HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-06-18, Page 7I I " , . ­ , AT Ar-IZ—T �'W'F�- , — ' - 77-'-, : , �- ­77�,wff � *11, * I . -. �, - � ­ .: ��­IN; 117 - WPV . ,: . I , R71T�71� . —7"q i 4 � 0., ,, .. * I ... : �� �k, � . V . 4 1 1 1 mw'. . I � 1� ,� . , I . - I , 11ri`-1, " . I � , ,,, I I I.. , ;� 7, � � 't,� 7.1 . . f I. Xll�`;L ld�*' ..1-9-11 FI.,. I" , . , � I I I , . i I , ,_ _tl . 4 11 I , I , , I ,_t � " �i"", I I 111100111 I . - ,_ -1 __ . I . I . � I , I �r ­ - - 1, - , - - � - - ­ - --- . - 7-; * I I � I . I . - . ­ - ­7� . � ­ ­ - I ­­ - - � , , � A. .11 . I . . . . . . I ... L , 11 . 1: THE WORM I , , Is It iiii ii� 1111M. � X"T"VIA" IN 'm . I . � � , I � , , � � . I 141 I � � - " �,4V.� `� V.- --­T­111� W, IT I I 0*." ftsim "*sms; ".0 rvoww AW ** r*60" I . _7 I I_- . , I . A" , 7 , � I �) I I 1104 4 Oft *" - I �� - — � ".. .4— - _,__1_____ I I I awme ran Me moner A** I I I . . , , � A iosowook boo ff--L­- . , =oil 041M04 A � - �_ froisou'%Mw". � I , 80*.. "o - Aa , -, -i" T" wm -1 _= "14 .."Z* A"ka � 11M.. 1011* "* Dova' -ad hdly """w imlorbwft 1. , �tt�'"� b1"`1"#WA*,W, voft�� .. I , .1 . .- _1 ftuftolawto.0 .04,"**Ala�=. AWA oft*&* --_r_ ­�� :­­ _ Dat ,, Q .-Wt - ft; - 1.1-11, ... 1. - , wo. 00"t *4 *" , A# XW* - � �, sit - at "W *AW fto"" . 4 1:1 U 4 64t, 2 "41 11"sWoox, " -, .1 IN.. . I _ , . , � ., .. ,yam 42 I I . W=111. 04"4 �4 4% *0 IVI* Aw 4*4 . u I.. :,� , I .- , I I *# I ­ I ____ I X"M 4414 Au" Sao* 4(XOv*$"*1*;,Vi** ".* V",V4��, iusoli* I 1. " "110*04, to* . 1. -1 .. '' ­ - .4 *N*** bm UW* aw **t,r*"*Ws.�,X#r*.*V**ft1 I I I . , Of fr*oaa, W614 **T1W *0 A"r faw, XMW *4 alk 4004. ., X"* opt, Ago - on V'so*0"aw A" *4 k9owso. I . * , a"ADOWMI., : to bave ofto f" VI*,* povot *&)A#**"kV 'OUR. 'At I'" �$ft"""41100MW4�0-ao,ftjoosia r4i"Wn,Qn.04-A**oIfm***V*: , 0040,4WM 4104% who " "4400 4w, � . O's ow . , i;7 ,4io; * * toww"Of *00 4441tut - - I Tot"* , irmto , W—riou"Oss. *0*, shoorwo" "A liu 40" , �oiv 4 #, . , j� , kortilwitat4d At A&W P4 0o,of 0gow 'U� . "4" 4'60 WW# *Q� OW 4"t J=t� J,jWn I 0 J" 110 Vor* r%W *!=1f*Va1UV*4#*" � , - . I Red, *4 be,4 turned 44�llq to _ _ #.��*A.#pV�W,pv"k& 4X*4rA$ #oV.eV1J I , , . . . ;0,00 teo.doy in si",%, the ,4W l,ttuNf, 446wo 44 lV 10 I*Ouwoollaw 104 *1 . I " Woo-Im 11W Mo 4 *0 war" A*- turAW In $h* 1004 4j* 4,#0*1 w04W apoks o#4Q*,A0.r.qXWk j� 0% 44*,, a*d - ._ a to � . , � 40*4 Vap 40"or ��d $0 %* hayo 400pw. I I � ". $6 , � - 4vo1IAX*hiiip_. AllowmAuton 11"Aw- A." "POrto, to, hm W I Tor to, 1176 40 $4.001, XWtobft wor 11.144., 4= VIA)* , i**_04f_*_ � do 04vi" 14 **I$" or 1404114. A *Oyiblo. dam A* the, biod, of go " . 0 AVA I"* isisa-% hil= era, to to 1. 'or; Arst potuat*� ,ft,* tO #0.40 'S A,qt"W ' " ,. - - , ,*r4 hx tim." I .A$ prooso *h* lookiJi bois . � I . ___ , - 4040 Of, thil 4ii4l abs"004- brio -Joe iowlilo 4-o", � . ... . , iji"7d . . , #�*tt , , J* I or from I^u , ;*0 on, tr** 'To"00, � 600444.*11 U_ . , . ` � To � , .o , 1. oupos$v 1* *e " �io# At. theL VV011041 tit" 14 Awl 04h , 4TOPW i, t4dol 0, � �U, I" 1A * . 44'.00 to'ft -And ItronS ' OW;', tbom4eh. ,4. 40 , - lw Rk at "0040, 'U. I' � , , � A I I "u-14 *WIVO 4"vor **� hivis-tha I*(*$ "repai"O'. _. lvn " Ic Irts "004, 4011"W6 444, it. Vol" U 1.0-10 gA t4ok, To to,, � 0, 41*,ruoulu thi qls4t in 101*4 that , sh . - � , , �� , TZ&A M A , _-,-� MA � I 1w''W"',�,'", , � ,,.,, - � .1 *ALP" i Im. I *411=ot I,` - I ,04A % , I' I I 'I , I 11gia'" 11" _V I � r 111'r r" :to 414, 1 1 - *W*01�41y I* * but SIA46 ikrb,A# IlOt' Yet rb"ilt*W. ,V -*b*4t ftwaos,ot * Ana ow bullo4 pr#44 . th , 9.4 . 0044 before, , , intm 1104 � *4 1411i I . W . . , tob& ,�_V, I hAAt. X0. 1 .0%14 , , r6' , t 064ntlfirk 16=1 utl wortho ! W of friSht,onj ti - I rgo,, . I$ . �. p4.#Y*wq1'1 , uth, -11 1, 1 *4 �4 10 I Or I M I .If 0 1110alo -,I'll y Oqualled f v , . QU, *4 under arroot, , qu*ljec!J�. . ,� - to L - I dikq� of "r_as . I on a I Perry ___ ��q444 a �a� OrO ,OrktKtAO'*hP0�40;�_$ h �a " - � .1 bots"tboo, AwdatbOW''Of the 0. P., hove'lloen 4.w 't Awax"wqd V . wh"t-X01", 141 - , 14, , I , a; ;O_*� **,, *Q4 at, th � . 04 14** im *;*In ,*are is momi, 44ubt oo-to- it* at, � UJW. O"i*i*.n 13,o,v potu, - ,ril � , . , . � a' *0 , ". . 11 , ., , Ai4uswior ftariv* UWs. Throo, f9cbiy4,4 0. 4, ., , _� . i , . , g, k"�,, Tb4,, I r 1*, , �Otalt at 41�,41 ,, �,O�, , , , " K bi - - P 40'. Or , "� U I I Y* Aud N a At 111 MO, , 1, � ,* lo4ii -1. '. " rit , X Line � dly !4 fro . . I , .,ud.Sh4tVQOA I -40 4. W*lk,'O 50t,'rooingiu 0 � , ,L "a "' I .. - I , , '. tkA htivitO; in * vot$ I"' , 0,0d;te, UY-0 0 � tis 91144A I 1. =A�rgeorq V-40'0044. , _: I � - ., � OVO4 Tho, VIOLOIA04 sees 11,00"'twod, pr I I to "M.o. t . I ,,, I - , . - jn 'harb 16 I I I � � , .11, a : '44" - I 'in � . V401414 of* ToUlgia I . tho,Aiooi� not of, ,mucb UOA '' AarleYr-li"Oed oou�# I I r . .. .:. , "At a -W Aa ft 14e Prof� pba!� vhiqlt 4r�4", -] � I iqoi � � , ­ , .1 :kro* . - I w4od in OvAilig�-th,o 4* -NO �,,0*_,,,,-,._, . � 4 1 1 1 'eye , I � In ,rolow to werk, I , , ". i. � Ars. .� - - . r... - &�m�-i,+ �. . . : k- i- - A - , , .. I 'r lno'orinsm, 4044"The 4OW'*f'W*tor'A`f1gat- rh*4 accido , , 544- -ui batar* whito, 60 0 ,.Or t ni; will jiot, " f oouto�oi,� 010. Oil. traC ANS d 1 14 *A4, *AaQqtk,k^ 1'. *A,i� � . .19, TgroAtie, *;k(I $$�'bo sisx, � A'NAG It 10 Soto . I I ffarg t1lot , .� I I *T , 010 4 Wn , I I I � � .. C1,04,44a, I � xerAolaoly;, qojaq n , . I , . At a 0A W0440 : ;U, I �0411104 4% thi 44c,.QUt010o, X0, t W 'l .X . r " , 4 _, ", . , � , � _ ojt�i% "'Can 4 -SR � 0 1 . . _raor ,f , , , ­,: ,�� oterilito;U tb6AoX1A14bQ'l#,� ***-� WAY I 4404 BtAtopoa Q 09*41ad � 40k,� , -4,044 0I%O;,*AA * � 0 __ � 040 - . - 114,00. 4411 , - or .- , , - . .Ntioo A1.04*840*4 . , , . !_KVA, Ope I . . ,� ,0� r ! I I ;, I .. I - . ___;_�JO�X3_4 - - ­ . . . . . - I to, Vilps: ,Q( either P 4 � � ­�.��, � I .Q.—I -1 - - U. is "'W1, I , __­� I ,� . " � V� . ' "I U as -R;FiF-Tr,1(Mi�;40M1A4 . - , , � , " 9 I , � Mft&_4*A-,,­4q-.�Wag-Jgt- I k . _��,_, - ,.I- , V",iv19A4,­th 4 1 1 ��r �! . "Ity", T ­ . 1; � - . , , .. I � w , .v, tho, Qt40000 "", ' . h4W.' �;A . , , mominat � I roni'Okifolh, I I � 11 11. . , 0�v 11 I.. I " 74 to 740 , outist 0�. I I I.. �#. r , riVeJ�;,§tatoAA4CkA'­ti 'O, paysi T0100out h*4 "b"a, I , ,a ;-Walk -w*s ,cgmi,npr.