI .1(,Iilel**m sille. slild ili-lit Ili 111,131 lI ,I Columbla, originated, the Geo- 't�_ r_A!�_ - , .
III ,lit"I" I Jetbur nodded. "Agalia.thou speak. 1w,,1 linilla-IN, 11le Sweet efillsill illid f1w graphic Board tells us, In this way: 'L '
,.,her ifuln heattatim buk overcome by JI With. And In the alwful tdorm ;lUt-d Int(rhori-It awl film wife itirtiol tit . "Sir James Hector was kicked in '
his ;)a..Bltn. mrrlfJrew,and foationneff" thr vilitchi followed." lie added. speaking . . - the cheat by one of his horses near
4�40,1,5 of larael. fivairrestrie with rernorpe, tptisoI and w It it a we of t he A Imighty. ; '11111111-fi%(.1.% .111re ol"I't. lit III t-1114.1 I hr . . the present Wapta Station." On the I
ll� .Irinks deeply and mallow Tnerry sts" (I.-tisi."�ritli.il.lili.-O.,.4tol.g.lilert-littlilLzl) . VOTE I
"JI Of Nedlinks Knorni, seemins is- -lit thitt stiortu I saw the ,face or God .. I.., . other hand, the present writer was � I
Auil but for somet to ,-t-felo-filt. file evi'llifig illi -Ill 111141 1.1v -V �
tilng that spoke deep . I . carefully shown by an old resident a
ther. looks upon. Ili* sortiole.aild oviindraws, Isitl-e lilt' (4"J� 11".. ..... ... .1 . 11
. IL tif I'llilli-lisoul%'Jilu flit. flit' , `
� - , , "". . . .
In iforrusiss. 'L .,. . . natural design on the rocks of the "
lit any heart and bode me live and itifft. . 11 I I
. ". .P_-� r ank of the river which was said ewc%nanp
f. -A 6, I.I..1.1 11A. -1 I. -A 't-1111,14 of Ille�I;r-oll-111, These Two' N 3,roia I n a
la.InR OfTers, Alattlair ton 4 dlv� AII it a . ".. �` . . .4 - — �
" !.ldts to re"oup Irtig, V*ft.-O� 111.1.,AJI14111411) thera." . I . 1. And lit Ilw gallfti-iI IwIllghl.-oinit . I 11. I i; r,;sembl,e a horse in the, act of r - t
@I MtkamiI ILI %kd" III 1asI 1111AV1114s) 4-aal Interrupted with a triumphant III;: 111"011 lilt' 11114-sil"Id al'"'PoA whivil _-6, _ - - I r4 kicking. - I . '
botrowed from hilast, It therl 1L."tes lh� . . "If(- had likevi-r expi,4`111,41 1.1 $lll-f, 11,11111 . I McKay Lake, oh Vancouver is- � . 1��,
I ,tdeA dIce ano It .-Iletiting T.- ") � Vo'ur' Home* '��,,
, ,mr,!ete his dimiarritce Tlithill Will of ill- .. Ali. navy ye know my brother as tie -10111-11" I'lls"80411. I-IttlI 11"I Ill 'fit' A SAM OUTVIT. I land. derived its nathe from E. H. 1 �i I I
i�nounclng the Oall of IsreI . � illa- so Idolater, a blusphernef, accursed- little I.11-411111 "Ibuill Ilitil III maid 1,1'4-1141 , . ./- I McKay. Surveyor-Gendeal Of Britist. . . I "
4 Nadine, turns Jether out of her house Who will now hold a hand to such a 1Y. 11111101Y. %IIIP`l4wIl1llY: � . tainatton. The suit- pictured , of a i Columbia. "the Brat to fish in it," - - _71"
. � win While Norquay Mountain. ilk &I- I .
