HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-05-21, Page 1'WW 'f- 41 -7,W-
as -7-T -r,7--. 7 F, tT"449emn som Is, tw cmilwty Of ""tone OW sty* Qmaut�4 01,owwsom "M his *11'ar"r,
f1ler OOCOQ14 of tho'catisity, ........ .. .. ...... .. . ...
PT- T A 15MRICIt ON '10 Fait). Ayak MAY. 24 1-90) T-"Vk $4, Ad** shot OeA,ought Qodoiloh getli, V AL C
The If* 411141 -3644" kIDITIM Ill AL C014ME
at aThe Negeraslil Oj heIft -4 pig 11 raid to 00bg last T91h,aXdgjor9fTHXSTAft. pill ol:;.ent., oboit: MonaybrOU91111113 flatig to tifesi
offoring f9t, g 100 mmons Apoll 011 114 mull1ber of ;Per 00M,k: P4 up. beso. To .0. and the next Call W, numerous coal.
. . . . . . ............ 11 Mean plaints the (Avolo 94 OC yg T 'Tom 'on ')Age ball team play 110 tevul In Jall for some of tho offeadere ILIA1011119 In tons trance, of t aof It er Ptn�, AWOlt1W)lo WO, and' proftiable in.- Monday. May 24th, " es0poll T.Wo hAvoi llikis "Ril Alt Mitchell. It they repeat. 1101111tr of getting in. nF*t 011aton, EvIdequy the Whit. M laftritr IU44 rikq9toired-4,11o". 410talica. Return tickets at ,in to fare to" ROY censeOfis "at se Ail e. istoOdi by, Spoplai rok thai '0401 frong heJODI 0-Goderlich ata Policy is farmer take in -Iry toilgiltilloord.st ' on Monday. MAY
Poustillask not a Iling"I the
ve 7 tir-iiiii June 24jal -Alosiday.-the, A r-oth -, - A P tio -ond. "W7 4 ell a t thi
eytdra a tb�j
'g, A ew.
'A so ZO ne. 11TO week A DOW Cabinet Minister a? It
-Mitchell at Goderich. was a illorlotio'day. say t at not 14 far in It Aly 1'�-MItCheII*t BI U 11 has been r I to to
eot they ton at e so B. Alt. P. JFart-16 Ce or Goderlob towns 'N 'alovall $*it Of. in at 160 than balf.fiv(de 00' Godoitich. -Mackanxiii King ol the
aYth, Olin Created
In lobrated c DARO. LOAN 'COMPANY Vr ter Rentling' Oodericti ilil ligni will start in the free4or-all b0ing given the portfollo, of detrodralgied even t sy 'Pur . D16 JOY "Oderichat Birth. giltshell, Oil Monday. May 2itb. Minister It fpleau ceotlykm� JAtillso at 4 a selling, 104 orthiso stylish July Blyth at Mits, I 01 Labor. This makes sixte Jui �aufti ii ifistructe"O.'rigr-, hat. july, �t- nqW the on
-forgin "ll liberal and practit
July W� 00 at , Ytb, ttkO*lMdvWd1neiit Of Oanada.a
",kon8liturdAYMOPningi _011nt court next week in f Iffer to Resist title moat Importan" on deposits.ot. tr slid d Oxtm4rdltiary suits will. be 00 sale, OtLlAt Mitchell. Clinton 01, Tues. larger Cabliket.than In any other coun
uPW-41 8, The prices are. Thursday. t
day and Seatorth on . work,. on ap
August 10-Clinjon at Blyth. try In the world.
$S.W. $9l Asigirist-
It will pay Not t a to the, principal Draft$ holigiltiand $10AX) it Choic 17 - Clinton at Ooderich, tic people to rea up of the Agricu total ()OIlege at a Of the lot, 'Mitchell t Blv.th, oWs 4.dv. will send a mign verse Campton & M they CROMPTON Auguat 2"Oderlel, for astime real 0 _4 In the ari 0oudIal Banking Business 46 Clinton. hill 0 �kkgaelg t A new Liberal doctrine promulgated 9,40-4fite drainage methods; he of 11
WANTS.. BIG HVRNT.-�Tolke horse September A Argo young collie go to a week. by the Premier and eniphasliked by the will ATO to be suer #t I "' I
illarket U -Blyth at Ooderich ; dog which tot.
which Is to be held In Goderic on the Clinton Itt All chell. some one to jUohnersville on OR to ad P -M. General is that whenever a GvIt way station, Rod bring hing and his
t tie nearest vigil-
-oil gTrieill 4 field there awaiting I a w1th alltrits,.-ts V ameti Cotta V J,ioko, Slot of MILT is expected to be on h member complains matruligiouts Out to tile farmer's h ie, 'no" Menthol, by throa aGo aof owner. huse Is It
A�Qurefs X. care OUND THE HARBO Of III Postmaster And board him dnEll he Is throughorkh 'GODIRRIM'11RANCH: thil IsirgesO gatherings in town we AR R. Seven of the a its being Partizan, the o1i is to be will go over the round and"lay, O�t in
have bad for game Quite ou, number ht Chestnut trees die is the Most acient, In
petted there will be bu eve from all cent sized Perot year are In lealrom Victor"% Yet We talk Of British freedom as we the drains ollic time, As It Is ex Of strillge of de. ec Httrt)Or wk ft- tied at once without a trial. and go Just where
LOST. A. G. GANIBIX, manager. I were made this week, k,0rvk C Manner 04,01111%. a - are L seent. be ooked At at this have It In Canada. I be. and on leaving Part" of the country T a the flab being forly plentiful. b 11. sand It is to W It an oil a Drop of Your tarm.
kk Surods ped they will I rqw,U;;W;- our, WIP guaill. Otero The schooner Azov Cap
"'A iue�110160 market shoulcl tie con, umniell. W I d on their work, and receive The 24th of May promises to be PI McDonald. left Saturday, 'ah" I s
light!"t a a expense will Olin every encourage[ the Goo alshe election petition against Hon, III 11 fare at one cent Ily. nent from th roglan Bay, to load lumber for big day it, Mitchell a
"NVI -b wn ir,oTt4�"E"uszK DOW white GODBRICH MARKETS. people. We are Informed ta` town Sarnia. thill Year, The Sidney Ills 0 a nil I Y. Sporting 4forlsociaLij)o of Minister of Agricul. 00 oil usitax. anqworR to but the Domes will be sold by auction where The steam sturn to STAI . L amea. Wbeat4 t�o leading Min for speculation, thitt town de- to It Is. I believe, generally admitted a a ervO great credit, for the re. After mRnV delays and twistiliIiiii. that front two to three crops wl 4 00T.-011 Apri I ,a ev0rZ one will balli Unadilla and Le. telley have arrang Pvogr4ulme has been Ill"Milesed by the tria epay the whole o futures for �tuko,-itkiy A,nd.septeplber rieltur and have a chance'to bid land, from Sandusky. arrived In her- noilY how they areaelting. or ad to'- this day. I Judge AmPIr I t1, in town or be, il fall not 11) price dairy'. the cause beapir the me extra speolill will boll on for because is certain Utla.
