HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-05-07, Page 3;, . .1, . I.- -1 " ,��_I, I -1 -, � ,
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I . 1174VI E10,11TES OffflUMUCERS I . ��� I!- r��,'__�-W-Z-��;,�,� �,
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I I :ltft 111;111111*1,1� � 4AN OVERBOARD', AT SEA, GUAROING THE FRISONFit, . It ROCK OF AGES L14 --f IT": I *+, .1, I 4,10 tot I .
. � J* C%* #,"'Woetlk � - I - HER PEPPERNINT,FARM TO
11 I I .1'...!. � . �. � . � I I THE Wo ". .
� � wto Ir"r Ak*'Up. I I 1 ."*16 . I I � 11 I a I J_ : I . . � . I I �... . +1 I .
"WO' AU No Xrnaus, IN , I . . . I V 11W I . I - V� . . 11 I 1 +4, �, I �, . * ,
TII,ol Very 0 � �
.4w of ..,Pow& 'N'T"M Acons". ,k*); " $ , , .
441�, � I , 0 V,� ,W*T,WXT40 T19 I is �$ 'A i ' K"" I I I , I ,
I ;1, NATOXXATIC11141 , 'XUVA" t i4is, �, , , '' �, . _1 $1464YOV 'I 'I " + 11
11 I , ,�nlarsx up YW . 'TV ft in Tar, STATX 0:r , A ,� 0 , ,+ , .
, " .
.. � � I �IAUI�0004 .. , W,,XX 8 VIA, "o , f �'. ON , Or * , � 10, I . , ,
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, I I . �, . IVJ"40A:R. " � � r IF, &Amv cotim X, 9M a ,� I I i
I * wr!4.r AII - 0* 'Q*4trJ4WOW" 1*40M. .41 ... :� T 'i
I I . r '-!.-r-. . � � *of � I I I . . �
. , . ; , ��
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I I I � , I., rellickin , suliqlah, .br. . Im I I � ,� I .,.,. � I SUK1101t V104,81r, $OV -M uaQvWx, � 1110, , + I I .
I , , ,vo . 10444wo ,
I .1 -
lljzli 0 Ift 0041 0 W 144 $45xii , '� 1. . . I I . rrr . , I I . I I � . I R , INR ,
: , , Now - 00 Stiolls, . . . L, 1-44 14,410d", - I ,-.�_ o � I I 1-+ I o,
. I " I . Fstu"Attood noll"All. 4 ' ,t= swo, Iloilo: III", I 0011001`101494 ' ,V - -r". .. , .
, %W IT16"', it 1% - �" I � 4 1 . I . � *W111*401, owift 0**#*:'9"T1W#*0 t
I I, ')t k '' ,rL 'A( -of $ 0 Vs. 0 .kno. T , I m ,*": I .1 . � I
"' ,�
as' , , * 000r, ,� Not, withouit ;rown, ton r"Pt'rilsilkt for 0 440*9000* 10' tk�- 14911110#111" 01WIr4JJkJ3 Ot Swolic-Air Q +1
. , , 44��
. I i I .�
. ,*91" �"
I , � % _ . 0 ,
11, � . . I . W* to, To, , , d � 6, ar et in , rk XoO.Q44, ostl � . , . , � I . Xeus, AO-Oosilo QV40*4 � ,,rTi"�y'a lIke a , - - - flygm ++ -+ -
I I . � � � * __ _ _ * T _ I I I
- , 1- - f4tir-Oht, 2worl I, , --- _ . __7 kw I . _._ . I I—, I-, I , "111 .. -- - - &1411"�k '"ISO, to Test— -,--..---
----. U - - , - � I',-- -T IQ �_ Z .� - __ . _. - 1_1_
I � I ri ""-t,4r*uU,1h`_ - . ."" 44* . I �� - , . I . 94 a ROU . . I "rllsu - - :_f___:_____�_—'--,--- ---1
I . the�:S�oi�iiiifi�i �,Iean r000nt- po"Iit, day, and * *`4iR `itlaerw it U it 4 tvue,'p. � " . . #d, , , I feilt. I U#a 500041404 4,47 they W41414 . .:_ , ...
� I ty, 00610% bfAA P411114.41141 90'111� �VqAJV4 ioturo� of-whst *.04- , xtr*41tiork I " , WtAngkowe". - ''We# iti ovvr �
, � _ , Ito 11.6k Alt# "ga - - - ,
. � . Jopt. taptIttiog k tbe � Z 049" 00i :0,6011,* rather he J1 . . I , �
, I . 4 the, sioRthwea0kill park Of , an* mwt 1,
, A yes,ra, ,terrible qry� llxon ;o 'it,* Attsf,dilics,i;4 vOk #_ oW , , 'US Of a end If lives 44 - prison. I
I I miini4t'Q�X oQuCCrilin 41t . VIA silly t-akoi,plikoo, ,at. 0,0* 4hoa 00,04 0 i�O ("*,g "t4l - thO Perils Of A DOW type of &,proplano is to be thO Of 00 I �
, .4 Whk�
... .ft st Ile
,W%4, a, bi�ns.iro , OX. o
I 1 'collod ca -two pro rNox of num, D I � v,os , Ord !" . cag ThQxe who mako the rerAerk b4y 11
. . , _ rbco A.Jur,6 SIWOY4 t 'L 184to, of, Michigan livots a ,woman 0, 0 Of 'the rAQ# dia e'rQua, QoAN;4 frj04 at Itt'vVeuboor, III Lavex, 904;- , .0,
I I ", . ho 'eDgI&W, 'Opga. ThOrlo, is 'a I
o - that 0, boty Ing a, farm of* u ock of Ages laud. it 4, tuo luventluil Of 4r. 'nown what it wu for the
. , QW4 00, OPA41 str"t Miero, -the An$$: aygr A jib , ,that 'Ve vo �40 earno itr livelihood hy CQ11440to on the lakes, the
- . ,b, � OA
.be , , I.ta -=a 1: ina,rketi 10. hejd..6ye�.y �
I r1l) Ail Wo . uv6il 404 tho� , �$Iktuk4jy 4ADOr 11
. ' _ , 111c, Ullp'ia - otl)r Dift I . .+ in . Wqlue !xpo-tho rols. Dover k
� "as 14 thOrOl AIW*
L L ,queer thlbox,okbout, tbq, a, th 31 A* t li�;Ugr 4 - ril � �
r . � , , Or"o, I . 10414 VA IJL to JR OJOYLoo . & , Oqfl� ji lifhtlivoUve end log ,Bigtl.*l With, an(A .
I 'ipfly"� 014 Wlli�A'cappe' '11' , laprfi$ overhoorka � 4.1 '04irl cAtIQUA. Out. koityacrea,aro into o9i iagif,,u to 1 Ir r t.f 11 14 Nuotu tot me fliwAgting hope of s, repriovo,,waill
fkl�fl "AdorlIt' ch , _0 . ojoil "v4ll flo UumPhroY 5 of the Aero ' fear to grip thoir boart thit
, . .11 . 4 _ A, the. 14ilt
� L, .4 . � In A .
I V 0,04 ko,04-r.1110 , 0 Opopportu JI.w ir the # u
I It " -haye, i4torost. P _ lo�, IR 'the, 48; AJW .
11, . "Od,M*4kia4a�';ilplgo,,Ari$iQtlo, at I peasant Women, elt, AnforoUnaoe4 'a; ,qa launched ItIX ' 'r I itudor ( it have been W94,A134 &ding Away. I
, "LIA , , , . 'WI . 't the e* t 0 U .JpJtJV.gtJQn'r*JJd loaQh yields OW visall I I
, . A 4
1 east, their war��-VeliAioug - On" , rliell , � t the opening of nit ' at at
I : Wx hi�*Ueiiv.art, to, p _ . pe pkt 1�xpoditlqill-t I ' rAd. . , riliOs' , C#.,, _04 440104 A OrOfit of $40, aud,oftea UQU thk 11pr"g. in course con" .to secret stuco vQtollor, . . I 11
. , � in A hy"."t ... of I I Am an old man AOWI though
04,40 , , jjo�' remajasL to Jhi& day halt - I
, 444 Ask tbo MA -4 . I . 11.1 - It is more like a oiro In form .
