HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-03-01, Page 311 AIW4 to 1-0--Pw, ­­ Ir, _'7� 111t1lT-.rqPPP�-_T__.1r* 14�1 ,�M'7 - - . I, -,, , - _� . �7�* . � � I . ___ -, - . I I �, � . . I I I I I . r 1. - .... ...... ... _-r ­ 00&*Womw" -r '!,., 'OrZo "t .0,0, , ;. I - � " . 7, - I �, I—- � I, , . . 11 I . I .01, , 1. . � . � �tl �­ "%%, '. * ' I � � r , ol - I , - dm-. N_� . . I . .� fl � . i � , " 111 . . . I 64446 IIIi: � . , ,si - , % % �, , 't r " " ings , � 41114"Iffil I a "'s I i . : , t I. , I W'A Iff ii WAS U-1-1 r� I, �*R . �- It � � ,- - 11 I I I � I , P, - .. 1. ... ' r ,� It.", 11 I I T, . ,: .- � ,k' ,.. � P lea _$,J!Q$" .r . � . . ,I ­­. . r 11 , W . . . I r . .r. . , .,o �, "JM. �,W . .1 . . . , . . . . _ r , , �� . : I 1. � I O,tZ . allt � ' , - I . � � , . ,r. , _V. :A Ct 11-1 ' r ' ­�­­'­ ­ �r.A* $1110 W_ Mired, 00 Usual. but 14 _. , 04.. OW I _ � bur4, . Is , I", J 'S I i'l ', , r %bo . or! 04 Is# r , u�# . i 101410474"O. , I . 44 .r ;hst, 00 0 clim , . _*sr.tIQQ at �, )1 , _ IFT1.1�J% , _S., * 6 b 11 4�. , . #� . bit% , 11 � I . U r � r . I , , , " . . t,h Year,,r _ � I I I , 00,41401 W !so, affected. her heart .1 I . I . � %".! _� ".. ,., . ­ r . . I � , , I - Wm,,Tv*#Qtk. 0 01toW.A. 4 orw 0*040"Woleft soon after retir. r .1 r. .1 I.. - +O,m u , I "'p- - I Ing 'Tito fteftl 'will take pis" to . - ttot 464"liwit-1.1t,is Wow :444, sit, .:.,p ,. - ki of! JAA I - . ­ , i I V it - - #tqmv I �o, - - - . t ObArck cometery. Blyth, W 1. 1, I I '06W fose 9.1 S&Pk 'domth M Wak 44mv , I . I.Trinit$ . I � ,., __ 4 . *WMwattovaolia. tnth t L o'lleort' I * iA. lots ih:lghulil� `14 iltl� dia" 11 :, 11� I I , ­ * J V91114.. _X 114,01lWeik Dyer, of %W114,040, wwot 140�WAV"uctioua,oi- farx , " � , , . , , "r.AtInn . 'rU r -QWQC , , , ,-- - I , u- _ JR& nlo acertain � , I , ( -"C*-. Ar��, YAW,,--0U901,rr.W***Wr4,04 �0* 10 meAte, .6to., evo , 4 � - ------- _­ i, 'Offt-W ­_ ­­.- ,W�_._t, .r� . _ , . , . W94 ton Causes,, t " thl to Nlao QltV,4 at , r held int : , I . , - I . . r I 'Feb. tj - bey A , . _ , . . . . 41019twarbowf4d to NO., will t*d-e A Belleville SWb4q T � r " Ut04"1*'v1Ql*I.V%,V%l1 that b4ld �by'.tbe I . - . oxecuton at th" 06"W at, the late At- ' . . r 1. - ., . Xllb-WA�41, 0'�rt *tllt NOrve �ft The InArrIA94 14 AMA6440od, Of E110P. I boxO U.0wIP0, ou tbo, seveatu line of . I , , .1 . I I., woon0boo, A4A'*V*q*0� the b_eart� so el4ar 4'V I . , .. i - ., "" , . - *_ghter,cf: 0% lato"AltirAnder ]KOVVIll t.9Wu8bIp,1hQ, proceeds at which . " � 11 . 1. 1. I *4 it' b4o 4004 44.4; , 014 A4 Xro., WQO,�,a r4ucltutiw,� to *V. ,,,,,,,,.d r, ,, QTo . � , , , '" iftit t4o a, , _ , . I .. . I ). 1%W )3r,.40c 0AMID10, of '10 � " . §7.800. F. a. Scott, I . I 4v Aho� neirvoui OyAgin W . F Va. . I :4 r 40 I - $W'0 ­*Q' *J,WlJ QfDX11154016s.'W" the auctioneer, whil " , I _ _ k *4eMtftV '0010 ' � I Ii. . r , � . f -W 0 . ., I � bft I'* M101% Marlgalr44 ,4410004. 014.401rTbomPAXWoractQ4. so clerk. . _ � .. . .� _M0 ,,�jettlq 11094 don$btar of Mr. IWO).' Mkenheftd,�. af r . . � * i4?i't'r",Iwzlnl:]"P�Iftul�04t,- . 40 tho "_041 Meeting of the wing. - , r , *� L I �. 1 - V., X _n'tt _'Waye be-vit both r.. I ' 13rubefleld, die -tondon at V10i'9014 bam 40*4 at � T040 i committee wad 11 ;, ,.1) r V . dAu I - , �#' i . � I - t'. 10% it tor same appo.luted to, IOQ I to the matte at -1 M mi"v� *ud nerroo. (01. about liospital, where she bad b." k P r . r 11 � r '. - 11 , . I . 11864 b, I",*. aud,vrony. ,time. 0 . vraquxllog a supply of wood for the town � r I � I � 1, 00 ­ .Vrolt Za"I *041 wakei up - The"CaU44,184 Flax Mills, Ltd.. are I for Pex�tl W1411*4 The Wowing officers ". � 0, . At maklugarrang � $; President, W. J. , Mypral;timoo during the AilAt M . . enteuts to lease a COIL814- appointo I : .� 4*0.0, outi mir lic i t^blo aorqigo of land In Se.afQrtb vl- . , president, S. Bennett; � ; � . mt r". ro - Oil I -'t*11ino - �'. 1, atility agatm this soosou'for the growing � at, W. F. Vans � -41 1"r -, took three, .W,, � , . 0 d vice . 0 tone" , . " am I g- 1)144,4. .Vtoo, 11rr _. . " . . I b - , ps - t'sW Nerve �M; ,; ' 'AD;r'ft ,. I - �� . � i - pm, ," ... I _ 7 1 �, , VM Ir I - 1MV100 _ ' L , A. 00sene; seem. Wpe& , - --- - - .�� 11 . I . we a, initt deal." -_ ;r.,rr ­ I!- - -Y.. "A'.. . � .1-Aasure-r,_A_.Sm1tl6_ . I . Mr_W,m.. Reho"t-04@04b ..a. ,_ �­ r.. ,,, - - I UM,or Heart � - � I , I �. � X W I - siud Werviii'Mi,aft expectsilly on Wedndsday morning. I Xillerls, Wpm Powders, I g in d . � � 50.0. M box aA AR dealem -or - r_44 be n e. jL r . , . - led, F*b. lath, ftip acute pe He Dund qv,erywberel can be got at say t . . ot _ . , , rittluitts. . � di6c 'on reft" _ ' ic*bY-T_JwU'-,9ij-i 4,4s�wvor"utoti­nlli W-MOM109i.i- �self1+'o0mI8t"4-0r-4XU9- Shop - at very small - I I I—— 1. .. � I*- �,U _ . p JD�__:Uf, r . ;DWA I � . � I - .. , f� td. Ott. - ­ , "CrIflot'g Mou. cost. They are, a standard remedy for , 00_""� . 