�yp't s, . . ,nbIV1#lj., Itirough th , 4743_X0, 2. " I& 4 , toK i . . or , b, � , . r. 1, � I I V'r 4*4104 by"to, look Or ',04 "" . . , ll,`;V,0Po1ra'aVa,, - - -''AU4.Wh04__W0� * 700 Outoi(l I . I .� OV. I *4 , . ­ 11�,j' -, 1� . ,O - , I , I , V " -No'' 1 �:Am 14, � Wille tpwo �y %a _"_,i�oviou I I 1 I Vp -tr_'P,� 'Apt Actho'orosi*n, '. - XOZ �90.�'P),��IQ1184. I I 00- --. xeik*n, i0lovo, - ' - ,,� I 1. , I tc t W04 I ,,�.-' �; , , � - I I ' 9 - !, � , ­ - .0 ,'b4$f0*_bb'e �, A,,41.- , f-h.iVii ­ ." ­ , , , . , - -�, ,,say# . . .� . ., , ' ' 00406o, Magoge'rZi oli4i � � : � ..'­ �-VA int L t6a; t*W­AQ , , in 'O"tta* 800, ork4rAdk-,' T6 i- O- 0- , y 401"wTance"­�_`617 '1*6i ' ., ,x. ot .k . , � , �. POP& 0 , . go, taeki �Torabito ., p, 1, X . " j� 'Rb" " I � . '. *,004� 610uld he �oloxoA it, th ' ' ' t �; �,Cgnadlau ,$a, , . . �. � I �­ I I �t 6 APPo�,IA tq1es,r;LLn�,4"o4VO4,*t tb4!�,Dopk�*,' I I I . r I , I . laypoti"O. 11 -0 .1 _� U; � ' ' " , . , , , 1 .114", � , - , I ow�:176V*1617 on tr*aJV,,iTor6nt,*. 60lldV-,� , 110-rap4hy, ,�. axid*t **Molkot, 640041310 t mont Of 1gAJJW4),a' &u�,4 Q4riglo � 0 � , ' 1$$'.4brplkl�l�,-t,t"-]A��'40!,*I'� ,. . - 001%0-Qy4gliompocoa�ieh I I I' . , t6 % . � I � ,,,, QWar saito, . 114-44040, 494 ilk � . 1 , th A-1 , . I ­ 't�# , ev V , eVO, to, , � , h- , aho & 4000. #Utf bugl , r0p, , ��, " , � , �, TWO _#� ouint from, xrl .T , .1 11, . lq*ing be , tit I , ,�­A , , , ,�, W. ,T I a. 1, . rollK 0,11 _W, to ,d t , � . , 0� ;as 01lWautiCt -19 - , 'V* - 9f Sliillitof. * Isomer � . . !". �:�', - . , , , os� .4i - ' , : �,, �, � ,t1o, . 7 I .11 orlto.Aoin$ ,ed 8""! ' 41 111", T9ront.0,06ght1f. . I 11 I . ., � 0,A0VA ­ . as" jeup.0 � �, $24 40 .t ,� I'' gk� - home - I - � - I., "' , " . ': r. - , , I f''', i , uoh ��A., ;�T�h --ib L, ", i* 'it, $to � , I I I . , � , � "Joe squ I J , , , .. - itlg*tI66 _V,�PA4 - ." Mttia,. wo4w . � 1� oe'vem, = th-calst at thia I . � , . -1 _-, _.. , ­'�, ",1:', I 1, ­ I,'-. - , r I 0 �;,W*W.. "', � � � � - . , �,­ ".1ii 'ho ld�' 0 'no Ul 0 nor guo #g at I . . I . I , , . " , � W44o4to.: th4t. the idamkg t,e the . 1p . : , , " �'.0,414;, 0 1 '099: V, 119111.11a I q .. �_ ­. ,4 004.1 . I I I , Put lobout, fiv. o!oIQCk Iia, t �� �, The, k. - I—, . . ; �o . i ..�. ­ .", � I ,., 4s , W14k , , 'to- , 7, , , COVINTAW.,00VOE. � up attha�resi, q of 30" T - , . , , , .1 I I 11._! . , I � .., I , ,§ , ( -, - gue 11 1:� I ",kot; 1hatety, #644 a. biit:A4 6eb, �o,ih4aw� � Tho oxivary'� gatio 16. .Apple$. 4t. to� vo . � , �" I .1. , ii4llt., a , , , to ".4,. k 4t 11 4. th I I., 1, . ;f, ,.Oleo quali., ,.,� ­:,., , I . toni 144�ari agent,, livigio �. _1 - �tbil 'Or d � 4 , - ,��ud , AA � , 6� p4lr,� I - I 10'r Oh I OVO)Itfolih 4WO4 SO ',af _ �, .."'..., ,,f,.r .AA " at'l � . iguard gstes were, go ,4114 , 4, ,,a, , fo 50epudig- , Vbh4jit I . I - r �� r000ivedl A� hd�a' ig 4or, si4ls.`��Oik foot fiiou&to'b6 -§A his roo,doplot, '10 - " 00,� .. � I 'go.. 1 11, .1 ,"r':'jqU4j4._,�Tb4,,*.4l� 1� . . j!a,,arl,41, b fall. Thom to . dg�." r ,, ,,,, _� _­ " , , i? Be I in . � . :, � , . r . I., A . ��.Q)ar,�'Amputitqjorthe` ' " " tx" 1-911 a:i � 2, , � antf� hand- that he bid ..0 ongiteers-i .p. icko an out to, get a I ,!� od -to r lo _� 1: T a Will'be.off ated XL ,� � �, � �` s� Aid 'Xii2AROW .A,O"C,r�RAOIJ�'tAtio4,tbat,repa., � '16 , _� , _a '0 "OZ �, I 51 - OtAbly �:A � 'tko - K; , , , oi$ . q - . ,a -P I _ - to * , " . uallel. in Ctooked L hich is , _W'ithWi*," __ixmi - --Mr. . - . 0' 4 _ I . "W ;;' "'g"s �'�ib&*� '' ' - � Z in �u t ­ . ��.L.,_.._�An4a # - Ion. __t___ f , _ "M Z , i ,:-7 . -.1 -h- . ­ il -, ,4 1 1 h, . . Aoso Jlay";iNo� � 1',timethy $13 to, , - __ ­ __� ��__, ,�. _tf `I ­!'r' -Hp left the.- horso,'And h, 1. .1 , , � -4 & . 41r, - �,'­t o,AqUng- Deputy Midis. v foi. 'on . tr U - 4 , . b., I'll, 6,*,,Ati'Ohi#An-tictoo,:"*.,r..�-o,t4� , " 1. -41 I .0 .11 � � ", '144 1 a- "isiMboU , - to 1 6 1 MA 40 -ha 1 Ve tpi,, N r. . 1;' 9�', . ower -Theratea'anO v n1r, ii V , . Th 1A r. . .. �419_ I Arep an. � ' . . . �, .1 - IbAcs, "The look giadow0li 66 $1J,.4o s, tan, .1 valkod t9 .. X�j.V;�.�'ji. � . ";: " , � �0 jr#Or � iutioi,,�-, ., - . .. , 10 ­.", I . I � I in whtlo*,40 rji4­,10 ' and disappeared. Sergt. Bag , . � 'I.". I I I rosce4t.. '. is , . )�oy(,., � e reWy'by .Kouds,v 4`lght, ' Siraw_$1.0o " , IYA*744iiW 0. hut furthe _ , . " I.- " I I I to VO oil track. I . , I , 'r - I I - Tha.W41ko , '., . ,pon- r.db y is possible," � .,­ .. . mbuto . Pota,060--cav, lots, so t-4, 90.0 per and W, Pool made a thoroug V. , . . ,�, , , i4r,i�gob Ron.' Mr, raham 4ecotdipgly bag On r track, ,1 � 10 .� 4mi Won of the bank,.and , . �� 4.1, �, ­*�., -,and, I - AA n �, i ,4`446,rhvv.444�� ift for the. "Boo,! at 1.1,o Friday- at .v ,�, ,; V rot 0 � r , , 4 . ''''. - , I . . 41, 1, kg . it, ' � poaltri,_ ,''. . - . , H Port th a erything is in its ,: '' %V4;,1-')-4e1r , � Chickens, �� ,, . ,� I I .11 t6wela , : twe . n mb A I year lugs, h I - , ­ - . . ,� _­­ ,�., � .__ - ... ­ r. g� .1 dressed, 10 7c per Ili *, fowl 12 3 ape' ' I " I .. 1; � , � " , ., _.a I I to 14c; turkbys, to to 166 per it. . oil- �1% I I . 1. . . .,� ) " ,;. , - , ­ .1 .. ..... _� - , . I I ,", . ":,., , 'i I . . I " _____ . . I I ... I .� 1. I �.., I. .., ", rw 4 - — Olquallo BONDS BELL W1 � , ' I �, , � - � 7 7-7,""""m Dyes, and wheri , "; " , ­ "'' . ",," , 1 . I TH RY"MARKETS, �. .�..'� : " N, � � , ,., I : , , � Roy had ite, figure I 011" , �:' � � : .� .1,11, -,cight, Peter'hAda, nine. E DAI — . I � - " .. , �'. � . r 0 I � 111_�., ,� -, , I ROY. went over Treasurer Received Subsorl I ��,,�. , � . , I 1. . . . his own work Butter-4ound-pruts, -18 to -1-90-- - I � . I , .1 , I ; i 11 111. I . .Again and se.7 that it ought to be tubs and lar � for $100,000 Block. �� . . I I " � ' ge poll$, ad to ley"o; in! Ik!: , F0 iu 1� I I , - , , - �� , L`�`,' "'�"'S'� 1, a n e, so without thinking much ferior, 14 o tels, .11��'. �,J � . I IN A despatch from Toronto B " ­ I �ii _ ­_­­_­..�T,�,7111' I I ----.I- - ­ � 1. more-Abobt it, -he­changed his 6wo 21 to 22c, Add solids, la t Ise. :, . , � , - ., �� .. .. , 1. 