. _ " . 'r,j L Inklosp 014 f4r4wrot, 1 I
, DrW L 'ta. lltf ae� cicltho . Uskotlt" cra-410a,' (With itt, 4ajIQrJ% m'" )JON �)f, the 440,114 0,048ationil. A young in PUB The ,bors that . . I
fr4a .m DY 1X,ktl11,Tl)ro0 . who �kwk"a; wok the 480in ai m1ch when th C titruction Anco,'Aloy, 1007, these no.
, " It , .0, , .tiQui clu Allaes, saYs WaI,! t0b),041403 to 116,V44tioll were Com. ,
, .
. pro�hco, L %Dd jt�Qllb - �#li�)�, .
, , , - V 's 'PtiQ an _ , Ifoo in " )V 0 glars than any other aeraill I
, , � _ , W� Qc sfAt)" bacon '*ja , _ e4gork, �jg the Bank otr pran . I ""' end this should liti I be black are silvered, I
, _P,04,17 .
'" _ 0, tho or -_Y4 00mmit" fqrgoi%�, wboreby he $ter a Weekly, 4 fluctuates
i p hol ruing movo� :c, Use of .�op�.ejmjnt oil ri 1. I 1
1400kir 04n 004 11 I
1. , Itt - ' e0in to 40ubt'if oiir AO. b4inds that oncor wera strong . I I
L I L . j�norltlly. To, i4krtbP, here" lQf**e0 Of 404', 0041, heOA '"And, And ve shall b I be. 1016t0d only last October and thert, rVaem"AlIcO Is height -cued by a tri- And ihe
. I. , L . - ll 'A . -h
� iosBd. tQk,;saleo� 0, LpQij� ., , �: 'L
I . r 11 496 134 cvilloiti,�Jlll 1,4, thi''rilWon of their feet ()� , I Wbi)44' his 0410yors. Q9 *no. a, _ILAXO� 40, 4, pound, but the after did d�uty�l
Miter* L,U,, ', _ � , , ,A Aween *� natil the advent of 46ugular plano Ili &tout to lili or I,
I . L, 1131stinstioni 4res., .. rp. t. . _44d well-libarred are trembling, and
I , I aA. twor W the 1114PA - V,Q 44 04 ( flOcil the IlAubille an -JI a lt&il-ohapoad �
, I L DO � I - thin , 0, bluill,alo ,of egatoff ,plelt , WrZOOR NAM of mopey that th �.yr Product moy generally be held for a Imow and 100 forced the shipping I
prdi'a�.rj into L . .
. . . . 010$. No, ,salloililaiI ,Q4414 4ilty, that, d,t,,;w I
I '. ,. , Illeet itilgh ,Ore, tallirig veas�14 or,O 'Qu . ab,d u, opq _ as 41.4yoroble price. to tie up for the; winter. rudder at the back. gnarled with toil. I
I 7 . go Are rkins ixtltllo wl , I . _ Ad . mu�hgggla :� i"
. I . � assureda� cuRoetaeo, J�o(L'41186'$I)Ley mWsti one Ands.somo troas4e, trove - corn, to set him. trW And QQAVA404 in Built of concrete, stool and brick, t Mr. Humphreys went to It seem$ like a century since that .
I , " ed, tho crY, " "M,&;I QVlarboArdi" J%, BEST LAND SWAU AW141 moment when I was bentea,, , . L
MAllot understand 06TA ea,00t. � L P. 0 thN,'3rd's` �
I I I _in t t4of a , X itiot know- - a sit.my. print or W411 in * &XA4 dl�adll, .. L France, The Plark, h0wovier, , the lighthouse is orect,W on a rocky b for his inspiration, kit � I . 1,
. I : 'IobtIe an �
.1; - � engraying,
i I . at , on's art , and some, 1A Th r X )IO.T4W"n x. with- - 1T_htr__ ,
. . . . . 1 . ;h I - , - 2 _ Ji. - -L .
"t I, SL , . . I - i",u OiAino Tal Y 8r.im I -AW -1 �-- ': - �,
I _ . 4 ,61�4',niyAtoriaus 'nigh'. 40011 ed � 0 best land fo a "e.pAUa 46let, off thq south-westprA ex,tr . - to doat4- L
, �
. -- �.---�-U*" --inath,010 �-.,*-h-�h , ,;; . ,, I4.a� ac _a1all_ .- - � :.� :� ,
. h_yAA1,1iWA"1 �_ A".iiwiirie farm is roo1aki__i&-M__- -ill --- df, Isli- __R____l____ - e,
. 11 L _ , . 'I . a - era !-H11 we a p . 0 --- 0 W W-_iiiq to me. swamp land, &I. __ 0 oy's 0 and not many e Ile was walking the hos. .
, � � - �ack 11gI14 b = .hill - , - trew, me guilty --of
I . nine PlOce huil a ragn into the water,. there u� I -I.- It I murder. There AMtjittoj I I
49,Y, the JAWs on which ,._ 1 univ -1-4 41"l -I S - - __ G,__-, ' L L , I , JUIIS"13WQ6W-#r-"Dd--thot,-i,,t-,U#J.--Mihm--froaL-tha-mvztho*a-.vlwc,o,,ot VitA'2,---&ad--,MAt6ia4e4_i,U --- Qlem--,412�- __vd=&-AL--�-.---L----"-�"t-.-
- .-- , - ,
-- ' —
_i " �;-' 7— --* J jwmiu�,-Tji I - � 'O L 04- - __q .�W`o.kayx... 4)[Toll. -11 itic!" dott-Ained until the, Froach 4e:� I ;
- -
- - .
- L .741 - #Vbrow "Ok z -Ohmfwro-savi� FIE- a Lake Superior. - Rising i,o a height til he wva,ablo by moothadt9al means goaded being, losing control of him. . L I
, P I * 1-1 ciOntlY fertile will answer the pur- %QLI(p
- _1 11 , stouo.. Among my' most Cherished 8 -0 fall, on4d there it tootivei Arrived. 0 1 Joel rccicle4s for sixty acconds. I
p LL 1 i, Is Diostor 4athomotloo u . '& 0 hits, of loot was an Q . l4d . 0444.1 . Sea, He i swou t poue. -very five years the ' crop. ee e of tho to secure tracings on smoked paper I I I I
''I %Ws, t, 40 .. � erida. I L � 1, 'w I
I , I . I I rounded ,these IL, - 0 JrfmanL and maid", and my Togy. R I Then began thd legal proceed- should be changed, or else the water its powerful light I visible of the exact action of all the Ily. Such has been my case, and I faint- �,
- It in a Matter of time Arid di , ed in the dock aim the judge put the "
I 11� ill exhaust tile soil to under ordinary atmospheric eondi. Ing muscles and thty flight festbers, 0 to pronounce I . - I
� 'remains tOi t0ft mat e Ati lau jug,Or%(I.q4AiQt Llittle copper lustre atilty' to launch a boat, and years; and, Jinally, the detectives sugh an. P34.0411,_ bKt-. R_ -profitable 60113 for a distance of more than. . Atr. 40 w k . . 'e'. - ,
L , even ingo, Which threatened to last for peppermint w
?..- � 7 I _.� .- himself, . But, ,after, )440y OiTti,440 mu&, —with 49,114. wbalt , I
I � -_ _pt n MIA -41i -c auce- har.4tr"' . . I - - - - L - '---' I I
� I tl� -- iVt1.W-t0i0M4U--4 W __iQ of-unding-the- Jlmav- 1*6iiIs- W ex�&-jpira;fa 1�4it* 1,1- , -twenty - mites. sei�6fibe. . .
,, -AnniphroyaAll,su: t, to or -, _ black "P On his It- - _]
� 410i'qg�d:4 I �
! 2 i , . , we and green, Were other finds, am 'r oard" f t oy y1eld gannot be obtained. Fifty to utilize his knowicidge, and A .
dy L ove b L.
. :illuib.al, 9Q., my tea end I lit, the Wa r running Wilt, And -
.:, D. X Uorris'oi.' 94, 1 1 of inlAil mahoffart. , The Open sea' at called on, the governor of the For days I remained in a state 11
. n I . . .