tworell town itb n Tucal both carrying cargo., So Y; add to I Caving it at srAfi Of Cork] for the big mill. orklOr Issued by an. It Is be ligotivanta a of heing at least ady's lialiall Coat. is 0 A r1wrk colored circulation of report. favorable or adverse to RIMICKAR LODGE, No. 89, L O.. -O. F. 11'riday and Saturday previ,is to the other Judge W"..datedl Ku two Weeks earlier on the spring in i
orators choose for owlto, F their purposes. t1nR In the croFl- with a correatondin I be rawardool at' the grovall crops, it" the groul Last Thursday there was Spring trout bdve not been plentiful holiday, which are not Mentioned in Instead of at Sweet a large this season so far though experts Starillni R OR TO. LET. OW 'If#Cu trudApurstairourassirt. saftil w:ar values. See Our windows for 8 Is tile Hon. Sid. While (it it, lot r -FOR- C1ktt1e�OfftlIgradegstIII rule high. ostadjudgea members' wives, ral&tl ves od friends, days in the Colborne streams. III PI4Y--OAMHRON & MOORE.
be by the light arrival of " export " front Casuk, attendance.of brethren Of NO, (12, and Aalm� to have Q a few suceii our act. this week. white. Judge realties. Tliu aburg. where Ih, two weeks ear fee in aking t am 11hIP4,10111"Would.big to 1pok in the, OWS FOlit SALE, -Two good Milo neY triumphantly vindicated and a an OxPerlence as me give One man'& in June, the other In Set) The Grand Trunk Rallway all objeet leasoh : The f tember, late Alderman C '-one to Como In, h Cows, at Liverpool and London, larcalant Micas "haul' to Organize a Rebekah Lodge. A lodge The stearner Scottish Hero arrived Systeril the Bissell Of electoral corruption covIn. Alechle, of London, Lialkit'0110'Fal4nd as columaks be maintained. Id was tot -mad, Sister Ella Barlow. presi. Oil Monday with it cargo Of 179.9i announce a rate of $2.05
all PsAl Rxcollont. milli For particolarg It Yogi, hints QPPIY!�t Too STAR Office. bushels of oltia, Willett was Union Goderich to Pletely disproved, England. was an enthusiastic expert Better and CC" hold to lust week's prices. T Vou think,thas finglerLw. M.4 .1 1 and Potatoes are Quoted at Mo. Le Me. of Thursday 106t a Ourse son't, FOS `I) is ti'VE 1 rml, K7r!�AjAlslt-,m dent of the Rebekah Assembly of On_ tied in OrOnto and return on morning train Inelltial agriculturist his Ideal belu�
oulddalithe turio. being the Installing officer, end t*o minutes less than fifteen hours, next. May 27th, tickets tile Importance same." I , cut Vegetables are being marketed treaty. the the' president making the-av( Last Natkirday's eililtion of the Afoot. of dramaFe. Ile ex. 0:1ridthe an . kil thicate. JAUedL by' Veteran lJOIInW Land Cer- assisted by P. N. G 'rage IZOOO bushels an good to return by any train on Friday ended thoutiands of pound, in show. Mae We terler- Ottetwok; good for aerdst 0 on garden. I good for the kItCh- hour. The He cheap trip to the, fri I IfyiUlt, the Dertment; wQather having bedn fairly li Maud jT MOOre, -installed the ro Is not the easiest real Witness was managed and edited
f an 28th. It you want A'
tit Ad&.;' 1 'an 0 01, for entry In All of boats to ale city this, is you what could be ROOOIDPIIahed In 0 to -or ny at as Fruit prospects following oll for the-enstringerm. vote. but A record like r opportunity. by "' committee ot ladles. Who are to realrec`4 10 treAll the land as it
race Over 01, woman- and cherry and 8111111101' -frultor being very good Vice Grand.- Flora Raid; Roo. in !L leading P981tion for unloading vertisentent, the onlarge. be at leatit ton sIts Il should be, some of these draing had to a are fine. the bloom on peach Noble'Grand Sister Maud H this at elevating Oats Places Onderich Owing to it mistake a change of ad. devote tile Proctoods to
in Raj none; -write a r In-
raL R. it Will t 14 contifica I round this part or the country., Gundry; Per. See., Nellie received too lost rks and Playgrounds for the through hills and swomp., and In W, urain laden vessels, to" lu". U. . Ewing was went of pa feet deeP, to Put them bit Street. Toro
It Et., r while let I INVESTMENT. aL. S. of N. god one in grain arrivals. T Id fleent edition of o8 paggs "Part, Ills Inotto being do Joe S. of N. G., Stisie Murney. many places not
r 0. Sesding 113 Progressing steadily these days, Edwards: Treas.. Elizabeth Gibson; R, The Past week another ngt week, but nean- the city- It was it magni. ulare that' a rod
but in still far behind. but a few has beet, a for this week's Issue- children of
Without -A rOd Gard to rent on Nei. able. It fee to IN PIUVATE - F UNDS PPI.V to Edith M. Valcouer- the land And It Will do justice to YOU lit sales ------ he stp. received, and first-class serOice n the the matter being In every way credit, With such methods tie did rilialto will make the heavy InInnatly"' work. Etta M- Martin-, R, S. of V. G, undee came in is now stock Is being allid cover, T son street,. on Thursday with
a. BURROWS. 8, of V. G,, 32,000 bushels 0 0000 Laura I oats find 9,(W of bar. Choicest family groceries may be to. able, and the a wondere. A�12 ,fact on.
