HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-04-30, Page 7I . — I .1.11,J_1*1 1-1 .­_ I - I - �. -1 I - ­ - '! " ;- It � .-- ­ - � " "�Q - N"7 -i -i_ I . , , 11 I I 'I I I , 1. I . .; . . �t I , I I ,I , _\ I! I I __" -�--, !I * 0 M W-01— ­­­.— _____ _... I I qi�:Jpgl, 10=1 .- � I .. .1 �� � . � , .., M, I f "' , THE WORM 'MRKE . , � !I '' I t . I , W I .8 D11 1 V -14 -ft 1 . I . , . , , IT I. , I . . . . ff WAIR 11 S DE , I . . I . � I �** . ! 1, Y'r ­ - ­114311,11�6 I �­�'_�,"_ 1.10 i" X= . I ­ � 1. I I Ax QO=W . -1 W. ores the &1=010 � I I *144 `f6 '' ,� , I � � I 1. Klumo IgIl , I ; "" I I 11 � . .1. iq " I 1: PO4I mvj* am*, 000" to 'I I � ,U Attend la yest . I � I I , . I . illaw Pilot V""", 0 - � ,,, 11 . , I ;;;;; ,-, $44ilt"' A,Peg, 13�—,V.lp ,." I . I � gpogoa tor-A4'r W**'*#Q�, 'Immodfatal . A=00=," , .�, , " � T, 040 tilela failed t,o. toopQA , 'uk . .4, to. 414ftor 04, J-p4lournmeAt *44 tW4- �, Tor�xto. '441 Vet -1`10 - �- 0AI, , ,. ,. �.. #440004 nquirlu. list *oeii& qument ;was ontrgitod-, to *the .,to �. h4t� 4 1.4 �*, , 'it*. Wig, * , 0 Pitt 0070- P.0 . 4 of X�,o to, ww4w_, *buyotitl luii4 , , top " jr�o­ will � , 04-40, , *,, .tiva, Johii Ifillar, - . I I., - ,I , , -I I , pate; , � I I A - * a 110 'it 0 Tb,rPAt* for' oxf�outio* outside *, 4400 At 06 inilusift,90ho'bod,y of , . I '. � �, ", . 09tivey "Irt I 864#014 ri. .. _ ' w Autort gtw� t9light. and- u�morrov' I'LAorving. - .1 firat ll)Ateato," *J$'14 to *$.40 Qj " ,,� 'r , L 1, 1, Clororlet AU40fooll, after � Xr" f$t*u�'to,ii _ 9, IL . , � . � tr ,.. rpato; L - I 4ther . . ­ 1 40 0 , , *Wii;l� A.U.. � 45,to to � ,_ljuOd't'9L s t, T' 1, 1110414 P00ge, -"'"Rni bot*e*Xk Lthe W"AL fo'rth ' aou ,b purpow 40" via Atro- I9 . 'OV .. - , on �O, 1. .. A Lktod r � � 'k Tojouto ' , 1*'fyorX* grer � * .'In -14 �;; §�*L aw tro . , $' 444 t, $0.40 t. , potion top t1so L -0 , . t*k �t 41it OtherL .41 Authorl't'aft, 'W*jjj;�0o,'gl_7 XQrt�'tr;� 4 L, , , J - altAft, of ' 4 bioatb, � qworrouit tq sold t, a A ,y� XOPW"y would be " " ,_ L .;,QY. -t-thiiIe, 1 2 . littial 'hap ",%" 11IN . 1i .- - L ,e 0 . I ­� � , -'-w- - , ..- -7- -, I'— 7,1� --"-- L'"!IT- ­ � T1WV17 -04`7 -�;` 7' 1 1 t. �r­ v .,­ . , T A I ., "' I , "' - � 7"., - T,-R"q ,. , , " 11- WFT , 7 I , W ­�_-� K . I I . I � I �, , I I . I I �, . ,, I I 1. . I I " I I � ` I L . I =1111" .."III':"".*:, 'L ",011L .. . ­ I � . - I .. I L I I ,I. -1.1 _ � ! I L 1-1 � ­­_ . - .."W—.1 '..", -__P"�__ , �,­ - .., _". .", �119*111 21:11� 1111-11111:0 11 t . 1 ,�"1-1*1!11 �—, _­� �_�Zz�,,�:44�-4��­__ . I 11 -1 . . . . . Pl".5 : : � W".*:i!t=1 - . I I - 1109,1111.1011,100" i S � I I . 1101" -- . ift I ft I I It "MADESSED NEWS; I TER, fV 11 ,, I , I ''. � I '' . - I ; h 40 � ' . , I 'b , I ; a L : b' � A � �� 14 i : ' I I '. . , � I . I I I I I i ; I o .1 I I , , . I 'L' . - � I "** � � � � , . ! . , I 11 1� �� , � I IT , �, 1 . � : L ' #M � a-torimans J*OX Am I V1()VNQ , ' , I— . L� , . i I , b � 11 � i MULAU _ *T$.* . ' ., . . __ L .1 I � , .00 . - I �, I � I , � � . I . I , "101400�.1111! , , 11 it" 104". 1 . .FOL" , . : . � ". . . L ., . I . 1*�. , -"r­,,,"�� 1. . 1. I � ------ � .. . I ""?", I - 1, 1010 10 I I - i -1 - , I . 11 11 �� MV, . roataoism Apiast . I . 1 100mrs, 1 U1*V**s,Aso4 frowt 00W a** .Tug . AlwAIVA)t IVXML4� I Ohrist4as at Its � ' .",AMU *Xor"4 044, wth Te* wo�s� L . X , 04 01000 904,04o" ot I . . _4� *0 lk*t to ow, to I Itiow v4sn it flocuro, *t, the - � ltl� , .. I -1 I ar6aust 1144ta . .L , atftftt ywosts. - Otoolim " � 40ays"Wir* J"ra . ----V*----#- . t 400*1,*44 vhlvt 00t, ex., - . Ing. ,-Waot *,,r ' . �' . 'L 1r, t X I fa A S1 ' - - ' IL, 11 0, t I � ,�, ( $. JInd ZON, t,%11v _OP)04itoriug'� po Iti, � 00101k IIQ�44U,j bL4(Qr*4,,A*_�*1sn "di gone ;* 'k 4"PAtCh fr9TA QOA41tOQn0Pf.* I I , *$it * . We sso,00tad jjt'h�.41:eep. . 'Th 'd two -of the btlP, 90 iqrilortk that. tho ou4k 1 104 ' t um - X0104. . ' I , L th 404, turolt Will b - s; 140 ortailual 4(� IOL thobi 1101% 4 s porfol 04.004t 4W i4dwat. *Q� 41OW0414 41mat ' b , while no PAW41 9t X41141t ." Lft possession of hill "I - of 04 Village, wore butalaw wbou, 16I $190 .AD A. . t Ott V4 'the whol , , , -4, Then Ailth and 440"I vfc AV4110to, she of the h* ,101t, � 1krpullk . ,� '1146,01 XXA or, his boon V 4* haroly� ,XaQV 164; 41ftco� TO,* W_ ind t4sI � - _ tia away to the )�Obs$xi" 0014114tta th P ay kiag Qr.'rirow'#*saiL� 'thoj­#irer � "I Th ' 1. _*Vl a " *t 10,00 par- , I , out " � �- 1704' 041404.0, rkitalit,xAtp ad a 040ftfit"V4001 der t 0 _ t I - It is reported 1hat , Q ;4,oritally- 044,Pbylgoally u4" b.404"y _ a UrabrffJl& tb�� It *m*r 4 _ . jo$' *ra - *Oro 4 _adL been 1,Ujov,"S 0044 1104 been mox4trod !a As!* lolii 9ormaism are $MQua Lthe killed . , , ! . jAL Lboa,_ thert Sleep 84 urged at QQ-44t, Q4 f0hri4*411, Vtif - d U'A", Who Outlook c9utia.1163 very at DOW.' T40 position at Tarsus , *0"Pop,go, , arid when it, 111�nx .. ttur4ay. '' . oat. So it happoyl U � W$ly, F*4&tI0l L . JA the 16eI Aimy .r.a- A, that Whop, oddy 'was ready for is , 401, SOMB to he at 14 b4tt0Lrt The mission ba"OSS, I ., now #001 vessel for the Ca"*-- tZ I . stv, 11.1 - . , , 1. � L ",r,�f, �tR,,�,Wjl. r..A'f�V4�440 $9A 4 Xor, 4, WrIt 0;, _ I _­ , , . J04411 intintal *.wXXau§#*, -s— otau A"o trade has 44"I'qd 40J4 , I rl� I I 1. 0 4 slic"J, Alm,plor in §�. 