HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-11-30, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. -607.
C. H.
Highest Price
For Produce.
Highest Price
For ProHance.
Oar burgle le getting a fin(: city ap-
pearances Next week we will have the:
pleasure of seeing it properly lit up
with eletttid•itv,--Master J. C. WiI-
limhls, formerly of this place, but now
of Port Heron, was home on a visit
last week. Ile is employed as book-
keeper in a large grocery store there.
-Master Edgar ar 3lagel left last Wed-
esclaty t41 take ;t pclNiticln in his uncle's
store in Michigan. Edgar is a clever
boy and will, no doubt, make at good
clerk if under proper instructor. It
is ton had ,e many 41f char young men
>eve for the United States when there
are just a s good at ehallce on this side
elf the tender,' Jar, J. :1, William
drove to Exeter Wetineell ty,----Mr. J.
Lamer was ha town T,iesd ay. --lir.
(,`online is llerehing his large building
to •t flnielt.
A fter a brisk season's selling in Mantles we have a number oto broken. lines
that Ixaeal�. odd saes that we will clear out at cost race. These
are all new this season and at the prices we offer them. They ought�Q .
change owners quickly.
cape, l.t(l ase' .tstraeuan . in good
1•'.'i en • _good length t and 'full
ght end, 1. (1 �, 1
.•weep. Sl►eeml at $12,$19 and $11.00..
I«utiee' Muffs, ltlack only. at
'f1,75 to $2.75.
Ladies' !peck Rafts in Black and
'Batten at 48e.„ 9tic„ ~L2.1 to $2.23.
('aperineSleek' at $4.:i1) $5.0 0 to :.
12 I
Men's t t Coats in Rt:
IAD (eters
with Meek Astrachan Volar. Spey -
at SII.(w),
press goods.
New Dreee Sergee in Greens, eown e,
•,(1 ;carie; at 2.55.
Costume Cloth in all the new shades
e.., from 20c. to 75c.
`special in Black Dress Goods at
"a+•,, apt..., Tae. t4) $1.50.
Flom ellettes 30 in. wide, ate., 7e., Sc.
.nd lee. All fast chlor$,
PIain Flnnnellettes in Blues, Pinks
nd Reds, at 5c., 8c. and 10e.
Factory - Cotton at lea :ie., iie., 7c,
and. Sc.
Bleached Cotton, 3e., ale., 7e. and
('ottonadet:, 1' ;e.,155c., 18e. and :.Qc,
Skirtings at 5c., Sc., 10e. and 12,11.
• Towellings at 4e., 5c.. 7e. and 10e.
Fae-Srix tin3s
• Apron Ginghslnzv 301 in. wide at Oe.,
1 ('. and 13,te.
d)ien's ''urnish uys, .dead T4 ade-Clothtrt ,
# � g
Men's Linen Collar Iti4', a a= ealee peel hairy all Weal 'beers,
Mee"- + L ne'it C'ti&A 1 yx•C. '.t1 .'.is:'. r'a'ge:•.Tweet, lineal,, slat -h' 1.,,•i;Ntti, extra
ti•. , high storm ecillar, .1 dandy at the
l _* - 1 ,tire $'.00 h
't-lt�. .t Braces ,e .o act u.5 tJ • i .t.
n 8' a.tc front l, t u a. 1
foe :site•. �lt•zz',; all \Vuol lea re, nettle enure
., o' th I,t'st t t o(1s in t 1e tl<etle, lelt,ks
ffle ..3,. like eatilerieei wort; lend has beetz a
per alis - winner at this price, i.t)S.
at 2a.a, Mena: Rho S.
Sea-, well peel
and trimmed. Spe(sial at .(,+4.25,
Men a rely out Salt,, made with the
wide e;a:hent:tele fa.•:'pg. (aeatten tip t41
cid ;mitered well.; a at'
o SA1Q
znk 'tants at
ma. `!,1.:.3,71 and :10;::8.
My 'S fine dress pante, MAO with
side I orkets, narrow or medium width
legs at $1.75, $2.00, AO per pale
Boys 1'Isters tet 1.t,o, youth's E.Is-
ters at $4;35. y
BoysMu-piece suits at from 1.7
;3 5
to $00.
