Exeter Advocate, 1899-11-30, Page 6$nbaeribers who do not receive their paper regnlarly will please notify us at owe. Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE TRUBSDAY, NOVEMBER, 50,1899, NOTES AND COMMENTS. Women commercial travellers are. considerably on the increase. Puny 160 women are employed in this cepa- eity in England. Tho only two great European capi- #els. that never have been .n occn pted by a foreign foe are London and St. Pe- tersburg. The British Empire is sixteen times larger thea all the French dominions, 'and forty times greater than the German Empire, It is estimated that at the beginning of the new century Eugland will have fl2,O00,C00,600 tons of coal still unused and available. The disproportion of the sexes is still very great ie. Australia. In West Australia there are only 54,000 wo- seen to a populatiou of 168.000. There are annually billed in Africa at least 05,000 elephants, yielding at quaaxatity of raw ivory, the selliug price of which is a$:a0,000, Alexandria ofaeial circles estimate the land which Must remain unculti- vated iu consequence of the deficiency of the Nilo hood at 1ri0,000 acres. A. Purelyu Vegetable pill. Parmelee's Vegetable fills itre compounded from roots, herbs and solid extracts of known limes in the treatment of liver anti kid- ney complaints and in giving tone to the system whether enfeebled by overwork or deranged through exces'es in living. They require xro testimonial. Their ex- cellent qualities are well known to all those who have used theta ,end they com- mend tbeieselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliou.ue s wee are In quest of a. beneficial medicine. Canadian contingent. If way of our readers had been at the Express Qrneo on Months morning, they would have noticed two large tin calces of Feet Ellam which had been. ordered for the Cauadiau Contingent for South Africa, Sweaty. blistered and chafed feet are the cause of a good deal. of misery among soldiers in their long marches, and the authori- ties were wise in provitling this pop- ular remedy, as it will add greatly to the comfort of the troops, for thousands of Canadians can be found who gladly testify to its virtues, and the manufaeturers, Messrs. Stott as .Jury, Bowmanville, Ont., are to be congratulated on being the owners o£ so valuable a remedy -Montreal Star. "Ives weak, scarcely able to drag my- self about, easily worried, and quite dis- couraged; Miller's Compound Iron Pills rapidly brought ahout a change; I never felt better in my life than I do now; this infrequently heard. To Keep Linens Smooth. Linen centerpieces, doilies, and even tablecloths are not things of real beauty from folding them. Any round piece of wood, covered with flannel, er a roll of paper, around which the pieces may be carefully rolled, will be found invaluable as a means of keeping linen in good. order. In fact, a tablecloth ironed with only two lengthwise folds, and then rolled, will look far better on the table than one with Criss-cross lines from too mach folding. Money Saved and pain relieved by tbe leading, bousehold remedy, Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil -a small quantity of which usually suffices to cure a cough, heal a sore, cut, bruise or sprain, relieve lumba- go, nfiamed breast. i, excoriated • ples, DOIrGS OF TAE MEEK ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUi4Q THE WORLD Pruned, punctuated ;cud Preserved In Pitlap reragraphs for the e.eruaat of Practical People -- Personal. Political, and Profitable. CASUALTIES. On Friday Mrs- (Col.) Burnley, X itegston while attempting to mount Iter horse, was thrown oat, breaking Iter arm, A. little child of Marshall Miller of the aud concession: of McGillivray Township WAS. SO seriously burned through its clothes having tatbeit Sire Importance of Boiling Milk. Many otherwise excellent house- keepers are careless in this matter. It is no doubt a little trouble to see that the milk is boiled each morning and afternoon, but purely that is as noth ing compared with the risk of a seri- ous illness. Disease germs live in milk more freely than in other liquid, and many diseases of the lungs may be set up by drinking the milk of a consumptive cow. health tor the children. Miller's Worm Powders. the, engineer of the Suez Canal, 1a. the presence of the Ministers. Lord. Cromer, the