In & storm fit meets the Propliet anol alit- and faten God's wrath?" . "Aly (&to her's. limpst, "' . wide weave III - - - -_ - 'T, ter
I ha he, has denied his Ond . corduroy& Patch pockets. a stringy berta, was cli Pier Nar-
y - - . I
he ..*,odigai returns to too. thaI nrin and gazed Into his eyom , p
honI I Mother. smart 4etalls. - 7 ,,"o
. "Thou boost. done .that (hlnx?- mile xl,wt oE nil the otitur beautiful t1ilw-r. __._ ' the wilderness In odd ways. Pooh- . ,,,,
Jether Is Affeeuvered outaide II rsI rrlpd. Robblag. and coTered tier II -_ 'AND ,, E M-P'l R E 1!�'��.
I Then fk Wit dinkfarn a the 140, of 11191I .1elluldah. witti a piteous cry. �llitvhpd , Till, C.M., belt ., and beuutiful I silk tassels are quay of Alanitcha in, I 8 91 or 18 8 8. --E: -MAI L �
A 1---glapar. I . Cl-vilization has been carried to T H
bY Itis.-Italin 6" Nitonal. wile do glue TWA. with tier vlosk. Jether held out Ills In firp vilme Jar twom lilld threl,4, Ill �. hall Lake, in, the Railly -River Dis-. I - . / . _4"��
. YOUR WENDOW BOX. trict, in a reminder of the charadt-ar - . If. �',
o9n1w film in Jolla AiI He fail%. iaisliI &rule to tier hossitoechlogly. Llfwa-118 tifid flundred,; - plelity Of I - in the comle: opera, "Mikado," while �,�,','�-�
coal appearg. Fec,tal'ises his brother saw, " It"I'm. 641111`40R, "fill] 11-l"'PA. Ill"Ith I a' Gramophone Creek, in British Col- � AND THE . �;-,I,4�.
bitterly upbrnias him MothaI biI cried; I'dost thou also, er" 11 111 Beg nits Are Easily Grown, and Ferns 1�,,�i,'�,�
crushed, Jethef takes refuse III ask, goat desert JI Now. when foesee lied Jabal .%klerm, JIV§kt'4 alit] eml,allim, 4111t Otily oill. Are of Permanent , umbla, dou6iless had the first "can- � I �, . 1: , "I
l3ainuty. I ,;;,�,,.'
shed emitaik too me. thau learest II mother lit all flip witic world . tied music" of that district. 1 4", -
, ' '
_- .__ - ,!,".
mother J�Rate %a, PA from him and eo,-er- huldoli flanked at him with suprearat ' gro,%ving in window,hoies. The foliage ��;r�%'111;
, promine,,, will have their names .�
III face an n Poirot flint bin amn lit Ae,d JI Lumber 14II grusped his hand aiial SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, r all begonlaq Is tittractil-e, bill P.qpc,- I live after them in out -of -the -"y 1,
1I tiul-inh mirsiatters to 34I end re, ;��
PrOV09 (Inal for lifoo'boar4riploat sulik iti-I)hbill: sit his feet while he 'G 0 0 E R I C H STAR - ,Z;,1
He to di Oro% ered by his father find Begonias are admiruble plunts for Many people of greater or less
I as I
I o
ottr.ire III entairipirt her. GASES OR INDIGESTION Clally so are the beautifully marked I platelets. There Is a Sifton Lako in I - . � �6,1�!
