Exeter Advocate, 1899-11-30, Page 4THE
es:eti Lbuo.Catt,
Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop
.:1701',E ARD COMMENT.
Alr. J. T. Gordon has been 'nominated
by the Conservatives to oppose Prem-
ier Greenway in Mouutaiu, Manitoba.
Mr. Robert Heury was selected tax
contest, the Smith1liding of Brant in
"the Conseraative interest for the Legis-
lative Assembly,
Famine seems to have again broken
out in parts of India as severe, though.
a pparentlynot as widespread, as that
OS two years ago.
,tk Ise* ory for condensing milk
be eara:tLlisbed in Ingersoll, at n:cost of
400,00e. The favtory will have a ca-'
parity^ for handling 30,000 pounde of
num per day, and the promoters ex-
x-pect to employ from Sta to 74 hand-.
A petition has been forwarded to the
Governor-General, praying for clem-
ency in the case of Robert Mackie, ern.
dergoing sentence for ten years for
voteplicity in the robbery of tlheDtstniu-
ion Ratak at N;apanee. There are over
ten thoea•and signate:te>, including
members of Parliament, elet'fiy men,
dot•tn s, lawyers, Smoker-- of Ontario,
and the Maty oras of Toronto, T%ui;.•ton,
Napanee, Belleviilt', C'obuutg, and utll•.
fir towns in Central Ontario. The pe.
tition is fortified by 11ew Nvitirtare jest
to light, and favor:tl=Ie to the 1►rieweer.
Soder 'oxnw-e: torr it A New Hampshire hotel recently is
sued the folloaciug rules, which are
worth teplilatiug. though at ie eorufor.
table to know New Haaansllire is a long
way from here, and that our final bon
ifeees govern their hotels ou different
The motto .of tide hotel • e a• Ito un
to others as they will du y ou,"
There are 'three dip artnaent .--up.
~agar:, dtlwnstaaite and, otrtdoor«. Out-
doors is the cheepee .
If the bell in your nooks is broken.
wring the towel.
No alarm clock tarnished by th ntaan
zagenlent. Before retiring Mind alp
your 1aec1 and hear the tick..
To prevent gueet' from carryitrg
fruit from the table we will have no
Guests having nightmare will find
the harnees in the closet.
Thirteen at the dinner table is a land
sign. It is a sign that we will have no
Each room supplied with a hand-
some chronic) card with the following
irlscripti m; "kfoneety le the beet po-
If the Motel is not On the right ride
of the at Tett let it be known at tbc•
office, rat. c1 it will be promptlyrensuved
to the other side.
No spoons allowed on the table occu-
pied by newly married couples. This is
to prevent spooning in public.
Guests are not allowed to pay their
bills unless they prefer to do so. We•
have seen a tree '-leave its true: for
Money ire the Throat.
Chatham, Nov. 27.—While, engaged
about the market square Ed. Lebon
accidentally had lodged in his throat a.
silver quarter of a dollar and a ten
cent piece. The lad was in danger of
strangulation,and with great diM :llty
the silver was removed.
Legs and Arms Cut oft.
Belleville, Nov. '27.—John A. Linton.
of East Toronto, a G.T.E. brakeman,
fell under the wheels yesterday morn-
ing at Trenton, and had both his Legs
and arrns eut off. He was brought to
hospital here and died three hours bit-
er. Deceased, who was34 yeras of age.
leaves a widow and two rhildten.
C. P. B. Fireman Killed.
Fort "William, Nov. 25.—A freight
train bound 'west collided yesterday
afternoon with the east local at Fon-
mart. Fireman Ellison, of Rat Port-
age, on board the freight, jumped.
The engine tender was derelied and
fell on him, killing him. instantly.
A Miraculous Escape,
Chatham, Nov. 28.—w . mean named
Huston, fireman ou the Lake Erie t&
Detroit River Railway, fell from his
engine this morning as it was passing
over the bridge crossing McGregor's
Creek, bat sustained only slight in-
juries. His escape was miraculous, as
he fell a distance of nearly 50 feet,
alighting on the creek bank.
Greatly Admired.