English diplomats and representativea of various bodiep from all parts. of Europe. After being closed down for a per - 10c1 of 30 years, the iron mimes of West Hull are to be worked again ther:MO:0 r and on, quite an erten. sive scale. Hon. B.. W. Scott is one of the prime- movers in the protect. M, Labori's bullet has been troub- ling him emelt lately. The doctors; will, again radiograph the spot, to see whether the bullet ought not to be extracted front the person of Preyfus' leading counsel after an. The American Bicycle Corporation will start e, $2,500,000 branch in Canada and they will employ from. 2 00 P. 00 to6 d.. and 1 2 hen n 3. Fvrrns of Toronto will be manager of the eoncern at ite Toronto head- from a lighted stick tlua with which it ,Atrier$. 8antia$o de Cuba on Friday was playing that it died a little morning at 9.15 o'eloca a decided later, earthquake shock :vas felt, lasting In au explosion at the Carbide iaaiarly half s. minute. Several houses Works on 1<ictoria. Island, Ottawa, in the city were badly daruaged and on Thursday morning a man named the front of the marine hospital of- Turner was killed. The explosion fled fell, blocking the street. Tata na- wars not due to the carbide in any twee were badly frightened. way. The unprotected boiler of a Sir Thomas Lipton has sen Capt. same, crusher blur up. Catmpbell, of (Burlington Beach, a Near St. Henry, in the rear of Lo- fete-eitrtile of the Sbaneroc3t nag. with vis. on the Intercoionial ltaia+ay,an inscription written by Sir William Couturier, inrekernan, was Tltorna.s, Captain Campbell came standing on top of a freight car, when „ from the village in Antrim. Ireland. he fell between two cars and the where the Shamrock's ;Wesertwat train passed over his body, Iitaral.; saw the ,fight of day. cutting hint to pieced,l4leasrs, Wilann Fz Wflsor►, 1;apstteea, OHMIC AND li tic eAT*s• have forwarded to the Minister of ,Albert LeTrouelle of Bull bus beets tl dttetice a petition praying for clean• held en a dotage of ntaa.nslaughtor in otter In the ease of Robert lifatekie, the cast of the death of Wm. Iteald uedergoing isontenee of ten yeare for of Ironsides. complicity in the robbery of the Cornelius Corcoran at Chicago eaa Porinioa Basin Napauso The Friday shot and allied three of his a petitioxz bears up wards of 14,000 children, fatally wounded the fourth children. eiggtaatures. child, and then killed himself. Clarkson eat Crops, chartered rzo- Laxly Thurieley morainic a ;ang' ea Lanis ars asrsisting the Royal Not So Hopeful, "Well, never mind, old. man. `A year from now you'll forget that yon ever loved her." "It will take more than a year to pay all those bills." New life for a quarter. Miller's Comm pound Iron Pills. n atiksd burglars tried to rob Lake ceeete eeem ilpRt?inted by Premur Shore train No. 2 between Elle and Reale to revise and report on the Conneaut, but got nut.hina, owing to public accounts and bookkeeping of the vigilance of the messenger. The the Province of Ontario. Tao mem- robbers got an board at Ashtabula►hers of the commission are 31essrs, while the train stopped for water. 1 B. E. Walker, John Hoskin. and. Mr. Emil Bollinger, who murdered hia . Kertiand, of the Bank of Montreal, wife last December and then set fire ;gall of Taxa/eke • to the house in an endeavor to bide: Ole crime, Was hanged in, the Chicago Ccunty Jaii on Friday. IA an im- passioned speech from the gallows, Bollinger protested his ,innocence, Matgistrate Bartlett decided that George Fairburn and James White, the men arrested at. Walkerville, on suspicion of being the murderers of George Kirkwood. who was found deed at Forest. had no connection with the affair and they were dis- eherged. Tho premises of John H. Cothran, jeweller, Tottenham, were entered on Friday night and about $40 or $50 worth of jewellery stolen, also aa overcoat and other clothing. Strange to say. a nutuber of bracelets and gold chains were talten away and othcra left in the game drawer. FOR MEN OP WAIL. For the 14 months, May 1, 189t3, to June 30, 16119, there were 6,619 deaths In the United States regular and volunteer armies, of whom 406 were killed and letel fotaily wounded in battle. Typhoid fever took off 2,774, and other diseases the ba1- mace, except for 216 who were killed by accident. 