5t -*. WA W Too -PRO XtUIC(QrSal a ported a oft now protsetwit sts. shel. l , . I .. , , - .1 . , , : � he,bet, _ ore - C411 A& 45QQ, ,It is te W !OR , , , L I I , lilVery *gllo �* "I uiio,iioloa# foxtou*toi Perilous I r. L4 i ,01.0pin I b. I _ I1.0 ].KIL44 1940 only o4i umbrella left J-4 t1to to have 4"A *W*k torin 'cor 41 hod so , W" ­X0. I,Xort JojhQX4!, Enol L efted by r44(im T 4144 Rolrtlho, Arrest, A, 1 .X %44. " hx 0,000 flialtiveR, I oli�ofj'4; " have, reprosen W. VION3 ,Aviii.ed, mit 0, 1whigh wo4w.soloin fo b* O" 0104tiI, ,snd - No, t* X�rthorii; 441 i mr-'s"m 14:ao -stau4tcia V . - , � . ja,ulo I 4104-044 thot 014.verr.-b4geit, tiouarl", i�hq ,at of Tarsus number I . , _ ' 'L 11. I _y of ,,t,40'.Feralo, , O�, iov ". res'"'u, for� wlthb` I AtArld, Whe*t�No, 9. tisf A g4f and w#*'fAA04 . 6 1 oner tho his, ­ 1. I Were vtboz, Owing the. , .. oat V44,14oior have a, comp �, - 3;109 2 f thora all. , * that ill* y,Qua about, Ott I . , j - .1 at 4"i"t Q )) it Turks *xw loquod q, but 'mony more, have 11143WI Anuir his. 44*10e, in_j 40ou'004 'of , , ,. J$h,t"#. rest "Iviia. ate Atil "Door Mop with the Christians, %Ad Whey O&Vq � I uolr� I I I the -WArra,ut until the fl.14 to *J.X$,''�U4 for qviuoltsluf , I " . 14'�, , _ . o* ­a0tQty * . ..-Cox 1. I = til . yot'01mo4l 00 stsiatjy drows, , , I . . '41 , , it , b C ,*Utb .4 1441110, said, I boon killed In tile surrounding . I Ority 001, thq cotirt'ari4o 140 PQ40I mouton � I . , L 4 V ., the Wr I I don't know, As UU can manage this raised the ort that Itlain is 'an- country, Uvorywhere the massacres I 44, for. * I , t, 'bofom the ­ � outei4o, �y Ifr . kutior has, given , 1. - I , 1 . - for taking *� train to , � o M ft- are, always AQddiuo, but whox - a of . AA I 0. 13, 48 .570 o Xwe. L I I . " , g4lit _L� 0 � hood - totiolics, th JpiIIQW A . � . _ . 949or tdjo.urumqui in timor , . Rskmil _I the not great, v unity t Ins I Ernest iihould (1411gered. Tie local Moslem$, as have been carried out with the iir4er Oat, �thd lit o4l� lon, 94 XOt1d*$2-Afte.V,AboA. ..I- , - a lti,k A47 - 0, oleo 4 create a isopsir- ,,I've taten thi L ignorant as they are bigoted, reatest ferocity, women and chil. " L ,y f big.'ll ( ?) , � , to 4 on' tr*ck,'TQroAt9, go *do;,, and " " 61PArt;4obt O ro I - � L t44 nta'ri'O No,, It vhi ,- ( Ubor. a One. ` UGA migut 40, t1soLid -nA � at ht is 4 it ' op "" "Oh I don't care I" cried Teddy. readily moved and their , we I ,od by �Vpropar vrown Attoraby. Washingtom Al" . d 0. Ury is ran sharia3ithe late of the men. I lorua� , . I I I . . to'., 0. .... . - of L A' at licoost-10A 4 wore � 'Ile kt Calgary ;f1t wIll k . � I , instrultod', L'the 0 . J"llial .... R 'ev , -a ad I I , . .1 I _o.roner t'o outsido., Q. , . Xt L And * fbi e0p off more -r&iu, don't o*Ing. Aleppo, Ausioob., H I The Britia Consul at Adana re - I � .. Dr. 'nAllh­- 41 -k -f- -.-J.:- I 1. ­11�---"­ ­ ­- - - .. ­ - rol. , L -IN � - . Insia h "I'ma . with th . . � n 'kbAl-an --,---.- I _11W I—— I ,. *1 I ­ , . __ - - I f mwou.;!­ - t d-Daurtyul-o"Wo -pofto-extreme, ewlp�erw 0`1 , . or, 4 , Q. and k I � i I I __ L r 00h, oiiTiwii:� - " a , " , 0 p . t il I - .40� ter 0 ''s , a X� r � , ic - y .or '. +-.F. . L . . . . . In L 111,1111, 'LLLLLLL ir-lol Well, be careful &ad -not let the -towns and; villages now ,POMP no 100.0, t 0 ' I * 44 1 ir general. with the exce 49,4 41 daughter qf American misk! . . ex a) ptoiii , Dt A"Cru, As an 0 Wtor his 4 that I so Q 040 Pe I A) LL X, , I., C - as Wind run away with it,,, mam ikumbTvL mirvivors, are stsAv- I � '�Iflliq 'r - I re L -r , . I . ­ a 9 O, 0 't�s` - 110I at the beginning of"this , Chown was killed by - a liadr*nd-sht .qj A 'Tin- - b L L � - a. I dia tb. P ore b acit, r- I 0. __ Ir at T4, - - - 11 ., . , oi& up I .... I -,- AtrefII ab­i1XMiIt6a;-d1r-Ff1W8_ 5-06`06a it ,,, hFaaaa -10PPO and the in i6nari * a Corsul begs that help be � - , co Pr r , .b,( r --*-Alworwa - i sed him good. , by. t L assi a TA Oul . 6. 2, k-ftQ10.-_4rowKIR*3S y stated to be in extreme 0 . I � , _7 ttsidat, . Sume cars on the Sill � � I I—- d ATIA i somet I ledu AMOUSh thus far singer, se The -1111, �__t� 4 c - .0. 2, Q3 to, 040 out- 4aicAtes _ Igo %Whyw__msim4, - 'they have Dot L - 'London Daily Telegraph's � ­_ .. 1� __41 _L _ -Orry been attacked. . � ___ L ' , ­-�-_ yvlr as �" . :i, , L , -814- eftev�n-��,,b6(Fy--�f-WI-Al�---U-"JW- `01led' Over �0*44-Wiaiiiii iitiair alligut such a big boy as I am. Ma Vienna correspondent senda, the re- . 0 y- !, - . - - 01 ' the aufforer barnes4stle, ,oil Saturday, but� no a," he added, -I co at Ekbaz ' . , , orn o, 0 American yellow so 2r � in his habits. Those who ball, , � uldn't have . is Per he Sultan was taken out �'L � I Ad AtU4117 gat 6t r,, Passengers were injured. 0 t=,t 11 t, to' 81%sie, oa track, Toronto, a , air hours of sleep, carried it when L I Was littl -i but asiesed. The Village of Dourtyul � W, by force at a late houir " " a Mrs- Maxwell of Peterb6ro' has a a I Xo- 2, 70 to'74%2c * track, Toronto. the 15.nJ$ht'o*l411 and the burners givou �14000 to Presbyterian Ohi. ow I can -just as easy I" and he 18 cOr"P4,4804 by fanatics, The Ar. an Stind&y night, and that Molism. L �".�� ' I � 40 Canadian c9riz, 73 to 74o olic 0 'igh sy for their . b InQuIan inhabitants have sent I ` - The French mission , (''�,�!, Sff"O, �Xixlk ICRIXE COMMITTED 1. on tra . t the midn - t oil, Rese r ran off waving his hand to her. b a mod Reachad Effeadi was installesi ,. I I Toronto, . '-' bid habit by ;4t&Qks_ I Sleepiness in- rilasions, and th money will Ilut ihe first, hardL guat Made him ulmenger to Alappo to beg . I B . I . - . __ - . I ­ , I . I th6, -�ftoru6on * IF be used to found a ace for in his place. 