1. . , to Ontario's latest issue of bond , _­ I - . , IC,� rk �?l , I I � , 1, "Z _ , _­ 0 and,piit down the,iiine where Eggs�Case lots, 18K to 19c per selling like the Vtoverioio� , ,,�, . ." � - , . � Z, had hAd the eight,. r I dozen. _�. THE WGURE'T I cakes. Hen. A. G. Maitheian, . . _H,AT LIED '' . ,, ;�.` I . . . 4 - , .I.,", �� -�,­�­ , Being jn� a'httrry, he did ngtmake Cheese --Large cheese, old, 14 to Provincial Treasurer, who' in I ,�;,:, , I Re* x4fabw 1b d'h. , .", ­ . I A. am in, school a veq )g9od nine. It was hunch. '14y4o Perth. and twinis 14y, to 14y.c. chief salesman of the securi ,,, -* -y6tv � 'New quoted at 12%c for laria and , neatly till ,a backe,a d stoo , d over, �,�. , . - si�:, in& Alm6ot,oAl an PIC with announces that on Wedriesda; ."I": the, 01110:110 likOtfit" ,-U.�;,04'fun to !oig �. tied to be ban A' . block of $100,odo worth was ­'- � .to , - * head, that seat 9- 13c for twins. , . - zead,'Aad d,' � ' ' - 'b" a But he turned . in his I _. scribed 'lij oqe private individ � I . .. . wr4 ian � 11.1 q, .,�l .qgrgp. y, was ing own, %e .,!: - 'But� the ' , -was !�,� - eas,Y, , , 1, 7 AU;A.4r'**drk and hurried out and played , There were also a number of ��,-!�t Dot like, the other sittdies. . It was a, =a till dark. . i1OG PRODUCTS. �;,, I I ' ' soriptions for smaller amou P., goo , � - � ". - d deal hardoj,,,�'� .4 'he',had to After supper that evening he be- �aco.n, long'olear, 13% to i3y,o The Government is, indeed, ree ., .11 work I t u, "I , . A _ anger . ls"�.OiOous,. Peter gan to think about the exam per Ili in case lots; mesa pork, $23; ing more applications, for 13 .� I ... � ��, Green Ala% 13�t­liiat'- in fro . pies short eat, $25 ,^, I - � -1 t again, and 16 remembered the � to $25.50. blocks of this loan than it did .1 0 Id Hams -m -Light -to medium, 15y, to the earlier issue placed on the ri , .. i"; � I - JT I p,got­oa,m�o �bettisk, th 69ure nine tnat he had put down in I I ­,"' I j, '1-11 -"I _ AQY,&a,_4,n-,1h =' "k,_ �Place-of-bhe-eight ------ He-renromb i6c-;-A0­-heavF, -14--to--14%c­-,-V,DIIs-,- 11 in- the--,sain ., this in r UTA ' . �"C& 12 a -manne4- ----Ti � " �, � Atte Rq�.' , ii`p� �' or � to 12r I I 1p,y, fior Always how it.tooked-bow is was ben oveT, ,,a; shoulders, IlY, to 12c; have been a number of -.anqu '109: 4� be 'a :��,, before '. A 0�_ I I , d. writin and how it bung its head, as if it 1, IN to 18c; breakfast bacon, regarding the loan from person - �,�'..; . I and other thfags,,44hhd kbpt A= was ashamed of something. He kept 16y, to 17c, Boston, New York and elbewb * I : -of.Peter- ,40�4@4 ilob,teer-4141 _ L, �� I,,;,- w thinking -About it, ,and 6 - rd-T-loreego, 140; tubs, 14y,e -- Hon: -Mr-. Matheson is well tie . , - he had g,�ne to bed the figure stood 'I , 14y2c. *�i ven after I a . . it W40 thaf.* poioi 44�4d*dct up 10 I , with the progress niadia, tow , 1.),".. I irgs f � 1. I ng F-1 8 . I , colum ' no of 11q. m#ltipl�r an there before his eyes, looking mesa — . I raising the 0,B00,000 required l �Ad � 11�., � divide d I i -,got, the right and sorry. the province. 11: I , I , an ,,a wa�'$#, BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. , , ;1. answer, when be: 'himself worked The more be thought about it the Montr . _4L_ � ... 1�..*__ Just -as hard$, Aed;'eiroaharder, and more it seemed to him that he had eat' June IS. -Oats --No. i .. I L ; "' � ' ' 1 ofte ' Canadian Western, 62c; extra No. $125,000 FIRE IN QUEBEC. I , U got a wroiiiatis4ef_ . made the figure lie, when it did not 1, 61Y 'r., 11 �� 11 One clay the te4cher,lookiiii; over want to,' 'a - - ; No. I feed, 61y2c; No. 3 "". " _ ' and bad not meant to. — 1;1 , �� Roy's shoulder at;his p�per, Point- That was w danadian Western, 6ic. �," � Barley- Mills and a Number of Dwell �# by it looked so ifiean No. 2, 72y2 to 74c; Manitoba feed Houses Destroyed. �. :� , �,` ad out a mistaki� he-luid,W446, � and and ashamed. barley, 67y, . I I, * said, do. she turn ' .. to 680; buckwheat, "I'll . 04' 'AWAY$ "Re- The first thifig the next morning 69% to, '70c. our -Manitoba � . 1. mrnbei, Roy,'fi . -8 , t_aot, -. Ft A despatch from Quebec sa t - lie " Roy went straignt to his teacher. t� - k��rc_d6 I Y,,ttingL to Bay I'll, I � I . Boomed 'a, Nnn, Spring wheat Patents, fi A serious fire broke out 1� , . . �, "PleAse.may I chan�e he rate, $6.50 �ho �,.�'_ , one of t after noon on Wednesday in -.1 I mal Roy thought, About jt� a good' to $0.50; do., seconds, sr.8o to 66; , , amawerB in my examinatiou'paper V' Manitoba strong bakers', $5.60 to mill and lumber and wooden ho 4;.�, , deal.. Figur�s must bo'vory- good if he asked. I . .. dear boy," she said c'elock the lumber mill of Beni .:'1,1.1 they always told' the, truth. He ... Wh% my $5-80; Winter wheat patent , $6. district of St. Roch's. By If .." I I , 8;6.60. .:'. , 75; straight rollers, $6.50 to ­ . . wondered if it ;"e-,elisi-�f6r, bbem. 'I coul In't let You do that. It do. in bags, $3.ir) to *$3.20; extra, ,ad Gig,ac and several adj',oin 11 '. I � . Re tilbd always. 0 bill the truth wouldn't be air I dwellings were in flames. poo .. "I" f . If you have look- in go, 2.6 $2. SO. Fe - � you Manitoba bran, $22 to $23, do., around beca ''; � . himseg, but soi�idf4nlos- it was not ed up the answer out of school , bu * 5 to ed for many blocks 1 "I easy. Once or twi6o -be,had been must not change it now. That would Fhorts, $24 to $25; pure gr , panic-stricken, ,. encumbering � 1, � - pliiijkkAd (Qr -, kiii - had ight, I I . ain 49U!e� .. done,. -not- be � ii , - - . Won- - . i:,�! and had told the truth about, when '(014 yea�m .1 -ille, $33 to _I13 ; mixed . raouille 1 .. 5 streets with their household goo 11 it would because one $28 to $30, a, The loss will run about $loo, 0 .'14� it had seemed at , 119 if be would of my figures'lied " said Roy, eAg- Ily Cheese­-Weetern 00 �� - I ma�,, " 0 -it he could arty. "He* didn"t mean to, but ,�* 11 13, $125,000. The heaviest losers i 11 not, bave been Puna (r 4 to 12c and easterns, It% "';,:, . . , 2 �; _A,,,,,, only have told solk, about it. But made him; brut I didult.,mean to, �.,. 