31ARLIE MATTERS. The date of the Provincial bye -elec- tions will be decided on Monday af- ternoon, whin the Cabinet meets. Fleecy Baths for Owns. AU precious stones are purified by a bath in honey, according to an old. idea. Many curious notions are cur- rent in regard to gems, as, for in - `Stance, that the agate quenches thirst, and, if put into the mouth, allays fever. if your children are troubled with Eorms, give therm Mother Graves' Worm xterminator; safe, sura and effectual. Try it, and mark the improvementinyour shill. Messrs, Pierre Marquis and Jae - gees Lavesseur of Quebec have not been heard of since they sailed from Bic for Bersiniis on the 10th of Oc- tober.. anti it is almost certain that they have been drowned. The same fate fa feared for George S. Roily and his son, who set out (rain Baia Ste. Paul, and wiles* boat bas been found on, the shore. TEE DEAD. Bir Richard Moon, who wase chair- man of the London ds Northwestern Railroad from 1881 to 1891. is dead. Ile was born in 3815. ?IMMIX I'1;fSQItlAL. Miss A. E. Goodwin, sister of Prof. Goodwin. Queen's University, Kingston, was a passenger on the S8. Petrie., en route for Hamburg. She had much luggage with iter, Sir Richard Webster, the lJr'itieh Attorney -General, Lae been shade a baronet, in recoggition of his word on the Venezuelan Arbitration Com- mission. Sir Robert T. need, of counsel for Great Britain, has been made a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. TRU LABOR WOIt.LD, The executive committee of the United Mine Workers of America has decided that when the present wage scale expires in April g radical in - The schooner nattier is now 33 i crease will be demanded, and if the days out of Kodiak, Alaska, and it operators refuse ai, general strike will is feared that she has gone down. The storms of the last:; -six days have caused extensive damage to shipping in the rea;ion of St. John's, result. Titee RELIGIOUS WORLD. Eon. John Charlton, M.P., has sub - land. scribed $5,000 to the Presbyterian The Elder.Dempst.er SS. Merrimac, Century Fund. The work is pro - Captain Evans. from Quebec Oct: 26, guessing favorably all over Canada. for Belfast, is now 10 days overdue, Rev. Dr. Richard Storrs, the ven- and considerable anxiety is com- mencing to be felt in commercial cir- cles for her safety. The ,Anchor Line steamer Cones- toga ran into the crib outside Chi- cago harbor during a fog early Thursday morning and stove a hole erable pastor of the Church of. the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y., will re- sign owing to ill -health. Dr. Storrs has been tho sole pastor of the Church of the Pilgrims since its; in- corporation, 53 years. Dwight L. Moody, who suffered an in the bow. The captain ordered all attack of heart trouble while en - steam on and ran for shore, The gaged in evangelistic work in Kan- vessel anvessel got in far enough to ground sas City, reached his home at East before sinking, and no one was lost, Northfield, Mass., on Sunday after- dama ed '100 - noon and is gestin comfortabi , Hi condition seems to have im r v Out the cargo was g $ , 1i y s 000 worth. p o cd UNCLASSIFI3i1Is, since he left Kansas City. There 'was e. brilliant displa3; of SUICIDees. November meteors between 2 and 5 A. W. Bowiby, of St. Thomas,Ont., o'clock Thursday morning at Berlin. committed suicide at Penticton,B,C., Canada consumed 2,000,000 bun- the other day. IIe leaves a wife and ches of Jamaican bananas and 600,- family in St. Thomas. 000 barrels of oranges from .the Joseph Chambers, 35 Berryman same place last year. street, Toronto, left home 10 weeks Frank Love, Q,C., London, has re- ago, and his dead body was found ceived the appointment to the Police under the Rosedale bridge. It is Magistrate's . bench, rendered vacant thought he made the 125 foot jump by the death of E. J. Parke. in. a, At of despondency. He was Two new cases of bubonic plague well-to-do, but lost his wife some and three deaths from the disease months ago. were reported to the health authori- ties at - Dort o on Th ursdy a . The earnings of the Grand Trunk Railway system from 8th to 11th November, 1899, $580,128; 1893, $521,683; increase, $58,445- A meteor fell on the farm of Cas- per Aceola. at Barbee, Wing., on Thursday night, tearing up the earth and burying itself to the distance of several feet. Emperor William, the Empress and two of their sons, Auguste William