117-1 1 11 L ­ . hool at Hon- ': -"'-,W rau-Cors,, fta.50 in bulk out-, and early evening, an. go more slowly, and he ol&Bped his ­_ -_ I, ., ../ L- I a. Shorts, $23.50 to $24 in bulk later, unfortunately, after the in- Homil umbrella handle with a tights 11 -'__L__-__- ­ �- . -of a Manitoba Settler Outraged outside. ' .1 " ton License Commission- . r ,� de and "d .- Rustles of digestion wesis off, the grip. �, � . I ars cut Off two hotel and two store ­ - 10a drowsiness disappears, and then, licenses, and gave a couple of , I - h. � , relieved of his burden, the person other hatelmen orde a to got out Four blocks to the west, then i I - Bedteu to Deat COUNTRY -PROD"E., three to the south,_.ths,t wit ,,the I ."._,, I I sits ar to all hours" &gain r . BUYS BELL COMPANY OUT , I . .; 1, I I — , - - Apli.50to h i * I , think- of the hu4iness. way to the kinciprgartsia. Before . % qualit, , , $JkA for c oice Ing in hat way to wake up for the Samples of reported fim s Teddy' reached the corner of Par. , - -- as, and $3,50 to 04 for soc� hours lost by the drowsiness. 1 4-desPatoll -from Winnipeg says -, the skull had been fractured by a. - ., - __ -­ I .of cool" ker Street he wished the um , L- If he on the north shore of Lake Superi. war brells 1--:- Investigations by the police on Fri. n, blow on the foreho� ond "I WOULId abandon his owlish habit, go ,or have, by Govern- I not qIuite so big and heavy, . . with a short ;;,;'' 44Y of. the circumstances surround- club, which is now in the hands Beans-PYAfae, 91-90 to $2, and to bad betimes, and get the a ment experts and foun Y, It blows I" he said at the Saskatohewan Has Gone Into ,� . I of the police, and which was foqnd and -pi I 0.10 to $2.15 per or eigh hours of continuou even d to be of I'M how . ., 1 $49 the death of .Mrs. Le i J bushel- . that lit a sleep little value. end of every gust. Until t,ho, gust - . wis ames, on Friday outside the little home. . o needs, his daytime and Number 4 party of tl�j Hudson's had passed he had more� than Telephone' Ownership. I I 1 *11086a body was found in their in the, hurried examination of the ,,, ney- mbs, -$2 to $2.75 per evening drowsiness would disap. Bay survey has not been heard fro enough to do to V, ten - I _ , lonely shack by her husband on body on Thursday night edi , n, an Strained, 10 to 11c per pear, he,could do more and better for a long time, and it is feared they not A despatch from Regina soya: L %� d in t d to that 'f' pound. clumsy uxub'rella; he could - � . -Thursday evening on his return men were of the opinion th'.1t.4fie , d ces, and of the agioad price $io,000 11 i work, and find life much more en, will be unable to get out until the He,. Mr. Calder Wednesday night is to he rotwned toe unearned 1, UQUI Work, with marks of violence wound on the head might It Hay -N9, I timothy, $10.50 to joyable. I even mutter. But when he turne . 1, "it, show that one of,the most been caus ii've $10.75 par ton on track here, and opening of the streams. the corner, and the wind was full &t I Upon e -d by the dead woman A slight drowsiness is often noticed A party of Italians refused free his baoir.—O announced the successful tormina rentals. The Minister forecasted - hl" cried Teddy, for _ I . i"L brutal and revolting criffiei in re- falling in a fit, as it,4&S learned lowor grades, $8 to $9 a ton. after a hearty meal, because ac that umbrella was almost wrenched ti011 of the negotiatiqns with Mr. vigorous extension. for the future, cent years in the west was cQm- she was subject to inch seizur". . Straw-se.ao to $7.60 on track. tive passage across the Victoria Bridge from his little wiry hand. But he L. B. McFarlane, Mo�'ir al and the acquiring and .running of �, mitted. I ' � I Potatoes -Car lots, 90o per ba I diqestion draws a greater volume at Montreal shot the toll collector 0 repil . She had been assaultedilt was 9 I not unW Friday morning of blood to the s [clung to it tightly, local exchanges hitherto left t I niolpal onto - try-Chie.kens, dressed, . 15 to tomaeb so that the in the jaw, on Saturday, knocking although he I senting the Bell Company, and him- sito or mu . rprises. 11v - Ad s I that the terriMe crime was reveal- on.track ' lbrain is lelativelY Poorly supplied. could no longer walk. He had to I Poul out several of his teeth, self, as Minister ef Telephones. tioned rt-garding the possilyla, acqui- . I... - ,who has escaped witbou� le4ving ed in al�-fts revolting. features. ountries this The Mo treal Board of Trade re- Th protracted, , sition of the Moose Jaw & Saskat- *ay clue upon whichLpur - 17c per pound; few.1, a to 136; tur- for, L n I run to keep up with it I T7 S6. suit at re She W mentioned the fact to her 1 tendency is favored, and the Siesta Oil, on, on, the umbrella pulled a negotiations were ,L' at seems possible. The lau ad the da keys, 20 to 22d per pound. ad, the invitation of the Datroitl but time in this case was money, 1z,bewan Telephone Company's busi. 7 - �� : - . rilvrer y before that a vie, . .., after the noon meal is a n a W S " alliro stole her watch and a small 'fj a- kin train had frightened At4onal Board to the conference on better "'in, Sometimes 110 w a mo t t as the price, S3U7,500 compared - ners, tile Minister declined to com- .. I'k L turn 'of money which was in THE DAIRY MARKETS. custom. With us the after-dinner trade relations, saying the matter lifted off his feet. The wind came Imore than favorably With the price Imit lliniFtolf beyond the statement 4 I., � , �A her IY y Ice ing in the win- cup df black caffee often drives had no interest for them. in no more gusts -or rather it was paid by either of tile giater Provin. I that it was tin or --insideration. i , bouse. , dew . She gave him a description of Butter-P6und prints, 21'to 23o; away the impulse to sleep-whe.ther John Nevills was committed for one long, steady gust I Oh, if it --- - � The autilpsy was perfor an the man, but so far no traee of him tabs and large rolls, 16 to 18c; in-, for good or ill may be left to the trial at Hamilton on the chargei0f i , .