.", � . rol, pounds of oil to tile acre may gen- AN ENGINEERING FEAT. second series of experiments con- of stupor, Men spoke t me in my .
. 4 vinced him of the uncertgirity, of a . ,� 1. 1�
I I .11, .1 with thili i4tereRting,sptigle. , b%tterod ItiB true, piell;'ed up for a a uall blo . and produce:4 a warr%rit said 1co, ave erally be produced for each of tour The construction of th46 light- cell, but I did not undera"fand them. L.
i , Fbr the last ffiiF4io �r four months modept sixpence,,# from Biddy , '� * where been Isigoed by the Govern dirigible balloon and the me h ' I %
_ I . hAve b " ' h,_ L �Bto in t - the mg�u vs "I ' �ho 'pe . . or -064- consecutive years from the first cut- house was an engineering feat of 0 aol- 1 did not sleep, arid if I s,to it was I 'I
... . I Oen mile jator� . vs lost, perhapa�,th oral of'Canada Ordering the refu- ting of the peppermint bay, and no am 11 , 041 impossibility of a flying in
"4,:': " 'a to lone', at dealer chiefly in salted her. quarters o ile away; wha,t Ope
11 . , Idiftusal I ,a I It ,riye. The Rook of
1. I .1 On of the curiosity of t 0 rings. I - I I glao to me a imporpri achine
�11'1�'.' I is therre 7 None. usually there is a second cut with flapping winga, without knowing it. The blow had 11r��, I
1. I Properties. of uumbqrp, From Ahe ting, Ages being a Vny island exposed I almost Unhinged my brain. ".L: : , 11�
I � I Do not. fancy. lifAwe.ver, that loot � But, it may be urq4d, such can HANDED OVER To THEM. which adds ten pounds in 'A third stage of experiments," ,
�, I 'act of the Age, and ah . Ore. If to the fury of the galea that sweep M
'. ;. . solute truth ot the kind is lightly come by, for only be when a milli is lost during When they had their mar. th an attempt be made to raiHo mint the great inland Boil, it was possible r uniphroyti said, "waa I was sittiag, with bpwed head I ,�:�. .'L ., " . .
�� . . Of mathematies, th9ro canAot be'any. It Often means weeks of unprofit,abi - devoted �:,
,,�,:. :, - e the night -i- during ey for a fifth year, tile yield of oil to discovering and staring eyes. in my little cell, 1. ".. ,
�.;: .. I curious propertiea in , . searching before p4ti . daylight, Of handcuffed and gagged him, hur- to work only in comparatively calm flow the difierent when the song of some poor captive 1�: 1,
I I f ence is r,e- course, the lost man will be -saved, ried off to a waiting trai convoy- would fall below iorty pounds and weather and smooth - waters, Th currents of air affected birds 1 I
, er� 1. � . 1,
". THE a0mcri, OF NuUBFR,g. warded by a single fiticl. 'a 106fk floated to in cars, bringin L' �
�� . I have providing he can keep afloat until him to & pediallyn' Did cutting would be.impos- flight, and how these currents were Y "'.
, , I a it mahogany tallboy groaning the boat reaches him. 00 8 chartered '� a6co %us no place in the immediate vl_ 9
,,�� , * " - ith it a flood of memory, it was � � 'L
. ,*? . The citation of -one correspondent . - steamer, and within twonty-four Bible. cinitF to accommodate the crows, used by Pirds to support them. wl . I.— I j
. I , ,
I I 4102leath layers of ba4on, and a that gay, careless trill that brought - _0
�,_ . - - -1 . I hours they had amu and it Was necessary to arect camps solves. I .:'��'L, � I
, 7., Of V, 1111111 of two prime-Qr odd riuin� (,nippendato chair cheek by jowl LALTINCHING A BOAT. ggled him out of GROWN FROM ROOTS. me to Myself with a jar. � � �:�
, -.',' .1 1". a house EXPERIMENTS ON WINGS, UY mind flaw'back to the glorious .11�L I �1
. the'reason that every od "Ous, $Or with a three legged mk1king stool, Will he? Again ask the man who the judge who had been engaged up- Peppermint is grown from roots, for the supplies bnd buill9ing ina- '�4i - "I
, �. bers being even 'A not out . � Canada, without the knowledge of for the men mad a stor
.,.:i.' d number but there are not ever day discov- knows. He is which are planted in furrows three tenials four miles dista, "I fixed tile wings on viriott; sunshine, tile waving corn, H-od the I �.,T I . 1.
i,' is one more than even, -and I plus . Y aware that, except on the case. There was a tremend- merry laughter of honest mull 'For .
' .1 . � lit in a shcl�
111. I I I being 2, which is even; hence, cries. . the skipper be a man of extraordin- -ous outcry at the time; but the feet apart, after the soil has been tered location on Washington har. types. of toirds-such as flying and . �il�
i�.O , - One piece of friendly admonition ary vigilance land forethought, the Bank Of France did not mind, for deeply Plowed and carefully bar- her. hearing birda-ilt a stable pumition the first time for years in,% eyes . �
!�� 1- ven.
. �. I
.1. the sum of tvo odds must be e Only would I offer to intending pil- launching of a boat is next door rowed. ' in front of a tube fed by a rotary filled with tears, and I cried bitter- �:, �
,i .
�,.'L!._ Another correspondent states, grims-icilt your skirts as high as tu impossible, or, at least, bhortly afterwards their ex - These roots usually from . In the centre of tile foundation � �. I 'i..
�;�� yZerm r- fail, which blow draughts of smoke
R the sum of the nine digits be Mrs. Grundy will permit. -The fair lan Be PIOYa6 was sentenced to ten ,' Ya t 0 X of an inch thick and about Im a two -storied cellar for tile sto ly-not with the tears of childhood, 4,
,_'r -, doubled and the lo,dt-t it gthy an operation as to re der n aervitude, a� thi pie ed -ago of oils and other supplies, each in different shaped cut -rents abluve but with the great, gatiping sobs of , �?"",�'
,�. arnj,deduct�d, City by the Lee is no whit behind valueless. them so much that they read oon-lipartment of which is twenty-four and below and aitin the doomed man who sees the gaJ- -1
,,�,t�� - -. � n Pe &I ,d 3 as two feet in length, are placed in
�- �,� �'. the'remainder will bo'thoe square that by the Liffey in careless scav- Let ,is lie. whal has to be ,don,, p ,ogiz ily the furrow so as to form a continu- t high. wIIlgB. g the ends of the . � - : , I, `�
11 a to ed, . lows gaping at his feet. I - .'L,. I
lill, I
I . To be- Guarding a man oil board ship hand, the roots being Carried in a It. the towel' there are seven obviously difficult to mark the re- Ali THE HOURS PAS& I I
M . of the last term; which is not only .nging, and Paddy's Market, well when a boat is launched. ous line. The planting is done by feet in diameter and ten fee I uiaod anioxe because it is
I , _� ,
� . true of 9, but of the last term of I it is Paddy's Market. gin with, the canv4s covers have to iE,, stories. There is it kitchen, a offln- I BuItt; of a curren of air, whereas - �
� any Eke series, for the reason that . naturally, extremely difficult. bag and immediately covered over . I
I " the sum of the terms of a like series __ - ---q-_ be removed; these are fastened Suicide is so easy, and handcuffing ,as Boon'al3 they are laid -in the fur- ing-ruorn, an office, quarters for tl,o amuke cat, be t.oen . The song that had roused me be- I .i'�,,�` 1
�i4',� ::
� 4 over with cords running t came a nightmaxe. I got up and : 11
,, .1, .
, ,
I ;"�i�� is half the sum of the first and last LEECHES OF PALESTINE. hrough IS practical y out of the question, row, lest their moisture evaporate. lightkeepor and his three asmi6tan La, "I"I'0111 these experiments I qb- paced the cell wildly. A tie clear, 11;':
vl._�" __ terms divided by two and multi- metal eyelet -holes. True, the cov- whilat pl oi g the fugitive in irons When the Mint began to shoot watchman's glittery, service ruout tallied remark"le results, which I - ,,`,`�� i
. I — .
. �1,4�
�,� .�, ;.- 11 .. ,era may be ripped off with knives, � . . -�; , -,
', , , - - -_ - I re exquisite torture. !�l i*,
I i . Then the boat has to be freed of - have embodied in my aeroplatic, 1� ....