'Mr. James U111, of Exeter, has sold worm troubles. and Could be fully relied 11 � . I - �. - . . .. . 0013000 %` ' I I hlrvlf-aacre f c upon to expel, worms from the system _ I ' . ­�,.,. - I,- .,"__""., lot S . 041 . a miles and ab&te the suIXerings that worms . . Rj�A; An Well i - itoolon! to Wm, Filikbeltier, at Cause. There Are many mot ers that� � a IRU I , hitX HEILNUANN 00" t1h. . I 1. _ Car .. women sand A1110 11 a. the s e wnstkip. . ,Ojoloe that they found avatble so . , _ ..., -ebroo(cand trervould disordara, .11 Aflute. r , eye, Pt;e, Hugh B. Grigg . effective a remedy for the relief of their � . throat. , ,, oldestAon of Mr children. L . % .0 and Mrs"& J. Goigg, of Clinton 0 4,10111OV"'. 10:1 I * , r . .$ wail r lut lut lut lut : . on I . 0 nd r iml elm .*Neisolki united in marriage with Miss Emma IL Mr. Arthur Hoskins, of Birmuttord :: a 11 t�, n rewff I f or" Police Keefe'at Sk.-Steplift's bhot6b, ZODd6a, Passed &way I I . orth 8 9. Ott . to ., , . on Tuesday of 'last weei I '_ .?a , Ralm" I EDg.,1 on D -� aftei a shot# illness with Pneumonia. . p 611016 6111 . I . . it � u, ec. 29th. : . ;! d*"Ta, oflih a' 11 t I " m� on Tbodeoessedla-well-knowp in Exeter, � . . 1 j, " 'l�t_ 'p. offl-t " L- ' ' Mr. Jos. G. Fyfe bola sold big fa ' ' ' ' )) , :4. ­' � $ 4 . .,--. � _thCutb Won. of East - -_ Toah _!� , rer he has 6, large connection. He - ' , ' ' '_'� Q ­ ­ , . r � . to Mr. Bobe M,Wb we Wtbb'Veffo Plow Works in __7 - 77 , 4 '%A * I'll, - - _�� ,77 7 ------------ -*.Ip I = ]�m:yl­ Of-Fit-Igitsm. ' It . - . I . -,r ­ ' I— ., � ­_ ­ L - Exeter--and-wout7 vittrtbe coneekil. i � . 184 I,. fii-fiakoii Ww Mbwfiriyls bouqe I 1. r Brantford, mud had ' 1101101"Or,_ * . r' . � 11 qr Nii,rt a 0 . CO.", I abd to In Winglimm. since had, charge ofthe moulding de. I ; . . . b. 0.1pt!", - Norman Wk Hodgert, sou of Mr. and . ,partment. go was born on Manitoulin �� gro. Archibald ffelilgert, of Begins, died , j�slind and came to Stephen township �i 111b. 11211=1111 -Nam SOLICITOR NOT'Afir P L .... " AND 0 XV101TAWeEll Us " Feb. 14th at Vancouver. The decea ea4y-in His with his parents. He was I 011110e: CourtHouse Goderich I was born in Usborne and .learned the S,Vb&vs mud pl, months of age. Mrs. I ­­ - . I . I - 'Phone 88 hardware business In Exot#r, foLs6iblin mud lit". -- M. Amy, of � 11 11� C. HAYS . . L Mr, Bud Mrs. Uobert- Henderson, of Exotoli, are slate"L. , I .. I - � ,r tsTzn. Sovilorron. NOT Aar PUBLIC, VITC, Brubsels; announce the marriage of . Uffice Hamiltbn St., Sterling Bank Bldck Rebecci1A&rls, beloved wit& of Mr I Goderich tbldr daggliter, IsabelIQ Buchanan, to John McLennan, passed away at he; RNAL10sTATx. LoANs,1NsVaA-,ca: Mr. J. Harold Spotr;- eldest 800- Of 'Mr- bomis, lot 25, con. 1. Gray township, on k -nONVEYANCINO AND NOTARY ana Mrs, Javoes-Speir, which took place Monday evening a � Tuesday trooft this week.' ., I %..f - f I years mud four months. She had been ,: GEonGvN.Gavc1tK8LADX. Barfield. Couve - 1, , anciumf4rid Notary Public. � y Marastrot.- Inglis, a former resident of ailing for about a year with cancer in J . - Winglism. rellet of the late Edward the neck. Mrs. MvLennau was born �, I UDFOOT. ,%ILLORAN & I" Pa2arristei,4. lottord. NoLarl"O"KF- Haines, died in Morris on Thursday Dear Enniskillen, Co. 'Fermanagh, Ire- , .He Eto. e. Pub- night of last week. Mr. Haines died land. on fielft. 17th. 1859. and camo �� MO6-On the Square, 2nd door from Ham] I- a few years ago and previous to that with her parents to Canada when 8 ban street. Goderieli. time lived for many years In Wingham years of age. travelling by stage from � rivate f ndi & loan at low,eat rates. I . . WW-! P.0.1F1OOT, K. C., neighborhood. Seaforth to Wroxeter, near which they , , .. J. L. KILLGRAN. H..J..D COOKF. Mr, and Mrs. George Foster, of located. She was married to her now � .. � I larna. lost their little four�year-old bereft partner in 1878, and 25 years was �� AUCTIONEERING Lughter, Leola May, from aDpendi- spent on the old MoLonnsu homestead �. � - 11 ROMAS GUNDRY. citiR. They were advised to rush bei on the boundark. Howick and Grey. _ T . - to London for au operation and did t4o Fourteen, years ago they and their , family moved to the Lynn farm. Ist 11. Live Stock and General Auctioneer. but the little one expired shortly before t the operation. con. Grey, where . they still reside. ,� Hamilton street. Goderich. . ! sales made everywhere and all efforta made There is left to mourn the* loss of a ",,.I I o Cve cro A pretty wedding took place at the I v = rvsatistaction. loving and tender mother, four sons and , sale notes discounted. ____ , ___ home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomats Nell of i -_ _ ____ _' - - - Centralia. on Wednesday morning I of five daughters, viz., Wig. J., Andrew . 