HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-05-21, Page 7- *Z 1� . 11 � I I . I . I � . . I I C, � .1 - I I I � , k I I 1. . I I . , `: . . I I I . I � I � . , I ,. " I � I � 1. I ­­­_ 0 ll:r 1:1=w �_ � , �.. .. .111-1. ­ .- -i � 1 ,&�; .4":!".,�-.:,::..::::�l-:"!:�i,�i,,:i,.,,,,,�,-,—.��� .", � -1 _­ - %� , I I I � . milownio I . �i - __ . =4 Z= I . I -1 .. . 1. ... �_ -11- ... I I I ;;;;;; 1,;;;;;­;;�,o; 'i ,- -I- - i - - - — ___ 11 _,_ , , , .1. - : ­ 1. I - -I 11 -, I I I"�'ll",�:11:11111::.,::"":,�! ,:: III;! =:"::� ... 4:,:z::.-1 .I., � ­ 1.111�1!` ;11r", �111�1�::! 11"It! ,:;,; ;.=_;1.=1.o1. ­­ 11 _ _­ ___= * , I . � ­--il . 11111-1....- I ,, � I . � ,, , I . . CONDENSO NEWS ITEINIS Asalss wona or,& ROOX �. I i , I I RX9 ,111 �: "".- i : : � "WA.-oo Al"140t 41) r0rew 0 . � THE, WORLD,$ , 0 . . I y A 101spe-Ni" 29 . . i - , WIT'' - I "IT. *" � -OUNO . I arach 9t the Coo K ato w - AT018 , . I I ! INR I 1WD I I I , � 4*,Xvp, 4 � lionstso FROM A.M Oult ,, ; MEN, BLOWN, TO � _. I I . � ,� � I 4"Iriolkirs 040.)t IT49 ; I , A dempAkh IrQm North B*Y says, -, i o,!o;"",t1-.,00 . � . I FOLO � I I . 1 MI i ;� , ango, ' I ..'' I 1, . _W110,41�1i"811" I � uts 10ruillAr. � Ad i rQuo ace4eat occurred on � I --------- Wedoe�iloq on Qqo . Rippawa broocliftour Tons ot Dynamite Exploded Prema- ; . � . I ; i Q44-441,910010 o4o~1 . : I" IWO I 4611 Bw � i low iWelit Le 11 .1 I 1 ""41 ,, : 011� - - I .1 . t. b1JtV1ea,U . I , , I I , MAMMA . 0hu , .YA , _ � �. � I " of the'o. P� I ' 'It I , 1. , � Tt49q*vlk1* Iscloto Frow Mgt OW14 and Xlpp6w&. Tblo railway runs � - i .. . � ' or** *f V*414 apooll IPA*" 404 � I Top nOwnw, , turely Near Albany, N.- I . . I 11. I I I ' . , I . I I north froin Xa#4w* to the (out of — _ __". - . - � . From tho, 0radlo- , ,. swir 1)*T, amAl". 10 I Thft ,,the . , 't, L-_ I - . .,-- � I . - , qV idj4 not knOW4 they Woo �Uyl "4 0 'r countrtes of Lake Tomiskaming., and winAs its. . � . - , . : . .. . - ing *� frooeqiilaxi� U90'r tbovsht , " 404041 Eveals, Way thrvIll the Liuvoutistl3w along A despatch from Albany, No Y., be the biggest blast of all, . - . , � � I I AAFAMMS. " 't . narrow It gem far above the Ottawa too 1 \,-, I I v �. . �4,y were, Bimply 94 th�ir w0y p , . , I � � 41 *patch Irom Ott*'o, sw. Uili I i , - ' OANADA. : There were *.10.mlen killed over four tons of dynamite. . 11 . , , -4 being _0AtlWXQ , It * aim-IQ9ki, , W01- River, *nd- through many lingo mays blast waa scheduled for five O'C104 i I I " gIVW -44 *6 '"t` - I T'o_]rQll%oi` US$ I$.'X1QUr ' %,W � 4en�od -, . I Y -. w1k,*4 ,w 1 vioth ** t -4 f4ulvpf OR , , 'd tev, vr uga. Ali the passenger - in, the 4, 1b.444 , W-40*4 90poir.,cal),t. pa-Attot* #5.10 to, 01 shortly before 3 o'clock on Wed � -1. ., � of A 5i, 1A!c19qk 40, was I I � ith a 7 � I V a 6 , , QTY, oresoo pilo 0 bOOkIl, Grand Trunk Pacific oAcialts rock outti krueoil, and w i � ** w4a thie ailid 440 Atle, ]go- 4044W of the boyli QW. *6�2.444.dgj iLA llusei** Wks 04+,Strappoitl togoth I . a,y ofternotla, following a, Pro- ed to dial � od material 11-1 011P 'L ' er- 604 11*461100"Ver deny that the Mon are ill-treated train north, -heavily laden. was pass- ne3d for 217Z I., , 'I 74inbe* Id, so witl",her fivabaind. 04 Jumpm" export ,- on track T0000, : hio, ahQutder. They were aeboiut * ia th ,I ,;" "LXX4. Mr*.'goge0�0.JaMbef.#U,, Lout 'I, ad 606 a - ins through a particularL 90 , o * q I 1A � , th4 #4ay�" I . L *de for hod Bt000. Those _ � , ,A jarpi. V . -a construction catio,ps. y danger, mature explosion of dynamite in wagon loada 1, crus, I - _ �f',ULj� v ,b he w large #OY r L r; firsit ,-Aio le@44 Archbishop Bruchesi has P14 -CCA Ong section, where the roadticitI the . South killed had successfully P I I . I t ,, hL 'r,solgo tQ tb 44.40 to ;?,A.40'. Manii.0bao, hog laced the 'A flocr� PlKtVUt§,. V0.20 traek, _4RIAare &P&rtt-RatiR in, 0 , , I _ I , I �f, ,J;L9 Be4w.i6p, 8# , 0. qn !rhur,g- 14& rom t o e*.r to "",.4 44'4ug 40 noise ot a kind, em the Th,eatte Royal at Montreal on- clings to the mountaitiside, with the Callanan quarries at E holes. and - i � , 4e# L .p - ,4 on of the I , � fter 1h, , been W AW '* , P0 TioroutQl Accould-pat-00A. 46,70 to w"ging rol her 001,60 .60 hill, shoes; doi the ban. Dr mamy feet below, a five-tt"n Albany, There were three injured. were working upon this seventh � � . ,ay w e I Oat pporniogi * ev;ing , Vape joL SPI'too*,01 140 *ttom , . rivi Bablebom, t Ive miles south of charges in six I ' L . vrllrisl� bitten, oA the, -b . * I it, The baby wall fouod $0,w bokers", '104160 to psou). Waging up No 0. Railwov.inaugUA, rook crashed down the declivity, All within the explosion zone were when the shock came. The explo- L . I -7 4 large to kil ,,, &44 strong the Xcair, 4000119 This. To 4, J 0, asa, sl n ad to ho, a been co, Bad I frq .Xot, Tbo. Jnfo,a 4oyel�ped with it.4 loft had a0voorad with 41004 , on tr. ..,, TQroutQ. 'Poiso enough for both, for Ito WOXV *vd a doy through earvitod be- striking and smashing the lOcOmo' iiiatautly killed, and the bodi re 0 is suPpos v u , , . locd-polgovbs. Tho h4y h#4 frim owlien. b1ttx,Qn the inai4o 'of ea . 01 � . . ; 4 I - , . L I L Northam. May (14, Pegged sheets, 0d set them, 40VA tween Noith Bay and Cbell,ra,lic, on tivo, but fortunately not forcing the The 29 bodies � , , Unrecognizable. The d"d include by a defective cap. . I ,01�pi.lo ho li4riagp In tbq *Awo the Palm. Madift), 163$ist*400 W" I' ,4; No, 2i 45 if hat mewat tl**m to ,stay where Xonday. train over the precipice into the. it were blown to atoms find "%L,tw- . ' . . ivory, 41.�.7. Ray pol � .1 � � I . t (or sevora, .4.44 an A . And o. a, $1-23. hat put thoint' And whiatlel WbY3 Wilfred Bishop, clerk in the Ot- rocky canyon, The passengers eight Americans and 2i ltaliant he quarry. it was hAIf % . L Tolim *4 i 4 pwatil L J aummoupd, SIP , tUPPtic *P' 1�24 the latter not being known by e,ii *11 ever tl : I -but blQod poiAouips SQ04 set rici a .