lilt -n rR land fells, nt .f#rtI ^ 4p learen of the Rej ritriliety. The beef- Pontiac county, Quebec, named 11
— , . . . .;.�I
leg 1 -f --o II lit honViI rno,pnn"4' 4.'aal mosughl to bring the unhuppy .papkI 01apospaliall neutralizes excess. fifteak, Glolre de 4rralue and other va. after Sir Clifford Sifton. Lord Car-
ri ,ferk I npr I � ""'�
I ��_
1.110t file Pnn IPIOM"von All tito" fare r" u terms', THE TWO 10GETHER FROM NOW TILL JANUARY - 'I,
On'lled A re"Pt Ili Inside. and the farwittato API to all end &R sustion isis us roulat sive acid in stomach, rollevIng rietleas may be eXpected to grow well I narvou of the "Carnarvo 1,
re-stinter, iik ttichers, hou" "into the tious all W ye. ukid thou. dyspepsia, heartburn and And to (lower under the conditions that episode, settling the differences be- �*11
I ,��,
�___ . I �_;� III straill-er, � tbou Wilt the ,,air distress at once. suit the ritles aiready.,described. says twoosen the Dominion and British Col- Ist, 1919, FOR $5 25. 1 .; li�_
CHAPTER XV. ittleqL." be.olirected. � Time itl In —fil.Minutes'all 'Istom- the Ilepartmeral of agriculture. umbia In the early seventies, In . ,,
� known, of n9w, through a 'mountain . ��
I The Fathiar's Forgivaineason. liaggial s-tilig bbil le-4theni wnisai Init sell distren, clue to acidity, will go. Ferns in variety are artilloble for the in that Province. Dennis Is another I I I . I
tie .)Ter bl% arid Slid L(riamlied his slud, No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or window box and may be selected at 1�,
A I 1 1 X ;, 1: gilaw Ili vs 01ndel and " " lie suld belchin- of gas or ertirtations of undl- any florlst's to stuit the tastip of tho mountain there, perpetuating Col. The Big City Daily and the' Best �, ,�
Not of is house limurged. John Stoughton Dennis. an eminent 1.
awt. of Late saiLrailI auffigaid gruffly and strode oil dirivii the road. gested los�d, no dizziness, bloating, foul grower. blot dwnrr varieties are bptter surveyor, Whose activities In Mant- 11"',
(,mlimird "A serraost of �,�
W The servait a started to tawy Ili*. %oi(T breath or heada6e. stalled for the rodin arikilable. rernq tobs, on Instructions from the DO- .
-JeAI intile we entriv loittipr of Alast. Is- Jiether sliftly ca rem,meil if 14 Pnpe's Diapepain is noted for Its may- Ile grown will) lwgunlits milatisfac- million Government had much to do Local Paper Will Supply'you With 'I,
I . .,,,�
lai the istit".- -,r I t;,,d Art tholi he %A, Ito mother, w.,en saildvisly the lilliferto SlI in regiflating upset stomachis. torIly. Both require a temperature with starting the rebellion of 1870. . , ,
II r It is the surest, quickpist stomach sweet- �
"J%�Ase Is fll� itolld figul..,ot Jeme moved. VvIth ,,I, rner in the whole world, and besides it lower than the tiverage living, room. Grasett township and station In Al- All the News Worth While. ."
"Ifither-" reki'llaid 08111 imperious ft.I-stdre lie dropped the nion. Coleus is another aroup of platiII that gain& do honor to Toronto's .Chief ':
. '
sternly * 1I d.d ifeud tuo tLiee tut ties from III, film With a L*1tI,lIl. 11,11, Is harmless, nit &tit end to stomach tnay be grown in a -window box. but of Police. while garl G . rey mount � "_ I I 11,�, 1.
what lie wollid tlu tutager tifive-newas distress tit once hy getting it Itirge fifty- land pass In British Columbia derive _�
of his Bull Jethel " furl.404 a.-ille iI lat, --ouietelinlim, ornt (�nse of PiI Ditip*psin from any they MU82 tiore sun. The leareq of their name from the fact that the BRING, OR SEND ALL ORDERS TO OFFICE OF 1".
:s t1lough hifildred train iiva%en. the t4rii-T stnre. , Ynn realize in five minutes these Plants have u wide runge of color � , I ' li.� I ?