- ____ .__ ��� �L . Frid�y and revealed th I , would only stop long enough for Copp ____­ .­______==TnTM___-__"M2MTM It, 'L . abt that has been secured. ferior, 14 to 15c; creamery rolls, I physiologists to determine. shooting Constable Smith wit I him to get breath! ER FOUND ON G. T. P. GOING ABOUT IN CHINA. .1, , ;.,. . _­ I . 25 t D. 1� 11L I '1� . .... -' o 26c, and Solids, 20 to 21c, 1 Sometimes we hear of attacks of tent. Smith swore the prisoner When the schoW building was — — ":, , EggB-18 to 19c per dozen in case sleepiness occurring suddenly Ron Working on Right-of-way Dis- Useful Sedan C - tt + . . . . . . *+-1­t-f-M4-1­"-" Many Of the newest coats allow a lots. at was the man who shot him. reached, Teddy made a desperate hair In the Crowd*A , : I, � hi ;certain periods of the day or at It is reported that the Canadian lattemilt to stop; but that umbrella covers the Vein. Streets of the Cities. . I , Z. nt of returning fullness in their Cbeese-Large cheese, old, 14 to irregular intervals. These are alto- Northern will divert , ' skirt parts, but the traffic -to Du. !would not let him! On it went. despatch from Port Arthur say : There are 6ut two ways to go . . increase is 14y,c per pouud and twins, 14% gether abnormal, and in su,ch cases luth for a time to make extensive'Past the scholars gate, past the What is expected r st about the Obiliese city --on foot or , k, . . Fash ion - slight. -enormous about the to 14%c; new cheese, 133/2c. there is almost always some poison repairs to the line from Fort Fran- teachers' gate -now the building it. valuable discovery Of copper has in & sedan chair, writes a Canton 11-1 I . Hat pins are - I at work in the I drvous centers- ces east to Port Arthur. f . i head and terrifiqally long about the HOG PRODUCTS. I be]s was left behind. It was 81- been recently made on the Trans� correspondent. . 6 i . usually a. self- man ufactu red poison An order in The streets art _1�1 H in ts. $ pin, necessarily, with hats the size .Bac Council has been mo t nine o'clock, ani only a few continental Railway, not far from from four to eight feet wide, the i I , I they are now. on -Long clear, 12 to 12�r which, because &r, is made in too passed making the new million acre children wom near, and they ha4 Portage Lake, which is situated average being probably about six �. I Pongees come in many new per pound in case lots; mess po , great quantity, or because consti- forest reserve in the Rainy River too much to do to manage their northwest from Sturgeon Lake. it foot, and wheeled vehicles are out _ __ _ - - - L++*++4_1r--1._A_A__" -Z _weaines and are in $20.50 to $21.50; short cut, $23 to pation or kidney L disease. prevents 4.ia,trict a game preservo, Ontario own umbrellas to notice any other was during construction work on of tile question, Even the iiarikisba especially in the twills gr"t favor, $24, . . . its rapid elimination, accumulat6a in r , eaining absolute control. little boy's. . . PADS AND FANCIES. , and suiting Hams -Light to medium. 14 to the system. . the now National Railway that the cal not be used Wre. If you try I I . edeetB in which they are now pro- Y2c; do-, heavy, 13 to 13Y2c; rolls, I An essential in the treatment of ­ . — ' Finally Ttddy ran right into ' discovery was made. A gang of to make your wa), on foot the den- , I The coronet braid is again in duced- 1 14 GREAT BRITAIN, young man, and he was so big and working on a rock cut, "ity Of the In ' nders � . . U to 11y,c; shoulders, 10y.c; backs, such cases is diet'ng. Meat should strong that the umbrella bad to men were oving masses re . L . Vogue. - With the long sleeve has appear- 16Y2 to 17c; breakfast bacon, 15% be given up for a ,time, at least, Hcn. Ronald Ramsay, a brotimr I stop, I and while he ' sage for progress almost impo arrilile and ­ wing out a,pas I Paris has abandoned the diree. ed� the new loose chain bracelet, to 16c. , and the only beverage allowable is, of the Earl of Dalhousie, who I "'Seems to me . that's's pretty the rikht of way a rich copper vein rowdies and pickjobkeU are num- . toire style. with pendan,t of artistic design, Lard -Tierces, lay,c; tubsi 13y2c; water or milk.-Youth)s . Com- upe . nt SOMB time in Canada, com was laid liare. H. J. �Mackenzio orous; so that the beat plan is to - - Vivid effects in millinery a,, di,- which falls loosely over the sleeve pails, lay'O. . panion. mitted suicide by jumping from an big umbrella for a little mail like regirtered ille claim in the i * take a , responsible native guide ootiraged. Paris dress builders have refuS� .. I Atlantic liner. you," said the straLger. Mining And of airs. , ., L Irish crochet' lace is the favor- to indorse the cult of the small BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. I "Well, it's all there was," Tedd y recorder's office in Port Arthur, , The 'a chairs are carried by two, , ' TAKE MORE SA_LT. — - lexplained, "and A caried me right I threesand sometimes four man, ac- �^ 7 ,kt fdr jabots, I waist, the new models being made I UNITED STATES. ipast kindargarte' � 4 1 ", , irk wider more with a view to natural grace. Montreal, April 27. -Peas --No. 2, Health and good looks air� in- I ... , n. I shouldn't . . , P cording to the weight of the p a- " L ts arefe'.just a littl — 11 I Four persons lost their lives in a ever have stopped if ;t hadn't been BUIELD TO HUDSON'S BAY. &eager. This two bamboo pol"'by �L , I, h �� �he Tailor mades have not changed � L.03 to $1.04.