'"go'll'On 00er- GOderich. mode=tv Front, 'lot far from all over he globe. Near argaret Fal. at cargo ing to Montreal; the Too-, kind skim for As a result to loan at current or (Courre"t wholesale prices correct Ed wards Warden, Agnes IeV, for the elevator, olvertising Patronage an attention of men
rLorApe OFIL '"Ply to G. 0Agul Bar. F URNISHED HOUSE Reid Conductor, M III the balance of d'all.ttlacted the
fiApply t0krX1PO!oJ- Brue- Wheat.... ula .. to a . Can Of Thurraday.1 alkali as ahould'yleld it g V. FK The Augustilles, have sold their If v. the worthy object worked for. practiced,
FORD. aconer; Chaplain, Mrs. Straughan . ret Chief VInught 73.000 busholl of ery on East 'street to Thomas Davis, ........... R. 8 S,,
116 Nellie Of the conditions he LE(141� -CARDS Flour per CWt, Cowan; L. IS., S., Eln. wheat and 47 Wo of oats on W 0 he Y; wi ............ 3 W to 3 Is Me Cam8bell: oner Gniord, Alice J. the TUrrastt (jape brought too i, new proprietor Is well known in Gode bushels of wheat f, Y ------- Flour Pride B "Ar-oollontstandon a Star Floor...". 000 bi oner acre of j.RO�LF-I% Per O'�K' ....... 2 80 to 2-93 is carry on the business. The produced as lllgn As eight a thes a" Putalle.Efoli. Ofilco- Satill -of ine ost of next Morrow Connoti3e ';' rich, being a brothel - The Senate may be old and sleepy rOul One Peck of allied. it is to .On carrier at Montrani "Pli'll"Ot and Square a Star Fine, ................. Spence, titaide Guard, Hoinut Wil. els Of, wheat and flax on round f
.'w Solicitors. Notarl ch 3 00 Do j an day the Midland Queen the Bedford, and IIOPp,d that these British farmers. quare, 2nd,4oar from Hamilton street.
Cderich. Appl;llo Co D,fipo aftIvIN-N, orm. per ton ................ -Sisters MiLud tualle her losing a Judge of it Aluse'
Angleea Sh ton ........... ...... 23 00 to 2.3 00 in it tees. -Memberab IP looking and few there are who think
0 .4 itiont, shop is to ran! Bran, per .... ........ 3 00 to 3 15 lam"; Organist, Maud Martin, Cook. and on Mo C
the solosesion horse flesh knows Whitt the public ex- fill body for Canadian legiale. Screenings. per'i�ion ............... :126 00 to 28 00 Martin, Agnes Gundry and Aunie Vl 81,0008geti'an1dolotilollf for pectin alivery. who are expected daily front the old 8 00 to Is 04 ....... wheat for the but tol farm- W Private fundq to loan at lowastrates. WO FIQST-a.- -F 9 Nowarate ane, East p 0 42 to 0 all ance- 00 -I'll tor and 20 00o fo tile old gentlemen knew ors Of the vast benefits of drainage. all 30
W- PROVIXFOOT. 1C.C., ll C, RAYS. G. F. BLAIR T BUILDING King and tire. W. L, Yule. Fin tion, sod. will convince out- can,
It for sale, situate on LOT9 Barley ....... ........ 0 454 to 0 Bros. 0. A. Reid, F- F- LRIVrence and 0anada Floor Mills. which seems tO bav, enough to nip in tile bod er� , r the Western General report,
stro9ts, Goderich. ns ye ............. aaritime Court, Etc.. or paril good foundation, is that Maser all attempt OFTUS 10, DANOX �xlarrlstal Solicitor. 'Jam up as moi be Reas ............... 11 0 III to 0 so Alex. Saunders. Trustees -Bros. J. A. A matter which will he of interes J- J- WItioter, ply, J. sluckwhea%- per listener ........... 0 46 to atter & Robe a' Van. to "reforn3i the Senate." Aresolution E 1). NOTE. to, Money to Loan fit lowest rates. Office- ........... 0 'a to Hit Rumball, 0. A. Nairn and 0 0. White. here It Pilopripto -As art old
o ............... 1. 7 00 to 9 &) is the introduction of to Of the Introduced tile other day having a and an oboe llue'resident ch. Better, Per Ill ...................... Jv' vla'tIng-Sisters F lors, Reid grind rvi cOr6P Ualkaullon street and 8quare, usideri I In Sifnal, are anout to dissolve
,far,Froame House i FOR SALE. -Large E 1he Dominion
good olvilard, I room klitchon, good oa per dozen .................... 0 16 to 0 17 rie, the member for North Sluscue to the firm. ICKINSQN & GARRO.W. Barristem, So- -H 0 LR too 020 MOOre- Xatle Gundry, Laura Haward, House. by Major our. sh A the senfor member retirl Partner* ball. 0 out and well 1-11formad and Square 00doirl;l, "To rd 00 , Per card .................... 5 50 to (160 Elizabeth Gibson, plog On that so-called Liberal If c- man. Mr. Wright D or North street -and. LocaLed 48r.It'rga on't"If"U'reCrO Clattle, export.. Agnes Reid and oder, Harry Turner ng fro"' Is well qualified to
Ord. Cement walk. ...... ......... 5 00 to 6 75 Mrs. straughan. Fifty-eight member auletH ch, formerly of trie was quietly tabled till Friday speak 'to he does on title most im. good Chance. Apply to GEORGE SYMONDS, Cattle, medinal'i;titchaps ... ..... or Go to is isol libre from N�w York. and next." the day after 0 I. the Munitoba Grain Act 'by 0 an Ite
r at Trial STAR Office. CHARLPSGAInnoW, LWD. Party. P, 0 SAL LAIrlion spring 5 60 to a ings will be held on the seriond and at the terminal 'elevators. The Intel,. the 14'KPO"I'lien toil Do. ly their motto. Is evident. to note that the Toronto World had a .Ia. butcher- choice ............. �b� -a enrolled, and the regular meet- "I'"ll 1)6 Officially welghe it, and out A letter from "What ive;havo we'll field
Ii I� DicicissoN, on the Paremisim, a Cattle. ordinary and butchers'... 6 00 wet providing that grain shipNed by vessel rested r rogation, portant subject. and It is Interesting
Catt 4 00 to I order to close th ............... 1 4 00 to jil $EAGER. Barrister. Solicitor FOR al w fourth Thursdays monthly. Obas. A. Lien of the legislation is lisf-Ii t of the V.A. Ii accorlipally. front Page editorial a few days ago %-J 11% and convoyVwear, . Oftfflice-i of the ate G. C. Shannon eh estate Rage live we!J111t, ............... It � I, to do away Ing a 811111ple Of Eleed sent to n the residence Is ow for sale. it I i� 'a late Sheep. to. 7 60 to 7 60 Reid -was acting secretary for the fit- Wilt) the conkpilinta made by vessel pull dealing with this
3 W to, 3 25 * ,
Court ouse, Godeple Money to ,a ,at dition. has model. %,cry fair con. Blame. 0 15 In 0 17 Ittal meeting. And read the at,. sul year we Owest, Interest. n coroverilences. call Lain.