Boys three piece suits, bort.p .ants
special at $3.50 to $5,00.
Bop.: odd Knit: kers at. 2 e., 5110., ti;e.
and 73c, per pan`. •
Silks and .3'atins,
We are showing a Rall range of
Blouse Silas at 50e., 75e. and ;x`1,00..
We show all the leading shades in
Satins for Trimming at 5(k. and 75e.
40c. and;Ate,
tlen'- five :ell pricee.
:He'el's, fleece Lined «i1.- s rat
.at1;i, its fear the Driving Ghat,
lrtaw.' , ask. pr.
3oots 8a ,YlioeS.
Wive,' Felts at 7+5e. pr.
ileir-.' Slippers at 2 a, :ill,!., 75e. pr.
lit ds good heavy 11aots, ,decal sets
ta. and $1.2.3 lar.
We have all kinds of Hoots for all
kinds of fleet and the price fits the
We have the sole agency for the J.
1;). Kings Boots and Shoes. These are
the that goods in the trade. The best
:are none to good for you. They are
here when you want them.
Baer' guu,try stock is full of lte'iglrt
new lona and you eon find the be st
gro.eries at: the lowest prices here.
all Wool Soma 311r.
all Wool Seeks. 2 pr.
North Pole '+otIt , atto
`leek Mallet , epee/ it
our 25e. Tea.
Men's all Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 15c., to -night 60c. each
Men's all Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular 50c. goods, to -night 40. each
c,.,.rna is in eeadies' Josiery-
Hose 25c. for 20c. 30e. for 25c.1
35c. for 30c. 50c. for 40c.
Highest Price paid for Dried Apples.
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs in trade.
13isI4oP & SON
This Store Closes at 6:30 p,ni., except
Wednesday and Saturday.
unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at -AL
lo.vest rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
,:ney to loan at from 4.4 to 5 per cent,
$. ars ,Solicitors etc., Main St., Exeter
Sale Register.
FRIDAY Nov. 24, -Clearing sale of farm
stook and implements,. the property of F.
Stinson, Lot 9, Con. 12, Usborne. Sale at 1
o'clock. Thos. Cameron, Auct.
The Council of the Count of Huron will
meet in the Council Chamber in the town
of Goderich, on December 5th, next, at 3
o'clock p.m.
Dated at Goderich W. I,ANE,
Noy. 29th, 1899. Clerk.
The undersigned wishes to announch
that he has opened up a blacksmite
business in Davie old stand, Main
street where he will be prepared to do
all kinds of '
en era l
G`re e a Jobbing
Both Double and sinole at
your own price. All kinds
Horse Blankets and Robes aw-
ay down in price -cal/ and
see for yourselves.
If yon want your Repairing well done
go to R. Hames -Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry a specialty.
Marriage Licenses issued and:Wedding
Rings always on hand.
Fanson BIock, Exeter.
Messrs. John and Jaynes Dearing
spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs.
Cornish, at Grand blend. -Mr. John
Dearing,. of Silverwood, Mich., who
has been visiting his parents and
friends here during the past week, re-
tnrued home Wednesday,accompanied
by Garnet, son of Mr. Geo. Ford, .who.
will visit there for a few weeks. Miss
Ella 14fitchell of the same place, came
.with Mr, Dearing and will visit till
after Christmas. --Mr. 1Vn1:. Dearing,
who is about to put a brick veneering
to the dwelling and aa, foundation under
the barn on the old Sweet property,
held a brick. be on Tuesday, at which
nearly 3/0,000 brickx;4:were ' hauled. In,
the evening about sixty young people
gathered at the hoarse of Mr. Dearieg
and 'indulged in" a little dance . ancd
games and all spent ,•t very enjoyable
Dash -wood
Mr. John Hall shipped about four
tons of fowl from here last week. They
report all kinds of fowl to be in excel-
lent condition this year. The fine
weather no doubt being one of the
causes. -On Sunday evening last sev-
eral from here drove over to Zurich to
hear Rev. Heinzniller preach. Many
also went on Monday evening to hear
his lecture. His topic was, "The young
man and his Bible." All were well
pleased. -The oldest settlers cannot
recollect the time when the weather
was so nice at this time of the year as
at the present time. One can wheel
any place you wish to go,lbut how long
it will continue no one knows. -The
Flax. Co. here disposed of a large quan-
tity of fax during the past week at a
fair figure. They are busy now work-
ing up ,this season's crop. -Mr. Henry
Schroeder, who has successfully car-
ried on a shoe business here, for the
past two years. left forBerlin Wednes-
day. --Messrs. John Winkenweder and
Wm. Nadiger are home from Dakota.