1. . I VETERINARY* last week, when their daug E', Robert J. and David, all of Grey; _________�____­1__­___ liter, Miss R. W. F. CLARK. V.S., graduate of the Estella, was united in marriage to Mr. Mrs. W. G. McBride, of Hanover; Mrs. DontarloVaterioary College.Toronto. I Win. Essery, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, of Ethel; Hisses Sarah, Jane roWatf uily call the att;ention of horse ownerl John Easery. of U8borDe. ,, and Sophia. at home. Robt. Earls, of oil )thod of operating on horses Wroxeter; and John, of Ho�v�iek, are - . = 'P.�=h in', of ,il.rinary medicine Brussels creamery has again changed '� " ' "y , ,jl*oys:.h.d!up ..a.detablee-Newgute brotbers,aud Mrs. John Munus,of -trebt Goderim . 9 - I hands at a big advance In price. Last Bluevale, is a sister. . I I fall Mr. Klockman, of Stratford, pur- _. . � .INSURANCE chased it from the estate of the late W. The advice to the people to eat , I - W. Harrisand last week disposed of it chicken and Igame is a good deal lige . oKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE LNSUR, to Stewart Btos., of Chosley. The pur- the suggestion of Marie Aotoinette that . M ANCE CO. chase price is said tp be 97,20,0. the people of Paris eat cake Instead of � Perm end Isolated Town Prop" insured. . , , red tip to I January. Jessie,flender6on, wife of Mr. Donald bread. le� Value of Pro McK3,,V,., passed away at her home in S.Orrty intlti , i', ISO R0,18 975. � , ,,:,� I Teeswater on Feb. 9th. She was born ' On] y the uninforined endure the agony ,,,, oir cEllts- James Connelly, President. I , Goderiell-Jas. Covano, V100-Pr0ALd0uL, Beech- ku Scotland and came to Canada with of corns. The knowing ones apply Hol- . I ; T. E. Hays. Sec.-Treas., Seaforth. her parentR when she was forirteen lowa�'s Corn Cure and get relief. , I VIRECTQRS-1) F. MoGrogor.seaforth; J.G. - Grieve, Winthrop: Win'. Wrin. Constance. years of age, the family settling in the . George M,jC�rttioY,Tucker,inittli;johrtForri�. Township of Wawanosh near Win.gham. Ranam.nia .....- ..gree. Elarlock.john adunewlao Broadhagan- Mal- Capt. Will J. Knight, an Exeter old Oolm MoMwan 4�-Ioatleth LONDON, Feb. 26. - Informal AGENTS -3. W. You. Godefich: Sandy boy, has received a second decoration peace ' negotiatiom� with- Roumanla Leitch. Clinton; Wai. Chedney. 8eaturtn : E. for bravery at the front. He was decor- were begun Saturday at Castle Buff- Hivoilley. Seaforth. ---,-,,--- policy Holdep oan Pay their maessuren W st ated with the Military Cross Rome tos., Aear Bucharest, according to ad- & H. Cutt's Store. Goderich. A. J. Morri-h'A months ago and hap now bellp awardoil . L , vices reaching -diplomatic .chxqe at (nothime _1906-. Clinton, or J - H. *Rblil-A, Shy- ssilver�bar.' Capt. 'Knight Is an army ' field the Hague, as transmitted, in an Ex- dical officer attached to an Imperial chanie Telpgrapb despatch from that FRATERNAL SUCIFTIES T.9ttallou at the front. point. The terms of the Central POW - The anarriage of MIAR Lillie May, era are said to Include territorial NCIENT ORDHk OF FORUSTERS-The eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George acquisitions for Bulgaria and econo- I reserve. frieu and Benvvc, Bawden, of Locan. formerly of Exeter. , A. ..-cily"'in.-Canads. Sick anity funeral benc and Mr. Arthur O'Neil, of Mooresville, mic preferences for Germany - and I It rtraight. life, to to 30 year pay life and Austria. Premier Averesea of Rou- fi 5.wment insurance. Funds, $so , 000.000. was solemnized at St. Patrick's church, mania will consult King Ferdinand ist ademberghip over 2,000,ow Zourts Ln all parts on Tuesday, Feb. 12th, Rev. Father Jassy, for which purpose a few days 1. Of the world. �"90 , of grace were given by the represen- conit Maitland, X %7- r,,)derich, meets rat Hogan performing the ceremony, only and 3rd Mondays eac ,u),nth. Hall, comer the immediate friends of the young t.atl.vea of'the Central Powers. - Northstreetand Sqhare. ViUors alwayo oel- couple being present. come. Por inlc- PatiowsPAY *.- ' Germany Is represented In the a- allo. H. SMITH. 0. R. C. HUNT. See Varigaret E. Golley, wife 4af Henry gotiations by Foreign Secretmiry v a d . =�=�_ Johnson. fifth lInw,'Morris. died Rod. Kilefilmann, Austria by Foreign Min- w�� denly on Saturday night, aged 56 years. ister Czernin and Bulgaria by Premier . I _­_ _. - � .. ___ Radoslavoff. . - 5 . 