�_ , or impri o ng him is only allowed above the ground it must be weed- cated oil the first flo,ir arid is equip I stopped my ears to drown the !",
, plied by the last term -which, in Menace to Health and Even Life- arid- engine.roclut. The -latter is to swept notes we
,, ill -
��I�t,�,111 I this- case, increases 9 five tim6s- Pound at ,Pools ,and Springs. , the clamps holding it on to the when he a owl; signs Of violence. ed, or, else the hay and the result- but Which 1, of course, cannot make, - . . ��`.,"�
"', 11,�,, ped with two 24 -horsepower en- public. " I i� i,
-, "'' once more than its square. COMMOD in the bar on which it rests. These may the prisoner is never alone, - tries and an air compressor. .' I . �1;:�
and being doubled ten times, or Leeches are Of course, n the circumstances, ing oil will be filled with impuri, Bounds and then listened, dread- I
. Or, 9 ililg that I should still hear it. .�..:� 1.�
� ".�, " I springs and wells of Palestine, and be difficult to move, owing to the I ties. Other oxperinien.d.whioli convert- Fancy wafted tile 604 to my brain, I
1'1.4:� 1. . we can say, the Mat term mul- Some curious tricks have been THE LIGHTNING LIGHT. ed live pigeons into aeroplanom by . �, .
,f,, especially so in Galilee and -Le- blocks not working. Still, they resorted � . �'.i
", iM - � tiplied -by the sum of the first and HA �, I
�. blanon. to in order to save the Y IN WIN�DROWS. and I rang for a warder frantically. I � ,, I,
;,, In 1907 they were so num- may be knocked away. The four- �Bubstituting goldbeater'a skin for I should indeed have gone mad had I � ", �
"I �� 1 the feathered parLd of tile wilig- .: I " I
last is equal to one more than the , There was About the middle of August th ation of the fog ..gnal a ei'x-iiich I . they refused my request to be moved I 11
. crous during the summer and all- fold ropes by which the boat hangs Frisoner humiliatfort. a I These ma,chi,ies are for the oper-
,,, square of the last. gentlemanly burglar, belonging first crop is in full bloom arid ready quillb, arid' still others with dead to another cell; but they humour the �,,'j'�
", � L . ta of which
, L .
, "a. Through them there is cas . 'ill T , -
be ng taken to remove the canvas suit of exchanging his profession hay is then thrown into windrows (,lit into the daimic-as every ten 180ttions of the problem of nxvigat,- Tile hours of sweet life seemed to ,`�? 1
1:� numbers may be expressed by the' bleeding at the intouth. 'for cutting, and a month : birds, gave Mr. ,
, � i arly all the from Ahe davits may also be hack- 'L a well-known family, who Cs siren whistle, tile Ilas,
I Other correspondents, hotingthat horims arid mules suffered from ed through insiblead of the trouble later tile M.11, he heard over a wide expailb Humphreys valu- ,
-1 � difference of two squarep, apparent- 1 caped to South America, &a IL re-� second cutting may be made. Tile of y 'tiable knowledge of the three great known, arid I was tra,naferred.
11 In some i man who is on the brink of the un- ,
� ,,� .. pla,ces they were got rid of by plac- lashings covering the four places ,for that of forger. It happened' " �'.'
I � ly manifest surprise, notwithstand- I ing fish in the springs. in eadh where the -ropes are strap and left until it hs thoroughly dry, seconds a double white fla8h, tile Ing the air --propulsion 14"
17 - that."on the I balance and rate pr.bt towards tile moment ..�,'
,1 . ing the fact that right triangles I The drinking water used i I outward 'journey lie I when it is ready to be run through hands of which follow euch other 80PPOrt " , "�': Y
;1 n the Ped. �_
. ��,
ropes, by which the boat on the boat, and when Fate decreed, 0 g The tocaff old itself .11,
by that law, which house is generally harmless, owing i was one of the most popular --and he at. to work on the ,vium justice had decreed that I was
,1� may be illustrated Dy the construe -I, Then the ill" I a still and the oil extra,eted. To with ,such rapidity a-4 to give to acruplane, which lie calculates will to colme to xi t,
11 to the practice. of Uttering the water so far fre I that he should travel home by th , 6.1
, , tion of triangles, the formation be- I ed Is lowered from the produce one pound' of oil requires the illuminating apparatus the ap- lift from 4 Ills, to 7 lbs. the square had not niuoh terror for me; I knew Ail
I.. . Ing primary. By &a i i through a piece of muslin, which I davits, have to be straightened out e I at least " I
I . ._.. timing any quan-, is -done by- t,he- -water- -carriers in rid the hooks adjusted; when this i same ship..it so upset him that be 325 pounds of (fry tiny, but propriate <leliigna0un vf '-IigliL- incli,,, rvIlId will be, able to rise from � .11 .11
I -
. even,whole. _Mdked or J,
. tity, odd or- I filling the pitchers. threatened to take his life if the unless tile Boil is well, fertilized the ninZ light." or alight on ]arid or water, I could -meet rhy fate like a man. ,. � L�
11 fla,ctional-as. either of the short hand the thirsty agricultural Jab- cause the pins of the wheels on Ity - The double white flash timed to
�, On the other is done, it may be found t,hat,be- detectives gave him aw 'crops will rapidly deteriorate. _1___41__ The thought that made my head
.r I I (feel -o a raging furnace and my ,,��""'
greatly larger as the sum of the.ger, especially when he drinkB i - which the ropes travel at the dav- DETECTIVE PLAYS PRI, - 1;
I sides, with any numbe ,slightly or! or,, is more expo" to the dan shine forth at regular intervals six - .".
S0,N1, E E +— times each minute, is the peculi- A GREAT MIGRATION. eyes grow dim was that by one akt __�ii4�
a its' head are, rusted the wheels I — ar characterititic of tile R,u,ck of . of madness I had forfeited tile right "
� I other two sides, as many common- To prevent this they pretende4:A TOWN INSIDE A CRATER. -, I �
I the evening, or during the night. will not revolve. the detective, I Movement of American Set(le Ito live. A
I I � 1 �,
I - The leeches generally attach and oue of the detectives the pri- Ships Built by th- - tautly recognized by marinet-8, ar,
'. Bursts right triangles may be form that the prisoner was Ages light and by -which it may he rs to
ed as numbers can be found to LEAKS LIKE A CASK. Canadian North-West. A week before the last dawn I .q
c Inhabitants Who �"" as -_
�' themselves inside the 'mouth, in soner. It was eady, therefore, forl )list - 'Day tho fog horn with its to see they told me there %am a -
I �
,�� EXPRESS THEIR SIDES. e , Inhabit It. ars 388,00o w 1, �
i� , I ylix and oesophagus, but' Finally, when this difficulty is the prisoner to hold his head A chance of reprieve, but I must nut �i ��
Some of the assumptions may in- - Mr. Masterman is convinced they got over by cutting the" ropes aftd I thigh I I owl' peculiar combination of short American farruerq have pulled lip I act ruy hopes tuo high,, A petitiou
� an �
'11� believer he appeared on decc or I dies, is gnq stakes in their n'aLive States and I 4
,� volve intricate fractions, ut wherli killed as soon as they reach allowing the boat to drop into the in the state -rooms, where he ex- of the most extraordi was out, and -Sympathy was being " " � i
I b Saba in"the West in d long blasts. -
'. iw I nary places in SCENE OF MANY WRECKS (nove,d from Wimconain, Minnesota, low " 11.1 1.
�, worked out will be found to com-, the stomach. At any rate no special sea, it is a.fifty-to-one chanct that, plained by uo,ds and winks that the d. By courtesy it'is �yalled the Dakotaim,, Nebraska, Arkano.,aa 8 n. I 11
I �!. � , 'O I I (tho.vvorf I . - 1�
�. poly commen'surateli with the cos- Eyrnpotoms� have been remarked in the seams of the boat will have I It was on the Rock of Ages th' i " , At times I persuaded myself th'Itt . �
� other fellow was in his charge. 1 an is at and Orogo.n, iw,ross the invisible "'
". ditions. One of the governing laws the case of persons who have land, but it is really nothing Lim floury Cbisbulm .%rid the Cum- I line of tile international boundary, 1 Bhould be saved; but in tile long, .1 I
��, swal- opened owing to dryness, and she The usual trick of a fleeing crini- I more than the summit of an extint: .