and Oscar, left Potsdam at 8 o'clock Friday morning for Diel, on their way to England. R. L. Clute, Q.C., Toronto, has been appointed commissioner by the Dominion Government to investigate certain e an es o ri v c i the miners in n the Slocan, 13.C., district. The entire whaling fleet with the exception of the steam bargees Ba - 'eine, Grampus, Narwhal and Fear.: - less,, whieh will whiter in the Arc- tic, have now reached San Francisco, Cal. Tho Provincial Board of Health :net on Friday at the Parliament Buildings. Dr. Bryne presented a re- Kaiflr Football Paal'ere. port, showing that there are now. A team of Kaffir football players 45 caeca ' of smallpox in Essex from South Africa is now in En land t7ou 'y. g By. . the falling of an aeroli4e seven playing a series of matches. They miles eolith of °reticent City, 111., the play the association rules and are residence of John Myers was par - said to be fairly clever at the sport dally wrecked and the neighborhood was panic striolten. The aerolite Miller's= Worm Powders cure tits its buried iteell in the ground about children. Ing Celery Garden. At Santa Ana, Cal., there is facially garden of 1500 agree. three toot from the foundation of the house. Tho lfrliedivve on Friday inaugur- ated a Monument at Port Said to eke late Count Ferdinand de Lepseps, Am remote/etsavory Di.h., Shah dishes as beef oaf veal olives are attractive and palatable. Sarno - taut meat for them may be purohased. for a single meal;. in, fact, it is true of all stews,, bat broils and roasts are not good wher_t small.. Beef eUves. are strips of thin red steak with a small piece of suet or ba co n rolled or tied within. They are first browned in at little suet and then stewed. slowe ly until tender -about one 1iour.-iu a brown sautee made by adding two tablespooufi is of limy to the fat in �ehiea they were browned, After mix- ing, add a pint of .hot water and a seasoning of onion, bay leaf, salt and pkaperLartes RomeJournal, T T i "MURDER." Jury Says Prisoner Williams and Deceased McIntosh Killed .1, E. Varcoe at Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 18.—Corroborative evidence only was adduced at the final sitting of the Varcoe inquest held in the court room at Police Readquarters last night. The pris- oner, Harry Williams, was brought up from the cells. After listening to the testimony of Joseph Allan. Varcoe, Noah Thomas, Mrs. Armstrong, Elise Armstrong, Miss Loko, Harry Spottiswood, G. H. B. Johnston, Patrol Sergt, Willis anC dP.C. Dickson 199 the- re- turned a - turned the following verdiotl "That John Edward Varcoe .came to hie death by. reason of wounds produced by the bullets from revolvers find at and upon the body of the said Joen Ed- ward Varcoe by one Barry Williams and one Joseph McIntosh, etas Curtis anti that the said Carry Willlaine and Joseph McIntosh. on the :lth day of November, did felonto 1y, wilfully wed' with malice aforethought kill and risme- der the said Varcoe," The jury On a rider praised P. 0. Dickson (199) for his good judgment, bravery, alertness : in the etra.orgtaney and recommended that he receive all the rewards within the power . of jilae roguletiens of the, force. ecieen'R Bounty for Triplets. uobee,Nov.4CV.20�_T le Queen's bounty of e l sterling has been gore. voyfsd through Mfrs lateeelleuey Itae GeVereser-eitiaeral to M ,axne Due of of S'' j'o a deLev' w tzr. n 14. a .pph its, who stave birth to triplofa !nt Augurs A, with all her cares and labors soon bet- T u E comes nervous and weary, and unless she has something to aid her will have tleat constant tired feeling, headaches,ilk . dyspepsia, and all thea disagreeable CtensennelleeS,Chnen ie COn$tipatte mete. IFE Dr.Ward'sp�LL3 B100(1 and Na are tbe proper assistant to health, and the remedy. for these disorders, because" they ` contain the necessary. uan tity o1 iron in soluble loran, in. eembinatioU With, tl the latest discoveries ixt anedieai science, Se that their use enables ems to SLEEP SOUNDLY, EAT HEARTILY $D DIGEST THE FOOD PROPERLY., THE MAN will also find himself greatly benefited by the use of these AIDS TO HEALTH AAD 101G0R, We have at our office t cinsaude of testimonials, and send a bents et taiormatten centaininie souse of these, free an application. SQ hCr. e Won't b _ e 50 Cents per box, five boxea fey *2.011, A11. Druggists, of on � 9 a �-Cg 1,,0� for Diabetes to Stand on, SAM WILLIAMS CO" Alt Over the Country Diabetes le Being Vanquished by Bole's Iiduoy Felt*, Tbon,a,r Brookes of North Pr sea, Thisc it se: -Hits Case Bequtred. '1 wo Dozes: Boxes. North Bruce, Nov. 20, -However #ti is in other parts of Ontario this big toe of the Province kPowet the Wine et DOdd's Kidney Pills for Diabetes. Ti was not so long ago that Diabetes woe trona>idered incurable throughout Brut Oomtty. Anyone who contracted Big., betels, or its twin malady, Bright's Disease, were given up as hopeless by, physicians and friends, ?axle scree of the mut prosperous, popular and int iisteAtial men iu Bruce have been oex- ried off by I3iabetee. Seldom, indeed, nowadays tea death from Diabetes in this district. Dodd's Kidney Pills are too well-known here for that. Diabetes is cured before it. Advances to a dangerous degree gener- ally, ally, though there have been eases.' where prejudiced. people, trying every- thing ender the SIM before resorting to Dodd's Kidney Pale, • have been suatehrtl from. the edge of • the grave by their USG. The case of Ur. Thomas Brooks, of North Bruce, belongs somewhat to, this latter class. Afr, Brooks says; "X was troubled with Diabetes. I Con- 5u1tod A doctor, but he could not help' sato. 1 Native also used other medi- oiners, but got no relief. I have used two dozen boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and AM completely cured. I cmx highly recommend this medicine above all others, Two years ago I could not look up to the top of a building, my back was so bad. Now } earn stoop and bend with ease. The doctors wasted to perform an opera- tien, but I would not allow this. Dodd's }Kidney Pills are better than doctors." That tired, languid feeling; and indis- pose fon to effort of any .sort will bo rapid- ly removed by the use of Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Cows for An I'ureeo-, A cow that is good alike for mills, for making butter and for beef is pro- bably not good for much in either of those directions. She is like .some men jack -of -all trades and good at none. Ea"h of the dairy breeds has its own special excellency for some pur- pose developed by breeding and care. It can easily beat in its own depart- ment any cow that has been carelessly bred. The herd of pure breeds is es- pecially valuable to any farmer who wishes to improve his stock. Its pre- potency will stamp its own excellency on the progeny secured by breeding cows to males of the breed that is known to possess them. TORONTO, QN to Fought For tee :kine".. Berlin furnished au extraordinary eel hibition of the collecting mania recent - lc. The German postotiiee uses auto- bers for the months in stamping let- ters, and on Sept. 9 eolleetors deter- ranted eterranted to obtain the unusual sequence of nines fro'n district (Mee No, 09. whose stamp an that day would read 90,9,:1,00, A mob of over a thousandwhenpersons stood outside the office when it opened. eo that the police bad to be culled in to keep it in order, and all evailitble help was sent from the gen- eral pestolee to handle the mail mat- ter. The rush continued threugb the day. and at night the pollee had to tine force to disperee the crowd that wait waiting atter, the closing hotly and to enable the officials to leave the office. There were (10.Q00 pieces of mall stamped during the day. Cold Water a Stimulant. According to a high authority, cold water is a valuable stimulant to many, if not all people. Its action on the heart is more stimulating than brandy. It has been known to raise the pulse from 76 to over a hundred. Ca ceps At tacks the Mi Ie ed. The Orli:d ant Goiania, Hume. "IA. a Girard avenue show window," says the Philadelphia :Record, "is an oil paintiug purporting to picture the original Colonial Dame, The figure is that of an athletic looking wowaP, clad in homespuu, her brawny areas bare to the elbows. She has just an - !shed felling a tree in the virgin forest end while pensively gazing. on her sue, r'oundioga vigorously pnfrs at a pipe. l'resuwably thins robust heroine, whose east of couuteuauee is rather Celtic In its lines, is 'either on the lookout for a Reaastatn or deliberating as to where her next meal is to come -from." Nen and Women Between 40 and GO the Most Frequent Subjects of the Deadly Disease. T.t bas long been recoguized by