They like the country very much 'and
intend going out next spring. --Mr.
Louis Miller, who has been engaged
as clerk by Mr. Ravel, of Grand Bend,
was in the village Sunday. -There are
several in this community whose sym-
pathy goes with ;the Boers in the
present war with Great Britain. Grand
loyal subjects they are. If their senti-
ments were known to Her Majesty the.
Queen, she would most certainly pre-
sent them with a gold medal. -The
English prayer -meeting class met •on
Monday evening. -Rev. HeinmiIler
preached in . the Evangelical church
here,, on Tuesdayeveningin the Ger-
man language. Monday night sever-
al young people gathered t the resi-
dence of Mr. GeKellerman and spent
a few hours in innocent amusement--
musement.-Mrs. Cailfas still continues. poorly..
We hope she inay soon regain perfect
Children Cry for
Grand •Bejnct
The. rearmel X1uae. tree in temnee-
tiun t titch. methodi-tSuuel:DV�citnol
will he held in the Methodist church,
4�n i)tze, 19th. :a. first Pit's psi tnaiti is
ht'itlg 11reld;tzes3.-111e,s L. Young re-
turned home Sat arday after spending
the tetln ,ta nii111ner in Crediton.-alr.
Wm. Patterson, sr., isrecovering from
ae sever... e r:• attt:t. k tat inflanitnation.- lir,
Je-- (ileac aIle is on the sick list. 'We
hope 4.oun to leer of his reeovery.-
The annual Yeats. tree in (•onneetinn
with the ilre,,hyterian cilau•ch will be
held Dee. • l,t. in the Presbyterian
church. Tide will be the ewee8t elf the
easel.). Ptit ;t'.)111 w'iil e'i,nsi-i• {4f neigh.
lantern sc•+•nery, etc.'- Sir. Peter Ger-
out and elite 1.. (4tnville were ttnit-
d ill the 1.1ell fuel& of matrimony on
Monthly Ira -t. (' extend vou; aatula-
tionaa;-Th'• Caaptain of the Bend Aug
ball team wrote the Captain of Web.
wood team -raying they accepted the
$100 challenge. The t'atptain of il;•t•la-
wood in zoplyraid; their team would
rattler wit Il ay ass it ,night cense hand
feelings. Ile also said not to take, any
notice to the challenge in the paper as
it was simply the correspondent that
put in the challenge and the team had
nothing whatever to (in with it. Now
this is the last time we will reply as
we are thoroughly convinced that the
correspondent nt is doing challengingthe
without the authority of the team. It
is not likely he will, reply either, as he
is sure, aware of the fact' that, every
person knows by this time that he is
alone in the fray and he surely must
feel rubbieh'ted. Thanking' you Mr.
Editor for space in your valuable pa-
x ss` anti
IlAY. Farzuhn , Comma Dower n l
Conveyaalaeer, t„uey to loan atiowest rates
SAD t) DX..lTH.---,'his week ave eliroii-
isle the death of Miss Ido Stewart, of
the Boundary, which sari event took
iOwe care Wednesday evening. 22nd
nst. It appears that she had been
ailing for some months but it was only
some weeks ago that her illness took
such a serious turd that, additional
medical skin was summoned and it
was decided to perform an operation,
Although the best skill available was
procured she only survived the opera-
tion five hours. She was of a lively,
cheerful turn of mind, always freely
and cheerfully giving her services to
make any social gathering a success.