. 11,_. ii embodied in the fact: The pro- lowed them entirely. When the lets in water precisely as will a I 1,11�1,
, I inal is to attempt to make tile au-! volcano sticking ill) Out of tile bea, t berlai.J cant,. to graef. The freight I to fref- humeswa,dn in the Canadian! sleepless nightm fear used to steal I'll,
. � I
,i�. duct of the sum and difference of leeches are very numerous, land Mr. cask that has stood dry for a 10119!thorities of the country in whicii'Inside the era and Passenger steanior Algoina W11-4, Nojrth�W' 4 over lite, and as tile longed -for tid-
� any two quantities is equal to the Ma,sterman observes as many as time. I ter live the only it est. Moreuver, I oo, u,,o � '�,
1. I I - w I- . ,� ",
, 9 -efuge believe that habitants of Saba. Th(I Ii "1"'41 """ ROCk "la'-b()I', ull the: Aniericum have guile nurth. as In- Ing" d "
difference of their squares. Versus: three dozen on the same person u 1he is seekin i id riot come, the reactiun be- �,
", I B t, it may be objected, theJie is a political offender. ' 'Ye:% cathel c uorLh c-li,to:1-11 ct)&&t of Isle Ru.�Illt�. I �;�
, No ex -'because t vostors, spectflat,ovm, miners, lum. gan tA) get in. .-: I,
I The difference of the squares of they may be found in the nostril's Board of Trade is very preci here is nomit-1, el e fur Thim w' ; I �,,
. . se as; traditiun treaties provide for the thein to live, ill, (l,tisl< e slop( at; "'J�' of tbU Kruatest dim- bermell ,So write8 Agues c. J,ant Anxiously L questioned those who ',
'I- I any two numbers divided by their and are especially frequent in the to the means for fife -saving h �8 Lost I .;,��
1. sum is equal to their difference. I lirynx. a a 'To I return of "politicals," as they are being nearly as stet -1) Ill, ole si ers it, Ow history of the Ureat 11) tile k,plittlry Magazine if, ,,-,,Ile I approached me. The warders were 4i�
., . -.-- - ...,
no supervision o gs to Hol- lost. Tile ore carrier Centuriul'i � Last Tr#,k tAj thp Latat Frontier. kind, arid tried to cheer me up; 14.
"s--a_base,, with IA/, -as-' The presence of t,bo le,echonr-is imz little or f � ships to bad many arduous hours' %vor land, and the peulilv aic all I)utcb, wanagei- and but it will, life I watited, and not �
�-- -- .. Assuming des of Lakes, for .�oino soNonty IiNez,wer '
, ' , but there is I called. arid Englian detectiveti have, is,housc�. 'lite plavulivion
' k ex- A railroad traffic
f"" ' the sum of t7be other two aides. 'dicated by slight but,persistent see. that these requirements are plaining to South American dagom , Neverthelees, tbc3 ,ipeak English a8l strajided tit, the Bouth-westorulcumt(lms officer bath told me, the kindness. The golden hours 5,
_ DiN*�ng I squared by ly, we have hemorrhages in th'c inout-h and nose, provided. X-, - -
i� , , that forgery, shore lit l9o3 and Nvas badly damag 'i- I dwindling to ,�e -,
I ��', � .1, two ihirds, the difference of the their intensity varying wilful invi-der, and their natke tongue. They call their - - , same thing; vary few of the Ame -j� , 4 ,,� .",,. , - '', � ��
. �. I
, '(r- -a naturally I When does a Board of Trade rie- embezr.lemrnt are not offe-lives -1. , It wa, ill November (if tile I o all hu'llasteadera came in with lorm 1 there were bit I e ays " t *'-It 4ii
, 4�;, two aides.. Dividing 1% into two: with the number of the parasites, I presentative examine a British ves- I agailitalli, tho p rsol, of his Maje tv c - rater town Bottom, because it is igallic year that dw steamer Brans -i f 0 *10-1119R-��r
�. I parts havint a difference of two I and in cerltain cases they may bring I set in a British port to see that, or tile ,I,afp :Ve. I situated un top of a mountain. lf,,rd flg,irod jo orm of the rowst, I'llall $1,000" and many carne injecomed yesterday that there 'were
!�,`� , t � uflo,*e bkate.-Lli , Although burmunded on all s mlirvelou, ,--wapv� %Nilh capital ranging from 03,00ulas tually weeks, and I gave way to I - ",
�Ile thirds we o tain thirteen twelftlis'About serious atiaemia and even boats, for instance, are in th ' c0 i- , 4on An4wers. idea f ruin (hsast!',r , I t 1 41 I,), 00,. .
I , � ...
- I
,��, I
I and five twelfths, Squaring and death, dition for immediate use 'which I I b.% tile sea, they often Eipend weeko, - a -l' -, ,oil -J Oriveti 1)), ternfic, 'rho capital brought: clesP"J". I began to see .that tile ��_
. I I subtracting, we have I squared. I --q— nf by tht, investing classes vitriea ra j�51
", _: � _ _1y. should exist? Why, never. � without Scelog it, fol, that involves ;I I,alc, ifiv N(ssf,,I liLracic it r�,vl, " .1, of hope litid b"ty a false one. i r
'.��;:�i: . , Assuming 5 as an altitude and I . " u � ' fl-onl Il- $10,000,000 placed by tile I stretcloed my healti y imb i i - rii
. Ki �, SENTENCE SERMONS. , Let us take all example of the 11 FOUNDER Of' Boy SCOUTS.- a long clinib tit) to, tile rim of tile I allnust ill)"lediaLel there ca.vit, roll- I I a 11 in ,�, LLL
,� 4'' 12 as the aurn of the other two Board of Trade regulations : A Brit- � -_ 1, y Morgan banking nouno in tile Ca- potent remorse, now pacing the cell . ,� i
)�� aides, we have 5 squared divided Occupations arni the heart, i crater. Still ' s'; frequently do 109 ill it great h0a, that pickod ill) I nadiin Northern Railway, tAi the feverishly, blindly; now sitting in I
- -e a mvr,� ,,�
04 ' ish owned, full- I ship, of General Hadou-11,41well Grent Be-, they touch malt water, because to (1,1 I �111' s1liP ah thollgh it %%(,I -, �
:,'�� '.
;." I y 12, which equals, 26-12 a -s the dif- The larger the boul, the simpler ri I t , P2110 000 and $30U,000 capital plac, njutn' go113 .;,�
I �" nearly 2,000 tons bitrul-11. from Lon- I liever in English Boys. is') tlle,� must, ill arldili,,n, chlinh chip, carried it clear of t it 111*(lef r of mind, digging my-
", ference; and dividing 12 into two the life. , ,. "
; don out to San Frane'sco was , I �4 Ili actual calih by tit(, land and . tiailH It ��
"2', parts having a diffe'rence of 25-12 Gold is tried by fire and man I , . I Iclownwardol for a di�iwi .,f tate,11 111"d srt it doton, o,afo, mid Lid, d"ply into my pBalmn �,
i". hailed when in the South' Atlantic There is no greater believ,r "' - hundred fe(IL 1) 1, I ill the deep wator bf-y,)rj4l luilllwr and F-11 corilparlit.-i. Aver-; While I nat there, the door open- ;��
,`, � we obtain 169-24 and 119-24 as the c.ften by gold. I ! the possibilities of y a pr- ,!.,!.o,oi 1,0(
li,�;, Ili a Normegian barque in distr the boys of, : age thv Amprivan new corner's ca. ed, and they told me I was to live ��
�, (IS4. I', � Tne freight,-iri Harlem and ()sc,-o- - , . ,;
I I., two sides. Squaring ani subtract- The faith that does riot, revise "file latter load met had weather I Orem Britain than 1,icuteria it. I hown path. kno" n as i I.,,, 11,9 �cill ags-11rA on tile NIIIIJI UcRt- I-ItAll at V2,000, and'the American Sweeter wordo, were nover ho4ard bv 11�
�, 2 � ;"�� ing, we have 25, or 5 square. you needs revising. 'I General Badr-n-Powcl 1, tile folllitlel� i It is, h-veler. in rv�,,ril,d ,,, ;,,r,(.,,, I . � ,
- )I" ))eon beaten mit of h r course, . of Coloada. in tho last Rix . I .