the coed- scat profession that cancer is chiefly a dis- ease cif mid-life. Welch, the noted author, in bis System of Medicine, says that in "2,038 tabulated cases of cancer of the stomach, three fourths occurred between the ages of 40 and 60." So, too, cancer of the breast, causer. of the bp, cancer of the womb, cancer of tbe bowels, and, in fact,' all cancerous growths, in whatever part of the body they,m.ay be found, occur most frequently in middle-aged persons That being the case. would it not he wise for persons getting up in years, to consider carefully any lumps or growth on any part of the body r insignificantnificant these may appear to be P They may not cause remit trouble now. What may they develop into a year hence f ` At this early stage we would strongly.advise everyone to take, treatment, as it is a simple' mat- ter to have these growths removed by our remedy, and much subsegUent'suffering averted. If you have let things run on till the cancer is well pronounced, it will take a while longer, but still we can effect a perfect and permanent cure. If you' are in tbe last stages of cancer We 'cannot positively, promise a 'cure, although we have cured quite a number of cases. Yet we can always help you and give you a great dealof comfort and ease. Our treatment is a constitutional rem y that attacks cancer at its orixin: in the systean, ant as the cause is removed the cancer lumps or growth gradually fade away, till ' not. a vestige 'romanVVtt��s. o have cured dozens of persons in Canada these last few years, and if you would like to know 1 something about their cases and more about our treatment, send 4 cents in stamps and we will give yell fall inform-, 'tion. Stott ee Jury, Eowneanville, Ont. Mention this paper. Me 'fritting eatnetbititiea. "They wouldn't let Bill in the army jest kttze one arm wuz shorter than t'other, an he'd lost his left ear an couldn't bear ont o' the right one, an bo wuz bowlegged on one side an knoekftneed on t'other, though the eap'>a said liis gin'rul health wuz amn- ia good! An the whole comwunity bas passed resolutions that this liere guter'ment is down on patriots no otter be sussed out:" -Atlanta. Copstl- team IF YOU WANT TO FEEL THAT Your Spine is a Pipe Stem. Ready to Snap, Just Get • Lumbago Ulan. want to Fool as Strong as a Steel Ramrod USE S T. IT IJAS M GCOBtO. OH. T. N, U. 247 hounder!' Spike neat,, The Hollanders are perhaps of a1 the northern people those who smoke the most, the humidity of their cli- mate making it almost a necessity, while the moderate cost of tobacee with them: renders it accessible to all. To show how deeply rooted it the habit, it tel enough to say that the boetnteu of lolland measure lista hoe by smoking, Why will you allow a cough to leceretar your throat and lungs and run the risk of tilling as consumptive's :grave, when, by the timely nee of lliekbe•s .Auti•Consump- tine Syrup the pain Mil be elleyed and the danger avoided. Tide syrup is pleasatnt to the taste, and unaurpesssd for reli,viea, healing and curing ail atfeetione of the throat endeuugaa, wide, coughs, brow, oblate eta. a A BRAVF-' WOMAN. How a Drunken Ilusbaild Was Made a Sober Man by a Determined Wife. A PATEETTO LETTER. She writes: -"I had for a long time been thinking of trying the Sammie Prescrip- tion treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I was afraidhe would discover that I was giving him medicine and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw 'off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I :saw coining, at all hazards.. I sent for your Samaria Prescription and put it in his coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the result. At noon gave htalsosu a v m more and atsupper. Be never suspectedi n p a thing, and T then boldly kept riht on giving it regularly, as I had discovered something that set every [terve in my body tingling with : hope and happiness. and I could see a bright future Spread ont before, me -a peaoeful happy home, a share in the good things of life an attentive, loving husband, oOmforts, "and everything else dear, to a. woman's heart, for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It Was only too true, for before I had given him the full course he had stop- ped driaking altogetaer, but I kept giving the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot to have on band if he shotild. re faopse, as lie had done from his promisee' before. He never has, and Iain writing ;gantlets: letter' to tell you how thankful I Ham. I honestly believe it will cure the worst oases," A pamphlet in plain, scale d eat free, giving tea i noulals ;indfll envelops, formation, with directions.hew to take or czniniste Samaria Prescription' teorre- apone.ence eonsidere'l sacredly cienfiden- tial. ,Address The ; lamaria Remedy Co., ordan street, Toroptot Ont. The X Bay outdone. "As 1 understand it an X-ray will go straight through a rrem's head. There is nothing else quite ea rue- trating, is there." "Oh, I don't know. Did you era hear my daaghter sing?" $100 Reward $100. 0. Tba readers of tide paper will lac pleased ta learn that there ie at leeet me dreaded „ammo that aeieaee his beeu dale to mare In all iso ata ea, and that to Catarria, liana Catarrh Caro la the only positive euro krowe to the medical fraternity. Catena being a c neaiteltaea*3 die- eaee, require: aconatituttenet treatment Belles- Catarrh Cure la taakeninaernafly, retina; direct- by upon the blood and mucous attrFacaa 01 the tee diocese, and gi destroying ni] a pa lent+strength by building up the constitution and eesitsunt; na• tura in downg Ila work. The proprletore have so much faith in its eurutive powers. that they otter One Hundred Deltas for any ease teat it falls to euro, Send for list of test uteniais. Addresee F. J 0lIEN.GT & GO., Toledo, 0. &f'Stiitt by Druggists, Sur. Sing of Greece Plolta.. The king of Greece delights in' tat,1G- ing recreation in the fields. Be care plow, out and bind coat, milk cows, and, in short, could at a pinch keep a farm going single banded.. Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy. Peer Paye In Posen, according to a Cologne, paper, seamstresses earn a maximum of $7.50 a month, and that only atter ten years' experience. Ill-fitting boots ;mil sboes cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is tate article to ass,. Get a bottle at once and cure your cornet Expensive Game Cooke, Game cocks in Ponce, Porto Eica,. bring as high as $100 each. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROW! The nett hiade. Send for Catalogue. COCKSRtl1'r I'LOW CO.. 3tltri.NTrottD. LUDAS STEELE & BRISTOL. Circle Tea+: Z.E. O x. Cofreee IMpORraee OF GROOMES. L.S, h ti. Extrae0 Write ns. HAMILTON. L.S. tt Fl. Splees BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO., 11R Union Station excade. Toronto. WATell ABSOLUTBLT FREIE, wet• ranted perfect t xte•keeper te. Bois and Gums for distributing Advert tieing Matter. Won't coat you a cent. Senlia address for particulars. Sutra Bites., LONDON. ITS STOPPED lt'REE. Permanent- ly Cured. Dn. aLnis'S OR&A$ ozwyia RESTORER. Positive Cure. for all Nervous Diseases, Fitts. Epilepsy, Spasms and St. Vitus' Dance. Ile Fits or Nervousness after first day's use. Treatise and 52 trial bottle sone. through Oanadian Agency Fivai to Fit patients, they paying express °barges only when received. Send to Dr Kline, 931 Arch st., f'hiladelphia,Ps. EUROPEAN and NORTH AMERICAN UNCLAIMED MONEY & ESTATE AGENCY. Head Omoe t LONDON; ENGLAND. NORTH AMERICAN OFFICE, DUCALD McFARLAteE, MANAGER.. LOCK BOX 145, TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA. Send 10c. fol Fortune Book. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We also make Steel Flag Staffs. Grain Grinders, Iron, and `Wood Pumps, Pae Supplies. Send for Neto Cat- alogue, Sold 25o. for 5 weeirse subseription to the ©III. CA.4$() BLADE an& CHICAGO O LED G E G R Cx 0 the family 1 story'paper, Y to e_ ' ' (two -big papers iu one), and we will send you a big New York 25o. Song .' Book, containing over 60 latest popular songs; or we will send yen e Comic Libearies. FREI] OF CHARGE+.. ', THE AMEI EC'uAPI NEWS tAGENCY, y ., Toronto. Solid Sterling' Siker Solid Gold melee Dxaeelut, LOt1.n std Voris Lind Genu M� s9esi:P ka s_s' of& eo t iun'P ilaamanb enlli m e. nine Imperial FngisnnB Ink ':Powder at.lee .per pkg Guaranteed .-,,pkg. CcoaTimekeepeal Each ,mattes 5oe, wortia o tine Ink: .Send your name' anffi• auu,va eaauwe will forward you the Ink Pow- der and our large Catalonue, prepaid. Whensole send es out money ranre d we will tend yes. 1 the premium you select. -Write for the calif f today, Mention this Hager. IMPERIAL INgi$, CO., Toronto, Ont.