0 - utter -Finest creamery the Belland and Gignae lumb ", ­ - i . ; , I still he knew- hoiv - )its father and either." I 22y2c. Eggs -19 .to 20c par dozen, mills and the Pariaian Porsot-C , �, I ; both practically destroyed. Twe �, �,,, mother felt 4bo,it ito al�a so he did "Why child what do you mean ?I, __ . � i �,,?', . I . , just: as they Then Roy iold the teacher all UNITED STATES'MARKETS. -or thirty houses were burned. . his beat to tell thipso I . I , 1� I were. - ... � ­abo;it it; how he had not. got the Minneapolis,-Junev i5. -Wheat - --- _�, * . , .� �. . But figure% rauab� be ittr;l.age thinis right Answer himself, arid how he July, $1.30ye; Sept., $1.11y, to $1.. N ' , ­, if th6y never told.'4% lie. " Perhaps had seen Peter's taper, and FIREMA 4' 11 � WAS KILLED. I I put -_ ,� � they were real and aliya, like him- down the figure be bad seen there. jjy,- Dec., $1.08%; Cash, No. i Ot � I �' '4, � hard, hers InJured by Collapse of r ; self, And had to do things game- The teacher laughed and , , sl,.313 to 41-35y.; No I ,� " hugged �Northern, $1-30%; No. 2 Northe;n. Building at Halifax. times that were 4.aid and,�t4at they ROY the way hiis mother did game, + . $1.32 to $1.32Y.; No. 3 Northern, A. despatch from Halifax say , � did- hot like to 4aO, ' At, Any tate, times'. Then qhe took out his e �t . he thought aboldtit it - xam'- $1.29Y, to $1.31%. Flour - First Halifax wa6 threatened with a b �� ,� good, deal. nation -paper, find wherle the poor, �� The spring examinations came in ' patents, $6.40 to $6.60; second pat- fire On Wednesday afternoon, to , I , mean -looking figure nine had stood ents, $6.30 to, $6.50; first clears, the department succeeded in � I March. * 116y know it woe)co ahead, she put a great big eight thatPstood ,$r, 05 ba. $5,2r; B �. , " I .� I , , a:nd he,knew, too, -th b a ' " econd clears $3.6a fining it to -the structure in whi I �, I - a lit to up so straight and looked so strong 'Bran -In bulk, $23.50 to � I i T: � � � he reviewing the Work. lie hagone 'and honest that anybody co t, $3.85. 1 it startad.. —Nevertheless, it -ec X, over� but it was list marble -time uld Bee $24, . the life of one fireman, and Bove � at a glance that he waq telling the arrow escapes f J iru"I'd to stay in. truth, n8 matter if he had ma0de a No., 2 red, $1.60; No. 3 red, $1.56%; d th by half a dozen others � then, . and it was Chicago, June 15. -Cash wheat- bruises and n , 1Z dogra and r4tudy wh0p.. everybody mistake. ca, ,�,',_ I else was Ou� playing marbles. No. 2 hard $1.31 to $1.32; No. 3 the collapse of the building. T , I I The examination in nu I �111 now Roy knows that if fig- hard, $1.29'to $1.3i; No. I North- blaze was in the wooden buildit �; , .. mber work ur'. ever ,,, it is not because the �� Y ern, $1.32 to $1.33; No. 2 North- occupied by the Nova Scotia Fu ", " seemed to Roy easier-thar) he had want to, but because some one else �� ; _ 11. thought it would be. ,11"id, all of ern, $1.32 to $i-33-; No. 2 North- nishing Company, adjoining the ," , , the first six examPlos, a . nd - was makes them. orn, $1.30 to $1.82; No. 3 Northern, main brick structure. After t .1� I ��' .. retty sure he had got there right. A1.24 to $1.28. COTH-11o. 2t 75y2c. fire had been got under c.bntxN __ : -the wooden building collapse ;", ... tutthe iieventh Was 4 hard one. ---..' NO. 2 white, 76c; No. 2 yellow 11 He worked and worked,on it, and 510SQUITOES HILL NINETy. 75y� to 75y,c; No. 3. 75y,c; No. 3 while a soore of firem-en were V I ' -_ 1. still he could not.do it, jto� iie skip, white, 76c; No. 3 yellow, 75% to 1, Outbreak of Malaria In Northern Uy,c; No. 4, 74 to 743/,c. work within it, or on, the ruof. ., � ! 1 Pad that and did the , others, and mass of debris fell upon the me .. Z then went back. Orange Colony. 41 Ho.tried and tried but ftlij,"�43 dug out with more 6 , . less juries, excepting Jame �, again, but ic, would not, come Out A despatch from Cape Town says: LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Tynan, who was at work with th I 11 I �, � right. I � The heavy rainfall has caused the Montreal; June lb. -Prime beeves hose when the roof fell in. H �, The", hen h W., very tired, he -overflow of the Orange ft v' r, in the from 6 to 7YAc per Ili. Pretty good and in n, ) , looked U jus "' . , I � toenwood- Gor4donia i e was struck by a beam, . northern district. This :I- - q- -a9k,64 ib leave io A drink has resulted in animals sold at 5 to 5y ly killed. . sta I 1, 'i. 8 I or the breedin ,,a; milkmen's . g, oL ,:. I - 4,_r, e - f , ik a or on. awarms of moo .. � - ­ .- strippers -at -3V, tu an pwf-tb.­M1T6h_f____ --- - -­­_ 1, __ .. . " , _. I � - t ,quit6Ci'T;' ing to ti� Cach;calves, V - 4 i0a ask, ill I t . In OY id a actions outbreak of malaTia. Three- cows from $25 to $60 KIL , $ 1 " ' not I quart -era of the population are af- . 40. per Ili. ; � , , I h 'to too I , not $2 50 to $8 each, or LED IN COLLISION. 11� , again * so a . I 'O 'exe, P a. fected fi,'dd'fifhbtY deaths are re- sheep, 5 to SY2c per Ili. ; lambs, $4 — : U J r vell, I . to $6 each. Good lots tof Eat, bogs Mr, 31c0ralli, of Schreiber, Burlc( - _1 � foke is ported. I - . . ­ � - 1, I � .�.11....11 I I I I I about A'/,a per Ili. Under Engine. . � .� , REA ., 11�.�' , — _�717_ I I , 11. Toronto, June 15. -Tho demand A despatch from North Bay says � , for. butcher cattle is still strong we work trainA (in the C. P. R and light exporters were freely met in a head-dn- collision on Wed � � - � * OF WAR FLEETS bought for killing purposes. $6 T I I , .9 , . T 8, nesday morning, near Daltoo, 2 . . . I 1. � I I was paid for the latter class, whilat miles West of N6rtb Bay, 'Wrecking I 1 4 r, I �.#,�__ I choice butchers were firm at $5.- both trains and causing a d , . I C.; to $5.76. The top price paid for eight hour. to trilffic. A woer'knaon' . exporters Was $6.50, but well fill- named McGrath, of Schreiber, )in - " .111, 1. - - I xa&hificott ,sp- , itnessed by Dele- ish6d cattle of this class were, firm charge of one iof the work trains, 1. L 11�1 I I I . ,, , 6otaolo Wi 11 . . . � %%t0$LL . �� to Pr.OSS 0 ' at $0.25 to $6.40. Stockers and was buried beneath the engine and 1. 