�,� I Assuming 5 as an altitude with You cannot conquer any weakness was many weeks overdue" f h staple indusiry that ibc.,. 1) orn shore �4 I'l" ltu�flle, htit Imth' In"Isloll I mail, and I broke down into) tears of �.,
�,t i u t e troops of buy scouts through 111th I I %oars jpre.4ents ill hard cash tin .
.!; 1. ' � "ere re(vered. t4ic forli,el. ,111p , wankfulnesm. I
I " ther two I by coddling it. , � out the country, Arid there is no � PeoPlp who zil)r,.&k English, witl wl'" ; al't,or ha%ing boen abandoii _`e.____ - 'I
� , . provisions were exhausted. She . 11-stulent of a billion dollars. I ;",
. �1' I s e uared divided The only pleasures enjoyed are Bought to obtain these from the more picturesque personality in I h,ve aloft in a %filcallo if) a Hlinlnia the o -v ilvrx,. The paRmpnger 8('t'l "y 1 This bas been a "panie year,", ,,��
. . 1.1
I ed. English vessel. I military annals to -day than th,lelty called Bottom. reach tho ex- ,,, M,,jiarch was lost on the nurth- I Yet inure American settlers cantin ROLE OF THE COCO k*N* 17. ";.."
. by 25, which equals 1, and 25 be- those that are earn 4N,l firl -
I ing divided into two parts havi.ig Love is eternal because it never I ma,n who has shown boys th at tremo of topRy-turvevdolin. 0ne � ca" trro shore, and with her went 'into thm Canwhan North.W"t — . -, i.,
11 S ENTT HER OWN BOAT. 'might imagine them making hnIloolls , than ever befort, (9 113.754 honw
�, a difference of 1, we obtain 13 and worries about dying. I hile ."playing at soldiers" th,�y _ A Real SOff of Life to NatiTem of ..
. .1 to their d,�.)m a number of the per- A'i
" - 12 for two sidea. Squaring aud I They are most harmed b v flattery The skipper of the latter ,Aas per- can gain great knowledge, and <Ie_�or kites, or, in fact, ariNthillq but iknsidf�rs in the Canadinn West, Sea Walshed lidandio, I
I ,1 sons on board. t 4
. I, h Lre most hungry for'it. fectly willing to asaist, but, when volop their bodies',shile developingiwIlat they do moike, which is -Iiips. J:
subtracting, " I W � 1 Nq,000 wore Amprinan. Other cmin- It iq more than u coincidencr, I"'
�',l WE HAVE 25, Olt 6 SQUARED. I w1asure the appreciation you be- it came to getting out a boat t I their minds Not on1l, is the, do, ; Not ocean-going hrierm, (,f courre, ___ --A.------ 'tries sent fower colonists during that the free which furmilies it �.
�� �. st-v bv that whicli %mt <le?ir(-. convey food to tho, Norwegia;i, i0t; fewdor of iiafeking a 6rilliant 8(,I-, but good, Ferviceable schnnnrr� and ,'4T1-I)Il,I) SIJ;EI1lN(; SlCliN ESS 1 th" partic 3 ear. The United Stat.es �.
%, I I ,
� %.
Assuming 12 as a short side, and- I soilt () 000 more than in the pro- terial t,o man than any other in tile 11,
,, � Taking a by-path to avoid duty wag found to be impos�,ibi,,. :dier, but he is a very fins artist its 11mg,prol Wll')F(' reputp i.R grvat 1111 igreater amount of available ina-
. Ji is , ,
:" ., I we, welwe are,,surc,,I-) rilept our deserL,. lifeboats --the ship carried t,%,,, !,Aell all actor, Once, when ,. , 'I I I
t � 1 16 as the sum of the other t ' - quar 1 m ei� th, Windward I�Iands. , 1,,� Traveller -4 Tofl:i 9,000-71file Journey rexling'yenr vast kingdolin of vegetables is tile 11.
�', I bave 12 squarod_'Aivi4ed by 16, The i ark f a free man is that leaked so badly that, had they re- ter,-] at Aldershot, a man, anxious I ship.q. %vhvn finisbod, havr Io lie, Throtigh Centrid .1irrica. - . - +_ --- I . i I'll
�, which equals 9, the difference of he binds himself to soon . i i first to) spring tip on th6 bare rocks �.;.
!, �. e high dut.%. wained in the water for tell min- ,to draw the Gei,,eral's. att4mtioll tolhatiled lip t� tho rim of Lho cictf-i-, Mr. ,Nlontgonwry and I)r ' Iiing- R t'l, I", 01" TllE SE.11i. oI th(- newly arilten coral reef The �;
," : . until utes, thev would have foundpr,d. . . 111,
i" the utber two sides. Dividing 16! .\,) man comos ro himself gome gun, always waylaid hir,i mliand 11wre lomered over a previ),we horn, b,,th i,f Ow I,1%4.l-p,-(JI s(-ho'd (oc-,anut, so forriumi that it may
into two parts, we have 12% and lie knows that he belongs to his This wa's due to their w,,t ,,f im- his afternoon walk. This hap- � into the sea. --- . �)
,,,",�_ e 0 of Tropical Mud.(, 1%haling I'llvo .P ha%v, fl�,atrd half wav acrom the
1 �. 3y, as the tw sides. Squaring world. pe-ned ro often that the Generuil M,, hn�v just re- Applied too it Twit
,. mersion for months past; the seams turl)(KI t" 1,1�4'1`1111- I llfl.cr .It 0,000- � I'l-Ific, ,,, 11u, unive'r4alty distri ,�,
1�.�,, and substracting, we have 144, or It is better to be wrecked through had come apart. Moreover, nei. one day disguised himr,elff, all iii — ,..-- ('alight C(P(I. i.,ut4d throul(hout tropical i3lands. .. 11''
I I,' �
, mile journoy .):i f( ... t ti,rougi, (,(.;, Ttiat ,.ti(IlI4.Lt,. is obAvr%ed arnoyig It tliri%e.s best near the sea, set. I.:
I t;.- 1 12 mquare, cverzeal than to rot from over- flier of the boats containM a single I'll")' previoua to going out or "'81CL-1110I.-S 11EA111ACIII, RE.111-I'DY tral .%r"Wok, the 4-hiect ,J %Nfii(h NA&M
iZ '� ; , 0 Assuming 13 as one of the abort naution. oar. The other two bunts, the c!,,p- usual walk. On his way ba,ck lie , . t tho fisheriiwil th"t )"Ll"IF-Y to thl, I dom penetrating far Lint,; the inter I..
2, ;1 aides with 17 as the sum of the The power to comfort others does taiii's gig and the dinghy, were encountered the man, I( st"(1v t)'" (.aL'Kt' all(' ( xt"Tl 41f N' I I 1� �
t, ".. Sluucll'ug I Not (A'onerally .%vallabir,, flovIptpl. I hiti, t er ri I) it, up,It i it! co"I'"Lliltillt"d 'jolting Banks ,Aa,, i�,r Its hard shell is a c,,at of mail 1�
. L .