0060 B. I , - STIkENGTH FOR - Major Bishop Invested. . ro ra WORK- LONDON, Feb. 26. -At Bucking - 'THE DAYS , 130DERICH . ham Palace on Saturday Major %V. A. DEPENDS UPOIC GOOD RED BLOOD To Biabop, V.C., the distinguished Cana. . NOURISH TU BODY-XEAK PEOPLE , than airman, was invested with the The Lgadl!10' bar to the Distinguished Service . � � Funeral Dire6tors I NEED A TONIC - . Order. - o and Embalmers,' The tonic treatment through the Sixteen enemy planes were winged . . use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for by the British Sunday. run down condition of the health is . Qa Orders carefully attended to based on sound medical principles ..a---- . I at all hours -night or day. and on common sense. More and GOVERNMENT OWNERS111P I �. . � more inen and women are realizing " . I . .1 that pure, red blood means health. Wall Street Journal Comments � I and that efficleacy te the woricshop, I the office the home or in any of the on Cost to Canada li ends entirely It has been estimated th,e taxpayers CLUBBING RATES ,upon the quality of the blood. There or Canada in forty-seven years have are, howevqr, thousands of people lost $268,000,W In operating the 1,736 WITH THE STAR who do not realize the truth of those miles of rogii known as the inter. , I statementa. They are without ambi. ro-ontal and Prink�e Edward Island . I tion or strength to do their day's work: 11rics, without any allowanee for taxes VW Star led Tivalatiti Dapy Glolls ......... .. $5 25 are always tired cut; have but little ap- collectible had they been priTatply 94 Daily N IFW U *,a J 25 petite and a poor digestion cannot got a owned. ThIs Is In addition to $112,- t. :: :: -XanfralY 1F.Calt Mr�i­.*;i refreshing flight'99leep aN are subject 003.00Q officially given as the capital . 1. I 9, "I WeAlustaiii ................. 2 65 to headaches , backaebeg and nervous- cost ,a( the" roads. The thirty-two. 'W"Itly (Tomto) .......... 2 40 heas bi�cause their blood is weak, wat- mile Windsor branch of the pubilis " I Toronto Wly Star ....... ..... 4 30 ery and impure. . . " :: :: -r.�'_fo h..I;, W.JA � 4 9C T11 willi I lot 1. 1211 road, under Canadian Pacific manage. IL i .. ........ r. --a n as give quick mfnt, from 1881 to 1914 earned $662, . .1 " Tereato Dally News ............. 4 30 relief and Permanently cure such 004 net, or more than one-third of all 0 " " Faxivar's Advocate ............ 300 1 men and women, beeguser of their dt. net earnings of the fIrtereolonial since T6 Cavalry Gentlastan ...... re 1. .. , ::: -3 2,5 act action Ott the blood, which they .1 1867. " " 6adon Daily Advollser ...... 4 30 1 purity and build no to its normal Determined by the atlitadp of alle.r .1 .. " Landes Daily Free Press ...... : 4 30 1 strength. As t4rongb the lr�e of N,ssf vo go'% (IrnmoInts toward public op. " t. " Wastreal Weekly Witamis ...... 2 9Ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the blood , (,ration, It would seem the craving for , W 64 0 W" Wiie, Renewal ......... 425 becomes rich and red, it strengthens rontrol was rather sharpened by a g, 1. it-, . a sail Wastairister. 3 30 the mu,;clAs. tones up the berves, iecord of twenty-five annual deficits " " ,a , War ........ I ...... 290 makes th3 stomach capable of digest- Certainly there ban been Do mark;�i 84 to 41 NI (Toreate) ...... 4 25 tug the food and repairs the waste development toward a change to pri- A. 5. 4 a Magaillne ...... * ....... 2 75 caused by gro*tb or work. The " it 19 (Terasts) ........ 2 25 need In every family of a safe and vate management -not even of the 41 94 n! a ow" ,---*- effective tonic allclil as, Dr. Williams' "tons of the taterWonixt cd*,tIX* . . I tewyiAl ...... .... . ...... 3 2S Pink Pills Is Fibowir by the tbll I ous to the Windw Bmath. The r#. sib V 1*Wiq,1Pset .... 3 25 Atatement of Mrs. ,Jullus Tuck, ow ng xUlts of Inedittent service in ' DWI!! a " 0 � ' ' a), I" , - � Mull, hartafal to shloo " " TW LWW1 Ott" Jotted .... 9 SD� Ont.. who sayo: -"Betbre I begim .Ots,Alld burdensome gneltAftf poiltag* to r"advan Submwitlem I the use of Dr. WillittiDill Pink Pills I to txxpxyei*. btli ,a* G6,iieftm0,.hJ b%n � I - " T6 Catladise Colortrywas -as In a Most- Wat6h0c) and run dovtb I Yet 8%6" 8 di"wUlft tty 14 Itill. go C. rd (Woolit?) ........ . .... � ....... 200 condition. My ,blood, was thin and etating .6ditriol. Tt W, UaWtob4a to- . . 0 it 114 V", a COMP0166 ........ 3 73 watery anti lily D'eivog were h finch a tliiiyeft sk Dootlys *� fttgkoloftlal. lici" A . ............. 4 00 condition that file QuAk tkupsy*ft. W01 of li'difilus 1011birkax.. _, the leallt n6ise would . " , " Saftfifik Aner*Aa . ...... : ..... 