HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-06-18, Page 3ki To., TH 1(r 4 To, THE 6REATEST mWERYT AUTSMvto As as 44"1111000 *No 1111 Vr" a Uok WHY WAR IS OUT OF RAU LAPIES, OF OWN 'Tim "X*v "t a rAk of rbili* row#., 160 00" 004%1*4, Unp S -Tu M Twity cit. in 4W 41001%. Maw" 40&* k**4. W 1110"01 A Aow hm .4 tow ow �,* XMIpTINO ItONAN01 Or V440 404111ar Ampry, urom kW, ot A4ig0%*oW, A vrbv,iiii & ; ism Woe vakhAf touk, AA11104 INVANTOX lky M 111511611:111" to colx W" QMA 8004114 M1111, 40" ?A* whoin int, and drims. Soto 04W at (Atilt ot Uwt wo*w�6 Wjiio'' WIM load liisow OWWO44 Young horso;, * tur vokooka, - * 1101 W44 xow tov � . r"W'X4*400, A*#AW* xv.owt it o* "_ . 0*4* 00 LIWW low *0W A" At a $44 Of ow 00W4 011 tho A* Afr4&* *W *ho 144 *- - W40", tho , PY14 *11010111111401� Witt, X40 war a tots, oliou lia Now York. y"144 .0on4w. I 44 W. Plain vi#*46f � tho p 2,4 WO sk411 400"w* woror vup� on * vo4roka 111110 14 -tow, 'WoossJIiii st 00 thim Qyot,wi bur4. *over* 'TO No, xomwpr. , Wt =01 *0 we's of Tke 04M Was, ot 4Xq4lk%* w4wk.: 1111� .400MU UN of 04 0whAvit, p4rualZ Vannisip" *0 0111k UkkorS of the pa 3J p4144, t-1 '' WrJA Wbl* 4�kvs` aboa " to 4isamin, Ow W *400w, , orm, onkitt 4411or bstwoo* 4 Jkad the, facit tUt warrW saw 9111Y .0 It* �V 1"4 bt 44 4000 00 014A *b6ft 4113A "AYARW Bab i"t #Oro ago, *Qo It U ow,41) -004 litomy 'Work do tot *1 X4 404 too b"t o4ot 4041i ]Ot U. -O Buvtoiik th, 0 with *004" wero ,devotlos thei, -04 Y 44ppqw, tho, 00, W44rod. hor"), worm *ro to JW 1=^Ay�mb tbo, in$ sikruek 14 14 414 0444VA hVOW* I TAke r ompow, 4,u uns - (ttgo, 14MOIAIL -Arm, ,of B-4-041 01 uFk tIJ46 o401,0m in lwoor of' heiiav*d �4 wW Burton, $nXi u4n, ; 4 IKW Imarrioa Culyl% w0coly. know to Ild. At t "ek V . r4 which W, be" 'guasd. 404 1%rA rh in the a 100 a "VAO Vo th� I U6 �bqtl the W'Orf VOPX404 0140WbA't 11i ofadkil hut, a $1141*4�%"'- Poo W** the son, a T of, InAtt. eaotpo of this, he iritrian ToJU4 of the , xaogt� The (NO; r . 01� sooA tb# light of vity., Her hoart b$4 been,. given fill W* 0 -; 0 04 0- UP %�. AV V, of w leg# Ag 41 0� 100" babi.* #44, thm, 11t0#4 dOubl"a, irk 014 is� just. qvpr rft�d tA . maic to thol housllholfAl POIK ", X wor. J in heqf, W )io ri. to olox"dt igad "A low MQ'Ath* 010 Withia the put 0ou", Trt4, PIW41101 rQADt0tf0Jrt, Woi$4% 4$0 411. ovot lot OV0 00001 #40h ifilport.*"t 01o, I 0qu" *ttbo .Ajs Col hig -1 tod t _,vo, blooi X4400 14 too -art . �. 0 1* - '0'4150,0' 0#4 44o of. the �ftuvdlo *04 04 tlt that thorO� 'AL 0 wore __rat 'U'Ag, 904AIL 0 Colt 411 hA. b 40 4 -*Togo uo' Poot,. oritiC6. 'And r4*%A9qr­ latkiligOL valae, 400,004 T, Of 1pgsoo xev 0 Oar *Arriod. Cvarlyl,iiii, $01k thoh 9 b iiin," .11 this, bo,6lllo au 4 A A41941g�ftio 4004 At All' t ti, -VVX7, Traths at. Ind, throp; �ta 4 10 veto thus it aerial AigI Q oAsit 700, t igtisp I* *'Otkoa stop vo 4MOIA4 Author IXY04 A 14 9+ 4 0 the Th4 habit01! T OuW ry, A''With, `4 or, Ii* v NO* Iror, 'or A A at� It MMIA04 QC OWIMX981 NOT Xf. 04*11# tho, 1404100,10' lek 44rrol* qulrW, *ithout t %oiw tiiko wh '10 rre to 'tqrA W povolr. .1 I r ell V*xi od� for sprious "4�00 i4r, 'to lJor it Xek oo,ohod, Aio+, 40* tioilmo OW *ad t1ion they. st in $'*- 0 ek 11 �Womce W exi W� e e"Meat fo�,hoor duties, ispa- dW 0 W�4, miamo ry� ito 04jefly 4Qmpog.W4o; ract" tbe� Ila Its owevOr, iod maw CAY44o W04 And whip, 0 atthe ser9ploinip, ins I ves and -mitting 166,1 attoati6m The homis will never be of at "Ato bit 'in4i of ' 'i . ot4 ritikiu Prod liev, hoalth, 4md, 100 300 And yet this ACOT AL WAO 0 1A xapfr*�b,nn intor4b. to, P#04: wih�0 wok Nrthot tgo 0;,' 7 W, Y) says, 04vo try Liti itt., meri Ncropt c0ollarg wlik "h -blo. 41,10 part Y the l-dikplk the potenc�, :Oli,� .00pet 16*, tl* 4 b od L Ot-likv- but -thOw, stritif* Up A W110 has jilat died. 0 OP1111014-J40teds I 4old totoil A 06 u naare taxta tbo u 1s OP- Q1, *4re: JUXone 'to porhops, u posits vlewg� jy� PY, the Prosperity oz. the' -Atm -wax prac* -The sTbA _QlAyoreiit, d _404 th _O d Vamt,46' 4,;Yon. #t th ab about by, 06 ship- litI&K., long tain or cord isaiv rv*ting, their atl�utioq to the �,m 110 Cokuft' 04, is the I � t ,w ouromoss od on rous to be,roo an ai40101titists In the world are a vairic era w4* li� Once ut, qw do, life in 0, Mr. athe Doug and laborioua,', foUndetl.lived in to the iii� amd tho anlmal ventiOn Of m, mimblue that will be '00, rpmltx 0: 6110 voq, Ithe little VUlaig To V44 4Wd of Burton. On d 0 ioxercised in, A, Circle �n,whiqha hur. Able to do eilgtj �uiles"&p hour- tim a 91nal .