�� to #1.25 for , taw& postoffico, hall been arrested were severely shaken lip by the name. All the Americans are resi- an hour before anyone dared ap- I i I . , I W .. - be could outwilistiv, any blackbir, � I , night Imt plio'll" ,� t w&s o0w. the 'C'a". X61. jam. 0, A d _.e lofalo gxeiiv rapidly No. jo, ace w . - , .42 � th or iug to location and do- 31,r, dent,s of the locality� The ten vroach the Boone, lea I , e*.U. rotired 00t, I o0olook, bar woo ' n-util death enaged, . They were not acquainted with on a, charge of stealing letters. udden stop, but not seriously in' ring danger .; L , 1 :, . 4 1 1 I I . . I ,a, . . .. in.4"xid. each other, for Peter was a now Mr. Thomas Mulvey, K.C., is sed, So tightly was tne engine holes four Wednesday's blast were om other explosions. A4 a. re- I -".,.- � . , I .., Go W Ole out- . � . ., ! , I ,. � , 11 -171.1 �� 1-1 11, ­­ 11 - � .11 __ 11 - Barley -No. a extra, , comer At the school, and Raoul usu- lelsvilig the Provincial service, ,to wedged by the immense rook that drill - "thei expilasion. fear has , . I , 1. . . side, and No. a 66a outside, eod 20 [Q�At 11 I -4.1- 11 , hack Lr4al-the face I atAt of ­ I , L . ally wt=� round the other way. blecome Under Secretary of State. dynamite bad to be utilized t - I 4110 166 Ituhtw- laboreirs em- L, I . .� I I I � I Oats--Oxxtario 2, 48Yso 11 - a of the bluff, which w seized , � � �, No. Qa . ��l _ap_� 80 big1d oyed about the quarry. and inany - 4 1 . ; It was & bright spring moral l5r, J. B. Leathats of London, the wreckage. . 1L. - Tho holes wore 70 feet d'=P, pit I ,; I . .1 — -_ - I I I . � track, Toronto, aud 46 to 410 .out- when th-q-,prooession-too "a,-" 'n -.-'I- '.6=_.--,%PPGiHted­bQ thlb­ -'---- ­ - _' 41, . side- No S Weiltern joan.ada,490 -- -.9m_ five inches in diameter. It was, to .have 110d. .� ,L � " :- �*� varsity chair of chemical patho- . I ... .. . - ' - -Jj�p-ortw.----_.___ 4W�_­4ik,ed­4he­ , V-vf-tto Mi,- __*_ t". .� I ,� , - .Wa X;L j_4$,rL ... 1. - . I I . , street where the sun 4khone wa,rM:- logy. ABDULS STRONG BOOKS. --- I " I "I , P I - 3R . - I ___�_ 'L '. ___ - - , .1, - - " , ,, �L , , - - _____ , Peas -No 2, 95 to 960 outside. , ,_st, c 'ing the baby leaves Over- Thesteamex Ga,rgaatua carried — . . loll t**. ac,qn. Her mother was wAh -her, � i I . . -_,�� . Wt*4*+A_f4-t - � � ..''. I . Rye -No. 2, 74 to 75o outside. frther and faster out of their &w;,, .1 ,,, � I ;� I � 1� I 1. . I out- head _ tltroa� gatea ia the Wollanid Keys Taken BY Force From the - and fought a desperate battle with " I_ . �, Buokwligat-No. 2, 62 to 640 aple Strea Nonni, on Sunday, but repairs are Deposed Sultan. t tile dog before help arrived. The _� .� ��:: " - I -wiater-cwlles� Q1Ue,1;X ", V 'L - 00 , I 'L ill , , . Earthquake Aroiiad_.X._0Q JaW SUfflMeRt.,idis, Play- being rushed. + girt wa,s thorown prostrate, and her . _ - I � .1 If L, , " ---.-,---,. 2 American Rellow was turned into a ittir A sp6cial despatch from Salonika Fashion �,,�_­_­__.___ ----' . . Corn No, ground, for groilps People By-laws were carried by'Owen says that Talatiot Bey. Vice-Prosi- face, head and arms wore muw- -1 "'.1, � . to Move Building& SIY,.c an track, Toronto, and -No. 2 wore having lovely,times all along Sound ratepayers, om Saturday, to ated. The dog, which was not sul- I I .'. 'J� . ,� "' L - dent of the Chamber of Deputies, T :, :, . I ; �,,;,. � - , __ - at soy,o on track, Toronto; Cana its wide pavement. extend the waterworks aond the oleo- range with T fering frouit rabies, was shot. 1j. I .,. I . than yellow, 76c on track, Toronto. who was sent there to ar Hints. '1� I , it was just as the boys turned trio lighting plant. — I � , L' - bdul Hamid for the transference of I —4or I .. I .1 , - . Bran -Manitoba $23.50 in sacka3 : to Maple Street that this story Mr. -Eager, Governor of the jail A ortunes to the Government, sue- 4 WOMAN ent,'811110 BY TRAIN. : I "I ,� L �, _ .. A despatch from Winnipeg says: storea in teorro.r. Buildings were in I .,. I'- , ,,4 A . t - III ty-Aecond earthquake tremor, olov�d perceptibly. Several people Toronto freights; shorts, $24.50 to begin, his f .- . . _. 1 1*.H.***+ � � �. , , - . at Cotrawall, has decided to resume -9"-R- t+,"A — _-'Z.'_ , ceeded in obtaining tile signature , ­ -" ,:�L , � , ­ I ting"'lloMm. Winnipeg to the in the upper storeys were knooked $26, Toronto freiglit4- ___ ___�. _ Two little girls, strolling side by his business coxete'r, and has ros- the former Sultan for the with- ,. Wam Crawling Between Cars In 'I, -��i- - b impression of � ,� ,,�� L , ", , ,- mountains, was distinctly falt on off their feet. The firal side, bad their doll go-carta *%it, signed, to take effect co June 10. FADS AND FA,,XIES. . I . ��, , " " as that a violent explosion had drawal of funds from foreign banks, Yards tit North Bay. I � I I 11 _:__ COUNTRY PRODUCE. giving their large and va,ried famil- Hon. W. S. Fielding will go to but that Abdul Hamid resolutely re- The flower rosette, is poptlla-r. A despatch from North Bay say%'. I ". �� , Saturday eveipipf at, 10 o'clock. w I -_. 111-,,� � while in W * g the- shock was occurred.. 'The tremor was preced- I- les an outing. In Dot's there waTe Lcoudc,n after the session ends to � , � , " 'n't -loved by few, ed by it, loud rumbling sound. Pon- Apples $4 to so for choice U& I- . in fused to deliver tip the keys to two Brooh, fitliri�8 tvill be much wuru Mrs. Boalamin Patterson, a woman � 1_1 : . I �, , go slight as to b blise ,X. probably h&H a, dozen dolls, and arrange for a fifty -million -doll I Kiobk, in tile ticar future. ,� , """, ties, and $3 to s1oo for see ar iron rooms in the Yi diz ''� ., � -ib,wai so heavy around Mcloale Jaw ple here from Places where eaorth- - loan. f fo,rty, wm �round beneath the --v I Beans- . which had resisted all efforts at In yokes the sun ray pla xv�beels of a train in the east yards ", ,, L iLings ' �� - . 11 Prime, $1.90 to $2, and Daisy's four or five �.-,�.