She frequently played the organ for
the Bethany Sunday school scholars,
and the high esteem and deep affec-
tion for her was shewn by the beauti-
ful wreath of flowers, accompaniedby
an appropriate Verse that teas sent by
them, to be placed on the coffin, She
was cut off just in the prime of life,
being in her twenty-fifth year and her
sudden death has cast a gloom over
the community and the parents and
other members of the family have the
sympathy of the community in their
sad bereavement. ,ler remains, which
were interred in McTaggart's ceme-
tery, were followed by one of the larg-
est funeral processions that ever took
place in this part.
Mr. Arthur McDermid, who has been
working for Mr. Archie McCurdy for
some time, leaves shortly for South
Dakota where his parents reside. He
intends to spend the winter there and
then return again. -Miss Laura Mc -
Nicol, who has been employed in
Mitchell during the past summer, vis-
ited at her home here for a few days
last week. -Mr. Richard Tasker and
wife were visiting and renewing ac-
quaintances in this vicinity the week
before last. They moved away from
here last spring to Bruceleld, • where
they resided until a few weeks ago,
when they
to near Kinburn
in the township of Hallett. -Mr. and
Mrs. James Monteith, of the Thames
Road, celebrated their silver wedding
on Monday evening last, when a large
gathering of invited friends and rela-
tives met and partook of a sumptuous
repast prepared for the occasion.
Many costly and beautiful silver pres-
ents were presented to theta. as me-
mentoes of the high esteem in which
they are held. -Mr. Wm. Pringle and
the Misses Jane and Bella Pringle
passed through here on Friday to at-
tend the funeral of Miss Ida Stewart.
They all look hale and hearty, and
Miss Bella is as lively and sociable as
ever. -Mr. David Brown, who is em-
ployed in the gas works in London,
spent Sundaytand Monday with his
wife and family here. He reports that
he likes the work well. He gets $13 a
week but has to work twelve hours a
day. -Miss E1la,He.vitt wheeled. from
Exeter Sunday and spent the day un-
der the parental roof. -Mrs. John Bray.
who was somewhat indisposed last
week, is moving around again as usu-
al -Miss Lizzie Smith, who taught in
this section successfully for several
years as an assistant teacher and who
is now teaching in' Norfolk county is
reported to be engaged,in the Wood-
ham school for the ensuing year, at a
good salary.,
Moray: Mr. Geoige a so i teach-
G Mw s
e8' in S. S. No.' 15, lie been re-engaged
for the year 1900.
JTAN$iltY, $a
rristers. Cobt
veaacerJ (NoSaibny,xeBe. 'Pnat8'eA 1w.iIth,Co
L rt ti,0.leri. Co., Barri,t r{t.,Por oto31e ,
Mr. Daniel Sw eitzer has pone h esed 1
new piano from Mr. Martin,of Exeter.
---A number of our sharp shooters at-
tended the shooting -match. giveu by
B. Cunningham, at KllivaonTtu sday-
-.Ill's. Delve left for Loudon last week
where she will spend some time visit-
ing frien(ls.-Our township t'taunen
will hold, its second last session on Dee.
4th for 1899. So far we have heard of
no aspirants for township comical po-
sitions for liner ,r,1l '.r i t•xnere to tame
of some the latter liar* of next month.
• --Ilei JohnEither@Din; Hamlet into 1,,,
rYeeidcnee lately vanutetl lav Mr. nen-
'"tn is ('hail:. ---31r. Joseph if ties
inl whenever yoaz meet hint. \i; hat",
the reason: 'Ohl a girl --lie', W. Med-
man, Banister, of Exeter, r, .wai, cel the
village last Thllt •e? a;;, - 'else; sacs 1-t,esa ;
and Z vol er.51-re Jut in the ,WIP
011 Ttt4'S(l.ay ital\ tet t icing.-'- Mr. . 8.1 andel
( .alfa;, (►f t..•,•tlitailf:t, i- 1- tint, bis
uncle, Mr. I3. Iitowtl, in farming thi
week. ---Mr. t=.lttlit•h Morleek has pine
e.hesed ,e furnaare from fir. Stegner.--
t egtatr.---
Conrad linhii is bn-,y elrawing
Slaps fIluhl the .atw,iltill int Shipkat,
which will b(• si„'d nn h8,: y;te•(I next
summer.- :ifien Inane Ilalluplirey, of
:[#'exult, who lz:e Won vi satin); hug'
:runt, MrQ, Bkiun,th1d, left last Satur-
day f,.8' Byrow. She was aeeeonlpahaied
by her grandfather, M'.. Montague, --'-
lir. IL F. Either hae built a DPW fenef,
iii front of Mr, Clark's ae•sitlenve.--11r.