�kboi , it'd some 'a otort. 10 has b4ort '44 00, pis 10 OR 1% c4 A. brewery In the T11 ago, and e apito and eardect. and �wctve, as, oP14'00d Or 0 `31`4110w At this high speed,, the las, xr, R V09 trAr" 6 took 111840 so much money ou� Of it that uwd onl to keep im in ra,otioll, WCd Ae+ ditch dug, A Ion '"heU whip, could be redu OWN* incluotriou.sly. as Any pf mir In \alr4e, and 43 maidens, serve out bre tt. to the 04t4bi * '* , , with, 0610; sud'PlAced! them oti, the table the carrier- thought he III ht -As $oJJ ��'; . auf , 111 A id, .11 .. 1. 4-4 1, 919 .10, vsuch maphines Are n6,w possible. poor on "leaf days" at the costra 0AJnIa4 aid. hefore, is or lightIF- applied, at the proper me- and 44 tber-ar men in\existenqe g4te; shaped and helped to make 10041, anor! th irt :him-but'the beF still 81411- try to,do the game t iA Ohild, illf, continuod,to strokohi 'ill kQeP him up, to his work, who can make th Lao _�Vj W4j, a Patrl&r- iuglY,'he became a brii er, but f Me, willntor into tile ot tile sin, 01tQ, to d trugiv liar humbood's and children cloth- to- OUP"4$ aft at' in b o h( '_ - tift 4 �, i, t 't abal board, or 00 t�. re +-A. . . a th many yeat,si hu tit, ed. a found it. oll Taig kable, aigna-will manifest We In fs,ot. y*u o*md by' till' -twelve months-, have theirt, tailprEt And+ dresuaAkers. were few Opinion that W Iauder," he sai(tto the -occaolqui No next inro and-lor-own (for in those tla�rs 0 4qP' -the dragoblan, i!'that it -those pistols to foreign p;trt Xt0;,Lv da, W If 01' t6 Ohd big b6bi'tit' see t 44 Y'AA, are for the pliypooe of bjoNviug out e 'Af WA Apt) enthusiastic onjoymept of the exer.. correct lai'der and the dair; earned the ft',� Although In predicting thatthi 41 �f On& and far between); suplerviqed,the, 4042i000'i itpvs. n by wagon to Oise.. Uut*tOf ' jf;Jsr.CjJ1' my lion's brains they -are 44401V A " fl-throA� "t India by; water ths, Wi that thefO� Was: extreme, lualifficient andg2rfytly Quite London, The third method driving, ii ex- we shall have a machine larger, pooddrous keys at the establish. lb� is Raid 00. 44t Jsttl� kf texaper w th&D that of the Wrighte. waw4rdnese and: violence At whigitclei �And on her, sidea, h the stronghold of her lord, while hai b k 11146 fencer cour. R g Imp I -e iiageg , 8 0, LIVARPOOL ASKED Fo -=IiE a tl what its rize, I I 9 tto Iftent, And in short, flayed to Pelf. 4''t, oexi aeTHE NEW AUROPLANE. Notion the careful - iouee wife in the obstruction sli*Z . he t�gilj one day, however, 4 vessel which rat Any open space will answe , r in fact, will travel faster than th bei 40 Ator­; Ope- ppon after. vith- 11 itor rather' 4 haughty the bg ,light fti I P ronical advice bad been carA,W * hogshpadsof the f Mon$ ea. e disinolinatf�n, to un- uArg re- ale wds wrecked in rpoae, an earth or sod surface of the Wright machine, it will have tile country with t I he rode about Dupetit-Th tli, P� him. y 0 V147) 'vlh t f' Tell his Highness th aforwarids Bold in Liverpool, T leather, in a chronic state -of N VD01 01-0e 'it J c1artal ax -e- at his saddle box, and a no, the Iris: ef tanbark being preferable' Long 'a porflectly made motor of from so plied� Sea. .0 that All 1A orstall. Or s athi,-e with Much of the ale was ealved, and was reins, a long, asb�ii skewer at his atirn 41 ..A. air. proportion -of t okc to at!ny tistols straight bar or snaffle bit, tO 100 horse-powor, it will be abia -UU.04 Ida erri- up to Liverpool buyers liked it, and asked e ed to romain up for three hours at Me or urqaq_m_,4e An,. uu __he a. long whip and patience &lid por­ to carry half a tgn,:i union, too, with re not there to kill his Ion b sov rance are requir t will be 4b"J fihaess and ready to do battle' to an by- the, -er%. an actressi while Charles Dick- W, his own brains out at the first for more, and from this siDill be- All things considered, the driv- cause, or no cause at all, with d eas And 'his wife agreed to live m 0 v a mt)eln %�B�,ng grew up a bij trade in the g method is the quiokest and sur. flftY miles an hour, white, t of this objectionable and will travel at the rate of 0!, in -t 11160ever it might or might no6 049""Wo concern. Some years ago "when si ver'%Ad� 4par6 -so c me oars, aft�e r their uar- but A England, which finally ex. oeb waioffiteaching the bore A 'A d- men, NOT 80 TO -DAY, prq re c9un- leap. he he has become some- two-thirds as much as a motor -car. interpreted. its died away' try and ultimately all over the what proficient, having