- Oats -Canadian separable, and in the exercise ') f fire in 4 h8tel at Topeka, Kansas, for you.), � .- her . a Is a general trend toward their main linea,.and the sack coat testern No. 2, 51 to 51Y2c; extra methods and remedies for the pre- on Saturday. "I'm glad I happened to be here 1, — which the chair i's supported are fuller garments. iQ still with us, although slightly No. I feed, 5OY2 to 61c; No� I food, servation of outward beauty it must � ' Grand Trunk Pacific Will Start about eighteen feet long and are � Tussor and Shantung will be as closer fitting and with a bit more 50 to 50%c; Ontario No.' 2, oO to not be forgotten that a good diges- It is proposed at Washington to laughed the young man. " We'l I Line soon. nod at tha. front and rear ends � - -mer times. I I -knit fle8b er. It wdn't do to trust you to A despatch from Winnipeg a crosspiece. PQPuI4 as�-at for trimming. � 50%e; Ontario No. 3, 49 to 49y,c; tion, rich blood and we], break the Patten wheat corner by go back to the kindergarten togeth. ry, After you have, Burnt and butter tones seem to The Napoleon collar is a feature -1 Ontario No. 4, 48 to 48yjc; No� 2 are essentials i,1 tile formula af admitting Canadian grain free for ays: tak Sao& the coolies raise L . be the leaders among Straw hats. of the, new gairlifients. It is made barley 66 t6 67c; feed, 59Y2 to Goo; beauty. We. want to bay a word a time. I lyre] -In avnin." I- of 0 e- a. G . rand Trunk lZer theoj.a:�the pulas to their about- I ,: the care of that mischievous tval-I Mr. Ch mberlin, Geno,ra.l Ma. Black and white co of the Game or,,eontrasting materi- I b uckw heat, 69Y2 to 70c. Flour- The U-nited ,Stat" GQvernment Pa,cific, re- ders and are off at h dog trot, only mbinations about -Salt &a- &,factOr Tn the build. has- lost $6,000,006 on PAris gowns' The children were singing when turned) from the west on Tuesday interru ted by a "Oong"Ation of . continue to be po _ al, gold embroidery effects. being I Man i Ohs L' pular in malluezy -Spring- wheat patents, - -- - - ­_ ing of the house beautiful in which - _____I`n --- iiiiRfnery- the- . b lack hat' is a fashionable. firsts, $6.10 to $6.§O; Manitoba, the woman beautiftri resides. smuggled into the country in the Teddy went in; but when Ile told nigbt and stated that coryetruction tr&fAc,'p which ocouris very fre- striking adjunct of the spring dis- The newest b'elt is made of suediS Spring wheat patents, seconds, last ten years. 1 the teapher all aboilit his exciting would bcgin durinf, the next few quently. plays. in American Indian style, fringed $6.60 to $6; Manitoba strong bait- � The Russians are in the habit 'oF An amendment has been intro. 1 rar-e with tb­4 umbrella she Raid he days on the branch ines north and It is surprising to Bee how rapid- . Wine colors, from the lightilst,to with tbong leather on the lower era', $5.40 to $6.90; Winter wheat beginning with a slice of bread duced in the United States Senate'waR not to blame for being fardv. mouth from Melville, Sask. The 4 they can go through the crowded . the darkest, a,ro popalar for waik- e�ge and laced its entire length patents, $5.75; straight rollers spread with salt. This for a relish to the Payne -Aldrich tariff bill, and be was soon standink tip and cOmP&nY will lose no time in build. streets ; Lhe whole line of chair car- ing hats. with Venetian beads, $5.60 to $5.60; do., in bags, $9 - �6 and the stimulating effect it has on providing for a graduated income singing happily with the rest.- in a through line frnm the' Ameri- riera hare 11' 11 tile time, as . I the gastric functio.n. A solution tax. 0 at�o ing a I L Ono,of the modish colors is cen- IR spite of their tremendous run, t6 $2.75; extra in bags $2 25 to ter taken early in the The United State " Youth's Compaition. can boun ary to Hudson's Bay, are t er people who are car- . buttons are still good style, especi- n . _­4re, a rather deepdr shade than $2.35. Feed-kanitoba 'bra', $22 of sal.f aOd wa,, 14 will sell ati - � — -+— providing tire farmers with a short rying burdens, for as there are no I ashes off roses. . ally when they are of pearl and to $23; do., shorts, $24 to $25; on- morning is an excellent tonic. one auction from $60,000 to $100,00() wheat route to Furope. Ile also car" in Use the entire meruhandiso SloevesL must be close, but not so worked into the embroidery scheme tario bran, $23 to $24; do., shorts cause of Irish peasant beauty is thq worth of French gowns and finery . AN' INDIAN CRUCIFIED. announced the construction of sev- of the city im rransport-ed in the . close at the elbows as they were ct the costume. $24.50 to $25; Ontario middlings"use Of salt on potatoes eaten three seized by customs officilals at New ­ - eral other brancneR from the mai same, manner, riot in chairs of . grain mouille: times a day in youth, r He Took the Role of Christ In Pas' 1 line into the north country, notabIny across the shoul ers, during the winter. Sorne, of the new blouses are $25 to $25.50; pure esulting ;n York. course, but slung on poles carried Straight fronted corsets still pre- tucked all over, bodice and sleeve $33 to $35; mixed mouille, $28 to complexions of red and white, won- Sion Play. one from Watrous, Sask. vail, and the new shapes are long "like, and finished with quaint lit- $30- Cheese -12% to 13c for old derful