. oftervire former Governor-General went on a � I I
HaXamf hPI foot though In gtA patriarch turned. � how newdlettit It Is to suffor fi,hm III and marking aii well its of litize arld THIS PAPER. .,:"�
for life dentil. ki'llsfen he spoke, I Is horseback trip through the pass in 1. 11 I Q 1. 1. . I
111oldl" ho orlod tit n attleat voit.a. us prstion. dyapepaist. or nity storrinel all shape - They imust have u warmer at. 1907. ___ I � ___ . I ;o,,
-Tvil flint, Itim. just jether big gqn though falwaklug a holy memmage. -Let ardor ratiI I)v fervamtrition date Z I mosphere than othe plants already men- Not so national in Interest warG I , .
. \ .;,
Is deud. 4I W haud 6UL61I Llus at JV no one fit Ir. I bear -1 ties JI excessive acids in stomacb. I United. a temperature of 55 deqrees to the origin of LAke Loucks in Peter- . . It- �
rugalem." 4 He lmu.A%d, am it lish-Illuit to a (lis -_ - � - .--- 60 degrees at night being daistrable. boro cuntaty, ..& fier a settler," and ,- -1 - 00, i.!
-\son,' lintpirtilli�-d film inditmatitly. font voter from the flannels. Mae PrieffAler Airintan. The�,mealy bug Js . often quite trouble- I Edna, a point on Manitoulin Island, 11 . . . I I --- ,
**%N'b) Pul%esl 11111111 III Abe 4 � --- - - ... .. � I I _t
dvitiand. .1 h A some on colens, ,I "after .a child of Mrs. Purvis. Burnt I . I I , I I
ed. -,tril I lit#u lits cueutly to to, isar the me-,masI lit, cried Joy HAVRE. Fleb. 26.—The Germans I For an upright plant lgrowing a f-iot Island." 11 DANDRUFF . - -_ ..
. I fooliulit 4 I fully. nlir Jam fi- otI taff" with its.' are multiplying their local a IN . I I I
L �! 11t went to JellaWi find looked at lifin tticks On - br elgilteett inches high lisplillstra ,I* 4fter all, the prettiest places In � 1, ! . I I I
the Belgian front. but these are con- st4stactory. The leares of"this 'plant , Can ilk are derived from the In- I 10. Leads to Baldness . . P III, 1
klaft. cis all lorest-at sbuwtd their, up- sidered simply feelers. There h" , a whether the Miemaes of the , .
ra Nesdachis proval-sin fasmv Gaul. who utooti been. some lively fighting. and the grow In somewhat the.stitne manner, ri ime Provinces or the tribes of 1 'iI I , I*- The firgit stage of balAne I . I
krup isloot . gatclen flags. but thete are rurieflo I . &Is is
I . Germans have been driven off In ` the mountains, and the Pacific 4 -" Dandruff and itching acalp. The " � -
. . 1 mI -4 its well as libose . "I'll .... I I , --
"My Ill." ,nontliturd the patriarch, 6'tery case by the use of grenalleft with riarlestated leave c6asit. Petitcodiac, In New 'Bruns- ... I'll longer you neglect it, the surer 'A'* � �` � I
CA,WED BY � "thou Want sidisno,41 itraknily. and thou and tifles. I with green letaI \ I 1 trick. means "'the river that -b-e#W YOU are of losing your hair , . �1'
. � 1, h4"t fallivertkill Xmilly. flut it tholf, 11I The (Mrmans have suff4bred conald. . I I . batillit.", OjAbabilfta Day In Lake N101- I .. ,, 7 Dandruft is a germ disease I . �� , � I