�:, - as to move buildings and rattle I quake;4 are more or le- common ssed and although. The Government will appoint in- forcible entry, After Talaat Bey's are the thing just now. P -, �, g1w. This ja the first time in -the say this wap ome of the most dis, hand-picked, $2.10 to. $2.15 Per the pavement was very wide, and spectoros of gear axid tackle at &,�­ of the e. P. R. on. WednClidUy , L, ,­" ,. " oryof the prairks that an earth- tinct shocks they ever exPeriea�*d. Honey -Combs, $2 to $L2.75 per Dot and Da4y war ­ L bushel. departure, the despatch says, i Jet brmcelous heemingty cannot night, The Pattersorm live beside � � ��-#--4 - - fi.W a not using half eral shipping ports of the Domin- officers of the guard, furious at this Ile vou wide nor tuo heavy. ' I ' _ , "!, V -­,�._ q�_'_$:e Was eveL r [ akiwin, of it, somehow both go-carts turmed ,,on. .11 L � 1, i.T, alto Weta WAS FELT IN MONTANA. do;en and strained, 10 to 110 Per ex-sultarl's refusal to comply with Foll rull ar'Litlild frtwks notiling tho tracks "d frequently cro,%this '. � 1.�� tlerta, on the west, Weyburn, . quit.o over, scattering their con- The Government is o,bout to send yh,rds. Mrs. Patterson was crawl- �, I ­ 11 the demand, rushed into his 1. �4�� , 1�. Bask., on the south, Prince Albert, A despatch from Grgat ftils, pouna. room i'l More popular than set -go. I -or a ta'ain On A siding whOu - � -I. , , g u nd, I , �, on the north, a,nd Kenora, on the Mont., says: A distinct earthquake Maple syrup -95c to $1 a gallon- tents far and wide. By the time a coommiasioc to Great Britain and and ordered him to stirreiider the One of tthe ne%%cat things in 1" ,,.,. , it started. Both of her.. legs wore �. �,�,,, Hay -No. i timothy $13 to $13-50 Paul vorived on the scene, both It,- DiBlimark to study th4 bacon "l- keys without further parley. uniart fuutwear is the empire pump .. � ,_�,�', east, was the scope, c4 tho qu--ke. shoc was felt hereon Saturday and lower tic mothers were tearfully sorting dustry. 1� litupilts,", and she died on Thurs. �.. 11 �,,. � . .iX at 9.15 o'clock axid'it was also a ton on track here, day morning. Four little children �: " � ,. ,VEAVY SHOCK AT MOOSE JAW. grades, $11 to $11.50 a too. out their' own children from the H,,. Adam Beek's, company is __1%__. This sea,sou brings a large all felt4t Choteau, Havre, Wagner and eneral mix-up, hunting for broken 3 tl�panouo �'. I ose Jaw, gas- other points, showing that it Pro- Straw -$7.50 to $8 on track. prepared to supply the city of Lot'- FELL SIX TlfOl'SAND FEET. fasc'"at"19 variety of ii�re loft motherless, as well as u, - 11�1 �., 41,11.", I A -despatch from Me )er bag fimbs and cracked notses, with piti- don with two and a half million silks� : , ,e " , ,", generally over northern Potatoea-Car lots, 90c 1 15. fill anxiety, while Dot wailed over — Itouniania t-rubruidery is used 11 husband out of woork. Bis eighteen- ,.!�,.,, I . d in the Red'olikoket year-old daughter died suddenly ­ . ,� � � , ;P� � "' .�­ .kalbehawaa, says: A very distinct vailed Delawares, $1 - 10 to $I. gallons of water daily. Thpee Men Killit hatt;, oil frocks, bluu.nos, twid Iluat I I ,.�, , ill, I �,'� _ earthquake shock was felt here at Montaaa. While no serious damage on track, aind Over, "It is just like boyos!" The Railway Coniinissi,dn has " two- weeks ago. . � �,l � I" I 1, .,I, i;� 9.16 Saturday night. - The shock wm done, the shock was aufficient POultrY-ChickenB, dressed, 16 to id not stop but a, moment, ord*red that stations and pastion- Aline In Michigan. buit's. _o*___ I , �_,�, I W'a c per Ili; fowl, 12 to 14c; turkeys, Paul d ..T� . �t. -in is touches of lmuod . ­'��t, �­ lasted 35 seconds. The tremor a to spill axticles from &halves but, when he pa,&&e,d on, the go- - j, �:_,i, , -1 �. ,I � 2c per Ili. ger cars be regularly elea,ue,d out A despatch from Calumet, Mich., Many g0w I's have )":, , Lelt all over the city and district. at,ores and cause breakages of glass- 20 to 2 cowrts wore righted, their pillows and kept in sanitaxy condition. says. Death %�hich 'was swift and cinbroider,v oil thein this se,w4oll- DREADNOI'GHTS - CRUISERS � �,�' ,� , �- I "' �., t 11 I ­ , 11 - - ._,,;�:,- 1.,�', People rushed from r6sidences and Lware. they had never been Elmer Peacock, a medical stu- stire, but none tile less terrible, Fur the suminer parasol nothing . I , � �, ��,. � � MARKETS. as smooth as if a Cabluet Authorizes Expen. �, ,, " ,�`�,t�." I- - - I - THE DAIRY disturbed, and -the smiling faces of dent at Queen's, went suddenly in- came to three miners at the Red could it(- nior(A nu%el than ill(, Eng- It [iUll � �,,, ,,, .- . ;�:)"'_ ' 7! , 11 'F,;,��_- .- - - neck is a very common aftment of Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 22c; the twoodoll families, peeping above &&no at Brockville, on Thursday, Jtwket mine here oil Thursday lish chintz. diture of $52,800,000- 'I', 41,74 . 44+1.4000O.'"" 18c; infer- the neatly spread covers, only ro- d -noon when the ground upon Ca,bochons of straw with jowe-1 1:1,111, , ,� delicate children in this country, tubs and large rolls, 10 to an attempt,ad to kill his mother., &ftei tch fram. Rome says: Tit* . . " 11 . , ,,, 1 4 , A doospoo , -�,, , I;! i, being one of the ways in which tub-, ior. 14 to i5c; creamery rolls, 23 to flected the joy of their small ma- He was committ4od t,o the &SYlUln. which they wt -re at Murk suddenly cenitres will be se4-n on surne if the Minister of Ma.rine, Admiral Mira- � �, I., �,�', , � �,n,� erculosis attacks young people. Of 25c, and soli a, 19 to C, ma.s. They watched him whistling The (C. P. Ii., it is ., precipitating all three in rt it t , ":� ! "�i , , s .1, , , a i,Li, w i I I go gave wa) s a. a s bello, has obtained the approval of ,'Ili" " � - a dist- -iped, . '' , . 4 V�1. - -axly all sti ", " , late years a surgical operation has -Case lots 196 per dozen. - into a yawning abyss. Foi Skirtings tire it( . i� 11 . . . , � 47 . E ge on his way; then Dot, igagiring her into tl�oe, business of faxining in dif the Cabinot to a naval programme . , HEALTH . Z.1, 4.'