"Pouted at any time. ,Or forth Bacon. Ong clear...
to irtali Hays are continually Perinsertere, and this drainage and the delay many farmers 1�. KILLORAI 0 it; to o in Authorizing the institution of warrant owners that they find 44!�J ex- The Montreal Star hall this Interest. very question of
4 lyVrOb1rJ% ecuto ........ . ......... out short by (Janadian aleva- ,)us Increased to)
-T "I Barildtcr. 1801101t4n t- VIP., ( Sh : a 60 to 7 00 The meeting was a success In No. 89, weighed Year the number ing Item amongst Its immilgrati,on tire experiencing
&0- Valley to loan at lowest cut I 1. I TZIP ....................... 0 60 to 0 Be particular the led every tors. Last year tills shortage 4851, At which time not In getting In their
ent W. rendered .......... I ....... 0 05 150 000 it is we had to
rates. Office oil North street. near Reg try OR SALE on rotate. C ye r?o!n being said, Cost the vesselmen over $' 0 to seed, office. El�, 11 I I. AGE FOR Pil ............. 56 to 0 110 rowded all the even 01080 our books owing to "SoUrrothl'09 1-10861Y akirs We make ils FPERTUrklior tear Q �.'f', requal. r ...... . which Iarm on a O. JOHNSTON rd can of efulliaff. so,000. the luck of good Of good aturdity. and he Windsor fully supplements Air. Wright's argu.
to 800 a good start on its journey. GOVerniners Ireddy Provides f. we have had to refuse 'about 0) appli. land I Ing, giving No. So ,!rho 00. it
evich oe�Hol. Door .... J 00 ternattion reigned t t
Barrister a ug-100acreA pearlyalil" call In. ti 94110 V t a
illicial %Vol street station this morning, when a ment to Out. Oftices11amilton si% Rwill P% build- RT Commissioner, ROtarlr Public. a thgoo. Fine ;tabard wini ffag Good A SUCCESSIT'111, CONCE 911masters to weigh in the Can ts. party of Italian gypsies rrom Plorence, oil the whole Inro,L;nOnt 0 Interest - - Those a4v011 at file terminal; blit does not �90 little Interest was shown I " More and more It f . overrun or -ollinf, who failed to attend the concer - provide offe-Ighloasters at transfer ele. nomination of In the about twenty in nAlvellev, is being forced
100 far away to' Lte"d -to it. Apply to j. N13W ADVERTISEMENTS. t glN an vatOrs.andthe losses Occur between is, public school were taken 1210thernInd of tile Ontario GoLDTIIORPk�'S-a1tf.rd Obt. by the Victoria street Epworth Lea- the terruinal elevators at port William fOr St. Andrew trustee t farmer
MARRIAGE LICENSES. page It, front the Lauverill Laid put into hat tile drainage . .. ... kgrd, to fill the un. houlld-lo,
ock D., Lake V2 It' Is his one beat Ladleh' SPeolloile-John Stead ... 8 gue On Monday everill last Inissed an 114 was the vestm sit. And AiM -FOR S I _part bi ........... Id the tran expired terns of It it car 0 Colhornq Vrout Lakes solo ad. that I seems to be COMIC W. L rQF MARRIAGE P, Road Cat' .65 to Toronto -M T. R ............. ....... 8 ter elevators on the Mr. Jas, Talt, I askatchowltu. another thing that
Goderich. Ont. township 0 -esign. from Godarleb, 150 acres 960d claY IOAr 2 mile,, ecasion that was pleasing it, almost I at Montreal Some tended th psla tilt", a dozen people at. most uncivilized and I 19 borne to Most bou`.�';r= Witto ceinentstablinr '!Ilia 890 file Diiini lot ever farmers Is that our spring is in many to n. brick Grass -Wed Butter -W. L, Llqdsay ........... 8 every detail. The huM a rumination called for at W ar bal.is W ninn NfArl�. seen at the Windarar. At least they 2W 00 eve - well Asso- the Town flu CLASSES. build' turaUku Summer Mfillecry110delaris Bros, . ........ I, rendered -and praise -11 cuLL10" institilte now hill of lading, Dr. eryshort season and utimber. ApplytoC. C.MONE,,,r,, 8ludin for selecting r young Orchard, ar-jdM2 -.S#f All areek. This We It's SPO(Ilals-'Camerou & Moore charge due those in which Provide W Turnbull wits tbeonly noul. by Airp. aof fly f�ll PI-sopera. MUSIC I
MUSICCLASSES. Dunlop P. Y County tile excellent aft, Tuesday evening, were the wor lee take n ad van to C01111011-Wors. Little .......... ...... I I
talent wbinh co� 'at the steamboat ine, and Lion of the groun h Lady's Coat, risect t Was declared unanimously I-luvAn, the matron, wil I good speak, and LoSt--STAR Offige .............. I abe. prograol, col"Panle" would Only be responsible elected. experience by tile very beat irep onlenta for a Certain ,in piano �ar d to *eel#' Cows for Sale -STAR Office give each the eseil merit would nount, of logo. bi Covers It period of 18 that wm COUNTV 'COUNCIL MEETING. ..... ........... I be impossible. The o�,,,enlnF nuolt)61, tain shippol-s refused to acce a 3 an Theory; also I a Burrows Mizical it the yon" .'a Wonder do the greatest amount OfIvork In the
I. f A circular frout the Huron Old Boys, If title is it colltribu ver
Kindergarten Method for young chili ran 4 a solo at e orus, A I of Inding an Pt' W8 Association Pat, the faulting Thoralsoll'arl COUNTY b I allortest fit"('. Work VOUT land AA.ANDRFWS.Goderich. 9-W. R. Pluder ...... 4 ad 0 and get you,, seeds RETIN61 OF THE HURON P. P ... ............ ** I ;�, lY rs. Toronto. annou.... Novt]iA(laillicTriLtdilonfig(Jf)illptLny? whorev%o
Same MilocclaIS-J. H, Colborne ....... -id h
Terms and other lWormation can be learned all ........ 4 Bugging and cbolr, shows (lone Now Majop that their 16Lh annual excursion in the YOU can: drain your land d nothing hall been in t a fall all
miss effect. bar the grain he weighed to can
ln`nY, volume and onk on, 813 tile sl)lpl)els both In and In fit the r MuAi 0 tore, COUNCIL. Plumbing and Hearin proposes holue county Will take place 01, The Council Of the Corporation of t Spring Furniture -Geo. Johnston ............ 4 melody. The second number. a nolo a Saturday, July !county Now Furniture Ideal Factory. rd. As usual. one Avigorous all Imhellig made ,at the beat p000lcit aye Of BIPPI119 with contrary, lntbe Town of Goder bar, Victoria Day NOveltlos-D. Millar CO ..... 4 gins. was most fvor collie direct to God. ernment to the Immediate consts, AUCTIONEERING Of Rural' will meet in the council 'he. ...... ..... 4 Through all eternity hy Mps. Bug t Lh` train will go to Winghall, via (juelph Ottawa to covallilt tile I)OInIniO June next, at,3 O!Olodk let', Of' the trot day n Bruce and the other will " Gov. W. BECKETT. The People's A utionaer. p. m, h LOA -STAR Offloo ........ ........... V &hlY received, and All accounts reqyaring settlement against Cottage Wanted -STAR Office ...... ..... lith a unique Sit. A 0IIANCR TO PROFIT.--IVp G. 1, this WAS followed ark. The round trip fare frov the tic-
giveth sleep, by W. 'D. FARM ALES LIVE STOCK SALES or before Saturday,. 4Y tho 29i Bedding Plants- Stwart Etate av rew. A.'recitistion A preacher", ALL BRANkNES CAR EFULDY ATTr the"'clinty,fauStbOgooleed is Ith the Chirk a. Scrip for Sale -.1i Telford .................. cred solo' just, received It long distance phone "I $1.85 to Goili and to th It. J. It"Filball. or linton. waw ND
h J. D have three du7s, top to Monday evenin will t on Of the (Jeorglan Bay callal, That
REAL ESTATE 'and MEliCHAND1810 acation," by Miss Le4, I p cells' would be n, good thing top torday. A Made anywhere, write for date,r or W. LAN cR1IfpOnl 013v Branifordstore saying %V ngbam' Called forth 8 ILLES lc�,k. Dog Lost-Sr.%R office ..... ........ .. ...... an encore. Messrs. Pow that At It meeting (of this Mr. A call and talk it over with Gico. nacicEw, Dated Kiev l8th. 1909. they have Insole an pnol. ttawa relly lie admitted, but wbeth6l, I Ill. weo'kM wl" It' the'Queen (,try He and Be]- Water and It wOuIll he a good filing for the coun- Hamilton stlee114 GOderich. Ont Cher contributedthe next nu,nifur Varchase Light oi 'Phone 108. tenor -basso dust I- flail to th 0 of over 50) chaysnlng"nNre)u%V -] INsIonerm on Monday ever,. t I -I- barrister, wa� it, tile P. 0. Box IM. COURi OF RIRVIsION. or or the ,up. vy HOPH` tuarg"I"Ont. In the opin. Olty this week.