In a country post office, the a Cher
day, a farmer received with his mail
a large cardboard tube, about two feet
long. On examination he found it
contained the two beautiful premium
pictures, "B.9.TTLE OF ALMA" and
"PUSSY WILLOWS." They were
4reatly admired by all present and the
termer made the reply: I have been a
reader of the FAMILY HERALD and
WEEKLY STAR for ten years, it is
the best paper printed. and well worth
five dollars a year, but I get the paper
and these two pictures ALL FOR Old E
DOLLAR!" He induced four others
right there to subscribe, and they too
will get the pictures.
Eldon Heard, G,T.E. brakeman, was
killed at Severn Bridge Wednesday,
while unconpling slowly xnoving cars
his foot caught in a plank.
kit fell to
the track and a car passed over hila.
He lived nearly two hours.
El? infants and Children.,
'a9a fav-
zt e7
a ovary
i �rappal'.
A. BLOODY. FIGHT PR[8ID[�T S in IS �Ty vD . h. E3i11Lsm4 of C°:Di ylsia
UU�.. � OzI. kill build y oaa ep> '1-111 make you
fat and healthy. Especially beneficial
to those who are "all run down." Mau-
ufactured by the Davis: de. Lawrence
Co. Ltd.
London, Nov. 29, 1L55 -a. ie..-- Gen-
eral 3Iethnen has defeated the whole
Boer force at Modder river.
London, NOV. ?9,.. The war office
has received the following despatch
from General Boller:—Cape Town,
Tuesday, Nov 28.—General ;tiethn
reports: "Modder
River, Tuesday,. Nov.
2e,-•-••Recoutxoitez ed at 5. a, in. enemy's
position on River 3lodder, and found
thein strongly entrenched and conceal
ed. No means of out-Ilaitking, river
being fell. Action commenced with
artilery, iuolnted.infalttry; and cavat-
ry, at 5.30. Gnaxxlsrigbt, Ninth. brigade
on left. Attaeked position in widely
extended formation at 6.30, and sup -
potted by the artilery found itself in
trout of the whole Boer force, 13,000
strong with two large guns, four
IErupps, etc.
The Naval Brigade rendered great'.
assistance from the railway.
".After desperately hard fighting
avhichlasted ten hours our men, with-
out wetter or food and in the burning
sun tirade the enemy quit his position.
...General .Pole -Carew was success-
ful in gettiiag a small party across the
riverallantl . assisted b 300 stag xa.
"I peak iii terms of high praise of
the conduct of all who were engaged
in one of the hardest and most trying
tights in the anuels of the British
gritty, If I can mention one aria pars
tieltlarly it is two batteries of artillery.
• ---•,+.•
A Murderous Assault,
Petrolea, NOV.'2;i.---Waiter Weetit ,
ilt a drunken fit last night, struck his
mother-in-law. Mrs. Cairns, whokeeps
a boarding house, with a chair on the
heaacLeuttingit through to theskuli, Dr
Purrtleld was soon on the spot and put
seven stitches in the cut. Westby was
promptly arrested :and locked up,
Caught In The Shafiing.
Rat Portage. Ont., Nov. 25,—"Wm R.
Scott, of the firm of Scott sC .Hudson.
caret with a serious ious and what may prove
tel accident to -day. He was caught
itr the shafting at the company's face
fory and his right leg was so badly
ilro t n that it will have to be ampu-
tated. Mr. Scott is not a robust man,
ama it feared he will not withstand the
hock to his system.
Chased off the Train.
Chatham, Nov. 25.--- Anthony Fan-
bert, a drover -farmer, attempted to
make his way on a (i.T.R. express from
here last night, When about two tiles
out he was discovered, and one of the
train hands chased him off the train,
which was running at a speed of nearly
thirty miles an hour. Fanbert was
uearly killed. Besides a badly dislo-
cated shoulder, he is terribly bruised
and cut, It is thought that he will
A Murderous Youth.
St. Catharines, Nov. 37.—This morn-
ing Curtis Tallman, a young mau from
Camden, was before the police magis-
trate, charged with assault, occasion-
ing bodily harm upon. Roy Heist. The
boys were cominghone from school,
when Tallman held a knife against a
tree, and seizing Haait, pushed him
against the open blade, saying:—"I'll
kill you." The blade entered the little
boy's neck. The evidence was such
that the magistrate sent the case on
for trial at a higher court.