� ��� � - C ees&-Large cheese? old, 14 to last remark, said heaa-tily, "I like ferent parts of the coilotry, with ance of six thousand feet tile shaft which adds to thc long lined effects 1. . : � ;A- .been wide)y advocated as the best that provides for the coustructicou 11 . Pl� 1, �,,, . Ili. and twins, 14y, to some boyis-nice ones." R - asu I ''i ��s ­___ _­ - way of eradicating the disease, but, 14y,c per the Object of supplying the require- runs down into the very howel of of the �c it. within three years, at a total ex- ��.,I, �, beasts, dull at 12y, to ' D � . �,,, , unfortunately, it does not always 14%o; new C A little farther an some wee ur- mants of their dining ca.rs &ud ho- the earth, arid through this opening Mes.salino tiilk in exquibito I sres- I , "..', laying mwrblos in a tile unfortunate men were shot as de,ii patt-erns titakes tho daintie L of Pease of $52,800,000: of f(Air Dread. I 4 I , P"�i TUBERCULOSIS OF THE JOINTS get rid of all the mischief, and even 12y2c. chins were p tels. nought8 and it, number of fast &oout .. ,�;. � ". -- I � � ,�;-� It is customary to regard tuber- I when it does may leave an 11118ightlY ring chaolked on the pavement. They Sir Riclia,rd Cartwright informed tl igh impelled by a lnight�, (ata undorskirts. ruisers. A local paper says' the - . ___ 11, _�... mar- Se,nat,or Loughoed that Canada plo, 'h c ; ;-A,; 01110sis as a disease adecting, the wound or sear. A French physician, HOG PRODUCTS. had not* known much about lilt, The bodivii were vri: led in- � [laut,tial ti,re sorne ,of tilo Frone deciaiiin to build the" vessels was �_� 'I I -,�," lungs only, but as a matter of fact, Dr. Henry Judet, has introduced a 13 to i3%c per bles till lately, but they were leaorn- would be reprosented at tile Iiu- to all unrecognizable mass of blood cheviots, which show tile Ruill" reached after Italy had loaxned . .. ...... I new treatment, which consists of the Bacon long cleax, and 'was perial Defewc Co-tiferenoo, in L,on- and splintered ))(,no. The inen were stripe effect, . 4�, - 4111, it may ,attack any of the organs or injoction of camphorated naphthol lb in case lots; mess pQrk. $21 to . ng bea,utif ullY, Ine game ima,x The shaft of tile 1.'.vccpt for it,, occe.sional eituaint that Austria-Hunga,ry was going to - ��' sues of,the body. i $21.50; short cut, $23 to $24. ,r%esebing a most exicilti-9 11 don, probably by Sir Frederick Bor- all for6igllers luct., 4111 trilliming is put, oil in spend $40,000,000 oil increased nav- - .�;, tis How ..'o P&i.r , 1; �, When the bones, or joints are into the swollen glands. Hams -Light to medium, 14 to when Peter paissed. den and Hon, L. P. Brodour. Ited Jack( -t m1ne is famous all over lluL' al power. . . 11 I'll, . �. of rubber soles could ba,va itouehed The worthless assets wiped out in th.e wcrld as the deepest working lengthiti4e fo-rnl, . I �� 11 affected, the disease is called surgi- - , l5o; do., hea,vy i3 to 13Y,c; rolls, 1i any maxbles at once, not 8, boy the balance sheet of the Don)' i xistence. Cretoulle belts w i tit figurea ;,1 oal tuberculosis, bFteause it is thep I FIC = injon mine in v U17N OVER BY LAND ROLLER. K � ly I .1 ,, to 11y,c; shoulders, I Mi --- - -amemabI6 to mechanical treatmeat, HEALTH HINTS. 1 � loyl to I understood -especially &s they rub- amounted to $B37,64k3, but there —+- stankpetl ill blue are to Ile had and . �, I I lie; backs 17 to 17y,c; breakfast bed out a big piece, of the chalk-hne books of art, quito chartni"g. - ; I- or ma§ even be extirpated by the Hot milk, a,t night is invalu- bacon, 15V2 to 16c. th time, and there was a liabilitq on the CROPS IN APRIL. Tho botl�,no, of hleoves aro Much Little Girl Killed on Farm in Sao- I - at -a Game wa'a $363 887, a.nd it wits al,o wiped out, il. - surgeon's knife. � badly- Lard -Tierces, 13y,c; tubs, 13Y2c; , katehowan. ,� able for those who sleep -_ irilullied, wilile, tile Lipper pitt-th are � �,,,, quently attack- Drink it really hot, the last thing, pails, 13y � not a bit of chalk left in a single leaving the not increase in the pub- 11 , V, The'jofbtt inost fre 4,c. — trousers pockert. lie debt $437,759. Statement Issu 4,41 by the Govern. left absolut,oly plain. A d"patelt from Tuliford, Bask., I � . ad are the spine, tile hip and the and a good night -will generally fol- - N ment (CUSUS OffiVe. ­Uh­i�velure ' is tit(' 111011C Alv0`11.1A) say,i: A horrible accident happened I knee, altaough no joint is exempt. low. Fv,erything was spoiled. 0- I I I �, I � i originates in A sprained ankle should be BTJSINESS AT MONTREAL. body c,ould ,ever know whether 11lit,de of brown, which, wiug in- oil the farm of E. Eaton, near hem, t " Tuberculosis seldou GREAT BRITAIN. A clospaAch from Ottawa. RaYR: " s . � " Harold really would have beaiten;' tistics (in Wednesday, when his little may i8 -Peas -No. 2, . offlee, ifl.Itcrrirvtrd, moatim half brown, iu the joint. but is usually preceded by put at onde into hot water for ten Montreal a have ma,de ,good on A number of prominent London Tho census and Rta Tile newost, colors for glo-1 11-1 da.ught,or, who was riding with him �,_..� " trouble in a neighboring bone, in the I Paul stopped a bankers have written Mr, Xsquith s I chainpagno and tile lighto8l, &hw" . minutes. Afterwards if the pain be $i,or) to $1,ijo. oats --Canadian or Lawrene tied oil Wednosday it, statement of � I � . lungs, glands of the neck, or other severe apply a bran bag dipped in, Western, No. 2, 521/2 to 53c; erxtra, that next play. f . g against the increaz�ed �ops and livc, E.ttw.k 1`4 Ow molith 4 on a land roller was run over and "I . or less remoce part. I 1,, o. I feed, 61Y2 to 52c; No. I feed, I bit longer here because some o pri,titcatinj i ui bru%% it, even to it bri Y'll"', killiod by the rollor, following the or,.pore hot vinegar. income tax ia the t�t April. Vegetation itt later tll&n� 91, I The father 1 . 11 The symptoms of tuberculous ar -No. 2, 70 to 72c; 1 the nioe.st maxille. had rolled them- dea,th duties and � litsual this year, and se4eding hib&!, ()'to "f tile tloveltio,4 of th, iialnut,e ,unaway of the t,eani . .