thoroughly muph higher Nit Th�httlO pale the- man, tended throughout tile - tir o to Ill Power, it will cost no. ore than m on MET AT A BALL. on the bey's lips and he no longer world. "What will be the effect of this into le heafted St tog o In i8ii Wa stroked his b In thin dolighou'l modern era of leaxned v;hat is required of him, discovery I" t �philoiofih6rl 001phivk AliAt. They Assayed the 11pt a young -lady At a -ball, and, ,asfLAyerAat'h Phila; card As showing how a vast in�ustry the saddle may be called into requi- Fine Ladyism, a fashionable we- t a Ite Savaito Landor rihe said "is'too well like the a Burton brewery af- Well, in the first place, the ef-- man does not perform half the fsm,u sit�ion and the practical lessons he- feet on the nations will be that %%or amount of useful labor in a year trained even to acrsi�h one of my foots other interests, it might be gun. to be worth in- with his Wilal impetuosity, doter - I guests but since he is not wanted mentioned the' will be made so terrible so deadly. ..60.1twerristhat ��ed, there and then to marry t the land requir6d that a high-born dama of mediaeval hastly in its reou a- that we Y. '?6' mine fr6m Whch the;,644t�r- er, 'What it -more - lie did so It for the supply Of sufficient barley to leap, Of oourso his pro- alla es accomplished every month of meei be shall be sent aws, Almost any young horse can be so It oit metal prcidtkiied e'., go a out'� ej$h� theik i0, not surprising thai the pair Lived 4t 91 the bey the lion for Bass and Co. would exceed 80,- have no more war, for with her life. be word from ere got I d' b' rid there werle lik fiiOign.y will depend <)it the care be- flying Thus -the forgers- 'lost money by constant bickerings and temporary a on his great and powerful Instead of skeins of flax she aping bi" even n. obedient dog. would be required to grow the pretty yarns; her c machines, no matter how silvvr that was --very strong in- gOld. 411 Unhappy life, a slowly and heavily left the room, 000 acres, while 5,000 acres more stouned on his training and your nation ed ma rking eneral charactqristies of w rding is done separations. ---- Ind, may be' It will always be Open to with bit's of painted pasteboard;' he actually �te'I�q ts limb and.nerve. An ordinary cob attack. hops. As a matter of fact, 8116110y's Affairs of the heart are tons of raw material are used by and if she weaves at all, it is meshes darkness co, becoming; a almost too well k Base and CO. very year, and one er Morgan will attain the profiel- Thus, under cove� of forhigible Young men-dn her own nown to need Aftotwaids be ROYAL WAR COLLECT.10-N. I. Ho married the MURDERESS TO LEGTURE oi the features of the storage build ency of an Irish bunter, but any and clouds, an enemy will be able "count or, ., �, � 11 s- horse that is used for n. saAdlor to destroy a cit if single, foi, the benefit of w, ked':f: 4i''Jour A itt, for the sistfx of a Bchool�fello V w without be- ings are huge cold chamberit which Y. no matter hO her daughters if a matrob. ry and She has no objection to the poor timt11115torio, Treasure Looked really in love. Ito separated will hold 20,000 pockets of hops. owner of lie can be taken occasion- at OfullY it may be protected, for will- be of fai- greater value to his car Inrogm. his wife and' COUX 88 tack I rom the air will never WAM -MLLED ;phi #t6p _�4n-X-Ulborough_ Wrom 6id- 4 -6660 fid time, after his first HUS- A PRIVATE RAILWAY. ally for a cross-country ride and able to be resisted, be being fed from her "kitithen, per- oBL The plate -room at Marlho BAND OFX-EIIX D, 011ANC10 put over ditches and low obstruc- hops-; but oz to serving out bread THE 4 �k True, tile fact, that L ACK D116P.", --rough wife had committed ' suicide by To facilitate operations in the gi- while the to them with her own deli tions. enemy is o klousp contains one of - thc� most rowning in Hyde Park., gantic premises at Burton the com- d stroying your cities at hands, after tile manner of tbola,tieri, e was� Abow valne�ble collections of tr�asures, Arid talking of The affairs �of the pany haa�a ne6vork of seventeen broad dividers of the olden time", by ing Edw, he � thO same time, maybis, you are do- " got, 'together rd, - in Wrt Of Shelley, it might be men- Trial of Woman, Brother and, Other 11121- of full -gauge railway lines.. Btroyin she couldn't think of it. flueni his, is an unargueable one, rground but it les not make any country's 411 England'. Xis an unde tioned that'perhaps the only pure ensa- The works traffic employs 120 rail,- DANCING AND IFIGH NG. room, lighted with electricity�.