A Gunning Accident.
Chatham, Nov. 27.—Hillyard Bragg
and a party of young people went out
hunting on Saturday with an old -tinge
muzzle loader. The first charge proved
too heavy for the gun, and in the ex-
plosion which occurred young Bragg
was seriously injured. The barrel was
blown in many pieces and a large par-
ticle ploughed up the .forearm of the
lad and protruded at the elbow. The
surgeon who dressed the wounds, were
compelled to cut off the missile. If
blood poisoning does not set in the lad
will recover. ,
Gets $10,000.
Miss Mary Carroll, Who lives with
her widowed another at lot 18, con. 0,
Biddulph, has fallen heir to a, fortune
amounting to $10,000. Miss Carrell
came to this amount of money through
the death of her uncle, Patrick Carroll,
of Albany, N. Y. She was his favor-
ite niece, and came in for a good share
of his fortune, which, it' is said, am-
ounted to over $50,000. Miss Carroll is
the daughter of the late John Carroll,
and the farm where they reside has
been worked hy her brother. Miss
Carroll has left for Albany, N. Y., to,
claim the fortune.
Tao cs-s'os of CANADIANS can vouch
for the efficacy of thatp eerless cough
remedy, Pyny-Pectoral. - , P,, ny Pectoral. It cares a
coldvery quickly. 25c. of all druggists,
Manufactured by theproprietors of
Perry Dayis' Pain -Diller.
Mr. Ales. Anderson of Tyendinage
was killed in a runaway.
South Victoria Conser a xve
s have
nominated Dr. A. E. Vroomatin for the
Commons. .
Bernard Hislen a 1 -.ye a
4 z old boy of
Tottenham, was fatally shot while on
a hunting expedition.
About half of the girls striker's at
the Eagle knitting factory at Hamil-
ton have returned to work.
Mr. Abraham Montague of East Nis-
souri is the Conservative nominee in
North o t Oxford for theLegislative
Mr J. Turner Routledge,
of the late Sir Rugh Allancommitted
suicide at Montreal by shooting him=
self through the head.
A horse and'waggon were fished out
of'the bay at r H%m'1
tan, and the Police
think the driver was drowned. The
waggon was marked 'Pierson."
.the body of W. L Thomas, of Brad
ford, a medical student, Was found Un-
der an oil derrick at Toledo, Ohio, in
such a state that he is believed to have
been Murat.' ecl.
That` is the Verdict of the Ville
Marie Bank Jury.
1t Hecemr'lµestdalien to Maxey Aeoem-
pasties the Yerdtet Agelast the Head
et *ke D. etuact E auk—,Tb. Chine Wes
Xehlug False;teturns to the Gem/1
meet-TGe.Yernment Counsel gad Judge
Charged Strongly Against Prisms-,
Montreal, Nov. e$, --"We find the
accused guilty of the charge laid
against him in the indictment, and
reeouivaend hint to the mercy of the
Such was the verdiet rendered late
yesterday afternoon by the jury
sworn to try %%'maul Weir, president,
of the defunct Banque Ville Marie,
charged by the Crown with sending
false returns to the Government. Mr.
Donald. n d c
lug as cr
sT t r
Q. C.. delivered
aanlog .
e luent address, maintaining
that the doctor's certificates find
that William Weir diel not really
realize what he was doing when he
signed the returns and that the ac-
cotantant was responsible.
Solicitor -General Fitzpatrick fol-
lowed eloquently for conviction. and
Judge Wurtele also charged strongly
against the accused.
The jury, after being out a quarter
Of an hour, returned the verdict as
given above.
The court said in ordinary eases
the law was theesaute for the rich
and poor, but in view of the fare
that Ur. Weir had lived a long life
of rectitude. the re coalmen da t ion
would he considered 'wlieu ,sentence
canto to be pronounced. In the
rneenttme a reserve ease vas asked
for. and, if this Is granted, the cases
will go to the Court of Appeals in
;fir. Weir did not appear to real-
ize his position, and the general
opinion is that lUr. Ilficliastt•r's Pre.