— _
. i I I
kninwn illbaltal Ornth finil iI hail) gon waliatis "the Igip bot*40ft' two I . ,,4 'that kiftlt ill if, ILJI at the toob al that it;aJ& n6t : . �. ") :,
. 1�
190 L VER. , out hitiving been able to reach thift One Ot tbiI. greffitJest'bir4lilps. alet IJ3 proulbAl6fles." Okotoks, JI mount I .. I �� � RII again. If you value your hair, do not neglect I � �
SLI 063N . I foilliq lki,*NA. kin inaq oo tistrilb vh�all erable losses an the Yeasr front. with- * *now - tIdnowm ... _ _:7�,,,� .* , ": � .. "I
, I I I I 11 . I . � I take it fraimi libiI It , Is thy gmater BeltiftrA Imes. I I I ' t sawntialateiii ttid fttem,avei- 900*1 I &lid- 4, �-tb*a South of Calgary,. are I � our Dandruff. . � ,��, ''I I I
Lieut. Thlerry,,*bo holds the^ beat 916141*00411111I *hI6V`*IhlAtt,A0rIt&. iadisfa:tor ,,stony -firowng.i, reser- I y � ��� ... �� r , , I,
. When the livvr becones ifflugg;-& isad latIrtion. Look Into allne oyes that I fighting record Ili the Bialgivint **lt. . ring � ,to a ford of Sheep 91vtor. -_ . e-� ::, �
wu); love It:, bly ittiffitits; the )J0% II ase'VeM.t * . _ .-
� *4 . ' � .1 �,
Inutive the howels IX-cclipe 00"tiplatcd, tibli'aalleadrIIII Was briodght d6*4 01 itage"bg Malta, f4V, I Kittinat, a, YM*S* fand- on arm lot - . ... � , . I'll. 1�
". the tongue bemmes collated, the bresth Settwr gaited Into thfixtia kindly evesso Saturday In 'a fight with tOur-iff4iffiI I . Several days slyte, Douglo 34haikael In BrIflih- C61tita- t 4 � . I I . ' L I �,, ." .1 %,
0*,tfI0,Ist ovfitj Xillthet ofilitmentsm.61 �
W the alsomfich foul.-Istild Illift t%WW isinall effatsbod alat lie toll luto bit flatber's, .sarlest and fell Inside Ithfil. ishilill4lis , .blai fift'judiffiJI for "tht Witapl; of like Cores DalitM I ,,, ,�' f
g;;dWhI heartbu I ofth protal,00I *nil aft"Houtiate embrace. lines behind Wdftbn. ThliffilI bAA ,*rtI11k1aI�`i.i*t1biI to prot'I it* ". sI � whittiI Xvislo ralskut ii-iffir , IN" ftALOO"ft 1. � ., !' �, L. �
. the deStrUeliforaL '01 , 61 'L 11 . . �, i
t��JI ,
before I At = "ll'ittherf"' tie, NOI)L*d ten 4§*1614y.� AIIIII 1110 1I thilig"t d&Y 46i� t*O- And thO ,black _ _ I Is I �� testo"A ilotioult NostIOLA6 � the liscm. Mrstitol, is , . . I" �
_he e)'An I L WIL a lb�ff I I i � , JrOW.I I , __ . �
. and all kindai Q livrr trfiub� : 4tit iffiry, AI Tfii tiffiatIcting a I"- ......"', I'L - .�, _111'11� , _ 1. "a .. ft"Oftleall than, tiny . ,',.I �
.1 .� 01`11410 - Ithalf at'lline, . . . I - � .- .- --- I . I " *Gtoitttai%tilpr 10 : !i
into. my boI 'PlaAes to 111111 trolidI 'I'% . �easoaa%tsfrwillo "'law - other Uk =-P t,
. - I �J I J . �. ., 1, i �.. "'. �� � �. � ,I' . It bii,�Ioadolo presiI hair 4* lOngtt, .; � 900 i1irthet-lasts 1. " ,
�__ - - __":. — , I L I. ,, ttii�- 1, . .
a TA,A.tAvo PMa *111 ifitimall. again. Thm sitalt; theft regain thy � Icabsilis t" too., " toiset that to turrAlitm, ,'traaal vifttititt I I I �. .i
� I . I I
I .
� FIOW tlk 1111AM 1148krOoft UtIss, 11 14,�_ 1 � �, I Qti.%Vonto", three .