d's rk wash suits t,()r ladies and mises, Lenders were a ened It anointed," and ciasing the first art Of a f -Price, and that they Iry of 2,(XX) tons AfPm. John TIRL left Teemalao, for ji HOMAS GUNDRY. gown It less that, hill I ion of good
T O the progratin was a ,little quartette, tiresending to Godericts, it, tiale fop for of tile Aleildoo Icoal, and the ran- authOpIll It Is doubtful It vimlt, to relativon Oil
wbrook Coal If the shorter (list'
Live Stock And -Goneral Auctioneer, N EVISION Jesus. lover of iny sent 11 Saturday's selling to" "ce by the Georgian Mr. and -it-mount r
iltull street. Goderich. D. O. E. MEETING Messrs. I IM of these gLylIH Bay canal, as gainst the take Catillair laort or, wedoe.
Ham TOWNSHIP �FGODERICS. .-A special meet- POwrie, Belcher I), at II12,25 per ton 1;.o day for The"allon. h WAOILOCPPIed thc� 9thpp I route,
in Drew and Ralle. The 8uit-8- We live Instructed to say that tenders run- Would compensate loop fill, I Clarence rulyni. 9 Of the Daughters of the Empire , inception of the econd part was a dia. at 0 O' riling up its high of Torenu). �Jandayed Sales made everywhere and all offarts 'a clock 8aturdav morning these to its $2.7-1. ,],be c the losaternal honlC' at made i �Ol onger time
to called for at !Ogue, " A roxisc accusation." divided extraordinary suite lose- neeossary for &MO YOU RaLlAfaCtiol that rho Court of Revision or Wednesday, May 20th' in A, Of water and lig vessels it) Page through 0 'a 118 I of
ttla In't a Into two scenes tile words fit lke re aillar will he�on$sale, t"'IctiOns to glint lit pull was given I tie On, . nal. And In any vase, it well n Capt, Trull left till- week or, Is to which 0 Prices are $,Sr)o, off fill nervicell ;t ONx I PIP to Part Arthur a or r - JURII. Holmesvine. for were eloquent, Ill utterances impres J1IL'.'k()' Choice ld
0 r of the meters suitably Lt. OROMpTo,-4 & at once pal(l. he plat) castle are visiting It, I he 4uge" (:Ity- of I 0 Owligillp fortheyear erectingun addition to the hospital. adapted. Fol of exporting Wostiorn Wheat by way vll,. P. Daticay. barrister. made It Professional erv'salle notes discounted. f Indarich will hold Its first 4 o'clock in the Court House, to con- . I)U once where I he a rreart4 of rat�R are not he better to wait to apt, how t MI"' i"I'alp Smith and MI -s ary Dri ..... .
MEDICAL on I In up a??; against the older the feasibility of assisting in give. find the chn. 1 loe 1. ice 11 .1 11 I l,DAVOFMAI`.at lowing was a selected re is a on,. Parties Interest, It is Most desirous that a Ia a repre. cornet solo by Mr. Karelake, which The- W. and L. BENSON W'HITELY, M.. D. C. M., M. n at,,, ook "It to Ottawa (and Toronto till. weak. . M. M-. and Mi.,, ),Olell shophard ruturnet triare their vi.i
embersh p of the itnd the next a ROIO action In (lie colleet ion of writer and( inortgag'"R th" Country for another b"O'coot. tv the Atlantl,,
be present, and it Very earriest. rOook, whieg RAIVISICY.-Mealie Afugfovd, I
NIXON STURDY, chapter T t before (i A
J. P. and 81 0. -sentation of the in I I drew an encore OBITUARV. taking vigtolviss and too 10,19 deferrev of the Plicillf- POI -19 works oil
Office and Stergery-Kingston Gode- Rory Darlain " b richigoo Goderich, All 71% long. Township Clerk, Invitation Is extended to all the India, had much merl 0 beloved light v,ttes, by thi hundred ltillIlOnto Of dollarg or I a Letnme Millyard wife of Win, Itber or Via. k tevning OIT nore to Houria-4 a.m. :to to P, In. Phone- of the town who won If like to help in and Mrs. Jut, A J- Ramsey, died on " 8 construct anoll cantl routo to cont. 81f.oV hoth gel, Jennie Wells has returned after
rears du here tile Up- lear the wilitc 011ice 90 Residence 46. ndrewe ave a piano Thursday, May 13th, after a 10 tl..e with her i4ter. r.. it,
the work Of Maintaining our hospital duet from I-Lobeni 11 g 11. . - are nut get tied- The pa. tter of Detroill TENDERS FOR LAND. double quartette. Who orang with & nes. aged 48 which long been 'he el"I'll which the R. Torn and 011ooved by Pete with
W. F. GALLOW, AL B., M. C. A and S. 0. BUILDING NOTES. -Chat.. A. Read Years and N no users Of these sor `h0tVn towards ntry hall already, 1vo:0110all are attending the Offloe and SutgorY-Jorden aloe Col. & ffect. that It onthe. vices Dr It. I. strarair of borne Street. 0 Isfiring number, , 11cel 1) In the )ast, line air,, where the illes bloom.,, 9 Illness with a sweet een taken advantage ntlon 'low 111 session at xotor. Co. have added 24 feet to the back Sh? bore the Ion Office Bours-9 a. ma, to Ill p. Tn. Phones- It esigWiLlon, at Until the a,. Office 121, Residence jig. Sliftordown Bros. blacks A final &a"9ing Peacefully to the rears amount to Over Now Mm and Miss tink,1110n are a% Inith shopon Olenoorrivilan"tomorrow May 2nali A anny flitchiolon, who Is a Patient in MonLreal Hamilton street. -J. W. 8 follov hildren-ts son arid turning off tile connectiting there It irl (Jonerni lio.pital. will p0torn here lator or, for
started erectlnf brought the evening's entertainmen li three daughters c RS. EMMERSON & TURNBULL , r , mitb lilts chorus, " Rejoice a the Lord is King" last sleep- he Is survived by fills. that the to`II "'IntiloYou are ctu 11 TTERS. F MUNICIPAL MA Pectee flat
D It dwelling ved by the national anthe ;;i band and four Ve the deep be a loosening UP of Purne strings. w The work (on the water table around the surruner. A. T. RoortamosoN. M. D. ALE OF LANDS IN oi on the north a histpornpose reet near to a successful close. I who hit W. a. TunisintILL, At B. S - RS 111MIT. de o East at & Co. "El"PathY of their many friende fit "Upt 1-1011he Park roadway in Rotor. Klllott. son of Mr. o . li wilo cars. Hamilton at. Phone li Under authority t. -C. A. Reid A GOOD neral poll Is apprpc WRA (Lt the t*nlvc Atudyll:5 the �cicncc have finished their CONVENTION. -The annual took Place on Sunday it fated course, we aro pie to listed 22nd April. Islas Of an order-in-c.tertell contract 0 The to the town within five InlenLe" walk of by buffineum s Offi the ft. R. depo t air great bereavement A walk round theresidential Paris of "lost commendable a