strong hair and perfect GENERAL. A despatch from City of Mexico The noise rusulting from tile aim . at the back. tie Puritan collars and cuffs, edged stock. Butter -New milk cream- health. A Detroit widow committed sui- says: Tiburcio Zambrana, a Tux- _q-__ ultancous shouting of every one in Olassie ideas ,are followed as with lace frills. ery, 22 to 233/2c; old stock, 19 to I Centuries ago Pliny counted the cide (in the grave of her husband 1 pan Indian, who was crucified at his sight, botti in front and in the rear, I much as possible in the arrange- Lingerie dresses are being made 20y2c. Eggs -19 to 19Y2c per dozen. i sun and salt as the most life-giv- Eighteen persons were killed in' i own urgent req CARRIED OVER TIJE FALLS. for the strearri is flowing iu b,)tb of the sheerest mull without a bit of ing things in the world. uest by worRhippers directions, i tl(�ugh to make one merit of the coiffure.' - I - FrWay's carthqualce shock in Par -'at the anDual Ea8ter celebraLion of _' s c Half of the new straws have a lace of any kind, but covered with LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Salt has an important work as tugal. Buffalo Woman Fell Info the River wonder if the lung expected riot one of the valuable constituents of The Sultan of Turkey Is report- � the crucifixion of Christ by mam- has Dot begun. . Plaited effect and some are of the a bold floral desigildone in white Montreal, April 27. -Prime beeves I hers of hiq tribe near Guadalajara, at Luna Park. - --&- — coarsest description. and richly raised. strong, healthy blood, and is now ed insane. Tho decree deposing has died from lockjaw. Zambrana A despatch from Niagara Falls, sold at 5% to near Go per pound; used medically as it tiever h" been him has been signed. The pointed waistline is a nov- .1. . pretty gpod cattle, 4% to 5Y4c and took the'role of Christ in the Indian N. Y., says: Mrs. ��Iiipple, Go elty after the straight across ef- the common st . ock froift 3 to 4y9c before, wh;le its application in mas- P. F. Collier, the founder of Cat- Passion Play, and as the climax years of age, of Buffalo, went over 70,000 DEAD IN MESSINA. , . feate of the empire cut. , THE CANTEEN MUST GO. per pound. Milch cows sold at $25 ,sage is an agsurea .Liecess. lier's weekly, dropped dead bud- of his performance he insisted that the Falls on ThurAday afternoon and ___ — Moss roses with their attendant District Officers Receive Definite tc, $Go each ; a lot of six good cows Possibly salt bonbons may clis- denly on Friday night. he be nailed to ther-cro" instead of Idipiappeared under the water b - Estimate of the Number of Earth. buds and foliage are being much were bought at $56 each. Calves. place sugar ones in our social re- An agreement has been reached I s c used in hat trimming. Instructions. r,,,, and salt being preservative, at� Constantinople by which the Sul- being Strapped, as has been the I low She was in Luna Park at the quake Victims. sold at from $1.50 to $7 each, or custom. Rig death followed as a lbrink of the Falls, with her sister, A despatch from Messina says- . Hat styles demand that the hair ' A despatch from Ottawa says: 2(. to by,c per pound. Sheep, r)c it may yet furnish the elixie of life. tan is to retain his throne. I result of the terrible injuries eauged ; M rs. Leonard. The latter turned An official estimate places tile num- I be flat at the front, wide at the i Instructions have been sent out by er pound for old, and (3c per pound Nineteen pervons were drowned by the nails beirlm driven throt gh � her head for a moment when her her of b -)dies (if the earthquake sides, and full at the back. i the Militia Departibent to the vari- flor yearlings. Spring lambs $3.5o BATH FOR THE EYE. off Chribtiania when tne Norwegian his hands and feet, It is belielle I 'si!tter slipped into the water and was vietinig recovered at 25,000, and of I . Peacock colors lead with the ous district offi-cers commanding to $6 each. Good. lots of fat hogs In case of exhaustion of the eyes R teamer Edith w-ent down in a col- � th"e, quickly carried over the Falls. . scarfs, and they are more frequent-, sold at 8o to 8y4c per pound. or of simple inflammation f'e w lision. ITuxpan Indiang will lead to %igor those still in the ruins at 45,000. throughout Canada that the stand- I that tins tragic affair ammig ly than otherwise embroidered. i- Toronto, April 27. -The things afford more relief than the has me,,' �, ous meano res bv President I)iaz and .. _—.1d._ --- I Ing order against Liquor being sold uumber I , Cal E J. Bell of Lararrvic NN'yo Both figures are the minimum. ri In spite of tile, great flower vogue, I in the military camps must be rigid- of exporters' *---i limited, and the I eye bath. No special appli lo a wager of tojo,�00 ths � ­ --- 4�_ -_ bbons seem to have usurped fir8t'ly enforced. Thdrb Dais always been highest price paid for a few picked , I are needed, Any small ell auce" his farni will produce more uats per the national Uiyvernmont to pre- FRIGHTENED BY A TRA31P. place on the Spring hats. animals was $5.60. The export p Of sicre than any land in western vent the celebration in future. -_ . On tailormades the sleeves arel an order against the selling of trade was slow but best grades of glaRs can be used. It should he Canada. _+ Death of 31rs. J. Jarmain and Her SPRIG 800� . liquor at camps, but it has usually quite filled will ater as hot as tho _______4._ — By dose is clogged, by eyes are red, plain and severe, but on dressy bee. more or less evaded, and as stock, of good 4eight, sold readily. eye can bear an'dvcach eye held in 't 11" U. S. SCHOONER CAPTURED. Infaut near DelaivareA By throat is aore and raw. I . gowns they are puffed and anteen sold only to Cows, poorly finished bull& and for at least five minutes, the water ALL NIGHT ON' A TRAIN. � - A despatch from London, Ont . 