,t1,1it1.1ra,*. ,--,,,, 11r,* elisn the foul- atitrength. and thore tbou obvilt slattlis I I"! 210- aM $,Olalt 10-04 *I fi�j bastaltakatiI tabiiiI of IH 116 diiI I .
. � , latell. L I I . I , 61 do* Lure out � 1. � .
wit - ' " Itillisaw Y I I . . I I t�A*drut ot Uft, to , I .1 . -
Xts" Aps'll". tftti,t rLv#t=*eh, with JI 11, , TORONTO. Veb, Ill.—Ai ,j,hf) Wilk Aft kiiii, Wstilit4o, tw Know. - 1� I I � U rl - .1 X.
- .1�"disaa*ee � I I -r your . � . �,', �
SM bof],- , h � _ 't�**dt,,*Kf, ttitfi*tttrl**'t* stiffatt yallar 4'ft 't*6 Utex I I � n
_aI ," -1 infAll attala abI44',liffith th"Is" III -finifirning,siXty policemen stala firsao**4 falWhilit JiV tW'- flgh*�br that qoo . - -iiiI jljj'j�,�jj- ARKMCY., Wr 11 Ann't � . I
e hosallac I , I _. _ I I ;
*41 1 �1 I � _it. I : -,�
,balletliallI ,Ug fr "I" 6 ,
INV* - d, trying toottell, the eight raftWAY $a*'* I ld not,* 431116mlike Ih-"h, Xt" . ,
,1,,At)tfty# 11allfavAs N.S., peaked Jtltbet, dated #14 ttt hAPP,V. , �,, .1 is tall out . . �,
*rit(,LA3-_..l q, � Warosoned on trielght, eal% bt t'lial J>oIlI lootiklilt Orden toou*iI ls� I . I I it", now the thilIth. -of this �. � '. I �
. , vklwoe In writivas ym rbua lithisalt hot K4t#, 44*6 *iI dOWN 16Y 1AAA110 bf rOM aind JIfqb*1taj ' , IjUt, Is sir h*YA ,thitivator. W. ,� because of Its Otote"triated strengt1h, Splendid rernedy. I I '� ' k�
I 'L I
I t0tt", " ,! ilk, "t t'AlUe I lafe r& lfhaill affiblit,hat,off. giVililif prW of thine I I �,' I prkeil,$14004 Tryon nappamom4eyowbo4ig", 1 1 L .� M
� . tAV A � - nArX blilburate TAn4L1Var otou#mtilt. #IV orlike liffith:fia AR *611 44 4 tOWbOtt OUX441A I* * ill* W601d $Oilt like to btly,660" - c I � � , . I , , 1:
Wd from truck trotti, tholl ArgobAliit It0*16C *,X�s thallak, .*6u. I just WailiI til I 11 "I I �� . �, - I 1, I I I '. ?L
PC - a ,11;g6b liver. We 0 Club. The entire Doat Vallay , , .;, , ill,,. .. �, Vvmt***900h#ft*tltlmtot,talkevo*itbotitutt,biit,Write.TM We *111 .�, L I I
1. wu 1 "I IC I .. I 1". , I ., ".. *t,tfaj yoO saireWalipptled sand Send is'proaketift, tar 1� ' � '�
1- L. ,
'K" 1� r1V 11%,-r got 1xid t would b&I %AI lilkist-II my tAkthol% thy word, titioded to to'd6I ", hig khov 'Jilluk -y", "U It, Its nelgbw L'. , I F_ ,- �ji�f;I tophlet AM ,� I '
*Vt�: U.-ttlaellea, but after using a wllfffwollv� I I , III t, '! ,
I tho halt -
M. lot. h I LL : L ... "At&IIIIAL"if "Ak* "-'UAVit 1I : �, ��, �
_ , " ALti th the *00 Ho J Ill .0 I " MAW 1114 L ,
g4t1j,...' 9,4 Via,'S of Y'O& P111% I bliVe A4 Alut tie" v'rostli lifto alils." ter lktteet b"460, and �Jffs Otte, arA I *sAtIA ttAe 11111 Wasit I It I CANADIAN 6*1101I : � , �, �,
,,it "I �� L L CANADA. ,�
i i
� . �4%11 ti I tl*, )OUU6W coutlau , already I *ItMfx two 'Of tilili tillit i1beto' I *W to W lt._� ik" �6".; 11 I .