Mises were Sound.
WAIL HAS or:74AT n,RDSnu
Aguleelde Appai.rs New to De to a 144a1
Manila, Nov. 26.—The insurgents
have evacuated Jlangalaren, Province
of Palrgasinan, leaving seven -Amer-
lean and 94 Spanish prisonerss, who
escaped in the turmoil of the Filipi-
no no retreat. They report that two',
Americans who were unable to es
cape are with the insurgents.
Colonel Bell of the Thirty-fourth
Volunteers arrived at Mangalaren
yesterday evening after a hard.
znareh. and fording the Agno. lio
found that Fowler's company of She
83rd had occupied the town for
two days. The insurgents. Genera;
Alejandrino commanding, had re-
treated to the mountains behind the
town, short of food and ammunition.
Besides this his nun were deserting,
and six cannons, which the Insur-
ga}nts were dragging, impeded their
march, Col. Bell proposes to follow
the Filipinos until he ran bring
about a decisive dight or they are
Aguinaldo's youngest child.. which
was recently christentel at Tarlac,
with great ceremony, died, and was
buried at Dayautban, in the midst
of Aguinaldo's flight.
General Wheaton reports that na-
tives have threatened violence to
Aguinaldo's mother, who is now
sheltered in a convent with a guard.
General Otis has ordered her to be
brought to Manila. for safety.
Conservatives rut Mr, Robert Henry in
the South Brant Field.
Brantford, Nov. 28.—A largely at-
tended and influential mass meeting
of the Reformers of South Brant Was
held in the Opera. 1 -louse hero Jest
night. Addresses were delivered try
Hon. G. W. Ross. A. Pattuilo,
M.P.I'.; T. H. Preston, the Reform
candidate ; C. B. Hcyd, M. P.. and
Robert. Henry the Choice.
A meeting of Couserrative dele-
gates for South Brant• tical held
last evening to select a candidate to
contest the coining election kr the
Ontario House. Robert Henry was
the unanimous choice of the meeting
and he accepted the nomination, tri-
ter which addresses were delivered
by a number of prominent Conserva-
tives present.
Son -in -Law of the Late Sir Hugh Allam
shoots Himself.
Montreal, Nov. 28.—J. Turntr
Routledge, a well-known society;
pian, committed suicide at his coun-
try residence at Georgoville, Que.,
shooting himself through the head.
Routledge came to Canada from Eng-
land some years ago. and married
the youngest: daughter of Sir Hugh
Allan, the Canadian steamship mag-
nate. He started an extensive ranch
in the Northwest Territories, which
he conducted for scene years. He
lately returned to Montreal, and
took up hisresidence at Georgeville,
in the Eastern Townships. Domestic
trouble is supposed • to have been
the cause of suicide.
Of Fifteen. Thousand . Dollars—Thieves
Blew theSafe,
Open '
a o,
Montma,gny, Que., Nov. 23.—La
Banque Nationale was robbed Sun-
day night of all its £unci in
g s, so e
$15,000. • Tramps were seen at St.
Pierre, and around here during the
day. They broke into the track-
too house and secured crow-
bars, etc. The safe was inside of a
brick vault, and both were blown
open. The robbery eva?a ;discovered,
yesterday av b5 Zz
, hesecr not
watchman of the building.
Kingston's New Company.
Eingston, Ont., Nov. 2-S.—Limit--
S.—Lieut.Col. Hunter has received, permission
to forge a new company in connec-
tionwith the 47th Battalion. It
will have headquarters at •Kingston.
Instructor Lindberg of Sarnia comes
to Kings ton to take charge of the
band of the 47th Battalion,
The body of an urrl:nown than was
found on the Grad Trunk track neat
Cornwall Wednesday.
1tli. 0, A. Brower was nominated for
see vati es of F t ive Erin bi the Con- •
The body of Peter J. McIntyre of
London, Ont., was found in the St.
Clair BllenlAfur h ver t, Sarnia.n ;egate of the Ha-
tes Dieu at Wingeton, was killed by
falling downs the elevator shaft,
,Se L. Menthol Plaster is doing a
great deal to alleviates neuralgia and
rheumatism is based upon facts. The
D, & L. Plaster never fails to soothe
and quickly cure, Manufactured by
the Dsavis R: Lawrence Co., Ltd..