Wm. Boyd representing senting A. M. Smith
a: ('o„ Ger 1,4intluta. St's Dn t'at4. village
Tue,:(lal e'v niiii . --11i:..- l.o '.^i(• 1(k;tll5
is visiting friends in lema. in tide week.
We aro' having grant, weather for
this time of the year. i•arntere IWO
clot 4'01143111 if they do noe get these
falls work flueelo- t in tiuft' for white•i.
lir, A. Hepburn. who has been en.
gaged in 14'inghaanl, ie visiting render•
the,parentai roof, ellr i^r anf theles,
of 1,en w r' h. and Luther Hiek.a, of Lon-
don, have lately been visiting their
brother. Andrew, who is dangerously
ill. Mrs, Hicks is slowly recovering, -
recovering,Mr, Thomaas Murray is vtinflned to his
ixd through illness.' -Mr. Rant. Luker
is still indii.posed.-Miss Mary C'olwill
ie confined to her room with an aattaek
of rheumatism, -'-Mr. John Parsnip: is
slaking preparations for the ereetion
of a. new hone the eowinh season, ;lit•.
14 M. Essery is also pre tam ■ to cer feet
;e new brick dwelling.--efr.1' 'm. Par-
sons, of Exeter, has again a.t.trte'd up
the fowl business in the old Stand here
and a number of our eitilen:i are bus -
engaged therein. ---Mr. Wesley
Huston, who has been spending ae few
weeks in the northern part, of' thlse
pprovince, has been here again for a
few days, bidding a(111'n to hie many
Mende, .who will hear with regret of
his depart tire. The utlaeere and teaelt
err•, of the Sunday whoa/ held a meet-
ing here last 't'l tsluesday and mane
;arrangements for the Christmas eta
t tinlnent which will he held on New
Year's Sunday and afielday. Partite
Mars will lu• given ltttt'n Mr: Win,
Anderson wall elected as superintend-
ent in :lar. W. Huston's place for the
ensuing year. --Dr. Rivers, of Crediton
occupied the pulpit here on Sunday
evening Inst and preached a very in-
teresting sermon to a large congrega-
tion. The Rev. S. Salton assisted the
Rev. Hussar in taking up the twentie-
th century fund at Crediton on Sun-
day .-Mr. Thos. Ward left yesterday
(Wednesday) for the Muskokar, lumber
woods, where he intends spending the
winter. The= silent Steeds has this fall
had their share of the good roads, but
the time is advancing ~when the black-
smith shop .will be visited more fre-
quently. ---Me. Thomas Handford and
wife, of Exeter, spent Sunday here
visiting friends. -Several of our young
ladies are intending to attend the De -
in ill Ladies' College at St, Catharines,
after Christmas, the Misses Pearle
Cobleigh, Grace and Lillian :Salton,
Maggie McCoy and Lillian Anderson
being among the number. We wish
the young ladies success, and hope to
see them graduate in the future. -Mrs.
Vail and Miss Jones have gone on a
trip to Detroit. -Mr. and aliss Kenne-
dy, were the guests of Mrs. R. Cob-
leigh on Sunday last. -We are pleased
to see Mrs. J. Marshall about again
after her recent illness.
Clinton: On Tuesday, while work-
ing on the track, a rail fell on the foot
of Alex. Sloman, crushing it so ' pain-
fully that he laid off imtil it is better.
Blake: Our blacksmith, J. Mero,
has sold his residence and shop to Mr.