� The and sincere affection Accomplices was a S TI It her husband should wait for Wialls are lined with bookcases fill- vyli�p of Byron was in addition, there is a special �8&_ more secure. rX graced the stem that ever tional que. way trucks and eleven locomotives; Flosition in any way Pleasanter or even the lightest of his garments tortured. 1, d with rare volumes of incalculable -his boy lovo. for the beautiful Mary A well lori carriage, which is empl6yod to Ja Montenegro They Have Their What about projectiles?" We until she found leisuro to make known Italian impressan them, the chances are that he would him �Aad*, by bacorailig his own dod;. value. In tho centre are lar0 iron Chaworth, who, curiously enough, has mad gers around the pre- to they go shirtless to his dying day. own Way of Doing Each. ec�nvey passen top,: he hod.� r000llts�& to, th a tempting offr to the all intents and purposes, is safes packed with magnificent gold was the daughter of a man who had Countess Bortmartini to deliver a mises. The national dance of Montene- do 'lot etr very largely into) the I W-4 Ba 's the kolo, somewhat similar matter as, although priii dyne( of'cipium; Lit We the ]%ere, are two 'been killed -in 9.,. duel by Byron's series of lectures in Italy pd SEWING TABOOED. 6,14ek ss is not Octiles may Bi n to the here of BulgaT ndred thoutiand, iiint 61ver pilgrim bottles pres� t- grand-imclo. abroad. She has not decided i�i bottled, but an increasing quantity is. �-A on 9th enslaved him.- It ;;d:by l, She eldom sewn. Sewing spoils Ptld Bass is being supplied exander LLI. of Russia to whether oi not she i I accept -the Of be sexes take part, crossing hand astitAtion, and dulled King Edward, and a pricoloos solid POE'S CHILD -WIFE. I a and they are. far more likely to do dam- the tips of her fingers. offer. The Countess has just been for household use. Every year forming an unjoined circle. The age to themselves than to the on- In point of fact, Ch aristocratic 't-,eafeeble4 his gold embossed shi�ald -which he,.r,,, released after serving a term in only and thus, in ton years' time, I dames and domoiselles of old were 6n the other hand, of course, tlip Bass and Co. send out over Mo, - music they supply themselves, -each tit air -to 416ftroy his lives of famous authors of the Past prison for the murder of her hue- A� sense -61 iruth' ceived from a number of Indian 000,000 labels to its ll'ottling custo_ pnd of the horn alternately singing have the greatest confidenc4i in pie - And honor, Fe'w more drudges and dowdics as com- contain some beautiful stories --J hand. things go, iiihiWd at- his Ppnoes. Another most intpresting mots throughu't the world. a verse in honor of the Prince and dieting that the three qrcab Euro- 'pared with tile female patricians of Aown Ilection of the King's consists of domestic felicity. Perhaps the most The murder was oommitt his warlike deeds. can Powers will be able to say moo#� ooi- the deteriorlation of cc notable is'. that of Robert Brow ed in A SELF-CONTAINED FIRM, The kolo is always danced at any eyond all manner of doubt this our day and generation. qn his "'Pejeotibri, a war in which British soldiers have -ing, who, sixtY-two years ago, mar t is unt whe - great III his a a rplIos gathered togetherfroin qvefy Bologna in 1904. In th Nay, even our housemaide and Od ts� dock with h 00 es�j n'the trial began In addition to brewing bleer, prac- Ltinal festival, and the ej. "There shall be it<) more war." cook" have more loisure and take ried ElizOetb Barrett, perhaps tile at Turin Itically everyrarticle used by the feet 6f the sonorous yoic" and taken part itince the Accession of were Tulio Murri, the �VILL.CAIlRY MAIbS. tiling more easily than did the, hadwoll, 4, dramatic Quien Wato6a. the mera_ gr,Atest Poetess the world has ever Oountesi' firm is made on the promises swaying ring is very fine. Then writer 4om6- no . to in the seven- T One of brother, Who afterward from duchesses and couute8ses of lentoeii 'of tbe.South African. war Been. The f rail rivets tp the coppers, which cost therii is anoth6r dance perfoxcled The Flying Maelline, it must tile teentif penturi died thrgugli an health Of rconfessed to the actu�l muirder; Dr. be Iron Age. $1,250 h' and f om tin -cans to by four or five, usually youth8, to understood, however, will never be and one which the late Queen great" Browning