Hensaallr ?Many of our citizens will
regret to learn that W. Elder has de -
S d.
Bided to leave Hensall, having taken
the position of general agent for ho
temente in the town of Barrie, Mr,
!der has reside, in this section since
his birth, and has taken an interest in
all that pertained in the welfare of
the community both in religious and
secular matters.
Hallett. On Saturday, Nov. 18, a
barn on the old Emerson farm. 2nd
eon„ was burnt down. The farm is
owned by E, Brickeuden but no one
resides en the place, There were :5t)
bushels of oats ami some other grain
in the barn, together with a cultiva-
tor. As no one was around the place
the origin of the lire is a mystery.
There awns a small instu:ince on it in
McKillop Mutual,
Drysdale; A pleasent event oeeutt
ed at the residence of lir, Lonna Deno -
my. on Tuesday morning, when his
daughter, Miss"Vetilena, was united in
inarriagewith Daniel Bernard. of Court
right. Officiating clergyman was Rev.,
3. Candid.% pastor of tate Catholic
church, and only the near relatives
and intimate friends of the young
couple were present,
`VingLtnuta The two -y eai--old child
of ,lir. 8, Gilchrist had g i►art'ow t's.
cape on Friday evening last, The
little tot climbed upou the table and
got laoid of a bottle which contained
carbolic skid, took the cork out and
attempted to grim: the contents. On-
ly as small amount of the poison touch-
ed the child's face and it suddenly
tookthe bottle from its mouth. The
child eaeaped with a small burn.
Parkhill: A rather serious pitch -in
ocentred on the G.T.R. hero Monday
morning. When train No. 83 from
Stratford reached there seven carts on
the rear end of the train broke loose
while on a grade, and when the train,
stoppedat the bottom of the hill the
seven cars crashed into the main train,
with the result that five ears were
smashed and a number :alightly dam-
aged. The Stratford auxiliary helped
to clear the line. No person was in-
jured, but tlw damage will be com-
paratively heavy.
Which Is Whole and Which la Pert?
Hicks --I regard as true the axiom.
that a part eau never be greater than
the whole.
Wicks You do? Did you ever com-
pare the estimated population of Chi-
cago with that of the whole country2—
New York World.
The Cheerful Idiot.
"I see," said the prosy boarder,
"that the inhabitants of Havana have
been ordered to turn in their arms."
"The military, however/' said the
cheerful idiot, "will continue to tarn
out their toes. "—Indianapolis Journal
Children Are So Literal.
"How often do you want to be told
not to do that, Bobbie?" asked his
"No times, mamma," replied the
boy solemnly. Philadelphia North
Beware of False and Dosoriptive Pro-
mises Made by Manufacturers
of Inferior and Imi-
tation Dyes.
Beware of dyes prepared for home
use that promises to wash and dye
goods at one operation. The soap in
such dyes rosy do a trifle of cleansing,
but the coloring work will be a fiat
and decided failure.
Beware of dyes that claim to dye all
wool and cotton goods with contents
of one package. "This is a chemical
impossibility. The operator will often
get a color,—something muddy, cloud-
ed and streaked that will arouse indig-
nation and anger because of disappoint-
ment and loss of materials.
Diamond Dyes give fast, brilliant
and perfect colors, but they do; not
promise to cleanse or wash solid ' gar-
ments or materials. A washing ma-
chine may do good 'washing, but It
cannot pretend to do the ironing as
Diamond Dyes prepare special dyes
for all wool goods, and for cotton and
union goods, and guarantee perfect
work when directions are observed.
Wyatt desire to color all wool goods,
ask for Diamond Dyes for wool; if you
have cotton or mixed goods to dye,
ask for Diamond Dyes for Cotton and
mo y s
Mixed Goods.