Dr. Em n the Rurl Decanal Runday school spill from the Square, aud citizens gone, Ill-oxanilroationforcivi ,raw , flag PaARed orson'R Rerdlldepco�-North Street Optic. that track. Of land I the northerly portl I .. ell Young dwellinp on Nelson street - conven, the family resideric will . It with better.. I
site St. George's Church. eleh'ally kno,vn ARC -3 - doh, encompassing the parishes a. Victoria street. the beauty and tit greater ponal rn. Oruininett, Phelan and IsIncer. and Pagaed phone ik 001feALinalt the JIv0 a good Ideft Of ally. Mess Tenders floye neen bill, Mr. W. Jackson, one or tile principals at car In the District of N handed in for It of the Yl largely attended. Rev Mr. ties of our town. in AOI,p Clarke are making It good Jort q1tuat I V athe 1). and req.ive Manufacturing ConlPLO1011 wlo 1. ner Waterloo, rear Poblic Library. older In Trinity on, onducted service at reproves the ,cone, -lob twice this week. and IncidenWl'
at ked to Trial �TAR tHat lie tire
'Phone ]Ill. Lenders to be addressed eaday of last and at the grave at Parcels containing 20 bull's Residenco-Montreal Strock car. bout MacreFi ale by to Smith an her lot, corner of bo&rne church, BlYth, on Wedn the It - oum' I. and John McDonald in y
Color uilth, Methodist minister of Dn'
Dr. Turn sing, and Provli= of Ontario. contaf 1)1"- handsome residerice B county Of Huron, was held cases
[A offered for 8 for At ra R n ngan moving fences I Varastooklopp War
scria" Or thereabouts, such and -Nelson streets. -The Planing Mill week. an and the pal 0 Whlle 1" Others tile Improvements a., ear, well Ile truster, to wov, dixtritur to tile and ligmed 0 1 bearers within the ok ,after. tile nittallst'loonleoney It ha' been hintedtl A. H. MACIll M. B. d was amonli tile best ever were Messrs. I fences, but where likes 6oderich start �'tt the Department of JaZoad,, F or" 3 to any i's putting Up ft brick veneer held tinder M- Elliott, Thomas fences, are a way the Inner eircle. 1114V call 01 rall.
D. a Inog Toronto markedo'th I OrCRM
r Tork. "Manclat residence In the to, ty Inwlk der ol Limi " 0 envelo I. an the lot holson, John Robinson. R. and .1. ones heal come Side. ear. nose and t roar, ,,artnlen up tO One O'clock next that once owned by the Y spot& are soon to bett loor Bank of Montreal, opposito post ol Loma. Door) were In a P. Albert street 1 we writer haA known an and Smon- 136,6101tall attention. to iialid Do art cottage for Mrs. flusseV of Asliffeld on 15 years a Ton clergy. Sheardown nd .1 Westbrook. advantag ty.Green when it ky-11L, t Ix told to be recolvabl(e'at the Inception Buell ausPle0s Since their Nic OlPlhe foorneeg are open
0 Mee land residence Tuand the loth day of June. ling. "I late Capt. Macgregor. Anglealikea street, every lawns live WeAt'streeL Goderiah. Trilophitne No. 162 Tenders are to be f�r each parcel Pepra -W. R. Poinder 16 erec parish being represented excepting well rardened, and Wnl. cIn town repr(wentl"Ar tile
tten7-o;ce and A 111"PlIvilial labor oil Harbor to-�r.i and Reigire,and and to name ot Ine, -.1iiingo, two three, The "at Warnock',; Hill WoUld rnakf elsewhere in is succeeding or ton Tr Cont, of this end of St. David's street. Ulf nup the Arcubt rely brick veneered dwelling on the east who unlogually large. Albert street, that good Paper sent or 1100URtheraorep.' story nee of delegates AMO Pt Iterp tbpreon open to view Ica'able Improve. - at
Ali aecepLud cheue V, tendis 19THE CHURCHES. e a. ad
EERING. 'LmOQnt toftecampanytho ton Or. and the t i I O 0111 I"llon,
ENCII C as Itbe day wail ment. Dead Iflubm and garbage should acamaindar to beli in full within 19ea also Pni 6.) 18 Well worth It 1144 promptly 4l ft PrOulleal built, Old and I
at acceptance f the samo, twehtv darres c rp"Ill-II, lihe wlks new hubacriberro V AUGHAN M. 110I)ERT nd fly A per 'Y r hand on, and the re. to the Mail and X COURT. -The odriving very comfoott-tafa. The floist v
One and the roads fill I )od, making v Vietoria 9treet MethOdist church oser On Tuesttay last lb,,,
long talked lees :-Pastor at both nio alil Porot Albert cape, McGee �ZkPevPrespntad was an xcellent one leell a. no. Hill)- which has been drilling al thorough(arts 1) drAulJo EnIneet, Onts, altir Wen Per cent oil the services. Air Harry l.an ontrL tree ) sor O"`?rO It. Iva 0 a
lock carn 'a] 8 brand against Con 1,49 M InInter Uri. CA 111111intalne'd an one ,101". at, araltrine--r'n. Office McLean 0 sli Hard PAIthfulikelon I7 p. der the leadership ,f Ali. HeInicke, of r of visit to relati, it Yflold It eft oil the requited to enter into a Ur- Mr. "assails an orb Goderich. Toleallone, 137. I, ores, mableraia or concentrate" taken from the Subject being, '-The S . RA It Is and made their first ptibile lillradp, anti for tant in erg IA%ngloi. ha" an Important Charge, 8 nors and Darin, for breaking the win- V M f0olorle, the M.,"4 Paul's Aav�w'l the most public and Illopor - . 111'. and MM
laind ill brocys,blo to ths crown. And p dow of his store in the villa as we Would like it to'be.11 Rey. W The gospel roll 2C Which are 0ollerich. 01 her suggest Iona pro between tha Sarnia tunnel. fluill el and ittie. Re, was n hovir marched through ado to we believe 1,, all H. Dui end of town playing selections. on the service.