;V. other two, we dbtain 13 8-17 and not con;<� from consoling ourself. seaworthy, but buth were too light h.iB &boulders and assuming a frro- plague, 8 \frican digco%er,��l b.% all ILMALPIAr ronglvr for the ernbryo plant, sa)s tile New 1.�11
5 6-17 as the other two sides. Squar- The 1padt-n heart r, CIOLIS expression, he strolled up to i , - -A French Legend _J�vtplzlg, Sl(;.lJf,h Lind tIlh o, Ilis fit"t trip the ,.Lhcr tiny I I
� "I easi y learns to be launched in the heavy Bea him, "Are you the chap wot's ' ' Idliml dIW%sV4 Tile nniat.eitr hookcd a c(Alihil Age, enabling' it to stand hard usage 11 �, �
,� ing, we have 48,481-289 minus, 360- Ilow to praise the golden rule in then running. Ultimately, the Nor- They have all old way oI curing The piurney bexan lit Br,,ken I., r .
ls� for it protra(t(id period and lock. 1,
, �, 289 equals IGO, or 13 square. silvery tones. wegian had to Bend one of her 0 looking for Bad en -Powell 7" he hea,daches near J)ilhers in I-iton.c. t his how parted just as the ing tip Aecurely the prect-ulill life in . , ,,,
(t I wn
I This inay be continued without Hypocrisy is asked. - ''For if you are: lie hag 111;1, tile ternlill"s of thi, Cape t ;
�,, simply failtire to boats. The sufferer prwkLh mn or no -j* jore- ( a,,., . "' -is Above th- v,orttur Back foll the ruin,jittire �,',,
.� findinir a single exception. Beside, crL (, .�,uq , I
Ait other people with ordinary Once again, when in 'Frisco Ear- 14"t me out t keep ilin r4ia-d oi!car huvd witil a ll(�(,djcj MILO 61,,od ftailwa,�, and lit� till ,I codfloill, calr'.1lig %% it II hill I
tcl�l) 1011.141(WIL Jill<] �N) fl� . two Tlv� fi)lroul; hu�k which e%e%I,lp4 ,� 1. 4�
for 'im." He ,%as never ngai i dis- tlt,%,s, then ,Aith tno salll�- lo,�,. le �allllld It, lit)(] 14 RVIdolJI Sf-ell Ili tive mar .
.11 the findings nitly be proportionately discernment. bcr. barnacles had to be rmrio�ed T d ,N,.T.t Iwah Miki rg and nio lio(,;o
. expe ded or contracted to any ex- Citizenship in hea%en will not ex- from a ship's sides, and it Was nee- turbed 'n hi4 afternotin walk. The he or sho pners a certain 4 r(,Pn T--h' 11111 -t -A later an,,ther ket , it nc,ulit �,f tile greally if! I
1, 'ith like result.. f . \ItA i tho fir,,t int-rol, ,,r t%%,. ti,,- to' -r (ried ,mt that ):, had 4.11p .1
I t % hich I
tent r. emPt You fr�um vither taxes or ser- essary to erect a staging or tho�e gallar,t Lieuteriant-Go,wral, by the that %%.is erecLeti in Is -,4 ju�ar tiw tr,j,,.. l_,.jV('d t1l4col 'Altll KfIlilt ; gh erfsared bulk, lort-Lk4 the ja'r ' ,
� P,y permission, I can, and will, vice here. doing the work to stand upon, as "13', has two favorite mott( ;. village. By this iticans IINXI It 4-41 %kill, t\;,, �jnkerq and ". ,
. demonstrate to the satisfaction of You may know )low heaven re- I t Is I'(' 'I(IIw, and a% it gradmdl� I- %-111d 1w me,.table Rh,,uld tile hard I I
the boats wouldn't float. One is, "Don't flurry; patietwe lieveAl that th, l"adarn,,'iK mad" (ame lon ,"n thilt t t h .lo Til- alliatmir %v, Tit up t�, T ut fall improtected fr,.tii the tall I
,,,� I., _(.111cl, t1le w(,(,�Li,_ NN w� ". ro \l.,ot I r"'
1� the lay mind that right triangles griords money when you Fee the peo- This was a ship owned by a re- mins the day," and the other. - A ! hor'. it \N,[i ]Ilk Ili,- voulltr)(.4 h: tho, angler, %I,-) jaroll(,firoxi t(, lit, an free t,, tile ground uo "r 50 feet I
,. find (-uj cq f,,r ,,Id )�alt. n1ld ll,k.41 .i I I
11 are also gov by the laws of pie Nvho have it. putable firm, who were, but ,,or. smile ancl a stick will carry a man i remain for at least It 1`01-tTlIgIlt tf,e likI'llig hickne�s, f,,r lo,; -h .... k i,el(,,A L..
. .
I proportion. 11rhnIny right triangle Yet, never know how much good Lainly should not have been. ignor- through almost any difficulty." I This cure, says Ow o,sid,, ��,,llfj tick plague uiid tho df,,""' t"'"'I'le and roznk�ers, w1lich had it,,, liallip .. I if'.
is equl e third there is in men until r I Ir �i,, tj i %te" i!y SL,.tIl,I)Pd ,,,, t!lolll Such ,l 1-1--v %v-oild Acarrely fail I I
,� . whose baso ,ome dark day ant of the existing condition of —.I--,- Magazine, is attribut#-�) t- 0- Ill kcm`lrg,- J,wal chiefa I,,, I -( I -it, He %va4 sur f,, brual, the Phell, ,wcaol!,oning tile � I �
:�, tervention of the Virgin ,Nlarl, prIs4,d 'Ahell tilt. ,�;41 malt odd lllm�loss -f the nouri,thing inilk s,o) nev- � .
�i; the sum of wo aides, falls on us all. things; and what has been said of BOY BURNED f)OWN STUMPS. 'A ho -n ttwir' rrwj,- ,Afi., I �
1.�� then (and (only then) one third the Some Pepm to think the best 'e'vi- thia ship holds equally good of I!, Raid to have appeared )it o. tako the fl�h als., vie -,uter husk
,, %, — the .
., AbOV45 inenti,mied -ro t Im g,,Illcl-�, I � .A F.11 ,A nt4.1 � I J, , ( r, �
Balt of the earth scores of others, which leave the Iowa Farmer Had to Pay More (), 4, i 'I y .
:�. . sum of all three sides is equal to dence of being the '''I h,� r,,m)t,r.N, hall] �lr Mont ,� o�qRa r% t�. ill., go-rni
I � .�ear %%Ii* llng�', I!"' "il-I RN-rallY not ,,nI I)rfiak% the jar of a fall I
the altitude, as 3-4-5 and e-8-io, is ability to make folks amart. English ports. -Pearson's Weekly. , 1 cr 8 )8 ore(ted ,Aah a pr-,mi�.p t I)at (!Iltl% oolltiLil f,.r gramnii, "','.,:'A�J ) ( '11 114.41 I'll he fi-hmg Il"111% the I'llt bt-1- it Iw t -n tile ooitter, while . '�!!
I . etc. The man who gets out his ertr I Than Ile Expected. 6 1 Rho would perforin wirn, I -s ,,to f(,r 'ill#, l)l.c,f,ll(_ t I xv-,,nd tingi,-l- to i, ,�wjtivd t,. thf, . .1 1 j
t�.It I
i I Yet the properties of numbers, or trumpet wben his neighbors art, be- .P— An Iowa farmer had a hundr(,,di,prove her descent at that o+,,t This ba� ar, .,f thf. tsv,sv ,." fi,01. but t1w h ,,k� and tht. t.'Ilgll outer cuticlo is water- I ,
. the science Of mathernatieg. have ing roasted puts it in hi R. ILWAY A VXII`1'171VI� 'A Il#. 41 , . ' pro"f I
, . . a pocket - A, CROSS ANDES. or more oltumps he wanted to�) got�t I Adjoining the cross f,,r (-urulg tributwn, and reriders It %,,r� larve shmild be rpturned I,., their �,.,I""'�rrol Thtlq i4 the trre vthlcll (,ffers to . .�� .11
neither curiogities DOr OXC6PtiOng ;when the collection lor the needy — rid of, and &-a ht- had no timp to � fiefodlachi-q is another that jo, re l,ml,t of po. I'lo, �,,<l anglir v-,phill-I % N he man alln-t in the ra%v stoot(N all
1put.ed to Ile of grcat sAr%icv in tliv ljs.eIt.._ tort tory pra( 1,( ,ii,; -int-I I-, giv, lip tho fiqj, , ' .1 I
. I to their laws. I is announced. It Will AtWn an Elevation of dig them out himfivif he offered a. 'I ,,I � flv trao-1111t. ,I 'I.- Ill,; lfvv�q,ilt;pq frech -.vat,ered ,�
-------- 4— —4. 12,0110 Feet. neighbor's boy 50 conts each to (tire of diw,As.-s (,f the o,ca!p ,lll (.ay,p ,,, ,Jlltl,� ?I,, ,,tb,-r 4Ii,v,aw I It 'I'VIR t!-( I- hold fllvt�l t he 1%hery the %%arm ,ea� nf,d their hor �1� r
; QUITE A MIStAKE. ALEXANDRA'S BOUDOIR. The contract for the great rail- clear them away. He figured that!that the sufferers oc(41 d,l 1,i to Pt -wk. fr,,m o%hoal.h the w-srta),L-, 1, � %%h4'II1dvrq ,iffer a fonfing, at,<l from it "I ,.�
� "What do the ]ad might grub out two a week � come and pray there, lea, ng III,-, r I , 1 s ! -(n it wrent part ,,f him hf4, a n (I Ithe humble native i io
you wean, sir," said The Queen's boudoir at Sandring- way to be made across the Andes t;. cry high, no ti at on!) it voulpfo ra Y�,ung romn ho t%aq a wl,miei, ,ecllf,�A -ugar, "i
are � 0
� the angry man in the cro from Arica, in Chili, to La Paz, in took an augur and bored a denp m to. bt, f,,und ill thi- (ountry lWe hvifolaq to ('of' Altll) `Ah"s(� randles, soap, eups, lmllr%, ci,rd- ; .