necessit" residonpe Carlo Socchi, the Countess' lover, Modern chivalry accords to ladies q0- ow4l- ly r Be the so ter Sifi��jo� taodor waB "id'to -be cushion worked Ire 1.11 companiniont of a fiddle, the, able t carry pansengers and freight appreciate, is a abfoaJ+, -and they ' ttled at F 1,.y with whom she formed the, plan for the woe shovels, of which there all the privileges t once, whoke for fifteen years they the killing of tile Count; Dr. pie a, thousand, in st6ck. One of the of intricate In largo quantities, for It is ceson- tire, and such liberties as the "ty. addicted to the 'use. by a� hospital nurse- �vith scraps of laxleir setting a lot bey ought to. d of cocaine. Lord lived in perfect and happy un*t-1. Naldi, who was a tool most interesting departments . military instrument, rant sex" does not voluntarily con- BYrofi,'s eictebmii restles�nesg led tho'khaki clothes of Ladysmith's of Mur S, is ti,c �quik steps which the rest im, tially a itate Wounded heroes. Bibwaing himself tended her frail him At tirries to'�eek relief for shat- It is a wonder- health with un and - maid named Bowlttti, who steam cooperage department, In at Once. It is really a so,rt of jig though, to be sure, it will very code they gerserally manage to ful bit of work, 'beautifully put to- " tiring and loiing fetched and carried for the cc, - this wonderful building solid ak and makes the apectator'ii head shortly be largely used for aport e, terod nerves in do�es of morphle, dare. nspir- k and $herldan, indulk in'the am getlier, with worked portraits of ators. and hoop -iron are fed in and come Wytim if lie watches it for lung- ai)d discovery while, when the ca- Never at any former period in the eil There does -not seem to be much ''I never ea . ther is bad, before long, yo w habit.,, c Lord Roberts, Gkeneral- Bad out as finished cask.g. A largo num- w any dance, in u will history of mail was he so entirely en- doubt, either, that the death of 16 A SENSATIONAL TRJ.I%.L. her of casks are required in the nrthern Albania,'' says a wroiter see that Cross Channel mails w"A under the thumb (if wo Powell, Sir Redvdrs Buller, General wife led Poo to indulge in excessts The trial was sensaticUal. Nearly- business; in fact, a stock of 414,- in The Wide KILLED 13Y COFFEE DUINKING French and others. The colon' Ito carried by aeroplano; an instru- is flow World, "though cer- a-it"Apresente"y mounted men hich -he otherwise might not have 400 witnesses were called�,#J�nciiuding 000 casks ip kept, wit tain Slav artists love to depict won went which, by the, by, win be And iile thousand 7f now the ladies ar(­ not satis- be th their various uniforino. This Col- ine ., aRhough" Mrs. Poo ended her, &,oandinal, a bishop, two'generals, arc made to carry on tile. export derful sword dances, witil b,aute- raordi nary valtio as a recuer or fied, but -like Oliver Twist, clamor it 0 in misery and chagrin. several Senators, the grand waster for more I Rivers 4d 04untess Haocje�ficjd, lactiob of war relies will in time be trade. �,us maidons swaying gracefully af. the shipwrecked mariner. tosticl 1, after or In r ruined hi, mself by Miss of grbat hist ic value. It is very C Poe arried'his cousin, Virginia of the Italian Masons, fotLr famous BASS THE BOUNTIFUL. te the style of nautch girls. A We must now prepare ourselves producitigr'*Oiko *hi6h,have. plae, lemm, in 1835, when he was twen- experts on the nervous diseases of casual observer who has Been the tot rev,ignize, ljjat what electricity d highly prized by bis kajesti, ty-six and she but fourteen years women, and sixky medical experts. a him Amongst minor t1aglisn The Bass'n have always been Albanians come into Montenegrin was h, the last century aerial navi- She- was a girl of matchless The grand maste of t -.o Ma,sons niarketm or to their great weekly gatimi will bit to this. while. Drytion'-s eccentricity t,..,)k the r family of philanthropis�ts, and, an WHAT IS THE CAUSEI And on that form of llhvinFlimself -bled at fte- THE WRONG SEASON. L, I. "'te and loveliness, and, accord- was called to testify that when JkW- an illustration of the generosity and gathering in the bazaar of Scutari account I repeat ill; t;ono biographer,'PosseeBed a rii who was a Mason was,in den- kind -hearted nesm of the late Lord could never icture these strn men agaIll that, in Con years' time, there DO Earth Tides Throw Over Poo. quent And" dating raw 'Twa only a pin -rust and'hent, temper and, disposition of surpass- ger