I{a•Ibfieieh, jr., of Philadelphia, who
takes possession on Jan. 1, 1900.
Moray: Mr. J. Ellwood has disposed
of his farm on the 19th con., compris-
ing 30 acres, to Mr. McPhillips, late of
Crediton, the consideration being $950.
Biddulph: Patrick McGee, the mail
carrier from Granton to Whalen took
sick on Friday while on his way home
to Whalen. He managed to get home
but has been seriously ill since, and is
confined to his bed.
Sylvan: Mr. Albert E. Adair, of
this place,and Miss Ida J., daughter of
the late Levi Fletcher of Westminster,
were united in marriage on Nov. 15th
at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev.
Tohn Fisher. Mr. Gorden Blanchard,
of Westminster, acted as groomsman
and Miss Louise Tuke of Fast London
assisted the bride.
Tuckersmith: Mr, Robert Charters,
of the Mill road, Tuckersmith, has a
cow with a remarkable record. She
is ten years old and has given birth to
ten calves, all of which are living. Of
the number, there were two pairs of
twins, the last pair arriving two
weeks'ago. A daughter of this cow,
eight years old, is also the mother of
seven calves. The cow is a thorough-
bred Durham and has been a liroflteile.
o to for her owner.. �nd
i w Indeed, we doubt
if there is another in the Province
that can show a similar record.
Clinton: We ate sorry to annoartee
tlzeIie th of Mt•s Miller, wife of ll.x
fled 1lDlr)", whicdi toecrireed on ed-
tlt -da} night from t a,nvatl,iow E e
leaves form asall children, and generail
DEtel 0th;*,.;tires to Eht. h8tsband.
Met ay: Sewall serious eases Of
typhoid fever am reported at the
donee, of i*.. Pinery and Mr. Snaith,
7th eon. It is to he Ironed that the
(hoe:a,'e lusty spread no further and
that :011 elide who are afflicted znay
t's0wer spoe'elily.
Clinton: 1 tel so ea° ti >ke past persone
have been nzi sass:.; their fowl, and one
night last arc ti one mat chased the
c444npelihag hint t , (Ir.,p the pair
lar 3Ind in ?13:s ..,tie. As a re:suit a x
21D?si, tael
1 •.•dn..t',2r. t 44nst,atble Wheat-
tcy:aa•r:'_ teed d';.:Ortel R. d)t•vit:" aa;aal ya nn g
13ran:field, 27.18 ¢Ince eharge of being the
thieves, and they a s,_31 their guilt.
8n41 were sent .:ta tea G aul,-t l.•ll e,zl lfelt -
al ty- tet a anal th4 t trial. In the round.
aapabf a an 25 lt a av:'l kk an'atl.
t1it.nink: The I ape>. -t 4•ltur018 w:1-
tint+ e h tae elf as el4Diet wiv?ttini; on Tues-
day when Rev. alun•thtek muted 118) the
holy bonds of matrimony Miss Mary
(1 11.1f ti+wnand lir. J. J. Nt'ii of Strat.
ford. (lnlw the n)tl-t i0tintett• ft Peale
of the bride nitnes.,441 the ceremony.
Att,•t-8 il:aieity re ,:t^t 1127(11t,•d•n 4-11771,47:43,1,
;at th(> hu!l;eld' 1110. briibe, the 1
t as 114144 left .'u8' alae• ea^..:t on the neee
train. They will take tip theirabode its
Strafe: z where Mt. Nell is in the.
Grand rank -4:1•8•100.
St..fo."ph: th're'et might have been
as fatal :te eitl4•n". le -O-1 Mr. f=coria• Nide.h•1„layer: 1#t• returned home 11110
;^+1tnral-ay ui;lit with (Inc elf lair; a•oni-
atzdon.;, They h -'d betel indulging :a
Atte tete freely in nerve tt .27¢4. and tel.
Ini; at1408'-1t,'��s�3.11, 44z.aclt 11 s W4 all
to htit uIut, flee iainht l►t'ing r;etltc r
air. Nide thought he would ,eft.