wd, I;Y - caps behind ", t ".F.1 y I,ruall number of cattle acv,,nding to whaling la'A it (II,n,iik. bulter, min-, vint-g1r, ,oil, I � ;
but he wasn't up ro date. The, bo� bonnets oi iA
ham is said to be tile favorite room 'tached to a forked brant -h stu*
. sticking your umbrella in my eye 7" of Alexandra, and she passes a, Bolivia, attaining an elevation of hole in the top of every stump and � tit(' earth. ck ,n� I kkhilc th:m tset.qe ily 13 g,, ,,,,, nrorne alilwarm on the hnrj)(n Oat Age, lillitting. thatch r �
1. "Oh, no," replied the cheerful pwards of 12,000 fee,t, and having ..r roof and
� I offender, "you're mistaken, I &ssurya et eal of time there with her u length of a lit thr-n poured in kerosene. paich i The iniiii.bitant of Bilho, . rs I a v e Ilion. it j�, go -41 t,) vi,.te thlit tilviLwilled it Thprefre tl` "Ill '-'kit matprial for rainient c�,mbininq I
you - friend and confidante Charlotte a tle over -jo miles, stumped soaked tip about s, gallon, ; i1ther superstitton� The.� put a I ,q1V tA Ill, h i� ki ... %N n t of at, re,id � iry 1, , fgured th-it ,I,,, a,: atvur owned the 1, .
I 11 I I I has been given to Messrs. Sir John and at the end of a week wan thor- ar o cross in whit ctAfthh lie hoo,ol taken
, Knollys. The. room is in app e f-,11. ,,],,thing nvid qhelter In a Z4
But thia naturAlly had the c4rect Jackson, Limited. It is undpratood 9 J�ng mcknopq Iloilo itt,parently it IllTl single g,r:, colitintyxIly maittag .,
unmn and white with some price- ughl rtneated with oil. Wh,,Idoorgof their c(�ttag"pv'4'1,,",,h�,'�"te,,rp'r',',e tiiAdistrihufi,.n rip far it ha� to,t + - RaAto places habita,blo , 11
11 - ' - - .1, - - I I
I Of making the ahgry man more so. lewi brie-a-brac, and the furniture net , th burned like tinder, thev bren f-Illd lit fill Ili N%awalnrml
that the gettial money voted for the "' Ony 1E,� 1 eY tect them against lightning , ()I'll 'Nit SIJ M RIAIES,
Ji.6lI Mistaken "' he roared; "do you iA of the Marie Antoinette otyle. 9'r -home is $15,000,000. nod In the course of a fortn,ght Foretch cords o%er thpir hi,ge ir--n - MeoiqureA dr,igo,41 io pr(%,-nt In t'v, rar:% dav:4 of
mean to clay that I don't, lrno* -lien Queen A]exandra likes to retire to The at&# is proceeding from Eng- I the Pritiih �NIIHAT To 0,1il' I
I land to the railhead. Over 1,0DO m gimp a pile of nt!w pots and �il T%atch.ug thum firl% further vx�en,-i,,li ,,( I 1, ,I- mt 1-m it conoir% , r m,.re ago tho- Ths, d;fferent weddi,iz a-iiiiNer I I
. n-ky evp is hur 11
t I WITY, hang it, sir, t1itig room in the afternon and rare- ashen A manth hn� dont, t lip tor h,)uri to nee if they arp Nibral col'.... ,iav, i'vp n nd"Pt-I lot Cif, 1,� 1, I q, i, 't � , - I,, n e, 1), r wt I v s ix h n u r A garlpq rl ����
o 1_ ' 'q appropr-ate are
'. � _,_ -non v M 6a employed in construct. whol; businegg. Soeing how pas.j`, ,d by qome unqv,erl power. vibra- (at .1"illl� of I ( a 4 Rif.
� , I sn w vou do it I Hdtv can I be mis- iy takes tire 5 O'clock tea with the ! .q harle f4l ('�.m ,I
. Ing this railway, and when finish . tion being a Aure ougn that fit t to r y 11 ,�,
0 ..
0 I
. t __ P��
.. 'll" .11 '11, 1, I A D I
, '. - I
� I 11,
I �
- �
0 �
I :
*14 ilm
4 win
Xa� a
a in
a in
a ni
h �
� i I ,
" "
� l!",
11 �
- ?; pany nnd thp vigormiq nrti,�;i 0-1 I Rummor an,l f,ou r hou rA ddily dur:ng third, leather, fifth. r. ,den, sev I
taken '�" ladies of hor houkro party, -Poin- ' the job had ' b4een the farmer ri � fill-, - n fi dn :i vtpek in the Plroxt ear, c,-tton; wcond. paper; . I
. ,,I a q, 11 ro Ynti Wit You arc-, nevpr. ,!Oirq V1 tora , or Queen Maud of ed it will rank smotig the fulied to Pay, but a lawsuit brought I 0 . 11
I engi kings the IttIth- r,hl ,4 i�e year ,\ nbn( )"Id Pntb, woollen , tenth. fill; twelfth,
� 0 ' k� for her. � , litim a winer ma -i ,ir#% to bp happy for the ri'maind,,r be folloot"f I)% Ql),e-q r,,mai,i m the' bliding for moro Rilk an
I thelpqq." %vag flid ftgy rojoiner: Noiw , 0 agA. neering underts. ofreat it and also madt who tako, part in this c-xr,pr Ili n hnve Ink(n N'.111 lit 1111 pr"bal-lol ly (.,
"I llyn-i may hnoW *hon your eye IF . . - fit the %e�ar; and ( v the fish oo,,wen . Th, importoliwA of thi� � 1, ll, ,� fino, linen . rifte,nth� ory-
I "I ,ro than tov,, ,� -n��, ,ifoip hmirri, and the ,tal; ��vplltlrth. chl!1, . txje , .
. I hurt. but You doft't knb,w my A lob _ , is sometimea pro- 8ix months will be, required care- _________41________-_ recomnor thp firqt proe"4,'q -r U t)ia?) 1. ,;A.l, ,m V th" 11, 11tio , ,.I Jjr0r , 'I U,N . . �
I umbrella. Thik 16hot bind 1 bar- Z�6d ftillY tO llilrveY !the new lin4b, and If yon would blind a man liv sale the 1,I,Ir at ,,re timv was r. . �
� � � - _�' -th6threadh of conversa- It will riot 'lit esifirle6d f6ir throt throwitig dust itl his eyes u8t, told .% fall d,,N,vp or, their k ieeq I,,h,,dp,41nll minoq draw larael) :,T1 , - -,,#I% hni,+, I t. Ofteen, fifth, sliver; 0iii-tieth. i;oar! . fol I
� rowed it."' tiolh,,,,� "� t , make the sign of lite cross, which I 1-ach tieth, rubv; fiftieth, go:(I,L,n ,over' � ,
. thil; territory for their labor ,;�. p ha.'rh of Ti,,;tnrq wore shepherded' tv-fifth, diamoT d ; eighty fifth. r3_'
I or four ye0h. dust. will insure a profitable day's work. plies. " 4 ,
L� �- 00 ,." � I by an attendant -4 dinin.
, I . �, . 6) . I 1� .1 I