being Like north 1,11 p,
0, �nd car' to the Butler in the court room on Monday " A question for Vol, rve full .. In IftndR nd rig ts will be po�
!�o ft. W. Ill Ill Wh otadl1itte Of the se riloull, good to answer." ivith 8011th street, 1) lade did meet her. 0
V11TERINAll fAcwry agreement with regard to the Paine was brought before Police At a bar. Of SuMmOrbill, discullaej conducted at the urch of STAR will be given Wilson this 67i thO mO-t trustord Jail
Working, d agistrate I
DiOntarlo 1114tinArY CO olsol, Tboli I KAI, �e&ndlt(OUA will be ftttherl, morning at 11 it, In. effect. Interest Y Rvangellot (1has. W' themselves and their leader neordroall work Is completed. MI W,V. 0T.P.-aid to veroopeetfully cay, County Attorney clontred round Patch, Will lie continued nil nsi great credit, and gave promise of the AtLentioll of horse Owner to of whic I together with the address of Rev. H. J. Ham[ Mr. Patch orne good trial art I The fdoeating, gfr,,011 Pion Islidloving the Raid tract, and the Seager conducted the Case f week.
fA orif thereof. maybe obtained on an. or ]to", a ain Preparation foi. Onretaker Watt tnowed the first
to Inv ROPF"oved lift,110001! bliaralting on h6koe,a Plication to thbDintrutment, Crown; M. G. (jameron, the missionary of NagOYA, Japan, who is will speak on Fri. Te senior grade, Calendar.
teeth. A readintippIV Ol appear- day. May 21st, I
1HO6 And kitAbbi lasol he defence; WAS gh. returning next fell. ' On Lord'a gain allwain; on hand. I Of veterinary T,edlelose The highest or any t Drier not nocroP.Nftrily �0 oxap, He gave many Second Coluing Of Vhrlat,' I life Oveuing, and w arade on the Re p am on I.,rlday, May 21%t. n saine ed for t the oorillo On furlou Fit R P- UI. On "The t They parade a gross" of the season In the oourt He. I The Flolno (thele will Pro"t I their usual
tortreat.Godepleb, pied. OOnrt HOU're atenolitra. Interesting and it) nay. at 7 p, in,, on I' The Two A rion, " afternoon of londray'! P1 Park yesterday, the growth quested to attend, %Iornlaom are re the evidentie, it Pher, took down five factil concerning the work ...... )OUt .1 o'clock being ll
Alin F- COCHRANE not there Were r,7 wit_ of the Illustrated by ft Chart. All are wel-
TONSORIA nes"s Who had cAst- Mrs. ?&XIM of come. No syrallootiolls, 111gailar Clearing of the filter of Land.. parests an;f MsChurch in the R on the Hquare The Band will he' LbAt ebuld be droolred. The preparing F Town I Ounell this ; �J been Summoned to Goder daily OVenlint. Toronto. April 21rd, I" deal gIn the snontrisIr eoneort next Thursday of flower beds, the laying of 9 al, prun. Spe Attillit. even OR. Clai macting. Of tbodlr,et 'PlAoriftl At 80me length, to examimId topic. "'A teachil ex lenJeO with next Firooklev will be eondkeetp(l fly lip Frank H. Wood, of Kin.-ardfirl yps. Ing Ittefoa. etc., has been wo rIvill liorticultem, .40010ty ,in nor the GQde
WM&I-H.tt" . . The services at the lis,ptint church I
give evidence. The plaintiff, it With tile important
6biliv nit, ell tinder Ing next e -day even. Id bow the Windows the Infant elirt lNi"'Iting tuil Polultor. Rev. u. R. Jones. 71144 tri'day purehnsiod the lobneco stor IvaY, and It will not be long before the Rinergent meeting of Maitland Loac
Godolorlibb op
Wronging shaus inf, il fft'Up to dato were Ifr6kill but did not swear pol knottg,problerns. The closing subject Ing topic Is an a morm- rind billiard rooms Of Then, m.13. style, &&A $It 116,24nalbotill 1.�Fjtlarsa. ICE FOR SAL13 tiV61Y W116:11trew the stones that broke for t a afternoon eAsion Was 'Ver Epistle xPo,,It,,ry stoutly of the Ito Q park once more presents a and A.M.. Tue X I 1,
tion alwal's Ra"Ilm"i am. lie was clotifis-exertilned at con� 1 10dis model and Y evenins, next, at 13ta a. "God I. ourne of West street, ore will be opoola"Ova - 'and It I elderablo length, bin examln tactical. viz., a, How to linake on . r all Good "I lie 9 Air. and All.a. Ellis Inviting APPearance. A Rood be untTu"i v &Lion last- pXeh maid family trouggell- able that ry moral , a ould be pror-ent
PUBLIC NOTICE. Crystal 104). to in file evening the foil came here from Petrolsoa,
Injill nearlY two houriol Three lng allilitt"AllY "$#fill." an WAR of the sp rth Lion. THE RTAR believes, han been other Introduced by, eciall series on and made many friends durin tl)plr
KILLOP MUTUAL F1119 INSUR. MY Ice ll on victor Withelonollis were called, Atertars. McGee, B.A.. of W, Mv. O. 8. Jelling, ablo Positio" of as 4 a Indebat. residence In m a in all'. Profitable din. "The v fill and Repiptoral nsiptisrn., filled with the beat a 'a Street 18 Jr.. and Hutchison, at, Goderich. Should th e JOP8 Of the trees be "i HLROANT WASIJ Sli - Your
Crown counsel closed t a