Crude imitation dyes and soap grease
mixtures can never cope with those
great chemical triumphs— Diamond
tang St x G�..�+E3 vtJ"J�•
What is
\w\Q\\\\ N\
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is .a
harmless substitute for Castor 014 Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant,
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish -
Bess. Castoria cures Iy rrhoea and. Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stoniaelt and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural slee'l•D. Castoria is they Children's
Panacea—The • Il! oi1ier'ri Friend,
fteeateriw ie stn a ..hent psntt.iu' for *'easterla l ss, trete adapted tr ertitcite
ehitdreu, Mothers 'have repeatedly toll me that 1 tcconaaseLesl ik' es
of its good effect upen their chateren." seriptien euaun to atte-'
Ds. Cr. C. ()Sahel?, iortel1 tlfirSF.. rt. A 4neigCa, M. D. Veeieln,,,L, r
tiperior to any
TN€ CU'T SU,a C7.,aANM. Z,' MU,iflMY ST . MEW YC,R5 C:TY
� � � E SALE OF LAN .S
Tsai' TAXI S.
By virtue of warrant, mullet. the band of the Warden and Sisal of the Ve•i •
paration of the County of Huron, dated the 2Ist day of August, I lii, etnu-
mending me to levy upon the lauds he=reinafter tee ci•ibetl, for the arrears rs a+t
taxes respectively tine thereon, together with costs. notice ie hereby giver
that unless such tales and cote are sooner paaiti. I shall in compliance wits.
the Consolidated elessesement Act, chapter 22!, R,S.O. 11407, proceed' to se11 lei
public auction the slid lands or :a;l nitudl thereof as inay be note:esaryr to di:, 4,
charge the samaae, at the Court Kouse, in the Town of (iuderieb, on
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
N. S.,
Part of
Part of
South part
Part of
No. of Lot No. ostreet.' or
Acreo. s. rupatented. Taxes:. Cu:.ts, etc. Total
4 4 D. 50 Patented 8.21.20 $2.78 $23.ta,
Ili 0 E. 1,
10 :Maitland
74 Patented 241.7:3
70 " 12.19
18 13.
tl DTaitiand
2,81 14.x;
8 Patented 04 2.25. 3.',
45 '• 11.45 2.801`3. eS
Part of 25 t' 50 Patented
'1r H::SA ::II: OF BLYTH.
McConnell Survey fr ',B,<:.°it J3. Patented 5.43
8 'hails St., S. 4 Patented
County Treasurers office.
Goderich, Aug. 20, 1899.
8.14 2.513 5.0t
2.25. 7.a^
5.70 2.25 11.01
1'S';.1I. HOLMES.
Co. Treasurer.
.•: tl
Dr tti a -0111ii,9
`I/ " 1
f0 Waltham 2
Any young lady can earn a Go14t
WalthamWatch, of a Dinner Set,
Writing.Desk, &,ouuge or Chair,
etc. For selling among her trii nds a few
boxes of highly perfumed TOILET SOAP
Send us a post -card for premium list and
instructions. Young ladies having order
forms can fill thein out, and send them in.
es„ ititalateneta.eiesatieee.S.etleaeaseeineSternelSe
Young, !diddle Aged ,& Ad Peso w
F you are sufferingfrom an com lie$-
tion the 'A i
of h Sexu, er,
S stem Biadd
System, M Kidneys. Blood or Nerves, consult uui
at once. We cure all weakness, Nervous
Waste, Secret Losses, Nightly Drains, Sex-
Dec intiand make marriage possible.
Reish or For -One
We guaranteere-
to cu Ya i �I Saes -
'.i cure- Em s
Visions, Stricture, Gieet,'Syphili3, hmpotoncy
Unnatural Discharges, all Private. Neisoes anti • •
Delicate Diseases of Men and 'Wonzena Con
suttation Free. Question List for Honaa liraatr �}
meat Free—Books Free. w
4 is d
9 Michigan v t ,
i 1# en le
0, .holt, ltiiia;lt. 1141I41leceeeeeeceaeeeeeeereese
Repair Sho e
the winter.
Now is thetime 11etU
cleaned to store away or
Gtun Repairs
We make gun repairing a specialty
in all its branches.
We have a large stock of keys in all
Horse Clippers
Ground and made as good as new.
Re Here.
y gaired p
Mr. Deslauriers, rs Hull, a liquoruax
dealer, was reetrlykilled by bin
struck with a piece of glass from an
exploded porter bottle.
aa •
.: TI„