9 . � ". , _ oaference. . feeders continue in etrong demand, killed. George Coleman, train- � 1, . . _­�__ with only a limited supply onoffer. master L . . Milkers and Springers --Firm y White River section, re - A, despatch fk6tn ' and ceived severe injuries, but will re - I Pottstiftouth, lay 24 Cruisers, thirteen scants and unchangod. Shoop and lambs - cover. A number of others received �. . * � �;Vfi# daliagat*a th, S,Wdliaries, 48 torpedo-boat destroy- Steady of, last quotations. Q&Ives minor CA an 169fitid, gays, , . '�'. I tliai .1, I iriAl Pr#0i%NAfdfoA08, who ere and So submarines, Had they -Filrm. Hogs--Solocte, $7.50 f. a. brUise injuries, scratch d ' "' ol* 01 �tj the, gtloatt bands playing, the scene was full b., slid $1.75 fed afid watered. _a. , 11 , t .1 .liturd4y�UM. 1� - � 4 ." itilAI�IAIJ,' A double line lea . , of .�dftliralt.*, *.1 - ­�-, 1_1laye faticed 18 . -,�"­ ",may 0A tdi _4r1_ 1 1 1 -- L& . #66t0lo that i6ripsonth''k 166floon- forig'. � CONVICT USED AXE. . fimltoh� of fie#,Piiw�i, Uop.04,101ta I . �, . � . '21 Ili the � Maori - of ,f 4 Iket All tile vessels were dreised with L'Ary EM118- - 1INCREASING. , -. ' , -­ - - --.--. -- 0 � ­ -1 -, - - , __9 , s1fkit&d d'. . " joed IIAL410 , — Desperate Fight With Onsi � � t6 Id'; ' thous6nds of flags, dad with tile. ;is at .%-'.11, 0. ft. Ill, : cielft on deek manning ship and the Cust0bili, Eloise and Post Office At- Vincent do Paul. , .. '46 lif-fatood goodatoWt sud Je' handa . '"#'from. 00*46.. A64a td the , 61 knitnation And color. I I . L I .P 1�,Yitlg, the scene was full show Large Gaing. A despatch from Montreal gays: I Until . I Dtotikhs have leaked , '90A WfA #dArdin , MO 60046be to, A gglilte, from Xe;son*a old no" . A dospaull, from OttLwa a yst Out Of a des. Ift k Crate fight which occurred at St. , ,80ith d' th�6 via) , rx. limotho, tl*&t 3 The fibaneW. statement for May vine-ont de Pa , k7a Wl�, 'the ViCtOrYo, AtinoUll6ed the . .;h6jia).,61 the irltith.14ity" *at is, AttlVal of the Admiralty ykehts, shows tW. f4velafta for tho ul Penitentiary last I to to", that wtidb - first Saturday, between a Polish con. ­ � 'Of' 'the Net liftfitig th6 lordft of the AdmitAlty three months of the year p have Viet ujilled , *hfo 14,wa. been $13,018,014i, which is" an in- StOni,1148 AvA, who , �,d ys IN full.* )b4firk4, iwd, i4nd 616 ft,S*dpAP61` guests, Affor , AttAtk4d tho guards v;ith an gke, 11% P"tonived In r6*04tolf Wl 11figm ftatisi%ing thi 11008 of the fieA.,4 crest'D OtmOrb Mail A millforr and and was, Attar a lsttugilo, Shot in liotion'.1, W the 144 .44*1. t8tfMj%, I , tht1m,qUatt4f -dollars over the COI­ 11�.,�, �A .- , L - , 1A � � t. jb,d, visithts *61A n 1pard tlj� lddtjg�s In the, the aft. Ava is serving X tvoelvb- I to 10 *arth, #11 uld.� smt.41 I year � . � I I I .1i a '' Waid"Ought Add Abetted &,gbam bg6m.� The irl'"llie t'ind the Year 960ttilee, And as soon As he % ow.,06.066, th*t , . I 1 161 & 61 subinarina *dd dehtfaiy. oreaw is principally ill out of the hospital will aloe to . 0 " �, # I �klr- on the WHO, due to eillar&CL C'n'tonis Collections, (me the coer g UP ,$A � , at i� h �, & , , , All'O" Tha` 41** Which $how 46 Ncrew;6 of 6*.., a t an another h4rg6. silas 6 h It , J to I I 4 � 1*111ki I � tor I " 6A I . I . front of I'mi'mouth WAI bl"k *0 thilliou dolltrA duvitig the th __*_____� .1 ) I � I . InAig" Of" 016006*4 40,4 tlw Road- -intlig. E*01­66 rA# . , I � - L Atkolit thei � *4 'b i Iwo ... Ji46%& wg$ .AllW � *", "lifttio"s i Vbtegt fires *r6 egagin - " L" "I , OUJA ­ � , �ftksed by AbbotA. bubdud , One (JeAtrUetign in NeW run6*10k I ou � gitexioahft "" m Mitsfift , VO4 Dt-oad op Ito 0 - tf�rgnjted vith %ighto tha r , , ,: , , "ft ftbtd *0 iWid dollus, "a &stWh4-re,W#,,,4* aim 44on , , , 00 4. 11 ; I , � ; W4 of MW 'kilo ** � �' - " -, 0616� , sky in � rft"'10*4 1W 11 ina, Of the 4,lgbb)A 0 I .1, 1 2 . 0 , .. by t4o upi I %oft, ontadoi I � 9 ill 'I, , . , , , �' . ll I I I I 1. I. _L I I I . . �. I . - . ,� �, � %. - I . -, I '1,� �'I�� 0 ` ,a() I 90 a,- )ig _ I od.tho 04 1 , wa 1, , I ­ ., . I ; ., , . I . .. . J 11 I . I � I I . I I . I � I � I � I . I I � 1. . , � � I 11 I . ,i , I I . 4 � . .. I I'll, . I . 'T 1. . 1. � ,� . I . I I . I .1� . I �.), I I I . ') o, . . . �. I � � I I .1 .. I . r I I I I I . � I � I 1. 14 1 1 1 . I . � 11 , ,�, �, .., I . . I "I 1 144- 1 � I I . I I 1. 1, I I I I IN " � - - '. I I � " I � I LL I — _. - , i �.� - _AAW,._� &b. - A'— ' -1 ' 1; "I . ". � I .1 ,�� . : - , I 11 � 1'1�. I I - vr�� �ll . - I -,k-f " " . � " �11 " I . * , I - - frr 11r, 11 I 0 � _1 N ON i - I-Pow�IPII14!�ilil:liloqlli 1:0 11011111:1112"NIZ I I - ---.-- -r- , 0 - ., I — ','l 0, liol 1 1 . � 111;= I 0�1!!!! �i ! 0,11., Z. ;:.= - __ . I ­- ­­­_ � I + COWARD NEWS I $1 . I I . 4" I - , , - . 11111 Ift A �� I , , V , . ,� - , � L .1, A S4 V , "0040 11 . . �i. I L, � . � � I L' � 111,0 � ri , �; � I ' I " S ADVI 1, "nixes If , X, AUL $V."':� Q T U Ri, V V , I I in qfmw, i . - I.. I ,� l � � . I * I 11 ., 1� 1"O" � 1jr1tis T%wi , �� : � . , I I I 'h 14 . -or TORS I 0 P I ­_ - _��t � L ..­ I . - �"t I .1 '*Io4� ,* "" t*** *"-: 0-01*� - ­ ­ - - - W1,71-l'in!".. 4 hV00-1-po-", , - L '" " 11 1. 11 I ­ I -.11 1 . ` � I " � ''I I � W, 0.1100 ,� . I '01, , 11 I , I Or, I I I W 06040* 0, ­ I . � , * � .-, �L "' " - I " 0, L.. 1� . � ­ — , " . xoi�w' *00* - , !�L I I I I � ,., I � I I I I . " * door - .� , g,, i .1 L � - .11 i, froIst 1*141jo. 'S1lo,*LJ ' 0404 .$7 'Oft * $k . %$40A,, , I 'I I - I _ � � %W, 44ftC$**" , , . ,%* **I*'# , Jorillialit U"*" ji� ,W*4W,k& ,44ft#J 10i # Vsi&.r,W I I q X" *,ft 0, t, � I , k*I4. � .1� I . .1 ' L X oit"Jol I ' 0 4 . IC . re . "lio 4U a6saseeso 1. **�*o , L - fo*tm. . _. prop"* 4 "t "'!t"n!" I*" � - I . I FRAqAteA oto# *446 14.41104 k419 490,0� . 1�41* , , m 0% 134, - - lktA 4V'� , , 4%ilo�­ - L .Vt V , , '. "J�. jq�atoao� ,* 19%.* 'L , , I , , . of" *hot mom ioto 40 B4p,0q. - I , I . . .. 4 * d, W . . k, #*Aio 41401% 4Wa% JL-Uft 1'� , k ,the, 411VtV " r 00�,4 . , . , q4 � , I .4 (04,04 4t�00j,' I . , I No t"aipta lot the, T. 4"X, . � WOY for A,PVj1,*w0ro7,#1i6,1,*. 11 aw, 26coid., I . . . . 1.�, #X * Froch'L � .,;i , � I " , t'n . 044kiao WOV01 prooW "is 'It tbQ'aritoh US, jjkkh. AO_WL�011�,$�. " L I . ,4 . so 06 ful *" 00100A4 , �.. . . .. *0, *i =. ft *ww,) , , : , I I ' " "' I - . 4, ��_ ", 11"", P�4�. Z* lr#44b ItV. tAVL%._ I I I , , . � , . 