HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-02-22, Page 8_0 OWN"
OxN4 Bibles
&W,661-foigloos line at cinst reatioD.
olsit Patel, ttol" ZSC to $3.00.
Proyat Books and HYMBIBOOks
for all chutenes at Ful, bbi. r is clobe
-6 for Boys sad Gids
*0 hate , great hw- �l P(lpuhr
Picture Books
49--artl Jowks an"! Paper '17,� Books
4� to &2
(40k Books
A% most coll3plete itu,-, jec to $2.34).
*0 howit thew for ilit home. oftice
-.*d schyuj to soil from 20c uP.
RM0101, ",1 11
Cast of Chamders of
"PRe Wanderer"
;=Hn. irla of Jesse.
I GAAI, elder brother of Jether.
j=l:, father of Gaal and
R=AE4 bis wife.
00m, cousin of Jether.
It A
T-ire, resent 17 'years of business in
hey v Huron's co
_U!Ay� townt-, We i
Ig Anniversary eg,4100'ing of
site "to 4
0,46a -lit
ra 81 the b
18th business year in Goderi
ich. It is a Sale that fairly bAqtles
with Money. saving opportunities, and a Visit to our big: store
p you and pay. you well. Here are this
week s list of specials.
in in'-- h -ha
t e sto re w
Many Ofid e ve not room to tell you about hlie'.
It 'Wa
Buy a Fup Coat Now. and Save Money, III Pay;you to Buy The''e Fune. Now
-jo Al�i
There is ub doubt that Fur Coat prices will be-c-o-b-s"ider ably higher next I
season. We have five Coats left to sell. Even if 'You Do Not Use I hem Until Nex't'
It is not our pollicy-to carry them Season
over If price coucessious will clear them out. - Three are Muskrat, two are We would like to make a clean sweep of the Fur stock. There are come
Hudson Seal. We guarantee them all to be absolutely perfect in every way, beautiful pieces, both Muffs and Neck Pieces, still to sell. Some are really
A NEW SHIPUNT OF correctin style, faultless in material and workmanship. Any one of the five extra choice. We have divided the stock into lots for easy selling. These
is a good invesiment. Here is the fist Anniversary Sale prices dd not, represent a6ything like the real ialue.
JUST Ill One Muskrat Cost, $69A7. Choice Of '17 Muffs Worth UP to $25-00 and $3o.00 for $15,17.
One Muskrat Coat, $79.17. Choice of Grey Lamb Muffs, $4-17.
Drewer Ruuners. Day Slips. Pillow
Cases, Nihilt Gowns, C418114013s. Li. Choice of t re alar up to,'
brary Runnerr, Towels and Cent"s. 4 Muffs, 9 $.2.0.,00 for $9.17-
l-,veivibingin'Embroldery biiksa*nd One hILft grade Black Muskrat Coat, $98.17. Choice of some extra high grade Muffs for $31,17.
Crochet Threads. Tatting Shuttles. Two splendid Hudson Seal Coats at $117.00, One only beautiful q4nadian Mink Muff for $39-17.
Knitting Needles and Wcol. Choice of iS Neck P16ces at $5-17..
(otnein aud we will bipleasetito You can make no mistake'buyinL, these CoUts for they are absolutely Choice of 12 Neck Scarfs, all good styles and beautiful Furs, only $10
b1low %ou. perfect and the'quality beyond questioff. .17.
Phone and Ni 11 Orders Promptly Filled Choice of extra quality Scarfs In the better grade Furri GaIy_$1_q.1,7
Smith"s Art sto,pe,
(Id Street Phone leg
Ashfteld council minutes, Feb. lltb.
1918 -council , all prosent at rej.ular
meeting today.' The minutes of J&nu.
ary meeting were readi "cl Councillor
Johnston obJeOed to the minutes where
r eY
ia j!:$ th4t the tnatter of appointing
W88017 and OcileCtor W&S fla&lly
adjusted I�y unanimous Val of a
til-ACE1 by Jigmte0on �Lud =rdson' to
re-appolint the old offteers, maintaining
that h b. -1 -6
Linoleum for Around Rugs, 8.1-2c
One end only plank Linoleum such as is used for putting around rugs. IS Two. Specials in White Wash
in. wide. TW4-is slightly imperfect but will still give splendid wear
Special for M6 . i'versary -Sale,. per yard only ................ .... : '82'e Silks
American CottoAA 'I 7c V
Is great hij I S . ;ttp Laces and Insertions
Thia Bargain No. I
I- I of 1,eeial. just W. i000 yards Torchon Lacts and In-
eld' to'seff., � Afnefican V, White wash Habutai Silk. full yard wid
_g�- sertions. Widths up to 2% t e, P
Cotton Bette. suetty inches. Dozens of patterva. �On! srilendid for Waists, underwear, etc.
white, Anniversary. 1$kle,470 ppeciil Anniversary Sale., per yard
niversitry Sale, special 4 51(!
yards fo'
9443 9f FlOgr -0.i It I , ; Bargain No. 2
io, or TS ends Floor 571if6ititla- i6it- Checked Driess Goods 51c
able for under smkilt�stoves, t1c, Black and white chrcked, Dress White Hatintat $ilk, extra hestvv weight. solendid
Quality tbaf sells tod-ty t.jo� per weari n z
I.q. yard. AnniVersirya Goods 42 in. to 44 in wide Splen- and wasbinx quality. Full yard wide. Anni.