4 7S from IRD&ON IUY Rlillway. , ta 11 " C aftopawalt ullviise ...... 300 make me atirt And tremble$ mod a " 94 4, - wbiLt a burden thy housework siseto. Cift"A bAA4L lt*Wr voortierifttive kcasn's majagisa ........ � .... 100 ed. One of my neighbors advi" W 4*0644fulb t"af 00*6raffl-01st " 4. " Aserim Ilbim wal Gariess me to taka Dr. WfIllams' Pink Pills onaw to billwir piill� I (994*) ..................... 4 50 and I have great oejlson to be pjgd 4*lukk a 610 6*0 4. ' Irti'61il"It otiblie at fe ". To vitubs,%tilks '111, thia Vdited StAtos that I (6116wod hot Ad*f6b, t6v beforn TAHVM$ O"91h #4' WO go cents addition. to all above, to pay I bad Dud 4 halt dozen boxes ,%If 4004robt,9060MI IttetoRlt "v1P11Z0*=11y1 #08490. avinfitomy of my trouble had 41800. ot'A* 04 %rs%#WWM(*q,f6r4* to. " , - , Any combination of t'he above publi- peared, and 'I Was as Worj as- ever I AW loltuh 101ililit OtwW114 0601ftf Is *Mozkb J061 be� hild, *Ith I%e Star, for had b&tk to My lito� ., X bay.6 alto given , "* 44' ��, ft-twi ii4 .of th"llfia 4lixamigil. 1 1 the V1114 to W'y dAdilltil" With the ~ i4W,0l2fp b0sille taori*& - beneficial restilts. -and I shall ever 1%eii 14 W* ta0bil W. b6th � *. lu Star NJ 029 Mail a" Eftore._Ss 23 most * IVIMItIftl Tbb FAmily lk =($2.65 is, $,.So) ,'IS have a gooil word to shy for them." " 6p,ftt$* tootip, -or . . I I . Job are ropling *file lban tau Imly foris at biwittow ,W IUU4 to 1 T6 11NO roiert'......'............$6- 49 0 alt 69, deftefted. do not 40- ftkiiev 6146kr t6 Ma 64 to ftiolio. '161- Ot 8601tsAit otleo.sild note w1wo IV � t11 *40MOilty 14 VW*r , , I _ oftu_­­ Benfilikt*6 by Natal N644 1* Ift. � - - fly y6nr 6141 -tithe health will .14 *fwtt =*It _�__" 0 a Weelat 66t elsk, Ad4tos# = , V"" 4 til . on cam gell 0 01116 from guy fth: ktiwd 'to tsom0t , A& ft*At ,at . VAUTUR & RA"Etio r e or to m lem4a by mail at to Ito .0* "*"� 1_0 tus,� ­�­'_ eftts a toy r III* .**UW h#*,*s"jAh# � ,08 for - $2.50 train I _ - hibilth04 %6,84t, op*gj% Wit I 1, iv Mlidlibifie4N4, 1006- "Otf,", I ''I - , - � , * ,, 0-1,100 i,_= 0 * I" , �4 I., , , , �, � , � 46444. oo. I ,Mle, 04t. I I I "1q1%UP,= , ", i , , I ��, �� - 1. � 11 . � I . __; 44�4�4�� . " . . . I . I I �, . . I 11, I � � . . 11 11 . . I . A , I . �, � 1! 17 I'll I �, . I I . � I il I I I . I . �, - I I I I I ,. I .." . .i.a__ � .L.,AL..&. .M.W 3ft - - �� - ­ -.-- ­.- ­ ... ­ .. - - - lla� 11 .... ... ­­ � , I --,-.,- -- ­­_­___ - __ - - I � .1 � 'T - V-Tvra 11.1 ,� fl I _�.. I I him" 0- 000"M0001, 000 10.1im-m-0, , ­­ "' -11.1-- -111 ­ � - � I . . . . . I.. ..VFI-' I "I ." a I V. I- " , . ,;� I wij - I , I - -,Iq I it 7 . , . I',, I L . ; I . . I . ­ , I . I % . I I . , , 11 1401 - . .1__.__L___ . . . I I . . T 00QW I , =_�_ -,- ___. -I 4;;�� :"? � Z 1171M , fvw _�;�� I . ,f , - , II . I - , I - 1. .__ I . 3 - 11 ".....­ 1. I—- - .1 - ., .1 ­ "'. ­­41� ... ­­ . 11 _111.1-1.11-11,_'..", -,..-. . . __ __.. _; imo,a�,04, 04.1- I -1 . I . ­ I ­ _ .1,11 I I � 1. .. , _ 11 i TV , . 11 I.. .1. � -, I I V 'Imm., .1 ; I 17� 11.1. ­ ­­ -11.-M. � 'or , I ., . I ".. . I 11 .---. I 11010. V ", MON'M 104AIRRM . , , , � . T0400rll). Ve& 0*&-T4w toll9w. I .. . . Ing W tho LgogVfj� 9f lrrikd�,# - aK I �, _ quots'I" : I ,, U641% for y,qst0r4A,y.*! - � il . 410040" w0cAll. kilto 41500401104willt4w* , loomw"o Z,�o Tgx). ., I � 7,_Looll �� I . - - _� Q. LTI I flutotln.,$;�;wlb. ___ � _- I . 1 I , I .L-.. _*`1o(uA"Mv11X1;,4N__ . "I -, � NQ� 4 o4tAxiorli:41-4bit, . ­ tso..-o W1104k 419"w. . , ,6600106 me"Itotlit 04AX tort"otora. Fort WASIAM4 .. 'No. a V.Wa; ro C. I . 04 No. 3 V.I%.. obl,t4v. - . lu'xtm No. 4 fees, JuTac. 0 I � No. A food. $It*�. .54waro .01 ^rflorkr-440 QQrn, k-sAack, ToropileN I I., No 3 yvllqw��Wlri qrIO4. .0 I I ! I I., " ontarlit 04%* i�wccarolllu to '04tsuhts - .. "mitationtl . ,OiArAwiij. I No. 2 whit 0 It.4 QW. 1: Sold No� a WIllitit:,4710, to OTC. ; . . Ontario W"Sot'(0011if 1.0 40,ro hlontroal). - I .on- the No, .2, W ln�or�� joiilr.�q 44,t_43 n. L � . _ PC#* (AC11;Ot4J"4,1tA,V-re4QhtQ VjAUICIQ�. a � : \, 70 W 4,41 , . Merits ol O. 2-43 , 40, , Not (AvOOr,diaQ, to Freights Qutaida,L 1AM"'.'?tIn 1.4 0,4143- , I uckwh t (Ar.aor1.n,,1, to Fro.girtri Quti. - � , minard's sm _ 110310 - 11 . �_ �2111 .. ___ . .. .. .- ­M,."L­- ----- "Y' , rdin to - Frinjinta outaids). I . 2. ."_$11-08 to2sx.10. . 11-m-o''At I � - I � . I I 11 , � I 1960TWEAFt tf � ER, � , '44- T. . . - � 4 . . q I I . 11(ty t" F - Style ,14: and ator,ob, I � , � � � I _111.­� .. . .- are tht" Very i4q,04#0 f"10 . 04 I It ',L,��. I 14 __­ I _­­­.. ". .1. . tile- re-q�u-aillf-"I P'jJ,7$- ",­',---�' ," . i U �. .