4o, #X)p #� ,** I I . norof )01 , , . rojW, rl;;��,At * .0 . I or wo; 2te4to i"414 - 044. x0vaoto � �, . , , . . � , I 44 - At, Irvolieh-cilo.0.1""411. "L94 , raW.01 to , , " ", , 11 I t000 ;I 3300.44, for #04"o4ii; twr A*4 . � L - � Oo*' li*n" cup* 4",L ' O' ' - ' I ._"_;*o4,,Ab*-t " u ,'' L' ' , , "' T L ,id&+ j ." , '' , a Ight rooAlle _ outblo 4,Wit '. a 1pridii tb*t,� J*. th, I 0 Ir I , . 1 an (14$4 ' _.F" . , , ": , , "Of', '1$14, i0li,Qa)*J*.n*, ,, `­, ' ' - " j^ 7'l , , . _ ' (*�th �, , _'_ L , .W,k*t I � ,, . I , 1� 00 , , . Y I . . 1. *V , ­ ­ � ., bs�&;d�.Aei�, , I I I , I, 7 � It I za . I ,. L I , -bra" L a Rot OOY 09,M).16, T0110.4 441 - ,,, A I 14- 8! 6 . � - �1. I t . I., � , , . . I . I - �, pror - , . ''. ­­ ­ , -1y I " WKWC I , ' ' ,- I I L im m ­*_.. . - floaq, , "Wrks mto $41 :1 "r 4 'JOj its ,W - ­ ' , ­� 0, to . L, �__ I - , � & , thor lilthalst 'foms it -,,c#A . son lub,paribod 't 14 -to .41ar __ . �X- I I -1 ihsiot aw� ran. A. _O0bJt4b­$kU­ L" IV 1i lul 041 Mir"AU 04041A. - - - . , . 0 ;""Q.* to the Mono'l 44 _1. 'I MW . ho- I - WAUX, O" Vzons . , Ogoiilio f.41n�&, . . JULl 11111100,01 Ift,oriagil un! .. . 'IV I I . , f� I F ! .1 - � , __ -0 . I — I -1 . . _4010,V7�_ ­�'WrVbhir _`Xwbas of vs taff'od 0 tho CPO, voice anq ie '' ' , , k!Zji _"W_*6 .toine , * � i i4 i ii , , 4 . . . , I "s . . ,. .- 0 041.004 - WO , volAIA Stranded b. ii selaaw. o'e"fetl'on Wherewith st*taXM**,0f _ could 1,44.0 the ovem .. lik 11JURAVIt'loluer $14 ". 4hodo so .... Vq -1, U $so! � 1 fig tko Atiovag.. . " both po,&0jJ4''h#AL (ka% With' th ., ro"otativeA oo*.L"'aqUAIa $A4 41� VrAtl0f wumbla, R , - 'O Itiop. Nothipir 'c9aw be 14 , , , , rthor . $4, A deap4ch from,xawlyork " $1 W I kova t4-* W-14terlis thou# a e. I 4476 4 r, - 01*4 )140014nald has �-p �, -44. *& ,ur. quaot'oll ef'IMPOV141 400400, - - ­- '- 0 Tbr4Ug44-Pr1VA.W­0*WV­*e A � 6'� ohis*4 tho ilglioph Fortty at -4o. "*­ 40816iis who- first resporl 0-, -notoi "O'L the ' in -- any policy or 1 �un ' � k gn'ro g . s a L *A 14 1 ", * . Yor A , . . PV arter 40t. Rot. whttlielinporiol, Well.' no*a: reached Now !,_ * � )r two and IOU I rross, ' # - tV4 Outiard Vnivormity, 1AW10 I � kers' ,afteriiatoll that r, 1"41 040 vVe"aw it to Rodin . * ,qu , ' 1104711 . , n of Pre * , I (lonfitiono.0 Would hr'Ve offecto As I - 0464 131100,41a,' boar;itig,110 c*bin pas, . ol1krod thot in ach 0"" " far reaiihing 01i'd L belleiiiii&I . I ' , , 0 �,tb4s I fol*ui'444�18timatos'vf prop-osw L " sip I livi- 40Ug6rS and WQ An the gba,grA a. extenoons, of woliki ab4nd by ali"' 1`04 *�`14 o" rig the T. & x. o. Raii. I t COAferfoll0tilAk Wb6OA Or Well ­ oupilded on Friday Floras Is. W*Y WO 41h Lake, and Q,OWf&ijd&1'%,QUl4 , be no % a" os i4ria .104100:40 'a L . ,, . Off .1d, L town- 141144, Qf.the Azar" grou - After are b0ill�,pr *red. � I - .. I. - ..I ill I � I wriled haviA stow y more, Lieutenant. overnor L - .1 -_ nod succosofm I DUCAMUir f bar,"" than %aff rXisa tho AtI 11001111'OO1.013161a who." term has fly . --- ly ' "" ,: is anxious to Va. I h6ut, W* 0 left Gran- the vessel, will , this Part for yet a year to run I . � . L Naploso oil June 3. is almost 0 OOM- tire, , a A non . u , 10 * METAL , 4 % h , rntall Plate wreak, but through the time. The liquidators of the York I P bath Jy -aid rendered by the North ' & 8 i s Company 64 . Ili , Get eat to de. r4?6,. map, Llo,y,d ... lind Hamburg-AmeA: Qlar'e"61videat of 20 -per oerot,-bo, .,.--L--'-. Ora, a. a a were A I. -every. - - Ire. - _ A I . t a'. ar, � , ' L to a . With - tiger,,. ",car in las reports I a, OU a carep, With the Can- Three - -Bodies B-urned Crisp at L lake, �11IV41117 Was a LLL 0 to safety. n If inat. 'is earning the Vol , onge .-_--*___ , Wheeling, West ' * ' ' I? . h'ax- . V, t 11 Of the most orderly And Yirginia. L I ro� PLUNGED INTO WELL. cleanest o&mP ever hold on Car. I � .. I I usual �_ ' ling's eights. I A ddepatch from Wheeling W I in k we to havp b I oen caught Thomas Marsh At the metal Sessions at Rare- aft - ill IV -1 JUN. "an 4:0X at St. Andrews, N. B. ' - Whitaborn lost I iron, ,and their bodies all Commits SPICIde iltOn MVS VA., eaw�ln & horrible ,&Mdenti by th to . A Policy against a suit on here an Wednesday night at least burned to a crisp. Fourteen others LL A despatch Irom St. Andrews, Guardian -Comp&nyt'he Canadian six men were burned to a crisp, w6re badly ]AW41%ted. Arms and . because tan ,four fat&IIY injuied and ten soorl- logo were bukned off, and some M.B., says: Thos. Marshall leaped cents of, the premium was unpaid. ously hurt. Thirty others had nar- were showered from head to foot ption o4at of bed at 2 -o'clock on Wedues. John Neville was acquitted at row escapes. Shortly after eight with white-hot metal. All the men day morning, declaring he would H&lailtou, On Friday, of the charge o'clock a ,,%lip,, occurred in one drawn himself. He ran towards of shooting Constable Smith.- Smith *I thii furnaces of tile Wheeling .were foreigners. 8 ee Frederick Zimmerman, manager 'Lys: the well in the shed, his wife fol- swore Neville was the man, butthe t I & Iron Company. A - force of the furnace, was seriously a is lowing him. She tried to restrain Jury were satisfied with tile alibi of workmen, numbering fifty, Were burned in attempting to save some bob him, and there was 9, Btru to. set up by the defendant. the Lgathered about the furnace mitking cf thai'vaeu from death. An a" FindiLg she could not dissuadelgim, ready t -o drill in far the nine o'clock man was swept f ring ., ,Past him in the I the and that she would be GREAT BRITAIN. cast. Without 4 moment'll warn- stream of moli;ton iron, he .-Cached desp Oragged into the well, she let him The French beam won the King's ing there was a terrific 'roar and forth and rasped the poor fallow's a go, and he plunged in, bead'fore- Challenge CUP at the Internation- great masses of molten iron spurted arm, whio parted from the bod sub- most, and was drowned. He had al H* 9 roe Show in London. from the furnace, sweeping down and the victim sank to a fiery do&,.,I., ual. been in poor health, and it is The- second reading of the finance the workmen. Twenty or more What caused the ileosdv.ut has dot suh- thought his troubles had driven bill was passed in the British Com- were caught in the Onrush. Six%eia definitely decided. o ats. him crazy. A wife and child sur- mong by 3a6 votes to 209, --- eiv- vive. . The London Times warns Britain . - _u � nail qL_ to be ready, for the s ng, was devasiated by an a for I term Zell VOICE SHOT THROUGH AIR. . arth- . TWO ENGINEERS KILLED. may break at any moment in inter- Heard a RundreWille, by �Vlrele, A u, an the uiot* of June a an;( ar- q ere I - .... national polid - a 11 .M1 � . i - ......