Sajej pef end 34 e'_ did Ifor children's wear. versary Sale, per yard ........... .......
...... 85c
� a roughout strongly tavor. Ann . nale, per ya rd...
txl and advised advertising for tenders;
; t"j's cOrm'ct, but stAt0d that the ad. You, Will Not -get Again Big Waist, "So'
the rest lot thij.-Council acknowledged' These Values in -Co-at's'
vantagestatthe pwa6nttIm.) ut retain. 10ing for the Last Week of
Al'st the Old, exi*riedW Officers, had led N, ly
for Many a Da
is N" a M
tbetu to negottato with the view of In. y An
ducing then, to cemi"D. and when anal. Cloth Coats will cost a whole lot more next I . oversaFy Sale
I % 1111008 Officers AU agreed to continue season, a F t
increase of salar 'd desirable materials will be difficult to get. Our clear-. Brand new.WaW'4 fresh from the factory and bought
at a maw y an
thev &II =11=111" the councti ance of Winter Coats for this Anniversary Sale gives
Wad lumatmou, �d approving the motion.
e8k,01-clifillY M Way were all in favor specially for this Anaiversary Sale. Tust the biggest
you an opp,)rtunity to sedbre a new Coat at a littl? ce.
Of afiveirtiblog unless all the officers Then our big purchase of over makes in Jauuary g
akrii-itA to re-appoiniment, witt that tv us kind �f bar'aids. Get your supply early.
t hm eftfire the minutes an reported were Coats to sell at prices that art wonder dly low. 9
correct. During the Alsottoadjun the IL I q
,clerk handed in his redguXtipit, oi. Here is the i way they are going:- Beautiful Waists, $1.17 White Voile'Waists, $1.69
Plaintaks that as he rvoly waT,00 to be just one sivie Rt this price. Beautiful
rellevedot the work. he coul not thinic Children's Coats, sizes 5 to 10 ye , Anniversary Sate $3.17.. These are real handsome Waists. made white Voile Waists, cut in onp of
f contfutifug. it even ono man on the from g6od quality cottou voiles,
linard had any Objection rto the appotat- embroidered, triant'ned with tucking the best styles, Special
Girls' $8.50 and $10-00 Coats, Anniversary Sale $6.17.
find I ce. Sizes 36 to 44 -
meat. 40hustou Withdrew big Object- 8 Anuiversary Sale price ... $1069
Annillersqry Sale special
ivu to the InlutiteS, Which vivro then ap Ladies' Mack. Coats with fur collar, small and medium sizes: Anniversary $1.17
pry-ved as Correct, on motion by Rich. Sale $6.17.
r rdscu and Hackett; and on motion of I White Habutai Silk Waists, $2.17
1 1� Wh;§. V.3 W C1 12A I
W ass, White washable Habutat Silk 4
n n*ton ant, Imacirest, the resignation awes iP 13XV to 4 11 Ju Coats, Anniversary Sale $9.17. Waists.
of Lhe clork was not accepted. An exceptionally good style for the
Tbc reeve and deputy reported an in. Ladies' $20.00 and $25.00 Coats, Anniversary Sale $13.17. White Voile Waists, very handsome couliug season's wear, Good quai-
,tc'rvte,w Wilb 901tottor Proadtoot re garuiputs. enthroidery
ace lace ity washable silk, large collar.
t r I nim e d. Anniversary Special Anniversary Sale
count to full to Dec. 31l 10171 at $62.38, SalespeciA ............ price ........... ........
ling in an offer to s0ittle hil general so. Ladies' Plush Coats, undoubtedly good qualities, Anniversaiy Sale $17.17. $1.34 $2,17
WoveJ by Rict ardson and 11amleson -
that the, offdr be accepted, and the -ac. Mufflers 17c
e0tin id.
Mir75c Scarfs 34c,
ed by Hackett and 111chardson Mercerized --Wni tied Neck Scarfs. ekill I ?� " :il,
White or light grey, knitted gilk
that The cIrrk render West W&wauosh
nivereary S each
an one -halt of Neck Scar f. 75c quality,.