of arrest some of iiier murderer's oes tory Chhnneyg. Burton towards his employ it dancing or at play. Aell be no) war. meat. "The lAttero hoi'said,' strong- Placed on a chair by. Willie Dent. ing sweetness. Poe was passibnate- relatives approached the graind might be mentioned that every ;�ar "They�ncver stziiie and the look It if; not long to look forward to tboneh,his imagination. o m hini to screen they- are I ven a free trip to y and when war in Beyond waking the entire neigh- do -voted to 'her, but he coull the ,,- tile life they lead, each clan ever ended once arid Both Dttmag and' BAlzac showeI On�the'tcacher'o face there was a rid himself of the drink, defiton, Murri. He indignantly e for all borhood, and blocking the railway nb inon It' persun receiving, in ad. ready fur war with its neighbor and perhapR those who now read ons PAhs the wine-b.)t- frown and ultimately his child -wife died Among the letters written to ditioh to full wages, aum of money absolutely pitilesR in the vendetta these ines will her recall my confid6nt &01111) to When fighting the Turks, tile Mon. Pr(ThecY. dranku06 q�4ntitfes of ociffal London Tit -Bits. containing phrases like these all the exhibitions and places of tenegrins evince a heroism and ut- which fell go unaccountably near I I 1'r � - 3 bluff at'sitting down. tweWe")rears after the marriage.- rother by the Countess were and a ticket for free adinission tie. OnJ 6 ;i hand line for several hours, the huge VUSItc, As he rda4e a b hin-Iny, throe hundred feet high, when OnF ill wi tog, As 9, Willie whispered: "I know one "Who will deliver me firom this.. amusement in tho town visited, Glasgow, recently, did no particu- matter thing- ------ 4r- ter fearlosmneas that is remarkable, BE OUARANTEFD GENUINE. lat damage. I imbecile? I still stand in need, and The strongest men carry borillim, or liaal oar �rather hand grenades- things the Nothing will add more to your Such, however, has not alwat that bov6ijSc -a plrbtr Ct d There's sure to be an early spring." A PARMER'S UTOPIA. now more than ever, of love; of be- -44- ing loved." Turkish soldier particularly abom- power than the, consciousnoss of be- been the case with other similar cc. iiitten o NI-11tritious Grass- After a trial that laRted months Soil his death, drank criC But the teacher .8aw-&nd a Bur. Cattle I 11 o`to:�th&W ;Jho frost *tit of h q inaten. 1119 al-dutolY sincero-genotin. if curroncea in the past. fee I. prise 1hose tall es Whole Year Bound. D verdict of guilty was brought in, LIKE SHOOTING. "I was told once how a certain yvur life is a perriettlill lip, if you /istructures hlive a knack of cc] wits," but 14 f4hcig4 Imibing th6: Was du6 for -a kid of Willie's size. rid tho following sentences were Rental. man whom I knew well saved his know you are not what you pre- lapsing without a moment's warn. III i fecti imposed: Tulin Murri and Dr. Nal- kable Shots For a Humane band fr6m destruction. They were Und to be, you coLanut be strong. ing. and frequently with the- most a infxtaio** 4w New Zealand is rich in agricul_ in This`� he For the teacher got into the game ture, and its temperate climate on- W Alag And Willie -for A;,Woo abIes stock to forbge on green di, thirty years each ; tile Countess Object. fairly oornered, and tit(- Turlog clog- There is a rentreint, it. perpotlial frightful results to life and limb fight against the truth, going (in k walked lame. and Dr. Aecchi, ten years, and The champion marksman of thf� Ing in, when the 64M)h thrower For example, tit Clockheaton w OUq or PA.per Bore are raised of overed at last. 1, gish Ina( f6`,V0fre-*beditdu f 11. voghtation the yeni round. Enorm- B,netti, seven years. ithin y4m, a mtr it ggle, which sapq Yorkshire, in 1892, a mill ohimn.y: it] war 6ni,1natead f spring, for Willie Dent 0 world ban been dise tood up amid tbe hall 44 bulletA, 3�4mr energy and warps yo,ur con. t hat was oemed to be as solid and whit; oats, barley, turnips, and He is Arthus Douglas, a hitherto a flaik,,�6f It proved the winter of discontent. fit the fuse with his eigarette, and mangles. About -3,500,000 careaseg nown merican, who has I rushed toward the duct, If there in a mote in your Ra,fo tis any in England, suddenly to teap- seeing hin intention, promptly mae the, world toppled over and killed fifteen pe - In C�(` YOU Cannot look of frozen mutton and lamb are ship- "NATUSHKA VOLGA." p4 inenco thron gh an x- A) ion of shooting t i4quaroly tit the raee. Yonr vision ple. A