•1t1(l t,at8i the freeli air. . By mistake•,
lit• opened a tbuar on the emend flat
aau(1 walked out. He fell (4n ,lie head
and thee. rwei.ing steverid eeve•rt' d•ttts
au(1. braises
Clinton: A tramp who profted lei
be oatmeal (.);Marne, was tap heft. !tj May.
Shaw, on W4etlueeday e heng x7 with
stealing ;t ride and ttespassin,.{,,,DB G.
T. R. property. Ile was 3180 4 brrged
With theft, 11e had gotae it to .Ia:.
F.u2 an's ofl`al t• aek,i lg tor tis- stance,.
and while Mr. i ;arra n crossed aver to
ill house to kindly Tinware a pair of
hoots for the fellow, the latter stole a
h:mdkerebiof from Mr. Fatrran's coat,
which was hanging in the ofllee. The
mayor eommittetl him to jail for three
monthea, with braid labor.
Sylvan: It i•: esu• painful fluty to
ut r••
death aura _ the (t r
ttt u t i ,ata of a young and
inuel1 respeeteel resident in the person
of Mr. (ieorgePtsil.ar of the'dlst comes -
shot of Weet Tlu.• th'l'0 tsed
swat, the „on of Mr, W. Pedlar, of the
14th ('ower. ion of West, Williams. and
lest sluing was united in marriage
with Mins Hatt ie Poore. daughter of
Mr tt Poore of 'McGillivray, who is
thus left to mourn the less of a young
881(1 devoted husband. Mr, Pedlar too
rick about five weeks ago but got some
better and eminat0100(1'to work when
he got a relate• ,e but seemed to be get-
ting along nicely until last Tuesday
evening when he suddenly and peace-
fully passed away.
L•'1atke: It is our sant duty this week
tet report the entitle') 410411h of Minnie
E., the only 4'hild and beloved daugh-
ter of Mrs. Patrick Johnston, which
neoneztd at the residence of .lar. James
Johnston on Tuesday night. The de-
ceased was in her usual good health
on the Iiiday previous to her depar-
e larture, but was; taken to her bed on Sum -
clay with lung tl;'ouble. Despite the
vigilant care and treatment of her at-
tendants and physician, she grew
worsea nd worse till fivally pneumonia
set in, which soon took her off. al-
though but a child only five years. 8
months and 7 daye old, the little maid
whet the death messenger with heaven-
ly praises on her lips and req nested
her mother to sing, aWheu the roll
is ealIed up yonder I'll be there," to
her before she died. She will be great-
ly missed in the neighborhood and
especially so in her great home, which
she filled with life and happiness.
Clinton: One morning last week
while the clerk was sweeping off the
walk in front of Rumball's jewellery
store, a stranger approached and made
some casual remark about the Regu-
lator. Seeing no watches in the show
case, he asked "Where do you keep
your watches:" and was told that they
were in the safe. He left, and shortly
afterwards a second stranger walked
into the storeand
h z d deliberatelywent
to the back where the safe stands
and made a survey of ita as if to
size it up. Then pretending to
have some telephone business, he turn-
ed to Miss Biggart and paid for the
meaningless message, and left the
store. The actions of the couple were
suspicious, and their business can only
be surmised, but if they intended to
rob the safe, the assumption is that
being such an unusually large one.
thereby concluded it was too much.
for their skill.
Hay: A very pleasant time was
spent Sat. week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Deters, it being the
fifteenth anniversary of their .w'ed-
ding. About twenty invited mate
sat down to a most sumptuo.ns d11s sa,
and the table fairly growled under the
good things prepared by the hssteere
Especially must we Intake mention of
the bridal cake which was beautit a:1y
decorated with fifteen candles, indicat-
ing the number of years of: their mar-
riage life. The evening was spent in
chatting, vocal ' and instrumental
musiee,peeches, ole Among the many
presents was a beautiful larlor lamp,
showing the :esteem in which the host
and hostess are held by their friends.
Wader--Dtmr.--At the Illa.nse, Ailsa
Craig, on Wednesday, Nov. 15th,. by
Rev. W. H. Gedds, Walter Weir to
MissNiunaDuff, both of Ailsa Draig.
e r.