� I y a hatill"r7:110*4 ' , � j0rx S is in � I I ­ I ? out imulople %tqgkVA4;t,1#4.4o0*.p��, 1�v , , . , try line is - , arlecidd with. tl),�,Im oks Itt *1ow. 14*rk,oft 404"titlit PC ff cc t 11 'i ,� * . quality mad r-i-4twor w ,*jll �� . .44 tb* (*01 In any �wvatltfr. . - �, q. i � I J I I . . . I The prices am. ulool tvamotiAW . L . . I I I . . r I . I . L - I . r . , WIN I I I 1�_ _ I , I I W I il, l�, 1, " I - -.RLI i .­­.".., . -1 � 1. � . 11 I I 1; I . I r 0"041 ., r", I.C,A . 1. 1, W ' - � . , ' , . A = . : - ­ _4, '4 ��", is I .. ­­ 'V I I , I �,.i . -. GoO th Gide of 4quare . � I 1P I , 111. I BRIG" 91 -anitatia lon or "to, Nom sta"il. - - ...... � .. 11 -1 I—— - . . I... . - � . . ...... -1. ­ ___­.__.1_­7._­�_. ­_�­:,��­�-!t.:"!­-, I . it � IF y `_ � � � . I - ­,_ Z ae (ilia A' le . .. 1 . I �, r I nitario Flour (Prorript Shipmentk..; - I A �. . I., . nt . 4 %N ar quallt.Y-$10.70 Montreal. ,w MU .41111LI. I I Alik J $10-70 r1oronto now bag& SSIAMS MAKE PEACE. . 10% � � � .. Bran. per ton S36i iihort;i. par ton, _L`,C,;-T1 Millfeed (Car *Lots, Deqvilred, Montreal Freights. lilage included). to; Weft Forted to Knees by Victorious . - �,_ middiings. whits, per tof� $44 to 1441 Germano. � I . , ... " �. ".. . I' 9-Owu ItOd flour. per tratr� $3.40. . . . 11 � . ..� ., I �. L 1 ' � " ' ' ' " ' B�, . 0,011 . , . I , May (TraCki Toronto). PXTROGRAD. Feb. 26. - "Their �. . '... � � 7. .. �1, -1 I' I �L� I I � . -No. 1, per t?p, �A to.,1t#;, mixed. , I .11 . .. 11 . , - , RIW knees are on. our brealst and Our post- 10 , Lon. 4JJ 0�- S:ig " -­,L-'CroA4), V.. I � . I . __ : , atr#kw,.JTt%C, - . klon is hopeless." declared Nlkolal . I ,�- ;' : Ca tllo,- Check , I _ S r iota, pill 0* - 11 'R* ,so. Lenine. the'Bolshevild Premier, in the , . � � I ��1_11, ',k *t , 004f 1:040 � 4 ,. , I I Fall wheA 'I '.i 10 I . ' " "' _t�� � W , " � ' , '' , " In 0. I % bivabot. course of his long speech to the Con- -0 1A e whv-01442,03 o $2 . . . Tor timonol. � . _dft A �. �. .. * 23tsill"144 par--trumbet ­_,% -*at Executive CommIttee of the All- - I I ­ � Oats 't _J.L0& P��*Aal. . -- - . Russian Counell (f WOtknied'h and - WO'= -for Merch I ­' . -'. IRua, FIV 1.76 per buit"l. . HY-Attordlux to samplo. ag.rpinat- Soldiers' Delegates, fit which he in - ,.,*(i UY-Timothy ;20 t9 .$2;; toll.pii *A* -slatently urged the acceptance of the We are now iu a position to � .'�' )� "er. $Is to $10.. � - I . . . * ' " - . 4ustro-German Peace condition@, supply every linown need 41, I - , WINNIIIEG GIR'Altm %Jrngl�T, however- o0preselve and unfortunate I � 1. , %Vinnipeg. Feb. 25.4rberq ivo a .,blX � � . . I Counter Check Books. This . . . . they might appear. . - . demand tar cash-bat.4 tvda-,v, but them "This peace must be accepted as a is a couveuience many of our. * '­ ' � was only tL Alfulted tm'ru4c ',Of Cl� ,r, rloAd:$ respite," he continued, "enabling us I I . being oifered. blirvids 14:�oro %c to to business peoplic in Gedqjc4 , . � ' hwher inarl on *;Ulritzly. Cash ba rl,jy to prepare a decisive resistance to � " e _ "us also in good,441,61iland'witij orfel-Inad the bourgeois and Imperialism. The and vicinity will 4pprecii&'., . I � 4ght. Spreads were uncbillted. . , , proletariat of the whole world will . 'Pbotie vis for samples of laor ­­­;_,�. 1%1. with prices firri. There was tittle b, au . _ The dernao,fox cash nx was W004 come to our aid." ' � ", , %. Iollered. I The now German terms include: style you want. H 0 I a .. ­ 1. -ilay That all regions west of the line In- supplied with all orders. Oats futures closed I%c hlighai fui ' -C ill". ! ,.ni lVio higher for July. dicated at Brest -Litovsk, which for- .... .... ,� " ..:::: ", . . It , Burley futures closed 2%e highor for erly belonged to Russia, to be no . -1 ,4 -%`3' " $1-7514. This Is it now hign in I . rt-collu. . I- longer under the territorial protec- I - I !I F -a -x closed 6c lower faC Uzy and 21A* tion of Russia: that in the region of The Goderich .St94m9_Zr*­­%' ­ 91WI, for July. N %,*Inlln)eg nidrkets: oats, May. '.)3c - to Dvinsk this line must be advanced to ' ­* .1 � %o; Ju% 92%c to 93%c. the eastern frontier of Courland; that West phom . � . -71 11"I'le-Y-MA31, $1.721.4. to 41,7314. Germany and Austria-Hungary have Street Goderich, 00. ' Plm.'­ -Nla�, $3.551�_ t,, $.*1.51t�: july. I . $::.,,:,. �. the Intention to define further the .. ; A., 7 " . . . � - ­ - CH1411 Prices: Out -No. 2 C.IV.. i- fate of these regions in agreement ��_.. . ­ 0110M�.. _­ - I.... I . I ­­ ,-.-,- , " so; _ - - . u 4 C. %% �, !):the, extra No I feod .,,(l*7j,. with their populations; that Germany � . . Nu. i fee I. 8-.T/,c, . . . . So. 2 feed, 84*%,-. ' ' In ready. after the completion of Rua- . - - ;_� ,-,',,, _ .. . I,'-lt`r)-N1)-' .4. $1.71%: No. 4. $1604; I - A �&,414 .1 u � ­­' ��,;,.C­ " I .. � ;`J �10(1 $1,3S: feed, $1.36, Fla x -No. I N. M .C., $3.5M: .N,). 