-49141-, ­ . - -- ­ L , , ", ­ - - _.____ 4. Tw,Q Ituadred. and- thirty-peop14- � . - ries Collision on the Great Northern r Ion E. 'Redmond has noti- Telephone. were killed and many others in- s in Near Vancouver. fied ihacBritish Government that A deopa&h from Toulon, irrance, lured, . Tho,shook Wall wompanied era. � the Nationalist party intends W gays: The trials of wireless tole. by 4 tidal wave which -&Wept &way I L I - _ - . A 4eapatch from Vancou­vWz;, vote against the budget phone erv" betwopu the cruiser the natim buts Ii" oockleshelle. Bed B. C., says: The Great Northern Lord Roberts stated ;t the Ira- Conde "and land stations have . � --- afxt Railway express from Seattle,.dtie perial Press Conference that lie shown satisfactory progress. The 5,000 MASSACRED. k, by at Vancouver at 4 p.m., running nfxC twenty months woulo be tth(l Cruiser, although ippled with'i - late, collided head -oro with the impartaht time for the empire. shorter pat 0 t an 7the time of Raiders in . t the Tram.CaucaW& GULichon Limited. south -bound near It in stated in London that Ca- the proviou� expheriments, was able Burnaby Lak , five miles from uada is contemplating a very gen- i.o commull Leave Death In Tracke icate on Wednesday at 1 .5, Vancouver, at half- ' 4 on Thurs- crous financial offer -to the Imperi- a distance of more than itlo miles. A despatch to the Novoe Vremyso, . day afternoon. RA ph MoPheeter al Government for naval purposes, A faw days age conversation was St. Petersburg, from Astara, bran& - Ing and Rob,ort Nichol, two engineers, An English publisher abou,ses carried on Ity the wireless system Cauenosia, or that 5,000 p.corsdiin ca of oo miles. have been massacred by raiders in I were killed. -The fireman on the Mark Twain of appropriating, in at a distan rep to ya : Guichon train. a stranger, was his latest book, a chapter from a -----#-- the Ardebil districb,"Province at rtly buried in tho wreak and is ,dead. book by an English M. P. without THROWN UNDER A. ROLLE*. Azerbaijan, Persia. The leading the C. 0. Cornwall, a passenger, was mentioning the lattir's name. I use badly injured ip the back and taken . - inhabitants have asked the Russian one t,, the hospital unconscious Twelve Thomas Rigney Killed by Horses Consul to protect the people. The .nd passengers were injured. * GENERAL., Runalng Away. . consulate is full of refugees. Ing + - I France proposes to spend s000,_ A despatch .from St. Mary's, . -----*-- Ple NATAL WILL ENTER. . 000,000 on her navy in the next ten Ont., says: Thomas Riguay" a larru- FADS AND FA.N�128. I me years. er, aged 53, met with a horribly the Union of Sout- A half million people lined�the painful death on Wediranday, 'at Many long coats are #a" in whitis a. h African Colonies route followed by the -funeral pro- Or or - -ton, a tow miles from bore. I !Fe ' ' o r Now Assured. cession of M, Chaucard, the Fret�ch He was working in the field with a D'at 'a to Play a las4ing ,Part this re A despatch from Durham, Natal, marohant prince. roller and the horses became fright- ~011. I . er says: A referendum held to de6ide The Russian Duma lips accused ened in some way and ran aw For tun -around frocks nothing is AY. more 9 9.1 whether or not Natal should join Dr. Dubrovin, President of the Lea- Rigney wag thrown under the rol- P ular %has sar4e. nty the South African Union has �e- Fue of Russian People, of oiganiz. let and sustained severe injuries Navy Mo Yelling with dots in e ju­uct;u­r4-i-)y , 119-POlitical--muTdom- �- - - -- ------- -f-17bM-,WMh ­hi�-d 0. Uri Uter, ... V t_wre-a feature of the season. a -joto of 11,121 to 3,'L01. This as- It is reported that Premier Cle- He was one of tile pion rs a , f this The pompadours and Dresden sures the complete 'ubi�cn of the men,om, of France will shortly re- province. ailka are berwildetingly attractive. South African colonies -the Trans- tire and devote himself to litera- - + Black Collars on white serge suita vaaJ, Cape Colony, the Orange ture. A TOWN DEVASTATED. are not so often seen as earlier in a River State and Natal. Pr' Twenty Russian sail6rs are im- - the season. &Ctic&]Lv Mossaline &ilk in exquisite Dres- the entire population of Natal is Prisoned 'In a submarine which was Ot-er Two Hundred Per on$ Killed den patterns makes charmingly a. British, and the disinclination of a sunk during manoeuvres in the in Earthquak"', . ig coo�siderable element to enter the Black Sea. There is no hope of Bsv- A de,,pat,ch from Padang, Sum&. dainty un lerskirts. ut union was caused by fear that the ing them. Hand tucks and �arld orribroid- 'L n- confederation would' be dominated tra, says: The town of Korinchil ory Bic favored to be found artiout . ch by the Dutch. UNITED STATES. 185 miles to the southeast of Pad- the now embroideries. t__1k_ , ft - I ... ..... - re THE DEADLY TOY RIFLE. Forest fires are laying wa-sta in - great s eastern in BAY Victim In Montreal -Shot Maine. he 'Through the Heart. Rev. Dr. EAward Everett Hale FIRES IN NEW BRUNSWICK " died at his home at Roxbury, Mass., 9 A despatch from Montreal says: Ou Thurgday. -­. I r- The toy rifle has claimed a second Charl�,s Qhaffcq�, convicted at . r -victim in Montreal within two Syracuse, N.