,)�Jlor S17. bel% Anniversary Sale ........
the ate Paid for IVIBIon court 34e
Cie' k and halliff.
he t'108toch Bt U:l 8. S, No. 4 or Mufflers, r ey only, An. ODGEN S'-'B�ROSI
ed, re the Issue of debentures for 14,800
I ft.15 b4a
f)r the PnWe Of a 40W Achool,the old
000 tieing #*Af. t&M# 0 pieces In tact, CT INPORTERS
It wax deefft thA41116 01"k write the GODERICH
aims 01
Was George Baird,
"THE )[ASTER" who taught fifty little L,1111;:� a i t4l''i rise, the ontvot.
Weekly Suc: We note a short des. YeU8 14-13011c school No. lo. on t
tia at f t C Iowa 6 (0 w Oh he ltv.
q h of "t e masto "The master" and 06 iffePtionat e k�ft n u. 0 uce.
Patch from Clinton announcing the secohd dt'."Staniery. His long service no n, t e b reaucracy, of
eat 0 _,appellatfull by
which 40 was "known measure his
Worth. A.vlhe couns�llor of his neigh-
ade big V* Vv1Wm*1$g6e#61 -a still hunt f6f
bors and lkif4ble, teacher, he m
4.0 1
SINGER 010 ,
All 844,1.109 'Wh Of tho 1vomeiLlift n6m: 0109, 416rd-ft Loot Thos. Dlc--
is is a very ne blend Jae,
of Tea boutritt CMVr&t4. a" MOU44 *nd Th". S11.1. _6&
I wbiab if 111_141= Rec'Nifthi 1I*aAAr*4*C6 It. Oath an ffaile.i. 7%v].
it the kident time would *014d tholt, OpW' I ti*owik that an A �Nilb ri�jacas Xtit' 90ftlhld. Ptank oling
I)MM 'Wouth*11% I tic otmr_
cost m4ell mort. it
V44 ma, 32ut, 101'r, Art taill
Votto AM*% wm%to 0h Ilk 0,6160 y4l; till' their stke.
Pot KAU.841 ad .4 Sm" mikerchilef LiSten
ap GOOD Oltr 114bilifte Of bt 040ftr
, preclate a boo, aft topolom "a tfteiv# their
f ve; PhA4012,1112,11 the Abd
CU 'k you,tah get it
herpe tll�o .1 T01W 0#ced 'tea toft',ritoOt be ttoopted, W,ao) The
v6*06i or, ot *,intltig tot Isis
"toptis "too, aw the sualtoft W&AMN4004,01kk 104 *00 tot at-
Otir oiber *n6 qf, Tea.,4
PAM. There',% -one t""400"s. Ofk *04* ty Aldhktation 6V6ft,,$A(49"
somt, who$11. ArAW",
't$o e"llent V*Iue at 40cs 4t the t
ah�)jd 2. 1%. at&, bATI4# easur& a pliotogrliph of you, Comm hads
'tik lit
15C 2'ld $1103 Per 1b.' irki
by lohme", rft*Jve. YOUr Picture alffio$t - mid balauc*s of
Oak" tok *004a*A W*Oft ii Ue. mt. aild thoft . far awviy, Wilt a* Protwiloos ao664ii1i,
ft that mt alto our **u 1017 *4101100 4*111*64110 Audhotis. where sma"Uft 1146sis.
*Ott lwy�A*611.
AS if it Were a visit froM
'W* hive it 4tP14-ndid bit a6th "Illoftto bf buly a tsw
40A it"ton hkik4 fk 4, Maw 0*465T*,,,"A0dt40e Wt�kj Y60101 ]BOA, Tq
f , I W
4W k**ft (0s t" bibrAbl? uAt A lesolution 1�ii 1* A%a '76**bw
0", '16. 'OW this *W06M 16 SAfth 11th,
it *0 'efir OOL
. N =4111 7-301"n IWO 09 A"Aeld,
11 ""Me 4
All TMVIT lot
.i. JL Ali
Your Feeft Ache
Try a pal� 6fLb
ur Cushion Sole Boots. The cont. f.
40Tt alid case- will stirprise you.
We have st number of lities at populitr price$ wh.ioix
have been in sto,ek for -some time.,
81ft OUR WIND()*$ rbit
o, th4 ��Shoe MAO
D0P&rtW&t Of F111161100, Olt6wa, for
COAReUt 40 issue, and to have the neces-
sally bylaw and the debentures ready
to . t befil meGlAng, unless
are: Thost. G. Allen. clork. Ulm. P.
Reed, re Join. Cameron. ags0sor;
C. E. bt
101=agh, collector; Donald Me-
medical obleer,ot health and
Sco IwOctbr, Wm. U. Rawltin
MU?t alol;
membeillot 16cat board of health, Me'
Just "ved
We have just receive4 a
large shipment of
10 the metd.
time the trustees Stranged to raise the
vioney otherwise.