�� L r�. - For sore eyelids which are the 51 to 51y2c. Baxley budget. i,: ;Is it t,l,1c­l­,s ('('lit which is bcil)g ,,, injured also, but not seriously. I )Y,c. Buck- selves quite out of sight. I 1-1 � thritis, or tuberculosis of the joints, frequent cause of loss of ey,blashes, Manitoba feed, 60 to 6C ring - t I i (, ri, been Jelmyed by tit(, weather vondi (lna,d(l fol- llfU-MOMI iMilt-t-,. ,fhe bor"R woro frightened by the 11 1 , , 4 11 ".1 vary somewhat according to the apply a little castor oil on the lids wheat --69V2 to 70c. Flour -Mani- But in about one jiffy their A bill foi nnoval of Rainan tions throughout tit(, Northwe,st ll'iRll t -1-1-011--t nWkikTs, nILIZO of �,%Jlistle Uf a, t4tea,ra plow. I � firsts, was mended, bigger wid plainer Catholic disa,bilities and to ainend I e Nit'int(Ir Wheat lit Ille, ,I joint involved, but as a type one each nignt. The boreness will dis-'toba Spring wheat patents, i thaxt ever, -Paul had a big long tile coronittion oat), Pas -s-1 its Se- "ruvinc" s. 11Wtallic colA 110vaAl of tho usual .-----.+--, __ ... � ., anitoba Spring wheat, , __ -­ � may take tuberculosis of the knee, appear, and the eyelashes will grow $6.30; M I Manitoba Lxtick the 13ritish (jum. end of April wit -4 nniform lit all, thrvad, arr unioniq ill(, rictv trilli- AVOXAN ,91[711IN-11A) TO DEATH. . . i. , formerly� called "white swelling." strong. - . patents seconds, $5.80; of chalk with him, and gave ond reading in �paxits of Ontario and vonipil,rc�d, " � , ,,, � -1 The first frank symptoms of in- - —.4-- strong bakers $5.60; Winter wheat them wha,t was left for next time, . 'Alexandra, in a message of w i a % an a,r( cru rankti lit I inings. ,.t* tulle hlerves'ha%o X 1-4. Ti — - I . I :1-�� amd (5vv,ry naArble was in its own- 11 en I ColoreA tiv( .ruey pilliabo 1,oses tier !!I . flammation are often preceded by a patents $6.15 io $6.25-, straight roll- ' 7G,5 pet, ce,rit. Hay and clover av I a lloing 1,f g,lld of.t ill., , heeling of weakness -in -the -joint; ROSS BECKSTEAD SHOT. $6 to $6.10; straight rollers, in er's hands. I symputhy to the Women Nurse-, , tge H� Vex cont. Fodder for T111N gl,,os I ife sit Houtreal. f "; - , I ers, m a game of jacks next, amod Congress at Liverpool oil Thursday, - �just a t,bal�ining shiiiiiiier thi-wigh .il: ne c"hild-for it id the young who — bags, 2.90 to $3; extra, in bags, It W4 '�s - - ' I t(, ,lt h&K b*4on ample, it-% is denoted ,,, � . III ying Isaac Gar- Ajl,�__ -A - � "' F i - a. spilJteod li*Arse-race that intinin,ted that she w not in syni 1v A ill(, "Iltel. lu,�sll. A dmpi"'tch from Montreal says: �� � 11 chiefly suffer from these troubles- Boys Vi- _: _12,00 , ii'6d-2Lan4oPa�'.th6n '11", tile condition of farm anirrialti. Mrs. 'rel-livy Plumbo, oo�loung wo- I ft ""If , tor .A. i I .. - , �, 1. 4��.i ,,�: " ; .., a t "I , �,;�� , " , t �. ��-,,Uii�; M"ito6a shorts 'fleedod'Paoul's consol tions; and alpathy with the suffragettes. ce Borses are 92 p Span,Ai la,.,e �varfm, scah-ely Keen , '� . - . ., I er ci,nt. of standard, -five, was turned to r the knee. I . we, . I - t faxthex down an upset tea- I A british departmental committ F, I . � walks a little stiffly or with a slight . _ _.. I Mo. Otto da%s of tlivir p,pularity niall,of,twenty limp, and "favors" $24 to $25; Ontario bran, $23 to $24 ".little nlilch cows bh; other ht�rnexl cattle, -, ago, have again made deat i ( it Friday avening at her � ,h from Ottawa says: . to $25; On� party, attended by a chubby babylappointed to inquire into the quem , ine 91, and sheep ,vll..50 por twvllt� yrill �. 1, When questioned why he does not A despat,c ;horts, $24.50 lionw w4 tile rosult Of 11, latilp explo I run about as formerly, he will Ross Beckstead, aged eighteen, waos Ontario � .50; pure girl and a, fa.t pkxAle. Ition hati reported that there is a B4. sw all appearallet" - 11 shot ajid instantly killed at Me- tario middlings, $25 to $25 amy more meat combine in Britain. though it cent. Bion. Mrs, Plumbo ap�arcntly went . usually say he doee not know -and Milian's ,MAl,-1-about four miles i grain mouillie, $33 to $35; mixed, There is not tiffle t4) tell __ ,q.___ __ � .------ - + — into the kit4_,hen to ligilt a laillp. $28 to $30. Cheese -12y, only this': Wile" Paul niet Peiter on, is not st pl-c- sent p�,wel,fjjl enough he does not, for there is no pain at from Chesterville at 9 o'clock on inouillie, I I unds a little la,ter, Ito endanger the collut"Y's micat 1(�,Lving her four children in front - 11 this time, and at most, if lie is Thursday night. ' Isaac Garloug�, to 12%,c, and easterns at 12 to ]2y,c.: the schcK)l gro A S31ALL ASA IA H. NO MIDDLE_MEN. aslopp. The latlip exploded, smoth � he will say his leg is I age I -21V., to 22c. Eggs 19 to he faced the insolent stare of tllo�trade. _' __ . ­ -, saying steadily, "When SoaS `oiov$ ('uaIJJlfL(l, I.'lc,,jtljl found . preFsed, q forty ties in tile local jail Bi tter - - I,ell Insalite Per oralige i's -op Will Ile !llar. string her with oil, and a neighbor, "tired." awE6i inp, tl' action of the Cororer's 19!/,c per dozen. new bo� ,F llearin,g her cries for hell), Some pain appears, usually inde. i t, ry, t * le you wa,nt too vent your meanness UNITED STATr,;. �, lit Orangeville Jall. ketod Direct. liel.. ty ng (in thi-floor with her hair is body of Beckstead was n something that can't hit back, on 1 ,% despatch from Orang- 11 . j;ays: and clothing a matis of liames. The . � . finite in location, and often referred not discovered until 8 o'clock () The United States Senate,,, , 14' �W 'J ;N ti, - patcl, irnin Donver to some part other than the diseas- UNITED STATES MARKETS I'd 9,clvi�se you V., take the PuDc.h- ed for a dut)- 25 ,rile r,�Iollv (if lunatic'.i al. Ill,.4clit ffenvcl� rth the I li,sida, orauge. cru nuarmt tiry alarin would [lot work, � ,in Friday morning, when John 4) a Thursdav -t. 1) I I - Elia, a pa,,;�ing fariner, found it in Chicago, May I I And he I cents a ton on iron ore. c(milned tit ill(- count% Plil )-l"', k�lll h inal-het(A dir-l-et, a(cordilig all(i hN tit ad jQint. Then, as the disease do S. -Wheat - No ing-bag in the gyni inst,ead f . . e Little itaRifitanco camo adside, lo red, *1 45' No. 3 red, $1-:30 to street full of babies." )TIsciong, and cl&res itself, tile knee will be seen the cornor t,f a fivid by