- Y., of stealing chick- Rains Alone Can Cheok Devastation, Says he weeks, Harold Davenport, sixteen ens, was sentenced to prison for I years of age, being killed on Sat, life. d urday night by the discharge of a W. A. Gates of San Francisco Crown Lands Deaprtment. at 22 -calibre rifle with which he and stated at Buffalo that ,Japan had , A some boya %rare shooting in a yard deliberately violated her agreement A despatch . from Fredericton, A telephone message from Nimp-" ro, at Point St. Charles. The loullat to restrict emigration to caly a. N B., sayn: Late on Thursday af- padogan in to the affect that wine r passed b'd , through his heart, killing The Board of Engineers appoint- ternoon the Cr(,wn s him instantly. The previous victim ed bo investigate the proposo gave 011t, the iroforrnat!,')11n'14t1haOtffitb`o twenty miles of rich timber land O 0 was Gordon MacFarlane, son of the lakes -to -gulf deep waterway have wind has made the J.jregt firc, along the line of the Grand Trunk 0 general Passenger agent of the reported to Congress that auCh a worse than they have been since Pacific ig all on fire. Large forces t- Dominion Line. waterway is net desirable, the outbreak, On the Miramie� h j. of men are fighting bhe fires, which __+_ - . A roan aged 86, near Branton, the situation boeom6a ' CIGARETTES ARE BARRED. Pa., shot his brother-in-law aged Ous. most Ban' are -on land owned by the New Men gathered from all sec- Brunmwick Land Company and the '_ wl, and then committed suicide. tions of the county are doing their Mirarnichi Lumber Company. Tb4 No One Allowed to Smoke Them There is some fear among the utmost in fighting the flames, but latter company on Thursday night I In Seattle. . tariff framers at Washington that they seem ol. sent'out four hundred men from, A degatch from President Taft will vert* the now The Crown Land Department is BoiAutown to combat the flames _ Seattle W&BIL, tariff bill. says. The now anti-cigate'tte law doing everything within its power, Fire is raging at Knowlan Rmttle, : went into effect on Thursday night. . _______41_ and sparing no expenwi, in put- ment, Northumberland, and at Ee . It is the opinion of the Attorney- CROPS IN FINE SHAPE. ting every available man in motion River, forty milos up river, In them - General , 8 Office 'that any person -_ to cheek the firos, but the work has districts the whole population an who has them in his possessioll is Good , vidently got beyond all human 4) t worklogi .strenuously figbtrifig subject to fine and iinpri � Fall of Rain and Warin Wea- e control. , Word received 1: sonment. at 0 bit with little result. From &I The Alaaka-Yukon- Pacific Exposi. ther Has Prevailed. c'elock On Thursday night says that septiong of thaL country there comet I i tion Police will enforce the law A despatch- from Wifinipeg says - rain alone can stop the Fires and but the one cry, "Rain, rain!" aw strictly, No and will be permitted The weekly crop roport of the Ca- put an end to the deistruction that unless rain comes; soon the resultA to smoke A cigarette on the grounds.' nadian Pacific Railway is to hand is being wrought. will be most serious. -4— and is as favorable As ever. The e!!n- - � ___ _ - ­ . , PUT GRENADE IN FURNACE. condition of the crop is splendid. � . -_ - . ­, - � �._ -, - .n!�_ __ , . - A considerable amount of rain Many Killed In usbon Ammuni. fallen during the past week. The f U UJIV D1�JJh1JBEffEfl BUfl Y , . �r 1 tion Factory. weather remained -warm with the - ; exception of a few points, where t. I A despatch from Usbon, Portu- there was rather a cool wave pro. - ; gal, says: An explohion occurred vailing. Pros acts were never bet- ! ", on Thursday night at the State am- ter for a goucroP Up to the pre, - ­ I ; 1i +uXuAftion. Wtory - At E I- Grozxa and .Mnt time. five Pe ible Murder in � I - four inches high and barley just ! raons were killed and seven Ranger reports wheat Mystery Surrounds Horr I teen wounded. The explosion was through the ground. At Burnside New York City. I , t caused by an employe inadvertent- viliest is ten bo twelve inches high C ly thrusting a Charged grenade into and cats three to five incites. Vari- 111 � the melting furnace. ouq other points repturt wheat show. A despat h � il ------*-- 11 2 N York says: butch6r had not taken %lw tinm � ing from three to seven inches. T iles� and ewismembere I to undress the body. In severintl I CUT HER OWN iTROAT. body of a man done up in two pack- the head the knife � — _*_ was used jusi *I Berlin Oges, one containing the torso and at the base of the 'ne'ck, cutting , Wodlaft C , orrintits Suicide TWO MILES OF CATERPILLARS. the other t. r I". While Insane. — the a'_MWJU0 leg", was through the soft collar af the shirt. . found on Thursday night in charge which ends in a raqged ed . . C. P. R. Train Stalled Near Fred. of a 14 -yea g ( t A d6ape'tell from terlin, Ont,, r old boy i hO a where the collar would join it" vis, � ;1 I , 64 erleton Ju"n by Peat. Ol�od bay,. who had the bundle in hi'. cars 1% 1, , tjFtl - Mrs. Peter Lantz, a woman crying on 04� PidewW I Ivor 0 It 50 yearoi old, committed sui- A deaps,tch from St. John, N.B., Street, tit the nidp of Pub 'a School ; frave a deicription of & Man wh4 � I " 'I', � I ,(, No. 1, a block" ,nu th no � Chatham ; he said had entrust,sel, t him. , "I � #, dide on Wednesday evening at her a n: A C. P. R. freight train wh h them O il 4 Tt hiwe on Friday night was st&l. ,1 man looked like a Jew. it is home here by cutting hot throat le Square. The i.memb ent had I Th sa .1 with a rater, after having tried to parently been d me - i. , � , ,I . . ItJ near Fredericton Junction b Al� vY, be iaved the Murdered man wag a " but It pening into her heart. She mte Y Rtarp knife a ( , I -11 I I I rpillars. which c4tered the worked gme t .. t ,4*- - P6th*Ps with the u o" , .�, had (of SOM& time shown signs of in. track an inell ior more deep, I , ,4 41 i., I 4 V loot tho police on P, of � , , , Sanity. 8hd 'leaves a husband and for -need by ti , . .11. " ,�,e ,'. n a � - ,� C fiveo hildlin, nearly two miles. The train erev, ,,( the Cut14 , L, is- , , # the, words '%isc Hand" � I 1 , I , � had t* ShOval the track vlo,r. stamps, an t I �l . I . 1 , J�vrinted IL On eAkli'loundle, " " - '. I., � - V--1. , , I . . ! , # I I I I . . � I I . I p , " I , . � . , I 1, .� , __ --. --:­---� . . . � I I � I I � I I. I . . . 1. , , r .� , ,., � , I , , I I-- ­­.. - I I I . - I . I I I . � .1 I , � I .. � . , I I I I . . , . , . �.. , I . I I ,;,I.,, . , , , 11 ,1 . I , I . .1 . , . t , �,.i r I , "�. t, tj ., P1 A I I _� . � '. � . . I � I , ", � � I . U. I " I . ��. IL, - , . V I 1 6 1 - I I , I , I .1 ,,I I � . a, 1, , , �Vl* . ., , A Av , . I , ,2. �- ,__ '.1i '' 1,T1 I , , I. j I I*, AMR , �; . � % I , ( : � , . I I t . I A . . , I I 11 I V I I __ I � __ Al. -,�, !' - L I I 4 . .1 a �� � - I I I , �,�,-,_ , 4 , I , ,, , I I .1 A