2 t_%,W $3 43; -No. 3 CAV., $3.281,. .1 - - za on. to evacilaW L e regions which are east of the above line. Livonia and Euthonla will be 11 % , , na "I . I . 17 i: � SPRING SUITS AND OV M%'EIRP001, MAItKU-tt4. occupied by German police until the Rb � . . 1­1�11)001. Fea. 25-13eer. extia i nd la 111(,.s�� :,1.0s date when the constitution of the re- specti,re countries shall guarantee , � . I , I SNAPPY AND STY H P,-rk. vrtm� me.�s, ,Aemtern, 33os , 1:11,1s. Alwrt cut. 14 to 16 ]be., their social security and political or- . 1:17a, , linemi. Ciiinherland cttt. 26 to 3o the., der. Russia must conclude peace at . I ,�'., with the Ukrainian people's republic. I I I � ,')eat' 1­011*S. 14 to ',G lbs., IGO& 1.0vg clenr middles, 11911t. 28 to 31 ]be.. and must do all in its power to as- . 11 - ­ Apmatrong's - I lc.,F. - - cure for Turkey the orderly return of inv0dients., I a i bile wlipy, fa,l� I ha r m not 1-ig vie. -i m!ddles, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs� its Anatolian (Asia Minor) frontiers. !,Us. , � hort The compiete deabbilization of the We guarantee a perfect fit. See our range Of -fine - clear backs. 16 to ? ,O lbs., i, -,s, Shou!d,-rs. square, 11 to 13 lbs. l2qs, Rult,sian army, inclusive of the do. fabrics for Spring wear. We will make SuftS, Overcoats. I�A,d. iw'nie western, in tierves. 1424 tachments newly formed by the pres- Separate Parts, whatever YOU want. that will have the df$. I 6d; American reflr�C.J. Palle, 1528; Amer- :oan iefined. boxes; 50s. a . ent Government, taust be carried out Immediately, and Russian warships tinctive appearance classy tailoring gives. Get your Tailoring Tallon. Am-tralian In London, 72a, Turpentine spir.t.s. 128s. . must immediately either be sent to tit Aftstrong's arid you will be well dressed. I � I Roalli oirtmon. 64s Od. Russian hdrbors and kept there until I ,,,,, eq ment and a spler,rifil Cana4lists lin,k ,�.. u P to offer cust-tifiers. We are Petroiet'im, refined, Is 6%d. I.InseeJ 61a ild, the conclusion of peace or be die- I R. J. Armstrong / , oil. .. armed. Merchant navigation of the I - Cottonseed oil. 689 6d. - Black Sea and Baltic Sea Must be re- . McLean Blook . 1111outh Side 91 Squaro CATTLE MARKETS newed. The blockade of the Arctic Ocean is to remain In force until the .. 11 .. 11 . . ­ - - , !conclusion of a general peace. Ger- __ ­ ... � I 600 I MAPLE S11GAR PROFITABLE waou other farm work'ls OWL-. W." ' many demands economic advantages TORONTO, Feb. 26. -With a mod- erately biavy run. o; cattle-approxl- and legal and political relations an originally set forth. � Sugar .maple trees are a -'speclany brees require no spray pruniq, ft_� tilliting IV, I -- mat6ly 2709 head _' at the Union . M. Karakhan, who was becretary of valuable asset to a farm this year. He, iffSterai . bey_V$n%.JW W , or. ,,,,.b, gular commercial sugar Is scarce slkdg rule on no rocky laud. Thv� Stock Yards yesterday, and an eas fer the' Russian delegation at Brest -Li- tovsk, explained to the Associated I high. There Is money in maple dap, maple tree was,& Godsend to 0&v#A&J* feeling.. generally over the markAt. Press that the Bolshevlki Govern- and beyoual the work it In practically all the pioneek, days. It to no logo go 'loW trading lost isome of the snap that I I ­ - � � I 'Ll profit. You don't have to plough. or In the war scaraitV of sugar. mArked last week's business, and the arent considers most ambiguous the harrow, or fertilize the ground for the ____ - market must be said td have declined part of the German, terms cpneerning 'of maple harvest. You don't bavoto dol Sweet and palstahle, Mother Gra;vee, anywhere from 25c to 40c per cwt. the demobilization the Russian "We any spring seeding, and you don't have I Worm Exterminator Is acceptable to on, some lines, especially the medium army. think we are entitled to � to wait patiently train spring to fall. I children, and It does Its work and rougher class of butcher cattle. . an army on at least a peace Noting. .surely Tho maPlo season comes at a time. and promptly. I CHICAGO 1,1VE STOCIL - That would be sufficient to accom- - - . I -ft" p 0 !=== pliab our Internal purposes," he said. Chleugo, Feb. 2k�'Wttle-kecolpts. IT.- Russia's position toward the allies 000. Firn, t,eeves.,'W.b5.to $14.15; tatwk- era and fek�uers,o $7 bb: to $11; co%s and � DOW undoubtedly would be that of a 1 hoiftis, $6.,Z, $12 euives, 48.75 to . neutral. adding: '�We will n9t sup- � I 1. $14.25. port Germany. The only support It 40 HoWs-lleveipts, 54,400. Unsettled, light, $lG.&5 to $1-.A.',: inixed. $17 to $17.44; will get will be indirect, from the re- N hqav3,. 