the ro ' ­ ' I that Peter never Capt. Peter C� flaills ' w -ho shot nurn1wring nit-, was 11-1-11-d un t, .1 C 8%%inghlig, 1-l'ood- 11, ,,f j1143 the wornan wa4 ull- . - to be swollen, and i i �-: Garloug;) at-knowledged having fir�,d I $iA,z; No. 2 hard, $1.28 to $1.35;, r,aid much more and killed William F Annis on . died shortly after bving takotnt L" pain is now cam ),%'c(1n1­jJav e�#�uillg ll�N till! 111'1'1�ftl 1.1"Irda Frult, and Citrus Grokkers , ! so that the little pati ' some I No� 3 hard, $1.24 to $1.30; No. I � forgot. . ILong Island last. AuguRt has bevii .1 � ad by motion, -�off his shotgun to frighten 1,f ,1111111 UlLrr (if the t-11"I'lli Of A—, ,Ltloll, who ww, tit I)eii%#-r on tile il"'I'"" ", bothering him by I Northern, $1.211 to $1.30; No. 21 We all start on a proce-iision eve,ry 1 found guilty of manglatightcr ­ ---+—*- .. . . $1.26 $1.29; * I I ent keeps the leg slightly bent and boys who Nvory Miaranth Carr Rry-ivrd oil tit,- 'p, I. <111.� 11 g)lt ''Tile ,jrnng4v crup PLUCKING THE OSTRI('11. � -n night -crying; firing stones at his house to No. 3 morning. Now tell me which are CharleA 'L. U --A-011, a 111111';"�" c%elllog train in clinrgi-,)f (',)list lde� ,�%Ill rijpd. There is ofte about O!Northern, . It at Corn - No. we, Peter or Pail 11 -youth' 8 C6113- it ,4 f I -,rldu 01)s %oar. Ili, �111,1, , . I the child cries out sharply in his o'clock on Thursday ni i id it q,pring. $1.24 to $1.28. . c,tA)<,k )irokrr, k under ar""It ,It l_,lNt,,-tv t,f Sitellitirne, lm%irig been , ,,, t,tl timi ,,f 'siii� other �--ar t,itwo IIa%o you ever been oil an ostrich- I I W� - -.-.. �d 45% . is alleged tt, ha%A1 . �� sleep, but may mot waken; or lie is thougilt this shot mo V111 I- 2 7�-, -1 5 to 7 G c ; No. 2 Yellow, . W Pa,niOn- Washington. He � Iriiniftlitted as a dangermi,; luriati, 1,,�,, anti "v "Ill J1r,,(Ju1',r- 1110f 11,8 fitl-ul? Perhaps not; but Yull '-111' may wake and whimper for a time Bilt,krtead, as his fave. ictimized it - 44 firlit'S ill I 1 I , wa.4 hit and 76; No * 3 ' 1�5 to 75%c; No. 3 whitc, _+_ v nurnbel )IN Grorge 101therf"I'l, Pollee mitgl� ,.I ,,I i a, t if, ('nt,,.#, ,-�,,p of Califor an warich plunit, in yotir Hunday . . 75%, to 76c; No* 3 yellow, 75% W I.,(,,. 1.1.111., N%c ljll�f. Ailliull( 11at, if yoll on:t you would lik� .. 4, 74, to 74%C - Oats - ,� * 111'111,ED TO DE.vru. Canada and the UniteA States, flult N111119P Cart, is it I a, , . d and then fall off to sleep again, and � luck� hot wounds w(,r,. in Ile head. -,6c; No. 4 - WOMAN ,. trale of . I so � -iate a frw 1 again in a few minutc,% or a few _______41 _610, -_ farnivi-, figcd ab�.ut dlirt�N CIA(', and led t,i) tlie'nllu,te�4 ,.f hr.,kf-ri ,Atlo h, * y itt will appre( I No. 2 white, 59!1 to 59%c; No. 3 G EN F R A I,. it, ged benefactor . hours give another Beream. 11-011.iN 1,11jr],V MURDERED. l./ to 59 4 ',.',c; No. 4 white, Mrs. Swain hilled While. Walking I will bv 111i'dicalk vNitilmi'vI 114 .."m l'1Avtl('all\ [I-14111ilt"I tho market., facts about t i win i . Tubeitculosis of the knee may as- . white, 59'. .- Gormany i- 4-taldi'lling It lilit. ,,f RIA 1),,,,,1ij - Irlo. :L*i 1-rit i, - at v d- iii-iking big pr-das anoil kevping ilp ,,f wcirnanliind 0,*trich feathei-4 arA ; I sume one of th-ce forms. That 1 - ­ 34 tu 5sixte; standa,rod, 59 to 69" Ile' at Oil Springs. airahiii stations [111.1ig the, Frvmh . t., I'mud 111i t.mh lwolil'. t 1, I-1-111 rw� ­chppod, and J ­ adults islHer Roily Found t*nder SissOvifills ,mjnner�polis, May 18-Whea't- terni'lwil I ,( pin-,.� ,4 -rnj,�4­ wo plui-ked, llut seen most freqcutlt in A , Sept,, A delpatch front Oil Spring-, fr(wtior. ii, ul�v It Ill"otiCe t'l (It(, c..111111,1rilh ,jj N%.. mill nutiket Ow Fb,rida,."111 ditring ti- proCeRs thi, anirn3l I dropsy, the joint cing disteaded Cirelinistances. I ,la�-, $1.26; July, $1.24,',; Ont., sa�s: Mrs. Iticlia,rd Swain. a Thr Turkish tr,­p� tit Er7f1r.,1111d _ + ___ i put dtrvo, suld tl-,, %kill -41114 1 i 14- rours like it 111,1.1`41' Ofire. Sometimes with fluid. The most common form I l4f.07% � cash, No. I hard, $1.28" , i A despatoh front Vancouver, 13A ' ' ­ t 'orthern, $41.27" resident of Oil CitY. %vas Itimust ill- are �Jld it) tie 011 Ole NcrK` f 1,14AITED lill' 1Alltl1:LE.SS1' I f ,,ranii,,� 41) pur (14,111 ll" ho kickit oul, and thl- best. P18,11 to L tile 1),)dv *i.291/ - N . I N Y. , . is the so-called "white swelling. ' Face df)wnwards of 1, /s, - 0 / �tantl.N killed and her niece, Aliss rrmtin� � --- 'r , 6-� distended with � says: ' t,o $1.28Vti; No. 2 Northern. $1.25-� " I �'f,":"J;�'�, fight 1� ,,Nf1V 1, it 1111KI-i %%Ill ,-,,app li,A pedal extremities is t,, t, JoGie Truwn. of till. %ill ge, w -ror and the King " j)j. ,elljog at 1l,f. rat,. u Ot;,-4- for fail list (.Ki tiw ground. Ili order I il In this the joint is 0. weli-dressed wornan v.a� dis- - .1 Nurthern, $1.23 -VR % a. as �n - The (;ernran Enips I�our Thon-Aill"I 1,111111- 1110"lled F lit, I 11, , tu $1.26%, ; No 4 , I 4, � a soft, Spongy, ft rigus-like growth, I co% cred (in Wednesday under a I/ Flour --Firs her(, ab,nut 6.30 un Sunday of Itaiy MO. (;n Wedn(sday tit the Ilourot at 0111.1ha. I t�, 111,14 -ad ,,f I,)%#. 4f."ts to (-anibiLt thi,; dangerous habit, . I stretched ' to $1.25,8. - t paten f.s, Jurckl ""' "'" " � the skin over it, beil,g I churp of brush in Burnally. Noth- .$c 10 to $6 30; second pa,tents, $(; afternoon in a %cry pevuliar man- port ,J Brindisi I I " - � .1111-11a I 4.strwli farTner,; u4millY drive tile .1 and white. The third form is sup- in near affurdii any clue except tile t,, $6.20; first clears, $4.75 to $4.- ner, TheY vvere o -n tile %NaY to tile l"'n�Ignerg at 1'riniah. pi-r,ia, in- A d-patvil frolo ()IM1,11ft, tol%- . o',- — "Itiji,ile, int,, ''plucking -boxes," I 'itiq, commonly fol -i R . stati(m, whe.n a Revere, storm ranle cludim4 Briti�h iind Ain0rican nii� I �� , purative artill remains of a rniall fire. wherein 95; second clears, $3.35 to $3.55. 