tft, bwlw(d any *0I , ed , 6 I 11 I.. 11 I . 1, .1 . : I � I
. L
`01'11I LuliI P'Ij-, sI 2,lto. a Alediffit. 6110,11N lito tok*`And ftilleting of the Uldto POUlij 0 "t W" Aul lei" , — � .r I all L - AUSNER MSG. C0.0 1. 1. I D .I I I I , 1. �
, *�I!Ilflai, I . � I .
" . . . . . . . 1
rt itall daskallon aft Stin4A dii4t ft Wit'AtIlItS 114 sili;*tkot O�*Jtt tba, tOot*. tiallmig� . I �, ,- 1 kaI 4" Aik _, , �itgWbA***'*t,Viok*"AWMMO*O*ft*�cw,*ft&14, ,**N , 11 L �
1, AI "lia the 'boo" a 36664 aW Ike . . I 1. 11 -n * II III I I aoww$O �� 1 4 1, I UVO*l ; 'i
L- 0414 pitim oyllo T. 11AMbern M. Uo" Outboake skohilit, .10" 4I "Ook, 10", I. 11 Wi? a& ----,-,-,I--- ",",,""I'll ..................... ",""I'll, ........... '...., ... ... -. , 60"MOR L L I . 4 ,
. � tlw ItUoI laot -, a_�:T(~VL__..1'IAI " I , ,,, I � ..,
I � - � �.s, I ( I
I a. . itta * *&$a Of tt�** "voi , AI 11 -11''.." ....... ', ,
� . �^q wti#, Out. I . I tq+iII '' - , . % ., UIL Stwislik *6"L t*ortoc. I I I I .1 . I!_ . � �
. 0 . . . bow�4A%*l. 1 - - .� ` ,��l-,;,"�—"-,;;�,�Tq7.",�q.,I��."..."�,-..,-r"-- -;"."�Xz, :��,�.,- -
�'- . . . Q. I i ,�- 11 _._�,,;,� yw� �. � ., _;, .7-7,-, - , i % �
�;-�. , L * 1". I � I I � � I � _ _7 777-- , I I � I
11 . 0 1 % I 1 . . V
'.,'� .1 . I . . . . I I � , , , 'I �
. I I. 11 . I 1�1 . . ' I .!, , 0 ,
. � . � . , " - I ,
- � I I � I I .� � 1�1 t, .L I . 1� � I'll
., . I" � , " I.. - L I I j, . '. � I 11 I . I I ,,, I . I . . I ". �'L . . . . . I- .1 I ,�: . 1, . I . I t' I I �
U� I � I � I // 1� 1,A L, I � . / �. , .,
I" * 7 I t I L , , ", . . I , .V I .., '. �, .$ � I
' ' , . , 11 I i� I 11 .1 �, I G . , I � ,, I 1, . . � . ., L 11"-'�., 11 I I ', . I I . I , � I I 11 ,�,, 1, I . I I �, I W � I "I
.. 1� 14, 1 . � 11 11 . . � I I I � 01 11 I I � , . 1! "
16-- ". L�' I 41 I i I ,,
!:!�_ktt: i -)9---- , . .41 I I I -1 , � - __ - __ _ __ — _ -,- __ __ - - - - _ �: � , .— I - - .. 11 r, , 11, I �
� _ �_ I I — ^ _11-1— �.AAP,ik ..- 4 l�� ifft-g-�-.1% , . - � ____ - __ - 11