13Y jullit" all achp, so does my head. " A, new pongee riobon in dashy � common grades were about __ - designs is intended not so much for I members of the regiment it wa t 10c. being kept as hot as can be borne. 1,1. Was Poaching In Canadian Writers Says : It was learneu on Vriday By breath k bard to draw. a �` lower. Stockers and feeders -Fair ain Load of Passongerm Had a . that Mrs. J. Jarmain, wife of molested. The movement s8lalInst —'— -0-- At Scott Islands. a But spring is herf�, with all it, .hat decoration as for, women's . demand, and prices steady. Milk- , Trying Experience. farmer living near Delaware, has Cheer, .I neckties. the canteen by temperance - BLOW RESULITD IN' DEATH. despatch from Vancouver, died as a direct result of being go let tiq cease t�j fret, . organi era and springers dull. Calves- A " Blouses, almo-A without excep- zations, resulting in verdicts in the Easier; "Bobs" unsaleable. Sheep — A de -patch from Montreal says: B C., i,a� R - After heing cornpefled frightened by a tranip, who chaqeci Ad Hi� tion, are being chosen to match courts against the canteen, has now and lambs -Steady at last quota- Man Knocked Down and His Skull In '" ryiji-g trains were, �eriously de- t,, fire four shots warning that she 'ad 8bile ad clig a %ib,ie the gowns with which they are to 'been supplemented by the abo layed un Thursday, ,,wing to) the her from her home Tbe ]ad% wag T i , Ni t P r fladdlrA yet ve tions. Hogs -Steady demand, and Fractured. allicant huciinv4s, the cruiser Kestrel in a delicate condition, _­_he_W_nrn ,, ­ cle.partmental instructions. . 'Urity of tho previous night's oil Stinday afternoon captured ali'd the __ - . -prices firm around $7.20 f.o.b., but I ev I . Poulards, after having for sever A despatch from Toronto says: stofrn. The storm blew so fiercely I Ameman t h` shock reoulted it) her critical ,11- I in I —&— in a number of Cases $7.25 and fishing schooner Levi Hhe continued to sink rapid &I years been a ct'rug on the mar- With his skull terribly fractured as across Lake Champlain ff ness Ow 9 6, the breakup uf the road, that the 'Noodbury four and a half miles 0 ly P-toffice will .nl) ac t let fore, again. v . 0 ng knocked d6wn at Rutland k Central Verniont bridgei Scott imlands Iv. Tier baby was burr (2. and - kat, are now coming Smartly to the eruption of the Colima lean, in and $7.40 to $7.50, fed and watered, Duchess and Oeorge at Roug"'s P(ont , �Iterward and died on Friday (Iiiitrict points . .h.r, t�c. for delivery at Go g I A severe earthquake fo jowed an $7.30 have been paid in the country, a result of bei Thr, schooner had I It %V . Mexico on Turday. at the market. streets, Willihm (Jordon, a middle. ,danger (if being bsaq ser""unly lit five d,)i-ieq out betw(,en Have,)(1, Uixtuies of 'grays an,a hrowns A number o F ],,,A n rench school chil- aged carpenter, who lived at 59 Dri%en by the ter,ifie s.u`t()1l 13'ercs' ' glands, a di%tance of RNP milea', fish .--. -- .---.----, ..'' __ __ ­_ __ .---. . I ing. Captain Hincla;r of the Lovi TS. Frederick street, died in St. the wa%es %%Pro running fiftven With deep tones are still, as in the dren have gone on strike because UNITED STATES MARKE winds 11 winter, among the popular fab I rice, their teacher was too, old. Buffalo, April 27. - Wheat - Michael's Hospital Saturday even- feet li,gh, pounding against the Woodbury declinvd to procepd to ­ � .. ___­ --- .- --- '--'—'L-- ­­ ­ , - - Spring wheat, No. I Northern, car- ing. Two hours after his death . as bridge with tremendous furce, and Vancou�rir under hii own powor. � loads, store, $1.27%; Winter, No. reported to the police Detective plunging Re%eral feet ,,%er tile Afts-r somp demur a hawser was at KILLED WITH, A HATCHET 0 V red , $1.42; No. 3 extra red, $I.- Harry Armstrong with nothing but tracks. At 8 30 on Wednesday tached and tire Kestrel towed thf- 4OY2 ; No. 2 white, $1.40. Corn- a good dpReription of the assailant rught two Central Vermunt pailsen- prize to Vancouver, arriving all - . - - - � - � Higher; No. a yellow, 77Y to guide him, arrested GifbeTt 0h. ger traing attempted to ( rosR I)Ijt Wednesday morning The Levi INCREASE F 800�000 ACRES .a; No, 4 v � yellow, 76y,c; No. 3 corn, 76Y er, aged twenty-nine years,'loll.1v'ere caught in the ,,ntr, oi the' s.00dbury ig an ,dd vessel of 120 Macedonian Murdered in a Boarding House . . . "'.. - 9 to , 1, 1 77c; No. 4 corn 76ci No. 3 white 129 Elm street, on a charge of , t.. 'd 5", the wind and waves pre- tonn rogister, with a crew of 2�- . . 78C. Oats-Higber - 'No 2 L white' der. Oliver who has gervei.! ti-rinalVellting them from nr,,ving brick or mostly Scandinaviann .13 h 0 113 1 59c; Nc to 5S ' ' for theft ar�d assault, was identi- I forward. the track being washed owned by the Standard Fish ('am I n Toronto. , 'ore Land Sown Y'c ; N O' fied at Court Street Police Station nut on each side There they re- pany of Seattle. ifig'h Prices Will Mean YL p. 3 whitai 57�1 , 1 4 white, 56�/q to 57%e. Barley - r in W,heat in the West. " Feed to malting, 68 to 74c. by several ap-,ctators of the assault. I mainod all night, Lire w.t,r splash I __ � - __ + . - - - A despatch (rum Toron t,. sa) tne tnotive, as the man'q tro.,ers � I - Detroit, April 27. -Wheat - No. —.I. Ing up to tile carriage windown, a -,.d 2(K).000 ARE EXPECTED. With tile head hacLed almost ,,, I uerry luoneriptl at the wai4t, where I _01!