'I'll') ()111111M 1, k4-tri(,'L1 Shl,%% %%&s I ., .:I) In- Do(;. I'lli-c at -4. jitti(. p,uR niade for tile I lowing the second form. The treat -!paper had been burned and and, picking up the tode,Aalk ,oti sionarie,ii. are in (Jangvr N%1.41111.Rdn�v night, 1114)11(.41 h) it wile I ( if I I'l) it I 'I I I'vi'l ,,,, p,,qe, and atv ),lit l:trFe enmigh ; d it is usually by Pos- Brau--In bulk, $24 to $24.50. up 'rile clirr.,nt cnino , - -_ " I !, rendering the sibly -the woman's hat. No pe n which tlw� were walking, hiirled A Tio, fourth %4,n ,,f AlAul thinlid, lt­� ruirvnt . one -0 I 10) to Ata I In After � F?11 sometimes by rso Moll -w -r Fouchl The Animal nu fol I 1, t immovable; has been nlis�led in New Wc%t-, '-- ultan.,,f Turke%, hn- fr�,in t.b., (;,,Nf-rnttwnt wit -4 -If- �ux � the bird cantuit , . LIVF 9TO across the street int,o a,&cp ditch the 4ivp(i�vd S . the door i% -i-t. , ��, '' leole1naling Out the content,.;, if Pus 'minliter or vicinity for months. The on thc �nppoqitv side. Tho ladies be(,n placed nnoder arrest tl,�n, rl­ ttlilt,, di,tant fr,r) ,AhcrW 111,11) Arrivvil. 11tick. n, ow �idv,t art, too high. anti " forms ; and rarely by cutting out the -' Montreal, May 18-A large pro. wers varrietl with it, the sidewalk Tit(, Frvnrh pt-tal strike is prn tl_ 11�,,k ,% heing beld Thvry Nicrrl ()nt � I I,(. 1� kopt till it -i liv meanji i?f a great -11, I caus- of death is not yet ascertain . " \ d -patch fr�ml ( h1ohatti. I i 14, diseased part. I d. but as thr, clothes are hadly portion of the butchers' rattlewero striking Airs. 'Swain on the, head ticalk draAl. attorl tit(, loadvr, .1 I I,u,,) 1lj,,.,i,I4l,­v*,nt lwnp�i nud f ­r I 1� , . " 1. Lir day and night, e -, i here is a probabiliCy milkmpn's strippers, which sold at and crushing her rkull. Miss Truan their'des1wrati-I sire aAhipling dv f,111 ll,,111- Ilit' [�Llllp� "ery light,dif:0- (.; I it4l , %,,, ths, 'I ,ix �,jir ,,1<11cloth rnitten. whirh i,drikwo­vPrli 0 Life in the openj torn in place n prime I I ,rh(, ,%. 111LUVI ,,f Mr- I -ank S 11111111 heall 'rile featherg tirp 1,ni-rd ,� '. 13, that she met " ith a violent death from 3�� to 4,',(, ,6% thf. ,Aire),," Vllrrv,N , "' i I NN�tl, q1witt-, and in a little tnuo 0- 11 especially by the seaside, does a , per pou d, lwa,s not seriously injured. strurtive tortiog. " ll� lit �1;1,1 kejl I.N it larixf. I -li'l I - ,,,,.I . � , '11, // Thn Frrncli charnher ,)f Depulirg , ,h good for joint tuberculosis a"' during a struggle. The corpse has beeves sold at 51 to a little over 6c; tt�111 !)N ,Ahich the #13(peTiolf-ol * 1�,, mile I qn or n 1 apparently to tile pretty good anillials, 4�.', to 5%c; - endorsed tho (;--in -nul<i, %%11,4 ), til%t-overy hv I)r I %� - 11 I 'I ,r%Pr,k hiltell -1 Silhir,'it, after ;oAtricli r­,.N,-r,i ills equarilmay '' , open-air life farther in) d i been exposed ___ 4 on Thursdav " ,� - 10 elements about four raCut . -S tidt, %;ith rpgart , the mountains does for consumpt* n months. ,common stock, 3 to 4y4c per pound. attit', 1 to tile eri,k millener, tAirole— exp, -rt �J , he lungs. -Youth's Companion. �Miich cows, $10 to over ilffl each. RISKED LIFE FOR CHILDRE'N. postal strike I �,� of t — — —,7d,-- lCalves, $2 too $8 each, pretty gcm,d — ___+_­ � - the t'nion parific llailr,�ml L RATION NOT NEqESSARY. ,Premier Stolypin (if Rugsia will � lots, $4 to $5 per head. Sheep Mother Ran Through Flames of ___+__ ). � 1. OPE remain at the head of the Cabinet. sold lit 5 to near Cc per pound-, FIVL 1"I:%I1S 1`01( S'f`-kIl"1N*(;- lit A I Nil, A 1111FAIT k 11411111 VILLAGES WERE WIPED OUT 4 Enlarged, inflamed glands in the -=,. lambs at $3.50 it) $6 each. Good I Burning House. -_ ­_ A �d 1� .11 __ - lots of fat hogs at about 8Y.c per A despatch from Hterling, Mani- Stiff Sentcoce I,awsed oil it Prisoner A scoteh coutink-Aioner luilireg s � � __ - � .� , pound. toba, snys: While outside milking at Bellevill1r. %%ith tile Wemt. . i P I � ., Toronto, May IS-Thore was an her cows, Mrs. Harris Courtney A d".patch fr,,ni llPl1r%j!lg- ,nv� A de -patch fr,,n1 NN1111,11irg I '11',' � Elitirel District Laid Waste About Marash i'4" . � NISIAN DA11GED BY ICE .abundant supply of choice cattle in discovered that her house was on Alaniull Hannah. a ri-ApiA ,,f the Western ( anivia h- pl,c I , , -,[ r 1, I both export and butchers' classes, fire. Winding her apron over her - ,J Hw;twg,; C-inh. the first (hrect be'llifit, ,.f Ow �i-tt - - TE which sold readily at top-notch he I, northern part . ent Rioting. 1Z I I ,ad the mother pluckily dashet: I 1%-a.,� ,j, NN (-<ln4­Ala% nt,,r iing, krf"ro "f file Se"tt-h %g.i1,11!t11r1ll ( ''Ill I I __ prices. One very fine, butich ill through the fire and saved her four llivl . it, Derocbe. found umlt ' % ,,f m: -,ion la,t 3eaor, on, of ttle (on) I -_ -_ -_ --.--- I nine export staters realized $6�25, children, who were huddled in an1,t,,l,,,,,,,, J,wii. Sauvwr wid infl](1 nlissl,mcr� Jr .1 \1 lf-Ag- hil' hatch of to-eiminns on \V I- I Third fi,ocident to Allan Liners Si-aco the and %evpral )oads sold at $6 and inner room. Mrs. Courtney's hair .k de,pilt(h Ir -mi Firiria. Tnikv,o.1,,thei N ing grievow; imdil� harrYi Ife %as ing i,timitA and lmr,�lia-,i­e,l """"�,ai� The rri,ent 1*1,,tilig In oi�� vt !nc�da _� Ill" riling ,Ahen 24 ulutilwers over. Choico butchers' cattle sold caught fire and she was badly %enwr-ed t,, fite 3earR tit Ow p(,m a4re, ;it -whern Ailicrta, 1,a%ing 1111 ItN �,f Marl,411 11:1� lal(l wa�t,,. ,,f the arrn� aild na%� were hanged i; ope-ning. of 'Mvigation. firm at $5 25 to $5.50, and heavy burned about the head and ears.. tent inry He wa,, alq�, (­t­(t­l1'tt,Pro-r­r $-'u,oll. He 1� dellakt-11thtit, entire dimtri(I Marn-h it,v If 11, r, uhhe xt,1111171 t1u,o (:Av hnllt� , 11� cows at $6. Stockers and feeders -?