Lean and Vm. McCarth audito"; Dr.
11 aaal
reeve being tbe� other member, ex -
officlo; David R. Johnston, Richard
Mrs. Wm. Diskia and um WrA. Stoth.
era Appeared "*.19 4, grant for the
Aid Circle,.
Garvey, Robert Dran.
nau ana-Rell uttr4ock. silleep valuato rR:
(tiote Sheep valuoJors mugt not be call
ed on, Whorb th6 6wu6r Of the dog is
by ftak*tt,& #'Chatdaon that
. otooraphod
at 50c per 1b,
that $611i bialog'"fieldli"Ahato of the
0011211tY gftbk be dlvldod as follows.
widie"'At 4 Circle,
T015 Year On, Y'
I Our
spown, anti V41bat6r must not act It
callea Iti. "Oh 00.00 0. 9. MCDonagb,
ItObert W*b , tMt (60. 14. Robert Dran.
non. X. Jr, 1toxi0iA10 - 1110. Black,
-, NVM
aims 01
Was George Baird,
"THE )[ASTER" who taught fifty little L,1111;:� a i t4l''i rise, the ontvot.
Weekly Suc: We note a short des. YeU8 14-13011c school No. lo. on t
tia at f t C Iowa 6 (0 w Oh he ltv.
q h of "t e masto "The master" and 06 iffePtionat e k�ft n u. 0 uce.
Patch from Clinton announcing the secohd dt'."Staniery. His long service no n, t e b reaucracy, of
eat 0 _,appellatfull by
which 40 was "known measure his
Worth. A.vlhe couns�llor of his neigh-
ade big V* Vv1Wm*1$g6e#61 -a still hunt f6f
bors and lkif4ble, teacher, he m
4.0 1
SINGER 010 ,
All 844,1.109 'Wh Of tho 1vomeiLlift n6m: 0109, 416rd-ft Loot Thos. Dlc--
is is a very ne blend Jae,
of Tea boutritt CMVr&t4. a" MOU44 *nd Th". S11.1. _6&
I wbiab if 111_141= Rec'Nifthi 1I*aAAr*4*C6 It. Oath an ffaile.i. 7%v].
it the kident time would *014d tholt, OpW' I ti*owik that an A �Nilb ri�jacas Xtit' 90ftlhld. Ptank oling
I)MM 'Wouth*11% I tic otmr_
cost m4ell mort. it
V44 ma, 32ut, 101'r, Art taill
Votto AM*% wm%to 0h Ilk 0,6160 y4l; till' their stke.
Pot KAU.841 ad .4 Sm" mikerchilef LiSten
ap GOOD Oltr 114bilifte Of bt 040ftr
, preclate a boo, aft topolom "a tfteiv# their
f ve; PhA4012,1112,11 the Abd
CU 'k you,tah get it
herpe tll�o .1 T01W 0#ced 'tea toft',ritoOt be ttoopted, W,ao) The
v6*06i or, ot *,intltig tot Isis
"toptis "too, aw the sualtoft W&AMN4004,01kk 104 *00 tot at-
Otir oiber *n6 qf, Tea.,4
PAM. There',% -one t""400"s. Ofk *04* ty Aldhktation 6V6ft,,$A(49"
somt, who$11. ArAW",
't$o e"llent V*Iue at 40cs 4t the t
ah�)jd 2. 1%. at&, bATI4# easur& a pliotogrliph of you, Comm hads
'tik lit
15C 2'ld $1103 Per 1b.' irki
by lohme", rft*Jve. YOUr Picture alffio$t - mid balauc*s of
Oak" tok *004a*A W*Oft ii Ue. mt. aild thoft . far awviy, Wilt a* Protwiloos ao664ii1i,
ft that mt alto our **u 1017 *4101100 4*111*64110 Audhotis. where sma"Uft 1146sis.
*Ott lwy�A*611.
AS if it Were a visit froM
'W* hive it 4tP14-ndid bit a6th "Illoftto bf buly a tsw
40A it"ton hkik4 fk 4, Maw 0*465T*,,,"A0dt40e Wt�kj Y60101 ]BOA, Tq
f , I W
4W k**ft (0s t" bibrAbl? uAt A lesolution 1�ii 1* A%a '76**bw
0", '16. 'OW this *W06M 16 SAfth 11th,
it *0 'efir OOL
. N =4111 7-301"n IWO 09 A"Aeld,
11 ""Me 4
All TMVIT lot
.i. JL Ali
Your Feeft Ache
Try a pal� 6fLb
ur Cushion Sole Boots. The cont. f.
40Tt alid case- will stirprise you.
We have st number of lities at populitr price$ wh.ioix
have been in sto,ek for -some time.,
81ft OUR WIND()*$ rbit
o, th4 ��Shoe MAO