�__ ­ - I white, cash, $1.41 ; No. 2 red, $I.. JUDGE FINKLE RUN OVER. �hn frightened passengerg croueh. — I 1. — ing triget her in fear the whole night. Probable Tnflux of immigrants In. V : containing monev Nlore(,ver, blood 41 ; May, $1.41 ; July, $1.17 ; Sept., f eceg with a hatchet ,the bud) ,,( 'it wail belleved lie carried a beIt A ,dcs�ftfelf from WinaipegL sayd' Manitoba. This year it will be $1.09%. till the storm abated and daylight h an Hinloil, a Maredonian as it I Ut Prospect of a., incrtasod gvida 'about 7,500,0D0 acres. At an ever- - , + - Tried to Board a Moving Train at brought relief from their hazard 1 to Ciinada This Veirr. found lying in a p(K,i ,,( blood l'1wl a t ILI nq in the riptht hand p,wket in mfea Niagara. divated that (lie inurLier,r had , go Ili the Prairie Provineds as age crop of 17 or 18 bushels per QUAKES AU OVER SPAIN. ' Ous position, A despatch from Ottawa arly,; : 1 boarding house at in Easit.cril avenue (I.rust hin handq into the ywelcet is rosult of high pric6s, IS attracting acre, which is a Small one, this will I A despatch from Niagara Falls, - ---I----- __ I Mr. W. 1) Sentt, Superintendent of � on Thurada% Hictoff, 1� fell. morning Palla That therp had bpen w, ntrugglo mtith atttation. Frank O. Fowler, Indan an increase in the estimates — Ont., Says: JrdFo Finkle of Wood. THREE Al BLOWN Up , Immigration. stated to the Commons I) w sedfttAry of tac North-West 0tain of last year of sbout 1 5 , 000 '000 Panic Caused b; Earth Trembling. Stock wag severel3', injured while at- .- * Committee on Agricuioire and Im countryinan and a wag evidenced hv 1h,, fart that tho �ftli... r�cll t, . migrataon on Wednesday morning talten into ru,A,,dv aR a maWrinl !room in %%hich live dee,I ,raq corn. lfs' Association, is in, t tp bushels. Add this to the estimated In Many Cities. tempting to board a Orand Trunk Blasting Accident ni 11allf)l half c0uhin IJ tht- deceased, was few Pleceq of ;11,1 flirnittiro in thil a L *Ireg from Eattern le train here on Friday i ht ' I tirl.n- that Ile expeetp,r] the immigration - . US , W 100,00,000 bushels of last year, and A despatch from Madrid gays: "� witness Tho II , � 6, subject. go said 66 Wed- a- a result had to hav oln r, a n " Two in Critical Condition. atcliet with %%i1,(,h mitted had not been diRturbod 54, it Will be aeon that this year's crop ROM earthquake shooks wer t Q toes , to Canada this )-par would total tuo the crime was; committed wat; fmincl I The ryi,irdrror. %v,,. hrid apparent � 6 fel amputill The Judge attempt- A degliatch from Haliburton ;hundred tnoiligand, and that F.(-vr,nty AIWAY tosy be roughly estimated At about on Saturday at Cordova, Seville, c beside the body Thig is, the geeond ly bepn frightened bpf,)v-e complot "Thol nattirld increase )a itteago, I 15^6,60'�ushols. W to board the train when it wag Dayu: William Handeneli, Georgo I thounandq of thene would come from murder that hast ocrurred in the ing hiq gvareh r,f ill(. %letim's rioth- 'thij Year *lr,l be &bout go 00 &dtft it tAking et,br'11. -A"Of fturso9 this BaAaJoz and other points, fhelud- moving. His font slipped and he Handcook, and Geo. Wont were the United Staten AA a reut!lt of i ,,, I IiI owid . , d inappirtinn ayqt4-m in force ing the past tt;o %earl% The Sim) in g,,I,l �. 0 i y kd't*fl 1 .6h - Ing this City, Valladolid, Huelva. was thrown r. the wheels, blown tip with biwAing compound th Aared,mian eolony lit the city at st roftgh estimate, This, is ,the ady,int . I t, !V, d i a undo r rig dur ina. (,%Prl­,ked a hag rtyntainintx lands throwrk Harz and Malaga. Everywhere which Pigged over hin right foot. on Salurday evening William int portq of entry during the pant nf 11,terdoninn de Ott I it tt I I'd In 01 r I 'betibbs# k. Volmler they caused it pitaic, but no loss of He was taken to the boapital, vvhere Handeoch ' batchrt. which 1I h,P'n uned with !nominati,,n, v,hw.I, "a- fmind qew-d , "".- , "I X4.4 1: r I ;,"I 141 11 I or, I vot mi 44d pr.jr ce 'I' I 0 4 �h, J�4'Q� � 44 I , W, WS# 4 t QIQ u I 1 6;.,x 430_1� - C cK_S_e&_f1::fq 1, " �l - I I IL huabd I �il 100 ', bad I ; X I ----I I , I I I I � I , I I I I ; *6 a 111' I " "' r01:1e11$t1:*1dfiig. The atfeigo Itit - thin J cage 22.0w and West are, in a ipry 'yPar, forty five hundred knimigrantar dpad1v eff�et, Wn� 0 �� iftfesst to life is reported, and the material four toes were am found Ion the 'to the linen -f 6, ,i,-tjm*,i inqide 1"t **X ,About 11,7000 *00 i*, 60ft , i or ,Is It, Putated by Dr. critical condition, George Hand ck as UDdosir- damage *sis small. Wilson, the company's sursbon. cook w_ recover. � '. floor a few feet from tile body of the � vest. The murderp(l man wore t,ao ,, L 0 I - I able&. I . �" - L .� I I I "A . I victim. Robbery was apparently i palta of trousers and t% o vests. 1, ., 1k . I � � , I � I I � I t I . q ,�, � . " / I I I I I - . � . " I � I .. . I, . ly, . �, L . I� �, I . L I . . , __ , - � A L I .L I . '' . � I . 1. I � . . � I t , � I . � � a . I . . . I I I . L I ... I . 11 . � I I tl�' I 14% 1� � . __ � � � I I I � I 1.11 I . ',�', �,� 11 , , ��� IL I -11111 . . . I , , . 1, I I I . � --- -3 . � 11 � .. � L I ( I i, li __ .. __i.& 11 . I I I I I � I , . 6 I __ 1Ad"11ilsWAkAM1tA`., __ �.,At , : , , # , I ' ,! I � L "A� � I . . ­ L I , I I I � . , . ji hh. - � _A� 1 _;,�__­­­', ____ � =.� � I - .__�" t�', _ . .- 1-1 -, � �._t 1, illdho — ���������������������������lilli��l�aii __ -1 L - - - ­ ,: - _. ...as, -.d&A ­& . " r