_ of 1199flulting a man named W,iliant ,N)th Hitt laild. d- laring it t'. Ito -AaA spared. f(,r ,,ill) it few I-, 'riwi makv-, LL total of 38 ex"itt-n't " . were in strong demand. Milkers I t., t ",, the rlote,t it(, ha% e%er me,,n Thi,:,w,lui tfierf- wl'Tp kill-[. Imt %,tiun �withtn the calotal ounce the rei�,ht �, A Baudr,,, and ,an -s sonteriv- � ... A despatch from Montreal says : tant. " Thne ves%el will lit- overhauled a,nd springtolos atrong, except for DIFFICI'I,TIF9 4ETTLE,D. yearq in the penit,t%litiary, sentenc 1. lik"IN t,- lie ffdlow(A b) .1 ,i)Iwo ouxty nilleq t(i ttw ktiutliwr�t a ti,tal � it, 11 ,f April 1.1 1-t,tii 44 the lll(-n �_ . A marconigrom was On Thufrday' the,re, a,nd if it ii; found that she common stock, which are not want- — e� to inn concu r rent ly. infl,IX ,.f s_ttisli ,apital for ime,it vii , batt sustained serious injuries the e ,,f iuxt4.ell ,,111ages. %,Itii a p,,pu la- I, oil `i%vdnv­4iav %­rri- ha.ngeorl n .r � �d. Calves steady and unchanged. C. P. R. MOehAnIeS and Company - ----- �,__ luent in land 11"n 'J N.000 -Ilk. 11:1, " her'l ;,r1l,L the Sultan -; ra.1me, eight at (i,c . received by the Allan Lino from passengers will be forwarded from,gh,,p and lambs dea,rer. Hogp-- Reach an Agrecinont. . 41 I marine harrnck,. eight in lh� D)m I ,olects, Rom quotea LADV TFACHERS' SA LA R I ES jtl(ail� %%)JmA mit T1,4, �,ljk stir I � � captain Fairfitil of the Tunisian, St. Jiahn'% across Newfoundlandto Strong demand; r A d -p t4ch ffom Winnipeg my%: - - . iVILLON A k1140%%I1,11111 ,%,-v, we 11"Ns 1111del fen 411#1 jild�/� .Nield;ln quartrr� i)f Stanihold I I stating that that v691301 had suffered Port Basque by rail, thence by the at $7.60, fed and watered, and a I similar to that Raid Newfoundland Compa,rty's $7.35 f.o.b. It, is stated on reliable authority Sellool Board of Iiiinnifiet; Ilade a - __ ,A ,,Iu( 11 The g:rls wvro carried lind f-ur lit 0- %it'," ()flicr , It %%xA , � I an accident almost 1. Ilie 41 Nihile ,n killi,o4l 'rele,_1(if-oitri,41 1,1 impre- (its, jiv�,P',, ,v:tll befell the Lake boats to Sydney, -,rhe,re they will that the diffien)(iAs between the U Fint Inerease of r4fly Dollam. t'ariner Nenr olinun 1% � nw^N and the lit I - � which recently —41 1 �41-:11,101� ri,l­rt� r ... eive,,l �,n \%'..ql tile fart thal til, it -6113 had hee-1 '�k Champlain, and that he had been be, taken 6y special trains to St. 1'. R. and their me-chanies have Aiding it Nelaltbor. ' been satisfactorily settled. All A deApatch from Winniprg qays: r,­,laN do,lary that ill, imnor\ and juioi-it,oil ILY141 hn'l th,­ 1),allIT11114% . �., `A601-Apelle,d to put into ,St. John'e, John, N.BL, and Montreal. If the Forty-fivfo Tnrkish miltin"I'A A do-pill.11 fr"In (11 k"I umber 14,N141 lonneorltittoln"t blen, pliblic the Fic-4,11le w"llid � for safety. Tho Tunisirw h" too go into dry dock UM. the strikerq are to he rei�notated, The S,hool Board waFt genermitt ,,n t r"flo �11%z , nit n . tlit, t,wilf,nin-1 I � %,Nowfoundland , - have been xrrea" lit Erzoro and the old wage strhedubm restored TurFday nirht and gave t tie 240 ( ,11,-v ( M,,ritao, it fartn�r, 11, '"' 1'1�1,cf ,� r,,,1,i1t­i Thf, Int"rior dss [ 11- "'"llght 111"" . I � ) I .. V)\ hr,b ­ � i in" �,a: on ( " . I Tonim'sn, while liteamijig alowl th a booked for her nail The Frilipprortit of German� and practically, and old eonditiong re. ladies emp iyed in the 36 citv near lla7elden. ,As)- filtalk tjlplrp,l� 1,i jir, ,tA far fr,,rn okettle,ii,, ik-11ruen ha4l 'IlNe-41 0-111-ooltot iftv&rd.bound. through heAVY fiaf� - g' ro't"nT'Aa'tr,,I on the 21st in., Augtria had a. lengthy and friendly ,,,t,,d to 0. R. Wart repre-Qornt- gchoo]R a flat inereai;e t)f f450 per ,,it Wednewia ' v v%,111nit. %0,flp - �,f"":�.i .n dir-ti-nq the 111-t hoort ing 4FT'lak - lhal lhp Matome't I I I . I i,* struck an unusutlly beavY r1bant, will be bratisferred to n ( a dll�ina I L a . i riday. H, H. annuni. in ax](110- � to Allrh In Q,Atinn in the erc,1­11 '. � - 311-1 AtiPt"Al' are,#d tb4 �r f,xt,tn11�.n %,Ito, n-,!hmrni to Meeting at Vi�_ALni% on r ad the mathini0q. and I r,n< inix w-,unt mLs and Ptar" Ao Plitittl under other of the Allan boutp. Thi I' " The reports of the alaughter of Vinghan the mimpany. Whiie no rrpnpp� to which they were erifttlod ,,lied f,,r ft nottiltht.r lip �llppe, I�,eploz tr�(IN#'d Ilry'N. thatt nt 1-101'al 11" "?" W folepeak- The brokein plate the third mcident th* Allom boats It un, explalupd that tile tit " lir"In It -111. milti it, i-illmg innsi-I ,,,, Nil -rl\1.vIlS I \V I Th,- are riinini,A �,f n ri-tia , , I /f r '.' qtianq in Asia Minor have bloon werition is made, it. iq underiliflood .1, y I .( VTFD e&os6d quito a beavy, le�tkj. btid Oap- have vuffr�red sindto tU ,opening of Chri. n,� vt h e re �)1(1 I b, Oul rp ,nd -f n ,r, .,% 1,:, 1 ,1 and -sr � tain Vairfull consittIbred st, his duty liavigatihn, thA Colo%thition and �i- grNatly extiggel'A". V'robahly not the men are not returning to their ig Ole litnallest R %JI,zk,,i,wq at ( ,kah. al -tit -t holl � : . for at. 41ohn's, Iserima having bothiMet with MG- more ihan ten thouvaad have been previoua standing on the pension board nho igiuled authoritv w raise upritilo in tile ground lit, (h -d J A d-1 -it, h fr, tit ( ,T-,t,,­ti1­Pl*1 I , , , I to hoAd at once I , ear bonds. a few hours afterwar( sayl. k .,n,.lt4llliln_ple witneq-ted an- dr�<i nitles frvin i4alonika . .11 *hl*th was only sixty toilft dis- baps. I slain, roll. $200,OM on 35-y I . - � . . .4 I J , � I ; ? ') " 4 I � .,r . .. I � % 4 1 ) , �, �,� , � ' , A , I I �� . I L . , I I.. , , , , '' � . . , ,. , �1 � 'I A� 11 = t � -1 'BTU ' � � i�� RID �1#�(_IXH 4_tS� =_=___ _ ___�_ , I i I d,t � I t""'"� L J. I I � - 5" �A_ , , I I I , , , 'I', � ", , ), I � . I I . .� o . 1. , I I I , ,� I � . I ,., .� . . I - 11 I ill � I I I 1, I. . I . , � I I I � I I I �� . - . � �, . � f. i , ) . � 11 I 14�� 4",. � I I 1. � i,i� ", I : , " . , I - , r . f, . . .,: ... � � r I I.' 41 � , ,.. -1 I I . I \ I I , I a , _� I � , . . I I I . . 1� 1 41, , . , I I 11 � :t I . i. e5 1.11 - . � . 1, � S I , �, - - , , # '" . . 1, - t, 1.9--A" , "' . ", ,hi, , I " _­ ,A" �­­ r 11. � � .1 I L I _A . . � . . I I � I. , , , , , , _'AW � 1.1, , , -11w, I -_ ­ .� - - -� I I . . . . , m- - . ., _..ogiio... A. ", - ,_ J "I 0* � I., .mw . I I . I ..;i;"%."A Aw"wilk., A&& ! I 111 ­*041 M"-...- -_.$aim I Alw I I � . I . 4" _11:W 1111111111o, z" �., _.J[�Ii � ­ IN I !=� . , -...11111116, i I I 1, - I _ 11 - ­­ _-1 I - ",""I'll, ..... ..