similar mishap near Lyons, XJT`E­SWIM8 UNDER WATER. pe.d 'Annually, and the vaiiie , ex- hat had for ceeds $15,000,000. There are over Melody of Sorrow and Unrest its object a humane net. "It %Nas, of rour4e, luck)- that the I'ranep, lately, equally inexplicable, sees, too, A strange kite has been devised 20,000,000 ahelop grazing in Now Heard In Prison anj Douglas half always been okilful Mllar"medan widior. wilt) cl,ws not tliat there loudinens, a haze, renulted in a score of deaths. In E,y a Swedish engineer, which is Zealand, which Palace. iiettre'lln Rival with the rifle. He hunted miose much mind being Bent t,) 'Para4liso about.your character. and it raiteR tl Pennsylvania anthracite rogiun, fattens almost en. There is an air so popular in Ras- In its faAtnenses, and followed the with a bullet, thinks hot chance of wherever ncl)'t long since, a colliery chimney. made to swim tinder water. It is an interrogation point tiroly on the nutritious gras sin, that it is even more familia �eer and wary eternal bliss very doubtfid if 114- IR Yen go 1)on't prewnd to be that that had been examined and pro I've atruoted 'of canvas Adjusted. to a self. Spanrtt but strong metal frame, Whom other food is neoessa, bear through two arid rY to than 'their national anthem to the 'Southern Canada: but he in Clnod- Wown up with dynamite. The nerve which you are not, (,r not to be that flounced perfectly Atable 0 ly boon chalfYishod 1,119 shape is not dissimilr to tfi' 4 hasten their market, condition, tur- NWM13'htred al- sot a people of that great mysterious 6st, retirilng man, and few knew of requireol t,o be a bomlo thrower,114 which you are. Doccit is weaken- V for I&] kite, except that it is made nips or mangles are given §,hort while pre I%-, fell across These grow enormously, both as to P thorn - era ire. I have heard it in all parts his skill mnlil a few mornings ago,. worthy (if a little 1, i`g, sham is Powerl-a; only the the mouth of a shaft, with the rp- WAYA 61ihtod.':b'�ftech thofiti 404 a 10 twO1900-tions the lower and smal- of the Czar's dominions, from the ' A white dove that had freed it� must absodutely expose himself, arid gen"ille art, strong and worth while. stilt that thirty-throo rniners work- gehc�rikl �6"Okt 'let one depQing. from the app,ot, site and quantity. turnips often- Baltic SO& to Bering Strait and self from a,,Rnaro became entangled as tile fusio, is'very short the gni ing below w,ro inip-isoned and suf ViO Whidh, it is dohneeted -by a oxt 0 00 tons to times growing from 40 ftom Archangel to theCaspian; in n a telephono wire through a piece lion must be coolly considered. HOLLAND'N FREE FAILMER8. &-ated. the and manglo 00 `tO 10() the glittering Palaces of Peters b �rg f string that was flanging bo one In Holland there are few able Ftpn more dreadful results fol tof coupling, The object,of the on- I tong. . Tile Kau if premature it means the dp. tribeit tht �Ord t iWally, 04 i olneer is 'to provide ships with in ri gum industry is and in foul Prison dons of Siberis., of its 1pi;R. The bird vainly flut- oi himself and comrades, bodied pati-pers. There it. a tract 1, wed the mystorto,u collapso of the 004itle 16, 0". thlell,w ith oiover-bobAr Automatic guard, ' or AIIAMPOt'Ant one. The gum is says the Travel. ttrod for frinedoni f and when it is fairly alight the homb New Lands Mills chimney at Brad knivds..� T mopftliiki 6(th �Watch, that -will lglvi�� instant alarm found' in tile North- Island in the here werp no of land 6ontining 5,000 o.rbilpe4. It is A SimPlob clody in the minor ladders to he found, and nince there miigt be thrown with mathematical d during ('hristmas tive 01,1I It the IF609,�f enters cal watets, V`Whit of Auckland, beneath the M acres, which ig divided into Rix madel anfifth and is ttiffhee, from a few Ine4it to wv- suggestive, tribst, Slav seemed to be no other way to reach fxao`�ltudo, In ther wordfl, it". farins, and t week, 1882. Re expense had been Music, of sorrok"and -unrest, and it the men I muRt leave his iof thone ig sent spared in its construction. The ln'I as,, . Aftet , Or A t ellth W hot, Kubdiont tot safety, dkAT toot. It is used in k` win bad gathered in M411 c()vpr and the poor pornon applying for pill) - with, kh'V , d ; a , , , lsh,�;-Chc finest in the Mr�l lag vArm- it is called "Matushka," or the ntreet made preparati.nn if) charge an overwhelming force alone lie relief If lie voluntarily serves materials used were admittedly tho jehlog 614 d--:gnd its