nd choicest cut of when the If MI'll. Kickley, clissions brou t Out manaLhol Cordial it much missed. to one of the tothe trunka. hilt to rum am i�41� NMI*d. 909, 1 he hints durin t, ii &MIIY remove from here they will be Pruned. not onW to add desired vigor time to proilt, halt Price and sA-�� 1 Rvtry Piece 1.1, Orilid, � clean, and calla. .1 be Italia on Invitation to all. Marks of Pro clear. MP- 'OtIlf"Pron, made a strong I I . V, III base ball stars. a give citizens an ttr hottimol. ut, to Jartlary. spalrech in taffir of 111A clients. ari hill Hamilton, oNlia, WAA Cho Ope nd it; (,,site popular Obolce 15,25, worth sm i$&04%r,5.3r In this, 111Y first Season in the fee busi. that there was of the evening Aker With hill athletic ecalleAttlea. Air, Ellin opportunity to see t he time an denoted Raturday rLt 'OPrICHIL13 A" J)lRk6TGtLl D. Me. n1i I- Sol Prepared to supf nothing In the evidence post, the, dole at al? will engage PreAldebt $Mloafth (y.,- ly tile getieral COnnOcting them slid Arill fillM hill NRw YORK WASIT UITR. - Our has not decided wh On the town clock. Very soon the pbb?ic etifier 1) With the 0 006. hued with ere he will locale, but dial At points will not be diacero( 01611 stron%
0. an. riefiding the c&. Pie& for ghilul(' ')a him POrtInTl. Air, and mnd the top sst, Viclailaresidont, the p ece fato" 90109 burgle fill. Brantford bonne bought ove in or wh
11111Y, orythrry, contract, ' weekly, Mr. Petiger inalide flooftol horizon ste W r rm success ble, Mol IMy him will he to give Court, Loa gets ito share -104 Of them. Wood come to Goderich highly process would tha
90. 0 Odell 11.0, f 0 , Imle 90 to a big all their Pff"I'll(Will find duty in sorlding Mrs, Pruning CA
, witta, Ila 009 .1 J,. Ijcv.AA� rompt delivery contonsil that the evidence conuftt. elirt . The orlarlaill *&og deorlootall to RAturdAy fit 0 O'Nock 9 rl ar
rioc slid too the 6fidd a the t 11 138 a, [Slid of the manded. "acorn- doubtless be rho Proper thing. that it. [Lt aftint will be one of I ais. Shatighnessy, th chitrii The P. At. floulmod UP, hold. oboori 1W the 1.1 its ateases, on June 1. P.b. - moll tisoil of A Ii to ol
IO. o An, VJ10 * ad both the riatentigrits With moo D is sty is and ty A despatch fral the Niagara (119. t aPostible Oil ce. alll I.
Wor to $11.13
It M, W. W. SAVLTS. Worth $9'r .0. quall *Wfi they across, itIg that tDADID, Oftolitproliv 'A. cbsilce Si triet alvlut ndry's Sale literlater. The plaintifil s1l; e that the accepted -J, W., totheern6flw1hitos nothing in the at[. Ii Anki pelt" ou"ne III fr1lit Prospects It, worth Z
Adli COntrAct to bu c An*4 Cliff- plentiful viold thlot year. r Id A Port on ot the ot De rosort1dal quoting. It says Indications liver isturda I May 29th. --Auction sale of
tf * 'in With this = ; reeldw, Rev. Mr, Tu� 0 Pl I sm. IlAvlltil oderich Rookilway on the
Ifth 11 - And thlott the off I evi- Upodef ch 1, Ob" 1. Throe hundred mail men from All Peaches"ar, Furniture sold PurnishinAll
ftith, ICE I d2nee agitirlst the tfier ft showing trip better than Is proferty of hire. T. 11. Walker. Itfist , t.
Milbodaht Mr. notill A tiorpria as the Contractors who
Mill Holdt% tilit lUv- ovilit, western Ontario 4ok been all - were boildin wims not no0till cor. *oeocrota pected, The Otithboort 1`0pbsorries ('101 *Ticb. Rverythin must be dlspoaQ road. The p alatirt, I
t4,,VUOLah coo, hOrlbe, wall utirellhble 1W IN* L* TiolliQ 'PY. LoAdon On Alfte 7. in capons@ to Inv, RtmWberrieg promise to Of- all hirs. Walker in leavin I
O.M'eigim 110tim 14 Are expected At el Othk%r sections o the
will do well. 17.
i��Wo, owe, 9 Goderich, were given to,
;r� I Ille(l liberel'ai distlohlollill the datWdots. nGOderich. fill Df,, Otlrololtv. Atiletio an
hrovez house Ii r be beavy, except in a few places, wherp Tno. ) underst FmYbt I&t they
Ail" "?!tkuld 'not b& C61101detled Ile 0640tiob, Next 66h. ttio", Illableh art- bill Rent Out by neer. theO. P. We eU, q And are pro The r, 1*6016 shkip&ml to RIV6 8UPerintendentot Lon. an attack was made bf the ii P that the terms were lower than Id and new densi filed thal 61oll fill I ihth*Of Jtln*, A vary dot, or $late at a bargain, treat y Oil e"T
tu'hill quit III thanu siol pilgisted to MP plums and apples a I show good terinn, gnail t7pright flianort. Tt I $W they WAnt to be paid on the same
VMY till" Ih Iftih A* tAlt tAft'i �c 10y, durig tha lfleft It robots and wit. the I r I 110OPt4l for the tns&Als. Ron. poll I t ey Afterwards found tout they were. in rbOblil ill it Oi f6t til splendid Holuma Is expected Indications, Willie it A 1) It 10 94 th6,66d of low, Mo the imbW1 I , . fta to be preltent phr -., I (" il DR v. bMis as th, thei. contractors. th if ,And 0#11*116411, avor. : .
001; holviiie f6t 061i l4tallt boi "hkh is befilgi done at the iffstitution mittO Plants are Already blling thilit Idea 10 to I F1010@9 will be full
V'Wom Iiito�, show the work 0
and enter of mental and wbile there to the Put HA-irnioligNii Yolng WAS,,
tWliblilac W YortR WASH SUITS. N
"Of b 0 110
ias wall as usual. �ifi Obolce of 104
oiis SUL
fair to expect the" vial HAlf-pripe, SvIturdr4y. Choice oila X04 �,Ralt. boln D. -OftOMPTOW6, styles, at Ill Qi A*