116.1,11 - sl;.4o. rough, $lh 70 Lo gumption of commercial relations." � L $16.95. pigt, $12 -,.', to $)(�-25; btilk, of - - sAles, $17.211 to $17 Ifi, ' THE NEW MAPLE LAW . ., .. sheop U11d lurnho noceipts. 11,I)OO. �, f, Stirong: ,ianv�. Slfj��'.. to $13.30; lwnibs% . - - . . . nutive, $1'.�.7.'- to 11. 15. The new purp maple f4tigar law giveii .. .. I I . . . : ... :.� .: t.- " � :� . , �.�--�'?.., EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK- the poblic protection againtit adniter- f.,*. .. L , I .. - . - I .. . �: Fast "orfaio, Feb. 25 -Cattle- -its- ated iraple products. Tire scarcity of L . - 1. .., . . . .: . . I . I ceiptt. 21).-C 14trwig, pt IMP steerm. $13 50 cane and beer sugars this year will alw) �, to $14, rhipping slver,, $12.50 to S13 2'; make it less profitable to tnix thvni , ---- butch"I's, $11) to $1275. )earlings. $11 a I 12; heifers. $4 to $11,50: eows, U. tto with maple flavoring extractm. The I 0 ;10.5t,: Imile. $7 t-, UI50. stockers and in ailcetA of Canada and the Unitvl , I 'I?, K, 01, I ____ - feeeerb. $7. -50 to $9 50. fresh cows aud States are eager for ptire maple syrup 0 , oprinlrern. A:, to $13." and maple suaar, and the new law has � r CRIve-&-lipielptm. 11011), Nazier; $1 to sl,_A. restored public confidence. "t,go-Ite,popts, io,wo. 14trong; �Pavy, - __ __ $1 I 15 t,' si.h 2.,.; mix.1 anti yorkers, 11 9 25. . U few $i,..',(,; ligm �,,rkpri VN to 11VA to: pigs, S17,7-5 to SIX, ,-mg'm $16 25 to $16.50: stag". $13 54) to $1 I.',: 104: J'Aa. CASTO R 1A 1 Sh"t) u)"I la,111'. ; , I I ler; Iambs. - $13 1,, I I.' ' . :"�, ''. ,. ". I For Infants and Children . FOOD APHORIsMS In Use For Over 30 Years Alwar beats _,,I The bacon Non sil�t_ may %ave .1 ( ... r the . - bacon. . Signature of 44�. &�;64�4 The garbage pail i, as deatF,v &-; lh.e ___ __ .U-boat. - High prices aw 1)(.ttt,r titan a Ilun peace. I VA1111 rn,5in Coo ,.-,_%,aA I GRANOMA USED SAGE, T9 TO DARKEN HAIR I I - � She mixed Sulphur with it to I Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. I Common Tarden Pngp 'brpwed Into a .h. , ti elity tils w th sulphur added. will turn Ir�kY, iesked and fad, -d hair beautifully tir and luxuriant. -lust a few applim- it a Will prove a revelation if your hair is Ailing, streaked or gray, Slixing the SagOVes. and Sulphur rpelpe at home, thd4h, to troublesome, An eagier way I - to Wyeth'a Sage � -_ --,-- _ __ - _. -_ __ get A 60 -cent bottle. of and Sit drug WE WANT NOW , ur Condpouml At any sto-e This k th- time - .- all re:rvyl for use, old , recipe lmpr"ed by the ad,i,t i,,n or other Re table ARe"t in fluroll Countv to inv0dients., I a i bile wlipy, fa,l� I ha r m not -ell Pelham's Petrlet% Friist anti Ot- A 114MCDtill tree-stitirring [-'all anti Winter rrrar, 81fifid, We all desire t,) r,-1ain mir youth- ii­,,th%. G,od pay, exc;usive territorv. ful appearanct, and attr.art,%rne,i6, By t f- Or I 11 ng equiPtilent. .A darkening your hair wit', %% - --th"I 'N'SOP And Sul �Iur Compound no on,- can tell. 11 0,rr6noArrP,joftljec;irvicrat Nursery ,t,,,k. including NFW rRrioliee con -S liftnaso ft does it so"naturall ' v. iloevenly. ,r,,1jr,I I)v Oil Handsome up t_iate sell. � You Just datupen a ormnop - ' -,,(t bru-th I , s-mr Itair 'With it Ana draw ithi. thrmw * , I ,,,,, eq ment and a spler,rifil Cana4lists lin,k ,�.. u P to offer cust-tifiers. We are I I , ,.t6 " E� . takillS one small Ptran I at 8 I I ru'� b not yJAwro. Write now Pit aRency I , � " motrang all gra hairil hilr,, ,,,.App"rey, two tems, to il . . I And, after anollirr applical- n ,,r ' .Vour hair b"Oulos bea,ittfully dark, PFLIIAII NT*RSF,Rl CO.. itlossy, 6oft slid itilairiant Toronto. On 1, , , it This poparation is a deliv'Mu! tollell 4 , ..... I,' R CatslogAgaL-ol.oq or" 11 , I . requisite and Is not ilftent" f.,r the cure, � I r rqt.tq for agencies or urcba.e 0 of � . nititatiou ot prilv, )on of disesee. I I i . Nursery Stock. I I ,� i -I-- - ­ ­ __ -, _ ' A � Nomom&-.�' ­­­ , , .ait;I�_..t-,,,� . .... - ,� ., , . .� 0- . I " "."r-, _!'.e_L__. _,.__�, -,-L' ­41--,­-�4.1­ ...... I I ­ - � � I 'Ll .. . � I Q r �. 1. I I . I � - . , !... , .V.�,., - .. I.. .X � .. I . .1 t'*"1.111 . I I , kI 4q,V4f4%.4 �01�.� I- I I<= 1.� " 1, i�x._,K, TO THE G(RL HE LEFT EEHIND: �A Insure Your 'W(itary man" against thirst and f atigue. Keep him supplied with Early in the War the gmat value of WRIGLEYS was discovered by .the Allied Armies. Books on the War. magazine articles and corre- spxvderlice to the Press,Ap)l of Its use by the allied forces the com- fort and refreshment It atfords - the "Pep- It inspires. . THE FLAVOUR LASTS MAOE IN CANADA 44 � . '"'. -� "'i �,11% I �_ *Or" _1 ... ;;...k�- � ­ ,,_. P