ther Volga, 11 43 for some loryptic ran- shoot the bird and free it thun of and not throw till he. in clos* tip the lattlq�, M. o4d- 0#1104 value exceeds $600(),000 tmill he leartin agricultu best that money could bay. Yet ors. A_ht �� ' ! son every RugWan, b6, lie moble 0 itp m, to it. re, he is ai- . A A 0LEVPIt 000X. .,annually. Three-fifths of r inery. lowed to rent a small farm for him- 't camp down like a child'n honse the. Pr*- Nihilist- is taught from ohildhood When the gun was proldneed, how- self, and b4� what is called a free (if cards; failing, a thousand tons taitldd *1th, grem 11diNity .,iild eo�ur, 04 America, too regard this gftat river in tile e,,fir, no otte volunteered to shoot. farmer. Every Pauper who iq thus of dead Wright, right &thwart the light, of a m4terhal, eatv Yiob Then Douglas come down the %-it- reclaimed to honest regular induR- ciowded factory buildings. 490 tit' 1100i �ilded- ZVeh the Wd, ;Atoke. h , ., *khtoa with I ,:Hord 06 8046 h6w Aptivehif.'. TO, $TOP 'A RVXAWAY HOJtgE. the rivet is Nil Of %WL&XgOCiXticnS, IlLge Atireet. tip took careful aim, F'N(IFIt PRINT S.1"'AT Iry in PA) much gain to till% More than 230 wqunded were ex knivegs, &%ttLlit, #Mh have flat,got in," said poli - State. itht$ L 01j,rk 3�11 'for co"Ota f0thI609 04vetled & lAnd, wlthomt, removing the identifivation has There in also a forced labor colony, eften will t4l yott.-tha beat P Finger -print tricated from,tbe! ruins, together a imy f6r hdr XhWod-,ai ilto pin runaway bottles. portion of the journoy to Siberia. from hin' mouth, fired. Tile ETC, been extended to ere I tices whero IlAggarq and vagrants are with 54 dead luldies It was the pitt 431"the, battle 'tioh. Along Its bro:�j, Oil$ You -will zot�l A _ 914.4 14 vvt,rRt catastrophe Bradford had cc hat*lt polideman , stream. Phook its wingn, free onee more, for by the Postal Savings Xnk (if the mnt and made to do farm and other gild So ktobbo#�40A ft,thft� ther,o 110h -ainli"thbse, fovbly I, I 06fi h6v6,V' 0$bb, tho haunting D0119149 hit the white Btrin which Philippines; at Manila. This Bank eveknown, and no pains were livas t libllhOW'of tht bitQs �*4t� "I Must "be -ox' *0411i APPtoa,ohes W galloping kili. SWOObheikl Of "Mattl4kh, 'Volga" as, bold the doove'n leg to the tev'. work wheoer they like it or not. Rpp6red to elucidate the cause of WJff*Vri9'4aoh Oth "" 4OW" of� 10*1 b0ift the OPPOsito direction, phone ling recently issued a series of , 4,r,ftb r 1 iNJ* ()W*'�I forj� fght Ahgl�C-9,' JVbeft be, lit"i X 1. *1Wn bargo, wire. stamp dep(wit cardn, oil which are COUN,ri ni:s it But In vain on6 u�jV,#fiifig t - EPRESENTED. fuh&**y horao cotning b Then J� Now. however, in tiew of Canada, Dell, ric, France, Ger- cf.nt dincovery of earth tides, en. Changed tile joy of the- onlookers values to be aflixed When the de many, Englan v , a Atatts, nomething bappetiml that spaces for ntampa of different 411 re $aJM6 toL to sqrrow, for the dove, hovering porsitor has; Fitamp% ru tire beginning to sep a light� don hOO6, lodkitig hOk "R&JIek Volgoi, t lifik (on the je, became entangled a to the value of and tit(, UniV�.Stateq were in'C1008 linve,stigations, varrted out with *8 tho tuftfti�y� OVO!T- wit1l.�h0na'aAd one PeAo on Clio card it ig exchanq- repre nte ng Ili twelve 01- griontific intarumentR of ail extreme �him, IQ, AltbougljL h(y hAbout lot-AbOut to, Aw, eiol 4al I 'tl* -loved ones they 4econd ti ed at tile bank for a depotat-book atrugglin t the -Old 4ft.%I1mbjolf* mge d difettiolds, oly j#arsiv Vditions to lot' It" " - Witilout a word to ai).yone. Doug- -showing the amount to big credit. word AA 0 W �! 4clieney, have Rhown that td. - ro not, b6 favOliq as Uhtas fhe how He, aquinted Opposite the lines for the ow earth's crugt, so far from being im- Iner F; or* n#d,afb Ifts 91(ftly raised the ri 17,ight f1m1t y t6s Trallift. ationg the barypi, and fire(). addrenci I% a square (If t '--Pear Ok mobile, as had always 1)"n eup. *W Viol 11111114PP Oro/0 owwq the w9nder of all who ruled off for the reception of his (, 0 lioed, rises and falls over eight signature and florbil, to Ott 11 % 1140 ce da,ly M hirn'r p t the r t thumb -print; go that, even if illi 00 W 0 Moan r b . A u**w 604trofo ftltal�st V49*0"fit free,llit Once more lie suceireded in torate. dppositorp may readily be 141 40rial Pliffift9--tbAt *eJJ belovoit, 'Ahot, f f be resp6n. movement, S the 4ove. 1, sible for the eol, Apse Of thoSO 0145tl* identified. 13 il, .11 der, hollwii all* to I r